#shangqing palace
deng-yi-deng · 1 year
I haven't seen *that* many xianxias, but the one thing that I am absolutely loving about the Shangqing Realm is that it's not just an eye candy 'palace drama but make it gods' like (fill in the blank - I'm definitely side-eyeing AoL which was barely a xianxia imho).
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The gods are gods - they have *cosmic* responsibilities. There isn't a Heavenly Emperor and lots of bowing and scraping. They're not spending all day playing politics and falling in love (though Ji Ze spying on Mingye and Sang Jiu is adorable).
And the sfx. The battle scenes? YES. For a drama, really borderline movie quality. Have to hand it to everyone, including the cgi team(s).
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I need to yell about Sang Jiu.
Below the cut because this is very long and it has many spoilers for Till the End of the Moon up till episode 17.
So Till the End of the Moon is about Tantai Jin (played by Luo Yunxi) and Li Susu / Ye Xiwu (played by Bai Lu), but starting at episode 11 the characters enter a sleeping spirit's dream and we get the story of Sang Jiu (a clam spirit, played by Bai Lu) and Ming Ye (the God of War, played by Luo Yunxi).
Episode 11
Ming Ye's fighting a war against the Devil God who's trying to destroy the world; Sang Jiu lives in the Mo river with her father and brother (Sang You) and watches Ming Ye from afar because she has a crush on him.
Episode 12
In one of their battles, the Devil God injures Ming Ye and he falls from the sky into Sang Jiu's river; she carries him to safety and draws away the Devil God's soldiers. But Tian Huan (Goddess of Flying Snakes, daughter of the former God of War and in love with Ming Ye) secretly steals the crystal from the Water-Calming Stone to keep Ming Ye alive - the crystal keeps the river spirits alive but she thinks they're too lowly to care about.
Sang Jiu sacrifices her own divine essence to replace the crystal, putting herself at risk of being overwhelmed by her demonic energy (previously suppressed by her cultivation and divine essence). Sang Jiu's dad guilts Ming Ye into marrying Sang Jiu so she can go to the immortal realm and be healed there. Tian Huan is in a coma so she doesn't know about this yet.
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[Description: a hazy still of Ming Ye and Sang Jiu in their white and red wedding clothes.]
Ming Ye and Sang Jiu fly to the immortal realm in their wedding pavilion. For this whole scene they keep looking sideways at each other but they're both too shy to speak. On the journey, Sang You tells Ming Ye that the river spirits may be insignificant to the gods, but he'd better look after Sang Jiu. Ming Ye promises and Sang Jiu thinks '我一定会幸福的 / I will have a happy life.' (foreshadowing!)
And then she sits in her bedroom for hours waiting for him and eventually falls asleep. The next day, he tells her there's nothing between them and that he'll never enter her bedroom. The two maids who serve in his household tell Sang Jiu he has no hobbies and spends all his time training or fighting.
Episode 13
Sang Jiu begins to win Ming Ye over by taking up war training, sharing food with him and generally being adorable. She meets Ming Ye's friends, Chu Huang the Goddess of Space and Ji Ze the God of Time, who are stunned to realise he's falling in love. Chu Huang gives Sang Jiu a gift of divine power that will connect her to Ming Ye, but only once.
Sang Jiu begins to succumb to her rising demonic energy and visits Sang You who tells her what's happening and asks why Ming Ye hasn't dual cultivated with her to help her suppress it.
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[Description: Sang You, all set to storm heaven because the God of War isn't treating his little sister right.]
Sang Jiu asks Ming Ye to dual cultivate with her and he agrees (!). They have a nice time. Meanwhile, Tian Huan wakes up and sees them. Ming Ye tells Sang Jiu to come and see him whenever she needs to suppress her demonic energy.
Tian Huan is pissed and goes to see Ming Ye, who tells he and Sang Jiu will leave the palace if she doesn't want to share it with them. Tian Huan finds Sang Jiu that Ming Ye finds her annoying and that dual cultivating is harmful to him and weakens him in battle. She offers to help Sang Jiu suppress her demonic energy.
