#shaka enstars
landofzero-archive · 4 months
Into Paradise*The Absolute of Immaculate Desire
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Writer: Akira
Season: Winter
Featuring: Nagisa Ran, Ibara Saegusa, Hiyori Tomoe, Jun Sazanami, NEGI Kurone, Gatekeeper, Shaka
To Abhor the Impure World: Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13
The Pure Land: Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17 - Chapter 18 - Chapter 19 - Chapter 20 - Chapter 21 - Chapter 22 - Chapter 23 - Chapter 24 - Chapter 25 - Chapter 26 - Chapter 27
Epilogue 1 - Epilogue 2
Nagisa: A Cold Day's Rendezvous - A Premonition of Success
Ibara: Singing Advice - A Very Busy Night
Hiyori: Adorable Sweets - When Going Abroad
Jun: A Day of Bootlicking - The Way to Resolve Loneliness
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aroace-poly-show · 6 months
Some wild ass plot points from enstars I can think of off the top of my head:
The shinkai cult (kanata was the figurehead that was worshipped by his family and the rest of the cult including the characters souma kanzaki and madara mikejima. He is in a power ranger themed idol unit)
The kurone siblings (hitsugi is a new producer that enrolls alongside anzu at yumenosaki and he has DID and his alter is named NEGI and she’s his dead older sister. The real negi is dead because she was murdered in a fire while they were kids and Hitsugi has hella brain damage. He believes negi is not the product of did and is actually her ghost sharing his body. They are necromancers?? There is also another alter named shaka but I don’t know anything about them)
Related, apparently nagisa ran is a test tube baby (created by combining the genetics of some of the most talented and smartest people in the world to create the perfect idol for some nefarious purpose. The kurones (at least shaka and/or negi) are failed attempts at this)
Double face (a temporary unit made up of kohaku oukawa and Madara mikejima from crazy:b and mam respectively. The unit is a cover for them as they are literally assassins. I need to read their stories tbh.)
Both mika kagehira and nazuna nito believed they were dolls for a hot minute (especially mika) due to the intense abuse shu itsuki put them through
The Amagi brothers are indigenous royalty and rinne is supposed to be the monarch but ran away and hiiro followed him?? Rinne is also an alcoholic with a gambling addiction?? Idk man
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starswallowingsea · 7 months
Is Akira trying to turn enstars into a scifi game or something. Like the haunted AI and the uh. Shaka body jumping and/or shapeshifting bit?
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shuneii-san · 6 years
Aún así te amo [One-shot]
Pareja principal: Milo x Camus
Parejas secundarias: Afrodita x DM, Aioria x Shaka
Clasificación: +16
Idioma: Español
Género: Yaoi, One-Shot, Humor, Parodia, Romántico, Lemon.
Es cierto que las relaciones no siempre van viento en popa pero a pesar de eso el amor siempre esta presente. Veremos una fracción de un casi típico día de nuestra parejas doradas.
Los personajes son obra de Kurumada-sensei. Espero que les guste.
Finalizado: Sí
Era un día común y corriente en el santuario. Todo era paz y tranquilidad en las doce casas del zodiaco... O al menos eso creía la mayoría.
-¡Estoy harto! - El grito del chico de cabello aguamarina había sacado a todos de su mundo de fantasía.
-¿Pero qué hice ahora, amor? - Su pareja le seguía insistiendo. Hacía ya media hora que no paraba de reclamarle y él ni sabía la razón.
-¡Tenerme harto! ¡Y no me llames amor! - Y es que cuando Camus se enoja no hay quien pueda controlarlo... Eso pensaba él ya que siempre terminaba cediendo a las súplicas de su amado bicho.
-Pero Camie... Ayer estabas tan bien. No entiendo qué fue lo que sucedió.
Lo que en realidad había pasado era que, desde que el Patriarca les concedió el permiso para formar una vida juntos y les permitió vivir en un solo templo, las cosas se habían complicado. Habían decidido vivir en el templo de Acuario, Camus argumentó que era mucho más ordenado y que su cama era la de mayor tamaño proporcionando una mejor comodidad a ambos. Pero la cosa no era tan simple. A pesar de que el templo de Escorpio no estaría habitado tendría que ser limpiado constantemente, después de todo; eso hablaría mal sobre la reputanción del Santuario. Sea como sea ambos caballeros aceptaron. Llegaron a un acuerdo en el que ciertos días uno de los dos limpiaría ambos templos y el otro iría a Rodorio a comprar la despensa de la semana, o bien, cocinaría mientras tanto.
Fue así durante dos meses pero luego los días en los que Camus iba a Rodorio regresaba a darse un golpe en la realidad de que Milo se quedaba dormido en el sofá, y los dos templos eran un desastre total.
-Sucede que... - Trató de sonar calmado pero no podía.- ¡Con un carajo Milo!¡ ¡Me miras cara de sirvienta o qué! ¡Voy a Rodorio a comprar comida para que te hartes! ¡Vuelvo y te encuentro jugando videojuegos en línea con Death Mask! ¡Y los dos templos son un desastre!
En ese mismo momento en la casa de Piscis Afrodita se encuentra haciendo limpieza exhaustivamente mientras Death Mask le gritaba a una pantalla plana.
-¡Eh Milo! ¡Milo! ¡Voy a morir por tu culpa!
-Maski-chan quieres, por favor, cerrar tu pico.- Dijo mientras se le acerca sensualmente por detrás.
-Pero... Es que voy a perder. - Su cara se transformaba en un puchero.
Afrodita se colocó al lado de este dejando de lado el limpiador que traía en la mano. Le acarició un poco el cuello y depositó un corto beso en su hombro izquierdo. No le gustaba ver a su cangrejo así.
- Sabes que no me gusta que hagas eso mientras juego ¿no? Me distrae. - Le puso pausa a su juego para tomar a su pecesito en sus brazos y colocarlo sobre sus piernas.
Lo besó introduciendo su lengua en toda la cavidad del jóven de piel clara quien solo la recibió con un leve gemido. La cosa empezaba a calentarse pero simpre hay algo que arruina las cosas.
-¡Achú! - De un golpe se colocó de pie sosteniendose la cabeza luego del estruendoso estornudo, dejando a Afrodita en el suelo con cara de terror. - ¡Coño! ¡Alguien está hablando de mí! - Miró para abajo y lo que vió no le gustó para nada. - ¡Nooo! Mi amor...
- No te preocupes cariño yo estoy bien. - La verdad no lo estaba. Se dió de culo contra el suelo y no le agradó mucho el que su pareja haya estornudado dejando todos sus microbios en su boca.
-¡No tú estúpido! - Se arrodilló tomando algo entre sus manos para luego gritar dramáticamente mirando al cielo.- ¡¿Por qué?! ¡Dios! ¡¿Por qué me odias tanto?! - Pasó que cuando Afrodita cayo de culo al suelo aplastó su control el cual se encontraba ahora hecho pedazos. Ya ni pegandolo con mezcla de "super gotita" y bicarbonato funcionaría.
