#sgt engineering college
List of Engineering Courses at SGT University
SGT University is a private university located in Gurgaon, Haryana, India. It offers a range of engineering courses across different disciplines. Here is a list of engineering courses offered at SGT University:
Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) in:
Computer Science and Engineering
Information Technology
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Automobile Engineering
Master of Technology (M.Tech.) in:
Computer Science and Engineering
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in various engineering specializations.
Career opportunities for graduates in engineering from SGT University or any other reputable institution are diverse and can vary depending on the chosen specialization. Some potential career paths for engineering graduates include:
Software Engineer/Developer: Graduates with a specialization in computer science or information technology can work in software development companies, IT services firms, or technology startups.
Electronics Engineer: Graduates with a specialization in electronics and communication engineering can work in industries such as telecommunications, consumer electronics, semiconductor manufacturing, or defense.
Mechanical Engineer: Graduates with a specialization in mechanical engineering can find employment in industries such as automotive, aerospace, manufacturing, energy, or consulting firms.
Civil Engineer: Graduates with a specialization in civil engineering can pursue careers in construction and infrastructure companies, consulting firms, government agencies, or research organizations.
Electrical Engineer: Graduates with a specialization in electrical engineering can work in industries such as power generation and distribution, renewable energy, electrical equipment manufacturing, or telecommunications.
Automobile Engineer: Graduates with a specialization in automobile engineering can find opportunities in the automotive industry, including automobile manufacturing companies, research and development organizations, or automotive design firms.
Additionally, engineering graduates may also pursue higher education, research, or teaching positions. They can work in interdisciplinary fields, pursue entrepreneurship and start their own ventures, or engage in consultancy services. The career prospects for engineering graduates are generally promising, and they can contribute to technological advancements, innovation, and societal development.
SGT Engineering College in Gurgaon is best for the latest engineering course.
Admissions are open for engineering courses at SGT University. Apply now to book your seat today at https://admissions.sgtuniversity.ac.in/sgtu/
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The Faculty of Engineering & Technology (FEAT) has numerous UG & PG programmes viz. B Tech., BCA, M.Tech., MCA & Ph.D to tender students who are in search of value added knowledge in technical domain.
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johnwickb1tsch · 1 month
andar conmigo ~ epilogue
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A Walk in the Clouds/Don John crossover outline/fic- Paul Sutton x fem!Reader x Don John triangle ~ You grow up at Las Nubes vineyard, and have to go home to your dying father. You take your fake new husband, Sgt Paul Sutton, with you...Your old flame don John does not like this at all. Warnings: FLUFF chapter map
Author's Note: I just want to say a quick THANK YOU to everyone who followed along and supported this story! Girl Genius @scarlettspectra who helped me with the original idea, my utterly beloved @treedaddymcpuffpuff , the SWEETEST @sweetwolfcupcake (who fried my brain with that gif of Paul, thank u! 😘 , the always RAZOR sharp @discoscoob, the hilarious @lilithlinen , the insightful @reallongwire , emoji queen @thesecretlifeofmo , 🖤 @lonelyspadez and SO many others, I wouldn't have finished this without you, it wouldn't have been as much fun, and it CERTAINLY wouldn't be the fic it is without your amazing input!
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-You’re going to have to rewrite the train station scene in your story, because you take him with you at the platform, and you are smart enough not to let go. 
At first, you stay together in your tiny apartment with its fetching view of a brick wall. The arrangement was fine, if not a little cramped. You spend most of your time in bed, anyway, but you find you don’t mind sharing your space with Paul, or your cooking, or your time. Goddammit if Anjelica wasn’t right about that. 
But maybe he knows you better than you know yourself. 
Without you needing to ask, [and you’re not sure you even would have, truth be told], he eventually gets his own place. Yet, you are still inseparable, barring the hours you go to work, and he goes to school. 
You find that you are equally happy to have your own space back, yet unbearably restless for the next time you will get to see him. It is a strange medley to balance in your life, and a part of you hopes that someday maybe you really will score that apartment with enough room for the two of you, and a typewriter overlooking the Bay. 
On the odd days you do not see each other, he writes you a letter, and you always write him back. 
As it turns out, Paul Sutton likes things that go, and he enrolls to study engines at a technical college in San Francisco. 
The day he roars up to your apartment in a leather jacket on a Norton motorcycle with a big grin, you cannot help but laugh. It seems like a ridiculous machine, and yet after the first time he takes you for a ride–it becomes one of your favorite things to do with him. You tear up and down the coast in your free time, picnicking at the beach or beneath towering sequoia trees. 
You have both healed from your misadventure, withstanding the occasional cough, or the odd nightmare...on a whole, your life together is so sweet, and the irony does not escape you that on more than one occasion you have to restrain yourself from asking him to marry you. But Paul is starting to find himself, given time in which he’s not running between raindrops, enemy fire, or immediately jumping into the responsibility of supporting a wife and children. 
He does not always take you on his motorcycle trips, often going on long rides to clear his head. He says it helps ease his mind, when his memories from the war become too loud in his head.
Most of the time though, he seems content, and you are so happy for that. 
-The first time after he dropped into your office at the publishing house to bring you flowers, just because, bless that man, your boss asks, “So that’s Peter?” 
“No, that’s Paul,” you tease him, aware that your beau’s good looks have a certain effect upon both sexes, no matter their preferences. 
You’d let your superior read your manuscript of your book, after catching you working on it at your desk during a break. You decided to title it, “A Walk in the Clouds.”  You’re not getting your hopes up, as he hems and haws over it. He keeps proposing changes to the story that would be untenable to you, as well as writing under a man’s pen name, or a less Spanish-sounding surname, in the interest of appealing to a broader audience. Maybe someday, you’ll find an agent who will champion your vision, and a publisher who won’t hold it against you that you are an intelligent self-taught Hispanic woman with opinions that challenge the conformity of post-War America.  
Maybe someday, things will be better…
Until then, you’ll just have to keep writing. 
-A year later, the two of you are out to lunch at a North Beach café, when a slick-looking man in a dapper suit passes by your table, then does a double-take at Paul, who was engaged mid-bite with his open mouth over a fork full of pasta. 
“Hey kid,” he says. “Ever thought of being in movies?” 
Taken aback, Paul wipes his lips with his napkin, regarding the man quizzically. “Ah…no, never occurred to me,” he admits to the stranger with a quizzical lift of eyebrows. 
“You got the look. Call me.” The Hollywood man flips a card onto the table, then strolls off like he has somewhere important to be. 
Paul looks at you, then laughs, shaking his head as he looks at the card. He is so humble about his dashing good looks, finding it embarrassing when women slow down to ogle him on the street, (or in one amusing case–to you at least– trip over the sidewalk). 
“How silly,” he says with a little smile, tearing off a piece of bread. He’s playing it down, but you think you see a glitter of intrigue in those polished ebony eyes.
You shrug. “Who knows?” you say playfully. “You’re certainly the best-looking man I know.” 
After all this time, his cheeks still pink for you, his ears turning red at the tips. 
“Well, that’s all that matters to me,” he tells you, reaching across the table for your hand. You slide your fingers into his, so happy you could die. 
Afterwards you go for a stroll, hand in hand, looking in the windows of the shops and laughing together, your head on his shoulder.
It’s hard to imagine that life could get much sweeter than this. Deep down, a tiny, selfish part of you hopes he doesn’t call that Hollywood headhunter. How drastically would your life with him change, if he became a star on the silver screen?
That’s when you know you absolutely believe he’s got what it takes–and you beat back your ugly little fears, resolving that you won’t stand in his way, if he wants to try for it.
You realize you’re squeezing his hand too hard when he looks down at you with a question in his eyes. “Sorry,” you apologize, tilting your head for a kiss. 
He grants your request, and his soft lips on yours still curl your toes. He rests his forehead against yours with that little smile, just for you…and your fears go quiet, replaced by the soft glow this man always inspires in you. 
“Just in case you didn’t know…I would marry you in a heartbeat, if you ever change your mind about all that.” 
You blink, your heart a sparkling firework trapped in your chest. 
You have to try twice before you can find your voice. 
“I think…I would like that, Paul Sutton.” 
He laughs out loud, that beautiful sound that fuels you as surely as food or drink or air. He picks you up right in the middle of the sidewalk, spinning you around in a circle before his lips find yours again. 
Suddenly, you’re not worried about anything.
-Paul drops you off at your apartment after a lingering kiss before rumbling off on the Norton. He has to study up for a test on Monday, and you’ve found when you try to help him with his studies more often than not you just end up in bed together. 
There are worse things, but this is an important exam. You’re sure he’ll pass with flying colors, then you can reward him properly. 
You practically skip up the stairs, still giddy from earlier. Are you and Paul actually engaged? Promised to be engaged? Merely in talks? You’re not really sure, but it doesn’t matter. You’re together, and you feel like you have all the time in the world to figure it out. The whole country is in such a hurry now that the war has ended, but the two of you have learned you don’t mind taking your time.  
