#she and gale get along swimmingly by the way
myreia · 9 months
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"I'm Niam. No surname, incidentally, that's not going to be on the record. Now is there a problem here or am I free to go? By the way, wild magic is notoriously unpredictable. You never know what I could do. I certainly don't."
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optiwashere · 7 months
What does Ashreera and Shadowheart like about each other respectively? Fluff qn :)
Heya anon! I really enjoyed writing the answer to this one 💜
Because I'm me, this got kinda long-winded. All of this is stuff that's in the fics. The fluffy fics show the domestic side of things, but It Is the Wound She Gave Me and Like I Am Safe Again are the linchpins to their relationship. The Gauntlet/Nightsong fic that I'm chipping away at will be equally as important!
But I like typing about my babies soooooooo!
Shadowheart finds Asheera's bad jokes and obvious flirting endearing. Asheera's also pretty forward without disrespecting her boundaries, and Shadowheart loves that. In-game Asheera challenges her without trodding on firm "no" areas, and that's a huge show of respect. Shadowheart's low level of self-esteem gets big validation from someone like Asheera.
Even when Asheera is being a Paladin-ass Paladin™ she is always leaving room in their relationship for Shadowheart to have agency over what to share, who to be, and things like the events in the Gauntlet/Shadowfell. That's not something you get as a Sharran, and from someone that's dedicated to redeeming monsters and creating change in the world... I mean, the themes are right there!
Asheera finds Shadowheart's love of animals very telling of the kind of person she is. Asheera thinks someone who is as willing to say, "I'd rather not talk about this" as Shadowheart has a firm command of what she wants. Even if she needs nudges to know it's OK to express her desires and needs as well as what she doesn't want. The slim difference is actually huge.
Even when Shadowheart is potentially on the road to becoming a Dark Justiciar, and therefore someone that Asheera must kill, she is taking these things for herself that she deserves. Asheera might hate the choice that Shadowheart could make, but it's Shadowheart's choice. Shadowheart spares Aylin for whatever her reasons are (crisis of faith + wanting to know the memories and past that Aylin can give her) but Asheera sees it as someone that's finally embracing the fact that she is a person and she deserves to choose. When Shadowheart turns to Asheera and asks, "what should I do?" Asheera says nothing. She just nods. Shadowheart chooses for herself from that point onward.
As for in a love sense and not just a general "companionship" sense?
Shadowheart loves that Asheera isn't complicated in her love. There's nothing for her to hide with Asheera. She's tired of darkness. Asheera embraces her faults and all the things she's done as a Sharran without any hate in her heart. Though Asheera is a paladin of Redemption, she also doesn't treat Shadowheart as a project to fix. Shadowheart is just Shadowheart, and that makes it easy for her to love Asheera. She likes that no matter how she's feeling, no matter the kind of day she's had, Asheera is there for her. In anger, in joy, and in darkness.
Asheera loves Shadowheart's strength and perseverance, and the fact that she can pick herself up after something that would destroy most people. That she's extremely capable, but also that she's strong enough to share her moments of vulnerability or uncertainty. That she cares so much more than she lets on. That Shadowheart knows she can trust Asheera with anything, and that after a certain point she does.
Love is something that changes shape, especially in long-term romantic relationships. Sometimes the changes are good, though.
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myers-meadow · 3 months
An orange and a knife (Halsin x Tav)
Title: An orange and a knife
Pairing: Halsin x (named) Tav
Summary: You share an orange together. Twice. Or: Your adoration of Halsin grows by the day, but acceptance of those feelings is a whole different beast entirely. One night, they burst to the surface, and you can hide them no longer. Maybe you won't have to.
Warnings: none, all ages; pining, yearning, complicated feelings, happy end. First person pov. An exploration of emotions and how I wouldn't be able to take living close to Halsin as I'd just implode from adoration.
Wordcount: 1459
Please reblog or comment if you enjoyed! Have fun reading! <3 Dividers by@saradika-graphics.
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I sank down on the log by the fire, plate and knife in one hand, a big orange in the other. Gale had it left over from somewhere and I gladly took it off his hands. Most of the companions had already retired to their tents, to read, to meditate, to sort out food for the next morning and the journey ahead. Karlach and Halsin were left, wrapped in conversation and I sat my ass down next to Halsin, who immediately scooted over once he spotted me coming. 
"Ay girl, did you borrow that dagger from Astarion?" Karlach joked, pointing to the overly large knife in my hand. They all knew I wasn't a fighter, and I didn't tend to carry weapons, so her guess wasn't a bad one.
"No, actually," I said, going along with the joke. "Wyll lent it to me."
She and Halsin laughed. I laid the plate down on my lap, holding the orange as i sliced off the ends. Halsin leaned back, turning towards me, to allow me to join conversation. Before I came, they'd been discussing Karlach's new ability to touch people, and from the looks of things, they got along swimmingly. My heart swelled at Karlach's joy as Dammon installed the new part earlier that day. Absentmindedly, I cut the orange in thick slices, then cut them in the lenght to eat from the rind.
"You want some?" I held out the plate to them both, leaning against Halsin's arm to reach Karlach, fingers dripping with juice.
"Thanks, soldier!"
Halsin laughed, in that way he sometimes did, somewhat quietly, when he had a joke to himself, or was just too polite to say what was on his mind, but he took a piece anyway. I didn't comment on it, too busy with my first piece, having looked forward to the orange as dessert ever since Gale mentioned the fruit in the morning, hoping no one else got their hands on it before me, fingers sticky, teeth digging in the soft, stringy flesh, sweetness filling my mouth. Moments like these were what kept me sane throughout all this. I realised I was sucking away on my third slice, before coming to my senses and passing the plate along again.
"Have more, please." My cheeks grew hot, hoping I hadn't ruined the romantic tension between them. "Please don't mind me."
Halsin sucked off his fingers and I tried not to look at it for too long, afraid my hunger would show - just as these two were getting along so well. "We were talking about what Karlach wants to do now that she can touch others again."
"And all thanks to you!" she beamed, reaching over for another slice.
"Dammon is a treasure," I said and handed the last piece to Halsin, moving to stand again to clean the plate and knife. "It's getting late, I'll leave you two to it, goodnight, loves! Have fun!"
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The next night, Halsin tended to my wounds before I could seek out Shadowheart. Gale was cooking something delicious-smelling back at the heart of camp, and most retreated to do their own thing before dinner. We sat at Halsin's tent at the edge of the light. It was a relief to be back around him, surrounded by his warmth, his smell, the herbs he dries in his tent, the small pots of salves and potions he keeps on hand.
"Let me come with you, tomorrow," he said, voice soft, the healing spell sizzling out, the last of the blue glow fading. "You've been taking hits like you're Karlach, but you're a spellcaster. You should stay back more, like Astarion."
"I try, I just always happen to be-" a gasp left my lips as Halsin rubbed the bruise on my leg with a warm hand, to see if he was done yet, "right there in the middle of it."
He slid my skirt up to see how bad it was, his fingertips leaving goosebumps in their wake, but not from cold. He dipped his fingers in one of his healing salves. "The cultists really don't like you much."
I covered his hand with mine. "I'd be glad to have you by my side tomorrow."
