davyjf · 7 years
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It’s all fun and games until someone checks the naughty list (tip: you made the nice list!). 
For @reinlili
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Alright babe, it’s our first official Christmas and all I can say is that I hope there’s many more to come for the two of us. There was so much I wanted to get you to make sure this year was as special as it gets, but I figured I’d save some for other occasions, since I intend for there to be a lot of them. Here’s what I settled on for this year though. 
First, the rings. They might not be of the engagement kind, but you can consider it a promise (do people still do that?) - I know we’ve talked about jealousy a bit lately and while I don’t think it’s a problem for us, I thought this might help ease both of our minds a little bit. They’re a set, and I will wear mine always so you never have to worry if anyone is wondering - they will know my heart is spoken for even before I can tell them. Next, the flowers. Okay, I thought these were really cool and something you could take along with you when we have to be apart. Keep them in the box and (somehow, magically) they will last whole year (cool, right?!). 
On to the naughty list stuff. It looks like a candle, smells like a candle, is a candle. But it also melts into a deliciously silky massage oil that I thought we could have a little bit of fun with! Next is a book of love poems by Pablo Neruda. They’re almost as beautiful as you and I wish I had the talent to tell you how I feel as elegantly as he does but I’ll borrow his words this time so you never have to wonder. I figured I’d leave this last one boxed up so we could open in private later, but you can probably guess what’s hidden in there (Don’t let your dad see this one!). 
Meeting you and getting to spend the past several months falling more and more in love with you has been then absolute best thing that’s happened to me and more than I ever could have hoped for. You’re my everything and I look forward to spending the next year, and many more after, falling even more in love with you. Have a very Merry Christmas, babe. 
Love, Dave. 
For Zoey @zoeydevtch
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Merry Christmas Zoey, I pulled in a favor from the big man and got you off the naughty list. You can thank me later! I got you a mug made without upcoming smash reality show hit - I figured it might motivate us to get things done (or just make you laugh when you see it and remember what nerds we are!). I also got you a couple snowboarding goodies - socks and gloves (don’t ask me what is with all the pink this time around, but it just happened) - stay warm and safe out there, will you?! And lastly, but perhaps most importantly, the only hangover tonic you will ever need.  It’s handcrafted using a unique blend of herbs known to ease the ailments caused by the overindulgence of a good time. Can be mixed into cocktails or employed to alleviate nausea, stress headaches, anxiety, or an upset stomach. Goes great in Whiskey, Bourbon, Tea, or straight in Soda water.
Anyway, if my mom had managed to push out a girl at some point, I’m pretty sure she would have ended up a lot like you (nice, but a bit weird), so I figure you’re probably about the closest thing I’m ever going to get to a sister and now we just need to make the Dueco’s official so that next year at this time, we can share the family insanity! Have a great, one and hey, try and be good?
For Zach @roerigz
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Merry f’in Christmas man! 
I just wanted to take a minute to celebrate the holidays with you and thank you for being not just a stand-up guy, but a great friend this past year-ish (not quite, but close enough, right?). We’ve had some good times but you’ve also listened to me babble on and on about just about anything and everything with patience of a fucking saint. You’re good people, brother, and I’m glad our paths crossed. 
Alright, first up, some new longboarding gloves and a sneaker cleaning kit so you can look fresh as hell once all this snow goes away and we can get back out there again. I threw in some snowboarding goggles because a man has to look good all year round, right? Lastly, I came across this nifty little business card holder that not only seemed appropriate but well timed give your new adventure. I figure those new business cards are going to be in high demand, so you should have something both handsome and convenient! 
I hope you and the family have an excellent Christmas and that 2018 is extra good to you all! Merry Christmas!
For @tylerjbburn, @levittjoe, @edwardhardy, @dempjoe, @evanpxtrs, @bviewgron, @shay-bright, @roberttsemma
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Merry Christmas friends, 
I wanted to do something a little different this year, because we all know Santa is going to spoil you all rotten and I didn’t want to contribute to the corruption, so I figured I’d do something good! I think most of you know that I lost my best friend to cancer awhile back. While he was battling the disease and since he passed, I’ve been a huge supporter of Stand Up To Cancer, which raises money every year to accelerate the amazing and groundbreaking research happening all over the country. All the proceeds from your spiffy new hoodies and travel bottles will be a part of helping us get closer to finding a cure, once and for all! 
Anyway, I hope you all have an amazing Christmas! Thanks for the laughs and the good talks. Here’s to many more in 2018! 
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