-Eres un idiota, eso te pasa por... Eh... Por idiota. - Habiendo dicho su gran frase se dio media vuelta para seguir con su trabajo.
Volviendo a la casa de Acuario las cosas no habían mejorado.
-Cubito... Iba a hacer la limpieza pero pensé que... Sería en vano.
-¿En vano?
Tomó al más delgado en sus brazos para luego llevarlo al dormitorio.
-Me trajiste acá solo para ver mi cama hecha mierda...
-Este... No. Te traje para desarreglarla más. Te haré mío, amor.
Sonrió picaramente mientras pegaba su cuerpo con el de Camus. Lo besó e introdujo sus manos bajo la camisa de éste. Se separó un poco dejando una delgada línea de saliva que unía ambas bocas. Camus sabía lo que Milo hacía. Pero debía admitir que la idea no le desagradaba. A pesar de todo él lo amaba. Volvieron a besarse Camus guiaba a Milo hacia la cama hasta dejarse caer en ella.
-¡Ay! ¡Milo idiota! - No era para más el grito proveniente de los delgados labios de Camus. Grito acompañado de un golpe en la cabeza hacia Milo. Al momento de caer en la cama se dió en la cabeza con uno de los juguetes de Milo. - Fíjate donde guardas tus muñequitas la próxima vez...
-¡Te adoro amor! ¡Encontraste mi figura de acción! Lo estuve buscando... ¿Dónde estaba?
-¿Dónde estaba? - Dijo con voz aguda tratando de imitarlo mientras hacia algunos movimientos de la mano para añadir dramatismo. - ¡Me dí con él en la cabeza!
Aventando el muñeco a través de la ventana siguió con su labor.
-¡Shaki, amor! ¿¡Te encuentras bien!?- Shaka había caído al suelo a causa de un muñeco caído del cielo que fué a darle en la parte trasera de su cabeza dejando a un preocupado gato.
-Dime mi cielo.- La lágrimas empezaron a brotar, se colocó de rodillas al lado de su amado y sostuvo su mano.
-T-te amo...
-Amor, todo estará bien. Lo juro. No te vayas por favor... No me dejes sin hijos. - No soportó las lágrimas y se tiró sobre el pobre Shaka que se encontraba tendido en el suelo.
Dejando a ese par con su drama, dentro de los apocentos privados del templo de Acuario. Dos de los doce jóvenes seguían demostrándose su raro amor.
Milo se encontraba sobre Camus lamiendo uno de sus rosados pezones mientras con una de sus manos estimulaba el otro. Aún tenían puesto la parte inferior de su vestimenta, pero no sería por mucho. Rodaron en la cama quedando Camus arriba. Sitió como el miembro de su pareja se encontraba ya erecto topando con su trasero. No habían ni empezado bien la acción y ya estaba listo. Bien dicen que Escorpio es un signo de fuego. No hacía más de 6 horas en las que habían hecho el amor... Milo bajo las ropas de su amado cubo y luego las de él. Sabía que debía ser rápido para así arreglar todo y que su pareja dejara de gritarle. Así que colocó la punta de su miembro en la entrada de Camus jugando un rato con ella. Dibujaba circulos cosa que excitaba mucho a Camus. Sentía que explotaría si no lo poseía rápido. Introdujo un poco y luego lo sacó rápido. Hizo eso unas diez veces más hasta que Camus se hartó, tomó a como pudo la virilidad de su pareja, amante y mejor amigo para luego introducirla de un solo en él. Las lágrimas rodaron por sus ojos, no se había medido en la fuerza empleada. Milo no dijo nada, se limitó a acariciar sus blanquecinas piernas mientras el dolor cedía.
Camus se acomodó dejando sus piernas dobladas a cada lado de las caderas de Milo. Sonrió tímidamente avergonzado por lo que había sucedido hacía unos segundos, su pareja le devolvió la sonrisa.
Habiendose disculpado de una manera tan propia de ellos empezaron un vaivén. Camus tomó las riendas cabalgando sobre el miembro erecto de Milo. Mientras éste solo se dedicaba a disfrutar desde abajo el espectáculo que su novio le ofrecía. Acarició su firme trasero y escuchó los gemidos que salían de sus delicados labios. Lo llamaban a él. Eso lo alegraba. Sinceramente no podía creer aún que Camus lo quiciese tanto como él lo quería. Nunca pensaba que fuera correspondido. Tantos años ocultando lo que sentía y ahora estaban allí, haciendo el amor.
Volvieron a rodar, Milo quería el control. Quedó sobre el delicado cuerpo de Camus. Volvió a besarlo una vez más sin dejar de penetrarlo. El momento estaba cerca. La entrada de Camus comenzaba a contraerse dando aviso a que venía el fin. Tomó el miembro de Camus para masturbarlo, sin dejar de besarlo. Le decía su amor pegado a sus labios. Camus solo sonreía allí mismo. Agitó con rapidez el miembro de su novio y en el momento justo se dejó caer. La presión hizo que Camus expulsara todo su semen en el abdomen de ambos. Milo se corrió en la entrada de su amor. Otra vez más hizo que Camus se sintiera dueño de su semilla.
Se acomodaron uno junto al otro en medio de la habitación desordenada. Se cubrieron sus cuerpos con una manta muy arrugada. Milo depositó un tierno beso en la frente del amor de su vida. Era su niño a quien cuidaría por la eternidad. A pesar de las peleas y los desacuerdos lo amaba.
-Si sabes que hay que ordenar todo después ¿no?
-Eres un gruñon.
-Pero soy tu gruñón. Por cierto... ¿Pausaste tu juego?
Ante tal acto infantil Camus no atinó a más que acariciar el cabello de su pequeño escorpión. A veces solía ser infantil y algo desobligado pero eso no quería decir que no lo amara. Sabía que no le decía cosas lindas con constancia pero a pesar de eso su bicho seguía a su lado. Aún con su frío carácter lo amaba. Y él agradecía a Dios por eso.
¡Gracias por leer!
Te invito a seguir mis blogs:
My Enstars! Blog
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landofzero-archive · 4 months
Absolute - To Abhor the Impure World 12
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(Location: Secret Religious Facility)
(At the same time. Secret religious facility underneath the WNW district.)
Shaka: “Hey, brother, do you remember the circumstances of when you were born?
Do you know who you are, and where you came from?”
Nagisa: …… No.
…… Father passed away without telling me anything of the sort.
…… That’s why even now, I’m still constantly searching for ‘that’.
…… About what I am.
…… I felt like if I were to become the finest idol like Father had wished for, I would be able to touch upon even the edges of the answer to that.
…… But. That should be unnecessary since you seem to know what I am.
…… You called me brother, didn’t you, Shaka-san.
…… Are you saying that you and I are siblings properly connected by blood?
Shaka: “………”
Nagisa: ……The last time we went to the United States, we saw you sing on the stage of Absolute.
