#shame on u HQ
faerie-goddess · 2 years
excuse me but $633 electric forest tickets for GA???!!
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emissary-of-dog · 10 days
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shoutout to this one singular person on the rebornevo forum w/ this geara icon from v12 (included w/ all the other official icons of that time) that's never been changed (presumably they went inactive years ago); and is one of the few remaining relics of the old hq official art. gotta be one of my favorite geara drawings ever
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borathae · 29 days
hey! i don't understand what is happening rn... i tried reading a few articles but i can easily make out that it's fucked up propaganda and are highly biased. ik that yoongi got in a case. i've seen the vid too so ik that it isn't THAT BIG OF DEAL. so idfk know wtf is happening at this point. cud u break it down pls? I wouldn't mind a link to a genuine article that's just facts...
thnx!! much luv ✨️
On the 6th of August, Yoongi drove around 500m on an electric scooter (something like this, not the correct model idk the correct one but something like this) from a restaurant he had dinner at to his house. He drove on the sidewalk in a straigth line, very slowly and carefully then when he took a turn into his apartment's street, he fell. He wore a helmet and the only person "who could have gotten hurt" was himself but he didn't. He got up right away but three patrolling officers saw him and confronted him. They suspected him to be drunk, so they did a breath analyser test and the results came out to something under 0,08% (idk the exact results, but they were under this number or this number exact. and to give a perspective, that's around the number you have after one and a half beer) and because of that, he got fined and his scooter license revoked. The punishment was done. The case was closed.
Or so we all thought.
And it should have been done by then. He apologised, he got the legal punishment and IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN DONE BY THEN.
But it wasn't. South Korean Media (aka Satan's spawn which came outta his asshole) blew it out of proportions, they spread false information, spread falls cctv videos, spread lies about him in his service, slandered his name and shamed him. They literally tried to fucking murder his public image and many "ARMYs" jumped on the hate train as well (they're another species of Satan's asshole spawn). Obviously Knetz did as well because they're jobless, loveless assholes. They wanted him to apologise over and over again, wanted him to leave BTS, wanted him jailed, wanted him dead. It is literally fucking insane.
It came that far that it has been literally almost a month and it's still going on (bear in mind, Yoongi was the first person who dropped the news on the night of it happening and he apologised right away and took responsibility. It should have ended with that).
Then on the 23rd of August he was called to the police station because the entire backlash started an investigation (like WTF???) and K-media reporters were illegally (or legaly? please correct me if I'm wrong) waiting in front of the station, bombarding him with cameras and making him publicly apologise for everything (I thankfully didn't see anything about it except one video on tiktok I had forced onto my FYP about him literally bowing while too many camera flashes went off. I reported and blocked this account so fast, seeing this video upset me so much).
It should have been over then, fuck it never even should have come that fucking far, but it wasn't.
Now today, Yoongi comes online and writes this heartbreaking apology letter and it breaks my fucking heart. It should have been over when he wrote that first post, he got legally punished and he apologised. It should have been over then, but instead it escalated into this.
If you want to help check out Cam's twitter page, she has templates we can send to companies etc. which will help Yoongi. Also check out Min Suga HQ and their template. And keep reporting people who spread hateful lies about him on social media. Please don't share any pictures/videos about the incident or police station and don't engage with these accounts except for reporting & blocking them.
Let's keep sending him loving messages on Weverse and stream/buy his music! istfg I wanna do so much more for him, but at least like this we can show him that he is loved 💜 let's keep fighting for him and showing him love 💜
I hope he is surrounded by people who truly love him and that he finds some sort of rest soon 💜
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random-and-average · 1 year
Can you do yandere Miguel x gn reader who has sans ability? I'm talking about that reader that has sans ability. They can teleport, they can summon a gaster blaster and something else! If you don't know sans. U can search them in Google, "sans undertale ability". You can make the reader be okay with Miguel kidnapping them or something. The reader doesn't have to look like sans or anything. Ignore this if u don't take request
I kinda take requests? As of now, I don't have any clear and defined will do's and will not's (plus, I have to figure out what fandoms I can write for since I usually don't engage with the source material directly and instead watch videos and research about it), so I don't want to claim that I take requests and inadvertently upset some people. Any requests I take will have to be judged on a case-by-case basis. Though your request is fine!
Also, sorry if advance if this isn't exactly what you wanted. After writing this whole thing, I realized that the reader's powers weren't a big part of the "headcanon," but I didn't have the heart to delete all of it :')
Yandere Miguel O'Hara x G/N Sans-like!S/O
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Content Warning(s): unwilling imprisonment, kidnapping, Miguel pushing his subordinates around, Miguel snapping, Google Translate Spanish, possibly OOC Miguel, cringe writing, cringe dialogue, bastardization of Sans's powers
Handy Background Info
In this situation, I'd imagine you possessing hyper-cosmic awareness (being aware of different timelines and universes beyond your own as well as what goes on in them, though your powers are stronger than Sans's in this regard 'cause I like a nigh omniscient reader), time stopping abilities (because I personally believe that Sans doesn't teleport but rather stops time), and determination construct creation powers (essentially, you can create whatever you please, such as gaster blasters, via your determination)
Everyone in your universe has the ability to construct things based on the determination they have; however, your other two abilities are unique to you due to... very, very interesting reasons ☺
(In fact, the Spider-Man of your universe utilizes his determination to create his webs)
Since it'd be such a shame to only take Sans's powers, you also possess some of his signature traits—his permanent smile, though in your case it's more out of choice rather than something you were born with, and his chill nature
"Headcanon" Territory
You were brought back to HQ after you were accidentally sent to another universe
However, you weren't scared; you didn't even bat an eye
You simply accepted it for what it was, even the pain that came with "glitching"
But this was the first time you've ever been in this situation, which was suspicious
Naturally, you get questioned, and unnaturally, you acquiesce with the demands of (basically) your kidnappers
Miguel... doesn't know how to react to you, really
One could even say that he's annoyed by you to a degree
You're unwaveringly calm in situations you shouldn't be; though, you just claim that you're tired
Based on the Spider-Man of your universe, you have the power to resist, yet you don't
You have knowledge of his universe as well as others beyond your own (which is concerning on its own), but you don't do anything with it
Ultimately, Miguel comes to the conclusion that you must stay at HQ for a while in order to observe you
"Have they just been napping the whole time?" Jess questions as she watches your serene, sleeping form from the other side of the one-way mirror. Contrary to the purposefully nerve-inducing nature of the interrogation room, you were comfortable enough to be fall into a vulnerable state on your own volition. Many had been in that same spot you were currently in, but none have reacted like you.
