#she and pinefur are skyheart & reedtail's daughters
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Longshade is a long gray tom with a black back, a stump tail, and blue eyes. He is from Riverclan, and was mentored by Lakeshine. He was born with that stump tail, by the way. His mother actually died right before Into The Wild began, she is named Sharpleaf, and she died from prey sickness.
He is a very proud fisher, and hoping to one day be made Prime Hunter. He is an ambitious little hothead, but not unfriendly. If he likes you, you'll know, because he will be loudly singing your praises.
His friend Lilystem has a crush on Reedtail? "Did you know she SAVED my LIFE the other day? I slipped and nearly fell into the rapids, but this HERO grabbed me before that could happen." He's always telling you about Skyheart, who he loves more than life itself. The bride and her goofy-ass groom.
He can be a lot, but he means well.
Sharpleaf, his mother, was a... Controversial character in Riverclan circles. Always known as a bit of a loner type, never really having many friends outside of occasionally sharing a carp with Leopardfur, and she was not afraid to voice her opinions on a subject. Sharpleaf wasn't popular, and it only got worse when she called Queen's Rights when she gave birth to her single child, Longkit.
She told the Clan that he had been Honor Sired, and that Riverclan was lucky for it.
Her rights as a Queen were not infringed upon, but good lord it kicked up a rumor mill. Maybe Longshade is a hothead put of desperation to make the whispers stop.
Near the end of Sharpleaf's life, she confessed to the one cat she thought was her friend a piece of information she should never have shared.
"I met a loner. His name was Thorns, and he was so kind. We were mates for a while... He's Longshade's father. You'll keep my secret, won't you Leopardfur?"
She didn't know she was signing her son's death warrant.
He was imprisoned with Silverstream, Featherpaw, Stormpaw, Stonefur, Mistyfoot, Piketail and Perchcloud, Mistyfoot's sons.
Skyheart was spared, he made her pretend to not be his mate. It broke both their hearts but all he wanted was for her to be safe. During his imprisonment, he gave and scrap of food he could get to Mistyfoot, Featherpaw and Stormpaw. He wasn't going to let 2 kids and a pregnant woman go hungry. It didn't matter how hungry he felt, he felt even more strongly that they needed it more. He watched as Stonefur was murdered, then as Piketail, Mistyfoot's first born, went into a rage and attacked Leopardstar, getting killed personally by Tigerstar himself...
A large regret of the rebels is that they couldn't spring the prisoners free before poor Longshade starved to death.
It was only afterwards, after the dust cleared and negotiations with Bloodclan began, that Skyheart noticed she was feeling a bit... Off. She had much more of an appetite despite her grief, but had never felt so nauseated.
Mudfur was extremely gentle when he told her she was pregnant. It felt like a joke, not a cruel one, but like her big silly husband had pulled one last little prank.
Thought you were alone? Wrong! Have some daughters!
Their first-born is Pinefur, the allegiances only cat. Their other daughter is a short-tempered permanent Queen named Flutterspots, who has 4 children herself: Dapplenose, Pouncetail, then later on has Spikeleaf (Pikepaw BOTC) and Fennelkit, who sadly succumbs to Fading Kitten Syndrome only a few days later. She calls Queen's Rights for both litters.
Longshade's legacy remains to this day, and he will be one of the angels The Blessed Four summon when The Great Battle breaks.
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gougarpaw · 3 years
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[Image Description: A digital drawing of Skyheart from warriors. She is a brown tabby with blue eyes, a dark brown nose, a dark brown heart shape under her left eye, and light blue teeth. Her chest, lower half of her head, paws and tail tip are cream. On her chest are upside down cloud shapes and two heart shapes. She is leaning to the left with an annoyed look on her face and her mouth slightly opened. Above her tail “Skyheart” is written in blue. End Description.]
“Go on, Leopardkit, runaway and tattle. That’s what newborn kits always do. You only get special treatment because Brightsky died. If you hadn’t killed your own mother, the rest of the Clan wouldn’t even bother with you. [...] You’re going to end up in the Dark Forest with all the other murderers.”
