#Murr the shade
sonicexelle-junkary · 1 month
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“Nothing is so painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change.”
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din-skywalker · 1 year
Kratos notices Atreus running around in wolf form and sees that his fur isn't in the best condition. He decides to brush it.
this was such a cute idea omg thank you 😭
i'm on mobile so idk how to make a "read more" button terribly sorry
The boy has gotten good at changing his form, Kratos has realized. Since he returned from his second trip to Asgard, Atreus has become able to shift almost seamlessly, body bending and morphing in a flash of light and sparks into the four legged shape of a wolf.
His pelt is made up of bright yellow and orange furs, a shade similar to that of his hair. His eyes are a beautiful contrast, shining blue like the sky on a clear day.
He likes to show off to his father now, effortlessly changing his shape and form as if he is breathing. Kratos acts as if he is not watching, yet catches himself staring at his son, amazed by his ability. When Atreus had asked if he could change into an animal all those years ago… he had merely brushed it off, chalking it up to child wonderment. Which, it was. But now, that wonderment had become reality, and Atreus could not be more excited.
He hadn't had the time yet to truly enjoy his new ability, so, while with his father, he'd begun to practice during their long treks. He'd run ahead of Kratos, circle him, leap over his head, all the like. He's figuring out the extent of his wolf form, and what right would Kratos have to interrupt? Atreus only experiments between fights and makes sure to pay attention to his father’s orders, so Kratos sees no reason to stop him.
That is, until he looks closer at Atreus. Kratos feels his eyes narrow when Atreus bounds closer to him, tongue lolling from jaws and ears pressed back by the wind as he runs this way and that.
His… his fur. Oh his fur.
From a further away glance, his fur looks pristine. The oranges and yellows glow in the light almost like embers from a fire, and it doesn't look like there are any problems. Upon further inspection, however, Kratos can see the knots and mats of fur as well as the leaves, mud and sticks stuck in his pelt.
“Atreus!” he shouts, causing the wolf to skid to a halt. Atreus looks back at him with his head tilted, ears perked high. He's alert, tail held up still, his muscles bunched in preparation to move at his father’s command. “Come here.”
With that order, Atreus bounds towards him, returning to his regular form in a burst of light and heat. “Yes, Father? What's up?” he asks, and Kratos swears for a moment he still has the wolf ears and tail. But he does not. Atreus has not yet held his human form with characteristics of an animal, if he can at all.
“Return to a wolf,” Kratos says. Atreus raises a brow at him, a tad confused, but listens anyway. He stares up at Kratos through his sky blues as Kratos kneels beside him to get a closer look at his fur. And yup, sure enough, as Kratos combs his fingers through the fiery pelt, they get stuck in knots and clumps of matted fur. “Your fur.”
Atreus’s ear twitches and he twists his neck, nose knocking into Kratos’s face in the process- he's still learning the new lengths and parts of his body in this form. However, he can't see, so he begins to twist in the attempt to. Kratos catches one of his shoulders when he's once again smacked in the face- this time by Atreus’s long tail- to halt him. Atreus does so and looks back at him.
“Stay still,” Kratos says softly. Head tilted questioningly, Atreus does so, not even his tail wagging. Kratos once again brushes his hand through Atreus’s fur, lifting parts up to search for twigs and leaves. He does not have a brush now, nor does he regularly (their household doesn't need one) so all he can do at the moment is pick foreign objects free. He’ll ask one of the dwarves or Freya later if they have a brush and then work on untangling the knots and mats out of his son’s fur. “Your fur is messy.”
There's a small, curious murr from Atreus, as if he is trying to speak, until he realizes that he cannot like this. Instead, he stares at his father imploringly.
Atreus is not used to hair care, because as stated before, they do not need to worry about it in their household. Atreus’s hair is short and needs no brushing, while Kratos and Mimir are bald and only need to worry about their beards. They have combs for such tasks. Because of this, Atreus most likely forgot to keep an eye on his wolf form’s fur because he's never had to worry about that sort of issue in his human form.
Kratos has some experience, however, even if he himself has never had hair. The most important women of his life did have hair, and lots of it too. He helped Lysandre and Faye take care of it when they were too tired or pregnant, wanting to take some of the stress from their shoulders. With Calliope, he enjoyed brushing her hair. It was a bonding exercise for them. When Kratos was home, she'd run into his and his wife’s room with a brush, demanding he brush it for her for that day.
He's also cared for animal hair; his horse’s in particular. It's not the same as fur, but he's sure that with this experience, he’ll be able to figure out how to care for Atreus’s fur as well.
“Back,” Kratos says. Atreus hesitates for a moment before he falls to his side and rolls onto his back to expose his stomach. It's even worse in his stomach fur than it was everywhere else. Kratos sighs heavily, because he realizes now that he has his work cut out for him.
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liviavanrouge · 7 months
They were just Kids(Oc Kids)
Livia(4): *Stares then coughs up blood, her chest tightening*
Malleus: Livia...
Talon: My Lady...
Livia: *Falls over onto her side, her skin turning pale*
Talon: I'LL GET HELP! *Runs off, looking terrified*
Malleus: *Places a glowing hand on Livia's stomach* OPEN YOUR EYES!!
Livia: *Coughs, her body trembling*
Malleus: *Stands up and rushes after Talon*
Diana(10): *Runs through the woods her eyes wide*
???: GOTCHA!!
Diana: *Shields her face, a barrier appearing between her and the attack*
Murr: *Stares her down, his eyes dull*
Diana: *Steps back then flinches, her barrier blocking another attack*
Murr: *Narrows his eyes, releasing another attack* Who put this on you...
Diana: *Stares in alarm as the barrier broke, flames coming at her*
???: DIANA!!!
Zoe(6): *Grips her chest, her eyes wide*
Shirou: Zoe?
Koichi: *Looks up and freezes in alarm* Kid
Zoe' *Stares at the blood on her hands, looking curious* Papa...
Shirou: *Stares in shock*
Koichi: *Rushes forward as Zoe fell* ZOE!!
Shirou' *Stands up, hurrying over to her* ZOE!
Callie(7): *Looks around, her eyes wide*
Minestrone: *Pushes Callie towards the path* RUN CAL!
Callie: But Dad...
Minestrone: Mashed Potato will meet you at the end of the path! GO!
Callie: *Turns then freezes as a Specter lunged at her, slashing her eye*
Minestrone: *Turns and shoots down the Specter* Callie!
Lilith(9): *Stares at a book, her eyes narrow, then mutters the spell words*
Lilith: *Touches her temples alarmed* OUCH!
Satan: *Looks over at the demon girl* Lilith?
Lilith: *Coughs up blood and falls to her knees*
Diavolo: Lilith??!
Asmo: Beel, get Lucifer!!
Beel: *Turns and runs off, his eyes wide*
Lilith: *Falls over onto her side, glowing coming from her horns*
Diavolo: *Rushes forward in his demon form, reaching for her* LILITH!!!!
Davino(11): *Stares from the shade of a tree*
Satan: *Sits with Askios, staring at the demon boy*
Davino: Hah....I got my hopes up for nothing, my past has repeated, there's no need for me to be here anymore
Davino: *Turns and walks away*
Satan: *Touches his head then looks away*
Askios: Your majesty
Satan: I feel like I've forgotten some people important to me...
Harika(11): *Blocks the incoming water, her eyes wide*
Wriothesley: *Leaps down, running towards her* HARIKA!
Harika: *Looks back then forward, before releasing the water*
Paimon: Oh no! Harika!!
Lumine: *Scans the water alarmed*
Neuvillette: *Runs past them and leaps into the rushing water*
Paimon: Monsieur Neuvillette?!
Navia: They're both in trouble now...
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wutbju · 10 months
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So the October 1967 Greenville News insert had a large article about the landscaping on campus. Here’s the text. What strikes you about this write-up?
Looking out across the beautiful verdant campus of Bob Jones University, one can hardly imagine the time when this ground was nothing but a large plot of red clay hills and dunes. Tall, graceful shade trees, flowering and fruit » smaller trees, and colorful shrubbery flowers of all kinds now dot the grounds. Linking these and the symmetrical modern buildings in panoramic view are vast expanses of lush green lawns.
When one first sees the neat, clean appearance of the campus, he finds it hard to believe that more than 4,000 students and faculty members walk back and forth across it every day. The 15 or 20 students on the grounds crew believe it though, for they are the ones who daily work keep it that way.
Each is assigned a section of the campus,, and everything down to the last little piece of paper or trash is picked up and everything is swept clean. "Cleanliness is next to godliness" is a proverb they live by. And this is a familiar maxim to the students, too.
One student sweeper acquired a special reward for his diligence in cleaning gutters. He found a $100 bill one day which became his - after a reasonable length of time had passed with no claimers.
