#crisscross ancient streets
aliensupersyn · 7 months
JJK Chapter 253 Action Guide
Chapter 253 on TCB
A LOT happened this chapter, and this post will be mostly focused on describing the action sequences.
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Maki and Sukuna continue their 1v1 throughout the city. Sukuna fires a world dismantle that Maki jumps over and clashes with Sukuna. He's likely reinforcing his body with cursed energy, which is what produces the clang sounds with Maki's blade. I've seen others say that Sukuna uses dismantles to parry swords as well. The dismantle that Sukuna fired hit the building behind them and begins to fall.
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Sukuna continues defending against Maki's slashes, locking them both in position, and the building falls where they stand.
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I surmise this building was a car garage? That or these cars were on the street already. Sukuna and Maki both dodge the fallen building in time. Maki dodges the cars and Sukuna appears behind one to catch her off guard. Sukuna used these same tactics against Gojo: obscuring his opponent's vision to get an upperhand on them.
I love this idea that Sukuna doesn't fight fair when he's serious!
Maki still sees him and the dismantle he's firing behind the car.
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Maki dodges the dismantle, but the car explodes and sends her flying into the building across the street. (I think it's funny Sukuna's ancient ass was counting on a car exploding to help him lmao).
Sukuna races through the building to come behind Maki. He's fast!
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Sukuna catches Maki and immediately cleaves her! Maki's fighting back but Sukuna's keeping her at bay with his other two hands.
Ino attempts to intervene but Sukuna quickly sends dismantles at him.
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Sukuna kicks Ino again and notices that Ino didn't attack with Nanami's weapon.
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Ino falls out the window and Kusakabe attempts an ambush from above. Kusakabe crashes through the ceiling and on top of Sukuna!
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Sukuna reacts in time and blocks the attack with his arm. Sukuna begins to pick up Kusakabe, but Maki is seen running back into frame in the last panel.
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Maki bomb rushes Sukuna through the wall into a new room. Within moments, she's reached Sukuna again as he's flying mid-air. She aims for the pillar Sukuna's flying towards after her initial rush. Maki's so fast that it startles Kusakabe, and he only sees the end of her cape!
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Maki connects to the pillar in time and sends a shockwave so powerful that it throws Sukuna again! He hits yet another pillar.
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Maki goes to work slicing up the pillars around her as Sukuna recovers from her attack. This all must happen in literal moments, given the few panels all the action takes!
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Maki begins to launch the cut concrete with her feet towards Sukuna, but he's now awakened and seen her strength. Sukuna has become even more serious. Maki has dodged all of his dismantles and his cleave seemingly had no effect on her, as she's faster than before.
Sukuna gives up on using his usual cleave and dismantle, stops healing himself with rct, and focuses all of his cursed energy into physical reinforcement. Maki was going faster than him and he needed to catch up! He disappears the literal instant the concrete projectiles began flying towards him.
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Sukuna quickly grabs Maki and pushes her through the building. This is not a cleave, as it's not the crisscross pattern, nor does it have the cleave onomatopoeia that denotes that specific CT. At this point, Sukuna has decided that his CT will not cut it to defeat Maki, this monster before him! He must match her physical prowess or she will continue to overtake him.
Sukuna tears part of Maki's flesh from her face, reflecting his ideas about flesh and bone. Interestingly enough, Maki's so durable that Sukuna can only manage to tear the flesh from her skin, but he refers to her power as the bone. Foreshadowing something?
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My theory that Sukuna and Maki are foils is proven to be true by Sukuna's words here. He respects Maki as the embodiment of physical strength, while he is the ultimate model for jujutsu.
They both fall from the sky and onto the street yet again.
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Maki reacts to a full speed and fully powered Sukuna attempting to overwhelm her speed and strength with his own. She strikes with SSK, but Sukuna blocks it yet again. (Is he blocking these or is he just suffering the damage?
Again, he grabs her SSK by using cleaves to avoid it's damage so she can't swing it while he prepares his punch.
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Confirmation that Sukuna was 100% serious and in the zone against Maki as he lands his first black flash in the entire series. Maki blocks it with her hand, covering her stomach from the blow.
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The blow sends Maki flying away through the rail.
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Poor Kusakabe.
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
❝the bet❞
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✭ pairing : guy bellingfield x reader
✭ fandom : riot club
✭ summary : (y/n) is the newest student at University of Oxford . She’s got the looks and brains to back her up and it doesn’t hurt that her body draws attention too, so as a bet the men of the infamous riot club see who can bed her first
✭ authors note : this was requested by @piastripoets you send this specific request in to @fandomnationwhore a while back but I’m here to fill in for them and write. At any moment you wish to be untagged do inform me :) your request had been riot club guy × reader where the reader is new to the college and the guys all try hitting on her but only guy is successful?
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The ancient stone buildings of the University of Oxford, steeped in centuries of history, bore witness to the arrival of a new student, (Y/N). Her presence was a disruption in the tranquil aura of academia that had enveloped the venerable institution for generations.
As the taxi pulled up to the entrance of the storied university, (Y/N) stepped out, her confidence radiating like a force of nature. Tall and strikingly beautiful, with long flowing hair that shimmered like obsidian and eyes that sparkled with intelligence, she was a captivating sight that drew attention from all corners.
With a suitcase in one hand and a backpack slung casually over her shoulder, she navigated her way through the cobblestone paths that crisscrossed the historic campus. Students whispered in hushed tones as she passed, speculation and curiosity following her like a shadow.
But (Y/N) was more than just a pretty face. She was a brilliant mind, a prodigy in her field. Her academic achievements had earned her a scholarship to the hallowed halls of Oxford, where she intended to immerse herself in the pursuit of knowledge.
Unbeknownst to her, there was a group of young, wealthy, and powerful men at Oxford known as the Riot Club. They were known for their extravagant parties, their old-boy network connections, and their penchant for mischief. The members of the Riot Club had a reputation for always getting what they wanted, no matter the cost.
As (Y/N) settled into her dorm room, the men of the Riot Club gathered in a dimly lit, oak-paneled room within the heart of the university. Their eyes were fixed on (Y/N) from the moment she had set foot on campus, and now they hatched a plan to make her the object of their desires.
Jonathan, a charismatic and wealthy member of the Riot Club, proposed a reckless bet that sent a ripple of excitement through the room. "Gentlemen," he began, a sly grin on his face, "I propose a wager. Whomever among us manages to win the affections of the new student, (Y/N), shall be rewarded with whatever they desire."
The room fell silent for a moment as the gravity of the bet sank in. These were young men accustomed to getting their way, and (Y/N) presented an enticing challenge. Their motivations varied from pure desire to a desire for power, but all were equally determined to pursue her.
Little did (Y/N) know that her arrival at Oxford had set in motion a high-stakes game, one where her beauty, brains, and body had become the ultimate prize. The stage was set, and the Riot Club had cast their sights on the enigmatic newcomer, ready to do whatever it took to win her heart, and in doing so, get whatever they wanted.
The night air in Oxford carried a crisp, autumn chill as (Y/N) and a few of her newfound friends from the university made their way to a cozy pub nestled among the city's winding streets. The warmth and camaraderie of the evening were a welcome respite from the rigorous academic demands of their first week at Oxford.
Gathered around a wooden table, they exchanged stories, laughter, and dreams for the future. These friends had quickly become (Y/N)'s lifeline in this new, unfamiliar world. Their friendships provided solace and a sense of belonging in a place where she had initially felt like an outsider.
Meanwhile, across the dimly lit pub, members of the Riot Club had taken notice of (Y/N) once again. Their curiosity and desire to win the bet burned within them. Jonathan, the charismatic instigator of the wager, leaned over to his companions and whispered, "There she is, gentlemen. (Y/N), the key to our desires."
As the evening wore on, (Y/N)'s friends reluctantly excused themselves one by one, leaving her sitting alone at the table. She watched as they disappeared into the bustling Oxford nightlife, each bidding her a warm farewell.
It was precisely at this moment that Jonathan and his cohorts saw their opportunity. With feigned congeniality, they approached (Y/N)'s table, their designer suits and confident demeanor setting them apart from the pub's regular patrons.
"Hello, (Y/N)," Jonathan greeted her with a charming smile. "We couldn't help but notice that you were here all by yourself. Mind if we join you for a drink? We'd love to get to know our newest classmate better."
(Y/N) surveyed the group of men with a mixture of caution and suspicion. She had heard rumors about the Riot Club and their reputation for mischief. While she had hoped to keep a low profile and focus on her studies, it seemed that fate had other plans.
Politely but firmly, (Y/N) declined their invitation. "Thank you for the offer, but I think I'll call it a night. I've had a long day of classes, and I could use some rest."
Jonathan's smile faltered for a moment, but he quickly composed himself. "Well, the offer stands whenever you're ready. We look forward to getting to know you better, (Y/N)."
With a polite nod, (Y/N) gathered her things and made her way to the exit. The members of the Riot Club exchanged glances, realizing that this challenge might be more difficult than they had initially anticipated.
As (Y/N) stepped out into the cool Oxford night, she couldn't shake the feeling that the Riot Club's interest in her went beyond mere curiosity.
A few minutes after (Y/N) left the pub, she was making her way down a dimly lit street when she heard hurried footsteps approaching from behind. Turning around, she was surprised to see a young man, his breath slightly labored from running, catching up to her.
"Wait up!" he called out, concern evident in his voice. "It's unsafe for a young woman to be out this late, much less a beautiful one like yourself."
(Y/N) raised an eyebrow, unsure of this stranger's intentions. She had been cautious about accepting help from anyone, especially after the encounter with the Riot Club, but there was something about the sincerity in his eyes that gave her pause.
He continued, "I couldn't help but notice you leaving the pub alone, and I thought I should offer my assistance. Would you like me to call a taxi for you?"
(Y/N) hesitated for a moment, contemplating the offer. The night was indeed lovely, and the brisk air was invigorating. "Thank you for your concern, but I think I'll walk back to the dorms. It's not far, and I could use the fresh air."
The young man nodded, understanding her decision. "Well, in that case, may I accompany you? It's always safer to have company, especially at night."
(Y/N) weighed her options. She didn't know this man, but his gesture seemed genuinely kind. After a brief moment of consideration, she nodded in agreement. "Alright, you can walk with me. My name is (Y/N), by the way."
He smiled warmly. "I'm Guy. Nice to meet you, (Y/N)."
As they strolled together through the quiet, moonlit streets of Oxford, conversation flowed easily between them. They discovered common interests in literature, their love for exploring new places, and a shared appreciation for the beauty of the historic city.
Guy, it turned out, was a fellow student at Oxford, pursuing a degree in history. He was well-read and passionate about his studies, and his knowledge of the university's rich history impressed (Y/N). In turn, she shared her own academic pursuits and aspirations, and they found themselves engaged in a lively discussion about their respective fields.
As they approached the dormitory building, (Y/N) realized that the walk had been far more enjoyable and less intimidating with Guy by her side. She turned to him with a grateful smile. "Thank you for walking me back, Guy. I appreciate it."
He smiled in return, his eyes reflecting the warmth of their newfound connection. "Anytime, (Y/N). It was a pleasure getting to know you. Perhaps we could continue our conversation over coffee sometime?"
(Y/N) nodded, feeling a sense of anticipation about what the future might hold. "I'd like that, Guy. Coffee sounds great."
They exchanged contact information, and as (Y/N) entered her dormitory, she couldn't help but reflect on the unexpected turn of events. What had started as a night filled with uncertainty and caution had led to a chance encounter with a kindred spirit. Little did she know that this serendipitous meeting with Guy would become a significant and transformative chapter in her life at the University of Oxford.
In the weeks that followed their chance encounter, (Y/N) and Guy had grown remarkably close. They spent hours together in the university's picturesque gardens, lost in conversations that ranged from philosophy to their personal dreams and aspirations. What started as a simple walk back from the pub had blossomed into a genuine and deep connection.