…… So that strange feeling, that discomfort I felt at the time was, in other words, a sense of identification that came from that sort of blood connection.
Shaka: “Unfortunately I can’t answer that question with either YES or NO.
I don’t know that much either. Just like the God who behaved like your guardian(1), Priest who created and controlled me had passed away without telling me anything important.”
Nagisa: …… Is that so. In that case, I feel a little regret, like I should not have got rid of him.
Shaka: “I want to thank you for a job truly well done in that regard.
He was a monster. He was someone who should have been suppressed. He was a devil who had contorted and crushed countless people’s lives, including me and NEGI-chan.
Even with conjecture, I can’t really say what that man’s objective was. He seemed to be earnestly imitating the way of life of the God in the religious faith he followed, though. 
So what did he ultimately want to do? Did he just want to replace God, or did he want to surpass God—
I don’t know the actual truth. Everything is a mystery; it’s all been buried in the darkness.”
Nagisa: ………
Shaka: “However, I can say this. Priest and the God he believed in had a distinct difference; Priest had been in pursuit of eternal life.”
Nagisa: …… From time immemorial, that’s what conquering champions had earnestly sought after.
…… No. In a way, it’s the greatest wish(2) of all mankind.
…… That is to say, to not want to die and wanting to live.
Shaka: “That’s true. I’m searching for that too. If possible, I just want to forever enjoy a free, fun life.
However. My life was dominated by Priest.
I was simply a pawn for Priest to use to achieve his ambitions. I was a money-making device used to gather the profits required for that.”
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Nagisa: …… I wonder if it was the same for me too.
…… Was the reason father wanted me to become an idol because he wanted me to become a profitable existence just like you are?
Shaka: “Unlike you, I don’t really know much about God, so I can’t say for certain.
I’d like to tell you that it’s not like that. That your father, God, loved idols, unlike Priest. (3)
I don’t think you’re just a tool for making money, from what I can infer about him from what I heard in stories.
He loved idols. So he probably genuinely just wanted you to be what he loved.
I’m envious of you, brother.”
Nagisa: ………
Shaka: “I, and possibly you too, am a ‘Perfect human’ that one could not even dream of having been brought into being (4) unless by means of state of the art occult science. 
I’m an artificial human, whose countless consolidated souls of geniuses dwell in this body possessing the best genes.
Perhaps I didn’t have proper parents, and was born (4) from a test tube.
This means that I’m a homunculus born(4) by means of alchemy. Fufu.
You might be thinking that these are just the thoughtless words of someone with a mental illness, brother. I don’t think I’m quite sane anymore either—— so I’d like you to take what I said with a grain of salt.
At the very least, I grew up being told that I was that sort of being.
That I, the most perfect human created(4) by God, was created(4) through the same technology that created Ran Nagisa.
Of course Priest admired God, took over his position and replaced him, but in the end he was still a worthless human who could not become God.
That technology probably wasn’t perfect. In the end, I can’t be anything more than an inferior copy of you.”
Nagisa: …… This might not be enough of a consolation. But thinking that a copy is inferior to the original is a superficial way of thinking.
…… If we’re to speak from the point of view of biology, the later generation of seeds are more excellent. It can adapt to it’s environment better, with better survival. A strong living being. 
…… In fact, you’re Absolute’s six-times consecutive champion. You’re said to be the world’s best idol.
…… After all, you have better reputation than me, who is just borrowing Ibara’s words to pretend to be a king of the hill domestically.
…… You’re higher ranked than me beyond any comparison.
…… The moment I first saw you, a feeling that was difficult to describe was born(4) inside of me.
…… When I saw you singing and dancing on stage, what arose inside of me was probably a sense of defeat and a sense of inferiority, in other words it was jealousy.
…… You were the first to have given me that sort of feeling since I was born, O, world’s best idol.
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Shaka: “You’re kind, huh.
That’s exactly why I’m jealous; you grew up being loved.
So you can care about others. You’re able to want to wipe away that grief.
That’s quite difficult for someone like me, people who won’t be able to live if we don’t exert ourselves to the fullest.”
Nagisa: ………
Shaka: “I’m the world’s best idol? How absurd!
In Absolute, the performer who can get the most tips wins. It’s not the most brilliant or talented idol who wins, but the idol who earns the most money.
Furthermore, Priest, who made me, had an enormous amount of power and money.
 I continued to win Absolute simply because that Priest who had more money compared to anyone else, continued to pour money into me.
It was definitely not due to my abilities.
I’m the minion of the devil, I’m a false messiah who misleads the people while slurping on their lifeblood! I can’t help but hate, hate the me who does that! 
Brother! Please help me…….! I can’t stand being myself anymore!”
The same 保護者 (Hogosha) used by Hiyori in To Abhor The Impure World Chapter 7.
悲願 (Higan): greatest wish, but also refers to the Buddha’s vow to save humanity (the Boddhisatva vow).
Priest is written as 神父 (Shinpu) with the kanji for God and Father, while referred to in the story, GF is written in katakana as ゴッドファーザー  (read as Godfather). Shaka is somewhat making a pun when he said ‘your father’ 君の父 ; this sentence could also be read as ‘That your father, God, loved idols, unlike (my) Father.’.
Technically ‘born’, ‘created’ and ‘brought into being’ can be the same in JP. The phrasing 生まれた (Umareta) is used in these sentences.
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landofzero-archive · 4 months
Absolute - The Pure Land 13
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(Location: Absolute Stage)
Shaka: What—W-What is the meaning of this?
Ibara: “~……♪”
The plot is simple. Today, the world’s number one idol, Shaka-shi, shall mysteriously disappear.
Shaka: I- are you planning to kill me here……?
Ibara: Why? There’s no need to do that, since destroying evidence is troublesome.
Of course, you still have to put in the effort in order to succeed.
If you’re going to keep taking unnecessary actions, you’ll wind up overworking yourself without any benefits.
Shaka: ………
If I— if Shaka disappears, there’ll be a big uproar, won’t there?
Ibara: Is that what you think? Actually, there was an uproar this time, and we were all swung around quite a bit, weren’t we?
Please rest assured, no one is that interested in others.
Shaka: ………
Ibara: No, you are in the spotlight since you’re a huge star who’s won Absolute six times in a row.
If a replacement star were to shine in the night sky, you will eventually be forgotten as a person of the past.
Shaka: You all, will become “that”?
Ibara: How does that sound? We’ll work hard to achieve that goal, but we may not be able to reach it yet.
But. Even if it isn’t us, someone will always win. Someone will conquer this Absolute and become a new shining star.
You will become a legendary deity as the world’s number one idol who mysteriously disappeared, all while remaining undefeated—
The idols you worship are now a separate existence from you.
You should leave everything to those idols and fictional deities, and live freely as an unknown person.
Shaka: Th-That sort of thing—
That kind of thing, is fine? So, I can live the life I want?
Ibara: That’s right. It truly is simple. Later on, the Priest faction will also use Uncle Gatekeeper as a shield to threaten, no, negotiate—
Today, let's take the steps to make the new shining star, the winner of Absolute, their next “money tree.”