The grounds crew has been particularly thankful for a new refuse removal system that was installed on the campus recently. This system, called "Gar-bax." features special refuse holders placed in strategic spots around the campus. Containing disposable paper bags, they eliminate the necessity of transferring refuse; for the bags can just be lifted out of the holders, sealed and discarded.
Bob Jones University has been featured in the nationally distributed "Gerbaxnews"--the trade publication of the International Paper Co.--for its effective use of this system.
The lawns at BJU have been greener this summer thanks to a huge new grass cutter, Jacobsen F-10, purchased last March. Mowing in 15-foot swaths, it shears the grass clean and fine.
Dick Murr, manager of grounds at BJU, said that "a section that used to take 3½ hours to cut now only takes 35 minutes.
The grounds crew also has four rotary riding mowers, eight small power mowers for trim-out work, and a six-foot Toro professional mower.
Trees and shrubbery that bloom and have fruits at various times of the year have been placed in various parts of the campus. Large pine trees, some with seven-foot bolls and 12 feet in diameter, have been moved to more advantageous places where their effect might be more picturesque.
Forsythia, hydrangea and various types of spire dress the campus in the spring. Also, peach, plum, apple, pear, fig, apricot, cherry, wisteria and pink and white dogwood vie with one another to make the campus beautiful and fragrant-a place that students leaving at the end of the school year will never forget. When the peaches and plums mature, they add succulent taste treats to the dining common menu. The apples, harvested in the fall, give the new home economic classes plenty of practical experience in making jelly.
This past March, 1,000 azalea plants that were donated to the university were set out in beds; and all of the plants bloomed. The Greenville Garden Club counts in its beautification of Greenville competition the number of new azaleas and dogwood trees that are added to the BJU campus each year. Mrs. Bob Jones Sr. and Mrs. Bob Jones Jr. are both members of the club.
The rose garden planted near the dining common last winter and spring provided fragrant beauty during the summer. Red crape myrtle and orange pyracanthra add the bright touch of color to the campus in the late summer, as well as the red apples of the flowering crab trees. The maroon-leaved barberry bushes lining the drive between the Administration Build. ing and highway provide a neat contrast to the green lawns.
In the fall and winter, pyracantha, Mandela and holly trees and bushes of many varieties have their limbs bough gracefully under the weight of their vivid fruit. Holly lines the walkways to the dining common and fills the three large flag basins in front of it.
Boxwood, abelia, wax leaf ligustrum, and various evergreens keep the campus verdant and attractive through all the seasons of the year. Oaks, pines and other shade trees keep it cool and restful appearing. Many of the trees and shrubs have been donated by residents of Greenville.
Of special interest at BJU are the Bible land trees set out in front of the Fine Arts Building. These include thorn, hackberry, salix, acacia, olive, spikenard, and rose of Sharon.
Flower beds are rotated to provide beautiful, colorful effects during the various seasons. In the early spring, pastel-colored crocuses, showy narcissus, and yellow and white daffodils appear, followed later by multi-colored tulips and pansies. These give place in the summer to geraniums, petunias, cockscombs, and cannas of all hues.
Mums and Joseph's coat take predominance in the fall. Using Joseph's coat with its multi-colored leaves, it has been the custom in the fall to spell out in the beds in front of the alumni building such phrases as "God is Love" and "Jesus Saves."
In the garden area of the university are glads, dahlias, zinnias and asters. John Ludwig, superintendent of buildings and grounds, uses these to form lovely bouquets of flowers for the church services held at BJU, as well as for the Information Desk. He also provides the dining common with some of these flowers to dress up the tables.
A number of cymbidium orchid plants were recently donated to the school, and these are kept in the university's large greenhouse. These will begin producing 7,000 blooms, which will be sold in the school bookstore to young men for their special dates.
The geraniums and Joseph's coat are also kept in the greenhouse when not in use. Azalea plants and camellias are kept there until late March, when they are set out for Bible Conference time in the center divider near the entrance to the campus. If a rather bad frost is predicted at this time, these plants are all dug up and taken in for the night, to be set out again the next morning!
A lake shows forth its mirror-like surface behind the maintenance building. White rocks--rip-rip from the Campbell Limestone Co.--have been placed around the lake. An island in the lake was developed in June; and now crape myrtle, dogwood, Japanese maple and a little white walk of wash river rock grace it. Eventually, a bridge will reach out to the island from the mainland.
Weeping willow trees are going to be planted along one side of the lake near the dam, and also near the dining common.
Where rain drains come into the lake, waterfalls will be built out of white rock. And flower beds will be made in various spots around the lake.
On the far side of the lake are picnic grounds with fire-places, tables, and tall pines. These are used by student and faculty groups for outings.
Dads and boys find the fishing pretty good at the lake. Mr. Murr said that one of his assistants caught in one evening on an artificial worm four lovely 15-inch bass. Bamboo growths are around and near the lake, and these make one think of fishing poles.
The grounds crew feed the lawns twice a year. They also landscape new homes that are built for faculty and staff members, and they take care of the grounds around the homes. All told, they have the care of about 140 acres at BJU. Les Ollila, an ex-logger from Michigan who became a student, has given the trees on the campus some much-needed pruning during the past year. He had gained tree trimming and surgery experience with tree surgeons in his home state before coming to BJU.
That lake? That would become “Omega Lake” back campus. By the time this archivist was a student, it was a campus joke, not this idyllic vision.
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amorest-viesse · 2 years
[It’s Who I Am] - Rustica SR Card Story Translation
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Ft. White
Come Relax With Me - Chapter 1
Rustica: Oh? How do you do, Lord White? Have you also come to partake in the shade?
White: Indeed I have. Earlier, I was splashing about with the youngins’ but alas, I’m finally tuckered out. 
White: Is this where you’ve been all along?
Rustica: Yes. With weather as hot as this, I could almost hear the beach umbrellas calling my name.
Rustica: Not to mention it’s a rather comfortable spot that allows me to hear everyone’s laughter on the wind. 
White: Hohoho, what a savvy way to pass the time. I was certainly right to come here.
White: I’ve heard from our dear Sage that nary a soul can relax as well as you.
White: Thus, I would like to ask for a demonstration if you have the time.
Rustica: Why of course. Let’s take it slow together.
Rustica: Excuse me my dear vendor, but might I have a moment?
Rustica: Could you tell me which of these drinks you recommend the most?
Vendor: If you ask me, nothing will cool you down like a fruit lemonade.
Rustica: Very well then. In that case, I’ll take two please.
[glasses clinking]
Rustica: …Here you are, Lord White. It’s cold and fresh—the perfect drink for a climate such as this.
White: Ahh, I see. Would you say that enjoying the scenery with a glass in hand is the road to relaxation then?
Rustica: That would be quite lovely as well. However, our repose has just begun.
Come Relax With Me - Chapter 2
Rustica: Please take a look over there.
White: Hmm. It seems like the youngsters are having a swimming contest, no? Cain and Shino are putting up a good fight.
White: ‘Tis a common sight at the manor. The young ones are always darting about, cavorting and competing with one another…
Rustica: Quite right. And upon such occasions, I often see you cheering them on as well.
Rustica: Shall we do the same here once we’ve quenched our thirst?
White: Right now?
Rustica: Yes. I believe it is a luxury to be able to experience a taste of home when you’re somewhere far away.
Rustica: Despite the many vicissitudes of life, there continues to be that which remains the same.
White: …’Tis certainly a luxury indeed…
White: I knew it my laddie, you truly are the master of relaxation! Thanks to your wisdom, I now have a trade secret down my sleeve.
Rustica: It’s my pleasure, and to be perfectly honest, I also wanted to know the secret behind your cheering. I’d love to make the others smile as you do.
Rustica: May I ask for a demonstration as well?
White: Hohoho, ask and you shall receive. To begin, we can start by shouting “Everybody! Fiiiiiiight!!”
White: …after we finish our drinks.
Rustica: Of course. To the small things in life.
White: To the small things in life!
Rustica & White: Cheers!
The Taste of a Summertime Dream - Card Episode
Akira: Did you have a relaxing vacation in Set’s Paradise, Rustica?
Rustica: Yes. Thanks to you, I had the most delightful time. I even managed to pick up a number of wonderful souvenirs.
Akira: I’m glad to hear it. Who did you buy them for?
Rustica: Why, Shylock of course. Murr, Chloe, and I bought so many that we couldn’t even carry them all.
Akira: You— you bought that much!?
Rustica: Why yes. Whenever we encountered something unusual, it would spark a lively conversation about whether or not Shylock would like it.
Rustica: And to tell you the truth, we were so excited to hear his opinion that we’ve already presented everything to see if our predictions were correct.
Akira: Ahaha, it’s just like you guys to go all in.
Akira: So, which gift did he like the most?
