#she clipped them after she met Devin
miashyperfixations · 3 months
22.05.2024 @ The Deaf Institute, Manchester (250 Capacity)
Written June 2024
Artio is a band that has been on my radar for a while now , having seen them for South Arcade back in September. They released their debut album, Babyface, earlier this year, and  it’s definitely one of my favourites this year, so far. I was first introduced to Artio via @artbyamixx around this time last year when they released their ‘Pyrokid’ EP, and although I don’t actively listen to them as much, they’re without a doubt, some of the most talented people I’ve ever met. They’re based in the north of England, which is refreshing nowadays with a lot of successful artists moving down to London for their career. 
For their set, they played a few songs from their album, as well as a few from the ‘Pyrokid’ EP, which I really enjoyed as ‘Hush Money’ is one of my absolute favourites of theirs and seeing it live for the second time was unreal [clip in above video]. Rae’s vocals blow me out of my mind every time I hear them, their vocal capacity is so crazy and I’m in constant awe of them.  I had already heard all of the other songs before when they opened for South Arcade but hearing ‘Head In The Sand, Finger On The Trigger’ live was unbelievable. It’s so fun to see bands on stage actually enjoying themselves and with such high-energy stage presence, it’s clear that this band loves what they do.
After Honey Revenge’s set, Jai & Ieuan were hanging around and selling merch, so we went to talk to them, before meeting Devin & Donny. @artbyamixx had bought her empty box of sertraline medication and asked for the entire band to sign it, which they did happily [3:11 in this youtube tour diary video], as it is also a song title of theirs. During which, I was also able to chat to Ieuan a little about music production as he is the main producer on the Babyface record. The album is one of my favourites music production-wise. I absolutely love how most of the songs flow into one another and keep themes - it’s hard to tell where some songs cut off!! 
The band have plans to open for American artist, Mothica, when she comes across the pond for her headline tour in the autumn. I should probably try and go to see Artio at a headline show sometime soon, I’ve seen them twice now, both times opening for another of my favourite bands. They’re all extremely talented and I’m sure that there’s great success in the future for this band.
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scarvin · 4 years
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Anyway... D... Dementor Scarlett :pleading emoji:
I don’t know??? What I’ll call this AU but I guess I’m making Devin a sorceress?!?!??!?
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leighas-life · 4 years
Review Of Meg, The Trench, Primal Waters, Origins By Steve Alten
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Meg #1 (4/5 stars)
*I didn’t write a review for this one, but my thoughts for the second 2 sum up how I feel about Meg (and probably the series as a whole when I finish it.)
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The Trench (Meg #2) - 3.5/5
***Trigger warning: Rape is mentioned, along with the person being tortured, there were two attempted rape scenes, one quite graphic and incest.*** The author needs a better editing team. The writing style was good and enjoyable for the most part, although one thing stood out which was the repetitiveness. Jonas felt his temper flaring practically every other page. There was a lot of flashing. How many times can a person flash a smile, or flash their eyes in anger, flash this, flash that....? "For a surreal moment" is also used many times. Once you notice the repetitiveness, it is almost impossible not to notice, which brings you out of the story. Another thing that stood out that took away some enjoyment was a lot of telling instead of showing. Too many characters. I gave up trying to keep track of them. 99% were not important, just written in to be killed. I like how Masao treats Jonas as a true son and not a son-in-law. They have a couple of sweet father-son moments. The actions scenes were suspenseful. I truly felt Terry's terror as she goes through the stuff she went through. There are a couple of characters I hated so much and admit, I was hoping they would die, so Steve Alten is good at writing characters you hate. I do plan on reading more, as I love the entertaining value in these. Some of the triggering and problematic things you can overlook if you go in knowing what to expect. I hope the books get better as the series progresses.
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Primal Waters (Meg #3) - 4/5 very problematic stars. 
TW: Because yes, this will have triggers, like the first two. Misogyny, implied/mentioned sex between adults and underage girls, suicide is mentioned, abortion is mentioned, slut and fat-shaming (blink and you might miss the slut-shaming, but it is there.) *** You can go into a vintage horror (or any genre) novel and expect some dark and nasty stuff, including how females are treated, and hey, maybe you even like those books, despite the problematic elements. Those books were a product of the time. I'm honestly not judging your taste in books, because I read them, too. It is nice to be able to turn your brain off sometimes. That being said, the way females are treated in this book just doesn't make sense. Because it is about killer sharks, does that mean it is marketed toward men and that is why all the girls are treated like eye candy, along with underage eye candy to boot? It is just cringy how Terry is described. (The Asian beauty with almond eyes.) I wasn't even at the 30% point and already suicide was mentioned, two instances of underage sex mentioned (with an adult) and one instance of what seems like a forced abortion (man paying for and probably making the underage girl abort her baby), and a cheating scumbag. (And later on in the book there are slut and fat-shaming.) Oh, and of course some shark kills! Which is the real reason to read these, right? Why in the world would Jonas let his underage daughter be one of the "Candy Girls" without even saying a word of protest? “I was hoping you might be able to use Dani behind the scenes, you know, assisting the film crew . . . something to keep her busy.” “Behind the scenes?” Erik laughs. “Your daughter’s eye-candy, Professor, and we can never have too much of that. Dani, as soon as you get settled, come find me and I’ll hook you up with wardrobe. They’ll pick out some nice bikinis, maybe a few after-hour numbers. We’ll pay you to be one of our Candy Girls, my pet name for our Daredevil groupies.” “Excellent.” Danielle’s gloating smile tweaks her father’s blood pressure. *** Also, I can do without shaming people for having body hair. It was just a silly and unneeded line. "God, I miss California. If I date one more woman with hairy legs, I think I’ll—" *** Erik points to the bow where a cocoa-brown African-American woman in a white thong bikini is posing before a photographer and two cameramen. “Not much of an actress, but who cares, she makes—” “I know, great eye-candy.” So, we have an almond-eyed Asian beauty and now a cocoa-brown African American...can't we describe POC without using food? And you don't have to keep reminding us that Terry's Asian as well. We remember! (Later on, there is an olive-skinned Italian as well.) I saw someone call these books "Shallow Entertainment" and they sure are that! I notice that he really likes to go into detail of