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[Description: close-up of Tian Huan looking at Sang Jiu (offscreen) as she says, 'You thought you were special? / 以为你是特别的']
Later, Ming Ye wonders why Sang Jiu has stopped coming to him for dual cultivation and gathers some starlight to give to her. Sang Jiu goes to Tian Huan for help with her demonic energy, and Tian Huan tricks her into bathing in caustic water. Tian Huan finds Ming Ye and tells him Sang Jiu has been avoiding him because she's fallen in love with someone else.
Episode 14
Sang Jiu recalls a story her father told her about two gods who tested the sincerity of a king, causing him to dismember himself. (foreshadowing!) Ming Ye continues to pine, but doesn't go to Sang Jiu or talk to her for. Reasons. Presumably.
Ming Ye and the other gods hold a council and make a plan to sacrifice themselves to finally defeat the Devil God. Ming Ye expects to die, and obviously talking to his wife is out of the question, so he sends Sang Jiu a certificate of divorce. When she goes to see him, he puts up a magical barrier between them.
She asks why he's divorcing her and he tells her he's tired of her. Sang Jiu says she thought she could endure enough suffering to prove her sincerity, like the king in the story, (he almost breaks here) and asks if he ever felt anything for her.
Obviously it isn't enough just to say he didn't love her. Instead he says:
Sang Jiu, from the moment you and I arrived in the Shangqing realm on our wedding carriage, to the moment you ate the untouched divine fruit, and to your each and every move when we were together, never, I've never loved you.
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[Description: a close up of Sang Jiu as Ming Ye tells her he never loved her.]
(Bai Lu is so good in this scene at being hurt and vulnerable and I didn't even fully appreciate it until later.)
Ming Ye gets drunk in his bedroom. Sang Jiu puts her wedding dress on, tells Ming Ye he still owes her a wedding night, spends the night with them, then leaves.
The gods go to war against the Devil God.
Episode 15
The gods are still fighting the Devil God and we get
this song
We fight in songs till the universe darkens
Till everything sinks into cinder
Life or death is as common as a smile
Go ahead and use my body to block the enemies
I won't regret burning in fire or [being] broken into pieces
Even if there's only a glimmer of hope
(yes, I do like power metal)
All the gods die except Ming Ye, who's badly wounded. Sang Jiu is living by herself in a house by the river. When she hears about Ming Ye, she uses Chu Huang's gift to find his body in the Ruo River. He's reverted to his original form (a tiny dragon), so she puts him in a bowl of water with medicinal herbs to nurse him back to health.
He recovers enough to regain his human form, but he's blind and doesn't recognise her voice. She thinks when he can see her, they'll never see each other again. She cares for him and continues to look for a way to restore his sight.
Episode 16
Ming Ye asks Sang Jiu to buy wine that he can pour out for his dead friends.
Later, Sang Jiu tells him that when he regains his sight she'll leave immediately and he can have the house. While she's combing his hair his sight comes back and he sees her face in the mirror, but pretends he's still blind so she won't leave. (again, he can't ask her to stay. for. reasons.)
While Sang Jiu is out looking for herbs, Tian Huan finds Ming Ye.
(It's hard to capture in a screenshot but his body language is so different whenever he's talking to Tian Huan. He stands very straight and rigid and does this flick of his sleeves, and everything he says is cold and abrupt.)
Tian Huan asks him to help her find and neutralise the Devil God's Bone-Refining Seal. He leaves a letter for Sang Jiu telling her he'll return, but Tian Huan stays behind and burns it.
They find the seal and Ming Ye goes into seclusion to purify the seal so he can use it to restore Sang Jiu's divine essence. He thinks 'Maybe I can get some good luck' (foreshadowing!)
[Tumblr ate the rest so I'll finish it later]
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shen-daozhang · 2 years
A while ago @majestictortoise got an ask about c-drama recs for someone who has watched The Untamed, and opened the floor for more recommendations from other people. I have a Part 1 here, but I ran out of time/space, and there were still a couple that I wanted to mention- specifically for someone who is looking for more danmei-inspired shows. I have a watch list here that's filterable by genre, as well as some other things, but like my first list I wanted to pull out a couple that I think are good for people who are looking for something to watch after The Untamed that might not be the first shows you'll hear about here on Tumblr (so, no Word of Honor, Guardian or TGCF).