As they shared their thoughts and experiences, (Y/N) couldn't help but feel that Guy was different from the other men she had encountered at Oxford. He was respectful, considerate, and genuinely interested in her as a person, not just as a beautiful face. She had come to value his friendship immensely.
Meanwhile, the members of the Riot Club, continued to watch the unfolding drama with anticipation. Their bet was nearing its climax, and Jonathan, the instigator of the wager, couldn't help but feel confident.
"You're totally going to win the bet, Guy," one of his friends remarked, slapping him on the back as they gathered in their dimly lit meeting room.
Guy Bellingfield, a member of the Riot Club who had set his sights on (Y/N), grinned triumphantly. He had taken to heart the challenge and had spent countless hours trying to woo her. He believed he was making headway.
As the men celebrated their impending victory, (Y/N) happened to overhear a conversation from the shadows. Her curiosity piqued, she discreetly eavesdropped on their exchange.
"Now all you've got to do is sleep with her, and boom, you've won," one of the Riot Club members whispered to Guy, a sinister grin on his face.
(Y/N)'s heart sank as the implications of their conversation became clear. She had been nothing more than a pawn in their game, a means to an end in their quest to win a bet. It was a revelation that left her feeling used and manipulated.
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overwatch-archive · 5 years
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A Short Story: Michael Chu Illustrations: Arnold Tsang Additional Artwork: Bengal Design and Layout: Benjamin Scanlon
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After days of lying in wait, Ana's target had appeared in one of Cairo's opulent, ancient palaces. Abdul Hakim was a king in his own right, one who was using his power and influence to squeeze the life from the city, making himself and his followers rich in the process. But before she had her chance to capture him, the first ghost appeared: Jack Morrison. Though he was masked and had assumed the identity of a vigilante—Soldier: 76—she recognized him immediately.
The world believed that Morrison was dead, killed in the destruction of the Overwatch base in Switzerland, but Ana had her doubts. Though Jack had escaped death, a specter followed behind him… the Reaper. A killer clad all in black, his face hidden behind a bone white mask.
Reaper had confronted Jack, and Ana had leapt to his aid. She had subdued Reaper, wrestling him to the ground. But when she had stripped off the ghoulish mask and seen the ruin of a face beneath, she recognized Gabriel Reyes, a friend and comrade she’d known just as long as Jack. Gabriel proved to be the real phantom as he’d faded into thin air, disappearing like a whisper.
She was left with the revelation that Gabriel and Jack, two men like brothers to her, were not dead.
In fairness, they thought I was, too.
She took a deep breath and surveyed the scene. Bullet marks patterned the walls, tiles on the floor were cracked, and the bodies of the manor’s security guards—muscle for Hakim’s illegal enterprise—were splayed about like children's toys. At the heart of the courtyard, Jack stood impassively.
"I got them all," Jack said as he rifled through one of the fallen mercenary's belongings.
A guard on the ground between them groaned, and in a flash, Ana drew her sidearm and fired a sleep dart into his neck.
"You missed one," Ana said.
Jack gave one of his good guy shrugs. "It’s nice to see you, too, Ana."
Ana engaged the targeting visor from underneath her cowl. The heads-up display failed to activate. She flipped it back up, annoyed. "Any idea where he went?"
Jack activated his visor and scanned the area. "Not a trace."
Something to worry about later.
"That doesn’t look good," Ana said. Jack had been shot right beneath the giant numerals "76" on his jacket. As she took a closer look, she could see that the jacket and his flesh had been ripped apart by a shotgun blast. From that range, it should have killed him, but Jack had certain advantages. His wounds could heal themselves—a legacy of his past as a test subject and an enhanced soldier in the American armed forces. She could already see the pink of new skin forming at the edges, but not completely. Where it looked the worst, his flesh had turned necrotic and black.
"I'll be fine," Jack grunted. "It just takes us some time."
Us, Ana thought. Jack was adapting quickly to the knowledge that his former best friend was still alive.
Or did he already know?
The faintest sound of approaching sirens interrupted her. "We should get going. Sounds like someone’s noticed."
Jack nodded. "Lead the way."
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An hour later, Ana and Jack crouched in the shadows, watching as hover taxis zoomed by and a pair of civilians riding robotic camels made their way down the street. Overhead, skiffs and surveillance drones crisscrossed the sky, the former carrying the well-to-do of the city to their afternoon appointments, the latter mobilized by the shootout in Hakim's palace.
Ana navigated the narrow alleys, finding the routes through the labyrinthine tangle of streets and pathways, keeping an eye out for the patrols that circled like hawks. For once in her life, she was grateful for the city’s patchwork infrastructure, still recovering a decade after Overwatch's intervention. The state of Ana's home country was one of the reasons she had been drawn back to it. She felt responsible for Overwatch's legacy here, whether it had been her choice or not.
In the shade of one of the massive, derelict cooling towers, the heat from the oppressive afternoon sun was a little more tolerable. It didn't bother Ana, but Jack seemed to be laboring. His genetic enhancements should have helped him acclimatize to different conditions, the same way they should have stopped the blood that was seeping through the shirt he'd tied across his midsection as a bandage.
"You need to take better care of yourself," Ana chided him.
"You sound like Angela," Jack grunted.
Ana waited for a police car to speed by, lights flashing, and then she signaled him forward.
"Think they’re looking for us?" Jack wiped the sweat from his forehead.
"Most likely," Ana said, squinting at the car's retreating form. "But there's a lot of crime here. The police are busy."
Another part of our legacy.
Jack had fallen behind a few paces, leaning against one of the walls. "Reminds me of Prague."
"I’m not carrying you this time," Ana said. "Come on, Jack. Keep up." She dashed out of the shadows and across the street, feeling the full blast of sun above and the heat baked into the stones beneath her.
Back in the shadows, she continued. "Prague was your fault. Why you ever thought Reinhardt could be stealthy is beyond me."
Ana waited for Jack to defend himself. When he didn’t reply, she turned around. He had collapsed on the paving stones, out in the open.
Not now, Ana thought as she ran back to him. She tried to pull him up. "Wake up, Jack." But he gave no response. Ana slung Jack’s arm over her shoulder and lifted him, carrying him down the alley.
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Jack drifted awake. That wasn't normal. Even before the army, he'd always been a light sleeper, starting awake at the slightest disturbance. His eyes adjusted rapidly to the dim light of the room as he sat up. He was on an old military surplus cot with a threadbare blanket. His side ached like hell.
"Finally," Ana walked over, silent as a stalking cat. "Tea?"
"I'll take whiskey if you have it."
Ana rolled her eyes. "Yes, Jack, I happen to keep a bottle around just in case you show up."
"Tea's fine," Jack said in a smaller voice.
Ana stretched her shoulders. "You know, I had to carry you all the way here."
"I've been shot plenty of times. It's never felt like this." Jack grimaced as he shifted, twisting around to get a better look at the wound. Three large gashes crisscrossed his back and sides, but they'd been stitched together with dark thread.
"There's something very wrong with that wound. We should probably take you to a doctor." Ana moved to a low table with an induction burner and placed an ornate gold kettle on one of its two heating pads.
"I don't think a doctor's going to know how to deal with this." Jack looked grim.
"Dr. Ziegler's not too far away," Ana suggested. "But I’m not carrying you."
"No doctors," Jack said. "And especially not Angela." How would we even begin to explain this to her? I doubt she'd want to see us now. Two lost ghosts.
"I tried stitching you up myself," Ana said apologetically. "I never was much good with field dressing. Didn't need it very often."
He ran his finger over the jagged stitches. “Looks like a butcher went at it.”
"Well, you can take care of yourself from now on, if you like."
"It's a little hard to reach," Jack said sheepishly.
"Then don't complain.” Ana paused. "And shouldn't that be healing itself?"
Jack nodded. "It should be. Maybe the shells were laced with a biological agent?"
"You're sure you don't want to see Dr. Ziegler?"
"We'd have to explain to her that we're not dead," Jack said.
"She's the miracle worker. She's probably used to it by now," Ana laughed.
"No Angela," Jack said, and that was that.
He looked around at Ana's home, as it were. It was a mix of tactical equipment, military surplus, surveillance devices, and some light touches of domesticity. The space was more archaeological site than apartment, ancient stone chambers with worn stone columns, and the walls had been carved with hieroglyphics, though some looked like the work of more modern vandals. On a low table, Ana had set up a little display of ancient objects that had been carefully preserved: a jar with a ram's head lid made of pale, milky stone, a black and gold mask bearing the visage of a fierce cat goddess, a chipped vase of brown-red clay, and a small, brilliant green figurine of a falcon.
Jack took a closer look at the antiquities. "This place reminds me of a museum my mother took me to in New York when I was a kid." It had been one of his favorite parts of the trip, running around the transplanted ruins of an ancient Egyptian temple. He smiled at the memory.
Ana offered him a blue mug with a red plaid pattern. "It's a necropolis—a city of the dead."
"Appropriate," Jack chuckled. He motioned towards the small display. "What are these?"
"I found them when I moved in. I couldn't very well throw them away. These relics have survived thousands of years. Empires rose and fell, and they're still here. I figured I should take care of them before I sent them to Dr. Faisal."
Jack blew gently on his tea to cool it. "You've been here the whole time?"
"Ever since I left the hospital in Poland." Ana watched as Jack sipped his tea.
He made a face at the bitterness. "Any sugar?"
Ana ignored him. "When I woke up, I didn't remember who I was. I had no name to give them, so they called me, 'Janina Kowalski,' your Jane Doe. For months, I sat in that hospital room in pain and confusion. Dr. Lee told me I was lucky. Well, as lucky as you can be after having glass and shrapnel embedded in your skull." Ana felt the phantom pain of her eye even as she recounted the experience.
"We tried to find you," Jack said somberly. "I used every resource at my disposal. Gabe even put McCree on it personally. Not a trace. Everyone else tried to convince me you were gone and that I was being irrational. But deep down I knew that you couldn't be dead."
And I was right, Jack thought.
"Dr. Lee kept me out of the system. I convinced her some dangerous people were after me."
"I'm dangerous?" he asked, playing innocent.
"You're a kitten, Jack," Ana laughed. "Eventually, I was able to piece together what happened, but I don't know how much of it is real and how much I've filled in the blanks myself. I remembered the mission. We were pinned down by the enemy sniper, and I was trying to flush them out. I remembered lining up the shot. But it was almost like there was a reason why I didn't want to remember what happened next."
Jack looked down into his teacup.
"It was because I recognized that sniper," Ana said, studying him carefully. "You already know this."
"Amélie?" Jack said. "Yes." He had learned that and more over the years, but he left it unspoken.
"Poor Gérard," Ana sighed.
The pair sat in silence for a while as the steam drifted lazily from their cups and dissipated into the dusty haze of the ancient room.
"Why are you here, Jack?" Ana asked at last.
"I never forgave myself for leaving you behind. I heard about a bounty hunter in Cairo, and I hoped…" Jack set the mug down.
"You never were good at letting go," Ana chided him. "Too stubborn for your own good."
"Gabriel is out there. Talon is getting more powerful. They need to be stopped, and everything that we've suffered—everything that you've suffered—needs to be made good on. I’m going to take them apart, piece by piece." Jack's impassioned words echoed off the stone walls, and he had clenched his fists. He slowly released them. "But I can't do it alone. I need your help."
Ana crossed her arms. "You can barely stand. You fainted in the street. The only thing you need to do is recover."
"Don't let this go. Don't be like the others. They dismantled everything we spent our lives building, and then they made us into villains."
"We're not all like you, Jack," Ana said. "Some of us can move forward."
"This is moving forward," Jack growled.
"You're excited," Ana said. "You're not thinking straight. Get some more rest. We can talk after."
"After?" Jack's eyes flashed to his mug and then looked back at Ana. "Did you—?"
He collapsed on the cot.
