captainpirateface · 6 months
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Nothing can change who we are(ent)
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0ceanic-cosm0s · 15 days
To the Hellfire - chapter 2
[Josh Washington x F! Reader]
6.1k words
masterlist - one - two - three
chapter wrote by @sharkology & @xghostcr0wx
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⚠️chapter warnings⚠️
[mature language, mentions of self harm, mentions of mental health issues, sexual tension]
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"What the hell were you doing on the trail with Em, huh?" Matt tilts his head waiting for a response from Mike. This is not what you were expecting before meeting the last friends of Josh.
"What?" Mike asks in confusion but Matt's glaring gaze doesn't go away.
"I saw you and Em. Through the telescope." Matt replied shortly with clear agitation. Now you know why Matt was in such a sour mood before you, Chris, and Sam got to the lodge. You were still sitting next to Josh by the fire watching everything unfold. You want to look over and see Josh's reaction, but before you could Mike responded to Matt.
"Before? We just ran into each other. It'd been a while so we hugged and I said hello. Is that against the law?" Mike asks in the most laid back tone, as if there wasn't much to be worried about. You honestly didn't know what to make of Mike yet. This interaction between Matt and Mike is kind of weird and you have yet to introduce yourself to the latter.
"Right.. Yeah, duh." Matt doesn't sound so convincing but he continues, "Sorry. It's been kind of a long day, I overreacted." You're glad it didn't continue and you hear a sigh of relief next to you, coming from Josh. You look at him and give him a reassuring pat on the shoulder, earning a small smile from him. You feel your throat dry a bit, reminding you of how little water you drank today. You remember Sam offered to hold your water bottle in her bag on the bus for you since it didn't fit in yours.
"I'll be right back, I'm going to get my water bottle from Sam." You inform Josh and he nods.
"Don't keep me waiting too long," He jokes and you give him a lazy smile.
Once you're over to Sam, who's sitting on the stairs near Chris and Ashley, she gives you back your water bottle.
A new girl you have yet to see walks in. 'Must be Matt's girlfriend?' you think to yourself. She was a beautiful girl with short black hair, dark eye makeup, a leather fur lined jacket, and some expensive jeans. Just from her presence you can tell she means business, giving off an intimidating aura. You definitely didn't want to get on her bad side.
Before you can thank Sam, you're interrupted by a voice from across the room. You look to see the girl everyone refers to by 'Em'.
"Oh my God. That's so gross." She says while walking into the main area of the lodge, crossing her arms, a clear look of disdain on her face directed at Jessica and Mike's PDA. "Are you trying to swallow his face whole?"
All you can think about is how weird this is becoming. You're pretty sure there's much to the story you're missing, either way you can't help but think about how much Josh's friend group doesn't really seem to be on good terms with each other. Clearly something to do with messy relationships and friendships thrown in.
"No one wants in on your territory hunny." Emily continues.
"Excuse me, did you say something?" Jessica asks with sass, puts a hand to her ear, and gets up from the couch.
"Oh did you not hear me? Was your sluttiness too loud?" Emily rhetorts.
"I'm sorry, was someone bitter she didn't make the cut?" Jessica countered. This is what causes you to get the bigger picture of the situation. You start to disassociate from what's going on, mostly waiting for this to be over. You look at Sam who's on your left, sitting on the stairs next to you and she just shakes her head in disappointment at the situation. At this point you're pretty much stuck where you are, because there's no way you're going to walk back to Josh during this cat fight. You aren't trying to get caught up in it.
"Whatever, I don't give a shit what you think." You hear from Jessica after you tune back into the conversation.
"At least I can think. 4.0, bitch. Honor roll." Emily claps back with no hesitation. Matt's interjections only make things worse and before it seems like everything's about to come to a climax, you see Josh stand up to break everything up.
"Stop it!" Josh yells which is enough to catch everyone's attention. "This is not why we came up here. This is not… helping. It's not what I wanted." His tone lowered, no longer yelling.
"If we can't get along for ten minutes then maybe we need a little bit of a break, right? Mike, why don't you go check out the guest cabin. The one I told you about."
You feel bad for Josh, it seemed like everything wasn't going the way he'd planned. It's a shame that there's still some unresolved tension in the friend group that can't be put aside for one night.
"Yeah...Yeah alright. " Mike says in agreement, clearly just going along with whatever. He holds his hand out to Jess. "You want to go do that?"
She takes his hand mumbling, "Any place without that whore." Then Jess and Mike leave the lodge.
Matt does a mind exploding motion with a vocal sound effect. "Man, glad that's over." He says and Josh agrees. You overhear something about Emily losing her designer bag, so she and Matt end up leaving the lodge to go find it.
You start talking with Sam while you were waiting for Josh, presumably giving Mike the keys to the cabin. You ask her what she has planned for the night and she mainly just wants to take a bath and relax, which you find understandable. Afterwards she takes her leave to start a bath, leaving you, Chris, and Ashley.
"Alright, peanut gallery, you know what? I got an idea for you two." Josh turns to Chris and Ashley.
"What?" Ashley asks curiously and you look at Josh, interested in what's going on.
"Okay well, I am pretty sure that somewhere in this crazy place we used to have.. a spirit board." Josh claims.
"A what?" Ashley inquired in a worried tone while Chris was asking if he was serious.
"Yeah they're fun, right?" Josh replies and grins in response, but there was no way you were going to mess with a spirit board.
"Josh, you're kidding! You're not actually gonna use that thing, right?" You push him on the shoulder and he just laughs at your worried antics. "You can't mess with those." You continue to tell him.
"No, those things are a joke, man. They don't do shit." Chris brushes it off.
"No way, bro. We used to do it all the time. Me and..." Josh's voice trails off, "Well-" He's cut off by Sam returning from the bathroom upstairs, and maybe it's for the best. You could tell that the conversation was slowly leaning towards a sensitive topic; his sisters.
"Hey Josh,” she catches his attention, “No hot water's kinda major oversight dontcha think?" Sam reaches the bottom of the stairs and walks over to the rest of the group.
"Yeah yeah, just gotta fire up the boiler, it's in the basement." He responds, "You guys see if you can find the spirit board." Josh suggests, giving Chris and Ashley the task.
"Chris, let's go find it! It'll be like a scavenger hunt!" Ashley exclaims with Chris following right behind her.
"Just wait upstairs in the bathroom and I'll get the boiler working for you." Josh tells Sam and she nods, thanking him. “[Y/n], would you mind helping?" He turns to you, his eyes capturing yours and making you feel instant nervousness. It was something small, but it was Josh asking you to help him. And it made you feel useful to him.
"Of course!" You say, but you felt like you sounded a little too enthusiastic. You didn't want to seem too incredibly down bad, even though you kind of were.
“Alright, rad.” He gives you his signature lopsided grin, and to your surprise, grabs your hand in his and leads you from behind him. Your heart thumps wildly and your stomach fills with nervousness but also excitement. His larger hands were rough-in a sort of comfortable way. You didn’t mind though. He squeezes your hand gently as you both begin to walk, and it makes your body ignite with eagerness.
His actions did confuse you though, making you wonder if this was just a friendly gesture to help guide you through the dimly lit lodge or maybe something more. You wanted to say something, anything, but decided to just let it happen. You wanted to enjoy the moment.
He heads over to a desk, and pulls out a flashlight while he talks, still holding your hand firmly, “Hey, notice how I gave Chris and Ash a mission together? Yeah, I was thinking they could use some ‘alone time’~” He says the last part in a somewhat suggestive way. You roll your eyes, not too surprised Josh would do something like that
“They do seem very sweet together, they’d make the cutest couple.” You reply. Josh nods to your words. “I swear they just need, like, something to bond over, ya know? Some sort of traumatic event to send them into each other's arms. I mean at this rate they’ll be in the geriatric ward before Chris makes a move.” You softly scoff at his words, and he starts to walk with you hand in hand in the direction to the basement doors.