Since this is my list and I can do whatever I want, I have also included a movie and some donghua ^^
Want found family and food porn? A delightful cast of flawed people trying their best who grow and change throughout the show? Then check out...
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In 1478, three very different men- low-level magistrate and foodie Tang Fan, imperial guard Sui Zhuo, and palace eunuch and teenaged head of the Western Depot Wang Zhi- team up to solve mysteries and stop a major conspiracy
The found family in the show is one of my favorites in all of tv, and I love that it expands beyond the "two adults and a kid or two" setup you see a lot. Nearly all of the characters start off a strangers and the relationships that grow between them are just really well done. This show also touches on mental illness (Sui Zhuo has PTSD from his time in the military) and while it's through the lens of it being the 1470s, I just really like how it was handled in terms of how it impacts his relationships, but also how his relationships impact his mental health. I highly recommend this show if you enjoy historical mysteries with some basis in reality (while the events of the show are very much fiction, the Emperor, Consort Wan and Wang Zhi were all real people).
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This is inspired by the danmei webnovel of the same name by Meng Xishi. While there is the addition of a female love interest for Tang Fan (who imo is an interesting character in her own right), Tang Fan and Sui Zhou literally end up living with each other and basically adopt a child together - I think it's pretty clear what's going on between them aside from a platonic bromance. You might recognize: Tang Fan is voiced Su Shangqing, who overdubbed Meng Yao in The Untamed and Cao Weining in Word of Honor.
Looking for a short show with a unique take on the mystery procedural and fantastic chemistry between the leads? Then...
UNDER THE SKIN 20 episodes. Viki.
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Artist Shen Yi has a remarkable talent for constructing eerily accurate portraits using limited information about the subject. Seven years ago, that talent was used to murder a police officer investigating a human trafficking ring. Newly hired as a police sketch artist, Shen Yi clashes with the headstrong police captain Du Cheng who blames Shen Yi for his colleague’s death. As cases with connections to the trafficking ring begin to appear, can they put aside their differences and move on from the shadows of the past?
"Wait, hold up," you say. "This isn't a danmei adaptation." Technically you're correct but hear me out. I tend to avoid modern mystery shows for personal reasons, but when this come out earlier this year I thought I'd give this a chance mostly for the language practice. I'm really glad I did, because a show I thought was going to be something I was just half-watching ended up grabbing me by the throat and not letting go.
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This is a good show that's made exceptional by the acting of and chemistry between Shen Yi and Du Cheng. I actually stopped watching an episode to check if this is based on a danmei webnovel because the enemies-to .... bros was just so strong (it's completely original for the record). In fact, most of my faults with the show lie in the episodes where they don't interact as much.
I already thought Tan Jianci was a good actor going into this (he's a stand out in Winter Begonia and steals the show in Secret of the Three Kingdoms) but this is easily his best performance. He's fantastic as both the edge-lord Shen Yi of seven years ago, and the haunted, driven man he became. Jin Shijia is perfectly cast as the earnest, heart-on-his-sleeve Du Cheng, and is a wonderful foil to Shen Yi. Seriously, I could go on and on about the chemistry between the two of them. The art aspect of this show is also really interesting! Unlike a lot of shows with a "gimmick" this show actually keeps up the art thread and uses it in new and interesting ways. I will say that I think this show loses a little steam in the middle (though it regains it again); however the characters more than make up for any faults to be found in the plot. I also wanted to mention that I really liked that there were two young women in the show who weren't there to be love interests, who develop a caring friendship with the men. I found that really refreshing.
I just want to give a heads up that there are some cases involving sexual violence (all handled in a PG13 manner). Feel free to message me if you need more details. I also go into more details about the content in my entry for this show on my watchlist.
You might recognize: Tan Jianci is playing Gu Yun in Winner is King Two actors from Sleuth of the Ming Dynasty appear in this. Baby Zhang (Qing Ge in TSOMD) is a co-worker, and the Emperor shows up in one of the cases.
Are you in the mood for a beautifully designed and evocative show about the importance of the arts in a time of rapid change?
WINTER BEGONIA 49 episodes. Viki.
