#shangqing ancient
yebreed · 10 months
How Taoist Charms Work: Conceptual Basis Of Talisman Making
How and why do talismans work? Inscriptions are symbolic embodiments of archetypal forces, representatives of invoked deities, or references to sacred entities (for example, Taoist mountains, constellations, etc.). The Word is supposed to collect and project their power. The signs of the talismanic inscription are organized as a scheme of its deployment. The methods of launching or wearing the…
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weidaoduzun3 · 2 months
A Musing on Requesting Help from Lord Lao
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in Livia Kohns introduction to the The Yellow Court Scripture Volume One: Text and Main Commentaries (Huangting Jing 黃庭經) she mentions how adepts of the Shangqing School of Daoism (predecessors of Maoshan) would prepare to chant the Huangting Jing. They do so by petitioning various Gods for aid and support-- mainly Lord Lao (Taishang Laojun 太上老君 ). This ancient idea of requesting help in chanting, or in my practice, spells and cultivation is something that has survived to this day, and is quite frankly, a beautiful preliminary rite.
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I theorize and question why members of the Shangqing school would request help from the Gods to aid them in their chants and other religious activities. My conclusion: Even members of the Shangqing school knew, that we alone are not enough to beget magical transmutations. The Gods must aid us in our magical, religious, and mundane pursuits. We must have sincerity in our hearts, become as passive as possible, utilize the emptiness within us, and request to allow the Gods into our lives and work through us. Doing so, allows us to be a reflection of the Gods in all esoteric and exoteric endeavors. We become the Gods and the Gods become us. Such is what the petitioning the Gods and Divinely mapping them to our bodies is about!
Zhaungzi 23.17.1-2: Master Lao said, “How hard and anxiously you’ve worked at cleansing yourself! But your inner self so overflows with it that you still have what’s bad in you. When one’s outer is fettered, even the utmost dexterity fails to control it, so this blocks the inner; when one’s inner is fettered, even the tightest grip fail to control it, so this blocks the outer. If the inner and the outer are thus fettered, even [one who aspires to] the Dao and its Virtue fails to control them, so how less likely can one who conducts himself apart from the Dao!”
This quote from the Zhuangzi (translated by Lynn) gives way to passivity, sincerity, and emptying oneself to ultimately, as the Sangqing and by extension, Maoshan would have it, becoming vessels for the Gods to allow us to move with Ziran and Wu-Wei. Exercise and display Virtue all you wish, but if you are not empty inside to truly embody Virtue, you still have gunk in you. Try to use control and impose yourself and force the Gods to aid you; this fetters the outer and will bring calamity upon you. Having your inner unfettered, meaning becoming vastly empty and void, allows room for the Gods. Having your outside unfettered, the Gods aid you in your religious pursuits, and thus will position you in Ziran, and thus the self, family, and community will eventually sort itself out and abide with Ziran as well.
Dao De Jing 70 “Those who understand me are rare, and so, those few I treasure. It is for these reasons that the Sage wraps himself in coarse cloth while concealing jade in his heart."
To understand Laozi is to ask for His help, in my opinion. In doing so, your outer is unfettered and thus not displaying Virtue biasedly, but rather Virtue is displayed as Heaven displays its beneficent Virtue, humbly -- unbiasedly. This is a reason for dressing, and appearing humble. Concealing the Jade in your heart means to fast the heart-mind. Emptying the essence of your heart so that you make use of the Gods, specifically for this post, Lord Lao, the ontologically highest God under Dao inexhaustibly.
I cannot help to bring up some passages from the Liezi that I think give philosophical backing to this idea of "requesting help from Lord Lao (and all the Gods by extension).
Liezi 2 (translation AC Graham): 用志不分,乃疑於神. "Set your will on one aim, and be equal to the gods!"
Liezi 4: 在己无居,形物其箸,其動若水,其靜若鏡,其應若響。"If nothing within you stays rigid, Outward things will disclose themselves. Moving, be like water. Still, be like a mirror. Respond like an echo."
How else does one be equal to the Gods? How else can you alone move like water, be still like a mirror, and respond like an echo? Ask the Gods for assistance! Prayer. Ritual. Visualization. Divine Landscaping the Gods into your body parts! Become the Gods and They become you, in so much as one has capacities to do so. Some have more capacity to become like the Gods, and others less. No one though is completely devoid of becoming like the Gods, and I believe we all should try to strive to become like our Gods, whether you are a Daoist, Christian, Hermeticist, or whatever.
What I am not suggesting is that by doing a Request the Master Spell (Lord Lao is the main "Master" here) will numerically equate with Lord Lao in any capacity. But it will allow you to reflect the qualities of Lord Lao in so much as each individual is capable of, and how it accords with their human nature (xing). Requesting the Master will allow you to bring true power to your inner practice: magic, your cultivation, religious chants, etc. This in turn allows you to outwardly move like water and respond like an echo (Ziran). That is your outward practice...which I think naturally begets one to live like a Confucian...but that is another post for another day once I've studied more (Neo) Confucianism. ;)
I cannot help but assume the Shangqing school had passages such as these in their minds when developing such preliminary invocations to petition the Gods for their magical and religious pursuits. So, how does one go about "Requesting Help from Lord Lao" to aid in their cultivation or other magical and religious pursuits? In @Chinesemagick's (on twitter/x) book Practical Chinese Magic https://www.amazon.com/Practical-Chinese-Magic-Jason-Read/dp/191415312X, we see a certain "opened-door-method" for requesting aid and permission from Lord Lao to aid and assist us theurgist and cultivators. Complete with how to properly set up an altar to Lord Lao, the proper offerings and placements, spells, and proper mudras.
The reason for such requesting and aiding in spells, chants, and the like is to build an ancestral connection with Lord Lao. Simply doing Daoist spells or cultivation methods is just not enough. Others may feel differently and have anecdotal experience to suggest otherwise. More power to them; sincerely, Gods bless them! They should trust the essence of their heart and experience. There is a path for everyone. This is just one path. The Dao of Maoshan. One's inner power is not unlocked just by simple cultivation meditations or chants. At our basest self, we have no real magical power. Connecting to a train of transmission, to the Great Master Lord Lao is what allows the adept to unlock their own inner power to truly cultivate different Qi's, place certain Gods to parts of the body, and thus transmute your own gunk into something either fearful and powerful, or something pleasant and helpful -- you get to choose and act accordingly.
To connect to the ancestral powers of the Master -- such is a fundamental step before any cultivation must begin. It took me 20 days to just get the Request/Permission method I was taught with any sort of efficacy -- then I knew I was ready to cultivate Golden Light (Tian Qi). Then, with the help of this most Precious God, I am beginning to, slowly but surely, transmute some baseness of myself. It's a two-way street. The Gods cannot do all the work for you, but you cannot do all the work either. Be One with the Gods, be One with Dao, for it is all One.
***I do not speak for Shangqing, Maoshan nor the author Jason Read whose book I linked. I speak for myself, and myself only!***
天人合一 tiānrén-héyī “Heaven and Man are One.” 福生无量天尊 fú shēng wú liàng tiānzūn “May the immense blessings of Heaven go forth with you.”
