#Jace is ok tho
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Jace finds her, after. Word count: 1,436
It should not have been possible for a child to slip past the guards again, out into the night, but all was in shambles in the castle of High Tide. The king’s son had been mutilated and it was his daughter’s son, the prince’s nephew, who had wielded the blade. It was simple enough for Baela to quit the heaving foyer while her grandparents’ attention was held elsewhere as lord and lady of the castle, the maester long since having seen to her and her injuries. Baela knew just the way to slip from the castle unheeded amidst the chaos of heightened vigilance, a way Aemond Targaryen would never have known. A secret passageway divulged to her by her mother. Lady Laena Velaryon would often tell her girls of growing up in Driftmark alongside her twin Laenor and sundry cousins. Laena had missed her home dearly; she had not returned since eloping with Prince Daemon Targaryen to Pentos. She was dead now, but home at last.
A lump rose in Baela’s throat as she lay down upon the cliffside from whence her mother’s body had been thrown. Oh, to feel the sea on her skin, to feel closer to her mother. But the way down from the cliffs was treacherous even in the light of day.
Beneath the rush of the waves against the cliff, she became aware of another sound: stones shifting underfoot. She lifted herself onto her elbows, her throat tight — and then all breath left her in a sigh of such relief it was almost painful.
“The night is dark and full of terrors, Jacaerys.”
His brow furrowed. “It is?”
Her best mimicry of a Red Priest of Rhllor wasted on this Westerosi boy. If not for the whisperings of grief stirring faintly within her, she would have laughed. Instead she murmured, “Should you not be abed, cousin?”
“I saw you slip away.” His eyes evoked too much for her, even in the dark she did not want to look at them. Sorrow recognising sorrow.
“Your mother will worry when she sees you’ve gone.” She had seen how Princess Rhaenyra fussed over him even before the incident with the now one-eyed prince, smoothing down his hair and making sure his plate was full during meals.
Jace sat down beside her. “Won’t your father also?”
Baela flinched, a spasm wracking her body, so violent was the pain invoked by his words. She lay back quickly, hoping Jace had seen nothing of it. You miss it morebecause you always had it, Rhaena had told her with sad eyes after… After. He's never ignored you before. You’ll get used to it.
“Is it from here you can see the Warrior’s Hammer on a clear night?” Jace had lowered himself to his back, staring up at the night sky. She didn’t know if she should feel surprised her uncle Laenor had told him that, this boy with his thick brown hair, brown eyes and pug nose, not a mark of Velaryon blood on him.
“Further up the cliffside, I think.”
Laenor must have loved Rhaenyra’s son to divulge to him the wonders of his childhood home as Laena had with her daughters. Were they in Pentos, and not the Seven Kingdoms, that would be little of note. Boys like Jace and his brothers had risen high to become magisters, the true power of the land. What they were was no mark against them there. 
And Jace seemed an easy boy to love in truth. The ache of her howling grief had subsided some in his presence. Earlier that day she had taken his hand without a second thought when he came to offer awkward condolences to her and Rhaena. Sorrow recognising sorrow. At least hers could be shown freely. When she showed him the secret clutch of Pentoshi flowers she had pressed between the pages of an old book, he looked intrigued, not bored like a page of her lord grandsire’s had after she showed him the same, seeking a friend in this strange place. He listened eagerly to her tales of Pentos, even Rhaena’s grief subsiding enough for her to join them. He followed her so easily into the night after she went to him and said Vhagar was missing; he was the first and only one she thought to go to. After Aemond Targaryen struck her so hard she fell to the ground, sneering that he’d feed her to Vhagar if she came at him again, Jace gave such a fierce yell as he rushed towards the other prince it was as if Saagael themselves had possessed him, the Lysene god also called the Giver of Pain. He attacked Baela. That was what Jace said when the king asked them all to speak on what happened that night; the first words out of his mouth and he used them to speak up in her defence. Her, Baela of Pentos, a mere lady to his prince hood; half-kin, half stranger.
Daemon Targaryen’s face rose in her mind’s eye, the one she thought would have defended her till his dying day, not a boy she’d met only two days before. But Prince Daemon merely leant against the foyer wall, watching the proceedings with a smirk. He stirred only to intercept Ser Criston when, upon order of his queen, the white cloak made for the princess and her son Lucerys. What had amused Daemon so, making him smirk as his daughters stood there with blood drying upon their faces? Her breathing shook. She had seen little of her father since coming to Driftmark, but what she had seen… His half suppressed, mocking laughter came to her ear, the way he laughed during Uncle Vaemond’s eulogy for her mother, as if at some private jape. Her High Valyrian was still inadequate but what she understood of it shed no light on why Daemon had laughed.
Her throat had grown so tight, it felt as if someone was choking her. She couldn’t catch her breath.
The faintest press of fingers on her arm. She barely felt it. “Baela?” Jace whispered into the night. She barely heard it.
What had been so amusing? Her dead mother? His dead wife he could kiss fondly with the same mouth that in the next moment could dismiss her so easily, so coldly?
The winds of grief rose within Baela once more.
She was wrong before. It was Daemon Targaryen who was the walking embodiment of Saagael, pain made flesh. No one else could have made her shake and howl so just from the mere thought of them.
In Pentos whenever Baela became upset beyond the point of words, her father used to pass his hand over her hair, the texture so unlike his own, and those of House Targaryen, never failing to make him smile. He was ever intrigued by it. Not much time ever passed before she calmed. One particularly bad day he pulled her close to him, her face tucked into his neck as he stroked her tight silver curls. As her crying quietened, his voice crooned in her ear, “The curse of the dragon’s blood.” He pulled back, hooking his finger under her chin so her eyes met his. Pride gleamed in his violet gaze, tempered by the soft, almost sad slant to his mouth. “It burns bright within you, my girl.” He cupped her face in his sword-chapped hands, resting his brow against hers. “You feel things too strongly. Viserys told me our mother did too, when she lived.”
Oh for those halcyon days when such moods passed quickly and stayed gone. Not this ever ebbing and flowing tide of sorrow, rage and despair. It rose so quickly sometimes, it scared her.