But before you two head in, he stops in front of you for a brief moment, a slight hint of seriousness in his tone as he talks, “Ya know [Y/n]..”
“Yes, Josh?” You say in a hushed tone, looking up at him curiously. Your mind was spinning from the eye contact, and it didn’t help that his fingers were still intertwined with yours. You mentally try to calm yourself down as he starts to walk again and continues, “I just wanted to say.. I…” He trails off, huffing out a sigh. You grow a little worried at his actions.
“What?” You inquire. He stops you and turns to face you once more. “It really means a lot to me that everyone came back this year and you know, that..You agreed to come along. Even without knowing anything about these people and seeing how they were a bit ago..” Your heart swells with warmth at his words. The way he was so sincere made a small smile appear on your lips.
“Josh, we’re here for you. Whatever you need, whenever. Just let us know. You can make it through this. All of us, together.” You give his hand a reassuring squeeze, and he nods-continuing on down the stairs to the basement as he quietly responds. “Um, I just want us to have a good time, ya know?” You hum in acknowledgement.
You guys finally arrive at the breaker, and Josh lets go of your hand. You felt a small sting of disappointment from the loss of the heat between your guy’s palms, but you quickly brushed it off, reminding yourself it was most likely a friendly gesture.
“Hey sorry to drag you down into the bowels, I know it’s kinda dark and creepy.” He says as he leans down a bit with his flashlight, looking at the switches and buttons. You shrug, looking around at the old movie props and other stuff lying around. Probably from his dad. “Nah, it’s all good. I’d rather be stuck with you anyways.” You admit. He smiles, a playful glint in his eyes as he glances over. “Oh yeah? Did you have some sort of activities planned for us?” You scoff, gently smacking his shoulder.
“In your wildest dreams.” you say and he hums, looking back at the breaker with that adorable smirk.
“I mean they can get pretty wild, if you’d be a willing participant in them, Marbles?” He says jokingly, but there was a tone behind his words that suggested otherwise-though you didn’t pick it up. “Yeah right, you just keep dreaming.” You walk behind him, patting his back as you look around some more.
You spotted a baseball bat and grew curious of it, picking it up and swaying it around slowly. You turn to Josh with it. “Be pretty rough playing baseball out in all that snow.” He stands up straight and takes the bat from your hands as you gesture it to him.
“No it wasn’t in the winter, silly. I mean we’d come up for the summer and we would have the best time-the whole family was there Mom, Dad,…” His voice grew a little sad, and his expression dropped a bit as he continued, “... my sisters– It was some serious competition out there on the big lawn…I don’t know.”
Your smile fades to a small frown at his words, feeling a little guilty for picking up the baseball bat and having him talk about his sisters.
“Can’t go back..New reality, right [Y/n]?” You nod, and you want to say something, to at least comfort him-but he continues on and switches the subject quickly, putting down the bat. “Anyway, I’m supposed to be fixing this old guy, right?” He fiddled with the switches but no luck. He hands you the flashlight and you hold it for him as he fixes the breaker.
You were hearing some strange noises though, but thought it was just the old pipes in the lodge and ignored it, for now. Afterwards, Josh heads over to another switch panel and you follow.
“Alright just turn this knob for the water pressure while I flip the switch, think you can handle that?” You roll your [e/c] colored eyes at him, which he always found so cute; your little sassy side. “Pretty sure I can, I’m not five.”
He shrugs, walking back to the breaker. “Could’ve fooled me.” You shake your head at his snarky retort and turn the knob. Loud noises come from it once you hit the turn on button, signaling the boiler was up and running.
“Alright, good job Marbles! Gimme five.” You laugh as you give him a high five, finding it adorable yet the corniest thing. He closes the doors to the breaker, but again you hear a strange noise. “What the hell was that?” You question as you look towards the sounds. “Could be a lot of things..And none of them nice..” He says the last part in a deep sultry voice as he caresses and tickles your shoulder. It sent fiery shocks through your body at his touch, but you were a little scared.
“C’mon Josh, be for real.” You say as you turn to face him, slightly serious. “I’m just.. Just ’Joshing’ ya.” He jokes. You give a sarcastic laugh at him, earning a small one from him. “You were really freaked out huh?” You thought for a moment, thinking on what you should reply with. You decided to get back at him. You look over his shoulder, putting on a serious expression of worry and concern.
“Oh my God..” You whisper quietly. “Don’t move-“
“What?” He asks, mimicking your hushed tone.
“Something’s behind you..” He smirks, raising a brow in disbelief. “Yeah right.”
“Holy shit, Josh..Seriously. There’s something back there.” He slowly turns around, and you let out an amused laugh. He turns back to you and scoffs, a sweet smile on his lips. “Alright alright I see your point.” Just after he said that, another bang came from somewhere in the basement.
“Okay, so I’m not tripping. You hear that shit too?” Josh slowly moves in front of you, looking towards the area of where the sound is coming from. “Josh..?” You ask, a little nervous. “..What?” He retorts back.
“The rhythm is weirdly regular..” You whisper.
“Not..No..Nothing regular about it.” he responds back.
You walk closer to him from behind. “Maybe we should, you know, check it out?”
“Why?” He questions as you two cautiously walk over to the sound.
“I dunno, what if it’s like, a pipe that’s about to burst or some problem with the furnace?” You say, reaching out to his arm to hold for emotional support. You were getting a little freaked out, and needed something, anything to hold onto. “Unlikely.” He replies.
Josh pretended not to notice your hands wrapped around his arm, but on the inside his heart was racing rapidly, his anxiousness from your touch ought weighing the anxiousness from the mysterious banging. You responded, “If it were me I wouldn’t want this place to burn down on my watch.”
“..Yeah, right.” He replies. You let go of his arm and walk further to the strange sounds. And just then, a figure in a dark robe popped out of the corner. “NOPE!” You turn around so fast it almost makes you dizzy and sprint away, making sure to grab Josh’s hand in the process to drag him along with you. You two bolted from the stranger as they chased you, while you knocked down objects in front of them to slow them down.
You two made it to the door leading out of the basement, but for some reason it was locked? ”Now why the FUCK is this locked?” You yelled. “T-To keep out strangers!” Josh stuttered out. He turns around and protectively sticks his arm out in front of you as the clothed figure approaches you two.
“Hey..” It mumbles.
“..What?” You breathlessly question.
“Heyyy!” It repeats, sounding like a man’s voice. It was oddly familiar.
“..WHAT THE HELL??” You shout.
“Boom!” They removed the hood of their cloak, and it was Chris. “You just got monked!” He proclaimed proudly.
”WHAT??” You exclaimed, feeling your fear and shock turning into anger and frustration. Josh only chuckles, “Nice. Nice one, that was good.”
You stutter for a second, the anxiety you were having building up. “Why w..Why would you do that?” As you start to lay into Chris, you see out of the corner of your eye Josh looking you up and down. His green eyes drinking up your frantic form, and the way you were scared to death. It was almost like he enjoyed it. He bit his lip a little as he continued to stare at you while you tore Chris up like chopping up a fruit.
You try to ignore the way Josh is basically fantasizing about you right then and there and turn to him angrily. “Was your ass in on this putz??” You shove his shoulder slightly.
“Nope. But I wish I was! That was too fuckin’ good.” Chris and Josh high five each other, while you watched in irritation.
You guys opened the door and left. Your annoyed state calmed down a bit, and you started to reflect on the events of what happened. “Alright I’m ready to admit that your dumb little prank may have had a slight whiff of humor to it.” You say to Chris. “Jokemaster!” He exclaims back. As you two bicker, Josh locks the basement door.
