sgnhansung · 4 years
it’s refreshing to be around someone who isn’t wholly weirded out by what he’s doing. he doesn’t mind those who have a lot of questions for him too, especially when it came to asking about his art. he likes explaining it, telling them what he had in mind when he decided to put it out into the world. sejun thinks he could talk about his art all day, if there’s anyone willing to listen. but he has to admit that it’s nice to just have someone look at it and be okay with it, without the added barrage of questions.
then again, he loves talking, so he might change his mind sooner or later.
sejun has never done modelling before, he expressed interest in it as he does most things that he comes across—and instagram models were trending nowadays—but he doesn’t know much about it. it might feel something along the lines of what he’s experiencing right now, with the boy before him testing different angles and trying to get the right image. sejun doesn’t know what to do except for pose like he usually does for selfies, except he’s not the one holding the camera this time.
“you’re super into this! would be nice if i had someone like you as a personal cameraman.” the images he took always ends up a little blurry, and he never pays much attention to lighting nor does he think of different angles when he uploads them to his instagram. he’s artsy, but he supposes he can’t be a master at everything—photography being one of them. he tries a few other different poses, arms stretched wide and the like. it doesn’t take a long while before he starts posing goofily, he can’t take anything seriously for too long if it doesn’t involve making art. “what do you think? found a picture that’s perfect to show off to the world?”
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     it's not the first time he's heard someone say that to him. it’s hard to go a few months as a photography minor and the club president without someone lamenting that it would be nice if he were their personal photographer. and while the majority of times, hansung always just smiles and deflects the topic to something else, he’s always makes sure to leave the person with a few tips and tricks to improve their own photography. 
    though given that it’s so late right now, he’s not going to exert energy trying to teach the male the basics of photography and give him advice on how to make his photos not blurry. “well, i wouldn’t want the pictures to come out blurry and for you to come hunting after me for that.” he’s only joking really. he walks over to the male, holding the phone out with the camera roll open. for the most part, he is happy with out the pictures came out, but since he’s not going to be the open posting the photos for the world to see, hansung holds back his own opinion.  
    “you can take a look and let me know what you think.” he shrugs, closing his mouth and blinking to hold back an impending yawn. he lets the male swipe through the various images in relative silence, but after a few seconds he speaks up once more. “you know, if you want to learn how to photos of your art that you’ll be satisfied with, i suggest joining the photography club. there’s no experience needed and they’ll teach you everything you need to know.” 
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sgnhansung · 4 years
     jaehyun rarely does his own recruitment but when he heard about the other, he simply had to take a shot in recruiting the other. he takes a sip of his own super sweet coffee and grinned widely. of course, his proposition sounds like a terrible overall idea but he genuinely thinks it’s great. the other’s hesitation is no issue for him and he places his own cup down with a casual smirk. “well, when you put it like that, it does sound out of the ordinary, but i rarely do my own personal recruitments so consider this more of a special case.” he stated, leaning back in his chair and steepling his fingers. 
     seeing the emotions ride across the other’s face, jaehyun smirks. he prepares himself for the acceptance. the rejection however throws him for a loop. doesnt think he’d be a good fit? “ah, right, i get it. we have one who’s also a righteous buzz kill, so like I get it. not your scene..” he stated. jaehyun then picked up the coffee cup again, gazing at the other across him.  there was a lot to take in and jaehyun knew that there was a negative playboy image with the fraternity, but while they were wild, they threw some of the best parties and some of the best in the world were cinths. “in the very least, if you’re rejecting my recruitment pitch, then may i offer you a… sort of exclusive invite to cinth parties?” he asks, smirking even wider. 
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     hansung is the kind of person who expects results. if he is going to exert his energy doing something, then he best get something out of it, for the most part at least. while not everyone feels the same way, he’s adopted this ideal and holds onto it tightly. hansung now believes that the cinths don’t have much to offer to him, especially now that he’s at the ripe old age of 24 (soon to be 25) and parties no longer hold the same appeal to him anymore. “if i’m a special case, then i’m flattered that you would take the time out of your day to meet with me.” and he means it because he’s sure that being the president of such a well known social club keeps jaehyun busy. 