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After a particularly rough day of adventuring later that week, my dear companions elected to have me stay at camp. Karlach was overjoyed to join Wyll, Shadowheart and Astarion anyway, so it was a win-win for many. Camp was rather quiet. The hours passed agonisingly slowly, especially as most companions seemed to have their own routines, and no need for company. Sometime before midday I found myself by Halsin's tent. He went out the day before to forage for herbs, and was hanging it all to dry, tying them into bundles with lenghts of string. Movements practiced, it was hypnotising to watch him. Large hands that still had such nimble fingers.
"Did you come here just to stare at me?" His voice startled me. From the way he eyed me, it felt like he was aware of my amorous intentions.
I hummed. "I've never spent the entire day at camp before."
"That doesn't answer my question." His tone was light.
"I'd like to stare, if you'll allow me," I said, eventually. He smiled. His hazel eyes glowed. 
"You're welcome to stay, as long as you have desire for my company."
So I stayed, enjoying the easy conversation, the sun on my face, and fell deeper and deeper in love with him.
No matter how much I tried resisting my feelings, every time I caught a glance of Halsin across camp, a terrible wave of adoration washed over me. The amount of times that Gale got upset when my attention slipped was more than I'd like to admit. With the adoration, came the jealousy. It was foreign to me before, but when Karlach would nestle close to Halsin, the pangs of it were heavy in my stomach.
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One night, Halsin sank down next to me, orange and knife in hand, my heart leapt at the sight of him.
"Here, you like oranges, right?"
"You remembered."
"And I remember how terribly awkward you cut it. Here, let me show you an easier way." Halsin angled towards me so much that our knees were touching, and I could see only him, the rest of camp reduced to vague shapes in the dark, the fire behind him illuminating his hair, laying harsh shadows on his face. Beauty. He laughed softly in much the same way as back then, when we shared the orange for the first time. "It'd help if you'd actually pay attention to what I'm doing."
I hummed, but did as he said. Instead of cutting slices, he divided the whole orange into parts, to eat from the rind in a much more effective manner. The knife dripped with juice when he wasn't even halfway done. I ate as he cut, as he didn't bring a plate to put them on. With sweetened lips, I thanked him. "You're right, this makes a lot of sense. Thank you."
He smiled warmly and I almost had to avoid his eyes with the overwhelm of emotion. "Gladly. Frankly, I've never seen anyone cut fruit that clumsily."
I laughed. "Well, I just love to surprise people."
We shared the rest of the orange, in this comfortable bubble of this shared experience. As I was done with my pieces, and Halsin took his last bite before discarding the peel, the juice glistening in the firelight - in an impulse I reached up and pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth. Immediately, regret drowned out all other thoughts.
"Fuck, Halsin, I'm sorry-"
Seeing my panicked expression, and not caring for how sticky his hands were, he cupped my cheek and kissed me fervently. The sweet citrus mixed with the tobacco he smoked earlier that evening, warm, heady, delicious. Tingles set me alight as though hit by a lightning arrow. In the distance, somewhere, Karlach cheered, and the others didn't remain silent either. It didn't really process - there was only the sensation of his lips against mine, lingering even after he pulled back. Halsin rested his forehead against mine. Somehow my fist was balled into his shirt, and I let go slowly, smoothing out the fabric.
"You've no idea how long I've wanted to do that," he breathed, his voice quiet and heavy with emotion.
"Since the moment-" I swallowed thickly, refusing to look at him still, "we met, amidst the goblin guts."
A laugh rumbled from his chest. He pulled me into him for the best hug of my life and happily I sank into him, heart fluttering lighter than ever before. "Then we have a lot to catch up on."
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finnickfan8 · 6 months
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Miss Americana and The Heartbreak Prince
Pairing: Peeta Mellark x reader
Genre: high school AU, fluff, smut
Summary: Peeta is the same age as Finnick along with the other tributes and they’re all 18 year old seniors in high school! Reader and Peeta have crushes on each other and one thing leads to another.
Warnings: Smut, language
Your dad, Haymich Abernathy, was a victor. This meant that you were one of the richest families in District 12. Your mom, Effie Trinket, was very supportive of everything you wanted to do. This meant that you mention wanting something or wanting to do something and the next week it was done. This was how you had played at least ten different sports throughout the years and had thousands of toys. Your dad, however, was more of a disciplinarian in a sense. He wanted your people skills to be top notch in case you ever were reaped, leading to the compromise of pageants. It was a way where you could show off your talents, your mom could dress you up, and your dad could coach you on speaking.
Your walls were filled with crowns, medals, and trophies. The soft glisten of your triumphs were sometimes blinding, but in a good way. Glitter and rhinestones lined not only your dresses, but also your future.
Your grades were pretty good, they have to be for pageants. Everything you did just screamed pageant girl; you were popular, you were very feminine, and you were adored. Everyone loved who they thought you were, your performance. You had everything, but a boyfriend.
Your best friends were living the life with their cliques and boyfriends. Well, not Johanna, everyone thought the two of you were dating for a while. You didn’t mind, she agreed that y’all would get married if you’re both single at thirty, but for now you had other plans. You had had a crush on the shortest captain of the football team, Peeta Mellark.
Peeta was always at your house, hanging out with your dad, and you always ran your pageant walks for him. Katniss was also over frequently, but less now that she was caught with Gale in the broom closet. Katniss was your friend and she knew you liked Peeta, but that never really got in the way.
Your first period, you sat between Johanna and Annie, but behind Peeta. You slowly tapped the blonde boy on the shoulder, Peeta jumps, turning his head slowly. “Yeah Y/N?” The attractive man smiled, twirling his pencil.
“Dad wants you over for dinner tonight if thats okay with you.” You gently smile at him. You glance at his hand, watching the pencil swirl rhythmically in his burly hands.
“Yeah, of course it’s okay.” The male notices you staring and chuckles internally. “Six still?” You nod, glancing in to his puppy dog eyes. Today he was wearing a white cotton shirt and some brown cargo pants. The shirt was baggy but tight on his arms, making his biceps bulge gloriously. The purity of the white fit him like a puzzle. Although 18, Peeta was less tainted than his peers. Peeta had never had a real kiss, only an on camera one with Katniss in the games. Compared to the desperately promiscuous gremlins at your school, Peeta was an angel; pure, sweet, and radiating light.
You smooth over the hem of your skirt, nervously pleating it back up again before repeating. Although a moderate temperature in your house, you felt cold in your core, your abdominal muscles contracting. The frigidity of the room faded as you flapped your hands up and down to shake the nerves. Tonight you were going to catch Peeta’s attention. You curtly head downstairs, your heels clicking on the hardwood floors, your hair flowing swimmingly behind you as you accumulated some speed in your step.
Peeta had every girl in school fawning over him now that he was rich. Love notes were a daily for the young adult, nevertheless he diffidently declined all of his admirers and vixens. One thing was on his mind; becoming Haymich’s son officially. By that he intended on marrying you. Admittedly, it was a little fast for him to already have images of you in a white dress. Peeta paid no mind to the fact that the two of you weren’t even dating yet, he wanted to make you the happiest girl ever.
This is why his breath stopped at your elegant waltz down the grand staircase in the middle of the Abernathy house. Your eyes traced his figure, his dress shirt and slacks doing it no justice. You had seen what you would call “sporty Peeta” in all of his glory; pads on, jersey raised slightly revealing his glistening abs, tight white snap in football pants, and messy wet hair sticking to his sculpted face. You had much discernment as to what he hid under the button up.