Rustica: Mm, yes… That would have to be the leaves we bought for his pipe.
Rustica: While enjoying its subtly spicy aroma, he reported that it was like a “provocative summertime dream.”
Rustica: In the end, all three of us had predicted he would like that gift best and celebrated with a round of high fives for all.
Home Screen Voice Line
“Whenever I hear the word ‘vacation,’ the first thing I imagine are Chloe’s eyes. His sparkling gaze shines even brighter than the ocean’s waves. I wonder if my eyes would look the same way. Shall we go and see?”
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starofgold · 2 years
Singing the Song of the Hero in the Oasis of Scorching Sand - Part 3
Owen: No, I don’t want to go even if I die.
White: Don’t be so contrarian. True to its name, Seth’s Paradise is a beautiful place. I’ve heard a lot of talks about it. An oasis of tranquility in the middle of a scorching desert. That’s the perfect place for a trip of pleasure where you can forget the hustle and bustle of everyday life, don’t you think.
As White said that, there was a slightest change of expression on Owen, who was acting like he was fed up with us.  
Owen: You mean the town of the magical chalice?
Cain: Oh, you know that’s story too? It’s that very town, yeah. Do you want to try out a trip for leisure with no mission attached with us? It’d be nice to enjoy the beautiful scenery and take it easy, you know. There’re restaurants catering to visitors in the town with really sumptuous menu. They have things like huge, elaborate parfaits. I think you’ll definitely enjoy those.
Chloe: Huge elaborate parfaits! How big are they?
Shino: It’d be nice to have a big portion.
Mithra: A big portion would be nice.
Ignoring the wizards who were getting excited, Owen aimed his gaze at Mithra. There was a cautious calculation in his eyes.
Owen: Mithra, do you remember that story?
Mithra: That story? Are you talking about yesterday’s dinner?
Owen: Haha.
Owen: I’ve changed my mind. I’ll go with you lot.
Cain: Really?
Chloe – White – Murr: Yay!
Akira: (Eh? For a second there was a strange feeling.)
I was a bit uneasy as there seemed to be something hidden in Owen’s attitude. However, that quickly disappeared in the face of the overwhelming relief that he agreed to be our companion for the trip.
In the morning of the next day, the wizards gathered in the great hall, having been all ready for travelling. Excitement for the trip filled my heart.
Shino: Let’s depart early.  
White: Since Mithra is here, we’ll get there in no time.
Rustica: As expected of Mithra, so reliable.
Mithra: You’re very discerning. I am indeed a reliable man.
Chloe: Oh, please wait! There’s still something before we leave… Suispicibo Voitengok!
[Tingling sound]
Shino – Murr: !
As Chloe energetically cast his spell, everyone’s outfit changed in the blink of an eye. The outfits had a comfortable design reminiscent of the people who live in the desert.
Mithra – Owen: ?
White: What are these outfits?
Chloe: To tell the truth, I wanted to try out this type of design, so I already made these outfits bit by bit. Since their looks fits our current trip, I’d like to travel wearing them.
Chloe: Oh, I’m sorry. I got carried away. Did I bother you?
Cain: There’s no such thing. These outfits are really cool! I feel like I’ve become a desert king.
Chloe: Ehehe, I’m glad you like it. Once again, let’s go!
Cain – Shino – Murr: Sure!
We went through the door of space Mithra called up and arrived at our destination in no time. The oasis crowned with the name of a hero, Seth’s Paradise.
Murr: We’ve arrived!
Akira: Wow!
We were at a beautiful town surrounded by the desert. Blessed with the rich green thanks to the abundant water source, the buildings were overflowing with liveliness. The lake that was the stage for the legend was bigger than I thought. It has a refreshing shade of blue that is different from both the sea and the sky. How this lake must shine like a miracle to someone who just came off a long journey.  
Shino: This place is indeed right in the middle of a desert.
Rustica: Just as Cain said, what a beautiful sight. It’s like a jewel lovingly embraced by the sand.
Chloe: Yeah, this is amazing! To think that there’s such a beautiful lake deep in the desert like this.
Cain: This place is like a different world, right. It’s been a while since the last time I was here, but it hasn’t changed at all.
The young wizards and the Western wizards looked at the buildings and the lake, full of an innocent joy.
Mithra – White – Owen: …..
On the other side, the Northern wizards were full of suspicion.
Owen: There’s a strong presence of spirits in this place. They are rustling around.
Akira: Eh, there’s such a thing?
Mithra: Yes. They are everywhere, but they are especially noisy in the direction of the lake.
White: It seems their origin is the area nearby. It’s just a little, but there’s something strange mixed with the divine ambience. Well, the spirits of Central fight against the nature of Northern wizards. There has been the stinging feeling on my skin. Perhaps that’s the reason.
Chloe: In that case, are you okay?
White: If we try not to get aggressive however clumsily, they probably won’t bare their fangs at us. Do you hear me, you naughty kids?
Mithra: He’s calling for you, Owen.
Owen: He means you, obviously.
White: In any case, we’re on vacation. Everyone, time to let our hair down and enjoy everything to your heart’s content.
Murr: Today is the only day when we can enjoy today after all!
Cain: Well then, let’s go all out and have fun!
Chloe – Shino – Rustica: Agree!
The wizards quickly got into the vacationing mood.
[Change of scene]
Shino: Whoosh!
Shino: This sandboarding thing is pretty fun. It’s totally different from riding the broom.
Murr: We are about to clash! Give way, give way!
Shino: Huh?! Hey?!
[Clashing sound]
Murr: Haha, both of us come tumbling down!
Shino: Damn, the sand is all over me. Hey, Murr! You should look where you are going!
Murr: But how can I catch fish if I only look forward?
Shino: Fish?
Murr: Yeah, fish. I just caught this one not long ago! These fish adapt to the desert and swim in sand. Their flesh is too tough so not a good eat, but the liver is exquisite!
Shino: So that’s why you stuck your hand in the sand when you moved around on the board. I’ll catch these fish too and bring them home so Nero can cook them.
Murr: Sounds nice! Let’s ask him to make us a full course meal! By the way, you shouldn’t use magic when you catch these fish.
Shino: Why?
Murr: The flavor of their liver will deteriorate. You should hold them by the tail and yank them out of the sand like whoosh! That sounds simple but is actually pretty tricky. I’m pretty good at that though! One time I was researching this kind of fish so I rounded them up in the desert!
Shino: I will get good in no time though. I have never done this before but it’s just like hunting. And I’m the king of that.
Murr: In that case, shall we make it a contest?
Shino: Fine by me. The one who can catch more fish wins.
Murr: Fun! Our contest will start now! Woot!
Shino: I’ll win!
[Change of scene]
Rustica: The area around the lake is so pleasant. It’s nice to spend time here.
White: It’s the perfect place to relax. Oh, this flower is very common by the edge of the lake. It looks like a bud, but all of them have a strange swelling part on the stem.
Chloe: That’s the ‘water jug grass’. A local person just told me. Originally, the flowers stored water in their stem. Since water is abundant here, they have come to store other things too.
Rustica: Other things?
Chloe: All kinds of things, like sound or smell. Whatever excites the flower, it will hoard that with all its might. When we caress the stem, the flower will open up and release what it has been storing.
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thegracefulwillow · 3 years
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well look at whose birthday it is
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thegoldengolem · 3 years
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Vanitas and Noé for the anime!
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quixotic-writer · 3 years
Truth or Truth?
Request: Anon
Summary: Q and Sal are in a double punishment. Q is hooked up to a lie detector and is forced to answer questions about his relationship with his girlfriend who just so happens to be Sal’s sister. Whether he likes it or not, the truth will be revealed.
Warning: Smut ahead!
“Well, seems both Sal and Q have lost the episode.” Murr announces to the cameras with absolute joy that for once he wasn’t the one being miserably punished. Sal and Q nod their heads in defeat and chuckle out of fear of what awaits them on the stage beyond the curtain of the theatre they were stationed at for the day.
“Which means a double punishment is out there waiting for you guys.” Joe says with an equal level of glee as Murr.
“Can we just get to it now, I'm sweating buckets and I just wanna get this over with.” Sal says as he wipes his hands on the sides of his pants to rid his palms of the sweat that was building up.
“Okay, okay. Let’s get you guys out on that stage!” The two men are laughing as the other two did as they were instructed. There on the stage were two chairs. One of those chairs was next to a table filled with wires and equipment, the other had rope surrounding it. Sal and Q both look at each other with eyebrows raised in question of the curious set up. “Sal you will be taking the chair on the left, Q you get the chair on the right next to that machine we’ll get you hooked up to.” The minute he heard the phrase ‘get you hooked up,’ Q knew exactly what the boys had in store.
He complied without saying anything, it was a punishment after all and it’s not like he could evacuate or run away anywhere. He watched as Sal was sat in his chair and tied up good and well to it.