“Well I said nothing about jokes, I said your prank, which was dumb-“ You continue but Josh cuts you off.
“Holy shit you were scared. Admit it.” Josh says as he places the flashlight on a desk. “I was NOT.” You protest. “Oh come on, you totally pissed yourself.” Your face was starting to get red from being flustered at being the only one who was actually the most freaked out.
You hear Sam call up from the bathroom, “Hot water’s running! Thanks guys.” Finally, you hear the voice of an angel, the only person who you could tolerate at this moment.
You and Josh call out a ‘You’re welcome’ to her as Chris and Ashley were talking to each other. You stand in front of the staircase while Josh tends to the fire. Ashley asks if Chris found the ‘thingy’ and he pulled out an ouija board from the robe he was wearing, making a goofy ass cartoon sound effect as he did.
You shake your head, “Nooope nope nope, I refuse to take part in that. You guys can have fun getting possessed and getting featured in the next Conjuring movie, but I’m out.” Chris laughs at your skittish behavior towards the board. “Aww, is someone getting scared again?”
“No, I’m being smart. It’s basic knowledge not to fuck with spirits. You’re not always gonna have Casper the friendly ghost come through. And this is Native land, so I’ll continue to be respectful of that thank you very MUCH.” Chris raises his hands in defense, turning back to Ashley.
You start your way up the staircase after grabbing your bag, but Josh really wanted you to stick around. As you make your way up the second floor, he jogs from the fireplace to the stairs, and to you, gently grabbing your arm. “Oh c’mon, you can’t be that freaked out [Y/n].” You huff, closing your eyes and lifting your head up in a mock snobby manner as you ignore him-continuing down the hallway to a vacant room.
“Wait-are you still mad?” He asks, following behind. You enter a cozy room, the moonlight casting a beautiful glow. You turn on the bedroom light and set your bag down as Josh joins you. “Matter of fact, I am. That ‘prank’ scared me to death.” You reply and sit on the bed, removing your snow boots. He kneels down in front of you and helps remove your shoes, and you let him. It was the least he could do.
“Hey I know that was pretty terrifying, I mean hell I was scared there for a second. But that’s just how my friends and I are. We just like playing stupid and goofy tricks on each other. Sorry you got caught up in it, I should’ve warned you.” His gaze was focused on your shoelaces as he talked, untying them and then slipping off the boot-going to work on the next one. But you could tell he was sincere.
You give yourself a moment to take in the view of Josh kneeling before you, giving you thoughts that aren't innocent at all. It's almost like he's in a worshiping position, just for you. Once he is finished with your shoes, he leaves you with your socks, his beautiful green eyes looking up at you. You thought for a moment what it would've been like if he just kept going and started taking off your clothes, and from the looks of it Josh was thinking the same thing. But you knew his friends were out there waiting for him.
"It's okay, I just really scare easily. I may have overreacted a bit." You admit, trying to shake away the lewd thoughts from your mind. However, you couldn't help but stare at Josh's lips. You can only imagine what it would feel like kissing him.
“No, I get it. You were scared, it's understandable.” he gives you a smirk before adding on, “but I will keep the first thing you said in mind.”
“Hey, you ass!” You lightly kick him in the chest in a playful way and Josh just laughs at you.
“Seriously though, you really don't wanna join in on the spirit board?” Josh asks, rising from his kneeling position and now towering over you from where you sit on the bed.
“I don't know.. I'm scared of those things, like giving unknown evils a way into my life.” You bite your lip and look away, remembering all the horror movies, legends, and so-called rules of the ouija board that you've grown up hearing.
“Hey, it'll be fine. Nothing bad is going to happen. I've done it many times before.” He reassures you, putting a warm hand on your shoulder. You relish in the physical contact, craving more.
You ponder for a moment, wondering if you're really about to risk having a spirit haunt you over a hot man. But it's Josh, so how could you not give in?
“Alright, fine,” you relent and Josh lets out a childish ‘yesss!’, “I'm not going to play it though, I'll watch.” You add on at the end in a matter of fact tone.
“Okay okay that's fair,” He agrees, and you're glad he doesn't push you on it. Josh's hand that was once on your shoulder, glides down your arm to your hand, holding it in his. The feeling of his hand inconspicuously stoking down your arm sent shivers down your spine, making your stomach tingle with the need for more. You knew that Josh knew what he was doing. “Let's go.” He says, leading you up off the bed.
And Josh did know what he was doing. He has everything planned out, planned out as much as he could. Him kneeling on the ground to take off your shoes? He wanted a better look at you from below, in an intimate position. His light touches and stroking your arm? Hopefully it would send a big enough message that he's interested and down bad for you. He really does want you and from the looks of it, it seems like you're feeling it too.
When Josh was at the mental hospital, he just thought he was gonna be bored out of his mind and have to stay in that hellhole for a whole month with nothing to do besides having constant breakdowns and therapy sessions. But then you came along, and instantly he felt intrigued. You were breathtaking, even when you looked like you just got out of a fight with the embodiment of depression. You still had this vibe to you, like you still had this luring confidence and uniqueness to you under all that anxiety and suicidal thoughts.
As he grew to know you, he was even more infatuated. The way you would smile, the way your eyes would travel around while you disassociated, how your small little scratches to your arms would indicate that you were thinking of your self harm scars, he would take note and observe everything about you. He wanted you, he wanted to know everything going on in your head. And he wanted to know what you thought of him too. That’s why he invited you here, to his lodge.
Yes, he wanted to make all those fantasies he’s had about you come to real life after months of longing and having to stroke himself out to the thoughts to relieve his frustrations. But he also wanted to genuinely know more about you and your mentality. Overall, he just wanted time with you. He was, for the lack of a better word, obsessed with you.
With your hand in his, you both leave the guest room to regroup with Chris and Ashley. By the time you're in the room with him, Josh lets go of your hand and you find yourself craving more of his warmth.
“So you changed your mind?” Chris asks in a playful mocking tone, you just roll your eyes and smile.
“Nope, still not playing. But I'll watch.” You state and sit down at the table where the spirit board is getting set up. Josh is on your left, Chris is on your right, and Ashley is right across from you. You can't help but steal glances at Josh on your left, especially with how hot he looked with the candle light on him.
“To free yourself from the spirit world you must free your mind of all preconceptions, drop all inhibitions, and generally give yourself over entirely to the will of others, sublimating your every desire to the whims of the ‘spirit master’, which is me.” Chris reads the instructions but jokingly adds what he wants at the end.
“It doesn't say that.” Ashley responds to his antics.
“Aaanndd all present will remove their garments at my discretion-” Chris is cut off by Josh.
“Come on Chris, this is serious.”
“Oh I am deadly serious.” Chris says in a funny voice impression and puts his hands on his hips.
“Shush it, let's try this.” Ashley says, ready to get on with it and Josh adds a ‘Yes please’.
“Okay then, let's see what happens.” Chris surprisingly listens to them and continues, “Ashley, since you're a recent convert, why don't you be our medium for today?”
Even though you're just watching, you're starting to feel anxious and nervous about what could happen. You're worried if anything can happen to you from just being in the same room as people playing the spirit board. And you knew you were already making the wrong choice by choosing to put yourself around one. All those horror movies you grew up on really left an impression on you.
“Okay um.. Anyone there?” Ashley calls out, ”Will you reveal yourself to us… If you're there..?”
After a few seconds of waiting, you see the planchette start to move. “Oh my God, guys!” You exclaim and point in disbelief.
“Wait a minute.” Chris responds in a skeptical tone.
“Did you do that..?” Josh turns and asks Ashley but she immediately responds with denial.
“Oh it's moving again!” Chris comments before the planchette starts spelling out a word.