After Laena’s death what was left of her family made a tableau of being alone together, starting from that fateful morning upon the rooftop after… when Prince Daemon had turned upon his heel and left two motherless girls crying behind him. Stepping foot onto this alien home away from home, the first person to greet them upon Driftmark was Lady Laena’s mother. Rhaena, always mindful of her courtesies, sank into a fluid curtsy, Baela following less smoothly once it dawned upon her that the half-stranger before them was a princess of the blood. Their grandmother, however, would have none of that and rose them up with kisses to their brows, her arms firm around them. Tears had pricked Baela’s eyes.
That was the first time she’d been hugged by arms other than her own since her mother died.
On the cliffside with Jacaerys Velaryon became the second.
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harwinsbabymama · 2 months
i'll be posting as much of her characterization that i've got thought up so far tomorrow! in the mean time, here ya go.
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wulfhalls · 2 years
Joffrey https://twitter .com/ spaceprinceben/status/1578172616074051584?t=m8zLotpJIRfSOO-XvpXqOQ&s=19
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crying??? but what have the strong boys ever done to the hair department that they're doing em this dirty sjdjjd
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watcherintheweyr · 5 months
'Rhaenyra is a bad mom bc she knowingly gave birth to bastards and she knew how much danger they'd be in!!!!'
1. She had no way of knowing those babies wouldn't pop out looking exactly like her, beforehand. And unfortunately she couldn't stop at Jace. The throne needed an heir. Driftmark needed an heir. And a spare was needed as well, given the sheer rate of Targaryen children dying untimely deaths.
2. She had to provide heirs to the throne, and to Driftmark. If she hadn't, society wouldn't have blamed Laenor, they would have blamed her- which makes her position even more unstable, bc then she 'can't fulfill a woman's duty' so why would men think her 'able' to fill a 'man's role' by ruling the kingdom? And she and Laenor tried. He was either unable (meaning infertile or impotent, or unable to get it up), or unwilling. (And they did try. We dont know what they tried but Rhaenyra is shown to be clever in the show so honestly i have no doubt she attempted what Margaery suggested with Renly.) Laenor was in on the entire thing. He was aware of every part of this. He wasn't duped, he wasn't cuckholded- it was a plan greenlit by him, bc this way he and Rhaenyra would both have their heirs and a family. This cannot in any way shape or form be compared to Cersei cuckholding Robert (fuck Robert Baratheon tho), seeing as Robert was **not** at all aware that his children weren't his, and wouldn't have been OK with that.
Either way- she chose not to maritally r*pe her husband and put him through more trauma after it was clear their attempts weren't working. Yall are always so upset for Alicent (rightfully so, bc show!alicent was maritally raped, even if it wasn't considered as such in that time), but you... WANT Rhaenyra to do that to Laenor? Hello???
[And no. Rhaenyra did NOT rape or coerce Criston Cole. The actors, writers, and directors have all stated their sex was consensual and 'an act of love.' It was Rhaenyra going to someone she felt close to and trusted after feeling abandoned and unwanted and betrayed. In that scene you literally watch, as after Cole tells Rhaenyra to stop undressing herself, she moves aside so she isn't blocking his way to the door. The director states that the moment they show Cole folding and setting down his cloak was him choosing his desire over his oaths. And Criston Cole has known Rhaenyra since she was 14. He knew damn well the sort of person she was- and she was not the person who would have harmed him for saying no. She was an intoxicated and emotionally vulnerable 19 year old- Criston was in his late 20s to early 30s. And it's explicitly stated in ep.9 that the ONLY person a Kingsguard cannot refuse is the king. In ep.7 Criston disobeys a direct order from Alicent when she wants him to mutilate Lucerys. Criston Cole was not assaulted. Stop trying to assign Aegon's sins to Rhaenyra so that you can feel better for supporting him.]
3. In the books, the rumors of their bastardry at large halted when all of Rhaenyra's boys' cradle eggs hatched. The ONLY people who continued to try and raise issue were the core green faction. But the realm at large *did not give a fuck* why? Because every actually relevant party claimed those boys. Repeatedly and without flinching. Laenor claimed and loved those boys even face to face with Alicent's bullshit. Corlys claimed and love those boys- he was proud of them, and it's been stated by the actor in the show that Luke was his favorite- that given the... events of ep.10, Corlys will be out for blood. And Viserys repeatedly insisted upon their legitimacy- because Laenor and Corlys claimed them, because he knew that by forcing Rhaenyra to marry Laenor in order to repair the damage his insults caused House Velaryon, that he had backed her into a corner.
Rhaenyras boys are remembered to history as Velaryon. Even **Green supporters** noted that they were good, capable, intelligent, and **worthy** princes. That their deaths were unfortunate *for the realm.*
Legally, those boys are legitimate. They cannot be proven illegitimate without Laenor renouncing them, and he never did. Furthermore, trying to declare children illegitimate due to their appearance is a stupid, dangerous precedent. The fact that it's people who have no ties to House Velaryon pushing these rumors and pushing for disinheritance makes it even worse, because they're meddling in the succession of a House that *is not theirs.* if that became a standard, imagine the feuds and conflicts that would erupt- lords pushing for the children of rivals to be declared illegitimate all for the sake of trying to grasp and steal land, power, and influence as a norm? The realm would tear itself apart. Not to mention the sheer danger that would place women in, in Westeros.
Furthermore, even whilst usurping her, even while calling her children bastards, the Greens also imply Laenor's homosexuality was inherited by the Velaryon princes- that they would use Rhaenyra's 'promiscuity' and Laenor's 'predilections' to turn the Red Keep into a brothel- ironic, considering that's more what Aegon would've done. So even while claiming that Rhaenyras children are bastards that shouldn't inherit, they try to state that what the boys inherit or learn from Laenor makes them unfit for the throne. They can't keep their own damn story straight- because their usurpation was never about what is moral, what is right, or the greater good. It was about greed. Power. Sexism.
It doesn't matter what those boys looked like, especially seeing as Rhaenys had dark hair in the books. What matters is that Corlys and Laenor and Viserys claimed them and declared them legitimate, and that they **never** deviated from that.
As for Vaemond, he was a second son. And he waited until Corlys and Viserys were dying and too ill to stop him to make a grasp for power. Youre not supposed to look at that and feel hes in the right. Youre supposed to look at that and see a man consumed by greed, and literally trying to bury Corlys' will and intentions before the man is even in a grave. He was NEVER Corlys' heir- he just wanted power. It wasn't about his House, or their legacy, it was about him.
