#Nao Shimura
Tenko is so much Nao's son 'cause he is decaying in his own mind and yet his priority is to keep on going because he needs to save his villains.
Their bodies could be breaking down and they will still find a way to reach for their loved ones.
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truelyaccuracy · 5 months
Tenko and Touya - Nao and Rei
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I had an urge to draw children just being… children. Idk, children have this innocent happiness in them and i just wanna grab em- anyway i had an urge to draw their mothers as well, with the little time they had with them 💀
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underratedmhapoll · 11 months
Bonus Poll - Best Mom!
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secretgaygenttomura · 11 months
Old Haunted!Tomura AU I drew up in 2021 or smth- Maybe I'll draw up more of it later
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itsnothingofinterest · 7 months
So given that it seems AFO is growing a bunch of heads, which more than like seem to represent his own quirks' vestiges (hi Hawks):
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I think my theory that Tomura has his family’s quirks just got a lot more likely:
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I mean we must admit, between meeting with Tomura in his mental world and growing their bodies out of his mutating body, the Shimura family sure had been doing a lot of things quirks vestiges have recently been shown doing.
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mettywiththenotes · 3 months
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kingtomura · 2 months
I know that we all talk about the possibility of Tomura’s original quirk being something to do with Nana Shimura’s float quirk, but what about his mother?
It could be possible that Tomura would have inherited a quirk like his mother but I’m not sure what kind of quirk she would have had.
Her name is written in kanji as “repair” and I know it is geared towards maybe wanting to repair her family, but what if it’s in relation to her possible quirk as well?
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We know that the other side of Tomura’s gifted quirk is restoration but what if he awakens embers of his original quirk, which also has something to do with that.
It would be nice for tomura/tenko to get something of his own for once after this hellish ordeal.
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heronoegg · 9 months
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i love how @beybuniki gives Rei and her kids friendship bracelets CAUSE THAT MEANS THEY ARE BESTIES AND I LOVE THAT
have some silly rei from our AU she is happy
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sunshine-zenith · 8 months
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The other night, for some incomprehensible reason, I dreamed Bakugou and Shigaraki’s moms started dating while their kids were little
I haven’t watched or read MHA in years and only occasionally browse the tags out of curiosity, but I get the vague impression that certain events from the last couple chapters would make this scenario a bit awkward
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shehsart · 1 year
Love the amount of attention bnha gives to what good and bad parenting styles look like. You have horrible abusive parents like Enji, Kotaro and Hawks' father who are biological fathers but don't know one bit how to take care of a child and just abuse them due to problems stemming from their own childhoods. Toga's parents straight off dehumanise her. You've got Aizawa and all might who aren't parents but soo much better at dealing with kids then the above. Then the more complicated parental figures like Nao and Rei, they try hard but don't know what to do in the situation/are stuck due to their own vulnerabilities. They could have made better choices but are often unable to due to the power dynamics. You've got an overprotective mama like Inko and Bakugo's mom who's passed on her anger issues to him.
It really gives the message that it's a spectrum and parents end up making choices with positive intentions that harm their kids in the long term. Horikoshi actually does family dynamics so well I sometimes wonder how.
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bnha 270 — bnha 418
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Shigaraki Month, Day 24: His Parents’ Smiles Ring Down From Above. In which a repentant Kotaro and a grieving Nao entrust the future of their son to Yagi Toshinori’s care. ❤️☀️
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erasurecaps · 2 years
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underratedmhapoll · 9 months
Match 13 - Koichi Haimawari - Vigilante: The Hauler The Crawler VS Tenko's Mother: Nao Shimura
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I always find it weird people talk about Tomura being “tricked” into wanting to destroy hero society; as though he doesn’t have legit reasons to want that.
Like, it’s true Tomura was originally just told to hate society by AFO; but to compare, let’s not forget Deku was originally just told to hate AFO by All Might. While they both were initially set on their path because they were told to do it, that alone hardly means ether's just being tricked; Deku now wants to take down AFO because he knows he’s a dangerous maniac who needs to be stopped, and Tomura wants to destroy society because it harms the people he cares about and is simply not worth preserving & would be better replaced.
You’ll even see it compared to him being gaslit into thinking he wanted to kill his family. That genuinely is a lie, and he subconsciously regrets it immensely (with possible exception to his father, but you must forgive some complex emotions towards that man)...but they were his family. He loved them and they loved him. It feels wrong to compare them to Hero Society, which has been hostile to him from the start.
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Plus I generally call into question any claim that all Tomura says he wants, he actually doesn’t and it’s all just a lie from AFO. I mean just on principle I feel there is more to the most complex & developed character in the series (sorry not sorry Bakugou) than a 5-year old and lies. But also specifically, I argue that claim ignores all possible reasons any goal of Tomura’s might actually be legitimate beyond feelings of hate & retribution that AFO is using. For example; his want to destroy Hero Society could be seen as rather reasonable when federal agents want him and all of his friends dead and have already killed one of them. A very present issue for them, which kind of feels to leave the burden of deescalation on the heroes btw; else the villains are left to take matters into their own hands for their own survival.
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Similarly, a want to be put in charge of the country may sound actually a pretty reasonable want if you consider how that could let them change the unfortunate circumstances and them & their ilk, and let them live the normal lives most of them have long desired. Plus just on top of societal change; Nothing says “you don’t need to fear for your life every day any more” like like a sudden rise in power & influence.
I mean may as well, it’s not like they have reason to trust the current system to ever change. Heck, I read this series and know Deku will eventually head the system as All Might did, and I don’t trust the system! He still needs more character development first, as do the rest of the kids.
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