#she EARNS everything she has and then gives a not insignificant portion of that to ME
caffeinatedopossum · 7 months
Being an adult and still having to get everything from someone else is so devastating to my self esteem
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iturbide · 4 years
This might seem out of the blue, but do you ship Gaius and Maribelle? Either way, do you have any headcanond about the two of them? Thanks!
I don’t ship them, myself!  Personally I’ve always been more a fan of Maribelle and Vaike, in part because I think they work really well together.  Maribelle wants to be part of the magistery court so she can fight for fair and equal treatment for all, but is woefully out of touch with the common people she wants to fight for; Vaike, meanwhile, comes from a very rough and tumble background that’s pushed him to fight to raise his community up from the slums, but nobility doesn’t mean anything at all to him -- and because he doesn’t show it “due respect,” in Maribelle’s eyes, it earns him no shortage of tongue lashings early on.  But he’s a good guy, and he listens when Maribelle worries about being unapproachable or out of touch, and happily drags her about as far from the noble pomp and circumstance as it’s possible to get so she can bet better acquainted with the common folk; and even if he’s not really good with all the frilly noble nonsense, he at least gives it a try for the sake of fairness.  I just really feel like they can be good for each other: Vaike helping to keep Maribelle grounded and in touch with the common folk she wants to fight for and showing her the struggles they face, while Maribelle with her keen wit (and no shortage of funds from her pedigreed lineage) can help him to make more of a change for the people of his community than brawling could on its own.
(Also, everything about Brady makes so much sense with Vaike as his dad.  The super scary face?  The horrible posture?  The rough and tumble attitude despite being a healer?  The coarse language that about makes Maribelle faint?  I love Brady as Vaike’s kid okay.)
This is not to say that I don’t have headcanons about Gaius and Maribelle interactions, though.  Because I do (and you can blame Future Built for that):
Gaius and Maribelle have history, and it’s not pretty.  Maribelle’s spent a not-insignificant portion of her life hating Gaius for slandering her father’s name in court, and Gaius has spent about the same amount of time feeling guilty for it, even though he was forced into it and then tried his best to minimize the damage as soon as he was able.  It takes time for them to understand this about each other, though, and try to mend the burnt bridge they’d never been able to cross before.
Gaius is a very clever, very capable thief, and quite the adept spy, to boot.  Maribelle may not approve of his choice of career (which, as he points out, he didn’t have much of a ‘choice’ in), but she grudgingly admits that it has its merits; the two of them make for a very formidable team, with Gaius doing the shady sort of information gathering while Maribelle puts them to use in publicly undermining a corrupt system.
Gaius’ obsession with candy is probably one of the most well-known things about him.  Maribelle has tried to get him to give up his life of crime by promising that he can always come to her for a meal (or, yes, even sweets), and it works...for maybe a few months, and then he’s back on the rooftops again.  It’s for a good cause, of course, and has nothing to do with candy (...probably), but it frustrates Maribelle to no end.
Even Maribelle’s own home isn’t safe from Gaius’ nimble lockpicking skills.  He has taken it upon himself to keep her sharp by testing her security, finding the biggest vulnerability, and sneaking in to leave presents for her in her preferred office -- sometimes information, sometimes sweets to go with her tea.  Every time she has to do a full sweep to figure out where he got in this time and figure out how to try and reinforce it.  It’s become something of a game for the both of them, and while Maribelle might claim she loathes it, she can’t deny it’s an entertaining change of pace.
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sleepleess-nights · 5 years
Genuine Moms Dish on Easy Ways to Get Pregnant Faster
Wish you had an individual infant making mentor? Allow these ladies to enable—they to realize how it's finished! Peruse on for their time-tested tips on the most proficient method to at last get pregnant faster tips following quite a while of attempting to imagine.
You'd never know it from the giggly indulges in their arms, yet a lot of guardians have attempted to consider eventually. Actually, the CDC evaluates that 6.7 million ladies in the U.S. can't get pregnant so no problem at all. By far most of guardians eventually get the infant they longed for—and adapt a lot of tips for attempting to consider en route.
