sgnyeeun · 4 years
what do you miss the most about me? would you say you've ever loved me?
“i miss everything,” she confesses, feeling a wave of relief hit her. she’s never managed to say these words aloud. “i don’t miss the fights or the last few months, but i just miss you, junhyung. god, i just keep thinking of you and sometimes, i wonder whether things could have ever been different or were we just destined to crash and burn? and it’s so fucking stupid because it’s over, i can’t change anything anymore and you broke my heart.” 
“so, why am i still thinking about the way you laughed that one time i told you that you were probably just the third cutest guy in freshman year? why do i wish that i could go back in time, so i could just experience those late-night dates, where we laid under the stars and kissed until the sun came up, one more time? i even miss just lying with you in your room, wearing one of your shirts, feeling safe and warm, knowing that you liked me the way i liked you. you probably haven’t noticed this but i kept that shirt. it’s here with me and it smells like you, but it’s fading and i should just throw it away. but i can’t. because i’ve erased all the pictures i’ve had with you, thrown out any note you wrote to me, deleted all the songs that reminded me of you and this is the only thing that makes us seem real. i’m scared that if i throw it away, all we’ll be is a memory in my head.” 
would you say you’ve ever loved me? 
“honestly, i don’t know,” yeeun responds. “i don’t know what even love is but there were moments where i felt close to it with you.” she pauses, a wistful look on her face as she reminisces. "you probably don’t remember this anymore, but once i was so drunk and i remembered just thinking that i wanted you here with me and i called you, i said something about what a horny shithead you were and how you were the world’s biggest fuckboy, but you showed up. you laughed at me, but you still held me up and you carried me on your back, all the way home. i remember feeling so at peace, so happy, like i had finally found something that i wanted to hold on to forever. and that one time we both got tipsy off soju, playing some game we’d made up, and then you danced with me at midnight, in the middle of the empty roads, under the streetlights. you felt like a movie to me, junhyung. a beautiful, magical movie that i never wanted to end. if that's love, then, yes. maybe i did love you."  
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sgntaeho · 4 years
❱❭ *after hours
{ ft. @sgnjunhyung }
there are few people on this campus whom taeho considers to be as polarizing as himself. who knew? it’s easy to find unfriendlies on all ends of the campus social spectrum when you act too freely and don’t intend on ingratiating yourself with an in-group. anyways, among this small, elite(?) circle of polarizing figures is junhyung, who seems deadset on ingratiating himself with every pretty girl on campus, a task that unsurprisingly makes many ‘friends’ but also many of the opposite, he’d imagine.
it’s beyond him how the younger boy so relentlessly pushes on with this herculean task. he can’t say he quite agrees with the morals of it all, but the morals of just about anything quickly enters a messy grey zone, even for the philosophy minor. what is clear though is that his friend’s (yes, he ultimately considers junhyung a friend, however unexpected that may be) ways take a big heart, a bigger ego, and an even bigger resolve; and he’ll take that over many of the other dry personalities around.
all this is to say that taeho has grown rather fond of this ‘goon’ -- how he would affectionately describe junhyung in one word. perhaps they’re quite similar in more ways than he’d willingly admit. and so when the younger boy keeps pestering him about where he sneaks off to late at night, even going so far as to tail him (like he wouldn’t notice...), he finally gives in, inviting junhyung to come with on one of his relatively frequent escapades to an off-access rooftop on campus. he’s been intending to just take a chill night anyways, and the younger boy makes good company. “just keep it down and follow my instructions if the guards do happen to come around. and don’t tell anyone about this place. or post on social media. and god forbid, if i ever catch you bringing a girl up here, i’m pushing both of you off the edge,” he warns in a hushed tone as he skillfully maneuvers the door lock. alas, he swings it open in triumph, motioning for the other boy to step onto the now accessible rooftop which boasts an impeccable view of campus at night.