     “exclusive invite to cinths party? what you mean like, i’m invited whenever your club throws a party?” he questions with a slight tick of his eyebrows. he was under the impression that the cinths parties, for the most part, were open to everyone, since he’s been a few in the past, sans invitation. huh, he guesses he really does learn something new everyday. “what’s the catch?” he keeps the tone of his voice friendly, though he is quite suspicious by the offer. “seems like there should be some kind of terms of agreement. i decline your recruitment and yet you still want to offer me an invitation to your parties? so really, what’s the catch?” 
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sgnhansung · 4 years
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i just think he’s neat
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sgnhansung · 4 years
he figures most people in campus don’t really care about whatever he’s doing. whether it be because borderline young adults—teenagers, really—have some sort of rebellious souls that they don’t feel the need to rat sejun out from some form of wanting to feel like they contributed, or they seemed like they don’t care at all. the boy before him, he doesn’t think he caught the other’s name, seem to fit the second category, with the way the other just wants to slip away back into society and away from sejun’s lovely masterpiece. sejun isn’t offended, not everyone can vibe with his art, which was a little dark this time around, with skeletons and curse words in neon colours. but art knows no boundaries!
sejun blinks, taking that information in. is that why the pictures that came out whenever he took a photo within the premises always seems like a miss? “wow, how do you know? are you a photography major?” sejun isn’t embarrassed to admit that despite being in the photography club, he knows little to nothing about the camera or anything related to it. even with decent lighting, his photos come out blurry more often than not, so he really shouldn’t talk. maybe it’s a good idea that he ran into the other boy this time around.
he hands the other his phone, before skipping off to stand next to his creation. “i trust you to take better pictures than i ever can!” he says, before pulling a hand up and giving a peace sign.
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     truth is, hansung can appreciate good art when he sees it. and though the alleyway is only dimly lit, he can admit that he does like the piece that the other male was working on. if he didn’t feel like a walking zombie, he would partake in a conversation with the male (only if the other was willing to do so, of course) about his art, but hansung does feel like a zombie so he doesn’t. he takes the phone offered, with a small wrinkle of his nose and mumbles a quiet.”photography minor actually,  but close enough.” 
    he takes a step back, holding the phone in front of him and tests a few angles to find the best one. once he’s satisfied, he also taps on the phone screen to find the best area for the camera to focus on. the lighting isn’t ideal, but he’ll be damned if he doesn’t get a half decent photo tonight. “ready?” he calls out, as the male flashes a peace sign. he counts off before he takes a set of three photos. “hold on, let me check to see if they’re any good.” 
    for what it’s worth, he is satisfied with how they came out, but but the artwork is slightly off centered so he takes a step to the left, holding the phone back up and tests out the angle. “let’s do this one more time.” he says, snapping a few more photos once the male has posed again.
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sgnhansung · 4 years
— * shoot me
even though she can’t help the slump in her shoulders as they continue on their tiring trek towards the location for the class, danbi is at least glad that she has hansung by her side on this arduous journey. she knows that he’ll take good care of her, but that doesn’t mean she’s going to stop complaining about this journey to the middle of nowhere. why did that darned class have to be so far away from civilization? although technically everything here is far away from civilization, but not this far at least. the last time she walked this much was probably… never. she whines, linking arms with hansung, leaning her weight on him. “i feel like we are literally on a journey to the center of the earth or something.” she playfully glowers at her companion when he teases her for being out of shape. “hey, hey, i’ll have you know i’m one of the best cheerleaders on the team, okay!” she huffs, resting her hands on her hips.
her act quickly gives way to a smile that forms not long after though, and it slowly spreads across her entire face, especially when a large group of people slowly come into view as they draw closer and closer to the meeting point for the class. “look, i think that’s where we’re supposed to meet!” she exclaims excitedly, pointing in the direction of the congregation of people further down the path. “it had better be worth it, i feel like i almost died just to get here. i hope you’re ready to have some fun and hopefully not get maimed by wild animals!” she teases, lips curving into an impish smile as she speaks, gaze glinting brightly with eagerness. it may have been a torture coming all the way here, but she can’t deny that she is excited to do something a little different from what she’s used to. quite the contrary to her best friend, danbi would say that her specialty is probably photographing people, and she is curious how different photographing animals would be like. besides, she can’t wait to return with some cool photographs that she can show off. she had honestly been so excited about that, she couldn’t even sleep last night, thoughts of being able to boast about the experience of wildlife photography swimming around in her head. maybe she could even end up with crazy stories to tell, like taking a photograph while being 10 centimetres away from a tiger.