“H-” Ashley reads the first letter.
“Are you guys just messing around?” You ask, but your question remains unanswered. You aren't fully convinced, considering the jokes this friend group pulls on each other all the time.
“What's it spelling?” Josh is starting to sound more urgent, no longer emitting his laid back attitude which is starting to make you worry a bit more too. You shift in your chair from an uncomfortable and eerie feeling.
“Hold on-” Ashley tries to wait for the planchette to stop moving.
“How is this happening?” Josh continues sounding a bit more frantic, making you panic on the inside more. This is no longer feeling like a joke, and if it is one, it's a bad joke that's starting to mess with Josh. You thought Josh used spirit boards all the time?
“Are you moving it?” Chris asks as the planchette proceeds to move from letter to letter. He isn't convinced that this is actually real, probably due in part to not believing in the supernatural.
“I swear! It's just moving.” Ashley denied, but right as she said that, the word finished spelling.
“Holy shit…” Josh utters out and you sit in silent shock.
‘H - E - L - P’
“How are we supposed to help?” You questioned. you're clearly scared at this point, especially since it's your first experience with a spirit board.
“I don't know, what does it mean?” Ashley asks in response.
“We need to know who it is if we want to help them.” Chris adds on, and you look over to Josh to see his reaction which is unreadable at the moment.
“Who are you..?” Ashley questions the spirit board, waiting for an answer.
The pointer starts moving again and chaos ensues once more. Everyone started talking over each other in confusion, worry, and disbelief.
‘S - I - S - T - E - R’
This revelation makes your mouth open in shock. You don't know how to react so you just look over to Josh.
“Who’s sister?!” Josh asks in a firm voice, looking like he was trying to decipher what was going on.
“Oh c’mon is this for real?” Chris inquired, not believing what was going on.
“Shut up.” Josh snaps at Chris, “Ask who's sister.” You can tell Josh is getting serious, and you've never seen him in this type of way.
“Josh… it's.. it's gotta be-” Ashley is cut off but everyone here knows what she's insinuating.
“Yeah, okay well,” Josh turns to Ashley, “ask it which one!”
You put a comforting hand on Josh's knee. You don't know if it can really help, but it's the thought that counts, right? He gives you acknowledgment by sending a glance your way, almost analyzing your features.
“Ashley, ask who it is.” Chris says, dropping his playful attitude.
“Who are we speaking to…?” Ashley asks before continuing again, “Beth, is that you?”
Another wave of anxiety washes over you as you wait in anticipation. The planchette moves to confirm Beth's presence.
“Oh God.” Ashley utters in scared shock.
“This is messed up.” Chris shakes his head in disapproval.
“Josh, you don't need to play anymore..” You bring up, trying to get everyone out of the uncomfortable situation. Josh didn't look like he was doing too well.
“I'm fine.”
“Are you sure because we can stop-” Ashley is cut off by Josh, his eyes fixed at the spirit board.
“Dude, it's cool-” Chris starts, but is interrupted before he can even suggest anything.
“I want to hear what it says.” Josh affirms, his eyes meeting Chris.
You're glad Chris and Ashley aren't trying to push him to continue playing, it's quite the opposite. However, you're surprised Josh wants to keep going in the first place. He's used spirit boards before though, so you assume it's for some sort of closure. His sisters are still technically missing, even though he told you he believes they’re dead.
“Think about it. If this is actually Beth, I mean, we can find out what happened that night.” Chris suggests.
“Beth… Oh Beth we want to apologize for what happened last year with Hannah and,” Ashley's voice starts breaking with sorrowful emotion, “if you can hear this, please please know that we are all so sorry.”
“You and Hannah. We're really sorry Beth, to both of you.” Chris adds on, taking accountability for something he had no control over and wasn't apart in.
You decide to stay silent. You didn't want to overstep any boundaries and you weren't involved with his sisters enough to have a say on anything. All you could do is observe and hope that anything doesn't trigger Josh in any way, but you think you're far past that point by now. His sisters were a triggering topic in general. The pointer starts to move again.
‘H - A - N - N - A - H K - I - L - L - E - D’
You let out an audible gasp, and Ashley follows suit. “I don't know if I can keep doing this.” Ashley admits.
“We have to.” Josh urges, not ready to give up just yet. You could tell this was important to him.
“Just- just stay calm. I think it's saying to us that someone killed Hannah..” Chris speculates.
Ashley asks how Hannah was killed. The tension in the room is thicker than ever and everyone seems to be on edge. The planchette spells out something about proof in the library before completely flying off board. You jump and let out a little yelp in response, covering your face to not get hit by it. Luckily, it flies past your face.
“You know what? This is bullshit. This isn't real.” Josh stands up from his chair with a distressed and shocked look on his face. He gives Chris and (mainly) Ashley an accusatory look. Probably because she was the only one out of all of them that was in on the prank last year. You stand up at the same time as him, ready to go after him if need be, but he doesn't pay too much mind to this, still freaked out by the current events. Hell, you don't even know if Chris and Ashley were joking. But from the looks of it, they wouldn't joke about something so serious. Especially such a touchy subject like his sisters. This had to be real.
“Josh, I don't know what's going on.” Ashley instantly claims and puts her hands up, voice shaky.
“Listen, I don't know– I don't know if you think messing with me is somehow going to help me deal with my grief or water but this is not cool.”
“Josh, no! You wanted to use the spirit board–” Ashley denies and tries to explain, but he clearly isn't having any of it.
“Josh..” You try to interject but It doesn't make too much of a difference.
“Hey calm down, it's not Ash’s fault.” Chris tries to reason with him to no avail, he's already making his way out of the room.
“I don't need this right now! Okay?! You guys are full of it!” Josh shouts, clearly upset before stomping down the stairs to leave the room.
“Should we go after him??” Ashley turns to ask you and Chris with a worried look.
“Don't worry about it, I got him.” You answered, gaining a nod from Chris and Ashley.
You leave down the same stairs Josh did, hoping to find him and somehow help. If he doesn't want help, you'll give him his space. You can hear Chris and Ashley’s discussion of the events that just took place growing further and further away as you look for Josh. You just hope you can make a difference.
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[a/n]: next chapter is gonna be supper juicy and smutty so get ready 👌🏽
- 🦈&🦇
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folkshroom · 1 year
help my cat get to the vet
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so my cat is about 10 years old now, and is overdue for his vaccines, senior checkup, and has a few worrying symptoms of a possible skin allergy (i hope).
all of the standard things, plus any testing he’ll need to get done is going to be pretty pricey, and as i am disabled, i can only work about 4 days a week, and already rely pretty heavily financially on my fiancee. (i am also in a little over $1200 in credit card debt, so i can’t put any of his vet bills on a credit card.)
 i am re-opening commissions to help pay for his visit and any further treatment or medications he might need. 
services, pricing, and other details will be under the cut.
$5: 3-card tarot spread: good for predicting the outcome of a situation you’re considering, giving advice on the multiple paths that are open to you! (good for more specific, tangible information)
$5: 3-card oracle spread: good for predicting the outcome of a situation you’re considering, giving advice on the multiple paths that are open to you! (good for emotional decisions/struggles)
$10: past life tarot spread: a past-life reading to give a look into one of your past lives! (more specifically detailed based on the path of one specific past life)
$10: past life oracle spread: a past-life reading to give a look into one of your past lives! (more general, based more on your opinions, attitudes on life, paths, etc)
$10: ***big 3 natal chart analysis: an in-depth analysis of your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs, and how they influence each other in your chart!
$20: ***big 6 natal chart analysis: an in-depth analysis of your Sun, Moon, Rising, Mercury, Venus, and Mars signs and how they influence each other in your chart!