"It seems so," Lyla answered. "They were even found just napping on a park bench in Earth-445761."
"And there isn't anything unusual about them outside of their apparent apathy?"
"It'd be better to list how they weren't unusual."
"How lovely..."
From that point onwards, Miguel interrogates (or, more accurately, intimidates) you almost every other day
Expectedly, he doesn't get much out of you, much to his chagrin
"Anomaly, you aren't ever going to be able to return home if you don't answer honestly."
"and i am. frankly, i don't know what you find so spin-teresting about me."
"You little..."
At some point, he changes his approach since intimidating you obviously gets him nowhere
You're given your own (heavily monitored) room on HQ to stay at indefinitely
You're also not allowed to leave said room unless he supervises you
That doesn't really stop you from seemingly teleporting out of your room
You give the man gray hairs anytime you suddenly appear in the canteen or recreational area
At one point, you're in your room playing an indie role-playing game about monsters
The next, you're enjoying a good ol' hamburger and fries with the other Spider-People
And then, you appear back in your room with a purple donut and cider
"Lyla! Hurry up! What if the anomaly escaped to another universe!?"
"Give me a second! And... aha! Found them! Wait a minute..."
"What? What did you find?!"
"They're in the canteen? From the looks of it, they're just eating some fries. Eugh, with too much ketchup at that."
"Te cae?" (Are you serious?)
"See for yourself if you don't believe me. Which you should, because when have I ever lied?"
It doesn't help that he knows you can give your determination physical form, yet you never do so
For the sake of his own sanity, he chalks it up to you lacking determination
It would make sense considering your apathy
Frequently, Miguel drops by, typically around breakfast or lunch, and engages in conversation with you
However, they're mostly focused on your abilities and what life was like at home in order for you to let some info slip
Initially, your conversations are just him asking you questions; this time, in a non-threatening and genuinely interested manner
And you do tell him details of your personal life, though nothing indicates that you're part of an organization that also harnessed the power of interdimensional travel and knowledge
It's noticeable that you steer away from any emotionally heavy topics, but Miguel doesn't pry in understanding
He, himself, has let some info slip as well
As ashamed as he is to admit it, the more he talks with you, the more his fondness for you grows
Poor Miguel
The man has no one to talk to on a personal level, so whether he knows it or not, he cherishes every conversation he has with you
You don't judge him, nor do you promise things that you can't guarantee; you simply listen
It takes a while, but you eventually become his only friend and confidant
Following the recollection of his daughter's final moments, soft, restrained sniffles came from Miguel—sniffles that sounded louder than they actually were due to the absolute silence of your living space. The towering man hunched over the small dining table, obscuring his face from your vision. His body trembled, and the tea on the table shook alongside him. Compared to how he usually looked, he looked smaller this way; the vast sorrow of his memories reduced this man into a helpless spider.
"Perdóname," the man sniffed. "This behavior is unbecoming of me."
"is it?"
"Yes. As the leader, it is my responsibility to not let emotions get the better of me. Emotions lead to a clouded judgement, and clouded judgement leads to sloppy work."
"but you aren't doing any work right now," you pointed out before taking another sip of tea. It was surprisingly sweet despite the lack of any added sugar or sweeteners. If you focused on it enough, you could swear it tasted a bit like chocolate. "you are just having a conversation with me. unless this counts as work for you?"
Miguel's eyes widen in disbelief at your rational response. He had never thought you were capable of being this logical, especially with how you were carefree you were the majority of the time.
"No. No, this doesn't count as work for me."
"that's good. i was going to leave if that was the case."
Neither of you said anything else and instead enjoyed your own tea. Even when Miguel finished his tea, he pretended that there was still some left in his cup in order to avoid saying anything potentially embarrassing. Meanwhile, you continued to drink a tea that never seemed to run out. How did you do that? He supposed it was another mystery of yours.
Eventually, Miguel knew he couldn't up the farce anymore, so he asked, "Did you not mind my... moment of weakness earlier?"
He didn't know if he was hyperfocused out of nervousness, but he observed every small detail of yours as you placed your tea cup back on the table. There wasn't a falter in your stoic expression, and your movements were relaxed and smooth. Your eyes parted from your drink and moved to look at Miguel's brown ones. It was then that he noticed that the beverage in your cup wasn't the red-orange color of the tea but a chocolate drink with a few small marshmallows in it.
(He didn't even see you move to change your drink. Was his memory failing him? Or do you have some power that allows you to do this?)
"not really. it's normal to experience some sadness when thinking about the loss of a loved one."
You brought the cup back up to your lips to blow on the steaming beverage before taking a sip. The rich sweetness of the hot chocolate got a soft, satisfied hum out of you.
"besides, what would come out of me judging you? it is what it is."