Skyheart is a pale brown tabby she-cat with green eyes and torn ears.
- Daughter of Shimmerpelt + Piketooth, sister of Blackclaw, spouse of Reedtail
- according to Su Susann, she and Reedtail had Duskfur, Icewing and Pinefur.
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tarkatan · 5 years
Family Headcanons
I do like a lot of the Missing Kit stuff that Su Susann made but i’m also gonna make a few different hcs for them!
- Boulder had kits with a BloodClan molly and brought them into ShadowClan to keep them safe. He raised Nightwing (mother to Smokepaw and Talonpaw, mate to Smokefoot) and Wildfur (silver tabby tom with black stripes and a broken back) as a single father.
- Tallpoppy and Cedarheart are the parents to Toadfoot, Applefur, and Marshkit. Marshkit (light brown tabby tom) died of greencough. Tallpoppy and Cedarheart retired together. Toadfoot fell for one of Fernshade and Wolfstep’s daughters, Ivytail, and they had Stonewing and Wasptail. They were apprenticed late as the DF battle postponed it. Both parents passed away before the two were made warriors.
- Leopardstar’s littermates’ warrior names would have been Oatflake, Waterfur, and Carptooth.
- Darkflower and Scorchwind’s second litter was Kinkfur and Pouncetail. Kinkfur inherited Darkflower’s fluffy, spiked fur.
- Dawnflower and Finchflight had Crowfrost and Spiderfoot after Blossomkit and Swampkit. They were hover-parents and always worried for their kits. Spiderfoot later became a kittypet named String Bean who often looked out for his family when he could.  
- Heavystep and Vixentail had Mintfur, Graymist, and Otterheart. This means the two immortal RC cats are related. Otterheart had died at the lake after being chased and shot by young twolegs for fun.
- Reedwhisker is the father to Duskfur’s kits, Curlfeather and Podlight. Curlfeather has unusually curly fur and Podlight has his facial features.
- Reedtail, Skyheart, and Greenflower were all mates, and he fathered both litters. (Green: Duckkit, Dragonflykit, and Duskfur // Sky: Icewing and Pinefur) The trio were inseparable. Duskfur considered naming her kits after her dead siblings, but decided against it.
- Aspenfall and Plumclaw had Runningbrook, Robinwing, and Willowclaw. Willowclaw was named after her mother. They had a second litter consisting of Whitetail and Adderkit (CotC) Runningbrook and Pigeonwing (Pigeonpaw in TR) had Gorsetail (PO3) and Thistlepaw. Robinwing and Tawnyfur had Owlwhisker and Weaselfur. Weaselfur hates the DF as his brother was killed. 
- Larksplash and Crowfur had Nightcloud, Dewspots, and Webfoot. These siblings weren’t really that close growing up, but Dewspots tried to be the best aunt to Breezekit as she could until she passed away from treading too close to a horse while trying to chase down a chicken in the Horseplace.
- Tallstar’s siblings grew up to be Flylight, Rabbitsnout, and Bristletoe. Flylight and Willowclaw’s first litter was Stoneclaw and Thrushwing. Stoneclaw was killed by ShadowClan + Thrushwing became permanently injured. Moons later, they had Antpelt and Leaftail. Leaftail had more than one reason to hate the Dark Forest after he found out on his own that his brother had died in there twice.  Rabbitsnout and Smoky (forbiddenly) had Boulderfur and Furzepelt.  Bristletoe and Ivy, a kittypet + one of Sol’s sisters, had Emberfoot among other rogue kits. A young Ember begged to join WC because he grew up with Warrior stories and was allowed in. Emberfoot was fiercely loyal to WC and did not know Bristletoe was his father, but it was suspected.