(And before yall start shit about Rhaenyras boys stealing Laena's girls' inheritance... Rhaena and Baela are *TARGARYEN*. Not Velaryon. Their claim was to the throne or to any holdings in Daemon's name. NOT to Driftmark.)
Rhaenyras boys being betrothed to Rhaena and Baela tied up any issue of 'Velaryon blood.' Baela would have been queen consort of the seven kingdoms at Jace's side, and they very clearly adored one another in book and show. Rhaena would have been Lady of the Tides- which she never would have had a chance for, without Rhaenyra (and Laena) making those betrothals. She and Luke were also canonically very close- and in show she's very encouraging of him whenever he looks nervous or uncertain. They had a bond.
Rhaenyra stole nothing. She gave those girls more. And she loved them- they were the only daughters she got to have, seeing as the Greens treachery caused the early death of baby Visenya. If she hadn't loved them, she wouldn't have trusted Rhaena to look after Joffrey or give her Morning's egg from Syrax. She wouldn't have immediately invited both girls to the table when she was queen, which is something her father did not do for her until much, much later. He allowed Rhaenyra's voice to be silenced too often when she was first made heir. Rhaenyra did not repeat that hurt to her girls or her boys.
Anyways, moving on.
You lot do also remember that Rhaenyra herself has Velaryon blood, right? Jaehaerys I's mother was Alyssa Velaryon. Aegon, Rhaenys, and Visenya the Conquerors' mother was Valaena Velaryon. It's not immediate, but there *is* Velaryon blood through *all* of Rhaenyras boys.
Ultimately, Rhaenyras boys were only in danger because of the core Green faction usurping the throne. If they hadnt- no succession crisis or rebellion could have truly threatened Rhaenyras boys- because none of them would have had dragons. All of Rhaenyras children loved one another- her sons by Daemon would not have turned on her sons with Laenor (and Harwin). They were a true, loving family- possibly one of the healthiest and most close knit one House Targaryen ever boasted.
And another thing... 'her having babies with Harwin was stupid, she should have picked someone Valyrian!'
Here's the thing. Rhaenyra had to be careful as hell choosing who would father her and Laenor's heirs. She had to choose someone who was physically close, and who could be trusted. Someone who wouldn't try to publicly claim those boys in boast or jealousy. Someone who would keep their mouth shut and had no ambition of their own in regards to the throne. Do you really think Vaemond Velaryon (as I see him suggested a lot) would've kept his mouth shut? That he wouldn't have tried to use this to blackmail Rhaenyra and Laenor for more power and status? Do you think Rhaenys would have ever fought for or supported Rhaenyra if Rhaenyra had tried to have Corlys sire her children? And flying to see Daemon in Pentos and having a purely Valyrian child 9 months later would have made things look even more suspect.
Furthermore... she chose someone who cared for her deeply. Who clearly had a positive relationship with Laenor. She chose someone so she wouldn't have to traumatize herself- she took power over her body in a way almost no Westerosi woman has ever been able to. They were a family unit- Rhaenyra, Laenor, and Harwin. Those children were loved and cherished by two fathers and their mother. They were raised never doubting their mothers love, nor their father's- either father. They were raised and educated to be true, good princes of the realm.
Rhaenyra fought like hell for her children. She was an incredible mother. Yall just believe everything the Green faction says without looking at it critically, and that's unfortunate as hell.
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applejuicebegood · 5 months
I'm sorry if your ask box isn't open I was wondering if you wouldn't mind like an angst with jason todd where the reader is like the complete opposite of like his ex's like she's chubby and isn't this Amazonian woman but so she feels like he is with her out of pity and a huge miscommunication is going on because she doesn't want to bother jason with these self conscious problems she is facing
A/N: This shall be my first attempt at Jason angst so I really hope it's decent!! It will be fluffy towards the end tho dw. Thank you sm for the request dude!! CW: Body-image insecurity, self-doubt, anxiety Masterlist
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You always had a complicated relationship with your body. Never fitting into the right molds of beauty provided to you.
Only to grow older and realise that this would be the only body you had in this life - you should love all the parts that came with it. Parts that you would see mirrored in sculptures of gods and paintings of royalty. Why shouldn't you be proud of the fact that it was bodies like yours that were the templates for worship?
And then you saw your boyfriends ex. It was during one of your book-shop dates, he pointed her out before quickly walking to the next aisle thinking that you would be right behind him. Hating that his comfortable bubble with you had been suddenly popped by the presence of a dead love.
But you were stuck, your feet nailed to the floor, gazing at this pillar of a woman. And suddenly the blaring buzz of weight-loss adds and the 'concerns regarding your health' filled up your head. Making you hang your head to glare at your shoes. Jason appeared, looking concerned that you didn't fallow. He came and touched his hand to your back. 'You ok ma'?'
You nodded and tucked your hand back into his, with a cold pit of doubt forming in your stomach.
The next few weeks was a confusing fix of dread and doubt, for the both of you. You became distant, preparing yourself for the eventual confession from Jason that he only got with you because he felt bad. Brushing off his sweet touches and offers for you to spend the night. Resulting in Jason trying to chase after you in fear that his blunt arrogance was driving you away. He was confused, and when he got confused - he got angry. Something he felt an infinite amount of shame regarding because what if his capacity to be stuck in this loop of anger was the thing pushing you away.
You, the one stable thing he found that was able to drowned all of it out. You, he couldn't loose, not because of him.
