#shadamy fanf
another-sonic-blog · 2 years
The Fanfictioner Ch.3: Celebrity Romance
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It's not even an hour since the news came out about famous actor Shadow the Hedgehog dating Amy Rose. News which were fake. Amy had many questions. One, how did they not notice the paparazzi taking pictures of them and two ... How the hell did Sonic get inside her house?
"Sorry, Ames, I did not mean to scare you," as softly as he could, Sonic approaches Amy who sits on her couch. The laptop is open and her TV is on the channel of the same gossip news she likes to watch. "I am just surprised, I always thought we were something you know? I mean not that I care or anything, it's just-"
"Those are fake news, I am not dating Shadow," Amy did not pay attention to Sonic's sudden nervousness nor the way he sighed in relief as he hears the real news.
"Then, if I may ask, what were you and Shadow doing in the middle of the night at the beach?"
That is a real good question. Truth is, Amy was too busy recollecting information about Shadow for her ... 'ShadAmy Fanfiction'
It was something about him not being interested in her. Amy found that weird since she thought she never showed signs of wanting something romantic out of him.
In her mind, it was Shadow telling her something along the lines of 'I hate you and you hate me, but for our job's sake let's keep it civil'
Also ... he lent her his jacket.
Now that she thinks about ... Yes, it was rather romantic.
"We just made up because we were at each other's throat the whole onset," Amy lies as best as she could. In part, it was kind of true. "We were always fighting and having misunderstandings ... so we just talked those things out."
"Well, now you are going to have to tell that to the paparazzi," Sonic says as he jumps and effortlessly lands on Amy's sofa. "And think fast because I saw them coming while I was coming over here."
"I think it's better if I wait for Shadow? You know so we make a public release?"
"Oh, Shadow is not even on the Island," Sonic says. "I went to Tails workshop early in the morning and he told me he sent Shadow off on a mission. His robot friend is very damaged and Tails needs some kind of stone that's only found on the neighboring island."
Amy suddenly stands up from the sofa, walking back and forth and putting one hand on top of her eyes as she closed her eyes. Of all days Shadow had to leave the island, it had to be today.
"Do you when he is coming back?"
"I don't know, maybe a week?" Sonic was never good with words. Nonetheless, he quickly thinks of something to make Amy feel better. "Come on Ames, it's not that bad. Gossip is always like that. Give it a couple of days and everyone will forget it."
"You think so?"
The pink hedgehog sighed and sat back down on the couch, Sonic puts his hand on her shoulder to bring her some comfort.
"Of course! Don't worry, this will all be just a bad dream by the end of the week."
It's been two weeks and he is finally home. Taking off his dirty shoes and only leaving his socks on, he jumped into the sofa wanting to close his eyes and rest. It was not a hard task. The fox boy had asked him to find some type of unique metal on Star Island, although it's the island next to them, it took him a few days to arrive on the boat.
"So, are you going to tell me or do I have to make you tell me?"
He flinches a little, not expecting to see Rouge here. He had good senses and is aware of his surroundings most of the time. Nonetheless, today he is too tired, not physically but tired of dealing with people. Also that the bat always respected the privacy of his home, never coming in uninvited ... that he knows of.
"Rouge? How the hell did you get into my house?" Shadow raises his voice, pretending to be angry when in reality he could care less. "Also weren't you on Sun Island? What made you come here?"
"Honey, I had come and see if the rumors were true," she walks past the ebony hedgehog and sits next to him on the sofa. Looks flawless as ever, even when it was 4 a.m. "So tell me everything! How did the date go with the pink one?"
"Come on Shadow, have you not seen the news?"
Shadow looks at her unamused. Even after a few seconds, Rouge realizes how stupid of a question that was.
"And of course you haven't" she says. "Turn on your TV and you will see."
Shadow wasn't much of watching television, often he have it as background noise while he would clean his apartment or cook when he rarely had ... visitors.
He did not think too much about it and just did as Rouge told him. With one click, the TV turned on and there was that gossip show Rouge likes to watch. Shadow gives a 'what next?' look to Rouge, only for the bat to direct her eyes to the plasma TV.
"We have received news that famous actor Shadow the Hedgehog has come back from his small vacation."
There is the star of the show, a blond cat with a nice red dress. She sits on the couch long other celebrities who Shadow did not care to know their names. It's only been 15 seconds and Shadow already wanted to turn off the TV. He hates it when the media says information about his daily life.
"Maybe we can expect a ShadAmy meeting soon?" the cat asks as she looks at the camera and then at her guests. "What do you all think?"
"Shad ...Amy?" Shadow thought as his name and Amy's together sounded ridiculous.
"I don't know, this whole celebrity romance sounds a bit suspicious. Who dates someone and suddenly leaves for vacation alone?" Now it was a green monkey speaking. Again, Shadow just did not know, nor care about who these people were.
"Maybe they wanted to keep it private and Shadow decided to leave until things calmed down," the blond cat says. "Or maybe ... It was a one-night thing?"
Meanwhile, Rouge is just looking at Shadow's reaction. At first, she thought that Shadow was taking the news very calmly. Like the 23-year-old celebrity hedgehog, he is, with a cold mind and tranquil temper. However, his true emotions reveal once she noticed how quietly and slowly he pulverized the TV remote in his hand.
"That's s possibility, although I thought Shadow was one to keep things ... private."
Steam comes out of the bathroom the moment Amy steps into her bedroom. Although she has not been outside her home, she is tired of staying inside. One towel in her hand as she dries her quills, she did not care to brush them. At least not now that she had nowhere to go.
She decides to wear her Chao in Space pajama shirt. One where the black Chao is riding a motorcycle. One of a kind that she found while going thrifting.
Amy sits on the edge of her bed and picks up her phone that is next to her lamp.
The whole 'ShadAmy' thing has not died down and if anything it has more hype in between the Sonic Boom Fandom. With her story already having 5 million reads and thousands of comments, she did not know how this came to be. But if she is completely honest ... She kinda likes having people read her story and more than that ... people were enjoying something she wrote.
Even when it was a ship she totally hated.
"Enjoying the fame, pink one?"
Amy drops her phone as soon as she hears a husky voice coming from the window. Finally, the hedgehog she is waiting for and as strange as it was, it's not Sonic. But Shadow the gloomy Hedgehog.
"What is wrong with you?" Amy takes big and heavy steps as she bends down and picks up her phone. "Coming to my room just like that! I could have been changing clothes!"
"Hmph, it's not like there is not much to see. Don't flatter yourself."
Suddenly, Amy picks up her Sonic pillow and throws it at Shadow who simply caught it with his hand and throws it to the other side of the room. He jumps off the window and lands softly in Amy's room. He walks towards her, slowly but his steps had a strong presence. Amy feels intimidated for a moment as he gets too close for her comfort.
He traps her, her back on the wall and his arms beside her. Amy looks to one side, and his arm is there, she looks to the other side and his other arm is there. With no other option, she slowly kneels with the hope that Shadow will let her go. Instead, he just does the same. Following her movements with nowhere to escape.
Now they were on the floor, with the only light coming from the window. Amy has nowhere to go and nothing she could do but look away in embarrassment.
"Listen to me," Shadow says as he tilts his head, trying to get her to look at him. "I recognize that the first time we met I was being a jerk, and to make up for that I tried being nice to you. But for you and to go and say we are dating is totally fucked up."
At this Amy turns to look at him, his face too close and she is too stunned to speak.
"What happened at the beach was me trying to let you down slowly so we can continue working together as co-workers but let me tell you again," he pokes her nose and for some reason, this enraged Amy.
"I don't like you and honestly it's really strange that you act like this while you have pillows of that blue hedgehog-"
"Ok, first off, I did not say we were dating, photos of us at the beach got leaked! And everyone assumed we were dating or that we were on a date," Amy pushes him off, making him lose balance and land on his backside. Now he is at a respectable distance from her, at this Amy feels confident again.
Shadow is quiet, looking at Amy with curious eyes, like a little puppy who did not know its owner was yelling at them.
"Secondly, I don't know what I did or said to make you believe I liked you but let me make this clear ... I don't like you! Actually, it's the contrary. I hate y-"
"Where did you get that shirt?"
Shadow points at Amy's shirt, his anger completely gone.
"That Chao in Space Shirt ... Where did you get it?" he gets more comfortable. Crossing his legs and moves a little closer to Amy. Almost even child-like. "I was in Chao in Space 2 but not even I could get merchandise like that."
"Oh, I actually found it the other day while I was thrifting!" Amy did the same and for a moment she forgets about getting angry at Shadow. Her fangirl side getting the best of her.
"Really? That's a limited edition shirt, that most cost a fortune."
"Yes! And I only got it for 3 bucks!"
"They don't make merchandise like that anymore," Shadow says as he puts his arms in front of his chest and sighs in disappointment. "I blame the writers of the movie. The writing was so bad that the movie flopped and the company decided not to make any more good quality merchandise."
"I agree, they should have just based the movie off the actual book instead of making it original. The book is so good!"
Being on the floor made it easy for the pink hedgehog to raise her hand, open the cabinet next to her bed and take out a black book. Chao in Space: The Rise of the Chao" was written in golden letters with two chaos as the artbook cover.
"It is! Did you like the part where the Blue Chao had to fight the space pirates to get to the princess?" Shadow's eyes sparkle a little as Amy opens the book, he looks at all the highlights and notes she made. It makes him excited to meet someone as invested in the story as he is.
"Oh yes! But My favorite part was the plot twist! Who could have thought that the Blue Chao and Dark Chao were brothers!" Amy picks up the book and points to the lines of the book in exhilaration.
"I know! I am so hyped for the next book to come out! I have read so many fan-" Shadow immediately notices his mistake and mumbles as he did not know how to fix his situation. "Fan .. Fan-"
"Fan ... theories," Shadow stands up from the floor and looks around Amy's room to try and divert Amy's attention to something else. "So many, fan theories. I wonder what is going to happen next."
Amy focuses her attention on how Shadow starts to look at the pictures on her wall. Pictures of her friends and even a picture of ... him.
Not because she wanted to have a picture of Shadow, she just wanted the poster for the movie Chao In Space 2 and Shadow just happened to appear in the poster.
"You have a poster of m-"
"Yeah ... Um, anyway," Amy interrupts Shadow and pushes him away from her wall before he could embarrass her further. "What are going to do about this?"
This made Shadow laugh a little and roll his eyes. Watching her ridiculously trying to hide her poster with her small body just to fail. He lets it go as he also did not want to go back to talking about ... his previous mistake.
"Well, we just have to wait for the next book to come out. I know the writer plans to release it in three months-"
"No, Shadow, about us," that sentence makes Amy shiver and even make a disgusted face at the thought. "Well, not 'us' more like the situation ... I think we should have a press release."
Shadow simply takes out his phone from out of his jacket's pocket. Of course, he did not have a simple IPeach phone. He has a special version made just for him and Amy wonders how Shadow cared so much about her shirt when she is sure his phone alone could buy her three houses.
"Are you paying attention?" Amy crosses her arms in front of her chest and rapidly taps her foot on the floor.
"I am just telling my manager to post on my Bitter account that we are not dating and to send a statement to all media," Shadow says as he types into his phone and then press sends. "That' should fix it, by tomorrow all of this should be fixed."
Putting his phone back in his black jacket's pocket, Shadow makes his way to the window as he wants to go back to his apartment already. He just came back from Star Island and hasn't had any free time for himself. Tonight he just wants a cup of tea and his phone to read a new story.
"You came all of this way when you could have fixed it by yourself?"
"Yes, but what bother me was thinking that you made a stupid lie just to keep me to yourself," Shadow says as he looks outside the window. No one seems to be outside nor watching over them. Good.
"And I am surprised you didn't tell your manager to do the same."
"I don't have a manager, I am not that popular. I don't even use social media that much," strangely enough, Amy finds herself wanting to talk a little more with Shadow. They had a really good talk about Chao In Space and Amy is always happy to find people to talk about the story who wasn't on the internet.
"Whatever, don't care. Just text me next time stupid shit like this happens."
Then again, it's better if he leaves. She could not stand him.
"I don't have your phone number," Amy walks towards the window and low-key wishes she would just push him off and call it a night. But if she did that, Shadow may sue her.
"Do I have to do everything for you?" Shadow rolls his eyes and then looks at Amy. "0923-
"Just get out of my room already," Amy points to the window and covers her eyes with one hand out of frustration. One more word from Shadow and he would be meeting her hammer. "If anything I'll just try to contact your manager."
"Good, I don't want any fans to know my phone number anyways."
If she could punch him in the face, she would. No, even better, get her hammer and push him off the window. But she restrains herself because she knew she would eventually have to see him again at work.
The more and more she spends time with him, she could not understand ...
"How did the hell did we become such a popular couple? We hate each other!" Amy thought as she gets closer and closer to the black hedgehog in the window.
"And I don't want any jerks in my room, so go away before I throw you out of the window."
They look at each other and it's quiet between them. As if they just did not want to say goodbye.
No, what a disgusting feeling.
"As if-"
Shadow jumps out of the window, landing perfectly on the ground. Not like he was in any danger, to begin with, after all, Amy lived in a one-floor hut.
Right now he only cares about going home since a cup of coffee and a new story were waiting for him.
She did not get out of her house the whole week. Relying on her friends to keep her company and even food from time to time. According to them, the paparazzi were still surrounding her house, hidden with the hopes to follow her wherever she decides to come out. Amy did not want to give them the satisfaction, much less risk of being interrogated and mess up. But now that she had met with Shadow and he had fixed things, she is excited to go out tomorrow.
Her phone vibrates suddenly, and a notification pops up from Xiscord. With a gentle smile, she picks up her phone and unlocks it. It's nice to see a message that was not from fanxfiction.com. As happy as she was that her fanfic had gotten somewhat popular, this couple of days had been chaotic and did not want anything that remembers her of Shadow and ... their 'celebrity romance.'
TheFanfictioner#0619: Hey, I just read your new story and I have to say it's amazing! Thank you so much for writing this for me, it means a lot and I absolutely love Shadow and Amy now! And it seems like I am not the only one.
Amy smiles as she lays down on the sofa again. For a moment, she forgets everything and only focuses on the message. Those words of appreciation really make it feel all worth it. Even if it's chaos in her real life. Nonetheless, she decided to self-indulge a little. She forgets she is an actress and now is a writer.
ARoseWithoutTorns#0923: Thank you so much for reading, I am so glad you like it! To be honest, I was not expecting the story to get so popular so fast ... I am really surprised.