There it was, your carefree attitude. Usually, this aspect of you frustrated him, but in this situation, he couldn't help but feel relieved that it made an appearance. With a tranquil slowly growing on his face, Miguel's body relaxed and lost its tension.
"You have a point."
"do you finally tea my point of view?"
"That... was a really bad pun."
"don't be so chai. i know you love my quali-tea puns."
After several interrogations and conversations, even Miguel has to admit that you're just an innocent civilian
Albeit an odd one
You're given more privileges now, such as being able to explore HQ and go outside (though you need an escort for the latter)
Like always, Miguel always seeks you out first
He still eats his lunch and breakfast with you while engaging in conversation; as of late, they're about random topics instead of being focused on your history
But now, he also brings you places to hang out during his free time
(He struggles with discerning what you like, so he totally goes to Lyla and Jess for help, discreetly)
There's also the added bonus of him opening up to you more
Outside of work, you're his emotional support friend
Once he does find out what you like, you can guarantee that he'll always bring you out to your favorite places
He may even bring you to your favorite universes if he has the time
Ensures your living space is your personal heaven, as a friend obviously
You have the best bed, blankets, pillows, etc.
Pleads with you to not disappear and reappear without telling him
Don't you see if gives him a heart attack?
Occasionally tests your character so that he has a better idea of what you're like
For instance, he'll "accidentally" give you the chance to cause chaos just to see how you'd react
He trusts you! Don't misunderstand him
You may just be an innocent civilian, but he has the need to know you extremely well
Blame your anomalously chill and laid-back personality
He would be more protective of you, had he not witnessed first hand that you could clearly take care of yourself
(The lack of remains from a rogue anomaly after they got vaporized by strange skull-shaped blasters is a testament to that)
"Y/N, what did you to the anomaly?"
"i gave them a bad time."
As a result, he lets you fight your own battles if need be
But that doesn't stop him from fretting over you before, during, and after each one
Doesn't need to watch over you 24/7 like he would if you were anyone else, considering you're pretty lazy
(He definitely humble brags about the fact that he knows the most about you compared to your other friends)
You're allowed to have other friends than him
Just know that he's your best friend
Jess is honestly happy for him
You're his first friend!
Be honored(?)
While quickly brushing his hair down in order to not give off the impression that he rushed straight from work, Miguel approached the restaurant you suggested you two could eat at for dinner. As expected, you were waiting at the entrance for him. Your eyes lit up in acknowledgement once you spotted the man's signature blue suit.
"ah, miguel, you made it. thought you'd be late."
"I would never be late for a meet up with a friend. Who do you take me for?"
It was a lighthearted question with no deeper meaning, but the way you stared at him and hummed in reply made it seem as if you knew something he didn't. For just a moment, you looked like someone wise beyond your years; your eyes held a knowledge that he couldn't discern for the life of him.
Miguel had a feeling that this wasn't going to be an ordinary dinner.
"we should head inside. i'm sure you're hungry."
The two of you headed inside the suspiciously empty restaurant and seated yourselves in the center of the dining area. A waiter appeared a few minutes later to provide glasses of water without asking what beverages the two of you preferred, and he left immediately after with a quick, nigh unnoticeable glance in your direction.
The entire restaurant was quiet with no words or actions being exchanged. After your stare earlier, Miguel was too uncomfortable to say anything, and you seemed content with not talking.
But to ease the awkward silence, you opened with a conversation starter, "so, how was work today?"
"Busy," Miguel replied tersely. The atmosphere felt too uneasy to talk in a casual manner. "The anomaly today put up a bit of a fight."
"makes sense." You paused for a minute, like you were considering and weighing your next words. However, based on the small minute changes of the ever-present smile on your face, you weren't considering them for your sake, but rather for his.
"any iteration of venom would be difficult to defeat."
His eyes widened. Last time he checked, you were in your room the entire day, and no one who knew of the mission talked to you yet. There was no way that you could've known that the anomaly was related to Venom. Suddenly, the mood became more serious than it already was.
"that's it? just 'yes?' no questions whatsoever."
Wary of your next actions, he waited for you to make the next move and didn't say a thing until you did. His obvious plan drew a sigh out of you.
How boring.
"i suppose i'll get to the point if you plan on being so guarded: if i am to stay with you without putting up a fight, then there's gonna have to be some changes. it's the least you could do for attempting to keep me away from my home dimension, as futile as that may be.
"and don't think that i am letting you get away with this behavior because i have a soft spot for you. i don't." The smile on your face faltered. (A rare sight to see, Miguel noted with dread. You always had a smile on your face, even if the meaning and authenticity behind it wasn't always the same.) "frankly, you don't deserve it. at best, you play the bystander while you watch your followers mourn over deaths that you could've prevented, and at worst, you actively sabotage their endeavors to stop these deaths."
Your eyes fixated on his, staring and scrutinizing his very soul. "doesn't that make you a murderer in your own right? a serial killer even, seeing as you have done this time and time again. it's also a bit unfair. you got the opportunity to live the future you never had, yet you refuse that same privilege to others?"
"If you truly know these things despite anyone telling you," Miguel shuddered, a phantom weight pressing down on his chest, "then you would know why I did it."
"i do. and i still find it ridiculous. how can you call yourself a fellow scientist if you don't even understand that correlation does not imply causation?
"regardless, i did not go through the effort of organizing this dinner to explain the causes of universes being destroyed. my single demand is that, for as long as i stay here, you become a neutral party when it comes to other spider-people interfering with these 'canon events;' you won't get in their way of changing them, but you won't help them either.
"if you do this one thing, i won't try to escape and will always return to hq. a win for all sides, really. you don't have to worry about me returning to my dimension; i don't have to go through the effort of escaping; and the spider-people unsatisfied with their canon events have the opportunity to overcome the odds."
