#shadow milk cookie in places he shouldn't be
Mcdonald's drive through
" Hey did you know that I can distort and contort my own body in twenty seven different ways?"
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I would prefer if you kept him away from my workplace. (disclaimer, mod doesn't actually work at a mcdonalds. or any fast food place.)
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cookierunauprompts · 10 days
Hello everyone, I have an announcement to make.
I... will be putting this blog on what's essentially a hiatus again. Who knows when, or if it will ever be back. For those of you who are wondering, yes I will be answering the remaining questions in my ask box- but requests shall be deleted unless I feel like giving them an answer.
But why? Well... If you follow my main blog this shouldn't be a surprise but I got into something new, and there's the fact that I've been losing interest in cookie run. But just to the point that I'm not entirely motivated to make stuff for it anymore.
But still, thank you to everyone who followed this blog. As such, my prompts are still free for you all to use, and I still would love to see how you all use them so if you do use a prompt of mine then don't forget to tag me!
as for my other blog @shadowmilkinplacesheshouldntbe ... I'll do the remaining requests in the inbox but then after that I'll also be archiving it. It'll still be up for you all to view, but I won't accept anymore requests.
thank you for reading, and I hope you're all well in the future.
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phoenix-bleh · 3 months
heyyyy i saw your headcanons for shadow milk and rly enjoyed it and i was wondering if you could do yandere of him??? if not you can ignore this:>
YAN! Shadow Milk Cookie
If you aren't a fan of yandere subjects I don't recommend reading this
Warnings: yandere themes, attempt kidnapping, obsessive behavior, stalking, manipulation, etc.
Before he became evil his relationship with you was nice and peaceful. You guys enjoyed each other's company.
When he does start realizing his true potential and how much power he really has he starts slowly becoming corrupt and that has an effect on him with you.
You’ll notice he’s more possessive and way more clingy with you always grabbing you and taking you with him everywhere.
If he’s not walking right by your side he is most likely stalking you from behind. If you do catch him he’ll play off saying he was just walking and didn’t notice you were in front of him and you shouldn't assume things. (first red flag)
Like in my previous headcanon he is a jealous type, but when he’s a yandere good luck on trying to spend time with anyone other than him. Manipulates you into believing that your friends are no good for you and he’s just trying to look out for you. 
You’re just a weak lil cookie who needs someone like himself to protect you, you don’t know any better <3
Might break into your house at night and watch you sleep and quietly dotes on you saying stuff like how cute you are, how’d you guys be perfect together, and softly moves your hair out of your face.
Before he leaves he tucks you in and kisses your forehead and leaves making sure everything is back in place so it seems as if he was never there to begin with.
You wake up with the weird feeling you weren't alone last night but that can’t be true so you shrug it off.
When all of earthbread turns into complete chaos he makes an attempt to kidnap you, obviously you being aware of what is happening you ran. You couldn’t believe what was happening, this couldn’t be right, that wasn’t the Shadow Milk Cookie at least not the one you used to love and know.
During this chase he sees this as a game, like a game of mouse and cats. While you were running you could hear his distant laugh taunting you. "Where are you~ You know I’ll catch you eventually. Then you’ll be all MINE!” 
You slow down your running and try to catch your breath and hide. You couldn’t hear him anymore and you thought you were safe and he gave up trying to catch you. Oh boy were you wrong.
You feel something wrap around you. You look down and see bright glowing strings around and before you can properly react you quickly get dragged by them. 
You then feel arms wrap around you from behind. That's when you truly start panicking “hehehe HAHAHA FOUND YOU~!!”
When he gets trapped in the Silver Tree by the witches he is pissed. He’s yelling, cursing and tries to make an attempt to pull the bars apart. He’s reaching out for and begging for you not to leave him. “nononoNONONO! DON’T LEAVE ME!!”
After that earthbread was restored and had new holders for the soul jams. You're free and don’t have to worry about Shadow Milk Cookie again.
