sgnwooseok · 4 years
・゚  desire
---------- doggie date
      the day has finally come. 
      he’s been excited about this day since he had put it into his calendar a few weeks ago, and it’s made even better with the fact that he’s going to the animal shelter with @sgnseungwoo. honestly, he wouldn’t have minded going on his own but he’s found, over the last few months, that he doesn’t mind spending more of his life with his boyfriend. 
     it’s funny, because even just a few months ago, he would’ve hated being like this. he’s always been more of a lone wolf than anything—considering he didn’t really trust too many people in the school—but he’s learned to enjoy seungwoo’s company. it probably just came with the fact that they were dating, and the fact that the older male is exactly who he thought he was despite being sure that he had put the graduate student on a pedestal during the few months he was crushing on him. 
     “maybe i’m too excited?” wooseok asks, glancing up at the older male when they’ve arrived and were walking towards the door to the shelter. “i might die when i see the puppies ...” there’s a lot of thoughts in his mind, and one of them is that he won’t be able to leave if he ends up bonding with one of the dogs, and he might have to adopt one and maybe travel home to leave the puppy with his mom. 
     or, you know, sneak it into his dorm or something. 
     “are you excited?”
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sgnsubin · 4 years
i’m fine ²⁰¹⁹
for @sgnseungwoo
     there was one thing that was very clear to subin. the feeling had been slowly creeping up on up when his family had met up during seollal and then when they all met up for his graduation in february. the thing was that his older brother didn’t seem to be himself. 
     the house is quiet the few days after his high school graduation since both his older siblings had gone back to work and school, and he had originally been planning to take a year off and travel around europe and possibly america. his english wasn’t terrible, and he sort of wanted to travel the world before settling down to get a degree and do his military service and work for the rest of his life. 
     but he was scratching that off his list for now. it seemed that his brother needed him. 
     so he cancels his flight tickets—thankfully his parents had insisted on him buying insurance just in case and the flight was far enough away that he wasn’t penalized for it, not that it would have really mattered—and repacks the small suitcase he had been planning to bring with him. instead, he buys a train ticket that will take him to seongnam so that he can go and check on his big brother. 
     everything goes according to plan. he wakes up on time to take the train out of busan to the university he was supposed to go to, but had deferred his enrolment for the sake of travelling, and arrived in a timely manner. 
     but obviously, everything is going too smoothly. something had to go wrong. 
     it occurs to him that something is wrong when it’s been about half an hour on the bus without hearing the stop name and the map had told him it should have only taken roughly twenty minutes. deciding to stay calm for a moment, he checks his map again and blanches when he stares at the screen. 
     hurrying to the front, he quietly asks the driver about the seongnam university stop, only to be told that it would probably be another hour for the bus to loop back because he had taken the bus in the wrong direction. damn it. he should’ve asked before boarding. 
     instead, subin gets off the bus and sits down at the bus stop, a small pout on his face. so much for surprising his brother at his door. he sighs, considering all of his options and checking the bus times. 
     why did he choose a sunday? 
     he sighs loudly, leaning his head back against the bus stop wall before he decides he has no choice but to call his brother. who would definitely probably still be surprised, just not in the way he had wanted to surprise him originally. 
*  (  𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆  )     ———-     형     !  
     when the older han picks up the phone, subin sound’s rightfully sheepish when he greets him. “uh ... hi hyung! i just ... uh, okay, i’m lost. help me?”
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sgnyooa · 4 years
⤿ networking error 404
█ ▌ ‹ @sgnseungwoo › 
 — [ ♡ ] her mother told her in passing, during a late night phone call when both of them were struggling to stay awake-- her hospital was searching for prospective interns. while it was not an explicit request asking her to go out searching, yooa knew she was the perfect person to help her mother out. afterall, she wasn’t studying at such a prestigious university for no reason. it was as simple as walking into a lecture of premed students and asking them if anyone of them would be interested in an internship at a top notch hospital. but yooa, well she was not going to go through the trouble with dealing with overly eager undergraduates-- no, not when she already had someone in mind. 
now she would not consider the two of them best friends, but she would like to think that they were close enough. seungwoo and her were friends who bonded over their shared lack of experience with the guitar(though she would begrudgingly admit that he was much better at it than she was). but no matter, after a few conversations(all lovely she might add), she knew that seungwoo was just what anam hospital was looking for. 
she approaches him one day after practice, standing behind his chair, prim and proper, almost as if she were about to sell a product to him. she clears her throat and lightly taps on his shoulder. ❝ you busy right now? there’s something i want to talk to you about. ❞
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sgnjunhyung · 4 years
— rose-coloured lens.