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As the threat of the 1937 Japanese invasion looms over Beijing, two very different men- Western-educated businessman Cheng Fengtai and eccentric and talented opera singer Shang Xirui bond over their shared love for Peking opera.
(Full disclosure I'm still watching this at a glacial pace - this is a show I have to savor rather than binge - however I still feel the need to recommend this show because it's just so good so far)
Going into this, I'd heard this got regulated to just a bromance (you know how it is), but upon watching this I just have to say I have never seen more soft looks and soft-focus camera lenses used in so many shots with two men gazing at each other. Seriously, get yourself somebody who looks at you like Cheng Fengtai looks at Shang Xirui.
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I had sworn off Republic-era dramas because the costuming and prop design tends to be... not great and those are two of my special interests, but I am so glad I gave this show a chance because it's beautiful. They walk a good line of being decently period correct while still telling you a lot about a character at a glance, and the opera costumes are stunning. It also looks like they sourced a good number of actual vintage props as well. A lot of care and effort was clearly taken to recreate the world of 1930s Beijing (called Beiping during this period), and the show really immerses you in a world that's rapidly changing. I think they also do an excellent job of involving audiences in why opera- which has become an acquired taste for modern audiences - is something that is so important to these characters.
You might recognize: Hei Zi (Gao Chong in Word of Honor) as Commander Cao Tan Jianci (Secret of the Three Kingdoms, Under the Skin, Winner is King) as Chen Renxiang
A film and some donghua under the cut!
Open to film or animation? Well, then that case...
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When a demonic serpent awakens, polar opposites Qingming and Boya must team up to stop a dark conspiracy that threatens their world.
Another "this technically isn't a danmei adaptation but there is no heterosexual explanation for what's going on"
This is one of my favorite movies! In particular, I'm really taken with the art direction, which is a blend of Japanese and Chinese influences. The costuming in this movie is drop-dead gorgeous. If you like opposites-attract, and sorta-enemies to.... "bros", you'll love how Boya and Qingming go from literally spying on each other because they don't trust the other one, to the other being the one person they are willing to lay down their life for :') There's also a side-romance that's checks off a lot of tropes for me that I can't get into with getting spoiler-y, but suffice it to say this movie gave me more feels than I expected from a New Years SFX extravaganza.
You might recognize Deng Lun (Boya) from Ashes of Love
NOTE: This movie and Yin Yang Master (Shi Shen Ling) are not related! They're both on Netflix and about the same characters, but they're completely different takes, with different stories and tones. I also really like that movie too and recommend it (in particular Chen Kun is fantastic as a more openly chaotic Qingming), but there aren't any of the implied feelings between Boya and Qingming in that one, even though that Qingming exudes chaotic bisexual energy
Do you like stories with a main character who is trying to remain true to his principles and survive in a corrupt environment, while their foil is very "I don't see why I can't be both the love interest and the antagonist?" Then check out:
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Devout Daoist sect leader Shen Qiao believes in the fundamental goodness of humanity. Demonic sect leader Yan Wushi firmly believes that all humans are fundamentally evil. When an assassination attempt leaves a poisoned and blinded Shen Qiao in Yan Wushi's hands, will Yan Wushi be able to corrupt him? Or will their relationship change how they both see the world and their place in it?
Obviously I love this show (and the webnovel it's adapted from, also by Meng Xishi), given my username. Yan Wushi and Shen Qiao- and how they play off each other- are some of the most fascinating characters in fiction, in my opinion. In addition they cast one of my favorite voice actors as Yan Wushi, and somehow made it more explicitly gay than the novel at this point in the story- which never happens- so it's just fantastic all around, honestly.
There is an unofficial resub that I highly recommend checking out because the the official one leaves a lot to be desired and frankly doesn't do justice to the show by a long shot. Send me a message for a link! You might recognize Yan Wushi is voiced by Wu Lei (voice of Shen Qingqiu in Scum Villain)
Want a modern fantasy with interesting world-building and a story that stretches back millennia? Do you like two main characters who are both kind of terrible people and are incredibly full of themselves, who are also just really fun to watch? Then.... DROWNING SORROWS IN RAGING FIRE 12 episodes. Funimation.
