sebassstian-stan · 4 years
Christmas comes but once a year...
Under the cut are (super on time, sorry!) Christmas treats for @butlergerry, @deltslea, @dormernatali, @roerigz​, @scarlettjohansssn, @shaiwoodleybv, @charliehmn, @residentgoober, @stefigerm, @bjamesjr, @apopple, @xolively & @vancityryan
~Merry Christmas!~
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Merry Christmas, Everyone!
I’m especially grateful for each and every one of you this year - old friends and new - and I hope you have a happy, healthy and celebratory holiday with your families this year. Thank you for welcoming me back with open arms, and including me in your families of choice. Stay cozied up and warm with this hot chocolate kit, and use it to help wash down some homemade cozonac bread - a Romanian specialty - and the blame for my expanding Christmas waistline. 
Though a lot of things have changed over the years, and I may have been MIA for a few of them - some things stay the same. I wasn’t raised with much, and feel that we all have so much... I hope you all enjoy my preferred version of Christmas giving - something homemade and from the heart, and something to put good out into the world for those who aren’t as breathtakingly lucky as the rest of us. 
Lots of love,
For my new mate, @charliehmn, helping five male refugees not only receive job and skills prep to join the workforce in their new homes, but vital supplies to get them through the first few weeks so they can provide for their families
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For my moonbeam kid sister, @shaiwoodleybv​ and the woman who can - and maybe should - kick my ass on the reg, @scarlettjohansssn​, the gift of each of you sending ten girls to school for an entire year in areas like Afghanistan, the Congo and Lebanon
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For the couples that not only redefine what successful, supportive marriages look like - @bjamesjr​ and @apopple​, @xolively​ and @vancityryan​, and @residentgoober​ and @stefigerm​ - but you all make very cute kids to boot, a vitally important baby incubator donated in each of your names to under-resourced hospitals in Africa and Asia. Each incubator on average will save hundreds of premature babies’ lives in these areas for loving parents like you all.
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For the unofficial Mayor of Bayview, and the guy who always has a plan, or at least fakes it like nobody’s business @butlergerry​, a water distribution and sanitation station for rural tribes who cannot source it themselves - needless to say, a vital part of the rebuilding and vitality efforts and something we take for granted. As someone who does a lot for those around them on their own, I wanted to shine that light a little brighter where I could. 
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For the strongest and most inspiriting woman around, @deltslea​, there isn’t a way to bottle up your special magic, but providing small business training for five women in places like Liberia, where market-savvy women are often natural entrepreneurs who generate income for their families and lift the fortunes of entire communities. Sort of like the way you lift up the rest of us, doll.
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For the fiercest and defacto-everyone’s mom, @dormernatali​, as someone who has brought their own family together to create something beautiful, my favorite gift this year of reuniting five refugee families who have been separated during a crisis, migration or other natural disaster across Africa and the Middle East. Because of you, five families are going to find each other in this crazy world to begin healing and thriving. 
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For my brother, @roerigz​. A lot has changed, for us as men on our own, and between the two of us as friends. Family again someday, hopefully. Though I have some regrets, coming back home and, admittedly not easy, but having the chance to work on things together - metaphorically, but also kind of literally soon enough - will never be one of them. I wanted to get you a few goofy things, because, you know, Christmas - like this shirt - but the wood brand is something I thought you might like to design for yourself to sign your work. It’s beautiful, and deserves to bear the Roerig name, or Windsong’s, if you wanted. Your affinity for fat, happy, healthy babies is something I’ve learned to start appreciating over the years too, but one that I started learning from yours. In light of that, your real gift of four mobile clinics - Gracie’s Clinic, Jason’s Clinic, Harper’s Clinic and Ryan’s Clinic - which will serve across southeastern Asia and Africa, to have there be more fat, happy babies in the world because of you all. 
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letitbrie · 6 years
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Christmas is too sparkly
- said no one ever
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For @zaynsalamb
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For my very bestest friend, I had the mug made! Maybe someday we can come up with a better design but it was pretty last minute this time around. I wanted you to have it for Christmas though because truer words have never been spoken. I also got you this fancy, personalized planner. It has space to plan out everything you need from flowers, to seating arrangements even a day of checklist so nothing gets left behind. And of course, your very own Christmas cupcakes that you don’t have to share with anyone (ok, maybe Harry!). 
I love you friend, and I am so happy that this year has brought you so much joy. I hope you and Harry have a very Merry Christmas and that 2018 brings you everything you’ve ever dreamed and more. 
