#shanao yoshitsune
good-so · 1 year
✨Birushana character first impresssions/predictions memes✨
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I picked a wrong font for this, my bad lol....
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kashmimo · 1 year
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Noritsune and Shanao 🌿
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chaos-of-the-abyss · 8 months
tomomori really took 45 minutes to die in yoritomo's route... i'm done with this man
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Just siting here thinkg of starting another otome game or some other visual novel but not doing it because I'm still hung up on the fact that Shanao/Yoshitsune is THE BEST heroine we could possibly get and knowing that finding another one like her it's gonna be near impossible it's so depressing
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lunas-otome-blog · 21 days
Luna's Review: Birushana: Rising Flower of Genpei
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Official Summary:
Fifteen years after the Heiji Rebellion, the Heike clan has reached the height of its power, while the Genji clan remains devastated by defeat. Hidden deep within the mountains of Kurama lives Shanao, the youngest surviving male heir to the Genji name. However, Shanao harbors a deep secret known by very few.
The youngest heir to the Genji name is no man.
Her adventure leads her to find new cherished relationships, as well as something deeper than the feud between the rivaling clans.
Luna's Thoughts (Spoiler Free)
Fast-paced and serious, Birushana is an action-packed otoge that plays out like an anime.
MC Shanao (later Yoshitsune) is inflexible, with a strong sense of justice and an even stronger sword arm. Despite her fierce personality, she seems easily swayed by sincerity. She doesn't like when people put themselves in harm's way for her, preferring to sacrifice herself instead.
The fight scenes in this game are elaborate, with characters twisting and trembling to vibrant sound effects. Sprites move quickly and dramatically in ways I've never seen in an otoge before. The swordplay seems high stakes as the game shows you the impact of each swing rather than describing it in text.
This game would have benefitted from stripping down the number of characters in general, as there are a LOT of sprites, some with little screen time. There are also large time skips where relationships are formed between Shanao and her followers, but they feel a bit rushed because we didn't get to watch them develop.
This game is based on the real historical events of the Genpei War between the Heike (Taira) clan and the Genji (Minamoto) clan. While I do recommend playing your first route blind, you might find it fun to read through the Wiki article about the war afterwards, just to see where the game diverges from truth. Or maybe I'm just a big nerd lol.
Birushana is very, very Japanese, and if you're like me, you'll find yourself looking at the dictionary often. But much of the vocabulary is added for flavor, so it won't really affect your playthrough if you can't remember the modern-day equivalent of ancient Japanese cities or specific titles for monks.
The routes of this game all follow the same general plot, as it is based on a real war. If you're playing your first route and thinking "Man, this is super long," it's because there are common route scenes interspersed throughout character routes. So if you feel like you've played a certain scene before, it's probably because you have. Get that skip button ready.
Final thoughts: this game was okay. My main critiques are that the game could have done a better job introducing characters; the romanceable characters are not given enough screen time when you're not playing their route; and some of the routes are boring/predictable.
My recommended route order, based purely on the amount of information revealed, is: Noritsune -> Benkei -> Yoritomo -> Shungen -> Tomomori. This isn't the recommended order by the publisher, so play at your own risk lol.
For thoughts on each route in the order I played them, see below. Spoilers ahead.
Musashibo Benkei Route (Spoilers)
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I didn't feel the game gave enough of an introduction to Benkei before shunting me off onto his route. While I understand why these characters get along, they are both immediately ride or die for each other in a way that felt unrealistic. Their dedication was too strong, too fast to be believable.
That said, I see why they make a nice couple. Benkei admires Shanao because of her strength, and she comes to like him because he has suffered in a similar way to her. Initially he reminds her of the father she never had, but her feelings become something more complex as the game goes on.
Benkei clearly admires Shanao as a warrior of justice, not because she's a woman. When he realizes his feelings are more than that of a vassal for his lord, he actually feels guilty it because he knows Shanao has had to sacrifice so much to become a "man." It was pretty cute.
There's some sexual assault themes in this route, and I felt it was handled well, with Shanao taken seriously and given ample time to heal.
There's unfortunately not much to Benkei beyond him being a general nice guy and die hard companion. You learn his backstory quickly and there isn't anything to add after that point. When Benkei lies to Shanao, which would have been a prime opportunity to create some tension or angst, she instead understands his motivations innately and forgives him right away. The same goes for him when he discovers Shanao has been hiding her true nature.
