sgnsubin · 4 years
he tries to recall the last time he actually played with a pet like this, instead of admiring them from afar while their owners take them on walks. it’s been a while, he concludes, and he wishes it’d be more frequent. he much prefers encountering stray animals or pets during the night compared to people, but he supposes it’s alright if there’s a small chance one of them are pet owners and would let hyunjae play with them at some point, like subin.
subin is lucky, with the power of phantom’s existence, hyunjae’s walls were torn down pretty quickly around the younger. hyunjae is lucky too, that subin allowed him entry to his dorm despite not being too close. he wouldn’t have done the same in subin’s shoes, although there’s not a lot of people he knew who would visit his dorm room anyway. his roommate probably does, hyunjae doesn’t have too many close acquaintances.
at subin’s explanation, hyunjae blinks. “she can sense new people? while napping?” he’s learning a lot more about cats, or maybe phantom is special. a magic cat, like the ones witches kept in storybooks. he’s eager to meet her, but he still manages to flash subin a sly smile. “because you’re a baby.” he pinches the younger’s cheek gently. “call it a gut feeilng, but i’m pretty sure you hear that a lot.”
he lifts up the snack for subin to see. “is it this one? i wasn’t sure.” he doesn’t want to go back and get another one. “will she love me instantly if i feed her this, or do i have to try harder?” he’s completely willing, hyunjae would prefer an instant connection though, if that’s possible. “do i put them on a bowl, or does she prefer eating them from my hand?” it’s silly, how he’s asking so many questions like this. he doesn’t want other people to know how weak he gets over cute pets.
     he nods, and he’s not sure why phantom reacts the way that she does around strangers or whatever but he thinks it’s probably because they have unfamiliar scents, or faces. he’s not exactly a cat expert, but he’s been pretty good with doing his research on her. especially since he wants—and hopes—to be able to keep and care for her for the long term, if not forever. 
     hopefully forever.
     the pinch to his cheek is not surprising nor unexpected with the words that precede it but it only makes him puff his cheeks out slightly more since hyunjae is absolutely correct in his assumption that subin hears those words a lot. perhaps his penchant for being a hyung collector is coming to fruition and it’s telling him that he should probably find more friends that are around his age. or something like that. either way, he should’ve really expected everything that had just happened in the last few moments, honestly.
     “yeah, that’s the right one,” subin claims happily, and he had originally bought them to try to bribe her to let him pet her, before she ended up coming home with him. and he had tried a handful of other dried snacks, but she always preferred these chicken ones. so he just guessed they were her favourite. he grins at the onslaught of questions from the older student, waiting for hyunjae to get them all of out his system before answering. 
     “you should hold out your hand, palm up, with the treat in it when she wakes up and she’ll slowly approach you!” he explains, grinning. “i’ve tried it with three different people and it’s worked twice. so you being the lucky third is very likely.”
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sgnsubin · 4 years
taejoo figures this a perfect opportunity to learn something new about someone new — he’s never seen this person around, and understandably so. seongnam is a big place, and even being the master socializer that he believes he is, he knows he’ll always be meeting new people, making new connections and friends. connections are powerful, but he could also use a few more friends — who doesn’t?
besides, treating this stranger to a nice latte or something is the very least he could do for so brutally attacking this guy.
it also helps that he’s pretty good-looking — but taejoo never said anything about any of that. it’s merely a truthful observation, that’s all.
he grabs onto the other’s hand, mouth closed tight as he lifts him up with the strength of one arm. taejoo absolutely hates working out, but he has to admit that his arm strength is definitely not lacking. he has the gaul to dust the other off, just a little swipe on his shoulder. “sorry again — i hope you didn’t crack your phone or… ribs or anything.”
then it would be a major problem for him — he doesn’t know the first thing about getting sued, or lawyers for that matter.
“well, i was actually on my way to this cafe nearby — maybe you could join me? i’ll even pay for whatever you’ll get, you know, as an apology.” taejoo scratches the back of his neck sheepishly. “oh, um, i’m taejoo, by the way.”
     when the other male takes his hand and hauls him to his feet, subin can’t help but have to bite back a grin. so this guy is pretty cute and decently strong too, huh. maybe they could be friends after this random meeting, considering the fact that subin could always use more friends. he has a lot of them already, but he would absolutely never say no to having more. he needs to hang out with more people than just his hyungs and classmates, after all. 
     what an unconventional way of making a friend though. 
     getting dusted off—no matter how briefly—is not something he had expected though, and he finds himself glancing up at the other male, feeling just slightly embarrassed by what had just happened. checking his phone screen, he can confirm to himself that it’s not broken, thankfully. and then, because of what the stranger had said, his hands fly to his ribs as if to check for pain. not that a shoulder check was enough to crack a rib—he was resilient and young thank you—but it didn’t hurt to check. 
     he laughs afterwards, feeling a bit silly. “no broken phone and it feels like no broken ribs,” subin reassures the other male playfully, before he grins. “okay,” he agrees easily, maybe too easily, but a free drink is something he would never turn down. no matter how well off his bank account total makes him seem. “taejoo,” he repeats, before he holds out his hand for a handshake. “it’s uh, nice to meet you even if the, uh, way we met wasn’t so nice.” he’s teasing, even though he won’t deny his shoulder throbs a bit. “i’m subin!”