You almost step on a little lump of something left before your door. Puzzled, you pick it up. It reminds you of the handmade little ragdolls you and your sisters used to play with, made of cloth and thread and horse hair.  
But this toy is burned, half her hair singed away, her blackened face pulled in a terrible grimace. 
With a frown you lay it back to rest on the floor beside your door. 
Maybe the neighbor’s girl down the hall dropped her toy. She might want it back. If it’s still there tomorrow…you’ll throw it out. 
Your earlier elation dampered by a weird feeling weighing in your gut, you let yourself into your apartment, and go about the rest of your day. 
Yet as you sit down with your notebook and a cup of tea to warm the chill inside you, you cannot stop thinking about it. 
There’s no way in Hell that terrible man survived that fire… 
Is there? 
The End…
Or is it?👀
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justforbooks · 2 years
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Over the moonlit Sorpe dam in Germany the Lancaster bomber known as T-Tommy made nine aborted runs. Three dams, the Möhne and Sorpe in North Rhine-Westphalia, and the Eder in Hesse, were under attack from allied planes on the night of 16-17 May 1943.
Nine Royal Air Force Lancaster bombers were detailed to attack the Möhne and the Eder, five were held in reserve. Five of the nine were targeted on the Sorpe, but just one got through. T-Tommy was piloted by the sole American of 617 Squadron, Flt Lt Joe McCarthy. His bomb-aimer, Sgt George “Johnny” Johnson, who has died aged 101, was the last survivor of the raid. McCarthy was the only officer among the seven-strong crew.
“On the tenth run in,” wrote Johnson “both Joe and I were satisfied we were right on track. I pushed the button and called ‘bomb gone’. And from the rear turret was heard, ‘thank Christ for that’.”
The Dambusters’ bouncing bomb technique, invented by the engineer Barnes Wallis, could not be used on the Sorpe. It had to be dropped by T-Tommy halfway along the length of the dam. In The Last British Dambuster (2014), Johnson wrote that he was convinced he heard Wallis say: “It would take six bombs to crack the Sorpe.”
The dam was hit above the waterline, but not seriously so. However, flying back, at near-ground altitude, Johnson could see that the Möhne, like the Eder, had been severely breached. Just before 3.30am T-Tommy’s crew were back on the ground at RAF Scampton, Lincolnshire.
Some 133 fliers took part in the raid; 53 of them never returned, and three became prisoners of war. Around 1,300 people died in the resulting floods, the majority of them slave labourers from the Soviet Union. The Nazi minister of armaments, Albert Speer, observed later that to make the Möhne-Katastrophe truly successful the RAF should have conducted further raids.
Born in the Lincolnshire village of Hameringham, George was the fifth son and last child of Charles Johnson, a farm worker, and Mary Ellen (nee Henfrey), who died just before George’s third birthday.
He remembered a brutal early childhood, thanks to his father. He was raised by his sister, Lena – his salvation, he wrote later. By 1926 all his brothers had left home and, soon after a move to Langford in Nottinghamshire, Lena went into service, and Johnson Sr married a “vicious and hellish woman”, as Johnson Jr recalled her, who left in summer 1928. George was initially educated at a primary school in nearby Winthorpe, and with the full-time return of his sister, life began to improve.
At the age of 11 he won a boarding place to Lord Wandsworth college in Long Sutton, Hampshire. In December 1939 he left it with his school certificate. Having volunteered for the RAF in 1940, by early 1941 he was in Torquay, Devon, and met his wife-to-be, Gwyneth Morgan. She and her family were to be a great influence on his life.
The RAF supplied his “Johnny” nickname. Having failed a pilot’s course in Florida, once back in Britain Johnson moved to air gunnery, and in July 1942 was posted to 97 Squadron in Woodhall Spa, Lincolnshire. There he stayed until spring 1943, initially as a “spare gunner”. During those months, raids took him across Germany and down into Italy.
It was in 1942 that planners separated the roles of navigator and bomb-aimer, for the RAF’s three new four-engined bombers, the Stirling, the Halifax and the Lancaster. The normal crew of a Lancaster was seven: pilot, flight engineer, navigator, wireless operator, mid-upper gunner (missing on 617’s Lancasters), “tail-end charlie” gunner, and, from that year, bomb aimer-cum-front turret gunner. “The difference in pay was from 7 shillings and 6 pence to 12 shillings and 6 pence,” Johnson wrote. “I thought I would have a go.” He took the bomb–aimer’s course. Then he was back on 97 Squadron, “this time as a spare bomb-aimer”.
Soon after, McCarthy, then a pilot officer, was looking for a new bomb-aimer. An initial suspicion from Johnson, wary of his experiences with Americans, gave way to respect. He would come to believe that the Long Islander was the best pilot in 617 Squadron.
Meanwhile he joined his 97 Squadron crew, and on the night of 22-23 December 1942 flew on his first sortie, to Nuremberg. Nineteen raids followed, mostly to Germany, but also taking in Turin, Italy, and the Nazi U-boat pens of Saint-Nazaire, western France.
Then, in mid-March 1943, Wg Cmdr Guy Gibson, commander of 106 Squadron, and known to many of his 106 crews as the “Arch Bastard”, was called to the HQ of 5 Group, in Grantham, Lincolnshire.
There Gibson was asked, according to his own account in Enemy Coast Ahead (1946), by the 5 Group commander, Ralph Cochrane, how he would “like the idea of doing one more trip”? Gibson got the job of heading “Squadron X”, based at Scampton, just north of Lincoln. The squadron would spend two months practising flying Lancasters at very low levels, down to 100ft, and then 60ft.
Among the pilots selected by Gibson was McCarthy. The American asked his crew whether they wished to join X. And that is how Johnson, the Lincolnshire lad, joined what became the most famous squadron in the RAF. For Johnson the next problem was his wedding, scheduled for 3 May 1943, but all leave had been cancelled. McCarthy appealed to Gibson, and Johnson got his wedding.
After the dams raid he was commissioned as an officer and awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. With McCarthy he took part in a further 19 raids, before becoming an instructor. After the war, as a navigator, he remained in the RAF, flying Lincoln bombers and Shackleton naval patrol planes.
Sqn Ldr Johnson quit the RAF in 1962. He then became a teacher, first of primary children, then in adult education, working with people with mental health problems.
In retirement he lived in Torquay, and then Bristol. He was active in local Conservative politics, and in 2017 was appointed MBE. That year too he received an honorary doctorate from the University of Lincoln, and the following year had a train named after him.
Gwyneth died in 2005. Johnson is survived by three children, eight grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren.
🔔 George Leonard “Johnny” Johnson, airman, born 25 November 1921; died 7 December 2022
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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sgtuniversityggn · 1 year
Best colleges for BCA in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
BCA in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning: Starting the Journey into AI & ML
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have become crucial technologies across various industries. They have changed the way we work, and interact with technology. Pursuing a Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning meets the growing demand for professionals who possess a strong foundation in both AI and ML.
In this article, we will explore the significance of BCA in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and how it can shape your career.
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Introduction to BCA in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
BCA in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is a 3 year UG course that combines computer science with AI and ML concepts. It is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the theoretical foundations and practical applications of AI and ML technologies.
This program equips students with the skills required to develop intelligent systems, analyze complex data sets, and build predictive models using ML algorithms.
BCA in AI & ML Syllabus
The curriculum of BCA in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is carefully crafted to provide students with a strong foundation in computer science, programming, mathematics, and statistics. Additionally, it includes specialized courses in AI and ML, covering topics such as:
Data Structures and Algorithms
Probability and Statistics
Data Mining and Data Warehousing
Deep Learning
Natural Language Processing
Computer Vision
Reinforcement Learning
Big Data Analytics
Cloud Computing
Learn more about the complete BCA in AI and ML syllabus at SGT University.
Job Opportunities for BCA in AI & ML Graduates
Upon completing BCA in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, graduates can explore various career opportunities in both established companies and startups. Some of the common jobs in this field include:
AI Engineer
Machine Learning Engineer
Data Scientist
Business Intelligence Analyst
AI Researcher
Robotics Engineer
Data Analyst
Software Developer
Data Engineer
Salary Potential
BCA graduates in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning can expect competitive salaries due to the high demand for AI and ML professionals. Entry-level positions typically offer salaries ranging from 6 to 8 LPA according to Upgrad.
Future Scope of BCA in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
The future scope of BCA in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is promising.
As AI and ML continue to advance and permeate various sectors, the demand for skilled professionals in this field will only increase.
Industries such as healthcare, finance, retail, manufacturing, and transportation are actively adopting AI and ML technologies, creating a wealth of opportunities for BCA graduates.
How to Excel in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Studies
To excel in BCA studies, follow these tips:
Stay Updated: Keep up with the latest advancements in AI and ML through academic journals, conferences, and online resources.
Practice Coding: Develop proficiency in programming languages commonly used in AI and ML, such as Python and R.
Hands-on Projects: Engage in practical projects to apply theoretical knowledge and build a strong portfolio.