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'Baby.. we- we need to talk' He said, standing from the couch as you tried to escape to the door. You had prepared yourself for these words. Preparing yourself for the stinging pain of loneliness that would fallow as he tells you that you guys should break up. 'Here.. let's just sit' He say's motioning to the couch. At least you would be near him just a bit longer. 'Listen... I know I'm a dick- and that I can be really difficult but.. but baby if I did or said something that's making you so distant.. you need to tell me'. He pleaded, taking your hand into his. This was not in the script you had conjured up in your head. He was supposed to tell you to pack up your stuff and leave. That he had gotten back together with Artemis, someone actually deserving of his praise and unconditional love. Someone who was actually pretty. 'What.. Jace- no.. you.. Wait what are you talking about?' 'I mean- you've been so distant and just off for like weeks now, and if it was something I did.. baby I'm so sorry' 'Your not..? never-mind..' You say, tucking your hands under your thighs. 'So.. did I do someth-' 'No! Gods Jason, no! You didn't do anything I just.. I mean I figured you.. I mean I.. UGh!' You stuttered, simmering in your own frustration. 'Its so stupid..' You mumble, the warmth of Jason's big palm rubbing over your tense back became the rope keeping you from the harsh pit of disappear you were about to be cast into. 'Baby, It is not stupid if it's got you like this. Please, just talk to me..' 'I.. like- I mean Jace, I'm not the prettiest of girls. I'm not skinny.. and I just.. I mean maybe you should be with some-' 'Don't even finish that' He said sternly, grabbing onto both of your shoulders. Making your glossy eyes meet his intense glare. He sighed, taking a moment to place his words in the right order in his head. 'If you think, for even a moment, I would ever fall out of love for you because of how you look- I'm going to throw you off of the balcony' 'Please don't' You giggled, the swell of tears building in the corners of your eyes. 'Is that was this is? You thinking you weren't good enough for me because of your body?' You nod, swiping the tears escaping down your cheeks with the back of your hand. Jason scoffed, seemingly in his own disbelief. He suddenly shifted from the couch to kneeling in front of you, taking both of your hands into his. 'So, not to sound like too much of a pig.. but baby, your body is one of the reasons I fell so hard for you. Your glorious.. every inch of you is perfect' He said. Your fingers reached our to cup his chin and jaw, those rich green eye's looking up at you so lovingly. 'No.. Jace I-' 'Yes. Yes you are. And if I ever start to say or think differently, you better fucking shoot me'. He chuckled, softly rubbing the sides of your thighs. 'But-' 'No'. 'I just-' 'Stop talking' He mumbled kissing your palm as your hand curled around his cheek. You felt whiplashed. This was so far from the expected outcome of this conversation. Weeks of starving yourself of his touch for a false premonition, all for it to end so suddenly. It was this quiet revilement of your doubts. As you looked back into Jasons sorrowful eyes, it was like a fire catching to greater heights as you remembered just why you fell for him. He stood suddenly and bent down to sweep you up from the couch and into his thick arms. Your hands immediately wrapping around his neck as he pressed soft kisses around your cheeks and nose. "Wa- Jay! What are you-?' 'I think.. you are in need of some lovin' tonight Miss L/N. To make up for all this distance.. you owe me that' He said, making his way to his bedroom as his lips traveled down the curve of your neck.
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2rats1gogh · 6 months
In regard to your criticism of HotD’s casting choices can we also point out that a lot of it was done to make Team Black look better.
Rhaenyra is never shown as an 8 year old because there is no way in hell the audience would be ok with Daemyra if they showed how he was grooming her from such a young age. Instead she’s played by 19 year old Milly, although still creepy now it’s just a big age gap between two consenting adults.
Also Jace and Luke are played by actual teenagers, the audience were automatically endeared to them because their actors are precious and adorable. AH&A on the other hand are played by 20 somethings, they’re not given the opportunity to be children the way Rhaenyra’s are. Even when they were young the show purposely made the Green kids look pale and odd looking, massive contrast to J&L who are rosy cheeked and curly haired.
100% agree. Daemon’s grooming would’ve look a LOT creepier if the actress who played younger Rhaenyra actually looked like a 16 year old. Millie does look young, but she looks like she’s in her early 20s.
+ Alicent’s children all look like grown ass adults while Rhaenyra’s look like innocent babies, even tho Aemond and Jace are supposed to be almost the same age. It’s so annoying.
The creators are so biased and it fucking shows, it’s embarrassing.
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recycledraccoon · 4 months
I think my thoughts on the penultimate episode can be summoned up as disappointment over a potential we didn't get to see, and why that's ok. (This got long, 1.4k oops lol)
Am I a fan of The Rat Grinders? ABSOLUTELY. I think I started liking them even more when they were full-on confirmed villains. As fan's of the edited show, watching with a week between each episode to theorize and think, I loved seeing and theorizing over these 6 fucked up kids. We know Kipperlily prior to the second half of sophomore year, while she obviously still had her anger and jealousy over TBK's it wasn't ENTIRELY unjustified and completely out of control (although some aspects were utterly and absolutely unfounded and ridiculous). Jawbones file mentions her language being "I think Aguefort likes them more", "The school takes it easy on them", and "Half of them don't even go to classes." All of these are true things people in this world would notice. It's not until AFTER their Mountain of Chaos chaperoned trip, at the end of the year, that KLCK switches to "I hate them." The Bad Kids further briefly discuss if Jace would have asked Jawbone/looked for "students with rage disorders." I think specifically mention it being a disorder is important. Acknowledging its there, KLCK WAS trying to get help for an issue she had. They didn't talk to Jawbone about it, but did decide Jace must have given he went on that quest with TRG's. They further briefly talk about students getting randomly mad, and yes they specifically joked about Fabian shitting in class, but WE also remember the Soil club student getting so mad after having gotten that tainted soil. With the 30 Riz rolled, Jawbone's file ALSO specifically talks about Kipperlily loving her adventuring party. We know things weren't perfect, its obvious from when talking about their name change, but its still there and canon. Kipperlily loved her adventuring party. This is all just Kipperlily, mostly with our information from the first part of ep.16. It is not touching on the rest of the members, especially Ruben and his dreamscape we saw, or of his distinct 180 musical tastes POST Sophomore Year Spring Break. The implications of something happening to them during that time is pretty evident and acknowledged. So we're fans, watching a show, spending so much time thinking about not only our infamous protagonists, but also our villains. Many of us adults, getting older, thinking on the tragedy befalling kids and feeling empathy. So yeah. It's a disappointment over an unseen potential. Specifically tho? Its the potential we could have gotten on The Rat Grinder's thoughts and motivations that could have been revealed through dialogue. Dialogue that we got very little of in what could be considered a significant exchange of dialogue and not bits. I always have high narrative expectations from this show, due to its long standing history of SETTING those standards each and every season. This one episode just fell short emotionally while watching, comparatively.