While I liked this route okay, it felt more like an outline of a route than a full plot. I'm glad I played this one first, as it was kind of a snoozefest.
Tomomori Taira Route (Spoilers)
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I hated this character in the Benkei route, so I decided to play him next. I couldn't understand how the game could paint him as sympathetic enough to want to date.
Spoiler alert: it never does. I disliked Tomomori throughout his own route, too.
Tomomori could have easily been written as an obsessed yet passionate character, but instead he is just plain creepy. He steals kisses without consent, touches Shanao in her sleep, calls her by cringey names like "Princess" and is just generally flirty in a way that Shanao clearly doesn't like. When Shanao starts to fall for him, it felt more like Stockholm Syndrome than actual love. Girl, what??
His obsession with her, by the way, is never really explained. While his backstory was infinitely more interesting than Benkei's, it doesn't justify his actions toward her — or explain why she might reciprocate.
The whole point of his character is that he's chaotically suicidal and feels his life means nothing. It would have made more sense if Shanao had done something to give his life meaning. I could understand if he'd become obsessed with her because she shares his powers and represents a freedom that he never had. But that's not what happens. Instead, he decides a random crying woman will become his new toy, and we're supposed to believe that it was true love the whole time.
In the after ending scene, we find out he is literally keeping her at home instead of allowing her to visit her friends and family because he is too jealous to let her speak with other men. This is supposed to be romantic?
This whole route was icky and unhealthy. Not even the final act plot twist can save this pairing.
Noritsune Taira Route (Spoilers)
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Noritsune is a better version of Tomomori. His obsession with Shanao, who is the same age as him, makes sense after she whoops his ass in battle. He sees her as a true rival and admires her desire to choose her own path, not just as a child of Genji but as an individual.
Despite his inferiority complex, Noritsune is a skilled warrior and a true man's man. Once he's seen how his own family treats its people, his allegiance wanes. While ultimately he does fight for the Heike, he, like Shanao, isn't interested in flexing his superiority, but in fighting for the weak. He's a good guy in a tough position.
When Noritsune discovers Shanao is a woman, he doesn't treat her any differently. While this is respectable, I was a little disappointed because I wanted to see Noritsune struggling with his attraction toward her haha. But don't worry, you do get a scene like this later. And while the ending is bittersweet, it felt more realistic than having everything work out perfectly.
Despite revealing less information about Shanao's backstory than the other routes, Noritsune's route was really solid. He goes through a satisfying arc, from a character who only cares about honor to someone who really embraces his leadership role and what that means to his people. Shanao also experiences growth as she spends time with the Heike and learns that there are good people — and bad — on both sides.
This route was my favorite in the game. It was sweet and romantic while still feeling overall like a "samurai" game. This is a fighting-heavy route as Shanao and Noritsune clash as Genji and Heike — and as two people who greatly respect each other and just want to test their skills.
Shungen Route (Spoilers)
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Shungen doesn't get a lot of attention on the other routes, but you do get to see little bits of him that suggest he's the long suffering type. At the beginning, he chides Shanao for trusting too quickly. In Noritsune's route, he steps aside as she goes to him in the final battle, not understanding but respecting their bond. He's the sort of character who doesn't seek the spotlight, content with a supporting role.
This supporting nature is the first arc of Shungen's route, wherein his relationship with Shanao is questioned. They both consider a more formal arrangement wherein Shungen officially becomes Shanao's vassal, rather than the loose childhood friends relationship they have now.
The route continues to deal with with the topic of family, as Shanao evaluates her feelings about her brother and mother a little more carefully than the other routes. Of course, that leaves Shungen to question why he's feeling jealous, which is exactly the type of angst I want on a childhood friend route hehe. Shungen also gets to shine as a military strategist and leader in a way that isn't highlighted on the other routes.
There's an unexpected twist in this route, which surprised me because all of the other blogs I checked out recommended playing Shungen's route on the earlier side. As it stands, I'm glad I played it where I did, because it's a pretty big adjustment.
The one misstep in this route comes when Shungen and Shanao are pushed into a corner and must choose between being together and their morals. Shungen lacks his eye shinies in this scene, which we all know is the universal anime signal that he's gone mad. Together, Shanao and Shungen make a bad choice, which I figured meant I had gotten a bad ending. But no, it all works out, and you don't find out until the post credits scene that there's some trickery going on that allows them to have it both ways.