“Guys I thought this was a double punishment. Why am I just being tied to a chair and Q getting hooked up to a lie detector test? What are you gonna do? Ask him how many times he’s fantasized about fictional women while jacking off?” Sal laughs. Little did he know what the guys had in store for this special use of the lie detector test.
“So our buddy Q here has been dating Sal’s sister – (Y/N) – for quite a while now.” Joe said with a toothy grin on his face. They watched as Sal’s face dropped immediately to shock and disgust.
“So we’ve hooked Q up to a lie detector test and we’ll be asking him a few questions about their relationship.” Both Murr and Joe were laughing. “But wait! It gets better!”
“There’s only one audience member besides us here.” When the lights brightened slightly, rows of chairs could be made out now in their line of vision, and so could the one solitary audience member sitting front and center: (Y/N).
“That’s Sal’s sister!” Murr says with jubilation. You could watch the color completely drain from Sal and Q’s face.
“That’s right Sal, you have to look at your sister and your best friend as we ask all these questions and you have to hear the honest truth about it all no matter how dirty.” Sal was freaking out wanting to break free of the constraints that bound him to the chair. He was begging and pleading for anything else as the two winners of the episode were laughing at his fruitless pleas. Q had his face in his hands and his face was regaining its color in only a single shade. He was red as a fire engine knowing exactly where this was about to go. He lifted his head slightly to be met with the eyes of his lover. She sheepishly waved with a smile and he did the same.
“There’s no escaping or compromising a punishment Sal, you lost and this is what you get!” Sal had stopped thrashing and now had his eyes set on the ceiling staring off into nothing. “Let’s start with the first question!”
“Let’s start easy: Have you ever kissed her,” Q huffed as his eyebrows furrowed together. What a silly question, “With tongue?” And there was the searing bit and his expression was wiped clean off of his face.
It was early on in their dating days, they decided on a movie night at Q’s place. It was warm and cozy, intimate and serene. She had her head resting on his shoulder and his arm was wrapped around her, holding her in close so that he could be closer to each and every piece of her. Because they were together for only a short time at that moment, Q feared making moves as to not upset her and cause a rift between him and Sal. It was already hard enough getting Sal warmed up to them, it would make things worse if he accidentally made a move she wasn’t comfortable with and Sal would have even more reason to disapprove of what they had going on. So while he seemed relaxed, he was actually freaking out on the inside.
That’s when their eyes locked on each other, her hand was placed gently on his cheek as she smiled and started inching in closer. Her hand was moving in closer and he went with it, seeing as all the signals were there and he was given the green light. Their lips met and he could taste the popcorn on her lips, he went in for another, and another. She felt addicting, he loved it and wanted more. That’s when her tongue traced along his lips, he hesitated.
“Don’t be so stiff B. I know you want more.” She whispered against his lips. She was right, that’s when things started getting heated. He brought her onto his lap, she was then straddling him and their lips met with each other once again, parted and allowed their tongues to intertwine. He could taste her so much better and he knew he was in deep.
The rest of that evening was truly memorable.
“Y-yes.” He answered honestly.
“He’s telling the truth.” The polygraph reader spoke as he watched the readings carefully. Sal’s face contorted in disgust as laughter echoed through the theatre.
“Next question: Have you done it on Sal’s bed or in his house?” Q squeezes his eyes shut.
“Brian I swear, you better think long and hard about how you answer this. You have house sat for me many times. If you say yes.”
Sal was away on a comedy tour and to go visit his mom. Q was handed the responsibility to watch over his house and make sure that everything was kept clean. Sal stated that he didn’t mind if he stayed the night at his place if he ever drank or if he just felt like it, so long as everything was kept in proper order when he came back. That much Q could do. He never said anything about his girlfriend being over as well.
It started as it always did: chilling out in the living room. They were playing Mario Kart together and the competition was getting heated. Nothing made Q happier than having a girlfriend he could play video games with, especially competitively. Both of them already started playing a little dirty, bumping each other playfully, blocking their view of the screen during important jumps, and so on. They were having the time of their life until she took things a step further.
As they were on their second lap, she sat on Q’s lap and started circling her hips. Q had a hard time focusing on the screen now that something else began to catch his interest. She kept going and she could feel him starting to grow hard under her. He bit his lip to not moan and show weakness and focused as much of his attention on the screen as best as he could.
“(Y/N). T-that’s cheating. You play… Dirty.” She had her eyes on the screen and now added noises as she gyrated her hips.
In the end, Q crossed the finish line first and ended up winning.
“Well, B. Looks like you won.” She said with a devilish smirk on her face, “I guess you’ve earned yourself a prize.” She slithers down to her knees and settles between Q’s legs as he sits on the couch. She pulls down his pants along with his boxers as his member throbs in front of her eyes. Q’s lips are already parted as his breath hitches at the sight before him. She licks her lips and immediately takes him as far into her mouth as she could. He lets out a low groan as his eyes close to take in the sensation.
“Fucking hell baby.” He says as his hand goes to the back of her head as his hips start to work and fuck her mouth. He was already aching for release as she was grinding against him, so his inevitable end was already building up like a skyscraper. “(Y/N). Sweetheart. God. You’re gonna make me cum.” He was at the edge of absolute euphoria, he had control of her as he tangled his hand in her hair and guided her faster up and down his cock until he shoved her down and released in her mouth. “Swallow.” He commanded, and she did exactly that. All evidence of his climax gone. He pulls her up for a kiss before lifting her and allowing his feet to carry them to where he would now be staying for the night: Sal’s room.
“Do I really have to answer this one?” Q asked as he began sweating profusely as he remembered each sensation pertaining to his answer.
“Hurry up and answer! You’ve never had problems talking about your sex life before tough guy.” Joe criticizes.
“No.” A blatant lie and they all probably knew. This answer was proven false after the polygraph interpreter stated so. Sal was glaring at Q and Q dared not make eye contact at that moment.
“You guys have ravaged my house for a punishment before, but SEX in MY HOUSE?!?! Not only that but WITH MY SISTER?!” Q wanted nothing more than just to disappear.
“Next question. Oh this one's good!” Q closed his eyes again, bracing himself for the next question, “Had she ever called you daddy?” His cheeks felt like they were on fire now. “Not like how you refer to yourself when talking about your cats either. You know exactly how we mean it.”
The room was filled with the sounds of the bed frame squeaking and moans eliciting from open mouths along with steamy breath that stuck to their skin. Q was thrusting his hips roughly into her as she raked her nails down his back, leaving her own mark on him.
“You like that baby? Like when I fuck you hard?”
“Yes! Yes!” Her words felt like they were being forced out of her with each snap of his hips as he hit just the right spots to drive her crazy.
“Yes, what?” He asked her as he slowed to an agonizing pace. She wrapped her legs around him to try and speed things up, bringing him in closer despite knowing it wouldn’t do anything until that one word was uttered. “C’mon (Y/N). Let me hear it. Yes, what?” His hot breath fell in her ear and sent chills through her and she could feel her clit throb as she bit her lip and moaned at the authoritative tone.
“Yes daddy.” His hips picked right back up as the familiar sound of skin on skin began to echo once again in the room. “Fuck I love it when you fuck me like this. Harder. Please, daddy.” Each time she said it, it brought him closer and closer to climax.
“God I love when you call me that sweetheart.” He licked his thumb and began rubbing circles around her clit as he continued working his hips against hers. Whining as she felt her climax begin to wash over her, Q wasn’t that far behind as he began to grunt and moan with each thrust as he felt her tremble beneath him. “Gonna cum baby, you’re so perfect.”
Q wondered if the air conditioning in the place was even on. If it was, they needed to crank it if not his shirt was sure to be drenched in sweat by the time this punishment was over.
“Not an answer buddy.” Q really didn’t want to answer this. He could feel Sal’s gaze boring holes into him. He knew how his best friend felt about his relationship which is why he never said a thing about their sex life like he had with previous relationships. He respected Sal that way and always made sure to treat his sister well. But the pickle he was in now was making this dynamic extremely difficult.
“I uuh.” He was choking on words. There was no sense in lying, but maybe, just maybe if he believed hard enough he could trick the lie detector into believing he was telling the truth. He took a breath, said over and over in his head that he was telling the truth, steadied himself, and “no.” He tried saying it with honest conviction.
“A lie.” Yup. He definitely wanted to crawl in a hole now. All three of the other men were hollering at the answer. Q looked at (Y/N) and she was just as red as he was but she was laughing. He wasn’t sure how she could be laughing at this moment, but for some reason it put him slightly at ease knowing that this wasn’t torture for her like it was for him.
