psychicscavenger · 6 years
The Spell
@deathbystorm Hi! I was your Shance Valentines Exchange gifter! One of your prompts was for a sleeping beauty type au where they get together afterwards, but Shiro had never intended to tell Lance his feelings for him’
Hope i did the prompt justice! You can read at ao3 here or I’ll post the fic under the cut! Enjoy~
Title: The Spell
ship: Shance
tags: sleeping beauty elements, light angst, fluff, angst with a happy ending
It was supposed to have been a simple diplomatic mission.
Shiro and the rest of the paladins had been invited to a planet for a possible ally ship and hopefully persuade their ruler to join the Coalition against the Galra. The people so far, no matter how beautiful with their tough rock-like exteriors and shimmering eyes, had been very rude with even their King snorting at the idea of joining sides with Voltron. Allura had done all that she could to persuade them but their King seemed uninterested, thinking their small Geode monsters would be enough defense despite the fact they were less than a quarter size compared to Voltron itself.
So they had a brief interlude, the King announcing a quick break with some of his loyal subjects meeting and interacting with the Paladins, thankfully they were hospitable in ways the King wasn't. In fact, the King's son Prince Pyrite was more welcoming than he was. Especially towards a certain paladin who he was sharing a small private conversation with that had Lance giggling cutely every five minutes which made Shiro's blood boil.
So it wasn't exactly known that Shiro had fond feelings towards the Blue Paladin, feelings more fond than the ones he had for the rest of his teammates. He was and always had been a private person, usually going after his interests in a quiet manner however he had ultimately decided a long time ago not to pursue anything regarding his crush towards Lance. One reason being Lance was very flirtatious with him and just about anyone he meets. Shiro recalls with a bitter laugh how one time, Lance had even flirted with a Galran enemy during a mission.
"I was distracting him for you!" Lance had huffed while the rest of the others had laughed at his offended expression while Shiro had sat quietly in the corner, trying to get the image of Lance making bedroom eyes at the blushing agent out of his mind. The most disappointing part was how the flirting had actually worked to their benefit, a fact Shiro was not amused by.
So yeah, Lance probably wouldn't take it serious if Shiro were to come forward with his feelings. There was also the issue that he was essentially Lance's superior officer temporarily given his status of being Voltron's leader. Maybe it wasn't a big deal but Shiro didn't want any relationship of his to be seen as some kind of power imbalance, especially with someone he cared for deeply, so he would do the right thing and keep it to himself. No matter how infuriating it was to watch Prince Pyrite's hands wander closer and closer to Lance's backside every minute they spoke.
"Shiro!" The Black Paladin turned, hoping his glaring wasn't too noticeable as he faced Princess Allura who had a concerned expression as she glanced around, eyes narrowing in suspicion.
"Allura?" Shirp prompted, curious as to why the Princess was acting weirdly, for her anyway.
"Shiro, we need to leave now. Coran just informed me he had been reading through some communication logs between members of the Coalition when he stumbled upon a log that was between the Galra and our hosts. From what Coran's told me, it seems they were going to do a trade, our lions for their independence." Shiro's eyes widened at that.
"I'll inform the others, we'll make a silent escape so as not to draw too much suspicion." Shiro spoke with Allura nodding in agreement. She slipped away then, heading over to the banquet table where Hunk and Pidge were while Shiro turned back towards Lance only to see he was gone as well as the Prince.
Oh hell.
Shiro quickly made his way over to where he last saw them, noticing a nearby dark hallway that branched off from the main room everyone was in. A sinking feeling in his gut, Shiro made his way down the hallway, hand glowing up in defense as two separate voices bounced across the walls. He pulled out his communicator, sending a warning to the other paladins, telling them to get to their lions as quickly as they could as he slid along the wall, keeping his back against the sturdy bricks until the voices stopped followed by a dull thud noise that echoed throughout the hallway. Ducking his head around the corner, Shiro gasped at the sight of Lance sprawled out on the floor, one of those goblets from the party spilled over the tiles, the puddle of liquid creating a galaxy swirl on the floor, the juice shimmering prettily as Prince Pyrite stood over an unconscious Lance, laughing maniacally in triumph.
"Mighty Voltron indeed! Your precious Blue Paladin has fallen as will the rest of you!" He gestured, sounding just like a Disney villain as Shiro skid to his knees by Lance's side, checking his vitals and sighing gratefully that Lance wasn't dead but rather sleeping. Shiro glanced to the galaxy drink and back at Lance, knowing right away Lance had been given some kind of poison by the Prince which had Shiro's grip tightening protectively even more before turning towards the Prince once again.
"What did you do to him?" Shiro ordered, his hand glowing up once again as the Prince scoffed.
"Please, like we'd ever join your silly Coalition. The Galra promised us our independence and freedom if we at least gave them one of those prestigious lions of yours. Father and I decided why not also dispose of its pilot as well?" The Prince smiled, which was anything but friendly as Shiro scoffed, angry.
"And you think the Galra will honor that? What's stopping them from taking your planets resources? Even if you handed all of the lions over, they will still invade your planet and drain its resources. They don't care about allies as much as they care about making others fear them." He berated. He once again brought out his communicator, alerting the others of the situation before quickly scooping Lance up into his arms, not paying attention to the prince who hung back unwilling to fight as well as reflecting over Shiro's words.