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sgnjiah · 4 years
— ‘ scenes and scenery
« @sgnjunhyung​ » 
— ‘ ⋆ ˚。 her gaze, blank, flickers between the large mass of bodies moving forward and the stalls lining the quad. she would not willingly put herself through the pain of loud chattering, high pitched squeals, and booming music for nothing. while she would much rather be back in the confinements of her apartment, she finds herself wandering the spring festival for the fourth year in a row. at this point in her academic career, the festival has nothing interesting that catches her interest; she’s seen it all before. food stalls, activities booths, performances from both seongnam’s clubs and orgs and musical guests, just with slight variations. 
the only reason she finds herself back every year is simply to observe her fellow peers. thousands of bodies at the the festival? for students it’s a chance to escape the stress from school, but for jiah, it’s an opportunity for her to find a potential new story for signed, wooyoo. with this many people gathered here, there’s bound to be drama. 
she stops in her stride when the group in front of her stalls. her gaze harden, corner of her lip twitching as it wants to curve downwards. what’s the point of standing in the middle of the pathway if they’re just going to stop at random points? jiah lets out an inaudible huff, having half the mind to just push through them, but that would only ruin her image as the gentle, quiet cheerleader. she turns her head to see which booth has caught their attention, only to find herself captivated by a photograph hanging. 
it’s a picture of the skyline at dusk. the scene itself is nothing special but she finds herself drawn to it anyways. she hesitates, but quickly decides to approach the photograph. she does not want to block the walkway unlike the group in front of her. her steps are light as she walks closer, stopping in front of the image that caught her attention, hand raised and finger out as she moves to stroke it. but she freezes and stops before she can commit to the action. she’s quite sure that she’s not allowed to touch, something about protecting the artwork or some bullshit like that. her gaze darts around the booth, searching for anyone who could’ve caught her red handed and slowly begins to walk backwards out of the booth. the photograph isn’t that interesting anyways.  
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sgnyoohyeon · 4 years
❝ — seongnam unsolved , ★°。
honestly, she doesn’t know why she keeps doing this.
as interesting as she finds all of it, the mystery, the unexplained, the eerieness, it’s probably best left to the professionals. that way, she’d still be able to read up and watch all of the research and information gathered, but she wouldn’t have to put her life on the line. it all makes sense, is quite logical in her head, but there’s also a part of her that knows stories are so much better told when the one who’s telling it has actually lived it. there’s details and a personal touch when told in first person, and she can’t express all of that if she stays home behind a screen.
that’s her rationale when they’re on their way there, anyway. but as soon as they begin wandering the empty halls of the old abandoned house a few blocks away from campus, she begins regretting her decision the more the seconds tick by. it doesn’t help that junhyung seems to be in much the same situation, despite his otherwise heroic statement that he’d protect her.
“i hear there was a massacre here about twenty or so years ago,” she says at a whisper. talking has always helped her calm down, but the subject matter might be a bit of a misstep. still, she keeps talking, camera poised and ready to capture anything they may run into. “it was an at home hospice care facility, but the staff wasn’t always nice to the elders living here. eventually one of the patients lost it and....” she pauses, dragging her thumbnail across her neck, making a slicing sound with her throat. “they had to close it down soon aft---”
she stops talking abruptly, whirling around to face the other direction, pointing her camera down the hall. “what was that?” she asks, swearing she heard footsteps. “is someone there?”
                                                                                      ✧ —–  casting call for @sgnjunhyung ;
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sgnxsehun · 4 years
` ♠ ; gift horse.
he’s lost count of the days he’s stayed in his apartment, refusing to go out except for necessity arrangements. it’s become increasingly hard in recent days to maintain his devil may care demeanor when all he can think about is having the last sliver of human decency and happiness within his grasp, only to have it slip through his fingers before he could actually get a firm hold on it. it’s crushing, on a level he’s never felt before, and it reminds him of all the reasons he’s always refused to get his hopes up for anything, because what goes up, must come down, and the come down is always more difficult than the climb.
he knows he has to start going out soon, though. the rumor mills are fast and efficient, not only within seongnam itself, but within the circle his family parades around within, and as much as he hates adhering to the rules set by that upper echelon of society, he knows that if he doesn’t at least keep up appearances, everything that’s within his grasp will be gone---all the clothes, the cars, everything he could honestly care less about, but also all the resources, the money to pay for those resources, all the things he needs to keep his search going.
but even though he knows about all this, he just can’t bring himself to do it, not today. eventually, he’ll have to, at the very latest, by the time the spring festival happens, because as much as he absolutely loathes such huge events, missing one of those would be the equivalent of announcing his weakness to the entire world, and that is something he’d rather die than do.
for now, though, he’s content with laying on the couch, dolce resting upon his chest, television on in the background for a bit of white noise. he’s still waiting for his phone to ring, for an update, an announcement, anything, but it’s been radio silence for weeks now, and he’s starting to believe it’s the end of the road now.
he stares at the door when he hears a knocking, and while he’s been trained himself all of his life to expect nothing, he can’t help but allow a little light of hope to get him to his feet, but the light flickers and dies as soon as he sees it isn’t one of the private investigators he’s hired, but a face that’s burned into his memory, perhaps a bit too much for his liking, etched far too deep to forget. “what are you doing here, junhyung?” he asks, running his hand over his own face. “i’m busy.”