» @sgnseungwoo
soft chirping fills the crisp morning air as the students begin setting up their respective booths for the spring festival. it was the first day of the festival and junhyung had brought over some of his photographs to be displayed and sold at the photography club’s booth. when it comes to events like this, junhyung was only in for the fun and shirks responsibility when he can. however, he was more than happy to have some of his photographs selected to go on sale during the festival so here he was — actually up and about at 10 am in the morning, headed for the booth by the quad.
when he arrived at the booth, he was carrying a cardboard box with some frames in it. he places the box down on the table next to the display wall and greeted the other club members that were already present. he takes two frames out of the box, one on each hand before moving towards the display wall to hang them up when he notices a set of photographs that were already hung up. he feels his gaze pull towards the set, unable to break away from them. something about it captivated him in a way he couldn’t explain — it was just a simple set of four, each with the same subject, a smiling boy before the camera. in some, he appeared shy and avoided looking into the lens while he grins back playfully in others. there was something about how blissful and raw the pictures felt that sets off something in junhyung — was it envy? awe? admiration? maybe all of it.
junhyung could never take pictures like that. sure, he was good at scenic photography but he always found himself avoiding portraits, and for a stupid reason too. he feels like photographing people is way too intimate for his liking and has only photographed very few people in his lifetime, namely his family members (mostly because his sister makes him take her dumb ootds) and his close friends like danbi and sunwoo. otherwise, he sticks to what he knows best and is most comfortable with, scenic photography.
while photographing people might seem like an easy feat — just point a camera at them and snap, some might say, it actually takes more skill than it does for scenic photography — at least, that’s how junhyung sees it. to take a good portrait, one would have to make the subject feel comfortable in front of the camera and on top of that, bring out their emotions naturally, which junhyung was pretty bad at. it might be because he lacks experience in the emotional aspect and only has his eye for aesthetics to count on at the moment. does he want to change that and eventually master the art of portrait photography? yes, without a doubt. he might, some day in the future but for now, all he can do is to admire other people’s works like the one that has complete hold on his attention right then. 
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sgnhayoung · 4 years
𝒃𝒂𝒅 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒚
filming a video w. @sgnseungwoo 
     “okay, so you know the premise right? we’re going to walk into a store, i’m going to show you an item and you have to guess the price, and if you get it right then i get to buy it,” she reminds her cousin, her expression serious as she tells him this. they discussed it in the car on the way over, but she needed to make sure so she wouldn’t need to edit too much out of the video. 
     though, she would if she needed to. that was fine. 
     making sure that seungwoo was aware and ready, she pulls out her phone so that she can start filming. it was mostly going to cut down into a compilation for tiktok, so she didn’t care too much about the quality of the video -- her phone’s camera would do well enough. “i’m going to start filming,” she warns the older before she presses the record button, her camera flipped to show her face and she grins. “if he --” she turns the camera to show seungwoo in the frame “--guesses the price, then i get to buy it,” she says, panning up to show that they were standing outside of a chicor, ready to go on a, hopefully, good shopping spree. 
      walking inside, she leads her cousin into the general makeup section, wanting to test him on these, and hopefully he knew enough that she would get to buy a handful of things today. and if not? she would probably come back and buy them anyway. “how much is this?” she asks, filming now, as she holds up a tube of mac lipstick.
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sgnjuwon · 4 years
* open sesame, 
lost isn’t a foreign concept to juwon— lost in the campus, lost with directions, lost keys, lost passwords; and while he’s usually the type to never forget passwords because he keeps the same one for each one (a bad habit and he knows, he really should change at least those accounts with importance like his bank account), this is the one and only exception because that damn automatic password’s change caught up with him recently and now he’s trying to think of what order the new numerical is. 
fuuuu—–ck. what the hell is it? 
annoying isn’t quite the word. frustrated doesn’t quite measure though it’s a little closer. done. more like done, that’s it. his face contorts for the nth time as he slams a hand against the buttons, cursing under his breath as his mind wraps around the right numbers and the right order. i should have changed it to something easier like my birthday or the last four digits of my cell phone number. only he didn’t think of that when he was keying in the new password and in all honesty, he’s internally kicking himself for it. 
he makes a mental note to change it to one of those while dialing the building’s doorman, waiting for an answer, heaps of irritation falling his lips when finally catching someone on the other line. but he’s asked to wait some more until they’re able to send someone in until 20 minutes or so, which isn’t exactly the longest time but feels like forever to juwon right now. but what exactly is he supposed to do right now but wait, right? with one last glance to the door he mutters, “you’re supposed to open when i say open sesame, damn it.” 
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sgnyeeun · 4 years
. . . sending message to han seungwoo (subin’s brother)       ↳ sEUngwOoOooooOoOo!!!!! i hATe u!!!      ↳ y u gotta be so rude dont u kno im huMan tooooooo       ↳ y dONT u LET suBIN and I MARRY!!!       ↳ we promisedeach oTHeR!!      ↳ 21 is old!!! legal!!!! 
