#shadwohunters fanfic
just a jimon thing my brain came up with in a rare moment of lucidity
Jace was known for his recklessness. Despite pretending to be oblivious to it, Jace was well aware that he tended to run into things head first. Which is kinda weird, because when Alec says We’re Lightwoods. We break noses and accept the consequences its inspirational. But when Jace actually does it, its reckless, and suicidal, and immature.
And....well when Jace allows himself a rare moment of clarity he can acknowledge that he’s a little reckless, and maybe a tad bit immature. But suicidal? Maybe, but not in the way people think. Jace doesn’t take the most dangerous missions because he has a death wish.....mostly. Death isn’t on his mind when he runs in front of Simon to take the hit from the demon. Really. Whenever he gets into situations like this, sprawled on the ground, and not even in a sexy way his brain distantly adds, the last thing on his mind is Death.
You either live long enough to see yourself become a villain, or die a hero. Over and over and over in his head, like a movie that never stops. In spite of his parabatai’s best efforts, he can’t seem to shake Valentine’s hold on him. He was his father in all the ways that matter but shouldn’t and he can’t let himself become like Valentine. He can’t. So yes, he acts like his flesh and angel blood are an adamis shield against everything bad in the world. He doesn’t want to die. Not really. Not yet. Not when he has the cutest Daylighter to play video games with on the weekend.
But as much as he loves Simon. And wow, isn’t that a revelation to have sitting in a pool of blood. As much as he loves Simon, he loves being remebered as good more. His intentions have been muddled, between the mixed messages from the Clave and his family, Jace knows that people don’t know how to feel about him. He feels it in the way they keep him at arms length. Far away enough that if he turns, they won’t be at fault for associating with him. But just close enough that if he ever ends up proving his worth they won’t be condemned with ostracizing him. It’s exhausting.
Jace doesn’t want them to still be guessing when he’s in his grave.
He groans as he feels cold hands pick him up and carry him to what must be a portal. Jace feels slightly unsettled because he doesn’t hear Simon breathing. Jace chooses to ignore it, because if he’s going to spend his last moments in his crush’s arms he’ll be damned if he spends it worrying about why Simon isn’t breathing. He figures that Simon’s allowed to break from his normal behavior. It’s not like he carries Jace around bridal style on a daily basis either. 
Jace wakes up in the infirmary. He looks at the stars, and sees them dim before his eyes as the realization that he’s alive hits him, and yeah maybe Jace needs to reexamine his not suicidal thing. Jace thinks that he’s alone, which is why when he moves to get out of bed to make the long and probably painful trek to his room he’s surprised when someone stops him.
The Daylighter was at his bedside looking down at him with the most torn expression he’s ever seen. His eyes glinted with determination while his face had red residue from his dried tears.
Jace looks at Simon for a long moment as silence stretches between them. Simon seemed to be steeling himself to say something important but Jace was still stuck on how Simon had said his name. When was the last time someone had said his name as a sentence? Like everything he was could be encompassed by his name, and that was enough. He was enough. Jace’s last remaining braincell reminded him that everyone used his name as a sentence; and the only reason why it was different when Simon said it was because he was in love and possibly still riding the highs of pain medication. Jace heard heard Simon’s soft intake of breath, and prepared himself for whatever he was about to say.
“Jace, I-....I don’t know how to say this but I’m just gonna say it and maybe, hopefully this makes sense. You scared me today, Jace. Well, you kinda scare me everyday but today was different. Seeing you lying on the ground half-dead.....all to protect me. It was terrifying. A-and not because it was a lot of blood, but because the thought losing you makes me feels like im back in the grave again, wondering whether I’ll ever get out. And I know it shouldn’t affect me like this, since I’ve known you for months now, and I should be used to it, but fuck Jace I don’t want to be! You’ve been a soldier all your life. Fighting is in your blood so I know, that you know how to save someone without putting your life on the line. And I can’t watch someone I care about constantly put themselves in danger like this.”