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      he groans under the additional weight when danbi leans on him but it's only done in jest. while he's not particularly known for being fit, he does take care of his body enough to handle hiking up the hill with someone leaning onto him. it does help that danbi herself is nothing much more than a small feather when it comes to her weight, but he digresses. “isn’t that the name of a movie? journey to the center of the earth or something on the lines of that. either way, it’s not that bad.” hand raised, he reaches over to poke her lightly in the forehead. and while hansung does have a large amount of respect for cheerleaders (cheering and all those stunts require as much strength as other sports in his opinion), he can’t help but want to tease danbi even more. “i don’t know... if you’re one of the best on the team, what does that say about the rest of your teammates?” 
      he directs his attention to the group danbi is pointing at, nodding his head in a nonverbal agreement. it does surprise him to see the amount of people gathered up, but he figures that there are people out there who enjoy taking nature walks early in the morning. why anyone would, he doesn’t know, but he too is excited to be able to photograph the various sights mother nature has to offer at this camp. he huffs, holding back his laughter as danbi’s exaggerations (once more), fixing his gaze back onto her. “the two of us are going to have the best time ever, don’t you worry! also, we’re not going to get maimed by wild animals. there’s a chance we might not see any animals anyway.” he mumbles an or at least i think so under his breath, because he really isn’t sure about the wildlife that live in the forest. and truthfully, even if the group encounters any, he highly doubts anything will happen so long as they leave the creature alone. now that the two of them have reached the group, he unlinks his arms from danbi’s shooting her a stern look (or as stern as he can be this early in the morning). “i’m going to go check in with the person in charge. make sure to drink water if you’re feeling thirsty. take it easy for now.” he’s off with a quick pat to danbi’s head. he hopes she’s not going to up and ditch him while he’s away, but he trusts her enough to not look back to make sure she doesn’t. 
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sgnhansung · 4 years
— * operation gg
     track has always bee enjoyable for bin. he prefers running, liking it enough that he even does it regularly outside of practices, but he gets by with everything else thanks to his well-trained body and general athleticism. his teammates are fun too so even if some practices are super tiring or exhausting, it’s usually a good time. since he has no real complaints about the track team otherwise, he pretty much accepts anything that might be even slightly unfavorable - like their usual playlist.
     bin doesn’t really mind most music, can listen to anything if need be, and he does like upbeat songs especially when it comes to training but when hansung explains to him his great idea and master plan, he can’t find it in him to say no both because he’s fond of the older that he’d easily agree to what he’d suggest and also because he too, loves himself some girl group songs. there’s just also something about red velvet’s discography that hits differently and fuels bin with enough energy to run a marathon (probably) so of course he says yes to hijacking their captain’s phone to change things up a little.
     “ready!” he gives his teammate a nod and his own thumbs up to show he understands the plan and after glancing around to also make sure the coast is clear, grins. “in the name of girl groups,” he says solemnly like a pledge before waiting until hansung begins distracting baekso. in the mean time, bin looks out for an opportune moment to sneak over to the speakers while simultaneously mapping out an escape route from there to the bleachers so he can accomplish the mission as quickly and efficiently as possible, and hopefully without getting caught along the way.
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    mirroring the solemn nature in which the younger spoke, hansung nods, mumbling the words back to bin before he sets off to distract baekso (of course, not before giving the other male a two finger salute). truthfully, he probably is going about the task in a dramatic manner. it’s likely that baekso would have allowed hansung to add some girl group songs into the track playlist if he had actually asked. but hansung, always the one for dramatics, decided to go about it in a rather odd way. he justifies his plan by saying there really is no harm being done to anyone. 
    it is rather easy to distract baekso. being that the two of them are best friends, all he has to do is make some vaguely stupid remark for the two of them to get into a heated conversation. he does have to maneuver his hyung so that baekso isn’t facing the portable speakers, but that’s about the most difficult thing he actually has to do. he’s only half listening to baekso explain himself, the other half of him watching carefully as bin grabs the phone off the speaker. he has to ignore the urge for him to burst out into a wide grin, but his years in the drama club have helped him perfect the art of keeping his emotions off his face. he waits until bin has reached a large enough distance away from the speaker to not be suspicious before he exits his conversation with a slap to baekso’s shoulder and a quick okay yeah i got it. 
    while quite certain that baekso is definitely confused about the situation, he pays no mind to that and he makes his way to behind the bleachers. right now he has more important things to think about. for starters, what song, other than ice cream cake because he’s already certain that song needs to be on the playlist, out of red velvet’s perfect discography should be added. once bin is in sight, he grins widely at the male. “wasn’t that really easy?” he asks, as if the two of them had just cracked the code to a highly secured safe and not something as simple as grabbing a phone that’s already out in the open. “let me unlock the phone first.” 