Collaborate and Network: Join AI and ML communities, attend meetups, and participate in hackathons to collaborate with peers and learn from experts.
Continuous Learning: Embrace continuous learning to stay relevant in the rapidly evolving field of AI and ML.
Why Study BCA in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning from SGT University?
The following reasons make SGT University the best colleges for BCA in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning:
A future-proof career in technology.
Specialization in AI and ML.
Expertise in cutting-edge technologies.
Strong industry demand for graduates.
Access to renowned faculty and resources.
Networking with industry professionals.
Gateway to innovation and research.
BCA in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning offers a comprehensive education that combines computer science with AI and ML concepts.
With the increasing demand for AI and ML professionals, pursuing BCA in this domain can open up exciting career opportunities and provide a strong foundation for future growth.
Enroll now at SGT University to learn this course.
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sgtengineering · 3 months
Engineer Your Future: Best Engineering College in Gurgaon
Engineer your own path to success. The area of engineering is extremely broad and complex, influencing our surroundings. Everything from the homes and workplaces we occupy to the vehicles we drive, the everyday technologies we use, and the pure water we consume depends on the innovative thinking and problem-solving abilities of engineers. An engineering degree can be the best choice for you if you appreciate tackling difficult problems, have an analytical attitude, and want to develop solutions that enhance people's lives.
If you have a passion for using innovation, creativity, math, and science to develop solutions to global challenges, then engineering could be an incredibly rewarding career path to consider. Build your future with engineering courses with the help of SGT University, the best engineering college in Gurugram.
What do Engineering Courses include?
University-level engineering programmes usually offer a thorough curriculum that addresses the following topics:
1. Fundamental Sciences:
Mathematics (Calculus, Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, Statistics)
Physics (Mechanics, Electromagnetism, Thermodynamics)
2. Engineering Sciences:
Statics and Dynamics
Mechanics of Materials
Fluid Mechanics
Electrical Circuits
Materials Science
Engineering Economics
3. Discipline-Specific Courses:
Civil Engineering: Structural Analysis, Concrete and Steel Design, Transportation Engineering, and Environmental Engineering
Mechanical Engineering: Machine Design, Heat Transfer, HVAC, and Manufacturing Processes
Electrical Engineering: Electronics, Digital Systems, Control Systems, and Power Systems
Computer Engineering: Computer Architecture, Operating Systems, and Computer Networks
Chemical Engineering: Reactor Design, Process Dynamics and Control, Separation Processes
4. Engineering Design and Projects:
Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
Engineering Graphics and Design
Capstone Design Projects
Design of Experiments
5. Laboratory and Practical Courses:
Materials Testing Lab
Fluid Mechanics Lab
Electronics Lab
Instrumentation and Measurements
6. General Education Courses:
Technical Writing and Communication
Engineering Ethics and Professionalism
Economics and Management
Additionally, a lot of engineering programmes include experiential learning opportunities for students through cooperatives, which are internships, competitions, or student design teams. Students can apply their theoretical understanding to actual engineering challenges through these hands-on experiences, which also help them develop important professional skills.
The specific courses and their depth may vary depending on the engineering discipline and the university's curriculum. However, the general structure aims to provide a solid foundation in mathematics, sciences, and engineering principles, along with specialized knowledge and practical experience in the chosen field of study.
Why is SGT University the Best Engineering College in Gurgaon?
The best B.Tech college in Gurgaon, SGT University Faculty of Engineering and Technology, offers a B.Tech course program. The UGC recognized SGT University, which was founded in 2013 with the main goals of advancing research, innovation, and multidisciplinary education. SGT University is recognized by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) with an A+ ranking, which spans more than 70 acres. Its vision is to encourage brilliant individuals through value-based, cross-cultural, integrated, and holistic education that employs modern and advanced techniques combined with ethical ideals to contribute to the development of a peaceful and sustainable global civilization. It is considered one of the best B.Tech. colleges in Gurgaon.
Admission Procedure
The admissions process for engineering courses varies college-wise. But the admission process at SGT University, the best engineering college in Gurgaon, is very simple. All you need to do is first go to the official website of SGT University, the best engineering college in Gurgaon. Then fill out the application form, and there will be a personal interview through assessment, during which your seat will be reserved and you will be ready to proceed in your career.
List of Bachelor in Engineering Courses
The list of courses provided in the Bachelors in Engineering program by SGT University, the best B.Tech college in Gurgaon:
Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science & Engineering)
Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering)
Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering)
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering)
An undergraduate degree programme that focuses on the study of computer systems, software development, and their applications in diverse sectors.
B. Tech (Computer Science and Engineering) Course Admission Eligibility
To be eligible for admission in the B.Tech course, a candidate must have passed their 10+2 with Physics/Mathematics/Chemistry/Computer Science/Electronics/Information Technology/Biology/Informatics Practices/Biotechnology/Technical Vocational subject/Agriculture/Engineering Graphics/Business Studies/Entrepreneurship. (Any of the three) Obtained at least 60% marks in the above subjects taken together. OR Passed a minimum 3 diploma examination with at least 60% marks, subject to vacancies in the first year in case the vacancies at lateral entry are exhausted.
B. Tech (Computer Science and Engineering) Course Fee Structure
The total fee (per annum) for pursuing the B.Tech course program is INR 2,30,000, and for specialization, it is INR 2,80,000 at SGT University, the best B.Tech college in Gurgaon. It also provides a scholarship based on your exam scores.
Curriculum of B.Tech. (Computer Science and Engineering)
The B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering curriculum is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in computer science principles, programming skills, and hands-on experience in various areas of software development and system design.
Subjects Covered in the Course:
Fundamental Sciences
Engineering Sciences
Discipline-Specific Courses
Engineering Design and Projects
Laboratory and Practical Courses
General Education Courses
Career after B.Tech. (Computer Science and Engineering)
After completing a B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering, graduates are prepared for careers in:
Software development
System administration
Network administration
Database management
They can also pursue higher studies such as M.Tech., M.S., or Ph.D. in specialized areas of computer science.
Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering)
An undergraduate degree program focused on the design, construction, and maintenance of various infrastructure projects and systems.
B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Course Admission Eligibility
To be eligible for admission in the B.Tech course, a candidate must have passed their 10+2 with 60% Marks with Physics and Mathematics as compulsory subjects, along with any one out of Chemistry/Biotechnology/Biology/Technical Vocational Subject/Computer Science/Information Technology/Informatics Practices/Agriculture/Engineering Graphics/Business Studies.
LATERAL ENTRY: Diploma with at least 60% marks in the appropriate branch of Engineering & Technology or Bachelor of Science with 60% marks and passed Mathematics at the level of 10+2 or Bachelor of Science stream with condition to pass Engineering Graphics/Engineering Drawing/Engineering Mechanics of the First Year in the Second Year of Study or C. Voc. stream in the same or allied sector.
B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Course Fee Structure
The total fee (per annum) for pursuing the B.Tech course program is INR 1,40,000, at SGT University, the best B.Tech college in Gurgaon. It also provides a scholarship based on your exam scores.
Curriculum of B.Tech (Civil Engineering)
The B.Tech. Civil Engineering curriculum is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in the principles of civil engineering, including the analysis, design, and construction of various structures and infrastructure systems. The program covers a wide range of topics, from structural design and construction materials to transportation systems, environmental engineering, and project management.
Subjects Covered in the Course:
Construction Materials and Technology
Environmental Engineering
Hydraulics and Water Resources Engineering
Reinforced Concrete Design
Structural Analysis and Design
Steel Structure Design
Surveying and Geomatics
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
Transportation Engineering
Mathematics and Basic Sciences:
Differential Equations
Linear Algebra
Career after B.Tech. (Civil Engineering)
After completing a B.Tech in Civil Engineering, graduates are prepared for careers in:
Construction companies
Consulting firms
Government agencies
They can also pursue higher studies, such as a M.Tech. or Ph.D., in specialized areas of civil engineering like structural engineering, transportation engineering, geotechnical engineering, or construction management.
Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering)
An undergraduate degree program that focuses on the study of mechanical systems, their design, analysis, and manufacturing processes.
B. Tech (Mechanical Engineering) Course Admission Eligibility
To be eligible for admission in the B.Tech course, a candidate must have passed their 10+2 with 60% Marks with Physics and Mathematics as compulsory subjects, along with any one out of Chemistry/Biotechnology/Biology/Technical Vocational Subject/Computer Science/Information Technology/Informatics Practices/Agriculture/Engineering Graphics/Business Studies.
LATERAL ENTRY: Diploma with at least 60% marks in the appropriate branch of Engineering & Technology or Bachelor of Science with 60% marks and passed Mathematics at the level of 10+2 or Bachelor of Science stream with condition to pass Engineering Graphics/Engineering Drawing/Engineering Mechanics the First Year in the Second Year of Study or C. Voc. stream in the same or allied sector.