Love, Brie. 
For @butlergerry (+Gaelyn)
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Powered by Coffee, 365, 24/7. The shirt seemed to precise to pass up! And the cupcakes, of course - espresso flavored because you didn’t get any coffee this year (weird, right?) so I figured they were a pretty close runner up. The helmet is for Gaelyn and her new bike! You can wear it too if you like, but I’m not sure it will fit right! And lastly, you didn’t think I’d let this whole spa thing just roll on by did you? Now that I know this little tidbit about you, I thought I’d treat you to very own, at home, spa treatment. 
Thank you for being my friend for one whole year! I hope there’s many more to come but in the meantime, I’m wishing you and that perfect little angel of yours the very merriest of Christmases and an unforgettable 2018! 
Love, Brie.
For @deltslea
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My partner, my friend, I hope your Christmas is filled with all the magic and joy the universe can hold - I’m looking forward to another year of laughing, creating and believing with you! May 2018 be the best you’ve ever had! 
I saw this print and immediately thought of the many conversations we’ve had about the importance of kindness and I thought it was a nice reminder that it all starts with being kind to ourselves. The cupcake bath bombs just smelled yummy and I thought someone amazing deserved them, so obviously, you came to mind first! The bracelet also reminded me of you - I love the message but I also love watching you work and hearing you perform, so never, ever stop singing you song! And lastly, given the chaos that is our world, a day planner always come in handy but this one is not only (almost) as pretty as you, but sets the tone for whats to come right from the start! Merry Christmas, my friend!
For @residentgoober, @dempjoe, @signofharryedwardstyles, @roerigz, @skarsgardb, @xolively, @oneforhoran, @apopple & @bjamesjr, @taylorkitcsh & @roberttsemma and @edwardhardy & @elisabetholsan
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There are three things I think about when Christmastime rolls around: 1) sweets. 2) my amazing friends 3) the importance of giving. So for all of you, I’ve included some homemade gingerbread cupcakes along with a small token of my appreciation that is very near and dear to my heart. 
The Giving Keys was started by a very special friend of mine who saw a need and wanted to approach a solution in a whole new way. The company employees men and women who are transitioning from homelessness - each key is hand stamped and put together by someone who has faced a great deal of struggles and is working hard to get back on their feet. Each key is stamped with a one of a number of phrases (I have chosen ‘Believe’, given the season). The hope is, is that each time you wear it, you will be reminded to believe in yourself, to believe in others, to believe in magic. And if, by chance, you come across someone who you feel needs those thoughts a little bit more than you do, pay it forward and pass it along. With any luck, we can spread the message everywhere! 
I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and that 2018 is as good to you as you have been to me! 
Love, Brie. 
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davyjf · 6 years
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It’s all fun and games until someone checks the naughty list (tip: you made the nice list!). 
For @reinlili
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Alright babe, it’s our first official Christmas and all I can say is that I hope there’s many more to come for the two of us. There was so much I wanted to get you to make sure this year was as special as it gets, but I figured I’d save some for other occasions, since I intend for there to be a lot of them. Here’s what I settled on for this year though. 
First, the rings. They might not be of the engagement kind, but you can consider it a promise (do people still do that?) - I know we’ve talked about jealousy a bit lately and while I don’t think it’s a problem for us, I thought this might help ease both of our minds a little bit. They’re a set, and I will wear mine always so you never have to worry if anyone is wondering - they will know my heart is spoken for even before I can tell them. Next, the flowers. Okay, I thought these were really cool and something you could take along with you when we have to be apart. Keep them in the box and (somehow, magically) they will last whole year (cool, right?!). 
On to the naughty list stuff. It looks like a candle, smells like a candle, is a candle. But it also melts into a deliciously silky massage oil that I thought we could have a little bit of fun with! Next is a book of love poems by Pablo Neruda. They’re almost as beautiful as you and I wish I had the talent to tell you how I feel as elegantly as he does but I’ll borrow his words this time so you never have to wonder. I figured I’d leave this last one boxed up so we could open in private later, but you can probably guess what’s hidden in there (Don’t let your dad see this one!). 
Meeting you and getting to spend the past several months falling more and more in love with you has been then absolute best thing that’s happened to me and more than I ever could have hoped for. You’re my everything and I look forward to spending the next year, and many more after, falling even more in love with you. Have a very Merry Christmas, babe. 
Love, Dave. 