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sgnxgikwang · 4 years
&& the scars on your heart
before enlisting to the army gikwang had enjoyed several activities on campus and soccer was of course one of these. he had always liked to play and compete with dojoon since school days, but after enrolling to university soccer had become way more than just a hobby. it was a way to connect to more people and creating sincere and honest bonds of sportmanship. he wasn’t too sure, if he would see some of his old team again, now that he had finally returned to pursue his medical career further, and he felt a little taken aback by the thought not being able to play with his team mates again. 
but nonetheless the need to play soccer again was stronger than the fear that everyone else beside dojoon and him had already graduated, so he decided to check up on the team and join the club once again. just before he got back to the soccer club, he run into a familiar face in the hallways of one of the facilities of the campus. his face brightened up as soon as he realized who he had just met and with big steps he approached the younger man. “captain tsubasa!” he called out to his friend and stretched out his arms in order to give the other a short hug, just to notice a brace on the other’s leg.
blinking he looked over at seungwoo and frowned in worry: “what happened? why are you injured?”
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sgnjisung · 5 years
as a freshman, there's a lot of things about university life that jisung has yet to enjoy. he hasn't joined any clubs or sports, and the idea of a social club is a bit-- weird to him. not that he really knows or understands what goes on in them-- but the idea of a social club just seems to be...boring, in a sense. what do you even do in one?
so that's what jisung sets his next goal to-- discussing social clubs as a whole, and figuring out just what the hell goes on in them.
he has a list from extensive research (some social media sleuthing and word through the grapevine) of various members in social clubs. it's just a matter of getting them to talk to him, especially with someone who can actually explain just what the hell a social club really means.
"seungwoo-ssi!" jisung calls out at the quad, recognizing him as the heliotrope vice president. there's a confident grin on his face as he lifts a hand up in a wave. "hey! i'm jisung, i know this is out of no where, but can i ask you some questions about social clubs? it's for a video i'm doing." his grin is sheepish, his hand rubbing his neck. "i'm not really familiar with them, so i figured i'd ask!"
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sgnchanyeol · 4 years
( 💌 ) lovestagram delivery ▪ ▪ ▪
on the day of feburary the fourteenth, someone approaches your door with a gift. a basket is left hanging upon the door handle with a heart shaped box of assorted chocolates inside, and a fuchsia note with hearts is placed upon the door, lightly stuck upon a place where you would see it within eyesight. handwritten in black ink, the note states:
to   ›  park chanyeol
chanyeol-ah, you are a huge sweetheart and i’m very lucky to be able to serve with you. thank you for always cheering us up and putting your trust in me. i’ll continue to do my best and be a good president and hyung to you! here’s to a great semester! ^^
from   ›  seungwoo hyung
and all that is left is a light knock upon the doorstep to signal you before the person dashes off into the unknown.
          he’s about to head out for the day when there’s another knock and, he assumes, more scurrying off. the poor people delivering these. if only they could drop them off all at once in piles but he supposes that would make each one a little less special and specific. this time, he’s glad he can tie a face to the message and he grins, thinking ah our president. how giving of him and chanyeol again feels empty handed. maybe he’ll work out the time to make something himself to bring to the next club gathering as a way to show his thanks. 
          for now, he settles for texting seungwoo and kikwang both as he eats a chocolate or two before heading out, smiling at the sight of the gathered notes. hey, this whole lovestagram thing really is cute. he almost wishes he volunteered to help deliver but valentines is also a special day for his close friend. that reminds him... he should look into the helio club members birthdays again. seungwoo hyung wants to be a good president and he wants to be a good social chair. isn’t that already a good start for the upcoming school year? 
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sgnkai · 5 years
@sgnseungwoo / never say never
drunk hands fumbling against the lock of his door, codes not matching up as obsidian hues form a squint, digits struggling to press the right numbers but he swears, he swears that he did. he pushes the handle, but it doesn’t budge, a tired groan leaving him, as a hand raises to soothe his throbbing temples, his head falls forward as it lands against the door, a thud is heard, followed by another groan, this time lathered with pain. “why... why isn’t this door opening?!” he yells, almost loud enough that he hears someone yell back shut up from a neighbouring room, retorting immediately, “no, you shut the fuck up, come out here and fight me!” and he doesn’t hear a reply, a suppressed almost, maniacal laughter leaving him, before ending with a whimper as his migraine only worsens. 
maybe he drank too much. just maybe.
his door was never this hard to unlock, he has never struggled this much before, regardless of how drunk or high he may have been prior, it was never this difficult. and he resorts to begging the door to open, hopefully, miraculously it would just swing open and welcome him home. its what his tuition money is for right? smart doors. “please open, door. i just want to sleep. door, please.”