B. Tech (Mechanical Engineering) Course Fee Structure
The total fee (per annum) for pursuing the B.Tech course program is INR 1,40,000, at SGT University, the best B.Tech college in Gurgaon. It also provides a scholarship based on your exam scores.
Curriculum of B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)
The B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering curriculum is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in mechanics, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and materials science, as well as expertise in designing, analyzing, and manufacturing mechanical systems and components.
Subjects Covered in the Course:
Engineering Mechanics (Statics, Dynamics, Strength of Materials)
Fluid Mechanics
Heat Transfer
Machine Design
Manufacturing Processes
Mechanical Vibrations
Control Systems
Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
Mathematics and Basic Sciences:
Differential Equations
Linear Algebra
Career after B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)
After completing a B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering, graduates are prepared for careers in various industries, such as:
Renewable energy sector
They can work as:
Mechanical engineers
Design engineers
Production engineers
Quality control engineers
They can also pursue higher studies, such as a M.Tech. or Ph.D. in specialized areas of mechanical engineering.
Bachelor of Computer Applications
An undergraduate degree program that focuses on equipping students with practical skills and knowledge in computer applications, software development, and information technology.
B. Tech (Computer Applications) Course Admission Eligibility
To be eligible for admission in the B.Tech course, a candidate must have passed their 10+2 with 60% marks in aggregate with English as one of the subjects.
B. Tech (Computer Applications) Course Fee Structure
The total fee (per annum) for pursuing the B.Tech course program is INR 1,50,000, at SGT University, the best B.Tech college in Gurgaon. It also provides a scholarship based on your exam scores.
Curriculum of B.Tech. (Computer Applications)
The BCA curriculum is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in computer programming, software development methodologies, and various computer applications used in business and industry. The program combines computer science concepts with practical skills in software development, web technologies, database management, and IT project management.
Subjects Covered in the Course:
Programming Languages (C, C++, Java, Python)
Data Structures and Algorithms
Computer Organization and Architecture
Operating Systems
Database Management Systems
Computer Networks
Software Engineering
Web Technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
Career after B.Tech. (Computer Applications)
After completing a BCA degree, graduates are prepared for careers in various roles, such as:
Software developer
Web developer
Database administrator
Computer systems analyst
IT project manager
Business analyst
Computer applications consultant
List of Masters in Engineering Courses
The list of courses provided in the Masters in Engineering program by SGT University, the best M.Tech college in Delhi, NCR:
Masters of Technology (Computer Science & Engineering)
Masters of Technology (Civil Engineering)
Masters of Technology (Mechanical Engineering)
Masters of Computer Applications (MCA)
Masters of Technology (Computer Science & Engineering)
A postgraduate degree program that delves deeper into the advanced concepts and specialized areas of computer science and engineering.
M. Tech (Computer Science & Engineering) Course Admission Eligibility
To be eligible for admission in the M.Tech. course, a candidate must have a bachelor's degree or equivalent in the relevant field with 55% marks.
M. Tech (Computer Science & Engineering) Course Fee Structure
The total fee (per semester) for pursuing the M.Tech course program is INR 50,000, at SGT University, best M.Tech college in Gurgaon. It also provides a scholarship based on your exam scores.
Curriculum of M.Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering)
The specific curriculum is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in computer science principles, programming skills, and hands-on experience in various areas of software development and system design.
Career after M.Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering)
After completing an M.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering, graduates can pursue careers in diverse roles, such as:
AI/ML Engineer
Academic/Research Faculty
Cloud Architect
Computer Vision Engineer
Cybersecurity Specialist
Data Scientist
Research Scientist
Software Architect
Many graduates also choose to continue their research and pursue a Ph.D. in computer science, engineering, or related fields, contributing to the advancement of knowledge and innovation in the field.
Masters of Technology (Civil Engineering)
A postgraduate degree program that provides advanced knowledge and specialized training in various domains of civil engineering.
M. Tech (Civil Engineering) Course Admission Eligibility
To be eligible for admission in the M.Tech. course, a candidate must have a bachelor's degree or equivalent in the relevant field with 55% marks.
M. Tech (Civil Engineering) Course Fee Structure
The total fee (per semester) for pursuing the M.Tech course program is INR 50,000, at SGT University, the best M.Tech college in Haryana. It also provides a scholarship based on your exam scores.
Curriculum of M.Tech. (Civil Engineering)
The Master's program in Civil Engineering curriculum is designed to provide students with advanced theoretical knowledge and practical skills in various specializations within civil engineering, such as structural engineering, geotechnical engineering, transportation engineering, environmental engineering, and construction management.
Career after M.Tech. (Civil Engineering)
After completing an M.Tech. in civil engineering, graduates can pursue careers in diverse roles, such as:
Structural Design Engineer
Geotechnical Engineer
Transportation Planning Engineer
Environmental Engineer
Construction Project Manager
Academic/Research Faculty
Many graduates also choose to continue their research and pursue a Ph.D. in specialized areas of civil engineering like structural engineering, transportation engineering, geotechnical engineering, or construction management.
Masters of Technology (Mechanical Engineering)
A postgraduate degree program that provides advanced knowledge and specialized training in various domains of mechanical engineering.
M. Tech (Mechanical Engineering) Course Admission Eligibility
To be eligible for admission in the M.Tech. course, a candidate must have a bachelor's degree or equivalent in the relevant field with 55% marks.
M. Tech (Mechanical Engineering) Course Fee Structure
The total fee (per semester) for pursuing the M.Tech course program is INR 50,000, at SGT University, the best M.Tech college in Delhi, NCR. It also provides a scholarship based on your exam scores.
Curriculum of M.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)
The M.Tech. Mechanical Engineering curriculum is designed to provide students with advanced theoretical knowledge and practical skills in various specializations within mechanical engineering, such as mechanics, thermal sciences, design and manufacturing, robotics, and energy systems.
Career after M.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)
After completing an M.Tech in Mechanical Engineering, graduates can pursue careers in diverse roles, such as:
Mechanical Design Engineer
Automotive Engineer
Robotics and Automation Engineer
Energy Systems Engineer
Manufacturing and Production Engineer
Academic/Research Faculty
Many graduates also choose to continue their research and pursue a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering or related fields, contributing to the advancement of knowledge and innovation in areas like advanced materials, sustainable energy technologies, or intelligent manufacturing systems.
Masters of Computer Applications
A postgraduate degree program that focuses on providing advanced knowledge and practical skills in computer applications, software development, and information technology.
M. Tech (Computer Applications) Course Admission Eligibility
To be eligible for admission in the M.Tech. course, a candidate must have a bachelor's degree or equivalent in the relevant field with 55% marks.
M. Tech (Computer Applications) Course Fee Structure
The total fee (per semester) for pursuing the M.Tech course program is INR 50,000, at SGT University, the best M.Tech college in Delhi, NCR. It also provides a scholarship based on your exam scores.
Curriculum of M.Tech. (Computer Applications)
The MCA curriculum is designed to provide students with advanced knowledge and skills in various aspects of computer applications, software engineering, and emerging technologies. It builds upon the foundational concepts learned in undergraduate programs like BCA or B.Sc. Computer Science.
Career after M.Tech. (Computer Applications)
After completing an MCA degree, graduates can pursue careers in various roles, such as:
Software Developer
Software Architect
Mobile Application Developer
Web Developer
Database Administrator
IT Project Manager
System Analyst
Business Intelligence Analyst
Many graduates also choose to continue their research and pursue a Ph.D. in various roles, such as: software developer, web developer, and database administrator. Computer systems analyst, IT project manager, business analyst, and computer applications consultant.
List of Ph.D. Engineering Courses
The list of courses provided in the Ph.D. in Engineering program by SGT University, the best Ph.D. college in Haryana:
Doctor of Philosophy (Computer Science & Engineering)
Doctor of Philosophy (Civil Engineering)
Doctor of Philosophy (Mechanical Engineering)
Doctor of Philosophy (Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Doctor of Philosophy (Computer Science & Engineering)
A doctoral degree program that focuses on advanced research and the creation of new knowledge in the fields of computer science and engineering.
Ph.D. (Computer Science and Engineering) Course Admission Eligibility
To be eligible for admission in the Ph.D. course, a candidate must have a Master of Technology in the concerned specialization with 55% marks.
Ph.D. (Computer Science and Engineering) Course Fee Structure
The total fee (per annum) for pursuing the Ph.D. course program is INR 1,50,000 at SGT University, the best Ph.D. college in Haryana.
Curriculum for Ph.D. (Computer Science and Engineering)
The Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering curriculum is designed to train students to become independent researchers, capable of contributing to the advancement of knowledge in various areas of computer science and engineering. The program emphasizes developing critical thinking, problem-solving, and research skills, as well as expertise in a specific area of specialization.
Career after Ph.D. (Computer Science and Engineering)
After completing a Ph.D. in computer science and engineering, graduates can pursue careers in:
Academia as professors and researchers
Government organizations
Technology companies
Work in research laboratories
They can contribute to the advancement of knowledge and innovation in their areas of specialization, as well as mentor and train future generations of computer scientists and engineers.