And with that, the story ends with everyone smiling and feeling very satisfied.
Shaka: ………
Ibara: In fact, it would have been better if you had asked this talented producer to fix the problem from the beginning.
Because you did unnecessary actions, there was a strange uproar.
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Ibara: If we had met as planned from the beginning and you asked us honestly then and there, we could have easily resolved this matter without making it such a big deal.
If you had done that, I would have had to pay the price for it, but I would have done my job properly.
No. That’s what a fair and legitimate deal is, amateur-san♪
Shaka: ………
Nagisa: …… Fufu. Ibara has a cute smug look on his face for the first time in a while.
Hiyori: Cute, huuh? Looking at it makes me feel annoyed, though? What foul weather!
Nagisa: …… For the longest time, Hiyori-kun and I haven’t shared those kinds of tastes.
…… Hiyori-kun prefers obedient children like Jun, right?
Jun: “~……♪”
Haha. You usually get mad when I don’t listen to you, ri~ght, Ohiisan?
Hiyori: Rather, I don’t understand how it feels to be happy when I’m being snapped at, you know?
Shaka: ………
Jun: Hey. Ohiisan told you to “move away”, you’re not needed so you should probably get outta here, alright?
Go anywhere, wherever you like?
Ibara: Oya, is it really fine to let him go? That person is a criminal who kidnapped our own His Excellency.
Our subordinates are stationed at the wings of the stage, so if we wish to secure him at any time, we can do so, can’t we?
Hiyori: It would be a bother if he got away with it and became resentful. I don’t want to have to worry about him like this again.
Shaka: ………
Hiyori: Look, we said we would forgive you, so why don’t you run off somewhere before we change our minds?
Shaka: B-But…… Even though Priest has died, there’s no way his subordinates would overlook me.
Hiyori: You poor thing. I suppose you’ve been brainwashed into thinking that way based on years of experience. Like an abused child.
Ibara: This is just a fact. The forces on the Priest side have thrown their hands into the fire called Uncle Gatekeeper and have been mostly annihilated.
I just checked with Uncle about that.
Nagisa: …… Fufu. This time, did Ibara use Monban(1)— Gatekeeper for that purpose?
…… For that reason, you stuck close to him, holding the reins and controlling him from beginning to end?
Ibara: It would have been cool to say something like “That’s right.” However, as expected, I’m not that well prepared either.
Hiyori: Ibara was so worried about Nagisa-kun that he couldn’t stay calm♪
Ibara: You’re saying that as the person who was the least calm.
In any case, the surviving members of the Priest faction are also paying attention to the Absolute stage.
This event is their lifeline in this region. In order to keep living, they have no choice but to stay here and watch over it.
In other words, there may not be any oversight now, so it will be as lenient as possible.
My subordinates will give them instructions so they can quickly follow them and defect abroad.
Shaka: ………
Ibara: That’s all. Your crime, no, all the strange things that have happened here will be settled.
What happens after that is our story, and has nothing to do with you.
Here, please take your things and leave.
I’m satisfied with the fine transaction this time.
It was a pleasure doing business with you, former world’s number one idol♪
Shaka: ………
TL Notes:
“門番” (monban), literally “gatekeeper,” is Nagisa’s unique way of referring to Gatekeeper. He uses this name throughout the SS Finals arc to refer to him.
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landofzero-archive · 4 months
Absolute - The Pure Land 4
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(Location: Secret Religious Facility)
(At the same time. The place where Nagisa is being confined in, inside the secret religious facility underneath the WNW district )
Nagisa: (………?
…… I can hear from somewhere far away, a booming sound, like the sound of fireworks.
…… Does that mean that Absolute’s already begun?
…… That’s troubling. Everyone must be worried about my sudden disappearance.
…… I have to go back. I have to go to where I belong.
…… But, to do that.)
…… Shaka-san.
Shaka: “Mm. Have you made up your mind, brother?
If so, let me hear your answer.
How about it, brother? Would you become Shaka in my place from now on, just like I desired?”
Nagisa: ………
Shaka: “You just have to answer with YES.
With that, all of me will be yours. Even wealth, fame, anything and everything.
With just that, you will become the world’s number one idol from today onwards.”
Nagisa: …… You don’t have to go out of your way to give it away.
…… I plan to reach “there” with my own strength sooner or later.
…… Together with Ibara, with Hiyori-kun and Jun, I will become “that”.
Shaka: “Children with a future, how nice. It smells naive but I don’t hate it.
But. You don’t get it, Brother. It’s best if I could get your consent, but I can force you too.”
Nagisa: ………
Shaka: “I have the technique for it. Though I won’t say it’s as top-class as Priest or his successor NEGI-chan.
I was born(1) as a perfect human too. I have all sorts of talents.
By observing it closely many times, it’s like I’ve experienced it myself, I stole their ‘turning into someone else’ technique to a certain degree. 
By utilising that, it’s possible to make your appearance look “the same” as me.
Of course, by doing that, only your appearance will change. Even I still can’t touch upon your heart.
However, because no one could touch or see your heart, no matter how much you insist that “I’m not Shaka”, it’ll be meaningless.
I’ll make full use of my personal connections to make a lot of people give out false testimonies. They’ll say that you are Shaka.
That will be the “correct answer” for the people.
No matter how much you scream that you are Ran Nagisa, it’ll be useless. I’ll make it become a lie.
Do you know what being the only normal person in a world with only lunatics is called?”
Nagisa: …… A lunatic.
Shaka: “Indeed. Welcome to the village of liars.
You can rest assured. In any case, nobody would be interested in something like your innermost heart.
The results would be bought with Priest’s money. The person himself is no longer with us, but his subordinates will always be.
You can exist as the world’s number one idol for eternity. With that, you can gain money beyond what you can use, and you can live in happiness.”
Nagisa: …… If that sort of life is a proper happiness.
…… I wonder why you would loath it and try to foist it on me.
…… I suppose it’s because it’s so painful that it’s unbearable, isn’t it, Shaka-san.
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Shaka: “Don’t call me Shaka.
I am, I am, that’s wrong, I didn’t want to be this me.
I, I liked singing. I liked dancing alongside singing too.
When they got happy when they saw that; I loved it.”
Nagisa: …… Me too, you see.
Shaka: “But is that really my own will? It’s not because my genes made me be like that?
That’s how I was made! I was created(1) to become the world’s number one idol!
If I let the fate that was decided before I was born(1) guide me, am I not just single-mindedly behaving according to someone else’s wishes?
Even this heart! What if it's a product(2) that was prepared by someone beforehand.
I am, what am I supposed to, what I should I have faith(4) in?
I, I am…… Who?
Who am I? What am I? Even though I am myself and yet not me to myself!?”
Nagisa: (…… It’s no use. I don’t really want to use expressions of this sort, but Shaka-san is becoming crazy. (3)
…… To be burdened with the fate of being called the “world’s number one idol” by others, he can no longer support himself.