Shiro made his way back to the lions easily with no other issues. Keith had been waiting to extract them in Red as Black and Blue had already taken off back towards the castle, the bonded link between them and their paladins telling them it was time to abscond. He settled back in the cockpit with Lance still asleep in his arms, wondering how bad the damage was and a little unsettled at how Lance seemed so at peace..almost as if he were dead. Once everyone had made it back to the castle, none of them bothering with talking about the species and what had just happened, they immediately moved to the med bay and set Lance on one of the beds, waiting impatiently as the machine started scanning him over, searching for anything amiss in tase a pod needed to be used, all while Lance hovered in the air, still in blissful sleep.
"Aha! It seems the Price had persuaded Lance to drink some of the narcocious berry wine, a powerful sleeping potion made by the berry that can put most species to sleep forever, including humans it seems." Coran explained, twirling his mustache in wonder since he hadn't heard of these things in deca-pheebs. Hunk fidgeted with his hands, eyes grazing over the lifeless body of his best friend as he spoke.
"We can wake him up though right? I mean we need Lance to form Voltron obviously, but I don't want him to sleep forever! Plus, what about when we get back to Earth, what will his family say? Oh no, Veronica will hunt us down..and kill us." Hunk fretted as Pidge patted his arm to calm him down.
"Chill Hunk, I'm sure there's some way we can break the spell. Right Coran?" The younger asked as Coran nodded.
"Indeed Number five! There is a way to break the spell, with a kiss from his one true love!" Coran announced much to the displeasure of the others who bored matching expressions of disbelief and bewilderment.
"Great! How are we going to find someone to kiss Lance?" Keith grumbled. Coran merely snapped his fingers in the air and urged them out of the med bay, Shiro giving one last glance towards the sleeping paladin before following after the others to the main room where Allura piloted the castle.
"After we started taking on allies, so many of the planets citizens sent grateful letters to each of you, I'd say most of you have your own fanbase by now, especially Lance. He's incredibly popular apparently." Coran clicked on some file and a million different pictures and letters popped up of Lance posing with different alien species they had rescued from the Galra. Shiro felt a smile tugging on his face as he gazed at the wonder and glee that adorned Lance's face in every photo.
"If we send out a request to our allies to help our situation, I'm sure one of these fans has to be his true love and break the spell." Coran noted with Allura nodding as well.
"Brilliant Coran! Hopefully we should be done within the next varga and I'm sure Lance will be most excited to meet his true love." She stated excitedly while Shiro felt a pang of despair plant itself in his gut, sure he was happy they'd wake Lance soon but at the same time it would be a bummer to watch some other person, Lance's true love kiss him. He tried not to be too bothered by the idea, as well as when what felt like another few days rolled by and there were hundreds of aliens now at the castle, waiting to plant a kiss on the Blue Paladin's cheek. They decided even if Lance was asleep, the paladin probably wouldn't be okay with strangers kissing him on the lips. Plus, the spell never specified where he should be kissed, so it was a slight loophole. As the hours went by their anticipation became grim as each alien had to turn away in sorrow as Lance did not wake up. The paladins and Alteans grew less hopeful as Lance remained asleep after each kiss to his forehead, cheek, or hand. After what felt like a week had been by, it was down to the final three aliens, only for none of their kisses to work as the Blue Paladin remained asleep, blissfully unaware of the torture he was putting his teammates through.
It went on for weeks like that, they visited many ally planets in hopes somebody could awaken Lance only to be left in disappointment when nothing happened. Shiro took to spending most of his time in the med bay, his hand ruffling through Lance's chestnut locks, wishing the other were awake, to fill the rooms with his boisterous laugh and playful personality. Shiro thought Lance resembled too much like a corpse in this state, his light breathing being the only implication he was even alive, the image a little too haunting at times giving Shiro a chill at the idea.
The weeks became a month and everyone was losing hope by the minute. They had been avoiding any confrontations with the Galra if they could help it, since they were down by one lion and Blue was not lowering her shield for anyone anytime soon, making their situation more desperate. The others had taken to retreating into their own headspaces, Hunk was excessively cooking and baking, wanting to perfect some recipe involving garlic knots so he could present them to Lance when he woke up soon.
They were avoiding the possibility of 'if' for now.
Pidge had greatly missed the older paladin's presence, choosing to spend most of their time with their gadgets in the med bay beside Lance's hovering form. Keith had taken up training almost every second of the day to work off his anger at the situation and concern for his friend as he felt helpless to aid his friend while Allura and Coran constantly kept looking for ally planets that could possibly help as well as researching for another way to break the spell. Shiro spent most of his time reflecting on his thoughts, memories, and regret. His late nights wandering the halls grew more solemn and quiet since Lance used to join him sometimes when he usually took a bathroom break in the middle of the night. Shiro chuckled to himself, recalling fondly how Lance would try to stay up with Shiro as late as he could before eventually succumbing to his own sleepiness, making Shiro the one to take him back to bed and tuck him in. Those late night talks meant everything to Shiro as he learned a lot about Lance those nights.