Jace felt his heart break at those words and tried to mentally prepare himself for another person to walk out of his life. Obviously Simon’s monologue wasn’t enough torture because Jace could hear him gearing up to say something else.
“Which is exactly why, you need to tell me why you keep on acting like you’re an invincible punching bag, so that I can fix it. And I can ensure that I still have someone to beat in Mario Kart.”
Jace snorted, “Good to know that you have your priorities straight and my best interests at heart.”
“Always sweetheart, always.” And if Jace’s heart fluttered at the pet name, that’s nobody damn business but his own.
“Anyways, Jace chop chop! I mean you don’t have to tell me. Right now that is. But it’s either me or Alec and I know he’s your parabatai and all but he can be really dense when it comes to listening and helping people with things like this.”
Jace grumbled but he couldn’t deny that Simon was right. He loved Alec, but he has a hard time with sensitive subjects. Jace still shudders about the conversation Alec tried to have with him about Celine’s mental health history. Jace decided to just suck it up and tell Simon. It’s not like he has anything to lose, and he doubts anything he’ll share with Simon will ruin his perception of him. He knows to keep the darkest parts of himself hidden. He’s just sharing his thought process, right? He’s not revealing anything, its just simply a matter of logic. No one wants to be remebered in a bad light.
So he tells Simon that. He tells him how he feels cold, like he’s always on the outskirts of living in Valentine’s shadow, and there’s not many ways to redeem yourself in the Shadow world. Not when you messed up as much as Jace did. 
He doesn’t expect Simon to hug him. He tells Jace that what people think of him doesn’t matter.
“And Jace, I don’t know if you noticed, but I’m immortal. Trust me when I say that I’ll make sure that everyone remebers you for the great person you are.”
Jace can’t deal with the overload of comfort from Simon, but decides that he’ll try to enjoy it anyways because it’s not everyday he gets held by the love of his life.
Simon gently lays them down, mindful of the bandages around Jace’s midsection and tucks them both under the covers. Jace snuggles into Simon’s side, still sort of convinced that this is a drug addled dream because why else would Simon be so nice? When has a conversation about his behavior gone this well? Jace refuses to believe that this is real, because if it is then Jace will get used to this. Used to having someone be there for him. And eventually he will get hurt again, and Jace is just beginning to find his footing after everything that’s happened. So for now he closes his eyes and settles against Simon’s back. He tries to tell himself that this doesn’t mean anything, and that Simon cares about him as a friend and nothing more. Jace will take what he can get, and besides, friend cuddles aren’t all that bad.
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thesithdiaries · 7 years
Betrayal (Jonathan Morgenstern imagine)
Betrayal (Jonathan Morgenstern imagine)
Pairing: Jonathan Morgenstern/Sebastian Verlac x female!reader
 Warnings: angst
 A/N: part 2? / Yes, I do know what he has done in the books
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(The timeline is all over the place, let’s just imagine they met way before he met Izzy)
You decided it was a good idea to go demon hunting by yourself. Of course, you were wrong. Instead of demons, you encountered foresakens and they put up a huge fight and you were drained and hurt. One hit you hard on the head before you finished them off.
Your phone and your stele were destroyed, therefore you couldn’t call for help or even heal your wounds. Your vision was blurry and your head was pounding. You were in an alley, filled with lit up trash cans and old cars. You were stranded.
You felt a hand grabbing your arm, pushing you against the wall. Trying to focus, you noticed it was three guys. Their fangs were showing. “We smelled you from a mile away, sweetheart. We couldn’t let you go to waste.” They laughed. The one that was in front of you, grabbed your hand before you punched him and exposed the huge cut you had.
“Dinner is served” another one said, while the guy leaned in a bit you. You screamed and attempted to push him away but you were getting weaker by the second. The vampire was ripped away from you, and all you hear were groans of pain.
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“Are you okay?” Someone said, making you turn your head. You saw a tall guy with blonde hair. He was approaching you slowly, looking at you beat up body. When you were about to answer, your eyes rolled to the back of your head. You fell back, unconscious but the guy grabbed you just in time. 