…… Nevertheless. In order to preserve his own self ego(5), in order to shake himself free from that fate, he’s attempting to foist the burden he’s always been carrying onto me.
…… To that end, Shaka-san kidnapped me.
…… So that he could give to me, who is the same living being as himself, the position that he’s been burdened with.
…… Shaka-san is at his limit. It seems that currently he’s able to withstand it somehow, but before long, he won’t be able to bear it anymore.
…… Even if by force, he’s pushing onto me the “me” that he said he couldn’t help but hate.
…… I wonder if I should accept that. So that I could survive here.
…… But. At that moment, I will, Ran Nagisa will be erased from this world.
…… Shaka-san is serious. It seems he will make full use of all of that he’s built up so that he would make it that I would be called Shaka-san.
It seems they will spread the news that that is the “truth” to the world, to society.
…… My appearance will be forcibly changed too and I suppose I will lose this form.
…… I will be someone who is no longer me.
…… I will no longer be the me who is loved, was loved by Hiyori-kun and the rest.
…… That’s scary.
…… Even just imagining it is very, very scary.)
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(…… Ah, but, I’m just a little bit happy.
…… When Father passed, I thought I had lost just about everything.
…… However. The current me has so many important things I hold dear (6).)
Just like in To Abhor the Impure World 12, technically ‘born’, ‘created’ and ‘brought into being’ can be the same in JP. The phrasing 生まれた (Umareta) is used in these sentences.
代物 (Shiromono): a fine product, but nowadays usually used sarcastically.
Even though Nagisa said he didn’t really want to use that expression, he still used the censored version. He said Shaka has おかしくなっている (literally; (Shaka) has become odd) but the full phrase is 頭がおかしくいなっている (literally; his head has become odd). The full phrase is a way to say someone’s gone crazy.
Religious faith, in particular.
Self ego as in psychology ego.
To hold dear or to grieve for the loss of.
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landofzero-archive · 4 months
Absolute - The Pure Land 14
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(Location: Absolute Stage)
Nagisa: …… Shaka-san.
…… Your misfortune was the fact that you were the world’s number one idol.
…… That is, everyone had the wrong assumption that your existence is like that of a distant God, and not a single person had tried to comprehend your feelings.
…… Except for your friend NEGI-chan, the only one who sympathized with you.
NEGI: “Ahaha. But in the end, I wasn’t able to do anything.
That’s very frustrating, though.
I can’t really be like Anzu, huh.”
Hiyori: You’ve done your best, more than enough.
You were great. You exerted yourself and didn't give up, for your friend’s sake.
That’s something past-me would not have been able to do even if I wanted to.
But, because you didn’t give up and acted while carrying along your warm feelings, you were able to move us too—  and we were able to reach such a gentle conclusion.
Anzu-chan must be proud of you too.
NEGI: “Ahaha…… I’m a dead person who shouldn’t even have any body temperature, so I’m a cold person, and I think the warm feelings you’re talking about is probably from my brother.
So. My brother, Hitsugi, is living inside of me.
If that’s true, then I’d be happy.”
Nagisa: …… Every step was in preparation (1) that leads to here.
…… Ibara behaved like he was accepting the deal with Shaka-san so that it would give you a sense of relief.
…… During that time, everyone ran all around and found me.
Hiyori: We didn’t run around that much. Even on your end, you didn’t give up and looked for an opportunity to secretly make a call—
Because with all the investigation we’ve done at that point, we were closing in on Nagisa-kun's whereabouts.
After that, we just needed to extend our hands out a little more.
Fufu. The hand that past-me was not able to extend, now, is finally able to reach you.
Nagisa: …… You have never once let go of my hand, Hiyori-kun.
…… Always, whenever it is, I  feel the warmth of your hand linked with mine.
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Hiyori: Uuuuu, Jun-ku~n! 
Jun: Wh- can you please not come over to hug me just because you were moved ~!? I’m not a sandbag you can use to punch your feelings at or something you know!
Ibara: Fufu. Putting aside that comedy sketch(2), I’ll take over the explanations from His Excellency.
After we safeguarded His Excellency, His Excellency who took up Shaka-shi’s appearance because of Shaka-shi — was returned to his original appearance using NEGI-shi’s technique.
And just like that, all of Eden now stand assembled on the stage.
Shaka-shi. As long as you kept His Excellency at arm’s length and were on high alert, I wouldn’t have known if you would accidentally go off and hurt him.
You were in a peculiar state, so much so that one can figure it out just by talking to you for a bit.
You’ve become like someone harboring a knife. I couldn’t meddle when His Excellency was in close proximity to a weirdo.
Nagisa: …… That’s why it can only be this moment.
…… Shaka-san. It could only be during the moment you were to make Nagisa Ran of Eden, whom you have chosen as your second life, to appear in Absolute .
…… You were anxious and scared and would not let go of my hand.
Jun: It really feels like a bank hostage and barricade situation huh~ Pretending to comply with negotiations to avoid provoking the criminal to secure the hostage. 
Just like that, if we get to get the hostage back, it’s ours for the taking.
Shaka: …… In this situation right now, do you not think that I’ll blow up? Is not restraining me fine with you?
Nagisa: …… We won’t do something like that to you, Shaka-san.
…… You should not be foolish enough to throw away the freedom that you would even commit a sin to get by causing an uproar yourself.
…… No. I believe that is the case.
…… Because I do admire and am envious of you, for me, who wanted to become you for even a moment, I understand your feelings.
…… In the past, I didn't even know how impaired I was. I was a childish, ignorant child.
…… However. Right now I know just how valuable “that” thing that you’ve always wanted is.
…… Hiyori-kun had, everyone had taught me that.
…… I’m proud of this knowledge, no, of this growth I’ve gained.
…… That sort of person I was; is affirmed, and loved.
…… When I say I love myself, it means that it’s an affirmation of the love of those who love me.
…… I could only pity you, who till the very end, does not know love.
…… Before, I was envious of you. But it wasn’t necessary.
…… I already have so much of the thing you’ve always desired.
…… I suppose I would even be able to obtain your position as the world’s number one idol sooner or later.
…… If it’s with my family and friends; alongside everyone in this “Eden”.
Fufu. We’ve kept the audience waiting for quite some time. I feel sorry to be bringing along the bad Japanese idol industry tradition of talking endlessly while on the stage even overseas.
For the people of this country, this must seem quite strange—
Because I suppose nobody knows who we are, we will start with introductions anew.”
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“—I am god.
Therefore. All around me is Heaven on Earth, where everyone will be content.
1.布石 (Fuseki): the beginning movesets in the game of Go.
2.茶番 (Chaban): a charade or farce, but is also an improvised comedy sketch called the 茶番狂言 (Chaban Kyougen). They were usually amateur performances characterised by burlesqueness. The topic chosen for the sketches might be too mature for the general audience and thus was not as widely performed as Manzai.