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sgnsubin · 4 years
as silence continues to pass, sejun becomes increasingly more worried that he had actually made subin snap—it shouldn’t have been him! he thought the one to cause such a life-changing event would be chan and seungsik, with their push and pull of a slow burn, not sejun with his accidentally-drags-subin-into-the-water spiel when they were supposed to be looking for the perfect spot to watch the meteor shower from.
they did check that off the list, but at what cost? sejun’s life? it wasn’t worth it.
when subin finally speaks up, sejun feels relief washes over him. here he thought subin would never talk to him again, which was probably his overdramatic thoughts being too pessimistic this time around. since that didn’t seem to be the case, and he could take comfort in the fact that subin’s phone remained on the dock, sejun allows himself to relax a little. just a little. he couldn’t help feeling a bit on edge. who knows whether subin would decide revenge was the better option in the end.
“no complaints from me!” sejun agrees wholeheartedly, it was a fair proposal. “i’ll even get you another phone, and a game if you want it!” sejun may be making promises he might have trouble keeping, he was fairly certain he had enough money for both things though. if not, he can start selling his art earlier. or something. jobs exist.
he moves closer to the younger, hunching as much as he could in the water. “that’s a promise!” he tangles his fingers underwater, “here, step on my hands then get on my shoulders.” sejun had faith in his own built, it wouldn’t be the first time he carried subin. he knew he could handle the younger’s weight on his shoulders, he swore to himself not to let subin fall a second time. he’ll punish himself if he did—no graffiti for a week!
     “a game ...” he trails off at the thought and while he could probably get a new phone with no problem, he wouldn’t mind a game ... he nods at that, making a mental note not to tell sejun even if his phone had broken or anything—he didn’t actually want his hyung to buy him a new phone if it broke. that was what his savings were for. “i’l take you up on the game, hyung,” he says happily, grinning afterwards, everything clearly forgiven at the bribe. 
     he’s not usually the type to fall for obvious bribes like this one, but he can’t really help it this time. he’s a growing boy who needs constant entertainment in the form of video games, okay?
     pushing himself out of that train of thought, subin nods again when sejun starts instructing him on what to do to get back onto the dock. he’s been carried around by sejun many a time before—he’s not sure why sejun liked doing it so much, but he also wasn’t going to complain about getting more piggybacks. though the older student has also carried him in his arms before, and once again, subin isn’t going to complain about being carried around. 
     once he’s hoisted himself up onto sejun’s shoulders, it’s easy to climb back onto the dock and he sighs once he’s on dry land. it’s cold now, because the sun has set, and he wonders if he’ll catch a cold from this. he takes a moment to catch his breath before he peeks over the edge and holds out a hand to help his hyung up onto the dock again too. “do you think we have enough time to run back to the tents to change?” he asks, teeth starting to chatter slightly despite it still being summer.
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sgnsubin · 4 years
“that sounds like a good plan.” she hums. ahri still remembers that one time when yoori guided her through the wonders of the night market and she tried a lot of new things, of course that ahri didn’t like everything, but overall it was a fun experience and she doesn’t think how that could wrong, especially with subin by her side. besides the idea of getting food sounds something safe, an idea never could go wrong, especially now that ahri knows a little more about her tastes of street food. and it probably helps that seoul is also beautiful at night and the food carts make a nice scenario along with the street lights.
besides, they always say that there is no better remedy for sadness than food, right? especially when she’s treating one of her favorite dongsaengs along the way.
ahri smiles a little more fondly, a little more like the mother that she feels she is when subin mentions ice cream and bubble tea after their dinner. even though, she’s never the one to refuse anything sweet, especially ice cream, ahri can’t help but look at subin and see the child that she adopted as her own, which feels her heart with warmth and endearment. “of course. you put a lot of thought on this, didn’t you?” there’s a thank you in between the lines and ahri wonders, not for the first time, what she ever did to deserve someone like subin in her life. “it’s been a while since i had bubble tea actually so this could be interesting.” she confesses, the same way it’s been a while since she had ice cream like actually going out to get ice cream with someone like that instead of just buying it in a supermarket or convenience store, but that seems too much like a sad thing to say and she doesn’t want to drag the mood even more.
