#shapeshifter rodamrix
earthykinous · 10 months
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wilko222 · 2 months
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some fast fanart
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claudvents · 1 month
Sleepy Red disaster.. | Rodamrix Alternative mini comic
Theres gonna be multiple parts about this where others find him in unexpected places, unconsious. Since.. yk the ghost? He lost some quite of sleep!
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(Thats not the shapeshifter fortegreen!! Its the actual crewmate!)
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Made this all in one day! ..for almost 8 hours straight.
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sparkly-caroline · 9 months
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Red getting used to being an Impostor. Too bad Fortegreen's a terrible influence lol
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lashunya · 1 month
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I hate and love him at the same time lol
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displacedentities · 7 months
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Took a lil break from the comic to take care of some serious business with my work, and get back on my bean bullshit /pos
100% the fault of the animated series on youtube by @rodamrix, recently rediscovered it after several years and my god!! It's come so far, and I love it so much!!! And it made me miss the space beans in a way I haven't in a long time ;u; So I remade my Among Us character, using features directly from my preferred in-game outfit!
Say hi to Cyan-tist (Cyan)!
I'll info-dump on my bean below the cut xD It's really long, you've been warned!
Cyan worked in the specimen laboratory at MIRA HQ, occasionally taking trips off-planet for fieldwork and sample collecting. Cyan was very attached to her many pets, and would get engrossed in her work studying her specimens.
Unfortunately, she was caught alone in the specimen lab one day, and the impostor- Orange- who snuck into MIRA via transport vessel, sought to gain a new ally. Orange cornered and converted Cyan into an impostor by infecting her with the parasite, and once she turned, Cyan went into a feral hunger rampage, mindlessly killing and eating all of her pets and specimens in the lab. The grief of losing her beloved companions and all her work snapped her back into control of herself, only for Orange to praise her for the carnage. Outraged, Cyan turned on Orange, killing and eating him, too.
Not wanting to die for killing a seemingly innocent crew mate, Cyan outed herself immediately to her crew, handing over Orange's remains as well as their weapons during the meeting. Because Cyan never killed any actual crew mates, her crew decided to let her stay, on the condition that she be observed at all times via her Glitch Console (the Twitch pet lmao). She uses Glitch to stream her continued work in the lab, and keep in near constant contact with the rest of her team - it's also MIRA's way of keeping tabs on her, since she's on thin ice as a known impostor.
Cyan has a vitriolic hatred of other impostors, and can hardly conceive of another 'friendly' impostor like her existing. Whenever a hostile impostor shows up, all of her team have an alarm button on their tablets to call her, and 'deploy' Cyan to 'fix' the problem. This has regained some trust with her closest friends in her crew, though Cyan prefers to stay isolated in her laboratory with her new pets. She would love to find a cure for her condition, but is resigned to existing as she is, and it can't bring back the pets she lost. Cyan is soft on animals, robots, her fellow crew, and children, and has misused science lab equipment to make treats for young visitors. Don't mess with her work or she'll bite you.
Cyan-tist is a Shapeshifter variant Impostor. She cannot turn into everybody she sees- however, she can transform into anything living she has ever eaten. The higher percentage of the creature she consumes, the better the disguise. She can shapeshift clothing from her own body matter. The 'cat hat' she once wore has become a physical part of her, the ears functional for hearing and movement, and the eyespots capable of sight, producing tears, and emoting.
Due to her initial feral rampage in the lab, Cyan can transform into a wide variety of crewmate pets and lab specimens- her favorites being the three forms of her former companions: a Doggy, a Headslug, and a Squig. She often uses these to spy on new arrivals undetected, attempting to sus out foreign impostors from the cohort. Cyan can adapt features to her existing body at any level she wants- for example, she can gain the fur coat of the Doggy, the wings of the Pouka or the Goose, or the tentacles of the Squig without needing to fully shapeshift. The Doggy form in particular has a heightened sense of smell, allowing her to detect if the scent of a foreign impostor is present, though it may not be sufficient to identify the specific individual from a crowd.
Cyan-tist's adaptive shapeshifting is powerful enough that she can gain the unique attributes of other impostors she has eaten. This includes her advanced chromatophores for changing color, which she acquired from Orange, the first impostor she killed and consumed. Very few impostors since Orange have had anything noteworthy to add to her repertoire of skills. Cyan swore to never eat a crew mate.
Completely self-indulgent Rodamrix Animated Series thoughts
Okay I couldn't help it, I wondered about what would happen if Cyan were to be present in the series. !!!SPOILER WARNING IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT, DO NOT READ THIS PART!!!
Original series- If she didn't adapt to the sudden climate shift of the impostor takeover, or stood with the crew in any capacity when they began to spread out of control, Cyan-tist is most likely dead. She would not have gotten along with many- if any- of the impostors within MIRA HQ, and actively would have stood against or tried to kill them, making her an enemy. I can't imagine Big Purple let her live if she tried anything. If by some miracle she DID survive, Cyan is most likely operating as a plant within the impostor hideout, smuggling supplies or otherwise tipping off the survivors as to the movements of the horde so crewmates can escape or avoid being discovered.