On the narrative side of things, The Bad Kids have had an incredibly stressful past 3 years. From day one, they have been involved in life or death stakes situations. It's always been do or die, and they've died, sometimes more than once. They've lost people and faced traumas that go often unaddressed. TBK's ENTIRE highschool experiences have been a revolving door of violence and unhinged situations. They've also always kinda been assholes, insular and more than a little mean especially to those pegged as enemies. We know them, know they have good hearts and intentions, and love and side with them constantly throughout because The Bad Kid's are our heroes. They are still teenage assholes sometimes, but that is something we love and forgive them for. The thing about this recent battle is that they are very used to the situation they are in by now. TBK's have to prioritize, move fast and hard, and get a job done so countless people don't die while something evil rises in their world. Emotions have been high for them all season, rage especially which is absolutely unsurprising on multiple fronts, and it's absolutely showing in what few dialogue exchanges we have. The Bad Kid's entered that gym for the singular purpose of stopping the situation, saving lives, and making sure something evil didn't arise to power in their fucked up world. Nothing new. They hid, already knowing where the final confrontation was going to be FORCED to happen in due to the nature of the ritual, and prepped. On point and smart of them. Then they entered the battlefield, very quickly getting to business. They know their skills, their friends and how to work together as a devastatingly effective team making heavy hits and masterfully controlling a battlefield despite the chaos. This is what The Bad Kid's Do. They got Ivy and Oisin out of combat as fast as possible, Oisin didn't even get a turn. They took out a high-damage long range attacker and the enemy wizard. They know how powerful and important Adaine is on the field, and they knew Oisin would have been the same. They crippled the enemy with the slow spell, effectively taking Mary Ann out of the running until it gets dispelled later on. Fig saw Ruben's high damage level 9 spell and dropped her ploy to get him out of combat as soon as she could. It was too dangerous to have him up, and while the hell bit was uncomfortable in the moment, it is absolutely on brand. This is what they have to do, if they want to stop Porter, who is our real main big-bad. Remove as many obstacles from the battle so more of them can focus on the fight that really matters.
This combat wasn't ever gonna go any other way, unless the dice gods decided otherwise.
This is what The Bad Kid's Do. In regards to the IH's, it is VERY important to acknowledge that while I've mentioned having high narrative expectations, this is still primarily an improve comedy show around a group of real people's DnD game. It's also a show they have a tight filming schedule for, with back to back days and long hours which we KNOW from the talk-backs leave them very tired. Like any tv show they also have a limit on how many episodes per season they can even produce. I think it was a real and genuine benefit to Sophomore year that they were doing it live, because it gave more time between sessions for the IH's to mull over information and whats been happening in-game. This is also a very well developed campaign world they haven't played in several years, which I certainly know would effect me in how I played. We still have one more episode, the Finale, and so much always happens there. I have incredible faith in Brennan as a DM and storyteller, for all that his players have a huge say in how any story he tells unfolds. There is a VERY real chance that what happens in the finale completely changes my mind on episode 19, and I will go back to rewatch with absolute glee because I know of the coming emotional catharsis in relation to The Rat Grinders. There is also a very real chance we don't get that in the way we want it, but that will be ok too. I will still love this season, rewatch it and laugh and have fun. The best part of having a fandom, is watching us take canon apart to fuel endless au's, fix-it's, character studies, ect. Taking crumbs and going wild with it is par the course, especially when something in a show has left us wanting in the moment of watching it. I think more than anything, I would be and am more upset from infighting and genuine anger directed to each other and especially towards our Intrepid Heroes. It is not wrong to be upset with an episode of a show, but it is to take those feelings out on others, be in in defense from Rat Grinder's fans or justification from Rat Grinder haters. So yes! I was disappointed with this particular episode emotionally. I still think it was funny, I think the combat was brilliant and fun to watch. I still love this show and this cast, and could never dream of being mad at them for how they played a game, and for the fun they were finding within the act of playing it as the well-known unhinged improv comedians we know and love.
I'm excited for next week, buuut I am absolutely consuming fan-content to help deal with my emotions, both the highs and lows.
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forgotten-fossilised · 2 months
The h0td writing is so bad, how can they go on and on about the prophecy unless the writers plan to reveal that lol the Stark kids are actually Aemond's descendants via Alys so that hotd can connect to got's ending? I would love for the Starks to have no connections from the Targs at all (except Jon) so it can be a f u to whole house T4rg but seriously with how the writing goes, I feel like it has a 70% chance happening now... Also is it just me or Alys' actress kind of look like Arya?
But yeahhh, after the previous episodes, I've finally decided to drop the show...
hello, thank u for the ask🫶
shhh don't give condal & co. any more ideas!! now that you mention it the actresses do look kinda similar. honestly I'd never have thought of that explanation, but at this point anything is possible! everytime I think it can't get worse I get unpleasantly surprised. completely understand why you don't wanna watch anymore, I do just to see how bad it can get. i can't stop, it's so amusing 😭
this stupid prophecy pissed me off on so many levels. "he called it the song of ICE and FIRE" ok but why tho. did it change its meaning over the years or what. I wonder if it's gonna be explained at all or did they just throw it in bc its the lazy convenient way to justify Rhaenyra's actions. if they really wanted to include it the great way would be to tie it with Cregan and Jace somehow? (their alliance being literally called Pact of ice and fire...) but nah apparently they just cut out the whole northern storyline. maybeee we will be shown some flashbacks regarding that but idk
on a side note, as far as I remember the prince that was promised prophecy isn't inherently tied to the targaryens at all, and it definitely doesn't originate from Aegon, so I wonder if they changed that in the show canon (like Dany's dragon eggs coming from Syrax) or do the targs just believe that bc of course who else would be the chosen one if not them.
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writingsofwesteros · 2 months
I’m back about the original Broodmare
With some random thoughts about it all
Jace probably once saw Daemon taking the “nurse” which might be part of how he pieced it all together.
Despite the circumstances of everything, Rhaenyra does have an ok relationship with the Lyseni girl. At first she pities her. And is truthfully a little angry. After that, she sees the arrangement as a mercy to her. Thinking she would never want to be mother to Daemon’s children if she had a choice. Especially after Viserys was born so soon after. However after that, Rhaenyra notices a shift in her. She was fine with the arrangement as long as she thought it was making the best of something unavoidable. And she really does care about the boys. But she starts seeing the nurse being more than genuinely happy with them. And when she gets pregnant a third time…. Rhaenyra starts to wonder if it’s really by force
Tho if she was to have a 4th child, Rhaenyra might not really care by that point and just kinda go “Daemon is her problem now”
The nurse did beg, though embarrassed, about having a third. Viserys was growing and despite feeding him longer, hoping to have the babe need her for just a little more time, he was outgrowing it. So when Daemon teased her about wanting another, she willingly went to him. Though admitted it with much embarrassment.