Miguel mulled over your request. In comparison to him keeping you at HQ against your will and forcing you to comply with his demands, this one request of yours was a laughably small price. However, it would mean that he would have to contradict his own morals. At the same time though, it would spare him and everyone else the headache of any possible escape attempts.
Within several minutes, he made up his mind, but there was one single thing he had to know before he stated his decision.
"Why do you care whether these people are able to prevent their canon events?"
Your eyes flickered with some unexplainable sorrow before returning to their usual impassive state.
"you might have given up on pursuing a better life, but there are some people who don't. and i know from firsthand experience that there's nothing that these people wouldn't do to gain that future they were deprived of. i just don't want to see such a thing to happen again."
With his question answered and curiosity (somewhat) satisfied, Miguel gave you his answer.
Simultaneously, you were made aware of the different response of other Miguels in the timeline.
Not much changes if he does fall in love with you, to be honest
He kidnaps you from your room and asserts that you are to stay in his room from now on
But you don't care?
Actually, you're just sleeping on his bed (and he can't pry you off of it)
"If Mayday can't get them to wake up, I doubt you can, Miguel. Why don't you just let them get some sleep for a bit?"
"If you aren't going to be helpful, I suggest you leave, Peter."
At first, Miguel struggles with the relationship
You're simply too laid-back for him
Yet at the same time, it's always as if he doesn't have a grasp on you
Do you even love him back?
This insecurity pushes him to go off the deep end
He locks you up in his room, which he installed several cameras and recording devices in
He (attempts to) emotionally manipulates you and, had you any dirt in your past, would've blackmailed you
"You're the only one who I can confide in, mi vida. You are the only one who cares about me. I would die without you in my life. Would you really abandon me like this?"
Forces all of his subordinates you return you back to him if they find you away from his room without him nearby
Interrogates you (again) about what you did that day as well as what you think of him
Would use his towering frame to intimidate you, but he knows that intimidating you would only give him a bad time
It all comes to a head when his insecurities about this relationship causes him to snap after months of bottling them up
"Why don't you ever love me?! I would do anything for you; I would even sacrifice the whole world for you, and you don't even care! Do I really mean anything to you? Answer me!"
(How he snaps out his rage is up to your interpretation)
After that incident, Miguel would become extremely clingy (for you only)
He wants you beside him always and will occasionally hug/cuddle with you without notice
Any moment away from you causes him to go into a frenzy and search for you
If you wanted to go somewhere, why didn't you just tell him?!
Day or night; rain or shine, he'll put aside what he's doing to go with you somewhere
"Yes, mi amor?"
"there's a cute pomeranian over there. it's been staring at me for a while now, so i'm going to go pet it."
"Hold on. Let me go with you."
"What? Miguel, we're kinda in the middle of a meeting right now. You can't just leave midway!"
"We can talk about this later."
"Where'd that dog even come from?"
Eventually, after you were pestered by many Spider-People begging you to tell Miguel to tone it down, you had a talk with him
(After some much needed communication, the poor man breaks into tears of relief and cuddles with you for the entire day)
(Miguel uses Cuddle! ... It's super effective! You are now inflicted with SLEEP!)
From that point on, he starts to get used to you and compromises with you
The majority of the cameras in your shared room has been removed, though there's still one at the door
Doesn't intentionally manipulate you anymore
You're allowed to go wherever you want without needing him around, but you have to text him wherever you're going
Still insists you tell him how your day went
Miguel takes the time and effort (or lack thereof) to enjoy your hobbies
Though, he does occasionally have you join him in his own, admittedly few, hobbies as well
He's just prefers doing things you like rather than things he likes since he has so few
With your influence, he starts to become noticeably more chill
He may even develop hobbies and interests of his own outside of you
(Intentionally or not, you actually somewhat succeeded in an "I can fix him" approach!)
"Hey, Miguel! Would you mind babysitting Mayday for a- Hold on, are you knitting?"
"What of it?"
Overall, he becomes more comfortable in your relationship
In fact, your relationship with him starts to resemble a normal one to an extent
At night, you're not allowed to go anywhere, no exceptions
Yes, after you two hugged it out, Miguel demands cuddles every night
He's so comfortable around you that he lets himself be needy for once
Whenever someone is hitting on you, he not so subtly glares at them and asks if you'd like to take a nap in his arms
Following that, he implements "training" sessions wherein he "spars" with anyone who wrongs you
He knows you can handle yourself
He just needs to discipline those who think they can go against you in your stead since you won't
Simply put, his yandere tendencies towards you are significantly dialed down, but as a result, they're more focused towards others
After all, Miguel knows you're too lazy (and he means that in an endearing way, really) to oppose his love
So that means any interference comes from outsiders
It was pure silent in the room. The only thing Miguel could feel was the hard floor against his back and the slight chill of the air. He was suddenly very aware of how still his body was as it had not moved even an inch for a while now. His eyes had nothing else to stare at except the white ceiling of your shared room.
Just a few minutes ago, Miguel asked if he could join you in one of your hobbies. It had been a busy day, and he wanted to destress with you. Of course, you obliged before laying down on the floor and asking you join him.
Initially, he thought this was a preparation step for what you two were going to do, but you had been on the floor for what seemed to be more than 5 minutes.
"Cariño, what are we doing?"
Miguel lifted his upper body to see if you were okay. To his relief, you were. Your eyes were closed, but it was clear that you weren't sleeping since your chest rose and fell at a normal rate. It looked as if you were in an untouchable state of tranquility.
With nothing else to do, he got back into position and continued laying there. Eventually, he got bored of the plain white ceiling and closed his eyes.
After a couple of minutes of more silence, Miguel started to feel his surroundings change. It was like he had drifted off into the cosmos with only you by his side. He could even see the multitude of galaxies and stars pass you by.