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Here, genuine guardians share hard-earned intelligence you can utilize right this moment to help quicken your excursion to implantation and origination.
Know Your Ovulation Symptoms
Carrie E. Carroll, 36, a workmanship chief in Arlington, Virginia, had a shrewd system set up for getting pregnant. At age 32, she went off of anti-conception medication one year before she wanted to imagine and utilized that opportunity to give her body a full check up. 
"I ate truly well—heaps of natural products, nuts, and greens—brought down my caffeine consumption, followed my ovulation, did yoga two times per week, and raced to remain fit as a fiddle," she says. Be that as it may, following a couple of long periods of attempting to get pregnant, she had little to appear for it. "I thought some way or another it is simpler to imagine in light of the fact that I got everything done right," she says. Feeling disappointed, she approached other ladies for exhortation. "One mother of four let me know 'Attempt to listen all the more near your body—it offers you hints that your period is coming and that you're ovulating.'"
Not actually sure what she should search for, Carrie invested more energy concentrating on the psyche body component of her yoga practice and homing in on how she felt with every development. "One evening half a month later I was driving home with my significant other and I felt somewhat fly in my lower midriff on one side," she says. "I realized it was not yet time for my period, as I had been following myself reliably, so it couldn't be an issue." What she felt was likely mittelschmerz, or ovulation torment, the pinging sensation a few ladies experience when an egg is discharged. Thinking it was the indication of ovulation, she and her significant other got occupied the following day. After five weeks, her hunch was affirmed: She was pregnant—with twins! "I'm so happy I figured out how to tune in to my body; else we may have missed that ideal window for origination," Carrie says.
Tidy Up Your Pre-Pregnancy Diet
Experiencing difficulty imagining can be particularly astounding if it's your second time around. Mandi Welbaum, 26, a mother blogger and editorial manager in Troy, Ohio, battled with auxiliary barrenness after she had her first kid at 17. Two years after her child's introduction to the world, her periods despite everything hadn't returned to typical yet she opposed heading off to the specialist. "I needed it to happen normally, the manner in which it did the first run through, so I began following my temperature each morning at 5:30 a.m., checking cervical bodily fluid, and recording each and every seemingly insignificant detail that felt or appeared to be unique," she says. Months went with no karma. "I arrived at where I said 'I believe we're simply expected to have one,' so I chose to get down to my prepregnancy weight for good."
That implied bringing an end to a portion of her unfortunate propensities, for example, eating oily inexpensive food a few times each week. "I required some responsibility so I began Weight Watchers," Mandi clarifies. "It didn't accommodate my way of life, however, on the grounds that I didn't care for looking into focuses." Then she found out about the MyFitnessPal versatile application, an online calorie counter that encourages you track your eating routine and exercise. "When I began utilizing it, there wasn't one day that I would neglect to enter my carbohydrate levels in the application in light of the fact that my telephone was consistently with me," she says. Following five months of chopping down parts, restricting cheap food, and making solid smoothies from milk, natural product, and ice, Mandi shed 20 pounds. Inside weeks she got pregnant with her subsequent kid. "From the start I was energized, at that point I resembled, 'Poo, I simply lost this weight and now I need to recover it!'" she says with a giggle.
Get in a normal exercise schedule
Eating right and practicing consistently are savvy moves for each eventual mother. Yet, for ladies who have a typical condition that influences propagation, getting into ideal shape can be the looked for after key to fruitfulness. That is the thing that helped Christy Grimste, 34, of Washington, D.C., get pregnant in the wake of being determined to have polycystic ovary disorder (PCOS) in her late twenties.
