risingsouls · 3 months
💖 - What’s something you like about your muse? ( Nabooru )
💔 - What’s something you dislike about your muse? ( Nabooru )
Questions for Munday || Open!
💖 - What’s something you like about your muse?
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[That's a really hard question. I love so much about her, and it's hard to pick just one thing. I really love her strength, especially in this AU I have for her here. Like this woman was literally shattered by everything but she still said, "Nah, I'll be okay. I'll keep going." and I admire that.]
💔 - What’s something you dislike about your muse?
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[An even harder question. I guess that she can be TOO stubborn and a little judgmental. Like it's not HORRIBLE but she can make some split judgements on occasion that aren't completely fair. She is open to her mind changing in that realm, at least but.]
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rejectshumanity · 3 months
He’s festive enough to offer a rose — one whose touch carries the bite of a thorn, a thorn infused in hamon.
valentine’s  day  asks  |  NOT  ACCEPTING
in  these  modern  times,  it  is  blessedly  rare  for  DIO  to  come  across  a  human  with  the  power  to  wield  hamon,  let  alone  one  who  can  do  so  proficiently.  the  nerve  of  this  one  strikes  him  utterly  indignant.  his  name  is  zeppeli,  isn't  it?  it  evokes  the  vaguest  of  memories from his distant past.
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❝  if  you  think  your  hamon  can  stop  me  now,  ❞     he  says,  grinning  cruelly  as  he  recoils  from  the  rose’s  crackling  thorns,     ❝  you  are  sorely  mistaken.  ❞
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disastrousjest · 2 years
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Teals watched the carefully put together box that was sitting in front of him. It sat untouched in the spot that he had placed it in upon taking his seat in the cafe. Joseph sat with one elbow resting on the table, his chin sitting in his palm. There was a touch of sadness that lingered in that gaze, behind the uncertainty. Why? Because he wasnt sure what would happen next. The assignment that they had been working on together was over now. Which meant there could be no other reason for Caesar to need to see him. Unless he wanted to. And how could he expect that from him? He wasnt even sure if he retained any of his memories at all. Maybe all of this was just his chasing ghosts in hope to capture something that he missed out on.
The dreams didnt help. Every thing he found that reminded him of his recent past with Caesar had his heart aching for some kind of relief. It almost felt like he was going through a second phase of mourning over him, despite the fact that he was there before him. And he was alive. If only there was some way to tell. Granted, he had invited Caesar here to meet him. With the hope that talking to him might stir up some kind of real friendship between them beyond their single class together. A feeble attempt to drum up some old memories. That was Joseph's hope, anyway.
On the table sat a box of wonderfully fresh zeppoles. Why this desert? Well mostly as a joke in spite of himself. He'd accidentally called them Zeppeli without thinking. A hard hint that the blond occupied his mind more often than not, especially now.
I hope this goes well. Caesar and I had a rough start before. But... it's different now, isnt it.
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fromvitya · 5 months
i'm not laughing at you. ( he totally was )
Quite deserved.
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It was a nasty habit of his, whenever he was working on a new choreography to get distracted at the smallest hint of inspiration. To let it take over completely. When the right movement came to mind, sometimes, he just had to try and check. Didn't matter it wasn't on ice, didn't matter that it was on a busy pavement. His eyes closed, he made couple of tentative gestures and steps, grace reified, until he tripped and fell to his knees quite literally at the stranger's feet.
"Pity. Could at least claim to have made someone's day with these bruises."
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sacredpit · 3 months
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[   SOFT   ]   baby   pink   |   iridescent   |   glitter   is   always   a   good   option   |   minimalist   tattoos   |   cherry   patterns   |   sweet   scented   perfumes   |   wearing   generous   amounts   of   blush   |   doodling   hearts   |   getting   excited   to   pet   an   animal   |   fun   nails   |   rewatching   old   barbie   movies   |   hair   sticking   to   glossed   lips   |   heart   shaped   sunglasses   |   taking   pictures   of   the   sunset   or   sunrise   |   stuffed   animals   |   protecting   nature   |   cute   stickers   everywhere   |   teen   movies   |   the   light   rain   that   falls   from   a   clear   sky   at   the   beginning   of   the   night
[   DARK   ACADEMIA   ]   neutral   tones   |   masculine   outfits   |   studying   languages   |   worn   down   copy   of   books   |   grey   skies   |   turtleneck   sweaters   |   loose   fitting   pants   |   hair   tied   with   a   silk   ribbon   |   trying   to   remember   a   cool   difficult   word   you   read   somewhere   to   use   in   a   conversation   |   thick   belts   |   minimal   makeup   |   windows   fogged   by   rain   |   vintage   jewelry   |   blouses   with   cuffed   sleeves   |   reading   a   murder   mystery   and   trying   to   solve   it   |   oxford   style   shoes   |   sweater   vests   |   subtitled   old   movies   in   a   language   you   don’t   speak   |   leaves   crackling   as   you   walk   |   annotating   books   to   express   your   emotions   about   the   story