“alright, let’s go then?” the senior wraps her arm around subins’s. “since you’re my “date”, you lead the way.” she can’t help the soft chuckle when referring subin as her (very platonic) date. the idea is still a little too odd on her head, even when reminding that it’s something very platonic and ahri would never look at subin as something more than a little brother of hers and the same way subin only saw her in the lights of an older sister. but there’s the sentiment behind it, to drag ahri out of her bubble of sadness with a nice outing along with good food, so ahri doesn’t feels weird for too long.
     “i did! i wanted to try to cheer you up,” he says, a bright smile on his lips. it’s true that he had done some actual research on this—everyone that knew how much he hated researching would applaud him right there, probably, that he had gone so far out of his way to figure out something to cheer one of his favourite nunas up—  and he had thought thoroughly through a few different “date” ideas before finally settling on this one. it wasn’t that it was the easiest or cheapest date or whatever, but he thought this one would give them enough room and ease to talk if ahri wanted to. and if she didn’t? they would have the food and the night scenery to get distracted by. 
     all in all, subin thinks he did a great job. he would give himself a metaphorical pat on the back for this. 
     “oh, have you tried the new type? the one that’s super popular right now?” subin asks, curious about whether he would get to introduce her to something new today. ���the brown sugar bubble tea? i had a mild addiction to it a couple months ago,” he admits, looking rightfully sheepish even though he doesn’t regret it at all. he had asked all of his hyungs to buy it for him enough times that he’s pretty sure he had gotten them all obsessed with it at one point. han subin, trendsetter. it had a nice ring to it. 
     he nods, taking it in stride and leading her to the entrance of the night market. “is there anything you want to eat first?” he asks, wanting to keep in mind that this date for her and not for him to binge eat everything in sight, as tempting as it is. he’s lucky though, that he doesn’t really have anything that he can’t eat. aside from bell peppers, which weren’t so much that he couldn’t eat them but moreso that he didn’t like their taste. or lack thereof. either way, he didn’t like them. but he also wasn’t too concerned that there would be many thing with them in them. and if they appeared, he just wouldn’t eat them. easy. 
     “i heard there are really good truffle fries somewhere around here?”
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sgnsubin · 4 years
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hs00b            so i maybe did a thing 👀
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sgnsubin · 4 years
leave it to subin to get excited over a fried egg. it’s kind of endearing and maybe yideun does have a soft spot for him, but he’ll admit it when he dies, probably. not because he derives a particular sort of joy from convincing everyone around him that he hates them, but things always get troublesome when people know too much about him. 
when subin pokes him, yideun can’t help but stare, almost flabbergasted. seriously? the nerve? a fucking freshman being this cute in front of him? yideun frowns. some people are forces of nature in a way he’ll never understand. “let’s sit on opposite sides of the cafeteria,” he says, clearly joking as he walks right past subin to place their orders and pay (for both, because he’s a sucker but shut the fuck up).  
while waiting for their food, yideun crosses his arms and looks pointedly at subin. 
it’s kind of easy to talk to any of their hyungs because yideun has zero filter and zero respect, but sometimes he has to grapple with what to talk about with subin. not because he’s uncomfortable around subin, but he realizes belatedly that he’s kind of cautious around him. like he might taint this weird aura of sunshine that subin radiates by saying something along the lines of carpe diem let’s overthrow the fuckin’ government! 
and he’s about to say just that, when he sees their number flash above the pick-up station. he makes a beeline straight for it, picking out their trays from a line. staring at the soup, yideun realizes belatedly that he can’t eat half of it—blinded by his desire to burn his tongue off, he had to get something laden with beef. god, is his brain working properly today? he grabs subin’s tray too on second thought, marching right back toward the younger boy and pushing it into his hands. there’s a suspicious bowl of a bright red sauce the cafeteria lady’s dished out for him at request of something so spicy i cry. at the very least, yideun has this going for him. 
“you don’t have class today?” yideun finally asks, over his shoulder, instead of his initial, how do you feel about anarchy lol. he squints, trying to find a decent seat in the cafeteria. “or are you skipping?” he adds, not because he thinks subin actually is, but because yideun is. 
     his eyes widen when yideun brushes past him to pay for them both and he frowns afterwards, unsure of how he hadn’t seen that coming considering how many of his friends do this to him. he doesn’t even have to worry about money, yet his friends—see: hyungs—tend to pay for him anyway. he knows most of them are well-off too, so he doesn’t feel bad and just feels ... touched(?) instead. yeah, he’ll go with that. 
     “what?” he asks, confused as to why yideun is staring at him like that. he doesn’t have any weird fears of the older like ... being able to read minds or having x-ray vision or anything. 
     at least ... he doesn’t think so. 
     he watches as the older walks off without answering his question, and honestly? subin is so confused right now. he’s wondering if yideun had decided to ditch him and if he should go and see if he could find other classmates to eat with when a tray is shoved into his hands and he immediately brightens up again when he sees the older student had returned. 