Alternate series- Cyan-tist is completely unaware of the plot that Crimson and the MIRA HQ heads have for selling off impostors/parasites and dissenters as test subjects. As such, she continues to operate in her specimen lab, on constant watch for new impostors to show up and threaten her crew and friends. The future arrival of Red, Purple, and Pink would set off HUGE alarm bells for her, and she would be on high alert the moment she detects they're impostors. Cyan would HATE Purple as a known killer impostor, be sus of Pink's no-thoughts-head-empty behavior- though she'd discover quickly he could be distracted with snacks- and not trust Red until his own crew vouches for him. Once the Skeld survivors confirm Red is innocent and a fellow 'good' impostor who saved their lives, Cyan would back off, but keep her eye on all of them.
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amongdestiny-qu33n · 2 months
Rodamrix Alternate Theory!!
The parasites are an interesting part to the story in Alternate Rodamrix. They hold a big one too.
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You may be thinking: “What? You think that this little, innocent creature is capable of killing over thousands and thousands of Beans?”
And my answer is….Yes. I do.
When we were introduced to Polus, this creature was outside Red’s window. It looked like this 👇
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Now you may think: “Why is this important? We already know who it is!” But do we really? Sure, it may be Fortegreen as we see in future episodes.
But is it really ForteGreen? We know he can shapeshift. So why can’t he shapeshift into someone else? Like ForteGreen, Olive, even Yellow?
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Because he isn’t really Fortegreen. He’s a parasite. A parasite that can shapeshift into a Bean. We see the similar problem with Red.
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Red is infected with the same parasite ForteGreen is MADE OF. So why can’t he be the same now?
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Red isn’t himself after turning into the parasite. But water seems to help. Why? Water and the parasites are a huge part in the series. And maybe it will even be the end….
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renagaderex · 1 year
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Peril of Polus
I went harder on this than I expected- I just randomly had a MIGHTY NEED to draw the Shifter, Fortgreen, from Rodamrix’s Among Us Alternate. Started as a doodle- then this happened.
This guy is just so deliciously devious in all the right ways. Definitely a favorite villain to me in general.
thank you for viewing!
Fortegreen is a fan character belonging to @rodamrix
art is a © renagaderexrider
Among Us is a © InnerSloth games
do not repost without permission
#amongus #Rodamrix #rodamrixfanart #amongusfanart #fortgreen #fortegreen #fortgreenimposter #fortegreenimposter #imposter #shapeshifter #evil #tendrils #horrible bastard
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arandompubliclobby · 7 months
[Pinned post, subject to change]
Hello all! We are The Lobby, a collection of egostates who all happen to be among us characters of some sort.
In a nutshell, egostates are a half-way point between a singular person and a system. (I do not have a proper explanation as of yet)
He and they can be used as catch-all pronouns if you/we do not know who is fronting.
We are currently questioning our egostate/system status, so this page is bound to update
We use the tag "blurred" when we are blurry and aren't absolutely sure of who is fronting.
Headmates/members under the cut:
Purple (non-canon MIRA scientist from Rodamrix)
Species: Impostor
Posts they made/helped make are tagged "☔The Living"
"Peace on earth for everyone except Dr White, the lying bastard"
Pink (Rodamrix)
Species: Impostor
Posts xe made/helped make are tagged "🍄 Foodie bar"
Shifter (Safe space au of Rodamrix made by @amonggtheestarss)
Species: Shapeshifter
Posts he made or helped make are tagged "🌌 The silly"
"I want to go home"
Green (Vs Impostor v4)
Species: Impostor
Posts he made or helped make are tagged "☢️ Mira Mania"
"Haha, losers"
Maroon (Vs Impostor v4)
Species: Impostor
Posts he made or helped make are tagged with "📛 Magmatic Monstrosity"
"No I could not be bothered to be creative, sue me"
Brown (Lyin' 2 me)
Species: Crewmate
Posts he made or helped make are tagged with "📝 Detective work"
"How interesting..."
Gray (Vs Impostor v4)
Species: Crewmate
Posts they made or helped make are tagged with "🔗Deadly Delusion"
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amonggtheestarss · 8 months
whats your opinion on shapeshifter kins? (rodamrix)
Funnily enough there was a time I was terrified of Shifters but now I kinda wanna meet more of them for . Mem reasons . Nothing I’d really want to share here but y’know. I miss Shifter from my memories, really.
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mean-bf777 · 1 year
This is radiator (call him rudy/atom)
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He is a dragon beast impostor, he can kill a lot of crewmates but cannot sabotage, he lives in polus planet, he using the eye patch because his visor is scratched , when he still was still a crewmate, he attacked by a parasite that called "the shadow (from fortegreen rodamrix)" and becames an imposter after being corrupted by that parasite, he also has a dragon curse like Orson but his giant dragon curse/form's size are more bigger than orson for 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 (100 Googol) km than orson with his giant dragon beast form because he was get that dragon curse and anccidently spills out the radiation liquid (100 times spilled) that effects him, he also a little bit "troller" like maroon, he also had a mini crewpostor named FORTE who is cute but dangerous, and he can sizeshifting and shapeshifting.