Doctor of Philosophy (Civil Engineering)
A doctoral degree program that focuses on advanced research and the creation of new knowledge in the field of civil engineering.
Ph.D. (Civil Engineering) Course Admission Eligibility
To be eligible for admission in the Ph.D. course, a candidate must have a Master of Technology in the concerned specialization with 55% marks.
Ph.D. (Civil Engineering) Course Fee Structure
The total fee (per annum) for pursuing the Ph.D. course program is INR 1,50,000 at SGT University, the best Ph.D. college in Haryana.
Curriculum for Ph.D. (Civil Engineering)
The Ph.D. in Civil Engineering curriculum is designed to train students to become independent researchers, capable of contributing to the advancement of knowledge in various areas of civil engineering. The program emphasizes developing critical thinking, problem-solving, and research skills, as well as expertise in a specific area of specialization.
Career after Ph.D. (Civil Engineering)
After completing a Ph.D. in civil engineering, graduates can pursue careers in:
Academia as professors and researchers
Consulting firms
Construction companies
Government agencies
Technology companies
Work in research laboratories
They can contribute to the advancement of knowledge and innovation in their areas of specialization, as well as mentor and train future generations of civil engineers.
Doctor of Philosophy (Mechanical Engineering)
A doctoral degree program that focuses on advanced research and the creation of new knowledge in the field of mechanical engineering.
Ph.D. (Mechanical Engineering) Course Admission Eligibility
To be eligible for admission in the Ph.D. course, a candidate must have a Master of Technology in the concerned specialization with 55% marks.
Ph.D. (Mechanical Engineering) Course Fee Structure
The total fee (per annum) for pursuing the Ph.D. course program is INR 1,50,000 at SGT University, the best Ph.D. college in Haryana.
Curriculum for Ph.D. (Mechanical Engineering)
The Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering curriculum is designed to train students to become independent researchers, capable of contributing to the advancement of knowledge in various areas of mechanical engineering. The program emphasizes developing critical thinking, problem-solving, and research skills, as well as expertise in a specific area of specialization.
Career after Ph.D. (Mechanical Engineering)
After completing a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering, graduates can pursue careers in:
Academia as professors and researchers
Consulting firms
Construction companies
Government agencies
Technology companies
Work in research laboratories
They can contribute to the advancement of knowledge and innovation in their areas of specialization, as well as mentor and train future generations of mechanical engineers.
Doctor of Philosophy (Electronics and Communication Engineering)
A doctoral degree program that focuses on advanced research and the creation of new knowledge in the fields of electronics, communication systems, and related areas.
Ph.D. (Electronics and Communication Engineering) Course Admission Eligibility
To be eligible for admission in the Ph.D. course, a candidate must have a Master of Technology in the concerned specialization with 55% marks.
Ph.D. (Electronics and Communication Engineering) Course Fee Structure
The total fee (per annum) for pursuing the Ph.D. course program is INR 1,50,000 at SGT University, the best Ph.D. college in Haryana.
Curriculum for Ph.D. (Electronics and Communication Engineering)
The Ph.D. in Electronics and Communication Engineering program is designed to train students to become independent researchers, capable of contributing to the advancement of knowledge in various areas of electronics, communication systems, and related fields. The program emphasizes developing critical thinking, problem-solving, and research skills, as well as expertise in a specific area of specialization.
Career after Ph.D. (Electronics and Communication Engineering)
After completing a Ph.D. in electronics and communication engineering, graduates can pursue careers in:
Academia as professors and researchers
Consulting firms
Construction companies
Government agencies
Semiconductor industries
Technology companies
Telecommunications companies
Work in research laboratories
They can contribute to the advancement of knowledge and innovation in their areas of specialization, as well as mentor and train future generations of electronics and communication engineers.
Engineering is a challenging and rewarding field that offers numerous opportunities for personal and professional growth. By pursuing an engineering degree from SGT University, the best university in Delhi NCR, you'll develop a unique blend of technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and critical thinking that are highly valued across various industries.
Now is the right moment to pursue an engineering degree from SGT University, the best engineering college in Delhi, NCR, if you have a strong sense of curiosity, a good aptitude for math and science, and a willingness to rise to the challenges that come with it. Apply for an engineering program and embark on a journey that will not only shape your future but also contribute to the advancement of our world, with the help of SGT University, the best engineering college in Haryana.
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Expert Interviews: Insights from Professors at India's Best Universities
It's quite uncommon for us to perceive an educational institution from an educator's perspective. We often regard them as mere providers of knowledge, overlooking the fact that they are individuals with well-informed viewpoints, extensive experience, and a keen ability to identify both outstanding students and reputable colleges.
In this article, we get to talk to professors from one of India’s best universities, Shree Guru Gobind Singh Tricentenary University in Gurugram, Haryana, and ask them about their background, how they landed up at SGTU, and what they like about their current place of work. The names were promised to be kept anonymous in order to ensure honesty in the answers.
Their words were illuminating and should help you all understand what a top-notch university really looks like and what to look out for when applying to a college yourself.
1)     Name: Professor X
Years of Experience: 24
Program taught at: Faculty of Engineering and Technology
SGT University is not just a workplace; it's a vibrant academic ecosystem that encourages growth and excellence. I am glad to have found my way here, after spending nearly two decades in the corporate sector as a Systems Engineer. Aside from getting the opportunity to teach some amazing young minds, the university allowed me to complete a Ph.D. and fully pursue my research interests, which I never thought was possible after all this time. The strong support from my colleagues has made my experience here even more fulfilling. I can proudly say that I am contributing and growing at the best engineering university in Haryana.
2)     Name: Professor C
Years of Experience: 12
Program taught at: Faculty of Indian Medical System
It was a bold step for people like me to pursue a career in Ayurveda, even a decade ago, when it was still not given the respect it deserved as a field of science. When institutions like SGT University decided to introduce a whole new wing dedicated to Ayurveda, I immediately decided to jump ship from practicing to educating. The institution's commitment to academic excellence is evident in every aspect of its operations. Both faculty and students receive unmatched assistance and resources. I am so happy to have been here since the program's inception and to have watched us develop into the best Ayurveda university in Delhi-NCR and the best BAMS university in Haryana.
3)     Name: Professor P
Years of Experience: 34
Program taught at: Faculty of Hotel and Tourism Management
It's an absolute pleasure to be a part of one of the best hotel management colleges in Gurgaon, SGT University. I have grown to greatly value the university's unwavering dedication to developing its students into industry leaders. Our state-of-the-art mock facilities, culinary labs, and industry partnerships have allowed me to provide our students with real-world insights and practical skills that are highly sought after in the hospitality sector. I never thought I would enjoy teaching so much, but with the brilliant aspirants at SGTU, it is just ever so easy.
4)     Name: Professor N
Years of Experience: 16
The program taught at: Faculty of Fashion and Design
Working for a top design house all those years, the favorite part of the job for me was being able to guide all the interns that used to work with us. Teaching them about the workings of the industry never got repetitive or boring for me. In a way, I was always meant to be an educator, and I am very happy that I got this opportunity at one of the best fashion design colleges in Haryana. I am honored to work for a university that is influencing the direction of the fashion industry and turning out designers who are imaginative, socially responsible, and ready to leave their mark.
A career as a teacher has its stresses, but it can be extremely rewarding too, especially if done with the right institution. Seeing the extensive experience of the educators here, combined with all the resources available to them, it is of little surprise that SGTU is looked at by many as one of the best universities in India.
Find more at: https://sgtuniversity.ac.in/
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dramatisperscnae · 1 year
Bucky Verse: To Everything There Is A Season
Because I’m starting to collect them and it’s easier to have a single post with detailed info than it is to make multiple posts about each one. Their titles will be their tags on this blog [e.g. bucky verse: crack shot]
Verse: Little Soldier Boy - Modern Military [unspecified]
Sgt. James Buchanan Barnes of the United States Army. Generic military AU. He’s a sharpshooter with multiple awards for his skill with firearms, but he’s still mostly just another grunt.
Verse: Crack Shot - Modern Military [SpecOps]
James Buchanan ‘Bucky’ Barnes, best sniper the US has ever seen. Recruited to the SOG from the Army Rangers based on his capability with a rifle and his skill at going unnoticed in the field. Note that in all subsequent AUs where he is a veteran, the chance is high that this is the background from which he’s come.
Verse: College Days - College/University
Bucky Barnes, college student, major as yet undecided though he’s leaning a little towards engineering, probably mechanical but maybe electrical. He’s on the school baseball team - his scholarship depends on it; he’s one of the best center fielders currently playing at the collegiate level - as well as being a fairly active member of the local swing dance club.
Verse: Summer Model - Modeling
This can go hand-in-hand with College Days but can easily stand on its own: James ‘Bucky’ Barnes, life model. Either he’s working as a model for some extra cash during college or he’s found himself swept up into the world of art and fashion. Regardless of which one, he’s a fairly popular subject for paintings, drawings, and photoshoots.