Definitely has a secret shrine of you. There’s pictures of you and small things he stole from you and it’s all surrounded by crafts he made of you.
Has a plushie of you and him. When he’s alone he makes them kiss and makes up scenarios of you guys together.
You're literally so perfect to him anything you do like something as simple as giving him some treats you made. He’s swooning all over you saying how much he loves you. 
here you get a drawing enjoy~
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fluffshi-wxffle · 3 months
How do you feel Shadow Milk reacted/felt the moment he knew his son was coming to Beast Yeast, also I'm pretty certain that before Pure Vanilla remembers or Shadow Milk reveals it nobody knows of their relation going past Soul Jams.
Also how did he react to Pure Vanilla almost giving up their life or at least part of their life if not for Elder Faerie Cookie taking his Place? Assuming he was watching then?
//He was more than ecstatic that Pure Vanilla was coming to Beast Yeast. He's going to be able to reunite with his son! Even if he didn't have his cookie body anymore, now he was connected to his son through their shared SoulJam (speaking of that, he won't react like how in canon SM believes the Ancients are liars and shouldn't wield the SoulJam. He thinks PV is worthy to have his SoulJam but infantilizes him about it like he's still new having the SoulJam).
When PV was going to give up his life for White Lily, Shadow Milk was kicking and screaming i won't lie 💀 He doesn't want his son to give up his life over a half-cookie pest :)
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thedarkcircuswritings · 4 months
Could you do a Shadow Milk Cookie x Reader, where hw takes the Reader on a date?
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"I told you, this would be the perfect idea!" It was Shadow Milk's turn to choose a place for date night, so you shouldn't have been surprised that he had brought you to a lively carnival. He was obsessed with circuses and amusement parks, and a carnival was just in that range of what kind of fun he likes to have while also knowing it'll be something you love too. You'd both always be first on rides, he'd make sure you'd win the biggest prizes in carnie games, and he'd be kind enough to pay for all of the carnival food you desire! This is his treat to you, after all, because he loves you! And if some cookie steps out of line and tries to ruin your day? Well, he'll certainly have to handle it... Nobody ruins his lover's date with him! Shadow Milk will do it in private though, as he doesn't want you to see what he could do. At least you'll get an apology from that cookie later, one way or another. And at the end of the night, he invites you to ride the ferris wheel, and going up on it, blue and red fireworks start to go off, illuminating the night sky as he holds your hand. Seeing the sparkle in your eyes only reminds him how worth it this all was. It's a lot harder to control a carnival than you think!
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tvccreator · 3 months
Shadow Milk Cookie Headcanons
I've been working on a few stories with Shadow Milk, so I thought I would compile some of my headcanons to share with you all. Hope you enjoy! (It's a bit of a long read, so I apologize. ^^')
Shadow Milk is a massive theatre nerd and poetry buff. He constantly makes theatre metaphors and will sometimes be caught quoting famous poets and plays.
He's dramatic as all hell. Shadow Milk thrives on being the center of attention and gets insanely jealous if cookies aren't paying attention to him. He'll often create havoc with his puppets just to get someone to notice him.
Shadow Milk's emotions tend to jump wildly between extremes if he gets worked up. He can easily go from calm and collected to raging psychopath in the span of milliseconds.
He loves to terrorize cookies. If he believes that he can get a reaction from you, you'll quickly find yourself being targeted by the Beast of Deception and his mind games.
His greatest weakness is his pride. He's completely egotistical and sees himself as above other cookies, especially due to his status as one of the five Beast Cookies. Flattery and praise will immediately distract him from what he's doing, and he's a sucker for discussing literature and theatre with anyone who approaches him asking for advice.
Shadow Milk is a naturally baked storyteller, and it shows especially when he's interacting with children. He can easily entertain children for hours on end if need be, and he'll even team up with Eternal Sugar to lull the rowdier children into sleep. (Although you really shouldn't have your kids near Shadow Milk in the first place.)
