#he wanted to do something meaningful and this is legit a cause he supports!
davyjf · 7 years
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It’s all fun and games until someone checks the naughty list (tip: you made the nice list!). 
For @reinlili
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Alright babe, it’s our first official Christmas and all I can say is that I hope there’s many more to come for the two of us. There was so much I wanted to get you to make sure this year was as special as it gets, but I figured I’d save some for other occasions, since I intend for there to be a lot of them. Here’s what I settled on for this year though. 
First, the rings. They might not be of the engagement kind, but you can consider it a promise (do people still do that?) - I know we’ve talked about jealousy a bit lately and while I don’t think it’s a problem for us, I thought this might help ease both of our minds a little bit. They’re a set, and I will wear mine always so you never have to worry if anyone is wondering - they will know my heart is spoken for even before I can tell them. Next, the flowers. Okay, I thought these were really cool and something you could take along with you when we have to be apart. Keep them in the box and (somehow, magically) they will last whole year (cool, right?!). 
On to the naughty list stuff. It looks like a candle, smells like a candle, is a candle. But it also melts into a deliciously silky massage oil that I thought we could have a little bit of fun with! Next is a book of love poems by Pablo Neruda. They’re almost as beautiful as you and I wish I had the talent to tell you how I feel as elegantly as he does but I’ll borrow his words this time so you never have to wonder. I figured I’d leave this last one boxed up so we could open in private later, but you can probably guess what’s hidden in there (Don’t let your dad see this one!). 
Meeting you and getting to spend the past several months falling more and more in love with you has been then absolute best thing that’s happened to me and more than I ever could have hoped for. You’re my everything and I look forward to spending the next year, and many more after, falling even more in love with you. Have a very Merry Christmas, babe. 
Love, Dave. 
For Zoey @zoeydevtch
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Merry Christmas Zoey, I pulled in a favor from the big man and got you off the naughty list. You can thank me later! I got you a mug made without upcoming smash reality show hit - I figured it might motivate us to get things done (or just make you laugh when you see it and remember what nerds we are!). I also got you a couple snowboarding goodies - socks and gloves (don’t ask me what is with all the pink this time around, but it just happened) - stay warm and safe out there, will you?! And lastly, but perhaps most importantly, the only hangover tonic you will ever need.  It’s handcrafted using a unique blend of herbs known to ease the ailments caused by the overindulgence of a good time. Can be mixed into cocktails or employed to alleviate nausea, stress headaches, anxiety, or an upset stomach. Goes great in Whiskey, Bourbon, Tea, or straight in Soda water.
Anyway, if my mom had managed to push out a girl at some point, I’m pretty sure she would have ended up a lot like you (nice, but a bit weird), so I figure you’re probably about the closest thing I’m ever going to get to a sister and now we just need to make the Dueco’s official so that next year at this time, we can share the family insanity! Have a great, one and hey, try and be good?
For Zach @roerigz
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Merry f’in Christmas man! 
I just wanted to take a minute to celebrate the holidays with you and thank you for being not just a stand-up guy, but a great friend this past year-ish (not quite, but close enough, right?). We’ve had some good times but you’ve also listened to me babble on and on about just about anything and everything with patience of a fucking saint. You’re good people, brother, and I’m glad our paths crossed. 
Alright, first up, some new longboarding gloves and a sneaker cleaning kit so you can look fresh as hell once all this snow goes away and we can get back out there again. I threw in some snowboarding goggles because a man has to look good all year round, right? Lastly, I came across this nifty little business card holder that not only seemed appropriate but well timed give your new adventure. I figure those new business cards are going to be in high demand, so you should have something both handsome and convenient! 
I hope you and the family have an excellent Christmas and that 2018 is extra good to you all! Merry Christmas!
For @tylerjbburn, @levittjoe, @edwardhardy, @dempjoe, @evanpxtrs, @bviewgron, @shay-bright, @roberttsemma
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Merry Christmas friends, 
I wanted to do something a little different this year, because we all know Santa is going to spoil you all rotten and I didn’t want to contribute to the corruption, so I figured I’d do something good! I think most of you know that I lost my best friend to cancer awhile back. While he was battling the disease and since he passed, I’ve been a huge supporter of Stand Up To Cancer, which raises money every year to accelerate the amazing and groundbreaking research happening all over the country. All the proceeds from your spiffy new hoodies and travel bottles will be a part of helping us get closer to finding a cure, once and for all! 
Anyway, I hope you all have an amazing Christmas! Thanks for the laughs and the good talks. Here’s to many more in 2018! 
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asset35-maya · 3 years
Since you are doing birthday prompts.
Tina trying to surprise Connor for his birthday please??
I’ll happily do all prompts and all pairings. But I love the birthday theme we got going! Thanks for the ask and for supporting this rarepair so wholeheartedly @rjhpandapaws
Tina had a problem on her hands. A big one. She felt even guiltier about it than all the times she procrastinated on her assignments.
She’d put off making a decision until the very last minute… and then some… and now it was too late to plan anything without being caught.
It was Connor’s activation day. And Tina hadn’t thought to gift him as much as a pair of socks.
She really was the worst girlfriend.
Tina chewed the end of her pencil anxiously as she watched people stop by Connor’s desk one by one to wish him a happy birthday and drop off some small present or the other.
It didn’t seem so hard for them. But then again getting away with a dog or fish-shaped gag gift was easy when you were a colleague rather than a significant other.
Tina found herself questioning whether she knew Connor intimately at all. Why couldn’t she decide what to do for him? Why did only the most cliche and cringeworthy things come to mind? Whyyyy…. couldn’t she pull off a brilliant birthday surprise like the one he’d done for her thirtieth birthday?
The day had begun as per normal. Tina barely managed to squeeze in a quick kiss and birthday wish before Connor hurried them out of bed to get ready for work.
Then the guilt continued to soak through her steadily as the clock ticked on. By lunchtime Tina lost all focus on work and began to spiral.
A loud thunk and the scrape of a chair brought her out of her reverie. Gavin had invited himself to eat his subway sandwich at her desk.
“Do you want half of this footlong, or are you gonna eat that pencil for lunch?”
Tina withdrew the chewed-up writing instrument from her mouth and sighed. Gavin’s eyes flicked over to her briefly before returning to the mustard-drenched mess before him.
“So you forgot his birthday, huh?”
She kicked him under the desk, but he was prepared. He moved his feet out of the way and snickered childishly. Tina was already feeling better as she rolled her eyes.
“I didn’t forget. I just… couldn’t decide what to do for him. Like… what do you get a guy who has everything?”
Gavin had taken a bite of the sandwich but still decided to talk through his mouthful.
“Who shaysh he hash evvything?”
“I mean… he’s an advanced android. There’s not a thing in the world he couldn’t do for himself if he really wanted. I… would have to do something really extraordinary for it to be meaningful to him.”
Tina paused, not so much for introspection, but to hand Gavin a tissue. She moved some paperwork out of the way for good measure. Gavin brushed the crumbs off his face before speaking.
“T, I can see where you’re going with this. As someone who’s been there, done that with Nines. I gotta tell you to stop. Throw that inferiority complex out of the window. Just cause he can add things to an Amazon order cart faster than you doesn’t mean he doesn’t need things… need you…”
Tina looked into the storm green eyes that had grown so warm and kind over the years. There was no trace of the hostility Gavin used to be known for. She softened and leaned closer.
“What should I do? He doesn’t seem to feel particularly strongly about… anything. At least if he hated… I dunno… mustard… then I could avoid getting him a shirt in that colour. Connor is just so neutral about everything.”
Tina waited patiently for Gavin to chew and get though a rather large bite. He helped himself to her bottle of water and swallowed painfully. She grimaced.
“He isn’t neutral about you.”
She looked away.
“I’m serious. He’d set the whole city on fire for you if you asked.”
“If I was into arson, I’d do it myself.”
“Don’t be a smartass, T. What I mean is… you’re his everything. You’re already his birthday present. You don’t have to do anything.”
Tina scowled at him.
“Complacence is literally how 90% of America’s failed relationships end.”
Gavin held up his hands in mock surrender. Ten sticky mustard fingers. But one of them had a silver ring, so maybe he was worth listening to.
“Okay Miss T. What I mean is you don’t have to do anything fancy to win him over. That battle was won a long time ago. Just do something. Anything. With sincerity. And you’ll make him the happiest little droid Detroit has ever seen.”
She nodded slowly.
Gavin crumpled up the piece of paper from his half of the sandwich. He tossed the ball at the wastepaper basket… and missed horribly. He looked back at her as if nothing happened.
“Okay. I was hoping I could guide you to an answer within yourself but clearly you’re hopeless so I’m gonna just share an old hack I learnt in college. Ask him to guess.”
“Have three options in mind and tell him you’re going on a date. Dress neutral, so that he takes his cue from you, and then ask him to guess where you’re going. Pick the option closest to his guess and boom! Tina Chen wins the award for best girlfriend of the year.”
He nudged her foot with his to get her to look into his eyes when she didn’t respond.
“Hey… it’s okay… don’t worry so much. You and Connor have a really good thing going and a silly birthday surprise isn’t gonna be make or break. Legit.”
Tina met his eye and nodded. A relieved smile broke across Gavin’s face.
They both looked up to see Connor walking over to Tina’s desk. She stood up automatically and received a well-practiced kiss on her left temple.
“If you’re able to wrap up early, could we go for a long walk today? Head up to sunset point on Belle Isle and spend a bit of time there?”
“Like a picnic? Oh Con, that’s so romantic. I wish I’d thought of that first. I’m so sorry I didn’t plan anything out. I just didn’t know-”
“Babe, I honestly just want to sit on a park bench and hold a middle finger up to Cyberlife Tower if that’s okay with you. It’s kind of become an annual activation day ritual. I was hoping you’d join me?”
Tina put a hand on Connor’s cheek and stood on her tiptoes to kiss him on the mouth while Gavin laughed loudly enough for their colleagues to look around in alarm.
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captainkurosolaire · 3 years
Things I Like RP Partners to Know
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I like to be called: Captain, Kuro, Zach, Degenerate, w/e. I'm typically not nerved by really anything, mostly chill. (Went in-depth and tagged below cut)
One thing you should know about me: I really just write for passion anymore, I don't care about this whole Post+ stuff, it won't play a factor in me. Tumblr has really everything that allows me to write and further myself. However, it ever goes away, even if becomes Myspace 2.0, I'll probably still maintain writing here off and on in spurts. --Now if they shut-down, I might convert over somewhere that's identical, cause Twitter couldn't handle my girth. I'm mildly autistic and suffer from a few other conflicting health aliments, writing is my obsessiveness and remedy. Used to be gaming, but I became less of a gamer, and replaced it more for writing cause It's a place where I can contain and throw all my thought's to usage. My mind overlaps with so much thing's at once, I get side-tracked, misplacement, my concentration shifts horribly, before I know it, I haven't slept for twenty-four hours or more. Lot of stuff is just me being redundant by fault. Or I become overwhelmed with a story ideas, that impulsively takes me, but majority of my best thing's are sudden. Not the one's that are ever planned. But I don't live to make excuses never care to be defined, by one thing, or person. I don't aim to attain much of anything in life but be a better me, until my end. And by analyzing your mind, you can do or achieve a lot I've discovered. So I repetitively no matter what jog down my WIP's and unleash, or my errors, I put them all on badges displays, then I go back and repeat until I show progress. That's how I have to learn. But passion is a candle, so when it burn's out I lose a lot of what I learned, it's natural after that to be discouraged, but instead, for me, that gets me going again. Cause mean's I can come at thing's with a whole new mental perspective and different flow, then compare, and again, adapt and improve. One thing you should know about RPing with my character(s): Everything is a factor and story with me. Losses, they matter. My character originally was highly killable almost every session, but advanced due to the actions of others, because of them, he found the value of his own life, and that's how I like to do my characters. Even the win's my character gets from stories, will most likely have a 'bad ending' occasionally or result into something new sprouting from it eventually, however that doesn't define at-all how permanently it effects them. But seasonally they go through their struggle. Life for real, is up and down's, these are the component's I factor in. Realistically, sure we fall. We never truly decline unless we allow it. Our character's philosophies, their mental judgement, dislikes, etc, all these thing's become ingrained they decide how much they want too fight and live, they step to improve or sometimes stumble under roadblocks, but not truly devolve. So the more people he interacts with or meets and encounters in RP, they are factors, they're meaningful to meet again, or live, their short teachings are insightful. No matter how small or large or incomplete stories went or passed-by. I created a character who was filled in by others initially. Even one-shot smuts, they're important experiences. Lot more to appreciate when your character learns on their own how to surpass their weaknesses and suffering organically. Still do RP with others but typically I do collaborations, or pre-established or short things, or Discord, one-shot in-game stuff, screenshot things that can convey RP. Want to build this Crew as their own functioning characters, not so much minor throwaways, but shippable, and highly in-depth. Essentially building an optional anime for my partner's, one-day. Long-term with me right now just isn't something I'd ever ask or expect from me. I'm too jumbled and a mess. But it's not a never, I do have two people who are among all my stuff and involved. I'd include anyone in my stories too if they wanted partaken. First language: Gibberish / English. Age range: under 13  |  14–17 | 18–22 | 23–25 | 26–29 | 30+ | 40+ | 70+ Am I okay with NSFW?: yes |
no | some nsfw I came solely off that, my reputation, was known as 'That ERP guy' on Balmung OG day's, I'm one of the degen's from that era. But character's evolve and adapt as do their people, they become more, but maintain their origins to degree. Those perspective's and things learned from NSFW are very paramount to a lot of SFW too. My favorite/most common thing to RP is: angst | fluff | smut | crack | action | plots | AUs are fine | Violence | Darker themes |  I dunno. * I'm pretty open-ended in all things. It's all fascinating for me to attempt at improving. Reason finally pulled the trigger and made a diverse Crew for Captain was give off different interactions and also more reason's to write beyond my usual trends. I'll tackle eventually every genre... now doesn't mean I'll excel in those fields more than my specialties, but I'll do it. Canon Character RP Friendly?: yes | no | depends * I stick with the sandbox but I'll stretch out all the space and limits of it. Building skyscrapers and UFO's with that sand, just happens that this Universe has magic, science, alchemy, holograms, all-around unlimited absurd possibilities, more than even D&D, which makes this game the best to RP within. When comes to interacting with anything Canon base, It'll always dwarf me though. Most likely I'll write my own legit WoL's, thinking of making an 'antagonist' one, but more 'protagonist too' (maybe hunk viera male?) I like making construed lines between characters, that's really complex, it's avidly up to a reader to decide who's in the right or wrong or if they're rooting for the villain or good-guy. I see most lore characters as Celebrities which my character would be rightfully cultured in, and they're untouchable, least for my characters. To me the source of what, who, or with you're writing is what determines a lot. But yeah RPing with anything Canon related, I switch to being a just minor gnat. And there's going to be a lot of consequences, that come if there's anything that does effect something that matters in the Universe. Just cause my pirate is causing havoc and having fun for now, doesn't mean law's don't catch-up or something else doesn't. Cause and effect always. RP blog: does contain ooc posts | doesn’t contain ooc posts | occasionally contains ooc* I would do more OOC if did asks, or inbox related things and was wanted, but outside occasional updates, I stick to my role. That's just write stories and screenshots and practice everything. I'm thankful for anyone who does enjoy anything I share or supports me, It's what brings me back faster and I do always think of you too when I want to get better, it's uplifting and inspiring, alongside boosting. If I do bring any motivation to anything, I do. Then that's the best payment I could get. I like seeing others thrive, or soar higher than me, and unleash their creativity. Tagged by:@spotofmummery (Thank ye my treasured friend!) Tagging anyone/everyone: @roguestly @scholarlybreadbun @under-the-blood-moonlight @lettersnorth @violet-warder @lukawarrioroflight @eligos-venator @corpse-dancer @silvernsteel @silvertail-ffxiv @roxinova @lavender-hemlock @fracturedfantasia @zhauric @fair-fae @avwalya @yuki-yukichan @crow-iv @cadrenebula @spellsandtales @casualcatte @seascrapes @mishivymendi @thorcat @aqueerfishtheyis @ljoturyalre @seabound-dragoon @scornedjustice @laylahcousland @layla-grey @moonstruck-ffxiv @snow-covered-moon (Apologies if missed anyone. If there's more who'd like to be tagged again on all these type of things, let me know.)
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ready-to-obeyme · 4 years
[Obey Me] Falling in Love/Soft Moments for Demon Bros (Part 2)
[Part 1] with the eldest three brother
Here’s part 2 with the rest of them uwu
the man’s love language is high key Quality Time
he’s legit one of the only people who invites you to hang out with him regularly (ie. viewing the blood moon, going to a museum, on a walk etc) so it isn’t a big leap to think that he’d appreciate the same treatment towards him
inviting him to do things that you think the both of you would enjoy would endear him to you for sure
read a book with him and enjoy the silence together, maybe share what you’re thinking with him and he’ll tell you his favorite parts of what he’s reading
I think as an intellectual, he enjoys learning new things in general-- he believes books are enriching because they provide you with new information and facts that make life more meaningful
that feeling is the same when you share your life story to him and everything that comes with it
how to make him fall in love with you? well, if you’re already close, give him your story-- tell him the most obscure facts about yourself and your culture, where you’re from, so he can see the way you speak with such love about the things you care about 
educate him with the topics that impassion you and the lessons you’ve learned through life
satan has a hard time processing his own emotions at times, so the fondness and tenderness he feels for you can overwhelm him at times like these
Satan is touch-starved I mean-- look at him so I think every time you play with his hands, fix his hair (maybe scruff it up a bit playfully), or lean your head onto his shoulders he can’t help the blush that crawls up his cheeks and settles there
he feels so so warm and loved just having you besides him it makes him want to recite poetry and write songs about you-- and maybe when he’s ready to speak his feelings into words, he will
asmo loves to shower you in hugs, kisses, and the best outfits and make up he can get his hands on because he wants you to feel and be as beautiful as you are on the inside
as a person who’s used to multiple lovers or at least, a string of them (as from what we can see), Asmo knows he’s loved and beautiful (and of course he does, how could he not?)
but seeing you dolled up, with maxed out charm, honestly able to be with anyone you want, still choose him over everyone else?