[   EDGY   ]   closet   full   of   dark   clothes   |   fishnet   tights   |   makeup   sweating   off   |   neon   signs   |   searching   for   unknown   songs   |   chokers   |   band   tees   |   doodling   on   old   converse   |   finding   smoking   aesthetically   pleasing   but   not   doing   it   |   weird   humor   |   accidentally   very   dramatic   |   dim   lights   |   layered   outfits   |   chain   belts   |   chipped   nail   polish   |   messy   hair   |   low-quality   pics   |   piercings   |   combat   boots   |   scribbling   on   desks
[   70′s   ]   colorful   wardrobe   |   doodling   flowers   |   wearing   short   shorts   |   listening   to   ABBA   |   flowers   in   your   hair   |   DIYing   everything   |   jamming   to   songs   alone   in   your   room   |   drunkenly   telling   your   friends   you   love   them   |   patterned   bandanas   |   mid-heeled   shoes   |   messy   braids   |   flared   sleeves   |   walking   barefoot   on   grass   or   sand   |   bold   sunglasses   |   the   good   kind   of   tired   you   get   after   doing   something   you   enjoy   for   hours   |   feeding   stray   animals   |   fun   patterned   socks   |   room   decorated   with   succulents   and   other   plants   |   likes   to   go   roller   skating   or   skateboarding
[   PREPPY   CASUAL   ]   collared   clothes   |   drinking   juice   out   of   a   champagne   glass   |   getting   excited   to   see   the   met   gala   looks   |   thick   headbands   |   small   pastel   cardigans   |   tweed   two   pieces   |   watching   reality   tv   to   pass   time   |   frilly   tops   |   watching   old   hollywood   movies   |   academically   driven   |   long   manicured   nails   |   new   year’s   eve   fireworks��  |   colorful   tights   |   layered   golden   jewelry   |   yearns   for   luxury   brand   items   |   decorating   your   room   with   fairy   lights   |   cursive   and   neat   handwriting   |   lace   details
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TAGGED   BY:   @shabcn ( thank u beloved !! ) TAGGING:   @blueshiftting , @standbowed , @hecatombi ( he ain’t here yet but josuke ) , @praeteritus-memories ( giorno <3 ) , & u !!
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lunafaeris-archive · 3 years
💗 & 💝
questions for the mun!
💗 - Do you prefer angst or fluff?
          /If I had to choose, probably angst. A lot of plot ideas I have saved revolve around very angst-driven plots, mostly because I can potentially see the most character development in them. I like plots or circumstances that challenge my characters, when they’re shown new perspectives or even things that may come to haunt them in retrospect. Or when something/someone shines a light on their deepest insecurities and they’re forced to confront the harsh reality of it, for better or for worse. As to what may happen next, I suppose that really depends on the other muse in question, acquaintance, friend, lover, enemy, etc... but that initial conflict opens more possibilities for something to develop plot-wise later down the road and maybe even deepen character relationships and/or their understanding for one another.
          Don’t get me wrong, I do love me some fluff (I’m soft, okay?). I tend to dabble in a little bit of everything with my own motley crew here and whatever themes or topics I choose to write mostly depends on the day or which muse I’m feeling strongest. Anton is usually my go-to muse for fluff and feel-good content because let’s be honest, he is a ball of sunshine. A ball of sunshine with a tragic fate of dying young because he sold his soul to a demon of incredible power asfkjhfkjhkj-- but that’s besides the point. There are days where I just need to let him go ham and be silly to lift my spirits and make myself feel better. It might not be gripping or compelling plot-wise, but sometimes we all just need a little pick-me-up you know? Nothing wrong with that.
💝 - Who are some rpers you look up to?
          /Here’s a few awesome people I can throw out off the top of my head, free of charge:
@regnantlight (Not only is pretty much the whole LoZ community amazing with how warm and welcoming they are to aspiring new faces, but CC herself is an incredible source of positivity to have on the dash. She’s thoughtful and well-spoken and I love reading through her rendition of Zelda which she captures beautifully.)
@zelotae (Mars is not only a badass writer but she’s also one of those people who if you’re riding the fence about something, she will tell you to just fucking do it and enable you to the bitter end. I personally love having that kind of freedom when writing AND the trust in someone enough to do it without feeling guilty or like I’m overstepping boundaries. But then we got Mars over here who just says: bring it on. Again and again and again. Most of my violent threads have been facilitated by Mars in us both wanting to see our muses clash, so by now you know who to go to for a good time.)
          Some honorable mentions who’s posts/threads/headcanons I love to read on the dash, but am too shy to say anything of substance afsjghhjg:
@royalreef, @stagtic, @bigveee, @quirofiliac, @creepiitus, @shikkotsunin
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xgodlike · 3 years
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@shabcn​​ said: ' why did you turn out this way ? ‘
   the question, spoken as if this man was in any position to impart any judgement upon him. dressed with clothes that left little to the imagination, it was clear that it was not his attitude what brought customers in & asked for some company. usually, when any men with a sophisticated stance & suit walked into such a place, workers flooded towards them. caresses & sweet nothing's to be exchanged for the rest of the night in an attempt for a bigger tip. they behaved just as leeches—latching onto those who were quick to show a stash of cash & have them nearly crawling towards them. the blond failed to see the appeal in ‘buying’ affection he could obtain for free, but after being pestered by one of his co-workers, who insisted they celebrated after a big court case,  he found himself in this position. his eyes, scanning each body that danced around the pole until he made his choice. the least enthusiastic, the better.