$35: ***full in-depth natal chart analysis: an in-depth analysis of every aspect of your birth chart! (roughly 11-13 pages in length)
$10: spell commissions: small-scale spell commissions, for things like money, sleep, self love, etc! *must provide a small amount of personal information, such as a name and birth date to make sure the spell is directed your way (may be a chosen name rather than legal/identifying, whatever resonates and feels the most like YOU.* (price is based on the cost of materials as well as the physical and mental energy the spell will require!)
$5: sigil commissions: i can make a few different versions of a sigil for a specific purpose to use however you want! 
***must provide your birth date, birth time, and location of birth
cashapp: $bat98
venmo: sharkologies
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sgbsgreaternoida · 3 months
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Admissions Open for the PGDM Program at AICTE-approved Sparsh Global Business School, Greater Noida (Delhi-NCR).
🎓Join us on a transformational journey with six key interventions that redefine education:
✅ Venture Start-Up (with Seed Fund) ✅ CXO Power Learning ✅ Sharkology ✅ ICE (Immersive Consulting Experience) ✅ Happiness and Well-being ✅ Idea Weekend
💼 With 10–15 days of Global Immersion at the National University of Singapore.
Apply today and embark on a transformative journey towards success.
👉 https://admissions.sparshgbs.in/
Call us: +91-7669933416
#SparshGlobalBusinessSchool #PGDM #BusinessSchool #FutureLeaders #bschools #businessschool #craftcareer #sparshpgdm #PGDMAdmissions #AICTEApproved #SGBS #EvolveBeyondTheOrdinary
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hakulavibe · 5 years
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Follow @hakulavibe www.hakulavibe.com Reposted from @oceanumlife Blacktip reef shark 🦈 @kincaidgalleries #sharkaddicts #sharkdiving #sharks #sharkattack #surf #sharkology #marinebiology #marineology #fish #oceanumlife #ocean #oceanlife #oceanbacks #saltlife #saltarmour #blacktip #blacktipreefsharks #deepsea #underthesea #bluelife #islands #cuteanimals #animals #babyanimals #biganimals #oceanconservation - #hakula #hakulavibe https://www.instagram.com/p/B7zJi3on7Qo/?igshid=1ddch1062x53
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I never claimed to be a film scholar, and that’s why I was almost 33 years old before I saw Jaws the first time (and yes, it is my birthday next week thank you so much for asking!) It’s not that I never wanted to - but by the time I had overcome my fear that Jaws was going to eat me in my bathtub, I didn’t want to watch it cut up by commercials on a Saturday afternoon on TNT and we didn’t own it and if you think I was going to waste my one pick at Blockbuster on a movie from 25 years ago instead of renting Now and Then for the fifth time, you are just a plain fool. So here we are in a quarantine and I’m doing some much needed catching up.
One thing I’ve discovered about these classic completely-permeated-in-pop-culture films is that they’re not immune to the phenomenon of high expectations->very disappointed. I was a little worried that, because I’ve had the “you’re gonna need a bigger boat” scene imprinted on my retinas since I was about 7 years old, the film just wouldn’t have the same oomph as it did when it became the world’s first true blockbuster. So, to an avid movie-watcher like me, does Jaws still have teeth? Well...
This is not a controversial opinion - yeah, it does. Jaws is pretty fucking awesome. Sometimes things really are that simple. For the uninitiated (although honestly who doesn’t know the plot of Jaws), it’s pretty simple. There’s a shark. Like....a really big one. He’s feeling peckish, and starts looking for snacks around Amity Island, a touristy (fictional) beach community somewhere off the coast of New England. The local chief of police, Brody (Roy Scheider) is staunchly anti-shark attack but the mayor is like “we’ll just have to accept the risk that the weak ones will die because we can’t shut the economy down!” But because this is a fantasy movie, after 4 people die, the authorities do everything they can to stop the threat, including hiring a scientist named Hooper from the Oceanographic Institute (Richard Dreyfuss), and a crusty ol’ sea captain named Quint (Robert Shaw) to hunt the shark down and kill it. 
Some thoughts:
That John Williams score just kicks you in the teeth right from the beginning, doesn’t it.
It’s interesting, regarding all the scenes I’ve seen just in the context of living in a world where Jaws is part of pop culture - they always come in these little 30-second bursts without the context, enough to suggest the dread and terror but not really sit in it for long. As a result, this first initial shark attack scene goes on for SO MUCH LONGER than I was expecting. I was genuinely disturbed.
I’m seeing many Very Good dogs, which is fantastic news. There’s the Chief’s cocker spaniel, there’s a frisky black Lab on the beach chasing a stick, a couple more when all the fisherman are arriving, and many puppers in boats!
I mean, I know it’s sad that kid Alex got eaten on his raft but why haven’t they given us reassurance that Pippet is ok??
This intro to Quint is truly one of the best character introductions I’ve ever seen. What an iconic and instantly memorable performance, this salty, grizzled fisherman/bounty hunter who literally never stops talking. He’s a walking sea shanty, a collection of dirty jokes held together with sheepshank knots and moonshine. I love him in spite of his vague, amorphous sexism and relentless repetition of the same terrible song.
God, I had no idea how young Richard Dreyfuss is in this!
I already knew a lot of the parallels existed, but Wife wanted me to point out explicitly that watching this film is deeply upsetting in the time of Covid-19. The same willful ignorance, the same disregard for public safety, and the same reverence for “the economy” at all cost to human life is relevant, to say the least.
It’s easy to forget, but having watched more of his early stuff in the past few months, I completely get why Steven Spielberg was such an absolute lightning bolt to the film industry. The naturalistic way everyone talks, the overlapping dialogue, the use of light with the moon on the ocean and these spotlights in the fog, that iconic dolly zoom shot - it really is unlike any other director’s films, especially in this era. 
Who the fuck does this mayor think he is? If the people are at the beach, isn’t that enough? Why do you NEED them to go in the water? How does that help you? If they’re on the beach and not swimming, you get the best of both worlds - people are there spending money and they’re also y’know, not dead.
I’ve seen the moment dozens of times, and everyone knows the line, but goddammit when we first see the shark in all his glory and Brody says “You’re gonna need a bigger boat” it honest to god made my heart nearly leap outta my chest. 
What I didn’t know about in all the familiarity I had with Jaws before this was this long night scene with the three men drinking and singing and comparing battle scars and stories and bonding the way men in wartime do. Quint’s monologue is especially haunting. This is all just...it’s really good. 
I’m a little uncomfortable (especially in the time of Covid) with this class warfare, working class grunt knows better than the academic tug-of-war going on between Quint and Hooper. For a long stretch it seems like Quint has a point, that Hooper doesn’t know what he’s doing out there in the dangerous reality of a fickle ocean and a murderous predator. But once they get on the boat, Hooper proves himself more the capable. Maybe the man who is actually like, a doctor of sharkology can know just as much - or maybe more?? - than the man who has been hunting and killing them for years. Aaah fiction. It’s a good thing you have nothing to teach us about reality. 
Did I Cry? No, and I kinda thought I would when Alex Kitner’s mother confronts Brody about how he did nothing to prevent her son’s death, but I was too preoccupied with the fact that she and her husband looked about 60 and I was trying to figure out how they could be the parents of an 8-year-old boy. 
In all the clips I’ve seen, I really haven’t been exposed to shots of the shark for that long, and that’s for the good. The only thing that isn’t quite pitch perfect about the movie is how, in the longer sequences, the shark robot begins to quickly lose its authentic feel. The shadows, quick glimpses, and brief chomps really do have a much greater impact. Thank goodness Bruce (the shark robot’s name) malfunctioned as much as he did, because if he had been seen up close from the very beginning, there’s no way this film would be the icon it is. 