TheFanfictioner#0619: I am telling you, Shadow and Amy have great chemistry and your writing just proved their potential! I can't wait to see what else you have in mind for their story.
Shirts, IPeach phone cases, ballons, tennis shoes ... Food.
It has become popular among the Mobians of Hedgehog Village to ship a particularly pink and black hedgehog. As much as Amy is surprised, she also understood that all of this was partially her fault. After all her story has become a little bit popular over the past weeks. Maybe she is thinking about it too much, and her story was not the problem but the past news about her and Shadow 'dating.'
"I can't wait for the next Chapter of First Impressions!" Knuckles exclaims as he shows his phones to his friends, there is a fanart of Amy and Shadow next to each. "I just know Shadow and Amy will make such a good couple!"
"Eww dude, we are eating!" Sonic says as he rolls his eyes and puts his chili dog away. "What is the hype anyway? It's was just a stupid rumour and its's a stupid story."
Hearing Sonic like this made Amy have mixed feelings. In one hand she is not too content that Sonic thinks of her fanfiction as stupid. In the other he kinda sounds-
"Oh, someone is jealous!" Tails teased, his voice purring at the end as he moves his two tails in a playful manner.
"I am not!" the blue bur has an evident blush on his muzzle and he hates the feeling. "I just don't understand what is the hype? I mean Amy can be paired with better hedgehogs."
"Aw, don't worry Sonic," Sticks takes a bite of her Meh Burger and giggles. "I am sure Amy likes you."
Now is Amy's time to blush. Her friends were just looking at them, waiting to see if any of the two would dare to say something. But what is there to say? It's just plain embarrassment and this hurts her all the more because that's all Sonic feels. Embarrassment.
Meanwhile, she has to deal with her actual feelings for him. Feelings that he thinks were long forgotten.
"I can't wait to read the next chapter!"
"I know! The writer is so good! I read all of their stories, I know this one is going to be amazing!"
Amy heard two girls talk while they walk next to their table. She remembers the nice comments she has gotten these days and somehow that makes her all the more confident.
"Sorry guys, I need to go," Amy smiles at them as she stands from her seat. Sonic thought that Amy would be as red as he is but she is acting normal ... as if she did not care. At least that's what he got the feeling of.
"Where are you going?" Tails ask, a bit worried that he might have pushed things too far.
Nonetheless, Amy seems unbothered and that made him feel relieved. At least he could keep teasing Sonic after she leaves.
"Going shopping. See yall later tho! Bye!"
Shopping is probably Amy's favorite thing to do even when Hedgehog Village's main mall is small compared to islands. There is Star Island on which most popular actors live and apparently, it has the best and biggest shopping malls. She wished she could one day go visit those stores even if she could not buy anything.
She closes the magazine and the cover shows the popular actress Rouge the Bat, being as beautiful as ever. Wishing she could meet her one day, she sighs and takes a sip of her coffee. She got a few blouses and skirts and after shopping, she decided to take a small break in the mall's cafeteria.
Unintentionally she sees a couple sitting in front of her. A red cat and a green fox share a chocolate milkshake. They were giggling and smiling at each other and overall just enjoying their time together.
The pink hedgehog looks at them longingly, a part of her wanting to experience that. Nonetheless, her mind quickly went back to her fanfic.
"Would Shadow and Amy do something like that?" Amy thought and quickly thinks of her fanfic. After all, she needs to start writing her new chapter for her fanfic.
"No they wouldn't, Shadow would probably think it lame or too cheesy ... And Amy would not share her milkshake with Shadow of all hedgehogs."
She started to get frustrated, it has been days and she has no idea how to continue her fanfic. Amy thought that it could be a one-shot story but since the story got millions of views now, she thought that it was only fair for her to deliver more chapters.
"At this rate, I am going to have to Shadow again-"
Her thoughts were interrupted as a loud boom came from the left side of the cafeteria.
To her surprise ... Well, not really, it was Eggman on his way to make his month attack. Eggman and Team Sonic had a strange relationship. He would never attack them whenever they would record for the show and this made Amy believe that he is secretly a fan of Sonic Boom. Of course, everything would go back to schedule once they finished recording and they had their one-month vacation in between recordings of the show.
"Hey Eggman can we reschedule for next week? I am kinda busy right now!"
Mobians began to run, screaming as they exit the cafeteria. Amy makes her hammer appear as she takes a look at her shopping bags. They were untouched she is glad they didn't get dirty due to the explosion.
There were no injured Mobians and everyone is leaving. For now its only Eggman and her
"Oh really? What about Wednesday afternoon?" the mad doctor shakes his head at his own stupidity. "Wait no! I am evil and I'll attack ... Now!"
He presses one button from his flying Eggmobile, releasing a big small missile that went toward Amys. She smiles as she picks up her hammer almost like a baseball bat, ready to hit a home run. Amy knows this will be a clean and quick fight in which she will be praised for her heroism-
Before she could hit the missile, a black spin dash beats her to it. The spin dash returns the missile to Eggman who dodges it effortlessly. The projectile landed a few meters away from him, harming no one.
Click Clak
The sound of the metal of hoover shoes resonates in Amy's ear, which she recognized. There is smoke and dust of debris around the whole cafeteria but out of that appears Shadow the goddam Hedgehog.
"You are not as strong as you seem to be, pink one," the ebony hedgehog pats away some dust that landed on his black jacket. "Where are your friends?"
Amy looks back at her shopping bag, which used to be an untouched clean bag, but is now full of dust due to Shadow's previous actions. Her day was going alright, but now it's completely ruined. She just hopes she can take off the dirt from her clothes or be able to return them.
"It's Amy, and I am capable of handling this myself!" She does not look at Shadow and instead puts a fighting stance as she sees that Eggman is ready to throw something else at them.
"Well, it doesn't seem like you are doing a good job."
"Look if you are not going to help, just leave."
"Hey, love birds!" Eggman interrupts them as more small flying robots surround him. "Are we going to fight or are you going to let me destroy everything?"
"I'll take care of the small robots out, you take care of Eggman," Shadow says and Amy is a bit surprised that the famous actor is ready to get his hands dirty. She respects that.
"You are on."
"They saved us!"
"Our heroes!"
"The best couple!"
After the small battle, the Mobians who stayed to record their battle started to praise them. At this point, Amy did not know if she should feel happy because of all the compliments or preoccupied because people were saying 'ShadAmy' as if they were starting to ship them.
She looks at Shadow who is not enjoying all the attention but did also not want to be rude to the fans. Amy raises her hand, signaling to Shadow that she wanted to do a high five. Instead, he just rolls his eyes. He knows that if she does it will only spark more shipping discourse between the two and the tweet he made about them not dating will be a failure.
Seeing this, Amy awkwardly puts her hands away and decides to wave at the fans instead. But at that Shadow grabs her by her chin, making her turn her head to look at him. She turns red as she feels Shadow's hand on her forehead.
"You are bleeding," he says as he frowned his eyebrows. Tilting his head in a curious and worried manner. "You need to be more careful-"
"Hey, hands off her!"
Amy feels a hand grab her by her arm and pull her away from the black hedgehog. She looks up and it's Sonic who now is holding her, he does not have a friendly face. Amy's heart skips a beat, she has never seen Sonic being this aggressive towards anyone without a reason.
"And if I don't what are you going to do?"
Amy takes a look around her. Her friends were behind her, watching with excitement what is unfolding in front of them. Then she looks around and sees others on their phones, recording the scene as if they expected a fight. She needs to act fast.
"Shadow just help me beat Eggman!" Amy pulls away from Sonic's grasp and stands in front of Shadow. "That's all!"
Sonic just looks at Amy's green eyes, she is tired and uneasy about the whole situation. He did not want to put her in any more turmoil so for now, he will Shadow have this one.
"You are hurt," Sonic says as he looks at the small cut on Amy's forehead. "Come on, let's go take care of that wound."
"Tsk," Shadow rolls his eyes as he starts to take a leave. His job is done and just wants to back to his apartment. The blue one ruined everything. But before he leaves, he turns his head and looks at Amy. He did not like how that wound looks, she is still bleeding and Sonic seems too dumb to take care of her properly. Nonetheless, he knew that Amy could take care of herself just fine.
Amy wants to say goodbye but she gets shy all of a sudden. She doesn't know if it's because Sonic is next to her ... or because Shadow smiled at her before leaving the place.
Finally, she's home and ready to go to sleep. Today was a long day and tragically her clothes were beyond salvation and she knew it would be impossible to return them.
She wears another pajama today. A black shirt from one of her favorite shows, Game of Royal Seats, and matching shorts.
Amy is on her phone, laying on the bed and reading the comments she is been receiving for her ShadAmy fanfiction. Most of them are encouraging, others were just 'Please update' comments. She didn't mind, a comment is a comment after all.
However, as much as she wants to update, she has writer's block. Writing is hard and even harder is writing a story about a hedgehog she does not understand.
TheFanfictioner#0619: Hey! How are you? Writing your masterpiece?"
Amy smiles as she sees that The Fanfictioner texted her on Xiscord.
She clicks on the app and opens the message, ready to type.
ARoseWithoutTorns#0923: I am fine! What about you? I am having trouble writing ... I don't understand Shadow's character at all, it's hard to write him.
TheFanfictioner#0619: I am alright, kinda annoyed at someone but it doesn't matter ... I have a few days for the fanfic, if you want to hear that is?
Amy sighs in relief, The Fanfictioner always had good ideas and she's thankful for the help.
ARoseWithoutTorns#0923: Yes, I would love to hear. That would help a lot ... Thanks!
TheFanfictioner#0619: In the next chapter, why don't Amy and Shadow go on an adventure?
A/n: I apologize for this chapter will have a bunch of grammar and spelling mistakes but I just wanted to update the story and I don't have much time to proof read the story. It's been a while uh? I'll try to update monthly or whenever I get inspiration. I'll get back to publishing more regularly once I am done writing my AOT fanfic which I should be done soon. I want to thank @liepantuflas and @chizumme for such a beautiful fanart that inspire me to continue writing this fic. There's not much to say, just that I am excited to continue writing this and for you guys to see what I have in stock for you all. Thank you so much for the support all of this time even if I haven't updated. As for my other stories, I don't know if I'll update them mostly because I enjoy writing The Fanfictioner more than my other stories. For now, you will have to be happy with this. This is not my favorite chapter but I like to take things slowly. The next one should be more entertaining. 
For my tumblr readers, I don’t know if my stories will continue to appear in the shadamy tag and that kinda discourages me from posting here. So, I recommend everyone to continue reading this story via Ao3 or Wattpad! Thank you <3 Nonetheless, I’ll still try my best to post here.
Thank you and I promise I'll update more often.
188 notes · View notes
another-sonic-blog · 4 years
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Do you guys ever think about how Amy’s hug is Shadow’s first (and probably last) experience of affection he has had since Maria’s death?
431 notes · View notes
another-sonic-blog · 4 years
By Accident Ch.2
Part one: https://another-sonic-blog.tumblr.com/post/618876056624054272/how-about-one-where-amy-discovers-shadow-in-stasis 
This chapter's synopsis: After waking up Shadow from stasis, Amy and the black hedgehog spend some time together before going to see the Federal Reservation Bank, home to a Chaos Emerald. However, the longer Shadow spends time with Amy the more he realizes that he is having conflicted feelings about destroying Earth. This leads him to a final resolution.
ShadAmy (Platonic/Romantic it's up to you)
  The sun began to rise as it helped the sky decorate its blue canvas with soft pastel colors. Flowers bloomed as they began to be touched by sunlight, they detached a sweet aroma that could even be smelled by the unskilled nose.
Shadow the Hedgehog looked outside the window from Amy's apartment where he could see people coming out of their houses, ready to start a new day. There was a new unknown feeling that was taking over his body. He wasn't tense, his body completely relaxed and although he didn't sleep he didn't feel tired ... He was at a complete state of tranquility. Something that he wasn't used to since leaving in the Space Colony ARK. Constant test, needles coming in and out of him, Xrays, and overexerting his body in every possible way was an everyday item to him. Although there were very loving and caring scientists at the ARK, not everyone was. Must of them saw Shadow for the living weapon that he was, nothing more and nothing less. Even Professor Gerald Robotnik saw him as such but instead of a weapon, he saw Shadow as a cure. The Ultimate Life Form, his body was perfect in every sense of the world. Undefeatable.
All the power in the world and he couldn't save the only person he truly cared for.
The black hedgehog looked at the people walking underneath him. So small and fragile but still a smile plastered on their faces. How could they be happy when their race only seeks for destruction? How can they be happy when they can only feel hate towards each other? Humanity was rotten from the very pinnacle of its core and Shadow wanted nothing more but its demise.
How can they be happy when they took away the person he loved the most?
Even with the pain, hate, and suffering inside of him ... Shadow didn't want to do it. He didn't want to destroy this pathetic planet but ...
He will do it.
The promise he made to Maria is more important than Shadow's conflicted feelings. Maria wanted revenge and for all that's sacred, Shadow was going to give it to her.
His moment of rage was broken as Shadow heard the sleepy voice of the pink hedgehog who opened the doors of her house to him. Shadow reminded himself that he shouldn't get attached to anyone, especially Amy who seemed to have her way into people's hearts ... quiet easily. However, Shadow couldn't deny that the pink hedgehog has come in handy to him. She cooks for him, gives him a roof and-
"Are you alright? Did you sleep?"'
She gives him company.
Something he didn't need nor want but it was greatly appreciated. It was going to be complicated to destroy the world she seemed to love so much, Amy will probably hate him when she finds out ... if she ever does. Shadow will try to keep the destruction of the world a secret for as long as he can. At least until he makes sure Amy is safe at the ARK and that's if she wants to come along with him.
"You know that I don't need to sleep," Shadow said still looking outside the window. A heavy sigh left Shadow's lips as if he was letting out all the anger that built up inside of him just a few moments ago. Once again he felt tranquil. "I'll be fine ... soon enough."
There were a lot of moments in which Amy questioned Shadow and if she was being completely honest there was doubt within her. The pink one knew that Shadow was hiding something. However, she decided to let the feeling go. He was just a mysterious hedgehog who wanted to go home, nothing wrong with that. Amy could trust him and she will.
"I'll cook something and then we can go to the Federal Reserve Bank of Capital City." Amy walked towards the black hedgehog. Again, she could notice that same sad look. Full of anger,  pain ... If there was a way Amy could console him, she would. But how? There was a wall around him, one where there was no way she could climb up nor go underneath. Nonetheless, she was stubborn as well. It didn't matter how long nor how many hits it took, she was going to break down Shadow's wall. 
