notdisgrxced · 2 years
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And he who sat on it had the name Death
sasuke uchiha from @weialala-leia‘s sharingan rising
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weialala-leia · 4 years
I swear, I don’t actually fall off the edge of the earth...
When I disappear for months on end it’s because I am not very good with technology. Most of you already know this about me, and I appreciate your indulgence of the fact that I truly don’t belong in this century (@hazel3017  knows this. Girl had to convince me off outlook email so we could edit chapters together, shit you not.) Also, my dissertation is a delirium-inducing riot of equations. I dream of utility functions, and it’s truly awful. Godspeed to all the other grad students out there; folks, I feel your pain.
But I’ve wandered back into this century and logged back into my email. I hope everyone is getting through these truly crazy times okay. I am going to go through all your notes, well wishes, and inspiring stories and will be responding shortly. 
I am also back to writing. I figured that I could use this space to keep you updated as I write the next chapter for Ragnarokr. And with that, here’s a teaser that many of you asked for (minus any real spoilers because y’all know by now that there’s a war going on):
Sasuke grips Ozora’s reins loosely in one hand. He looks down the line of warriors on either side of him. Their horses are restless, eager to launch into attack. He spurs Ozora forward a few feet and turns to face the men. He raises his voice to be heard over the roar of battle around them. “We ride!”
The conversations fall away and the men turn their attention to him.
He tells them that they will ride, they will bring death, they will not yield, and they will show no mercy. He tells them they will spill blood—and as he speaks the words, they begin to scream their agreement. He tells them they will paint this valley red, and they will appease the gods of war and death. They will crowd the Great Hall with the men and women they cut down with their swords and axes and spears. Sasuke moves Ozora down the line, telling them that there will be songs of this day. The battle cries spread down the line of his men, widening even past the periphery where his voice can be heard, until it’s just one loud rumble of screams, of men lowering their spears in salute to Sasuke as he rides past them with his message. The war cry is picked up around the Valley, as the northerners on the eastern and western lines realize that a rallying cry is going up for another charge.
There will be songs, Sasuke roars, of when Otogakure rose from the ashes, when a fierce battle made the Omine Valley a place of fire and death and ashes.
We ride, he tells them, and we will be victorious.
His ears ring when the men start screaming. Sasuke turns Ozora so he can face the enemy. The Shodaime liked to recite from the book of his God. At the worst of times when the demons were laying waste to the horizon, he told Sasuke, he’d think of the end times.  
“I looked, and behold,” Sasuke he recites in a low voice, and wills Madara and Pein to hear him. He wants them to look south and see Kakashi at the mouth of the valley, moving in with Itachi at his side. He wants them to look north and see Sasuke, and know with certainty that they are surrounded.
“Behold, an ashen horse,” Sasuke murmurs, holding up a hand aloft, and willing his gods to hear him, to see him riding into battle to serve at their pleasure. Behind him, Yonabaru sounds the battlehorn of the death-riders, deep and unassailable, once, twice, and then a third time, a trinity that signals to Jugo—and everyone else who hears it—that Sasuke is preparing to ride into battle. It settles over the valley, and the enemies turn to face it.
Madara’s warriors are turning outwards in a circle of their own, but it is disjointed because Kakashi’s attacks are relentless still. There is line after line of Konohagakure soldiers, spinning towards the flanks of the enemy army and retreating back after making impact. Sasuke cannot see Pein or Madara, but he thinks they must be in the beating heart of the enemy army.
“And he who sat on it had the name Death,” Sasuke murmurs to himself. He can almost feel the chill of the Shodaime sitting next to him on the hotel bed while Sasuke read aloud from their holy book; he can hear the Nidaime’s voice calling out to him from across the training field, Rise, Uchiha.
“And hell followed with him,” Sasuke finishes. He lets his hand drop, and Ozora strikes out in a gallop. The Northern warriors circling the enemy army move simultaneously.