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Ana waited until Jack was deeply asleep before she lifted his legs onto the bed, tucked a pillow beneath his head, and pulled the scratchy blanket over him. He had scars she didn't recognize, and his hair had thinned and faded to a silvery white. While he slept, Soldier: 76 slipped away, and she could feel the presence of the Jack she remembered.
She picked up the empty mug and left him to rest.
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Later, Ana returned to the darkened complex, her supplies in a canvas sack she carried over her shoulder. With the lights off, the place felt more like a tomb than ever. She walked through the entry corridor and into the main chamber to find, of all things, Jack, shirtless, doing one-handed pushups through gritted teeth. He'd discarded his bandages in a small pile on his cot. Ana could see the angry red and black of the wounded flesh, bound together by her inexpert stitching.
"You're going to tear those stitches out," Ana remarked.
"I was feeling a little restless," Jack explained.
"You did sleep for two days," Ana said. Hungry?
"I'd kill for a burger."
Ana gave him a look of disbelief.
"But I'm not picky," Jack flashed her that smile he used to try to get himself out of trouble. He really was like a child sometimes.
Ana pulled paper containers of food out of her sack and placed them on the low table in front of him. The rich smells drifted through the air. There was falafel and beans, and pockets of freshly baked bread stuffed with steaming minced lamb meat and onions. "It's not my cooking, at least."
"Thank god for small miracles," Jack chuckled.
In spite of herself, Ana laughed as well.
Jack attacked the food like someone accustomed to having to wolf down meals quickly. Ana helped herself to a little, but mostly they ate in silence. When they'd finished, Jack leaned back on the crate he was sitting on and settled back into his questioning.
"Why didn't you tell me you were alive?" Jack asked.
"I don't know if you'll understand," Ana said. "Gabriel would, but you're different in some ways."
Jack's expression was unreadable. "And Fareeha? You let her think you were dead."
"That was the hardest part." Ana sighed. She stood up and walked over to her desk, where there was a small framed photo Ana with her young daughter on her back. Their arms were both spread wide as though they were flying. "Fareeha would have expected Captain Amari to return, but she was gone. The moment I hesitated, I changed."
"You can't blame yourself," Jack said softly. "How could you have known?"
"Don't patronize me, Jack," Ana snapped. "Of course, it was my fault. It doesn't have to haunt me for the rest of my life, but I can accept the blame."
"It wouldn't have made a difference to us. We would have wanted you back. It turns out we couldn't do it without you," Jack said, touching her shoulder gently. "Overwatch needed you. And now I need you."
Ana read the desperation on Jack's face. "Getting revenge for what happened won't accomplish anything other than getting you killed."
"Maybe, but I still have to fight. Everyone else gave up, but not me."
He blames me, too. Ana realized. "Stubborn."
"You couldn't give up the fight either," Jack said. "Why else were you at Hakim's palace?"
"I tried to live quietly, you know. I would be near my daughter and be at peace. But the longer I lived here, the harder it was for me to escape the fact that we are responsible for what happened to this city. We shut down the Anubis project, and Egypt has never recovered." Ana stood up, turning her back to Jack. "People's lives are hard. They're being taken advantage of by parasites like Hakim. How could I let it go on when I knew there was something I could do?"
"You're fighting for justice, just like me," Jack said.
Ana's eyes narrowed. "Revenge isn't justice."
Jack threw his hands up. "We're after the same thing. Why do you think Hakim was meeting with Gabriel? He's working for Talon. The rot on this city is going to spread, and it will ruin the world just like it always does."
"Hakim runs a criminal organization that has strangled Cairo. The police and the government either turned a blind eye or they're being paid off by him. Food supplies aren't being distributed to people who need them. Medical care is almost impossible to get," Ana said. "Look me in the eye and tell me you can leave without doing anything."
"Cairo and the world will suffer until we bring them all down! You have to see the bigger picture," Jack said heatedly.
"Are you even hearing yourself? You would never have made this argument before," Ana said disapprovingly. "The way we do things matters."
"Times change," Jack said with finality. "Either you're coming with me, or I'm leaving. I've already wasted too much time."
“I’m not going,” Ana said.
For a long moment, Jack stared at her in silence. "A sniper takes the most dangerous threat out first. That was your job." Jack picked up his ruined coat. "If you want to waste your time on petty criminals, so be it. I have a war to fight."
He stormed out.
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After Jack left, Ana switched on her computer. Jack had been using it earlier, and the screen was cluttered with articles about Reaper’s movements and appearances. Ana wondered who had been supplying Jack with some of this information, but that was a puzzle for another time. She browsed through the reports and remembered the ruined face she had seen behind the mask.
Gabriel… what happened to you?
One of the articles indicated that casualties in one of Reaper's attacks had suffered the same sort of wounds as Jack.
That damned scientist, Ana thought with disgust.
The other information offered little new insight on the Reaper, providing only a view into Jack's mind. He was following a spiderweb of corporations, government officials, and financial institutions, all hopelessly tangled together through corrupt arteries and shady intermediaries. It was the sort of problem that was never Jack's strong suit. He preferred two sides, concrete facts, and one clear, unequivocal decision.
The messy stuff was always Gabriel's arena.
Not as much as it used to be.
Ana considered her options. In her heart, she knew she wanted to stay. Egypt was failing. In a few more years, it was likely that it would fall into chaos, torn apart by profiteers and criminals like Hakim. As the bounty hunter Shrike, she had slowly been making a difference, little by little. If she left, all her work would be undone.
But there are other people here, like Fareeha. They're not helpless. It doesn't have to be you.
That pride again.
She looked back at articles about the vigilante Soldier: 76. One caught her attention: a break-in at LumériCo's newest fusion plant. There’d been a gunfight in the middle of the market—a number of serious injuries and property damage—all of it attributed to him. But there was also eyewitness testimony from a local girl in Dorado. Even though everyone else thought he was someone to fear, she'd called him a hero.
It doesn't have to be you, but sometimes, people need something to believe in.
Ana knew what she needed to do. She walked over to the makeshift shelf that held the treasures she'd found in the necropolis when she'd first arrived. She looked at the feline face on the ancient mask. It was the goddess Bastet.
A guardian.
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Jack walked through the sleeping city. The cool night air was a pleasant break from the heat of the day. Given the late hour, the streets were quiet, even though he had wandered into the city center. The stalls selling food, scavenged omnic parts, or fabrics and textiles had all long since shut down. Curfews weren't imposed, but the city's residents were advised to stay indoors after sundown for their own protection. After coming face to face with Reaper, the dark was a pool of shadows that hid the unknown.
Jack had been on the hunt for some time now, gathering information, and tracking what leads he had. He'd had the benefit of being unnoticed, but things had changed. There was no doubt that Talon and its allies knew he was coming for them. He had gotten one good night's sleep since he arrived in Cairo, and it was the first in as long as he could remember.
I can't believe she drugged me, Jack thought.
He was uneasy now. Staying in one place for too long was risky, especially now that Gabe would be looking for him. He had to move on.
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Night had crept towards morning and a full moon was hanging lower in the sky when Jack finally returned. Ana was sitting at the computer as he entered.
"Come back for the rest of your things?" she asked without looking up.
He walked over to her, "I'll help you capture Hakim. Once that's done, we go after Reaper."
"We have to make sure the city is secure," Ana corrected him. "I'll only leave with you after things here are settled. That means not just Hakim, but his followers, too. I need to know that the people will be safe."
Jack's jaw clenched as he considered the offer. "Then let's go over to his manor and round him and his men up. One quick strike before they have time to prepare."
Ana shook her head. "No rushing in. Remember how it went last time?"
"It would have been fine if Gabe hadn't showed up," Jack said.
Ana arched an eyebrow.
Jack sighed. "What's the plan then?"
"We start at the bottom and work our way up. Close the net around Hakim, starve him of his resources, and force him out into the open. We have to expose him and the people that are protecting him. Understood?"
Jack sighed, relenting. "You know, I told Gabe they picked the wrong person for Strike-Commander."
"Yes, but you meant him, not me," Ana replied.
"It could have been Reinhardt," Jack smirked.
"Let's not be crazy now."
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Ever since the fight at his palace, Hakim had been reticent to return, instead moving between his safehouses in the city. Jack had been able to track down a number of them and found the one that was most conducive to their plans. He rented an apartment that overlooked it. Ana and Jack hadn't bothered with niceties: the room was furnished only with a couple beaten-up wooden chairs and a wooden crate. They took turns with one sleeping bag. After the second day, Ana had insisted on bringing a hot plate so she could make tea.
Within a week, they'd rounded up a number of Hakim's associates, whittling away at his organization. Word spread about someone targeting Hakim's organization. Whoever it was, people agreed, they meant to bring Hakim to justice. But after the initial burst, things had slowed down. Hakim went further underground. He was being more careful. There was nothing to do but wait.
The boredom wasn't so bad for Ana. As a sniper, she had more than her share of patience, and having the freedom to move around, take naps, and even go outside, made it more than tolerable. Jack was restless, though. She saw the way he looked out the window, searching the horizon endlessly, and Ana knew his gaze was fixed on one thing.
"Anything?" Jack asked, glancing up. He leaned back in his chair in a way that would make a school teacher worried. There was something in his hand.
"No sign of Hakim. What are you looking at?" Ana asked.
"Oh, just reminiscing about the old days." Jack passed over the small stack of photos. They were well-worn, creased in places, and had obviously been Jack's companions for a long time.
The top photo was a picture of them with Gabriel, all three looking young and optimistic, though Gabriel already showed signs of the stress of leadership weighing upon him. They'd just won a major battle in Rio de Janeiro. "I remember the beach," Ana smiled. "We look so serious in this picture—it's funny!"
"That's why it's a great photo!" laughed Jack.
It’s good to know he can still laugh.
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She turned to the next one and almost dropped the photos in surprise. She'd never seen the photo, but she recognized it immediately. Jack looked so much younger. He had just stepped off a military transport for leave. It was the other person in the picture that surprised her—a dark-haired man, dressed in a casual, black button up shirt. Jack's arm was around his shoulder.
"Vincent… I haven't thought about him in years," Ana said. "Still keeping a candle lit for him?"
Jack shook his head. "Nothing like that."
"You've never looked in on him? You must have been curious. All the surveillance power in the world. I bet Gabe would have put a Blackwatch agent on him if you asked," Ana said.
Jack glared at her.
"Okay, touchy subject."
Jack laughed. "He got married. They're very happy. I'm happy for him."
Ana was unconvinced. In the early days, Jack talked about him often, floating a dream that the war would end quickly, and maybe he'd have a chance to return to a normal life.
But a normal life was never the reward for people like us.
"Vincent deserved a happier life than the one I could give him." Jack sighed. "We both knew that I could never put anything above my duty. Everything I fought for was to protect people like him… That's the sacrifice I made."
"Relationships don't work out so well for us, do they?" Ana said, unconsciously running her thumb over where her wedding ring used to be.
"At least you and Gabe managed to have families."
The pair lapsed back into silence.
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Ana glanced out the window to see the familiar figure of Hakim entering the apartment block. "It's him." Ana passed the photos back to Jack, who carefully slid them into the inside pocket of his jacket.
"Ready?" Jack asked as he put his mask and targeting visor on, picking up the heavy pulse rifle where he had propped it against the wall.
Ana took her own rifle, quite a bit more manageable than Jack's, and slung it over her shoulder. She clipped a few flashbangs to her belt and then retrieved the last item from her pack: the black and gold mask.
"You're bringing that?" Jack asked.
"You inspired me, Jack. Soldier: 76 is more than a vigilante. The world knows that name. Your enemies are afraid you'll find them. I don't want Hakim, Talon, or anyone else to plunge Cairo back into chaos the second I'm gone. I'm putting on a new mask. Not a hunter this time, a protector. The kind of persona that I could leave behind to keep the people safe… Bastet."
"I just thought my mask was scary." Jack smiled.
"Bastet is scarier than an old lady."
"Ana, there's nothing scarier than an old lady," Jack said.
"You would know."