You sat next to Peeta, your perfectly manicured nails pressing against the table to provide mental relief. Your dad signals for you to eat as soon as your well adorned mother joins the three of you. Effie had always been a doting mother and to your dismay, an oversharing one too. This entailed anything from her sharing baby pictures to strangers to inviting random classmates of yours to your pageants.
“Y/N here is participating in the ‘Miss Career’ pageant next week, isn’t she just so talented?” Your mother started the conversation out with an awkward gloat about ‘her precious Y/N.’ Peeta looked you dead in the eye, boring in to your soul before nodding at your enthusiastic mother. “She’s about to make an appearance on the big screen for the next Hunger Games if she wins. As a prize, you get to be the opener for the games.” Effie claps her eager hands.
“Oh I know, Y/N is quite beautiful.” Peeta smirks at you, searching for a reaction on your now thunderstruck face. “She’s also one of the smartest girls in our class.” Your father lets an approving smile grace his lips, nodding at you. “Would you guys mind if Y/N helped me on some assignments after dinner?” a chorus of ‘no’ from your parents rang melodically through his willing ears. The dinner got progressively more lively before coming to a halt via Peeta’s ‘academic drive.’
You lead the older to your room, softly taking his calloused hand in yours. The shine of silver crowns blinded your study buddy’s doe eyes, “Your mom wasn’t kidding.” He mused, taking a seat on your bed. “I guess i’m not the only one who thinks you’re the most beautiful girl in Panem”
You whip your head towards him, “Is that what you tell all your fangirls?” You roll your eyes narked at his roster of women who would be happy with him simply sighing in their direction.
“No, actually.” Peeta motions for you to sit before gently cradling your face. “I tell them that I have a girl I’ve liked for a very long time.” The warmth of his touch was nice on his rough yet weirdly velvet hands.
“Who? Katniss? What you said on T.V. seemed pretty legit.” You leaned closer on the last few words to emphasize them. Your breath warmed his lips, his large lands moved to brush them through your hair.
“What I said, was about you Y/N, or should I say Miss Americana?” That was your latest title that you had just won the week before. Enamored with how Mr. Capitol had found out, you put your clammy hands over his.
“How’d you know?” The weary words cracked past your lips like an impossible feat. A smile greeted you from the blonde athlete’s face.
“I was there.” You haphazardly tosses caution to the wolves, pulling him in to kiss you. His buttery soft lips pressed back against yours, lovingly. “Wow. I never figured the Y/N Abernathy would be the one kissing me.” He teased before pulling you in again. You broke the kiss, much to Peeta’s complaints, to go lock your door.
You continue to lock your lips and let them dance in feverish passion. Your hands roamed over the silk of his freshly pressed charcoal dress shirt. Peeta’s ready hands start to unbutton his own shirt, helping you slide it off of his broad shoulders as you start on your own garment. His taught muscles are hungry for your cherished touch. You slide your now unbuttoned blouse off your body.
Peeta wasted no time before kissing on your neck, nearing your round bosom. “May I?” Peeta never wants to make you uncomfortable, so he insists on affirmative consent. You simply not in response, although you seem just as needy as him, a nod wasn’t enough. “Use your words please Lovely.” His voice isn’t demanding, but it’s firm and strict yet caring.
“Yes, please Peeta. I’ve liked you for so long please I want you to do this.” You pleaded before he finally took your red bra off, your breasts hardening in the crisp air of the room. He slowly trails love bites starting at your neck. ‘Love bites’ was the only way to describe the marks he left. There was no feeling of possessiveness or even lust in them, just a physical expression of how much Peeta loved his woman.
Peeta suckled on your tender nipple softly, making sure to be gentle with his ‘Love.’ You let out a soft breathy moan as his sucking gets a little rougher. “Mm Peeta you’re doing so good.” you praise quietly. Blood flushes to Peeta’s now hard member at the praise.
“I don’t really know how to say this, but can I please eat you out?” Peeta had always wanted to make you feel good and your first time was going to be the best, he’d do whatever it took. You continue to moan at touches to your hips.
“Please Peeta, Please do that.” Your wish is Peeta’s command, he hangs on your every word. He hikes up your skirt, leaving kisses on your now soaked underwear. He basks in the delight of being between your thighs. He pushes your panties aside, taking a long strip up the middle and around the outside. The taste of your arousal was intoxicating, addicting, his new vice.
With a pointed shape, his tongue slowly drags in a zig zag pattern, flicking his tongue to your swollen clit. The skill in his mouth elicits a wanton moan to escape from your puffy lips. His tongue draws patterns and shapes in to your greedy heat.
Your hand flies down to Peeta’s hair, tugging gently. “Oh my goodness, Peeta!” you cry, thank goodness for thick walls. He slowly adds his ring finger in to your soaked hole. You squeeze your thighs gently around him, writhing under his skilled touch.
“Feeling good, Princess?” You moan in response to the nickname. He speeds up his finger in your hole, curling upwards. You nod at his question, earning a stern look from the older. He speeds his finger up, “Words, Lovely.”
“Yes oh my, yes!” You cry, wiggling your hips up at him as he adds a second finger. You wince at the stretch but are okay with it after a second. Peeta leans in to lick your clit, causing a build. Your walls flutter around his thick fingers. He could tell you were close.
“Please Y/N, please let me make you feel good.” He begged. You whined, needing more as you bucked your hips at him. Your edge was near. “Come on Baby, cum on my fingers. You got it, you’re doing so good.” With that you came undone, liquid coating his fingers. You panted and looked at him with half lidded eyes. A large hand rubbed at your thighs lovingly, “Would you like to continue? We can just cuddle and watch something if you would like.”
“No, I need you inside me now please.” You pulled him in for a desperate kiss. You put your hands were on the back of his head/ neck, pulling him in for more. He got the idea and started to undo his belt without breaking the kiss. You both gasped for air as he slid his tip in your slick, swiping it back and forth. He slid his tip in and paused.
He slid in inch by inch until he bottomed out. Before he started to move, he noticed blood run down your thigh. “You’re a virgin?” he held your hand as you nodded. He kissed your forehead tenderly, transferring the warmth of his heart to yours. The pain caused by his huge length and the stretch of your puckered hole. Then he started to move, giving his all to you like you’re giving to him.
His eager hands palmed at your breasts, his girth filling you out in a way like no other. You never knew your first time could feel so euphoric. The Brobdingnagian amount pleasure you felt right in that moment made all of the pain worth it. All of the waiting to have Peeta in this position had paid off. Call you a prognosticator because you knew you could have him twirled around your finger eventually.
Peeta put your legs over his shoulders so he could hit your spot better. His big hands pressed down softly on to your stomach, feeling himself moving within your tight walls. He was besotted with the mesmerizing sensation of you clenching round him, sucking him in subsequently to his ravaging thrusts.
“Peeta” You groaned before pulling him in, syncing the thrusts of his hips with your mouth. You lean up to mark his muscular neck. You left sloppy kisses atop of him. As Peeta starts to get close, he tweaks at your perky nipples. You’re both nearing your edge. “Peeta you make me feel so good!” you scream, clawing at his bare back. He flipped you around, your knees on the expensive comforter, your fleshy ass up so Peeta could see the fullness of your cheeks.