I think it’s easy for him to say things like “of course you’d choose me!” but the fact is Asmo doesn’t know-- not with you at least 
the affirmation that comes with being chosen to just be with, hang out with, go out on shopping trips, have spa dates, movie nights or just things that make Asmo feel like the luckiest demon and oh-so-very loved 
it’s knowing and seeing you love him in the smallest ways that aren’t showy, aren’t performative or hugely demonstrative that makes him feel like he wants to cry
like having you leave gifts for him on his bed-- nothing big, but something small you thought he would like that showed you thought about him
he never forgets when you buy him these trinkets, and he tries to wear them or decorate his room in a way that everyone can see them because every time he looks at them, he can feel his heart grow full
I think honest words would make me just the slightest bit flustered too, not that you would be able to see it, because Asmo is used to sweet talk and words that are meant to seduce and persuade but if it’s just genuine compliments like “oh asmo, your eyeliner is so on point today!” or “that was so sweet of you to do that” he almost (emphasize on almost) doesn’t know how to respond
I can very easily see him being the one who admires and loves you from afar-- not that he’s afraid to approach you or anything but simply because he’s fine being able to love you from the distance
family has always been #1 for him, so if he finds that there is someone else better suited for you (or vise versa), then he’s fine with letting that happen-- not that you would let him think that for long
asides from choosing him, being able to have you fall asleep in his arms is the best thing that ever happened to him (that was unrelated to food or Belphie) 
I think Beel has always been aware of his own strength and the destruction it can cause, so having you trust him to hold you in his arms as you sleep is nothing short of saying “I love you” in the best way he could possibly imagine 
and it makes him especially melt when you wake up sleepy and smile through the drowsiness and he won’t let go of you for a while after that (someone help him)
this happened in the extra chapter, but being there for him during the nightmares and having your hand in his as reassurance is more than enough to make him fall for you over and over again 
as the protector of the family, he can fight away demons and everything that harms his family, but you are there to protect him from the things that he cannot fight against by himself 
every time you support him (or attempt to if physically) or believe in his abilities to love you and make you happy, it makes it easier for him to say that he loves you back
out of all of his brothers, Belphie is by far the most vocal of his feelings (as far as I am aware of) and most straight-forward (and considering that fact that not being straight-forward got him grounded in the attic, I could probably see why)
he knows he isn’t the easiest person to talk to at all times, considering he isn’t into the habit of mincing his words, but to have you retort back with a witty remark or easy banter is the quickest way to have his heart feeling as light as a feather 
he’s a little embarrassed knowing how easy it is for him to feel a tiny flutter in his stomach or how easy it is for him to feel impressed that you can keep up with his words without fail 
he also finds it embarrassing that you leave little notes for him when he wakes up from his naps telling him “I miss you!” or “date in the garden at 8pm?” or something along the lines that have him feeling warm just from those small gestures
I think he also lowkey appreciate that you don’t try to convince him to change for you, because if he does change, he wants it to come from himself rather than have it forced
because he does eventually find himself wanting to be in your presence more, watching movies with you and just spending his waking hours with you-- so he does change, just a little, for you
and when you do go on dates, watching the stars or just laying together enjoying each other’s company, and you quietly link your fingers with his, he suddenly can’t think of anymore words except “I love you”
and when he does say “I love you” there is nothing better than hearing you say it back to him in a way that is certain, warm, and kind
if he knows you love him, then he can honestly ask for nothing more 
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seattlesea · 4 years
Why Solangelo Isn’t A Good Ship (Sorry)
The amount of love I see for Solangelo is honestly kind of surprising???
1. It was only for publicity. The House of Hades- which is when Nico came out as gay- came out late 2013, and the spike for LGBTQ+ supporters and allies was mid-2013, and there was absolutely no foreshadowing or even hints to Nico being gay beforehand. Riordan only confirmed Nico gay to avoid backlash. And in The Blood of Olympus, Nico is openly gay to the readers, Reyna, and Jason, then comes out to Percy and Annabeth afterwards. Then he’s introduced to Will and- in the very next book they’re seen in- they’re in a loving relationship. It’s as if Riordan didn’t believe that having Nico come out as gay was good enough but had to give him a boyfriend to ‘validate’ or ‘confirm’ his sexuality like so many assholes ask LGBTQ+ people to do. 
2. It happened way too fast. Will and Nico meet for the very first time and start dating within only five months. What? Not only is that too fast for normal people to actually get into a legit, real relationship that isn’t something out of a cliche high school movie, but Nico came out as gay after being scared to for years, just started slipping out of his isolated and depressive state, literally had to learn how to socialize after being alone for 3+ years, just came out of a war and even��Tartarus with truck loads of PTSD that would take years to fully recover from, and just started gaining a family and friends and had to learn how to accept help and comfort from others. Tell me- how many soldiers who just came back from war are concerned about getting a boyfriend/girlfriend/datefriend? Nico’s story in BoO should’ve been about his recovery, not getting a boyfriend. I mean, he met Will for the first time and immediately started liking him, and they didn’t have any meaningful conversations whatsoever. All they did was bicker. Even in The Tower of Nero, they didn’t show any actual mutual understanding of or true affection towards each other. They didn’t talk about anything deeper than the shallow end of a pool, about each other, or even how they got to be in a relationship. They were just kind of there, reminding the readers that ‘Hey, I’m Rick Riordan and I added a gay couple to the main cast! I’m great!’
3. It was too fast for the readers. People often forget that the speed of relationships in books aren’t only about canon, but what the readers see as well, cause what good is a relationship if the fans didn’t see any of it? That’s not going to help us like it, it’s just going to confuse and annoy us. We want to see how the relationship formed, grew, and developed from a platonic friendship, acquaintance, or ally into a mutual romantic liking. If we don’t see that, the relationship is just boring and dull. Seeing the development of the relationship is what helps the readers gain a true connection and emotional bond to it. If we don’t get that, the relationship is as good as a blank page. And it’s not only that, but it’s also flat-out bad and lazy writing. Will and Nico met for the first time in BoO, talked like twice and only bickered and argued (as if that’s the start of a super healthy relationship), then in The Hidden Oracle, they’re suddenly a loving couple? What?
4. The mental illness problem. I’m sure most of you know of the disgusting and ableist stereotype that the struggle and trauma of people with mental illnesses (especially depression, anxiety, and PTSD) magically wash away after they meet their romantic partner, right? Like the teenage girl who’s having a panic attack in school, gets noticed by her crush, and is all of a sudden fine cause he touches her hand and they make eye contact? Or the girl who’s super insecure about herself but gains confidence after her boyfriend compliments her? Or the person with depression magically gets happy again after getting a partner? The same thing happened with Solangelo. At the end of The Blood of Olympus, Nico isn’t yet fully happy, but has gained the things that can make him so- a family, friends, acceptance, support, love, etc. But, after talking to Will (who’s a doctor, may I add) for the first time, all of Nico’s negative thoughts, anxiety, sadness, depression, etc. vanished and all his thoughts were replaced with ‘Will this’ and ‘Will that’. And in ToA- only five months after the war with Gaea- Nico is perfectly fine? As if all that pain and trauma could wash away in only five months? And this isn’t the first time this has happened in HoO. The same thing happened with Leo- he struggled with anxiety, depression, PTSD, etc. but after he met Calypso all those internal struggles magically washed away and he was happy only after getting a girlfriend, so it’s obvious Riordan isn’t exactly avoiding this hurtful stereotype. 
5. It ruined their characters. Before meeting Will, Nico had a lot going for his character, a development that didn’t need to be completed with a love interest. He was realistic, relatable, and overall one of the best written characters in HoO, and his trauma and struggles were actually really well-written. But, after he met Will, the entirety of his character was ‘Will Solace’s boyfriend’. That’s all Riordan wrote about after he and Will communicated for the first time. Nico didn’t even talk to Reyna, Hazel, Percy (besides telling him he had a crush on him, which- again- is just another part of his love life), etc., and the only time he did talk to someone else (Jason), all he thought about was Will and how he was ‘disappointed’ that it wasn’t him. All of Nico’s character arc, struggles, relatability, and everything else Riordan worked up to his character was destroyed to make room for his love life. As for Will, he was actually quite a cool character- driving around Manhattan on a motorcycle, fighting in the Battle of Manhattan, protecting Camp Half-Blood, sewing Paolo’s severed leg back together, healing Annabeth’s poison knife wound, etc., plus all the cool powers he must’ve had as a son of Apollo. Even his personality was interesting- extremely caring, too dedicated, intelligent, calm, patient, etc., and I was really hoping to see him at his full potential in HoO. But Riordan ditched all the potential Will had for ‘Nico di Angelo’s boyfriend’. Even their personalities were washed away for cute pet names and teasing.
6. The fandom ruined their characters. This was really annoying. At first I mildly disliked Solangelo, but after the fandom’s take on it, I couldn’t stand it. The fans completely destroyed Will and Nico. I mean- is there any post about Will that doesn’t involve Nico in it at one point or another? And there are barely any posts about Nico that doesn’t involve Will or some other male character like Jason or Percy or that doesn’t mention his sexuality. I get that they’re dating, but that doesn’t mean they’re completely dependent on each other now. Another problem is their personalities. The fandom portrays them extremely inaccurately. Will isn’t a super upbeat, cheerful, bright, outgoing, happy-go-lucky guy. He’s actually a serious and determined hard-worker who just cares a lot about people. Just because he’s the son of the sun god and has blond hair and blue eyes doesn’t mean he’s the definition of ‘happiness’. As for Nico, the fandom just gave him a whole new personality as well. I mean- Nico swooning or blushing cause Will called him ‘Sweetheart’ or some other cliche pet name? What? Since when? Solangelo was bad on its own, but the fandom just ruined it completely. 
7. Y’all only like it cause it’s gay. Sorry to be the one to say this, but if the majority of you hate Jiper after reading a whole series on them where they actually talked to each other besides about their physical health because it happened ‘too fast’ (which, I agree, it did) but love Solangelo after barely two paragraphs? Why aren’t any of you guys complaining that that went too fast? The reason is pretty obvious. This is a problem most fandoms have- they only like ships (especially canon ships) no matter how unrealistic, unhealthy, or toxic it is because it’s gay. If Nico was straight and Will was a girl but everything else went exactly the same, y’all would’ve hated on it in a heartbeat, but because it’s two guys... yay Solangelo???
I’m gonna get cancelled- 
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itsclydebitches · 4 years
A lot of people’s justification for Ruby lying is, “It wasn’t about their personal connection to Ironwood! It was the state of Mantle and how they’d suffer if he took the truth badly, and two people he knows (Qrow and Weiss) were shocked about the state of Mantle! They cared more about Mantle than someone they knew.” I feel that’s kinda fair, but what’s your take on that?
I think it would indeed be fair it it were true. However, simplifying Ruby’s lies down to “She cares about Mantle” ignores a whole slew of important things, including but not limited to: 
What something looks like and what something is are often two separate things. Mantle may indeed look bad, but Ironwood has reasons for decisions like armed men and curfews - AKA, when you’re living in a city continually threatened by monsters you sometimes need to lay down rules to keep people safe. At the risk of drawing some comparisons between RWBY and real life scenarios, insert “Yes you have to wear a mask” and “No you can’t hold parties right now” parallels here. The “Ironwood is infringing on Mantle’s freedom!” cry from fans when Ironwood says people have to go inside because there are literally grimm, serial killers, and Salem’s men running about sounds a lot like the “You’re infringing on my freedom!” cries when officials say you can’t hold a graduation party during a pandemic. These are very low-key sacrifices made to keep everyone safe and no, we may not like them and yes, they may indeed be causing other problems (embargo/close businesses both equal severe financial difficulties) but it’s better than being dead. Most importantly for this conversation, these justifications were explained and/or made clear to RWBYJNR after they landed, which should have changed their initial, knee-jerk reaction of “Oh my god Mantle looks terrible!” It’s a matter of acknowledging that yeah, Mantle isn’t in a good place right now but that’s because the world isn’t in a good place either. We’re trying to survive.
“But the reason Mantle is in so much danger is because of a hole in the wall and that hole is there because Ironwood is using resources! He’s the bad guy here.” That ignores that Ironwood isn’t just stealing resources for the hell of it (he’s trying to stop Salem), and that our good guy Robyn didn’t fix the hole with what she stole those resources back, and that someone like Weiss could have plugged it up in a second... but even if we put all that aside, this just makes Ruby look worse. If she really cared about Mantle she would tell Ironwood, “Hey, the resources you’re taking? You should give them back because your plan won’t work. I know this for a fact because of the information I kept from you.” Ruby speaking up would have done the most to help Mantle there and then. Instead she pushes Ironwood to continue with Amity for reasons the story fails to make clear. It just insists that telling the world about Salem is automatically a Good Thing, despite the story simultaneously only providing evidence to the contrary. 
If Ruby cared about Mantle why doesn’t she decide to tell Ironwood everything in some effort to help them? Why wasn’t that the catalyst? Instead she decides to tell him after he’s agreed to follow their lead about telling the council everything (with, again, no good explanation as to why Ruby thinks telling everyone about Salem is the way to go - while she’s struggling to tell Ironwood this no less!) She decides to be more open with Ironwood only once Ironwood listens to her and takes more of a backseat position to her leadership. The story spends far too much time insisting that Ruby’s perspective is the objectively good perspective without explaining why that’s the case, which makes her decisions read less like “Ruby is actually doing good in the world” and far more like “Ruby just wants people to do what she says, regardless of whether what she’s asking for makes any sense or it truly the best route to take.” Connected to this, why doesn’t Ruby consider the lives of all the Mantle evacuees when she refuses to let Ironwood get them to safety? Her actions throughout the volume do nothing to tell me she actually cares about these people, nor that she’s willing to make sacrifices in order to truly help them. 
“Ruby doesn’t know how Ironwood will react” - That’s a legit worry, but the story acts as if Ruby is some genius strategist for coming up with that concern, rather than acknowledging that this is the exact same reason Ozpin had for keeping those secrets: What if whoever hears it reacts horribly? The difference between them is that Ozpin has objective evidence to support that worry - Raven, Lionheart, those who have betrayed him in the past - whereas Ruby does not. Ironwood has held it together through years of knowing about Salem, the Fall of Beacon, losing Ozpin, etc. He’s done a great deal to demonstrate that he will no buckle under pressure. So it’s a matter of that hypocrisy. Last volume Ruby essentially said, “I deserve to know everything Ozpin is keeping from me despite having done incredibly little to prove my loyalty or my resilience to hearing horrifying news. How I might react to this information is not a legitimate enough concern to bar me from having it.” About four days later she now says, “Ironwood does not deserve to know everything we’re keeping him despite having done an incredible amount to prove his loyalty as well as his resilience to hearing horrifying news. How he might react to this information is a major concern and it will bar him from receive it. Uncle Qrow is right - I’m not anything like Ozpin.” Ruby forced someone to “trust” her in a truly horrendous fashion and then refused to extend that trust herself once she’d gotten what she wanted. That has nothing to do with Mantle and everything to do with Ruby’s (the story’s) belief that she’s just intrinsically better than others. 
There are other issues as well - such as the fact that the writing bypassed Qrow, Weiss, and Yang’s emotional connection to Ironwood entirely. Their reactions don’t tell us that they care more about Mantle than Ironwood because those reactions don’t engage with Ironwood as an individual at all. The writing simply ignores those aspects of the situation, attempting to remove them from the equation entirely - but these are the biggest points: 1. We don’t see Ruby actually caring for Mantle, 2. We don’t see Ruby doing things that benefit Mantle, and 3. Ruby’s justification for (supposedly) prioritizing Mantle over Ironwood requires a severe amount of mental gymnastics given the events just a few days ago - and then the story doesn’t acknowledge that in any meaningful way. 
“Ruby is helping Mantle” is just a nice-sounding way of absolving her of her mistakes this volume, but imo it doesn’t hold up when you examine what she does and why she does it. 
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chimswae · 3 years
BTS Caretaker CH41
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Summary: She may think she has Bangtan Sonyeondan wrapped around her fingers. She may think it is easy to love the members equally without hurting any soul. She may think the boys wont fall head over heels for her. She assumes it is okay to show a little love and affection towards the boys, what if she gets it all wrong? What if it only brings more complication to her already complicated life? Can she survive their charms? Will she be able to resist them? What if they just wont let her go?
- Pairing: BTS x Oc ( Yoongi x OC, Jungkook x OC)
- Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, Romance, Idol!au
- Word Count: 4,174
- Author Note: Happy Eid to those who celebrate, and yes this chapter is pure fluff <3 we lovee seulliee and yoongii and bangtannies!
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Chapter 41
“Are you two like together now?” Namjoon eyed the two lovebirds with so much interest followed by whistles in the background by the rest of the members. The tease went on when Seul moved away and hid her pink face in Yoongi’s arm practically clinging onto her dear life.
“Obviously. For some reason, Seul is being extremely clingy around hyung” said Jungkook with his eyes fixed on his phone playing the usual online games.
Offended by the remarks, Seul finally let go Yoongi’s arm and glared at his way “I am not being clingy. The thought of dating Yoongi is too much for me to comprehend” she murmured lowly.
“Wait until you live under the same roof as him then you know, it is not easy to handle Yoongi” Jin stated in the matter of fact tone receiving a dissatisfied look from the pale man.  “Are you done exposing me to my girlfriend?” Yoongi snickered.
“Girlfriend” they responded in unison as though it was not enough to tease the two with mere look and the members were practically ganging up on them. With a proud smile spread across his face, Namjoon nodded in satisfaction “I am glad both of you are together and there is no bad blood between us. Not really all of us but the rest of you whom actually see Seul more than a friend” he stressed that part and glanced at Jungkook and Jin.
Jungkook and Jin exchanged a meaningful look as they heard their leader continued “We have known each other for as long as I can remember, this issue should have not jeopardized our friendship. And, I am proud of everyone for taking this matter maturely. Especially, you Gukk” Seul sent a grateful smile to his way, and he winked in response.
“I.. want what is best for Yoongi hyung, for Bangtan and for Seul-ie. I can handle this” “I am sorry” Seul mumbled before Jungkook could finish off his words.