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One week later, Ana and Jack were packing up the necropolis base. They'd leave much of Ana's belongings behind, taking only what they needed for the journey ahead. Hakim and his network of criminals had been dismantled. The news had started to report about the movements of a guardian named Bastet who had captured Hakim and exposed the extent of his crimes. Even the government was forced to act.
"What about these?" Jack pointed at the shelf that had the Egyptian artifacts on it.
"I could barely manage carrying you, and you want me to bring all this?" Ana said. "It's well-hidden. It will just wait here until I can find a proper caretaker."
"Fareeha?" Jack guessed. "You talked to her?"
"I… left her a message," Ana said.
"You're sure you can leave things like this? It could be a long time before you see her again."
If ever.
Ana sighed. "She never responded to my first letter."
Jack winced. "She'll come around in time. She loves you. Did you tell Sam anything?"
"I will, eventually. Maybe," Ana said. "I made a big enough mess of his life without having to give him the news. None of us are very good at saying goodbye, are we?"
"We're better than Reinhardt, anyway. I'm pretty sure his life is just one long attempt to avoid saying a goodbye."
"How is he?" Ana asked.
"That's a long story," Jack said. "But I suppose we'll have time."
Ana nodded. "There's something I want to be clear about before we leave, Jack," Ana said. "I'm going with you, but I'm not convinced that this is a good idea at all. Talon, Overwatch, Gabriel… I already let go of them. It hurt." She paused. "When I first came to the necropolis, most of the artifacts I found were ruined. I saved what I could, but I had to leave the rest. That's what's most important, Commander."
"Don't call me, that," Jack groused. "And come on. We need to pay a visit to some old friends."
They left the necropolis, sealing the entrance behind them. Long after they'd left, the relics of ancient civilizations laid in wait in the darkness of that dusty room. At the center of them all was a golden mask bearing the face of a goddess. Just as it remained in the hearts of the people of Cairo, and the fears of those who would harm them: a mask and a name.
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tvmicroscope · 1 year
Santa Lucia
Have you ever wondered why so many romantic comedies are set during Christmas time? And what if an episode of a show is set during Hanukkah? What if it's Santa Lucia? What's the symbolic meaning behind these time-setting decisions?
This article is a bonus ("dessert") treat for my paid subscribers only.
But if you're mainly interested in the free content, don't worry. There's a new free article coming up within the next couple of days.
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Read more here:
Excerpt: "Please close your eyes for a moment and imagine that you’re travelling some beautiful, warm yet windswept island in the Mediterranean. Maybe you’re currently strolling across a farmers’ market on a sunkissed square framed by cypress and pine trees. Or maybe you’re walking up to one of the many dusty little shops lining some ancient crooked alleyway right now. You breathe in deeply; the warm air smells of orange blossoms, good coffee (finally!), freshly washed laundry that’s hanging on clotheslines crisscrossing the street from window to window…"
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floordive · 11 months
Rush Season
Heading towards madness A busy street, crisscrossed by bothered glances Briefly forgetting I’m unhappy Then I see my reflection in the storefront window Frightened eyes and hurried steps As if I’m being hunted
When modernity fails us people try to bring fairytales into the realm of the living But they never represent those who lurk in the margins Neither modest maidens nor noble heroes They would rather call us witches, dwarves and goblins than admit we are human
Off road to stillness Past the golfers’ paradise All the way to the bronze age Rock formations jutting out of a trampled earth Burial mounds and ancient pastures Real people Real times They tell me I need to chill but I don’t listen, I scream into the salty wind I scream until I feel like an empty word longing to be a promise
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rebfile · 9 months
Welcome to Luminaera
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Luminaera is a vibrant coastal metropolis, sprawling along the edge of the cerulean Mirasol Sea. Known for its glittering skyline, the city is a tapestry of innovation and tradition, where futuristic architecture intermingles with historical quarters that whisper tales of the past. The heart of the city is the Luminous Bay, a bustling harbor by day and a neon-lit spectacle by night, reflecting the city's name which means "era of light."
The streets of Luminaera are lined with lush greenery, with vertical gardens scaling the sides of glass towers, and eco-pods floating on the waterways that crisscross the urban landscape. The city is a hub for artists and tech visionaries alike, hosting cultural festivals that showcase light installations, holographic art, and music that resonates through the soul of the city.
Beyond the high-energy urban center lies the serene Eden Park, a vast expanse of natural beauty that offers a tranquil escape from the city's pulsing rhythm. Here, locals and tourists alike can wander through botanical gardens, meditate by lotus ponds, or explore the interactive outdoor exhibits that blend nature with immersive art.
Luminaera is not just a place but a living, breathing entity, a beacon of progress and a sanctuary of peace, ever glowing under the watchful gaze of the Lighthouse of Infinity, an iconic structure that symbolizes the city's endless pursuit of light and knowledge.
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Some of the notable residents of Luminaera:
Once upon a twilight in Luminaera, as the sky painted itself with the dusky blush of sunset and the city lights began their nightly flirtation with the darkening horizon, there wandered a girl whose eyes mirrored the very soul of the metropolis.
Her name was Elara, a spritely figure cloaked in a hoodie as enigmatic as the half-veiled stars above. Luminaera was her canvas, the bustling streets her gallery, and within her gaze dwelt a fierce determination to capture a fleeting moment that begged to be etched into eternity.
Sundown was the bewitchingly unruly hour when the historical quarters sang harmoniously with the ultra-modern skyscrapers. It was the perfect time for her—the street artist whose murals were whispered about, marveled at, sought after, yet remained as elusive as the artist herself.
A curious emblem adorned her hoodie, a little star creature with a mischievous grin, almost as if it knew secrets of the city that were hidden to all but the most inquisitive souls. Elara was more than just curious, she was a creative vortex, a force that altered the visual heartbeat of the city one clandestine mural at a time.
This evening, Elara's target was the stark wall of an ancient library nestled against the backdrop of Luminaera’s newest quantum data center. With a spray can as her wand and the wall as her spellbook, she conjured color and chaos, abstract lines that distilled the essence of Luminaera's duality; tradition meeting innovation, nature colliding with technology, whispers of ancient tales flowing into streams of cybernetic consciousness.
As the night deepened, her artwork came alive, pulsing with an energy that echoed the very lifeblood of Luminaera. It was not just a mural but a portal of sorts, a window that granted passerby a glimpse into the city’s multifaceted soul.
By morning, Elara vanished into the city's heart, leaving behind her latest masterpiece—a constellation of colors and forms that captivated and confounded. She was the spirit of Luminaera itself; a spectral artist bridging old worlds and new, night and day, in the dance of shadows and light.
And as the city awoke to the gift that graced its ancient walls, somewhere in the tangled alleyways, Elara smiled, her eyes filled with the hues of her next dream, the next corner of Luminaera to be touched by her unseen brush.
Luminaera whispered its thanks through the leaves of its urban gardens and breathed a sigh of contentment as art merged with life in a ceaseless embrace. Mira
In the bustling metropolis of Luminaera, where the ancient cobblestones met with the sleek glass of the aspirant tech giants, there roamed a girl whose eyes held a story as enigmatic as the city itself. Let's call her Mira - a burst of life and color against the chrome and neon backdrop, with hair that danced like the shadows at dusk and a jacket that told tales in vivid patches and stitches.
She strolled through the Verve District, where the scent of seawater mingled with the sizzle of street food, her hoodie adorned with animated characters that seemed to echo her every mood. These characters weren't just decor; they represented the subculture of Luminaera - a testament to the fusion of simplicity and the digital age, a soft imprint of nostalgia on the ever-forward march of progress.
Mira's eyes twinkled with mischief as she paused by a street performer, a robot that painted portraits with strokes that could outmatch the sea's own rhythm. With a deft hand, she dropped a token into the collection hat, a silent pact of appreciation for art in all its forms.
It was at that moment, between the serenity of the waves crashing against the harbor walls and the cacophony of a city that never truly sleeps, that she felt a familiar vibration from her pocket. A message from an old friend: "Meet me at The Crux. It's time." The Crux, an antiquated arcade that clung to the heartstrings of Luminaera's youth, was a harbor for dreamers and a haven for those seeking solace from the gleam of too much future too fast.
With a soft sigh that spoke volumes of the stories locked within her, Mira turned on her heel, her shoes lighting up with each step - a personal constellation guiding her to the next chapter of her adventure. As she ventured towards The Crux, each step seemed to echo with the heartbeat of Luminaera itself - a symphony of old and new, of memories cherished and moments yet to be seized.
And there, beneath the jumble of neon signs and the glow of vintage arcade machines, Mira found her friend, her co-conspirator in a world teetering on the edge of tomorrow. Together, they stood as the avatars of a city that taught them what it means to be vibrant, to be alive - Luminaera, the jewel by the sea, where every street could tell a different story, and every face held a new world within their gaze.
In the sprawling, neon-drenched alleyways of Luminaera, where the whisper of the future races through the cobblestones underfoot, I met a girl with auburn-laced tendrils and eyes holding centuries worth of wisdom.
She was an enigma, a fusion of the city's dichotomy. Her hoodie, a relic of old-world comfort, contrasted sharply against the holographic graffiti tags that adorned the ancient brick walls. On her chest, two whimsical creatures danced, seeming out of step with the palpable rush of technology around us—yet fitting perfectly with the serene calm she exuded.
They called her Echo, for her presence reverberated through the streets like the soft hum of the tide against Luminaera's glittering shores. Some say she descended from the great clock tower at the heart of the city, a guardian to the whispered secrets and unspoken dreams of those who tread these gleaming paths.
Despite the constant thrum of life—drones above us mapping constellations, AI artists painting stories in the air—Echo moved with a grace that seemed to slow time itself, beguiling and tranquil. I followed her through a labyrinth where old met new; steam rose from vendor carts selling traditional recipes next to a cafe crafting beverages from distilled starlight.
The story of the day unfolded without words, as if we were characters in a silent film scored only by the heartbeat of the city. She led me to a garden hidden between skyscrapers, a verdant escape where mechanical birds sang ancient songs, and luminescent flowers swayed to an unseen breeze.
As dusk settled, the city transforming before our eyes, Echo turned, offering a small smile that promised tales of adventure. In the midst of this ever-changing city, somehow, it was her—the girl with the soulful gaze and the hoodie of solitude—who seemed the most out of time and yet the most at home.
And as quickly as she appeared, melting back into the shadows between the old and new, she left an imprint, a reminder that even in a city reaching for tomorrow, there are timeless stories waiting to be told.
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gobboguy · 11 months
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City of Holbore:
History: Nestled amidst rolling hills and lush greenery, the city of Holbore bore witness to a history rich in trade and diplomacy. Established as a trading post centuries ago, Holbore grew into a thriving city-state, known for its strategic location along the ancient trade routes that crisscrossed the region. Its history was marked by peaceful negotiations, fostering alliances with neighboring kingdoms, and contributing to the stability of the surrounding lands.
Arts: Holbore was a haven for artists and scholars, its streets bustling with creativity and intellectual discourse. The city's theaters showcased elaborate plays and intricate dances, captivating audiences with tales of love and valor. Renowned artists and musicians called Holbore home, their works adorning galleries and concert halls, making the city a cultural hub where artistic expression knew no bounds.
Famous People: Holbore boasted a wealth of talented individuals, including the legendary playwright, Elara Montrose, whose iconic tragedies stirred the hearts of audiences far and wide. Scholars like Professor Leontius, renowned for his expertise in ancient texts, found sanctuary within the city's esteemed academies, furthering the pursuit of knowledge.
Castle Holbore: At the heart of the city stood Castle Holbore, a magnificent structure of weathered stone and graceful arches. With towers that stretched towards the sky and walls adorned with intricate carvings, the castle served as a testament to the city's enduring legacy. Within its halls, diplomats and nobles convened, shaping the city's fate and fostering relationships that strengthened Holbore's influence.