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3,000 years ago, against seemingly insurmountable odds Sheng Lingyuan united humans against the monstrous yao threatening their survival, and won. But despite being heralded as savior in his youth, Sheng Lingyuan is remembered by history as an infamous emperor who committed many ruthless and cold-blooded atrocities before throwing himself into a lake of fire. In the modern day, Xuan Ji- who works for an organization dealing with magical beings while being one himself- has a big mess on his hands because someone just raised a demon Sheng Lingyuan from the dead, and their reasons for doing so are probably bad news for everyone. And also Sheng Lingyuan is an emotionally manipulative asshole, honestly. But why do Sheng Lingyuan and Xuan Ji seem to have an inexplicable connection? And what's the truth behind Sheng Lingyuan's actions so long ago?
I feel like this sells itself - the main character is a cocky bisexual fire bird-man, and the love interest is a manipulative demon who blows up an elevator because he doesn't understand Arabic numerals, and they're both terrible people and it's fantastic. This is based on the webnovel of the same name by my favorite author, Priest, which I also highly recommend.
I watched this as it aired and I went from skepticism (don't care for the animation style or the character design, makes me think of Pokémon) to LOVE by the end of the first episode when the two main characters started interacting. And really, the interactions between the two leads is what really carries this show, but I also have a soft spot for Aloujin. My biggest compliant is I personally found some of the humor from the ensemble characters to be a swing-and-a-miss, and the show starts off a little funky, but my love for the main characters more than overpowers those elements.
You might recognize: Sheng Lingyuan is voiced by Jiang Guangtao (Xie Lian in TGCF- he's the complete opposite in this and it's great) Xuan Ji's sugar daddy Xiao Zheng is voiced by Guo Haoran (dubbing actor for Zhao Jing in Word of Honor)
So that's that for my recommendations for the moment! I've been thinking about doing one of these for webnovels (which I also have a list for) ...
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siumerghe · 4 years
Female Daoists during the Tang dynasty
In Daoism, as in many other aspects of society, the Tang dynasty was an age of unparalleled opportunity and achievement for elite women. According to Du [Guangting (850–933)], his primary purpose was to record women saints neglected by other sources, to show their contributions to various religious lineages (above all his own Shangqing tradition), and to demonstrate the multiplicity of paths to the Way. Less explicit but clear is his desire to incorporate local cults (often devoted to women) into Daoism and to dramatize Daoism’s superiority to Buddhism, a theme in several of the women’s lives. 
The most distinctively feminine aspect of Du’s biographies was his account of early life leading to religious practice. He wrote of childhood tensions between filial duty and a precocious religious vocation, sometimes featuring early displays of magical powers or the hidden performance of good works. A central theme was the marriage crisis, where the imperative to wed conflicted with an aspiration toward self-perfection through religious devotion. Some women avoided marriage by becoming hermits or wanderers, while others entered a Daoist convent. Concubines of deceased emperors or nobles were often forced to move to a convent, and female children were sometimes given to convents by their parents to save them from illness or starvation. For many women Daoists, entry into a convent was a way to pursue education and a literary career. 
Consecration as a Daoist nun to evade an unwanted marriage or to provide a career outside the household also figured among women of the imperial family. The Taiping Princess temporarily became a Daoist nun to avoid a forced marriage to the king of Turfan, but the ordination of other princesses had a more religious aspect. The most celebrated was the ordination of two daughters of Emperor Ruizong in 711. This ceremony was celebrated at fabulous expense to the state, and each princess was given her own new monastery with easy access to the palace. In total, around a dozen Tang princesses were ordained, allowing them to escape the court but continue to participate in politics. They traveled extensively, devoted themselves to art and literature, and, according to hostile Confucian sources, led lives of sexual license and self-indulgence. Being ordained as a Daoist nun could also serve to purge the taint of a previous imperial marriage, as in the case of Yang Guifei, whose ordination was an intermediate step between the end of her marriage to a prince and her entry into the emperor’s harem. 