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sgnhansung · 4 years
    “Yup, that’s me,” he chirped. “It’s a pleasure to meet you in person Seok Hansung!” As he settled in, the other went right to business, which suited him just fine. “Oh, you have notes too? Wonderful!” Sunwoo always appreciated working with people as prepared as he was. Studying the expressions his partner made as he talked, while listening intently, the author was already running through the neatly labeled files in his brain for a match.
It was a fun change of pace to works towards a goal rather than meandering aimlessly through his constantly churning wonderings and imagination. Making a low hum of agreement, he took a particularly, (possibly rude), long look at Hansung. “Yeah, I can see that. But that just makes you all the better for a moving villain in my mind. I love a good old-fashioned brooding bad guy as much as the next person!” Forefinger and thumb propped up his chin as a cinnamon topped head tilted to the right. “On the other hand, a playful, vivacious villain who you so dearly want to think of as merely a naughty scamp, but they continue to commit atrocities with no remorse. Brilliant!”
Hands paged through the neon blue notebook before him as he asked, “may I beg your patience for a moment while I consider this prospect?” The more morally tempestuous ideas he’d had were few in number, having presumed most would prefer a noble, heroic speech and his own lacking in life of truly terrible figures. So much of his writing was influenced by his own experience the vacuum of villains was completely his fault and he’d have to work harder in the future to fix that.
“Okay,” he continued at last, “can I get genre check from you? I have a few candidates forming, but what direction I’d like to present you with would be aided by some narrower choices. How do you feel about Sci-fi, modern fantasy or dystopian atom punk?”
      perhaps it was too early for him to determine how their project would turn out, but as hansung observes how receptive the younger was to his words, he couldn’t help feeling that this collaboration would be a successful. he makes a silent promise to himself to do the best of his abilities to portray the character that the other male was going to write for him. it was the least he could do, considering he felt that the younger had a more difficult role in their project. 
    he’s no stranger at being gazed upon, whether it be from those who admire his appearance, or those who question his sanity and character after getting to spend some time with him, so he remains silent when the writer observes him, opting to just lean back into his seat. “i enjoy both of those types of characters too.” he says, eyes crinkling as his grin grows even wider. though he couldn’t see himself ever supporting personalities like that in real life, that’s the beauty of fiction, he supposes. it’s easy for him to enjoy these stories with questionable characters without actually enabling questionable behavior. 
     “take all the time you need.” head bobbing into a small nod, he decides to use the silence to play music in his mind. to no surprise to anyone, the song is indeed an oh my girl song, the same song that he was humming earlier. in his defense, the song is incredibly catchy, and that’s why the tune never left his mind since the moment he had heard it. 
    hansung hums at the three different suggestions given to him; the genres were not at all anything that he was expecting, but he finds that he doesn’t mind any of them. “i’m not too big of a fan of sci-fi because i do find myself fact checking all the science stuff and seeing it it’s possible with physics and chemistry. as for the other two, if i have to be completely honest, i’m not sure what dystopian atom punk is. it does sound cool though. so that leaves us with modern day fantasy.” eyebrows bunched together in thought, he nods to himself before he speaks once more. “yeah, the latter two sound the best to me.” 
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sgnhansung · 4 years
all of the texts ^-^
                                        text meme!! -- status: accepting 
         DRUNK: for drunk texts from my muse
                                  [ ✉︎ ⇁ baekso hyungie ♡ ] — sent at 2:13 am   ⇁ HYNG WHERE R U  ⇁ i CAN’T SEE U ANYMORE Y IS IT DARK ⇁ oh ur rigt nxt to me why was it so dark though ⇁ wdym!!! my eyes were open the enrire time im not ttat dRUnk
        SAD: for sad/down texts from my muse
                                  [ ✉︎ ⇁  baekso hyungie ♡   ] — sent at 4:15 am  ⇁ i can’t sleep because i don’t know what to do. hyung, can you tell what i should do? it breaks my heart knowing that my parents are getting older and seeing them work so hard to make sure i can afford school tuition even with all these grants. i want to make them proud. but i don’t want to come back and take over the farm. i don’t want to sell it either.  ⇁ hyung help me. 