Verse: Gearhead - Mechanic
Retired - or at least on temporary furlough - from the military[see Crack Shot, above] but hating having nothing to do, Bucky Barnes has settled in a tiny town somewhere in US Flyover Country and opened up an auto garage. It keeps him busy and allows him to tinker with old cars now and then. Plus the life here is peaceful and mostly quiet; no one asks too many questions. He likes it that way.
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saiprasad22 · 1 year
My College Buddy is a comprehensive search engine that provides information for students, parents, and education industry players. A center for higher education institutions, Gurgaon, also known as Gurugram, is a city in the Indian state of Haryana. Several reputable schools and institutions in the city provide a wide selection of courses in many different subject areas. In terms of B.Ed. colleges, Gurgaon is home to some of the greatest schools in the nation.
Ansal University
Starex University
Dronacharya College Of Education
K.R. Mangalam University
Gurgaon College Of Education
SGT University
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facultytick · 1 year
Teaching Faculty Jobs 14 Apr 2023 Announcement & Interview Notification By Faculty Tick
SR University invites eligible candidates for appearing in Walk in interview for the following Teaching Faculty posts
Applications are invited for faculty positions from eligible candidates at the level of Professor/ Associate Professor /Assistant Professor
Rayat-Bahra Institute of Management Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following post of Head and Teaching Faculty Recruitment
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Head/ Professor/Associate Professor/ Assistant professor post
Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following Teaching Faculty Recruitment
Applications are invited for faculty positions from eligible candidates at the level of Professor/ Associate Professor /Assistant Professor
Bandari Srinivas Institute of Technology (BSIT) Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following post of Teaching Faculty and Non Teaching Recruitment
Vacancy for the Post of Principal/ Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor/ Computer Programmers/System Administrator/ Administrative Officer / Librarian/ Library Assistants / Lab Assistants
Indian Maritime University Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following post of Teaching Faculty (Direct Recruitment)
Online applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Associate Professors and Assistant Professors post
Godavari Institute of Engineering and Technology Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following Teaching Faculty and Non Teaching Recruitment
Vacancy for the Post of Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor/ Senior Professors / Technical Trainers/ Marketing Executives / Admission Officers / Counsellors / Office Assistants / Hostel Wardens / Lab Technicians / Assistants / Programmers
Newman College Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following post of Guest Lecturer Recruitment
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Guest Lecturer post
Shri Rawatpura Sarkar University (SRU) Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following Teaching Faculty and Non Teaching Recruitment
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Professor / Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor/Lecturer/ Visiting Faculty post
Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology and Applied Nutrition, Brambe, IHM Ranchi Invitation Application for the Post of Various teaching Faculty post
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Lecturer / Assistant Lecturer/ Teaching Associate post
Prasad V. Potluri Siddhartha Institute of Technology Applications are invited from eligible candidates with necessary academic experience for the following Faculty Recruitment
Applications are invited for faculty positions from eligible candidates at the level of Professor/ Associate Professor /Assistant Professor
Parvathy’s Arts and Science College Dindigul, Tamil Nadu Invites Application for the following Post of Assistant Professor and Part Time Lawyer Recruitment
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Assistant Professor and Part Time Lawyer post
Velammal Educational Trust invites eligible candidates for appearing in Walk in interview for the following Teachers (PGT/TGT/SGT) posts
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Teacher post
Vignan’s Foundation for Science, Technology & Research Deemed to be University Invites Application for the following Positions of Teaching Faculty /Teaching Assistant /Professor of...
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Professors/ Associate Professor/Assistant Professor/Teaching Assistant /Professor of Practice post
Somany College of Pharmacy Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following Principal /Assistant Professor /Lab Technician Recruitment
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Principal /Assistant Professor /Lab Technician post
Manipal Academy of Higher Education invites applications from potential candidates across the globe for faculty position at Manipal Institute of Technology (MIT)
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Assistant Professor post
Sethu Institute of Technology Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following Teaching Faculty Recruitment
Applications are invited for faculty positions from eligible candidates at the level of Professor/ Associate Professor /Assistant Professor
J S University Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following post of Teaching Faculty Recruitment
Applications are invited for faculty positions from eligible candidates at the level of Professor/ Associate Professor /Assistant Professor
Lok Jagruti University Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following Teaching Faculty Recruitment
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Assistant Professor / Associate Professor post
SVKM’S NMIMS Deemed to be University Dhule Campus Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following post of Director/ Principal / Teaching Faculty...
Online applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Director/ Principal / Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor post
Indian Institute of Technology Indore Invites Application for faculty positions at the level of Assistant Professor (Grade I & II) in its various academic...
Online applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Assistant Professor post
National Engineering College (Autonomous) Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following post of Assistant Professor Recruitment
Online applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Assistant Professor post
Tata Institute of Social Sciences Required Assistant Professor (Five Posts) on Contract Basis for TISS-Guwahati Off Campus
Online applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Assistant Professor post
Tata Institute of Social Sciences invites Online Applications from for Teaching faculty positions in its Schools across the four campuses
Online applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Professor/ Associate Professor /Assistant Professor post
GLA University Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following Teaching Faculty Recruitment
Applications are invited for faculty positions from eligible candidates at the level of Professor/ Associate Professor /Assistant Professor
Banasthali Vidyapith Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following post of Teaching Faculty/Coordinator/HoD/Technical Positions Recruitment
Vacancy for the Post of Skill Professor /Skill Associate Professor/Skill Assistant Professor / Technical Positions/ Coordinator/HoD/ Senior/Junior Technical Assistant
Chandigarh Group of Colleges Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following Assistant Professor – Graphics and Multimedia
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Assistant Professor post
KORM College of Engineering Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following post of Teaching Faculty Recruitment
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Assistant Professor post
Somany Institute of Technology and Management Applications are invited for the following Admission Counselor / Telecallers/ Digital Marketing Executive Recruitment
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Admission Counselor / Telecallers/ Digital Marketing Executive post
Velagapudi Ramakrishna Siddhartha Engineering College Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following post of Teaching Faculty and Executive Assistant Recruitment
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Professor / Associate Professor / Assistant Professor / Executive Assistant post
SKP Engineering College Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following post of Teaching Faculty in Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Assistant Professor post
Sree Sakthi Engineering College Applications are invited from highly motivated and dynamic eligible candidates for Assistant Professor position in Maths and Physics
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Assistant Professor post
Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr.Sagunthala R& D Institute of Science and Technology Applications are invited for Junior Research Fellow position Funded by Central Power Research...
Applications are invited from highly motivated and dynamic eligible candidates for Junior Research Fellow (JRF) position
Noorul Islam College of Arts and Science Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following post of Teaching Faculty and Non Teaching Recruitment
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Assistant Professor / Associate professor/ Professor/ Physical Director / Librarian post
Maruthupandiyar Institutions (MPI) Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following post of Teaching Faculty and Non Teaching Recruitment
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor/ Non Teaching post
Cochin University of Science and Technology Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following Programmer Recruitment
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Programmer post
VET Institute of Arts and Science (VET IAS) Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following Librarian / Assistant Librarian / Lab Assistant...
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Librarian / Assistant Librarian / Lab Assistant post
Sree Dattha Educational Institutions Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following post of HOD, Teaching Faculty and Non Teaching Recruitment
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Professor/ HOD / Assistant Professor/ Non Teaching post
Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gorakhpur University Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) Recruitment
Applications are invited from highly motivated and dynamic eligible candidates for Junior Research Fellow (JRF) position
Walchand College of Engineering Sangli (Government Aided Autonomous Institute) Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following post of Teaching Faculty Recruitment
Applications are invited for faculty positions from eligible candidates at the level of Professor/ Associate Professor /Assistant Professor
Excel Group of Institutions Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following HOD, Teaching Faculty, Trainers and Placement Officers Recruitment
Vacancy for the Post of HOD/ Senior Lecturer/ Lecturer/ Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor / Placement Officers /Trainers
Diamond Harbour Women’s University Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following post of Teaching Faculty and Librarian Recruitment
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Professor / Associate Professor / Assistant Professor / Librarian post
National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research (NITTTR) Bhopal Applications are invited for the following post of Teaching Faculty and Production Manager Recruitment
Online applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Positions of Professor/ Associate Professor/ Production Manager post
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veworloud · 2 years
Fame on fire black beatles mp3
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Fame on fire black beatles mp3 tv#
Fame on fire black beatles mp3 download#
There’s a lot to take in on “OK Computer” and it’s all undeniably mesmerizing. Miss ODell: Hard Days and Long Nights with The Beatles, The Stones, Bob Dylan and Eric Clapton. Despite being a nice time piece, the record was part of an already risky strategy: covering Beatles songs to achieve hits. Even “Karma Police,” arguably the album’s most conventional sounding track (if there is one), takes on an eeriness that’s hard to shake. The chords on “No Surprises” ring like they are meant for Christmas time. The American pop rock band consists of vocalist Bryan Kuznitz, guitarist Blake Saul. Since then, the band has stuck to their roots covering top songs, but has since gained a few more members, as well as instruments.