     “i have a late class,” he answers the question, trying not to look too relieved that the other had returned and he smiles at him as they head to find a table to sit at. he casts his gaze all around the cafeteria, trying to find a decent spot and he finds one, beckoning at yideun before literally beelining towards the seat and all but dropping his tray onto the table. 
     thank god he only had rice and not soup or he would probably have spilled it everywhere. “i’m really tempted not to go, actually,” subin admits, knowing that this confession was probably safest with yideun out of all his hyungs. “are you skipping?”
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sgnsubin · 4 years
kids, seungmin scoffs mentally as he watches subin’s reaction to being handed a water bottle. it takes everything in him to not make some snide remake out of reflex–picturing two hooligans he’s use to being a pain in his side–because it’s not fair to subin to compare him. the younger han sibling is of a calmer variety of kid. he’s not a thorn in the side like some, and ( though seungmin would never say this out loud ) subin is rather cute.
he doesn’t talk a lot, and for that seungmin is grateful. it means he isn’t trying to deflect a thousand questions, or playful nagging, or even physically battling off two idiots. a sigh leaves him.
what he would give to toss the other two away and just keep subin.
jaehee would have a fit.
his eyes land back on subin and he realizes then that he got lost in thought and didn’t respond. “just drink it.” he replies, tone neutral. “it’s my job to worry about it, it’s your job to not question your hyung.”
tolerate or not, doesn’t change the fact seungmin is of the prickly type of personality. subin is still included in the long long loooong list of people seungmin is prickly with. though he might tone is down with the younger.
     for all that he knows about seungmin—which is not a lot, aside from the fact that the older male likes seungwoo to an extent—he knows that the older is just like this. from everything that he’s heard, he knows that seungmin is just quiet and doesn’t talk much. and when he does, it’s stiff and to the point. 
     most of this he learned from observing him at track.
     the rest he learned from seungjun, who he had been very surprised to find out that he was seungmin’s younger brother. there wasn’t really much that they had in common, aside from their last names and the first character of their given names. it had been a shock to his system when he found out too. honestly, he was still pretty shook about it. especially with the weird instagram slash youtube wormhole he had been sucked into a few days ago. 
     “okay i won’t question the water,” subin accepts it quietly, twisting the lid off and taking a sip again, before he pauses and peeks up at the other track team member, looking like he wanted to say something. he had been contemplating bringing it up the entire practice so far, but couldn’t decide if it was worth satiating his curiosity or not. 
     he decided it was. 
     “hyung ... i have a question,” he starts innocently, not thinking anything of the question that he’s about to ask. he’s been curious since he had seen it, and he’s pretty sure he’s confirmed what he’s going to ask but he wants an answer anyway. “have you ever been ... interested in ... busking?” 
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sgnsubin · 4 years
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sgnsubin · 4 years
i’m fine ²⁰¹⁹
     “hi,” he manages and his eyes are soft, his faux shock dissolving very quickly as he lets a smile come onto his face, unable to resist around his brother. subin has always been one of his weak points, the person who knows how to work past even his worst moods, and the person who never fails to make him smile. it’s happening now, even, stirring up warmth in his chest and he exhales softly, his eyes widening slightly as subin leaps at him, arms wrapping around him. 
      he hadn’t even realized that he hadn’t hugged subin yet. but having his brother in his arms sends a surge of warmth so strong through him that he almost wants to cry, hugging the other back as hard as he can, burying his face into subin’s hair. the tears well up in his eyes and he has to blink several times to fight them back. hugging subin convinces him for those few moments that everything will be okay. 
     “you took the wrong train to the airport,” he repeats with a weak chuckle, shaking his head slightly. “what airport… you’re not supposed to leave for europe for another week…” he says as he pulls the other into his arms again, holding the younger close to him. 
     god, he had missed subin so much. so much, and having his brother here again makes him think that maybe tomorrow will be okay. but subin will leave again, and seungwoo doesn’t want to think about that.
     he smiles brightly and he just clings onto his older brother—they’ve always been very partial to skinship, their whole family was and it’s not weird for him to hug his brother. he’s been doing his whole life, after all, and if he’s allowed to admit it he would say that he’s missed seungwoo’s hugs since the other moved away from busan for university. 
     of course, subin would probably never actually tell seungwoo this to his face. not before. maybe now. 
     “i missed your hugs hyung,” he says quietly, hoping that the older would appreciate the quiet admission, remembering the phase he had gone through in high school where he hadn’t wanted to admit his affections for siblings. he had grown out of it really quickly though, unable to actually act that way the whole time despite wanting to seem cool. 