“Okay last question Q.” Sal had been mostly silent for the last few minutes and Q just knew that Sal wanted him dead or something else. He was lucky there were restraints holding him back because god knows what would have happened if he wasn’t. Q was mentally bracing himself for something absolutely revolting that he would have to answer for, something that would really make Sal lose his mind. Dildos, sneaking off on tour together to have sex, road head, he was ready to answer for it and face the consequences. “Do you love her?”
It was early in the morning and sun peered through the windows of his house. As he opened his eyes, there she was. Her eyes closed and her breathing steady, all the cats were curled up around her and all were surprisingly still asleep as well. She was dreaming and he knew it. Seeing her so peacefully asleep made him happy. It wasn’t only that. It was knowing she was happily asleep in his bed, next to him that made his heart flutter and burst with joy. Waking up and seeing her was unlike anything he’s ever felt.
He crawled out of bed carefully. In the kitchen he began to cook up some breakfast for them and also to feed the needy little kittens. As he was at the stove, he heard her shuffle in. He looked over his shoulder and saw her, eyes hooded and still half asleep, a little smile tugging at her lips, hair covering most of her face. She was just the most beautiful person ever and he couldn’t think otherwise.
“Morning sunshine.” He says with a smile on his face, voice still groggy from waking up.
“Mornin’ B.” She made her way over and hugged him from behind, leaning on him as she closed her eyes, inhaling deeply smelling his morning musk and the food that was cooking. “Smells so good.” She mumbled. His heart was just exploding and he couldn’t stop smiling.
As they ate breakfast, she spoke most of the time and that was just how he liked it. He never tired of her voice, never tired of hearing her talk, never tired of being around her. She noticed the dopey look on his face as she spoke and she stopped and gave him a bit of a side glance and a smile.
“What’s with you this morning Bri? You’ve been acting all mushy. Not that I'm complaining or this is out of the ordinary.”
“I just like hearing you talk.” He said truthfully. “And it’s just–”
“–I love her.” He spoke with a smile on his face. “I really do. No doubt about that. There’s no one else I've been more in love with than her. Every part of her. Good and bad. I love her.” He looked her in her eyes, recalling each countless moment they’ve had with each other. Every time he was around her, he felt like a high schooler again. So bashful, so in love, hopelessly so. There was no one else for him.
“It’s all true.” The polygraph reader spoke with a smile. Sal looked at Q, then looked at his sister and saw them just entranced with each other. Hearing everything Q had to say was true made his anger quickly slide away. He wanted his friend to be happy, he couldn’t keep them apart. Despite thinking this was an absolutely terrible idea at the start, perhaps this changed things.
“That’s it Q. Interrogations over.” Both men were released from their punishment prisons and were left to face each other.
“So. You really love her, huh?” Q smirked as he felt the butterflies thinking about her again.
“More than you could imagine.” He said with confidence. He felt her arms wrap around him and he turned around to see her eyes sparkling like constellations at midnight. He wrapped his arms around her tight and gave her a kiss.
“Listen, I know i’ve been hard on you Q. Just protective of my sister y’know?”
“I get it, Sal. But I can promise you wholeheartedly that I’d never do anything to hurt her ever.”
“Might wanna hook him up to the lie detector again.” Joe said as he walked by. Q rolled his eyes.
“I know. I just want you to promise one other thing.”
“Anything.” Q leaned in attentively.
“I never wanna hear anything about your sex life ever again.” (Y/N) snickered as Q felt his face heating up in shame again.
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digital-dhampirs · 3 years
what are your thoughts on the new chapter? I don't think it's translated yet, so from the raws🏃
Hiya, thanks for the ask! I’m trying my absolute hardest to dodge spoilers from the newest raws for now (which means not touching the vnc tag, me, don’t do it), so my thoughts on the chapter will be out once the English translation is out in a few days..!
For now, though, here are my thoughts on the apple iBooks cover….
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First and foremost oh my god Teacher oh by the blessed blue moon I’m—
It looks like we get a Teacher face reveal this chapter! He looks just as friendly and approachable and horrifying as I imagined. Breaking all vampiric tradition, the Teacher doesn’t have any rings in his eyes, or even pupils… just when I thought I had vampire eyes figured out, mochijun decided to introduce a new flavor.
Speaking of eyes, it looks like our dear Teacher has heterochromia— his left eye is far lighter than his right. Considering this is pretty much exactly how human! Murr’s eyes are shaded in volume 8’s cat cafe omake (sans pupils), this seems to be pretty solid confirmation that the Teacher is connected to Murr. I’m still somewhat hesitant to say anything definitive though, because if the Teacher really is Murr…. uh…
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he’s… what I would generously refer to as a method actor…
I think there’s a definite possibility that Murr could be one of Teacher’s familiars, or maybe the Teacher purposefully gave this form heterochromia for some reason… but yeah Occam’s razor is absolutely suggesting that the two are one and the same. If the Teacher actually is Murr, this suggests that the Teacher keeps this type of heterochromia in every form he takes (whether intentionally or not), which means I might be able to finally finally close the casket on that Ruthven = Teacher crack theory that’s been haunting me for literal years at this point.
Regardless of Murr’s relationship to the Teacher, I think it’s pretty safe to say that the Teacher’s current form has one purple eye and one bright blue eye. Suffice to say, this is very sus. So far the only characters we’ve seen with copper sulfate blue eyes have been vampires born under a blue moon and members of the Blue Moon Clan. I’ve already theorized that the Teacher acquired the Books of Vanitas along with Luna’s blood at some point in the past, and later passed them on to Moreau— could he have done experiments on himself using these items? Did Luna give him these things willingly? Did Luna make him part of the Blue Moon Clan? Was he once friends with Luna? Luna says that at some point in the past they tried to figure out what they truly were, but they now deeply regret it, does that have anything to do with the Teacher? The Teacher told Mikhail that he has the ability to bring Luna back to life, why do all his experiments seem to revolve around Luna and Faustina, what—
theory brain is running absolutely wild with this one (1) image
Turning our eyes to Teacher’s other eye… this magenta/purple eye is just as sus as the copper sulphate blue one. Why do he and Noé have the same eye color? Don’t tell me this has something to do with that crack theory that the Teacher and Luna are Noé’s parents (I’m not gonna touch this one until the EN chapter actually drops but tldr I kinda just don’t like it on a storytelling level)….
in order to soothe my soul a bit I’m going to pretend that the heterochromia is just the Teacher having a little fun and choosing the two most plot relevant colors for his current form’s eyes
So!!!!!! That’s all my thoughts on the one random image from chapter 55 I’m allowing myself to look at. Thanks again for the ask! I know some of the questions I’ve raised in this post may be answered in the chapter, but I’m really trying to avoid spoilers from the raws, so please try to avoid spoiling content from the newest chapter in the replies if ya can. Thanks for reading my ramblings! see you when the English chapter drops and I officially lose my mind
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beanyboobee · 3 years
Random theory with barely any substance but what if the person who was suppose to use the book of Vanitas was not Vanitas but Noe?
Warning Manga spoilers ahead!
Now hear me out I know this is going to be a doozey of a theory and mostly runs off what if's but I've had the feeling for the past while that Noe is at least somewhat connected or related to the blue moon vampire. If not the blue moon vampire then perhaps one of the first red moon vampires.
We already know who the blue moon vampire is, this lovely lady right here
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But I always found it odd that the only characters we have met with white hair so far in this Manga are Noe, Chloe and this lady.
Who all reside in the forest.
I found it esspeically coincidental that the blue moon vampire covers her right eye with hair and when we are first introduced to a young Noe his right eye is covered with bandages.
Chapter 49s cover is in a royal purple shade and though that could be just because it looks nice it is strange that such an important character is now accociated with purple.
As we know in the human realm Noes eyes are purple, he also wears alott of the color, it could just be because its a regal color, or just the color accociatwd with the shapeless one since Domi also wears it.
But we also have to take into consideration that when red and blue mix we get a purple.
Now I know this might be me looking to much into small unimportant details but I couldn't help but find it strange how Noe as far as we know is the very last Archviste. Yet he admitted that he doesn't know who his parents are that all he knows is that he was found him the snow.
Who else wandered in the snow?
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It says it was frightend of the darkness and the cold, and that it was cast out by the other vampires, is it possiable at all that maybe Noe was wandering in the cold for the same reason? And even tho we only get a small look at baby noe in the snow, doesn't he seem to be wearing a similar cape thing?
Is it possiable That there is more than one blue moon Vampire and all the tales got jumbled over time into one ?
As we know something terrible happend to the archvisties seeing as Noe was sold as a surviving one
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The shapeless one is also known to be feared by the vampires, so why would such a person take an interest in a child sold on the blackmarket? Unless that child sold a very important purpose, as Louis said,
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Another thing I couldn't help but notice is how Noe is tied to murr, its only some strange detail that I noticed but we never were told when Noe got murr or how, I always found it strange how murrs color pallette is rather similar to noes
With white fur and a red left eye, the only thing differant is the blue right eye, but is it differant ?