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landofzero-archive · 4 months
Absolute - The Pure Land 12
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(Location: Absolute Stage)
Shaka: Fufu. You’re putting on a gloomy face, Nagisa.
Nagisa?: ………
Shaka: An idol, a performer atop the stage, should always be smiling. Isn’t it basically the same even if the country is different?
My previous self, Shaka, was not the type to be that sociable, though. Because even if I didn’t try to sell myself with flattery like that, Priest would have granted me the victory, you know.
Smiling or not smiling, the devotees(1) would still diligently offer flowers to their idol(2).
Nevertheless. If you put on that gloomy face that looks like you’ve gone ill, even the audience who are so enthusiastic they stop being able to see anything anymore might be able to guess that something strange is happening.
So smile, Nagisa.
Smile even if you don’t feel like smiling.
I’ve always done that too.
Well, that’s fine. I’m in a good mood right now, to the extent that I don’t feel like everything needs to be how I want it to be.
All of you have complied with the deal, thus in this way gave Nagisa Ran’s everything to me.
A second life; of freedom.
I’ll be satisfied with just that.
Aah, for the first time since I was born, I’m content.
Nagisa?: ……I see.
But it's a deception. If that’s the case, I would not particularly say it’s a good thing.
Shaka: ? You are—
Nagisa?: I’m glad that you’re free, Shaka-san.
As a friend, “I” wonder if “I” managed to grant even one of your wishes. (3)
Shaka: You, are, NEGI-chan……? What is……?
Nagisa?: Fuu…… Ah, I couldn’t keep quiet and ended up talking. My mistake, my mistake, as expected, if I talk, I’ll get found out so I zipped my mouth closed.
Shaka: So you really are a transformed NEGI-chan? How do you know Nagisa Ran’s form?
NEGI: “Yep. Since I got found out, I’ll go back to this form. Ahaha, somehow I’m more like a yokai than a ghost.
Aah~ it was suffocating. If anything, I was supposed to be a silent character, but sometime down the road, I ended up liking to talk.”
Shaka: I did feel like a certain air about you was weird, but—
NEGI: “I mean, I transformed in a hurry so it wasn’t very complete. There’s a possibility that someone like you, who has the same techniques, will be able to see through it.
But, it's fine enough. Because the stage’s curtains have opened—
Nobody could stop it anymore.”
Shaka: ………
NEGI: “But I’m really glad. You’ve always been everyone’s idealised image, the symbol of hopes and dreams.
Even if you didn’t wish for it, there are many people who were saved by your songs.
It really is nice if there is salvation for you, who is like this, too. If you were able to smile even just a little bit.
Could that become the proof of my empathy and friendship to you?”
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Shaka: What do you mean? Have you betrayed me? This is a breach of contract!
As a result of the deal, Nagisa Ran and I swapped places. From now on, Nagisa is supposed to be the one who will live as me— as the world’s number one idol, Shaka.
And then I’m going to be Nagisa Ran, finish Absolute with an air of innocence, return to my home country(4) and start my second life—
NEGI: “I’m sorry. I didn’t betray you, but I did lie.
But don’t worry. Your wish will surely come true. It probably won’t perfectly be in the form of how you wanted it to be though.
You will, you too, can be free.
Just like me.
That Priest is dead, Shaka-san. So we don’t have to be tied down anymore.”
Shaka: ………
NEGI: “Fufu. You’re perplexed. It must be the same for the audience of this Absolute.
Shaka-san’s stage, where people would sing and dance with the world’s number one idol is supposed to start—
The ones who will appear are the foreign idols that still nobody in this country knows about♪”
Nagisa: “♪~♪~♪~”
Hiyori: “~………♪”
Shaka: Nagisa, Ran. And, that child, his partner.
Hiyori: My name is Hiyori Tomoe. I’m not Nagisa-kun’s extra, you know?
Nagisa: …… Fufu. Yes, I had you.
…… That’s why I didn’t break down like Shaka-san, I was able to protect my warmth and self ego.
…… You were the one who bestowed them upon me, Hiyori-kun.
Hiyori: No. From the beginning, I simply nurtured (5) what you were already gifted with.
I diligently watered you with a watering can every single day.
Nagisa: …… Thanks to you, I was able to come into bloom.
…… I’ll always and forever be grateful, Hiyori-kun.
Hiyori: No need for thanks. You’re family, Nagisa-kun.
Nagisa: …… I thought you would be more angry. Because I caused you trouble and made you worry.
Hiyori: Of course I was worried, but this time around, you didn’t do anything wrong did you, Nagisa-kun.
It’s all the fault of that idiotic dumbfounded criminal over there.
Hey, move away. This is our stage.
Even on a stage as strange as Absolute, if there are two people with the same face, onlookers would be confused.
TL Notes:
1.信者 (Shinjya): it can be read as both ‘devoted believer’ in terms of religion and ‘superfan’ as in pop idol superfans.
2.偶像 (Guuzou). Same as how GK used it in To Abhor the Impure World 9.
3.Nagisa usually uses 私 (Watashi) but this line uses “アタシ” (“Atashi” in katakana), the quotes included.
4. Yes, ‘return to (one’s) home country’, not ‘return to Japan’.
5.  育て (sodate): nurtured, fostered, raised, teach, or to promote the growth of.
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landofzero-archive · 4 months
Absolute - The Pure Land 9
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(Location: Absolute Stage)
Ibara: This goes back to the boring analogy from earlier. When bank robbers take hostages and escape, they typically make certain demands of the police.
And your demands are? An escape vehicle? The release of a fellow prisoner?
Shaka: I don’t have any associates.
Yes, even Nagisa Ran, who’s the same type of living being, was the same way.
Being at the top is lonely. I’m always, always exposed to the freezing wind up there.
I’m at my limit. And that’s why, I’ll be leaving this place.
The rest is for you to decide. The world’s number one idol? If you want that worthless title, then why don’t you go for it?
I’ll throw away all that trash and take my life into my own hands.
By any means necessary.
Hiyori: …… You didn’t answer Ibara’s question. What do you want from us?
What can we do to get Nagisa-kun back?
Shaka: I am Nagisa Ran now, though. If you want the child formerly called “Nagisa Ran” back, you don’t have to do anything.
No, just appear in Absolute as planned.
Let’s perform together. As Eden, as a group of four close friends like usual.
Hiyori: How disgusting…… If I hadn’t built up my resistance thanks to Eichi-kun, I would’ve been pissed.
Shaka: At the same time, Nagisa Ran will stand on stage as Shaka. And I’m sure this Absolute will end with Shaka winning like that.
The outcome was already decided before the event even began. And just like that, Shaka will continue to be the world’s number one idol.
Unfortunately, “we” failed to put up a good fight and lost, so we returned to “our” home country with “our” heads hanging low. “We” comforted each other, and are on good terms with each other.
Afterwards, I will become someone no one knows again and live a second life.
I’d like to grow flowers or something. I like it. Fufu.
Ibara: Even though they’re flowers, they seem more like carnivorous plants. Or rather, caterpillar fungus? (1)
Shaka: That right, that’s how I will sprout, using that poor child as a seedbed.