      MAD: for mad/angry texts from my muse
                                 [ ✉︎ ⇁ baekso hyungie ♡  ] — sent at 4:55 pm  ⇁ saw someone on twitter say psycho does NOT deserve soty ⇁ the audacity of some people????????? !!!!!!!  ⇁ like who else be doing it like red velvet??? next thing u know people are going to say on or black swan is sofy. LIKE um??????? no
         HAPPY: for happy/excited texts from my muse
                                  [ ✉︎ ⇁ baekso hyungie ♡ ] — sent at 7:24 pm   ⇁ HYUNG YEONTAN IS GOING TO BE OKAY!!!! ⇁ took him to the vet today because he hasn’t been eating for the past two days and i was worried. but everything is fine!!!! ⇁ just need to give him medicine!!!! but the vet i could feed him whip cream so of course im going to make the best whip cream for him!!! 
        TIRED: for sleepy texts from my muse
                                  [ ✉︎ ⇁  baekso hyungie ♡  ] — sent at 6:41 am ⇁ tf hyung uly btu why r u texting me so erly  ⇁ did u even sleep ⇁ go to sleep pls so i can sleep more too ⇁ it’s the weekend it’s a federal crime to be up this ealry
      BUSY: for slow/rushed texts from my muse
                                 [ ✉︎ ⇁ baekso hyungie ♡  ] — sent at 7:34 pm   ⇁ SORRY                                  [ ✉︎ ⇁ baekso hyungie ♡  ] — sent at 9:34 pm   ⇁SORRY AGAIN got caught up with work ⇁ everything okay hyung do u need something 
         BORED : for disinterested texts from my muse
                                  [ ✉︎ ⇁ baekso hyungie ♡ ] — sent at 2:13 pm  ⇁ this random customer keeps coming in and trying to make conversation with me  ⇁ help me pls i dont care about her vacation to hawaii  ⇁ i just want to work in peace tf
        DRAFTS: for texts that weren’t sent from my muse
                                  [ ✉︎ ⇁  baekso hyungie ♡   ] — 1:10 am  ⇁ oFCOURSE I AM UPSET. when i asked you to pet sit, i meant u. U KNOW HOW YEONTAN IS WITH STRANGERs yet u still invited them over  ⇁ AND ESPECIALLY THEM how COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME 
      WHOOPS: for texts meant for someone else from my muse
                                 [ ✉︎ ⇁ baekso hyungie ♡  ] — sent at 8:34 pm  ⇁ did you run the model under the right settings?  ⇁ also the angles between each molecule needs to be manually set to 109.5 or else it’s going to end up wrong ⇁ oh yikes sorry hyung this was meant for someone else. SORRY
         SCARED: for scared/worried texts from my muse
                                  [ ✉︎ ⇁ baekso hyungie ♡ ] — sent at 1:15 am   ⇁ hyung if the anabelle doll shows up in my dorm randomly one day  ⇁ pls tell my parents i love them also i’m grateful ur in my life. i ly2  ⇁ my unofficial will is in that letter box under my bed pls make sure to give it to the officers if anything happens
        LOVE: for loving texts from my muse
                                  [ ✉︎ ⇁  baekso hyungie ♡  ] — sent at 2:22 am ⇁ IT’S SOFT HOURS TIME ⇁ im so grateful u joined that forum because if not we would have never met ⇁ sometimes u frustrate me when u don’t open up but ur the best best friend anyone could ever ask for ⇁ I HOPE OUR FRIENDSHIP LASTS A LIFETIME 
      REVEAL: for revealing texts from my muse
                                 [ ✉︎ ⇁ baekso hyungie ♡  ] — sent at 7:34 pm   ⇁ tf no i’m not jealous???? i don’t care that u cancelled our hangout to hang with him ⇁  like i get it it happens.                     ⇁ but really i see how it is u care more for him then me k that’s cool i’m cool  ⇁ i’ll eat all the cake MYSELF 
         REVEAL ME : for revealing texts from my muse about your muse.