He threw his head back in ecstasy as he thrust up in to your muscly heat. You needed closeness to your lover, you kept your hands behind your back. He took a them and held them, rubbing his thumb over your white knuckles. He left small kisses on your neck, pressing his affection in to you. The intimacy in the acts sent both of you to the edge of your climax.
“Shit babe, close.” He mutters to you. As you cum, he pulls out and cums in to a condom that you didn’t know he had on. Your legs were still quaking when he went to your attached bathroom to go get you a towel.
As Peeta wiped you off, he kissed your inside of your thigh. “You’re.” kiss. “So.” kiss. “Perfect.” Then he placed a kiss on your lips. Peeta had his own room in your house, as did Katniss, because their families usually spent holidays and other events with yours when they weren’t doing so well. Peeta slid his boxers back on and headed to his room, grabbing a shirt and a water out of the mini fridge that Effie constantly restocked. Peeta headed back to your room, giving you the shirt and water.
Peeta searched your drawers to find a sports bra, figuring it would be more comfortable. “I’ll go in to the bathroom so you can change.” He started towards the restroom, pausing at the door fran before turning his head. “Drink some of the water, call me when I can come out, I’ll go get you a snack once you’re done.” You gave Peeta time to wash up before calling him back in.
“I’m not hungry.” You proclaim before remaking your bed and collecting the discarded clothes. Peeta makes you go sit back down, continuing the clean up. You sip on your water, observing. “Would you like to cuddle, or do you want to be left alone?”
You didn’t even think, “Stay, please.” You pat your bed and climb in. You let him put new boxers on before he climbs in next to you. Peeta pulls you in to his chest before handing you the remote so you can pick a movie.
Peeta cranes his neck down to look at you. “Y/N, would you maybe want to be my girlfriend?” Your golden angel boy asked. You shoot your head up to look at him.
“Duh” You responded before pecking him on the cheek and pulling him closer to your now warm body.
“I can’t believe the queen of pageantry herself is my girlfriend.” You roll your eyes playfully at the comment.
“Whatever Mr. Heartbreaker.” You tease back before he kisses you. What a perfect night.
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oflolth · 7 months
alright so as promised here's a ( very tiny ) rundown on the three muses i'll be focusing on as i get started ! hit me with a like if you'd like to plot with any of them, though i'll be reblogging memes and maybe making some starter calls for them individually as well
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SEN ; the dark urge ; half - drow sorcerer ; chaotic neutral.
local bhaalspawn actually did everything right - got that slayer form, unalfira'd alfira, and then, last minute, ended up telling her father to fuck off. the issue with sen is that she is a bit arrogant and somewhat impulsive, and while she does err on the side of chaotic evil at times, she's also sort of into the idea of controlling her own fate, because honestly? she can murder all she likes without bhaal's help. it's a treat in and of itself. she tends to get along best with astarion and lae'zel, but is also, bizarrely, quite fond of halsin. will eat spiders to bother gale. would have gotten along swimmingly with minthara, had they ever met. unlocked achievement: dark urge sort of pretended to try to resist the urge but her heart wasn't in it.
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NATHBRYN ; cleric of lolth ; true neutral. had the potential to be good, maybe.
she's actually not really that evil - or wouldn't be, were she not so fond of the queen of spiders - and her actions in game halfway reflect that. she tends to take the right path only when lolth's influence doesn't sway her. this is particularly glaring in the case of shadowheart and her devotion to shar - nathbryn is quite supportive when she perhaps should not be. sorry, aylin. really. istvan is her terrible little brother that she hates. ( thanks to @vlaakithswill for that idea. ) she is a war cleric, and tends to wield a halberd and wear heavy armour. she adores spiders, centipedes, and misses the underdark. ( her brother does not miss the underdark. wonder why. ) she gets along very well with wyll, and with gale - she was a wizard in another life lmfao - but honestly, around camp, doesn't tend towards making enemies. she can be very intense, though.
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ISTVAN ; barbarian ( of lolth ? ) ; unfortunately for him, chaotic good. good because he's good, and chaotic because... look, he has good ideas sometimes. he's clever in his own bizarre little way. but. but.
i've actually played the least on him and he's still sort of slowly taking shape but i will say. i don't think lolth wants him. he wishes, though! but yeah honestly his arc is very much ' area man trying really hard to be villainous & slowly realizing he doesn't have it in him. ' i think after his first tadpole'd taste of freedom, odds of him never willingly returning to the underdark went sky high. he's a mountain pass fan. gets along great with karlach, would fear minthara if he ever met her. which, wait. he has. so yeah, he fears minthara. he is really tall.
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druidgroves · 8 months
35, 38, and 40 for the characters of your choosing!
super detailed questions about your OCs this has been in my drafts for a month my apologies OTL thank u for sending tho !! <3
35. What’s their guilty pleasure? What is their totally unguilty pleasure?
Dianthe's biggest guilty pleasure is terribly written pulp novels (the smuttier the better). She's always been a big reader to try & compensate for not following in her siblings' footsteps as a wizard, so she needed something to entertain her in between thick tomes on arcane theory and world history. She gets along swimmingly with Wyll & Shadowheart in this aspect lmao.
Her unguilty pleasure is jewelry! She has such an eye for it due to studying gemology and being a jeweler for her father's business that it's hardly a vanity or money thing; she is enamored by the craft as a whole & adores well-crafted pieces with personality & maybe a useful enchantment or two.
Feron's guilty pleasure are these specific little cheese pastries she used to get in Hill's Edge. She'd gorge herself on them if she could and she thinks about them every god damn day. She's never had anything as good since she got abducted (sorry Gale).
Her unguilty pleasure is hunting (out of wild shape). Taking to the trees with her bow instead of as an animal are times when she feels closest to Salus' spirit, and takes the chance without guilt when she can, even if she was supposed to be doing something else.
38. What do they admire in others? What talents do they wish they had?
Dianthe admires those who are able to stand confidently in themselves. She's always had issues with how she presents herself--constant self criticizing, always aware of how she looks/speaks/etc even if she's "good" at it by virtue of a sorcerer's innate charisma--so to see someone who knows who they are, knows what they want, she almost gets a little jealous that it seems to come so easy! It's always based in admiration though, because the things we want to be always look easier when someone else is doing them.
Feron truly admires anyone who can talk their way out of a paper bag. She's always had such a hard time relating to people and talking to them like a normal person. Wyll confuses and astounds her. She knew something was up with him re: pact shit very early on, there's no way a man with that much charisma doesn't have a devil on forced speed dial.
40. Do they like energy drinks? Coffee? Sugary food? Or can they naturally stay awake and alert?
Dianthe likes a sweet treat every now and again and looooves coffee. I imagine the first week post nautiloid crash everyone quickly learned that she was not a morning person and to keep extended conversations with her before 9 am to a minimum.
Feron has a secret sweet tooth. It's sooo bad. Like if she were a real person I think half her teeth would be rotted out of her head. This is the consequence of never having a sweet treat in your youth & being specifically denied them. You tend to over indulge as an adult. Hates coffee though, despises the taste and doesn't see the appeal. She can stay awake just fine on her own (it's not caffeine, it's paranoia!).
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medea10 · 3 years
My Review of Love Live Nijigasaki School Idol Club
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Another damn Love Live! Seriously? Another damn one!?