describing how a female looks, using words like "shapely" a lot. Also, I noticed he points out skin color and eye color of the females often, but only one time did he mention the eye color of a man. I wonder why it is? So we know what eye color the females have when we fantasize about them? I mean, he writes them like "Eye Candy!" The girls on the boat are even called "Candy Girls" by the camera crew. It is basically "Girl's Gone Wild" with stupid daredevil stunts that get people killed. How has this film crew not been sued and how are they allowed to show the deaths on tv? I've never watched the real Girl's Gone Wild, but this book is similar to the Piranha (2010) movie, if you remember the GGW film crew, well, yeah, this book is like that, but with some hungry sharks and people who don't use their brains. Of course, the sex and nudity in this are not graphic or anything, but you get what I mean. That is because Steve does a lot of telling, and not showing. All the people in this book that get put in danger (and end up getting killed) are getting what they deserve. I would never say that about a real-life situation, toward a real victim, but seriously, these characters have bricks for brains. The camera, still looped around his neck, bounces against his chest— —calling out his name. Brian stares at temptation, his fear momentarily subsiding. 'The whale’s dying. Angel’s got to be circling below, waiting to feed again. One shot, just a quick one before you lose the light, then get to shore as fast as you can.' He stops paddling, allowing the kayak to drift as he glances back at Charlie. 'Calm and steady and the Meg won’t even know you’re here. One great shot of her next attack, just one killer shot.' 'Sorry Charlie, but that’s life in the food chain. Damn, this looks good. Okay, Angel, one more time for Daddy while we still have the light. Definitely a cover shot on National Geographic, maybe even Time . . .' This is why I root for the shark! A certain thing keeps happening in this book and jarring me out of the story. Steve Alten has a broken way of writing what are supposed to be suspenseful moments. Personally, I don't like this style. I don't know how to describe it, so I will show you. Balancing atop the wall, he runs back to the arena and the safety of the bleachers as fast as he can— —nitrogen bubbling in his bloodstream. Fergie bounds over another swell and pulls hard on his control strut— —as a powerful updraft catches the kite. Losing the wind, he plummets—a seabird with clipped wings— —as the Megalodon breeches, its head rising at him like a missile, its jaws yawning open, offering an impossible target to miss. Devin flees— —only to be confronted by an even bigger nightmare. This way of writing might be fine if it only happened a couple of times, but it is littered throughout the whole book. One last thing I want to add about Dani, which is a spoiler-ish. [Dani starts off as a teenage spoiled brat; there is no way to say it nicely. I liked how she grew and eventually stopped being such a pain, and she and her father started to see eye to eye again.] Don't get me wrong, despite my complaints, I really do like these books. As I said, it is nice to turn your brain off and enjoy some B movie type books.
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Meg Origins (Meg #.05) 2/5 stars.
If you read and liked Meg, this tells the story of when Jonas first met the prehistoric shark. This book is interesting, to say the least. However, some of the writing was dry, dare I say boring. There were some repetitive chapter openings that annoyed me. I guess the editing team didn't notice. Once you notice these repetitive things, it is hard to keep from noticing them and it takes you out of the story. For example: In the Prologue "Captian George Nares stood defiantly on the heaving gun deck." In Chapter 1: "Captian Richard Danielson stood defiantly on the main deck." How does one stand defiantly? Do you stand in a Superman pose, with your hands on your hips? There were so many characters. I wrote a list of characters in case someone was important later on. Large casts are often forgettable. I counted about 20 characters (Plus some more that were not given proper names.) 90% of these people were not important. I liked how there was a nod to the Jaws movie. "Good God, Man! That's more than half the length of the Challenger. A creature that size... we'd need a bigger boat." Steve didn't copy Jaws. Maybe he was inspired somewhat, but the storyline of Meg is completely different from Jaws, yet people are going to still scream copycat. Misogyny, treatment of women. One girl in this is only known by her big boobs. I think she's given a name, but that's about it. You can tell this was written by a man by the way characters describe women. "...tan, oiled breasts two swollen grapefruits in the skimpy red bikini." "...hawkish eyes moved from the pair of jacks in his right hand to the D-cup breasts barely contained beneath the brunette's olive-green tee-shirt." How do you know they're D-cup? Did you measure them, or did she tell you? "Hey, so my boobs are d-cup." These are grown men, but they sound like they are teen boys who just discovered boobs. I'm not a prude by any means, but I can't say I liked this manner of describing people. I notice the men are never described this way. Don't get me wrong, I really do like these books. So far. Meg Origins should be saved only if you are a die-hard fan of the series, though. None of it is new info. It just goes into detail of what the first book already mentioned.
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dirtydobrik · 5 years
reminiscing - d.d.
plot: you reminisce on your relationship with David before he publicly announces that you two are dating 
requested: yes! by anonymous. imagine this: to announce to the public you're dating david adds a cute clip of both of you kissing(you were seen in the vlogs before but u weren't famous or anything)at the end of the vlog and people are going crazy
author’s note:   hi! this was requested anonymously, so hopefully it was something similar to what they wanted. if you want to request an imagine about David, i will try my best to write it when i have time. i love hearing what you guys have to say about my work. enjoy!
word count: 1.5k
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"Are you sure you want to do this, babe?" David questioned.
He was posting his version of YouTube rewind and ending it with a clip of you two kissing to announce that you were dating. And he was nervous. He didn’t know how the fans would react. You were nervous too, but you were ready. You had been dating for months after meeting him at a bar on his birthday, but you tried to avoid being on camera. Of course, with everyone always recording, you were seen in the background of a few of David's and everyone else's videos, but for the most part you hadn't drawn too much attention to yourself. People were curious as to who you were, but they assumed you were friends with Corinna, since she's posted pictures with you before.
You and David had a natural chemistry, immediately hitting it off when you, quite literally, ran into him at the bar. You were grabbing a drink from the bartender and heading back to the table your friends were sitting at. David had come out of nowhere, dressed in all black, and you walked right into him, spilling your drink all over him, clearly distracted by something.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I didn't see you," you rushed out, feeling so bad for what you just did. "Do you need a new shirt?"