“I don’t want the guilt consume my heart, but it can’t be helped sometimes. I am sorry, because of me you almost ruin everything that you build together” Jin and Jungkook shook their head, heaving a soft sigh.
Yoongi’s arm was automatically wrapped around her shoulder as a comfort “Baby, you don’t need to be sorry. It is not your fault” he gave the top of her head a soft peck. “We care for you and we love you dearly” Seul blinked his tears, allowing Yoongi to pull her small body into his embrace.
“Seul-ah, your existence in our life is the best gift that we ever had. Thank you for being our friend and to treat us not as a celebrity but just us” Jin professed earnestly. “It is a wonderful feeling, to be able to love you. We will cherish that deep in our heart” Jimin murmured watching the girl turned fifty shades of pink in Yoongi’s arms.
“Me too nuna. You will always be my first love” the maknae muttered shyly as Jimin nudged him with a teasing smile.
“I bet Jungkook has learned a lot from it” Jimin retorted.
Sitting quietly at the corner was Taehyung with a worried frown evident on his forehead “I am sorry for losing my shit that time and hurt your feelings. I can’t forget the foolish mistake that I commit, ugh stupid me” he puckered his lower lips in protest of his own demeanour.
“Taetae, I thought we have settled that stop blaming yourself. I understand why you did that so, let’s forget about those horrible fight okay?” her smile radiates the room.
“So, when can we meet ahjumma? I am dying to meet her!” Hoseok eyes glimmered with hope as others nodded in agreement. It is about time to meet their caretaker ahjumma considering the issues of her contract has been resolved. Therefore, it wouldn’t be a big problem for them to meet Seul’s mother.
She grinned widely “Oh, mother talked to me about that. She wishes to meet all of you soon probably after undergoing her kidney transplant” their face lit up in pure excitement upon hearing the news.
“Mrs Hwang finally get a donor, that’s cool! when is the date of her operation?”  
“Next week and I will be taking few days off from work”
“But..we will be in Osaka next week” pressing his lips together, Yoongi hummed lowly. He really wanted to be by her side when the day come but knowing how it clashed with their Wings Tour in Osaka, Yoongi face harden at the thought.
Realizing his sour face, Seul slipped her arm around his waist admiring her boyfriend’s soft feature “I will be alright, focus on the tour okay?” at this point the rest of the soul inside the room were immune to the couple’s romantic gesture. As though watching them being touchy towards each other wasn’t enough to send chills down their spine.
“Maybe you can take the first flight after the concert end?” Jungkook suggested.
“No way, you guys need rest. Don’t think of flying anywhere after the concert” she frowned deeply despising the idea of leaving Macao without proper rest.
Yoongi seemed to be reconsidering the idea while glancing at the younger man with a grateful smile “That is not our first time. I like that idea Jungkook” Jungkook responded with a small salute.
“Baby you are not flying anywhere after the concert?!” Seul look bewildered as her eyes found its way to Jungkook, throwing daggers at his way.
“Baby~~” the guys chortled in unison once again causing the girl to squirm shyly. The eldest cringed not be able to handle more sweetness from them “As much as I like both of you I am so not used to see Yoongi and Seul together without fighting even for one minute” Yoongi swung his arm around Seul bringing the girl close to his body.
“She is using that mouth of hers for good things from now on” that remark earned a dissatisfied grunt from every member as they totally got what he meant by the good things. Rolling her eyes in annoyance, Seul chose to remain silent not going to get herself involved in the boys’ childish conversation.
 Breaking: Underground rapper Stephanie took down her Instagram post with an open apology to BTS’s Suga and Army.
This week, the industry was shaken by Suga’s dating scandal that involved Stephanie, a Korean-Canadian underground rapper. The Instagram’s post by Stephanie which claimed that she’s one of BTS Suga many girlfriends earlier this week was already taken down by the rapper.
Stephanie then in her recent Instagram’s post posted an open apology acknowledging her mistake for causing the unnecessary misunderstanding and worries. She denied the rumours of knowing BTS Suga personally as they had never met in the past. The scandalous Instagram’s post was said to be directed to someone else which had nothing to do with Suga.
Bighit seemed to be taken the matter pertaining to their artiste seriously as Stephanie’s management is willing to give their full cooperation to solve the issues without problems. Netizens on the other hand are not convinced with the news and demanded an explanation from Suga in the near future. Fans are enraged of the netizens who send malicious comment towards BTS and claim that Suga has nothing to explain as he’s not at fault.
Bighit has finally put BTS’s Suga and Stephanie dating rumours to rest with an official statement by the label today. The label states “ The dating rumours about Suga and Stephanie are not true. They’ve never met each other in the past. None of BTS members own a personal social media account apart from the official one. We are looking into this matter seriously and a legal action will be taken to those who spread false rumour about BTS. Please continue to love and support BTS in the future. Thank you”
 Sprawling on the couch was Yoongi looking solemn and stress though the official statement by his label had cleared his name from the malicious rumours, he was worried of how it would affect the group as whole in the future. Guess, he must see it with his own eyes this Saturday during their concert.
Namjoon took a seat across him noticing Yoongi low energy ever since the article was out to public “Are you okay hyung? I think Bang Pd’s team had outdone themselves this time” he exclaimed softly fixing the glasses at the bridge of his nose.
“I don’t know. I am worried of how it will affect the group. The scandal was dirty and unacceptable Joon. If it only involve a dating scandal then it should be fine however.. this one.. people will be doubting BTS’s integrity and attitude. I am sorry..that it comes to this” he said in his deep voice.
The leader disagreed “You didn’t ask for this. It is never your fault, you are not the cause of this rumour to spread wildly like this. We know everything was a lie and we are in this together. Nothing can change that. There is no just BTS Suga, it is Bangtan Sonyeondan as whole. So, hyung don’t blame yourself for something you didn’t do” Yoongi sat up, rubbing his back head out of anger.
“What if it makes Seul doubt me?” it comes out nowhere, but his insecurity is severe since start, which is complicated for him to handle.
Unamused, Namjoon raised his brows with a perplexed look “Hyung, do you even hear yourself? Seul loves you with all her heart, what makes you think she will question your sincerity?” the latter shook his head in dismay.
“Both of you really need to spend a day together as if like a legit date. Have you even been to one?” the younger man pried answers from the already distressed man. Yoongi shook his head while recollecting the memories of him and Seul “One time, the bungee jumping” with that statement it brought laughter inside the room.
“Ew, who brings a woman to a bungee jumping for a date. Seriously hyung, you could do better. I am not amused” Namjoon retorted sarcastically.
Yoongi rolled his eyes offended by the leader response “It is romantic, and you should really try it out before laugh to my face” regaining his posture was Namjoon as he had a good time making fun of his hyung choice of date.
“Did Seul enjoy the date?”
“Of course!” he answered without any hesitation.
“I doubt that, knowing Seul, I bet you got cussed so hard that day” he chuckled at the thought of Seul’s fierce side.
Grunting lowly, Yoongi shot the fellow rapper a hard look shutting the guy’s mouth completely “Bring her to stargaze. Just both of you, a simple picnic-“ “Who does picnic at night?” suspicious with the ideas, he fired back earning a displease protest from the latter.
“I never heard picnic being associated with any period of time. I think this date fits both of you. You don’t like being in crowded place and prefer a quiet area. Seul doesn’t fancy an extravaganza date, so that will be perfect” he continued to fish Yoongi’s intrest.
“Picnic also means I have to cook something for us to eat” Yoongi expressed his concern.
Namjoon scrunched his nose in disbelief, if that’s what on his mind all this time then this man really need to get a dating class from a professional. “Prepare a simple one like sandwich. I thought we had enough practice from the Run BTS show, can’t you apply one of the recipes that we learned from that show for the sake of your date with Seul” he facepalmed as soon as Yoongi tilted his head in confusion.
“You do realize you can’t bring your proud ramen to a date right? Gosh, go and ask for Jin hyung’s help then” Yoongi loathed the idea of getting a help from Jin.
“He used to like Seul, I don’t trust him. What if he is planning to ruin my date by sabotaging the food?”
Overdramatic Yoongi was difficult to handle indeed. “Ramen is so unromantic hyung. I am against that choice of food. And, no alcohol. Seul doesn’t drink. Get help from Jin hyung to prepare a simple Kimbap at least. Who needs fancy food when all you do is making out?” his sarcasm has soared to a higher level challenging Yoongi’s ego.
“Yah! That is not true. Don’t turn me into a pervert”
“Aren’t you one?” a faint voice interrupted their serious conversation.  Sweaty Jin sank beside the leader with a playful smile “So are you planning to take Seul out for a romantic date?” he inquired the obvious. “I can help you with the food. I know Seul’s favourite food” Yoongi glared in process while his mind insisted on accepting the older guy’s offer, but the jealousy stopped him from doing the right thing.
“Who is dating Seul here? You or Jin Hyung…” he teased the grumpy man.
“Shut it. What can you cook for Seul?” a wide grin spread across Jin’s face upon hearing the request from Yoongi’s mouth.
Jin chuckled “Grocery shopping in an hour” he threw the used towel at Yoongi as he arose from his seat to get changed. Unwilling to spend the day at the grocery some more with Kim Seokjin, Yoongi pushed his body up considering this thing involved Seul like he could bail on Jin.
Third attempt.
Fourth attempt.
Fifth attempt but came to no avail. There was no answer from Seul, now he wondered the girl’s whereabout. To begin with, this was Namjoon’s idea to not notify the busy girl beforehand about this date. He insisted that the surprise should start before the actual date took place.
“Kim Namjoon, I am so done with you” he grunted under his breath. Yoongi took this matter into his hand and decided to pick Seul up by his own. He should have done it sooner instead of listening to Namjoon’s fairy-tale.
The journey to Seul’s neighbourhood took approximately twenty minutes by public transportation. It has been a long time since he last used public transportation to anywhere. Even though he sneaked out once in awhile when he needed a fresh air, he avoided crowded place at all cost. Therefore, public transportation was not an option since he preferred to walk appreciating his surroundings.
He climbed up the stairs praying hard in his head that Seul would be home. On top of that, this would be his first time to meet Seul’s family. The thought of meeting their caretaker lady after years numbed his mind.
“Breath Min Yoongi.. Breath” he smoothed his sweaty palm against his dark wash jeans. Pressing the red button, he could hear heavy footsteps beyond the door hollering “Give me a second” not long after the door was opened wide.
Yoongi was welcomed by Hoon confused face “Yoongi hyung? What are you doing here?” he blinked rapidly making sure he’s seeing the right thing.
Swallowing the heavy lumps in his throat, he emitted a soft cough “Hi, Hoon. Ah, I am looking for Seul, is she home? She didn’t pick up my calls” Hoon shot him an unknowing smile and nodded in response to his early question.
“Nuna is home but she’s sleeping though. Do you want me to wake her up?”
“No, it is okay. Can I wake her up instead? I mean not to sound weird but yeah… I can do it, if you allow me” he mumbled shyly, rubbing the back of his neck in process.
Hoon chuckled lightly watching how a renowned rapper like Min Yoongi turned into an adorable puppy at his doorstep “You are nuna’s boyfriend, why should I mind if you want to wake her up. Come in hyung” he provided a space for Yoongi to walk.
“You know?” he entered the apartment.
“It is obvious. Plus, nuna is a bad liar. How can we not know? I am happy for you and nuna, please love my nuna and don’t hurt her” he closed the door behind him and led Yoongi to Seul’s bedroom.
Yoongi softened as a warm smile found its way on his handsome face “I promise to love her and to cherish her. She is an amazing woman, I won’t hurt her” Hoon opened the door to Seul’s room and signalled him to get inside.
“I trust you hyung. Mom would be happy to meet you, I will go get her. For now, go and wake nuna. She is a light sleeper, but it is hard to get her out from bed, so good luck” chuckling softly, he left Yoongi with one last ‘Hwaiting’.
He scanned the room admiring its ambience, simple and minimalistic just matched his personal preference. Now he had seen another side of Seul, it was another way in deepening their relationship.
Smiling bashfully to himself, he tore his gaze to the sleeping figure on the bed. Seul looked ten times cuter than she already did when she was asleep. His heart melted at the sight. Yoongi sat carefully not to wake her lover up.
You look effortlessly beautiful even in your sleep. He mentally complimented the girl before him. Unconsciously, his hand reached out to stroke the strand of her hair from covering her eyes. She stirred a little in her sleep, squinting her eyes in process as Yoongi returned to admire her sleeping face.
“Mmm..Hoon..What time is it” Seul croaked.
“Time for you to get up baby” he whispered playfully.
“Baby what?” reluctantly, she rubbed her eyes in protest. Even in this state, she never failed to amuse Yoongi with her grumpy side. What a thing to witness. Her eyes rounded in sheer horror realizing Yoongi’s presence in her room. Sitting up almost immediately, her hoarse voice boomed across the cold room “What in the world? Why are you here?!” she hissed.
“To take you out for a date, so get up” he grabbed her hands, pulling the lazy to girl to her feet.
“Yah, Min Suga! Don’t invade my personal space, you are unbelievable. And what date? That is so sudden!” ignoring the words that flew like a freaking bullet, he dragged the girl to the bathroom. “What are you doing get out!!!” she squirmed under his strong grasp.
Yoongi rolled his eyes, collecting her hair and tied it neatly into a bun. Dazed by his weird action, Seul didn’t know what to expect next. She watched him grabbing her purple toothbrush, pressing the toothpaste on it. Giving her no time to digest, he shoved the toothbrush inside her mouth softly.
“Open your mouth, wide” Yoongi motioned the girl to follow his action. She stared at their reflection through the mirror in disbelief. Did Min Yoongi just brush her teeth as if she’s 2 years old girl? Goodness, what the hell was he trying to do?
“Stay still, I am trying to brush your teeth woman!”
“I can do it by my own” Seul slapped his hand softly, allowing her to hold the brush instead. To her distaste, the stubborn man turned her body to face him and swept her up, placing her carefully at the edge of the marble top.
His brow flinched, unamused by Seul’s persistence “I will do it so can you just listen to me?” he swatted her hand, finally in charged of brushing Ji Seul’s teeth again. Unromantic and weird. Tired of fighting, Seul rolled her eyes only to earn a light smack on her forehead.
“Don’t be a brat” he snickered.
She puckered her lips, upset with the childish treatment. Seul shot her boyfriend a ‘I hate you forever’ look. Of course, that didn’t stop Yoongi to pamper her like a little girl. Yoongi stood in between her legs, and leaned forward to take a glass of water for Seul to rinse her mouth.
As much as she hated being treated like an incapable person, she enjoyed this soft moment with Yoongi. Something that never happened to before, so it was rather amusing to experience it with a guy like Yoongi. He dabbed her mouth with clean cloth and hung it loosely around her neck afterwards.
“Go shower and change. I will wait for you outside. Or do you want me to shower you? I am up for that” he smirked playfully.
“Ew, no. Unless you stink”
“I am not!” Seul giggled cutely, throwing her arms around his neck. “You smell just like my Min Yoongi” she nuzzled his face allowing the man to pull her body close.
“Stop seducing me, I don’t have self-control” he whispered against her lips, moving it painfully slow just to tease her patience. Murmuring softly, she softened her lips over his warmth one “Then, get out before I change my mind” he let out a low groan.
“I will make you pay soon” pulling the playful girl into a breathless kiss, he set her down giving her space to breathe. The more he stayed in the same room as hers, the dangerous it would be.
“Heol, nuna you don’t expect to go out for a date in that outfit, right?” his jaw hung low as his eyes scanned her sister from head to toes. Seul cringed in displeased upon hearing Hoon’s remarks “What is wrong with my outfit? It is my favourite hoodie and jeans” she puffed her cheeks.
“You look perfect” Yoongi chuckled softly exchanging look with Mrs Hwang whilst Hoon crossed his arm in disagreement.
“You look ugly” he corrected.
“Yah Ji Hoon! It is just a date with Min Yoongi. It is not a big deal! Mom, please tell me I look good in this?” she shoved her hands inside the pocket and pouted in hope to receive a morale support from her dear mother.
Mrs Hwang chided “ To me your outfit matched Yoongi-ah. So, I think you look pretty. Hoon stop making fun of your sister” she warned. “Next time I will dress you up prettily, now go and enjoy your date” she gave Yoongi’s hand a soft pat.
“Take care of my daughter and don’t forget to be careful. You don’t want to get caught by fans” he pulled his usual gummy smile. “I will make sure to protect Seul, ahjumma. Urm, we’ll get going now then. It is nice meeting you. The rest of the members are excited to see you soon”
“I know. Come and meet me once I get better, I will let you know. Seul, be nice to Yoongi. Do not be a kid” Seul pursed her lips and walked up to her mother for a brief hug. “Yoongi is the kid here anyway. See you later”
The lovebirds exited the house hand in hand finally to their very first date which was not a typical date inside Suga’s Genius Lab. Something new and exciting.
Laying casually on the grass covered by a clean cloth beneath, they enjoyed the cold breeze and the shimmering stars above them. For once Namjoon’s idea worked today and Yoongi couldn’t be happier than this knowing he spend a quality time with the love of his life.
Yoongi had his hand encircled tightly around Seul’s waist, caressing it slowly enjoying the warmth that he gained from this proximity. Scooting closer to Yoongi, she grazed her fingers on his chest while continue stargazing.
“I wish to say like this forever” he broke the silence, followed by a satisfied sigh.
Seul propped her chin on his chest, gazing at Yoongi face lovingly. His lips curled into a charming smile as he pushed her up to match his level “Stop weakening my heart. You are hard to resist even now” his eyes bore into hers.
“I am not used to romantic Suga. Guess, I am going to live with that thought in my mind” she blushed, rubbing their nose together.
“Every moment that we spend together from now on, I will make sure it is something unforgettable. So you will love me even more” his sweet and alluring voice hummed, driving her heart to the edge of the cliff.
She stroked his jaws, trailing a kiss along his nose to the corner of his lips “I think I am falling for you deeper without trying. I am going to miss you, being this close to you” his lips broke into another charming smile.
“When you miss me, just look up. Because the moon is the same wherever you go” Yoongi slid his hand to her neck, caressing it softly. Melted into his deep gaze, she felt his face inched to hers and his breath fanned against her skin.