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sgnwooseok · 4 years
・゚  daring
---------- life’s too short
     he’s a bit tipsy, if he’s honest. he wasn’t planning on drinking much tonight, but he had had a couple of drinks at club insomnia, as a last hurrah to 2019 even if it was an entirely shit year for him, and now he’s found himself in front of @sgnseungwoo’s apartment’s door. he doesn’t know why he’s here—that’s a complete lie, he knows exactly why he’s here—but he doesn’t know why he decided to actually go through with his little stupid, intrusive thought that he had had while taking one of the last shots he did before leaving.
     but he’s here, he’s a bit hyped up on adrenaline because of the alcohol—wooseok understands now why they call it liquid courage—and he’s been pacing for almost fifteen minutes. trying to gather the rest of the courage he needed to ring the doorbell. the alcohol got him here, and he own pep talks are what’s getting his fingers inching towards the doorbell. only to not ring the doorbell and go back to pacing. come on, kim wooseok. why are you being a coward? your mother didn’t raise you to be like this.
     if it’s not obvious, he’s struggling.
     but it’s when he checks the time and it’s literally two minutes before midnight, he surges into action and starts ringing the doorbell. with his luck? seungwoo probably isn’t even home right now. but he wants to try, and he knows the other is a partier, a drinker, so he’s probably not home on new year’s eve since it’s pretty much The Day for everyone to go out and drink and party. heck, even he was out for a while. but he has to try, and he has two minutes to do it. for seungwoo to come and open the door.
     and when the door opens, showing him exactly who he had wanted to see, right at 11:59:56? wooseok does what he’s wanted to do for years. and he reaches out to grab at seungwoo’s shirt, two fistfuls, tugging the other closer. he whispers a soft “hyung, i’m sorry,” before he closes the distance between them with his eyes squeezed shut, pressing their lips together.
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sgnyooa · 4 years
⤿ staying afloat
   █ ▌ ‹ @sgnseungwoo ›
— [ ♡ ] yooa is by no means a vindictive person. at least not anymore. she’s left that part of herself back in the past and she’s quite proud of herself for doing so. however, that doesn’t mean she won’t partake in some... friendly revenge with those she feels comfortable with. exhibit a being the fact that she’s somehow convinced seungwoo to go swimming with her, despite the fact that he’s voiced his concerns to her. but maybe if he noticed how unhappy she was while hiking the day prior, he would not find himself in this position. (call her petty but hiking is one of her most hated activities).
of course, she’s only being pushy now because she knows that if anything unfortunate were to happen, that she would be able to handle it. she might be some twenty centimeters shorter than him, but with years of swimming and dancing under her belt, she knows that she can haul him up from the lake to land if anything were to happen. let’s just hope she doesn’t have to do that. ❝ relax! i promise you that this will be fun! i’ll be by your side the entire time to make sure nothing happens. besides, i also brought a friend along for extra reassurance!. ❞ she claps her hand together, cheerfully leading the two of them towards the lake. and there, sitting on the edge of the dock, is the friend that she had to spend all morning talking to camp workers to finally get. the very last adult sized duck floatie. she’s already named it sunshine. 
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sgnjunhyung · 4 years
What are three things you value most about a person?
“1. passion. I respect people who fight for their passion. no surprise there, coming from someone who changed his major behind his mother’s back. and yes, she still does not know. 
2. open-mindedness. I don’t expect you to agree with me but I expect you to respect my beliefs and agree to disagree. unless it’s harmful in any way, towards others or oneself.
3. authenticity. I don’t like pretentious people.”
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sgnhayoung · 4 years
*  (  7  )    𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐌𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐒   ———-    승우오빠  !                                                                    ( @sgnseungwoo )
••• sent :   hey ••• sent :   so you know how you’ve sworn off drinking and stuff  ••• sent :   since [redacted]  ••• sent :   i know you probably have like  ••• sent :   wine in your fridge right  ••• sent :   i’m going to be Super Generous and offer to take it off your hands  ••• sent :   bc i’m great like that 😊
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sgnjongin · 4 years
@sgnseungwoo || toss back a bottle of death
when he sees him, that rat boy, that scourge of humanity, the boy with stars and hopes and too much love in his eyes all the goddamn time, precious little seungwoo and all his precious little feelings, jongin’s teeth clench together, his fists curl shut. seungwoo always tries to be good, always tries to be sound and shining, mr. knight in white armor, and jongin wants to smear him more than he wants to breathe tomorrow morning, he wants to break down that staunchy facade like a sandcastle.
he sees him on the other side of the room and makes short work of wobbling over to him, his lips pulling back from his teeth in a snarl, absentmindedly shoving other people out of the way in his beeline for him. “seungwoo, you piece of shit, who the fuck invited you?” his voice comes out loud and slurring, but not as biting as he wants it to be. he’s too drunk to be threatening, even though he’s always at least a little bit dangerous. “you hoping to get smashed enough to pop your cherry tonight, hyung? or are you being too much of a princess to drink?”
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