                                  [ ✉︎ ⇁ baekso hyungie ♡ ] — sent at 5:53  pm  ⇁ lol hyung let’s be real here. ur so emotionally constipated. took u forever to get ur shit together with haru ⇁ u are like the worst sometimes when it comes to these things ⇁ so if wan to get better FUCKING TALK TO ME or not even me just talk to SOMEONE about ur gd emotions sometimes 
        NAUGHTY: for suggestive/dirty texts from my muse
                                  [ ✉︎ ⇁  baekso hyungie ♡   ] — sent at 1:00 am  ⇁ so like.  ⇁ no head? 
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sgnhansung · 4 years
happy / tired
                                        text meme!! -- status: accepting 
         HAPPY: for happy/excited texts from my muse
                                  [ ✉︎ ⇁ vivi (not from loona) ] — sent at 1:00 pm    ⇁ i DID IT  ⇁ finally finished learning that red velvet choreo i was telling u about ⇁ took me longer than expected because of all the lab work i had to do!!! but!!!! i did it!!!!!
        TIRED: for sleepy texts from my muse
                                  [ ✉︎ ⇁  vivi (not from loona)  ] — sent at 3:23 am  ⇁ [link sent]  ⇁ oOOPS sorry this was meant for an email i was going to send in the morning ⇁ i need nap rn  ⇁ k gtg i will be taking that nap
0 notes
sgnhansung · 4 years
                                        text meme!! -- status: accepting 
         TIRED: for sleepy texts from my muse
                                  [ ✉︎ ⇁ (min)sock ] — sent at 10:05 pm    ⇁ u don’t understand i am an old grandpa now ⇁ once it hits 10 pm i want to sLEEP ⇁ no longer in my glory years where i could stay up till 5 am and be fine ⇁ :k gtg im gonna lseep
        DRUNK: for drunk texts from my muse
                                  [ ✉︎ ⇁  (min)sock  ] — sent at 2:49 am  ⇁ taXI home ⇁ wtf thsi isnt siri ⇁ taxi home  ⇁ fck NOT AGIAN 
      WHOOPS: for texts meant for someone else
                                 [ ✉︎ ⇁ (min)sock  ] — sent at 3:13 pm ⇁ jiWOOOOOO i gots the good kush i’ll stop by ur dorm later to drop it off ⇁ FUCK UR NOT JIWOO.  ⇁ i was talking about strawberries from daegu!!! i swear.  ⇁  [img] SEE I REALLY MEANT STRAWBERRIES 
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sgnhansung · 4 years
drunk / tired / happy / busy / scared / love
                                        text meme!! -- status: accepting 
         DRUNK: for drunk texts from my muse
                                  [ ✉︎ ⇁ danbi 📷 ] — sent at 2:13 am   ⇁ DANBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII why’d u ignore me??? ⇁ i jst wvaed at uuuuuuuuuuu ⇁ fafter all ive done for uuu ⇁ jk it wad teh wrong perSON ⇁ haha im drnk
        TIRED: for sleepy texts from my muse
                                  [ ✉︎ ⇁  danbi 📷  ] — sent at 3:10 am  ⇁ u should be asleep too  ⇁ we have to be up in a few hours for the field trip ⇁ and yes dw i will have extra batteries  ⇁ k im fallin asleep night     
           HAPPY: for happy/excited texts from my muse
                                 [ ✉︎ ⇁ danbi 📷  ] — sent at 12:20 pm  ⇁ !!!!!!!!! ⇁ heard from miss yooa that you passed the class with flying colors    ⇁ CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! ur finally done with math forever
         BUSY: for slow/rushed texts from my muse
                                  [ ✉︎ ⇁ danbi 📷 ] — sent at 7:43 pm   ⇁SORRY didn’t mean to make it seem like i was ignoring u ⇁ been stuck in a lab for the past 5 hours ⇁ everything ok???
        SCARED: for scared/worried texts from my muse
                                  [ ✉︎ ⇁  danbi 📷  ] — sent at 12:24 am  ⇁ hellllllllo danbug  ⇁ where are uuu told u to text me when u got home ⇁ …r u ok???  ⇁ helloooo???? really worried now!!!!! ⇁ DANBUGGGGGG  
      LOVE: for loving texts from my muse
                                 [ ✉︎ ⇁ danbi 📷  ] — sent at 12:00 am   ⇁ it’s midnight u know what that means ⇁ IT’S SOFT HOURS     ⇁ just wanted to say im really proud of ur growth over these past few months. ⇁ you have so much talent u just need to be more confident in urself BUT i know in a few years when u have ur degree and few photo awards under ur belt people are going to regret ever doubting u!!!