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liberty-or-death · 1 year
Thousand Autumns Chapter 3
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合欢 Hehuan - This means happiness, or making love LOL 🤣.  Or this really pretty tree
陶弘景 Tao Hongjing (456-536AD, Liang Dynasty) - Chinese alchemist and a writer in the Northern & Southern Dynasty.  He did make his way to Maoshan, which was where the Shangqing School was located. The Shangqing School was a Taoist movement during that period so time.  He really did write an ancient book called “Secret Instructions for Ascent to Perfection 登真隐诀.”  And yes, he did learn from the Taoist Master Sun Youyue 孙游岳 irl. 
Can I just pause here to say that I love the way MXS weaves in multiple history elements into Thousand Autumns? It takes sooooo much research.
朱阳策 Zhuyang Manual - 朱阳 Zhuyang refers to the sun, or summer.  (This is a fictional book fyi LOL) 
Time Period
Liang Dynasty transited into the Chen Dynasty.  This has been explained in part 10:00 onwards.
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ieisia · 2 years
Tao Hongjing
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Tao Hongjing (456–536), Tongming, was a Chinese alchemist, astronomer, calligrapher, military general, musician, physician, and pharmacologist, and writer during the Northern and Southern dynasties (420–589). A polymathic individual of many talents, he was best known as a founder of the Shangqing "Highest Clarity" School of Taoism and the compiler-editor of the basic Shangqing scriptures.
Tao Hongjing was a prolific writer and had extensive knowledge of the Chinese classics, history, literature, numerology, astrology, geography, and traditional Chinese medicine. He compiled some fifty works, such as the Gujin zhoujun ji (古今州郡記, "Notes on ancient and modern provinces and commanderies") and Lunyu jizhu (論語集注, "Collected commentaries on the Lunyu").
In Six Dynasties poetry, Tao Hongjing's best known poem was written in reply to Xiao Yan's question, "Is there anything in the mountains?" It expresses his intention of being a recluse and not leaving the mountains. 
You asked me "Is there anything in the mountains", There are many white clouds above the mountain ridge. They can only be admired and enjoyed by myself,  But they are not worth holding in my hands and presenting to you, my lord.
The Siku quanshu collection includes three works by Tao Hongjing, the Zhen'gao (真誥, "Declarations of the perfected"), Gujin daojian lu(古今刀劍錄, "Register of ancient and recent swords"), and Zhenling weiye tu (真靈位業圖, "Chart of the Ranks and Functions of the Perfected Immortals"), which was the first Daoist work about theogony.
The Daozang (Taoist Canon) contains many of Tao Hongjing's works, such as the Zhen'gao, Huayang Tao Yinju Ji (華陽陶隱居集, "Hermit Tao's Flourishing Yang Writings"), and Yangxing Yanming Lu (養性延命錄, "Extracts on Nourishing Spiritual Nature and Prolonging Bodily Life").
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ikemenfangirl · 4 years
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Lingmao zhuan (Spirit of cats, Chinese game)
Ancient love stories mobile game, Five men of different personalities are waiting for you.
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灵猫传 (Lingmao zhuan)
By : yoooum studio
Platform : iOS & Android
Language : Chinese
Website: https://cat.dailygn.com
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Download (1.1 GB.) - Chinese store
iOS: https://apps.apple.com/cn/app/id1509669574
Android: https://cat.dailygn.com (game file)
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宁北 CV. Zhang Jie #阿杰
安歌 CV. Wenqing Qian #钱文青
祁清和 CV. Jinxian #金弦
陆沉 CV. Shangqing Su #苏尚卿
沈既明 CV. Tianxiang Yang #杨天翔
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shamandrummer · 5 years
The Shamanic Roots of Taoism
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Taoism originated in China between 600 and 500 BC, but the roots of Taoist beliefs, like many other spiritual belief systems, can be traced back to shamanic practices from the earliest tribal communities. China's recorded history began some 5,000 years ago when a tribal people settled in the Yellow River Basin -- the cradle of Chinese Civilization. These early people were hunter-gatherers and farmers. Their relationship to the cosmos was a shamanic one. Animism, ecstatic flight and spirit worship were characteristic of the primitive religion of archaic China.
Historical records describe certain members of this tribal community as experts in exorcisms, extractions, prophecies, rainmaking, and healing. Their role in tribal society was to enter trance states in order to gather information from the spirit world to aid the community. Practitioners, predominately female, were able to communicate directly with plants, minerals, and animals; to journey deep into the earth, or visit distant galaxies. They were able to invoke, through dance and ritual, elemental and supernatural powers, and enter into ecstatic union with them. The class of people most adept at such techniques became known as the Wu -- the shamans of ancient China.
As tribes evolved into cities and states, the Wu shamans played a crucial part in every state court. However, the influence of the Wu was pushed aside around 200 BC when Confucianism became the central belief system of the Chinese Empire. The Wu's shamanic performances in Chinese court were finally abolished in 32 BC. The shamanism practiced by tribal groups disappeared, in part due to the oppression of the Confucian government, and in part due to the emergence of Taoists as a dominate shamanic group.
There is much, in fact, from this early period of China's history, and in particular its shamanic world-view and practices, that is reflected in the subsequent emergence of Taoism. Spirit-travel to planets, stars and galaxies are practices found within the Shangqing sect of Taoism. Taoist magicians use talismans to invoke the powers and protection of supernatural beings. Components of many Taoist rituals and ceremonies, as well as certain forms of qigong, are oriented toward communication with the plant and animal kingdoms.
The roots of Taoism lie in the ancient shamanic practices with which it has always shared beliefs. Taoist traditions are a fountain of wisdom and knowledge for restoring our relationship with the Earth. Taoism, like shamanism, is a way of living in harmony with nature, rather than an adherence to a religious doctrine. By practicing these ways of being, we awaken our soul calling and our connection to nature. They provide a myriad of responses to the spiritual quest of self-discovery. They are ways that embed us in the living web of life, yielding greater awareness and perspective. These practices are easily integrated into contemporary life and provide a means of navigating the turbulent times in which we live.
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Hello !! Thank you so much for your "A Guide to “The Longest Day in Chang’an", it's really interesting and amazing. I have a question concerning Li Bi's hairpin, I tried to do some research about Hair and Bun in Taoism it's super interesting but I didn't find anything to explain why Li Bi's hairpin is placed vertically and not horizontally ? And what does it mean ? I know how passionate you are about TLDIC so yeah asking in case you know more !!! Thank you !!!
Hello! I’m glad that you enjoyed reading my guide to The Longest Day in Chang’an. Thanks for asking your question! I actually read up on Li Bi’s hairpin as well, but I wasn’t sure if anyone else would catch that detail.
Historically, there were two ways in which Taoist priests wore their hairpins: horizontally or vertically (like Li Bi). During the Tang and Song dynasties, vertically placed hairpins were the trend for Taoist priests. But from the Yuan Dynasty and on, horizontally placed hairpins became the more popular style. So whenever you see portrayals of Zhang Sanfeng (张三丰), likely the most well-known Taoist priest and usually shown as an elderly man during the Yuan Dynasty, he has his hairpin in the horizontal position.