I will blossom in full glory. Just like your national flower, the cherry blossom.
NEGI: “Why……?
For us, Priest was an enemy to us both. That was the one thing that connected us, we were friends.”
Shaka: ………
NEGI: “We were supposed to be. Why are you doing the same thing that horrible man did?
There’s nothing in this world that should be done at the cost of someone else’s life.
I’m borrowing someone else’s— my younger brother’s body in order to exist, so you’re probably thinking ‘this ghost is one to talk.’
But, I pity you, Shaka-san.”
Shaka: …… You can say whatever you’d like. You’ve been a great help, NEGI-chan.
Thanks to you, I can fantasize about leading a different life. I had no choice but to throw away that Shaka who I absolutely hated, and replace him with someone else—
Thanks to you, I was able to make such a miracle a reality.
If you do extraordinary good deeds like that, you’ll surely go to Heaven. To the eternal paradise our God has built.
I’m almost certainly going to Hell.
But, nevertheless, I’m happy.
NEGI: “There’s nothing else I can say…… Nothing else can come from me.
I can’t think of any more words or songs to say to you.”
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Shaka: It hurts my heart to make a good child feel sad. But in reality, I have nothing else to say to you all anymore.
Priest has disappeared, and his subordinates have actually lost control and are in a state of panic.
I have pierced through the cracks in their hearts, and embraced them as pawns wrapped around my finger.
Ibara: …… A small mystery has been solved. If the subordinates of Priest who seemed to have been protecting Shaka-shi all this time have already become your pawns, then you can easily disappear without a trace.
You were in a heavily guarded place called the “fortress.”
However. For you, the place you were in wasn’t a closed cell. You already had the key to get out.
Shaka: That’s exactly right. I greeted my pawns who were keeping an eye on me and confidently left the “fortress” through the main gate.
After that, it was easy. I can change humans’ appearances. So I simply replaced Gatekeeper’s hotel employee with a subordinate of my own and allowed them to infiltrate.
My pawn, while disguised as an employee, secretly handed Nagisa Ran a note in advance, calling for a meeting in the middle of the night.
Then they called for Nagisa, drugged him, sedated him, and abducted him.
Ibara: I see. So, it wasn’t because I was careless that His Excellency was abducted while I was sleeping peacefully.
Still, carelessness is carelessness. If only I had kept a closer eye on His Excellency to prevent him from coming into contact with anyone like that—
Shaka: If you had kept a close eye on him, bound him up, and deprived him of his freedom, then he might have become sick like me someday.
There’s no such thing as a 100% “correct” answer in this world, boy. The only outcomes are victory and defeat, success and failure, based on the rule of survival of the fittest.
And now, I’ve won. I triumphed over you, and I’ve triumphed over life.
Ibara: ………
Shaka: Just a reminder, don’t go getting any strange ideas.
If I give the word to my pawns, Nagisa Ran, who’s now in the form of Shaka, will immediately ascend to Heaven. That pathetic hostage is still in the hands of the bank robbers.
If his life matters, then you should listen to me.
Let’s see through to the end of Absolute as planned. After that ritual, he and I will have completely traded places, and I shall depart for a new world.
Whole New World…… Ah, how wonderful that sounds!
TL Notes:
Caterpillar fungus, or Cordyceps sinesis, is a parasitic fungus. It typically parasitizes the bodies of moth larvae, germinating in its body before killing, mummifying, and sprouting its fruiting body out of the larva. Mod doesn’t recommend looking up pictures, but, fun fact, the monsters in The Last of Us are based on these fungi.
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landofzero-archive · 4 months
Absolute - The Pure Land 8
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(Location: Absolute Stage)
(Nearly an hour later. Inside the venue of Absolute.)
Jun: Ooh—
Hey, there’s some kinda flashy stage being built~? There wasn’t anything like that here yesterday though?
Hiyori: Because it’s almost the time for Absolute to begin. See, there’s already a huge audience, as many as the eyes can see.
NEGI: “Thanks to that, the highway was congested, it was a hard time getting to this place…… Ugh, my best set of clothes is drenched in sweat.”
Ibara: Yes. It’s just as expected.
However this is difficult, this crowding makes searching for someone—
Nagisa: —Are you looking for someone?
Ibara: —
Your Excellency.
Hiyori: Nagisa-kun!? Eeeeh, we found you even without needing to look for you!
Why are you here? Where have you been and what have you been doing up till now? I’ve been so worried—
Jun: Ohiisan? What’s going on with you~ What’s up with that face, you’re looking like you’ve seen an alien?
Hiyori: ……… Who?
Jun: Huh? Who, you said– do you have amnesia or something? No matter which way you look at him, it’s Nagi-senpai……?
No, huh? Now that you’ve mentioned it, something feels weird somewhere……?
Ibara: Hmm hmm. I see, so this means he has turned into a different person after undergoing the terrifying experience that is kidnapping. Poor soul.
Did you think that’s what I’d say? Who are you? What you’re doing right now is an infringement of the right to using someone’s likeness; it’s a crime.
Nagisa?: ………
NEGI: “Could it be Shaka-san?
You’re Shaka-san, aren’t you? You can’t fool my eyes, who do you think did the procedure on you?”
Nagisa?: Ahahahahahaha.(1)
NEGI: “……!?”
Shaka: That’s amazing. You might have just tricked me into revealing the truth, but I didn’t think you would find me out this quickly.
I should not have just practiced on-stage performances, but I should have practiced genuine acting on top of that.
No, but still, did you all realize my true identity?
I envy you, brother. I see I see, because you’re holding in your arms something so precious and brilliant, it’s only natural that money and reputation could not bring out your interest.
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Ibara: Where’d you take His Excellency to?
What “I”(2) will do to you depends on your answer—
Shaka: Rest assured. Right now, he’s in the safest place in the world.
However, nobody would think of the him in there as Ran Nagisa.
NEGI: “……Did you steal his existence?
And then you took over? Was that your purpose, Shaka-san?”
Shaka: Indeed, my friend. (3) I have captured and confined Ran Nagisa and remodeled myself using Priest’s technique.
And then we exchanged forms with one another, and in this way replaced each other.
I have obtained that child’s life.
As a reward for that, I bestowed my life upon that child.
Isn’t it a good deal? With this, he can become the world’s number one idol without any hardships—
Ibara: Even if you didn’t bestow it upon him.
His Excellency is, we are, planning to reach “there” with our own strength sooner or later.
Shaka: Ahaha. You said the same thing he said. You have such a close relationship. It’s heartwarming.
You guys are pretty cute. I enjoy your cherubic mannerism and reactions. 
Jun: GODDAMN! Ibara, it’s okay to rough up this guy, yeah~? Just this once, me and Ohii-san will pretend we didn’t see anything!
Hiyori: —It’s no good.
Jun: Huh? Wh-why is that, Ohii-san?
Shaka: That child over there is prudent.