For Zoey @zoeydevtch
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Merry Christmas Zoey, I pulled in a favor from the big man and got you off the naughty list. You can thank me later! I got you a mug made without upcoming smash reality show hit - I figured it might motivate us to get things done (or just make you laugh when you see it and remember what nerds we are!). I also got you a couple snowboarding goodies - socks and gloves (don’t ask me what is with all the pink this time around, but it just happened) - stay warm and safe out there, will you?! And lastly, but perhaps most importantly, the only hangover tonic you will ever need.  It’s handcrafted using a unique blend of herbs known to ease the ailments caused by the overindulgence of a good time. Can be mixed into cocktails or employed to alleviate nausea, stress headaches, anxiety, or an upset stomach. Goes great in Whiskey, Bourbon, Tea, or straight in Soda water.
Anyway, if my mom had managed to push out a girl at some point, I’m pretty sure she would have ended up a lot like you (nice, but a bit weird), so I figure you’re probably about the closest thing I’m ever going to get to a sister and now we just need to make the Dueco’s official so that next year at this time, we can share the family insanity! Have a great, one and hey, try and be good?
For Zach @roerigz
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Merry f’in Christmas man! 
I just wanted to take a minute to celebrate the holidays with you and thank you for being not just a stand-up guy, but a great friend this past year-ish (not quite, but close enough, right?). We’ve had some good times but you’ve also listened to me babble on and on about just about anything and everything with patience of a fucking saint. You’re good people, brother, and I’m glad our paths crossed. 
Alright, first up, some new longboarding gloves and a sneaker cleaning kit so you can look fresh as hell once all this snow goes away and we can get back out there again. I threw in some snowboarding goggles because a man has to look good all year round, right? Lastly, I came across this nifty little business card holder that not only seemed appropriate but well timed give your new adventure. I figure those new business cards are going to be in high demand, so you should have something both handsome and convenient! 
I hope you and the family have an excellent Christmas and that 2018 is extra good to you all! Merry Christmas!
For @tylerjbburn, @levittjoe, @edwardhardy, @dempjoe, @evanpxtrs, @bviewgron, @shay-bright, @roberttsemma
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Merry Christmas friends, 
I wanted to do something a little different this year, because we all know Santa is going to spoil you all rotten and I didn’t want to contribute to the corruption, so I figured I’d do something good! I think most of you know that I lost my best friend to cancer awhile back. While he was battling the disease and since he passed, I’ve been a huge supporter of Stand Up To Cancer, which raises money every year to accelerate the amazing and groundbreaking research happening all over the country. All the proceeds from your spiffy new hoodies and travel bottles will be a part of helping us get closer to finding a cure, once and for all! 
Anyway, I hope you all have an amazing Christmas! Thanks for the laughs and the good talks. Here’s to many more in 2018! 
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stefigerm · 7 years
KIND (zach)
What can I say? You’re the best fake big brother around. You’ve always been there for me no matter what else was going on — even if that was just a listening ear — and that honestly means the entire world to me. I remember when I found out I was pregnant with Amore and you were the first person I told the news to, hell, you knew the situation before the pregnancy was even confirmed. I knew I could come to you without any sort of judgement and that has never failed over the past two years that I’ve known you.
Going with that theme, I wouldn’t say that you would drop everything to be there for a friend... just hear me out, alright? That’s supposed to be a good thing. Even though you love all your friends with all your heart you still have your priorities in check and know that you and your family ultimately comes first no matter what. You’ve come a long, long, way since I first met you when you and Crystal were only still dating and didn’t have three kids together. You manage to blend the relationships of family and friends with ease, but at the end of the day? You still know what’s important
Last but not least, I think you’re fucking awesome for always letting me remind you that sloths usually grab their hands thinking it’s a tree branch and then fall to their deaths without hating me. Did I just mention that again Aw, shit. At least I know you’re the forgiving type and you love me anyway.
[ @roerigz ]
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zaynsalamb · 3 years
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you know, i think it’s very rude you’ve yet to come over to my place and visit. don’t you love me anymore? did i break your heart when i left? @roerigz​
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meganfxx · 3 years
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❤️  likes
meganfox: celebrating in style with my gorgeous girl @caccolahq , congratulations america, bayview, the world. love you. and also congrats @roerigz !!