Food: Holborean cuisine was a delectable blend of flavors, influenced by the bounties of both land and sea. Fresh seafood from the nearby coast, seasoned with aromatic herbs and spices, graced the tables of Holbore's finest restaurants. Local specialties, such as roasted lamb infused with fragrant rosemary and honey-glazed fruits, tantalized the taste buds, creating a culinary experience that reflected the city's diverse culture.
Major Events in Holbore's History: Holbore's history was punctuated by significant events, including the signing of the Treaty of Veridia, a landmark agreement that established peaceful trade routes with neighboring kingdoms, fostering an era of prosperity and cooperation. The city also celebrated the Festival of Illuminations, an annual event where the streets were adorned with colorful lanterns, illuminating the night sky in a dazzling display of unity and joy.
Major Exports and Imports: Holbore was renowned for its fine textiles, woven from the softest silks and embroidered with intricate designs, coveted by royalty and nobility alike. Exotic spices, rare gemstones, and fine wines were among the city's imports, enhancing the lives of its citizens and further enriching the local culture.
Beautiful Sights: Among the city's many beautiful sights stood the illustrious Fountain of Serenity, a breathtaking marble structure adorned with delicate sculptures depicting legendary figures from Holbore's folklore. The fountain's cascading waters, reflecting the golden hues of the setting sun, created a serene atmosphere, drawing both locals and travelers to its tranquil embrace. It was said that those who visited the Fountain of Serenity found solace and inspiration, making it a cherished symbol of the city's enduring spirit.
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Welcome to the transformed city of Holbore, now known as Idgo Dol, where the Orcs have left an indelible mark on both its landscape and culture. This once-thriving city, now home to 40,000 Orcs and 11,000 Farfield thralls, bears the scars of conquest and is ruled by an iron fist.
City Transformation: Idgo Dol stands as a testament to Orcish dominance. The city's architecture has been reshaped into crude, imposing structures adorned with the symbols of the Orcish Warlord. The once-bustling marketplaces are now dominated by Orcish merchants, dealing in weapons, armor, and enslaved thralls.
Orcish Rule: The city is governed by the fearsome Orcish Warlord, Gronak Skullcrusher. Under his rule, Idgo Dol is a militarized fortress, with Orcish warriors patrolling the streets, ensuring order through intimidation and violence. Farfield thralls are subjected to harsh labor, toiling in mines, farms, and forges under brutal conditions.
Castle Holbore: Once the seat of Holbore's leadership, Castle Holbore has been renamed Castle Doomspire, serving as Gronak's stronghold and the epicenter of his rule. Its towers loom over the city, symbolizing the might of the Orcish Warlord.
Exports and Imports: Idgo Dol exports weapons, armor, and magical artifacts crafted by skilled Orcish blacksmiths. These goods are traded with neighboring Orcish strongholds and dark markets. The city imports rare materials, precious gems, and slaves for labor from distant realms.
Orcish Sights: In the central square, a grotesque statue of the Orcish god MOG stands as the focal point of Orcish devotion. MOG is depicted as a fierce warrior, his massive form covered in blood and wielding a massive axe. Orcs gather here to offer sacrifices, both thralls and captured enemies, as part of their annual ritual in honor of MOG.
Devotion to MOG: Gronak Skullcrusher is an unwavering devotee of MOG, leading the city with a singular focus on the god of war and blood. The annual ritual, known as the Bloodmoon Festival, involves gruesome sacrifices to appease MOG and gain his favor for the coming year. The city is filled with the sounds of drums and chants during this dark celebration, as thralls are offered to the Orcish god.
Holbore's Legacy: A somber structure known as the Holbore Memorial stands on the outskirts of the city, commemorating the fallen defenders of Holbore. The memorial serves as a reminder of the city's tragic past and the price paid for resisting Orcish conquest.
Idgo Dol stands as a dark reflection of its former self, a city reshaped by the brutal rule of Gronak Skullcrusher and the Orcish devotion to the god MOG. The once-thriving Holbore has become a place of fear, oppression, and annual ritual sacrifices in the name of Orcish supremacy.
Exterior of Castle Doomspire: Castle Doomspire, once known as Castle Holbore, stands as a menacing fortress at the heart of Idgo Dol. The exterior reflects the brutal aesthetic of Orcish architecture. Massive stone walls, stained with the marks of battle, surround the castle, rising to formidable heights. Crude spikes and dark banners bearing the emblem of the Orcish Warlord, Gronak Skullcrusher, adorn the battlements. The once-grand entrance has been replaced with a massive iron gate, adorned with the skulls of fallen enemies, a grim testament to the fortress's current occupants.
Towering turrets pierce the skyline, each topped with jagged peaks that evoke a sense of foreboding. The castle's exterior is devoid of the once-lush gardens and decorative elements, replaced by functional structures dedicated to the military and administrative functions of Orcish rule. The overall impression is one of militaristic dominance, a fortress that exudes an air of oppression over the city.
Interior of Castle Doomspire: The interior of Castle Doomspire is a stark contrast to its former grandeur. The once-elegant halls and chambers have been transformed to suit the brutal needs of Orcish rulership. Dark stone corridors echo with the sounds of heavy footsteps and the clanking of armor as Orcish guards patrol the halls.
The throne room, once a place of diplomacy and governance, is now a cavernous chamber dominated by a massive, crude throne. Gronak Skullcrusher sits upon it, surrounded by the symbols of his power and conquests. The walls are adorned with trophies – weapons, banners, and grisly reminders of battles won.
The castle's dungeons, previously used for the imprisonment of criminals, now house thralls and prisoners of war. The air is heavy with the stench of sweat and despair as captives toil under the watchful eyes of Orcish overseers.
The chambers that were once reserved for the city's rulers have been repurposed as war rooms and planning chambers. Maps of the surrounding territories cover tables, displaying the Orcish ambition to expand their influence.
While Castle Doomspire's interior may lack the refinement and elegance it once possessed, it radiates an undeniable aura of power. The atmosphere within is one of cold, calculated authority, a reflection of the Orcish rule that now governs Idgo Dol from this formidable stronghold.
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tajimran9 · 3 months
4-Day Golden Triangle Tour
India, a land of vibrant colors, rich history, and diverse cultural heritage, beckons travelers from around the world to immerse themselves in its splendor. Among the many fascinating routes that crisscross this incredible country, the Golden Triangle stands out as a treasure trove of imperial grandeur, architectural marvels, and timeless traditions. This iconic circuit, which weaves together the majestic cities of Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur, offers a mesmerizing journey through the very fabric of India's past, present, and future. In this blog post, we'll take you on a thrilling 4-day adventure, carefully crafted to unveil the secrets of India's Golden Triangle, from the imposing Red Fort to the ethereal beauty of the Taj Mahal, and the vibrant bazaars of Jaipur. So, get ready to embark on an unforgettable odyssey that will leave you enchanted, inspired, and craving for more.
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Day 1 - Exploring Delhi's Imperial Past
As you step into the vibrant city of Delhi, the capital of India, you'll be transported back in time to an era of grandeur and opulence. The first day of your 4-Day Golden Triangle Tour is dedicated to exploring the imperial past of Delhi, a city that has been the seat of power for various empires throughout history. Your journey begins at the majestic Red Fort, a stunning example of Mughal architecture that whisper tales of the past. As you walk through the fort's imposing gates, you'll be struck by the intricate carvings, ornate palaces, and beautifully landscaped gardens that seem to transport you to a bygone era. Next, you'll visit the Qutub Minar, a towering monument that rises high into the sky, its intricate stone carvings and verses from the Quran telling the story of a bygone era. As the day draws to a close, you'll find yourself at the India Gate, a war memorial that honors the bravery of Indian soldiers, surrounded by the bustling streets of Delhi, where the old and new blend seamlessly together.
Day 2 - Agra: The City of Eternal Love
As the sun rises over the majestic city of Agra, you'll embark on a day filled with wonder and awe. The city, famously known as the City of Eternal Love, is steeped in history and romance, and is home to one of the Seven Wonders of the World - the breathtaking Taj Mahal. This stunning white marble mausoleum, built by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan as a tribute to his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal, is a testament to the power of love and human craftsmanship. As you walk through the beautifully manicured gardens and ornate archways, you'll be struck by the sheer beauty and grandeur of this iconic monument. After a morning spent marveling at the Taj, you'll visit the imposing Agra Fort, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that has witnessed the rise and fall of empires. With its intricate stone carvings, ornate pavilions, and majestic gates, the fort is a treasure trove of Mughal architecture and history. As the day comes to a close, you'll have the opportunity to explore the bustling streets of Agra, discovering hidden gems and soaking up the vibrant atmosphere of this ancient city.
Day 3 - Jaipur: The Pink City of Rajasthan
As we venture into the third day of our 4-Day Golden Triangle Tour, we find ourselves in the majestic city of Jaipur, aptly nicknamed the Pink City of Rajasthan. This vibrant metropolis is a treasure trove of history, architecture, and culture, waiting to be unraveled. As we step into the city, we are greeted by the warm hues of pink that adorn the buildings, a testament to the city's rich heritage. Our day begins with a visit to the iconic Amer Fort, a majestic blend of Hindu and Muslim architectural styles, perched atop a hill. We'll explore the intricately carved walls, ornate temples, and majestic halls of this 16th-century fortress, reliving the grandeur of the Rajput era. Next, we'll make our way to the City Palace, a stunning complex of courtyards, gardens, and buildings that showcase the city's rich cultural heritage. We'll marvel at the exquisite frescoes, intricate carvings, and ornate decorations that adorn the palace walls, a true testament to the city's rich history. As the day unfolds, we'll explore the bustling streets of Jaipur, discovering hidden gems, vibrant markets, and local cuisine that will leave our senses tantalized.
Day 4 - Unraveling the Secrets of Jaipur's Bazaars and Forts
As the final day of our 4-Day Golden Triangle Tour unfolds, we delve into the vibrant city of Jaipur, where the majestic past meets the colorful present. Our day begins with a stroll through the bustling streets of Jaipur, exploring the city's iconic bazaars, where the aroma of spices and the sound of vendors calling out to passersby transport us to a bygone era. We wander through the labyrinthine alleys of Johari Bazaar, admiring the intricate craftsmanship of the city's skilled artisans, and discovering hidden gems in the form of traditional jewelry, colorful textiles, and ornate handicrafts. As we make our way through the city, we arrive at the imposing Amber Fort, a stunning blend of Hindu and Muslim architectural styles, perched atop a hill like a majestic crown. We explore the fort's opulent halls, courtyards, and gardens, uncovering the secrets of Jaipur's rich history and the lives of its royal rulers. As the sun begins to set, we take a moment to reflect on the incredible journey we've undertaken, and the unforgettable experiences that have left an indelible mark on our hearts.
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xasha777 · 5 months
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In the narrow cobblestone streets of an ancient European city, transformed by the relentless advance of technology, stands Lena, a mysterious figure dressed in a sleek black satin dress. Her piercing gaze and sharp features suggest a blend of elegance and danger. She is not merely a wanderer; Lena is a time traveler, her journey propelled by an arcane device crafted in the distant past by none other than Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
Goethe, known for his literary genius, had a lesser-known obsession with alchemy and the esoteric sciences. In his secret writings, which Lena discovered hidden in an old bookstore in Weimar, Goethe spoke of a ChronoKey—a device capable of transcending the temporal boundaries that constrain mere mortals. Constructed from unknown metals and infused with the mystic energies of the ley lines that crisscross Europe, the ChronoKey was Goethe’s masterpiece, one that he believed could unlock the secrets of existence itself.
Lena, a brilliant scientist plagued by her own tragic past, sought the ChronoKey to prevent a cataclysmic future she had glimpsed through her experimental quantum observations. With the device finally in her possession, her current stop was no accident. This era was pivotal, a nexus point she believed critical to altering the future. Here, in this time, she must locate and convince a young Goethe, still naive to his destiny, to abandon his dangerous experiments with time.
