#shakespearean solioquy
xisadorapurlowx · 9 months
My Favourite Pieces of Writing
The Prelude: Stealing the Boat - William Wordsworth
I was first introduced to this through my time in school. This Poem is from Wordsworth's book, The Recluse where he muses about life.
This poem makes me think of times where I have been out with people and have seen the lights on the promenade go out at night, leaving the street in near darkness, if it weren't for the street lamp. It really illuminates and reminds me that although the human race is terrible and horrific, there is natural beauty in the world.
But it also reminds me of how small human beings really are. I used to lie in bed as a child and think about how small I am in the grand-scheme of things. How I am just a momentary consciousness in the universe. Most of the time, I'd scare myself thinking about it and roll over, finding something else to distract myself with.
It's a good example of an existential crisis, as at the end of the poem, the man who stole the boat, can never see the world with the amazing awe and beauty he once had for it.
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2. The Spider's Thread - Ryuunosuke Akutagawa
The Spider's Thread details a story of how the Buddha is strolling through paradise and gazes into a pond where he sees Hell. There is a criminal in a pool of blood lying at the bottom of the pond. The Buddha sees that this man did one good act in his life, and moved by it, lowers a spiders thread to save the man from Hell.
This was really my first proper introduction into Akutagawa's writing. I'd only heard about him through Bungo Stray Dogs and knew only of Rashomon. The anime/manga was what really sparked my love in classics.
What struck me about this story, was how cruel and vividly I could picture the story playing out as I read the words on the page. I'd heard that in Japanese Buddhism, they believed that women who did bad things in life would be sent down to Hell and forced into a pool of blood and I can't help but be reminded of that in this story.
Akutagawa has also inspired me into writing short stories more recently.
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3. Lady Macbeth's Soliloquy - Macbeth
I have spent a lot of time in performing arts. Growing up, I was always excited when my school decided to put on a play - a break from the boring and mundane sitting at a desk and being forced to memorise useless maths equations I would never use.
I've always thought that Shakespearian English is really pretty and I love this whole speech she gives herself. I can't stop thinking about the lines: 'And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full of direst cruelty' and 'And take my milk for gall, you murdering ministers,' This whole monologue is so powerful.
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