He learned Lance was the youngest of five children and claimed he was his parent's favorite. "The baby is always the favorite Shiro! Everybody knows that!" Lance had griped when Shiro questioned whether that was true. He learned Lance missed his home very much, talking about Varadero Beach any chance he could. He loved looking at the stars at night, had a particular brand of moisturizer he used the most, talked in his sleep, loved playing with his niece and nephew, and could sing really well. Shiro wasn't sure when he had developed stronger feelings towards the Blue Paladin, but he certainly regretted not telling Lance his true feelings, wishing as he sat by Lance's side, brushing his fingers through chestnut locks that he could tell him his true feelings.
Luckily, that chance came sooner than he thought it would.
They were all in the med bay, running more scans on Lance to make sure everything was okay (mostly to make sure he was still just in a deep sleep) when Pidge suddenly snapped their fingers in realization.
"Guys! I may have found the answer!" No sooner were the words out of their mouth, Hunk grabbed the front of their jacket, a crazed look in his eye.
"Well spit it out Pidge!"
"I'm trying to! Anyways, what if Lance's true love doesn't have to be in the romantic sense? What if platonic love or even familial love could break the spell?" They asked excited for the possibility as the others now were.
"Coran? Is this possible?" Allura asked hopeful as Coran thought over it.
"You know what Number Five? I'd say we give it the ol' mature noggin assessments enhancement attempt!" Pidge merely blinked at him before shrugging his words off. "We use the expression 'college try' but I'm assuming it means the same thing as whatever you were suggesting."
"Hmm 'college' a funny word if I've ever one," Coran stated, talking more to himself than the others who gathered around Lance's bed unsure. Keith eyed everyone, looking obviously uncomfortable with what they were about to possibly do.
"So ah..what do we do?" He asked turning away pointedly as Hunk glanced around.
"Yeah, I'm not sure how I feel about kissing Lance, I know he's not dead but,"
"Oh for the love of Beyonce! Move!" Pidge shoved both of them out of the way, ready to get this over with. The younger paladin leaned down, pressing their lips to Lance's forehead, cheeks burning up in embarrassment as the others stood there waiting in anticipation. Pidge stood back up, eyes roving over Lance's face waiting hopefully only to sag in defeat as Lance remained sleeping, not even a slight twitch.
"It's okay Pidge, here let me try." Hunk scooted in front of them and eagerly leaned down to kiss the same spot where Pidge did, leaning back up with hope only to look crestfallen as Lance remained asleep even for his best friend. This made the others nervous now, if Lance and Hunk's bromance couldn't break the spell, what could?
"Keith?" Allura asked, wondering if he was still going to try only for the other man to groan unwillingly before quickly yanking Lance's hand towards himself and planting a firm but gentle kiss to his knuckles. Like Hunk and Pidge, Keith was met with a light snore from Lance that had him growling in annoyance.
"He's not going to wake up no matter what we do!" He griped as Allura decided it was time for her to take a shot with her kissing Lance's hand like Keith did only to sag in disappointment when the other still slept.
"Shiro?" Coran prompted, noting the other hadn't tried yet with Shiro nervously glancing at the others, slightly less hopeful this will work out. He shifted closer to the bed, leaning down and running his fingers through Lance's hair once again, thumb caressing the side of Lance's face before he knelt down and kissed Lance's forehead, a part of him wishing and hoping that this would work and he'd get to see those blue eyes once more.
And indeed he did.
With a slight groan, Lance's eyes fluttered open sleepily, the motion announced by Hunk who nearly pushed Shiro aside to hug his best friend with Pidge and Allura joining him as Keith and Coran stood back relieved. Shiro stood still, amazed that the kiss had worked! He gave a slight laugh of happiness and relief as he cradled Lance in his arms, pulling him close in a hug as the others enveloped themselves around them as well. Lance, who was confused by all this attention merely yawned before joking that he was being squished.
"Guys what's going on? Was I gone or something?" Lance asked once the group hug was over, mildly wondering if he had been in the cryopod again for a while again only to be met with such amused faces full of relief. The biggest surprise was Shiro who still had his arms around him and looking down at him with the softest expression he'd ever seen on the man.
"Yeah Lance, you were gone for a while and we just we really missed you." He explained somewhat with Lance nodding along, not really understanding it but knew how choked up the others were given their teary reactions right now. After a few more rounds of hugs and tears, Lance was allowed out of the med bay after a quick scan proving he was fine where the team informed him of what happened, regarding the prince poisoning him, the spell, and trying to find the right person to break said spell which caught Lance's attention immediately.
"So you guys were just kissing me until I woke up?" Lance asked, his nose scrunching up at the idea he essentially made out with so many different aliens and his hot teammates and of course he was unconscious through it all!
"Well, not quite, the spell said true loves kiss could break it so we searched for everyone you had flirted with and then Pidge got the brilliant idea that it could be true platonic love or even familial and its must've worked considering it was Shiro who brought you back to us." Allura explained much to Lance's confusion and Shiro's mortification.
"Huh..really?" Lance eyed Shiro, his cheeks darkening and the look curious which had Shiro making up a quick excuse about them needing to get the word out to the allies about Voltron being back. The team separated after that, Hunk going to present Lance his garlic knots, a batch he made that finally worked out with Pidge and Keith staying with Allura and Coran to help notify their allies. Coran was especially excited to announce it was a fellow paladin that, "Brought our Loverboy Lance back from dreamland!" Shiro noted Lance yawning once more (there were still traces of the poison still left in his body that would wear off eventually) and offered to help him to his room to rest, which Lance responded with a sleepy nod, getting up and making his way towards the exit, Shiro right on his heels.