We basically see Shungen going off the deep end, becoming unhealthily obsessed with Shanao, and then there's just...no resolution. He gets better on his own without talking to anyone or letting the audience in on it. Idk if they ran out of space for more dialogue on this route or what, but I felt like it was missing a key scene before the ending.
Other than that, this was a pretty okay route.
Yoritomo Route (Spoilers)
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Despite having a strong presence in every route, I had very little opinion of Yoritomo before his own route. He's cool, calm and collected, but seems to reveal very little of himself at any given time.
We find out through flashbacks that he does indeed have emotions, but boxes them up in order to take care of what needs to be done, including fighting his own family members when they get out of hand. He tries to keep his distance from Shanao so he doesn't come to care for her too much, but still gets jealous when she treats others with favor. He's a pretty cute, gap-moe sort of character.
Looking back on this route, you actually get less information about Shanao's background than on Shungen's route. But I didn't feel bored because I enjoyed watching Yoritomo's cold demeanor crack as he falls in love with Shanao.
If you want a punchy end to the game, this isn't the route to play last, despite it being recommended by the publisher. But it was one of the better, more believable romances imho.
Other Endings (Spoilers)
Something very cool that Birushana does is include special endings for undatable side characters. You have to go to the flowchart to play them, and then only appear after you've completed a datable character's ending. But they're worth playing. Here are my thoughts.
Tadanobu: Simple and sweet. I wish we'd learned more about this character in the main game, but I enjoyed hearing a little of his backstory, including why he's such a flirt.
Shigehira: This is what Tomomori's route should have been and somehow includes more character development than his entire route. Shigehira, like his brother, is obsessed with torturing Shanao, but begins to fall for her kindness and becomes more of a tsundere after he learns she's a woman. I wish he'd been the full route rather than his sadistic brother.
Tsugunobu: This one was kinda boring. Not much happens. I wish it would have explored more of their relationship rather than just a one-sided promise.
Takatsuna: This character was so funny the entire game, because he's treated like a little kid despite legitimately being one of Yoritomo's vassals. In his ending, we get to see a very sweet friendship develop between him and Shanao. I still think he looks like a bug though lol.
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ask-misun-and-oc · 26 days
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Well, Narumi recommended me an otome game named Ikemen Genjiden. Unfortunately the content will be discontinued after September. So i just can access the main story. But i don't care about the event. I just focused on the main story which related to my recent mission.
So... i just review a brief of the story and of course the character. It's about what if Yoshitsune is still alive during Kamakura shogunate. Still confused why does Tamamo-no-mae get involved. The rebels army broke the sessho-seki. It's dangerous though. And i can't believe, Tamamo is male. Well, i have the similar case too when Tamamo possesed my 'fake' father, Seiya ojichan. It happen before Operation: Hyakki Yakou Interception. So it sound familiar. The most confusing one, WHY YORITOMO LET ONE OF TAIRA ALIVE!!!
Okay, let's review the character. I mean now the focus is only "Genji" brothers. Both of them used to be good siblings during Genpei war. But something bad happened on their relationship. Yoritomo got jealous as he wanted to get authority himself. So he tried to kill Yoshitsune. In real timeline, yes, Yoritomo killed Yoshitsune. In this game, Yoshitsune was fleeing away and got an help from Kurama Tengu- OWH, IT'S SIMILAR TO MY PREVIOUS MISSION!!
The Minamoto bros were kind i admit it. But Yoritomo is the schemic one. I can't even notice when he get 'really' smiling. Who knows he smiles but angry inside. Just like when i had expedition last month. He... well, he can hide his face. Beside, he is harsh too. So scary. He is the real 'ancient' Nobunaga but calm one. His move also unpredictable (yea because he can hide his face perfectly). He is a bully same as Nobunaga. Poor my Yoshino and Mai.
Yoshitsune, owh he is calm (unlike when he was Ushiwakamaru and Shanao in real life). Mature. Even he smiles warmly and graciously. Unfortunately, he is little bit depressed and full of vengeance. Yet he is so wise. Yoritomo is also wise but kind of tricky. While Yoshitsune, he has pure heart. Also forthright. But i haven't see further about his main story. I have read about Yoritomo.