He could see why you liked doing this.
(And he hoped that he can do it again with you in the future.)
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ad0rechuu · 1 year
★ MILKY WAY. ━━ (035) dongsaeng zoned
tw: hate comments, slut shaming and just angst in general
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NOTES. so much shit happened but it wouldn’t be a k-gossip girl update if jongho wasn’t fighting ppl in comments also i have new theme what do u guys think?
TAGLIST. @bunnystrm @seongwin @aestheticsluut @meginthebuilding27 @gaebestie @stopeatread @pr1ncessm1ng1 @persphonesorchid @se0nghwaswife @seonghwasslytherin @leeknowsnothing @alixnsuperstxr @bluehwale-main @miriamxsworld @tocupid @rieuvie @sunoo-bby @jcngh0-hq @dudufodd @nikisbf @mrowwww @end0rchans @qtdenks @mintgki @dear-dreamie @leo-seonghwa @legohwas @evilsailorsenshi @seonghwaddict @choichaeyiul @iw4milf @yunstarz @cvberidiot @tubatu-wari-wari
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anisespice · 2 years
“ that electric toothbrush sounds crazy right now ” || hq! 
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synopsis: on the phone with them, & the buzzing coming from your end sounded a little suspect.  pairing: various x fem!reader [ bokuto, oikawa, mattsun ] warnings: mature language, mentions of phone sex, crack note: based on a real life event i had where i thought my friend’s electric shaver was a vibrator lol p.s changed it to a toothbrush since i figured it was a more common tool compared to shavers. p.p.s i don’t know what this is either. but hope you enjoy! ♡
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bokuto ッ 
Flabbergasted. This man would be caught SO off guard, immediately turning red as fucking stop sign thinking that he was being a pervert or sum. While on the phone with Big B, you were in separate time zones due to volleyball—He was getting up, you were getting ready for bed. It was a regular phone call since FaceTime wanted to act up due to his poor connection, and he refused to break tradition of you falling asleep next to him…distance be damned.
It’s only been a week, and he’s already homesick. You could hear his teammates teasing him in the background, amused at the fact Bokuto held no shame in expressing his undying love for you so openly, but expected nothing less. However, it wasn’t long until the atmosphere changed when you started brushing your teeth. Your boyfriend had no idea you recently bought a new toothbrush, let alone an electric one. So when the buzzing started and you went silent for a while…
You heard shuffling, concerned but you figured he was just moving around so you continued brushing your teeth. It wasn’t until you heard the sound of a door slam did you decide to spit in worry. “Ko? You alright?”
He’s quiet; alarmingly quiet. Then, with strain, he squeaked.
“U-Uhm…babe? Can I get a warning next time, t-the guys were still around—Unless, y-you’re into that! Which is totally fine, b-but I wished you brought it up beforehand so that I was prepared…”
You had no clue what he was going on about, and he kept rambling until you eventually asked him what the issue was. When he did, you barely held it together; you were never going to let him live this down. Now before you brushed your teeth over the phone, you’d tease by warning him ahead of time. 
Bokuto turned red every single time.
oikawa ッ 
Obnoxious. This BITCH would be eating it up! Despite the fact that he freaked himself out jumping to this conclusion, not knowing how to handle it at first, he couldn’t help but to scandalize it immediately.  
He, like Bokuto, would be out of town due to volleyball, so phone calls were a must. At any point in time Oikawa had a free moment, he’d be on the phone with you. If it wasn’t already apparent, this man was needy for you, craving your presence like oxygen. You’d call him dramatic, and with good reason, but wouldn’t want it any other way—You missed him just as much. 
So, when you went outta frame while he was reminiscing about his day, he thought nothing of it; he knew you liked to keep busy while on the phone. But, as soon as his ears caught on to the faint sound of buzzing from your end, that conversation flew right out the window. Like a meerkat, Oikawa sat straight up as he pulled the phone closer to his face, angling it around as if that would help him see further into the room. This man would put the speaker up to his ear and STRETCH it to see if he could hear any…other sounds. 
“Goodness, [_____], how very lewd of you. If you missed me that much all you had to do was say so, sweetheart!~” 
When you came back into frame, foam in your mouth and toothbrush in hand with a confused expression, Oikawa’s entire demeanor just deflated. 
“Oh. Nevermind.” 
mattsun ッ 
Smug. Thinks he’s hot shit AKSJSKS and he is  but that’s not to say he wouldn’t be caught off guard. Whenever y’all called one another, you’d be doing your own things on the phone as if you were in the same room. He’d either be playing video games or watching tv while you’d be on social media, or doing chores around your apartment, just to keep each other company without needing to waste gas (especially in this economy whew). 
At some point during your regularly scheduled phone call, you decided to brush your teeth to keep from eating anymore junk before bed (as if that would really stop anyone, but it helps sometimes lol). Mattsun had been so engrossed in whatever he was doing, didn’t even notice you getting up and taking your phone to the bathroom. It wasn’t until you turned the water on and your toothbrush did his mind instantly go in the wrong direction in terms of identifying the sound; he knew it was a toothbrush, but just couldn’t help himself. 
“Whoa, if you wanted privacy, you could’ve just hung up. But, can’t say I don’t like where this is headed.” He’d tease. You’d come into frame with your toothbrush in your mouth, confused as hell. Mattsun wiggled his eyebrows as he leaned closer to the phone. “You gonna swallow for me, princess?” 
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© 2022-2023 anisespice ッ all rights reserved. likes, comments & reblogs much appreciated!
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catenchanter · 1 year
HEY SO! Today I recieved an... interesting package.