The horizontal hairpin position is called 卯酉簪 (mao you zan; literally “Mao you hairpin”, in which mao and you are names from the ancient Chinese clock / sundial that correspond to the ends of the hairpin. For a picture of an ancient Chinese clock / sundial, please refer to the first image in Part 2 of my guide to the drama HERE.) The hairpin was inserted into the hair bun from the left to the right.
The vertical hairpin position is called 子午簪 (zi wu zan; literally means “Zi wu hairpin”, in which zi and wu are names from the ancient Chinese clock / sundial that correspond to the ends of the hairpin. The hairpin was inserted from the back to the front.
Previously, Taoist priests were free to wear whatever they wanted. Later, Taoist master Lu Xiujing (陆修静), founder of the Shangqing (上清) Taoist Sect, of the Southern Dynasties (420 to 589 CE) established a set of rules for the clothing and accessories worn by Taoist priests. Which clothing and accessories that a Taoist priest were allowed to wear were dependent on the length of time the priest had practiced Taoism and their depth of understanding. Generally, the higher in level of understanding / practice, the more extravagant the fashion. These rules were further developed and became more specific during the Tang Dynasty.
The jade hair ornament that Li Bi wears is called a 上清芙蓉冠 (shangqing furong guan, literally “Shangqing Hibiscus Crown”). In other posters, Li Bi wears a wooden hair ornament called a 玉清莲花冠 (yuqing lianhua guan, literally “Yuqing Lotus Blossom Crown”). Only the highest Taoist priests were allowed to wear these hair ornaments.
Shangqing Hibiscus Crown:
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Yuqing Lotus Blossom Crown:
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(Both posters are from The Longest Day in Chang’an Official Weibo (via 1 and 2) and were cropped to focus on the hair ornaments.)
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shuusuis · 5 years
[ENG] Mukanshu Character Guide
A quick guide to the main cast that appears in the story. 
Mostly for my own reference, but I figured it may be helpful.
Most information taken from the JP gamerch page
*I’ve partially translated the profiles, up until the points that concern the main storyline.
*Information on their source material is largely gathered from wikipedia and some quick google searches, not any sort of deep academic research on my part. Please correct me if I’ve misinterpreted anything.
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Name: Ryoku (緑)lit. Green
JP CV: Kobayashi Yusuke (小林裕介)
CN CV: Ma Yufei (马语非)
Illustrator: sairin (再臨)
Source:  Legend of the Condor Heroes: a weapon used by the Beggar’s Sect in conjunction with the 打狗棒(lit. Striking the Dog with a Stick) style of martial arts/swordplay. This style of fighting was developed through generations who started out having to fight off stray dogs with a bamboo stick while begging in the streets, thus the name.  
Profile: The “Striking the Dog with a Stick” style of swordplay has been honed throughout the generations, passed down through the leader’s of the Beggar’s Sect, originating with the use of bamboo sticks such as Ryoku. He’s the type who always puts his friends first, and enjoys helping others simply because it’s the right thing to do. His goal is to try all sorts of gourmet foods during his lifetime-- yet, at the same time, his favorite food remains the Beggar’s Chicken(1). Although he may seem a bit shabby and overly-chatty at first glance, he is surprisingly dependable when the situation demands it. He comes across as openhearted and absentminded, but there is a hidden layer of prudence there as well.
(1):Beggar’s Chicken: see here for the origin story of this chicken dish.
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Name: Kinrei (金鈴) lit. Golden Bell
JP CV: Miyata Kouki (宮田幸季)
CN CV: Su Shangqing (苏尚卿)
Illustrator: sairin (再臨)
Source: Return of the Condor Heroes : a weapon used by the heroine Xiaolongnu. The gold bells are strung on a sash and are used to both distract enemies and then stun them by hitting acupressure points.
Profile: A treasure enshrined within an ancient tomb; after living within the tomb for so long he has become alienated from worldly affairs.  He is emotionally detached, dislikes conflict, and would prefer to be alone. Occasionally he shows a side of himself that is innocent and naive.  Although he feigns disinterest, he is actually quite interested in his comrades but is bad at socializing. He is better at socializing with animals than people. He has a certain kinship with cats, and easily grows attached to them.
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Name: Iten (倚天) lit. Heavenly Sword
JP CV: Nakamura Yuichi (中村悠一)
CN CV: Zhao Ling (赵岭)
Illustrator: 毛団小剣剣
Source: The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber: one of the two titular weapons. In the original work, Iten and Toryuu were both forged from one original sword, the Heavy Iron Sword.
Profile:  “The powerful and honorable weapon:Dragon Saber; It can slay the Dragon. If the Heaven Sword does not appear, what weapon can go against the saber effectively?” Iten is placed in the same class of treasured sword as Toryuu, although they aren’t seen together much. Atop Mt. Emei, he pursued the Path of the Tao through diligent, isolated sword training; high reaching pines and cypresses lined the steep mountain path to that summit, awash in a great sea of clouds; any who came seeking him out would be obstructed. There have been no visitors to his residence. It is rumored that he has embraced solitude, fervently seeking the apex of swordsmanship and that his mastery of the deepest levels of swordcraft can make opponents quiver before he even unsheathes his sword.
Note: Iten’s profile is......................waxing poetic with whole strings of kanji. I’m gonna beat him up for making me read all that.
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Name: Toryuu  lit. Dragon Slayer
JP CV: Ono Yuki (小野友樹)
CN CV: Wu Lei (吴磊)
Source: The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber: one of the two titular weapons. In the original work, Iten and Toryuu were both forged from one original sword, the Heavy Iron Sword.
Profile:  “The powerful and honorable weapon:Dragon Saber; It can slay the Dragon. Use it to command the world. Who dares to disobey orders?”   Named as one of the Legendary weapons, his power is rivaled only by Iten. A supremely powerful sword that has traversed far and wide over many decades, he harbors a greatly concealed secret.  He loves to drink alcohol, and seems gives off an air of arrogance; due to his fame, his freedom has been constrained, so there is a side to him that enjoys tempting fate. In his eyes, being deemed a worthy adversary is the highest form of praise. After challenging the world’s strongest sword to a battle, he purportedly vanished.  It is rumored that he was seen at the Northern Sea of the Island of Ice and Fire.
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Name: Seika (聖火) lit. Holy Flame
JP CV: Umehara Yuichiro (梅原裕一郎)
CN CV: Li Longbin (李龙滨)
Illustrator: sairin (再臨)
Source:  The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber: one of the Ming Cult’s treasured artefacts and source of martial arts styles: the Holy Flame Tablets. The Ming Cult resides in the Kunlun Mountains.
Profile:A divine artifact passed down through generations of religious leaders of Manichaeism (1).He exudes a princely aura, as his every action is tinged with foreign flair.He cannot forget the glorious days of the past, however he is no longer interested in seeking power and authority. To him, those bygone days are but a distant memory. He always pretends to not understand the Central Plain’s dialect (2), but the truth is that he’s quite well versed in Central Plain culture. He treats people kindly and has overflowing charisma. Despite this, his true intentions are difficult to grasp.
(1) Manichaeism: an ancient religion, centered around the struggle between good and evil. Read more here.
(2) Central Plain: a major region of China, regarded as a historical epicenter of Han culture.