"No worries. I'm David." he smiled, flashing you a perfectly straight, white smile. You took a few steps backwards, examining the guy you had just walked into. He was wearing a black button down, now soaked from your drink, with black skinny jeans, paired with black vans and a black baseball cap. His dark hair was peeking out from under his cap, flipped up around his ears. His brown eyes were soft and forgiving, like he really didn’t care that you had just spilled all over him. Then you noticed the camera in his hand, wondering why he was carrying around a huge camera in a bar.
"I make vlogs," he said, interrupting your thoughts.
"You just asked why I was carrying around a camera in a bar. I make vlogs," he repeated, taking a step closer to you. "And you still haven’t introduced yourself."
"Maybe I don't want to," you shrugged, stepping back from him and turning to walk away.
"That's no way to treat someone you just got wet," He smirked, and you couldn't help but start laughing. Dylan, you think that's his name anyways, it might've been Drew or Devin or some other name that started with a D, was funny, and you were drunk.
You joked with him a little more, still feeling bad for spilling your drink on him, and reassuring him that you weren't usually a clumsy drunk. The conversation between you two flowed naturally, you didn't even have to think about what to say back to him. It was easy to talk to him, and you drunkenly promised to buy him a new shirt after learning he was out celebrating his birthday.
You two had started hanging out and quickly became close friends. One hot August night, you two were sitting on the lawn chairs in his backyard, just talking. You had gotten up to get a beer from the fridge, grabbing one for David while you were up. He had already finished two, but you grabbed another one anyways. You knew he was a lightweight and that with three beers he would be tipsy. You settled into your lawn chair again, hanging him a beer. You two dove right back into conversation, and while he talked, you couldn't stop yourself from looking at his lips. Maybe it was just the heatwave passing through LA that was making you crazy, but you had the sudden urge to kiss him.
"David," you whispered, interrupting whatever he was talking about. He looked at you, noticing that you were staring at his lips. You stood up and sat on the edge of his chair. You didn’t want to make the first move, but there was something pulling you towards him. Without saying a word, you leaned closer to him until your lips met his. You pulled away, afraid of what David would say, but he just shifted a little before reattaching your lips, leaving you both breathless. 
Your relationship progressed from that August night, and by September you were dating. You tried to keep it a secret, but your friends caught on pretty quickly. You were successful at keeping it a secret from the fans, since you kept your distance from David when he was filming, and if he did film you, it was with a large group of people. 
By November, you just wanted to tell people that you two were together. Sneaking around and not being able to be seen alone in public was driving you crazy, and David understood. He took you on a ski trip to clear your mind, but that ended with a trip to the emergency room, you breaking your ankle, and David having to come up with an excuse as to why you two were alone in Colorado when a fan saw you two in the ER. You wanted to admit that you were dating then, but David said to give it just a little more time. He reassured you that this incident would open them up to the possibility of you two dating, and it wouldn't come as such a shock when you did go public with your relationship.
"What's with us and wearing all black?" you joked, walking into your closet to find your thigh high boots. It was New Year's Eve and you were wearing a black leather skirt with a black silky top. David was in his usual black skinny jeans and black t-shirt outfit, dressing it up with a black bomber jacket. It had become a running joke between you two that either of you was hardly ever seen wearing something that wasn't all black.
"Damn, my girlfriend is hot," David gasped, when you came out with your shoes on and your hair in a high ponytail.  
"You only like the boots and the ponytail because it reminds you of Ariana Grande," you mocked, knowing he was basically in love with her.
"You've made a good point, but that doesn’t change the fact that you're hot," he grinned, and you rolled your eyes.
You grabbed your purse and followed Dave outside and into his car. You pulled into the house just after 10pm. "I'll see you at midnight if I'm not done filming by them," David said, before parting from you to record a few bits with his friends.
You caught sight of a few friends who were in the kitchen and met up with them. You chatted with them, having a few drinks while waiting for David to finish.
Just before midnight, he was back by your side. He laced his fingers through yours, pulling you close to him and through the crowd. His camera was on the table recording as everyone counted down to the new year.
"Happy New Year, babe," he whispered.
"Happy New Year, Dave," you smiled. You stood on your toes to reach his lips, your hands cupping his face as you kissed him softly.
 "Yeah, I'm sure," you said with a smile, leaning in and kissing his cheek. You squeezed his hand as he made the video public.
You sat with your legs across his thighs, his right arm draped around your shoulder, waiting for the tweets and comments to come in. The clip of you two kissing was at the very end of the video. He included the countdown to midnight on New Year's Eve, followed by him pulling you in for a kiss. You two weren't directly in front of the camera, in fact you thought you weren't even in the frame, but off to the side, David's camera caught the kiss while one of your friends popped a bottle of champagne in the center of the video. Then the video ends. David hesitated before putting the clip in, but you both talked about it and decided that you shouldn't start the new year by keeping your relationship a secret. You weren't nervous about what people had to say, knowing that the negative ones would come from people who were jealous of you. What you weren't expecting was the amount of positivity the video was getting. People commented saying that they noticed how happy David had been lately, and it made your heart swell knowing that the fans had noticed the happiness return to his eyes after months of being heartbroken. Your eyes flickered up to his, which were, in fact, filled with happiness. They always were when you were with him.
David also posted an Instagram picture of you two from last night to confirm that you were dating. The picture was one you had no memory of taking, but you were sitting on a couch next to David, leaning your head on his shoulder. You and David were both grinning at whoever took the photo, David's tongue was poking out just a tad. You could see the happiness radiating from both of you. It was a photo you needed frame; one that you would show your kids someday.
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Deacon St. John || Phantom in the Night [5/5]
A/n: I present you with the conclusion of this mini series unless someone wants it to continue a little longer.
Hope you all enjoy! Love you all!!! ••••••••••••••••••••
***** Prompt: Deacon searches for you in a desperate attempt to mend the wounds that have been inflicted over the past weeks. Slowly but surely, the wounds in your heart are healed. *****
~3rd Person POV~
"A gas station, huh?" Deacon mumbled to himself as he examines the area Captain Kouri circled on his map. He walked over to his bike and mentally mapped out a route to the gas station. "You better still be there, (Y/n)."
Departing from Diamond Lake, Deacon drove up the windy path up to the highway and headed straight for the gas station located off Highway 97. He had heard about the numerous of hordes that wander around the area from a few people on Wizard Island and hoped (Y/n) hadn't decided to take it upon herself to wipe out every single one.
