#sharepoint business
sharepointdesign · 5 months
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ascenwork-blog · 11 months
AscenWork Technologies is the best SharePoint Development company in India. We pride ourselves on developing unique and professional solutions with a wide variety of mediums. We are the top SharePoint development companies in India for SharePoint Consultancy / SharePoint Development and SharePoint Implementation.
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drogsdracca · 6 hours
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Lack of proper training is often a major hurdle for businesses aiming for quick and effective adoption of SharePoint. SharePoint training from experts makes your team more confident and helps them to use the platform more productively. 
Here are some of the key advantages of getting SharePoint training from experts. 
Visit Change Management Consulting Services in Canada - Evolvous to know more about how Evolvous help you to get the right SharePoint training. 
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trndigitalboston · 23 days
Office 365 Managed Services | TrnDigital
SharePoint and Azure 365 cloud managed services from TrnDigital help you maximize your investment with less of a burden on central IT. # 24×7 Support # Free Exchange & One Drive Migrations.
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techasoft-pvt-ltd · 5 months
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Innovate, Collaborate, Excel! Elevate your business to new heights with our powerful SharePoint Solutions. 🌐✨ Harness the collaborative strength of SharePoint and propel your success. Let's embark on a journey of innovation together! 💼🔗
Visit Us 🌐 https://lnkd.in/gHzqAmak 📧 [email protected] / 📞 +91 8884 739 988 and take the first step towards a more connected and productive future. 🌟
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bytestars · 7 months
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Power Automation Flow
Let us talk about a field value that can be text (string) or a numeric value (Int). In my case, a field that can be a numerical value or a text value. An expression is needed for the calculated field: CptPaymentPlanTotal
if(isInt(substring(body('Get_item')?['CptPaymentPlanTotal'], 0, 1)), formatNumber(float(body('Get_item')?['CptPaymentPlanTotal']), '$0.00'), body('Get_item')?['CptPaymentPlanTotal'])
substring(body('Get_item')?['CptPaymentPlanTotal'], 0, 1): This extracts the first character (position 0) from the string found at the specified key in the 'Get_item' object. This key is 'CptPaymentPlanTotal'.
isInt(…): This checks if the result of the substring operation is an integer.
formatNumber(float(body('Get_item')?['CptPaymentPlanTotal']), '$0.00'): If the result of isInt is true, it formats the 'CptPaymentPlanTotal' value as a float and then formats it as a currency with two decimal places.
body('Get_item')?['CptPaymentPlanTotal']: If the result of isInt is false, this just returns the original value from 'CptPaymentPlanTotal'.
In summary, this expression appears to be checking whether the first character of 'CptPaymentPlanTotal' is an integer. If it is an integer, it formats the 'CptPaymentPlanTotal' value as a currency with two decimal places. If it's not an integer, it returns the original value. This can be useful in cases where you want to format a numeric value differently based on certain conditions.
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threesixfivedgtl · 8 months
What is Microsoft Viva? Should My Company Be Using The Microsoft Viva Apps?
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As Microsoft 365 consultants, since the release of the Microsoft Viva tools we have been bombarded with enquiries into what is Microsoft Viva and if you should adopt the Microsoft Viva tools into your business. In this article, we will explore the purpose and use cases of Microsoft Viva. We will look at the current applications, what’s in store for the future, and how it can be implemented into your organisation’s current tools. So you can decide if you should be using these tools in your company.
Understanding Microsoft Viva: A Revolution in Employee Experience
Microsoft Viva represents a paradigm shift in how organisations approach employee engagement and productivity. It’s a platform that aims to foster a more connected, engaged, and productive workforce by leveraging the power of Microsoft 365 and Teams. At its core, Microsoft Viva is designed to:
1. Enhance Employee Experience: Microsoft Viva prioritises the well-being and productivity of employees. It provides a digital platform where employees can thrive, stay connected, and access the resources they need.
2. Improve Communication: Viva breaks down communication barriers by centralising information and fostering collaboration through integrations with Microsoft Teams.
3. Promote Learning and Development: It offers tools and resources for continuous learning and skills development, helping employees stay relevant in today’s fast-paced world.
This is all achieved through a number of apps, that can be added to your companies Microsoft Teams.