◊◊◊ ─ calling card for… @sgnjunhyung !
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sgnhansung · 4 years
— * level up project
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his head feels flighty. perhaps it's because he's been looking forward to this day for months and there’s a high possibility that he’ll combust into tears at any moment now. or maybe it’s because his excitement kept him up last night and now he’s running on an one hour of sleep and pasta water coffee. it might be a mixture of both in addition to the butterflies that won’t stop flying in his stomach. either way, as he stands in the long merchandise line, he’s feels that this moment is both a reality and a dream, simultaneously. and as he finds himself surrounded by like minded people-- those who he’s sure are feeling all the same butterflies as he is, his feelings are only magnified.
the line is slow to move and it’s in the quiet, hazy moments of the day that he has to remind himself to breathe. had he had his partner in crime, his baekso hyungie, who ditched him to spend time with his maybe boo thang (alexa, play someone that i used to know by gotye), he would not have this problem. baekso always anchored him down from his excitement. but his friend has other matters to attend to and hansung is an adult. he can handle going to a concert by himself. while he may be bummed that he has to experience the concert alone, it ultimately is better than the other scenario of not attending at all.
still that won’t stop him from complaining though. no, he’ll make sure his hyung knows how upset he is for being ditched through the various text messages of sighing, glaring, and skull face emojis. hansung’s just finished sending his fifth you completely betrayed me texts to baekso when he swears he hears his name being called. he’s intent on ignoring it-- playing it off on a fever dream making him hallucinate, but the person calls him again. louder this time. he looks up from his cellphone with a huff, eyes fluttering around to find the source calling him.
his lips pull up into a boxy grin when recognizes the figure speaking (@sgnjunhyung​). he’s not going to lie, he’s surprised that they’re both at the concert, but hey, guess this means that they have more in common than he had originally thought. “you’re the last person who i would expect to see a a red velvet concert, but you continue to surprise me kid.”
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sgnyooa · 4 years
⤿ a little closer
█ ▌ ‹ @sgnjunhyung › 
 — [ ♡ ] having spent the entire night grading finals so that she could fully enjoy this camping trip without having to worry about inputting grades, yooa planned on using the bus ride over as time to catch up on much needed sleep. an unforeseen consequence to her allnighter was the pounding headache she currently had, and she knows that she’s only going to feel even more shitty if she doesn’t sleep because she’s prone to getting motion sickness on long bus rides. she shifts in her seat, letting out a loud sigh as she tries to find the most comfortable position. yooa is also a little grumpy because she was careless and packed her neck pillow into the wrong suitcase. so it looks like even if she does manage to get some sleep on the ride over, she’s going to wake up with a sore neck. sure, all of these may seem like minor inconveniences, but if the beginning of the trip is already staring off sour, yooa can’t help but feel like the rest of the trip will follow in the same manner. 
 her mental complaining is interrupted by someone sitting down next to her, and one look at her seat partner makes her want to complain even more. but she doesn’t, because per their agreement, yooa and junhyung are now friends. she has to admit, the moment she received the text message boasting his final grade, yooa pulled the pillow she was hugging up to her face and screamed into it. after she came to terms with her despair, yooa was left feeling baffled and well, impressed that he actually managed to get such a high grade in the class. she thought with his work ethic, it would be an impossible task, but he somehow proved her wrong. just her luck. she closes her eyes, turning so she’s facing the window rather than the male. ❝ listen, i’m not going to ask you to move somewhere else, even though i know there are still aisles empty. so for the sake of my sanity. please just sit there and look pretty.. i’m not in the mood to talk. ❞
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sgntaejoo · 4 years
                                                    ✶  ━━━  ( @sgnjunhyung )
camping never was taejoo’s thing. mosquitos everywhere, sweating, the harsh wilds of the great outdoors -- not much going for him out there, the only reason why he’s attending in the first place is because of the guarantee of amenities. he knows that he should be uncomfortable sometimes, that there’s a lot to appreciate out in nature -- he can appreciate from within his apartment, though.