The noose tightens.
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peacefuluchiha · 7 years
@sharinganrising said I’m pretty sure you have that backwards, Shisui-nii.
I really don't like what you're implying, Sasuke-kun.
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nedzuita · 7 years
+     @sharinganrising
               ‘ i don’t have a problem with you. ’     the words tumble out before yamato really has a handle on him, filling the void between them like murky water -- ambiguous, muddled, translucent. he wants to mean them, on some level. this kid is a memory from his formative years as tenzo, and important to his precious people, he should at least be able to stand near him without feeling nauseated and breaking out in a cold sweat.
          and yet, for some reason -- something about his chakra raises the hair on the back of his neck, leaves him flashing back to glass tubes, needles, dead bodies rotting on the table and the feeling of resurrection. cold nights, soft fur, shared rations. reminds him of rage. sasuke’s chakra is reminiscent of orochimaru’s, of kakashi’s, and it leaves yamato dizzy with the conflicting feeling of safety and the cold, rabbit-fear of a rising panic attack. 
          he clenches his teeth, bites the inside of his cheek hard enough to draw blood, twitches his hands. he doesn’t hate the boy, not the way the rest of the village does -- doesn’t resent him as a traitor. they’ve all been there, one way or another. he does, however, want to be as far away from him as possible. especially when he gets that hard, dead look in his eyes, raises his shoulders defensively, gets all ... combative. he isn’t afraid. of him, anyway. he might be a little afraid of the waves of memories the little brat brings.
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koukennin · 7 years
  — ( I am now a proud mother of four cacti, my...
--- ( help me sauce-kun, I want more cacti, but I don’t have the room. #problems. )
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weialala-leia · 4 years
Clearly, I’m late to the party
I finally made an account. Enough folks (I’m looking at you, Hazel) have pestered me about this that I thought it should get over my inherent fear of technology (no, really: Hazel had to convince me to get a Gmail account for editing documents). I think people can reach out this way to me now? Let’s see if I can figure out how to reach back to you. 
In other news: Chapter 11 of Ragnorokr is up. 
God help me, but the new chapter is 30K words. Hazel and I decided that we have now moved from novel to epic to saga territory for Sharingan Rising. 
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flakclad · 7 years
Dear Santa,
I will write about the following, leave one in my ask box.
Dear Santa,
You’d better not creep into my mother fucking apartment. I have set traps motherfucker, you won’t make it. Turn back now. I don’t like unwanted visitors. Enter at own risk bitch.
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uchihasavior · 7 years
sharinganrising replied to your post: porcelainheretic: uchihasavior: ...
All my love for frustrated snake fam and an uncaring Sasuke tbh
[[ It’s bad enough Sasuke gets all of Orochimaru’s attention but he just does not give a single shit for calling him any honorifics or deferring to him and that pisses them right off
anyone else would be killed, Orochimaru is essentially Sasuke’s most controlled fangirl lmao ]]
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nedzuita · 7 years
❝ This is a job for the police, not a mutant monster. ❞
+     @sharinganrising​
              ‘ so who is the mutant monster in this situation ;; you, or me ?? ’     yamato doesn’t sound offended at the implication that he is a mutant monster. truth be told, he kind of is. thanks orochimaru.     ‘ don’t worry though, i also happen to be the police. ’
          in a roundabout way. anbu had taken over a lot of the kpd’s duties after the massacre, and yamato had been put in the investigative unit. which, well. made him qualified to be dealing with the issue of breaking up a barfight and, uh, potential murder. unfortunately.
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koukennin · 7 years
copycaat  sharinganrising  ...
You just rest the leaves on top of the dirt!! Spray w water once every couple days until they take root, don’t put in harsh sunlight
--- ( Thank you !! I will be sure to try that. Now I need to buy some dirt -crays- I should have bought dirt in the flower shop, that must be for another day and a sprayer too.  )
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