Two days went by and you finally woke up.
“Fuck” you groaned, resting your hand on your forehead.
“You’re awake” you got up quickly, running to a corner of the room. “It’s alright. I won’t hurt you” the guy said, flashing you a kind smile.
“Who are you? Where am I? What did you do to me?” You asked hysterically, looking down at your body. You had a blue sweater on and pajama pants. “You undressed me!” “Please calm down” he pleaded. “Your clothes were all torn up and bloodied when I saved you. I had to heal your wounds and the rune wasn’t working with some of them and I had to take care of them.” You stayed quiet, looking at him. “I’m Sebastian Verlac. 
“I’m Y/N…” you stammered. You looked at him better. He was wearing a grey sweater and black jeans. He also had a long simple necklace. His blonde hair was messy. You had to admit he looked really good. And his damn accent. “Do you want breakfast? I can make you pancakes” he offered, pointing towards the kitchen. You shook your head and frowned. “I need to leave” you mumbled, walking towards the door. “Thank you for helping me but I have to go back home.” “Hold on, please let me take you back” he told you. You bit your lip. Alec wasn’t going to be too happy about it, but he would have to deal.
“Okay, come on then.”
It has been almost five months since you and Sebastian met. And honestly, you couldn’t ask for more. He was kind, funny, attentive, protective. Sebastian was a perfect in your eyes.
Right now, you were both sitting on a bench in the garden inside the Institute. Your head was resting on his shoulder, while Sebastian was battling his inner demons. Even though he was psychotic, cruel, vindictive, he did care about you. You made him feel different.
He felt guilt for lying to you, for not telling you who he really was. Or show you how he really looked and why. He was scared of telling you about Edom. He just couldn’t tell you anything. But he had to tell you soon.
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“Darling?” He called, sitting up.  “Hmm?” You looked at him, he seemed nervous. “Are you okay?” “Just nervous” he laughed a bit. He pulled out a black box from his pocket, making your heart skip a beat. He took a breath before talking. “I know we have known each other for less than six months and maybe it’s too soon, but I haven’t felt this way about anyone before. Y/N, you changed me… Will you be my girlfriend?” He asked you. You smiled brightly, nodding your head quickly. Sebastian opened the box. You gasped.
Inside, it had a round sapphire necklace, surrounded by diamonds. You felt your eyes tearing up. “Sebastian… this is too much. I can’t accept this.” He frowned.
“Come on beautiful, you can’t do this to me. This is especially for you” he told you, practically begging. “Baby please.”
You sighed, not wanting to ruin it for him. “Okay, but don’t spend money on me” you lectured him. Sebastian chuckled and put the necklace on you. “It looks beautiful. Just like you” he stated, making you blush. You straddled him, wrapping your arms around his neck. “I love you so much.” “I love you too” you replied, kissing him. His lips felt soft against yours, one hand was behind your neck and the other was on your back. He tasted like just honey. The wind was flowing around you both, making it a little bit chilly. The leaves were ruffling softly, making you both feel relaxed
You pulled away and opened your eyes, taking a breath. Sebastian smiled and opened his eyes as well. They were completely black. You screamed, jumping off of him. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?” He asked you, standing up.
 “Y-y-your ey-es” you stuttered. Sebastian’s heart stopped. “Why were your eyes black, Sebastian! Tell me!” You demanded an explanation.
“Love, listen to me. My eyes are fine” he assured you, taking small steps towards and reaching out to you. “My eyes are still the same.” “I swear your eyes were black. Like demon eyes. Explain it to me, please” you begged him. “It wasn’t a mistake, I know there’s something there.” “Maybe I’m coming down with something, I don’t know. Please believe me” he begged again. You were still doubting him, you know what you saw. But you still gave him the benefit of the doubt. Sebastian wrapped his arms around you, comforting you. But deep down, he was terrified. He lost control and almost blew off his cover. He had to be more careful.