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mikia87 · 2 months
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While waiting for my copies of Hakuoki and Hanaemu kare to & bloom, I’m trying to finish at least one route in Birushana.
Birushana is the 1st otome game I bought. I had started it, but I stopped for almost a year and didn’t remember anything.😅 So I started again. This game isn’t bad, but there’s way too much story and not enough romance for my taste… I hope it gets better.🤞But I really love the art style!🥰
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My LI ranking (at the start of the game) :
Yoritomo > Benkei > Shungen > Tomomori > Noritsune
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Shungen's route is done! I love the childhood friends to lovers trope. Shanao and Shungen are cute together.😊
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But my best part is Tsugunobu’s ending.😆 He’s hot!!!😍 He needs his own route!
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Benkei, my big teddy bear, I love him!💚 Awww, he's so cute.🥰
I really liked Benkei’s story. It was good! As much as I liked knowing the truth about Yoshitsune in Shungen's route, I liked learning more about Shanao's power in Benkei's route.
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ga-yuu · 2 years
Chronicles - Benkei Part 1
It was sometime after Benkei had sworn allegiance to Yoshitsune.
One day, when they were practicing martial arts together, Yoshitsune suddenly asked...
Yoshitsune: "Benkei. Do you remember when we first met?"
Benkei: "Our first meeting? Of course."
Benkei: "How can I forget that?"
Remembering himself at the time when he pointed his sword at Yoshitsune, Benkei let out a wry smile.
But the opposing Yoshitsune smiled slightly.
Yoshitsune: "It was that coincidental meeting that made us what we are today."
Yoshitsune: "It may be a bitter memory for Benkei, but for me it's irreplaceable."
Benkei: "Yoshitsune-sama..."
Benkei: "Right. How about we take a break from training for a bit and reminisce."
The memories of a bygone era come back to Benkei's mind as he smiles back.
It is the story of the meeting of two men who would later become the heart of the Rebel force.
Man 1: "Hey, have you heard? That rumor. I heard it's out again."
Man 2: "Yeah I did. The sword hunter, right?"
The men whispered to each other as they hurry past the empty night streets.
Man 2: "It's scary isn't it? A man comes out of nowhere and tells you to leave your sword behind?"
Man 1: "Ah, they say you'll be challenged to a duel. If you lose and you don't give up your sword, some people say he'll cut you down in cold blood"
Man 1: ".....I heard that 1000 people have already been killed."
Man 2: "1000? Woah....that guy must be a monster then?"
The two men trembled.
A man watches them with cold eyes from the back of an alley.
Man 1: "Then again, maybe the sword hunter might come to us too...at this place."
Man 1: "Tonight might be the perfect night, with the moon hidden by the clouds."
Man 2: "Don't scare me, idiot....but then again, we don't have swords."
Dry laughter echoed as the men left.
Benkei: "There's quite a rumor going around.....but you're wrong about one thing."
The man laughed sarcastically.
Benkei: "One more to go...to reach 1000."
As if in response to this murmur, the sword Benkei wears at his waist makes a chattering sound.
When he closed his eyes, a faint voice echoed from deep within his heart.
Voice: "-------"
It seems as if tens of thousands of people are speaking at the same time in a buzz, and it is impossible to hear exactly what they are saying.
But all were horrifying, cold, malevolent voices.
Benkei: ".....We're almost there."
Benkei: "We're almost done."
Benkei: "Now I have collected 999 swords. Time for the last one."
The voice of someone or something echoing from within, driving hatred, pushed his back.
Benkei walks through the night in search of his last prey.
Shanao: "............."
When Benkei stepped to the foot of the bridge as if lured by something...
The clouds in the sky are clear and the moonlight quickly illuminates the area.
There stood a man named Shanao, who later came to be known as Yoshitsune.
Benkei: "....?"
Benkei is momentarily taken aback by the beauty that was so ethereal.
But as soon as he sees a sword hanging on his waist, Benkei's eyes twinkled with joy.
Benkei: "Hey, give me that."
Benkei places his hand on his sword while gazing at the man.
Benkei: "Your sword will make it 1000."
Shanao: "......."
Benkei: "I now challenge you to a duel."
Shanao: "....Duel? What for?"
His voice, uttered for the first time, was reminiscent of the surface of a quiet lake.
Benkei: "It's simple. I want your sword, so leave it here and go away. Or else fight me and win."