Federal Reserve Bank?" Shadow asked this time he was facing the pink hedgehog.
"That's where the Chaos Emerald is."
Shadow thought that it was just a matter of eating breakfast and getting to the place where the Chaos Emerald is located. However, it seemed like the pink hedgehog had other things in mind. She took him to places that he only had seen in magazines and books back at the ARK. Places that Maria always wanted to visit.
"When I get better we definitely need to go to a shopping center! I wanna buy cute clothes and ice cream!"
"Shadow, once we go down to Earth we should go to a park! It would be nice to race against you!"  
Something was screaming in Shadow's mind, telling him to tell the pink lady to stop playing around. What surprised him the most was his level of patience, he was supposed to be completing his plan to destroy the world but instead here he was. Following a pink girl around to sightsee.
It was late afternoon now, the sun once again helps paint the blue sky with pastel colors. The only difference was this time the color palette was darker. Purples and blues showed up and Shadow mentally smacked his forehead already disappointed that he might lose this day.
Maybe he could sneak outside during the night while Amy is asleep. But what if she wakes up and doesn't find him? Will she suspect him?
And what if she does? What does that matter to him? Shadow needed to continue his plan to destroy the world, that was the only thing that mattered to him now.
"Are you enjoying yourself Shadow?" Amy asked as she looked over at the black hedgehog with a smile on herself.
"Oh ..."
Chaos gracious, Shadow doesn't even know where to start with this one. He regretted being so upfront with her even if he was speaking up his real feelings.
"My apologies, it's just that I am desperate to get a Chaos Emeralds."
Although Shadow wasn't looking directly at the people, he felt the presence of humans passing by them. Some looked, some didn't care and to be fully honest Shadow never thought he would be walking around with humans as normal as this. On the vast streets that were filled with cars, cafes, restaurants, lights, and all of these mechanical things he quite didn't understand ... yet. He was never fond of the loud sounds but this was quite amusing to him.
"No, I am sorry," Amy said. "I know you want to get home and to do that you need the Chaos Emerald but ... I don't know I just thought that maybe you would like to sightsee before you go? I also wanted to spend some time with you before we parted ways ..."
When Amy says things like this, it becomes more complicated for him to think of the destruction of the Earth. His need to protect her increased to levels that even worried him. Now it wasn't a matter of Amy wanting to come along with him to the ARK. It was as if Shadow needed her to come with him.
No, he can't let those feelings take over him. He can't get attached and he shouldn't. Not after what the world has already taken from him.
"Yes, I need to go home but that doesn't mean my journey with you ends once I get the Chaos Emerald." Shadow looked over to Amy who was walking next to him, a bit too close for his comfort but at the moment he didn't mind. "I still need to help you find your friend, remember?"
"Oh, you are right!" Amy said, a bit surprised. "Thank you Shadow, most of the time I am left behind ... So, I thought that maybe you would do the same."
This time a sad smile was placed on her face. As if Amy was remembering a nostalgic memory, maybe someone who she was found off mixed with a sad memory. Anger suddenly began to rise within the black hedgehog. Whoever dared to leave behind such a kind-hearted person like Amy was an awful creature.
However, the rosette hedgehog was back to her bubbly self. She smiled the brightest that she could and looked at Shadow with her Emerald eyes.
"But I know you won't do that to me right, Shadow?" Amy asked.
This was becoming difficult. Way too difficult. Shadow was once again conflicted with his feelings, he shouldn't care much about this girl but still he does.
"No, I won't," Shadow said and really meant it ...
So then, why did Shadow felt like he was lying?
The Federal Reserve Bank was one of the most secure places in Capital City, may even in the whole world. A great facility, robots, guns, lasers, soldiers, nothing that Shadow couldn't handle.
Amy and Shadow were a few meters away from it as to Shadow's request. Although the facility was on the outskirts of the city, it was still very concurred by people, especially G.U.N. agents. Shadow knew that it was better to keep his distance now.
"I have a friend who works for the government, I think we can ask her to help us convince them to lend us the Chaos Emerald-"
Amy's voice was cut off as an explosion was heard on the Federal Reserve Bank. The gates that were surrounding the facility were no longer there and Amy immediately recognized the person behind this.
"That's Dr. Eggman!" Amy said to Shadow. "I have to stop him! He must be after the Chaos Emerald."
They were hiding behind some bushes where there was not a possibility of them being detected. Amy looked at the facility once again, determination on her eyes. Maybe this time she could prove to Sonic that she could be useful.
"Who is this Dr. Eggman?" Shadow asked, trying to get Amy's attention so her mindset would move away from entering the facility.
"He is a villain. Dr. Eggman is always trying to conquer the world and he is always after the Chaos Emeralds." Amy said. "I wonder what does he need them for now."
"This information can come in handy later on."
A quick thought crossed his mind. This was it, the means as to how to start his plans. But first he needed to do something.
"I need you to go back home, I got this. I'll stop him by myself-"
Shadow quickly interrupted, Amy had such a determination on her face that could intimidate anyone ... but him.
"I don't like being left behind Shadow and I won't leave you alone either," Amy said. "He can hurt you, what if you need me to protect you?"
"From what I remember I was the one who protected you from that guard of robots a few days ago."
"And? I still helped you get out! I can take care of myself."
"I can take care of myself!" Maria caught the red ball with her hands, an angry look placed on her face. "I want to play too!"
"Dear, even if you feel good that doesn't mean that you are." One of the scientists approached the blond one, trying to provide her with some comfort. "But your health is very delicate, one small agitation and may end up in the infirmary again ... You don't want that do you?"
"But I want to play with Shadow!" Maria said.
"Shadow is very strong, he may even hurt you if he were to throw that ball."
The black hedgehog watched from afar, a bit sad that his best friend wasn't able to play with him the activities that he enjoyed.
"Don't worry Maria," Shadow approached her, a delicate and comforting voice coming from him. "We can read a book or do a puzzle if you want."
Even when Shadow tried not to compare Amy to Maria, there was an evident share of personalities within the two. This brought back a faint memory, one that he wished he could relive again.
"I know you can take care of your self," Shadow's voice changed and this took the pink one by surprise. "I don't want you to come with me ... because I don't want you to get hurt."
Shadow the Hedgehog was the Ultimate Life Form but even he had failed to protect the one he cared for the most. His failure was something that will always hunt him in the form of insecurity. He was the Ultimate Life Form and he failed to protect a little girl. Who is he to say that the same thing won't happen to Amy? What if he can't protect her? What if he can't be there when she needs him?  
"It's not like I don't trust your abilities ..." Shadow made a pause as he took a moment to appreciate Amy's emerald eyes. "It's more like I don't trust myself to protect you if need me to."
There it was again, that sadness, that painful look. There was a reason behind his insecurity and although Amy wanted to know why she knew she couldn't do that at the moment. Just what had happed to Shadow that made him be this insecure about himself? Heck, Amy was utterly impressed when she saw him destroy that guard of robots back at Prison Island. He had unique and amazing abilities ... but even he had his insecurities.
"Will you be back by dinner?"
Maybe, she was finally understanding the black hedgehog. Amy now knew that she wouldn't be able to break down the wall that Shadow had built up around him no matter how much she tried to destroy it. It was a matter of giving Shadow time, space, and understanding ... And that way maybe ... He would be the one to destroy his wall.
The dark hedgehog gave Amy a small smirk, one that pierced through the pink hedgehog's heart. Hopefully, she would be there to see more of that enchanting smile.
"I'll try my best," Shadow replied.
"You will come back, right?"
Almost like plead, Shadow's heart begged him to not stay away from the pink hedgehog. To forget everything and to not destroy the planet that Amy seemed to love so much.
But he couldn't. Shadow had made a promise to the most important person in the universe, to Maria ... and he always keeps his promises.
"I promise."
Obtaining the Chaos Emerald was too easy. The black and red striped hedgehog even felt a little bit guilty that he took down every single agent and robot at the facility. In his hands now was a green Chaos Emerald.
"It all starts with this ... A jewel containing the ultimate power," For a moment, Shadow was lost in the beauty of the green Chaos Emerald. How could something so small be so beautiful yet powerful? In a sense, the Chaos Emerald reminded him of someone he knew.
"You rat! What do you think you are doing with my Chaos Emerald?"
Although Shadow didn't recognize the voice, he wasn't scared of it much less intimidated by it. There was complete silence between them. The only thing surrounding them was the metal room in which Shadow had stolen the Chaos Emerald. Slowly, he turned around coming face to face with the so-called Dr. Eggman.
"My name is Shadow, I am one of Gerald Robotnik's greatest creation ... The Ultimate Life Form." Shadow said. "It's an honor to finally meet you, Doctor."
Although Dr. Eggman was surprised that this black hedgehog knew his grandfather's name, thanks to his great thinking abilities he was putting all the pieces together.
"You are the military's top-secret weapon! The one that the military shut down the research because they feared it!" Eggman said on top of his robot. Shadow had to admit the whole scene was comical even. He could tell why Amy called him Eggman but if the black hedgehog wanted the human to do as he pleases, it was better to not say that nickname.
"A few days ago I found my grandfather's old research files and dairy. He wrote about the greatest weapon he has ever created ... Project Shadow," Eggman was still keeping his distance, not knowing how dangerous could this hedgehog be. "I was looking for you in Prison Island, just to find that you were no longer there ... How did you even escape?"
That was something that Shadow didn't dare to say. He didn't want to involve Amy in any way into his devilish plans. He decided to ignore his question and instead focused on the information that was given to him.
"Because you are the grandchild of my creator, I'll grant you one wish," Shadow said. "Bring more Chaos Emeralds."
"Shadow wait!"
"I'll be waiting for you in the central control room on the space colony, ARK."
Shadow was enjoying this too much. The police, soldiers, agents, everyone was after him. Although he could easily use Chaos Control, a part of him wanted himself to be known to the world. Shadow wanted this planet to know that he was here, that they should start to feel despair, pain, and suffering just like he felt it. Just like he was feeling it.
Destroying the Federal Reserve Bank brought him a certain pleasure, was this what revenge felt like? If he was being completely honest, it was quite lovely.
Standing proud of at the tallest bridge of Capital City, Shadow the Hedgehog looked down on the humans. So small, so weak and pathetic and they still managed to outsmart the ultimate life form 50 years ago in the ARK.
The sounds of police sirens and helicopters around him made Shadow smile, did they really think their machines are good enough to stop him?
"Hmf ... How pathetic ..." The words left his mouth but as soon as they did, he remembered what had happened on the ARK. Yes, he was the Ultimate Life Form. However, he shouldn't let that fact make him underestimate the humans. They were more deadly than they looked.
"Find them before they escape!"
Shadow did everything he could so Maria's small hand didn't slip away from his. Her breathing was becoming more agitated, and Shadow feared that her weak lungs would explode at any moment.
Gunshots were heard and without noticing Maria had been shot right in front of him. Everything happened so fast that Shadow didn't know how to react, what to do. He had been trained to be many things, a weapon, a cure ... but Shadow had never learned how to be a savior ... A hero.
In the next moment, he was trapped. A crystal capsule surrounded him and Shadow was again lost. He couldn't do anything. The black hedgehog only stood there, watching his only family bleeding to death. Maria sacrificed herself to save him, to put him to safety. Shadow was supposed to be the one to save her. After all, he was her hope all along for a happy and normal life on Earth.
"Shadow, I beg of you ... Please do it for me."
"For all the people ... on that planet ..."
No matter how much Shadow screamed her name, she wouldn't listen. The Ultimate Life Form was reduced to helplessness. To nothing, he just wanted this nightmare to end. For Chaos, for everything sacred in this universe ... He swore to never sleep again if that meant he will never have this nightmare.
"Sayonara ... Shadow the Hedgehog."
He couldn't do anything back then. But now, Shadow was going to do anything in his power to get revenge. Nothing else crossed his mind, although the memory of the pink hedgehog wanted to make its way trough. He suppressed the thought, knowing that if he let his mind go to Amy the sudden rage of destroying everything will disappear. The black hedgehog didn't need that right now, all he needed at the moment, was anger, rage, and determination.
Starting right this moment, he didn't care about anyone or anything. He will seek destruction, he will full fill his promise. Shadow will make everyone feel the pain, the suffering, the no-ending nightmare that was his life.
Just how dare they? How dare these humans walk away as if nothing happened? Like they just didn't destroy his whole universe? His purpose to live?
These were the same thoughts he was having early this morning until a sweet voice interrupted him.
Amy made him have second thoughts and doubts about destroying the world.
But she wasn't here now to remind him of that.
"Maria, I still remember what I promised you, for the people of this planet ... I promise you ... Revenge!"
The dark hedgehog had already finished defeating the guars of the military that was after him. It didn't take him long and his satisfaction was short-lived, therefore he decided to go downtown where he could cause a little more of despair within the population. He looked around the city, sightly enjoying the lights and how perfectly they illuminated the city.
Suddenly, something caught his attention. It wasn't the tall buildings, nor restaurants nor how there were no people at the moment.
It was a blue hedgehog, who was fighting a G.U.N robot. It was pretty big and Shadow would have liked to take down that robot as well but seeing that the blue hedgehog was almost done with, he decided to not interfere. Shadow had to admit that the blue hedgehog had good skills for the regular Mobian. Watching from the rooftop of a close-by building, Shadow thought that maybe this could turn out to be an interesting fight.
The black hedgehog landed on top of G.U.N's robot as he threw the Chaos Emerald up and down, playing with it to get the blue hedgehog's attention.
"Now, I know what's going on!" the blue hedgehog said as he approached Shadow, looking directly up at him. "The military has mistaken me for the likes of you!"
Shadow reminds quiet, it was amusing to see that the blue one had the guts to face him. The black hedgehog wanted a fight but he didn't think it was going to be that easy.
"So, where do you think you're going with that Emerald?!" The blue hedgehog raised his voice, tired that Shadow wasn't saying a word. He began to run this time. "Say something! You fake hedgehog!"
"Well, let's play."
Throwing up the Chaos Emerald and then catching it, Shadow only said two words.
"Chaos Control!"
Greenlight eradiated from the Chaos Emerald and Shadow felt his whole body go through an energy shock. It was a sensation that was long forgotten but it wasn't uncomfortable. In the next moment, there he was up close to the blue hedgehog.