With Shiro guiding him back to his room, Lance felt his heart fluttering wondering what he should do given his crush had essentially kissed him! Oh, of all the times he had to be asleep it was when Shiro kissed him! As the two paladins walked in, Lance groaned and flopped on his bed, ignoring Shiro's amused snort as the taller sent a curious look Lance's way.
"What's wrong? I thought you'd be happy you finally woke up after so long." He teased but dropped it as soon as Lance turned to glare back at him.
"Hardly! Mostly I'm just embarrassed you had to find out about my super secret crush on you this way! It's like a story from my niece's fairytales book! So embarrassing! Ugh!" Lance turned around and groaned into his pillow, unaware of the flustered man still standing beside him. Shiro cleared his throat a couple times, trying to get his nerves together as he tried to figure out how sentences worked again.
"S-so you have a crush on me?" Shiro asked hesitant if he should approach this topic when Lance rolled over and sighed. He had such defeated look on his face Shiro almost wanted to drop the subject but Lance spoke before he could suggest it.
"Yeah might as well since it was you who kissed me..wait a minute!" Lance launched to his feet nearly tipping over in his sleepy glory but thankfully Shiro caught him, holding him gently against his chest as he recognized the knowing look on Lance's face.
"It was true loves kiss that woke me up! And it was you!" Lance pointed out as Shiro felt his ears burning.
"Well..I, yes. It was. Or rather required for the spell to work." Shiro suggested but Lance kept on, now pacing across the floor as he begun to think.
"But If I only woke up when you kissed me then that means you're my true love Shiro, but how? You're so cool and well known while I'm just a cargo pilot from Cuba you've never heard of so maybe its wishful thinking to ask this but, do you like me? Like-like me that is." Lance fidgeted with his thumbs, blushing at the thought which Shiro found adorable. He sighed as he crossed over to Lance, putting his hands on his shoulders and taking a deep breath, the jig was finally up, might as well, but knowing Lance liked him back made it much easier now.
"Yes, I do like-like you. Have been for a while and while I wasn't planning on telling you because I myself thought I was being delusional imagining the possibility an 'us'. Now, after not getting to see you everyday with your bright smile, your wonderful laugh, and cute snores, I realized that if I could go back in time and confess to you before the spell ever happened I would. So I'm saying it now." Shiro's arms slid down until they took Lance's stunned hands in his own, caressing the soft digits as he gazed gently into Lance's eyes as he spoke,
"I'm in love with you Lance. Not sure when it started, but I want you to know that even if you might not want to pursue this..thing between us. Just know I'll always care for you deeply in my heart." With a new burst of confidence and affection, Shiro leaned in to press a kiss against Lance's cheek, wanting to show some sign of his physical affection which brought forth a brilliant crimson blush to bloom across Lance's whole face.
"I-Shiro..I can't believe you said those things to me. I must still be dreaming, quick pinch my side for me!" Lance ordered turning in Shiro's grip a little as Shiro playfully groaned.
"Lance I'm serious, I meant every word I said." He stated gazing into Lance's eyes as he spoke. Lance's lips quirked up into a smile as he leaned forward, eyes fluttering closed before he planted a small kiss on Shiro's lips an action that left the older man breathless as he stood there stunned before Lance pulled back, smiling cheekily.
"Then I mean every word when I say I'm in love with you too." Lance breathed when they broke apart. Shiro felt as if a mass of butterflies had sprung loose in his gut, the feeling so light and airy it almost tickled. As he pulled the younger man close again, the two joining in lip-lock once more, he knew he would never doubt his feelings for Lance ever again.
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Happy Valentines day @raphidae I am your valentine for the @shance-cafe digital valentine exchange. I hope you are having a sweet day. I was originally working on a fic for you but it’s run away from me a bit, I will finish it as soon as possible but for now I offer you this little doodle so you have something on the day. I hope you like it <3
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takingshances · 7 years
shance cafe
Hey there everyone! We’ve gotten a few asks from people interested in the shance cafe project, which I’m extremely glad to hear! Unfortunately I don’t have any hand in the project, but @shance-cafe​ will be the central hub, and this post here has a bit more info on the cafe and the discord server!
It sounds like this will be an awesome recourse for everyone, I’m extremely excited to see how everything turns out~
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flowerconnoisseur · 6 years
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This is for @leloqier~! I helped pitch in to gift for the remaining giftees at the @shance-cafe Valentine’s Day Exchange. I hope you like it~
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rigb0ner · 5 years
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spooky-lance · 6 years
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Hey @edwartry I'm your Shance Valentine! I hope you had a great day because your prompt gave me so many ideas haha. I wanted to take it all kinds of ways but I decided to make it about childhood friends! to lovers. Shiro works as a florist for his auntie during high school and Lance doesn't realize Shiro is the genius behind the bouquets. I hope you enjoy it!
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shance-cafe · 6 years
September marks the one-year anniversary of Shance Cafe! In celebration, let’s show our love for our community - join in, and you might even win an awesome prize!