Shanao: "----I see. So you're the person who hunts for swords in Kyoto."
Shanao: "I wasn't ordered to take you down, but maybe there's a reason we met like this."
Benkei: "I can cut off this fate here and now."
Shanao: "I doubt it. .....But since I've been challenged, I'll do my best."
Shanao slowly pulled out his sword.
Benkei noticed a change in the air around Shanao and readied his sword as well.
Benkei: "....n.."
Voices inside his head: "..D-D..Disaster..."
At that moment, another grunt of vindictiveness from who-knows-what swirls in the back of his head, and Benkei's face contorts in anguish for a moment.
Shanao: "......."
Perhaps noticing this, Shanao stares at Benkei without blinking.
His gaze was strangely annoyed, and Benkei gripped the hilt of his sword tighter.
I feel as if some kind of distorted force is rising from my grip.
Benkei: "......this power.."
As he muttered to himself, a childhood memory came back to his mind.
Man: "Terrifying... he's just a little boy, but what is that power?"
Woman: "It's a demon child. You saw it too, didn't you? He heals pretty fast. Faster than normal humans."
Woman: "Disgusting."
Man: "Monster."
Woman: "Demon."
Man: "Kill this demon child. Kill him!"
Benkei: "....Tch, for fuck sake, these people still mess up with my head...."
Clicking his tongue, Benkei gritted his teeth so hard they creaked and looked up again.
In his hand, the sword is momentarily red and has a faintly bewitching light.
Shanao: "...That sword."
Benkei: "Sorry for the wait...here we go."
Benkei barked briefly and kicked at the ground.
Part 2
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dalissy · 2 years
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Noritsune Taira's route CGs + variations (Part. 1)
(Part 2 here)
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alibomaye · 2 years
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kashmimo · 2 years
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Birushana doodles
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ikemenfangirl · 3 years
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English version of Birushana (Nintendo Switch)
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Title: Birushana™: Rising Flower of Genpei
Language: English (Japanese voice)
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Website: http://ideafintl.com/birushana/
Release: Summer 2022
Fifteen years after the Heiji Rebellion, the Heike clan has reached the height of its power, while the Genji clan remains devastated by defeat.
Hidden deep within the mountains of Kurama lives Shanao, the youngest surviving male heir to the Genji name.
However, Shanao harbors a deep secret known to very few...
The youngest heir to the Genji name is no man.
MC Shana-ou / Minamoto no Yoshitsune
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Minamoto no Yoritomo CV: Furukawa Makoto (古川慎)
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Taira no Tomomori CV: Fukuyama Jun (福山潤)
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Taira no Noritsune CV: Kawanishi Kengo (河西健吾)
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Musashibo Benkei CV: Umehara Yuichiro (梅原裕一郎)
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Shungen CV: Saito Soma (斉藤壮馬)
Taira no Shigehira CV: Osaka Ryota (逢坂良太)
Sato Tsugunobu CV: Kondo Takashi (近藤隆)
Sato Tadanobu CV: Konishi Katsuyuki (小西克幸)
Sasaki Takatsuna CV: Amatsuki (天月)
โอโตเมะเกมภาษาอังกฤษ Birushana Senki
15 ปีหลังเกิดการกบฎ ตระกูลเกนจิล่าถอยไปอาศัยอยู่ในหุบเขา และมีทายาทที่เยาว์วัยคนหนึ่ง
ความลับที่ไม่มีใครล่วงรู้มาก่อน คือ ทายาทของเกนจิผู้นี้ ไม่ใช่เพศชาย
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Standard: iffysonlinestore.com/birushana-SE
Limited: iffysonlinestore.com/birushana-LE
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save-the-data · 3 years
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This third instalment of Oedo no Candy series, which depicts only a world of beautiful men in unique fashion, loosely is based on the story of Genji and Heike. The prosperous Heike lives above ground in his castle, whilst the defeated Genji lives underground in a winter cave. Genji’s second heir Minamoto no Yoshitsune (or Shanao) fascinates the people with his strength and splendour, however not his brother, Yoritomo. This love-hate relationship comes to ahead when one day Shanao along with Benkei attend a masquerade hosted by their nemesis Heike, there he meets Taira no Kiyomori’s second son Tomomori the two instantly attracted to one another. Also at the party is Ohime who unfortunately is killed, this angers Yoritomo and makes Shanao flee as a wanted criminal. 