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Anyone remember The Savior of Salem? I don't and neither should you! /j
BUT UM. I haven't seen much archiving of this compared to the original card game, so when I found a copy on ebay I was like "screw it why not?". Feels like I've managed to obtain some kind of rare forgetten artifact lmao.
Anyway, I mainly just wanted to at least. Archive this somehow! I really wanna see if I can get a proper photo of all the cards at some point. I'm still trying to figure out the best way to do so. I'm tempted to scan them but obviously that comes w/ risks and uh. Yeah. Either that or getting a photo of everything. Just trying to get a HQ one I guess would be the issue...
Either way! I mainly just wanted to showcase some of the more interesting cards for the whole.... 2 Town of salem fans (ily /platonic)
So, uh. Lets go.
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First off your role selection is. Not very good :( considering that Spy was a stretch goal, having only three possible roles you initially can obtain during the game is a bit. Hm. Also interesting that Psychic also originated from SoS, alongside the specific Vigilante skin. Shame Veteran has yet to get similar treatment.
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The fact that mob mentality is a mechanic tickles me. Also y he look like that.
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Horsemen prior to Town of Salem 2? Kinda wild.
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This confirms that A) The vigilante needs glasses and B) The sheriff has killed. Probably killed a townie, hence why the Vigilante can't use them /nsrs
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Spy does not want to be around dogs. Spy how could you. /nsrs
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The closest we'll ever get to the mafia being relevant again :( also hello stray hair that might have been from me whoops.
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Tag u and the squad (I'm Gold Value: 150)
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I feel like you can make a joke out of this.
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Just some neat creatures. Shout out to the inner demons specifically.
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Glad to see the Amnesiac canonically has hair and is not bald.
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All the other horsemen get cool weapons... famine gets the scales. Tbh who needs cool weapons anyway when you have :bread
(I mean tbh it does make sense but. Sick ass weapons either way)
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SOME EXAMPLES OF UM. art. The full body chainmail looks traced from the town of salem game art holy shit flummery.
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Just some townies being used and abused :)
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And that's about it! At least, the ones I think are neat and wanted to share anyway. The deck came with a whole bunch of blank cards, as well as many. Many more cards. Like I didn't show you guys all the coven ones.
I definately want to get a photo of everything at some point but for now. Here you go eat up I guess.
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causenessus · 1 month
HI HI HI HI NESS IM BACKKFJFKSMSOS so first of all tumblr hates me why is that the FOURTH ask of mine u answered that i wasnt notified of should i just die
anyways im eating lunch rn
healthy girl era did not work out i took a 6 hour (?) nap yesterday so!!
trying again today
today the teacher told us her old students were too non che lent (nonchalant!!) so they failed the exam (wat.)
and my friend wanted to laugh about it w me but i wasnt looking so she yeeted my OTHER friends eraser at me
but it
it hit (near?) the teacher..
she was sooo mad omfg
giggling i hate her
like basically i answer all her questions out of spite now like YEAH BRO I KNOW THIS ALR😕😕
Also i swear i dif this math problem right but the teacher said it was wrong (wat.) and my friend did it too and we got the same answer (wat.)
i wrote fanfiction at school ☝️😎 it has already been digitalised but like i DID write it
and tjen my friend read an original short story (? 1.2k words) i wrote which was basically me projecting and she almost cried so like Uh
dude i love talking so much u have no idea actually
n e ways..
i was watching american psycho last night but i got distracted..😭 ALSO IM SO EXCITED ABT ONICS LIKE EUSHEPSHAPSJXOSKAJDKAAKKDKD
>tries 2 normal
U SHOULD NOT DIE!!! TUMBLR SHOULD DIE HOW DARE THEY!!! i am so confused at like what is happening at tumblr hq 😭😭 like there are problems that need to be solved!!!! and i feel like they should be pretty simple to fix!!! but instead they're like "NO LET'S MAKE TAGGING USERS GO BLUE AND COMMENTS UGLY"
but anyway!! i hope your lunch was good!! AND A SIX HOUR NAP SOUNDS AMAZING AND JUST AS PRODUCTIVE AS WORKING OUT!! it's hard to balance everything so definitely don't stress too much about it!! you have your whole life ahead of you to like do something like working out so not doing it one day is totally okay!! (yk?? i hope that made sense and i'm sorry i hope it's okay to say that 😭)
also math teachers love to like??? tell u ur wrong and then not explain how to correctly do something??? so i think u should just blame them for everything!! that sounds fair <3
I'VE ALSO WRITTEN FANFICTION AT SCHOOL LMAOOO i remember being on my computer during french class and my guy was just so boring i pulled out the doc and started writing but LUCKILY it was like an oc fic so it wasn't as scary to write as a x reader UNLIKE WHEN I WAS MAKING TONIC PFPS AND MY DOCUMENT WAS LITERALLY CALLED LIKE yn & atsumu and for some reason all of my friends wanted to COME UP FROM BEHIND ME AND HUG ME!! OR LOOK AT MY SCREEN!! and i was just 😃😃😃 but i have no shame so oh well
THANK U LINA!!! I WOULD LOVE FOR U TO BE MY HITMAN <33 I MAY NEED ONE JUST TO GET THRU SCHOOL BC MY HALLS FR ARE SCARY SOMETIMES YK?? like too many scary girls who look me up and down in their little crop tops and shorts and nike air forces and are like "why are u wearing pants in the summer" BC I CAN?? AND I DON'T LIKE SHOWING THAT MUCH SKIN THANK U?? (sorry this probably makes no sense i think my brain has short circuited today </33) BUT I'M DOING ALR!!! i'm stressed about my theatre duties starting up very very soon 😭😭 but i'll let u know how that goes once they start!!! I HOPE YOU'RE DOING WELL TODAY!!! AND EAT SOMETHING GOOD <33
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i think ive decided fr actually. good lord you guys better appreciate this bc i dont know if i ever intended to think this intensely about this au....