Fame on fire black beatles mp3 download#
“Paranoid Android” is the indie-rock version of “Bohemian Rhapsody.” “Exit Music (For a Film)” plays like a simple folk tune before its mind-blowing distortion kicks in. Share, download and print free sheet music with the worlds largest community of sheet music creators, composers, performers, music teachers, students, beginners, artists, and other musicians with over 1,500,000 digital sheet music to play, practice, learn and enjoy. Formed in 2013 in the theme park capital of the world, Orlando, Florida, Fame on Fire started out as a solo drum cover project. Right from opener “Airbag,” every song on “OK Computer” is a sonic adventure that requires repeat listens to peel back the layers. And the emotional themes carry that weight. Thom Yorke and company did everything they could to reimagine the idea of how an album was recorded and engineered. FAME has worked in the studio with some of the Greatest artists in Rock music history. Pepper Lonely Hearts Club Band” and The Beach Boys’ “Pet Sounds” did. FAME Music was established in 1959 in Florence, Alabama and has gone on to be the heartbeat of the Muscle Shoals Sound with entities including FAME Publishing, FAME Recording Studios, FAME Records and Muscle Shoals Records. At that time the group consisted of John Lennon, Paul McCartney and George Harrison all on guitars along with Lennons art college buddy Stuart Sutcliffe on bass and drummer Pete Best, who had joined the group only five days earlier. The Beatles released their last album, Let It Be, in 1970. It was 60 years ago tonight (August 17th, 1960) that the Beatles began their first stint in Hamburg, Germanys Indra Club. McCartney wrote the soundtrack to The Family Way (1967). Lennon wrote the books In His Own Write, (1964), and A Spaniard In the Works, (1965), collections of poems and prose with sophisticated images and ideas. Radiohead’s third effort marked a turning point in popular music in the same ways The Beatles “Sgt. Two of The Beatles, Paul McCartney and John Lennon, also had their own projects. His best-selling books Recording Secrets For The Small Studio and Mixing Secrets For The Small Studio provides a complete recording and mixing course based around the techniques of hundreds of the world’s most famous producers.“OK Computer” is the kind of album that creates a feeling of nostalgia while sounding futuristic. from the LP Back In Black: AC/DC: iTunes Amazon.mp3. The Beatles: iTunes Amazon.mp3: 80 'Fire And Rain' from the.
Fame on fire black beatles mp3 tv#
Gucci Mane: 913949060: 21 Savage - As A Substitute Teacher: 913709526: XXXTENTACION - Uh Oh Thots ft. R&R Hall of Fame Inductees Live TV Listing. Chris Brown: 915669424 : Max Coveri - Running in the 90âs Oof Oof Oof Remix 915288747: Loving Caliber - You Will Always Be The One: 914436592: Selena Gomez - Fetish ft. He now devotes his time to recording, mixing, writing, and developing multimedia educational resources, and hosts two monthly podcasts: the Cambridge-MT Patrons Podcast and Project Studio Tea Break. Arcade Fire - Everything now: 915673581: Future - Pie ft. In October 1999, he moved back to Cambridge and joined the editorial department of Sound On Sound magazine full-time, where he was Reviews Editor for six years and presided over the launch of the popular Studio SOS and Mix Rescue columns, and since turning freelance has also been instrumental in developing the regular Session Notes and The Mix Review features. Following an MSc in Music IT at City University, he landed a full-time job as in-house engineer at Great Linford Manor Studios, working with artists such as The Charlatans, Reef, Therapy, Nigel Kennedy, and Wet Wet Wet. Mike developed an interest in recording while studying for a Music Degree at Cambridge University, and worked as an assistant engineer at a number of London studios including RG Jones, West Side, Angell Sound,By Design.
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afeelgoodblog · 2 years
The Best News of Last Week — May 2, 2022
🎂 - Here’s some uplifting, inspirational, feel good news stories from around the globe to start your week.
1. LeVar Burton will receive a Lifetime Achievement Award at the new children’s Emmys
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LeVar Burton, the beloved former Reading Rainbow host, will receive a Lifetime Achievement Award at the inaugural Children’s and Family Emmys in December, the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences announced this week.
Burton took on executive producer and hosting duties for the PBS kids’ program in 1983. On the show, Burton read books, conducted interviews and explained current events to children. The show aired for 23 years, and has won 12 Daytime Emmys and a Peabody Award.
2. Plastic-eating Enzyme Could Eliminate Billions of Tons of Landfill Waste
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An enzyme variant created by engineers and scientists at The University of Texas at Austin can break down environment-throttling plastics that typically take centuries to degrade in just a matter of hours to days.
This discovery, published today in Nature, could help solve one of the world’s most pressing environmental problems: what to do with the billions of tons of plastic waste piling up in landfills and polluting our natural lands and water. The enzyme has the potential to supercharge recycling on a large scale that would allow major industries to reduce their environmental impact by recovering and reusing plastics at the molecular level.
3. NAU to provide tuition-free college education for Arizona residents with household incomes at or below $65,000
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Northern Arizona University plans to offer free tuition to Arizona residents from households with annual incomes not exceeding $65,000 and who meet the university’s admission requirements.
The “Access2Excellence” initiative takes effect with the fall 2023 semester for first-year and transfer students who attend NAU either at the main campus in Flagstaff or NAU’s other sites elsewhere in the state, officials announced in a statement Thursday.
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4. Black cat known for huge eyes, wonky feet to become mayor of Hell, Michigan.
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Jinx the cat to become mayor of Hell, Michigan. This little black cat will rule over Hell, located about 20 miles northwest of Ann Arbor.
Anyone can become mayor of Hell for a day. It’s part of the town’s schtick. Pets, though, are another thing. Sunday, April 24 will actually be the first time a cat will make sure all Hell doesn’t break loose.
5. US Army replaces cake it stole from Italian girl in 1945
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This one’s adorable. The US Army has given a birthday cake to an Italian woman — to replace one that American soldiers stole from her as it cooled by a window 77 years ago. Meri Mion — who turns 90 on Friday — was 13 when her village of San Pietro, near Vicenza, saw fighting between US troops and German soldiers.
Her mother made her a birthday cake, but it was taken by the opportunistic — and presumably hungry — Americans. Sgt Peter Wallis, who handed over the dessert, said it was “a little awkward” to replace the stolen goods, “but it makes me feel great”.
6. EU reveals plans for the ‘largest ever ban’ on toxic chemicals
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Thousands of potentially toxic or harmful chemicals still used in cosmetics, toys and even baby products could soon be banned in Europe under new regulations.
Industry groups say that up to 12,000 different chemicals present in 74 per cent of consumer or professional products could fall under these restrictions. It will be the “largest ever ban” on toxic chemicals, according to the European Environmental Bureau (EEB). “The ‘great detox’ promises to improve the safety of almost all manufactured products and rapidly lower the chemical intensity of our schools, homes and workplaces,” says Tatiana Santos, EEB chemicals policy manager.
7. Jacky Hunt-Broersma, a cancer survivor and amputee, sets world record by running 102 marathons in 102 days
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On Thursday, the amputee athlete achieved her goal of running 102 marathons in as many days, setting an unofficial women’s world record.
Hunt-Broersma, 46, began her quest on Jan. 17, covering the classic 26.2-mile (42.2-kilometer) marathon distance on a loop course laid out near her home in Gilbert, Arizona, or on a treadmill indoors. Since then, it’s been “rinse and repeat” every day for the South Africa native, who lost her left leg below the knee to a rare cancer and runs on a carbon-fiber prosthesis.
- She has documented all of her runs (and more) on her Instagram! It’s @ncrunnerjacky
Also, bonus story submitted by an Irish follower: “The first ever large-scale solar farm opened here in Ireland! It’s about 25 hectares and is expected to give power to over 3,600 homes!”
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That's it for this week. Until next week, You can follow me on twitter. Also, I have a newsletter :)
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If you are interested in a career in civil engineering, you will find that SGT University will cover all your needs. It is one of the best civil engineering colleges in Gurgaon, Haryana, and Delhi NCR region.
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scotianostra · 2 years
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Edinburgh born Stuart Fergusson Victor Sutcliffe Scottish painter and musician best known as the original bass guitarist for the Beatles died on April 10th 1962.
There are a few people who can lay claim to being “the fifth Beatle” few have as strong a case as Stuart Sutcliffe.
Stuart’s father was an engineer officer in the Merchant Navy; his mother was a school teacher, they moved to Liverpool when Stuart was 3.
His art career began early on when he created works of art for his Mother’s classroom. He attended Prescott Grammar School, and was accepted at age 16 to attend the Liverpool Regional College of Art. There in 1957, he met fellow art student and musician, John Lennon. He was persuaded by John to buy a bass guitar after he sold a painting for £65, he couldn’t play the instrument, but rest of the band ”sat” on him until he could hold a tune.
