#shared by ronen for rafa's birthday
rafaelsilvasource · 1 year
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RAFAEL SILVA and RONEN RUBINSTEIN Hello! Magazine | May 2023
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paperstorm · 6 months
Hi Andie I think you’ve said in the past you’re relatively new to the fandom still so let me reassure you that every year between seasons people start assuming Ronen and Rafael have fallen out and now hate each other. This year is gonna be worse because the gap is even longer and also because of what’s going in the world on and peoples feelings towards Ronen changing. The truth is we don’t know but interacting on social media isn’t everything. Like you said Rafa is very private and even Ronen who shares a lot really only shares like a minute of a day with us. There are so many times we have no idea what either are up to. Personally I think they’ve been through too much (from Chosen Family through wedding promo to DC and the VP Event together) that they’ll always be linked. Jess (his wife) isn’t all over his social media liking his every post and leaving comments nor do we see them hanging out all that often (although this time of the years with their birthdays and holidays we do get more glimpses) and no is worried they have fallen out.
Definitely. I remember it happened last year too, they didn't post anything about hanging out during the hiatus so a lot of people got worried they weren't friends anymore and then we got two insane photoshoots with chemistry off the charts and they went back to Paris and called each other best friends for life during the wedding promo. There's no reason to think anything has happened, the cast always talks about how close they are.
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Hello 👋 I’m new to the fandom! I’ve a question: between seasons / during breaks do Ronen and Rafa usually hang out (more)? They obviously could and not share it and their last documented hang out was during Pride month, right? Just wondering if this is how it’s usually is with these two ❤️
Hello, and welcome!
I've only been watching the show since early season 3, so I can't really speak for earlier than that, but as long as I've been around, this seems pretty typical. Usually, the only times they hang out and also give us evidence of it is when it's for some kind of official event (like a photoshoot, interview, awards ceremony, convention, the Pride event at the VP's house), or occasionally some kind of group event, like someone in the cast's birthday party.
I've seen people take a lack of evidence that they're hanging out all the time to mean that they had a falling out/they're not actually friends/they hate each other/etc. (Not saying you're doing that, anon, just that I've seen it) Personally, I read absolutely nothing into this whatsoever. As you say, they could very well be hanging out all the time without providing us any evidence of it. Or maybe they don't really hang out a ton when the show isn't filming. Either way, I don't think that tells us anything about what their relationship is like. They've given us abundant evidence that they're good friends who care a lot about each other. However, I do love some good Ronen/Rafa content, which is one reason why I'm really looking forward to when season 5 starts filming!
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xshazxx · 4 years
Watching the live with Ronen ans Rafa and one thing is abundantly clear; some people do no deserve access to the internet
People were literally flooding the comments asking them to reveal their birthdays: asking about who they're boyfriends are and one bitch had the audacity to ask who is the bottom in their relationship.
I pity those sweethearts because all they were trying to do is bond with fans and share some light and happiness in this trying time but y'all freaks are outta hand.
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