Let’s imagine it. Indeed, I am a criminal. For example, yes, let’s say I’ve cheated and robbed a bank out of a large amount of money
At this rate, I might get arrested by the police. So that I could escape safely, I should take hostages.
Jun: Gotcha, so in this situation, Nagi-senpai is the one being held hostage……!?
Hiyori: Yes. Until we can safeguard Nagisa-kun without incident, there is no way we can erase this guy who is the only one who knows where that child is.
So Ibara, I know you’re probably irritated, but please refrain from going on a rampage.
Ibara: Yes, I would not have done so even if you didn’t tell me that, Your Highness.
TL Notes:
1. Please don’t worry. Mod counted the ‘Ha’s for this.
2. Ibara’s using his very rare personal pronoun 俺 (Ore), which is a rude, typically masculine personal pronoun. He usually uses 自分 (Jibun) which is an impersonal, somewhat militaristic way of referring to oneself.
3. Just so you know he said そうとも,友よ (Soutomo, tomoyo).
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landofzero-archive · 4 months
Absolute - To Abhor the Impure World 9
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(Location: Gatekeeper’s Office)
Gatekeeper: —However, recently, the situation changed.
With yer brats’ help, that shitty annoying Priest has been removed from this world.
That’s why I was gloating up till now— thinking I would be the one who would take over everything.
In the middle of rounding up the arrangements for that, the superstar who controlled everything in Absolute— that asshole Shaka up and disappeared.
I still don’t know the reason for that. I wonder if that asshole Shaka sensed that Priest, who was his owner (1) had disappeared, so he’s running away in search of freedom.
Or possibly that, within the believers of, or who were Priests subordinates who are still alive-
Stole the weapon named ‘Shaka’ so they themselves could become the second Priest?
Ibara: I’m just checking just to be sure, but you didn’t make Shaka-shi disappear did you, Uncle?
Gatekeeper: What would I gain from doing that? It’s true that Shaka is a fabricated idol (2) created by Priest and is not a being that I can conveniently use—
I did think about getting rid of him and creating a more convenient idol (2) in his place though.
Or should I say. To be frank, I was hoping yer brats Eden would be the ones to take that place.
I don’t understand idols. After trying to manage SS, I got even more confused.
Really, I wonder what was so fun about dealing with something so confusing, for both the Boss and Priest.
Still. Even if I can’t figure out idols, I was able to figure yer guys out to some extent.
At the very least, yer brats Eden— no, yer don’t balk at getting covered in mud if it means you get to achieve yer own ambitions.
While understanding that I’m an evil guy, yer allow evil to be evil and convert it into yer own advantage (3).
Yer don’t completely neutralize the filthy evil like the merry story protagonists of this world who are fussy about cleanliness. Yer accept good and evil to move forward.
I wanted to try betting on yer brats who are like that.
I was born evil. I can’t divert from my way of life at this point. But, as fer yer brats, yer allow that sort of evil to exist.
Even evil needs an evil place to belong to, boy. As long as yer brats continue to grace(3) us, ‘that’ will be properly guaranteed.
As long as ‘that’ is guaranteed, I’ll be fine even with becoming the gatekeeper to the paradise yer brats are building.
Ibara: ………
Gatekeeper: Don’t disappoint me too much, boy. I have high hopes for yer—--- if yer a villain(4) anyway, show me that you can skillfully manage this evil.
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(Location: Secret Religious Facility)
(At the same time. Secret religious facility underneath the WNW district.)
Nagisa: ……
(…… Eh? Was I, sleeping?
…… H~mm. It’s the situation called ‘having no recollection of one’s actions’. My head feels faint and I can’t exactly recall what happened before I went to bed.
…… That’s not good. When one’s environment changes, one needs to sleep for much longer than usual to optimize oneself to that environment.
…… Thus while being asleep, one’s body remakes and optimizes itself.
…… That’s why while on a trip, one sleeps more deeply than usual. To understand and accept the changes happening in one’s own body takes a lot of time.
…… Now then. I wonder what sort of me I have become this time?)
NEGI?: “Good morning.”
Nagisa: …… Ah, um, good morning NEGI-sa—
—That’s wrong, isn’t it. Who are you?
NEGI?: “Amazing. As expected of the child of God, did you discover my true identity with a single glance?”
Nagisa: …… Maybe it’s because I get nervous during a trip, but my senses become more sensitive than usual.
…… Just as NEGI-san’s described herself as being a ghost, she weirdly has no presence. She’s extremely difficult to perceive. A thin presence.
…… However, from you, I feel a strange pressure.
…… Just like an assembly of thousands of people, no, tens of thousands of people’s souls.
…… It’s like hell in the form of a human. If Sora-kun ‘sees’ you, his eyes would surely be crushed.
NEGI?: “Your perception is correct.
Right now, the kind NEGI-chan lent me her form to act as a shell so as to keep the hell that is me from overflowing.
However my rightful form is an aggregation of countless geniuses gathered by Priest.
He consolidated every conceivable genius’ data and forcibly imprisoned it inside one human—
That’s the monster that I am.”
Nagisa: …… Even if that’s true, it’s better to not describe yourself as a monster.
…… Furthermore, degrading yourself will make the people who love you sad.
NEGI?: “That’s not a problem. Because the people who love me do not exist in this world.
That’s why, I’m envious of you, Ran Nagisa.”
Nagisa: ………
NEGI?: “I’m a mud doll desperately kneaded by Priest out of fanaticism so as to mimic God.
However in the end, Priest was not able to reproduce the work of God.
I’m a dud(5) who couldn’t become Adam or even Eve.
To put it simply, it means that I’m a poorly made you, brother. (6) ”
Nagisa: You are—
Shaka: “I am the one they call Shaka.
Just like you, I’m a being who was created (7) to be the successor of God.”
Nagisa: ………
TL Notes:
GK specifically used the word 飼い主 (Kainushi) which means pet owner.
Every instance of ‘Idol’ in reference to the characters in the franchise is written in katakana (アイドル), but GK used the word 偶像 (read as ‘Guuzou’) in all the instances labeled here. It seems to lend to the image of religious idolatry instead of pop music idols.
利益 (Rieki) same as in Chapter 8.
GK referred to himself as evil 悪 (Aku), but in this instance, he’s referring to Ibara using 悪役 (Akuyaku) which is more specifically used to refer to a villain part in theater and other works of fiction.
“I’m a dud…” in this part, he refers to himself like an artist would refer to a failed project. The word used is 失敗作 (Shippaisaku).
For the curious, Shaka called him 兄弟 (Kyoudai), which refers to siblings, but it’s not a term with any specified gender or order (i.e older or younger). Colloquially, you can also use this word like the way you would use ‘Bro’ in English (i.e referring to friends) ...However, the first definition is definitely what Shaka means here.
創くりあげ (Tsukuriage); ‘created’ in the sense that he was ‘made’ instead of ‘born’. Can also mean ‘to fabricate’, and Mod feels like this line is insinuating both.
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