“I will find my way home because you are my home” nibbling on her lips, he hovered her lips, kissing her sweetly.
You are my home. She repeated in her head multiple time devouring herself into this sweet moment.  Even the short kisses that they shared could render them breathless. Live in the moment and paint it with beautiful memories, because it is worth it.
  This work belongs to  Chimswae © 2021. All Rights Reserved
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ussthunderquack · 6 years
On the Snubbing of Bruce Banner
“Sorry if this is a bad time, but would it be possible for me to get my two sequels, what with the original Avengers team having our whole series finale soon? Or did I just miss my shot?” 
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The Main Four of the Avengers are Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, and the Hulk. Iron Man has 3 movies. Thor has 3 movies. Captain America has 3 movies (if only in name). Hulk has one movie, from ages ago, that didn’t even have Mark Ruffalo yet. Nothing against the previous Hulk actor, but Ruffalo is Bruce Banner, as far as most movie fans are concerned, and he deserves movies of his own. Why doesn’t he? 
Ant-Man, Dr. Strange, Black Panther, Spider-Man, and the Guardians of the Galaxy all got movies (all of which kick ass!), but Hulk, one of the Main Four Avengers, doesn’t get his trilogy? Ant-Man, Spider-Man and Guardians all get sequels, but Bruce doesn’t?
Not only is this weird story-wise, but I can’t figure out how it makes any sense market-wise either. Is Hulk just so unknown or unpopular that they didn’t think he’d sell a trilogy, but Captain America would? Did they think fanboys wouldn’t want to go to a movie called “Hulk 2?” Did they think fangirls wouldn’t want to see Bruce Banner or Mark Ruffalo? 
They sold a movie called “Ant-Man,” about a hero the general populace isn’t familiar with, and who is named Ant-Man. They sold a movie about a space crew that included a raccoon and a tree. They didn’t think they could sell a another Hulk movie? 
If, for some bizarre reason, they thought no, no one cares about Bruce Banner or the Hulk, did they think they wouldn’t be able to find a way to get other popular characters into a Hulk movie? With Bruce’s “Ragnarok” role originating in the comics (unless I’m mistaken), and with his friendship with Tony Stark and romance with Natasha Romanoff established in “Avengers” movies? They didn’t think any of those characters would help boost the audience for a Hulk film?  
They managed to sell two Captain America sequels, despite having to frantically emphasize better liked/known characters to do so, but they pulled it off. They really didn’t think they couldn’t sell a Hulk movie, even with some extra help from Thor or Tony Stark or Black Widow? 
Wanna tell me precisely how the fuck Bruce is not worthy to lift Thor’s hammer, but Thor and Captain Hypocrite are? 
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Even after learning his lesson in humility, Thor still has traits of his previous ego, yet can still lift his hammer. 
Steve rogers can budge the hammer, even as the man whose parents’ murder he’s lying about is right there in the room with him. Even with Steve being able to later tell that man  “Sometimes my teammates don’t tell me things!” Even after Steve jeopardized the lives of 20-30 hostages to prove to one insignificant henchman that he’s macho enough to win a fight without his helmet and shield. After Steve was fine leaving a regiment of fellow soldiers to their POW fates, until learning Bucky was among them. This is not to say that Steve is evil, or not allowed to be selfish or flawed. 
The point is, why are those people--especially the second one--more “worthy” than Bruce Banner? 
We know that Bruce cannot control himself when he’s the Hulk, didn’t ask to become the Hulk, and does everything to prevent himself from Hulking out unless necessary. When he’s just Bruce Banner, what bad things has he ever done? 
Let’s see.... he helped make Ultron...after Wanda trauma-fucked him and Tony pressured him. (And was the first to own up to how dumb that decision was.) Then he later told Wanda, “I could kill you without turning a shade of green.” Okay, not something a perfect saint would say, but again, I refer you to the stubborn, emotion-driven ox mentioned above. 
I’ll also note that the next time Bruce ran into the person who he “could kill without turning a shade of green,” he didn’t have one hint of animosity for her, despite her deliberately making him Hulk out and rampage a civilian town. 
Of the Main Four, if one of them is the “pure” one, it is clearly Bruce. 
Is it because Bruce stammers his opinions with real words, instead of rehearsed “heroic” cliches (that often make no sense in context)? Is it because he has gray hair and glasses, instead of a heroic chisel-chin and muscle-tits? Is it because he represents some universal side of humanity, rather than the far more important symbol of patriotism for country? 
Speaking of “Ultron,” 
Bruce and Clint’s roles in “Ultron” Should’ve Been Switched 
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This is not a blast against Nat/Bruce, a pairing I always thought was cute and fine. But the more I think of it, the more I see why the Nat/Clint shippers were pissed, and the more I think about Bruce’s role, the more pissed I am as well.
As I’ve said elsewhere, Bruce should have been the one to give Wanda that pep talk at the end of the movie, and have the dad-daughter relationship with her. Nothing against Hawkeye, but the only thing giving any substance to his and Wanda’s dad/kid relationship is Hawkeye being a literal dad, which came out of nowhere. Bruce on the other hand would have a far more interesting and meaningful friendship with Wanda. Because he’d still have rage over what she made him do; because he knows a lot about having dangerous powers that are hard to control; because he knows about guilt; and because, as discussed above, he is exactly the kind of cinnamon bun who would be able to forgive her before most of the other Avengers did. 
I am certainly not saying that Bruce and Clint can’t both have this relationship with Wanda, or that Bruce can’t date Nat while also being Wanda’s surrogate dad. But if it was going to be one or the other, it would have been infinitively better to just let Clint have the romance plot with Nat, and give the bigger Wanda-bond to Bruce. 
“Sure, we’ll listen to Ross. It’s not like this fucker caused our most cinnamon-roll friend’s condition and then tried to murder him.” 
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Even Team Cap never mentions this. Granted, they don’t mention any of the legit reasons to be against the Accords. And no one in the movie makes much effort to communicate the most crucial of information. And the whole movie is such a mess that this is barely worth even taking into account. But I figured I’d have to at least mention it. 
“Anyone see my family anywhere? Or my ex-girlfriend? Or anyone from my life before the Avengers? No? Just wondering.” 
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So according to the Marvel Cinematic Universe wiki, there’s a brief mention of Bruce having an estranged dad he could never impress, and this is why he wanted to impress Ross, leading to the Hulk accident. And Bruce missed his dad’s funeral due to lab work or something. 
So......does Bruce have a mom? Siblings? Grandparents? Other relatives?
I suppose I could also complain about us learning virtually nothing about Steve’s family either, despite three Cap movies and him being a “lead” character in the Avengers series; but even he at least had a couple mentions of what happened to both his parents, and what their occupations were. Not to mention he has a whole handful of supporting characters specific to his own series. 
What about Betty Ross? Presumably they broke up, but her father is now back in the picture as of “Civil War,” so......where’s Betty at? Is she working at a lab with Jane Foster? (Please, yes!) Would she have anything to say to or about the Avengers? Or her father being promoted to Secretary of State? (I won’t ask how that’s possible, given real life politics at the moment.) 
Is there hope? 
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“Ragnarok” gave Bruce a long overdo big role. When it comes to the movie series, the MCU is already a bit....erratic?
“Iron Man’s” trilogy is just called “Iron Man,” “Iron Man 2″ and “Iron Man 3;” Cap’s movies each have their own title, while also having noticeably less of Cap in each installment;  Thor’s first movie is just “Thor,” but the sequels both have extra titles. “Guardians of the Galaxy’s” sequel is called “Volume 2.” Spider-Man’s movies are “Homecoming” and “Far from Home.” “Ant-Man,” “Ant-Man and the Wasp”... And Iron Man’s trilogy ends before the second “Avengers” movie even comes out, so it’s not exactly much of a “conclusion” to his story (especially with some of the biggest turns in his life coming after his trilogy is over). 
I am not saying that any of this is “bad.” I’m just pointing out that there isn’t much rhyme or reason going on here. So it’s entirely possible that Bruce could get two long overdue sequels, a decade after his first movie, and after his Avengers’ official “end.” 
On the other hand, these bastards might just kill him off in “Endgame.” After all the hell they’ve put him through. And without even letting him have a trilogy like the other three Avengers. If that happens I’ll kill someone without turning a shade of green. 
Fingers crossed for the best. 
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How would the TF2 mercs react to having an s/o who is shy?
Oh god… They are too cute. Too cute for their own good.
Heavy makes sure that he talks nice and slow, giving reassuring looks and smiling occasionally.
Whenever the S/O fumbles with something in their hand or stumbles on their words Heavy just melts and smiles, patting their back or picks up whatever they dropped.
If the S/O is ever expected to do something on the spot, Heavy quietly whispers encouragements and maybe a thumbs up.
Heavy is 110% gentle and understanding. He is his S/O’s #1 fan.
If the S/O meets someone new, Heavy will do most of the talking but will also push his S/O to speak up more.
Heavy helps his S/O to open up more, sometimes pushing them a little too much. He only wants them to show their true potential that he knows they have.
But will never push them into a panic attack or have them in an overstimulating setting.
If he senses that his S/O is uncomfortable in a situation he will shut that down immediately.
Pretty much always has his strong arms around his S/O’s shoulders and waist.
10/10 good boyf
Cute. But too introverted he thinks.
He was afraid that he scared his S/O before they got together, but once he found out that it was only shyness, he was relieved.
He loves his S/O dearly and will brag about them. (Idk guys, I just think Medic is a goofy and a tad crazy. I mean, have you read the comics? He’s a mad scientist, emphasize on mad.)
Will absolutely put his S/O on the spot he knew they could handle. It’ll start in front of a small crowd and once his S/O becomes more and more confident he’ll have them in front of bigger crowds.
Medic especially loves how his S/O blushes over everything. His heart just about bursts from his chest.
Hearing them giggle ever so softly makes him want to hug them and kiss them all over their face.
He is so proud whenever his S/O speaks up without him pushing them to.
He wraps an arm tightly around their waist in crowds or parties, making sure they know he’s there.
When he sees physical signs of discomfort he is by their side in a blink of an eye.
If it’s just a single person bothering them, Medic becomes a bit possessive and is all over his S/O to make the sorry loser back off.
At first, he just thinks they don’t like him, or that they’re playing hard to get.
He and his S/O are just about polar opposites and everyone sees it. But, not him. (He probably doesn’t even know what that means)
He just adores his S/O, often translating what they’re saying if they whisper too quietly.
He’ll use some really corny pickup lines just to hear then giggle and possibly snort.
Scout will do just about anything for his S/O so they don’t have to overwork themselves, but will gladly encourage them to speak out a bit more.
If anyone gives the S/O any trouble or makes them nervous, Scout in there in a flash to defend them.
The S/O has no worries when they’re around Scout, he talks enough for the both of them.
And hell, Scout could practically read their mind and take words right out of their mouth.
Sometimes his S/O will never have to talk, Scout just doesn’t shut up.
And if people start saying things like “I’m sure S/O could have said that themselves.” or “Why don’t you give your S/O a chance to talk?” Scout will roll his eyes and take a step back for his S/O to speak.
But they don’t.
They stumbler over their words and their face grows red with embarrassment, apologizing over and over again and explaining that they’re just very shy.
Scout’s face contorts into a smug smile as he steps by his S/O’s side again, giving them a small peck on the cheek.
It’s never a dull moment with Scout, that’s for sure.
Sniper is a bit awkward himself, so it took awhile for him to figure out that someone had a crush on him.
Sniper and his S/O would spend quiet evenings in his camper, lounging around.
Neither of them likes talking to people that much, which is great.
They’ll take drives around Australia just to explore and have a change of scenery every once in awhile.
They are very comfortable with each other, Sniper would prefer to be with his S/O than to be alone. Which is a huge deal to him.
If they’re ever in huge crowds or at the base, they’ll be right next to each other at all times. Just chatting away or getting stuff done.
Sniper is a bit more talkative than his S/O, but he doesn’t mind. He’ll answer questions for them, but will happily sit back and have his S/O talk as well if they’d like.
The two of them don’t stay with a lot of people for long, Sniper gets overstimulated or annoyed and his S/O gets rather uncomfortable and antsy.
However, after awhile they both realize that sometimes you have to step into the spotlight on your own. Together they help each other little by little to embrace people.
He’s had shy lovers for sure, but not THIS shy.
But god damn, they’re cute. He’s just gotta crack their shell.
At first, he slyly got around their shy barrier just to figure out who they really are, and he liked what he saw.
Spy would subtly have his S/O speak for themselves, it’d be so casual that nobody would even think that his S/O was awfully shy.
If his S/O gets anxious around his teammates, Spy is more than willing to lead them to his study.
He’d offer a glass of wine, or possibly water. Then they’d sit around and read a book or even chit chat about small things until his S/O feels like going back out there.
If Spy senses that his S/O is uncomfortable or if some poser is invading their personal space, he’s there in a second to protect them.
This happens especially during big events and parties. If his S/O wants to leave without a lot of attention, Spy skillfully whisks them away into the shadows.
Spy is very caring and gentle for sure.
Gives the sweetest words of encouragement. He is very genuine with his words and gives meaningful hugs.
He thinks his S/O is the most adorable thing in the world and will always push them to do their best.
Knows their limits and rarely ever goes past them and feels guilty when he does. It’s all in the best interest of his S/O of course.
Will become sickeningly affectionate towards his S/O, just because he adores the hell out of them and they deserve to know how much they mean to him.
Engie will start a conversation and invite his S/O into the mix, asking them a lot of questions and opinions, just to get them out there.
If they become a bit overwhelmed Engie will let them take a breather.
He will not by any means smother his S/O with too many public interactions but he likes seeing them coming out of their shell.
At first, he’d be really intrigued by someone who was shy, because he knows deep down that they’ve got an interesting personality.
He’d be really friendly, showing you around and introducing his future S/O to people.
He’d show them the ropes and tells them the do’s and don’t’s, creating a comfortable environment for them.
If they need any help or if they accidentally cause trouble, Demo is right by their side and will always take the blame if no one knew who caused the trouble.
Once they start dating, however, he is so so happy.
Just absolutely ecstatic.
He’ll probably avoid going to crowded places for their first few dates, just staying home or going to the movies or even a walk in the park.
Demo is severely conscious of his surroundings and gives his S/O a heads up if someone new wanted to talk to his S/O.
When his S/O starts to come out of their shell, Demo will start taking them out to more extravagant places and constantly praises them if they successfully order their food without stuttering or asks someone for directions.
Pyro has enough troubles with communication, but with the S/O in the mix, it becomes a lot more difficult to even begin to understand what they’re saying.
For a long time the team is convinced that the S/O is mute, but after they stuttered some words they are SHOOK.
However, the S/O can understand Pyro just fine and vice versa.
It’s almost as if they have some sort of secret language.
There’s not a whole lot of talking in the relationship anyway, they just like being together.
It’s very rare if they decide to go out for a night in the town since Pyro never actually takes off their suit.
However, this did some good because while they’re out, the S/O musters up all the courage they have and starts speaking to people. (Like, ordering food, asking how much something costs, asking people to move out of the way etc.)
Pyro claps everytime the S/O does something out of their comfort zone.
Perhaps they learn sign language too just to make things easier.
When Soldier addresses his crew, he’s loud, vulgar and rude, but to his S/O, he suddenly becomes the biggest and cuddliest teddy bear.
If his S/O tries to speak (which is usually in a whisper) Soldier will lean over and have them talk into his ear and he translates it back to his crew.
S/O: Since Sniper is feeling a little sick, why don’t we have Medic give him some medication?
Everyone knows that’s not how the S/O really talks and easily forgives them because they know Soldier takes everything a bit too far.
His S/O still freaks out though, frantically apologizing and mumbling but Soldier wraps an arm around them and gives em a big ol’ kiss.
“Because of you, Sniper will be good as new! HUZZAH!” Soldier will always praise his S/O and legit thinks that they are some sort of genius. (It’s just common sense)
Because Soldier doesn’t like to go out into the world anyway, most dates will be in solitude.
Soldier is completely comfortable with his S/O and is so gentle and supportive, his S/O always gains confidence from him.
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theky2aqw-blog · 6 years
Goblin Slayer ep 1 review and its review from Anime Feminazis
Yay I am back from the dead for some laughs and giggles before I will send some scary Pilipino, Japanese, Melayu, Indo, and ancient Greco-Roman Stories that will either put you on the edge or make you laugh to death.
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But for now let us go and either debunk or give a two cents from our famous misandrists from Anime Feminist - Yay my internal sarcasm will not let me laugh.
Because you know every rape depiction in fiction is to be banned even though there is parental guidance for shit like these
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and we have a cute depiction of Goblin Slayer killing goblins.
Well before we start --
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At the start of the episode we get to see what a fantasy anime can show, well at the very first start would be the shittiest hero introduction I can imagine. Maybe, just maybe if they were not simple dipshits who do not underestimate their opponents I will not probably tackle the bland first quarter of episode 1. Well they went off for an adventure to slay goblins, but the sad news is that their overconfidence caused them to be defeated and the party almost being wiped out by goblins - A common mistake by beginners that can kill you in the first move.
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Well I can fill you in the two quarters of the episode, Goblins raped the Fighter girl, killed the dumbass fuckboy who thinks a sword longer than a spatha or as long as a Tai Chi can work well in cramped spaces(mind you they are beginners with a confidence level that can annoy you to the bone) in a very brutal fashion and manner, their mage was stabbed in the gut by a poisoned blade in a fast swing of events starting with mage, then fuckboy, and then fighter who got raped.
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In these seemingly dark turn of events, our beloved Priestess tries to carry Female Mage and try to escape but was shot in the shoulder by a poisoned goblin arrow. All hope was lost until
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Our Hero, Goblin Slayer came to save the day. He proceeded on granting Female Mage’s wish to die and giving Priestess the Antidote despite her protests. She then assisted him in slaying more goblins to save her last surviving friend. Of course when the killing of baby goblins was shown, she protested on thinking there are some good goblins, but Goblin Slayer just said:
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Well soon, she became his one and only party member and the series will start from here.