As she navigates the ancient streets, Lena is aware of the shadows that flicker with more than the passing of clouds over the moon. Agents of the Temporal Integrity Commission, guardians of the timeline, are on her trail, determined to stop her from meddling with historical events. Their technology is advanced, their resolve unwavering, but Lena’s understanding of Goethe’s inventions gives her an edge.
The night deepens, and a confrontation seems imminent. Lena prepares to use the ChronoKey, its intricate engravings glowing with an ethereal light, when she encounters a strange, old man with piercing eyes—a man who seems to know more about her and the device than anyone should. His presence is enigmatic, his identity a puzzle, until she realizes who he is: an older Goethe, from a future that must never come to pass, one where he had embraced his role as a temporal architect.
Together, they discuss fate, free will, and the fabric of reality, debating whether the course of history should be diverted or followed. Goethe, with his poetic insight, provides a perspective that is both enlightening and disconcerting. He suggests that the future is not a fixed star, but a constellation of possibilities, each influenced by our actions and choices.
As dawn approaches, Lena makes her decision, influenced by Goethe’s words. She chooses not to destroy the ChronoKey but to leave it with Goethe, trusting that he will make the right choices when the time comes. With a heavy heart, she steps back into the shadows of time, leaving behind a legacy that will be defined not by the manipulation of the past, but by the hope of a better future.
As she vanishes, the old Goethe watches, a knowing smile playing across his lips, his eyes reflecting the first light of the morning. The timeline remains secure, but changed in subtle, perhaps profound ways, by the encounter. And somewhere in the weave of time, Lena continues her journey, forever a guardian of a future she hopes to never see.
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yamahaseo · 5 months
Riding the Trails of Nepal: Exploring Yamaha Motorcycles in the Himalayan Land
Nestled amidst the majestic Himalayas, Nepal is a land of awe-inspiring landscapes, rich culture, and adventurous trails that beckon motorcyclists from around the globe. In this Himalayan kingdom, where every turn offers a new adventure, Yamaha motorcycles have carved a niche for themselves, becoming the trusted companions for riders navigating the diverse terrain. Let's embark on a journey to explore the allure of Yamaha motorcycles in the picturesque land of Nepal.
Yamaha in Nepal: A Legacy of Performance and Reliability
Yamaha's presence in Nepal traces back decades, marked by a legacy of performance, innovation, and reliability. Established in 1971, the partnership between Yamaha and MAW Enterprises has been instrumental in shaping Nepal's motorcycle industry bringing the best bikes in Nepal. Over the years, Yamaha motorcycles have earned a reputation for their robust build, advanced technology, and superior performance, making them a preferred choice among riders seeking both adventure and reliability.
Conquering the Terrain: Yamaha's Adventure Motorcycles
Nepal's diverse landscape, ranging from rugged mountain trails to winding highways, demands motorcycles that can conquer any terrain with ease. Yamaha's adventure motorcycles, such as the Yamaha XTZ, have emerged as the perfect companions for exploring Nepal's challenging terrain.
The Yamaha XTZ series, renowned for its off-road capabilities, is a favorite among thrill-seekers looking to venture into the Himalayan hinterlands. With features like long-travel suspension, rugged tires, and a powerful engine, the XTZ series offers unmatched performance on gravel roads, rocky paths, and steep inclines, allowing riders to traverse remote villages and breathtaking landscapes with confidence.
For those embarking on long-distance journeys across Nepal's diverse topography, the Yamaha Ténéré series stands out as the epitome of adventure touring motorcycles. Equipped with advanced features such as electronic suspension, traction control, and ABS, the Ténéré series offers a comfortable and exhilarating riding experience, whether navigating twisty mountain roads or cruising along the scenic highways that crisscross the country.
Yamaha's Commitment to Innovation and Sustainability
Beyond performance, Yamaha's commitment to innovation and sustainability resonates deeply with Nepal's ethos of environmental conservation and responsible tourism. The introduction of electric motorcycles, such as the Yamaha EC-05, reflects Yamaha's vision for a greener future, aligning with Nepal's efforts to reduce carbon emissions and promote eco-friendly transportation alternatives.
In addition to embracing electric mobility, Yamaha has also been at the forefront of promoting rider safety through initiatives such as rider training programs and awareness campaigns. By empowering riders with the skills and knowledge to navigate Nepal's challenging terrain safely, Yamaha is not only fostering a culture of responsible riding but also contributing to the overall safety and well-being of the motorcycling community.
Exploring Nepal on Two Wheels: A Journey of Discovery
Riding through Nepal on a Yamaha motorcycle is more than just a means of transportation—it's a journey of discovery, an immersive experience that allows riders to connect with the land, its people, and its culture on a profound level. From the bustling streets of Kathmandu to the remote mountain villages of Mustang, every twist and turn of the road unveils a new adventure, a new story waiting to be told.
As you wind your way through the lush valleys of Pokhara, with the snow-capped peaks of the Annapurna range towering overhead, you'll encounter a tapestry of sights and sounds that stir the soul. The vibrant markets of Thamel, the serene beauty of Phewa Lake, and the ancient temples of Bhaktapur—all beckon to be explored, each stop along the journey offering a glimpse into Nepal's rich cultural heritage.
But it's not just the destinations that captivate; it's the journey itself—the feeling of freedom as you throttle down an open highway, the adrenaline rush as you navigate a rocky trail, the camaraderie shared with fellow riders over a cup of chai at a roadside teahouse. In Nepal, every moment spent on two wheels is a moment of pure exhilaration, a testament to the enduring spirit of adventure that binds riders together across borders and cultures.
Conclusion: Riding into the Future with Yamaha
As we navigate the ever-changing landscape of Nepal's motorcycling scene, one thing remains constant: the enduring appeal of Yamaha motorcycles. Whether blazing new trails through the Himalayas or cruising along the scenic byways of the Terai, Yamaha's commitment to performance, innovation, and sustainability continues to resonate with riders of all backgrounds.
As we look to the future, Yamaha's legacy in Nepal serves as a testament to the enduring bond between man and machine, a bond forged through countless adventures and shared experiences on the open road. So, whether you're a seasoned rider or a novice enthusiast, saddle up, rev that engine, and embark on your own Himalayan odyssey with Yamaha by your side. The journey awaits—let's ride into the future together.
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destinationsomeplace · 5 months
The Most Beautiful Cities in Italy
Discover Italy's enchanting urban landscapes, the most beautiful cities in Italy, that seamlessly blend historic grandeur and contemporary charm. This journey through Italy's most beautiful cities showcases architectural wonders, rich cultural heritage, and stunning natural settings. Each city is a unique tapestry of stories and beauty, revealing the heart of Italian artistry and history. Join us in exploring these remarkable destinations, where every street and skyline tells a captivating tale.Please note population numbers given in this article are generally based on the urban city population and not the wider metropolitan population, and are, of course, only approximate.This post may contain affiliate links to things like hotels, tours or products.  These help us earn a small commission at no additional charge to you and help keep the lights on at Destination Someplace.
Rome: A Timeless Fusion of History and Modernity
First on our list of the most beautiful cities in Italy is Rome, aptly named the Eternal City, which stands as a living museum, rich in historical significance and ancient origins. The birthplace of an empire that shaped the Western world, its streets and structures narrate stories of ancient times. Iconic landmarks like the majestic Colosseum evoke the glory of ancient Rome, while the Roman Forum whispers tales of a bygone era of power and prestige.The Vatican City, a sovereign state within Rome, is a treasure trove of religious and artistic heritage, home to the awe-inspiring St. Peter's Basilica and the Vatican Museums. Amidst these historical marvels, Rome seamlessly blends the ancient with the modern, creating a unique urban tapestry. Contemporary life buzzes through its ancient streets, where history is not just remembered but vividly alive. This juxtaposition makes Rome a captivating destination, a city where the past and present coexist in harmonious splendour.
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Rome - the Eternal City Rome: Quick FactsName in Italian: RomaApproximate Population: 2.8 millionMain Airport(s): Leonardo da Vinci Airport (Fiumicino Airport) and  Ciampino Airport.Urban Transport:  Trams, metro, buses and urban railways.
Venice: A Serene Symphony of Waterways and Wonders
Venice, often hailed as the City of Canals, is an enchanting maze of waterways and winding alleys, creating a romantic and surreal atmosphere unique in the world. This floating city is crisscrossed by its iconic canals, where gondolas glide gracefully, carrying echoes of serenades past grand palazzos and under historic bridges.The architectural grandeur of Venice is epitomized in landmarks like St. Mark's Basilica, a masterpiece of Byzantine art, and the Doge's Palace, a symbol of Venice's golden age of power and artistry. These structures not only display Venice's rich architectural heritage but also tell tales of its illustrious past.The city is also a vibrant hub of cultural activities, with events like the world-renowned Venice Carnival, an explosion of masks, costumes, and age-old traditions. Meanwhile, the Venice Biennale stands as a global pinnacle of contemporary art and culture, drawing artists and enthusiasts from around the world. In Venice, every canal and cobblestone street resonates with a history of artistic and cultural splendour, making it a timeless jewel amidst Italy's crown of cities.
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Venice - the City of Canals Venice: Quick FactsName in Italian: VeneziaApproximate Population: 258,051Main Airport(s):  Venice Marco Polo Airport and further afield, Treviso Airport.Urban Transport: Water bus, water taxis, gondola, traghetti/Ferries, bus (for transport into/out of Venice).
Florence: A Renaissance Masterpiece of Art and Architecture
Florence, the Cradle of the Renaissance, is a testament to the era when art and human creativity reached unparalleled heights. The city is a living gallery, boasting an array of Renaissance art and architecture that has left an indelible mark on the world. Here, every street and piazza tells a story of innovation and artistic genius. The Uffizi Gallery houses a collection of masterpieces unrivalled in its breadth and beauty, showcasing works by titans like Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci.The Florence Cathedral, with its iconic red-tiled dome engineered by Brunelleschi, dominates the city's skyline, a marvel of architectural ingenuity. The Ponte Vecchio, a medieval stone bridge adorned with jewellery shops, spans the Arno River, symbolizing the blend of commerce and artistry intrinsic to Florence's spirit. The city's influence extends far beyond its borders, having ignited a cultural revolution that redefined art, culture, and history during the Renaissance. Florence's legacy is felt in every aspect of modern aesthetics, making it a pivotal destination for those seeking to understand the roots of Western art and culture. This is why it makes it onto our list of the most beautiful cities in Italy.
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Florence - the Cradle of the Renaissance Florence: Quick FactsName in Italian: FirenzeApproximate Population: 380,000Main Airport(s): Florence Airport, formally Amerigo Vespucci Airport.Urban Transport:  Buses, trams and taxis.
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Milan: The Pinnacle of Fashion and Architectural Majesty
Milan, celebrated as the Fashion Capital of the world, stands at the forefront of global fashion and design, shaping trends and styles that resonate across continents.This dynamic city is not only a powerhouse in the fashion industry but also a beacon of modern design and creativity. Its influence in fashion is paralleled by its architectural marvels, such as the Milan Cathedral, a magnificent example of Gothic architecture that took nearly six centuries to complete. The cathedral's spires and intricate facades are a testament to Milan's dedication to beauty and artistry.Equally impressive is the Sforza Castle, a symbol of Milan's rich history and a repository of art and culture.Beyond fashion and architecture, Milan is a vital cog in Italy's economic engine, driving innovation and progress. Its cultural impact is profound, hosting prestigious events like Milan Fashion Week and the Milan Furniture Fair, which draw global attention. In Milan, the blend of high fashion, cutting-edge design, and historical depth creates an urban tapestry that is both vibrant and culturally rich, embodying the essence of Italian sophistication and creativity.
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Milan - Fashion Capital of the World Milan: Quick FactsName in Italian: MilanoApproximate Population: 1.3 millionMain Airport(s): Malpensa Airport or Bergamo Orio al Serio Airport (also known as  Caravaggio International Airport.Urban Transport:  Subway, bus, taxi and tram.