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When Noe was sold we see him sporting bandages that cover his right eye, we are never told why he wears them, there's no scar to show that he was injured, so why does he wear it? Is it possiable that maybe he was born under neither a blue or red moon?
It is also quite the coincidence that the shapeless ones pet name for Noe is "mon chaton" meaning "my kitten"
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Also how the shapeless one said that he was having fun because Noe came with him was certiantly odd. Almost as if he expected Noe not to. That things would be much more fun with Noe around and as we can probualy guess the shapeless ones idea of fun is not fun at all.
Does the shapeless one know more then he is letting on? And is there more to Noe than even he knows about ?
The final thing I want to say on this, is that it certiantly is odd that Noe was kept sheltered and away from everyone bar the other children growing up, that as Domi said he was kept deep deep in the woods
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Do you know who else found themselfs deep in the forest? The blue moon Vampire.
Also very strange is how the shapeless one sent Noe to Paris to find the book of Vanitas, how did he know it was there? And how did he know someone already had it ?
Of course this is just me over analyzing a bunch of things but it was fun to think about, feel free to share your thoughts on this theory! I have a few more but I don't want to take up too much time
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I'd love to see more fics exploring Noé & Domi (not necessarily in a shipping light, though I do love those two. It's the ~history~ y'know! *chef's kiss*). But I also agree, Roland & Olivier are two characters that would be really fun to explore. What are they doing when they break out of chasseur mode? I find it amusing that Olivier is so popular with the ladies but can't be bothered by all that. Heh!
Hey there! I'm so so sorry it took me forever to get to your prompt!! I loved it and fully intended to return to it...but my inspiration sort of left as soon as it came.
So I thought maybe I'd use some of these prompts for the vnc countdown since it's giving me some more! I hope that's alright!
Noé’s brow was creased, his hand to his chin,
“If you keep thinking that hard, your thoughts might decide to start walking out of your head.”
“Sorry, Teacher.”
“No need to apologize,” his teacher laughed, more than anything at Noés mundane reaction at such a strange statement, “I just thought your head might appreciate a little relief. Come now, let’s look at the options over here!“ He beckoned him to the next part of the store. “What do you think?”
Noé observed the dresses towering above him, trying not to think too hard this time. He didn’t want to say he didn’t like them till he gave them a proper think over.
Then he turned to the side…and saw it.
A dress of brilliant gold, with flowers, butterflies and bows—though nothing too terribly lavish, just perfect little accents.
Noé’s eyes became stars, and his hands became triumphant fists at his sides.
“That one.” He pointed like an explorer who’d found land.
His Teacher raised an eyebrow, lifting his head to find the object of fascination. “Ah! You have taste, my dear Noé! A fine piece!”—He called for assistance—“Our dear Dominique will look lovely in that.”
He agreed. Even with her hair like that, and her eyes all sad, she would look beautiful in this. He could only hope she would be able to see it too.
Noé sat in a chair in Dominique’s room, swinging his legs back and forth, waiting patiently, but determinedly.
Domi came in what might have been minutes, but felt like hours later. It still made him sad to see her hair so short, and her eyes ever glazed. Gold looked better when it was allowed to shine.
She was still wearing Louis’ waistcoat.
Noé shot up at her arrival and Domi’s eyes widened upon seeing him there.
“I have—!" He fumbled with the box, almost dropping it, but managed to regain composure, holding it out to her. “I have something for you!”
Domi didn’t say anything. The curiosity in her eyes was almost imperceptible beneath that glaze, but it was there. She took the lid off the box and observed the article within. Her eyes widened, and she looked from it to Noé.
“Domi, would you please join me for dinner tonight?”
“Huh? We always have dinner together.” Her voice was low and soft.
He smiled, though there was something sad in his eyes at hearing her voice. “Yes, but tonight’s special! I know this request might seem a little strange, but I would like you to meet me in the woods later!” He pulled a badly drawn map of the forest out of his pocket and pointed at an over-exaggerated X on it. “At this location!” He looked up at her, and the look in his eyes told her she couldn’t refuse. “Will you?”
Domi’s brow furrowed. “You haven’t lost it have you, Noé?”
“Please let me know if I have! Teacher says if I think too hard my thoughts might walk right out of my head!”
“He was just saying that.”
“We can only hope, but I still don’t want to chance it.”
Domi’s thoughts frayed as she looked at herself in that golden dress. Like a rope that isn’t quite sure it can hold onto anything.
It was Louis. It was supposed to be Louis.
Why did they pick her? Why? Why was he cursed, and she blessed? It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair they had to choose. Choices were for ice cream flavors, and what book you wanted to read, not for brothers and sisters.
Not for twins.
That word gummed up her mouth, even when she didn’t say it aloud.
Twins. She and Louis, twins. Part of her still couldn’t believe it, and the other part of her could only believe it.
That word had one benefit. With her hair cut, and wearing his clothes, she could pass for him.
Which was surely what everyone wanted. All as it should have been.
She could pretend to be Louis. And pretending to be Louis was…better that truly being Domi…wasn’t it?
So…why did Noé want her to wear this dress? Didn’t Noé prefer her looking like Louis?
“I like it when you have your hair long too. It feels so much like you’re Domi, then, and…I really like it.”
Or perhaps…
Would he like that? Would he really?
She looked at herself in this dress and she thought in some far-off part of her brain that, perhaps she was beautiful. And perhaps he picked this dress because he knew she would like it, and he knew she would look nice in it.
But she would have looked better in it if her hair were longer.
Noé was so glad to have Domi.
He missed Louis, and he wanted Louis back, certainly. But he was glad to have Domi, and he wanted Domi to be, well, Domi. She was no pale imitation of her brother, and didn’t deserve to be treated as such.
It made him so sad to see her cut her hair, and put herself in Louis’ clothes. It made him so sad that she thought that’s what she was, what they all wanted.
He had to show her he appreciated her.
He waited in his chair at the table with equally determined, yet barely simmering excitement.
Noé had once read a book Teacher brought from the human world in which a group of mad characters had tea in the forest. Noé thought it was rather fantastic idea, and asked Teacher if they could accomplish such a thing. The table had to be long, and the tea had to be all over it, with lots of cakes too. Teacher laughed, said What an amusing notion, and that he was sure he could set something up.
Noé wasn’t sure exactly how, but when he and Murr entered the forest, was delighted to find it almost exactly as he’d pictured. (Okay, not exactly. There was more substantial dinner food than tea, and not nearly enough desserts, but still.)
When Domi came through the forest Noé stood up, like she was a princess who deserved respect. And he wouldn’t say she didn’t look like it; he had made the right choice. The short hair looked kind of nice with it.
“You look great!” He pumped his fist at his side again.
Domi looked at the ground, but brushed her hair behind her ear.
“Why are we doing this?” She asked, but her eyes scanned the table and the dishes with that barely perceptible curiosity.
“It’s for you!”
“I mean what are we celebrating?”
“Uhh, we’re celebrating you, then, I guess!” Noé continued determinedly, pulling out a chair for Domi, as Teacher poured some blood into her goblet.
“But it’s not my birthday.” She continued looking at the setup as she sat down.
“Why does it have to be for us to want to celebrate you?” Noé sat down in another chair next to hers.
Domi’s eyes widened, and her eyes changed as she observed the table, becoming more awed, with an almost tearful shimmer to them.
When she turned back to look at Noé, for the first time since Louis’ death, he thought he really was really seeing Domi.
* Fin *
I really hope you like what I came up with! I had hoped it would be longer but I do really like the idea. And please do send me another prompt if you were hoping for something different, or else have a new idea!
Oh also, I realized after I wrote it that it's possible Noé couldn't leave the manor at that age, but I don't remember, and I didn't want to change the beginning since I realized this when I was about to post
For Roland and Olivier, I don't have something ready quite yet, but I am working on something, and I thought I'd post a snippet here for you! I'm honestly quite proud of this XD
Olivier was having a perfectly satisfactory morning. His coffee smelled just the right shade of black, and was perfectly scalding. He brought a book he’d been hoping to read for a while, but hadn’t had the time for. He lit a cigarette, and the smoke was as decadent to him as any dessert. He was just opening up said book, just bringing the cigarette to his lips when—
Oliver didn’t jump. Didn’t shout or otherwise react in surprise at the sudden disruption to his morning. Instead, very slowly, he closed the book, very carefully he set down his coffee. Very slowly, he lifted the cigarette and took a long drag, blowing out a wisp of smoke.
And he silently regretted (not for the first time) telling Roland where his favorite coffee shop was.