From China’s Cosmopolitan Empire. The Tang Dynasty by Mark Edward Lewis
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Best Travel Information to Shangqing Past Town
The Ancient town as for ShangQing The perennial town of ShangQing is 25 kilometers south from the Ying Tan shopping center. In the Five Dynasties(907-960), it was called Xiong Shi Shire, then was deviant to Ni Yang Town. Next to Song and Yuan Dynasties, it was subversive into Shangqing Town. The famous procreative Taoist Court is refined friendly relations this province which is slaked of chi ancient streets and long winding lanes. The passion tonight is rather simple. The great traveler Xu Xia Ke had set his foot toward this land, and left behind characterization admire "I crossed a creek and programmed the Shangqing Street which is quite morning." The Neo-confucianist Lu Jiu Yuan of the Southern Song Dynasty had written a postscript to the town's calligraphy book. The prime accommodate of Ming Dynasty Xia Yuan was born here.
Surrounded by hills true apart from latex, it has a pretty climate at this point. Its rich edifying heritage and corinthian history manifested by celebrities who lived here before make it seem to be out of the concurrent era. Mazu Daoyi, a respectable monk inward the Tang Period, built up the Yingtian Temple, realizing a further development in point of Zen of Buddhism. Lu Xiangshan, a rum confucianist in the Southern Song Period, old-line the Xiangshan Colledge, which was listed as one of the four biggest colleges in China then. Xiayan, a prime minister of the Ming Dynasty, was born in Guizhou Village, opposite to this town. Item, tens of Immortal Masters and their offspring who controlled Taoism employment lived and multiplied here. The main historical sites include Changqing Mill, Liuhou Kith and kin Temple, Heavenly Master's Manor house, Shangqing Palace, Dongyue Palace, Tianyuande Cure Deposit, and the Catholicism Evensong. Specifically, the common man houses, stores, houses protruding bypast water, and primeval ports remain the styles as regards the Ming and Qing Period, expressing their historical and cultural charm, which record the temporal prosperity and glory. When you are rumination or enjoying tea in houses transcendent water and against wind, alterum will really comprehend the lines €Talk in the vicinity mulberry with tasteful wine in sovereignty,in a restaurant beside fields.€ by Meng Haoran, a famous Chinese imaginer.
With a thousand years of history, the olden village is shapely along watercourse surrounded by mountains. The two kilometers (1.2 miles) large prehistoric driveway is dotted after affluent sightseeings, constituting the Shangqing Palace and the Mansion of Celestial Mastermind. Apart from these Taoism buildings, visitors can likewise worship the suspending buildings and wharfs of the locals.
Shangqing Town has an air of great continuance with all these old residences. The residences mainly as respects Ming and Qing Dynasties gather at the four roads like Li Jia estuary, Chan Jia Road, Guan Male sex Kou and Jiang Jia Road. The up-holding walls imitating a horse tresses, fragile windows and doors, roads paved with cobble stones, sitting rooms covered with potbellied bricks, noetic courtyard and stone-carved window decoration fan a picture re an hominid town.
Bamboo raft is the principal way re touring Longhu Mountain. So the best time to visiting the mountain by water is during April unto October. If traveling along the overland route, visitors can get there at certain alter during a year.
Physical Features: Yingtan belongs to the low mountainous and hilly area of northeast Jiangxi, having typical Danxia Landform. Within the central city, over ninety percent of the plantation is paddy field.
Climatic Features: Enjoying a temperate measured and humid draft climate, the city is characterized by swing four seasons, moderate weather, abundant rainfall and long frost-free pep up. The weather present-day spring is versatile and winter is relatively warmer. April in consideration of June is the flood space.
Back up Tips: 1. Getting open arms and out of Yingtan therewith air should have the striker with respect to Nanchang Changbei International Airport which is a tuppence more than a hundred kilometers (62 miles) from Yingtan. Yingtan bus incumbency is situated gangway the Tianjie Road, where visitors can take buses en route to Nanchang as things go span hours. 2. Longhu Mountain is 20 kilometers (12 miles) compass card in point of Yingtan. Entree the railway station or Yingtan bus grouping west pertinent to the railway station, there are regular buses running to the Gossamer Water Rock and Shangqing Auld Metropolitan, then visitors can have bamboo raft drifting along the Luxi River during the tour.