How do you enter? It’s simple! Just make a post on Twitter or Tumblr celebrating Shance Cafe! What kind of post? Well, that’s up to you, as long as it’s in the spirit of celebration! Examples might include:
Writing a fic
Creating a piece of artwork
Posting a photo of a cake or baked good you made
Writing a short essay about our community
Staging a cosplay photoshoot
Whatever you can come up with!
Once you have made your post, please fill out the Google Form here so that we can enter you for the drawing! Each person that makes an entry will be entered into a random drawing for our prize pack. 
What can you win? Our mod team has teamed up to provide a fun prize pack for one lucky winner!
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Poster from @skylocked
Acrylic charm and postcards from @starbearstudio
Stickers from @nevermoree-the-raven
1k word fic from @poisonedfortunecookie
All posts should be positive and celebrating Shance Cafe. 
Work must be your own and created for this event.
You must tag Shance Cafe in your post on Twitter or Tumblr
To be entered into the drawing, you must fill out the Google Form linked here
Entries are due: Sunday, September 30
Winner will be announced by: Saturday, October 13
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cooler-than-space · 6 years
Hmmmmmmmm... Some more stuff about that Cat Cafe AU
Shiro keeps going to the Castle of Lions on a weekly basis.
Other than spending time with the aloof but affectionate grump that is Black
And the delicious food and coffee--
Shiro loved seeing Lance on a weekly basis.
He loves seeing Lance be charming and caring for his customers.
He loves seeing Lance tend to the cats during the down time, playing with the cats and giving them head scritches.
It was obvious to everyone but Lance that Shiro had feelings towards the other man.
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bandishedespeon · 6 years
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So it’s the first day of Shance Summer days and I kinda went for the party pool time but pre-kerberos mission where they get a bit close at a garrison party and share their first kiss high school musical style (kinda?)
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psychicscavenger · 6 years
Two Stars Intertwined
Heyyy @noiryn I was your shance pinch hitter for the Shance Valentines exchange 2019! I’m sorry you had to wait awhile but I hope you enjoy it! I tried to include every single prompt in your list and this was the result!  
 Shiro lifting lance!!!! More specifically, benchpressing ;) 
 Nose kisses! 
Soft shiro looking at lance tm 
Knight/prince au is my jam
Them geeking over space together "
As promised, there is NO ANGST in this, just some happy fluff between a prince and his knight! Hope you enjoy~
"Okay, one..two..three!" Shiro hefted his giggling boyfriend using only his arms, over his head, slowly bringing him back down towards his chest. Shiro smiled as his squirming boyfriend twisted around to peck him with a soft kiss, nose just barely brushing with his, pausing to rub just a little bit against his own before Lance resumed the position Shiro put him in, waiting as he continued to benchpress him. Lance kept as still as possible, not wanting to disrupt his secret boyfriend's concentration, although his face was absolutely flaming from how turned on he was.
For two minutes, Lance was hefted up and down by his secret boyfriend, heart hammering every time he was dipped low, wondering if Shiro might get injured, the strong bodyguard kept hold and hardly wavered in his strength. When Lance mentioned secret boyfriend, it was because as a prince, he typically couldn't court or be courted by someone of Shiro's status, despite it being higher than many. His position as head knight and Lance's personal bodyguard is what brought them close, in terms of speaking and being around each other. However, it was their mutual love for space that bonded them together. Lance had always wanted to travel through space since he was little, but as a prince he couldn't leave his duties and people behind while Shiro had explored a good number of the galaxy between their respective planets. There was nothing amazing enough to compare to those warm summer evenings spent talking on the balcony about the stars, their constellations and comparing them to the ones on Earth. Shiro would tell Lance of the times he dressed up as a spaceman for so many years repeatedly for a tradition called 'Howl'oh'ween' on his planet while Lance had been obsessed with anything to do with stars, including collecting little sticky glowing stars that he attached to everything despite his parent's disapproval. Lance could recall how Shiro had casually asked him out(in secret of course), he had somehow followed Lance up to his favorite spot on the roof of one of the smaller towers of the castle. The two of them were casually sitting next to each other, admiring the clear night sky with its indigo void and millions of shimmering stars above them. After they had reached a lull in their conversation, Shiro had hesitantly leaned towards Lance, a soft look upon his face that also held another emotion, something close to uncertainty.
"Lance I have something to ask you, but I'm not sure how to go about it." Shiro started with Lance giving him an inquiring look.
"You can tell me anything." Lance had said earnestly. So what if he was a prince trying to impress a knight, this was the Takashi Shirogane, a legendary hero, a man of many talents with charm and wit to spare. He was someone Lance had a crush on for a long time and now he was alone, with Lance!
"Well, I've been spending alot of time with this person lately. At first, it was just work related reasons but then after getting to know him I've started enjoying his company and soon I realized that I've fallen for this person... And I think he likes me too." Shiro glanced at him, eyes imploring as Lance blinked, feeling like his heart was being torn in two.
"O-oh! That's..cool. Who is the lucky guy then?" Lance asked unsure if he even wanted to hear the answer.