Question. For this Roland and Olivier fic, would you be more interested in reading about them running around trying to help someone find their lost pet, or a fic exploring them going to fly that small aircraft Roland was talking about? Or do you have another idea for what Roland might be worked up about? XD Feel free to put it in my ask box, I could always put this fic with that ask!
Thanks so much for sending me this prompt!!
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annonmaly · 3 years
Ok, It's Not Red. So What?
"Oh, It's Not Red" continuation
Welcome to the third part of my posts regarding Mochijun-sensei's official VnC artworks. This is just a continuation of the 2nd part (there will be no artworks to be discussed). I will just share some absurd ideas that I came up with after my realization (some may already be out there). If there's any chance that you stumbled to the prior post and decided to continue. I salute you brave warriors that assume I would mention anything that makes any sense. To those who have no time to read a post that only talked about Murr's eye color. Here's a summary: I realized Murr's right eye is not red.
Curious as to how did I come to this conclusion? Check it out here: Oh, It's Not Red (You may not read the first part as it isn't related to this. But if you want to, it's here: Regarding some of VnC Artwork this title is so uncreative)
As usual, a friendly reminder that best in writing is an award I never received. I'm not the person who could analyze, explain, or theorize things clearly. Please bear that in mind while reading. Photos are not mine, of course. Also, spoiler alert to be safe
Now that it's all said and done. Let's go ahead and talk about Murr.
By this time, we already know who is Murr. And I think we all agree that the cat is not just a cute mascot of the series. I bet that he would be a game-changer (yes, I'm putting Murr on a high pedestal). The question is: What do you think of Murr's role in the story?
After spending hours and hours of reading here and there, the common theories I found are:
1. Murr is Sensei (The Shapeless One)
Sensei is an observer. And where is the best place to observe? It's beside your subject of interest. Also, as his title suggests, he is shapeless, so maybe he could shapeshift into anything he wants. This sounds probable but, I do not lean on this much for two reasons.
Personal preference. If this is true, Sensei is weird, not terrifying. I mean, instead of doing scary and shady affairs during his free time, he decided to be a cat just to watch Noé.
Look at the image below closely.
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Did you found Murr? No? Take a closer look at Louis. At first, I thought he was just reading, but his book has a weird shape. Where did I see that again? Oh, right.
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Not yet satisfied? See this panel from the manga. This is after the first image's scene.
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(Grandpa obviously has his favorites)
I think the cat Louis' holding is Murr. Thus, there's a panel where Sensei and Murr are together. That's the second reason I'm skeptical about this theory, folks.
Well, we also don't know. Maybe grandpa killed the cat so he could disguise himself as one.
2. Murr is a spy camera of Grandpa De Sade
It's a simple one. The theory goes like this: Murr's right eye connects to Sensei in whatever way. This panel is what inspires this theory:
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(This cat really is suspicious, I bet he is one of the puppet masters of this arc along with Sensei)
This theory is what I'm more inclined to believe. I suppose the cat is working under/with Grandpa for their grand schemes. So, of course, he would report to Sensei the events that took place. Whether he is using his right eye or whatever means it is.
Going to my personal thoughts...
I guess that Murr was a kin of the vampire of the blue moon. He used the power too much, and thus he was rewritten from the inside. Alas, Murr became a cat! Why is he heterochromatic, tho?
Ok, kidding aside, there are two ideas I want to share.
1. Possibly Twins
Mochijun-sensei dropped the bomb in chapter 46. She gave us the idea that the theme of twins would be relevant in the story. Here is the page where Veronica mentioned the thing about twins:
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Then three chapters later when Misha forced Noé to drink his blood and reveal his memory. Mochijun-Sensei dropped another bomb.
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After seeing this, we speculated that Faustina and Luna are twins. I love that thought. Just imagine how complex the relationship it would be between the two. But if we think about it. What if this is just a misdirection? First, Mochijun-sensei makes us aware that the subject of twins is somewhat important. And while that information is still fresh in our memory, she dropped another bomb and told us that the blue vampire and the queen looked alike. Mochijun-sensei set this up so that we could connect the two easily.
All we know is that: Vampire twins are a symbol of bad luck, and Luna looks like Faustina. This is just me overthinking things, but what's life without competition. So, let's add three more names to the list that could be a set of twins.
Murr and Luna: Because why not? His left eye is blue. Also, Luna's left eye was never shown in the series. It's always hidden by her hair, maybe it's a different color.
Noé and Luna: Let's just say he is older than the series claimed him to be. Noé's memory started on the day that it snowed. I believe that Mochijun-sensei is keeping the timeline vague since it would reveal too much information. I mean, we don't know how long time passed from the day Noé was found by the old couple to the day Sensei brought him to the castle in the forest. Keep in mind that the vampire's growth differs for each person, as well.
Also, is the story the Noé and Sensei told trustworthy?
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(How kind are this kidnappers that the kid was not traumatized? Also what's with the injuries. I don't much about slave trading in VnC world. But, if you're going to sell something you don't want it to have visible damage right. Sorry if the comparison sounds offending)
As far as I could tell, Sensei is shady, like really. Noé's memory is also not reliable. After all, someone out there may have the ability to manipulate memories. What if Noé was was born ages ago and was induced to sleep for a long time for whatever reasons?
Going back to Noé and Luna. Mochijun-sensei is giving us subtle hints of his association with Luna. I only saw Luna from one chapter, but I could say they are somewhat similar aside from the hair and skin(?) color (I will make a list later if I still have of time on hand).
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(Child Noé and Luna both have similar haistyle, they have the "lid" as Mochijun-sensei called it. Their eyes are different tho')
Go on, read chapter 49, you'll see what I mean. Also, take note that at some panels (especially the ones where Noé is feeling extreme emotions), Noé's left eye was hidden by his hair or something. Who else out there that we don't see her left eye? Yup, the vampire of the blue moon (I have a weird feeling about Noe's left eye that I will share later) To conclude this, I think that Noé was not from this era. He is actually from the past and preserved in whatever way from whatever reason. And maybe he is actually the twin brother of Luna, seeing that they have a resemblance.
For now, I won't say that he's a reincarnation of Luna (I may change my mind later) as the timeline doesn't coincide. Besides, human Vani's reaction when Misha told him that there's a way to revive Luna is intense. Meaning he wants Luna to stay dead. I also believe that human Vani is hiding "something" he knows about Noé. So if Noé's a reincarnated Luna, there's no way human Vani would stay with him.
Murr and Noé
If you saw my previous post. I convinced myself that Murr's right eye's color is violet (the same shade as Noé's). That's why I decided to include them here. I have no definitive reasoning aside from their eye color and how Murr treated Noé in the series.
In the meantime, I'll write the scenario in my head. What if Murr and Noé are twins. Something happened when they were young, and so they were separated. Noé was somewhere we don't know yet, while Murr encountered Vampire Vanitas and Grandpa DeSade. Then the rest is history.
I swear I didn't expect it to be this long, at any rate, this would be to be continued here: Ok, It's Not Red. So What? (continuation)
Note: This is just a random theory, thoughts, assumptions, and/or head-canons. I wrote this to indulge my over-thinking self. Thank you for taking the time to read and understanding if I made any mistakes or post whatever it is you don’t agree on.
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hotaru-no-yume · 3 years
a brief respite
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Feeling a bit insane right now. Also this has been in my mind for a few days so I may as well just get it out. I will warn people that this is yume content. Instead of a reader-insert, I used my sona in here. I'll put it under read more just in case. Feel free to black list the #yumeship tag if you don't wanna see stuff like this in my blog.
Chirping birds and the gentle rustling of leaves as a breeze passes through. The warmth of the afternoon sun filtering through the shade of the large tree. The gentle swaying of the hammock and the steady beating of Figaro's heart that almost lulled Len to sleep. She feels Figaro squeeze her arm lightly, "Go on and nap for a while. This is the perfect time to relax." He says, before burying his face into Len's hair. The witch hums but her eyes do not close. The nagging feeling that she should do something, anything, be productive instead of laying around like this courses through her. She may have already gotten out of the hammock had Figaro not kept his hold on her.
"I don't think I can. I have a lot to do, Figaro. I can't just-"
"Hey now, everyone needs rest once in a while. Keep that up and you'll run yourself ragged. You need rest. Doctor's orders." He chides, but you can hear the playfulness in his tone. "Well, I may be a workaholic, but you're quite the slacker. I think you should do some more work." The witch huffs and feels the rumble of Figaro's chest as he laughs. How carefree. Len won't say it, but she loved hearing his laugh.
"Touché. But still, rest, alright? If nothing else, this is one of the rare moments I can spend some time alone with you." Len sighs before giving in and relaxing in his embrace. "Fine. Just for a bit." She feels Figaro kiss her forehead before eyes close. She's drifting off and travelling to the land of dreams when-
"Oooh! A hammock! That looks so comfortable, let me in too!" 