Ladies with PCOS—that is about 10 percent of U.S. ladies of childbearing age—have raised degrees of male hormones, which make their cycles sporadic and produce sores on their ovaries. For Christy's situation, that prompted two years of attempting to consider without progress. "I attempted the medications Clomid and Metformin that treat PCOS-related barrenness, yet neither of those worked, so our subsequent stage would have been IVF," she says. Before that procedure could get off the ground, Christy and her significant other were sent to live in Ankara, Turkey, for her better half's activity. "I felt like my fantasies about having kids would have been run," she says. To exacerbate the situation, their vehicle didn't show up for the initial three months after they found a workable pace. "I needed to walk all over the place," Christy clarifies. "As an interruption, I downloaded a lot of inspiring tunes with a decent beat to keep me moving on the grounds that I abhor working out."
Cruising along to Bon Jovi for about an hour daily helped her shed 15 pounds, a part of it around her midriff, before her second's over month abroad. She likewise got a period without precedent for months. "I didn't feel that I expected to lose a lot of weight since I read that the main extremely enormous ladies with PCOS had issues getting pregnant," she says. At 5'2" and 130 pounds before she began her strolling schedule, Christy had an underlying weight record of 23.8. That put her close to the higher finish of the typical weight territory (18.5 to 24.9). In any case, weight record doesn't consider weight circulation, and abundance gut fat has been appeared to upset regenerative hormones. Shedding pounds in the correct spots appeared to do the stunt for Christy. "The extremely one month from now we were pregnant," she says.
Locate Your Ideal Body Weight
Being at the far edge of the weight range—excessively slender—can likewise block origination. Melissa Pheterson, 34, an independent columnist in Rochester, New York, got hitched five years prior and put on a touch of weight after the wedding, the same number of ladies do. "I put myself on a quite severe eating regimen," she says. "Rather than having frozen yogurt and entire milk, I was eating low-fat stuff like sorbet, skim milk, and jerky." She was additionally practicing every day, either running or doing high-affect exercises at the rec center.
The routine functioned admirably—excessively well. "My solid weight is 115 to 120, yet I propped up to under 100 pounds," Melissa concedes. She didn't understand exactly how undesirable she was until she visited a nutritionist. "She let me know, 'Except if you find a way to restore the weight, you're not going to have the option to begin a family, perhaps not currently, perhaps not ever,'" Melissa recollects. "It frightened me into taking her recommendation." She started a feast plan that was the stuff of dreams for most ladies: three dinners every day in addition to dessert, for example, full-fat frozen yogurt or pudding—in any event once per day, snacks like nuts and granola, and bunches of juice and entire milk. At the rec center, she downshifted to bring down effect exercises like Pilates. "Being less worried about my eating routine more likely than not helped, in light of the fact that inside a quarter of a year in the wake of rolling out these improvements, I at long last imagined," she says.
Increment Your Fertility with Food
Amy Reiley, 39, definitely realized that spicing up a supper with love potion nourishments makes perfect conditions for reproduction. She truly composed the book on it! Be that as it may, when the Los Angeles-based writer of Fork Me, Spoon Me: The Sensual Cookbook attempted to place a bun in her stove at age 36, she was unable to locate any reasonable formula for progress.
"Following a time of trying and two months of staggeringly costly tests, an authority let me know and my accomplice, 'You both look fine—I can't give you an explanation it's not occurring or any counsel,'" Amy clarifies. As opposed to harp on her dissatisfaction over an equivocal finding, she devoted herself completely to her work. That happened to compose Romancing The Stove, the spin-off of her first book. Fortunate for her person, she enrolled him as a formula analyzer. "We were eating an eating routine that would totally support sexual hormone creation," Amy says. "For instance, we attempted four distinctive watermelon servings of mixed greens, which is clever in light of the fact that watermelon is believed to be incredible for men's richness." They additionally got more ripeness boosting omega-3 unsaturated fats than expected through nourishments, for example, salmon. "Typically my accomplice doesn't eat any fish whatsoever yet I could slip some for the sake of chipping away at the book," she says. Amy additionally inspected extensive measures of fennel, which is stuffed with ripeness well disposed plant estrogens. Soon after completing formula testing, she discovered she was pregnant.
Amy credits the meals with powering her drive as well as restoring her relationship. "In the wake of going after for such a long time, my accomplice and I had arrived at the point that we weren't appreciating each other any longer in a sentimental or sexual manner by any means," says Amy. "It was so brilliant to be back in that place with one another, regardless of whether we wouldn't have had a child."