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jeaninemxson · 4 years
Right, so.. guess we’re living in the same town and we’re bound to run into each other. I'd say that it's nice to see you, but we didn't end things on a good note. @roerigz​
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pompeooo · 3 years
child’s play
Though she’d never admit it aloud to herself or anyone else, Ellen couldn’t help but feel a slight sense of loneliness that came with single parenthood. It was nothing she felt unequipped for and she would never return to a relationship that didn’t work out just because of said loneliness, but the sense was there. It was a big part of why she’d decided to make the move to Bayview, to meet new people and build up new friendships both for herself and her three children. So far, she liked to think it was going pretty well, and she wasn’t sure she’d ever been quite so happy to call somewhere home. It helped that there were others in her same situation, too, and that was why she was so thrilled when a playdate was suggested between Zach’s kids and her own (she couldn’t remember whose idea it was, in the end, but that didn’t really matter.) And so on Tuesday she bundled up her own kids for a trip to the children’s museum, something they hadn’t yet gotten to do since their arrival in the small town that seemed to have everything and more. The children chattered excitedly during the car ride as Ellen looked out the window at the passing town, and it was no time at all before they were waiting in the entrance of the museum for Zach and his family to arrive, Stella and Sienna poring over a map of the facility while Eli tugged on his mom’s hand and begged for more fruit snacks. @roerigz 
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sebassstian-stan · 7 years
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Dear Fellas,
Today is simply an embarrassment of riches and good fortune - not only am I going to marry the woman of my dreams in a few hours, but I couldn’t have asked for a better group of men to stand up there with me while I do. 
I’ve known some of you for years and years, and some of you I’ve only met recently here in Bayview. I never anticipated that when I left Manhattan almost two years ago that I’d end up here knowing all of you, and consider myself incredibly blessed to have friends who are so talented, funny, and supportive. If I don’t say it enough today: Thank you.
I hope you enjoy yourselves today as much as I plan on going to. Cut a rug on the dance floor, hook up with a bridesmaid (especially if you’re married to one!), and join us in celebrating our love - I speak for Minka and myself when I say how grateful we are that you’re here with us today.
I’ll see you fellas at five sharp - now I know you’ve all got a pocket watch so don’t stand me up!
Lots of love,
[ @c-crawford​, @taylorkitcsh, @roerigz, @iwannrheonn, @bjamesjr ]
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apopple · 3 years
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Merry Christmas to everyone!  We hope that you are having a great time with your loved ones.There are a plate of homemade cookies from the kiddos for each of you and under the cut, you'll find gifts for Ben, Claire, Delta, Gerard, Zach and Zooey! Merry Christmas! xx
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BEN --  ( @bbcrnes​)
I am blessed to have you as my best friend to get through life in.  It’s always difficult to keep anything from you. You’re literally the person that I want to tell all my secrets to after I get done telling my family (and Bradley).  I hope that you and Zoey have had the most magical holiday.  I hope that between Christmas and the New Year we can get together and catch up.  I’ll even buy the food.   The clock is supposed to remind you of Big Ben.  There is a antique kaleidoscope and a cool sphere of the universe. The mug is pretty self-explanatory.
Love, Anna
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CLAIRE— ( @clrholt​ )
Merry Christmas to you and your family!  I hope that James had a lovely first Christmas but I have no doubt that he did. Every mother deserves to have pretty things and these little stone flowers will never fade and always look nice wherever you choose to place them. I also got you these little soaps so you can lock the door to the bathroom and get some much needed relaxation from time to time.
-   Anna
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DELTA -- ( @deltslea​)
I think there was a bit of a butterfly theme for you this year but I could certain say that 2020 was transformative for you. As your friend, it’s been nice to see you finally get to some much deserved happiness.  Wishing you (and yours) a very Merry Christmas! We will definitely have to get together soon.  I am overdue for some Delta time.
- Anna
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GERARD –- ( @butlergerry​)
Merry Christmas to you and your family!  I saw this little Turkish coffee pot and  it was so beautiful that I couldn’t help but think that it would add some character to your coffee time in the mornings.  I hope that Santa brought everyone in your house everything they deserved.
- Anna
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ZACH -- ( @roerigz​)
It’s hard to know what to give your husband’s boyfriend aside from your husband and honestly as generous as I can be I foresee myself needing him in 2020.  I hope that you and the kids had a wonderful Christmas together. I know that you’ve had a difficult year and I’m positive that better days are ahead.  Hopefully, these few gifts help brighten your Christmas a little.  The fuzzy thing is actually soap by the way.