"I'll tell you, but first I wanted your advice on how to confess to him. I figured you'd be the wisest person to ask given your 'reputation' and your self professed flirting skills in the love department." Shiro teased as Lance playfully smacked his shoulder.
"You know as well as I do, there is no reputation! I scare off every interested suitor as soon as they meet me..which has nothing to do with my flirting! My flirting is the best I'll have you know!" He ranted, mouth just moving before he could think but thankfully Shiro seemed to like it, smiling amiably and not aware of Lance's inner turmoil.
"I do know but still, I know your heart is in the right place and that's what counts. Which is why I'm asking you for any tips for someone who can't flirt to save his life?" Shiro smiled innocently as Lance turned his head, hoping the night was hiding his blush well. Damn Takashi and his beautiful face...
"Uh well, I guess just be upfront and honest? I joke around alot, but if someone were to confess to me their feelings and be sincere in every word they say, that would be the best and most swooniest way to get me to fall for them, regarding if I like them to begin with. Of course, not everyone is the same... Uh Shiro?" Lance sat there stunned by the intense look Shiro held on his face.
"Lance, for the past few months I have fallen in love with you, every second of every day. I'm always captivated by your positivity, your charisma for how you approach things, and your love for everyone. I always felt there was something between us, and I was hoping that maybe you would consider going out with me?" Shiro wondered, feeling like he was sweating bullets but on the outside he looked cool and collected as always. Lance however was flipping his shit, internally and externally but for the wrong reason.
"Yes! Shiro, that's exactly how you do it! Tell your mysterious crush that and you're golden!" Lance cheered incredibly impressed by Shiro's acting. Shiro just stared blankly, unsure where he went wrong before he opened his mouth, to try again.
"No Lance I was,"
"Seriously! The raw emotion! The passion behind every word you said! Ugh! This crush of yours is extremely lucky! They better say yes or I'll kick their butt!" Lance stated but inside he was screaming, wishing it were him.
"Then you would be kicking your own butt." Shiro pointed out bluntly. Lance merely blinked slowly.
"What do you mean?"
"Lance, you're the lucky recipient. You're my crush. That speech I made was for you. I was confessing to you." Shiro explained chuckling a bit as Lance's eyes widened, and he seemed to freeze in place as if finally processing all of it.
"Wait, really?" Lance flushed with a new wave of excitement rushing through his body. Shiro nodded, ducking his head shyly as Lance stared at him in shock and awe.
"You..I..yes. I'm in love with you too. Have been for a while actually." Lance laughed, wiping a small tear of happiness away as Shiro lit up.
"R-really? I'm glad." He beamed, slowly but surely, he eased Lance's hand into his own, squeezing it just a tad for reassurance with Lance squeezing back in response. The two gazed at each other, the stars reflecting the love and affection they had for each other. And they continued to sit there, talking about the constellations and Shiro's many past trips to the galaxy, never breaking their hands apart as the evening wore on.  
The memory faded away as Lance came back to the present, feeling himself being gently eased down. Shiro released a long breath, placing his boyfriend down in his lap before sitting up and grabbing a small hand towel to wipe his face. "Did you enjoy yourself your highness?" he asked a teasing lilt to his tone with Lance sticking his tongue out and poking the other in the cheek.
"Yes, except for the part where you stopped. I know you can easily do twenty more reps. What gives?" Lance pouted. Yes, he was being a little bratty but this was his favorite part of the day! What used to be just simply watching his favorite knight do morning exercises has now become an enjoyable activity they can do together, even if all Lance did was ogle his boyfriend's abs and occasionally act as a weight. Shiro chuckled at his expression before placing a hand around the other's waist and inching him closer to press a kiss to his lips.
"I'm ready to move on to some push-ups and I know you get excited when I do those so..." Shiro trailed off watching the blush form on his beloved's cheeks before Lance ducked embarrassed and also turned on.
"Oh okay, where do you want me, underneath or?" Lance trailed off distracted, thinking about the last time he helped Shiro with push-ups, all he had to do was simply lie underneath Shiro as the other came down and give him a simple kiss for motivation. And also to encourage him not to face-plant on top of Lance and crush him. Not that he wasn't into that.
"Actually I was thinking you could sit on my back, kinda like what we just did with the bench pressing, you'd be acting as a weight." Shiro explained, getting up snd stretching just a bit before getting on the ground in push-up position while Lance stood off to the side, foot tapping offensively.
"Are you saying I'm heavy?" He accused, arms crossed and pouty expression increased tenfold as Shiro turned to face him with a bemused expression.
"Not at all, despite all those sugary pastries you eat, you're very light." Shiro lightly teased making Lance blush furiously having his eating habits called out like that.
"Only because you sneak me them all the time, my diet is all screwed up thanks to you! Whatever, just get on the ground!" He haughtily ordered using his 'prince voice' with Shiro chuckling, "Yes sir." Shiro eased himself into a push-up position, waiting as Lance carefully climbed on, laying himself across Shiro's back and amusingly his butt. Lance wrapped his arms around Shiro's shoulders as instructed and waited as Shiro began his next exercise. Lance gasped as the man underneath him practically flew down as if they were falling to the floor but then paused just before touching the stone and just as fast Shiro eased them back up to their starting position.