He's extremely stubborn. While not necessarily the leader of the Beast Cookies, the other four can't tell Shadow Milk what to do or when to do something... with a slight exception.
Eternal Sugar is the only cookie Shadow Milk will listen to, but even then, she only really ever tells him to calm down when he's going on a rampage.
On rare occasions, Shadow Milk will lock himself away in a private space and spend hours simply writing poetry or creating new screenplays. If you haven't heard from Shadow Milk for over thirty minutes, he's most likely working on a project. However, do not disturb Shadow Milk under any circumstances when he's writing. Whenever he gets interrupted, he has a 90% chance of losing his train of thought and will immediately attack the person who interrupted him.
In Battle:
Either a Bomber-type or a Ranger-type, in the Middle position. He specializes in hitting multiple times and in quick succession. While he's not all that strong physically, he makes up for it with his speed and stamina.
Since Shadow Milk used to be the Virtue of Knowledge before his corruption, he is insanely smart on the battlefield. He doesn't like going into battle personally, though, instead opting to sit on the sidelines and relying on strategy and his own silver tongue rather than brute-forcing it (like Burning Spice.)
Shadow Milk will try to use his power to send the entire battlefield into darkness. After all, it's a lot easier to lie to other cookies if they can't see the truth.
If he's rendered desperate enough, Shadow Milk will join the battle himself. However, if he does, consider yourself crumbled. He's not known as a Beast Cookie for nothing; his strength, speed, endurance, and stamina are inhumanely (un-cookie-ly?) high thanks to his former power as a Virtue, and once he enters the battlefield, Shadow Milk won't hesitate to drop all of his lies in favor of bashing cookies' heads in with his staff.
If he's fighting alongside the other Beast Cookies, he tends to tag-team with either Eternal Sugar or Burning Spice. When he's with Eternal Sugar, he uses his powers of deception to get cookies to lower their guard so Eternal Sugar can ambush them. When Shadow Milk and Burning Spice team up, Shadow Milk uses his reality-warping abilities to manipulate the landscape for Burning Spice to cause as much destruction as possible.
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kenziedrawz · 4 months
i am tempted to make a Shadow Milk Cookie in places he shouldn't be blog...
i'll probably end up doing it.
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rainbowsky · 2 years
Master Kong Iced Tea and 3+2
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That's a lotta mustard yellow...
Fake, fan fiction, CPN.
Here I am coming back at you with another tasting session. This time it's the iced tea DD endorses - Master Kong Iced Tea - and GG's famously favorite snacking treat 3+2 crackers.
Master Kong Iced Tea
This isn't something I would normally drink because I tend to scrupulously avoid caffeine (I'm already too high strung, the last thing I need is caffeine), but I'll try anything for GGDD.
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This iced tea is without a shadow of a doubt the best black iced tea I've ever tasted in my life, even better than homemade. I don't tend to like sweet things (and this has a LOT of sugar, 24g in one 500ml bottle!), but the flavor balance of this is exquisite. The bitterness of the tea, the tartness of the lemon and the sweetness of the sugar are perfectly balanced.
The tea has a beautiful rich, almost 'spiced caramel' scent to it. One whiff of this when the cap was opened, and I wanted to drink the whole bottle.
The tea flavor itself is incredible. Very strong tea flavor with a hint of lemon. Very sweet, but in a satisfying way that really compliments the strong tea flavor. The sweetness almost tastes a bit like honey, or maybe caramel. So good.
I really shouldn't be surprised. It's not like China's known for great teas, or anything like that. 😅
If it wasn't for the caffeine and high sugar content I would be buying this by the crateload. I'm going to be trying to recreate this flavor from now on when I make my homemade decaf iced tea.