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Well of course you guys wanted me to go on Anime Feminists article? Ok I will
Ok now I have pretty much laughed on any article that contains their own buzz words and their supporters being too morally superior in the argument but it is better for me to dissect and if there are dubious claims I will debunk them Shall we(also I will not put the entire words of the article word by word just snippets of it as I point out the arguments the article will make.):
1.”Y’all, I’ve got something that’s gonna blow. Your. Mind. Stop me if you’ve heard this one before.Okay so it’s like. An MMO—Okay that’s not the part I meant.So it’s like an MMO, right, but it’s like. What if when you got overwhelmed in a raid it was, like, REAL LIFE, and there was BLOOD—” - Yeah your Sarcasm is never straight to the point. No wonder why I added this snippet for fun, its pretty obvious its not an mmo in its genre just pointing that out.
2.  “ My point is that GOBLIN SLAYER, putting aside its repugnant content, is a brainless copycat loudly braying about its cleverness despite being incapable of a single original thought. It would be pathetic if it weren’t so nasty, like a parasitic worm only worth grinding under your heel. “
 - umm its a no on the copycat shit thing. - Also Brainless???? I cannot stop trying to laugh had it not been for my tooth extraction preventing me from doing so. - Single Original thought? Umm almost every fantasy genre in anime/manga/light novels have ever shown this level of savagery and brutality in its first episode, a few did like GATE:JSDF, and sorry to say this Shit, but it is Sword - -- oh wait my friend said it was just like Berserk - pathetic? well its opinionated grounds but I have seen more hentai far pathetic than this outside from
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Please not this bullshit of a yaoi hentai....known as Boku no Pico.
ok....off track already...
4. “ It is laughably obvious that GOBLIN SLAYER longs to be Berserk, with its lone, implacable monster slayer and excessive focus on rape as an increasingly meaningless vehicle for cheap shock horror. Except that Berserk had a striking visual style, at least attempted to use assault in a meaningful way early on, and was a pioneer in its genre. Meanwhile, Goblin Slayer is limping in decades late with broken pacing and visuals so generic I look forward to people misattributing the GIFs of it on hentai blogs three seasons from now. ”
- umm article its not focusing on *Hears Boku no Pico Music* ahh fuck this I will just continue debunking....*internal death* Its not trying to be berserk in any shape or form...please stop this boku no pico music..... Also your sentences just implies it is going full Boku no Pico and Aki Sora on this. I am just cringing while listening to Boku no Pico since the pacing is pretty generic yes but not broken and you are just thinking about boku no pico
before I continue I just talked about Boku no Pico many times.....please I am dying internally.
5. “  It can’t even hit the basic watermark of the famous tentacle rape porno Legend of the Overfiend, which in addition to being very boring had genuinely impressive, fleshy-looking monster designs that turned the stomach to look at. Goblin Slayer has generic fantasy orcs and a boner for its own nonexistent cleverness. “ - I digress on the non....ok I will play with you because the song of Pico is killing me that I will just play along with your dubious claims. Well since its overly subjective. I will let you off for this dubious claims.
6.  “  The show’s treatment of women is upsetting, but not in any new or noteworthy ways. If I tell you that this Edgy Edgelord Show starts out with three untrained female characters getting in over their heads, I bet you can fill in the rest (you can even have “the one male adventurer dies offscreen while the women are tortured at length in full view of the camera” for free!). “
 - It just shows what goblins should be projected, a band of savages that is a threat to humanity. Also women in the older days are a profitable treasure that must be used to its fullest extent. I cannot say more since you are going to cherry pick me.
7. “  I bet you didn’t guess the deliberate close-up of our unnamed healer peeing her pants in terror, because this is nothing if not a fetish porn without the courage of its convictions, but two out of three ain’t bad. “ - What else do you want them to depict, them comforting her?! I cannot stop laughing while the cringy yaoi shit is playing in my ears, Won’t you pee in fear when your life is at its greatest edge writer? especially in her shoes that she cannot do anything...ok this is getting long...I need to contain myself from sarcasm and laughing.
8. “  Oh, and I’ll also throw in the end-episode reassurance that the kidnapped women are all broken for life with no hope of recovery, because these kinds of male-empowerment fantasies view women as a collection of holes dragging a punchline behind them. Because it can’t even bother with being a lazy “rape is the only trauma we can think of to have women grow strong from” story. “ 
- I cannot comprehend this feminazi anymore, I can easily debunk this by saying that once a woman who broken of rape and has PTSD because of her brutal experience from the beasts IDK like giants or what. What do you think, can you easily overcome such trauma? Oh wait you don’t because you are virtue signalling now.
- Also the last phrase is not lazy, its a simple pretext of how actual trauma and fear works. I cannot say more since I do not want to drag this on with Morals vs Logic arguments.
9.  “  And I’m just gosh-darned invested in the plucky and still-unnamed healer’s decision to go on more adventures with him so that the show can scar her in new and ever more masturbatory ways. “
- She called Priestess you dimwit. I cannot spoil the manga or anime for you kids, but soon she is the very person Goblin Slayer - Sama would care and protect 24/7 in his adventures killing goblins.(So No more Arguments I want to tackle, yay)
aaaaannnnd that is how “I can talk to you on this shitstorm
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Well I wanted to add more but since the shit music of boku no pico has finally stopped I can now take more than 2 cents about this than before. Goblin Slayer is the anime where I can say its never gonna be shown to children obviously well they would still watch it because its an anime. I cannot talk in a straight face because my laughter on how they think this is a copycat and an edgelord anime/manga/light novel is legit stupid and deserves another level of insults from these real world goblins. 
Time to see you next time
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notesfromnayeshi · 7 years
Group Reread: Notes on Chapters 1 - 5
Chapter 1
“The letter wasn’t addressed to John. The return address, however, was his.”
Right off the bat, I’ve got questions. How did Ji know the return address of Kyle and John’s house unless Kyle had informed the Payshmura at some point of his moving in there? Why does this matter? Well, it adds more fuel to my theory that Kahlil was going back and forth between Basawar and Nayeshi.
The underwear catalog. Just saying, they generally don’t ship you a catalog unless you’ve bought something from them. And we know Kyle doesn’t wear underwear. So… John wears “absurdly small briefs” is now canon. Don’t look at me, I go where the clues lead. :D
John says he hasn’t seen Kyle for two weeks: since he ran into him at the bathhouse. But was Kyle in Basawar for two weeks? Or - hear me out - was he just sulking in Gray Space and avoiding an awkward conversation with his roommate about what he was doing at the bath house?
John describes the padlock for Kyle’s room as heavy, iron, and like a prop from a pirate movie. It also supposedly looks like it matches the key from the envelope. That has to have come from Basawar. No one is going to convince me that Kahlil brought a giant padlock with him on first and only trip through the Great Gate. He has to be going back and forth!
Kyle’s soap is still in its wrapper. Again, why? Because he’s using his lifetime supply of istana soap?
Why does Kyle keep his food in a locked cupboard? I think in a later chapter we find out that it’s not actually food in there, but guns and ammunition?
“There was a certain ease to simply not knowing what Kyle was thinking while watching him slink up the stairs, dressed in a heavy black leather coat, carrying lethal-looking knives and a bundle of cloth as long as  a human arm. ”
I’m assuming this is the sword? But where is he taking it?
Chapter 2
“The misty forms of overhanging branches split and scattered as he plunged through them. Trees blew aside in wisps.”
This description of Kahlil’s movement through Gray Space is really cool. I didn’t notice it as much on my last read through, but it helps me visualize how the ushiri’im can move at variable speeds through the Gray Space.
Kahlil kills Ji in this timeline by stabbing her in the neck with his curse blade. I was very tempted to read ahead and check exactly how Fikiri kills her in the alternate timeline. (But, I’ll be good and wait until we get there!) It would be interesting if her two deaths, both by ushiri popping out of Gray Space, happened the same way.
I did not even realize that Ji cursed Kahlil’s wound before she died. That makes sense why it’s so debilitating. I remember thinking that it must have been one hell of a nasty dog bite, but this makes so much more sense.
“The Prayerscars over his eyes seared white-hot lines into his darkness.”
This quote intrigued me. It seems like the prayerscars might actually function to protect the kahlil’s eyes while they travel through the Gate. When Kahlil goes back through the broken gate in a later chapter his eyes get kind of messed up and he no longer has the prayerscars. I’m not sure what to make of this, other than to mention that it piques my interest.
“Kahlil caught the sound of footsteps pacing the kitchen. He easily pictured John, striding through the room, his strong frame almost too tall for the ceiling fan, the breeze from its overhead blades tousling his disorderly blonde hair. Then Kyle remembered him wearing only a white towel, glancing back over his tan, muscular shoulder and catching Kyle’s guilty gaze.”
Well, lookee here! Kahlil referring to himself as Kyle in his own POV chapter. What to make of this? An error? Or perhaps a meaningful clue? Who knows!
Chapter 3
It’s explicitly stated here that John moved into his house a year ago. This tightens the timeline so much! That means that Kyle has to have been there no more than 9 months and possibly less. I think this disappoints me so much because I just want Kyle to get more time to relax and be happy and be with John.
“He supposed that he was almost as bad as Kyle when it came to maintaining his privacy. Maybe that’s why they made such good roommates.”
Aww, John thinks they make good roommates! Considering he spends most of these first chapters dwelling on how weird he finds Kyle, this is interesting.
“It gave him a slightly sordid feeling to stare into his bedroom and contemplate money. He sensed that this wasn’t a resource that decent people ever resorted to considering.”
Should I be taking this that John is considering prostitution as a way to pay his rent? What else could he mean? Why wouldn’t “decent people” resort to selling their furniture?
John’s contemplation of money and how he can scrape together his rent is soo important. We know that John is extremely responsible, thoughtful, and conscientious. But here he finds himself in a tough situation that is completely not his fault and without any support structure to turn to. This is a real-life problem for a lot of young people, and particularly young LGBT+ people. John came out to his parents and they cut him off completely. There are so many real people out there who suffer when they come out to their families or guardians. I love that John is shown here, not immune to any of that. He is a smart, resourceful, thoughtful, responsible, good person and he still struggles with the difficulties of life as a young person who has lost all familial support. This is very real.
And on a lighter note, John wears a bathrobe?
Chapter 4
Ok, if you’ve talked with my about The Rifter all all you probably know that I love this chapter. It might legit be my favorite in the series. It’s right up at the top either way. Kahlil is so perfect here. His observations about Nayeshi put his own life in Basawar into stark relief. His fascination with John is absolutely adorable. I’m not going to spend this entire chapter gushing about Kyle, so let’s just sum it up like this:
Kyle is perfect. He’s an angel and he can do no wrong.
When Laurie calls John “Toffee” Kyle acts like he doesn’t know what that means. But wouldn’t he know? Ravishan heard her call him that in his original vision of the Rifter. Like, it was basically the first thing he ever knew about John?
Is it weird that after months of living together, Kyle has never met John’s friends?
“The conversation reminded Kahlil of talking to the bones. Everything alluded to something else. One word might mean another thing completely. “Sword” could be “a key.” “A key” could be “death.”
I love the allusions to double-entendres and duality in Kyle’s chapters. This quote is particularly cool because Kyle’s sword is a key and the key that is sent to him is the key that opens the Rifter’s death.
Kyle says that the bones spoke in riddles because “their lives depended on deception”. This seems to imply that the oracles are intentionally obscuring info or holding something back.
On John’s public level of physical intimacy: Kahlil notes that in private, John could be very different. I wonder if he means in private with him or with other men that he’s observed John with?
“The ritual interrogation of ordering a breakfast in this world” 
I feel ya Kahlil; I still get stressed out by this. So many follow-up questions!
“In his own world, Kahlil saw such ugly things. He had done such hateful things.”
The use of different tenses here is interesting: “saw” vs “had done”, rather than “had seen” and “had done”. I don’t feel like I know enough about grammar to comment beyond just pointing this out.  :D Also, what hateful things is he referring to, I wonder?
When Laurie is doing her “reading” for Kahlil, we get this quote:
“Suddenly, he felt something brush against him, very softly, almost like a breath of air. An old, musty scent washed over him. Kahlil recognized the smell, even as weak as this was. ”
Wonder what that familiar scent is? It doesn’t sound like the description of the smell of Gray Space.
Kahlil doesn’t remember ever eating in front of John. That seems weird, after they’ve lived together for months!
“He had barely been conscious. His entire body had ached with bruises and cuts. He remembered feeling ravenous and nauseous at the same time.”
This is Kahlil’s memory of the night John gave him the apple. This quote slays me. Where the hell was Kahlil? What happened to him?
“He had staggered through the darkness down the staircase, and John had off-handedly said, “Welcome home” and offered him an apple.”
This is so interesting! John says welcome home after Kahlil comes *down* the staircase, almost like he knows he was away, even though he just came from his room.
“One time John went to Bill’s house, and Bill’s grandma made John stand in the bathtub with a rubber hose tied around his waist,”
Why did I get a weird, kinky vibe from this?
Bill’s description of the bonfire… he was definitely high, right?
Chapter 5
My biggest impression of this chapter is the character dynamic between John, Laurie, and Bill. He is so different from them. It makes me wonder if they had all stayed in Nayeshi what their relationships would have evolved into.
Why do I find John’s driving a manual so hot? Something about shifting gears that really does it for me…
I love the way John is never baited by Laurie and Bill. He’s so calm, and so grounded in who he is. I want a friend like John.
John is so connected with the natural world. I wonder if his sense of isolation and his introversion are actually caused by his connection to the earth? Like, he is so deeply moved by his connection to nature to the point, so much so that he cannot communicate it to anyone else  who doesn’t feel it, and it’s caused him to even stop trying. Interesting that Kyle is also very moved by the natural world of Nayeshi. I think if they’d had more time together they would have bonded over this.
I’m super curious about John’s aversion to the Great Gate stones and to Gray Space. I suspect that both might have to do with how they damage the world of Basawar, which is essentially damaging John himself.
Once they’re in Basawar, John catigates himself and feels super guilty and responsible for turning the key and getting them transported there. But this scene makes it super clear that Laurie and Bill were encouraging him to do it. Not that it’s their fault, but I don’t think John should be so hard on himself.
Aaaaand, that’s it for this week! Ask/DM/reblog/reply with any thoughts on my notes! I’d love to hear what you think. And join in next week (March 19 - 25) for Chapters 6 -10!
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choco-ramyun · 7 years
ELEMENTS  · prologue
Pairing: BTS x Reader (you decide in the end)               (Guest Stars: Many other K-Pop Idols)
Genre: Fantasy!AU, ElementBender!AU (No Smut)
Word Count: 3.6k
Description: You find your way into a mystical world by accident, and must fight your way through to return to your reality. You encounter many different people and experience many different adventures.
Disclaimer: This is the prologue only. In this, we’ll be focusing more on the background story, and some side-characters, who might not play a main role in the future. In this part, there will only be the reader’s character and some certain members from EXO. The first BTS member will make his appearance in Chapter 1. Every chapter will have a picture which I edited myself (so please excuse if it doesn’t look too good). Please remain patient, and thanks for your support!
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Finally. Your last year in high school finally came to an end, and you could finally move on to better things now. You’re turning 19 soon and will have to keep an eye out for good colleges to apply to. You and all your fellow school mates dashed out of the school building in which you spent so many years. You could hear cheers of joy around the whole place. Everyone was heading to their cars, to the bus stops, to their motorcycles, glad to be rid of this place. You said your farewells to your long-time friends, the teachers who accompanied you for so long and held onto your backpack, knowing that this probably was the last time you’d be using it. The familiar bus stop across the street was already filling up with happy, now former-students, anxious to go home to their families. You quickly crossed the street, relieved as everyone else to leave this hell.
Soon enough you regretted your careless action, as a sharp pain stung over the side of your body. You were on the hard asphalt ground, not sure what happened to you. The last thing you heard was a loud honking of a car before everything went black in front of you. The world was silent. No more cheers, no honking, every aspect of the everyday life vanquished. The colors of your surrounding weren’t there anymore. Only a black empty void. Your head was buzzing and you felt your brain repeatedly push against your skull. It felt as if your head was going to explode. Your mind was empty, all the emotions you felt, and the worries that troubled you merely seconds ago were gone. You didn’t know how long you were in this state, but it felt like an eternity.
You slowly opened your eyes again. You no longer were on the rocky asphalt street but on a softly cushioned bed. You would’ve felt confused if your head wouldn’t have been in so much pain. It slowly started to hit you that you were wrapped up in a blanket, -and had nothing else on. Once you got your eyes to focus, you identified a young man hovering over you, pressing a cold, wet towel against your forehead. Your body was still aching, but yet you instinctively jumped, repositioning yourself on the bed, gripping the blanket as tightly as possible. “Who are you?! Where am I?! What’s going on here!?” You threw the words at the young man. Your body hurt worse after such erratic movements.
The man who was treating you had soft, dark-brown hair. You noticed the lack of a shirt on his toned upper-body. He only wore a pair of trousers. He looked at you with eyes full of sincere concern. His brown eyes lingered on you as a smile of relief formed on his face. “You’re awake!” You felt taken aback by his friendly response. You expected something different, yet you weren’t sure what. As he started to realize your legit concern as to your whereabouts, his smile faded and a more serious expression plastered his face now. “Look, this all might seem kind of like bizarre to you, but I’m just here to help you. I suggest you relax a little bit because I’ll have to explain a lot of weird things to you.”
You gave him a doe-eyed look, before taking your time to look around your surroundings. You were in a wooden hut. Everything looked quite rustical, and there were no signs of any technological devices. Where were you?! There weren’t too many decorations in the room, it was all kept as minimalistic as possible. “I really appreciate your help and everything, but could I please just borrow your phone or something to call a relative or something to pick me up? And could I maybe have my clothes back please.”
The man looked at you full of confusion. “What is a- Okay I really need to explain some important things to you-”
You interrupted him with a whine. “Please, I just really want to go home. I-I don’t even know who you are, please I just-” You were interrupted as well.
The wooden door to the hut swung open, crashing against the wall, causing a terrible noise. You let out a terrified scream and screwed your eyes shut in utter fright. A wolf stood in the door frame, panting loudly. The brown-haired man held you by your arm, -he wasn’t surprised nor scared at all.
His touch felt reassuring, and as you could tell, the wolf didn’t do anything. You slowly opened your eyes again. The wolf still stood there, covered in silky black fur. Its dark eyes rested on you, yet he didn’t move. “Chanyeol! Don’t scare her like that!” The friendly man raised his voice at the wolf.