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Name: Seikou (青光) lit. Blue Light
JP CV: Nakai Kazuya (中井和哉)
CN CV: Peng Yu (彭尧)
Illustrator: sairin (再臨)
Source: Return of the Condor Heroes  and The Smiling, Proud Wanderer: one of the undefeated swordsmans Dugu Qiubai’s famous swords.
An all-conquering sword, who defeated the heroes of the Northern Plains.(1) He’s arrogant, to the point that all others are of no concern to him. A righteous man who believes the world to be brimming with injustices. It is said that: “Heaven and Earth are not ‘humane’ for myriad creatures are taken as straw dogs;wise men are not ‘humane’, too: all people are taken as straw dogs to sacrifice”.(2) He cannot stand the notion of “survival of the fittest”(3) and vows to purge the world of such grievances and rebuild the rules of this world.
(1)Another reference to the script on Dugu Qiubai’s tomb.
(2) This is a quote from the famed text by Laozi, Tao Te Ching. This quote is best explained here: 
 “Heaven and Earth are not partial. They do not kill living things out of cruelty or give them birth out of kindness. We do the same when we make straw dogs to use in sacrifices. We dress them up and put them on the altar, but not because we love them. And when the ceremony is over, we throw them into the street, but not because we hate them.”
(3) 弱肉強食: from an idiom that reads “the weak are the meat that the strong eat”. 
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yebreed · 6 months
Terminology Jumble With Fu Talismans
Modern manuals and studies designate by the term fu any objects of magical purpose, involving an inscription and/or graphic symbols. However, in China, there has never been a single homologue for the word “talisman”. Fu as “talisman” is an obvious and pretty recent misnaming. Continue reading Terminology Jumble With Fu Talismans
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igormicunovic · 4 years
☯ Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable
📍 Word meditation is derived from Latin meditatio, meaning "to think, contemplate, devise, ponder". The use of the term meditatio as part of a formal, stepwise process of meditation goes back to the 12th century monk Guigo II.
🈴 Qigong meditation is an ancient and powerful Chinese practice that involves harnessing energy in the body by allowing energy pathways — called “meridians” — to be open and fluid. Sending this energy inward during meditation is thought to help the body heal and function; sending the energy outward can help to heal another person.
☯ Traditional Taoist meditative practices were influenced by Chinese Buddhism from around the 5th century, and influenced Traditional Chinese medicine and the Chinese martial arts.
📍 There's three basic types of Taoist meditation: "concentrative", "insight", and "visualization".
📍 Ding 定 (literally means "decide; settle; stabilize") refers to "deep concentration", "intent contemplation", or "perfect absorption".
📍 Guan 觀 (lit. "watch; observe; view") meditation seeks to merge and attain unity with the Dao. It was developed by Tang Dynasty (618–907) Taoist masters based upon the Tiantai Buddhist practice of Vipassanā "insight" or "wisdom" meditation.
📍 Cun 存 (lit. "exist; be present; survive") has a sense of "to cause to exist; to make present" in the meditation techniques popularized by the Taoist Shangqing and Lingbao Schools. A meditator visualizes or actualizes solar and lunar essences, lights, and deities within their body, which supposedly results in health and longevity, even xian 仙/仚/僊, "immortality".
☯ The (late 4th century BCE) Guanzi essay Neiye "Inward training" is the oldest received writing on the subject of qi cultivation and breath-control meditation techniques.
#meditation #qigong #taoism #chinesemedicine #china #guidedthoughts #Montenegro #budva
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ikemenfangirl · 4 years
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Lingmao zhuan ( Spirit of Cats )
*Available in Chinese store
Ancient love stories mobile game, Five men of different personalities are waiting for you.
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灵猫传 (Lingmao zhuan -  Spirit of Cats) By : yoooum studio Platform : iOS & Android Language : Chinese Website: https://cat.dailygn.com
Download (1.1 GB.) iOS: https://apps.apple.com/cn/app/id1509669574 Android: https://cat.dailygn.com (game file)
Chinese famous Voice actors, sings to the words of love & whispering of heart.
Cast 宁北  CV. Zhang Jie #阿杰 安歌 CV. Wenqing Qian #钱文青 祁清和 CV. Jinxian #金弦 陆沉 CV. Shangqing Su #苏尚卿 沈既明 CV. Tianxiang Yang #杨天翔
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Six immortal division is who
Many people asked this question about who or what the Six Immortals are. Six Ren cents is a deceptive story fairy? Six Ren cents is the Tang Chun Lee? Gui Guzi? Who is the Six Ren immortal? Liu Ren magical disciples pursuit of hard, is to find out who is the Six Ren cents. I can only tell you, six Ren immortal teacher is actually not so hard to find. Our three Luo God's three Luo Tianshi Road has six Ren immortal division. what! ? Any mistake? Correct! You have heard wrong, we all have six immortal division. Not only our denominations are, the masters of the Heavenly Master House are all Master, all the realist priests have, Maoshan Shangqing Taoist have. Is not it? To tell you that you really may not believe, but the magic is more false things cover the real power, so many people only understand the surface, but do not understand its internal principle. Sixone immortal who is what or what, many people are stupid to find, mostly because Master has no truth, I do not know the true mind. Let me introduce the inheritance of the minds of the Three Gods, the secret of the secret, the precious knowledge of one of the nine gates within the sect. Other Liuzong magical powers , such as the widely circulated folk, are not the principles of the magic spells, and I know what happened to them. Because of the various divisions, what is his teacher's mind, or no heart, is his own business. If you are learning law or believe that there is a fairy god can command you to help you work, and I can tell you, you certainly have not been authentic Master! However, this article tells you the truth and operation of spells, like science. This is the way we are disciples of Sanoluo god religion, but also hope that people who like to learn to find this place, the way you have been dreaming way , beyond the superstitious false realm, clear heart, is the true law. Six Ren immortal teacher's truth " Liu Ren ," the article we have introduced and explained Liu Ren is what it means. Please look at that article for a detailed explanation. Simply speaking, Liu Ren is right your inner power exert the meaning of Yang, Liu is the internal resources, stored energy, spiritual child, Aura, Emmanuel. These things are inside, and we call him a " spiritual body . " And Ren is to consume these things out, into things and make it effective. Therefore, the internal skill is to play out the strength of Liu Wang performance, internal strength also. Three Luo God skills in the six electric light Kung Fu is practicing qigong, the spiritual energy accumulated use of the body, that is, the behavior of six Wang's trajectory, that is, its nature. Immortal, in fact, not a person or a dead person, nor is it any novel fictional character. We can all see in the " idol " we have explained in detail why the statues use the idol statues. It's just a shell. And this body is used to save people's innate energy into, and this is what energy? Many religions have idols, and the idols, or one image, are used to preserve some thoughts and ideas and some spiritual forces. Man's spiritual power can be more than enough to connect innate, connected with the original energy, connecting us to the so-called white real dollar space. So idols, portraits are just a shell, rather than really give you something to communicate with something. However, he is a carrier, a container. Immortal is why? In our San Luo magic power want this word, what Immortal , what Patriarch, all this does not mean some creatures / people / gods and the like. Immortal is a decree, but also a trajectory of energy. Sin is to consume elements and resources to do " mountain " , that is, to create something stacked. The very meaning of the word immortality means that anything that consumes resources and accumulates on the earth is immortality. Death to immortality means that the soul of a person can be classified as a god. The god is a place created for what he has done in his life, a world he himself has created for himself. So for us, after the death of all the soul can get together and into this element of God in the shape, called " Soul Road " , that is, the meaning of immortality. If daoist magic has been supernatural, this is not difficult to do after death, because before going to the soul can be, and after death is even easier. Practicing this law of immortality will need to practice God's fetus. In the research phase, the ancients took a lifetime to study the fetus, but it is advisable to have no reference to future generations. Only a great many descendants misunderstand their meaning. Practicing three Luo God skills disciples, there is a chance to practice God's fetus, before his death can see their own soul. There are also disciples of this road can go to their own soul, and what are the difficulties and difficulties? Most importantly, there is a Ming teacher to teach you nothing more. Sin is not necessarily to enter the soul of God, all things can be set into this track. As long as the accumulated sum thing is immortal, and that a company's employees are the company's " immortal " a. In short, a system " within " the operation, can be called " fairy " because of its trajectory is consistent. Also the " inner " energy of the corresponding person , the spiritual body of the person is the body of the afterlife, the energy person of human beings hidden in the afterlife, and the human body is together, and this is the accumulation of human internal energy. At the same time the previous corresponding talked about " riding to please God " energy in the essay in three of six aircraft of God, man's innate Dharmakaya, the machine's internal force is accumulated at a. Teacher's meaning is not a master, nor is it a teacher. Teacher is doing teaching. Therefore, the difference between teacher and handsome is the teacher is to pass on the consciousness and mind to the rear, handsome is not mind, but responsible for the resources. Therefore, the Marshal since ancient times only command and dial resources will not teach the military how to operate. Teachers are teaching. Because of the external force of the internal force, external things can be taught. Do you understand this? Who is your Six Ren immortal? He is not alone! Nor what novel characters, historical figures. Six Ren immortal division is your internal energy accumulated, internal forces, and pull out this energy so that it can teach the acquired changes, is the meaning of the Six Ren immortal division, he is a decree, the purpose is to order their own internal forces out. Into a patriarch, such as Liu Ren founder, it is different from the nature of friends. The difference between celestial ancestors and ancestors is that celestial beings have accumulated internally. Zu is the beginning of true element injection, gas, and change things out. So the beginning is ancestors. Human heart is the first point of the beginning, so the founder is the order of the heart, cents is the internal force, is a different nature. The use of the word " patriarch " as an incantation means that an instant start can be made . The word " immortal teacher " , as a mantra, imposes a force on and accelerates the operation of things and is energizing. So if you have a hard time to read " Patriarch Help, " one can immediately have the power to issue, because this sentence is your mental energy out even if you teach your body, change your life trajectory, to bad things. Have a look, all this is their own legal capacity of innate energy at work, not an external thing. All magic is also one's own innate energy things, not what the ancients, gods, or what fictional things. Spell is to use the human spirit to accumulate into the power to communicate the innate body. The practice is to use the innate body movements with the acquired name, called innate body push energy to do things, and changed your passive state in the day after tomorrow, into the active state, which is the operation of the real spell. Thousands of worldly magic does not leave this truth. Six Ren Xianshi is our own internal energy, accumulated their own " internal forces " , which is not what the Tang people or what the dead. Of course, no one in this world likes to worship the dead, that is their business. Anyway, I can only say that the six Ren immortals in the Three Gods are a decree and four words, and its role is to order your internal forces to come out and put your inner accumulated immortality. Can be used in the sun. The Six Ren immortal masters express their power here, that is to say, the inner power is taken out and the tail end is made, so that he can issue his power and issue " divine power " to make things change in the outside world. " Rush, such as law and order " is the end of the decree is to activate the spell activation of the sun on the meaning of things. Vary as a matter of urgency, such as law " 敕" becomes a force to change, adjust the power of things, the force of the military. Spell, word, is a stroke-by-stroke explanation. When the Road with the teacher three Luo God Law is such a stroke of interpretation, positive solution, we learned the door of the unique heart. All symbols, spells, and so on can be disassembled like a science-like explanation, change, adjust, because there is a principle in the spell, but the principle is wrong, together unreasonable, the obvious is to know and Can understand. Of course, you can only say " Master taught me to use it like this! " Because his Master may have taught or may have this material! WHY SIX REN XIANSHI ADULT FORM Point solution to make Six Ren immortal teacher into a person, this question is very difficult to answer. I can only say that most people have misunderstood, or he likes to worship the dead. Any reason why we need to personalize a decree. However, the use of " idol " to represent a decree is another. God, you can accumulate innate energy, accumulation of your spiritual power, thoughts, and so on. Through the practice of the altar, the energy of refining the essence of innate energy, and this idol can be used to practice. We see " Idol " one of the things talked about. What a lot of people like the Six Ren immortal like? Mostly take the lotus white hair old man, the right hand Dust brush, a copy of the right hand with Jinding hold to the sky. This is the basic style, but also common. Is this really like " Guiguzi " or " Li Chunfeng " ? Male idol is used to cultivate the fine element. Men in the natural solution is raw sperm, so the male idol is used to help you cultivate innate refined yuan. Female idol is used to absorb and digest the fine element, exert one's power. Two different nature. Therefore, the essence of the six Ren cents and sent the fine element as the basic. The lotus statue is to water the flowers, the meaning of water is underground, that is, between the earth and the waterway is, the transmission also. So this is the idol used to bless things in the world. Dust whisk is used to stick and bless things things, and France and India to the sky is to connect the innate path. Therefore, this image is suitable for connecting the Yang things, the world things, traction, blessings, and connection with the innate India, innate energy connection. To put aside the meaning of the idol you are now or to whom he is, he is an elderly person who has these characteristics. If, as above, I put in a neutral energy, you can put the mental strength The " human " energy that shapes this trajectory is correspondingly the " law " force, the heart power, and the yellow congenital power between heaven and earth . As I use this idol, I can add a few magic objects and objects to guide it, so as to create a special kind of innate energy that my town can help me to connect with the innate space on the altar, add my spell, The innate energy of my altar and the local sun can have a connecting force. If I draw the energy of the idol out of the sword, and pass it on to the ruler or the man, they can get the " shaped energy " and get it to be " taught " and become a matched trajectory. Can help access innate resources, but the power of natural resources. Of course, this is not the only way, nor the only explanation, I want to change, but also can change his style, color of clothes, facial expression, etc., to change the meticulous things, into my new heart, idols It's completely different. Maybe you heard that this is nothing to do with the Six Ren celestial division! Or you may think this is nonsense. No problem, because you do not understand the ever-changing nature of the " idol, " and you still do not understand things as a shell. All the gods, even a Buddha, a Jesus, a Hongjigong, can be used as gods to see if you understand the principles and the true meaning of the spells. Can change, Jesus can use the cross, he is not just a man Bale, why can not use it? The question is who you think he is Jesus, so he is Jesus, because this is your heart , " Jesus himself " representative. Liu Ren immortal teacher had been meaningless, and no one is the name, the man gave his name and set a real person into it, and became self-complacent. The real six Ren immortal division is the energy of your own heart, we call the accumulation of energy Xindan, which orders you in law body, to machine the internal preservation of power out of the body. So, the law is in the heart, six Ren Immortal Division is simply your own energy Bale. Liu Ren as the Lord, ever-changing incarnation. These ten words, that is, the power of the inner world, the spiritual power of these six white spiritual realities is only made for one Lord, and the Lord is the power of the initiating party. The body can change as you go to set in. White point is that if your account has a lot of money, money will be accumulated. The power of money is the power of six people. Money allows you wherever you go and where you get the power of money. Spending money on eating, playing, living depends on what you mean. What is the Lord? It is a real element in charge of the kingship, your heart and soul, your mind is the Lord. Of course, the person's soul is also the person's Lord, because the soul of God rules people's lives. Therefore, at the same time, the Six Ren method is practiced high in the Three Gods, no longer what the six natives look at, but to practice cultivation above. Is connected to the soul of God, practicing the soul of the six Ren method, the soul of mana for internal forces. Three Luo magical powers in the six Wang electric light door have these feelings, and six Ren immortal division in our case, is a decree, such as the spell words, all the decree word, some action, is to energy action also. If you want to learn Liu Ren Law, but also want to learn sincerity, welcome to join the three Luo Tianshi Road . We just like to teach disciples, do not superstitious in what novel characters, fictional gods, but to believe in yourself and understand their innate potential is always a natural power to give you!