     “yeah i did, by the way,” he huffs, back to being playful and he pulls slightly away to blink up at the other han sibling. “the trains were really confusing, so i must’ve gotten on the wrong one, you know. they’re so hard to navigate,” subin insists, though they both know that there was absolutely no way for him to have gotten on the wrong train because his ticket would’ve exposed him immediately, even if he had wanted to take the wrong train. 
     grinning after, he pulls away again just to direct his gummy smile at the older. “anyways! grandma’s kimchi is in my suitcase, mom helped her make it and so did i!” he explains quickly, trying to think of what else he had packed. “and i bought the famous eomuk just in case you didn’t have it here. and a lot of other snacks,” he trails off, thinking of the other things in his bag. 
     “oh, and me. i’m here too.”
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sgnsubin · 4 years
any other day and what happens next might have been something chan could have avoided. the course that happens might have changed. any other day, subin wouldn’t have been able to get as much of a drop on chan like he did. maybe..
the thing is, despite all his training and all his years in sports, chan isn’t actually the quickest when it comes to reaction time. his guard is never really up unless he’s on the mat. mainly because he doesn’t think he needs to have his guard fully up when around his friends. sure they mess around but he doubts any of them would attempt to really harm him. so on a normal day anyone of his friends could probably still push him over–though with the added risk of them also going down as chan wouldn’t hesitate to drag a friend with him.
though, the main issue today is chan being drunk.
not only is his reaction time absolute shit right now, but he hasn’t even fully realized where they are. his face covered in a stupid grin as he lets subin lead him around. sure, he’s not fully gone, but he is enough so that when subin pushes, chan falls. a splash following as the older male lands in the cold water. it happens so fast he doesn’t even make a noise.
ah, alas. there goes the buzz.
the cold water seeping through him in an instant and instead of breaking the surface instantly, he ends up just sinking into the water. maybe that’ll teach subinnie that it’s not nice to push your elders into the water.
     honestly? subin didn’t expect this to work.
     he genuinely thought that chan was going to figure out why he was nudging him closer to the edge of the dock, and probably tug him in with him. he had half thought that he would end up in the water again, but subin thought that that was a risk he was willing to take to be the reason why someone had ended up in the lake and not be the one who was pulled/pushed in this time. 
     but? it works almost too well.
     he watches as chan hits the surface of the water and then breaks through, squealing with laughter afterwards. he’s so proud of himself, considering he absolutely knows that chan might be drunk but the other is also not drunk enough to like. die. or something. 
     when the older male doesn’t resurface right away, he pauses and squints into the water. he knows that seungwoo is the only one out of their little friend group that can’t swim—and he has a video on his phone of his brother on a duck floatie now that will probably end up being a good laugh for them whenever it can be mentioned. 
     he leans over the water, squinting into it. he’ll wait maybe a minute, knowing that some people could hold their breath for that long and chan was an athlete and probably could too. and then he’ll worry. but he also knows that the water isn’t that deep, so chan’s probably touching the floor with his feet and waiting so he can pull subin in too. he’s not a fool. he’s probably not a good friend right now either but he’ll take the scolding later. 
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sgnsubin · 4 years
     when they pull up outside of janggok dorms, he texts his friend quietly, relaxed in the backseat of the car. as usual, his clothing is in complete contrast to his friends — while most people dress appropriately for the weather, seungjun is always wearing considerably more. dressed in dark jeans and an honest to god sweater, it’s probably enough to make other people want to sweat just by looking at him, and yet, he looks perfectly comfortable.
✉︎ 𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 … ❪ 한수빈 ❫
••• sent › i’m here! ••• sent › hurry, subinnie~
     he opens up a game on his phone for the time being, waiting for his friend to show up. he can’t play anything that takes up too much time, but hogwarts mystery is a simple game that just requires a bunch of tapping. at least now, since he’s in the middle of a task. it’s not really that entertaining, but it’s good for a distraction. 
     when the door opens and subin slides into the backseat, seungjun looks up at him, locking his phone. “ooh,” he coos immediately, taking in the other’s appearance. “subinnie, you look cool today.” there’s a distinctly approving tone in his voice, his lips curling up at the corners, dimples denting his cheeks. 
     he slides into the car when he sees it parked outside, rolling his eyes slightly. like while he understands the whole thing with some of the higher profile students at the school, he still finds it more of a hindrance than something beneficial. suddenly he’s more thankful than ever that his parents had kept him and his siblings as far out of the public eye as possible. he’s pretty sure only their names are known in the public—perhaps seungwoo’s a bit more, considering his brother is technically the heir to the businesses. 
     “thanks,” subin grins at the compliment, tugging the door closed with a loud-ish thud and settling down against the seat. “i tried just for you, since we’re going on a date~” he singsongs, playful. 