Sutcliffe and John Lennon are credited with inventing the name "Beetles" (sic), as they both liked Buddy Holly's band, the Crickets. They also had a fascination of group names with double meanings (as Crickets, for example, the word refers to both an insect as well as a sport), so John then came up with "The Beatles", from the word beat (though John's original spelling was "Beatals". As a member of the group when it was a five-piece band another “fifth Beatle” Pete Best was recruited just prior to their first Hamburg trip, becoming the bands fifth member, so technically Suttcliffe was the fourth Beatle! 
From April 1961 to March 1962 he was a awarded a scholarship at the chief Hamburg Art School, under Edinburgh man, Eduardo Paolozzi, who was doing a year as visiting professor and who is considered one of the fathers of Pop Art. He took a keen interest in Sutcliffe recalled: “He had so much energy and was so very inventive.”
Stuart fell in love with photographer Astrid Kirchherr and choose to leave the Beatles and devote himself to his work as an artist.  He was an artist, poet and writer first – and a musician second.
Stuart Sutcliffe died in Hamburg in on this day 1962 from a brain haemorrhage at the age of 21.
My favourite quote about Stuart Suttcliffe comes surprisingly not from, Lennon, but George Harrison
“He wasn't really a very good musician. In fact, he wasn't a musician at all until we talked him into buying a bass…. He picked up a few things and he practiced a bit…. It was a bit ropey, but it didn't matter at that time because he looked so cool.”
The first pic is of Stuart at the Top Ten Club in Hamburg, to me still shows how cool he looked The famous  Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band cover, from 1967 features Stuart on the far left, and speaks volumes of how the band still thought of their former member, more than five years after his passing. 
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Nile Military notes
If you don’t know your Privates from your Generals but you want to write about Nile’s military service anyway.
The US military has five branches: Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard. When you “join the military” in the USA, you have to pick one of those five branches and apply to it specifically. Nile was in the United States Marine Corps, also known as the USMC. Soldiers are specifically members of the Army, which is a different thing. The Marines are a very combat-focused branch--every Marine has to be able to use a rifle, while most military organizations only train maybe 1 person in combat to 9 people who are never expected to hold a gun (cooks, drivers, mechanics, engineers, medics, barbers, administrative personnel, etc.)
Therefore Marines are really proud of being Marines, not soldiers, because they consider themselves superior to the other branches. There’s a friendly rivalry between different parts of the military. The US military branches tend to work on their own a lot instead of interweaving on a daily basis within units like other countries’--the US Navy has airplanes, the US Army has boats, and the US Air Force has humvees--but the Marines are most used to working with the Navy.
Why would Nile join the US military, which is deeply problematic and imperialist? I’d suggest that three big reasons are, 1) She’s from a military family and her reservations and suspicions about the service would be different, though not less valid, than your average leftist civilian’s, 2) They provide a steady income and health insurance and are unlikely to fire you without warning, and 3) Even when you leave the service, you still get (crappy but free) healthcare and, if you last three years, free college tuition.
As a sidenote, Nile was born in 1994 and her father died when she was around 10; therefore he probably died serving in either Iraq or Afghanistan.
Nile is a Corporal, the fourth enlisted rank. Enlisted personnel are the people in the military who do most stuff--that’s compared to commissioned officers, who join with university educations and are immediately put in management positions over dozens of people. 
Corporal (Cpl) is a competitive rank to get to, and it’s the first Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) rank. (NCOs are like officers, but they do things in the field.) That means Nile has been a Marine for at least two years and shown aptitude and leadership potential, so she has been given command over a small team of 3-4 people. Her immediate boss is her Sergeant (Sgt); the ranks below her are Lance Corporal (LCpl), Private First Class (PFC) and Private (Pvt).
When you join the Marines, you make about $23,000 USD a year; that increases with experience, promotions, and kinds of service, so as a Corporal, Nile probably made about $32,000 USD a year.
Nile’s team are LCpl “Dizzy” Ali, who has dark straight hair that she keeps in a braid wrapped into a bun at the nape of her neck, LCpl Jordan “Jay” Burley, who keeps her hair buzzed short, and a Pashto translator credited as Gita who wears a shayla and does not carry a rifle, and might therefore be a civilian consultant instead of a Marine.
Nile, Dizzy, and Jay seem like they were very close friends before Nile’s weird death/not death. US military personnel are no longer prohibited from same-sex relationships or marriages, however, they are prohibited from forming romantic/sexual relationships within their chain of command. As Nile is their team leader, she would be harshly disciplined for having a relationship like that with either of them (or Gita). If you catch feelings for someone in your chain of command, you’re supposed to either keep it to yourself, or ask to be reassigned to another unit so you can date them, which is very rare to do in the middle of an overseas deployment because it’s seen as deserting/abandoning your teammates, who trust you with their lives.
Nile’s unit appears to be a Female Engagement Team (FET), a competitive assignment that she would have specifically volunteered for. FETs are units the US Military has used in Iraq and Afghanistan over the past couple decades; they’re teams of women who perform policing and security roles to help local law enforcement. As women, they’re considered more culturally suited to do security searches on women’s bodies, enter private women’s spaces during house searches, and provide friendly outreach with the local community. Technically this is not a “combat” duty because officially the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are over. Technically it’s law enforcement help they have been requested to supply by the local government. On the other hand, I am not sure the civilians of Afghanistan feel this is a significant difference.
Nile probably has/had a house or apartment in the USA that wasn’t in Chicago, but was wherever her unit was based out of when they were Stateside--the biggest base is Camp Pendleton in Oceanside near San Diego, California, which is 100 miles from the air-ground combat training camp at Twentynine Palms California, and 400some miles from the mountain warfare training camp in Bridgeport, California.
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sgtuniversityggn · 5 months
Important Life Choices: Career Options After 12th
Discover the top career options after 12th in this insightful blog! From promising fields in technology to rewarding opportunities in healthcare and beyond, find the perfect fit for your skills and interests.
What are the career options after 12th?
With the recent 12th-grade results from various state and national boards across the country just coming out, comes some of the nervous times for young school graduates: the question of “What do we do next?” The impending mountain of choices before these 18-year-olds seems like another burden that they have to bear right after their exams. But these choices must be made. There is simply no way around it. And while the coast seems to edge closer every day, you don’t have to fall into the sea just yet. SGT University, the best private university in Delhi NCR, is here to simplify your choices. In this article, we will aim to cover all the career options after 12th that you can pursue and the USPs that a good college should have in that program. ”
List Of Career Options After 12th (Non-Medical)
In a bursting economy, the number of options for a young Indian is immense. The ones presented below are only the tip of the spear, and many more options are available:
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.): Maybe the most popular program option after 12th, Bachelor of Science is the most sought-after just due to sheer number of options available under it. Contrary to belief, you don’t have to stick to core science subjects in a B.Sc., with specialization options available in subjects like clinical psychology and hospitality administration as well.
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.): In the current Indian economy boom, one does not need to stick to the regular set of engineering/finance programs after the 12th. B.A. students do very well in multiple creative fields and other disciplines like clinical psychology.
Bachelor of Hotel Management (B.H.M.): India’s tourism sector only continues to grow multi-fold. A good BHM program should be able to prepare you for any role you want to undertake within the hospitality industry.
Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.): A necessary entry program for all enterprising individuals to learn all that they need to know about venturing out on their own. From fundamental concepts to the latest developments, a great business school should give you an education on it all.
Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.): The best degree for anyone who is interested in any specific b ranch of engineering or technology. B.tech. programs are hard to get into, but the experience can be all the more rewarding once you do.
Bachelor of Design (B.Des.): Preparing students for careers in fields such as graphic design, fashion design, industrial design, interior design, user experience (UX) design, and more. The specific curriculum may vary depending on the focus of the program and the institution offering it, but typically, a B.Des. program is a necessary starting point for a fashion career.
Bachelor of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences (BNYS): Alternative medicine has seen a big boost from the Indian government, and a BNYS graduate has many national and global opportunities as a healer, acupuncturist, and more.
The Best University To Pursue Career Options After 12th: SGT University
From science to style, wisdom to wellness, the options are unlimited at SGT University. The institution is packed to the gills with the latest infrastructure and resources to pursue any kind of dream that you are after. It currently has 10-non medical faculties offering umpteen programs under them:”
Faculty of Mass Communication and Media Technology
Faculty of Fashion and Design
Faculty of Hotel and Tourism Management
Faculty of Commerce and Management
Faculty of Law Semi-classical
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Faculty of Applied and Basic Sciences
Faculty of Agricultural Sciences
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences
From undergraduate promises to PhD convictions, they cover all levels. Their quality in education has been assessed by various national and international bodies like NAAC, UGC, QS I-Gauge, and more.
SGT University is currently seeking admissions for 2024-25. If you think that you want to pursue a non-medical course as a career option after 12th and achieve excellence in any of the fields mentioned, then apply today for the best private university in Delhi NCR.
Content Source: https://sgtuniversity.ac.in/life-at-sgt/blogs/important-life-choices-career-options-after-12th
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