#shanes misadventures in tōkyō
koushirouizumi · 1 year
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02 [...and some O.C.s]
Inter-national O.C. Chosen Shane, whom is now fully ? ?? 'revived': ... ... ... Shane: ... (While I'm {Still} Here) Shane: I need ... to... swing by 'that' place again. Daisuke, didn't hear: Huh? Shane, to Ken: Uh, I'm going for a "walk"--- KEN, FLATLY: No You Aren't Shane: ("SH*T") Ken: I'll call for someone to take you... to where you 'want to go'. (Though we technically 'can' drive, we don't own a car, and...) It's dangerous to try "walking" there on your own, you're still physically weak. Ken: (You've already almost been hit ONCE.) Shane: ... I'm not a child. (I'm *your* age) Ken: ... Ken: (*sends message Ken was writing*) Anyhow... I'm sure they'll be here shortly. Shane: ... (*Short-ish time passes but still some time*) Takeru, entering Ken+Daisuke's 'place': ... SHANE: ... Takeru: Oh, hello. Ken told me you were "here". SHANE, Narrowed Eyes in Ken's direction: Ken, Shrugging: Takeru "knows Takeru's way around" here best out of everyone else, so... Shane: ... (It's not that Takeru 'can't know' but.) Takeru: I can call a taxi. I've done that before Takeru: ... Anyway, should we go ? Shane, Internally SIGHING: (Guess I Have To.) Daisuke: (Good luck, man...)
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