aside from the amenities, of course taejoo is interested in who’s going -- stories waiting to be written, information ready to be collected, justice ready to be served through the power of journalism. it’s the perfect place to converse, gather knowledge, share knowledge -- having this many people from school all in one location? sounds like media gold for him -- the grind never stops, and if taejoo runs out of paper in his journal out here, taejoo will start gathering leaves and write on those.
speaking of, taejoo overhears a particularly intriguing person talk something about atvs. it’s totally out of his wheelhouse, but this person -- goes by the name of son junhyung -- could be the story of the century. dramatic, yes, but it’s entirely possible that what hides under that tough exterior is something that might be even tougher. people can’t blame him for wanting to know more about him -- someone like that must be hiding something, he knows that he must be.
again, though, it means that he has to sign up for atv riding, and he doesn’t know how to ride a bicycle, much less an off-road vehicle. but, good reporters always get the scoop no matter they have to get into, so he’s revving up his engine and getting on the road -- or rather, he was, but something’s went wrong with his vehicle, so currently he’s stuck not knowing how to fix this issue. the things he does for a story.
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sgnemily · 4 years
Idle Hands
How many of these parties was Emily expected to go to?  Her stepdad was always dragging her and her mom to these fancy rich people’s parties and she always felt like she was expected to be prim and proper and all uptight like the rest of the people were.  Sure, maybe she wasn’t a social butterfly in other situations, but this was Boring with a capital B.  She had to find little ways to amuse herself through nights like these.
Idle hands are the Devil’s playthings.  
First, it was simple, and albeit a little childish stuff.  Sneaking around, moving people’s drinks on them, setting them up while no one was looking so they’d fall at the slightest bump of the table.  She stole someone’s lighter that they had set down next to their pack of cigarettes. She had no use for it, but the frustration the person would go through looking for it would be entertaining. 
She soon got bored with these little mediocre things and started looking for things a bit more personal.  She scanned the room, like a lioness stalking it’s prey, waiting for the right moment to pounce.  Finally, she spotted something of interest.  A cell phone.  She made sure she wasn’t being watched, stealthily blending in between the party goers, all too enthralled with business talk and alcohol to pay her any mind, and she casually snagged it off the table and found a door to the outside to slip out to. 
She had no idea who’s phone it was, but who doesn’t lock their phone?  This guy deserved it for being careless.  She looked through the contacts on this guy’s phone, finding a number or two to send a few suggestive messages to, including one name of a guy that she remembered being introduced to earlier in the night.  A message from this phone saying “I want a night with your wife, how much?” was sure to cause a few additional questions.  Satisfied for the moment, she made her way inside and placed the phone back, it’s owner none the wiser.  She thought she had was unseen this whole night.
She was wrong.
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sgnsunwoo · 4 years
❁trick shot trio
⌞ @sgnjunhyung @sgndanbi ⌝
As soon as he’d heard there would be a celebration for his favorite season, Sunwoo pushed everything out of his calendar. Nothing was going to get in his way of making the most of the festivities! At least that was what he’d thought until he was standing in line at the kissing booth.
Brown eyes blinked rapidly behind spectacles, darting all over as he tried to come up with some excuse to exit the queue before he reached the front. Taking a deep, calming breath, the youth reminded himself that it was to support his friends, a noble cause. Then again, he stole a quick look at those dear people, would he survive their teasing?
Oh, why not. It was just a kiss, right?  Watching as the fellow before him walked up and got a sweet little peck on the cheek, Sunwoo whirled around to glare at the ticket counter. He hadn’t even known that was an option, simply handing over his money and letting them direct him! What had he paid for, he wondered while exchanging his ticket with the volunteer. “Hi, uh, whatever this gets me, please.” Blood rushed to fill round cheeks as his eyes fluttered closed, wishing his ears could do the same thing.
If he survived this, he was definitely going to have to apologize.