The fourth however…. That was her. Her third pregnancy went surprisingly well. Aegon the younger and Viserys found it fascinating when the baby moved. And she thinks some part of them, perhaps more with Aegon, realized the little one was their full sibling.
Daemon visited her with much frequency, and she genuinely enjoyed it. She loved how he would kiss and touch her body, instead of fearing it she welcomed it. Maybe some part even looked forward to it. Caressing her belly and squeezing her hips and telling her how she’s made for this.
The birth went fairly easy. And by the end, she’d had the first little girl. Something Rhaenyra was genuinely happy about. Even telling her well done.
Daemon noticed a change in his maid. She looked happy holding that new baby to her breast. Speaking affectionately in her language.
The fourth time… she came to Daemon. She was desperate. By now, having birthed and nursed 3 children of his. And now she meets him in his chambers. Clutching at him and begging him to make her a mama again. Even though officially she wasn’t. She got to feel like one when she nursed them. The little girl was still feeding from her. But the maid never thought she’d admit… she missed the feeling of carrying Daemon’s children in her womb.
He more than obliged. Fucking he’s harder than he had anyone in ages. Until she’s clawing and biting to muffle her noises. Begging him to get her pregnant. To please let her birth another child for him. He fucked her like he did to give her Aegon. Only this time… she wanted him to. She begged him… but begged him to keep going. Begged to have his child, so unlike that first time.
The fourth time Daemon impregnated her was when he finally realized. She was his now.
As she lay there when he was finally spent. Body still shaking a little. Grinning deliriously. Thanking him for making use of her womb. He’s broken her. And know he knows. And he can finally do everything he wishes
Poor love really is broken; begging for him now. He can hardly escape her, no does he want to and sometimes she has a hard time keeping her stares to him to herself as she goes about her duties.
Daemon enjoys all of this more than he should, especially when she nurses and plays with their children. Their oldest is growing and the rogue Prince notices him putting things into place
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margareturtle · 11 months
Kit and Ash’s first meeting is gonna be like
Kit and Ash already in the middle of a fight:
Kit: jeez what did I ever do to you?
Ash: i have to kill you, Janus says you want to steal my throne
Kit: what? You mean evil Jace thinks I want to be the next Seelie Queen ?!
Ash: yes so I have to kill you
Kit: woah woah woah sorry no offense Prince—what’s your name again?
Ash: Ash
Kit: look no offense Ash but the only thing of yours I would want are your wings, they’re sick and I haven’t figured out how to make my own yet
Ash: How can I believe you? You are the first heir. You could have all of faerie.
Kit: yeah yeah so what, my great smth grandmother was from there, I have no investment with the place— you can have at it
Ash: You must be lying. I have to kill you.
(Kit and Ash continue fighting; Kit changes tactics)
Kit: ok ok fine you can kill me
Ash: what?
Kit: you can kill me and have faerie all to yourself, but can I at least facetime my best friend one last time to say goodbye
Ash: …I suppose
Kit: *takes out his phone and calls Dru with Ash watching him*
Dru picks up: Kit what’s up, I had to pause my movie
*Ash stunned*
Kit: well sorry to interrupt🙄,, I’m just calling to say goodbye
Dru: don’t be dramatic, give Ty time, I swear he’s in love with you
Kit: he’s not, he hates me 😩
Dru: by the angel
Kit: ok but that’s actually not why I called
Dru: really 🤨
Kit: yeah I actually am about to get killed
Dru: shit. do they know that only me, Ty, or Thais in my absence are allowed to kill you
Kit: I’ll tell them
Dru: good, fire message me if you acc need help. I’m in the middle of what we do in the shadows tho, so hopefully it’s important
Kit:🙄 k see you tmrw if I’m still alive
Dru: byeeee
Kit to Ash: ok so technically only Dru, Ty, or Thais can kill me, but I suppose you can now if you need
Ash: who is she?
Kit: my best friend? Dru
Ash: yes I’ve seen her before, she is beautiful I must meet her
Kit: ha, well I could give you her number
Ash: her number?
Kit: yeah ya know to text her? Oh right you’re from faerie I’d have to show you
Ash: you can show me how to text Dru and then I kill you?
Kit: I mean sure, you could, but then Dru would prob block you if you killed me so it would all be for nothing
Ash: block me? But how would she know?
Kit: Block like cute contact. And she’d figure it out fast she’s smart and she’d know something was wrong as soon as I break our 206 day snapstreak.
Ash: snapstreak— is that your special bond?
Kit: sure, but look, if you don’t kill me perhaps you too could have a snapstreak with Dru one day!
Ash: really ?!
Kit: yup! so what do you say? Still gonna kill me or are you gonna hold off on doing what evil Jace says
Ash: Janus is away for a while, so I suppose I can wait. I want a snapstreak with Dru
Kit: brilliant! You can start by being in my snap to Dru, we’ll see if she recognizes you…
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summerstede · 5 months
Ok for real tho who’s going to write the toxic jace/porter fics
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idc idc here are my reactions to the new trailerssssss via (really long) shitpost RAAHHHHHHHH
*also i took the liberty and tagged some people in some parts lmao*
starting with the black trailer cos duhh i wanna see daemon lmao
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starting off strong w caraxes (this is caraxes right?? 😭😭😭) honestly he ate that up. he like me fr. him screaming is how i reacted to his dad 😋
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this shot is stunning. looking into the fire. the ominous sounds. (side note the fucking audio dialogue crunch wtf was that editing hbo??? the noise that harshly faded after she spoke ???????? AHHAHAH i can't blame you my audio be like that too)
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im a simple girl i see daemon i screech @em-writes-stuff-sometimes ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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gWAYNEEE?????? HIGHTOWER????????????? RAHHHHHHHHHHHHH WITH HIS SLUTTY LIL BUSTED LIP?????????????? why are you in the blacks trailer tho?????????? who did you fuck up??? who fucked you up???????? omG IF YOU AND DADDY DAEMON FIGHT 🫦🫦🫦🫦🫦🫦🫦🫦🫦
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CUNT-C-CUNT-C-CUNT-CUNT. he is swag. he is emo. he is killing all the aemond girlies. @ewanmitchellcrumbs i have nothing to say to you other than hi how ya doin
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and im a very simple girl 😋😋😋😋
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i dont like the mourning girls ))): LEAVE MY GIRLS ALONE ☹
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i would bend the knee to you daddy REEEEEEEEEEEEEE @em-writes-stuff-sometimes SHOULDER SHOT IN LIEU OF A CROTCH SHOT??????????????????