Oh damn, that ending really comes at you quick, huh?
I love that “this is gonna be the beginning of a beautiful friendship” final exchange. 
I don’t know what to tell you, guys, this movie is just really, really good. The scares are scary, the characters are interesting, memorable, and have a lot of emotional heft to them, and the shark is sharky. There’s nothing not to like. Even if you think you know what it’s gonna be like, it’s worth it to take a couple hours and really absorb it the way it deserves, because it does deserve it.  
If you liked this review, please consider reblogging or subscribing to my Patreon! For as low as $1, you can access bonus content and movie reviews, or even request that I review any movie of your choice.
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A Professor was traveling by boat. On his way he asked the sailor:
“Do you know Biology, Ecology, Zoology, Geography, physiology?
The sailor said no to all his questions.
Professor: What the hell do you know on earth. You will die of illiteracy.
After a while the boat started sinking. The Sailor asked the Professor, do you know swiminology & escapology from sharkology?
The professor said no.
Sailor: “Well, sharkology & crocodilogy will eat your assology, headology & you will dieology because of your mouthology.
0 notes
pterazord · 3 years
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artfight part III. 
characters belong to (in order):  Nice444,  CoffiiCorgii,  basmiperal,  Monstertophat,  kneep,  Space-Mom,  Tea_mangos,  sharkology and  GarbageDisposalCat
0 notes
varinderluna-blog · 4 years
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Mind your own business... A professor steped in to a boat, he asked the sailor: “Do you know Biology, Ecology, Zoology, Geography, physiology?'' The sailor said NO to all his questions. Professor  "What the hell do you know on earth. You will die of illiteracy." After going in to the water, the Sailor asked the Professor, "Sir, do you know swiminology & escapology from sharkology?" https://www.instagram.com/p/B-pKTVNp0QF/?igshid=yzadguubtvu
0 notes
coachbac · 6 years
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Sáng nay đọc truyện cười này mà mình cứ cười “tủm tủm” hoài: Một vị giáo sư đi du lịch trên thuyền. Trên đường đi, anh hỏi người thủy thủ: "Này anh bạn, anh có biết Sinh học, Sinh thái học, Động vật học, Địa lý, Sinh lý học không? Người thủy thủ trả lời "không" với tất cả các câu hỏi của ông ấy. Vị giáo sư thốt lên: "Ôi thế anh biết cái quái gì trên trái đất này? Anh sẽ chết vì dốt! " Đi được một lúc thì thuyền bắt đầu chìm. Cậu thủy thủ hỏi vị Giáo sư: Ông có biết "bơi học" "sống sót học" "cá mập học" không? Giáo sư nói "không". Ôi thế thì "cá mập học" và "cá sấu học" sẽ ăn "mông học", "đầu học" của ông và ông sẽ "chết học" vì cái "miệng học" của ông! (Dịch bởi nguyenhobac.com) Chả là mình cũng vốn là ông “Tiến sĩ hay nghĩ”, nhưng từ khi đồng hành với qui trình #Biggroups7s mình chỉ còn quan tâm đến #hanhphuchoc #tudohoc #kiemtienhoc #suckhoehoc #yeuthuonghoc thôi hihi Bạn học hỏi được điều gì qua truyện cười này? This morning I read this jokes and I kept laughing forever: A professor was traveling by boat. On his way he asked the sailor:“Do you know Biology, Ecology, Zoology, Geography, Physiology?The sailor said no to all his questions. Professor: What the hell do you know on earth? You will die of illiteracy. After a while the boat started sinking. The sailor asked the Professor, do you know swiminology & escapology from sharkology? The professor said no. Sailor: “Well, sharkology & crocodilogy will eat your assology, headology & you will dieology because of your mouthology. I used to be a "doctor of thought", but since I join with the #Biggroups7s system, I only care about #happinessology #freedomology #makemoneylogy #healthyology #lovingology How do you think? (at Ho Chi Minh City) https://www.instagram.com/p/BskKMb-H5YI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1spfokclljl7d
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0ceanic-cosm0s · 22 days
To the Hellfire - chapter 1
[Josh Washington x F! Reader]
3.7k words
masterlist zero - one - two
chapter wrote by @sharkology & @xghostcr0wx
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[mature language, mental health issues]
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You and Sam were on the bus for a while, occasionally making conversations in between comfortable silence. You learned she was a big animal lover and adored nature. She was also vegan, and a bit of a pacifist. She told you the others tend to make fun of her a bit for her morals and beliefs in that area, but she didn’t let it get to her. She was comfortable in her own skin and was herself no matter what anyone said. You admired how strong willed she was, how she was so confident. Characteristics you had in yourself yes, but not as much as her, which you envied a little.
You were listening to your music, looking out the window when Sam nudged your elbow slightly. You take out an earbud, looking at her curiously. “What’s up?”
She offers you an earbud from her wired headphones. “How much has Josh told you about his sisters?”
You shrug, taking it in your hand. “Not much honestly. I’ve only heard a bit, but I never pressed him further on the matter. Why?”
She gestured to the earbud, and you hesitantly put it in, raising an eyebrow at her. You put it in and she played something on her phone. A male radio host speaks from the phone. He started off saying it was the one year anniversary of the tragic deaths that took place on the Washington mountain. Josh’s family’s mountain. The radio host began to introduce a detective from the case, inquiring about if there’s an update on the disappearance of the two sisters, Hannah and Beth Washington. You mentally note how the radio host said they were ‘missing’, and not found dead.
Annie, the detective, began by explaining how the two sisters left the safety of their parent’s lodge on this day last year and ran outside into a snowstorm. Never to be seen again. The radio host, Marty, asks if there was any foul play, but the detective denies-saying officially there hasn’t been any evidence found. She proceeded to say there was a person of interest they were suspicious of considering they have an ‘interesting’ history with the Washington family. But this person’s whereabouts were currently unknown. She said that this suspect had warned the family about pursuing their construction project, proclaiming that the mountain was sacred to his forefathers.
The radio host then mentioned a sanatorium, asking if the suspect could be there. The detective said that her officers searched the grounds, but that not even the two sisters could have made it up that far. The host notes that something about the mountain seems to breed tragic events. “That’s for damn sure.” You mentally think to yourself, finding the whole conversation crazy and weird. The detective replies, saying “More than you know, Marty.”
He thanked Annie for joining him on the radio, and proceeded to announce to his listeners, “To all the Washington’s tonight…Their son Josh on this the anniversary of the mysterious disappearance of Hannah and Beth Washington.” Sam shifts her phone sideways, leaning it closer to you so you can see better. Interested, you lean in slightly.
Josh appeared suddenly on the screen, and a certain feeling in your stomach started to flutter. You couldn’t help but feel a little giddy anytime you saw his face, and heard his voice. Your face softens lightly, Sam noticing and taking a mental note on it, possibly going to tease you later on about it.
The video plays, starting out with Josh speaking to the viewers/listeners, “Well hello friends and fans…Alright let’s do that again..” He walks up to the camera, adjusting the zoom in to be focusing more on his face. You laugh to yourself as it captures a crazy shot into his face, considering if you should poke fun at him for it when you see him. He backs away as the camera adjusts and repeats again with that dorky grin, “Alright. Well hello friends and fans! It’s beyond awesome to have you guys all back this year. Um, first off, I gotta say I am super excited to welcome all my pals back to the annual blackwood winter getaway!”
He pumps his fist in the air, whispering-yelling a cheer. You have to mentally stop yourself from letting out a noticeable cringe face at how corny that was. You take a deep breath to calm down as he continues, and even though you found it a little weird, a smile was on your lips at his playful actions. You did miss them a lot. “So, um..Let me just let you know, let’s take a moment to..Address the “elephant in the room” for a second..” You notice how Sam’s face saddens a bit, and you place a comforting hand on her shoulder, not sure if she’d be ok with it. But thankfully she gives you an appreciative smile, and you two focus your attention back to her phone.