Sidling up against the counter, Sunwoo held his breath. Flutters seemed to occupy every nerve in his body as he could sense them drawing closer to him. A delicate scent pushed past the varying aromas of cooking sweets and treats on the air. Silky lips pressed against his set for a painstakingly long heartbeat while he flushed even brighter under the public eye. And then it was over, and he could breathe again. “Thank you and I am so sorry!” Folding over into a bow, the freshman hit his head on the counter. “Ow,” he mumbled in his most pitiful voice.
Fingers rubbed at a tender forehead as he finally managed to get to Danbi and Junhyung who’d wrapped up their shifts. “My plants would never do this to me,” was muttered beneath his breath before addressing the rowdy pair. “Remind me to make sure you aren’t around if I ever kiss someone again. Are we ready to go now, please?”
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sgnjongin · 4 years
@sgnjunhyung | bring us the horizon
he doesn’t wait, he doesn’t stop, he doesn’t hesitate even a moment before bursting into junhyung’s tent like the god apollo himself, as though he owns the space junhyung lives in, as though he owns the camp itself, as though he has every right to every square inch of this resort and he’s never heard of personal time or the word “no” in his entire life. he carries in a wakeboard underneath his arm, he carries in the sun on his back, a grin on his face, water dripping from his hair, mischief gleaming in his eyes, nearly naked without a shred of shame or humility, the only scrap of clothes on his body being short swimming trunks.
he finds junhyung easily enough, the tents sizable but not too gigantic, smiling even wider at his prey; a boy who would call them friends, even with as black as jongin’s heart has become. “it’s time to meet the water, jun,” he announces, making it sound like an adventure worth packing for, worth saying goodbye to your family for, worth giving up everything for, the start of some mission, some impossible task. it’s the most active jongin has felt on this entire trip so far, even though it’s still the morning and he’s already snuck in a few gulps of whiskey here and there. “strip your clothes off, let’s go have some fun. they’re letting us wakeboard in the lake.”
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sgnyeeun · 4 years
drunk / drafts / love
send ‘DRUNK’ to receive to receive drunk texts from my muse
. . . sending message to son junhyung 🤡🤡    ↳ i miss u.....     ↳ ur such a DICK 🍆    ↳ maybe we got lost in translation maybei asked for too much but maybe ths thing was a masterpiece tiLL u TORre it ALL up     ↳ Why tHE FUCK wTF am I THIK ning of you    ↳ i fUckING msISS U
send ‘DRAFTS’ to receive texts to your muse that wasn’t sent from my muse.
. . . messages to son junhyung 🤡🤡   ↳ (draft) can we talk?    ↳ (draft) you broke my heart and it’s three fucking am and i’m supposed to be studying but i’m here wondering how could i have been good enough for you   ↳ (draft) did you fuck her too?    ↳ (draft) do you still think about me     ↳ (draft) just noticed the date!! this time last year you told me you liked me lmao!! time flies!!!    
send ‘LOVE’ to receive loving texts from my muse.
. . . messages to junhyung 🥰🥰  ↳ hey thanks for today, i had so much fun. ur rly cute   ↳ would skip class for u again :)   ↳ send me the pics you took today!! kinda want to make it my lockscreen  ↳ bc seeing u makes me happy  ↳ ew that was so gross   ↳ but seriously missing u already junhyung. sweet dreams of me 
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sgnsian · 4 years
* ❥   ⁝   flashing lights
♡  @sgnjunhyung​   |   it’s an uncanny sort of feeling to be within this scene again, sian thinks, cameras and paparazzi at every turn, ghastly flashes intermixing with the glamorous backdrops and highlights every famous celebrity and influential big wigs. being out of the spotlight for a couple of years now makes her feel almost amateurish amongst the crowd, blinking rapidly when a camera turns in her direction and smiling rather awkwardly upon being styled, forced into a dress of some foreign named designer ( whose price tag probably had more zeros than she could possibly count ) and ignoring the petty comments she makes about her body, how it’s less tight and rigid as it has been when she had people to impress.
it’s all taken in stride though, because she wasn’t here for herself. no, the girl would never be caught in any kind of company launch party had it not been for the woman who was the owner of the cosmetic company -- her aunt, the woman who had given her more opportunities as a celebrity than she could have imagined ( or that she even deserved ), even going so far as to making her a brand ambassador once upon a time. with the loyalty of a hound, sian would forever be grateful and always made a point to make sure that the woman knew. hence, her presence, willing to battle the demons that lead to her departure in the first place.