The Institute was on high alert because Jonathan was inside under a disguise. And he also hurt Max and now he was dying.
You were getting ready for bed early, because you had been watching over Max all day and now you were really tired. Then you heard a knock on the door. “Come in!” “Hey darling” Sebastian greeted you with a smile. You ran towards him and jumped. He acted quickly and wrapped his arms around your body. “I missed you, baby.” “I missed you too” you told him, giving him lots of pecks. He smiled at you, and sat down on the bed with you on top of him. Sebastian brushed the hair out of your face and placed a hand on your cheek. You leaned on it, closing your eyes.
“Are you tired?” He asked quietly. “Do you wanna go back to my flat?” You nodded. “Pack you bag, I have to do something before we leave.”
“Okay, don’t take too long. I wanna cuddle” you nagged him playfully, before standing up to pack. ��I’ll be right back” he reminded you and walked outside the room. 
Twenty minutes later, Sebastian opened your door and walked in. “Ready?”
“Yes sir” you answered and he picked up your bag, putting the strap around him. He grabbed your hand and walked to the elevator. Reaching the lobby, you both walked out. There were guards everywhere and everyone was being interrogated. You saw Clary and walked up to her.
“Has the lockdown been called off?” Sebastian asked her. “If we can prove you’re not Jonathan” she replied, as if it was obviously. 
“Sorry, what?” He said, letting out a quiet chuckle.
“We figured out a way to blow his cover. Jace remembered reading in Valentine’s journal that Jonathan can’t tolerate electrum.” “Right, because of the demon blood” you told her, she nodded. “Valentine wrote that he’d scream in pain the second it touched his skin, it burned straight to the bone. So I extracted some electrum from Izzy’s whip and we’re having everyone hold it to see if they react.” “Well I’m very impressed” Sebastian commented, “seem like Jonathan met his match.” “Don’t take this personally” she said, walking over to a guard to grab the electrum. “If you have to leave, just hold this for a few seconds” Clary held it up and you grabbed it. You held it in your hand for five seconds and handed it back to her. “I hope you can catch him, he has to pay for what he did to Max” you hissed. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Call me if anything happens” you kissed her cheek and walked to the front door. In less than thirty seconds, Sebastian was right behind you. “Let’s go cuddle” he whispered in your ear, making you giggle.
“Sebastian, hey!” Clary called out, jogging towards us. “Hey, you forgot something” she told him, grabbing his hand and showing his palm. It had blood and a big spot in the middle. Sebastian hit the red button on the wall, causing sparks to fly everywhere. The doors closed.
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Clary stabbed him in the stomach. “Clary, what the hell!” You yelled, she punched your jaw hard, making you fall like dead weight on the ground. The last thing you remembered was Sebastian grabbing her neck to choke her. Then, you fainted.
You woke up with a massive headache. You moved around the bed you were on and realized it was Sebastian’s bed.
“Babe?” You called him, realizing he wasn’t next you. You sat up and saw someone sitting on the table. “Seb?” “Sweetheart, he went out to run some errands” a man said and turned around to face you. Valentine. “What are you doing here!” You yelled, backing away from him and hitting your back against the bedframe. “It’s time you and I have a little talk about Jonathan” he smiled, walking towards you. “The man that you share those happy memories with, the man that you gave everything to, is a demon and a killer. He is Jonathan Morgenstern, my son.” 
You closed your eyes. You were in big trouble now.
Part 2
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wolfypuppypiles · 7 years
Love, hope, and misery: Chapter 1
(“Magnus!” He couldn’t move, he was fading fast, and his voice wasn’t loud enough.“Magnus…please!” His cry for help was nothing but a desperate whisper and the hooded figure standing over him, tilted their head in inquisition before Alec’s vision finally turned to black.Alec is taken by the Seelie, killing Shadowhunters.)
“Get out.”
Magnus had been so hurt, and Alec had, once again, not known how to fix it. What kind of boyfriend did that make him? He had wanted to go back and talk but Mangus’ doors were locked and he knew he wouldn’t be allowed in for a while.