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sgnhansung · 4 years
sad busy scared
                                        text meme!! -- status: accepting 
         DRUNK: for sad/down text from my muse
                                  [ ✉︎ ⇁ strawberry princess 🍓 ] — sent at 8:47 pm    ⇁ jiwoooooooooooooooo im sorry but i cant go back to daegu with u this weekend ⇁ i have to work more shifts at the bakery bc three of my coworkers are sick  ⇁ getting more money but at what cost??? ⇁ :((((( i’m bummed that we can’t go back together. but you should go anyways and visit your parents ⇁ sorry i cant go with you i know you were looking forward to it. :’( ⇁ also can say hi to my parents for me since im not going down with you
        BUSY: for rushed texts from my muse
                                  [ ✉︎ ⇁  strawberry princess 🍓  ] — sent at 5:45 pm  ⇁ ? hwat no i havent watched the episode yet  ⇁ nO spoilers ⇁ huh oh u werent talking about anime  ⇁ sorry running a lab well talk later
      SCARED: for scared/worried texts from my muse
                                 [ ✉︎ ⇁ strawberry princess 🍓  ] — sent at 1:30 am ⇁ i think my room is haunted. I SAW A SECOND REFLECTION IN THE MIRROR JUST NOW ⇁ if i dont make it... take good care of yeontan PLS  ⇁ tELL my famliy that i lvoe them pls  ⇁  fUCK
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sgnhansung · 4 years
                                        text meme!! -- status: accepting 
         TIRED: for sleepy texts from my muse
                            [ ✉︎ ⇁ junhyungie  ] — sent at 3:59 am    ⇁ ummmmmmmmmmmmm hav u tried taking out the battery and blowin into it ???  ⇁ whO knows if that works 4 cameras. idk man  ⇁ wait what did u say the problem was ⇁ try counting sheep. can’t worry about ur problems when u r asleep. 
0 notes
sgnhansung · 4 years
                                        text meme!! -- status: accepting 
         MAD: for mad/angry texts from my muse
                                  [ ✉︎ ⇁ sunwoo (writing genius)  ] — sent at 5:01 pm   ⇁ don’t worry, i’ll handle him. >:|  ⇁ it was really shitty of him to do that. can’t believe the audacity of some people!!! ⇁ sorry that it happened to you ⇁ but lmk if he continues to bother you. 
        SCARED: for scared/worried texts from my muse
                                  [ ✉︎ ⇁ sunwoo (writing genius)  ] — sent at 1:30 am  ⇁ hello?????? u okay?  ⇁ is there a reason you called me at 1 am???.  ⇁ why’d u hang up when i picked up?  ⇁ sunwoo?? ur silence is concerning!!!!!  
0 notes
sgnhansung · 4 years
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we thought it was about time to unleash a text meme upon the dash! reblog this post if you would like people to send an word below to your inbox. use this opportunity to have fun with your muses, but also to develop them and create new relationships, ideas and threads with others! also, please don’t forget to send some out if you reblog this post. let’s make sure that no one feels like the odd one out and we include everyone on the fun!
we’ll allow everyone to reblog this until august 14th, two weeks so that new members can join in as well. afterwards you are no longer allowed to reblog, but you can continue to answer if you like! ( and yes, you can send multiple to one person! )
Keep reading
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sgnhansung · 4 years
— * sun and moon
“aish, chilsung-ah,” he whines, pushing his best friend again. “we’re both getting old. if i’m pushing thirty, then you are too.” it would technically not be wrong to say that their birthdays are only two weeks apart — there’s a year change in those two weeks yes but still, only two weeks apart. while in most parts of the world that would mean that they’re the same age just two weeks every year, in the country they are from it means that they’re both at the beautiful and ripe age of twenty six. read: pushing thirty. “by the way, my hearing is not bad and my vision is 20/20, you wish you were aging as gracefully as me.” baekso adds, playfully. not that hansung has anything to wish for, he just likes messing with him. “and i know you said something, you coward.” the mocking continues, “say it to my face, or are you scared?”