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Swap Processed Foods Before Pregnancy
Detroit mother Lee Padgett, 43, battled with barrenness identified with endometriosis for a long time, beginning at age 30. "Richness specialists had told my significant other and me that they couldn't imagine anything better than to take our cash however we could never be pregnant," she says. So she and her significant other said bye-bye to conception prevention and hi to a phenomenal opening for work in Germany. In a flash she found that the European way to deal with supper time was an aid for her body.
"My gut constantly troubled me in the States, however the nourishment was so a lot fresher and less prepared in Germany that I didn't have issues there," she says. She didn't need to remove indulgences suc
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victoriazoey26 · 7 years
Child Sexual Abuse Investigation
In rape and sexual abuse of child investigations, the detective will usually call the suspect to get her “side of the story.”  After charges are filed, a defendant calls to ask me if the interview can be thrown out because the officer did not read her Miranda warnings. This is important for you to think about because as a child sexual abuse defense lawyer, you want to do everything you can to protect yourself before, during, and after the investigation phase.
Most people, because of crime shows, are very familiar with the Miranda warnings.  But most do not realize that an officer does not have to read a suspect her Miranda warnings unless she is in custody.  So, if the officer is questioning the suspect at her home, it is not likely that the officer needs to give any Miranda warnings.
If you are being questioned and are unsure if you are in custody or not, ask the officer if you are “free to leave.” If you are questioned without being Mirandized, but you were not in police custody, your interview is still admissible at trial.
If a suspect is in the back of a police car or at the police station, she is in custody fo purposes of Miranda and the warnings must be given before an interrogation begins.  If the officer fails to issue Miranda warnings, the interview will likely be tossed at a motion to suppress hearing, meaning the prosecutor cannot use the interview at trial.
If, however, the defendant testifies at her trial and she says something different than she said in the police interview, the prosecutor will be allowed to use the interview to impeach her.  By talking to police, a suspect is potentially compromising her case.  Don’t talk to the police.  The police are not your friend, even if they are acting like they are.  The prosecutor won’t deal with your case more leniently if you talk, even though the police will tell you this.  You can always talk later –with the assistance of an attorney– if there is something you’d like the prosecutor to know.
If you are ever contacted by a detective for an interview, ask for a lawyer.  The police have to stop questioning you until a lawyer is provided to you.  Don’t compromise your rape or sexual abuse of a child case because of something you say.
Rape And Child Sex Cases At The Investigation Phase In Utah
Being investigated for rape or sexual abuse of a child?  Too many make the mistake of waiting to hiring a lawyer.  This is the most critical portion of the case sometimes.  Police officers often tell suspects they don’t need a lawyer and that telling their side of the story will curry favor with the prosecutor.
Nothing could be further from the truth.  Giving a statement to the police locks you into a specific defense if they case goes to trial.  You provide the prosecutor ammunition on cross-examination if you have spoken before.  If your testimony varies at all from your interview with the police, the prosecutor will impeach you with the prior interview and tell the jurors that you are lying.  And, the inconsistencies don’t have to be on major points.  Something that you may think is insignificant may become significant at trial.  Make sure that you ask for an attorney before giving an interview.  You have a right to remain silent and the prosecutor cannot use that silence against you, such as “John Doe must be guilty because he refused to tell us his side of the story.”  That is improper.
Once a rape or child investigation is completed, a warrant will go out and you could be picked up. A rape or sexual abuse of a child case is a high priority case for law enforcement and officers are going to focus on picking up these individuals once charges are filed.
If you have an attorney, most times the detective will work with your attorney to do a surrender.  Before going into court, the “wheels are greased” and a release or bail reduction is already worked out.  Remember, it’s easier to stay out of jail than to get out of jail.
Don’t make the mistake of waiting to call an attorney after the prosecutor decides to file charges.  Hire a competent lawyer to help you through the process.