Actually, I knew this was going to happen from like almost two years ago. Back when I was an active player with the rhythm game app LLSIF, we’d get these special characters popping in every now and then, usually as SSR, SR, or N scouts. Then in 2019, they put out singles for each girl to play and I knew then and there that a new Love Live was already in the works and were going to feature these girls.
THIS STORY: First of all, the characters of this story are not becoming idols because the school is in danger of closing down. I know that was like a big thing in the original Love Live and in Sunshine, but that’s not the case this time. This school looks very well populated and well-established. So let’s just squash that trope.
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Ayumu and Yuu got bit by the idol bug leaving school one day when they came across a solo performance out in the open. The girl performing is named Setsuna Yuki and she’s part of the Idol Club at Nijigasaki (the school Ayumu and Yuu attend). The next day, they learned from the student council that the club has been disbanded at the request of Setsuna. So what do Ayumu and Yuu do now? They’re going to try and revive it!
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But what about the girl who started the idol club in the first place, Setsuna?! The reason for Setsuna disbanding the club was because she felt that she and the rest of the girls in the group were on a different wavelength. So she decided to disban the club, leaving the other girls, Emma, Kanata, Shizuku, and Kasumi to go their separate ways. But that wasn’t the only thing on Setsuna’s plate. Setsuna kinda lives a double life on campus. She’s Setsuna in the school idol club, but she’s also the student council president, Nana. So Ayumu, Yuu, and Setsuna end up reviving the idol club. Emma, Kasumi, Shizuku, and Kanata end up joining again. And eventually, we get other members Ai, Rina, and Karin to join in. And since there’s quite a long list of characters, let’s talk about them.
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Ayumu is one of the first girls to revive the idol club. Unlike the main girls from the other series like Honoka and Chika, she’s not as crazy-energetic and idol-crazy. She’s more of the lover of cute things. She was sparked by idols when she saw Setsuna perform.
Speaking of cute things, Kasumi is the idol-loving crazy girl that loves all things cute and wants all of her performances to be cute.
Emma is the first Love Live character originally from a place that’s not Japan. This Swiss-miss came to Japan to become an idol.
Setsuna lives the double life. At school, she’s the disciplinarian student council president, Nana. But when she’s in idol form, she’s Setsuna Yuki ready to shine on stage.
Shizuku got interested in becoming an idol to help with her acting aspirations.
Rina got curious and ended up joining the idol club despite having problems showcasing her emotions. That’s why you see the computerized monitor on her face.
Ai joined alongside with Rina and with her Sporty Spice persona, she’ll get the club on their feet.
Karin is already well-established in the modeling world, but ended up getting into the idol world after hanging with Emma.
Kanata…likes to sleep. Oh, and she has a younger sister in an idol group at her school.
Then there’s Yuu! She isn’t the kind of idol member that sings and performs like the other girls, but works to support each girl in their goals.
Oh and all of these idols are SOLO ARTISTS!
BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: As usual with the Love Live franchise (and most other idol animes), these voice actors are brand-spankin’ new. These girls are usually only known for their work as actual idols and only a few of them really go on to do a full-length voice actor career. Then I get, SURPRISE! Akari Kitou is in this too! This girl was in EVERYTHING these past two years! Everything! Every-damn-thing! Now she’s a Love Live waifu! Actually, several of the seiyuus here I’ve seen in a few things here and there and that’s pretty rare since I’m not hip to all the idol groups in Japan.
Now for the dub, because we all know FUNimation! Yeah, they licensed this just like the previous Love Live series. However, they really kept this series all to themselves where not even Hulu could air it. At the moment, no dub has been announced or planned. I’m assuming it’ll happen one day. I only say this because of all the other Love Live series. Here’s what you might recognize these folks from.
*Ayumu is played by Aguri Oonishi
*Setsuna is played by Tomori Kusunoki (known for LLENN on SAO: Gun Gale Online)
*Kasumi is played by Mayu Sagara
*Ai is played by Natsumi Murakami
*Emma is played by Maria Sashide
*Rina is played by Chiemi Tanaka (known for Ririko on Sakura Quest)
*Kanata is played by Akari Kitou (known for Nezuko on Demon Slayer, Yashiro on Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun, Iwanaga on In/Spectre, Tsukasa on Tonikawa, Aru on Hitoribocchi, and Kaho on Blend-S)
*Shizuku is played by Kaori Maeda (known for Selka on SAO: Alicization)
*Karin is played by Miyu Kubota (known for Sister Lily on Black Clover)
*Yuu is played by Hinaki Yano
NEW BEST GIRL: As you may know, I have picked my favorite girls from the Love Live fandom. Nozomi is best girl in the original and when it comes to Sunshine, Ruby is tops!
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When I saw the new girls back when the app LLSIF released all the single songs for the Nijigasaki club, I was curious about one particular girl. I had a feeling Rina was going to be a special kind of interesting. Why was she wearing a special mask on stage? Is she an introvert who hates to be seen up-close? I had to learn more about her! Turns out Rina had a lot of trouble expressing her feelings. When she’s excited, sad, irritated, or satisfied, it’s just the same expression. I love Rina. She’s my precious cinnamon roll and if anyone talks smack about her is gonna get a bop in the face.
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ABOUT YUU: I know what you’re thinking, what the hell is going on with Love Live giving us 10 girls  instead of 9? And I would agree! LLSIF game gave us 9 solo albums and Yuu is not among any of them. But then I recently downloaded LLSIF All Stars and discovered the interactive portion with all of the girls and how your character is the unspoken 10th member of the group. Yeah, Yuu is pretty much that character.
SHIPPING: In the original series, I was a bit of a multi-shipper that was open to any hookups if I can see it. When Sunshine came along, I was still a multi-shipper, but heavily Kanan x Mari to a point where I’m imagining their wedding. This time around…yeah, once again I found myself shipping the fuck out of third-years.
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This is Karin x Emma. I support the fuck out of this. Never forget that!
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And while I’m at it, let’s add Ai x Rina. Ai was literally Rina’s first friend. She will go anywhere for this girl and do anything for her.
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I should probably add Ayumu x Yuu too. But then again, this is Love Live. No matter what ship we all choose, it’s all for naught as no one really confesses their feelings for each other. Right?
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THE SAME, BUT…: Yeah, you know how this goes. Since this is an idol anime and the third one from the same franchise, I’m gonna squawk about the similarities this series has with the first two Love Lives. Yes, we’ve got the cutesy, annoying idol with Kasumi. Yes, we have the token class president with Setsuna. Yes, the animation for all the dance scenes is wonky CGI. And yes, we have a center second year with a red-ish hue to her hair with Ayumu. But there’s just so many glaring differences compared to the other two series.
*First of all, the school is not in any danger of closing down. The original Love Live had Honoka and her friends starting a school idol club to drum up attention for their school so it wouldn’t have to shut down. Love Live Sunshine also had that with sadder outcomes for the school. This school is huge, has many different clubs and activities. This school is safe! But if they pull some shit out in season two saying it has to close down, I call bullshit.
*Nijigasaki High School Idol Club mostly has solos. One of the reasons for the falling out at the beginning between Setsuna, Kasumi, Emma, Kanata, and Shizuku was differences. Every girl has their own thing and they respect that. Even in the app, there are a lot of solo songs and only a few where two or more of the girls are singing together.
*Add to that, this group doesn’t really have a “group name”. I mean Nijigasaki School Idol Club doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue like μ's or Aqours.