For a moment, everything went in slow motion. Blue met black as they crossed next to each other, Shadow finally took a good look on Sonic's features. He was just a regular blue hedgehog, but his green eyes remind him of someone.
Amy's emerald eyes.
"Damn it, I forgot! I promised her I was going to be back!"
Shadow mentally face palmed himself, he felt so stupid for letting his uncontrolled emotions take over him so easily.
"And tragically, I didn't make it for dinner either."
Shadow decided to teleport back to the top of the building where he could see again the blue hedgehog. Why did he even think this was a good idea? He was just wasting time.
"Wow ... he's fast!" The blue one said. "But wait ... Its not speed! He must be using the Chaos Emerald to warp!"
Oh, well at least the blue one offered him some type of entertainment. The least he could do was to introduce himself before he goes off to Amy's apartment.
"My name is Shadow, I'm the world's ultimate life form." The black hedgehog was once again playing with the green Chaos Emerald, mocking the inability of the blue hedgehog. "There's no time for games ... Farewell."
Shadow used the Chaos Emerald to create a great amount of energy, it was so bright that it blinded Sonic for the moment.
"Shadow ... What is he?"
And then he was gone.
"I better investigate this ... Just after months of not seeing Amy and Tails ... I come back to the city to see them and this happens-"
"Don't move! Stay where you are! Keep your hands up in the air!"
Sonic's thoughts were interrupted as in few seconds, the blue blur was surrounded by G.U.N's trucks, soldiers, and helicopters.
"Huh? Not again!"
Like a teenager coming back from a party that he wasn't supposed to go, Shadow entered Amy's apartment through the living room's window.
He tried to be quiet but of course the pink hedgehog was waiting for him. Amy was wearing her pink pajamas, messy hair, and tired eyes. She was sitting on the couch, in front of a small table. On top of it, a plate of food was wrapped with plastic paper, Shadow could tell the food was long cold.
But his heart wasn't.
Far from it, actually.
"My apologies, were you waiting for me?"
Shadow was finally inside the apartment, his voice was soft. For a small moment, he looked over to the lamp that lightly illuminated the room, giving him enough light to see Amy. "Have you eaten?"
As if destiny wanted to prove Amy wrong, her stomach let out a loud growl, showing that she hasn't eaten anything since she last saw Shadow.
"I wanted to eat with you," Amy defended herself. A bit shy and embarrassed that Shadow watched her being this vulnerable. "How did it go? Did you defeat Eggman?"
Shadow nodded, he watched Amy stand up from the couch. The pink lady slowly walked towards him where she could see him better thanks to the moonlight coming from outside the window. Shadow's vermillion eyes glowed even brighter. The first time Amy saw his eyes, they were a bit terrifying. But now, she found a strange sense of comfort within them. Red pools that wanted to say so much, but couldn't.
"Did you get the Chaos Emerald?"
"Are you going home now?"
Amy's heart shrunk a little when he accepted it. They had been together for a couple of days but they had built a special bond. She knew this won't be the last time she would see him ... So, why does she feels like this?
"I need to go home but I'll come back to you when the time is right."
Even for Shadow, it was hard to say those words. But why? His heart stopped beating as he watched Amy's face change.
It was as if she knew everything, about his past. About his plan to destroy the Earth, about his dark thoughts.
But her face showed such calmness, such softness ... It wasn't pitying, it was compassion.
She was giving him comfort, without Amy knowing it.
"I'll be here whenever you need me,"
This time, Amy smiled. She knew that Shadow needed to follow his journey and to discover himself on his own. However, if there was any way she could help, then she would make it clear that she would be here for him. No matter what.
"Would you ... Would you really be here?"
Amy couldn't tell all too well, but she knew that his voice had cracked. His voice was filled with such grief that Amy herself felt like crying. That insecurity was showing up again in Shadow and this time it was breaking him. His voice was a quiet plead. He was like a sinner seeking forgiveness, like a vagabond seeking a home.  
"Yes, I'll be here ... I promise."
The rosette hedgehog was something or rather say someone who Shadow has been looking for since the day Maria died. Something that he thought he lost forever. He had only known the pink hedgehog for a couple of days but she had shown him so much. She offered him such unconditional sentiment and comfort that made his heart feel at peace.
But was that enough to forget a promise?
"When I come back, I'll help you find your friend. How does this individual look like?"
"No need. Honestly, he must be traveling somewhere. I have my ways of finding him, so don't worry about that," the pink lady was getting closer to Shadow but now he didn't mind the closeness of it at all. "Besides, something tells me that you have more important things to do that to help me find Sonic."
The black hedgehog still wonders who was this person who seemed to be so important to the pink one. Why would anyone want to be away from her? When all that Shadow wanted to do was to be close to her?  
"I'll come back soon enough, don't get in any trouble alright?" Shadow took one last good look at Amy, fully appreciating her soft features. Nonetheless, his eyes landed on hers. How come he didn't notice earlier? Amy's green emerald eyes were even more beautiful than the Chaos Emerald he was hiding.
"No promises!" Amy said playfully as Shadow walked towards the window, ready to disappear into the distance.
Although his heart was begging him to not leave, he knew that this was for the better. He needed to figure out things by himself and hopefully, he could get rid of the strange feeling that was starting to make its way into his heart.
"I'll come back," Shadow said. What the black hedgehog didn't know was that he would see Amy soon enough, in a circumstance he wished Amy wouldn't see him in.
"I know," Amy gives him a reassuring smile, one that made his heart and soul feel ... tranquil.
"You promised me."
A/N: The hardest part of this chapter was the ending. It took me a very long time to figure out how this conversation. Shadow, a lost, suffering soul ... and Amy, an idealist who sees the best in everyone. I guess I really wanted to show Shadow's mains traits in this chapter. His determination, insecurity, and caring side. No matter how much he tries to not let 'superficial' feelings get to him, he always ends up caring for others. He does not want to destroy the planet earth, but he is still going to do it because he 'promised' it to Maria. I wanted to show Shadow's inner conflict and how much that affects him. He is going to have his lows on this story but you all know how it's gonna end. I am really trying to stay 'in character' for these two. This won't be your super 'mushy lovey-dovey fanfiction story.' This story is going to be more like 'the reasons why Shadow and Amy have such great potential as a couple, romantic and non-romantic'. I want to highlight both characters' traits, weaknesses, and strengths as I give a new approach to this iconic story.
Also, I just realized that Sonic never introduces himself to Shadow but after they are at the ARK racing each other. So, if I can I'll have Shadow at the end be like 'Oh, so you are the hedgehog Amy is looking for!"
On the side note, I am already preparing for the big ANGST moment. Well, two main angst moments, I am sure you can figure the two moments out. I honestly can't wait for all of you to read it.
I want this story to be around 10 chapters long. But, it may be more or less. It all really depends on how much I can make out of the SA2 story. I'll be pulling out things from the hero and dark stories to finish this.
Anyways, that's all I have to say for now. I think, lol.
See you next time on Prison Island!
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another-sonic-blog · 4 years
My only ask: keep writing shadamy. You are beyond amazing and bring happiness to many with your exceptional ficts! Thank you!
Thank you 🥺 I’ll try my best to continue making people happy with my fanfics ♥️♥️♥️
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another-sonic-blog · 4 years
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Yesterday, I was checking out Wattpad and I realized that my story ‘Stages’ is #1 in the ShadAmy tag! Although I have a love-hate relationship with this story, I really appreciate the love you all gave it! ♥️
Here are some some lovely comments that always makes me happy to read:
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If you haven’t read my story and you want to read, here is the Wattpad link:
Once again, thank you! ♥️
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another-sonic-blog · 5 years
ShadAmy Ugly Betty AU (based on the Mexican telenovela)
ShadAmy Boys Over flowers AU (based on Japanese dorama)
That’s the real question. Vote now lol
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another-sonic-blog · 5 years
Oh my gosh I can’t wait for the next part of the Bike I love it! So goood 🥺
I just published the next part yesterday:
Thank you so much for reading, please let me know your thoughts on this chapter! Enjoy! ♥️
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another-sonic-blog · 6 years
Not A Love Spell Pt.2 (FINAL)
ShadAmy | Sonic Forces AU
"So, what do we have to do?"
Amy looked directly at the Witch's eyes who looked at Shadow.  He clearly didn't want to be there and he looked more than annoyed.
"That's the spell talking Shadow, you don't want to be in love  with me"
"I don't care...before, I really didn't have a reason to keep on fighting but now...Amy, you are my reason"
"Shadow...Love is something that should not be forced into you... Now I am realizing that"
Amy thought about Sonic at that moment. She had realized that she didn't want to force Sonic into anything he didn't want to feel. She wanted Sonic to truly love her, not because of a stupid spell. It took for Shadow to be in this state for her to finally understand how wrong she was. Only by doubting him, Shadow agreed to come with her.
"Well there's only one thing you can do, this is a very powerful love spell, therefore you will need something powerful to destroy it as well." The Witch took a deep breath before clearing her voice and continued, "You need to go Emerald Forest and climb the tallest mountain...only there you will be able to see the Aurora Polaris"
"Aurora Polaris?", Amy questioned. "Yes, they are also known as Northen Lights...they are beautiful lights that show in the sky once in a while. Shadow should look at them directly and after they are gone, he should be back to normal", The Witch smiled reassuring Amy.  Shadow still hasn't said a word.
"You should hurry up, tomorrow the lights will be its brightest and won't come back for the rest of the month"
"Thank you so much!"
And with that Shadow and Amy were out of the Witch's shop.
Amy looked at Shadow who was as quiet as the night but his face was still showed disappointment and madness.
"Alright, Shadow...what's your problem?", Amy questioned him, placing a hand on her hip.
"You are saying that you are doing this for me because you don't want to force any feelings on me. But now that I love you...you want me to stop loving you. Why aren't you taking my feelings into consideration", Shadow looked down to Amy.  
"Shadow, you don't truly love me. Before we didn't even talk that much, you can't fall in love with me from one day to another. Once this is done, you will see that I am right. Shadow please trust me on this one...If you are really in love with me after your spell in destroyed then..."
"Then?", Shadow's eyes soften, and he took a step closer to Amy. He noticed that this was probably hard for her as well, and he was none to deny that fact.
"...we will see"
They had been walking for a couple of hours now into Emerald Forest.  Shadow volunteer to carry Amy and use his rocket shoes to get to the mountain faster but Amy rejected the idea thinking that Shadow should take it slow for now. Amy didn't want Shadow to fall ill or anything due to overexerting himself.
As thanks to saving the village, Amy received food provisions and sleeping bags for their trip. Right now everything was set. They both had already eaten and the bonfire was lit. It was a bit awkward at first,  Shadow and Amy were both in their sleeping bags, staring at the stars above them.  A few seconds passed and Shadow began the conversation.
"do you think you could ever fall in love with someone like me?"
Wow. What a way to start a conversation, right? Even for Shadow, asking this type of questions were unusual of him. The more he will say things like this, the more he thought that Amy was actually right. That right now, the Love Spell was the one talking and not the real him.
"Shadow to be honest...I think I am being selfish even right now", Amy answered him still looking at the stars. If Shadow was being honest with his feelings, then Amy thought that the right thing to do was to do so as well.
"I promised you that I will get you back to normal but I am not only doing this because of you anymore...its also because of me"
Amy took a pause and turned herself to face Shadow who was already looking at her, waiting for an answer.  And so, she continued.
"I had never seen this side of you...you can be a bit stubborn and hot-headed but...you are also very caring, strong-minded and even soft sometimes. I think that if I spend any more time with you, I could fall head over heels for you"
Amy noticed Shadow's eyes glow. His beautiful vermillion eyes shone as if he had heard the best news of his life.  His ears perked a little and Amy could swear she saw Shadow's tail move side to side in excitement below his blanket. "But...", She continued and decided to look back to the stars. Not wanting to see Shadow's disappointed face for what she will say next.
"I don't want to fall in love with you...I want to keep on loving Sonic. I really, really love him and I just can't imagine loving someone else but him. If I were to fall in love with you...I would feel like I am betraying him and my feelings"
Shadow tried to hide his pain, he understood now that no matter what he did, Amy will never fall in love with him. However, he was glad that Amy was being honest with him. Anyways, the Love Spell will be over tomorrow night and the remaining of his pain will be gone.
"Thank you, Amy, for being honest with me"
Amy took a look at Shadow that although his expression looked more serious than before, it showed a more peaceful one too.  They smiled to each other before drifting off to sleep.
"So we are here"
"Yeah, this is the tallest mountain on Emerald Forest"
Amy and Shadow looked around them. The mountain wasn't that tall compared to others around the world but it was definitely the tallest one around. The sun was about to go down, and for some reason, Shadow felt nervous.  Amy noticed this and gently grabbed his hand, trying to show him some comfort.  The sun went down and after some minutes, the Aurora Polaris made its appearance.  Red, yellow, green, orange, blue...all colors danced and intertwined with each other. There were not just simple lights, it was as if they were souls, all of them creating a perfect balance. Mixing with each other to create something more than energy but life itself. It was totally captivating, mesmerizing.  Aa Shadow watch the beautiful northern lights in awe, he felt as if they were giving him the answers to his doubts, to his questions.
Shadow took one look at Amy....and looked back to the lights.
Entranced, he took his time to appreciate each color, each frame and each structured formed by the lights.
He felt relieved, he felt free...and then it was gone.
Just like they came, they went away. The Aurora Polaris disappeared into the black sky, leaving the stars to shine by themselves.
Amy felt Shadow let go of her hand. It was time to question him.
"So...how do you feel?"
Shadow looked at Amy and kept staring at her delicate face. Even in the dark, the stars above them gave Amy an angelic look; the moon behind her made her look even more ethereal.
But Shadow wasn't nervous anymore. His hands weren't sweaty, his chest didn't feel heavy and it was easy to breathe again.
"I am ok"
"Meaning...you don't love me anymore?
"No, I don't. You were right, I was under the Love Spell this whole time"
"Oh, Chaos! I am so glad!"
Amy smiled at him, and Shadow began to walk away, slowly.
"Where are you going?", Amy was intrigued. "I am leaving now, we are done here and I have places to go", Shadow answered, denying himself to look at her.
"Oh, yeah you are right! I should get going to back to the Resistance Head Quarters as well." Amy scratched her head in embarrassment. This was the real Shadow. Always getting down to business, no time to lose. "Well, I guess...I'll see you around". Amy looked at Shadow's back waiting for him to turn around...but he never did. He just raised his hand up to show her that he had understood her message. Amy's smile became smaller, a relieved one as well.  She walked down the path she and Shadow had come from. Hoping that she could see Shadow in the near future.