Current Microsoft Viva Applications
As of now, Microsoft Viva consists of a few interconnected modules or applications:
1. Viva Connections: This app serves as your organisation’s intranet and gateway to company news, policies, and resources. It ensures that employees have easy access to essential information, fostering a sense of belonging and engagement. This intranet does not replace SharePoint, but surfaces your current SharePoint intranet through Microsoft Teams.
2. Viva Insights: Viva Insights empowers employees and managers to strike the right balance between work and well-being. It provides personalised insights, recommendations, and data-driven suggestions to help users manage their time and prioritize tasks effectively.
3. Viva Learning: With the rapid pace of change in the business world, continuous learning is essential. Viva Learning offers a platform where employees can discover, share, and access learning content, whether it’s internal training materials or external courses.
4. Viva Topics: Viva Topics leverages AI to organise and connect content across your organisation, making it easier for employees to find relevant information quickly. It helps create a knowledge-sharing culture that’s central to successful modern workplaces.
The Microsoft Viva Newcomers
5. Viva Engage: The predecessor for Yammer, Viva Engage provides a corporate social network, designed to provide collaboration and communication for company employees. Like Yammer, it acts as a companies internal social network, whilst integrating with other corporate tools.
6. Viva Glint: Previously part of LinkedIn, Glint provides a “voice for the employee”. Providing organisations a chance to understand their employees through employee feedback. Part of a number of tools in the ’employee listening market’, Glint is used to receive and make sense of opinions within the company.
7. Viva Pulse: Part of the Microsoft Viva suite for managers and leaders to quickly get feedback from their team, then take action on that. More project based than Glint, Pulse allows managers to get quick and precise updates.
8. Viva Goals: A great new introduction to Microsoft Viva. Viva Goals aligns the entire organisation from the top down, in terms of their goals and priorities and makes sure all employees are working to the same mission.
FAQ’s: Is Microsoft Viva Replacing SharePoint? Is Microsoft Viva Replacing Yammer?
SharePoint: The short answer to the question ‘is Microsoft Viva replacing SharePoint?’ is, no. Microsoft doesn’t have any plans to replace SharePoint with any of its new applications and SharePoint continues to be the core platform in the Microsoft suite. If anything, a lot of the new apps being introduced by Microsoft are built to work around SharePoint as the fundamental element to the suite.
Yammer: The short answer to the question ‘is Microsoft Viva replacing Yammer?’ is, yes. The Yammer web experience has now been rebranded to Viva Engage and will be slowly moving the Yammer features to Viva Engage.
FAQ’s: Can Other Apps be Included in Microsoft Viva?
Microsoft has ambitious plans for Viva, with upcoming enhancements and new applications to further elevate the employee experience. While the exact roadmap may evolve, Microsoft a promise more apps to come shortly and also further features to the current apps.
Although Microsoft Viva is a fixed set of apps released specifically by Microsoft, this platform has been cleverly designed to be included within Teams, and Teams does allow customised apps. As a team of software developers, we have developed many custom apps using Teams as the user interface. See below some examples of apps we have built within Teams, to work hand-in-hand with the Microsoft Viva suite:
Travel Booking Software & Employee Holiday Booking
Employee Directory
Timesheet Tools
Employee Onboarding Tools
Business Management Systems
Supplier Management Systems
Asset Management Tools
IT Service Management
Implementing Microsoft Viva
If you are planning to implement Microsoft Viva, our Microsoft consultancy services can help you get started. With our expertise and knowledge of Microsoft Viva and the entire Microsoft 365 suite, we can help you plan, implement and train staff on getting started with the new employee experience platform. Contact us to arrange a free consultation, to find out how we can help.
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websyn · 10 months
Why is SharePoint Online Optimization Crucial for Businesses?
Optimizing SharePoint Online is vital for businesses to achieve success and fully capitalize on the platform's capabilities. Below are some compelling reasons to focus on optimization:
1. Improved Performance: Efficient optimization leads to better SharePoint performance, ensuring that users can access information and collaborate seamlessly. Faster loading times and smoother interactions contribute to increased productivity.
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2. Enhanced User Experience: A well-optimized SharePoint site provides a user-friendly experience, making it easier for employees to navigate and find the information they need quickly. This fosters engagement and encourages adoption across the organization.