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kinfessionsnmore · 8 months
hello! so its the person (?) that just showed up crying in your asks about wanting to go home so i'd like to clarify who i am! im a fictionkin of shapeshifter from rodamrix but like... soft instead! sorry bout that
-🌌🔮 (if it isnt taken because i feel like i will be here alot)
It's alright! The tag is not taken yet, many aren't taken so don't worry!
-Mod Sundrop
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wilko222 · 12 days
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sparkly-caroline · 9 months
Rambling corner but I'm fangirling instead of trying to be smart lol
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See this bean?
I love this bean so much.
Easily my number one fav in the Rodamrix series. Fortegreen/Shapeshifter is the only one that comes close... but then again, it's for completely different reasons.
This is a biased as fuck post, not even gonna lie. This post is literally just me stating over and over that I love Red in as many different ways as I can. Also recapping the plot.
First of, I'm just a huge sucker for the whole "benevolent impostor" thing in Among Us fanfics, that one Impostor that doesn't wanna kill crewmates, so my biases inmediately kicked in.
Second of, Red is one of my favourite colors, so there's even more bias there.
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Thirdly, he beat up Purple with a mop. S++ tier moment right there.
Then the rest of the plot starts happening and oh boy... yeah, Red has it rough to say the least.
When the crew arrives at Polus, Impostor ghosts/hallucinations/nightmares, whatever they are... they don't let Red sleep. Like, at all. They just keep chanting "kill crewmates red, do it ya bitch" over and over and over.
And you know, since Crewmates and Impostors are kinda enemies, he can't tell his friends (Blue and White) or any of the other Crewmates in Polus what he's going through, so he just has to suck it up. Yeeeaah, you don't need me to tell you that sort of thing would fuck up a person. Or bean, in this case, whatever.
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Then he has to team up with THIS guy. With the Shapeshifter, of all people.
Red, the guy who doesn't wanna kill anyone, having Olive, the guy who wants to see the world burn AND the biggest menace to society in the series thus far, as the only person who knows his secrets.
Yeah, you pretty much know that this won't end well the second you see them shake hands. And surprise to nobody, that did not end well. RIP to Yellow.
So now Red has to deal with the guilt of being responsible for Yellow's death AND the fact that he can't do anything to Olive because now the bastard is trusted by all the Polus people. Yaaaaay, sad times are real.
Thankfully, the mini Yellow didn't see Red as a bad person. And thanks to the baby, White and Blue now know about Red being an Impostor. With a really, really emotional and wholesome scene. Probably the first time something good happened to Red in the whole series, to be honest.
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Things are looking up for my boy, hurray!
Then the last episode of Season 1 happens, Shapeshifter pretty much makes everyone in Polus go die with the tentacle things he didn't use in the OG for whatever reason, yada yada yada, and off to Mira we go! ... I think.
We'll just have to wait until Season 2, see what happens there. TBH, I kinda wanna see Red and The Red scientist that worked with Dr. White to have at least ONE interaction. Maybe they're related or whatever, idk. That's just my theory for the moment.
Yeah, in conclusion, I love the Red amogus bean in the Rodamrix youtube series. This wasn't really much of an deep dive analisis, as it was mostly just me typing down what we already know at this point.
Hopefully the next rambling post will be more coherent, but who knows.
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sparkly-caroline · 10 months
Welcome back to Caroline's ramblings corner, where I spew out thoughts and opinions, aka reading me nitpick and over analyze bullshit from whatever media I hyperfixate on at the moment lmao
Today we gonna nitpick Fortegreen from Rodamrix Among Us.
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Y'know, in both timelines, this is probably the closest thing we get to Fortegreen's origins.
But even then, is he telling the truth? Or is he just capping to make Red believe him? And if this IS the truth, is it possible that he was a different color before becoming the shapeshifter?
"Idk hes just the bad guy, enjoy the ride"
Yes, the bean is a menace to society and I love him for that, but... i kinda also wanna know more, if there were to be more.
I'd say something like "oh when he shows up in alternate again", but me personally i think thats unlikely. Cuz the guy is stuck on Polus. Him coming back would require A) the main characters to go back to Polus, or B) he needs to get off that rock on his own.
A might happen depending on what happens bext, although thats probably Season 3 material, and B idk how cuz all the ships are gone, how tf would he get off that snowy rock on his own??
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so I guess that be the last time we see hum, if my theories are right. Which is kind of a shame, tbh. Then again, I guess its better than bringing him back and then not have him do anything (yea I hate it when that happens).
And that concludes the post. Join me next time when I ramble about more bullshit, maybe not fanon content or some shit like that.
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sparkly-caroline · 9 months
Who's your fav character in Rodamrix?? (besides Red, ya simp-)
Aw man, how'd you know??? 🤣
Probably Shapeshifter / Fortegreen / Olive, ironically for the complete opposite reasons why I love Red.
He's (headcanon gender) just really evil, and really cool, and the chaos he causes is fun to watch.
... I may or may not also like SS x Tan too. I couldn't resist the shipping urges, I'm sorry bro-
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I never claimed I had good taste.
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