Within the blink of an eye, the wolf morphed into a human man. First, all his fur retracted into his skin, he then regained a human structure instead of being on all fours like the animal he appeared to be. With a twist of his neck, his furry ears and sharp claws vanquished as well. Nothing was left of the intimidating black-furred creature, all that remained was a tall slender man with black, fluffy hair. “Sorry Kai, I didn’t mean to barge in like that. Why didn’t you give her the talk yet?” The tall man retorted, embarrassed about how much he scared you.
He stood beside the brown-haired man, who in the meantime already let go of you again, and looked down at you. “My apologies, I didn’t mean to scare you. My name is Chanyeol, and this here is Kai. We mean you no harm.” You looked at them both in complete disbelief. The black-haired man who introduced himself as Chanyeol had a very soothing deep voice.
“Uh... Hello. Could you two please explain what’s going on, I feel so confused.” To be honest, all of this was successfully distracting you from all the pain you were in.
The man named Chanyeol fetched himself a wooden stool and sat down next to Kai. Unlike Kai, Chanyeol wore a black linen shirt and black trousers. The two of them exchanged a meaningful look before Kai began explaining. “So, you must be questioning yourself what just happened...” You nodded in absolute agreement, dying to hear an explanation. “You might not believe us, but I and my brothers are from a tribe of Werewolves.” You let out a scoff. You stopped believing in things like Fairies and Werewolves as you were 8-years old. Then again, you saw it yourself, Chanyeol went from a wolf to a human right before your very own eyes.
“Wait, brothers?” There were no hints as to any other people around here except for you, Kai and Chanyeol. Chanyeol seemed a little bit shy to speak around you, but he tried his best to involve himself in the conversation as much as possible.
“Our other brothers are currently hunting. Well, except for Lay. He’s out there somewhere chilling at a hot spring.” A hot spring? Close to your home, there were no hot springs.
“Where are we? What date is it today?” You felt a strong feeling of anxiety rise within you.
“We’re north of Omblyn Forest.” What?! Where?! You knew of no place named Omblyn Forest. What was going on here?
“Look, guys, I don’t know if this is just a really bad joke or something, but I live in [insert your hometown], and I have no clue where this ‘Omblyn Forest’ is supposed to be. It would be kind if you could just bring me back to the street where you picked me up from, and I’ll just take the bus home.” You didn’t care about how strong your pain was, you just wanted to leave this weird place.
Now the two men looked at you, question marks in their eyes. “A bus? What is that?” Chanyeol asked.
“What street?” Kai questioned. You simply glared back at them, feeling sick of this game they were playing with you.
“The street on which I got hit by a car.” You sighed, laying your face on your hands out of frustration.
“Chanyeol and I were patrolling the area as we found you on the ground in the middle of the forest. You were naked and surrounded by these weird symbols everywhere. We couldn’t just leave you there, so we took you here. I’m sorry, but we don’t know what you’re talking about. What is a bus or a car?” You had a hard time believing what Kai just told you. Could it be? What if you were teleported into some weird kind of alternate dimension or something? You were desperately searching for an explanation to all this, but nothing sounded logical to you.
Chanyeol stood up and anxiously looked out of the window. “Kai. You should come check this out.” Kai stood up as well and looked out of the window Chanyeol was looking out of. From the bed, you weren’t able to see what shocked them so much, which left you even more confused than before.
Kai kneeled down next to the bed you were laying on, gently placing his hand on your leg, which was covered in the soft wool blanket that belonged to them. “What’s your name?” You felt intimidated by the situation, scared of what was going on.
You could feel the tense aura around Chanyeol and Kai after they saw what they saw. “Y-Y/N.” You stuttered out your name.
Chanyeol signaled Kai to hurry up. “Y/N. You stay here, alright? It’s not safe outside, and Chanyeol and I have to go... um... do something real quick. Lay will return any moment so you won’t be alone. Please just stay here where it’s safe.” You nodded sheepishly. Kai stood up again and headed towards the door where Chanyeol was already waiting for him. They both jumped up into the air, morphing into their wolf form again. Chanyeol once again was the pitch black wolf you already saw before, but you finally also got to see Kai’s werewolf form. He was slightly smaller than Chanyeol but seemed to be more muscular. He had brown fur that reminded you of the fur of the stray cat from your neighborhood. All you heard was the door shut, as they both dashed off. You let out a sigh. You’ve never felt so scared and confused in your entire life. Why was this happening? What was happening at all?! You were desperate for answers and it was killing you. The pain across your body was still present, and it just dragged you down even more.
You buried your face in your hand palms, all color leaving your skin and turning pale due to your nervousness. Just moments later, you hear the wooden door creak open again. You lifted your head, and looked at the man, who you supposed was Lay, enter the hut. He was in his human form, and had nothing on, except for a towel wrapped around his waist.  He shook his black hair in an attempt to dry it a little bit. The other two already mentioned him going to the springs, so you weren’t too surprised about his choice of clothing. Similiar to Kai, his upper-body was also very toned, and he appeared to be very muscular.
“Oh. You must be Y/N.” He let out a cheeky laugh. You merely looked at him, not sure what you should say. “Don’t think I didn’t notice you stare. Do you like what you see?” He smirked confidently, especially after he saw your shocked, shy expression. He found it cute how you blushed after you got caught. “I ran into Kai and Chanyeol on my way back and they gave me a quick explanation about what happened and who you are. You sure cause a lot of trouble, don’t you?” He let out a hearty laugh, while he grabbed some clothing from the cabinet next to the entrance.
“What do you mean with that?” You gave him the same confused look you’ve had for the last few minutes. He retorted with a disbelieving expression.
“‘What do you mean?’ Didn’t you see it?! The king sent his stupid shadow soldiers to look for you.” Could this get any more bizarre? “Oh, don’t tell me they didn’t explain any of this to you.” Lay sighed and went into his room. A few second later he emerged again, now fully clothed and with a gown in his arm.
He threw the gown onto the bed. “For you. A visitor forgot it here.” You just didn’t even want to question that. That would just add to the confusion, so you decided to let it be. He already had this playboy-ish vibe ever since he entered the room. You grabbed the dress and looked at Lay. You weren’t going to put it on while he was here. “What? Why are you looking at me like that? Is my handsomeness too much for you to handle?” You couldn’t help but feel annoyed by his behavior.
“No, I j-just want to put on the dress.” He could see the timidness in your eyes, you never really were the confident person.
“Need me to help you with that?~” He gave you a flirty wink. You sighed. That was such a lame attempt.
“No. I want to be alone real quick.” Lay nodded in acknowledgment and stood up, ready to leave for a second.
You were about to stand up, as a pain stung across your entire body. You couldn’t stand up. Not on your own. You groaned in pain, and Lay swiftly turned around again, coming to your aid. He held you by your shoulders, while you held up the blanket, covering your body. “Okay, you do need my help.”
You whined. “Please at least look away. I’ll give you instructions.” He smiled sweetly.
“Whatever you say, princess.~” You rolled your eyes at his remark.
With the soft gown hugging your body, you and Lay sat down on the bed again. You were very careful, scared that you’d cause your pain to return again if you made too hasty moves. As you first saw Lay you thought he was just a senseless jerk, but he turned out to actually be a sweetheart. He helped you out with the dress without any flirty comments, and you were really grateful for that. “Thank you, Lay.”
“No problem, Y/N.” He smiled at you, his dimples becoming more visible. “Do you want me to explain anything that the boys haven’t explained yet?” You thought back and came up with sentences you’d like to ask him.
“Why did Chanyeol and Kai have to leave? What happened?”
Lay gulped and anxiously looked around the room as if someone else could hear him. “Okay, so... Kai and Chanyeol went to confront these so-called ‘Shadow Soldiers’ that belong to the new king. He once was just a normal man, but one day something evil possessed him and he went mad. Some people even say this evil power granted him access to a dragon. Well, ever since he ascended in power these soldiers of him began patrolling the lands, searching for a certain someone. Don’t tell the others I told you this, but I believe you are this someone.”
You simply looked at him in disbelief. “W-what? What makes you think that I am this someone?” He eyed you intently.
“You’re not from here, right?” You nodded. “There’s this ancient prophecy, you know... One day a young woman from another world will appear, and she is destined to find true love in one of the element princes. Together they will rule the kingdom, defeating all evil, and bringing harmony to the entire land. Everyone truly believes in this prophecy, and have been waiting for years for it to come true, and I believe that the time has come.”
Wow. “Wait, who are these ‘element princes’?”
Lay stood up and took a map from the wall. It was quite beaten up and must’ve been very old. He sat down again and handed you the map. “Our world is divided between multiple small kingdoms of their own. See that little hut? That’s us. North of us is the Ice Kingdom, ruled by Prince Min Yoongi. West of the Ice Kingdom are the three mountains; Aentys, Aelys and Aerys, each belongs to a different prince, even though they’re all connected. The one furthest to the east, Aerys, belongs to Prince Kim Taehyung, of the Fire Kingdom. The one furthest to the west, Aelys, belongs to the Water Kingdom, ruled by Prince Park Jimin. Between those two mountains is the mountain Aentys, the biggest of the three. It is ruled by Prince Jung Hoseok, from the Earth Kingdom. South of the Mountains is the Lightning Kingdom, with its ancient city Vrakar, which is ruled by Prince Kim Namjoon. Close to the Lightning Kingdom is the Citadel, the capital of the whole land. That’s where the King is currently located, sitting on his damn throne. In the South West of the Lightning Kingdom is the Velvet Forest. No man has ever wandered in there and came out alive again. Some people say the King came from there, but it’s merely a rumor. To our East, West of the Citadel is Cloud City. Rumors say, it really is a city built up in the clouds. It’s the Wind Kingdom, ruled by the youngest prince of all, Prince Jeon Jungkook. Directly South of here, deep in the forest, is the Temple of Myn, the capital of the Nature Kingdom, ruled by Prince Kim Seokjin. We personally have a strong alliance with him, and he helps us out as much as he can. He’s a very nice man. I’ve only heard rumors about the others, and yet have had the honor to meet them all, sadly.”
You followed his finger, which he led across the map, pointing towards the sigils connected to what he was talking about. Your intuition was correct, -this really was a different world. “Wait, does that mean I can only return to my home if I defeat the Mad King with one of these princes?” Lay nodded.
“Yes. That’s the reason why the Mad King sends his soldiers on patrol. In case you show up, he wants to get rid of you before you can even meet any of the princes. Such a coward.” Lay scoffed. “Anyways, we’ll let you rest here a little longer until your injuries fade again, and then we’ll see how to proceed.” You nodded. If this was the only way to return to your home, you were ready to do anything. Lay smiled at you heart-warmingly, as suddenly a loud noise shook the two of you up.
From up above in the sky, a terrifyingly loud screech echoed through the land, and a huge shadow covered the hut, before disappearing again. No, it couldn’t be... Was that a dragon? You timidly grabbed Lay’s arm. “L-Lay, what was that?” Lay looked up to the ceiling, trying to follow the sound.
“I honestly don’t know...” In that very second the door to the hut swung open again, Chanyeol and Kai returning. They were in great haste, and you could hear them panting. “Guys, what’s going on?” Lay asked his brothers.
They both looked at each other, and then at you, before answering Lay. “Nothing. Everything’s perfectly fine.”
Lay stood up to talk to them, and in the meanwhile, Kai went back to you, and sat down there were Lay was previously sitting. He stroke your back. “Are you feeling better, Y/N? Did Lay explain the remaining things?” He looked at you with the same concern he showed previously.
“I still can’t move without being in pain, but I feel better than before... well... mentally. Lay explained everything to me.” You could feel the tenseness radiating from Kai. He anxiously looked back at his brothers, at Chanyeol who was stressfully explaining something to Lay, who reacted shocked.
“Y/N.” He stroke your back once more. “We have to leave this place. Immediately.” You simply looked up at him, sadness and fear filling your eyes.
“W-Why? What’s going on?” Kai stood up, holding your hand to carefully pull you up with him. He hastily walked towards his brothers, but as he realized that you were having problems walking, he came back to you and lifted you up into his strong arms with one swift move. His left hand held you tightly right above your knees, and his right hand held you safely by your shoulders.
“Lay, you take her on your back. Chanyeol and I will take our emergency resource bags.” Lay nodded and took you into his arms, and went outside. He carefully let you down onto your feet again, making sure you had a safe stance so that you weren’t in pain.
You watched him morph into his wolf-form, just like his brothers did. Lay was slightly bigger than Kai but still smaller than Chanyeol. His fur was a silvery gray, which reminded you of the moon. He shook his fur swiftly and then offered himself for you to get on. You were too scared to move because you could’ve triggered your pain again. Luckily exactly then Chanyeol and Kai came outside. Kai noticed your current situation and cautiously helped you onto Lay’s back.
With your soft hands, you held onto the silverish fur, your head softly resting on the nape of his neck, one of each of your legs hanging to each side. His fur was soft. You closed your eyes, as you felt your headache returning. Sooner than you could know, you already felt yourself drift off into a deep sleep. You heard one last thing before completely drifting away. “Prince Jin will be able to help you.” Author’s comment: This was a series I’ve been planning for a really long time now, and I’m excited to finally write it. It really means a lot to me, so I sincerely hope that you like it! I’d really appreciate any kind of support you give this series. Have a nice day, bye!
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okreadyscenarios · 8 years
Analysis: Astro as Boyfriends...
To the anon that requested this: I sincerely apologize about how ridiculously long this is;;; it’s like rly long i’m so sry but once you get me started on Astro as BFs, I could go on for hours, okay? like they’d be the best boyfriends EVER don’t fight me on this <3 T~T
literally the softest boyfriend in the world
always wants to make sure you’re happy and comfortable
if you’re not though
he becomes like this unstoppable pillar of emotional and physical reassurance and support <3
he’ll always snuggle you until you feel better
or until you’re ready to talk about whatever’s bothering you
loves to bear-hug you from behind
and just totally wrap you up in his arms
SUCH a good listener
incredibly patient!!
loves showing off for you but gets embarrassed about it easily
buys you little presents all the time
just lil things
like “i saw this and thought of you” type of gifts
bc you’re always lowkey on his mind
lowkey what am i saying?? ur highkey on his mind
let’s talk about skinship =u=
*cough cough* ABS *cough*
srsly though, he has a rly nice body;;
loves to give you sweet, slow kisses
but also loves making out with you
probably sighs/hums a lot while you kiss
plays w/ your hair a lot (esp. when you’re making out...)
likes to kiss your temples, neck, wrists
also loves doing that thing where he puts your hand up against his hand for size comparison
and just keeps your hand there
bc whoa it’s so much bigger than yours!! (it’s not that much bigger)
(he just likes to feel like your protector, you know?)
(even tho he knows you can protect yourself)
i have a lot of feelings about JJs hands okay?? T.T i’m sry
has this super low, husky voice when he’s sleepy or just woke up
likes hugging you from behind and burying his face in your hair first thing in the morning
loves nuzzling into your neck
alrighty back to fluff <3
things he likes to call you:
baby, jagi, mine, beautiful, dearest
i feel like JinJin can be super romantic
like he’s the type to write you legit love letters and poetry~
and buy you chocolates and candy on special occasions
as cheesy as it is
he means it sincerely~
he loves the sound of your voice
and the way you smile when you kiss him
and the way you smell really makes him<3<3<3
he loves when your hair is messy
or when you’re wearing pajamas
or a slouchy hoodie and sweatpants
or when you’re all dressed up for some fancy occasion
you can’t look bad??
you look good in everything??
he loves your body
even if you may not love it yourself sometimes
he loves how you look in the morning, though you claim you’re a mess
he thinks you’re beautiful <3
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yeah okay we all know that he’s the goofy sunshine bf
as silly as he acts, MJ also has many moments of genuine seriousness
you’re one of the few people who sees that side of him
the side that’s not always a happy virus
the side that has bad days
the side that feels down sometimes
you’re what helps give him strength to put on a happy face, even when he doesn’t feel like smiling
i’m getting way too far into my personal headcanons about MJ, sry;;;
what i’m trying to say is that you’re one of the few ppl he feels comfortable enough with to expose his insecurities and fears
and that’s like a really important thing for him <3
matching couple outfits for dayyys
enjoys taking random blurry photos of you and captioning them “LOML”, “look at this thing of beauty”, “cant believe how #blessed i am”
he’s a really great battery charger!!
like just talking with him for a few minutes leaves you ready to march into the day with your head held high
like you two really help each other stay positive about life in general
you know you can rely on each other~
he can always make you laugh and smile
for real, it’s impossible to not smile around this guy <3
loves giving you little pecks when you least expect it
loves giving you eskimo kisses
and just peppering tiny kisses across your face
has a tendency to puff out his cheeks or make his ducky face (you know the one) when he wants a kiss from you
he usually gets one <3
when he doesn’t though, he starts whining
he’ll tug on your sleeve
run his hands down your arms
and try to get you to kiss him
by then it usually works
if not, he just mopes the rest of the day
and snapchats you pouty selfies
you finally agree to give him a kiss when he gets back, and once he comes through the door he just TACKLES YOU <3
likes biting your lips, your ears, your shoulders...
OKAY flufffff timeeee
he LOVES <3 making you smile
like whenever you smile or laugh because of something he said or did??
his heart just ??? explodes from joy
he can’t believe you’re his
oftentimes feels like the luckiest guy in the world~~
he likes to just pet your hair and your face
it calms him
he also enjoys laying his head in your lap
and you try to make it a romantic thing
like you start playing with his hair
and gazing into his eyes
but he keeps staring up at you and pulling these ridiculous faces;;
which causes you both to burst into giggles
things he likes to call you:
honey, sweetie, sugar, cutie, pumpkin (+ adding “-pie” to any of the above)
he loves the way your eyes crinkle when you laugh
loves the sound of your laugh
like he wishes he could just bottle it up
thinks that you’re legitimately the best thing to ever happen to him <3
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the most considerate bf
loves doing things for you
anything from sweeping the floor to giving you a shoulder rub
always picks up right away when you call him
even if he’s like in the middle of something
he just picks up
he doesn’t consider it an interruption or anything bc you’re like a part of him <3
your presence in his life helps motivate him to work harder
like that provider instinct kicks in when it comes to you <3
wants nothing more than to make you proud
treats you like royalty~
loves leaving you little i love you notes in your lunchbag, on your coffee cup, on the bathroom mirror, in your shoes...
definitely the type to love buying you jewelry
like it doesn’t have to be expensive
it just has to be meaningful
and when he sees you wearing something he bought you his heart just soars <3
like “yes!! look at that!!”