The drifter was quite amazed and mesmerized at how (Y/n) wasn't frightened whenever she saw a horde. In fact, she found it exhilarating and always found it to be a welcoming challenge. All she was terrified of was not having all the supplies she needed to execute her plan. It would even disappoint her if there was a horde she couldn't face due to the lack of materials.
Deacon was sure of two things: (Y/n) was definitely not Sarah and he was very glad she wasn't. She was full of energy and was a hurricane of surprises. In all honesty, he has never felt so alive unless he was with her.
Arriving at the gas station, the first thing Deacon noticed was (Y/n)'s bike. The motorcycle was torn to pieces as if someone or something ripped it apart. The metal parts were bent and pulverized. "What the hell did this?" He glanced around, noting the corpses of the squatters. From the bullet holes in their heads, and no other wounds on their bodies, he knew it was (Y/n)'s doing. "Clean kill. Every single one of 'em."
By the gas pumps, Deacon found the radio Colonel Garret had gifted her after her first assignment. He picked up the device to make sure it still worked before clipping it to his belt and checking the interior of the gas station. He vaulted through a shattered window and landed behind the counter. The garage was void of anything except for a few empty racks and there was no one in the small convenience store.
When Deacon was about to give up and search further down the road, he saw the storage closet was closed. He wasn't leaving until every possible spot (Y/n) could be hiding was checked.
Slowly, the man opened the metal door. The small room was dark and he clicked on his flashlight, scanning the darkness, he found a figure balled up on the floor in the corner. Seeing the familiar unsettling mask obscuring the person's face, Deacon rushed to their side.
Deacon fell to his knees beside her, swiftly tugging the mask off her face. Her (e/c) eyes were sealed and her skin was pale and clammy to the touch. Turning her body over, he noticed a thin slash in her shirt and a crimson stain on the side of it. "Sorry 'bout this, sweetheart, but I've gotta see what happened to you." He lifts her shirt and saw a gash trail from her back to the side of her hip.
Without hesitation, he whipped out a sterile bandage  and wrapped it around the wound to prevent an infection. He grabbed his radio and contacted Captain Kouri, knowing he would pick up. "Captain, I found (Y/n), but she's in bad shape. I need someone to pick her up. There's no way I can get her back on my bike in her condition."
"Understood, corporal. I'll contact Doctor Jimenez and request immediate pickup."
Deacon thanked the captain and waited impatiently for help to arrive. The moment he placed his arms around (Y/n) and tried to hoist her body into his arms, a painful whimper escaped her lips and her eyes cracked open. "S-Shit..." She tried to push against Deacon, not recognizing him due to her blurry vision.
"Hey, hey. It's okay, (Y/n). It's Deacon," he replies, voice lower than usual and full of worry. "I'm gonna get you out of here. Just bear with me for a little bit."
By the time Deacon managed to gather (Y/n)'s body in his arms, a truck arrived outside. Two men exit and he recognizes the red bands around their arms. He carries the woman outside the gas station and to the truck, where the two men took her from him and placed her in the back seat of the white vehicle without disturbing her injury. They hopped back into the truck and headed to Wizard Island. Deacon followed behind the truck on his bike.
On Wizard Island, the two men delivered (Y/n) to Doctor Jimenez. He cleaned her wound, stitched it up, and gave her medication to fight off the pain. She sat silently on the cot, leaning forward and resting her arms on her thighs. She could feel the burning sensation from the sudden movement and immediately sat straight up to avoid ripping the stitches.
The door to the infirmary swung open and Deacon stepped inside the tent. In his hand was her mask. The drifter wandered over to the cot and sat beside her, handing the false face to her. She muttered an incoherent "thank you" before tearing her eyes from his and staring down at the ground.
"What happened out there?" Deacon inquired.
"It was just another normal assignment until Breakers came out of nowhere. The gunfire must've drawn them. One of them smashed my bike into smithereens while the others chased after me. Another batted me through an already broken window and I ended up getting a large shard snagged in my side. Crawled into the storage room, slammed the door shut, and passed out once I pulled the glass from my side after I realized my radio was missing." (Y/n) stated down at her hands, noticing the blood she had yet to wipe off. "How long was I out there?"
"Three days. What'd the doc say?" Deacon wonders.
"That he'd be reporting to the colonel and telling him I'm out of commission until I've made a full recovery. I should be back to my normal routine in a couple of weeks."
"Yeah? And what's your "normal" routine?" Deacon sneered. "I bet it also includes ignoring me."
"Deacon," (Y/n) sighs, covering her face with her hands before dropping them to speak. "You found Sarah. Where is there room for another woman in your life? A friend, maybe? But that won't be enough for me."
Deacon met her (e/c) gaze. "She found someone else."
(Y/n) was confused for a split second before breaking eye contact once she assembled the pieces. "Oh, god, Deek. When did you...?"
"Few days after we arrived. Some guy named Devin," Deacon scoffs.
"Wow, sounds like a douchy name," the woman snickered, earning a chuckle from the drifter. She placed her hands on her knees, drumming her fingers against her black jeans. "And now I'm the one who feels like an asshole..."
"For avoiding me?"
"That, and for not even giving you a slither of opportunity to talk to me. Guess it took you to save my ass to realize how moronic I've been acting these past couple of months." (Y/n) inhaled deeply through her nose and exhaled. "I know I don't deserve your forgiveness just yet, but I'm hoping you'll forgive me for my behavior soon."
Deacon placed his hand over hers, flipping the appendage over and entwining his fingers with her. "Yeah, well, let's just say it's difficult to stay mad at you."
(Y/n) smiled and rested her head against his shoulder. "Glad to know."
Two weeks had flown by quickly and (Y/n) was completely healed. Deacon had been assigned to watch over the woman by Colonel Garret, who was influenced by Captain Kouri in the final decision. Relationships were forbidden, but that didn't stop the couple from displaying their affection for one another through small actions when no one was around.
(Y/n) had been assigned to take down a marauder camp located southeast of Wizard Island while Deacon wound up being Weaver's errand boy. The chemist has been working energetically on a napalm molotov that would create a much larger radius of damage than three normal molotov cocktails.