     “i have something for you to try,” he adds with a mischievous quirk to his already wide grin, immediately trying to school his expression into something a little bit more serious. he’s pretty sure his friend wouldn’t say no, considering they’ve shared food and drinks before. also, he wouldn’t care he would probably still try to make the older try it anyway. “it’ll make you look pretty~”
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sgnsubin · 4 years
aside from travelling, there are two things that hyungwon look forward to doing in his free time. sleeping in, and binge watching what ever series he discovers on netflix. the new season of the umbrella academy just came out, and he was so busy these past few days doing all the schoolwork and model schedules that he was literally avoiding all forms of social media to avoid the inevitable spoilers. it was his undeclared holiday today. no one, nothing, can stop hyungwon from engulfing the entire season in just one sitting (and the medium sized pizza that he ordered).
phone always on silent, hyungwon was already in the middle of episode three, and 3 slices of pepperoni pizza consumed. i need to run this off later. his thoughts were cut off from the sudden vibrations coming from his phone. the male sighed, got up from his comfortable (and snuggly) position, removing the drape of blanket wrapped around himself.
“what, no,” was hyungwon’s automated response to the texts. in his defense, he didn’t think he needed new clothes to spend. sure, every time he goes around the campus all hyungwon ever wears are his very diverse range of sweatshirts, hoodies and comfy pants that are somehow looking bigger than him, but his face makes up for it… and it’s not like he wears them all the time. but his conscience didn’t let him rest. he couldn’t leave subin hanging, despite turning in without a warning. standing up, wearing only plain white shirt and sweatpants, he opened his door to greet subin.
“…what if, i say nada, and with conviction?” hyungwon got straight to the point, and still leaving a space for the younger to come inside his room. “is that allowed?”
     when he had texted the other, he had half expected hyungwon to just say no and not bother opening the door, if he’s honest. he’s usually pretty optimistic, so while half of him might’ve thought that, the other half was very confident that he would at least be let in even if the older male didn’t want to go shopping. and that was fine too, probably. subin would just end up making the older male online shop with him and at least order one or two new outfits that would actually fit and look nice. 
     “then i would say please with puppy eyes?” subin responds, stepping inside happily. at least part of what he had predicted had come true. 
     he glances over what the older male is wearing, and he can’t judge much because he knows that he had somewhat ambushed hyungwon on a day off and the other probably wouldn’t be dressed up to just lounge around at home—subin absolutely wouldn’t be caught dead dressed nicely on a day off if he wasn’t planning to go out. but. 
     but. hyungwon was always dressed like this. always. 
     “what if we go shopping and i buy you dinner?” he asks, wondering if bribing would work or not. he didn’t want to resort to something like that, but at the same time he really hurts seeing hyungwon around campus drowning in his clothes when he could be walking around campus looking like the model that he is. effortlessly too. if he was that tall, he would dress super nicely all the time. 
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sgnsubin · 4 years
alternatively, he probably shouldn’t blackmail someone he had only met recently just to get a glimpse of his cat. hyunjae couldn’t help it though, he always wanted a pet of his own, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to take care of it properly. his schedule was too packed for that, it was already somewhat a blessing that he found some spare time to play with someone else’s cat. beggars can’t be choosers. he was rather surprised when subin did agree to let hyunjae meet phantom, but he wasn’t going to let the opportunity slip by him.
(  ✉  )     outgoing   →   subin  !
sent: noted. i’ll get her just that sent: for bribery
hyunjae took a short trip to the convenience store, getting the chicken cat snacks subin alluded to before he was on his merry way. it may have been silly, seeing a twenty-one year old seem excited to meet a cat, if one would call his blank expression save for the glimmer in his eyes an excited reaction, but he couldn’t help himself. he wondered whether his sudden shift in attitude startled subin during their first encounter.
it hadn’t taken very long for him to arrive at subin’s doorstep. instead of knocking, he decided to send a text, just in case knocking would disturb the cat. who knows, phantom could be sleeping for all he knew. hyunjae didn’t want to be the asshole that wakes up a sleeping cat.
(  ✉  )     outgoing   →   subin  !
sent: earth to baby sent: let me in :)
     sometimes subin thinks that he shouldn’t be telling so many people about the kitten that he’s been taking care of that’s in his dorm. the more people that know about her means the most likely that someone is going to tell on him and he’s going to get in trouble and have to either 1) give up the cat or 2) ask his brother to take care of her until he an move into his own room at the gangjeon complex. 
     but you know what? you only live once! it’s fine! 
     he just gently lays down on his bed, not wanting to disturb the sleeping kitten on his pillow and he lays his head next to her face and sighs quietly. he hadn’t actually meant to get attached or anything, but it was impossible after they had posted posters around and hadn’t gotten any replies about a lost cat. and then seungsik had gone with him to the vet for him to get her checked to make sure she was healthy, and now he’s just been trying to be the best pet owner possible. thankfully, the dorm isn’t too small so she has a lot of room to explore and stuff. 
     and he’s gotten her some nice blankets. subin’s in the middle of thinking of whether he should get her a new toy or not when he gets a new text and he sits up carefully, reading it and then quietly sliding over to the door, opening with a grin. 
     holding up a finger to his lips, he moves back to give hyunjae room to step inside and he points at his bed where the kitten is dozing. “she’ll be awake soon, she never naps for very long when she senses someone she doesn’t know,” he explains, closing the door and listening to the automatic lock close. “why did you call me baby?” he pouts, probably proving the point but he doesn’t care. 