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Six immortal division is who
Many people asked this question about who or what the Six Immortals are. Six Ren cents is a deceptive story fairy? Six Ren cents is the Tang Chun Lee? Gui Guzi? Who is the Six Ren immortal? Liu Ren magical disciples pursuit of hard, is to find out who is the Six Ren cents. I can only tell you, six Ren immortal teacher is actually not so hard to find. Our three Luo God's three Luo Tianshi Road has six Ren immortal division. what! ? Any mistake? Correct! You have heard wrong, we all have six immortal division. Not only our denominations are, the masters of the Heavenly Master House are all Master, all the realist priests have, Maoshan Shangqing Taoist have. Is not it? To tell you that you really may not believe, but the magic is more false things cover the real power, so many people only understand the surface, but do not understand its internal principle. Sixone immortal who is what or what, many people are stupid to find, mostly because Master has no truth, I do not know the true mind. Let me introduce the inheritance of the minds of the Three Gods, the secret of the secret, the precious knowledge of one of the nine gates within the sect. Other Liuzong magical powers , such as the widely circulated folk, are not the principles of the magic spells, and I know what happened to them. Because of the various divisions, what is his teacher's mind, or no heart, is his own business. If you are learning law or believe that there is a fairy god can command you to help you work, and I can tell you, you certainly have not been authentic Master! However, this article tells you the truth and operation of spells, like science. This is the way we are disciples of Sanoluo god religion, but also hope that people who like to learn to find this place, the way you have been dreaming way , beyond the superstitious false realm, clear heart, is the true law. daoist magic " Liu Ren ," the article we have introduced and explained Liu Ren is what it means. Please look at that article for a detailed explanation. Simply speaking, Liu Ren is right your inner power exert the meaning of Yang, Liu is the internal resources, stored energy, spiritual child, Aura, Emmanuel. These things are inside, and we call him a " spiritual body . " And Ren is to consume these things out, into things and make it effective. Therefore, the internal skill is to play out the strength of Liu Wang performance, internal strength also. Three Luo God skills in the six electric light Kung Fu is practicing qigong, the spiritual energy accumulated use of the body, that is, the behavior of six Wang's trajectory, that is, its nature. Immortal, in fact, not a person or a dead person, nor is it any novel fictional character. We can all see in the " idol " we have explained in detail why the statues use the idol statues. It's just a shell. And this body is used to save people's innate energy into, and this is what energy? Many religions have idols, and the idols, or one image, are used to preserve some thoughts and ideas and some spiritual forces. Man's spiritual power can be more than enough to connect innate, connected with the original energy, connecting us to the so-called white real dollar space. So idols, portraits are just a shell, rather than really give you something to communicate with something. However, he is a carrier, a container. Immortal is why? In our San Luo magic power want this word, what Immortal , what Patriarch, all this does not mean some creatures / people / gods and the like. Immortal is a decree, but also a trajectory of energy. Sin is to consume elements and resources to do " mountain " , that is, to create something stacked. The very meaning of the word immortality means that anything that consumes resources and accumulates on the earth is immortality. Death to immortality means that the soul of a person can be classified as a god. The god is a place created for what he has done in his life, a world he himself has created for himself. So for us, after the death of all the soul can get together and into this element of God in the shape, called " Soul Road " , that is, the meaning of immortality. If this way has been supernatural, this is not difficult to do after death, because before going to the soul can be, and after death is even easier. Practicing this law of immortality will need to practice God's fetus. In the research phase, the ancients took a lifetime to study the fetus, but it is advisable to have no reference to future generations. Only a great many descendants misunderstand their meaning. Practicing three Luo God skills disciples, there is a chance to practice God's fetus, before his death can see their own soul. There are also disciples of this road can go to their own soul, and what are the difficulties and difficulties? Most importantly, there is a Ming teacher to teach you nothing more. Sin is not necessarily to enter the soul of God, all things can be set into this track. As long as the accumulated sum thing is immortal, and that a company's employees are the company's " immortal " a. In short, a system " within " the operation, can be called " fairy " because of its trajectory is consistent. Also the " inner " energy of the corresponding person , the spiritual body of the person is the body of the afterlife, the energy person of human beings hidden in the afterlife, and the human body is together, and this is the accumulation of human internal energy. At the same time the previous corresponding talked about " riding to please God " energy in the essay in three of six aircraft of God, man's innate Dharmakaya, the machine's internal force is accumulated at a. Teacher's meaning is not a master, nor is it a teacher. Teacher is doing teaching. Therefore, the difference between teacher and handsome is the teacher is to pass on the consciousness and mind to the rear, handsome is not mind, but responsible for the resources. Therefore, the Marshal since ancient times only command and dial resources will not teach the military how to operate. Teachers are teaching. Because of the external force of the internal force, external things can be taught. Do you understand this? Who is your Six Ren immortal? He is not alone! Nor what novel characters, historical figures. Six Ren immortal division is your internal energy accumulated, internal forces, and pull out this energy so that it can teach the acquired changes, is the meaning of the Six Ren immortal division, he is a decree, the purpose is to order their own internal forces out. Into a patriarch, such as Liu Ren founder, it is different from the nature of friends. The difference between celestial ancestors and ancestors is that celestial beings have accumulated internally. Zu is the beginning of true element injection, gas, and change things out. So the beginning is ancestors. Human heart is the first point of the beginning, so the founder is the order of the heart, cents is the internal force, is a different nature. The use of the word " patriarch " as an incantation means that an instant start can be made . The word " immortal teacher " , as a mantra, imposes a force on and accelerates the operation of things and is energizing. So if you have a hard time to read " Patriarch Help, " one can immediately have the power to issue, because this sentence is your mental energy out even if you teach your body, change your life trajectory, to bad things. Have a look, all this is their own legal capacity of innate energy at work, not an external thing. All magic is also one's own innate energy things, not what the ancients, gods, or what fictional things. Spell is to use the human spirit to accumulate into the power to communicate the innate body. The practice is to use the innate body movements with the acquired name, called innate body push energy to do things, and changed your passive state in the day after tomorrow, into the active state, which is the operation of the real spell. Thousands of worldly magic does not leave this truth. Six Ren Xianshi is our own internal energy, accumulated their own " internal forces " , which is not what the Tang people or what the dead. Of course, no one in this world likes to worship the dead, that is their business. Anyway, I can only say that the six Ren immortals in the Three Gods are a decree and four words, and its role is to order your internal forces to come out and put your inner accumulated immortality. Can be used in the sun. The Six Ren immortal masters express their power here, that is to say, the inner power is taken out and the tail end is made, so that he can issue his power and issue " divine power " to make things change