When Shadow couldn't hear Amy's footsteps any longer, he turned around. He really wished he could see her one more time, but he knew that this was the best for her.  It was true, the Love Spell had been broken and had no longer an effect on him.
Although he was back to normal, he still couldn't understand why he felt a pain on his chest.
"I don't want to fall in love with you...I want to keep on loving Sonic. I really, really love him and I just can't imagine loving someone else but him. If I were to fall in love with you...I would feel like I am betraying him and my feelings"
Oh, yeah. He didn't want Amy to have any internal conflict with her feelings. He didn't want to be an obstacle for her and her true love. It pained him to imply that fact but he understood that love doesn't mean to possess. He accepted that this whole time he spent with Amy, she was captivating him more and more. Her actions, her personality...and although he felt very much free from that spell, he still felt different. Not a forced emotion, but a real one.
A real emotion like the one he always felt when he was near her before.
Looking at the shining stars above him, thinking of her, Shadow had finally come to a conclusion.
Shadow understood that it was Not A Love Spell who made him feel this way...
He was in love with Amy all along.
A/N: Hoped you liked this! If any of you have any prompts ideas, let me know in the comments or send me a message/ask! Thank you for reading~
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another-sonic-blog · 6 years
Anyone feels like reading an overly used, dramatic love triangle, expected plot twist and “changing bodies” AU comedy ShadAmy fan fiction?
All the plots in my fanfics are original but I feel like writing something like this. I’ve seen some stories with the same concept but I don’t know why most of them are not to my liking. Anyways, I’ll post a chapter tomorrow and if people like I guess I’ll continue it 💕
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another-sonic-blog · 6 years
can you do a story where shadow and amy are in a forest without each other knowing they are there because they are witnessing the beauty of the season [spring]?, and then they bump into each other out of convenience?, romance is my cup of tea
Let's jump right into it! I recommend reading the latest Sonic IDW Comics before reading this.
It's been a while.
  Amy thought for a second how lucky she was. Finally, she had time for herself. The sunlight on her skin felt refreshing, the wind was softly brushing her hair and the tweets of the birds made a beautiful melody. How long has it been ever since she felt this alive?   Sonic and the rookie had finally defeated Infinite and Eggman. However, the world was vastly destroyed and repairments were needed. Sonic left for that same reason, there were still villagers trying to fight Eggman's robot and there was nothing she could do to stop him.
And that was ok.
  Although Sonic leaving her again wasn't her favorite idea, she still had to accept his free spirit. She loved that about him and didn't want to change a thing. However, when everyone thought Sonic had died, something about her awakened. At first, she thought that she would be devastated but that wasn't the case. She was going to make sure to protect the world Sonic died for.
And she was glad she did.
  Looking up to the clear sky, the smell of fresh grass and the beautiful landscape, everything was worth it. At the moment she didn't care what was happening outside the world. Only her and the nature surrounding her, trying to take in as much as she could thinking that after this, she may not have another opportunity. And then...
"What the-"
  Amy looked up again, trying to see who did she bumped to this time. Her eyes tried to adjust but the light was too bright to recognized the figure in front of her.
"Surprising to see you around here, pink one," Shadow said as he offered Amy a hand.
"Shadow?" Amy took his hand still wondering why was Shadow off all hedgehogs doing here.
"Affirmative," Shadow said as he helped Amy up, he noticed how softly she tried to clean her dress from the dust of the road. Shadow was aware that Amy was trying to look at the back side of her dress to make sure it was clean. He had to admit that she looked cute, kinda like a puppy trying to bite its own tail.  Amy stopped for a moment and realized she was making herself look stupid in front of Shadow, and right now it wasn't the moment to be doing so.
"Anyways, why are you here? Last time I saw you, you disappeared with Rouge a few days ago after Sonic left the Resistance HQ ... Where is she actually?" Amy said trying to change the topic and fast.
"Yes, we ran into Sonic in a nearby village, we talked for a bit after that. Sonic told us how he met with Knuckles and Rouge decided to go after him." Shadow gave Amy a small explanation. He didn't want to say that he actually got into a fight with Sonic on whether Eggman was lying about losing his memories or not. Knowing her, Amy would probably be mad at him for even trying to punch her 'blue boyfriend'.
"Yeah, he told me that you guys fought over whether Eggman or not is lying about his situation."
  Shadow seemed to have underestimated her.
"I completely agree with you Shadow ... We aren't certain if Eggman might recover his memory or if he has them and he is just pretending to be a good guy now," Amy added.
"I thought you will take your 'boyfriend's' side," Shadow said in a monotone voice. Without noticing they both started walking alongside the road, each other side by side with no destination to reach what-so ever.
"Sonic's side? No of course not, I don't agree with a lot of the things he does but I can't control him and besides, I have a lot of trust in him," Amy looked at the grass and flowers next to her once again appreciating the beauty of it.
"Trust?" Shadow questioned her.
"I trust that he will take the best decision for all of us ... and you Shadow? What's your plan as up to right now?" Amy smiled at him and at this time he honestly had no answer for that.
"I don't really know," Shadow admitted and Amy stood up on her tracks. This is the first time she heard Shadow say that 'he didn't know.' Whether he was wrong or right, he always had a path he was determined to take.
"You are feeling lost?"
"Somewhat ... during the war with Eggman, I was traveling around helping and protecting cities, but now that the war is over and Eggman has no intentions of being evil ... I really don't know."
"What if you come with me?"
"What?" Shadow questioned and felt how Amy happily held his hand.
"Yes, right now we are trying to investigate the reason why the latest attacks seemed to be more organized than before and Sonic believes he got a hint behind this mystery ... Knuckles, Tails and I are on our ways to meet up with Sonic ... you could be a great help!" Amy was more than open to letting Shadow in on their mission and she was sure that the rest wouldn't mind either.
"I don't know about that ..." For some reason, Shadow felt shy about having Amy holding his hand so excitedly. He looked the other way around and Amy turned her head in order to make Shadow look at her in the eyes.
"Come on, it will be fun! I rarely see you, and meeting you here out of all places, it must be destiny ... which reminds me ... How come did we bump into each other? I know was distracted, but you?" Amy fixed her position noticing that Shadow was acting strange. Maybe her actions were making him uncomfortable, she slowly let go of Shadow's hand.
"I was distracted as well," Shadow finally said.
"Really? What were you thinking?"
"I was thinking: What is that ugly pink ball that I see from afar?" Shadow said as he suddenly hit Amy's forehead with his middle finger. He didn't want Amy to know that he was actually so invested in the beauty of spring that he actually bumped into her by accident. He didn't want to show her his soft side.
"You know what, I take back what I said you can stay here for all I care!" Amy childishly showed her tongue to Shadow and although she was clearly mocking him, he found this cute and may be useful later on.
"You can't go back on your word, now put that tongue back," Shadow tried to sound dangerous but he had to admit that this pink hedgehog made him smile by her stupid actions.
"Maaaakeeee meeeee!"
  And Shadow did.
Amy didn't know what was going on at the moment and her expression was priceless. She could only focus on how Shadow's tongue was on hers and how he kept looking at her directly in the eyes.
"YOU CREEP!" Amy said screaming. She was having such a nice day only to be ruined by the hedgehog in front of her.
"You told me to put it back," Shadow defended himself. He knew the kind of territory he was going into and honestly he was enjoying it so far.
"What's the matter? It's not like its prohibited or anything," Shadow began to walk on the path once again as he heard Amy following him from behind.
"YEAH, BUT I DIDN'T WANT MY FIRST KISS TO BE LIKE THIS!" Amy tried to stop him but Shadow turned around to face her once again.
"Your first kiss was in a beautiful place. A place where you can see the clear sky, where the leave's from the trees fall softly and where you can hear the birds sing...I thought a girl like you would like those kinds of things"
  Amy took a moment to realized that it was true. This place was perfect for a first kiss and it might even be destiny ... but even so ...
"But my first kiss was supposed to be with Sonic!"
"Yeah, and I gave you something better ... you kissed the Ultimate Life Form!" Shadow then stuck out his tongue, mocking her and Amy was sure that she was going to end up murdering him. She tried to play it cool and just go along with it.
"Just admit that you were fascinated by my beauty and got distracted, that's why you bumped into me"
"Yeah you are right," Shadow said plain and simple. Amy's plan on taking revenge on Shadow wasn't working as up to right now and she didn't know whether to feel honored or mad.
"Feeling funny today right, Shadow?"
"No, just being honest,"
  Amy had never felt this kind of heat going around her cheeks before. She was usually the one who was open about love. The one who confesses her love to Sonic all the time and the one who wasn't afraid to show her affection to everyone. But now, Shadow, was being so straightforward, just like her ... so why was she feeling this way?
"Hahahaha so funny Shadow, next thing you are going to say is that you like me, won't you? hahaha-"
"I do,"
  Amy felt a strong beat on her heart and she thought she was going to faint.
"Wha-ttt? You are joking, right?," Amy questioned one more time. He just sighed.
"No, I am not joking. Before I thought you were a childish little pink hedgehog. However, after the war with Eggman and Infinite, I came to realize that you are actually strong, independent and a good leader for everyone. You overcame Sonic's 'apparent' death and kept going forward although you were hurting in the inside... I really like that about you," Shadow walked towards Amy and this time it was him the one holding her hand.
"I ... I ... You are joking right?" Amy wanted to pretend that this wasn't happening.  Was Shadow admitting that he likes her? Like romantically? Or was he just admitting that he likes her as a friend? Shadow mentally facepalmed himself.
"No, Amy, I like you. I think everyone knows that but you. I wouldn't be surprised that you didn't noticed because you are always behind that blue hedgehog."
  Now that she thinks about it, even Silver had mentioned it before. Something about Shadow staring at her too much and Rouge saying something like "Shadow is off lately, probably because he is thinking about someone" while winking at her.
"And well, what's your answer?" Shadow got closer to Amy's face and she felt his breath getting closer and closer to her. She had to admit that his eyes were captivating and don't get her wrong, Shadow was a very attractive male. She remembers there was even a small fan club in the Resistance. Even males dare to enter and enjoyed writing letters and talk about him. After all, Shadow was known as a hero and even consider a legend among rookies.
"I-I ... GOTTA GO FAST!" Amy then took a run.   She ran as fast as she could, she didn't know how to handle it. Was this how Sonic felt every time she confesses her love to him? Was that the reason he always run away from her? Because ... he was shy? She turned around just to find Shadow running behind her.   Shadow knew that he could catch her whenever he wanted, but he was honestly having fun chasing her around. Looking at her blushing face while saying "EEEKKKK" and trying to run faster away from him was honestly amusing. He decided to keep it this way, teasing her, making her blush and having all of these different reactions made his heart race. After the long and exhausting war, chasing Amy under the spring light, going into a new journey with her, was really pleasing for him ...
and it's been a while ever since.