- Anna
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ZOEY -- ( @zoeyfdtch​)
Thank you so much for coming to town and tolerating my and Ben’s friendship.  He is honestly my oldest and dearest friend and I know you were kind of used to our lengthy phone/skype calls prior to the move but now that you’re here you actually have had to accept me being around plus my husband and kids.  Please don’t run away.  We’re pretty fond and you’re part of the family now. I hope that you got spoiled this Christmas!  Looking forward to seeing you guys soon.
- Anna
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zaynsalamb · 3 years
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happy father’s day @roerigz​
you know that i would be nowhere without you here! thanks my dude and here have some cupcakes your (real) kiddos helped me make for you. 
love from your favourite and best child,
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hastyles · 3 years
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Happy birthday @roerigz
First of all, I couldn’t resist getting this card, since it made me laugh. So I hope it does the same for you. The weather has been unforgivably cold lately with all of this snow. So I decided to get you this cozy little hoodie blanket. I also put together a gift basket filled with a few different types of beers for you to try, as well as a bunch of different snacks to munch on. And of course, I had to add to your fanny pack collection. As soon as I saw this, it just screamed your name to me. Because you’re not a regular dad, you’re a cool dad. And this fanny pack will just keep reminding your kids of that. I hope you have a fantastic birthday, man. 
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ecxwatsonbv · 3 years
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Dear Zach I saw these and after our conversation I had to get them, to the best turtle I know happy birthday. 
Love Em x
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pompeooo · 3 years
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Happy Birthday! I hope that you’re spoiled and spend the day knowing just how loved and appreciated you are. Bayview’s lucky to have a man like you in town, and I feel blessed to call you a friend. Enjoy the treats!
Ellen (+ Stella, Sienna and Eli)
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sebassstian-stan · 7 years
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Dear Fellas: @roerigz @bjamesjr @taylorkitcsh @iwannrheonn
Your friendship has a gift, plain and simple. The number of things you’ve taught me is innumerable, but not least of all that there was always going to be the right person out there for me - I just had to find her. Now that I have, I can’t imagine not having you stand by my side. Not only to hold my hair back if I nervous puke (fingers crossed no) but as one of the people who helped me help myself to be up at an altar at all. It would mean the world to me to have you as one of my groomsmen, I love you bro, and not that it’s adequate, but thank you for everything.
Though you’re a terrible Knicks fan, and potentially a cheater at video games, getting to know you and (trying) to understand what makes you tick has been a pleasure, typically yours at my expense - but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Your easy company and dry wit have made countless otherwise boring evenings ones worth remembering. It feels like we were just standing up watching you and Anna bond yourself together forever, and I’d be honored if you’d do the same for me and be one of my groomsmen. 
We’ve come a long way from rolling down a hill in the freezing cold, but I couldn’t be more grateful to still have you as one of my oldest (literally, so old!) and wisest(?) friends. Between the two of us, I don’t think it’s any surprise I ended up walking to an altar first, but I’ve still got hope for you. But to get your feet wet before taking the plunge - will you be one of my groomsmen? There’s no way I can rightfully get married without you up there, making me nervous that you’re going to ‘speak now’ instead of ‘holding your peace’ or potentially show up without pants on. Love you, buddy.
Minks and I wanted to find a way to ‘share’ you for our wedding, since we both simply adore you so much. Being so un-musical ourselves, we’d be honored if you’d do us the pleasure of playing the guitar as our processional/recessional music during our wedding? We promise not to carry your duties over into the reception, because you’re one of the people we’re looking forward to celebrating with the most - and we certainly know how that can be with us and a few drinks in the mix. I know I speak for both of us when I say how glad we are to have met you
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skcrsgcrd · 3 years
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Happy Birthday, Zach! @roerigz
A little birdie told me that it was your birthday today! And it wasn’t your chickens. Although, if you trained your chickens to let others know it was your birthday, then... I’m jealous. But in all seriousness, I truly hope that you’re having the time of your life today and that you’re getting spoiled rotten. By your kids, your friends, neighbors, etc. 
While in the topic of chickens... I did get you one of the best sweatshirts a person could get. I thought you’d have a good laugh, and hopefully, everyone else around you when you head to the store. Sure, it might look a little girly, but it’ll match your eyes. 
Now, because it’s still a bit chilly out, I got you some sherpa blankets to last you a while. Think we talked about it briefly, but I have a great memory and figured that you’d make good use out of them. And because you have a lot of kids, I know that parents often run out of photo albums so I wanted to make my contribution and help you out! And finally, I got you some cake pops. Don’t worry, they’re from Sweet Tooth. I bake, but not that wouldn’t be very kid-friendly. 
Either way, Happy Birthday! 
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