Deacon currently was delivering the last ingredient Weaver needed for his creation—polystyrene. Simply put, he brought back an entire box of foam cups. The chemist was hustling around his lab after getting his hands on the final ingredient for his invention. The man in the lab coat grinned as he held up the first of many napalm molotovs. "You ready to test this bad boy out, corporal?"
"I know someone who's gonna enjoy this," Deacon replied and contacted (Y/n) over the radio. Remembering who he was with, he made sure to not use her real name. "Corporal St. John to Phantom. You out there?"
"This is Phantom. What is it, corporal?" Her soft tone asked curiously.
"If you're not busy at the moment, come to Lieutenant Weaver's lab."
"I'll be there shortly. Phantom out."
Weaver was skeptical as to why Deacon would think (Y/n) would enjoy his invention. "You really think an assassin is gonna enjoy a napalm molotov? This shit is pretty loud and alarming."
"She's not really a—look, I've known her for a while. One of the things she did before joining the militia is taking down hordes all by herself. You can bet she's gonna enjoy this."
The chemist smirked, placing the explosive on the table beside him. "Let me guess—girlfriend or wife? Which one?"
"Neither," the drifter denies snappily, hoping the chemist wouldn't detect his relationship with (Y/n) and avoid being torn apart from one another. "She's a good friend I've been traveling with for some time now."
Weaver didn't believe it for a second, but he decided to let it slide. "Mhmm, a "good friend". I'll buy that for now." The moment he turned around, he came face to face with a horrifying mask. "Holy shit!"
"Sorry," (Y/n) huffed with laughter, pulling down her black hood and taking off the mask. "Forgot to take it off."
"Jesus..." Weaver puffed out, placing a hand over his racing heart. "Gave me a heart attack. When the hell did you get here? I didn't even hear the door open."
"I was on the island when the corporal called. It only took me a couple of minutes to get here," she replied.
"Don't do that sneaky assassin shit on me," the chemist sighed. "Especially with that creepyass mask."
"Y'know, I'm not really an assassin. In no way, shape, or form have I had such elite training for a risky position. It's just what the colonel came up with."
"You're doing all his dirty work," Deacon commented.
"Very true," Weaver agreed. "Never been particularly a big fan of the colonel's, but he gives me access to the shit I need."
"Anyway," (Y/n) started as she glanced at Deacon, wanting to change the subject. "Why'd you call me here?"
"This." The drifter picked up the napalm molotov and showed it to her. "We're testing it out."
(Y/n) took the jug from him and examined it closely. Her eyes narrowed when she got a whiff of a familiar scent. "Kerosene. Is this... a molotov?"
"A napalm molotov to be more exact," the lieutenant responded. "It has a larger radius and burns longer than a normal molotov. You two are gonna test it on a horde."
A glint of excitement glimmered in (Y/n)'s eyes. Both men noticed but Deacon was the only one smirking. Weaver was confused and eyes the drifter, whose only response is, "Told you so."
Deacon and (Y/n) were accompanied by Captain Kouri to the small town of Chemult. He joined the couple to see how well Weaver's invention truly worked under Colonel Garret's orders.
On a plateau overlooking the small town, they spotted the horde weaving through the crashed vehicles and towards the derailed train. The only light they had as guidance were the dim streetlights and their flashlights.
"They'll be here for a while. This is their feeding ground," (Y/n) informed the men as she handed Deacon his binoculars. She wandered over to the crate of napalm molotovs strapped on the back of her new bike, courtesy of Captain Kouri, and grabbed all she could carry. "I'll be back."
"You know what you're doing?" Kouri questioned.
"She's done this before," Deacon replies. "A lot."
"I've got all that I need, captain. That, and much more," she smirked. "I'm looking forward to seeing what Weaver's invention can do."
Deacon crosses his arms, eyes trained on (Y/n)'s back as she left and headed into Chemult. Captain Kouri was aware of their relationship and wondered if the drifter was worried. "You're not going to try and stop her?"
"Even if I did, she wouldn't listen to me. Learned that a while ago. She's taken on bigger hordes by herself."
"Never expected to meet someone who took down hordes for amusement," Kouri said.
"Yeah," Deacon chuckled. "Neither did I."
Suddenly, a large flame rose into the sky as loud shrieks echoed throughout the small town. Deacon grabbed his binoculars and watched a third of the horde burn. The Swarmers caught in the explosion cried out before collapsing to the ground.
Captain Kouri was amazed at the sight. "Lieutenant Weaver will be more than happy to know his explosive works. Now all we have to do is wait for the rest of the horde to be wiped out."
Another throng of explosions filled the air as the horde scurried around Chemult after (Y/n). She led them directly into the traps she set and only a few remained as they chased her down the street. She grabbed her handgun and killed the last remaining Swarmers on her heels.
All was silent. The horde was wiped out and there were no Freaks in the area. (Y/n) sighed in relief as she laid down on her back. The hard asphalt wasn't the most comfortable, but she didn't care. Staring up at the stars, she felt at peace for the first time in years.
Someone sat beside the woman and she knew exactly who it was because there was only one possibility. Sitting up, she glanced at Deacon with a smirk. "So, how was the show?"
"Still can't believe you find it entertaining to take on hordes," he stated.
"Someone's gotta do it," (Y/n) retorts. With a grin, she placed a hand on his chest and pushed him down to the ground. She quickly straddled his hips before he could get up and placed both hands on his chest, leaning down until their faces were only a few inches apart. "There's no knife this time, I promise."
Deacon's hands gravitated towards her hips with a playful grin. "As much as I'm enjoying this position, this ain't exactly the most romantic place."
"What?" (Y/n) lifted her head, gazing around the decaying town. "On the road smack-dab in the middle of the apocalypse isn't doing it for you where a Freak could spot us any second? What a shame. I like to live on the edge."
"Yeah, I know you do. Just don't drag me along for the ride."
The woman sighed defeatedly and climbed off Deacon. "You're no fun, Deek." She stood up and crossed her arms, lips pursed in a childish manner.
Deacon got to his feet and adjusted his militia hat. "Just tryna keep our asses from getting eaten alive."
(Y/n) unfolded her arms, resting a hand on her hip. "Yeah. Wouldn't want to find you a little over here, there, or everywhere. It's not fun picking up the pieces, especially body parts."
"You've—never mind. Not gonna even ask."