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sgnsubin · 4 years
˚∘ ✧ two’s company —
     he half wonders if it wouldn’t be better to move next semester, when he’ll be a junior and thus eligible for gangjeon complex. but that means another semester of living alone, and seungjun doesn’t really fancy that, not when he’d gotten accustomed to living with people again after his military service. effortless company, never as overbearing or focused as meeting up with other people, or even the cuddle dates he has with ahri and some of his other friends. when he had served his military service, he had never been lonely even when he wasn’t specifically interacting with others. 
     even if it means that he’ll have to move again in a semester, he thinks that he wants a roommate badly enough to put up with the inconvenience of moving twice. 
✉︎ 𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 … ❪ 한수빈 ❫
••• sent › ㅋㅋㅋ why did i even ask? ••• sent › hmmmm ••• sent › yes and yes!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ  ••• sent › i’ll come get you 😊 ••• sent › be ready!!
     he grins at his phone, amused, and he hops up from where he’d been sprawled on his bed. he just has to get changed (he never leaves the privacy of his room if he’s wearing hoodies). it’s only once he’s dressed that he steps out of his dorm, turning to ask his bodyguard to drive him to the janggok dorms. he might not be able to drive himself, but the benefit of having a personal bodyguard means that he rarely has to walk anywhere unless he really wants to. 
✉︎ 𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 … ❪ 한수빈 ❫
••• sent › be there in a few!  ••• sent › meet me downstairs
     he sighs at the texts that he gets, staring at them for a long moment before he lets out another loud sigh, as if he’s been heavily burdened. he’s not going to say no to free food—despite the fact that he has no trouble in affording his own meals it’s just fun to tease others as well as he likes letting people choose where they want to eat and learning what they like—and he’s also not going to say no to the company of a good friend. 
     therefore, he needs to get up. 
     letting out another loud sigh, subin presses one last soft kiss to phantom’s head, right between her ears, and checks that her automatic food dispenser is filled before he finally gets up and goes to get dressed. he’s in his pajamas—shorts and a tshirt from his high school—and he goes to move and put on Real Clothes, checking the weather quickly before putting on ripped jeans and a different tshirt. he probably doesn’t need to look nice for seungjun but at the same? why the hell not. 
     so he adds accessories, a few rings and a few necklaces, changing out his earrings and then making sure his hair looked decently nice and not like he had spent the whole day in bed. while it was true, it wasn’t the image he wanted to give on campus. lastly, he added a pair of fake glasses, checked his reflection and grinned.  
‘  𝐌𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐀𝐆𝐄 𝐓𝐎  :  승준형  ’   ••• sent :  ok  ••• sent :  lmk when you get here!  ••• sent :  i’ll head down then 🥰 
     as a last minute touch, he adds a bit of lip tint that was a tip from some youtuber he had watched the other day and he really did think that it changed the game. maybe he could convince seungjun to try a lip tint later, that could be fun.
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sgnsubin · 4 years
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sgnsubin · 4 years
     he’s found himself making friends at all sots of strange hours of the day. the strangest ones were always during the night when he would venture out after gaming late into the early morning, though he doesn’t mind it. he’s always happy to make more friends and the stories he got to tell because of these were always the funnier ones. even though he’s sure his more protective hyungs (see: just one hyung) would prefer that he didn’t wander the streets at odd hours of the morning and talk to strangers. 
     thankfully, most people who wandered around the campus were also students at snu. 
     and one of them was an interesting hyung who seemed to be an insomniac of some sort? he had thought hyunjae was a bit scary when they first met, but after absentmindedly chattering about phantom and showing some pictures of her while debating about which instant noodle brand he should have that night, they had struck up an unlikely (?) friendship. 
     he had also promised that hyunjae could come to his dorm and visit said cat, who was currently snoozing on his pillow. the texts come right when he’s wondering if the other was on his way yet and he grins, feeling like he’s a mindreader.