*The big, scary student council president is a second year. Unlike Eli and Dia from the previous series, Setsuna (a second year student) is really the scary one with power. But much like Dia, she does have a passion for idols. It’s just that Setsuna goes above and beyond to hide that along with her true self. I bring this up because when the second season comes (AND IT WILL), I have a feeling they’ll introduce this one character that’s in the game and that’s going to be quite the game changer.
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FAVORITE SONG: Chase by Setsuna.
I think all of us were blown away by that song in episode one.
ENDING: After Diver Fes and Karin’s solo performance, the girls decide to hold a training camp at their school. During the camp, Yuu was still awe-struck by everyone’s dedication to the club and the performances in the previous episode. And by the end of the camp, Yuu says there should be a school idol festival to show everyone that school idols are awesome. Much to my dismay, I doubt that this anime will follow the game route and have μ's and Aqours perform. Actually, the groups seen throughout the series are characters I would run across in one of the other Love Live apps, including Kanata’s little sister. Moving on!
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Everything was going along swimmingly with this School Idol Festival. The student council (or Setsuna as her alter ego Nana) agreed to it, the students of Nijigasaki are excited for what’s to come, and other schools including Kanata’s sister Haruka’s school are willing to participate. However, the big friction that sparked came from Ayumu. As we all know, she and Yuu are close as can be. Ever since the resurrection of the School Idol Club, Yuu has been there to realize the dreams of everyone. Ayumu got jealous, especially seeing Yuu with Setsuna. So she corners her and wants Yuu all to herself and…
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Whoa. Confirmed lesbianism!
Let’s just say Ayumu’s jealousy came and went as she realized she can’t stop Yuu’s dreams and that Ayumu’s gonna have plenty of devoted fans besides Yuu. So thankfully that was resolved quicker than I thought and now we can focus on the School Idol Festival. The festival was actually going really well. There were separate stages for all of the solo idols and there were sample songs from all the Nijigasaki girls heard throughout the finale, and only a few hiccups during the day. But nothing Rina couldn’t fix. So much for the rainstorm!
Oh come on guys, plenty of idols from this franchise and other shows performed in the rain and they all turned out just fi…
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Oh, I forgot about Honoka.
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Oof. Zombieland Saga did her wrong. Never mind what I said!
Unfortunately, the rain didn’t clear up until 7:05 (five minutes after the time allowed for this festival). But all of these idol fans waited and they wanted a show. And so, that’s what they got. Nijigasaki and all the other participating schools performed together. So the festival was a big hit. People who watched it sent a request for another festival to happen. So there’s definitely going to be another School Idol Festival in their future. But what about a season two?
Pfft. COME ON! You know there’s going to be a season two. The girls haven’t experienced heartache of the upperclassmen graduating. Shioriko hasn’t been introduced yet. Tokimeki Runners hasn’t been sung yet. An actual Love Live hasn’t happened yet. That is the whole point of this franchise, right? To have idols participate in the famous Love Live School Idol Festival? So yeah, I know no one has greenlit the Nijigasaki series or announced anything, but I know it’s gonna happen. I can smell it. Love Live will never die. Why else is there going to be a Love Live Superstar series coming out in July?
I gotta say I enjoyed this series. It’s nice to see the struggle of creative differences with the club members. I mean in the past two series, the girls would all agree to something or eventually get to a happy conclusion and sing together in perfect harmony. Cute, but not realistic! And these girls are all very different so it’s good to see a lot more solo performances. Both μ's and Aqours have members with solo songs. It’s just that if you’re an anime only person, you probably wouldn’t know that. Otherwise you would know that Riko and Maki are superior in the singing department.
Prove me otherwise!
Recommendations are always tricky in this area. Idol shows are either loved or hated by the anime community. And I unfortunately can only recommend this to idol show watchers. I’ve already stuck my neck out to recommend Zombieland Saga to everyone.
If you would like to watch Love Live Nijigasaki High School Idol Club (fuck that’s a mouth-full), it is available for streaming only on FUNimation.
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ravenbrenna09 · 4 years
Jij Verliest - Chapter One: Clip #1
master list teaser
Zaterdag 9:31
Lying awake in his bed, Robbe could hear the gentle shuffling of the flatshare in the morning.
Across the hall, the adjacent bedroom door opened and closed quietly. The floorboards creaked as someone made their way towards the kitchen (likely Zoë, his tired mind realized). Sunlight spilled in from the bay window in Robbe’s room. Due to the position of his bed against the opposite wall, he was free from the sun’s rays for a little while longer, but he was still wide awake. But the sun shined on everything else in his room; his untouched surfboard tucked behind his dresser, the skateboard against the windowsill. It even managed to touch his desk, positioned in the corner, with his two monitors and game systems, which still looked the same as Robbe left it last night, a little messy and disorganized from his late-night Friday stream.
Laying on his bed while his music lightly played a song that he mostly tuned out, Robbe could still hear the chatter of the growing crowd beneath his window, increasing in volume as time drew on and more and more people left the safety of their apartments to bask in the sunshine. Somewhere near the kitchen, he could hear the distant chatter of Milan and Zoë in the kitchen and the static of the television as someone flipped it on. All around him, the world signaled that it was time for Robbe to drag himself out of bed, to make sure that everything was going as it was meant to, and to get some food before he prepared for his afternoon stream or did some homework for the upcoming week.
But Robbe stayed planted in his bed, his gray sheets twisted around his waist, and twirling his phone in his head, unable to will himself to roll out of the comfort it provided. His alarm clock on the nightside next to his bed flashed bright red numbers—9:31—at him and the chatter in the kitchen had gotten louder. The smell of Milan’s favorite coffee filled the air, wafting into his bedroom, along with the sound of sizzling food as all three of his roommates chattered in the kitchen.  
But Robbe just felt empty. 
In the past three months, the world had carried on in a way that Robbe expected it to, just moving along on the continuous cycle that life crafted for them. But, somehow, he felt stuck—his feet cemented into the floor as the rest of the world spun around him like a tornado. The reality of the situation is that Robbe was stuck because the world had moved on. His friends had moved on, and they tried to bring him along with them, but Robbe always found himself doubling back, circling back around to the constant in his life that he felt was missing from his new present. 
Thomas Martens was Robbe’s boyfriend of a year and six months. While not the first man that Robbe had ever been with, Thomas had been, fundamentally, Robbe’s first serious relationship. All of his other boyfriends (and, in parts of high school, girlfriends) had only lasted a couple of months or less. It was nothing serious, just a few dates here and there, texts, maybe some risky ones, and then they would just split apart. Sometimes, it was mutual. Sometimes, it was circumstantial. Sometimes, it was Robbe’s brain exploding inside his skull. But they’d separate and move past the fork in the road that was the end of the relationship. 
With Thomas, it had been his first real relationship. Thomas had met his mother and they had gotten along swimmingly. Robbe had met his family and Thomas’s little sister half-demanded that Robbe would help her with her science homework every time he would come over. All of their friends got along well (with the exception of Jens who, in private, admitted that Robbe could do better). Their relationship was peaceful—some arguments, no fights that shook the walls, and they had even considered possibly moving in together after they reached the two-year mark. Their relationship was almost perfect. 