"We better not keep Captain Kouri waiting much longer, but before we go..." (Y/n) reached out, grabbing the collar of Deacon's shirt and hauling him towards her. The drifter didn't have time to even blink before he felt her soft lips against his. It was a sweet and innocent kiss, but they both had desperately wanted to go further. Morosely, they couldn't do such a deed just yet.
Once the kiss came to an end, (Y/n) released Deacon and smiled softly at him. "I love you, Deacon. I hope one of these days, it'll be just us again."
Deacon wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her into his side, placing a kiss on her forehead. "I'll make sure we get the hell outta this place together."
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It is, of course, common knowledge that crickets are everywhere. They could be found in the most random of spots, keeping still and quiet until disturbed or ready for a mate. If disturbed, one frantic leap is usually all it takes for the insect to not only remove itself but frighten a few years off the life of a mammal not expecting it.
The crickets in Bunnyburrow enjoyed a much more calm life than their cousins in Zootopia and similar cities. Fewer predators meant less demand, and thus the cricket population was really only kept in check by the local birds that came every spring and summer. Not that these crickets were aware this luxury.
The cricket in the jar was, in fact, a bit peeved at his predicament. One moment, he had been happy, lazy in the sun, not even contemplating life. The next, some big, bulky mammal had snagged him in a flimsy net. Then tossed him in a jar! The nerve!
And this stupid creature wasn’t even a cricket eater. Had he been able to, he would have sighed. But, alas, he was just a cricket. In a jar. Wondering what in the sweet dandelion was going on.
The mammal had left him in a jar in a dark area, the irate creature not wanting to give into his natural urge to chirp. These non cricket eating, cricket capturing, cricket-nappers didn’t deserve to hear his song! And he didn’t even get any type of foliage to make the jar seem less…..well, jar-like.
And what do you know! This little cricket sighed.
And would have groaned if he could (though he wasn’t suppose to sigh, so you never know) when light finally came back to where he was being held. That big mammal had two smaller ones right next to it. And the one of them had definitely eaten his kind before.
Soon the three were hulking over the opening of the jar. The damned opening was too narrow to jump threw with the space he had been given. Damn and curse this jar! But the bigger mammal was talking now.
“I would like you to meet Henry!”
Henry. Seriously……..That mammal was calling him Henry? And that little one with the teeth? Definitely eats crickets. Are we sure crickets don’t groan?
“Ummmm…….Mr. Bogo?” The toothy one looked up at the big one. “Henry is a cricket. You know that, right?”
“I do indeed. I also know that Henry here is a friend of mine.”
Henry disagreed. Give him some cover, then he might consider acquaintanceship.
“And your task is: Keep Henry alive while I speak to my team.”
Please don’t kill Henry, thought the cricket. The little one with the weird antenna seemed confused.
“That’s it? We just have to make sure Henry stays alive? For how long?”
“I’ll be about an hour. One whole hour to make sure Henry stays healthy, happy and alive.”
Well, two out of three isn’t bad. The big one started walking out the door before turning to Toothy and Weirdo. Weirdo had reached and picked up the jar. And though the cricket wasn’t feeling nervous about them, this one’s teeth were pretty noticeable too.
“And I expect him back. No getting attached to him now.” The big mammal walked to the where the light came from and disappeared.
Why did Henry think he wasn’t going to survive the next hour? Because Weirdo had tipped the jar. And he was now in the smallest mammals paw. At least it wasn’t the jar, but he still couldn’t get away. This one’s paw closed gently around his back legs to keep him in place.
“I don’t think Mr. Bogo is all there, Carrots. This little guy doesn’t look like a Henry.” Thank you, Toothy! “He looks more like Lunch!”
Well that was just rude!
“Nick! You can’t eat him!”
Thank you….Carrots? Seriously?! First Henry, now Carrots? Mammals…………
“Mr. Bogo want’s us to take care of him!” The Carrots pointed the other paw at the Nick. “So don’t even think about it, Slick!”
And then he was off! The Carrots had loosened it’s grip on his legs and the cricket gave a one quick chirp before jumping…..right in between the non antenna of the Carrots.
The Nick seemed surprised. It cautiously prowled (yes, the cricket knew a prowl when he saw one, Toothy!) up to them with it’s paws out stretched.
“Don’t move, I’m going to try to grab Henry and then he goes back in the jar…. Ok, Henry?”
No, not ok, Henry! Sorry, little mammals. This cricket needs to bounce. Thank goodness the big mammal left the door open. The Nick’s paws smacked the Carrots right where Henry had been, one giant leap sending the cricket over them to where the light was. Freedom!
“OWW! WAIT! HENRY!” The Carrots rubbed where the Nick’s paws had struck it before taking off after the small creature. The Nick, stunned and remorseful at hurting it’s companion, started to follow until something caught it’s eye.
Ian Wolford and Claudia Fangmeyer had been excused from the meeting Bogo had called. The official reason being they had not been on duty since yesterday morning; unofficial because they had spent a good portion of their night hunting for the missing Hopps doe.
Wolford would never admit it out loud, but he (like Bogo) had been thoroughly impressed with Judy Hopps’ escape. It was clever and much more complex then he would have given the bunny credit for. That did not stop him from also being irritated at the lack of sleep. Which made watching her and the little fox she was with slam into the shed door very satisfying.
Fangmeyer felt more sympathy for the young bunny than her comrade. She herself had been raised in the upper crust of society. The feeling of having every move, breath, and gaze be monitored from sun up to sun down was akin to drowning most days. She had most likely been the only member of the detail that hoped Bogo would not be too hard on Miss Hopps.
But neither had prepared themselves for their boss to enter the shed that morning only to return with a butterfly net and a glass jar. The buffalo headed in the direction of the carrot fields and returned soon after, a small greenish black cricket butting against the glass. Even stranger was when the buffalo raised the glass to eye level and smiled happily at the insect. Back into the shed he went, returning without either his new friend, nor the net.
Door shut behind him, he turned to where the tigress and wolf stood. They had been raking the dirt of the grappling ring, pausing only to exchange curious looks at Bogo’s behavior. His eyes narrowed at them, causing both mammals to draw themselves up to attention.
“No one goes in, door stays shut.” Hoof pointed at the shed, Bogo’s best scowl leveled down on the pair in clear warning.