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her dialogue 😫😫😫 ate. as it remains rhaenys is the only one with the braincell in this psycho barbie house and we love her for that
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now the green trailer
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MY SAD GIRL LEAVE HER ALONE. congrats on having (one of) your oppressor(s) die tho (: it must be mentally tolling ):
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[in response to alicent's dialogue] ok but you also knew viserys was delulu to the core????? he did the whole horse analogy to defend rhaenyra which was INSANE. 😔 its kinda sad you believe that in his dying breath he wanted to reconcile with you but even then he didnt give a fuck 💔💔💔💔💔 sorry alicent
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ok but .... 👀👀👀👀👀👀 otto lookin kinda scruptious !!! @ewanmitchellcrumbs WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME??!?!?! tbh no regrets 😋😋 more food for me
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hes salty because daemon and him are fighting again 😔💔 ASLKFHASF NO BUT WHY HE LOOK SO MAD???🤨🤨 HAHAHHAHHAH (ok fine fine hes mad because theyre about to go to war. id be mad too)
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I DONT KNOW im taking a wild guess here. . . is this alys? ........... ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? idk idk i dont know enough about asoiaf to be guessing tbh
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hes so dramatic. arent you the same man that begged your younger brother to let you flee and be rid of this burden? smh. had the crowds screaming your name once and now you think ur a rockstar. its ok ur @azperja's rockstar 😋
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this line has me gagged 😭😭🤣🤣 GO KING. GO FUCK UP YOUR FAM AND THE REST OF THE SEVEN REALMS AS CASUALTY. i cant take him seriously. i cant 💀💀💀 YOURE THE GUY THAT JERKED OFF BY THE WINDOW 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 CRYINGGGGGGGGGGG and the fact this scene is directly followed by him showcasing his mommy issues 😔 poor pathetic meowmeow
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hes so fucking hot what the fuck @ewanmitchellcrumbs i get why you dedicated an entire blog for this man. felt. BUT WHY WAR? LEMME BRAID UR HAIR INSTEAD???????? STOBIT
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IDK WHO SHE IS BUT SHE ATE. IS THAT A STAG I SEE ARE YOU A BARATHEON SLAYYYYYYY..... is she a she or is he a he i... i cant tell. either way v pretty v intrigued
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?????????????????????????? WHY HE LOOK YASSIFIED IN THIS 💀💀💀 sOBBING
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i HATE the fact they cut his hair. cole is now 10x more unbearable what the fuck. JUSTICE FOR FABIEN he had such pretty hair
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❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓ men that crave war are the scabs of society
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💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔 women
both of these trailers ending with their support for their preferred monarch is such a slay detail to add. THEY SHOULD RELEASE THE SHOW SOONER
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zukkacore · 3 months
i'm like certain ive said this before but i truly do headcanon pre-shatterstar jace as like, a little conceited because he's hot and he knows it. and post-shatterstar jace as obsessed with his appearance because it's one of the last things he has full control over + yknow. he thinks he has to be hot and interesting enough for porter.
YEAH YEAH EXACTLY. Everything comes naturally to him. He’s good at sorcery and he knows it. He’s inherently pretty and he knows it. Everything is effortless. Everything falls into my lap. My Will, I have this pull on people, it’s just who I am.
But also beauty as performance, as cache. The thing I feel abt Jace is that he does put an incredible amount of effort into his appearance and this whole character he’s crafted of being beautiful and cool and effortless. But it’s justified in his mind bc he thinks it’s all in service of like. Making his own life easier. Being terrified of the loss of power that comes with aging, especially visibly aging. Like I do think he is fixated on maintaining his own comfort in a way, even tho inside he’s white knuckle gripping on this whole facade and ALSO clawing at the walls bc he needs a challenge he needs stimulation…..
I do think there’s connection between sorcery n inherent power n “inherent” beauty. With charisma being like a tangible thing in dnd and people being naturally drawn to you it’s like. Oh my body is an invitation. My body is a source of problems or pain.
And Porter kinda being intentionally disorienting on whether Jace is his precious darling first acolyte saint stardiamond or a disposable spellcaster he could replace with just about anyone. His appearance has always been a tool, but it is here now more than ever. His life is falling apart at the seams but if he can maintain the look of someone effortless still than no one will suspect a thing right? They’ve never bothered to interrogate my interiority before. Why would that change now. And there’s a logic of like. Ok I have to make myself good enough to justify keeping around. He could’ve had anyone. He wants me. I have to make sure he wants me. He’s going to keep wanting me.