she’s sipping on a martini whenever a couple grabs her attention from her peripheral vision, lightly turning her head to spot junhyung -- her aunt’s son, and the closest thing she’s had to a baby sibling -- standing a little too close to a pretty young thing with a smirk upon his face that screamed trouble, as always.  as much as she loved junhyung she absolutely despised his lascivious ways, and the last thing her aunt needs is an article on her son’s numerous partners on an important day such as this. sian makes her presence known with every click clack of her red bottom heels upon the marble flooring, throwing a grin the girls way before she reaches to grab the boy’s ear between two fingers, harshly pulling as the both of them trail away from the dangerous situation and somewhere less crowded.
“thirty minutes,” she starts off, letting go of his ear so that he could hear her loud and clear, “can you just ... control your boy hormones for at least thirty minutes, if not for the rest of the party? lord knows what you two could of been doing had i not stepped in,” crossing her arms, sian makes a face of slight disgust, trying to block out any visual images that may come through, “do you want to create a scandal for your mom? is that what you’re trying to do, huh?”
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sgnjiah · 4 years
— ‘ challenge accepted
« @sgnjunhyung » 
— ‘ ⋆ ˚。 very few things surprise jiah. in fact, she finds this whole situation amusing. she has an inclination that yooa had something to do with his adamant denial-- what she wouldn’t give to have seen her beg him to keep his mouth shut-- but with how she seems to be avoiding her, jiah is forced to just use her imagination. the corner of her lips twitch before it turns into a twisted smirk. she’s no stranger to criticism; seeing the responses questioning the validity of her post after yooa and his comments only serves to fuel her amusement and growing urge to mess with them. it’s fine, if he wants to play, then she’ll entertain him. challenge accepted. he won’t be so confident after dealing with her.  
anonymous » [email protected]
“is a baseless rumor really the best you can come up with?.” and “get a life.”
son junhyung. are you sure it’s wise to challenge me so blatantly? not scared that i really will expose all your secrets? 
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sgnyideun · 4 years
sms, son junhyung
➝ no hyunjoo not all cute boys deserve ur attention ➝ as a boy i will say we all fucking suck even if “junhyung is sooo nice” ➝ oh ➝ sorry man talkin about a diff junhyung  ➝ oh wait  ➝ nvm im talkin bout u after all  ➝ whats up lol 
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sgnserena · 4 years
⭑⭑ two for the trail ˟
god damn her and her love for horses.
it’s something that she’s always wanted to do but never really had the time to, either forgotten when her trips with older men took her past the shores of south korea, or even on her own solitary trips within the country. and naturally, horseback riding was something that she couldn’t even dream of growing up -- surrounded by too much cemented areas for them to be comfortable, not having enough money or even privilege to just look at them, the body of the creatures only seen through a screen. and maybe you could even say it’s one of the main reasons that serena even agreed to going on this trip -- so that she could finally cross an activity off of her bucket list, and have a chance to see the majestic creatures up close and personal.
so when she approaches the stable to join the next class of riders for the horseback trail, she’s not surprised that many other students seem to have the same idea as her, many of the horses already taken by a rider or two and it’s enough for her to click her teeth in annoyance. she thought she had arrived early so she would able to get a horse of her own, and when the girl goes to confirm the occupancy with the instructor he informs her that her views are correct -- most spots are taken for this particular hour and the way back to the resort is a journey of it’s own, one that she doesn’t want to take. “if you don’t mind sharing, there seems to be one more horse open for another rider,” the older man states, eyes raising from his paperwork before he points over to a gorgeous dusty colored horse -- though her smile starts to fall once her gaze raises to meet the eyes of the particular rider, one smug looking son junhyung, who seems to understand the situation as the horse makes it’s way over to them underneath the instructor’s directions. “you’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” the girl lets out, running a hand through silky tresses in sheer irritation -- because as much as she wanted to go on this trail, she also didn’t want to let the egoistic child have his way. an hour with her hands around his waist? oh, absolutely not.
“sir, are you absolutely and positively sure there’s no one else i can share with? there has to be, this is a big group. i can’t be with this little sh--” language, she forgets, this is an elder, “this person, if you can even call him that. try checking again, please?”
                                                                                       ▪  ▪  ▪  ▪  ▪  ▪    @sgnjunhyung
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