“Yes, sir!” Fangmeyer and Wolford waited until their boss stomped away, before shrugging and continuing with their task.
They had gotten in a good half hour of their practice before Bogo returned, the run away bunny in tow. And the unfamiliar fox kit. It was the fox’s presence that made them pause, each wondering if the lord and lady knew of this development. The kit’s curious green eyes moved from the wolf to the tigress as he ran to keep up with the buffalo.
When he and Judy crashed into the door, only Fangmeyer kept her laughter in. Wolford, along with his fellow wolf Devin Howlstein and a large ram Julius Buttes, had nearly collapsed with mirth. Many felt satisfaction after having spent time and energy searching for the most wayward of bunnies the night before.
Soon after taking the kits in to the shed, Bogo returned. He called for Holstein and Buttes to follow while the wolf and tigress continued their practice for several moments until they heard the shouts.      
The pair grappling immediately halted and took off towards the door. They had nearly reached it when a small, almost unnoticeable…….thing………came hopping out.
And that’s when Fangmeyer found out Wolford was afraid of crickets.
He had skidded to a halt when he realized what it was, and had started to back away when Henry landed on the tip of his nose. Brown wolf eyes met beady cricket eyes and a heartbeat later, he let out an undignified yelp. Wolford fell onto his back and started to scramble away, shaking his muzzle to dislodge Henry.
“ARRRGGGG! Claudia!!! Get it off, get it off, GET IT OFF!!!!”  The tigress watched and processed her partner’s behavior for only a moment when the hilarity of it hit her. Doubling over, Fangmeyer’s laughter echoed across the small training grounds.
“Careful, Ian! Those things can smell fear!” She choked out, tears streaming down her muzzle. Henry the cricket bounced off Wolford’s nose just as he found the courage to smack at it. A bit more force was used, judging by the way the wolf yelped again. Free from his tormentor, he flipped himself and darted on all fours away from his companion.
The cricket took off after him, chipping his delight at no longer being in his barren jar. Fangmeyer was still roaring with laughter and stood, unknowingly, in Judy’s way.
“STOP THAT CRICKET!!” Was the bunny’s war call, her face once again set in a determined scowl, glass jar clutched to her small frame. Her sudden cry sobered Fangmeyer, who looked towards her voice and was treated to a blur of grey.
Judy jumped high with a yell, causing the tigress to shriek and drop to a crouch. The doe bounced off her head and landed neatly on her other side just as the fox kit came running out to join in the pursuit.
“Carrots! I got a net!” The kit wore a triumphant grin, the net Bogo had used nearly twice his size and awkward in his small paws. His face fell when he saw only the tigress. She pointed in the direction Judy, Henry, and Wolford had gone and the small kit’s face once again lit up.
The fox took off as fast a he could, the overly large net he held throwing his balance off. Fangmeyer started to laugh again at the sight of his antics but was cut off when the net clipped her head as he waddled past.
Rubbing her now throbbing head, Claudia Fangmeyer stood and mentally debated following him. She snorted as she watched him run away, tripping over everything as he struggled to keep hold of the net. She winced as she heard crashing and shrieks, followed by the distant voice of Judy demanding Henry return to his jar.
Better go before they hurt themselves, she thought with a sigh.
Meeting was not an accurate word to use for the group running laps around the cabins. Of the ten mammals making up the security team, only half were running. These were the mammals who had been on duty the night before. Bogo had assigned them to night watch as a means to keep the grounds free of not only trespassers, but to keep little wandering bunnies from sneaking out at night.
After finding out his detail had been lax in their patrolling, grouping together instead of spreading out, playing cards, snacking and otherwise just goofing off, the buffalo radiated fury. Had they been doing their jobs, Judy may have never made it out the window. So running laps was only the tip of the iceberg for the slackers on his team.
“I’m giving you lot five seconds to start running. If I don’t think you’re running fast enough, I have a very good way of speeding you up.” Their boss had not raised his voice, but merely paced in front of the five who had failed him. Stopping off just behind them, the guilty mammals held their breaths and gulped. His sudden shout had them all leaping into action. “FIVE SECONDS IS UP!”
They took off in a mad dash with a furious buffalo chasing them. Though he didn’t chase them for long, none were brave enough to double check. Satisfied, Bogo straightened himself out before leaving them to their laps. Pretending not to see Wolford running, head craned to look behind him, full tilt towards his fellow guards.
The cricket was getting closer. Not purposely, though……… Right?
“ARRRGGGGGG!! The little beast CAN sense fear!!! HELPPPPP!”
Wolford had dove headlong into the path of the running mammals, being nearly trampled by them in his hast to escape Henry. His panic only increased theirs, a couple of whom were still not aware that Bogo had left.
Added to his shrieks of “A murderous devil after me to murder me!” was the sound of one of their young charges who had been dashing after the wolf’s pursuer.
“Warrior Judy Hopps in pursuit!” The little bunny chased after the still fleeing cricket.”Whoop, whoop!”
The group demonstrated an impressive herd like mentality of changing directions and stampeding away from the over enthusiastic kit. Henry bounced and leaped after them.
Following up as fast as he little legs could go, Nick still carried the large net. While he ran, he tried to reposition it and practice swinging. This just upset his balance even further. The net weighing him down, the little fox didn’t see the slight dip in the path which caused him to trip.
And he would have landed face down if not for Fangmeyer. The tigress scooped him up before he landed, relieving him of his burden, and placed him on her shoulders as she joined the chase for Henry.
The kits Francine had been teaching were divided into their litters again. Each given a separate task fitting of their age to complete, they talked and argued and laughed almost themselves to complete them. Walking between the groups, the vixen observed quietly and answered questions, barely noticing when Lady Hopps came to the doorway.
The doe watched happily as her kits went about their tasks for a few moments before crossing the room towards their governess.
“A good morning to you, Lady Hopps!” Francine smiled at her employer as they both walked amongst the kits hard at work. “Such diligent little bunnies you have raised. They all have been a delight.”
“Bonnie, please, Francine. Indeed, it’s almost too calm without Judith in the room. It makes me wonder how she and Nick are fairing with Mr.Bogo.”
With a sigh and glance upwards, Francine placed her hand over heart dramatically before replying, “No news is good news, Bonnie. The amount of mischief my Nicholas gets into here makes me happy we are away from Zootopia. It may have been ten fold there.”