Naples: A Historical and Culinary Jewel of Southern Italy
Naples, often referred to as the Soul of the South, is a city where history and culture converge in a vibrant tapestry that spans from ancient Greek times to the present day. This bustling metropolis is a treasure trove of historical layers, each telling a unique story of the city's past. Walking through Naples is like traversing through time, with remnants of Greek, Roman, and Renaissance eras etched into its urban fabric.Naples is also globally celebrated for its culinary contributions, most notably the invention of pizza, which has become a worldwide phenomenon. The city's culinary scene offers an authentic taste of Italian cuisine, with a focus on fresh, local ingredients and traditional recipes passed down through generations.Naples' allure is further enhanced by its proximity to some of Italy's most iconic landmarks. Just a short journey away lies the ancient city of Pompeii, frozen in time by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. This nearby volcano, both a symbol of natural beauty and historical tragedy, adds to the region's mystique.The combination of rich history, world-famous cuisine, and close proximity to significant archaeological sites makes Naples a unique and compelling destination, reflecting the heart and soul of Southern Italy.
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Naples - Soul of the South Naples: Quick FactsName in Italian: NapoliApproximate Population: 2.2 millionMain Airport(s): Naples-Capodichino International Airport.Urban Transport:  Bus, tram, Metro, funicular railway and taxi.
Turin: A Blend of Royal Heritage and Cultural Sophistication
Turin, known as The Regal City, boasts a rich history as the first capital of Italy, encapsulating a legacy of elegance and sovereignty. This distinguished city is renowned for its refined Baroque architecture, visible in its grand palaces and squares, which exude a royal charm. The city's layout, with its wide, tree-lined boulevards and expansive public spaces, reflects its aristocratic past and urban planning finesse.Turin's cultural scene is as impressive as its history, home to world-class institutions like the Egyptian Museum, which holds one of the most significant collections of Egyptians artefacts outside of Cairo. Another highlight is the National Cinema Museum, celebrating Turin's pivotal role in the history of film and providing an immersive experience for cinema enthusiasts.Turin's fusion of regal history, architectural splendour, and cultural richness makes it a unique Italian destination. Its elegant streets and celebrated museums offer visitors a glimpse into the city's former life as the epicentre of Italian royalty and its current status as a hub of cultural and artistic innovation. This combination of historical significance and contemporary cultural appeal solidifies Turin's reputation as a city of both past grandeur and present-day vibrancy.
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Turin - The Regal City Turin: Quick FactsName in Italian: TorinoApproximate Population: 847,287Main Airport(s):  Turin Airport, also known as Turin-Caselle Airport.Urban Transport:  Bus, metro, train, taxi and tram. USEFUL RESOURCES - ITALY Accommodation:  Booking.comActivities: Get Your GuideFlights: SkyscannerTrains: Rail EuropeBus: FlixBusCar Hire: AutoEurope
Verona: A Romantic Tapestry Woven with History and Culture
No list of the most beautiful cities in Italy would be complete without wonderful Verona, immortalized as the City of Romeo and Juliet, it is a place where romance intertwines with a rich Shakespearean legacy. This enchanting city, the setting of one of the most famous love stories in history, captivates visitors with its timeless charm and romantic allure. The story of Romeo and Juliet, although a tale from Shakespeare's imagination, lives on in Verona's atmospheric streets and in the hearts of those who visit Juliet's balcony, a symbol of love and longing.Beyond its romantic associations, Verona is steeped in history, boasting impressive Roman sites such as the Verona Arena. This ancient amphitheatre, remarkably well-preserved, is a testament to Verona's historical depth, offering a glimpse into the city's past as a significant Roman settlement. Today, the Arena comes alive with the Verona Opera Festival, an annual event that transforms the ancient structure into a spectacular venue for world-class opera performances, drawing culture enthusiasts from around the globe.In Verona, every corner tells a story, blending the romantic with the historical. Whether it's walking through the streets that inspired Shakespeare, marvelling at Roman architecture, or experiencing the city's vibrant cultural events, Verona offers a unique journey through a landscape where history, romance, and culture converge in a captivating symphony.
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Verona - the City of Romeo and Juliet Verona: Quick FactsName in Italian: VeronaApproximate Population: 255,588Main Airport(s): Valerio Catullo Airport, (also known as Verona Villafranca), and Verona Brescia Airport.Urban Transport:  Bus and taxi.
Bologna: A Fusion of Academic Legacy and Cultural Richness
Bologna, often referred to as The Learned City, is renowned for housing the oldest university in the world, the University of Bologna, established in 1088. This historic institution has made the city a longstanding hub of academic excellence and intellectual pursuit. The presence of the university has infused Bologna with a youthful and vibrant energy, contributing to its dynamic cultural scene.The city's medieval architecture is another of its defining features, with a well-preserved historic centre that takes visitors back in time. The streets of Bologna are lined with elegant medieval buildings, porticoes, and squares, offering a picturesque backdrop that encapsulates the city's rich history. The Two Towers, Asinelli and Garisenda, are among the most iconic symbols of the city, leaning over Bologna's skyline as reminders of its medieval past.Bologna is also celebrated for its exceptional cuisine, often considered the culinary heart of Italy. Known for dishes like tagliatelle al ragù (Bolognese sauce) and tortellini, the city offers a gastronomic experience that is both deeply rooted in tradition and bursting with flavour. The combination of its esteemed academic history, stunning medieval architecture, and renowned culinary tradition makes Bologna a unique and compelling destination, embodying the essence of Italian culture and heritage.
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Bologna - The Learned City Bologna: Quick FactsName in Italian: BolognaApproximate Population: 814,332Main Airport(s): Bologna Guglielmo Marconi Airport.Urban Transport:  Bus and taxi. Read the full article
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czechhikes · 7 months
Unveiling the Beauty: Easy Mountains to Hike Near You in the Czech Republic
For outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers, the allure of exploring mountains is undeniable. However, not everyone is equipped with the experience or stamina for arduous treks. Fortunately, the Czech Republic offers a plethora of easy mountain to hikes near me that provide stunning vistas without the need for advanced hiking skills. Whether you’re a beginner or simply seeking a leisurely outdoor adventure, here’s a guide to some of the easiest mountains to hike near you in the Czech Republic.
1. České Středohoří (Czech Central Mountains): Located in the northwest of the country, České Středohoří offers gentle hills and picturesque landscapes ideal for easy hikes. The trails here wind through lush forests, meadows adorned with wildflowers, and past quaint villages steeped in history. One of the most popular routes is the hike to Milešovka, the highest peak in the range. With well-maintained paths and gradual inclines, this hike is suitable for hikers of all ages and fitness levels. From the summit, hikers are rewarded with panoramic views of the surrounding countryside, including the Elbe River Valley and the distant spires of Prague.
2. Jizerské Hory (Jizera Mountains): Nestled in the northern part of the country, the Jizera Mountains offer a haven for outdoor enthusiasts seeking easy hikes amidst pristine nature. The network of trails here meanders through dense forests, past sparkling mountain streams, and up to panoramic viewpoints. One of the most accessible hikes is the trail to Smrk, the highest peak in the range. The well-marked path gently ascends through serene woodlands, making it suitable for families with children or those looking for a leisurely stroll. At the summit, hikers can enjoy sweeping views of the surrounding mountains and valleys, dotted with charming hamlets and alpine meadows.
3. Brdy Mountains: Just a short drive from the bustling streets of Prague lies the Brdy Mountains, a tranquil oasis of natural beauty and tranquility. The rolling hills and verdant forests of this range are crisscrossed by a network of trails that cater to hikers of all abilities. One of the easiest hikes is the route to Tok, a modest hill that offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. The gentle ascent follows well-marked paths through tranquil woodlands, making it an ideal choice for beginners or those seeking a peaceful retreat from the city. At the summit, hikers can relax and soak in the breathtaking vistas stretching out to the horizon.
4. Šumava Mountains: For those seeking a more remote and pristine hiking experience, the Šumava Mountains in the southwest of the country offer endless opportunities for exploration. While some trails in this rugged range may be more challenging, there are plenty of easy hikes suitable for beginners. One such route is the hike to Poledník, a modest peak with panoramic views of the surrounding wilderness. The well-maintained trail winds through ancient woodlands and past tranquil lakes, offering hikers a glimpse into the unspoiled beauty of this pristine wilderness.
In conclusion, the Czech Republic boasts an abundance of easy mountain hikes near me that cater to hikers of all abilities. From the gentle hills of České Středohoří to the pristine wilderness of the Šumava Mountains, there’s something for everyone to discover. So lace up your hiking boots, pack a picnic, and embark on a memorable outdoor adventure amidst the stunning landscapes of the Czech Republic.
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paramedicabroad · 9 months
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Let's embark on a digital journey to the enchanting town of Provins, a UNESCO World Heritage Site nestled in the heart of France. This medieval treasure invites us to wander through cobbled streets, explore ancient structures, and immerse ourselves in the rich tapestry of Provins' historical legacy.
In 2001, Provins earned its place on the UNESCO World Heritage list. The recognition highlights the town's exceptional state of preservation and its significance as a center for trade fairs in the medieval period.
Step into Provins and be transported to a bygone era. This town is a living testament to medieval architecture, with its well-preserved structures, charming squares, and a unique atmosphere that transports visitors to a different time.
Provins earned the nickname "City of Roses" for a reason. Wander through the town's delightful rose gardens, where vibrant blooms add a burst of color to the medieval backdrop. The scent of roses fills the air, enhancing the romantic ambiance.
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Marvel at the imposing ramparts and towers that encircle Provins, providing a glimpse into its medieval defensive architecture. The strategic placement of these structures reflects the town's historical importance.
Explore the Grange aux Dîmes, a medieval marketplace that takes you back in time. The timber-framed buildings house artisan workshops, showcasing traditional crafts and providing a captivating experience for history enthusiasts.
Time your virtual visit to coincide with the Provins Rose Festival, an annual celebration that transforms the town into a floral wonderland. The festival pays homage to Provins' rose-growing heritage with vibrant parades and festivities.
Delve into the mysterious Les Souterrains, the underground passages that crisscross beneath Provins. These ancient tunnels served various purposes throughout history, from storage to secret meeting places.
In conclusion, Provins beckons us to savor the essence of medieval France, with its well-preserved architecture, blooming roses, and a palpable sense of history. When you're ready for a digital stroll through a living medieval tapestry, Provins promises to captivate and inspire. 🏰🌹🇫🇷
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When and Why GPR Investigations Are Essential
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Beneath the surface of our planet lies a hidden world filled with mysteries and secrets waiting to be unveiled. Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) has emerged as a powerful tool for exploring this concealed realm. GPR investigations are essential in a wide range of situations, offering invaluable insights into the subsurface environment. Whether it is archaeological discoveries, infrastructure assessment, environmental monitoring, or even forensic investigations, GPR plays a pivotal role in revealing what lies beneath. In this article, we will delve into the diverse scenarios where GPR investigations are needed, highlighting its significance and the remarkable discoveries it has facilitated.
One of the most fascinating applications of GPR is in archaeology. Unearthing the secrets of ancient civilizations requires a delicate touch, and GPR offers a non-invasive method to explore archaeological sites. By sending radar pulses into the ground and analyzing the reflected signals, archaeologists can create detailed subsurface maps, revealing buried structures, artifacts, and even entire settlements without disturbing the soil above. This technology has revolutionized our understanding of history, allowing us to piece together the past without damaging the precious remnants that lay beneath.
Geotechnical investigations are also crucial when it comes to utility locating. Beneath our streets and sidewalks, a labyrinth of utilities, including water pipes, gas lines, and electrical cables, crisscrosses the urban landscape. Before any excavation work begins, it is crucial to know the exact location of these utilities to prevent accidents and disruptions. GPR is a valuable tool for utility locating, as it can identify the position, depth, and even material composition of underground infrastructure. This information is vital for construction projects, ensuring safety and efficiency while minimizing costly delays and repairs.