Verdict: 5/5 🦸🏼‍♂️🦸🏼‍♂️🦸🏼‍♂️🦸🏼‍♂️🦸🏼‍♂️
3+2 (cream flavor)
If you're not familiar with the history behind 3+2 crackers, GG ate a lot of them during The Untamed filming. He can be seen in the BTS munching on these at various times, including during their famous makeup room camera mating ritual (near the very end of clip).
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There have also been some hilarious BXG light banners featuring 3+2, including one that appeared during Tencent Starlight Awards last year. This banner was placed perfectly to be in their field of view from the stage near the teleprompter, and fans said that DD looked toward it and smirked, so it seems likely it's the one GG was talking about in the 🔴🟢 rumor that came out after the event.
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Dumplings, rice noodles, 3+2 biscuits (cr @knivescharade in this post)
I was pleasantly surprised when I looked at the ingredient list for these. I was expecting an extensive list of unpronounceable chemicals, but these are pretty humble ingredients. Flour, oil, sugar, milk powder, corn starch, salt, yeast, baking soda, baking powder, soy lecithin, artificial flavor, paprika and natural color.
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I wouldn't exactly call them a health food, but they are at least not as artificial as I was expecting.
They are little sandwich cookies made with soda crackers and a cream icing filling. 3 layers of cracker with 2 layers of cream - hence '3+2'.
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I don't know what I was expecting with these. I definitely thought they would be sweeter than they are.
They're really crispy, with a light creamy vanilla coconut scent to them. Like all soda crackers, these are very dry and crumbly and a bit messy to eat. I can see why GG always takes such careful bites. 😅
The texture combination is very satisfying. There is both a crunch and a bite to these.
The flavor isn't what I was imagining. The soda cracker flavor is pretty mild, much milder than the ones we might put in our soup, so most of the flavor comes from the filling. The filling has a 'sweet and salty' cream flavor with a subtle hint of vanilla or coconut, and the texture of the filling is more mealy or grainy than smooth.
The overall outcome is a well-balanced, satisfying, not-too-sweet snack. Filling enough that you'd only need a couple of these to feel satisfied. No wonder GG ate these during filming.
My partner absolutely hated these. He complained about them being 'an unsatisfying cross between a cookie and a cracker' and began referring to them as 'crookies'. He said "These are like some kind of crude oreo a crazy celly (cellmate) in prison might make from soda crackers and icing." (He used to watch a lot of those prison shows).
I said it was clever of him to come up with the name 'crookies' as a cross between cookie and cracker and he said that's not why he calls them that, he calls them that because he "feels like something is being taken from him whenever he eats one." 😅😅😅
I disagree. I quite liked these. Are they my new favorite snack? No, but next time I'm at the Chinese grocery I'll most likely buy more. Like I said, they're satisfying to eat (although because of how processed they are I wouldn't eat them very often). They fill that 'afternoon snack' hunger gap really well. You only need a couple to feel full.
They come in a bunch of other flavors, too. Strawberry, chocolate, vanilla and a few others I saw in the store. I bought this flavor because this is the one I remembered seeing GG eat.
Verdict: 3/5 🎺🎺🎺🎷🎷
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Put him in an upside down laundry basket
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He doesn't know what's coming for him
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The start of undertale
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Shadow Milk Cookie shouldn't be at the start of Undertale! Imagine falling into the underground, couldn't be me.
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Back to the oven
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Shadow Milk Cookie shouldn't be back in the oven! Rather hot, huh?
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A discord server
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Shadow Milk Cookie should not be in a discord server! Seems like he's gloating, again.
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Since this ask was sent on valentines day....
a romantic restaurant. Love is in the air!
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Shadow Milk Cookie should not be at a Romantic Restaurant! (Please send help i asked him about his favorite movie and he said it was human centipede, i don't want to get stabbed. I don't even know how he watched it I don't even have it.)
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on top of a tree.
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Shadow Milk Cookie shouldn't be on top of a tree! How'd he even get up there???
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he should go back into the seal😋!☀️
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" HAH! Ehe he ha ha ha! No."
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