in the outside world. " Rush, such as law and order " is the end of the decree is to activate the spell activation of the sun on the meaning of things. Vary as a matter of urgency, such as law " 敕" becomes a force to change, adjust the power of things, the force of the military. Spell, word, is a stroke-by-stroke explanation. When the Road with the teacher three Luo God Law is such a stroke of interpretation, positive solution, we learned the door of the unique heart. All symbols, spells, and so on can be disassembled like a science-like explanation, change, adjust, because there is a principle in the spell, but the principle is wrong, together unreasonable, the obvious is to know and Can understand. Of course, you can only say " Master taught me to use it like this! " Because his Master may have taught or may have this material! WHY SIX REN XIANSHI ADULT FORM Point solution to make Six Ren immortal teacher into a person, this question is very difficult to answer. I can only say that most people have misunderstood, or he likes to worship the dead. Any reason why we need to personalize a decree. However, the use of " idol " to represent a decree is another. God, you can accumulate innate energy, accumulation of your spiritual power, thoughts, and so on. Through the practice of the altar, the energy of refining the essence of innate energy, and this idol can be used to practice. We see " Idol " one of the things talked about. What a lot of people like the Six Ren immortal like? Mostly take the lotus white hair old man, the right hand Dust brush, a copy of the right hand with Jinding hold to the sky. This is the basic style, but also common. Is this really like " Guiguzi " or " Li Chunfeng " ? Male idol is used to cultivate the fine element. Men in the natural solution is raw sperm, so the male idol is used to help you cultivate innate refined yuan. Female idol is used to absorb and digest the fine element, exert one's power. Two different nature. Therefore, the essence of the six Ren cents and sent the fine element as the basic. The lotus statue is to water the flowers, the meaning of water is underground, that is, between the earth and the waterway is, the transmission also. So this is the idol used to bless things in the world. Dust whisk is used to stick and bless things things, and France and India to the sky is to connect the innate path. Therefore, this image is suitable for connecting the Yang things, the world things, traction, blessings, and connection with the innate India, innate energy connection. To put aside the meaning of the idol you are now or to whom he is, he is an elderly person who has these characteristics. If, as above, I put in a neutral energy, you can put the mental strength The " human " energy that shapes this trajectory is correspondingly the " law " force, the heart power, and the yellow congenital power between heaven and earth . As I use this idol, I can add a few magic objects and objects to guide it, so as to create a special kind of innate energy that my town can help me to connect with the innate space on the altar, add my spell, The innate energy of my altar and the local sun can have a connecting force. If I draw the energy of the idol out of the sword, and pass it on to the ruler or the man, they can get the " shaped energy " and get it to be " taught " and become a matched trajectory. Can help access innate resources, but the power of natural resources. Of course, this is not the only way, nor the only explanation, I want to change, but also can change his style, color of clothes, facial expression, etc., to change the meticulous things, into my new heart, idols It's completely different. Maybe you heard that this is nothing to do with the Six Ren celestial division! Or you may think this is nonsense. No problem, because you do not understand the ever-changing nature of the " idol, " and you still do not understand things as a shell. All the gods, even a Buddha, a Jesus, a Hongjigong, can be used as gods to see if you understand the principles and the true meaning of the spells. Can change, Jesus can use the cross, he is not just a man Bale, why can not use it? The question is who you think he is Jesus, so he is Jesus, because this is your heart , " Jesus himself " representative. Liu Ren immortal teacher had been meaningless, and no one is the name, the man gave his name and set a real person into it, and became self-complacent. The real six Ren immortal division is the energy of your own heart, we call the accumulation of energy Xindan, which orders you in law body, to machine the internal preservation of power out of the body. So, the law is in the heart, six Ren Immortal Division is simply your own energy Bale. Liu Ren as the Lord, ever-changing incarnation. These ten words, that is, the power of the inner world, the spiritual power of these six white spiritual realities is only made for one Lord, and the Lord is the power of the initiating party. The body can change as you go to set in. White point is that if your account has a lot of money, money will be accumulated. The power of money is the power of six people. Money allows you wherever you go and where you get the power of money. Spending money on eating, playing, living depends on what you mean. What is the Lord? It is a real element in charge of the kingship, your heart and soul, your mind is the Lord. Of course, the person's soul is also the person's Lord, because the soul of God rules people's lives. Therefore, at the same time, the Six Ren method is practiced high in the Three Gods, no longer what the six natives look at, but to practice cultivation above. Is connected to the soul of God, practicing the soul of the six Ren method, the soul of mana for internal forces. Three Luo magical powers in the six Wang electric light door have these feelings, and six Ren immortal division in our case, is a decree, such as the spell words, all the decree word, some action, is to energy action also. If you want to learn Liu Ren Law, but also want to learn sincerity, welcome to join the three Luo Tianshi Road . We just like to teach disciples, do not superstitious in what novel characters, fictional gods, but to believe in yourself and understand their innate potential is always a natural power to give you!
0 notes
Prize Travel Sagacity to Shangqing Old Town
The Ancient town of ShangQing The ancient town of ShangQing is 25 kilometers northbound from the Ying Tan city. In the Five Dynasties(907-960), it was called Xiong Shi Town, then was changed to Ni Yang Municipality. In Brautlied and Yuan Dynasties, it was changed into Shangqing Town. The rate original Taoist Gallantry is built in this town which is full of crisscross erstwhile streets and long winding lanes. The life at this moment is on the contrary crisp. The irresistible traveler Xu Xia Ke had generally accepted his swing against this land, and remanent behind description like "I crossed a brook and entered the Shangqing Street which is quite long." The Neo-Confucianist Lu Jiu Yuan anent the Southern Song Dynasty had written a commentary up to the town's calligraphy engrave. The prime minister resident of Ming Dynasty Xia Yuan was born here.
Surrounded suitable for hills established beside physical world, it has a pictorial environment here. Its rich cultural ultimogeniture and noteworthy list manifested through celebrities who lived here before make it seem to be to remain out of the topical era. Mazu Daoyi, a respectable monk in the Tang Period, built up the Yingtian Dewal, realizing a further development as regards Zen relating to Buddhism. Lu Xiangshan, a great confucianist in the Southern Song Period, established the Xiangshan Colledge, which was listed exempli gratia one of the four biggest colleges in Eggshell likewise. Xiayan, a pair minister of the Ming Dynasty, was newborn in Guizhou Crossroads, obverse headed for this canton. Furthermore, tens of Paradisaic Masters and their offspring who controlled Taoism affairs lived and multiplied here. The main historical sites take in Changqing Mill, Liuhou Family Quarter, Heavenly Master's Lodgment, Shangqing Palace, Dongyue Palace, Tianyuande Medicine Store, and the Catholicism Church. Especially, the habitancy houses, stores, houses projecting over water, and old ports remain the styles of the Ming and Qing Period, expressing their unquestionable and cultural charm, which record the temporal prosperity and vogue. When you are dining or enjoying tea in houses over weathercock and against scuba, you selection really comprehend the lines €Talk about mulberry with tasteful kosher wine in hands,up-to-date a restaurant beside fields.€ by Meng Haoran, a august Chinese fili.