Although it didn’t seem like their small fight was the only thing bothering Mangus. Alec hadn’t missed the fact that the warlock’s personal barriers were up, wearing more makeup and using it and his extravagant wardrobe as armour. He knew it had to be about what the Clave had done to him when stick in valentine’s body, but Magnus wouldn’t talk until he was ready, and now it didn’t look like he wanted to talk at all.
Alec sighed, missing him already.
He was trying to think of some way to apologize when something caught his attention. His instincts were screaming at him, telling him something was wrong without knowing exactly what was making him feel that way. Like something moving in the corner of your vision. He couldn’t pinpoint what it was but something was making his skin crawl.
He stopped walking, barely a block from Magnus’ apartment. And took out his bow, notching an arrow and spinning slowly as he tried to figure out where the threat was. It was like the air was shifting slightly, telling him there was someone close by, but he didn’t see anybody.
He heard something behind him, the shift of a foot on concrete, a foot that was trying very hard to be quiet, and he turned only to feel something pinch his neck. Alec grunted as a needle was slammed into him, as his bow was pushed aside with a firm hand, his own hands suddenly limp as he fell to his knees.
A dark figure was moving towards him, and he couldn’t see who it was, and although his vision was filling with black spots, he knew he had to fight or be taken by the Nephilim murderer that had been carving out runes. Because this had to be them.
Too confident in their plan, the figure moved too close, close enough for Alec to swing his seraph blade at. The blade cut through the air, slicing the sleeve of his attacker, and leaving an angry green line in their arm. Green, that was strange.
The hooded figure let out a cry of indignation before kicking Alec square in the chest. His vision blurred white with pain as he felt his ribs crack, and toppled to the ground, holding his hands out to try and stop the attackers next blow. But the fist came towards his face, hard and fast.
Alec could no longer fight, his body giving in to the drug that was coursing through his veins. He needed help.
“Magnus!” He couldn’t move, he was fading fast, and his voice wasn’t loud enough.
“Magnus…please!” His cry for help was nothing but a desperate whisper and the hooded figure standing over him, tilted their head in inquisition before Alec’s vision finally turned to black.
Lights… chains….cold. Alec squinted his eyes shut, trying to breathe through the fog in his brain. Bright beams of light flew past his face, screaming down from above in strobes as he moved…somewhere. Chains rattled and water dripped; it was cold and he was lying on something.
He tried to reach a hand up to his face, to shield his eyes from the lights, only to find himself restrained. And that’s when the panic settled in.
He tugged at the cuffs around his wrists, grunting at the pain it elicited from his chest. Definitely broken. A voice echoed through the room as the metal table he was laid out on, was parked in a room, next to trays of horrid looking tools.
“Struggle all you like, I’m going to have fun carving into you either way. And that big rune on your neck? That’s going to be fun. Although messy. Might have to save it for last, I wouldn’t want to accidently cut your carotid, or you’d bleed out too fast and miss all the fun.”
“Just give me a list of everyone you already have and we’ll go from the…” Jace blinked, shivering as he pressed a hand to his chest, where his Parabatai rune lived. Isabelle frowned and took his elbow.
“Jace? You okay? You’re shaking.”
He panted as he shook his head. “Something’s wrong with Alec. I felt it before, like he was worried about something but I just figured he was having trouble convincing Magnus about the DNA. But something’s wrong, he’s hurt and… really scared.”
He looked down at the goose bumps that had appeared on his skin and the way he was still shivering. “He’s cold.”
Izzy could barely breathe. “What if the killer got him. He would have been walking home alone, after talking to Magnus.”
Jace’s heart screamed at him at the thought and the way his Parabatai rune was aching. By the angel, Alec was in serious trouble.
“We have to find him. Call Magnus, we should use a portal to wherever we track Alec to, we might not have much time to stop whoever’s got him before they…”
Izzy didn’t wait for him to finish, already pulling out her phone and impatiently tapping her finger against the back of it as she waited for the warlock to pick up.