baekso diligently works on the bracelet meant for haru as he hears hansung speak about his cousin, his face slightly contorting when it’s confirmed that she might, in fact, hate him. it’s not that he needs the validation of being liked to survive, but he does find it disappointing when people don’t automatically like him or think poorly of him in anyway. “i said hi to her once and ignored me and looked away.” he reiterates, pouting slightly even if his friend can’t see him. baekso ties a knot on the bracelet in his hands and places it next to the other finished one. he proudly smiles to himself, they might not be the most grand displays of affection but he’s still well pleased with the results. wondering whether he has time to make one bracelet more, he automatically takes a look at his wrist, not realizing he’s not wearing a watch until his eyes meet his bare arm. he sighs and turns completely towards hansung. “do you know how much time we have left? i think i’m done.”
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      hansung sighs in response, resigned in having to speak the truth. of course it’s not a matter that’s important, but he’s always been one for dramatics. baekso, as his best friend should be used to his antics at this point. “well, if you’re going to say that, i have no choice but to tell you what i said.” he turns his body so that he’s facing the other male, though he makes sure that baekso can’t see the bracelet that hansung made for him. “i merely was speaking the truth about you getting your shit together.” he narrows his eyes after speaking, mind running through the various memories that just happened. he knows baekso is only teasing him, but technically, he still in his early twenties(well if he were in america right now). “wait a second, i am aging as gracefully as you. i might not have as much money as some of students at seongnam, but my skincare routine is killer.” 
    hansung picks up the moneybag bead, sliding it through the thin thread. after a few more green beads, the bracelet is complete. he places the accessory down next to where baekso’s bracelet is and gathers materials for one last bracelet. he has enough time, so he might as well make one for jiwoo so he doesn’t have to go to another session. “yeah, that seems like dawon. but again, she’ll warm up to you eventually since you are my best friend. or at least i think so.” he shrugs absentmindedly, but he does pull out his phone to check the time to answer baekso’s question. “we have five minutes left of the session. i’m working on jiwoo’s bracelet right now so even though you’re done, sit here and wait for me hyungie.” his words come out more whiny than he intends too, but he doesn’t want baekso to leave him because he’s finished and bored. “if you’re done, can I look through the rest of your beads to see if i like any of them?” 
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sgnhansung · 4 years
a lot runs through sejun’s mind on a daily basis. whether whatever he’s thinking of is important and significant enough, he was the one tho decide. most of the time, those thoughts would eventually form a clear picture of his next masterpiece, and when that happens he’ll find his legs dragging him towards an empty wall—one that is ready for decorating. it’s probably a good thing that he never takes out his spray cans from his bag, even if it meant he had to carry them around everywhere. he really never knows when inspiration strikes.
so here he was, in front of yet another wall, just waiting for sejun to unleash everything onto it. he starts with purple, long strokes of precision along the wall as he worked, humming a random song that he had been listening to to himself. he was already starting on his finishing touches, he didn’t even notice someone else’s presence until the stranger made a noise. he turned, blinking for a few seconds before replying. “i’d appreciate it if you don’t rat me out, please! uh, actually, i got away with it last time so maybe it doesn’t matter…” if he’s lucky, he could get away with it again.
“actually, can you stay a while? mind helping me take a picture of me and my thirtieth masterpiece?”
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      snitches get stitches. or so the saying goes. hansung is not a snitch by any means, unless he deems it necessary. but something like spray painting an alleyway on campus? no, hansung is not going to rat on the male for something that’s relatively mild in his opinion. has better things to do with his time. like spending time picking strawberries with jiwoo, playing with his dog yeontan, hanging out with his friends, schoolwork he supposes, and the most important to him right now: sleep. “i’m not going to snitch on you so need to worry.” his eagerness to get out of the situation stemmed from his deep desire to fall face down into his bed and slumber the night away, not because he was afraid something was going to happen. 
he sighs when the male asks a favor of him, begrudgingly nodding his head in agreement. turns to observe their surroundings to make sure no one was watching (to make sure he wouldn’t get caught too; he does not want to be an accessory to a crime or whatever). “alright, hand me your phone or camera. fair warning though, lighting around here is horrible. ” being the president of the photography club, he can’t help but think that the lighting in the alleyway is horrendous, and unless the other male has some fancy phone that has perfect night vision, the picture is going to come out looking funky. it probably would be helpful if hansung has his lighting kit, but that’s in his dorm and he’s not going to walk to get it just for this one picture. 
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