"Holy crow..." Lance breathed, face flushing as Shiro continued to do his push-ups, no longer focusing on his boyfriend knowing his mind will take a different turn if he thought about the prince laying on his back, face flushed and eyes slitted with desire and sleepiness from waking up early to help Shiro.
"You still with me, your highness?" Shiro asked turning his neck just a bit to see his boyfriend as Lance took the opportunity to lean forward and press a lingering kiss to his boyfriend's cheek.
"I am and always will be." He stated, pressing his face against Shiro's neck, arms tightening their hold around Shiro's chest as the knight paused, looking back at his boyfriend with a soft look, smile small but easily noticeable as he replied,
"And I'll always be with you my prince, my star."
                                                 The End
Hope that was okay and that you liked it! Also just curious to anyone who reads this, should I put this up on AO3?
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-Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Lance/Shiro (Voltron) Characters: Lance (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron) Additional Tags: shance, Domestic Fluff Summary:
When Shiro got home from work, he wasn't expecting to have a reenactment of their wedding in the back garden. But he can't let his daughter down, and when he sees his husband in his wedding suit, well, Shiro would say I Do a thousand times over.
Congratualtions again to @rolling-blunder for winning the @shance-cafe giveaway. I know it was a little while ago now, and I’m sorry this took so long to get to you but I hope you enjoy it. 
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lance and shiro sitting at a cafe just smiling across the table at each other, completely enamored, oblivious to everything else around them
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bluephoenixquill · 7 years
Shance Cafe About Me
One nickname you have: Kell
Two favorite activities: Drawing and Video Games
Three movies you love: Book of Life, Nightmare Before Christmas, Kubo and the Two Strings
Four books you’ve read: Sisters in Sanity, Maximum Ride, The Bean Trees, Hunger Games
Five foods you cannot live without: Chocolate, Queso Dip, Pasta, Pizza, Peanut Butter
Tell us: Your favorite ice cream flavor: Caramel
Your least favorite color: Orange
One animal you’re afraid of: Moose
One place you’d live to visit: Japan
One thing (or more) you love about Shance: The potential for mutual emotional support and Hurt/comfort. they seem like they could really be great for each other if given the chance and I want them both to be happy
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littlecofieart · 5 years
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More to the silly superhero!au nobody asked for, because I ship shance and klance too HARD. XD
Shiro’s superpower is that he can turn into a magical knight in shining armor. Cos I thought that would be funny. He is called ‘The Paladin’. (and he should have a scar on his face in that form sorry forgot to draw it)
They have no idea who the other one is and Shiro’s side-job has become very hard since Lance joined the superhero business, because Lance’s magical suit is still very feminine ( the crystal has to get used to dress a male body after 3 generation of female superheroes.) and Shiro’s gay eyes tend to wonder...
Their superhero personas go on a few dates but they blow their covers in attempt to save each other and they decide to end it because teacher-student relationships is a no-no.
But Lance’s heart doesn't stay sad for long, since ‘Samurai’ arrives with a new flame. (he can also summon a bike out of nowhere cos that’s a cool way of transportation)
Hunk runs a cafe and seems to be a big fan of the previous generation of heroes. (in reality he fought side by side with them (Hunk is Shiro’s age in this) He also knows ‘Blade’, a retired superhero who is Krolia) He doesn’t tell them he is the guy in the armor.
also Pidge has a symbiote.
yepp. I’m crazy. Cos I don't even have a name for Lance’s superhero person. I don't think Loverboy would work. :P
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puppetmaster55 · 4 years
Is the shance discord I can join?
there’s... several. like @shancesupportsquad and @shance-cafe and the Give Love A Shance server are three I can name off the top of my head
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asian-hero · 4 years
Voltron Masterlist
☂︎ = angst
❤︎ = fluff
⦿ = smut
☆ = new
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s/o sings to calm themselves when their sad ☂︎(?)❤︎
Watching a movie with an overly emotional s/o ❤︎
s/o steals his shirts all the time ❤︎
Keith and Lance fight over Shiro’s s/o ❤︎
s/o calls him “Cherry Blossom” ❤︎
Shiro’s warm/cold hands (the duality of man) ❤︎
s/o’s father belittles them ☂︎ → ❤︎
Valentine’s Special! ❤︎
Watching his s/o hum to themself while cleaning ❤︎
Shiro’s Birthday Bash ❤︎
Protecting his s/o ☂︎(?) → ❤︎
Finding out his s/o has low self-esteem ☂︎ → ❤︎
s/o has a verbally abusive dad ☂︎ → ❤︎
Male s/o who’s family makes fun of him ☂︎ → ❤︎