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the-evil-clergyman · 5 years
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Shanao (Yoshitsune) and the Tengu King by Yanagawa Shigenobu
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ask-misun-and-oc · 24 days
When Ryuji plays "Birushana"
I want to play it because of Fukuyama Jun, the same voice actor of Yoritomo in IkeGen. Unfortunately i have no nintendo. So i prefer to see in on Youtube. But i... I REALLY WANT TO KILL TOMOMORIIIIIII!!!!
Yasuchika: Oh Ryuuuuuuuujiiii~ Today is your birthday right?
Ryuji: It's next month according to this timeline. Why is that?
Yasuchika: Your touken danshi friends send you a birthday gift. A... Nin-tendo(?)
Ryuji: //immedietely takes the nintendo// Nope, i brought something that should be delivered today. Ima told me there is a game which tell about Genpei war. I wanna play it.
Ryuji: //whining like a little kid// Uweeee, Shanao should be a male hiks...
Kagetoki: Owh, come on, Ryuji. That's just a game as you said.
Ryuji: But i hate Tomomori because he kissed Yoshitsune.
Yoritomo: //suddenly appears// Ahem! Who dares to kiss Yoshitsune hum?
Ryuji: //still whining// Can't tell you.
Shigehira: And why do you seem so annoyed with my late half-brother Tomomori?
Ryuji: Nyaaaaaahhh, Shigehira-saaaaaan....! Why do you so obsessed with Yoshitsune if you already has Yoritomo as your lover!
Morinaga: //spits out his drink// Whaaaat?
Shigehira: What the hell are you talking about! What do you mean by Yoritomo-sama become my lover?! And why do i care about Yoshitsune!
Tamamo: Let me make it simple. Perhaps because Yoritomo has sparred Shigehira, later Shigehira himself followed Yoritomo since they have the same intention to kill Yoshitsune.
Morinaga: I guess that's not the- //looking at nintendo// Aaahhh~ I see. Delusioning again, Ryuji? //showing a joystik//
Yoritomo: Tell me the truth, Hajime Ryuji. //gives a dead glare//
Ryuji: I just wonder how Genpei war begin until i found the roleplay game.
Yoritomo: And why did you mention Yoshitsune and Tomomori? //raising his eyebrows//
Ryuji: There is a scene they are kissing- ah, no Tomomori kissed Shanao. You too, pinning down Shanao and intended to kiss her too.
Yoritomo: Excuse me, Hajime Ryuji~ Did you say 'Shanao'? 😏 and you really jealous on me who claimed Yoshitsune all myself?
Kagetoki: Yoritomo, no. Ryuji is such a fragile and temprame-
Yoritomo: Shhh shh, let me, Kagetoki
Ryuji: Shanao is a man. Shanao is a man. I don't wanna see him become a woman and surrounded by the men.
Yoritomo: I know i know, i promised Shigehira will be my lover only.
Shigehira: Hei! Why me!
Yoritomo: But... Shanao-chan also lovely too. His lips also soft.
Yoritomo: Ufufufufu, i love teasing this little guy.
Ryuji: //whines like a little kid// Uhuuuu, hiks... Yoshitsune-sama aaaah. I'm getting sick because of Taira bros and Yoritomo uweee. Don't be so submissive uweee
Yoritomo: 💢 Time for punishment because you are in delusional, Hajime Ryuji //pulling Ryuji's ear//
Ryuji: Ouch ouch, itta tatatata, don't my ear- forgive me lord Yoritomoooooooo
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ao3feed-mythology · 4 years
Shanao | Lust and Fate
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2DxymYX
by Kibounohane
Serving Minamoto no Yoritomo as the most beautiful concubine of his time, Benkei's life changes one night when he meets Yoritomo's brother.
Words: 2444, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Japanese Mythology, Heian Jidai | Heian Period RPF, Japanese History RPF, Les Garcons Bonbons, Oedo no Candy 3, Historical RPF, Original Work
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: M/M
Characters: Minamoto no Yoshitsune, Musashibō Benkei
Relationships: Minamoto no Yoshitsune/Saitou Musashibou Benkei (Historical RPF)
Additional Tags: Historical References, Historical Fantasy, Smut, Explicit Sexual Content, Character Death, Suicide, Male Slash, Prostitution
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2DxymYX
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