3. Scalability and Growth: As a business expands, its SharePoint requirements may evolve. Optimization allows for seamless scalability, ensuring that the platform can accommodate increased data, users, and functionalities.
4. Cost Savings: Optimizing SharePoint can lead to cost savings in the long run. By streamlining processes, reducing downtime, and improving efficiency, businesses can make the most of their SharePoint investment.
Key Strategies for SharePoint Online Optimization
To fully reap the benefits of SharePoint Online, businesses should implement the following optimization strategies:
1. Regular Maintenance: Perform routine maintenance tasks to identify and resolve issues promptly. This includes checking for broken links, cleaning up unused content, and monitoring site performance.
2. Content Organization: Properly categorize and tag content to ensure easy discoverability. Logical organization enhances user experience and enables faster retrieval of information.
3. Minimize Customizations: While customizations can be useful, excessive modifications may slow down SharePoint. Strike a balance between personalization and performance to avoid any adverse effects.
4. Mobile Responsiveness: Ensure that your SharePoint site is optimized for mobile devices. With an increasing number of users accessing content through smartphones and tablets, mobile responsiveness is crucial.
5. Efficient Search Functionality: Implement a robust search functionality that allows users to find information quickly. Users should be able to search for content using keywords, metadata, and filters.
SharePoint Online is a powerful tool that can significantly enhance collaboration and productivity within businesses. By optimizing SharePoint and following key strategies, organizations can ensure improved performance, better user experiences, scalability, and cost savings. Embracing SharePoint Online's capabilities and maintaining it effectively is crucial for business success in today's competitive landscape.
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ngenioussolutions · 11 months
SharePoint Migration Strategies for Enterprises: Best Practices and Challenges
As remote and hybrid work culture become the new normal in the post-pandemic era, business leaders now must come up with more effective ways to engage employees without the help of familiar in-office tools and resources. Amid this, modern collaboration tools like SharePoint have emerged as an effective solution promising optimized internal collaboration, better data accessibility, and more convenient file sharing – all without the need to connect to the company network.
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digital-techworks · 11 months
SharePoint Services: Empowering Collaboration and Streamlining Workflows
At Digital Techworks, we specialize in providing top-notch SharePoint services that empower organizations to enhance collaboration, streamline workflows, and boost productivity. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the key aspects of SharePoint and highlight the benefits it offers to businesses of all sizes.
What is SharePoint?
SharePoint is a robust web-based platform developed by Microsoft that serves as a powerful tool for content management, document sharing, and collaboration within an organization. It enables teams to work seamlessly together, regardless of their physical location, fostering a culture of knowledge sharing and effective communication. Also Read: Sharepoint Development Services Sharepoint Development Company
The Power of SharePoint Services
1. Centralized Document Management
One of the primary advantages of SharePoint services is its ability to centralize document management. Instead of relying on scattered file repositories, SharePoint offers a unified location where users can store, organize, and access documents securely. By eliminating version control issues and reducing duplication, teams can work more efficiently and avoid the frustration of searching for files across multiple systems.
2. Collaboration and Teamwork
SharePoint provides a collaborative environment where team members can work together on projects, share ideas, and contribute their expertise. With features such as document co-authoring, real-time editing, and task management, SharePoint enhances teamwork and accelerates decision-making processes. Additionally, the platform offers discussion boards, surveys, and social features that foster engagement and facilitate knowledge exchange among employees.
3. Streamlined Workflows
Efficient workflows are crucial for any organization to maintain productivity and meet project deadlines. SharePoint offers robust workflow capabilities that enable businesses to automate and streamline their processes. Whether it's requesting approvals, managing document reviews, or tracking project milestones, SharePoint simplifies complex workflows, reducing manual effort and minimizing errors.
4. Customization and Integration
SharePoint's versatility allows businesses to tailor the platform according to their specific needs. With a wide range of customization options, organizations can create personalized sites, workflows, and applications that align with their unique requirements. Furthermore, SharePoint integrates seamlessly with other Microsoft products like Office 365, Teams, and Power Automate, enhancing the overall productivity ecosystem within an organization.