s/o has a lot of trauma from past relationships ☂︎ → ❤︎
Shiro, Lance, and Keith bonding with face masks ❤︎
1,000 follower Shiro smut (fem!reader) ⦿
1,000 follower Shiro smut (male!reader) ⦿
s/o is into body worship (not nsfw) ❤︎
Adopting a therapy dog together ❤︎
Celebrating his s/o’s birthday ❤︎
Local dumbass tries to will his crush away ❤︎
Reuniting with his s/o ❤︎
s/o reacts to Shiro’s grandpa hair ❤︎
Female s/o under love spell ❤︎
Coming back to Earth only to find out his s/o, once weak and frail, is now ripped as hell ❤︎
Shance adopts cats from a cat cafe ❤︎
Shiro and his best friend hanging out ❤︎
Adam seeing Shiro’s prosthetic arm and grandpa hair ❤︎
Friends to “uh oh I think I like you” with fem!reader ❤︎
s/o gets trapped under debris on a mission and Shiro tries to comfort them ☂︎
Shiro with a teacher!s/o (fem) ❤︎
Shiro with a teacher!s/o (male) ❤︎
Stressed neighbor!reader locks themself out of their apartment, and Shiro helps her out ❤︎
Shiro and his s/o get into a fight  (part two) ❤︎
Lance, Shiro, and Keith see their tiny s/o in Lolita ❤︎
Shiro thinks he’s slick by talking about his crush with Keith in Japanese, but the reader can understand them ❤︎
Shiro and his s/o are fighting (separate prompt) ☂︎
Reader dies after a fight with Shiro ☂︎
Shance Flower Exchange 2019 ❤︎
Ah, Domesticity ❤︎
“You’ve done a masters in stupidity, haven’t you?” from 50 Random Writing Prompts ❤︎
#17  from Prompt List ❤︎
#3 and #7 from Prompt List ❤︎
#28, #31, #38  from Prompt List ❤︎
#7 and #23 from Prompt List ❤︎
#62 from Kiss Prompts ❤︎
#67 from Kiss Prompts ❤︎
#41 and #47 from Writing Prompts ❤︎
#30, #34, #38 from Writing Prompts ☂︎ → ❤︎
#7, #13, #38 from Writing Prompts ☂︎ → ❤︎
#40 from Drabble Challenge ❤︎
#91 from Drabble Challenge ☂︎ → ❤︎
#9 from Drabble Challenge ❤︎
#90 from Drabble Challenge ❤︎
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Keith and Lance fight over Shiro’s s/o ❤︎
s/o’s father belittles them ☂︎ → ❤︎
Klance cuddling session ❤︎
Valentine’s Special! ❤︎
Klance sleeping together ❤︎
Male s/o who’s family makes fun of him ☂︎ → ❤︎
Shiro, Lance, and Keith bonding with face masks ❤︎
Lance, Shiro, and Keith see their tiny s/o in Lolita ❤︎
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Keith and Lance fight over Shiro’s s/o ❤︎
Klance cuddling session ❤︎
Valentine’s Special! ❤︎
Klance sleeping together ❤︎
Shiro, Lance, and Keith bonding with face masks ❤︎
Finding out his s/o is Puerto Rican ❤︎
Bi!reader and him being silly ❤︎
Shance adopts cats from a cat cafe ❤︎
Lance, Shiro, and Keith see their tiny s/o in Lolita ❤︎
Shance Flower Exchange 2019 ❤︎
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Valentine’s Special! ❤︎
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Valentine’s Special! ❤︎
Finding out his s/o has low self-esteem ☂︎ → ❤︎
Female s/o under love spell ❤︎
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s/o is contemplating suicide because of their disease ☂︎ → ❤︎
Protecting his s/o ☂︎(?) → ❤︎
s/o with a verbally abusive dad ☂︎ → ❤︎
Matt and his s/o farting ❤︎
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Paladins (+ Allura and Matt) trying to get their s/o’s cat to warm up to them ❤︎
Paladins (+ Allura and Matt) s/o taking care of them after they got transformed into babies ❤︎
Paladins with an s/o who talks to themselves when no one’s watching ❤︎
Paladins (+ Matt) with an insecure s/o ❤︎
Paladins (+ Matt) with an s/o who breaks into song randomly ❤︎
Paladins (+ Allura and Lotor) with an Altean warrior s/o ❤︎
Paladins (+ Lotor and Matt) reacting to the love bites their s/o left ❤︎
Paladins (+ Allura) spending New Years with their s/o ❤︎
Paladins (+ Allura, Matt, and Lotor) with an s/o who gets chronic migraines ❤︎
Paladins (+ Matt) with an alien princess s/o ❤︎
Paladins (+ Matt) having a Disney movie night with their s/o ❤︎
Paladins (+ Matt) with an s/o who’s both shy and sarcastic by nature ❤︎
Paladins with an s/o speaking their native language ❤︎
Paladins with a shy s/o ❤︎
Paladins (- Pidge) kissing headcanons ❤︎
Paladins with a FTM s/o ❤︎
Paladins find out their s/o is self harming ☂︎ → ❤︎
Paladins dancing headcanons ❤︎
Paladins hearing their s/o fart for the first time ❤︎
Paladins (+ Matt) celebrating their s/o’s birthday ❤︎
Paladins (+ Allura, Matt, and Coran) sexuality headcanons ❤︎
Paladins with a chubby s/o ❤︎
Paladins (+ Allura) with an s/o with likes to fit into small spaces ❤︎
Paladins (+ Matt) with an s/o who used to date Zarkon ☂︎ → ❤︎
Paladins kissing their s/o, which causes them to cry tears of happiness ❤︎
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Random dating headcanons ❤︎
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s/o struggling with their finals ❤︎
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Garrison Trio’s crush on their s/o ❤︎
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Daughter gets into a bad car crash ☂︎ → ❤︎
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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
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Chapter One (ao3)
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