‘  𝐌𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐀𝐆𝐄 𝐓𝐎  :  현재형  ’   ••• sent :  janggok dorms 403!!!  ••• sent :  on the fourth floor  ••• sent :  obviously  ••• sent :  heh  ••• sent :  don’t tell on me  ••• sent :  she doesn’t have a home!!! 🥺🥺🥺 ••• sent :  she likes the chicken cat snacks from the convenience store ••• sent :  🥰
       with @sgnsubin​
one of the things hyunjae finds himself doing as the night settles and his eyes remain wide awake, is walk around until his body succumbs to slumber. it wasn’t the best solution, often keeping him more awake one way or another, but he hasn’t found a better method yet so he supposes this is his best bet for now. besides, he finds himself running into interesting characters during this time of night.
subin had been one of them. he encountered the force that is han subin when it was 5am, out to get snacks after finishing a round of… gaming, which hyunjae should have guessed, but he thought the other was studying. shame on him. it didn’t take long for the younger to start showing pictures of his cat, so hyunjae was quick to drop whatever negative perception he had of subin when it came to gamers.
that, and subin was just a baby. it wouldn’t have been that hard to change his views.
sure, hyunjae noticed that subin basically smuggled a cat into his dorm, but he wasn’t going to report it to security. not if he wanted to see the cat for himself. 
(  ✉  )     outgoing   →   subin  !
sent: which one is your dorm again? sent: also what does your cat like to snack on? sent: if you postpone this i might tell on you btw sent: but i think you knew that already
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sgnsubin · 4 years
     subin believes in a lot of things. he believes that ghosts probably exist and he often does try to see if he can catch one, he believes that karma is a thing and that it’ll come around to be a bitch if needed, he believes that his brother is the coolest person in the world, he believes that he’ll be fine as long as he manages to pass all of his classes even if it’s not with the best grades, he believes he won’t be caught for smuggling a cat into his dorm ... the list goes on. 
     he also believes that too much hard work and no play is no way to live your life. 
     which is the whole reason why he’s so consistent when he comes to bother yeeun about relaxing for a few hours with terrible television and ice cream. of course, they watch good shows too but there’s just something so good about watching bad shows and making fun of them with a close friend. and yeeun is one of his (if not the) oldest childhood friends that he was still in touch with. which meant that the amount of inside jokes they had was higher than most of his other friends. 
     he’s in the middle of opening the two tubs of ice cream—in their favourite flavours of course—when she mentions the present. and a choker is something he always enjoys wearing since it fits into his e-boy fashion phase, so he finishes taking the plastic off of the tub before he glances up, wondering if she had found it yet. 
     the squeal fully catches him off guard, having been debating if she would get mad if he started eating his ice cream without her and subin glances up at the sound, only to find a piece of paper being shoved into his face. “what—what is that?” he asks, sounding surprised and he leans back, going a bit cross-eyed as he stares at the paper, squinting to try to make out the writing as he grabs at her wrist to steady her hand and quietly reading the childish handwriting before he snorts. 
     “is—is this from when we were younger?” he laughs, taking the paper now and looking at it, the ice cream momentarily forgotten. “oh my god, we’re 21 next year ...”
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< stuck with you — subin >
for @sgnsubin​ !
there are a few things in the world that yeeun doesn’t mind wasting time on – one being shopping, the other being food but the most important one being han subin. they’ve been friends since they were in diapers: yeeun honestly cannot remember a time in her life where she didn’t have subin. from playing silly games with each other to sitting together at the kids’ table during one of their parents’ many dinner parties to sneaking into movie theatres before they were of legal age to attending each other’s high-school graduation, subin has always been there. so, when she had found that subin would be attending seongnam as well, she was ecstatic – in all honesty, he is the probably one of the few people on earth who had known her before she dedicated her life to pursuing a banking career. it’s funny, she thinks, no one would expect subin, out of everyone, to be friends with her. but somehow, it works and she really wouldn’t want it any other.
truthfully, yeeun is grateful for subin; he’s a reminder of easier, happier times and although she may grumble about impending deadlines and her schedule, she’s incredibly appreciative that subin continuously makes an effort to hang out and that he never takes no for an answer. (without him, yeeun would most likely be a robot working 24/7, only taking time off to eat good food, shop and party) and that probably explains why he’s in her room, on a tuesday night after yeeun complained about having to study accounting principles which were honestly mind-numbingly boring, with two tubs of ice-cream and shitty reality show recommendations.
before they settle in and watch whatever new bad tv show subin has chosen, yeeun realises she has a gift for subin – during one of her shopping sprees, she’d found this really cute choker that she thought would suit him. so, she dives into her drawers, searching frantically for it. instead, she finds something completely unexpected. it’s an old piece of paper, the edges fraying and there are childish scrawls on it. the writing’s barely intelligible after so many years, but yeeun can make out something along the lines of “we will marry each other if we are single at 21 years old” and two signatures, one she recognises as her own and the other, she squints, as… subin’s?
“oh my god!” yeeun squeals, laughter bursting from her lips. she turns to face subin, shoving the worn-out note in his line of vision. “subin, subin, look at what i found! do you remember this?”
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