and sorry if u dont like it but it's my au <3
Patton Foster (alias: Guardian. Just a normal guy who trained super hard, has a handful of cool tech and a mask. He's basically Batman. - Costume is probably mostly shades of dark grey / light grey and pale blue highlights - has a cowl)
Roman Valdez (alias: Hurricane. He's basially Superman, was an alien baby who crashlanded on earth. - Costume is white with a red? gold? H on his chest, red cape, red boots and gloves. probably not masked Or has a little over-the-eyes Green Lantern/Mr Incredible style mask. Probably built like Mr Incredible too)
Remus Valdez (alias: Maelstrom. He's basically Aquaman. Also not human - half-Atlantean (im gonna steal this i can do what I like). Raised on the surface. Can control water and sea life, can talk to fish, LOVES octopi/tentacle motif above all else. - Costume: probably yknow super green black and silver, probably has that scale-like skintight chest piece and maybe some armour motifs (bc Atlantis) Face is not covered)
Side note: i think Roman And Remus were found by like. a lighthouse keeper. who went oh boy!!! free sons!!! and raised them as brothers. They fully consider each other brothers. they grew up together and hero together, probs dont live together currently tho.
also i came up with the names separately but it means they both named themselves after weather phenomena and that is twin behaviour godbless
the three of them have something like a justice league together - it probably has Other Heroes in it part time too but. waves hand. background characters. They have an HQ. Somewhere.
Janus [Surname Pending] (alias: Siren. A magician-cross-catburlgar... he's like... Catwoman if she had Zatanna's powers and aesthetics. Magic is real and he has it. And uses it for. Well. Everything. Morally grey rogue rather than evil villain. He's still super fucking with Guardian. - Costume: face half-scaled (genuinely from a magic curse) the other half masked phantom of the opera style. wears like... a magician's get up crossed his canon outfit but with bootyshorts and fishnets)
Logan Sanders (alias: [pending]. He's not really evil, or, not if you ask him. But he does think having these so called super-'heroes' running around without a contingency plan is... irresponsible. In private he is building a mech suit capable of taking down Hurricane Should He Need Taking Down. Has strong morals <- not good morals, just strong morals. Sometimes funds smaller villains/rogues for ,,,reasons. Patton is his secretary but they dont know the other is hero/villain (a shame, if they were on the same side, they'd get along very well) - Costume: well. it's a mech-suit, bulkier / more armoured than, say Iron Man, but not,, like,,, ten feet tall. all cold steel, maybe burnished black in parts, and i can see it having a visor with electronic eyes that can be Logan's signature blue.
Virgil (Surname Pending) (alias: [also pending] <- probably storm Or shadow related. He's the most nebulous to me right now but tbh i can see a semi-harley quinn backstory where he was tangled up with a gangleader who won him over into a life of crime but he's not that happy (i.e., open to...persuasion) with it. Don't know if he should have powers or not... - Costume: blacks, purples w/ hints of yellow. Hood covers hair and eyes and mask covers lower face. dresses in layers typical of like... a medieval assassin (he's not an assassin) (he's probably killed people before tho)
Virgil and Janus have probably crossed paths before as their rogue aliases. Janus has met Logan (under a fake name). it's possible Logan (in costume, under alias) has worked with Virgil/Virgil's boss before. Generally, esp now Virgil's striking out a little more on his own, Virgil and Janus are kinda too low on Logan's radar for him to seek them out so far. (Janus likes it like that) (tbh so does Virgil)
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garunsdottir · 1 year
omg, you guys, i've seen all your tags & comments under my aldhelm's posts. i don't know u all, but u all are truly amazing! *sobs ugly*
also i really wanna do that another aldhelm's mercian outfit, but i don't have s02 in hq, so bare with me, the gifs won't be that crispy, rather blurry. that's a shame, but it is what it is.
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undermattsun · 2 years
y’all retake this shit and tell me who u get lmao
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marcusrobertobaq · 1 year
If u followed this here in the CyberLife HQ (with Hank):
Hank begin a distraction;
Choose convert androids;
Connor-5X shoots 60 and the androids wake up;
U got my respect. It's the most interesting scenario imo.
Hank sacrifices himself to let Connor do what he gotta do;
Connor doesn't waste time and do what he was going to do (he doesn't let Hank's effort be in vain);
Connor-60 still fails his mission (but won't die by the hand of a human);
(if i'm missing something plz let me know)
Sorry Canon-Path™s, but y'all really think the whole guessing game would be a thing? I don't. The 5X vs 60 fighting and 60 just let Hank aside knowing there's a gun next to 'em that can fuck with his mission? Hahaha, a joke. What do u mean the fight didn't end with one of the Connors without a leg or an arm? Shame.
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heich0e · 1 year
HI LIV i’m one of the people who’s only messaged you once before bc i’m shy so hi again :)) i think im gonna fail this class that i need for my major and am literally just gonna have to take it again immediately next quarter so currently thinking of hq characters that would comfort me :’) (since we know bokuto finished college i just know he failed a class and he would understand)
WELCOME BACK LITTLE GUY!! UGH school is so stressful but there is no shame in having to retake a class!! bokuto ABSOLUTELY would comfort you, so would sweet boy kuroo. I also know yamaguchi would we the sweetest babiest boy abt it. AND SUGAWARA. but all of them would cheer u on (kags + shoyo are so dumb even if u failed they still think you are the smartest most brilliant person in the whole world)
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preacherboyd · 2 years
pardon me but did oz get an HQ remaster recently? I’ve seen a couple new crispy looking gifsets and I’m not sure if people have a new source or just a really great method for upping the resolution of the old school episodes. blessings on the work either way
heyyyyy! i think the wire got remastered a couple years ago but i don't think oz got the same treatment. which is a shame but i also kinda enjoy it, cause i like the grainy look it lends the show. suits the feeling and setting completely. but when giffing oz i use a '1080p' (not sure that it is, truly LOL) rip from a streaming service. i can send u the link if u want!
