#shades and shadows
charlynearlight · 7 months
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ceilingfan5 · 1 year
!! :D
im pretty sure this is from an oc ask request so i will just gush about my little weirdos (so sorry i am answering this MONTHS later im terribly ashamed)
i adore 24, my shapeshifting little freak of an unhinged magic science experiment. it is a mean little bastard and also it has love in the middle of it, but don't tell it i said that
it loves to be creachers and run and hide and climb and kill and bite. and also curl up with its person. and collect things. it doesnt believe in feelings or laws or gender or names or authority and it delights in scaring the shit out of people
and sometimes it is a freaky little creacher and can curl up on its person's lap and be comfy. and that's good
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quadrupleflip · 2 years
Shades and Shadows
Chapter 175 [End]
We drew…
…And he taught.
That was all.
Just a simple situation. A simple relationship.
But stories don’t just end with that.
To maintain relationships that I care about…
…I have to keep loving, keep thinking and keep moving forward.
Relationships change eventually. For better or for worse.
We could just be fleeting moments in each other’s lives, and it might not last forever.
We could end up crying more than we laugh together.
I might end up regretting my choices.
But still, that doesn’t matter to us in the present.
The smiles, tears, and regrets that come from my choices are mine as well.
They accumulate to form the direction I will take.
Let’s walk together toward that destination.
When we meet a corner on the way, we can each choose our own paths.
So at least until then…
…I want to ask you to match my direction and speed…
…Like we’re taking a stroll.
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solarpunkblerd · 12 days
Real quotes from my DM: "This shadow is not a bad bitch"
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spacecolonie · 4 months
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rough idol shadow
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tohsakari · 9 months
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dragondawdles · 6 months
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did a piece in the LU server's gift exchange ! something of survival and reunions and smug little shadowguys
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knightofleo · 1 year
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linterteatime · 2 months
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Gijinkas! Enemies from the abyss, ancient basin, the entombed husk for the Resting Grounds, a goam for some reason and the knight's shade
More gijinkas here!
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nocek · 7 months
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I really should draw the proper continuation to this comic but insteeeeeead... let's go the super indulgent route ;P
As a self indulgent bonus here is the Jeff the land shark already in his costume. And, continuing my headcanon that Miguel's lab is everybody's fave napping spot, that duckie blankie is totally Mayday's ;)
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slavhew · 27 days
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do you ever get reminded of a ship, remember a piece of fanart of it that you loved, then after a day long search realize that you just imagined it? and then try to draw it yourself?
prllb btbtt ALT VERISONS
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charlynearlight · 2 years
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ceilingfan5 · 2 years
would prompt 35 (okay so sleeping it off didn't work. let me consult my list. hypnotism, no. meditation, certainly not. well something has to work because I simply cannot be in love with them) work for any of your OCs, do you think? :3c
“Okay,” Jasper mutters to himself, opening his purple leather bound journal and turning the crisp pages until he finds his list. “Sleeping it off didn’t work.” He crosses off an item and consults the rest of the subpar results. It’s madly depressing. 
“Hypnotism, no. Meditation, certainly not.” He brushes the feather of his quill against his lips and irritably swings his ankle, incredibly aware of the monitor stone secured tightly to him. “Well, something has to work, because I simply cannot be in love with him.”
He jumps a bit at a little noise and checks the area for signs of his guard, the fucking beautiful Shade Orion. Why couldn’t the shapeshifter have picked an ugly form, something scary or pathetic, instead of intensely muscles and magnanimous, all glittering smiles and mischievous eyes and that fucking hair, who does he think he is! 
He’s on duty, isn’t he? Surely this is some kind of risk? The government surely doesn’t have any interest in Jasper getting dopey over his captor Shade, right? Jasper is essentially on death row. If they had the means to kill him, they’d have done it by now. It’s only because of the prophecy (and several well-crafted and rather dark-magic inspired failsafes) that Jasper is still kicking anyway. 
And Shades aren’t people. 
Or so Jasper has heard. Orion seems a lot like a person. A person he can’t stop fucking dreaming about. Those purple eyes haunt him in the best-worst way, and that charming humor, and his fascination with animals, and– okay, so it’s worse than just wanting to get laid. Jasper really is ruined. How stupid could he be? It was bad enough to get his dumb ass captured, his forces eliminated, his assets frozen, his castle barged into, but love?? Fucking love?? 
He can’t be in love. He’s never been in love. He didn’t think it was physically possible, honestly, but the dictionary was pretty clear about his symptoms, and he doesn’t seem to have been poisoned. There has to be some way out of this. There has to be some, hopefully not particularly embarrassing, cure. There has to be something he can do, because there’s no way he can plan to escape and resurrect his evil army if he’s busy mooning over the guy who’s absolutely going to eliminate his stupid ass the second he gets the command. 
“You’re quiet today,” that beautiful voice says, out of fucking nowhere, scaring the shit out of Jasper enough that he throws his journal ten feet in the air and narrowly misses it on the gravity rebound. 
“Why are you so fucking quiet!” Jasper snaps, which Orion only seems to find amusing. “Announce your presence before you enter a room!!”
“I imagine it’s because I was designed to be an assassin,” Orion muses, picking the journal up off the floor and handing it back. Jasper’s face burns. The torches flicker, and he wishes he had all of his magic at his disposal, but he’s stuck looking like a dumb asshole instead. “But I’m also wearing pretty nice shoes.”
Jasper hates him. And thinks about how soft his lips probably are. He can do both. He’s great at multitasking. 
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sonicexelle-junkary · 4 months
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“Nothing is so painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change.”
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enverwhoretrash · 5 months
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hands behind back? slut behaviour
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virune · 3 months
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