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j2zara · 26 days
Things I’ve been thinking abt bc it’s late and ive been exhausted to talk but have been a little too shy to bring to chat but honestly might later:
Reincarnation au specifically where they’re teachers at Aguefort. just bc I think it would be funny that. Like to me in text Ellie fell first but j3 fell harder so I just think it would be funny if at first Ellie kinda thought j3 was obnoxious and didn’t rly like him but also couldn’t deny he was kinda hot and that she’s into him. Meanwhile j3 is immediately into her so he’s being kinda flirty but also clearly also admires her on a professional level too
Reincarnation au pt 2 bc in this universe Ellie is the one that is jacecoded and j3 is Portercoded in that j3 is immediately kind of Taken with Ellie meanwhile she’s being kinda avoidant and coy bc she’s like? This guy is my colleague and he’s trying to chat me up?? the nerve?? (She’s definitely kinda flattered) but also j3 is kinda torn bc he can and would normally want to float something casual bc that’s usually what he’s into but also he does really kinda like her…
Like in Ellie’s mind he’s just trying to get into her pants meanwhile he’s like. I’m trying to be cool but I want to be with her
They eventually do hook up after a lot of pent up sexual tension (esp bc ellie is annoyed by how Into Him she really is) and it is very barbarian teacher x sorcery teacher being an obvious thing even tho they’re trying to not tip anyone off but the staff is like chuckles we’re in danger… and Ellie in her mind is like this is casual! It is better to not get too attached bc I am a weirdo freak trying to con Aguefort into giving up all the research on reincarnation and on the hunt for some long lost Thing I can’t even really articulate. Meanwhile j3 in his head is like. We’re dating :)
It’s a little torment nexus 7 Jaces thesis coded bc Ellie is looking past j3 a little bc she’s like. Obsessed w this vague idealistic concept of the past and this person that she lost that is Right Here. There’s like. Grief that j3 feels from her which is so strange bc he’s right here! but also I do think they escape the torment nexus they can transcend jaceporter bc when Ellie realizes this has been j3 the whole time it’s like!!!! You’ve always been enough you will always be enough there is no glorious past and to love someone is to watch a million births of the person they’re becoming
I also think there’s a version of reincarnation au where Ellie is an adventurer and she’s genuinely out in the world trying to find j2 and j3 could be very fun. But like. While she’s on an adventure the party needs a sorcerer for hire and it’s j33333333 but she doesn’t recognize him immediately like she thought she would! But they get to know each other on this like quest and fall for each other a second time and she even saves him a couple times and he’s like. Kinda heart eyes about her over it. And sure he does fuck around with her party a bit and hurt her feelings. But also. What if they cuddled for warmth :3
Ok. Away from reincarnation au. Listen we’ve talked abt creeper j2 and even creeper Jace but I think we need to get into Creeper Ellie or something. Something something where she watches j3porter get it on but it could be they know abt it or they don’t idk
I won’t lie a part of this is bc. There’s that line in stay / leave abt her jerking it in the bathroom to thoughts abt j3 later and I am still thinking abt that bc I do think she’s done it before more than once tbh I am compelled by Ellie kinda having a crush on j3 before they’re ever really a Thing
Obviously I’m still stuck on LJ3porter toxic solesian play coded threesome in LSOP. Where j4 is like I want to take you Porter but can’t you let j3 stretch me out so that it’s perfect and I’m ready to take you < 3. Excuse to machinate getting topped by j3 in LSOP
LJ3 Vegas wedding (or Vegas-proxy wedding). There’s so many variations on this that could be fun, one version I think is sweet is the Monica x Chandler version where they’re together and they love each other and haven’t been thinking that much abt getting married but are desperately looking for a Sign they should just Go For It but also are so scared.
The other version of this is that they’re. Like. Not together like they’re in their FWB era or something but they get drunk and wanna do something. Stupid. But also. Was this just an excuse for them to go for something they wanted to do and were scared to look at sober? Maybe
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ok I’m blaming @raybyanothername for this
Sunfyre is considered a pretty gentle dragon. Mischievous and a nuisance, but he won’t kill you for getting too close. He is also fiercely protective of Aegon.
Sunfyre will not let Otto, Alicent or Crispin near Aegon when he’s around. One of them comes to drag Aegon out of the Dragonpit, believing he’s spent too much time there. Before they get anywhere near him, Sunfyre growls and steps in front of Aegon, refusing to let them near. Jace, who seen Sunfyre let him, his brother, uncles and aunt near him all the time is confused as to why he’s reacting this way. He brushes it off as Sunfyre being in a bad mood tho.
But it happens again. And again. And again. Now Jace is concerned, bc last time Sunfyre did that it was at an assassin sent after the princes. Surely Aegon can’t be in danger from them right? They may not be nice to him but that is their son/grandson, they love him don’t they?
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horizon-verizon · 2 months
I really can't understand why someone hates the targ so much that you just want to see them muddied, forgotten and destroyed and watch a show centered on them as protagonists while they get offended because *checks notes* They are treated as protagonists 🙃
These people realize that Arya being "AA" was a hole the size of the sun, right? Do they realize that Arya's girl boss moment was great on screen but it was done for shock value?
Martin can play and subvert tropes but he never breaks with the meaning and structure he is building 🙄
this stupid prophecy pissed me off on so many levels. "he called it the song of ICE and FIRE" ok but why tho. did it change its meaning over the years or what. I wonder if it's gonna be explained at all or did they just throw it in bc its the lazy convenient way to justify Rhaenyra's actions.
"Song" refers to war...as "dance" does. It's poetic language about the movement of swords in the air "singing" used almost like a metonym for war. And it refers to that final war b/t dragons/Dany/Westerosi against the unnatural figures that are the Others, or that person may know them as the "whitewalkers". This is something that has been known for literal YEARS before either show popped up from what I learned. This is what ASoIaF has always been about and what it's leading up to, ya dunce!
And Rhaenyra's actions? Why not Aemond, who was the one to truly end all possible means of peace by killing his own nephew...HER SON. For God's sake, he's known as the Kinslayer for all time in Westeros just as Cole is known pejoratively as the Kingmaker! Aegon is known as "grasping" by a highly respected and agreed-with Grand Maester in his tome called Lives of Four Kings. Aegon dies poisoned by his own council members, wanted a "better" Sunfyre, raped at least one girl, etc. PREWAR. He was always going to be bad locally and "nationwide". Meanwhile, what has Rhaenyra actually done to others unprovoked pre-war? Give it a rest, already!
The greens collectively, not her, triggered & enabled this war so they can disrupt the already established transfer of power. This is not a lie, but what happened.
if they really wanted to include it the great way would be to tie it with Cregan and Jace somehow? (their alliance being literally called Pact of ice and fire...) but nah apparently they just cut out the whole northern storyline.
...The Pact of Ice and Fire only exists and can exist bc the Song of Ice and Fire exists...it's meant to refer back to the Song and say the Starks and their northern MAGIC (direwolves, warging, greenseeing) will all be instrumental in the fight against the Others. No, the Starks are still not the main protagonist of this series even if they appear first and are focused on as one of the houses that has enjoyed the most privileges that now is divided and split due to bad decision making internally and out. The "whole northern stroyline" only matters within THIS context...otherwise GRRM is writing them to writer them. F&B is meant to contextualize Dany and her dragons; that includes all the Targs' purposes.
on a side note, as far as I remember the prince that was promised prophecy isn't inherently tied to the targaryens at all, and it definitely doesn't originate from Aegon, so I wonder if they changed that in the show canon (like Dany's dragon eggs coming from Syrax) or do the targs just believe that bc of course who else would be the chosen one if not them.
Already noted how this was a stupid ass take. Where else would the Song of Ice and Fire originated when it's been constantly tied to various Targs from Dany to Aemon the Maester to Aegon V to Brynden Rivers to the Dance to DRAGONS?! Who has dragons? The Targs.
Aegon is said to be the only source of this Song through his motivation to conquer Westeros, where does that person think elsewise the Song came from?
People really be sacrificing their already-paltry literacy skills for sexism, classism, etc.
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