thanks so much <3 im glad u enjoy the look! its kinda a pain to gif because there are a lot of "half" frames in the footage, which can make the gifs look slower than natural, so i had to go in and painstakingly examine which frames weren't true frames, and which were actually frames lakdjhfalsjdfh. anyhoo all that to say, my eyes and i thank u!
what a show, eh? definitely deserves more love and attention imo. i still have my shitty oz dvds with the commentary tracks :') i pop 'em in every once and a while when im feeling nostalgic.
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voidcat · 2 years
DANYL!!!!!!! hello hello don’t know if you remember me long time no see :( but i saw your little ask thingy and i follow you becauseeeeee honestly i don’t remember i believe it was bc of hq at first or maybe it was for bsd i truly cannot recall bc it seems like forever ago BUT IM STILL HERE!!!! a devote follower if you will even tho im in a completely new fandom hehehehe
HI ASH!!! Shame on u for ever thinking I could ever forget you SHAME ON YOU
I think it was hq we were both oikawa appreciatiors I believe shfjfjf
Also yeye I saw u got into marauders i love ur rbs!! I send some of them to my other marauder lover friend dhhfhffj (ngl when I saw this ask I was like what game it was five in the morning…….)
ANYWAYS I hope u have been well I miss uuuuuu don’t think I forgot abt u bc I don’t tag u in tag games etc hannah always tags both of us so I don’t want to do the double tagging thing eheheh
Send me an “I follow you because:”
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anisespice · 2 years
“ dumb love ” || hq!
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synopsis: the usual stoic and unbothered being absolutely lovestruck for their s/o.
pairing: various x gn!reader [ iwa, sakusa, kags ]
warnings: sfw, mature language, my attempt at writing something cute lol 
notes: so this idea struck me in the middle of the night while i was listening to music, and sean kingston’s “dumb love” came on and IMMEDIATELY i was like “hells yeah” -  figured i’d throw something together, so this isn’t really proofread either ALSKDJAJS but hope u enjoy! 
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iwaizumi ッ
When it came down to it, Iwaizumi had excellent control over his emotions. Spending years dealing with the shittiest, pretty boy known to man to then later on have to wrangle up various grown men for intense training, and make sure they’re actually doing the shit right, Iwa would confidently say he had the nerves of steel. 
Until you skipped your happy ass into his life.
Now, anytime you even crossed his mind, this man wouldn’t be able to hold back a goofy-ass grin. There was just something about you that drove him absolutely insane, got him feeling like a dopey fool that can’t even look you in the eye, even when you got on his last nerve sometimes. You gazed at him as if he’d created mountains and moved rivers with his bare hands, or literally like he’s the only person in your world.
But, hey, no shame innit. He be looking at you the same way. No matter how embarrassed he’d get when caught slippin’.
“Iwa-chan~! Quit ogling [______] already, you haven’t blinked for a whole minute!”
“Fuck off, Shittykawa.”
sakusa ッ
He barely tolerated people as a whole. Sure, he’d gotten better compared to his high school days, but there was still a little pushback that lingered in the outside hitter. He didn’t like to mingle, never favored gatherings that had too many people, nor did he like meaningless small talk. So imagine his absolute dread when he felt someone tap him on the shoulder while in line at a coffee shop.
He stiffened instantly; touch from strangers still something he was getting used to. At least he wore a jacket to shield him from the actual contact. But, that’s not all he was worried about. You tapped him again, this time with a little more urgency. Sakusa exhaled heavily—It was too damn early for this. He turned thinking that you were just a fan or something, already prepared to give a rehearsed response that his publicists drilled into his head for moments like this. Because, y’know, this was about to be just another boring, pointless-
“Hey, so who d’you think would win in a fight: a bear with no arms and legs, or a blind tiger with no teeth?”                      WHAT.
He thinks back to that at least once a day, very fond of the memory. Even six months later of dating, he can’t believe how things turned out this way. Sakusa didn’t know what possessed him to not just ignore you, but he was glad he entertained your unique approach at conversation. It was...refreshing? Intriguing? At least, that’s how he justified it to his gobsmacked teammates when they found out you were, in fact, real. 
“The question didn’t even make sense, yet you had me thinking about it all day. It caught me off guard. Rarely do people do that, so...good job, I guess.” 
“All I heard was that you thought about me all day ♡.”
kageyama ッ
One time, you held onto his pinky instead of grabbing his whole hand during an outing together and he hadn’t gotten over it since. Early on in the relationship, although he tried his best, Kageyama wasn’t that affectionate and appreciated how you never pushed him beyond his conform level. He was nervous when it came to skin-ship, tiptoeing his way around it by simply keeping people at arm’s length, or using soft violence as a love language, like hard pats on the back and being tossed around like a ball (poor hinata lol).
It took a lot of courage for that man to eventually start giving you the affection he felt you deserved, and you cherished those moments deeply. However, nine times out of ten you’d be the one initiating it, still rendering him completely flustered since he was getting accustomed to being mushy with someone he loved dearly. So when you subconsciously latched onto the setter in the most smallest, most precious way possible…homie wanted to gift you the sun. (poor hinata pt. 2)
“Tobi, baby, you good? Why’s your face so red-”
“It’s j-just hot out here, ignore it.”
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© 2022-2023 anisespice ッ all rights reserved. likes, comments & reblogs much appreciated!
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