“Isabelle, if you’re calling to plead your brothers case-“ Magnus’ tone was sullen but Izzy didn’t have time to ask why.
“Alec’s missing, we think the shadowhunter killers got him. We need a portal, he’s in trouble, Magnus.”
A pause, then a hurried voice and the sound of fingers clicking. “I’m coming to you.��
Alec struggled in his binds, fully panicking now that the figure over him was picking out her tools. He was trained to be unafraid in battle, but this was no fight, this was going to be his murder and there wasn’t anything he could do to stop it.
He would die in this damp, dark room, and his family would find his body dumped somewhere in the street. Izzy would do an autopsy and Jace would feel him die. Little Max had just come back home to start his training and Alec would never get to see his little brother grow up.
He’d never be able to apologize to Magnus for their fight, and he’d never be able to say I love you, to anyone, ever again. He was going to die alone, at the hands of some stranger.
His heart beat wildly in his chest, as his breathing escalated into hyperventilation, and he continued to struggle uselessly.
It was dark in the room he was in, wherever he was, and he could still hear water dripping. Although in this particular situation it wasn’t unlikely that the dripping was actually blood. This thought did nothing to calm Alec down.
The hooded figure ran her fingers over the tools in front of her, sighing as she picked one up and admired it. Alec could see her long hair now, and the gentle curve of her fingers, knowing she was indeed female by her soft voice although it was lace with something sinister.
“I haven’t gotten to use this one yet. I was waiting for someone special, and you, Alec Lightwood, are a big deal. One of New York’s best fighters, I hear. And taken down by one seelie? How embarrassing. The Clave will remember how dangerous we can be, how powerful. They can’t squash us under their boot like some ant.”
If she was a seelie that would explain why her blood had been green. But why would she want to make the killings look like multiple downworlder attacks? How would that help her?
Alec knew that Jace had to be feeling his fear, the way his cheat and head ached, so if he could just stall, he might be rescued in time.
“Why are you doing this? It won’t change anything, it’ll only make it worse.”
The woman turned around, lip curled in disgust as she ran the tip of the blade, lightly across Alec’s arm. Not deep enough to cut, only make him shiver at the cold and touch of something so sharp.
“My brother was killed because of that stupid sword, activated by your Parabatai. Jace wasn’t even punished, because he’s one of you, and none of you really care about any of us. But you’re his brother, he’ll come looking for your killer, and when he does, I’ll get him and I’ll kill him. And I’ll do it slowly.”
Her sneer turned into a smile, as a lone tear trailed down her cheek. “Now, let’s get started, shall we? I want to savour this.”
She took hold of the front of his shirt, and sliced it open in one swipe, the knife sharp enough for the motion to be smooth and uninterrupted. Alec shivered harder as the cold air hit his bare chest, and he pulled at his restraints once more. Ig he didn’t do something soon, he would die.
“Please, don’t do this. He didn’t mean to, it was an accident. He thought touching the sword would destroy it, he was trying to save you!”
The seelie woman ignored his protests and took a deep, longing breath, as she placed the tip of the knife on his skin, on his side, where his iratz rune lived. He didn’t know if she was doing that one first on purpose, but if she cut into that one, it wouldn’t be usable and he wouldn’t be able to heal himself, even if he did manage to escape.
He could barely breathe as he felt the cold knife against his skin, and his whole body tensed and stopped moving, so as to avoid slicing himself open with it. But the seelie did that all on her own, as she pressed the blade into his skin, splitting him apart.
He grit his teeth to try and keep from making any noise, not wanting to give her the satisfaction, but she dug the knife in and started to carve and he couldn’t hold back. A scream ripped from his throat as she cut him open, blood spilling and trailing down his side to rain droplets onto the floor.
He was going to die, but first he was going to suffer.
(Chapter 2 and three have been posted, please tell me what you think tho. All my fics can be found on ao3 and fanfiction.net using the same author name as my url on here or through the links on my blogs)
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