Josh starts again slowly. “I know you’re all probably worried about me..And I know it’s gonna be tough on all of us going back after what happened last year. But-I just want you all to know, um..It means..It means so much to me that we’re doing this. And I..”
He trails off, his mouth hanging slightly open as he tries to get together his next words, “I know it would mean so much to Hannah and Beth that we’re-we’re all still together. Thinking of them. I really want to spend some quality time with each and every one of you and um, just share some moments we’ll never forget. For the sake of my sisters, you know? Ok..So! Let’s party like we’re fucking porn stars, ok? And make this one a trip we’ll never forget. Alright? Yes!”
He exclaimed, making an odd emphasis on the ‘fucking’ part. You clasp a hand around your mouth, an audible laugh trying to escape your throat. You had to hold it back otherwise the whole bus would be filled with your uncontrollable laughter. Sam looked over at you confused, but joined into your laughter. She had to admit it was pretty cringe, but that’s Josh for you.
After a 2 hour bus ride, you and Sam finally arrived at the lodge. You both gather your things and get ready to hop off the bus. As you take your first step outside, you can hear the satisfying crunch of snow beneath your boots. The first thing you did was look around you. There was a tall wooden sign that wrote ‘Blackwood Pines’. The harsh, cold air smacked you in your face as you silently followed Sam, letting her lead the way.
It's such a beautiful area, the landscape has a blue overcast from the snowy mountains and ice that covers the scenery. You can hear the calm whirling of the icy wind, but there's also the sound of movement and twigs snapping in the distance.
You and Sam both break your necks to look at your surroundings, seeing if anyone else has also shown up to the mountain yet.
“Hello? Is anyone there?” Sam calls out into the dark, cold forest only to be met with silence.
“Hm, I guess it was just an animal then.” You say in response to the silence, and Sam nods her head.
You two continue to the cable car station, only to see a locked gate in the way. Sam walks up to the note and pulls it off the gate.
“Awh come on! Really?” Sam exclaimed in response to the note.
“What does it say?” You ask curiously, peaking over her shoulder to see the note. Sam turns the paper so you can get a good view of it.
‘Gate’s busted, climb over - Chris’
“Man that sucks.” You say as you and Sam make your way over to the wall to climb over. It was kind of a big task, you were in thick winter clothes and had your big backpack of essentials on your shoulders. Once you made it over the wall, you felt relief and finally caught your breath.
Continuing down the path, You and Sam made it to the cable car station. You were scoping the area out while Sam walked up to a plaque with a map that has words written in red.
“Wow, graffiti way up here..” Sam mumbles. You look at the graffiti in question which read: The past is beyond our control.
Reading that reminded you of what Josh told you his therapist, Dr. Hill, would tell him related to the disappearance of his sisters. Thinking about that alone gave you a weird feeling in your stomach, an unsettling one.
You soon meet Chris, right after Sam makes the smart decision not to snoop through his belongings. You remember Chris from all the funny stories Josh would tell you. He's a humorous guy, but you can tell he cares for his friends a lot from just listening to him eagerly tell the story of how he and Josh met. Chris was Josh's closest friend and you're glad Chris is there for him. Learning about how they became friends was such a sweet thing to hear. You catch yourself smiling every time Sam or Chris bring up Josh, but you can't help it.
“So how did you meet Josh, [Y/n]?” Chris asks curiously and Sam looks at you, awaiting your response. A million thoughts run through your head at once because, what do you say? You don't want to tell them you met at a mental hospital, especially since you don't know if Josh is comfortable with them knowing about his stay there in the first place.
“Oh, we met in college!” You make up a lie quickly and hope they buy it. “We were partnered up for an assignment. We stayed friends after that, but I switched majors and schools. We've kept in contact since.” You praise yourself on the inside for effortlessly coming up with a believable lie. You all continue to converse the rest of the cable car ride, and you find yourself very comfortable with Josh’s friends so far.
You get off at the next building where the cable car drops you off. You guys head inside, but find the door locked. Sam and Chris bang on the door, getting someone’s attention as a girl walks by.
“AHH! What the hell?” She exclaims. Chris calls out, “Jess hey!”
“Jessica over here!” Sam shouts from behind the window on the door. Jess walks over, looking at us curiously and somewhat annoyed.
“Uhh..Are you three having a really weird stroke?” You find that an, odd comment to reply with. But Chris speaks up. “We’re stuck in this stupid thing.”
“Can you please let us out? Pretty please?” Sam asks. Jessica presses a button and lets you all out. Chris starts to exaggerate our situation, saying he thought we were all goners and that if another ten minutes went by he would’ve chewed off his leg. You chuckle lightly as Sam calls him sick, but he just shrugs and says he has a lot of meat on his bones. Claiming it was “All muscle down there.” You shake your head, but find them all to be amusing. Sam sarcastically agrees.
Jess seemed to have an envelope in her hands, and Chris snags it away from her, earning a protest from Jess.
“Chris..” Sam says in a warning tone. You walk over to Sam and watch the situation unfold as she gives you an apologetic look for their childish behavior. After Chris and Jess stopped bickering about what is in the letter, apparently a love one to her boyfriend Mike, Jess snatches it back from him.
Chris suggests we all hurry and head up to the lodge, he was “Getting tired from all the nature and junk.”. Jess says she’ll stay behind, and wait to see who else may come up.
Chris teasingly calls back, asking if she meant Mike. Jess gets flustered a bit, fumbling over her words, “What? I mean, you know, whoever.” Jess says dismissively. You three continue on your way, Sam taking a moment to appreciate the beauty of the mountains, and the way the snow falls all around. You smile as you take in the sight with her, taking out your phone and snapping a few pictures before heading along the trail.
The three of you are only a few minutes away from the lodge, and you can feel more anxiety building up as you get closer and closer.
“We should be seeing Josh any minute now.” Chris informs and you feel your ears perk at the mention of Josh.
“Great, because I'm getting way too cold to stay out here for much longer.” Sam says in relief but you only feel more nervous.
You know there's nothing to worry about. You and Josh are technically close, you both text and call everyday, and you would talk all the time. But that didn't stop you from feeling that sinking feeling in your gut.
‘Maybe he'll change his mind about being friends with me.”
Anxious thoughts plagued your mind, your stress and intrusive thoughts wracking your head with doubts. You felt your mouth go dry. You needed to keep yourself together though. Josh might be here any second.
"Hey Josh!" You hear Chris call out and you look over to see Josh himself. Your heart is pumping in your chest even faster then before, which you didn't know was possible. You and Josh lock eyes for a moment and he gives you a smile that you return. You get a good view of him for the first time outside of the hospital in normal clothes, and man does he look good. He's wearing a cream colored beanie, with a tan vest, plait long sleeve, and black long sleeve shirt underneath. His black bracelets attract your eyes to his exposed forearms and hands. His veins bulge from small movements. If you didn't have a big crush before, you definitely had one now.
"Chris, Sam," he gives them a nod of acknowledgement and then he looks over to you "[Y/n]~" he says your name in a sing-songy voice that has you feeling a certain way. You can tell he's leaning in for a hug and you gladly return it. It was a short, almost side hug. This is the first time you've ever been in close proximity with Josh, and it was only for a split second. You were able to catch a whiff of his scent, some sort of cologne with a woody scent.
"It's been too long." Josh says to you after pulling away, and looks to Chris and Sam as well. "How was the trip here?"
"Man it feels like the mountain gets bigger every time I climb it." Chris complains in an unserious manner.