A/N: I hope you enjoyed this! I haven't been working on any one-shot ff since I am currently working on completing my other stories, so writing this was really refreshing! I didn't notice I had this request from you and I apologized for not getting back to you sooner. But even so, I hope you like this! Thank you again for reading and supporting my work so far~
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another-sonic-blog · 7 years
First Impressions Pt.10 The Last Chapter
First Impressions Pt.10 “CHAOS BLAST!” Amy felt her world going back again to her. All of her hopes were being brought back to her as she heard him yell his famous attack. She didn’t feel pain no more, her hero Sonic was here protecting her. She knew that she could not stay laying down for too long, even if her body wanted her to, she couldn’t. She stood up and saw that most robots were already taken down by Sonic. She turned around and found Shadow fighting against Lyric. Shadow looked at Amy relieve to see that she was alright. However, this distraction was taken advantage by Lyric and quickly knock down Shadow with his tail. Shadow fell down but rapidly recover, however Lyric was already long gone. Shadow looked our more time to Amy ad then went to chase after Lyric. “Amy lets go!’” Amy turned around to look at Sonic who was approching her. “Are you alright?”- Sonic asked her, she wanted to respond yes. However, it seems as her lips could not move but her head nodded. “Ok look, you have to go and fight along side the gang...I’ll go with Shadow and take down Lyric”- Sonic said and he looked at Amy in the eyes. Amy closed her eyes as she expected Sonic to kiss her. However that kiss never came, instead there was a gentle peck in her forehead. It was so warm and she could feel the love put into it. “Take care Amy” Sonic stood up again and so did Amy. With one last look, Sonic nodded at Amy and left running to catch up to Shadow. After that Amy then reacted and headed towards her team, time to fight back. The robots were stronger this time, they had destroyed most of the re-build houses the villagers had work so hard to get up.   “Amy! You are back1 What happened? “- Tails asked a robot approaching him. However Sticks took it down before it hurt Tails. Knuckles punched two robots at the time and also turn around to look at Amy. “Sonic and Shadow went to fight Lyric!”-Amy responded as she took at her hammer, ready to battle. “Everything is going as planned... hopefully...”- Tails then turned around and saw hundred more robots coming their way. “We just gotta keep up...”- Knuckles then hit the floor, making the ground tremble and with this, some robots got destroyed, not good enough still. They all got positioned in one line, already knowing that today was not going to be easy. Sonic looked around everywhere. As he was running through the woods, he thought it was weird that he couldn’t hear any sounds, only the click and clacks of the Chaos emeralds sightly hitting each other on the his bag. Then he heard stronger sounds coming his way. For the first time in his life, Sonic was utterly afraid. What if Shadow and him weren’t strong enough to defeat Lyric? Even with the Chaos Emeralds... he had never used them with their full potential. What if he wasn’t strong enough? Everyone would suffer the consequences, Tails, Knuckles, Sticks...Amy... no. He wasn’t going to let it happen, not now not ever... he was going to fight... and he was going to win... no matter what.   Sonic then felt a great power take over him.... Shadow was not having a good time. He was really weak even if he had gotten his immortality back, all the Chaos Energy he use had left him weak. “Do you really think you can fool me again? It was a mistake not killing you all when I had the chance... but now I won’t make the same mistake”- Lyric said he pressed a bottom that was attached to his suit on the right to his mechanical hand. “Ahhh!”-Shadow bend down, his head hurting so much that he wanted to cut it off. Shadow knew he couldn’t fail again. He felt Lyric’s mind control take over him, didn’t want to harm anybody, why was he so weak? Why couldn’t he be stronger so he cold protect everyone, protect Amy..... But... he couldn’t.... “SNAP OUT OF IT SHADOW!” Just like last time Shadow was giving a purpose, a purpose giving by Lyric ... killing Sonic. As Shadow turn around he notice how a gold glow had take over Sonic. His red eyes matched his and the Chaos Emeralds flying in balance with him. “It seems like you learned how to use the Chaos Emeralds to their full potential....Just like I did”- Shadow then, closed his eyes and felt the Chaos Emeralds and their power take over him. As he opened his eyes, he realized that his complexion matched those of Sonic, his fur had become gold as he felt that his whole body being overtaken by a great power, He had never felt so good in his life. “Impressive...so impressive, this “Super” state of force has only been possible in another dimension far from ours....”- Lyric was surprised at the fact that two hedgehogs could manifest the true power of Chaos. But right now it wasn’t the time to be asking questions. “...Shadow...you know what to do” Their battle was heard even by far away islands, it was kick by kick, punch by punch they had dodge each and one of their attacks. Some attacks did get to affect their bodies,it would of have been a very interesting battle, however Sonic knew that there was no time to play around, he stopped and let Shadow attack him. After saying that, Shadow instantly punched Sonic in the face, Sonic fell on the floor and Shadow began to punch him and kick him. He stopped when he noticed that Sonic wasn’t fighting back. “Shadow...Please... protect everyone,protect Amy...” Sonic then stood up and Shadow was perplexed by his actions...what did just happened? With his super speed Sonic was instantly by Lyric’s side, he grabbed his tail and Sonic disappeared in an instant. It wasn’t long enough after that Shadow snapped out of his mind control....which meant that Sonic somehow managed to defeat Lyric. However, he was no where to seen.... nowhere to be found. Shadow waited for an hour, then two. Just waiting, but Sonic never came back... Shadow walked back to the village, he knew that after Sonic and Lyric’s disaperance, the robots would have stopped attacking them. As he arrive he notice Amy running towards him. “Shadow! What happened? We saw a light hitting the ground and it began shaking....Where’s Sonic? Lyric?”- Amy was had a bunch of questions, but stopped as soon as she saw Shadow’s expressions. “....I waited for two hours...Sonic didn’t comeback...” “What do you mean... he is not back?” “Hey guys! Where’s Sonic?”- Tails had come running and the Knuckles and Sticks followed closed by. “I believe he teletransported himself with Lyric...to somewhere....” “We...we have to find him...Tails we-” “Did Sonic take the Chaos Emeralds when he disappear?”- Tails asked “...Yes, he did...”- Shadow said and Tails gave him one last look after looking away and walked away from the group. “Tails! Wait where are you going?”- Sticks yelled at him but he didn’t stop walking. “Sonic is always unpredictable, without the Chaos Emeralds, there’s nothing we can do but to wait... he will comeback, lets just believe in him”- Tails said no more as he kept on walking ready to protect the village while Sonic was gone. Amy was not taking it well, but she know she had to be strong. “Tails is right...Sonic will be back,mean while let’s start re-creating the village so the villagers can go back to their home”- Amy didn’t even look at Shadow nor Knuckles or Sticks, she just gotta do what she needed to do. Three months later..... Ever since Sonic was gone, there has being a peaceful time in the village, Tails was secretly looking for a way to look for Sonic. For some reason Eggman had also disappeared and Sticks took the chance to re-model Eggman’s base and was currently working on making it into a “End of the World Bunker” incase any infinite power of time manipulation from another dimension could come and conquer the world. Knuckles was just being Knuckles and helped Sticks for her plans once in a while, if he kept the good work, Sticks told him he could become captain of the “Resistance” in case anything happens. Shadow also left the Island soon after the previous situation. And Amy was just drinking tea and ate cookies in the comfort of her home, she then suddenly heard a knock on her door. She stood up from her sofa and opened it, she was surprised to see Shadow. Ever since Sonic disappeared, they didn’t had any communication at all. “Shadow..what a surprise” “Can I come in?” “Yeah sure...”- Amy then step aside and let Shadow come in. It was so weird with their new formalities...before Shadow could just break into her house and start eating her food, in which Amy would just smile at him and happily make more food for him. Just enjoying each other’s companion. “So, why are you here?”-Amy asked coming closer to him. “I came for the cookies” “What?” “Its my excuse...to see you”- Shadow looked at Amy’s eyes and stared at them intensely. “Shadow...I am not ready...I can’t..Sonic...” “Amy...to love doesn’t mean to possess... let me love you and protect you, I don’t care if you never respond back to me...but let me just be by your side...”- Shadow hold Amy’s hand and Amy then hugged him, for the first time in three months, she felt safe and relieve in Shadow’s arms. Amy did love Shadow, but right now it wasn’t the time to think about love, nor the future. Shadow and Amy could only wait and see what the future will bring them. __________ “Where am I?”- Sonic opened his eyes slowly, he saw faces he had never saw before. “Sonic sir? you are in the headquarters of the resistance, you are safe”- A female cat talked to him. “HeadQuarters? Resistance? What?”- Sonic could barely keep his eyes opened. “IS THIS REAL? IS HE REALLY HERE!?” Sonic then heard a really loud voice, he felt more relieve as he knew that voice belongs to Knuckles. “Captain Knuckles! Whats’s your command?” “Tell Amy to contact Shadow, he can abort his mission immediately... be prepared for war” “Amy?”- Sonic suddenly tried to stand up but fail miserably “Calm down you jerk! We need you to defeat Infinite!” “What? What’s happening...” “I knew it...I knew that the first impression I had of you was wrong, you are not just a selfish hedgehog...you came back to us...Rest for now,  I will answer your questions later...But...Welcome back home,Sonic”
A/N:This is the last chapter for the series, thank you so much to the people who supported this story till the very end. Now that I am in college, I hope to get better at writing and bring you more quality of work...THANK YOU!
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another-sonic-blog · 7 years
First Impressions Pt.9
First Impressions Pt.9 Summary: After having a man to man talk with Sonic, Shadow denied his feelings for Amy. As they made their way-back to the village, Sonic took Amy to the forest in order to  declare his feelings towards her, feelings that she accepted as she knew that Shadow would not correspond her feelings for him. However, after a mental battle with himself, Shadow discovered that he, indeed loves Amy. Sadly, Shadow let the idea die as he gave his word to Sonic that he wasn’t interested in her. The next day as Team Sonic was planning a way to defeat Lyric, Orbot appeared asking for help to rescue Cubot from Lyric’s mind control on Eggman’s basement. Sonic refused at first but Amy convinced him on going. However, when Sonic got back he had clearly changed and fought Shadow. As Shadow was slowly dying, he declared his love for Amy using three words that only her could hear. “I just can’t believe it....”-Tails was sitting on Amy’s sofa, while everyone else had taken their space. “Sonic must of been mind control...there’s no other explication”- Sticks as she was in the living room. “No, its my fault...If I had never convinced Sonic on going, Shadow would still be a live, and Sonic will be here with us....”- Amy was crying and she thought her pain would have no end. “Stop blaming yourself Amy, that’s not going to help”-Knuckles said as she got closer to her on the other side of the Sofa, opposite of Tails. “how can I not? Because of me, Shadow is death!” “...May be he is not?” Everyone turned around to look at Tails, as he stood up to face them all. “Shadow’s body was created to be perfect, so perfect that his body will continue to stay perfect and the same no longer how many years he goes through. His body is still working, what is not working any longer is his immortality that he used to possessed. But what if he give it back?”-Tails said. “What do you mean?”- Knuckles asked. “If we give back Shadow his immortality, then it will mean that he will come back to us as a full functional organism!” “And how do you think we are going to do that?”- Sticks asked as she also stood up from her seat. “Where’s Shadow body?” “In a small unoccupied house, outside the village”- Amy said, having a bit of hope in her voice. “I think I can create capsules that might create the same effect of that of Lyric’s when he took Shadow’s immortality, I would need the Chaos Emeralds and a vessel to connect both individuals’ energy”- Tails was already planning on his head. “Amy, would you accept again to become the vessel?” “Yes, of course!”- Amy said however, she instantly looked at the floor. “Whats wrong?”- Knuckles asked. “Shadow never really wanted his immortality...All of this time, he was looking for a reason to die... I know this sounds strange but...would Shadow reality want this?” “Amy, I didn’t know Shadow really well. But I think we all could see and agree that Shadow was deeply in love with you. Before he had no reason to keep on living, but then you appeared...you became his reason to keep on going. He would do anything just to see your smile again” “Knuckles...”- Amy was lost of words and hugged Knuckles, he could be a dumbass but he did have a nice heart and pure soul. “Then its settle...but we need to get Sonic back” “Leave that to me!”- Sticks said with a smirk and with that she left Amy’s house, ready to battle. --------- “Wake up!” “Uh?...” “I said wake up!” Sonic woke up suddenly, first he notice Sticks looking down at him, later he looked around to to find himself in the forest and by the looks of it, he was sleeping there. “What...happened?”- Sonic asked. Still not moving as he got more confused by the second. “So you don’t remember?”- Sticks asked still giving Sonic an unacceptable look. “I remember walking with Orbot, Eggman’s base...Where is he anyway?” “Look, I don’t like playing games so I’ll straight to the point... Lyric mind controlyou and you killed Shadow” “...You are joking, Sticks this is not time to be playing-” “DO YOU REALLY THINK I AM THE TYPE TO BE JOKING? IF YOU WOULD LIKE WE CAN GO SEE SHADOW’S BODY RIGHT NOW!”-After Sticks said that, Sonic was speechless, he never thought he would have the strength to murder anyone. Especially Shadow, even if they had their differences, he still admired Shadow and consider him a person dear to him. “......” “We can still bring him back...Tails has a plan”- Sticks said as she bent over near Sonic. “How can I face you all when I failed you, when I killed somebody that was important to us?”- Sonic was looking down on the floor, ashamed to look at Sticks in the eyes. “Its your decision on whether you want to comeback with us or not, but everyone needs you Sonic...you made a mistake but that doesn’t mean you don’t have the opportunity to redeem yourself...if you don’t worthy, then don’t do it for yourself, but do it for us, your team” “I don’t know if...if I can” “If you can’t...then you were never leader...neither will be” Once again, Sticks left Sonic alone in the forest. She felt disappointed as she notice that Sonic stood up and walked away into the forest, just to never be seen again. ________ The team was quiet after Sticks left Amy’s house, it has being one hour and nobody dare to say a word. All future plans would depend on whether Sticks could bring Sonic back or not. Suddenly the door flew open, and everyone could see the disappointment on Sticks’ face. “I am sorry guys...I couldn’t...bring him back”-Sticks said while looking down on the floor ashamed of herself. “What happened?”-Amy stood up from her seat ad get near Sticks, ready to comfort her. Sticks thought about the lie she would tell them as she made her way back. She didn’t want to tell them the truth about Sonic being a coward, but she knew it was also wrong to lie, especially at this time. “umm..truth is that...Sonic...he-” “Wait...I am sensing something...Chaos?”-Amy suddenly turn around to look at her door and that’s when she saw him. “Sonic!”- Amy rapidly hugged him and Sonic did the same. Sticks quietly wanted to cry out of happiness as she knew that Sonic was a true leader, her disappointment went away, she as the whole gang did went to join Amy and Sonic in a big hug. “I am so sorry everyone...because of me Shadow’s death, I was going to give up. But thanks to Sticks, she kicked some sense into me”- Sonic smiled at Sticks, smile that she returned. “Wait, Sonic you are hurt!”- Tails notice as he pointed at Sonic’s abdomen. “I got to admit, it was a tough battle, but I got away with these”- Sonic then, went outside of Amy’s house and quickly picked up a bag that was right outside the door. As he went inside the house again, he opened the bag to reveal all seven Chaos Emeralds. “I thought we may need this”- Sonic said with a smirk and everyone looked at him at awe. “How did you even do it?”- Knuckles asked “I am Sonic The Hedgehog, that’s how!” “Anyways, I have a plan...so listen to me carefully” After that Tails began explaining the plan, they didn’t have too much time as they knew that Lyric would come look for the Chaos Emeralds as soon as possible. With that in thought, the gang got ready to battle. ________ Team Sonic had made it just in time, they had evacuated the village and were re-located in a safe place. Everyone had worked very hard so everything could go as planned. The only thing left to do was to wait. The whole team was waiting on the village’s entrance, concentrating and ready to attack. Everything went quiet, way too quiet, the only thing that could be heard was the wind passing through the leaves of the palms. They suddenly felt the ground tremble, little by little the trembling became stronger and stronger. Until they Lyric showed himself in all of his glory, hundreds of robots came right behind him. “Before, I gave you once last chance to get out of my sight...you all were stupid enough not to take it...now give me the Chaos Emeralds back, or I’ll destroy each and everyone of you!”- Lyric commanded, and he desperate to get them back. “Long time no see!”- Sonic yelled. “You just saw him 30 minuted ago”- Knuckles had completely ruined the mood. “I am not in the time to play around, give me the Chaos Emeralds now!” “You want this?”- Sonic asked as he opened the bag he had the Chaos Emeralds and showed them to Lyric. Amy took Chaos Emeralds from the bag as to play with Lyric’s desperation. “You gotta catch us first!”- Amy and Sonic began to run and took separate directions. To that, half of the army of robots began to chase after Amy while Lyric chased Sonic. Tails, Sticks, and Knuckles began to fight the rest of the robot army.Sonic went straight into the woods, dodging all trees Sonic had him just as he wanted him. Lyric would get constantly hit by the tree branches, he then activated a trap which caused him to get mud on the surface of his clear casket, not being able to see, he then fell into the most dangerous trap for. Sonic had lead him into a capsule, exact same one as the ones Lyric put Amy and Shadow into, once you are in, you can’t get out. Shadow’s capsule was on the right from the middle, empty capsule, while Lyric’s was on the left. The three capsules were connected by metallic cords, that fused together into a single cord that leads to the box control, the box control had seven empty spots, that were shaped to fit the Chaos Emeralds, Sonic put the control box down and he quickly placed the emeralds into their perspective spot, he just needed Amy. He then heard a very tired Amy, they expected for robots to follow Amy, but not as much as half of them, Amy was of course faster that them, however they kept very close. “Come on! turn on the machine before the robots get here!”- Amy said as she gave Sonic the  last two remaining emeralds. She went straight to the middle, empty capsule but Sonic stopped her mid track. “Wait Amy”- Sonic grabbed her by the arm, and she suddenly turn around. Sonic gave her a small kiss, their lips just touched for five seconds, and with that he run to the  empty capsule and closed it behind him. “I WILL DESTROY YOU”- Lyric screamed as he tried to get out of the capsule, both hedgehogs ignore him. “What are you doing?!”- Amy yelled at him. “I am doing this for Shadow”- Sonic turn around and saw Shadow’s body, sat in a uncomfortable position as his lifeless body lay down on the capsule, he then notice a blue-ish gold ring, the one that Amy was previously wearing. “Come on hurry up, I can hear the robots already!” “LET ME OUT OF HERE1”- Lyric continued to yell, trying to break free. “This is going to hurt...” “Give me your best shot” After that said, Amy clicked the big red bottom from the box controller which activated the capsule. Amy heard Sonic’s screams and wanted to check up on him but sadly, her fortune was not with her today. The army of robots had arrived and were now surrounding Amy, she pull out her hammer ready to battle. Robots came after her one by one, sometimes more, she was getting more tired and worried as time passed. Tail’s capsule tried to be as convenient as possible, however it would take more time to transfer Lyric’s immortality to Shadow’s body. Amy hated to hear Sonic’s screaming in pain, she got to her limit and throw herself down and protected the box control with all the emeralds in it with her body. She will receive hit after hit, she began bleeding and could already feel like passing out. She then heard Sonic’s stopped screaming. Amy felt as if time had stopped. Everything was going in slow motion. She saw blue fur taking down the robots around her, punching and kicking. But her time came back to her world as she heard him yell: “CHAOS BLAST!” A/N: I FINALLY FINISHED THIS CHAPTERRRRR YEAHHHHH. Sorry for any mistakes I had made, I wanted to give you a chapter before I leave of to Japan for college. I’ll write Pt.10 (the last chapter) probably once I am ready over there. Thank you everyone for reading this far!