For more information on when and why GPR investigations may be needed, visit our website at https://durkin.au/
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toursoman968 · 1 year
Exploring the Enchanting Beauty of Oman: A Journey to Remember
Nestled on the southeastern coast of the Arabian Peninsula, Oman beckons adventurous travelers with its awe-inspiring landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and warm Omani hospitality. This hidden gem of the Middle East offers a unique blend of ancient traditions and modern development, making it a captivating destination for those seeking an authentic Arabian experience. From the breathtaking deserts to the rugged mountains and pristine coastline, Oman offers a diverse range of natural wonders and cultural treasures waiting to be discovered. So, grab your travel gear and embark on an unforgettable journey through Oman!
Muscat: The Gateway to Arabian Splendor
Begin your Omani adventure in the capital city of Muscat, a vibrant metropolis that seamlessly blends tradition and modernity. As you wander through the winding streets of the Mutrah Souq, immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere filled with the scents of frankincense, spices, and traditional Omani handicrafts. The magnificent Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque, with its intricate architecture and serene ambiance, is a must-visit landmark that showcases the country's rich Islamic heritage.
If you're craving a glimpse of Omani history, a visit to the Al Jalali and Al Mirani forts will transport you back in time. These ancient fortresses, perched on rocky hills overlooking the city's harbor, offer breathtaking views and fascinating insights into Oman's past.
The Majestic Hajar Mountains: A Nature Lover's Paradise
Venture inland from Muscat, and you'll be greeted by the awe-inspiring Hajar Mountains. These majestic peaks rise dramatically from the rugged terrain, offering a playground for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers. Explore the wadis, or dry riverbeds, that crisscross the mountains, such as Wadi Shab and Wadi Bani Khalid, where you can take a refreshing dip in crystal-clear pools and marvel at the striking natural beauty.
For those seeking adventure, the Hajar Mountains offer excellent opportunities for hiking, rock climbing, and even canyoning. Jebel Shams, the country's highest mountain, rewards trekkers with breathtaking vistas from its lofty summit. As the sun sets behind the jagged peaks, casting a warm golden glow, you'll feel a profound connection with nature that is truly unforgettable.
The Mystique of the Desert: Wahiba Sands
No visit to Oman would be complete without a journey into the enchanting Arabian desert. Just a few hours' drive from Muscat lies the mesmerizing Wahiba Sands, a vast expanse of golden sand dunes that stretch as far as the eye can see. Embark on a thrilling dune bashing adventure, as your 4x4 vehicle navigates the shifting sands, creating a heart-pounding experience that will leave you exhilarated.
As the evening approaches, settle into a traditional Bedouin-style camp, where you can immerse yourself in Omani hospitality and witness a mesmerizing sunset over the desert horizon. After a delicious dinner of authentic Omani cuisine, unwind beneath a blanket of stars, listening to the haunting melodies of Bedouin music, and embracing the tranquility of the desert night.
Coastal Charms: Salalah and Sur
As you journey along Oman's breathtaking coastline, make sure to visit the coastal city of Salalah. Known for its lush greenery, Salalah stands in stark contrast to the arid landscapes of the rest of the country. During the monsoon season, known as the Khareef, the mountains surrounding the city transform into a verdant paradise, adorned with cascading waterfalls and mist-covered hills. Explore the beautiful Al Mughsayl Beach and the ancient ruins of Sumhuram, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, to get a taste
Lonely Planet: Oman Travel Guide - https://www.lonelyplanet.com/oman
Oman Tourism - Official Website - https://experienceoman.om/
National Geographic - Oman Travel Guide - https://www.nationalgeographic.com/travel/destinations/asia/oman/
Rough Guides - Oman Travel Guide - https://www.roughguides.com/destinations/middle-east/oman/
TripAdvisor - Oman Travel Forum - https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowForum-g294006-i2047-Oman.html
CNN Travel - Oman Guide - https://www.cnn.com/travel/destinations/oman
The Culture Trip - Oman Travel Guide - https://theculturetrip.com/middle-east/oman/
Oman Air - Destination Guide - https://www.omanair.com/destinations
BBC Travel - Oman - https://www.bbc.com/travel/oman
The Guardian - Oman Travel Guide - https://www.theguardian.com/travel/oman
These sources will provide you with valuable insights, travel tips, and detailed information about Oman's attractions, culture, and travel experiences. Remember to verify the most up-to-date information and check for any travel advisories or guidelines before planning your trip.
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akoumi · 3 years
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What story would you like tonight? Hmm….are you sure? You know your ma doesn’t like me telling you that one. She says you get nightmares. Well, alright. 
 For a little while, there was only Chernyava the creator goddess, looking after her humans. The world was dark, except for the fires that the humans built. They lived and died in relative darkness, their souls going up to Chernyava’s dark cloak once their time was up. 
But the earth itself was more than just earth - it had once been the head of an ancient, primordial god. Every part of it was imbued with magic, from the ground under your feet to the trees in the forests and the sky up above. 
And eventually, that magic began to birth things - animals like deer and wolves and bears, but it also gave birth to monsters. Inside the earth, there were crisscrossing tunnels and caves that went down forever and ever, pitch-black, containing nothing but worms and flies and moles. 
Deep down in the bowels of the earth, far away from Chernyava’s watchful eye, a creature was born. It was a monstrous creature, a wretched creature. It had the body of a great black wolf, with curved white claws and thick, shaggy fur, with a tail long enough to sweep the dusty stone floors as it walked. Where a normal wolf’s neck might start, this creature had the torso of a man. It had two sets of human arms, muscled and pale. 
It had the lower body and legs of a wolf, but the upper body of a man - and instead of a human face, it had a snout. A long, long black snout, much too wide, with crowded rows of slimy yellow teeth, and two mismatched eyes - one a golden yellow, the other one a pale gray. And on its head was a mane of red hair. Not the red hair that Nadia down the street has, no. Blood red. 
Its hair extended down this creature’s neck and back, down the human spine and down the wolf spine, petering off only at its tail. 
His name was Hel. 
For a time, he remained deep down in the caves under the earth, wandering the tunnels, eating whatever he could find - moles, flies, spiders. But it wasn’t enough. And eventually, he found his way to the surface. 
At first, Hel was surprised to know that he wasn’t the only intelligent creature on the earth. He enjoyed humans. He enjoyed watching them work, he enjoyed listening to them speak and sing and tell stories and riddles, and when he grew tired of them, he enjoyed the way they tasted. 
For a while, he continued on like this. Extracting stories and songs and riddles from humans, and if he was displeased with that, he would simply eat the offenders and move on. It was no use hiding from him either - nothing could hide from those mismatched silver and golden eyes or that constantly sniffing black nose. 
Eventually, Chernyava took note of this, and she did not approve at all. She did not approve of Hel terrorizing and eating her humans like this. So she found him when he was sleeping, great big body curled around itself as he slept deeply - and she captured him. When she woke, she told him that he had two choices - either he stopped eating the humans, or she locked him away in the bowels of the earth forever. 
But Hel was not afraid. He bargained with her, telling her that there was no way she could lock him away forever, that eventually he’d come back up and then really wreak havoc, that he was just looking for some entertainment - and finally, Chernyava and Hel came to an agreement. 
Hel would remain in the bowels of the earth, and keep his magic. He would not eat any of the humans, but he would be able to take souls of his choosing afterwards, take them down to his caverns where they would do what he asked - tell stories, riddles, sing songs, to entertain him for the rest of eternity. 
The agreement worked beautifully - for a time. Some souls went up with Chernyava, others went down to Hel. He heard hundreds of thousands of stories and songs and riddles - if he enjoyed your story, you would remain in the cavern with him, in relative comfort and happiness. But if he didn’t, you would be sent away to wander the tunnels forever. 
But eventually, Hel grew tired of this. He grew sick of the stale cave air, of the constant diet of moles and worms, of the stagnant rain water that sometimes dripped down, to interact with souls all day long. He wanted to go up to the surface, to feel the wind and drink clear riverwater and stretch his muscles - and most of all, he wanted to taste human flesh again. 
And so he did. Hel left his cave, and returned to the surface of the earth, where he began to gorge himself on people once more. The only way to escape was with a good joke, story, song, or riddle. 
Once again, Chernyava caught wind of this. Angry, she decided to go through with her original plan: catch him and throw him down deep into the earth where he would not be able to escape.
She looked for Hel, but he was a wily creature, using his magic and simple craftiness to evade her. Knowing she would not be able to stop Hel and keep an eye on all the humans around the world, she enlisted the help of two minor beings - Kirochka and Alyona. 
You see, at this time, they weren’t gods. Simply smaller magical beings, helping Chernyava by taking care of the humans as best as they could. They were tall creatures, with the clawed legs of birds and the wings of enormous eagles erupting from their shoulder blades, but with the faces and bodies of humans. They were known and revered throughout the human communities as wise, strong beings, always ready to help the humans as best as they could. 
When Chernyava asked them to take care of Hel, they jumped to the chance. At least until they saw him. I told you already that he was a scary creature, didn’t I? And they were shaken to the core. They saw his enormous black paws, they saw his bloodstained teeth, they saw the glint in his eyes, they saw the ease with which he tore apart the humans they loved - and it terrified them. 
But Alyona and Kirochka would not back down so easily. They knew they could not survive a direct fight with him, and so, they waited until he was asleep, gorged on the blood of tender children, black belly swollen. Alyona drew her knife then, ready to slit his throat. 
But he was not so deeply asleep as they believed. At the scrape of her blade leaving its sheath, he woke, and attacked the two. Kirochka and Alyona jumped into action, flying around him, using their talons to claw and scrape at him. If he was at full strength, there is no doubt that Hel could have easily torn the two of them into pieces. 
He was full and heavy, though, and tired. And so, unable to get too close and use their blades, Kirochka and Alyona both drove their talons into his eye sockets, wings flapping furiously to disorient him and keep themselves upright, and tore out his eyes. 
As he howled in pain, blinded, Alyona flew off with Hel’s golden, shining eye in her talons, and Kirochka flew off with Hel’s silver, gleaming eye in his talons, leaving Hel alone in his cave. 
And as Alyona flew across the sky, the eye shone bright, illuminating the world completely for the first time. She and Kirochka knew that Hel could not find the eyes, or he would regain his vision and come for both of them. And so they hid the eyes. 
But Hel did not die. He was blinded, yes, left with two black, yawning holes in his head, but his nose worked perfectly fine. He could smell them. The scent of blood hung heavy in the air of his cave, but underneath it, the faint scent of his eyes lingered. And Hel followed it. 
Alyona and Kirochka had remained there with the eyes, knowing Hel might come looking for them - and when they realized he was, they took the eyes again and flew off, in opposite directions this time. Alyona and Kirochka kept flying, hiding the eyes in different places for a little while before moving them again  - and Hel followed. 
Every time Alyona flew across the sky, the great golden eye that we call the sun in her talons, it lights up the world. Eventually she makes it to the other end of the world, and hides the eye in some place, plunging the world into darkness again. And Hel follows her. 
When Alyona finds a place to put the sun, Kirochka starts on his flight with the moon. When Hel catches scent of the moon, he follows Kirochka instead. And once Kirochka finds a place to put the moon, Alyona starts her flight with the sun again.
In this way, they keep moving, hauling the sun and moon across the sky, hiding them in different places, intercrossing their scents so Hel gets confused. He prefers to remain hidden, however, moving through the woods and the caves and the mountains rather than chance being seen and attacked by humans. Without his eyes, it’s difficult for him to defend himself. But he still enjoys eating and taking the souls of humans who wander too far from their families, too close to his claws.
Which is why I tell you, never go into the woods alone. And, if, just if you get caught, pray that he enjoys the song you sing for him, or the story you tell him - he just might let you go. 
Look, the fire’s burning low. It’s time for bed now. Go on. Sweet dreams, child.
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