Somewhere, the foundation of their relationship had cracked. Robbe could feel Thomas starting to pull away and his job was forcing him to stay at work later and later. It had frightened Robbe, because he had witnessed his father slowly pulling away until he walked out the door and his mother hit the hardest rock-bottom that she ever would. Without really meaning to, Robbe clung a little tighter to Thomas and their relationship. He subconsciously tried to be everything that Thomas needed, but he couldn’t—they weren’t working the same anymore, and so about three months ago, they had broken it off. 
While Robbe was still deeply rooted in the epicenter of the twisting tornado of change, Thomas had glided across the gales with an elegant ease that Robbe was jealous of. His ex-boyfriend had moved on, deleting his pictures with Robbe across all social media platforms, and going out with his friends more and more (or, even if he was trying his best to ignore it, at least that’s what his Instagram led him to believe). The only thing that remained of their relationship was the box of Thomas’s things in the corner of his bedroom, spilling with clothes that he had left at Robbe’s, which he still hadn’t come to collect. 
The thought of Thomas caused Robbe’s heart to give a frightening squeeze. He closed his eyes, trying to will away the thoughts of their relationship, the moments that Robbe still clung to, the ones that were still at the forefront of Robbe’s mind. But the harder he tried to push them away, the more intense they came back into focus, swirling around in his mind’s eye as if they were happening right now. Thomas coming over after work on Friday to be with him, his gentle kisses when Robbe was stressed about school work, his warm embrace that wrapped around Robbe like a blanket, his-
Knock, knock. 
The gentle knock pulled Robbe from his thoughts, bringing him hurtling back into his bedroom, no Thomas in sight, on a quiet Saturday morning. Beneath the crack of the door, he could see someone was standing outside of it. For a moment, he thought about acting like he was asleep, like he hadn’t woken up quite yet so he could lay in bed for another hour, but Zoë spoke up, “Robbe? We made breakfast if you wanted to come to join us.”
“Okay,” Robbe said, hearing the sadness in his voice. He tried to swallow down the bubble in his throat and ignore that it had ever existed. When he spoke again, his voice was clearer than it had been the first time. “I’ll be out in a second.”
“Alright,” Zoë said. He could hear Zoë shift away from the door, the floorboards creaking beneath her weight as she moved away, before she added, “I’ll try to make sure that the boys don’t eat all of the pancakes before you have a chance to get some.” 
“Thanks, Zoë,” Robbe said. A smile made its way across his face as he pushed himself off the bed. 
Pulling a pair of sweats from his dresser, he quickly slipped them over his boxers. Then, he grabbed his green hoodie from the back of his desk chair and pulled it over his head. Once he felt appropriately dressed—not like it mattered all that much with his roommates who were practically family—he stepped out of his bedroom and softly closed the door behind him. He shuffled to the kitchen, where he found all three of his roommates sitting at the table, talking as they passed food around. 
Robbe watched as Zoë rolled her eyes while Milan recounted a story of something or another. Milan spotted Robbe, grinning from ear-to-ear as he greeted, “Robbe!” He jumped to his feet and moved to pull Robbe into a tight hug. It was something that Milan always did; a constant stream of tactile affection without a thought. But today, it felt different. Robbe briefly sunk into Milan’s warm hug, wrapping his arms tight around him. Soon, the older man pulled back, grabbing him squarely by the shoulders and steering him to the table. Milan practically forced Robbe into the only unclaimed chair as he said, “Come join us!”
Zoë was sitting beside his newfound seat, wrapped up in a large grey hoodie with her platinum-blonde hair tied up in a ponytail. After placing two or three pancakes onto a plate, she handed it over to Robbe with a small smile on her face. 
“I’d hurry up if I were you. Lucas has his eye on the rest of them and he might just leap across the table and fight you for them.”
The final member of their small little family, and Milan’s cousin, Lucas van Der Heijden, looked absolutely appalled that she would say such a thing. Of the four, he was the one who looked like he had just rolled out of bed with his light brown curls messed up and pointing in all directions. He was wearing a large oversized red sweater that Robbe would bet was his boyfriend’s. Jens was Robbe’s best friend. He would know. 
“Hey,” he spoke, pointing his fork at Zoë dramatically. “I am not that bad… and it’s not my fault that your pancakes are to kill for.”
Milan laughed, shaking his head.
Zoë chuckled. Despite his earlier thoughts of Thomas, Robbe could feel a smile form on his lips as he placed the top two pancakes on his own plate. Once he was finished, Lucas made a child-like grabbing gesture with his hands and Robbe reached across the table to place the plate of remaining pancakes in his hands. Lucas grinned brightly at him and began cutting into his food. 
“Did you sleep well?” Zoë asked, raising an eyebrow at Robbe. “You were up pretty late last night.”
Robbe shrugged. “Yeah, I got about as much sleep as I could’ve gotten with a late-night stream that ran a little late because I wasn’t looking at the time,” Robbe admitted, taking a bit of his pancake. He turned towards Zoë, who was nodding her head. “Did I wake you up?”
Zoë shook her head adamantly. “No, you did really well sound-proofing your room. I just happened to wake up to go to the restroom and saw that your light was still on.” Robbe nodded, taking another bite of his food. “And I know that you’ve been streaming a lot lately.”
“Don’t worry, Zoë,” Lucas spoke up. “Robbe’s always one to know where his limits lie. In the time that I’ve known him anyway.” Robbe sent Lucas a thankful grin and the blond nodded his head in his direction. Between them, Milan sent them a knowing smile. “But do you feel like skating this afternoon? I don’t know if you’ve been listening to Aaron’s ramblings at lunch but he is absolutely convinced that he’s mastered a new move and he wants to show everyone.” 
“Really?” Robbe asked. 
“Yeah,” Lucas said, shrugging nonchalantly. “We’ll see if he ends up landing flat on his face or not. Wanna come?”
Glancing down at his food and shoving another bite into his mouth, Robbe thought about his unused skateboard, which had been sitting there since he last went skating by himself a few weeks ago.
Since he started doing late-night streams on Friday nights—one of his many (failed) attempts to push the absence of Thomas from his mind, from his life—he hadn’t been able to attend the Broerrrs Saturday morning skating competitions because he had stayed up too late and needed more sleep. He tried to make up for it by hanging out with them throughout the week, but his new schedule had reduced their time together significantly. That had been on purpose, to have as little free time as possible, so he wouldn’t have to think about Thomas, but it had the unintended consequence of limiting the time he spent with his friends. 
“Yeah, I’d love to come,” he said. Robbe could feel the lingering exhaustion that was present in every bone and molecule in his body, screaming at him for more sleep. But missing his friends outweighed his exhaustion. The four of them (five, counting Lucas) had lunch together on campus regularly. But hanging out for the 30-minute lunch before classes started was different than going to the skatepark on Saturday mornings to laugh and have fun. 
“Really?” Lucas said with a grin as his bright blue eyes lit up. 
“Yeah,” Robbe replied, grinning as well. Lucas’s smile had always been quite infectious. “I’m a little tired and a bit out of it, but I miss going skating with you guys. What time did they want to meet up?”
clip 2 (zaterdag 12:41)
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syrren · 7 years
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Dear Evan Hansen X Yuri on Ice AU (see my other musical AUs)
So this has been swirling around in my head for ages (inspired in part by one of @zephyrine-gale‘s posts), and I have too many HCs to list, but featuring:
Yuuri as Evan Hansen
Victor as Connor Murphy
Yurio as Zoe Murphy
Phichit as Jared Kleinman
Minako as Heidi Hansen
Yakov and Lilia as Larry and Cynthia Murphy
See under the cut for headcanons about this AU (warning for long post)
Minako (Heidi Hansen) is a ballet dancer, but that means she’s always on trips, rarely home, and doesn’t bring much money home. Tries her best, and introduces Yuuri to ballet and eventually skating to deal with his anxiety along with his letters.