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       names were exchanged, as well as some small details about the nature of his job as a defence lawyer & the reason for him being there. only one glance to the side revealed his co-workers to be enjoying their time more than he did. the men, intoxicated no doubt. at this point, he wouldn’t be surprised if it wasn’t just the effects of the alcohol being served.
   the blond, on the other hand, had barely touched his drink despite his need for an escape. his self-awareness over how far he could get, preventing him from caving into temptation just yet. perhaps, when he returned  home if he still needed of its effects. on the meantime, he appeared bored. the other blond, only a companion for the night while other dancers pulled a show. it was maybe that what brought such question spoken just loud enough to be heard over the music.  the corner of his lips curling upwards, as he finally turned his head to look at the other. “—as i said, it wasn’t my idea to be here. if you’re worried about not getting paid for not dancing, don’t be. i just rather not hear them pestering at me.”
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rocktheclickclack · 4 years
shabcn replied to your post “now that i’ve successfully gotten icons- time to harass kuro :pensive:”
abuse !
“Come here, Caesar.”
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“I swear I won’t squeeze you to death!” This is an outright lie. Please do not believe him.
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noknockingonmydoor · 4 years
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“When you laugh like that, it just — you’re so beautiful, you know that?” @shabcn​
A scoff as he turned his head to the side. Of course he was more than aware of how attractive he was.
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“You’ve got a lot of nerve, saying something like that to another man.”
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rejectshumanity · 3 months
🔪🔪🔪🤌 !!!
give  my  muse  a  🌹  if  you  think  they  deserve  one!  or  if  not,  give  them  a  🔪  |  ACCEPTING
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what  the  hell  —  who  is  that  throwing  knives  from  afar, crackling dangerously with hamon?  he  ducks  to  avoid  them,  glaring  fiercely  in  the  direction  of  his  unknown  assailant.     ❝  do  you  greet  every  stranger  with  violence?  ❞
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culthcnt · 4 years
❛ It's okay to be jealous. Just tell him your feelings. ❜ Advised Caesar, but this is also the guy who would get jealous and not confess a thing either.
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         ❝Malaka! Not you too!❞       Kassandra scoffed, hands on her hips as she looked down at the blonde a little. Scarred eyebrows furrow in confusion, tilting her head.             ❝How do I come off as jealous, Caesar?❞
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disastrousjest · 3 years
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Everyday is another one closer. And I'm going to keep counting til it gets here. 11 Days to Christmas~
I'll share my strawberry cake with you
Are you getting excited yet for more? @shabcn
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jojoingjoseph · 4 years
shabcn replied to your post: ★ “ Moron. ”
“Learn from an expert, Jojo.” Smug asf smirk.
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★ “ An expert of ass kissing? Yeah I’ll pass on that, Bubble Boy. ” Sticks his tongue out.
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figlic · 4 years
shabcn said:
She should have expected it, those lips were ready to charm themselves onto her cheek.
And she would give a kiss of her own right back, but in place of her lips, there was a blur of motion followed by the sharp crack of her palm on his cheek.
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“Wrong choice.”
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shabcn replied to your post “You guys seriously think holdin’ hands is risky?”
"I-It's a really serious step!" He blushes exponentially. "You can't just give anyone your hand!"
“...You’ve got a big storm comin’.”
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caestusarchivum · 3 years
"Yer gonna sit down right here while I patch y'up, mister." Spoken in true Hikari fashion, the botanist snatched up her backpack with a single hand and dug into it, yanking out a kit filled with little jars of poultices and salves. He was looking bad. Not overwhelmingly so, but the numerous cuts on his arms, face, and a few on his chest made her dip her head down.
The former vampire wasn't going to pity him, but she gestured to the bench, sitting down alongside him, and began to sift through her medicine. It was unbelievable, seeing him like this.
"So, what did this all, huhn? Looks pretty bad. Yer instructor, he didn't go overboard, did he? Or was this a different battle?" She pulled one labaled linseed flax out from the kit, a roll of bandages, and a cotton ball, and began to apply her remedy gently, as to not irritate the skin. "This is gonna eliminate infection an' make it ache less. It'll close up a lot faster, too. Jus' remember t'change the bandages fer the larger wounds at least once a day. The small scratches should be fine. Change 'em as y'shower."
One of them, however, was a little too deep. Even for her. "This is gonna need Hamon, y'know. Not jus' medicine. I'll do what I can, but y'might need t'go t' Teach fer anythin' more substantial."
With a feather-soft touch, she placed the final bandage and gently patted an unmarred spot of his arm. "Good t'go. Now that that's done, gimme the details on what went down. I need t'know if things are gonna get worse, or better."
And if it's worse, well... she might need to consider learning actual healing Hamon.
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