- Mowgli/Nightwhisper and Sorrelpetal (Sorrelpaw in TR) had twins: Tawnyfur and Gorsetail (TNP). Their relationship never went past a one night stand, and moons later Mowgli joins ShadowClan. He went to the Dark Forest, where he learned of his family. He regrets not going to WindClan, but was too loyal to Tigerstar to really care. 
- Dawnbright and Loudbelly are the parents to Whiteclaw and Shadepelt. Whiteclaw did have a crush on Leopardstar, but she saw him as the little brother she never got to have. When he died, she felt as if she lost another sibling. They had another litter consisting of Voletooth, Stonestream and Splashpaw. The Splash + Stone story Su created remains the same.
- Heronwing, Poppydawn, and Rabbitleap all inherited their father, Weedwhisker’s, eyes. 
- Voleclaw passed away from a cancerous growth before his mate Dawnflower’s kits were born. Pebblefoot is a tiny copy of his father and Tumblekit grew close with her pop in StarClan. Dawnflower suspected that her daughter, Minnowtail, had a crush on Mousewhisker of ThunderClan but never confronted her about it.
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Missing Kits, Part 3/?
Part 1 and 2
Voletooth - Loudbelly and Dawnbright only have a single litter in WCR, that being Voletooth and his siblings. He is a spicy little guy, plump like his dad, and very pious. He is also an expert fisher! Women want him, fish fear him. He is mates with Graymist!
Stonestream - Now a mottled ginger tom with glossy fur, he saves his sister Splashpaw when she tries to prove herself, but loses his front right leg after getting it tangled in an old net. He is ace, having a good time just training Apprentices and cooking fish. Even with his missing foreleg, he is a very strong fighter.
Splashpaw - Now a white molly with yellow eyes and ginger flecks, she survives nearly drowning after trying to prove herself. As punishment, she is assigned to den-building duty. She is made into a warrior after a week and a half, and her warrior name is... Splashfrost! Sadly, she is killed during The Great Battle, but not after giving Thistleclaw some hell.
Graymist - Now the daughter of Sheeptail (OC, offspring of Vixenleap and Swancall) and Biscuitfall (Another cat who came from the Wafflepaw vote, joins Riverclan during Firestar's Quest). She is very loyal to Riverclan and was made a warrior a little early! Her mentor was Sedgecreek.
Otterheart - Now a dark rose-cream with big amber eyes, she is Graymist's sister. Big femme lesbian with a love for cooking, she also has a kit of her own! She is mates with Dapplenose. Her mentor was Perchcloud.
Mistystar's kits have already been covered, Piketail, Perchcloud and Primroseheart.
Icewing - Lilystem and Reedtail's daughter, now. They are a loving couple and raised her to be a lovely lady. She now has tufted ears and very long fur. They also now have a son named Beetlepaw, but he leaves to become a kittypet (getting renamed Patches). His nephew, Beetlewhisker, looks just like him and is named after him!
More under the cut! I think we're almost done! (Hi this is future me. No we fucking aren't, what were you on?)
Pinefur - Now the daughter of Skyheart and Longshade. She would never know her father, but carried love for him nonetheless. She was mentored by Loudbelly (who is no longer an elder). Sadly while she was a wonderful mentor to Robinwing, she passed away during The Fourth Apprentice due to a painful lump in her stomach.
Maggottail - Not a missing kit but FUCK ME we need more non-shadowclan villains. He was Dashpaw of Skyclan, he did take a bit from a fox he angered, it did get a horrible infection, including the maggots, which he was bullied for. He is a cautionary tale to others. "Beware the cat you bite, for they may bite you back harder." All 4 cats that bullied him would perish horribly. He knew he was fucked when he went on trial and one of the jury members was a victim's father.
Emberfoot - Now the son of Pinefoot (OC) and Tornear and also now a tabby, he is mentored by Whitetail, and learned a lot from her. He is very close with Pinefoot, and would be anything to make her happy.
Willowclaw - Now a dark ginger molly, her fierce nature got her a warrior name early, she throughly impressed her mentor, Ryestalk. She becomes Flyleap's platonic mate, and they have 2 kits: Antpelt and Leaftail.