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another-sonic-blog · 7 years
First Impressions Pt.8
First Impressions Pt. 8
ShadAmy Boom!
Shadow couldn’t get a wink of sleep. His mind was somewhere else, he had conflicted feelings about everything. Amy, Sonic, and of course, the thought he was no longer the ultimate life form, now that his immortality was gone.
“Hey, Shadow are you awake?”- Shadow slowly opened his eyes and pretend to be asleep as he notice Amy leaning over him, covering the sunlight away from his eyes.
“What do you think?”- Shadow said, sounding sarcastic as he stood up. He notice that  most villagers had already woken up and continue on working with building up again the village and their homes.
“Are you alright?”- Amy asked
“Yes, I am”- Shadow responded and he saw how Amy got close to him, putting one hand on his forehead trying to see if he a high temperature. Shadow could smell Amy’s scent, he never thought about it, but she did had a very addictive smell, it was hard to describe but it was making him want to get closer to her.
“Ah, may be you just need something to eat”- Amy said as she pulled away.
“I don’t need to eat, you know that”
“You still get hungry tho, here eat my protein bar”- Amy said as she handed over Shadow the protein bar.
“No, you eat”
“I already ate one”
“I know you are lying”
Amy stood quiet, Shadow saw sadness in Amy’s face. He then took the protein bar, open it and broke it in half, he instantly ate his half and the other one he gave it to Amy. And there it goes again, Amy smile as she grabbed her part of the bar. Shadow looked away, trying to hide his emotions that were showing in his face.
“Where’s your boyfriend?”-Shadow asked, remembering again to himself that Amy was already taken.
“Sonic? He went to try and find some fruits for the villagers.”
Deep down, Shadow wanted to hear Amy say something like “no way, he is not my boyfriend” but this time, she just accepted it, honestly that bother him. “tsk, he is supposed to take care of you and he leaves you here?”
“Hey guys! We are back!”
Amy and Shadow turned around and notice Tails who was carrying a backpack, Sticks and Knuckles weaving and approaching  them.
“Well, this is new, how is the couple doing?”- Sticks said as she sat next ti Amy.
“Come on Amy, no need to be shy, we can tell from a far that you two are REALLY close~”- Knuckles said as he sat down next to Shadow.
“Close? I think the only real couple here is Amy and I”
Everyone was surprised at Sonic’s sudden appearance, he sat down next to Amy, putting his arm around her shoulders, making it clear who was the real couple in the gang.
“What? Really?!”- Sticks said leaning over by the sudden surprise.
“Sonic I am so proud, but I think I have something important to say”- Tails said.
“Well, what do you have?”- Sonic said.
“I found a way to defeat Lyric”
“WHY DIDN’T YOU SAY THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE!”-Everyone yelled at him.
“I really wanted to see if Shadow and Amy were a couple-”
“OK BUT NOW CONTINUE WITH YOUR PLAN”-Sonic interrupted, not wanting to hear Amy and Shadow’s name in the same sentence with the word “couple” in it.
“ok here is the plan...you know, now that Lyric is immortal, we can’t defeat nor destroy him”- Tails began
“Yeah, what about it?”- Shadow asked.
“However, we can in fact, stop him for all eternity, how you make ask? Easy, we are going to freeze him!”- Tails said as he pulled out a small technological looking like gun, from his backpack.
“I present you, the ultimate freezing gun, the FG-2000! We just one shot, we can freeze Lyric for all eternity. Lyric commands all the army of robots, however if there’s no one to give them commands, then they  won’t do anything! After we freeze Lyric, we can just put him back where he belongs”- Tails finished as with a victory smile.
“Everything sounds good Tails, but how are going to get close enough to Lyric if he has an entire army of robots on his command?”- Sticks asked.
“I also have a plan for that...listen closely...”
It took a while for Tails to explain the plan, after some improvements were made, they were all ready to perform their plan.
“Sonic, is Sonic the Hedgehog here?!”
All of the gang then stood up and saw a very paranoid Orbot approaching them.
“Orbot? What are you doing here? You are with Eggman! An enemy!”- Sonic said looking straight up at Orbot.
“You don’t understand, Lyric reveal against Eggman, all of his robots are now under his command....even Cubot”- Orbot said with a sad tone on his voice. Everyone notice his sincere feelings and hot closer to him.
“What happened to Eggman?”- Shadow asked.
“He’s under Lyric’s mind control... and I really need your help”
“How we know you are not under his mind control too!”- Knuckles asked, having conflicted feelings about the situation.
“I am not! You can even run on test on me to prove it! I am not mind control!”
“What do you need us for?”
“Cubot is still at Eggman’s base...I want to get him back!
“Its too dangerous, Eggman’s base is infested with Lyric’s robots”- Sonic said as he turn around.
“Sonic! He needs us!”- Amy said grabbing Sonic’s by the arm.
“We are at war Amy, our people need us here and we have to stick to our plan, we can help him once he defeat Lyric”- Sonic said and he grabbed Amy’s hand with his.
“It will be too late for him! Lyric will destroy him, please...you have to help me”- Orbot was desperate, he wanted to do anything if order to save his friend.
“Please Sonic... help him”- Amy looked at him with pleading eyes, and Sonic had nothing else but to sigh.
“Fine...But I will go alone” with Orbot- Sonic said.
“What? Are you crazy?”- Tails was preoccupied, he didn’t want his bestfriend to be in danger.
“No, it will be faster this way, and besides you all need to keep the village safe, Lyric is closer than we thought...Sticks, please go back to the bunker and take care of the elderly, Tails before leaving run a quick test on Orbot so we know he is not under mind control, Knuckles protect the outsides of the village in case Lyric wants to attack, Shadow and Amy, help the villagers build their homes and find more water and food for them.”- Sonic said taking his role of the leader. Nobody questioned his words and everyone began working. Sonic saw Amy’s worried face and gently took one of her hands and place it on his cheek.
“I’ll be back soon, you won’t even miss me”- Sonic said smiling to her.
“...I miss you already”
“Sonic, I just scanned Orbot and he seems to be fine, you both can go now”- Tails said and Orbot approached Sonic.
“We will be taking off now...I’ll be back by dinner!”
And with that said, Sonic carried Orbot and headed towards Eggman’s base.
“Stop worrying too much about Sonic....”- Shadow said looking at Amy. They were both in the woods, trying to find whatever it was eatable, by now, they had some coconuts and banana but it wasn’t enough.
“How can’t I not worry? He is my boyfriend after-all...”- Amy began.
Amy heard Shadow mumble something under his breath and it was weird for him to be acting this way.
“Are you alright? You have been weird since the morning”
“No, its just you that having a new partner makes you think things that are not”
“Are you saying that I am acting different because I am dating Sonic?”
“No, I am saying that you are different because-”
Shadow was cut off by Amy’s sudden move, as the blue hedgehog was coming over, a weird expression on his face.
“So-Sonic?”- Amy asked, however Sonic didn’t even flinch and ignore Amy, he went straight up to Shadow. This surprised the dark hedgehog, he wondered what had of happened to the blue hedgehog that made him act this way.
“What happened?”- Shadow asked. Sonic then suddenly grabbed Shadow by the neck and quickly punched him in the face. Shadow then quickly kicked him the face. They began fighting and their hits could be heard all the way to the village.
“STOP IT, BOTH OF YOU!”- Amy yelled at them, she had no other choice but to intervene, she pulled out her hammer and aimed towards Sonic, he received a hard hit on the head however, this made Sonic turn around and with his super speed, Sonic grabbed Amy’s hammer and pushed her away, making her fall to the ground. He then use the hammer and punch Shadow in the face, making him stumble and laid his back on a tree. He took this chance, as he turn the hammer around so the helve of it could face Shadow, and with an incredible force and without hesitation, Sonic stabbed Shadow straight to the middle of his chest. Shadow spilled blood immediately, he grabbed the hammer’s helve and try to push it away, but as he did that Sonic would put the helve inside of Shadow’s chest even more.
“SONIC STOP PLEASE, I BEG YOU!”- Amy yelled and as he heard it, something snapped out of him. Sonic took the helve out of Shadow’s chest and throw the hammer towards Amy’s direction with no intention of hurting her and like that, he slowly walked away into the woods, disappearing once again. Amy ran towards Shadow and slowly grabbed his head and his her hands tried to stop his chest from bleeding.
“...Its no use Amy”- Shadow began.
“Shhh, don’t say anything, I am going to call Tails, he will come and-”-Amy began to turn on her communicator but Shadow stopped her and he put his hand on hers and looked at her directly.
“You were right...”- Shadow slowly began to caress Amy’s hand.
“What?” “First Impressions...They make you think wrong about a person....”
“Shadow its not the time to talk about that right now!”-Amy said already having tears on her eyes.
“The first impression I got of you was...that you were a useless, stupid little girl...but-but in reality...you..have become the only person I care about...a kind hearted girl...I am such a fool”
“Shadow....Shadow I..”
“I know....I know Amy....”- Shadow was slowly closing his eyes.
“Shadow, don’t leave me...please...”
“Be safe...And Amy...I-I lo-”
And with a trembling voice, Shadow whisper a three word sentence that only Amy Rose could hear. That day, Shadow the Hedgehog was killed by the only friend he thought he had...Sonic the Hedgehog.
A/N: Thank you so much guys for reading this far, sorry for not updating in weeks, the reason is that I was busy writing for ShadAmy Week. I’ll post some more if I see that people still read this story lol. Once again, thank you~
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another-sonic-blog · 7 years
ShadAmy Week Day 2: Forbidden Love
ShadAmy Week Day: 2
Forbidden Love
The first time I meet Amy Rose, I thought she was….strange. It was strange to see a hedgehog, even more a female one. At that time, I was curious of what kind of abilities she may have. So just in case, I made sure to keep an eye on her. Then I saw that she had some kind of relationship with that blue hedgehog. It does not seem strange, after-all they were both probably the last two hedgehogs in the world, besides me of course. She was impressive indeed, she may not be the strongest, nor the fastest, but she had a kind heart. That was enough for me to respect her and try to bring peace to the world, back then in the ARK. Somehow, I always found myself going back to her, even when the possibilities of doing so were extremely small. Even when I lost my memories and had to work with the BlackArms, I still went to her. I remember seeing her at some castle, I helped her find her rabbit friend. Why I did it? I honestly don’t know. Its as if she had some spell over me, as if everything she says would have an impact to me.
“Shadow, are you ok?”
I opened my eyes and I looked up to see Amy looking at me with a worry face.
“Yeah… I was just thinking”
“mmm what were you thinking?”
“I was thinking about…you”
Once again, I feel like as if the universe doesn’t want me near Amy…no matter how much I try to get near her, I can’t find myself getting closer to her. I stood up from the grass and stood beside Amy, waiting for Sonic to arrive.
“Great..like always…”- I thought to myself, and prepared for Sonic’s arrival.
“Hey guys! What’s up?”- Sonic said as he stopped by.
“We are just chilling, and you Sonic?”- asked Amy, getting closer to him.It was honestly not a pretty sight to see.
“Nothing much I was passing by and found you guys here…oh and I found another hedgehog”
Amy and I were really impacted and ultimately, we didn’t know how to react.
“That’s impossible, we are the only ones left…”- Amy said not really believing Sonic.
“He is actually not from here…”- Sonic began
“He?”- I asked.
“Yeah, he is a ‘he’, but he seems a bit confused… I think it would be good if you both come to my place, so we can talk to him.”- Sonic said prepared to run off. On that moment, I thought it was my chance to get close to Amy, however, it seems like no matter what, destiny its on my way.
“Ah how can I forget!”- Sonic said as he got closer to Amy.
“Let me carry you, miss Rose”- Sonic said and bow to Amy, which made her giggle and slowly nodded her head. Once again, I didn’t like this sight, it should of be me carrying Amy bridal style. I decided to look the other way, so I didn’t have to pay attention to the couple. Yes, couple. Sonic and Amy were officially dating. I was just Amy’s “friend” someone who she could spend time with when Sonic wasn’t around. We run at the same speed, and quickly reached Sonic’s home.
“Well, we are here. Please be nice…Shadow”- Sonic looked at me as he put Amy down. I just rolled my eyes and followed them close by as Sonic opened the door of his house. He entered first, then Amy and lastly me. I was really doubting that anyone was really in his house until, I heard someone eating loudly.
“SILVER, DID YOU ATE ALL OF MY FOOD?!”- Sonic yelled as he found Silver pigging out his fridge. I flinched immediately, no this was impossible-
“TIME TRAVELING TOOK ALL MY ENERGY OUT OK!”- Silver said and he dropped all of Sonic’s food to the floor.
“AHHHHAJSDHUCDHFJD”- Sonic just moved away as if not wanting to attack Silver.
