#shan's mha ideas
Dabi gets to sing this song:
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Now I want a fanfic where OFA and AFO MIX during the final fight and in the explosion, the quirk divides between Tomura and Deku.
They call it the twins-quirks, Escathology.
Since both of them has equal power now, and since no one wants another war, they made a deal with Tomura. If he acts like a hero enough, and if he helps rebuild the country after the war, helping the citizens and keeping everyone safe, he would be able to be around. Tomura also asks for the League to be recognized as his own hero agency, which many pro-heroes doesn't want but the UA kids think is a wonderful opportunity for them to redeem themselves, including Aoyama.
Just imagine it. Imagine even if in the fight where escathology is created, they exchange little traits. Deku sometimes scratches his neck absently, Tomura talks to himself in a mad speed while thinking. That's because they are connected but their twin quirks, and they share one vestige world now. And it is a world now, with the memory of every original owner of the quirks they have.
Just imagine.
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There must be an au where AFO kinda possess All Might but no one knows, and AFO is so hurt after the battle that he can only rest on the deep side of Toshinori's mind for years and years. Also, Tomura has the AFO quirk now, but since he doesn't know, it is only sleeping within him.
The whole thing is that the more you read the fanfic, the more All Might seems off, and he starts obsessing over Tomura and Deku in a weird way, creating a relationship of father and sons with them that at times feels creepy.
And you have Tomura and Deku desperate to kill AFO without killing Toshinori in the end. Just imagine the Vestiges and the Shimuras all trying to warn Izuku and Tomura about it.
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I think it'd be amazing if Bakugou had gloves / gauntlets that allowed him to separate the sound, the light and the heat of the explosions for three different forms of attacks.
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(left to right).
After some time and some call outs from the League, Dabi finally warms up and changes the names in his phones. He hopes no one finds out.
Angst version under the cut.
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It's so wild to me that I haven't seen yet an animatic of the Todofam with Things We Lost In The Fire of Bastille.
It has so much potential.
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Someone should write a fanfic of this situation but it's in a future where Midnight regularly helps ex-students of the class 1a (now pro-heroes) with their trainings.
Just imagine it. It's so soft and badass.
They are so gentle and heroic and Midnight would absolutely adore such a cute gesture.
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What I don't understand about the mha / bnha world is how sports and athletes work there.
I mean there must be competitions where you can use your quirks, right? And those athletes must have legal permission to do so. So, if quirks get better with practice and training, these athletes must be able to defend themselves pretty well against villains.
Unless they can't use their quirks in sports. Which is pretty hard because if your body gets stronger, so will your quirk just by nature. Of course you won't know how to properly control it, but wouldn't it be dangerous?
Or are pro-heroes and heroes the only athletes in the present time? I doubt it, but when we've told that the UA sport festival is kinda more popular than the Olympics, if I remember correctly.
I really want to understand this.
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I want the memory of Twice and Magne and Nao and Hana and his grandparents to hug Tomura in his head before they let go so he can go back to the living world.
I want them to hug him, holding his hands. The hands pushing him forward instead of holding him back.
And I want him to stand into the living world, a nostalgic smile and tears fill of joy in his eyes. He's ready to be the hero his father and AFO never let him be. He's ready to save everyone, save his friends, save himself.
And then he's ready to pay for what he did and keep living afterwards to see the world he promise the League, a better world.
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I bet quirks affect the periods of the bnha / mha characters. I mean, two different bodies and anatomies should have different cycles, right?
And as someone who knows about being an athlete and having periods, strong physical exercises can change your periods too and make them pretty irregular.
So wow, I can't even imagine how some pro-heroes do with their periods, really.
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All say and done, can someone with talent make an edit of the League of Villains with This Is Me from The Greatest Showman soundtrack?
I have the scenes I would use in my mind, but to make a basic edit I spend ages. So yeah, if you want to do it and want to hear my idea, feel free to write me ✋🏼😌💞
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Am I assigning songs from The Greatest Showman to bnha / mha characters?
Yes, I am.
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Someone please do a drawing of Shigaraki hanging upside down with his feet trapped on AFO's threads like in the tartor cards, but he's reaching out to the world below and in the edge of the drawing we see the hands of the people who love him trying to reach back to him.
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Like I know Dabi dyed his hair... But what kind of trash product did he use that it was easily removed by pouring water? Or did he make his hair black using some kind of hair chalk? Because dye doesn't clear out that fast xD
My best guess? He used a product that was easily washable, but was totally different from the products he normally uses. Which means somewhere along the line, he took all the dye out of his hair in order to do that.
I mean, once you dye your hair, it takes some time for it to grow its natural color. And even then you have to cut the part that was dyed becuase it's never gonna return to its normal color that easy.
The bonus for him is that he has white hair, easy to dye and takes in the color fast enough.
But anyway. He probably bleached it the night before the battle and used a product that he could take out easily.
Or maybe this is just the magic of manga and we are not supposed to guess how he did it.
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Can I please get the League of Villains going on a picnic on a nice place and playing games among the flowers, running down the hills, finding shapes in the clouds, singing stupid songs...
Give me the League in pastel colors, sleeping on each other's laps, braiding each other's hair.
Twice can be holding Toga on his shoulders while she laughs and pretends she can touch the sky, both of them searching for dandelions.
Compress can teach Spinner how to do card tricks, sitting in the shadow of a tree, Spinner staring at it with stars in his eyes while Compress fills himself with pride.
Magne and Kurogiri could be talking about if it's gonna rain a lot or a little next summer. Should they rent a house by the sea? Or should they go camping next season?
And what if Giran buys Mustard a new camera, so he can take a bunch of pictures to hang on his room later? He takes a bunch of pics of Giran and his amused smirk.
Tomura and Dabi can skip rocks on a lake and Tomura can suck and it, so Dabi it's trying to teach him he's definitely not flirting with him guys and Tomura could be embarrassed and angry 'cause he doesn't need his help he's definetly not blushing either.
Please let them be soft. They've seen enough blood and have gone through enough trauma. Let them rest, let them heal, let them be happy.
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Redemption arc for the League of Villains but they become the Mythbusters of the mha / bnha world. They get to break stuff, set stuff on fire, shoot stuff, explode stuff, and more.
Just imagine it. Instant fun and it's safe.
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