Free Consultation with Child Sexual Abuse Defense Lawyer
When the police are coming after you for child sexual abuse or rape crimes, call us for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite CWest Jordan, Utah 84088 United StatesTelephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
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Source: http://www.ascentlawfirm.com/child-sexual-abuse-investigation/
from Securities Lawyer In Utah https://securitieslawyerinutah.wordpress.com/2018/03/18/child-sexual-abuse-investigation/
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jenniferramona1 · 7 years
Child Sexual Abuse Investigation
In rape and sexual abuse of child investigations, the detective will usually call the suspect to get her “side of the story.”  After charges are filed, a defendant calls to ask me if the interview can be thrown out because the officer did not read her Miranda warnings. This is important for you to think about because as a child sexual abuse defense lawyer, you want to do everything you can to protect yourself before, during, and after the investigation phase.
Most people, because of crime shows, are very familiar with the Miranda warnings.  But most do not realize that an officer does not have to read a suspect her Miranda warnings unless she is in custody.  So, if the officer is questioning the suspect at her home, it is not likely that the officer needs to give any Miranda warnings.
If you are being questioned and are unsure if you are in custody or not, ask the officer if you are “free to leave.” If you are questioned without being Mirandized, but you were not in police custody, your interview is still admissible at trial.
If a suspect is in the back of a police car or at the police station, she is in custody fo purposes of Miranda and the warnings must be given before an interrogation begins.  If the officer fails to issue Miranda warnings, the interview will likely be tossed at a motion to suppress hearing, meaning the prosecutor cannot use the interview at trial.
If, however, the defendant testifies at her trial and she says something different than she said in the police interview, the prosecutor will be allowed to use the interview to impeach her.  By talking to police, a suspect is potentially compromising her case.  Don’t talk to the police.  The police are not your friend, even if they are acting like they are.  The prosecutor won’t deal with your case more leniently if you talk, even though the police will tell you this.  You can always talk later –with the assistance of an attorney– if there is something you’d like the prosecutor to know.
If you are ever contacted by a detective for an interview, ask for a lawyer.  The police have to stop questioning you until a lawyer is provided to you.  Don’t compromise your rape or sexual abuse of a child case because of something you say.
Rape And Child Sex Cases At The Investigation Phase In Utah
Being investigated for rape or sexual abuse of a child?  Too many make the mistake of waiting to hiring a lawyer.  This is the most critical portion of the case sometimes.  Police officers often tell suspects they don’t need a lawyer and that telling their side of the story will curry favor with the prosecutor.
Nothing could be further from the truth.  Giving a statement to the police locks you into a specific defense if they case goes to trial.  You provide the prosecutor ammunition on cross-examination if you have spoken before.  If your testimony varies at all from your interview with the police, the prosecutor will impeach you with the prior interview and tell the jurors that you are lying.  And, the inconsistencies don’t have to be on major points.  Something that you may think is insignificant may become significant at trial.  Make sure that you ask for an attorney before giving an interview.  You have a right to remain silent and the prosecutor cannot use that silence against you, such as “John Doe must be guilty because he refused to tell us his side of the story.”  That is improper.
Once a rape or child investigation is completed, a warrant will go out and you could be picked up. A rape or sexual abuse of a child case is a high priority case for law enforcement and officers are going to focus on picking up these individuals once charges are filed.
If you have an attorney, most times the detective will work with your attorney to do a surrender.  Before going into court, the “wheels are greased” and a release or bail reduction is already worked out.  Remember, it’s easier to stay out of jail than to get out of jail.
Don’t make the mistake of waiting to call an attorney after the prosecutor decides to file charges.  Hire a competent lawyer to help you through the process.
Free Consultation with Child Sexual Abuse Defense Lawyer
When the police are coming after you for child sexual abuse or rape crimes, call us for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite CWest Jordan, Utah 84088 United StatesTelephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
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from Michael Anderson http://www.ascentlawfirm.com/child-sexual-abuse-investigation/
from Utah Bankruptcy Law https://utahbankruptcylaw.wordpress.com/2018/03/18/child-sexual-abuse-investigation/
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