"its my pretty thing wearing the pretty thing I got them!!”
now for skinship~
is more shy about it in public
his limit is like holding hands
but that’s only when you’re in public
in private, he’s a l l  o v e r  y o u
loves to trace lazy patterns into your skin
your wrists, your stomach, your back, your lips
likes to kiss your hands
loves when you lay your head in his lap
is all about taking naps together
will often cuddle you for hours
when you play with his hair?? he just<3<3<3
((can we take a second to think about post-makeout!Eunwoo, pls??))
disheveled hair, slightly swollen lips, gazing at you with bedroom eyes...
((are you okay? bc i’m not okay ;u;)) i’m so sry;;
moving on!!
just loves studying your face and admiring you
he could stare at you forever~
surprisingly, he likes to initiate kisses (if you two are alone)
very playful kisser
enjoys teasing you, but can never do it for long
you’re just too irresistible to him <3
loves to whisper sweet nothings in your ear~
your smile enchants him <3
your eyes bewitch him <33
*this boy literally thinks you’re the most magical person on the planet*
things he likes to call you:
jagiya, doll, bunny, angel, darling
absolutely MELTS when you do aegyo
he just becomes putty in your hands
he loves it when you get shy
or when you’re vulnerable around him
he loves being able to comfort you
and making you feel happy
you have no idea how much you mean to him
nothing makes him feel better than seeing you smile
even after a long day
even if he’s feeling down
just being with you
he knows everything is gonna be okay <3
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most honest boyfriend ever
like Bin holds nothing back
sometimes he probably should just keep his mouth shut;;
“jagi, you should really take a shower”
“have you brushed your teeth yet?”
“i ate your slice of cake”
but most of the time it’s cute stuff...
“you have the most incredible sense of humor”
“I just noticed how adorable your ears are”
“the most beautiful thing I've ever encountered is your mind”
so you usually forgive him...
he’s like the physical embodiment of Daily Odd Compliment
like you sometimes wonder what runs through this boy’s head??
(spoiler: he’s usually thinking about kissing you)
will text you like six thousand times a day <3
loves eating with you
loves feeding you <3
LOVES it when you feed him <333
likes putting whipped cream on your nose/cheeks/lips, then kissing it off
wants to make sure you’re eating well
and that you’re happy~
really likes kissing you
like REALLY likes it
is probs kissing you 25/8, 366
little pecks, deeper kisses, to full on makeout sessions
this boy loves them all
and will do any combination of them at any given time
is also shy about skinship in public though
but only if it’s around ppl he knows
if it’s just you two around total strangers then he’s cool with being clingy
loves it when your legs tangle together while cuddling
holds you really close even when you’re not kissing (though you usually are)
loves running his hands up your sides
loves kissing your belly
loves it when you tug his hair while making out
will sometimes mumble your name/”mmm, baby~” when you’re kissing...
((stop that, Nessa. this blog is PG-13, good lord;; >///<))
loves playing with your hands
enjoys it when you make breakfast
or when you two make breakfast together
you prob made matching aprons that you wear
with something super cheesy on them
like his says “kiss the cook”
and yours says “i’m the cook”
or smth just as cringey;;
which of course gives him more excuses to kiss you...
loves how your voice sounds first thing in the morning
loves it when he can hear your smile over the phone
things he likes to call you:
sunshine, buttercup, snicker doodle, sweet pea, kitten
king of cheesy pet names over here;;
finds it adorable when you wear oversized sweaters
really admires your intelligence and perseverance <3
like you’re so strong!! you’ve overcome so much!!
how u so strong but so soft??
you lowkey confuse him
but the mystery just draws him in more
this boy really, seriously loves you <3
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dating Rocky would be an experience
like i feel like he doesn’t fall in love often
but when he does he falls very hard
it’s such an intense, passionate thing~
you borrow his clothes all the time
but he doesn’t mind
(in fact he kinda likes it <3)
likes going on nature walks with you
more the possessive/protective type
but not in like an unhealthy way
he wouldn’t go crazy
just like in a “you gave your heart to me and I’m gonna protect it no matter what” kind of way
so he likes to put an arm around your waist/shoulders when you’re in public together
bc he wants everyone to know that you belong together <3
working out with him
or him working out and using your kisses as motivation
whatever floats your boat~
he wants you to be healthy, though
he doesn’t care about how much you weigh
that’s not important
as long as you’re healthy, then he’s happy
he wants to make sure you’re taking care of yourself <3
okay so he either gives you light, sweet kisses
or it’s full deep makeout
there is usually no in-between
go big or go home
tends to growl(?) into your mouth when he’s rly into it
like just a low rumble in the back of his throat
loves grabbing your neck when you kiss
and running his hands up your back
and playing with the hem of your shirt
gets a little rougher with kisses sometimes
is always careful not to be too forceful, though
(bc your comfort is his #1 priority!!)
loves when you lay your head on his shoulder
or vice versa
he just enjoys when you lean on each other
emotionally and physically
loves giving you massages
REALLY loves kissing your neck...
and your collarbone
leaves trails of kisses along your neck/cheeks/jawline
okay i think i need some fluff now;;
things he likes to call you:
babe, gorgeous, pet, jagiya, Y/N~ but not just your name, like the way he says your name oh boy;;
loves the way you move <3
like it doesn’t matter if you’re clumsy or uncoordinated
he feels like he’s watching poetry in motion
he really admires your ambition
you inspire him a lot~
he loves to teach you dances (esp. ones he choreographed)
likes to admire your profile~
and just different angles of your face
and thinks your body is a-maz-ing!!
he reminds you everyday that you’re beautiful
and that he wouldn’t want to be with anyone else~
likes to touch his forehead to yours and just gaze at you
he gets lost in your eyes easily
you’re just the best person in his life~
he legitimately thinks you might be his soulmate <3
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cutest!! bf!! ever!!
tickle fights
pillow fights
pillow forts for that matter
and snuggling on rainy days
or during thunder storms
expect random texts at like 3am
they could either be about dolphins
or like the state of the economy
the boy has a broad range of topics on his mind;;
“no, YOU hang up first... <3”
so. many. selcas together;;
does little things for you
like buying you muffins on his way home
bc you said you liked muffins at one point
has a surprisingly good memory for things like that
like he knows what kind of breakfast cereal you prefer and which brand of fragrance you wear and how well you like your toast done~
he just remembers these things
bc he cares about you and wants to make you happy <3
what about skinship?
likes leaning down and kissing your head bc he’s a giraffe
likes kissing your fingertips
loves it when you pull him by his shirt to kiss him
loves just holding you in his arms
and tickling you
both with his fingers and with kisses
~butterfly kisses~
loves blowing raspberries on your tummy, arms, and neck
gets shy about making out~
he’s so scared he’ll mess up
that someone will chip a tooth
or get their tongue or lips bitten (not in the good way;;)
he warms up to it with practice, though
sometimes giggles during makeout sessions
but somehow it doesn’t kill the mood
it just like reinforces your love for him
you two laugh a lot together
it’s actually a rly beautiful thing <3
back to fluff (but wait that was fluff)
loves doing silly little acts of love for you
like recording an “i love you but it’s really time to wake up now” song and setting it as your alarm in the morning
or sometimes you wake up and find like
two poptarts on a plate beside you
with a note saying “breakfast in bed!! hope you enjoy~ xox Sanha”
like smh this boy;;
things he likes to call you:
((okay but side note, he uses the most random pet names))
((he comes up with these on the daily))
cheesecake, sprinkle-nugget, bunny-fluff, twinkle-fuzz, sugar-dumpling
((the list goes on...))
says dumb little things to you like
“guess who’s my favorite”
“you are~ you’re my favorite, Y/N...”
then proceeds to giggle to himself for the next ten minutes
would be so lost without you
loves to tell you how nice you look
but gets flustered whenever you compliment him~
he just thinks you’re the cutest person on the planet <3
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Requests are Open!
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What's the clubs' full names? I only see first names in the bio!
Sechzig: “Okay, Anon, let me get this straight. You call us by our real names but still demand our aliases? Talk about-”Bayern: “Shut up, Sechzig. What she means is that she’ll explain everything about the name she chose, and we’ll explain ours too!”Sechzig: (hisses) “What the fuck are you up to, Bauern?”Bayern: (whispers) “And what the fuck are you up to, 59? You can’t scare away askers!”Sechzig: “Oh, so you care about my image now?”Bayern: “No, I care about this blog… and Fürth, too, for that matter.”Sechzig: (sneers) “Awww, so sweet.”Bayern: “I’m gonna pretend I didn’t hear that. Anyway, Anon, let us begin!”
Bayern: “My full name is Franziska Müller. I plan to change it to Franziska Lahm, though - I think it’s a great way to honor Philipp (my captain) after his retirement.”Fürth: “Hey, while you’re at it, why don’t you tell ‘em the Story of Franziska?”Bayern: (grins) “That’s a great idea! A long time ago-”Sechzig: (slaps hand over Bayern’s mouth) “NOPE!”Bayern: “Oh, yes, Leonie. It’s a meaningful story, after all…” (clears throat)
A long time ago in the city of Munich, there lived a little boy who loved football. He wanted to be a footballer when he grew up, so naturally, his biggest wish is to play for the best team in Munich at the time: TSV 1860.
When his team played said best team, he was excited beyond belief - I can’t believe I’m going to play the greatest team ever! he must have thought as his junior team takes on the field.
But his thoughts did not last long. The Sechzig team didn’t play nice - one player even clipped the then-little striker’s ear, causing him to have second thoughts about joining the Lions.
Do I really want to play for these bullies? he wondered. The answer was as clear as day: no. So when the boy turned fourteen, he joined the underdogs from FC Bayern.
As he grows up, the boy became a libero - one of Bayern’s best, no less! Over the course of his career, he clinched three European Cups, four DFB Cups, four German championships… the list goes on.
His achievements have earned him the nickname Der Kaiser, or the Emperor. Sounds familiar?
Why yes, ladies and gentlemen. This little boy is none other than the great Franz Beckenbauer.
No player will ever be bigger than the club, but he certainly comes close.
Bayern: “And that’s why I named myself after him. Not just to honor a legend, but also to remind Sechzig what could have been - and what she could never achieve!”Fürth: (gives Bayern a standing ovation) “Man, I can never get enough of that story!”Sechzig: (grumbles profanities under her breath)Fürth: “Now, can I go next? Or do you wanna talk about your last name?”Bayern: “My last name doesn’t need a lot of explanation,” (chuckles) “The name ‘Müller’ came from Gerd, my and Germany’s all-time top scorer - and the best striker in the world! - as well as Thomas, my baby boy, he’s just so loyal, such a hardworker. If he wasn’t married, I think I want him to father my children.”Sechzig: “That’s fucking disgusting.”Bayern: “What? Augsburg’s dating a mortal. Why can’t I?”Kickers: “That’s impossible, Bayern, Augsburg’s dating me!”Bayern: “Sure he does, that doesn’t stop him from-” (glances at Augsburg’s bracelet before shooting him a knowing look.) “-though.”Augsburg: (in a low, threatening voice) “Don’t bring my personal life into this.”Bayern: “Awww, fine, Mr. Privacy. Now, Fürth, didn’t you say it’s your turn?”Fürth: “Oh, yes!”
Fürth: “Hi, Anon! Name’s Emil Julius Erhardt, after two great players, Julius Hirsch and Ertl Erhardt!”Nürnberg: “Wait, where the fuck does the ‘Emil’ come from?”Fürth: “Made it up on the spot.”Nürnberg: (eyes widen) “Wow, I’m surprised you had the brain capacity for that.”Fürth: (laughs) “Ha, that’s funny, coming from someone who just copy-pasted her favorite player’s name!”Nürnberg: “I’m sorry?”Fürth: “You’re just mad I’m right, Max Morlock.”Nürnberg: “Hypocrite. I didn’t just choose my name for the heck of it, Fürz, it’s also to support the renaming of my home ground… but you don’t understand that kind of thing, do you?” (jeers)Fürth: “Nah, I just don’t care, Maxi!” (smirks and gives FCN finger guns)Nürnberg: (furious) “Did you just call me ‘Maxi’?!”
Bayern: (glances at the two Franconians) “Those two just can’t be in the same room for five minutes without fighting, can they?”Sechzig: “Who cares. Now since no one’s talking, I will! As you may have heard on TV or some shit, my name’s Leonie. Leonie Radenkovic, like Petar Radenkovic, my champion keeper. Happy, Anon? Oh, and he’s also better than Manuel Neuer, by the way. No arguments allowed.” (glares at the camera)Bayern: (furrows eyebrows) “Wasn’t your name Konietzka?”Sechzig: “Changed it. We all gotta be a club hero Russian roulette, Müller. Maybe except the Sauschwob right there.” (points at Augsburg)Augsburg: “It’s pronounced August Schwab, 59.”Sechzig: “Where’d you get that shit name? TSV Schwaben?”Augsburg: “Nowhere.” (turns to the camera) “I did name myself after a club legend, once. But an FCA fan called ‘Helmut Haller’ just raises unnecessary attention. He was so loved by us Augsburgers - even our Bunducksliga contestant was named after him. How about you, Kickers?”
Kickers: “Oh!” (smiles brightly at the camera) “Hello!” (waves) “I’m Bernd… if I could, I’d give me your last name, Augsie!”Nürnberg: “Awwww!”Sechzig, Fürth, and Ingolstadt: (pretends to puke dramatically)Augsburg: (blushes) “I’m serious, Kickers.”Kickers: (cups Augsburg’s cheeks) “Live a little, Schatzi!”Augsburg: (averts his gaze from Kickers’ piercing red-eyed glare)Kickers: (suppresses a sigh and looks back to the cam) “My name’s actually the same as my coach, Bernd Hollerbach! I wanted to show him I’m grateful for his coaching - thanks to him, we got to the 2. Bundesliga for the first time!”Fürth: (mutters) “Oh my god.” (turns to Ingolstadt) “Hey, Ingo! Say something before this gets cringier!”Ingolstadt: (yells) “Hi, Anon! You wanna know my full name?!”Fürth: “Holy shit, kid, not that loud!”Ingolstadt: “I’m not a kid! I’m thirteen, okay!”Fürth: “And I’m 114. Keep it down, kid. My old man eardrums are gonna break if you keep that up!”Ingolstadt: (sulks) “Fine! My name’s Ingo Apfelbeck! And that’s really stupid, my classmates just make fun of me-”
Someone: (slaps Ingolstadt)Someone else: (slaps the camera)
Sorry, we are experiencing technical difficulties. Please stand by!
{For notes about the namesakes, do check under the cut!}
The Franz Beckenbauer Story is 100% legit (though Bayern retold it in an extremely biased way), and the Sechzig player who clipped his ear was Gerhard König.
Gerd Müller (who shares his birthday with the mun) is, indeed, the all-time top scorer in Germany, and got the nickname Der Bomber from it. And like many other Bayern players, his achievements didn’t stop there.
Thomas Müller is Bayern’s golden boy and resident joker. He’s been playing for her since age 11, and went through many ups and downs, including the Finale Dahoam and the treble.
Philipp Lahm is also Bayern’s golden boy and captain to boot. Like Müller, he, too, went through all that, and won the World Cup in 2014. Oh, he also captains the national team.
Fürth’s everything
Sechzig (German only)
Nürnberg’s Max Morlock and the stadium renaming initiative (German only)
Helmut Haller, FCA legend and ill-fated Bunducksliga contestant
Bernd Hollerbach, FWK’s promotion hero
Ernst Apfelbeck from Ingolstadt. (All in German. And yes, this club has an official Tumblr.)
{With a few exceptions, every link is in English, but please remember that Bundesliga is a German league, and thus, the best resources are all in German. Thank you so much for reading this far! Have a great day!
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chimswae · 3 years
BTS Caretaker CH38
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Summary: She may think she has Bangtan Sonyeondan wrapped around her fingers. She may think it is easy to love the members equally without hurting any soul. She may think the boys wont fall head over heels for her. She assumes it is okay to show a little love and affection towards the boys, what if she gets it all wrong? What if it only brings more complication to her already complicated life? Can she survive their charms? Will she be able to resist them? What if they just wont let her go?
- Pairing: BTS x Oc ( Yoongi x OC, Jungkook x OC)
- Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, Romance, Idol!au
- Word Count: 3,422
- Author Note: I had long weekend with my ongoing workshops going on whole day :< so thats why for the late update! sorry xx appreciate someone still read this!
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Chapter 38
“Okay, use the emergency exit and I will ask our manager to get you. Make sure to come straight to KBS Seul, I will be waiting for you” Yoongi rubbed his sore neck and glanced around the room to find the sign of his personal manager.
He hung up his phone and walked up to his manager with a distress face “Hyung, can we talk?” the muscular guy nodded as they both went to the corner of the room. “Yes, is everything alright? You seem a little edgy” he blinked confusedly.
“I need your help. Seul will be here so I need your help to assist her inside. Can you help me to get Seul?” Yoongi asked, hopeful yet afraid that his manager refused to fulfil his request.
He raised his brow in questioned “Seul? The caretaker lady? What is she doing here? Yoongi we are in public. Whatever things that you have with this young lady, don’t do it here. People might be suspicious to see her presence around you guys” the younger man stared at him hopefully.
“Please, she is in trouble. I can’t trust her alone, so I have to keep my eyes on her. I hope you can help me hyung. Please” taken aback by Yoongi unusual antic, his manager pressed his lips together in a deep thought. Being a manager, it was his responsibility to see the bigger picture of this issue and to ensure any of the members wouldn’t take any rash decision which could jeopardize their career.
“Fine, I will go get her. Don’t worry and focus on what you are about to do in a bit. Get ready for your stage, it is your turn soon”
Yoongi heaved a sigh of relief “Thank you hyung. Thank you” he gave the guy a soft squish on the shoulder and returned to his seat.