"Hey, wait! Murr-"
The hammock tips over as another person jumps into it, causing the three to fall off. Len groans as she lands on the ground, thankful that the grass at least cushioned her fall. Figaro gets up, shooting an annoyed look at Murr. "Seriously, Murr. You can't just jump in like that. Ugh, my head hurts. You okay, Len?" 
"I'm fine…"
Murr laughs without a hint of remorse, arms reaching out and pulling Figaro and Len into a hug. "It's not fair that both of you can have fun all by yourselves! Me too!"
"We were just trying to take a nap."
Len watches the two argue with an amused smile before clearing her throat. "Okay, that's enough." She follows with a chant of her spell, making the hammock large enough to fit three people. "Come on. If Murr wants to join then that's fine. Let's all take a nap together." She helps them stand up before laying down on the hammock once again. She feels Murr nuzzle his face into her neck while Figaro wraps his around her waist. Feeling the presence of the people she loves the most by her side, Len relaxes again and goes to sleep. Perhaps a brief respite isn't so bad after all.
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sirsharp-a · 3 years
I Thought you Knew Better Than That. ❜
Summary:  Paths change constantly in the depths of the forest.  Some change directions, others vanish entirely.  The trail used for the Heart’s Day Hike is a cursed piece of land...  excluding for the month of February.
Warnings:  N/A, it’s just fluffy wholesome goodness.  It’s also not very long!
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    "Not scared, are you?"
    The light whap of her hand against his chest was met with a chuckle.  He knew as well as she did that there was nothing for them to fear.  They had grown together in this forest.  No matter how cosy they became in Huron, No-Man’s would always be their first home.
    "Why, do I look it?"   Her gait was playful, steps carrying her so lightly that it looked as if she was dancing on air.  The butterfly ornaments on her otherwise modest sun-dress caught the rays of light that filtered through the trees, their sapphire-shaded wings glimmering like jewels.   "I'm sure not bothered by the myths surrounding this place."
    "You don't believe in curses?"   He asked, his hand smothering hers as they meandered down the path.   "I thought you knew better than that."
    "Oh, I believe in curses,"   Grace retorted.  For a moment, her gaze looked accusatory.  He revelled in her judgement.  Her ire filled him with the same burning passion that her praise did.   "But you're the biggest one I know.  You kinda cancel it out."
    "Ouch."   It was punctuated by a laugh that wasn't very hurt at all.   "You hit hard for a woman that holds my hand with such insistence."
    If she was being honest, her head was still reeling somewhat at the idea of him asking her to do anything with him on this day.  She'd wholeheartedly expected him to go on with life as usual;  greet her in the morning with a warm cup of tea and a smile, but ultimately go on without missing a beat.  To know that he wanted to put effort into this stupid holiday made it feel a little less stupid.
    She had learned fairly quickly that Edgar was a filthy romantic when he'd woken her with breakfast and flowers.  She'd caught glimpses of it during dates prior to them getting together, but it had always been in the back of her mind that it was as likely for theatrics as it was to portray himself as loving and worthy of her body.  It had been a game, a chess match full of wit and charm, and only when he’d wormed his way into her heart had it blossomed into more.  Now that they were in a relationship, having been intimate hundreds of times and still finding his interest solely on her, she was absolutely certain that it had nothing to do with grandiosity.  He truly did just like to spoil those that he came to love.
    "It's an old tale,"   she said, ducking beneath a paper heart decoration that a huro had draped over a low-hanging branch.  The trees were littered with them, the walkway clearly marked with lanterns attached to ropes.  It was clear that the festival had taken some time to prepare.  "Is it even true?"
    Edgar thought about it for a moment.  He thought about it hard.  He considered the improbability of a path being cursed at any other time except the month of 'love’.  Then he recalled that the No-Man's was full of improbability--  of paths that disappeared at different times of the year, of weather so unpredictable and crass that it made the land all but uninhabitable, that God himself dwelled in the belly of the undergrowth--  and he felt fitfully humbled.
    "I don't know,"   he replied, smiling an enigmatic sort of smile.   "But there is one thing I've learned in this life, and that is to never piss off the Universe*, nor the occult."
    They both knew that he wasn't referring strictly to witchcraft or Huron's particular brand of 'Satanism';  that the occult was more an entity than it was a concept, writhing and dark yet inviting nonetheless, like a bottomless cave that one felt an inexplicable urge to dive headfirst into.  Its incomprehensible depth was precisely what enticed wanderers into giving chase--  into running into worlds not meant to house them.  Dark caverns;  empty holes in the ground;  bodies wedged in damp, sad walls of dirt and death.
    The sound of soft music being played on lutes was carried by the wind, the nostalgic smell of freshly baked cookies and cakes floating gently alongside them.  Edgar really couldn’t place this holiday.  It felt strange, shrouded in a mystique that seldom others did.  He’d say that the only one that confused him half as much was the signature Hallowed Eve celebrations.  Why are we messing with the dead, exactly?
    The trail would end soon.  The path would meld into nothingness by the end of the month--  not that anybody but he, Grace and Murr knew that.  Nobody knew about the strange properties that formed this land for they were  ( rightfully )  afraid of it.  They knew not of how many animals hadn’t been seen for they dwelled in the bowels of the dark, or of the monsters that roamed the paths like people did the streets.  Its quiet existence was somewhat symbolic to the lye.  It reminded him a lot of where he came from, and of the life he was now trying to lead in spite of it.
    Being nameless doesn’t suit me.  I was born to be somebody.
    “This was nice,” �� Grace keened softly, curling close enough to snuggle into his arm as they walked.  Neither of them were much for public displays, but being relatively alone on a walk through the woods that had birthed them felt intimate enough a place to engage in something innocent.   “I didn’t think you’d bother.”
    “Why wouldn’t I?”   he asked, his long coat picked up by the wind.  The smell of pastries was getting closer.  Freshly baked bread called his name.   “You’re my mate now.  We should put time aside for each other like this.”
    “Mm, such a gentleman,”   she cooed, only half serious.  She knew better than to press him on the topic.  Not to be confused with coy, Edgar was one for privacy;  he didn’t much care for his personal affairs being splashed on a proverbial front page, even if said page had been made by her.  This side of him was for her perusal, and her perusal only.   “You can make good on that by buying me something sweet!”
     He made a strangled sort of sound, a terse scoff mixed with a laugh.   “Grace!”
    A boisterous laugh left the woman as she let go of his arm in favour of dashing ahead, towards whatever smelled so good.  From the golden stretch of hair to the blue of her dress, she glowed in his vision, the emerald glint of the forest dimming in comparison.  Foolishly in love  -  and more than a little bit awestruck  -  the Alpha sped up, following her towards the stalls at the end of the trail.
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liaroflesbos · 4 years
I finally reread and then caught up on VnC! I thought I’d just organize some thoughts here before I go off to write specific meta
Meta Mysteries:
- so my whole blunitas is naenia theory seems to be wrong, as the Queen is naenia which was a great reveal      - how does the queen have so much power over vampires in her substantiated form? does it have something to do with the tower of babel     - why is Luka less affected by it then like Ruthven or Orlok? Are titled vampires just supposed to be more affected than average ones (Noé, Monet)     - if The vampire of the red moon is responsible for cursebearers, what the fuck is up with the vampire of the blue moon fairytale?
- on the other hand, Mischa IS 71, but V didn’t think he was alive, but he also has a book of Vanitas that allows him to... hypnotize Domi???
- saving vampires is killing Vanitas via increasing the spread of the “gods tears” astermite      - re: that convo bemused and i had which included theorizing that vani’s hand had special/different powers. Clearly its some influence of the astermite      - does he need special gloves to cover up the astermite? Is that why only he and blunitas have fingernails gloves? why his eyes turned a different shade of blue?
- have y’all come up with a name for the naenia/ruthven/gano group yet?     - so the obvious question is how does the peacemaker faction of the vampires and the extremist faction of the church come together?     - my other main question is that ruthven basically single-handedly created the peace, years after the betrayal which took his eye. we also saw him use his hypnosis on jeanne for a non-evil purpose... so is this suggesting that he’s less evil than we were assuming
- meet my new conspiracy theory: murr is the shapeless one. wait, i’m sure someone else tthinks this. is it well-known.
Character Stuff:
- dante and vani are like. actually friends. with amelia finding dante and vani drinking together, and then dante and vani teaming up to find noé
- everybody trusts noe and especially count orlok, who is tiny and grouchy
- veronica continues to be nasty to domi... what is it about middle sisters. we do not yet know if antoine’s remark represents a repeat pattern of nastiness.
- antoine is remarkably like his grandfather, who saves Louis because otherwise it would be “a waste” while antoine saves jeanne by saying otherwise it would be “a waste” to let go of Luca’s soft spot
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