SharePoint Services at Digital Techworks
At Digital Techworks, we are committed to delivering top-tier SharePoint services that transform the way businesses collaborate and operate. Our team of highly skilled professionals possesses extensive expertise in SharePoint development, migration, customization, and ongoing support. We understand the intricacies of the platform and employ best practices to ensure optimal performance, security, and user experience.
Our SharePoint Service Offerings
SharePoint Consulting and Assessment: We provide in-depth consulting and assessment services to understand your organization's unique requirements, identify areas for improvement, and develop a tailored SharePoint strategy.
SharePoint Development and Customization: Our experienced developers specialize in creating customized SharePoint solutions that align with your business processes. From building intuitive user interfaces to developing complex workflows, we ensure a seamless and tailored SharePoint experience.
SharePoint Migration: If you are considering migrating your existing systems or data to SharePoint, our migration experts will handle the process efficiently, ensuring minimal disruption to your operations. We conduct thorough planning, data mapping, and testing to ensure a smooth transition.
SharePoint Support and Maintenance: Our dedicated support team provides ongoing assistance, maintenance, and troubleshooting to ensure your SharePoint environment remains optimized, secure, and up-to-date. We offer proactive monitoring, performance optimization, and user training to maximize your investment in SharePoint.
Why Choose Digital Techworks for SharePoint Services?
Unmatched Expertise: Our team comprises certified SharePoint professionals with years of experience, ensuring that you receive the highest quality service and solutions.
Tailored Approach: We understand that every business is unique, and we take a customized approach to meet your specific requirements. Our solutions are designed to align with your goals and drive tangible results.
Seamless Integration: We possess comprehensive knowledge of integrating SharePoint with various enterprise systems and tools, ensuring a seamless and connected digital ecosystem.
Client Satisfaction: Our track record of client satisfaction speaks volumes about our commitment to delivering exceptional SharePoint services. We prioritize open communication, collaboration, and transparency throughout the project lifecycle.
SharePoint services offer organizations an unparalleled opportunity to enhance collaboration, streamline workflows, and unlock the full potential of their workforce. At Digital Techworks, we are dedicated to helping businesses harness the power of SharePoint through our comprehensive service offerings. Contact us today to embark on a transformative journey towards improved productivity, efficiency, and success.
Contact us now to learn more about how our SharePoint services can revolutionize your organization's digital landscape. Together, we can take your business to new heights of productivity and success.
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trndigital01 · 1 year
Office 365 Managed Services | TrnDigital
Office 365 Managed Services - Office 365 and Azure managed services from TrnDigital help you maximize your investment with less of a burden on central IT. # 24×7 Support # Free Exchange & One Drive Migrations. Visit Us @ https://www.trndigital.com/office-365-azure-managed-services/
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sharepointdesign · 6 months
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mytechnoinfo · 1 year
This article is about how SharePoint is a powerful tool to optimize your company's data management flow, improve business activity. learn more from this article.
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drogsdracca · 27 days
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Using the right Web Parts on your SharePoint site is crucial for delivering the desired experience. If you aim to enhance productivity while using SharePoint, here are 5 of the best web parts to use in 2024: 
File Viewer: Find the important information quickly! Insert a file directory directly into the SharePoint page. 
Group Calendar: Never miss an important deadline! By using the group calendar web part, you can easily inform users about deadlines and other dates. 
Embed Web Part: With the Embed web part, you can show the content from other sites like YouTube, with nothing more than a link. 
Events: The events web part allows you to show upcoming events on your page, so that everyone in your team can refer to them when they need to. 
Hero Web Part: The Hero web part can attract attention and interest from the users so that they can focus on things that really matter. 
Want to know how you can implement custom web part for your SharePoint site?
Visit to https://evolvous.com/sharepoint 
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trndigitalboston · 2 months
Office 365 Managed Services | TrnDigital
SharePoint and Azure 365 cloud managed services from TrnDigital help you maximize your investment with less of a burden on central IT. # 24×7 Support # Free Exchange & One Drive Migrations.
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techasoft-pvt-ltd · 6 months
🔄 Migration Of Legacy Document Management Systems To SharePoint 📂💼
Numerous organizations rely on legacy solutions for their Document Management Systems (DMS) to organize and manage their information. However, the shift towards more robust office productivity tools like Microsoft 365 has prompted many to embrace SharePoint Online, a proven content and collaboration platform, for their DMS needs.
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