Yuuri (Evan Hansen) has his canon-typical anxiety, and no friends aside from the “family friend”, Phichit Chulanont. Honestly he and canon-Evan are basically the same, except instead of a closet tree nerd, Yuuri is a closet ice skating nerd who is actually really good at skating...he’s just never been able to skate in front of other people without his anxiety getting in the way and completely screwing him up.
Minako is childhood friends with the owner of the local rink (Hiroko Katsuki),  so she gives Yuuri a set of keys to the rink and he goes at random hours of the morning/night when no one else is there so he can skate alone.
Skating usually clears his mind and helps him relax, but one day, he’s just skating and thinking and skating and thinking and skating and thinking and in the middle of a jump, he’s thinking and he thinks: “what if I just...didn’t land right, and never got up again, wouldn’t everyone be better off? would someone come to get me? To help me? What if I―”
So he falls “on accident” and lays there dazed from his concussion and in pain from his broken arm and fantasizes about someone coming to help him for hours and hours until Hiroko comes in to open the rink in the morning and freaks out because he’s still lying on the ice, cold and alone, because when you’re falling in a forest an ice rink and nobody’s around, do you ever even crash, or even make a sound?
And of course he writes letters to himself on the advice of his therapist (Celestino, probably?), and they still come into play, but first:
Victor (Connor Murphy)  used to be the perfect student™ that everyone knew but never really knew. He used to get perfect grades and won all the academic competitions and figure skating competitions, but he never saw any point in all of it. Despite everything, he was never very close with his parents or his peers, and felt stagnant in everything from his grades to his competitions to, eventually, his personal hobby, ice skating. 
So once high school hit and even ice skating lost its appeal, he started dropping off the map and doing drugs and skipping school so by the time he commits suicide no one really knows him anymore and like typical high schoolers, no one really cares either (until the Victor Project of course).
The day he first talks to Yuuri in the computer lab isn’t the first time he’s seen him, but lord knows if Victor is ever going to admit that he broke into the local ice skating rink one day last summer and saw the most marvelous skater already there, skating his heart out to heartbreaking music. (He was skating to Waving Through a Window, and that song+Yuuri’s skating just about kills Victor but tbh who wouldn’t it kill). 
Near the end of the routine, the skater is on his final jump when suddenly he falls apart mid-jump, his limbs coming apart and going limp like he’s just...given up. Victor watches in silent horror as he crashes into the side of the rink, arm and head-first, slides a few feet on the ice, and goes still.
 Victor wants to help, but he panics and doesn’t know what to do (you know since he’s there illegally in the first place and being super stalkerish besides) so he just stays awkwardly until he sees Yuuri open his eyes, then leaves figuring that Yuuri can probably call someone to come help him.
So when he sees Yuuri in the hallway that first day, he panics and lashes out because he’s afraid that Yuuri knows he was there and didn’t help and hates him. In the computer lab, later, he decides to approach Yuuri a little more calmly with a VERY SUBTLE “So...how’d you break your arm?” (Nice going Nikiforov, very smooth, very subtle) and offers to sign his cast. Nevermind the stinging guilt when Victor hears that no one ended up coming to help Yuuri, and isn’t that just the saddest fucking thing he’s ever heard. It all goes swimmingly until he reads Yuuri’s letter.
Because you see, Yuuri has been wanting to talk to Yurio, Victor’s little brother for a very long time. Yurio is famous for being in the jazz band a very skilled figure skater, and Yuuri admires that even though he’s never actually talked to him. He had been inspired to start skating by a certain local figure skater a long time ago, after all, and since he never learned the skater’s name, he just assumed that it was Yurio, the only real publicly prominent figure skater in the area (Hint hint, it wasn’t Yurio). 
Yuuri  doesn’t have a crush on Yurio, but he wants to be his friend, and writes about him (in place of Zoe) in his letter.
And this piece of “mockery” combined with panic about Yuuri knowing combined with hopelessness because “Oh, he likes Yurio, not me.” is the last thing to tip Victor over the edge, and he leaves, the letter still in his pocket to...well, you know, to do what canon-Connor does at this point. He comes back as our resident dead gay son tho its ok
Yurio (Zoe Murphy) is Victor’s little brother, the self-proclaimed better skater/son, and he’s always resented Victor for being seemingly perfect and then throwing it all away. Yakov and Lilia (Larry and Cynthia Murphy) had always compared him to Victor, and Yurio feels Victor’s influence looming over him even in death.
 When Victor had been perfect, everyone told Yurio that he needed to “be more like his older brother,” but when Victor started crashing and burning, Yurio suddenly needed to “be better than his older brother” and he’s just so sick of being defined by his older brother that Victor’s suicide makes him even more bitter, because now he will never be able to surpass him and shed the shadow he left over his life. (Insert Requiem here) or as i like to call it in this AU, the “Victor Nikiforov is Dead” song.
So, when Yuuri comes out proclaiming that he was Victor’s best friend, Yurio is very very skeptical. Until it turns out that he knows Victor used to skate and he starts talking about an unmistakably real time they went skating together and Yuuri broke his arm trying a difficult jump, but Victor came to help him up (For Forever).
 And when Yurio, who has never been very close with his brother, but has always secretly wanted to be, asks Yuuri about why Victor would have written about him in his suicide note, Yuuri word-vomits everything he’s ever admired about Yurio’s (and by proxy, Victor’s) skating. (If I Could Tell Him).
The two of them end up bonding (platonically) and go skating together a lot because I’m a sucker for happy friendship.
Whenever he gets bored, Yurio scribbles stars cats on the cuffs of his jeans
Yuuri bonds with Yakov over skating, because Yuuri has never had a mentor for his skating (Minako helps, but she’s a ballet dancer, she doesn’t really understand). Yakov teaches Yuuri how “To Break in Skates” with a pair of old skates that he bought for Victor after Victor started drifting away (he doesn’t know that Victor never stopped skating).
Phichit (Jared Kleinman) and Yuuri used to be super close as kids, but their friendship kinda fell apart when Phichit started getting more social and Yuuri’s anxiety got in the way of any and all attempts at joining him and his friends.
Phichit gets enlisted to help write the emails and channels every shipping bone in his body into writing the gayest emails in existence, full of bad puns and as much sexual tension as Yuuri will allow him to slip in.
Yuuri also gets very attached to Victor while he’s “researching” for his faked emails. He finds a bunch of old videos of Victor in local skating competitions before he dropped off the map and falls in love with his skating all over again, realizing that Victor is the skater that inspired him to start figure skating, which leads him to base a lot of their “friendship” around skating.
Alright this is becoming a small novel, so I’m going to cut it there, but I have a bunch of sketches that aren’t finished yet, so definitely expect more from me on this AU! 
Please PM me if you have any ideas for who should be Alana or if you just want to talk about DEH/YOI in general, I’d love to hear what you think!  
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