"Oh yeah? Feels the same to me." Josh smuggly smiles. You enjoy listening to their banter, but you're ready to get inside and warm up.
“Chris, I'm going to need your help getting inside." They both walk up to the front door and you take that as your cue to break off with Sam; there’s still 2 other people you have to introduce yourself to.
Josh and Chris find out that the door is iced so they make their way down the stairs. Chris stops in front of a girl named Ashley, briefly talking to her, allowing you to sneak glances at Josh’s moonlit frame, thinking he didn’t notice. Once they are done, Josh flashes you a flirtatious wink as he catches you staring, and goes with Chris towards the side of the lodge to find another opening, while you talk with the others. Your heart thumped hard against your chest again.
As Josh and Chris make their trek to find an opening, Josh speaks up, “Ashley was looking pretty hot today, right?” They stop in the middle of the trail and Chris turns to him.
“She’s kinda like a ‘sleeper hit’ kinda gal, you know? Now I just want to rip that parka right off her..Make some snow angels. Right?” Chris takes a minute to ponder, but eventually agrees to humor Josh. “Yes..Absolutely.” He says in mock agreement, crossing his arms over his chest.
“When are you gonna take her to the bone zone?” Josh inquires. Chris smirks, replying back. “Speaking of, I’ve seen the way you’ve been staring at [Y/n]. Did you invite her here for some alone time?” He nudges Josh, giving him a playful grin.
Josh chuckles, continuing on walking. “Well, maybe I am looking for the chance to take her to my bone zone, vip exclusive.” He admits, adding in a shrug. Chris scoffs and shakes his head. “You’re such a weirdo man.” He stops him again, getting his full attention.
“Listen dude. Look around you. Look at these beautiful mountains. Do you see any parents? I mean can you imagine a more perfect, ripe scenario, just dripping with erotic possibilities? You and Ashley, me and [Y/n], alone together at last. And you’ve laid all the groundwork..You’ve been a perfect gentleman. Now you come in for the kill!” Chris huffs, and nods.
“Maybe you’re right.” He says. Josh grins approvingly. “You’re a hunter, bro. No fear. No mercy. I mean she won’t even know what hit her.” Josh walks off, leaving Chris to think over his words and laugh at how cringe his words were. “Alright, alright. I got it. Jeez.” Chris follows after him, and begins to work on getting inside the window they found to be unlocked.
You and the girls, along with a guy named Matt, were still outside freezing your asses off. You heard Chris make some corny ‘ghost’ noises. Sam sighs, walking up to the window on the door, “Hi Chris, very funny.”
“Aw, how’d you know it was me?” He replied, hiding from the window. Sam ignores him and continues. “Shouldn’t you be, like, getting the lock open or something?” Chris faces the window and replies, “On it!” You guys hear what sounds like fire from behind the door and see the flames lighting up his face. He finally opens it, giving us a playful bow.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you. I’ll be here all week-“ Chris was saying, and then shrieked as a wolverine ran from in between his feet and out the door. “Shit, that thing freaked me out.” He sighs out, his heart racing from the shock. Ashley asked if he was ok, and what it was. He said it was a bear or a tiger or something, which it obviously wasn’t because bears were far larger, and tigers would not be this high up in the mountains.
But you didn’t think to bother commenting on it. Sam however does, saying it was just a cute little baby wolverine in a baby-like voice, probably to mock Chris. You giggle at it though, and Sam smiles more as you did. Chris was about to protest, when all of a sudden Josh quickly came up behind you guys. “Don’t worry buddy, you’re gonna be a big boy soon.” Chris raises a brow at him, replying with a teasing tone. “Oh yeah? So are you.” He looks at you, giving you a small wink.
You had no fucking clue what these two goofballs were talking about, probably some inside joke. Chris did say they had quite a few. So you shrug it off and everyone heads inside, Josh following close behind you. He brushes past, purposely caressing his hand against yours and heads into the living room. It makes your cheeks flush a bit red, but quickly calm yourself down, thinking it must’ve been an innocent accident. Josh stops in the middle of the room, “Home sweet home!” He exclaimed. However, Matt protested in disagreement.
Ashley notes that it was nice to be inside, even if it was still cold. Josh acknowledges her words, and says he’ll get a fire going. Matt remarks how the place doesn't look any different. You walk over to the couch and sit down, taking in the decor as they continue coversing. “That’s because no ones been up here.” Josh replies. Ashley asks, “Even with all the police coming in and out?” Chris answers her question, “Not a lot of action up here lately.”
After that, you set your bag down as the silence fills the room besides the small chatter between Chris, Sam, and Ashley. Matt was sulking though. You wanted to ask, but didn’t feel it was your place to. You head over to Josh as he was trying to start a fire, and kneel down beside him. “Hey, just wanted to say you have a really nice place here. I don’t think I’ve seen anything like it before.”
Josh looks at you, grinning at your compliments. “Thanks, but it’s really all my Mom and Dad’s work. Dad has the money, and Mom is the home furnishing expert, so she loves making fancy ass homes look neat.” You nod at his words, noticing his struggle with the fire. You slowly grab it from his hands, and start to prep the wood correctly. “It’s easier if you stack them like a teepee..” You put small pieces of kindling underneath the larger pieces of wood, and use the lighter to set it on fire, and slowly but surely a fire begins to start.
“..And that’s how you do it.” You proudly state, looking at him with a smile. He chuckles, looking at the fire you made for him. “Ok Ms. Girlscout, you didn't have to show off like that.” He teases, and you hand him back his lighter. “What can I say? A girl knows a thing or two when you’ve been camping for years.”
You two continue to converse by the fire, catching up on stuff you haven’t told each other over the phone and how the ride was here. He sneakily and slowly leaned his shoulder against yours, craving more intimacy with you in this perfect mood by the warmth of the flames. You noticed, but tried not to show it, mentally having to keep yourself calm at his small touches.
Now we all were just waiting for the three other people to come. Which would lead to a very stressful and anxiety inducing situation for everyone.
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
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samuelolaleye-blog · 8 years
A professor was traveling by boat on a high
New Post has been published on http://p.femiolaleye.com/a-professor-was-traveling-by-boat-on-a-high/
A professor was traveling by boat on a high
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A professor was traveling by boat on a high sea. On their way, he asked the sailor: ‘Hey! do u know Oceanology? Biology? Ecology? Zoology? Physiology? Epidemology?
‘NO’ said the sailor.
The Prof got angry and said: ‘then what do u know? You will die of illetracy’!.
30 minutes later, the boat started sinking. The sailor looked at Prof and asked: ‘Prof, do u know Swiminology and Escapeology from Sharkology?
‘NO’ said the Prof.
Sailor: Well that means Crocodileology will eat your Headology and u will Dielogy with your Knowledgeology because of your Badmouthology and grammartology.
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Morals *Don’t be proud!* You are not an island of knowledge, don’t look down on anyone, we all have different grace and ability.
Pls postology and put smilelogy on ur friends’ faceology.
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sgbsgreaternoida · 8 months
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jaypakrhe · 5 years
A Professor was traveling by boat. On his way he asked the sailor:
“Do you know Biology, Ecology, Zoology, Geography, physiology?
The sailor said no to all his questions.
Professor: What the hell do you know on earth. You will die of illiteracy.
After a while the boat started sinking. The Sailor asked the Professor, do you know swiminology & escapology from sharkology?
The professor…
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funfacenet · 6 years
A professor was traveling by boat. On his way he asked the sailor:
“Do you know Biology, Ecology, Zoology, Geography, Physiology?
The sailor said no to all his questions.
Professor: What the hell do you know on earth? You will die of illiteracy.
After a while the boat started sinking. The sailor asked the Professor, do you know swiminology & escapology from sharkology?
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alliances-urine-tv · 7 years
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