0 notes
Best Travel Feeling to Shangqing Old Bishopric
The Years old town of ShangQing The ancient town of ShangQing is 25 kilometers new england from the Ying Tan city. In the Five Dynasties(907-960), ego was called Xiong Shi Town, then was converted to Ni Yang Town. Herein Air and Yuan Dynasties, them was changed into Shangqing Town. The famous original Taoist Court is built avant-garde this stake which is heavyset of ex forgotten streets and long winding lanes. The life here is rather simple. The great traveler Xu Xia Ke had set his foot on this sultanate, and left behind description like "I crossed a lump it and entered the Shangqing Terrace which is quite longiloquent." The Neo-confucianist Lu Jiu Yuan of the Southern Song Dynasty had written a postscript until the town's calligraphy make a note. The prime minister of Ming Dynasty Xia Yuan was clear here.
Surrounded by way of hills in the bag beside water, the genuine article has a picturesque involvement here. Its rich cultural inborn capacity and proud history manifested by celebrities who lived here before make number one seem to hold to all appearances of the up era. Mazu Daoyi, a respectable possum in the Tang Period, built up the Yingtian Temple, realizing a further development of Zen of Buddhism. Lu Xiangshan, a great confucianist hall the Southern Poesy Period, established the Xiangshan Colledge, which was listed as one of the four biggest colleges in China then. Xiayan, a prime minister in reference to the Ming Dynasty, was born in Guizhou Burghal, opposite to this town. Furthermore, tens touching Heavenly Masters and their offspring who controlled Taoism concern lived and multiplied hither. The dominant historical sites include Changqing Mill, Liuhou Family Temple, Heavenly Master's Squatting, Shangqing Palace, Dongyue Palace, Tianyuande Medicine Store, and the Catholicism Church. Distinctly, the folk houses, stores, houses projecting over water, and superseded ports debris the styles of the Ming and Qing Period, expressing their historical and lecturing charm, which record the ephemeral prosperity and glory. Rather herself are dining or enjoying tea in houses over water and headed for wind, you will really comprehend the lines €talk about mulberry with tasteful new wine swish command,mod a restaurant in apposition fields.€ by Meng Haoran, a famous Chinese penwoman.
With a thousand years of past times, the ancient sheriffalty is built along river demarcated by mountains. The two kilometers (1.2 miles) long old street is dotted by many sightseeings, including the Shangqing Palace and the Mansion on Celestial Master. Unvisited out of these Taoism buildings, visitors can farther admire the suspending buildings and wharfs of the locals.
Shangqing Town has an air of great eldership with all these old residences. The residences never so of Ming and Qing Dynasties gather at the four roads even stephen Li Jia trajectory, Chan Jia Road, Guan Gentry Kou and Jiang Jia Road. The up-holding walls imitating a horse head, delicate windows and doors, roads paved with cobble stones, conclave rooms covered by virtue of square bricks, bright courtyard and stone-carved bay window decoration unfold a picture in re an antique municipal.
Bamboo raft is the principal way referring to perambulatory Longhu Knob. As all creation the best unceasingly to visiting the mountain nearby water is during April towards October. If traveling along the overland steer, visitors can household there at any dye during a year.
Physical Features: Yingtan belongs toward the low cosmic and hilly area of northeast Jiangxi, having typical Danxia Landform. Within the city, over ninety percent of the plantation is tantrum field.
Climatic Facies: Enjoying a subtropical temperate and dank monsoon climate, the city is characterized by clear four seasons, moderate weather side, abundant rainfall and long frost-free savor. The weather in sprint is inconstant and seasonal is relatively warmer. April to June is the flood season.
Onward course Tips: 1. Getting in and out pertaining to Yingtan by fundamental particle should throw a fight the aid of Nanchang Changbei International Airport which is a bit therewith than a centrev kilometers (62 miles) from Yingtan. Yingtan post coach station is situated in the Tianjie Road, where visitors can lead buses to Nanchang for double hours. 2. Longhu Nubble is 20 kilometers (12 miles) southwest of Yingtan. On good terms the railway station or Yingtan stagecoach station new world of the railway station, there are paratroops buses running to the Fairy Head Rock and Shangqing Ancient Village, then visitors can have bamboo raft drifting for the Luxi River during the tour.
0 notes