Jin overheard the conversation that they had and grew worried over Seul. The last time they talked was a week ago, he didn’t get to keep in touch with her ever since then. Not that he wanted to stick his nose into someone else’ affair, however he noticed Seul and Yoongi closeness these days made him think that they were officially dating each other.
Jungkook on the other hand had stopped talking about Seul which freaked him out. If he could crown Seul’s biggest fans, then it will be Jungkook. The maknae’s mood seemed a little dull than usual. Jimin had stuck to his side like glue ever since then.
Burying himself under his hoodie, Jin stared at his phone blankly dying to know the truth.
Seul squished her eyes together, mentally blaming herself for calling Yoongi adding more burden to his already hectic day. Not that she wanted to burden him with her problem, but she had nowhere to go especially now, she had trusted Yoongi with all her heart. She would rather turn to him rather than destroying herself with her evil thoughts.
She dragged her heavy feet inside the building and made sure to keep her eyes open to catch familiar face there, like Bighit staff. Her cell phone rang. Still staring at the screen showing the live broadcast of Music Bank, she answered the call without uttering anything “Seul? Where are you?” asked the voice at the end of the line.
“Jin? I am..here at KBS” she was surprised to hear from Jin at this time when she thought they would be in stage getting ready for their performance.
“I heard..you are coming. Are you already here? Kibum hyung will be down in a minute to get you” Seul heard her name being called and quickly turned to face the owner of the voice. “Your manager is here. I will see you in a bit Jin. Good luck” she added, smiling between her words. Jin couldn’t hide that cheeky smile of his as he looked forward to seeing her after a week.
He jogged toward her, calling her name once again “Seul? Come with me, and I have to warn you beforehand that the backstage is going to be hectic and crazy. Walk close to me so you won’t get lost” he explained
She nodded her head, grateful to see BTS manager there, at least she didn’t need to walk through that unfamiliar glass door alone. The image in front of her took her breath away, she had never seen a backstage this hectic. Technically, she got a first-hand experience at BBMAS, but it was different considering the award show had a bigger space unlike this one. People had to squish themselves against the wall and the hallway could barely support two people walking side by side.
KBS really need a bigger space to cater this huge number of idols and staffs running around the hallway as if they were in a marathon. The silent man kept glancing at her to ensure the girl didn’t get stuck in between. Seul smiled as an assurance mouthing ‘I am fine’ that she was able to catch up on him.
Soft yelling from every corner could be heard as they were busy preparing their idols to stage. She bumped into a group of tall handsome men on her way and right before she wanted to apologize, they disappeared from her vicinity. Amazed with the surrounding, she pressed herself against the wall to keep her safe safe from bumping into other people.
It was dizzying to be in this crowded area, so she picked up her pace upon realizing the older man was nowhere to be seen. Grunting under her breath, Seul resumed her walk while keeping her eyes wide opened in case she walked pass Bangtan’s waiting room.
Like a little wandering lamb, Seul found herself in front of a room with a BTS signed on the door. She was relieved to be free from the suffocating scene a moment ago and knocked on the door softly. She opened the door, but to her surprise, she was greeted by unfamiliar faces inside the room.
She tilted her head in confusion and went back to read the name on the door though she was sure ‘BTS’ was written clearly on it. Confusion buzzed through her brain, deciphering every word written on the door. A hand was pulling the door opened on the other side causing her to stumble a little. Regaining her balance, she muttered a soft sorry in embarrassment.
The atmosphere inside the room thickening when all eyes were on her. Seul chewed her lips nervously “Who are you?” said a woman in a grey hoodie. She was holding a brush so Seul assumed she’s one of the stylists.
“I..am looking for Bangtan Sonyeondan. I guess this is not their room?” she gulped the lumps on her throat, easing the awkwardness in her.
“I thought Jae hyung changed BTS sunbaenim sign on the door to ours” another voice came into the picture and this time it was a man. His strong gravel voice reminded her of Taehyung. The man shoved his phone inside his pocket and rose from his seat. Holy crap, he is super tall! A very tall young man with smexy eyes. His eye makeup really gave away that sexy vampire vibe.
Taking the image in front of her, she stared at him in starstruck awe. His side profile was bloody amazing, with that sharp jawline and perfect proportion, he was one of a kind.  He tore his gaze from the mirror “I am sorry, but this is not BTS waiting room, there was a mistake. We are JBJ-“ his words were stuck in his throat.
His eyes shot opened, enormous with surprise. “Seul!” their eyes met, exchanging a meaningful look. It had been years since they last saw each other. Even though Hyunbin kept in touch with her mother, they never exchanged a single text even once for years. Occasionally, Hyunbin would keep himself update on Seul’s life through her mother and that was it. He wanted to make sure the girl was safe and sound, living her life normally.
“Hyunbin..What are you doing here?” a smile appeared on her face as she could hear low murmur from the staffs and his bandmates. Noticing Seul getting a little uncomfortable by the attention that she got, Hyunbin cleared his throat to say something “This is Seul. She is an old friend of mine” they nodded and decided to give them space for their reunion.  
“Nuna, can you give me a second? I need to talk to her” the brunette looked at him weirdly while exchanging quick glance with Kenta. The Japanese guy only chuckled in his seat, moving his shoulder in a small shrug.
He approached Seul as his arms were screaming to pull the small girl into his arm, yet he knew it better. There were many eyes in the room. Hence, he must behave himself. “Wow, I didn’t expect to run into you here” said Seul, exhaling a soft breath.
“Me too. How are you?”
“I am fine, thank you. You..look good. I heard from mother that you have become an idol now. And, yeah Hoon told me about the survival show thing” he gazed down at her still bemused of their unexpected meeting.  
“It is JBJ, I am with them now. It is a temporary group project. Oh, I am sorry for what happened to Hoon. I should have known that he was assaulted by those guys, so I could do something about it” Seul shook her head. “Don’t be sorry, you did nothing. It is in the past, Hoon is working hard now to find a suitable agency that can take him as trainee” her smile alone radiates the whole room, making his eyes shrunk into a crescent moon.
“Hoon told me, I am happy for him. By the way Seul-ah, why are you looking for BTS sunbaenim?” he inquired.
“I replace mother for the time being at least until she gets better. I am their caretaker” with a laugh she shied away and ran fingers in her hair.
He watched her with an amused smile “You work for them? That is great. I mean- to work with BTS sunbaenim, that is like a dream comes true” now Hyunbin sounded a legit fanboy to her making her giggle at his reaction.
“Are you a fan?” “Of course! BTS sunbaenim is like the best role model that I could wish for” without hesitation Hyunbin answered it in one breath. They both laughed heartily enjoying the topic of his fascination towards his lovely BTS sunbaenim.
“Seul? Seul.. Thank god you are here!” they shifted their attention to the tired looking man in his fancy stage outfit. “Jinnie, why are you here?” she exclaimed in bafflement.
“To find you, hyung said he lost you. Why are you wandering around alone? This place is huge, you could get lost” Jin nagged like a mother but turned mute as soon as he realized Hyunbin’s presence around them.
“Sunbaenim..hi” Hyunbin bowed politely with a shy smile.
The older guy returned the greetings and looked at Seul confusedly “Are you seeking for his help? Ya, Ji Seul. That is not right, he is a busy man” he frowned, and his forehead furrowed. “I am sorry Hyunbin-ssi, did she cause any trouble?” Seul gaped in disbelief.
“Yah!” Jin shot her a stern look when Seul showed her protest.
“No, sunbaenim no..Seul is an old friend of mine so we are having a little chit-chat. She is not causing any trouble”
“Oh really? How did you guys know each other?”
“It is a long story Jin. It may take hours to finish one. We have to go. Don’t you have a stage to slay? And a heart to win?”
“Whose heart?” Jin was clueless by her randomness.
“Armys’ heart you fool. Let’s go. Hyunbin-ah, lets meet soon so we can have a proper talk over a tea. See you around” she bowed, patting Jin’s back signalling him to start walking and lead the way. He watched as they left the scene hurriedly with Seul trailing behind the tall guy, most probably listening to her nag along the journey.
‘Are they dating?’ he scratched his head in trying to think of a reason for their odd behaviour.
“Are you saying Kwon could be your father?” Yoongi pressed his lips together processing the info that he had just received. For an odd reason, the air conditioner in his studio was not enough to cool off the rage boiled inside him.
“Fuck yes” Seul said bitterly.
Jin threw a cushion toward her direction “Language” and Seul grimaced in her seat.
“Ugh, alright Steve Rogers wannabe” she hugged RJ cushion pillow to her chest, squeezing it dear life earning a disgruntled look from the owner a.k.a the creator of RJ.
“Stop doing that, you are suffocating him”
She smirked sarcastically “I am turning him into my hostage”
Jin rolled his eyes in response and returned his attention back to Seul’s story. “Why didn’t any of you tell me about this? About him threatening you? Kwon is a dangerous man, stop working there” Yoongi nodded in agreement as he looked as furious as Jin.
“It is not that simple. He could sue me for breach of contract”
“We will pay for you” their unanimous voice surprised her. “The point here is, we are not letting him near you. He is a shameless old man. He should have gone to jail for what he did to you” Yoongi’s voice was deep, filled with hatred.
“Can you for once stop worrying about money? We could help you. And I know you may find this a little uncomfortable, let’s just say you can pay us when you have money. For now, think about your family safety”
Seul leaned back in her seat, fiddling with the hem of her pink sweatshirt “We are still not sure if he is my biological father. I..dont want to know at all” she blinked away her tears afraid if it hits the ground, it would send her to another dreary night.
Jin slipped his warm hands in hers, giving it a small squish “It is up to you. You don’t need to know if it hurts you. Because after all these years, you were doing fine without your biological father. Hoon and ahjumma love you, that is important. The family that you have now is your real family” he hummed softly.
“What should I do first?” she looked up with a glint of hope evident in her eyes.
The rapper sighed “It is about time Ji Seul. First, you need to return home and be with your mother. She is worried sick and wouldn’t stop bombarding me with messages” Jin cringed.
“Why she didn’t text me? She always put me above everyone else before you come into the picture!” the latter was salty over the fact that Mrs Hwang went to Yoongi instead of him.
Ignoring Jin meaningless argument, he continued “I will ask Sejin hyung about this. Well, Bighit owns a good team that can help you going through those process. We will think about that later. You have to head back and get a long rest”
“Get rid of those eyebags, it looks saggy”
“Don’t point it out!” she hissed at Jin spiteful remarks.
Yoongi rose and told her to head back home to get a good rest. “It is late. Get up and leave” Seul glared at him few seconds, adjusting her forms.
“See you again Jin. Good night” Jin crossed his arm disliking the way Yoongi dominates everyone here when he is the hyung.
Opening the door, he walked after her leaving sulky Jin inside the studio. He grabbed her arms stopping her from walking “You look like a walking dead. Can you return by yourself or do you need me to walk you home?” he whispered, tucking the strand of hair behind her ears.
“It is fine. I can take taxi or bus. You had a long day, thank you for sparing your busy time. I appreciate it” she stroked his wrist, exhaling a tired sigh.
“Then, text me as soon as you reach home. Be careful” he planted a soft kiss at the top of her head, pulling the girl into a tight hug.
“Yoongi…” “Stay like this for a minute, I need this” she smiled, encircling her arms around his waist tight. Burying her face in his chest, she inhaled his manly scent. Thanks to Yoongi and Jin, today seemed to be easy for her to endure after all. This is how it feels like to have trusted people by her side, she need not to worry about her insecurities. They will come to aid when she needs them.
Meanwhile, beyond the door was Namjoon doing his Vlive for the fans. As he read through the comment, Namjoon was taken aback to see the comment section were flooded with questions like;
“Who are those people at your door?”
“Namjoon oppa I think someone is in front of your door”
“Eyy, don’t freak out it must be one of the members fooling around”
“I swear to god that is a girl! You can clearly see the height difference and her ponytails?! WTF?”
“Judging from the size and height, could it be Jimin??!”
“It could be Min Yoongi too”
“The height difference and the frame asuwehwdhjws FUCK! It is definitely a girl and a man!”
“Think positive guysss! Namjoon oppa go check who is at the door! I am freaking out!!!”
 His eyes sprung open reading the unusual comment and he quickly turned back to confirm it with his own eyes, whether it was only a prank by Armys. To his dismay, it wasn’t some empty words. There were two people at the door of his studio, holding onto each other sparking questions inside his head.
Namjoon bid a farewell to Armys without commenting anything about the unclear reflection came from his door, and he settled down to confront whoever outside his studio. Indeed, Armys have eyes like a hawk. This was not their first time seeing through things that they shouldn’t see.
He was moving quickly, stealthily towards the door to find Yoongi and Seul exchanging warm hugs. They pulled away upon hearing the door clicked open “Hyung? Seul?” Seul blushed softly and forced a smile across her lips.
“Joon..I am about to leave. I will see you guys soon” Namjoon couldn’t take his eyes off Seul and Yoongi however he didn’t want to scare the poor girl. He chose to keep his mouth shut ignoring the possibility that this dating rumour might make to major news headline tomorrow.
“Get back safely Seul” he waved awkwardly.
Yoongi sent her off to the elevator, “Text me alright?” he ruffled her hair along with his signature gummy smile.
“Goodnight Yoong”
The following day, Namjoon woke up early than he planned. He didn’t sleep a wink last night with all the worries and fear bubbled inside him. What if Armys sense something is wrong and make fuss over the issue? What he should do to stop the rumours from spreading?
He settled deeper under the warm covers, not wanting to think about what he read on Twitter and Naver. Namjoon spent his night reading fans tweet to see their theories on the enigmatic figure behind the doors. And, he was right. The keyword ‘RM VLIVE’ and ‘RM Studio Door’ were both trending on twitter and naver. Not to mention, Armys had came up with a hashtag #AskRM on twitter and was trended first worldwide for 9 hours straight.
Groaning in frustration, Namjoon sat up and rubbed his forehead. His head was pounded at the thought of this rumour circulating around the fans. He prayed that fans will stop speculating and it wouldn’t reach the press or even worse Bang PD. Fortunately, everyone seemed busy to notice this kind of trending made by fans. Lets just stay that way.
Namjoon spoke to no one about this issue even though the chances that the members to figure out truth from the internet was quite high, he planned to tell others the first thing in the morning. Today would be their last day for Love Yourself promotion before proceeding with their Wings Tour until early December. He was determined to not ruin today’s fansign and acted normal. He better not screwed it up.
     This work belongs to  Chimswae © 2021. All Rights Reserved
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tomodaichis · 8 years
omg saizou and sayuri are so cute! can you tell us a little more about them???
ahh gladly!! under read more bc I HAVE A LOT OF FEELINGS!!!
general support info:
C Support: saizou approaches her about her relationship to nishiki (she’s pretty much his retainer, in a ways, but not like hoshidan royal’s retainers, more like servant-ish?) and after she tells him that her family has a history of serving the chief’s line, he goes on and pretty much RIPS HER APART being like “why do you hesitate in battle,” “you could have easily avoided the damage from that attack, do you even pay attention in battle?” “can you even be called a retainer with that kind of skill level??” and sayuri is just listening to all of this criticism and she just quietly starts cry because its not like she doesnt know she’s not strong in battle, but she tries her hardest even though she’s terrified as HELL of battle and of nohrians and he realizes mid-criticism that tears are just fallin down his face and hes like oh shit and he tries “apologizing” but his words aren’t really comforting and sayuri just yells “i-i know i’m not good, okay?!” and storms off, still crying and saizou is pretty much an asshole
B Support: saizou again tries to apologize for hurting her feelings, and she tells him that she’s alright, and that she forgives him even though she’s still hurt. she explains that she knows that she’s not made for fighting, but she’s trying her best for both nishiki’s sake, as well as sakura’s sake, to repay the princess for saving her life. she tells him that her family was never the combat type, and she grew up tending to the chief’s family and learning more domestic tasks and he genuinely feels sorry that he went off on her without understanding her and she says it’s alright and that she just needs to try harder to get better for the sake of the whole army. he says something about how she doesnt need to try so hard because he thinks women shouldn’t fight, but sayu calls him out on that, saying something like “then you think hinoka sama and kagerou-san are not suited for the battlefield? shall i let them know you think so?” and he just “urgh…” bc SHES RIGHT
A Support: he gets injured during battle and sayuri tends to his wounds and he snaps at her because it hurts, but she scolds him and he shuts up pretty fast and she says something like “i know you were injured because you blocked a blow for me” and he just goes tsun and “w-what?! what sort of LIES are you making up, woman, i-i only protect ryouma-sama” and shes just like “i know it was you, saizou, my hearing is many times greater than yours” and again, he shuts up and she thanks him for looking out for her and trying to keep her safe and hes like “y-yeah… your little monologue was pitiful” but she just smiles and says thank you and he just TSUN TSUN TSUN SO MUCH TSUN
S Support: he approaches her and wants to talk to her and tries to be all ~suave~ and what not but he’s so red, he’s so tsun, and so she grabs his hands and hes like “w-why are you holding my hand, woman?!” and shes just like “i really appreciate your efforts to keep me safe, i know you’ve been watching over me this whole time, ever since our conversation” and hes just like “a-ah uh.. um.. huh….” and says something like “i apologize, im not good with delicate matters” and she just says something really smooth like “well, you take care of me well, don’t you?” and hes like OH MY GOD and tries to finish this great proposal that he had in mind, and he somehow makes it and its gr8
wow this is really long props 2 u if u read all this
other general/misc things
asugi gets his sweet tooth from sayuri
sayuri helps him to be patient with the kiddos (esp asugi with the whole name thing and hiro is the younger one so saizou doesnt hold the same strict name rules)
asugi can’t get mad at sayuri (in his support, he doesnt lash out at her, he like physically cannot because he loves his mama 2 much)
hiro and asugi are best friends legit they cause so much trouble omfg
sayuri and saizou are perpetually shy of pda and even being SEEN with each other sometimes but their romantic moments are meaningful and small
suzukaze and ryouma actually thank her for being with saizou and not giving up on him/getting mad at him and understanding him and being patient
saizou actually loves her tail and always wants to touch it but he refrains from doing so because once she screamed when he placed his hand on it and his ears are still recovering
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