Rustlepaw - Now a silver tabby molly with a white belly and chest, and the daughter of Appledawn and Runningbrook. Originally mentored by Eaglefoot, but given to Nightcloud to finish up her training after Eaglefoot dies. She just needed some more hunting skills, and though Nightcloud would normally be WAY too young for this, Tallstar wanted someone who was "in with the young cats" to help the grieving little molly. She becomes Rustlewish.
Drizzlepaw - Now a pale rose-cream tabby molly with striking blue eyes, she is apprenticed to Tornear, the same cat who trained her dad! Her warrior name is Drizzlecloud, and becomes mates with Gorseflame (Gorsepaw), having kittens with him.
Aspenfall and Plumclaw - Yes they are mates, Plumclaw did not make it through the raid, she was killed. Aspenfall is a lost Windclan Elder, and while he has buried his mate, he can't find Windclan right now. His mind is not well, the trauma and age have caught up to him. They're too old to be having young children, so now they are the grandparents to Runningbrook. Runningbrook's mother, Shadefall, died during the Windclan raid.
Robinwing of Windclan - Now the daughter of Bristlethorn and Thrushwing and the sister of Dewspots. She now looks just like her mom (ginger and white), but with her uncle Stoneclaw's blue eyes. Dewspots has one blue eye like Stoneclaw, and a yellow eye like Bristle and Thrush. They are born during Firestar's Quest.
Tawnyfur - Rabbitear and Pigeonflight's firstborn. She is a brilliant warrior and very good at Glyphs, a big career ahead of her! That is... Until her life is cut short by a Bloodclan warrior, Leon.
Webfoot - Now the son of Larksplash and sired by Hawkheart, Webfoot is Whitetail's rival, as a reference to their perceived sibling relation. He was so mad when she got her name first! He wants nothing more than to make his mom proud but the old molly always tells him plainly: "I already am."
Whitetail as we know is just the daughter of Sorrelshine, but her father is now a Riverclan sire, Whitefang.
Gorsetail, not the genderfluid one - Now renamed to Eveningtail, he is a nervous, skinny tawny tom with orange eyes and a long tail. Hig parents aren't important enough to enter The Named Zone, sadly, but this little fella is a cool guy. Despite his nerves, he is a wonderful father to his and Dewspots's kittens, Owlwhisker and Weaselfur, staying in the nursery with them.
Cranberrypaw - Now the daughter of Rabbitear and Pigeonflight! She is mentored by Webfoot, and an absolute bundle of cheery energy. In fact, so much so that she is now a MAIN CHARACTER IN TNP! She falls for Smokepaw while they journey, and joins Shadowclan, even after his fall, becoming Cranberrynose. She waits for him, and cheers the absolute loudest for him when he finally returns. She is now a pale ginger tabby molly with a bright pink nose and icy blue eyes.
Thistlepaw - Now looks like a copy of Pigeonflight with thicker fur, but with bright green eyes. Named for the way her fur spiked up when she was born, though it smoothed out as she grew. She was Oatwhisker's apprentice, and she saved Gorsepaw's life from badgers during Twilight when Gorsepaw froze from fright. She drove it off, but her injuries were too severe. Onestar gave her a Dying Warrior Ceremony, naming her Thistlewind, embodying the true spirit of a Windclan Warrior. Thistleheart is named after her.
Bonus 2 Tribe Cats!
Slant is now Slanted Boulder, he was a HUGE boy! Pure solid gray with big blue eyes. Handsome gentle boy who went by Slant. He died during Fading Echoes due to a painful lump in his lower belly. The Tribes are gifted healers, but even they can't fight that. They only gave him less pain.
Fall was actually the Snow-Watcher from the Tribe of Snowy Peaks during TNP and Outcast. She was pure white with yellow eyes. She lived a long happy life and died at 24 years old during Long Shadows, she passed in her sleep. Her name was Falling Snowflake, Fall for short.
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