“uh, hi… I am Amy Rose, nice meeting you”- Amy said and waved at the silver colored hedgehog.
“Yeah, my name is Silver…Silver the Hedgehog”- Silver said as he picked up the food and began heading towards the living room. He sat down on the sofa and began eating again. Amy, Sonic and I followed him and took a sit on the other small couches as well.
“Well, Silver, can you tell us.. what brings you here?”- Amy began.
“Like I said, I was time traveling”- Silver said as he kept eating.
“But why?”- I asked, I was honestly curious about how the heck he got here, this most be a mistake.
“That’s…top secret, I am sorry”- Silver said, not looking at me.
“I found him this morning in front of my house, and he won’t tell me either”- Sonic added.
“That’s because, what I came here for its none of your business.”- Silver said and began eating again.
“You ate all of my food… its my business now!”
“Sonic, please don’t start”- Amy began. I noticed that Silver would look at Amy constantly which of course I didn’t like. He suddenly stood up and walked in front of Amy.
“However, I do have business with you.. can we talk somewhere?”- Silver said and pull out his hand in front of Amy which she accepted as she stood up from the couch.
“I will taking her for a few hours, you won’t mind right?”- Silver said as he looked at me, which surprised me and Sonic.
“HEY! That question is supposed to be for me!”- Sonic said as he stood up.
“Oooohhh yeah yeah, I forgot sorry, well anyways, we are heading off”- Silver said and he made Amy follow him to the door bur before exciting, he looked back at me.
“And Shadow… don’t you have to show Sonic…that?”
“What? “
“You know what I mean, that small black box?”
“…How did you-”
“I just know”- And with that Silver and Amy left Sonic’s house. I still don’t believe that Amy went with another hedgehog and I still can’t believe that he-
“Hey Shadow… how does even Silver know you name? You didn’t even introduce yourself… that’s weird”- Sonic said as he interrupted my thoughts. And for once I had to agree with him.
“Where are you taking me to Silver?”
“I want to prepare you…”
“Prepare me? For what?”
“The future”
“Ok you are scaring me now”
Of course I understood that Amy most be really confused. I was grabbing her hand still, not wanting to let go. We reached a small place, the place in which, I Silver the Hedgehog ,was meant to spend most of my childhood. My home was of course not built yet, but it was still nice to be around the massive forest, peaceful, the perfect place to develop my telekinesis.
“Why did you take me here?”- Amy asked again, finally letting go of my hand.
“Can you promise me one thing?”
“Yeah..Sure why not?”- Amy said and she looked straight at me. I was ready to complete my plan.
“So Shadow, what was the black box Silver said you needed to show me?”- Sonic said and I pretended not to hear. I really didn’t feel like telling him about the reasons why I had that black box.
“Shadow…tell me”
“Come on Shads! I thought we were friends!”
“Cause we are? Aren’t we?”
It took a me a few minutes to realize that indeed, Sonic was one of the few people I trusted. There was nothing wrong with was inside the black box, however explaining the reason why I got it would be kinda uncomfortable for the both of us. However, I knew that no matter what, this feelings I was keeping to myself would sooner or later show.
“Fine, I’ll show you”
Sonic show off a smile and we quickly headed towards the forest, impressive trees surrounding us, always a peaceful place and that’s why I hidden that box in there. There was a particular tree that had a whole in it, I put my hand inside of it and took out a small black box and gave it to Sonic. Sonic looked at me as if he was asking permission to open the box, I looked back again to him and as he opened the box, his eyes open in disbelief.
“This is…how long were you hiding it?”- Sonic asked looking at me.
“Long enough…”- I said, not looking at him.
“Did you ever told her?”
“No, she doesn’t have a clue and besides she has you and its not like it would work”
“You don’t know that”
“Its forbidden, it will never happen”
“Don’t lie to yourself Shadow you-”
“She loves you, and its not like you will ever let me-” ’ “Shadow…that’s not my decision, its Amy’s”- Sonic said interrupting me once again.
“Promise me one thing Shadow…. Please promise me that If something ever happens to me, you will take care of Amy, and you will make her happy”- Sonic said and he looked at the blackbox again.
“You will never leave, don’t be-”
“SHADOW!”- Sonic yelled at me and he got closer.
“This means that Silver is…”
“Don’t even mention it, it will never happen”
“…I think we need to ask Silver about this”
“Look, its just a stupid-”
“Picture of you and Amy carrying a baby, or better say, me”
Sonic and I turn around to find Silver resting on a near by tree, looking at us with boring eyes.
“Where’s Amy?”- I suddenly ask looking at him.
“She’s a few meters down here, don’t worry she’s fine”
For some reason, he seemed worried about something, he came closer to us.
“I’ll be taking this, this belongs to the future. Of all people to find this picture, it had to be you, hehe”- Silver said as he took away the blackbox Sonic was holding along with the picture.
“You both will soon forget about all of this, you won’t even have a clue, however your subconscious would know what to do”- Silver said and then he suddenly turned to look at Sonic.
“I wish you good luck with you journey Sonic, we all believe you will come back. The resistance will aways await for your return”
“what are you talking-”- Sonic began but Silver interrupted Sonic as he quickly turned around to face me.
“Don’t you ever think that love is something that should be forbidden to you, dad. If you think that way, you will never be happy with mom and I am never going to be born and the future should never exist. I wish I had more time to talk to you.. I have so many questions, but right now you won’t know the answer…take care dad”
Without giving Shadow the time to react about his words, or to ask anything back, Silver disappear into nothing, erasing the memories of Sonic and Shadow.
“What are we doing here?”- Sonic asked and I was also confused.
“AMY!”- Both Sonic and I recognized Amy’s screams, we knew she was near by and went towards her as fast as possible that we could. We reach her quickly and found Amy sitting on the ground.
“Amy, what happened?”- Sonic said as he closer to her and I did the same kneeling facing her.
“I don’t know… I fell asleep here, I had a nightmare, I don’t know about what. Sorry”- Amy said really confused.
“We too, we didn’t know what we were doing just moments ago”- Sonic said.
“Well, this side of the forest is pretty calm don’t you think? It really can take you to places…don’t you say this will be the perfect place to build a house? May be have a family in here?”- Amy said looking around the forest, absorbed by the natural beauty.
“…Yeah, it is”
Looking at Amy like this, I knew that no matter what… I wasn’t going to give up on my feelings for her.
~Years Later~
“Shadow the Hedgehog, leader of the resistance, Lord Infinite request your presence”
A small looking robot came into our secret hiding place, it has already been five years since Sonic’s disappearance, Infinite came along soon after. Nobody has been able to take him down. Shadow and I formed the resistance, hoping for the day of Sonic’s return and help us destroy Infinite once and for all.
“Very well then, I’ll go with you”- Shadow said and I turned around to look at him, already having tears in my eyes.
“But Shadow!”
“I’ll be back soon Amy, I promise… take care of you and Silver, you are in charge while I am away, go back to the others for now”
Shadow then kiss my forehead, and touched Silver’s quills showing him so much affection. He left with that robot a year ago,we haven’t see him ever since. But just like Sonic, I’ll always wait for Shadow.
What would you do if love was not what you expected? Falling in love with the least expected person and for that person to love you back. But no matter what you both do, you both can never really be together… destiny? karma? God? I don’t know. May be its just forbidden love.
A/N: I promised myself that I won’t be writing any ‘Sonic Forces theme” fanfiction until the game comes out, but I just couldn’t wait! I hope you enjoyed reading this, a small idea that I had for ShadAmy Week~ Thank You for reading
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another-sonic-blog · 7 years
ShadAmy Week 2017 Day 4: Dance
ShadAmy Week 2017 Day: 4 Dance “Come on Shadow, you have to go!” “No, I don’t have to” “There will be pizza!” “You only want me to go so you are not alone” “...........Amy will be there” “WHAT?!” Shadow jumped out of his seat as Silver looked at him with “I got you” eyes. “I mean,its not like I care or anything...”- Shadow said as he tried to keep his cool. “Come on Shadow, we all know you have a thing for Amy”- Silver said as he tried to convince him. “You know I am not in good terms with Sega after what they did with my game” “I thought you didn’t want to talk about that game ever again” “EXACTLY! HOWEVER, YOU DARE BREAK INTO MY HOUSE AND MAKE A STUPID EXCUSE OF WHY SHOULD I GO TO THAT STUPID DANCE”- Shadow was about to explode and send Silver to the seventh Chaos dimension. “oh so Amy is now is a stupid excuse now?”’- Silver smirked and Shadow realized that there was no way to control this reject. “Fine, I’ll go...but this is not for Amy” “Yeah and I won’t go because of Blaze” “Of course, you will go because you want to beg to Sega to put you in another Sonic game” “Touche” Night came by quick which bother Shadow because he didn’t get to finish getting ready. He heard the door bell ring and quickly open it and turn around to face the mirror again as Silver entered his house. “Shadow...why are you wearing a suit?” “What do you mean? Its a dance, don’t we have to come all dress-”- Shadow turn around to see Silver in his usual...Attire. “Ummm no....Anyways lets go, its late already”- Silver said as he grabbed Shad “WHAT? NO LET ME TAKE THIS OFF FIR-”- Shadow began to say however, Silver didn’t seem to care as he instantly teletransported Shadow and him to SEGA’s headquarters and exactly in the middle of the room. Everyone looked at them, surprised the the sudden appearance of the two. Shadow realize he Amy was there and that she was looking at him with his suit on. Yeah he was going to kill Silver for this. “Shadow, why the heck you are wearing a suit”- Sonic said as he got closer to both hedgehogs. Everyone else then turn around to finish their business as it seems that the hedgehog’s entrance of no news anymore. “Pot head here took me here out of no where when I was about to undress”- Shadow tried to stay quiet, already planning different ways on killing Silver. “At least you got Amy’s attention”- Silver said as he saw Amy approaching them. “The girl you like is coming over and you look worst than the Shadow the Hedgehog game”- Sonic said giving him a small punch on the shoulder. “Yes I do...WAIT NO!”- Shadow yelled at Sonic and wanted to start a fight, until he saw Amy. “Hey guys, whats up?”- Amy asked, and you could hear Shadow’s brain exploding miles away. “Nothing much Ames, just chilling with prince Shadow”- Sonic said and put one of his arm around Shadow’s shoulder. “Touch me again, and I’ll break your fingers”- After that said, Sonic immediately put his hands away. “Ah, guys I am gonna go off say hi to blaze, why don’t you come up with me Sonic?”- Silver said almost dragging Sonic out of there. “Yeah sure, see ya Ames, GOOD LUCK SHADS!”- Sonic waved off and he left with Silver to say greet the other tables around, leaving Shadow and Amy alone in the dance floor. “You look, really nice Shadow.”- Amy began and Shadow just wanted to die already. “Thanks” “Are you excited for Sonic Forces? SEGA said it was gonna be lit” “As long as I am not mind control again”- Shadow said trying not to look at Amy. Then the music changed, and a slow song began to play, all the couples were dancing and it just made the aura between the two hedgehogs awkward. “Say Shadow...you dance?” Shadow suddenly turn around to see Amy. Was he hearing right? Was one of his dreams finally going to become true? “Just a little bit...” “Well...Care to dance?”- Amy asked as she showed Shadow her hand, formally asking him to dance with her. Shadow happily accepted her.  The whole night they were dancing,and decided to meet each other again. By the end of it when they both parted their own ways...Shadow wasn’t thinking of killing Silver anymore.
A/N: Silver got lucky? :D hehe anyways, i just wanted to play with the idea that the whole Sonic franchise are just actors for their own games as they work with Sega. Another small prompt, hope you like it ShadAmy fans, I am taking prompt requests by the way :3
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another-sonic-blog · 7 years
ShadAmy Week 2017: Day 3
ShadAmy Week 2017 Day 3: Summer Amy looked outside the window, staring at the summer’s starry night.  It’s been a while since she had some time for herself, drinking a cup of tea and just enjoying the view. Everything, was going normally until... “Hey Amy” “KYAAAAAAA!!!” Shadow popped out of no-where, placing himself in the window in front of Amy, making her jump in surprise. She fell off to the floor, the tea she was holding had spilled and had burned a bit of her legs and hands. She was in pain and Shadow quickly went to help her. He first looked at her burns and then stood up. “Shadow...”- Amy began but Shadow interrupted her. “Amy, please wait here”- Shadow said while looking at her eyes, Amy couldn’t do anything but to stay there and stay quiet. Shadow went to the restroom, and opened the mirror cabinet. “You are an idiot Shadow... this is what happens when you try to impress her” Shadow took out the first aid kit and headed towards the living room, he found Amy sitting on the sofa, looking at her legs. He went to sit next to her and looked at her with apologizing eyes. “I am sorry”- Shadow began as he opened the first aid kit and took out a creme. “No its ok, its not your fault, it was an accident”- Amy said as she gently touched Shadow’s hand as he opened the creme and removed the lid. “No, it is my fault, I was who wanted to-” Shadow stop mid sentence as he realized about what he was going to say. “Wanted to do what?”- Amy asked curious. “Please don’t make me say it...” Amy decided not to force him. For the year they have been dating, Amy now knows better that Shadow does not like to be forced to do anything. “You haven’t changed a bit”- Amy said. “Neither have you”- Shadow said as he bent down in front of Amy and took one foot and placed it on his bent knee. This surprised Amy as she never has seen Shadow letting his guard down like this, he looks so...vulnerable. “It makes me think... I hurt you this badly by just wanting to... impress you, what could happen to you whenever we get, you know...married?” Amy stood quiet, Shadow’s words made her go speech-less. She never thought that Shadow could think of marriage, less with her. She also notice that Shadow stopped his actions for a few moments and then began applying the creme on her burned foot. “Great, just great Shadow...you scared her”- Shadow thought to himself “Shadow...” “Just forget what I said...”- Shadow said and Amy noticed that Shadow’s voice changed drastically, sound almost sad. “If I am so clumsy right now, imagine when we get kids” Shadow opened his eyes a bit more, surprised at Amy's words. Her words made his feel re-assured. Amy always knew how to make him feel better. “I know this is not the perfect moment to do this, I know I am not the romantic type like the ones you read on your books but... I promise to take care of you and whatever else may happen in the future, I will embrace it, accept it... and love every second of it.” “Shadow...are you propo-”- Amy began but Shadow interrupted her. “Yes Amy, I am...and what will you say?” Amy looked at him with loving eyes she thought that this summer will change her life forever, and of course she knew what she was going to say: “You already know the answer for that”
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