Even with a thousand years of history, the ancient village is handmade onward river surrounded by mountains. The two kilometers (1.2 miles) yearn practical street is pointillistic by many sightseeings, including the Shangqing Palace and the Chateau re Celestial Master. Apart from these Taoism buildings, visitors can also admire the suspending buildings and wharfs of the locals.
Shangqing Town has an flue as to panjandrum diuturnity with all these old residences. The residences mainly in regard to Ming and Qing Dynasties whiffle at the four roads eat up Li Jia straits, Chan Jia Road, Guan Force Kou and Jiang Jia Secondary road. The up-holding walls imitating a horse nous, delicate windows and doors, roads paved with cobble stones, sitting rooms covered with musty bricks, bright courtyard and stone-carved window decoration amplify a stamp of an ancient town.
Bamboo lashings is the principal species of touring Longhu Summit. So the best time headed for visiting the mountain as to water is during April to October. If traveling likewise the overland route, visitors can get there at any one season during a year.
Physical Features: Yingtan belongs to the low knobby and hilly area of northeast Jiangxi, having typical Danxia Landform. Within the city, washed up ninety percent of the plantation is paddy field.
Climatic Features: Enjoying a subtropical temperate and humid monsoon climate, the city is characterized by clear four seasons, moderate weather, abundant rainfall and long frost-free fix. The frazzle in spring is unrestrained and winter is relatively warmer. April in passage to June is the flood juncture.
Transmission Tips: 1. Getting in and out of Yingtan by air should cause the aid speaking of Nanchang Changbei Supranational Airport which is a bit more than a hundred kilometers (62 miles) from Yingtan. Yingtan motorcycle fur farm is situated in the Tianjie Road, where visitors can take buses to Nanchang for two hours. 2. Longhu Mountain is 20 kilometers (12 miles) dixie of Yingtan. In the railway station differencing Yingtan bus circumstance west of the railway station, there are regular buses intendance to the Fag Water Rest and Shangqing Ancient Village, then visitors can have bamboo raft sideward along the Luxi Brook during the tour.
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Best Travel Information to Shangqing Past Town
The Ancient town as for ShangQing The perennial town of ShangQing is 25 kilometers south from the Ying Tan shopping center. In the Five Dynasties(907-960), it was called Xiong Shi Shire, then was deviant to Ni Yang Town. Next to Song and Yuan Dynasties, it was subversive into Shangqing Town. The famous procreative Taoist Court is refined friendly relations this province which is slaked of chi ancient streets and long winding lanes. The passion tonight is rather simple. The great traveler Xu Xia Ke had set his foot toward this land, and left behind characterization admire "I crossed a creek and programmed the Shangqing Street which is quite morning." The Neo-confucianist Lu Jiu Yuan of the Southern Song Dynasty had written a postscript to the town's calligraphy book. The prime accommodate of Ming Dynasty Xia Yuan was born here.
Surrounded by hills true apart from latex, it has a pretty climate at this point. Its rich edifying heritage and corinthian history manifested by celebrities who lived here before make it seem to be out of the concurrent era. Mazu Daoyi, a respectable monk inward the Tang Period, built up the Yingtian Temple, realizing a further development in point of Zen of Buddhism. Lu Xiangshan, a rum confucianist in the Southern Song Period, old-line the Xiangshan Colledge, which was listed as one of the four biggest colleges in China then. Xiayan, a prime minister of the Ming Dynasty, was born in Guizhou Village, opposite to this town. Item, tens of Immortal Masters and their offspring who controlled Taoism employment lived and multiplied here. The main historical sites include Changqing Mill, Liuhou Kith and kin Temple, Heavenly Master's Manor house, Shangqing Palace, Dongyue Palace, Tianyuande Cure Deposit, and the Catholicism Evensong. Specifically, the common man houses, stores, houses protruding bypast water, and primeval ports remain the styles as regards the Ming and Qing Period, expressing their historical and cultural charm, which record the temporal prosperity and glory. When you are rumination or enjoying tea in houses transcendent water and against wind, alterum will really comprehend the lines €Talk in the vicinity mulberry with tasteful wine in sovereignty,in a restaurant beside fields.€ by Meng Haoran, a famous Chinese imaginer.
With a thousand years of history, the olden village is shapely along watercourse surrounded by mountains. The two kilometers (1.2 miles) large prehistoric driveway is dotted after affluent sightseeings, constituting the Shangqing Palace and the Mansion of Celestial Mastermind. Apart from these Taoism buildings, visitors can likewise worship the suspending buildings and wharfs of the locals.
Shangqing Town has an air of great continuance with all these old residences. The residences mainly as respects Ming and Qing Dynasties gather at the four roads like Li Jia estuary, Chan Jia Road, Guan Male sex Kou and Jiang Jia Road. The up-holding walls imitating a horse tresses, fragile windows and doors, roads paved with cobble stones, sitting rooms covered with potbellied bricks, noetic courtyard and stone-carved window decoration fan a picture re an hominid town.
Bamboo raft is the principal way re touring Longhu Mountain. So the best time to visiting the mountain by water is during April unto October. If traveling along the overland route, visitors can get there at certain alter during a year.
Physical Features: Yingtan belongs to the low mountainous and hilly area of northeast Jiangxi, having typical Danxia Landform. Within the central city, over ninety percent of the plantation is paddy field.
Climatic Features: Enjoying a temperate measured and humid draft climate, the city is characterized by swing four seasons, moderate weather, abundant rainfall and long frost-free pep up. The weather present-day spring is versatile and winter is relatively warmer. April in consideration of June is the flood space.
Back up Tips: 1. Getting open arms and out of Yingtan therewith air should have the striker with respect to Nanchang Changbei International Airport which is a tuppence more than a hundred kilometers (62 miles) from Yingtan. Yingtan bus incumbency is situated gangway the Tianjie Road, where visitors can take buses en route to Nanchang as things go span hours. 2. Longhu Mountain is 20 kilometers (12 miles) compass card in point of Yingtan. Entree the railway station or Yingtan bus grouping west pertinent to the railway station, there are regular buses running to the Gossamer Water Rock and Shangqing Auld Metropolitan, then visitors can have bamboo raft drifting along the Luxi River during the tour.
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yebreed · 3 months
Book of Master Celestial Seclusion
The Book of Master Celestial Seclusion (天隱子) is one of the influential manuals of the Shangqing school, included in the Tang Golden Age corpus. The source is attributed to Sima Chengzhen (at least the preface). Even if this attribution is not perfectly accurate, it is evident that the treatise comes from the same Taoist circle and develops his emblematic method of “Sitting in Oblivion.” Continue…
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