As if on cue, a loud crash sounded from just outside the window. Both females turned their heads to the sound and every small pair of ears stood ridged and honed to where it came from. Multiple eyes narrowed in curiosity as another crash followed. The sudden appearance of a group of frightened security guards, running as though they were on fire, startled those in the room.
Francine and Bonnie darted to the window for a better look, the kits shouting with excitement close behind them.
Covered in in dirt, looking as though they had been running through the compost pile, Bunnyburrow’s finest and bravest were lead by a still terrified Wolford. The group scrambled by and were gone out of sight as quickly as they appeared. Followed by what looked to be a cricket.
Both mothers sighed and exchanged glances as the kits giggled and exploded questions at their mother and teacher. But all was interrupted as Judy came into view, still holding the jar and pausing to catch her breath. She wasn’t stopped for long before Fangmeyer jogged past and scooped her up with her free paw and placed her on the shoulder opposite Nick. Every kit whooped in delight and cheered the tigress on as the trio continued after the group.
Francine buried her head in her paw and wished she could evaporate into thin air. The kits, all with exceptional hearing, chanted what they heard their sister cry out before she was swept away: “CATCH THE CRICKET! CATCH THE CRICKET!” And they all promptly darted for the door.
The two flabbergasted females, exchanged another glance at each other then towards where the kits had vanished through the door. Francine was sure her first day was her last. But a strange choking noise caught her attention.
Bonnie was laughing into her paws and obviously trying not to. Every time it seemed as though she would let up, the doe would once again dissolve into giggles. Finally, she composed herself, wiped her eyes, and gave the worried vixen her usual friendly smile.
Lord Hopps sat in his study, gazing out the window at the peaceful grounds of his estate. He took much pride in this property. Though his title was inherited, the land he owned was cultivated by himself. And his hard work and solid judgment concerning the produce the estate grew showed in the form of a very, very handsome bank account.
He gave a soft sigh of contentment as he allowed himself to forget the ledgers and paperwork on the desk just behind him. He even allowed himself to forget about the family of foxes that had spent the evening in his home. Bad enough his small daughter sneaks out windows, now his wife is inviting a bunny’s natural enemy to sleep a mere corridor away from his offspring.
But he didn’t think of that now. For now he just enjoyed the warmth of the sun through the window. And appreciated the sight of humble bumble bees and butterflies kissing the flowers his wife had insisted on planting on the side of the house. As well as the view of rubbish covered wolves running for dear life before stumbling and being overwhelmed by a herd of other mammals………….
Stewart Hopps jumped out of his chair as Wolford landed and winced as the security team tripped and fell upon him, one after another. Soon the grey wolf was out of view under the bodies of his comrades, though he fought to push his head from the pile. Just in time for what looked to be a bouncing black dot work it’s way over the the groaning mammals.
It seemed to stop on Wolford’s muzzle, his eyes going cross he tried to focus on it. And then he promptly fainted. Lord Hopps’ own eyes went large at the scene, his ears up at their fullest and flushed red, with his jaw unhinged. A paw went to the pressure point at his neck and checked his pulse. Surely this is cause for a heart attack.
Childish shouts of glee brought his attention to the tigress who came into view, jogging and carrying a net. His kit jumped from Fangmeyer’s shoulder as her new friend, Nathan or some other, pointed and shouted in excitement, sparking another pang in his blood pressure. He watched her follow the same route the dot had taken before throwing herself onto Wolford’s head. It was done so quickly, that Fangmeyer had also dove onto the pile of mammals with the net swinging. The bunny kit, odd little dot, and the wolf’s head were effectively captured.
The lord sat back into his chair, paw still at his throat. No heart attack. Yet.
He puzzled over the scene in front of him, vaguely aware of Marty setting a glass down next to him. The stopper of the whiskey decanter was removed and the impala poured a generous shot. Marty was just finishing the pour when Stewart’s paw pushed the neck of the decanter back down.
The heavy single shot went more then double it’s size before he allowed his valet to recap the whiskey. And with the same now trembling paw, the glass was brought up and it’s contents thrown back in spite of the burning cough it produced.
We are going to need more whiskey, thought Marty. A lot more.
Judy was smooshed onto the head of Ian Wolford, paws firmly keeping Henry in place as she lay under the net. She was nervous about squishing him and had dropped the jar in her haste. She was also aware of the groans just behind her, each one sounding both pained and exhausted.
Her eyes moved from where she had the cricket trapped to between her arms at the unconscious wolf.
“Mr. Wolf? Are you all right?” She asked hesitantly. “Oh, Mrrrr.Wooooolfffffff?”
“Judy! Judy! Is he dead?!?! Is he?” Nick had managed to cling to Fangmeyers shirt when she dove and now stood perched on her back. His ears upright and tail swishing nervously behind, little paws twisted with worry as he looked down at his friend tangled in the butterfly net.
His attention was soon captured by the jar laying off to the side of the mammal pile. With little regard to whose head or limb or stomach he used, the fox kit used the jumps he learned from Judy to reach the ground and retrieve it.
“All this for a cricket?” Asked Fangmeyer as she tried to slide off her fellow guards.
“It’s not just A cricket. It’s OUR cricket!” The tigress lifted the net cautiously, allowing Judy to raise her ears to show her indignation. “Mr. Bogo left us in charge of him. We have to keep him……..uuuhhhhhhhh……”
“Alive and heady and hermit!” Nick finished proudly as he held the jar up for Henry to return to. Fangmeyer laughed as she straightened herself out and began untangling the others.
“I said healthy, happy, and alive.” The gruff voice brought everyone, with the exception of Wolford, to a rush to pull themselves together. The kits leapt for each other to avoid be crushed as the guards lined themselves up in front of their boss. Bits of vegetable waste and mud covered the exhausted five Bogo had set up for laps. The buffalo’s eyes wandered over them, before settling on the wolf who remained prone on the ground.
“Fangmeyer, please escort him to his bunk.” The tigress gave a short nod to her boss before reaching the wolf and throwing him over her shoulder. Catching the eyes of the kits, she smiled and nodded at them both as they waved and thanked her. One sharp turn of her heel had Fangmeyer heading back the way they all came, towards the dwellings.
“Miss Hopps and Mr. Wilde. Come forward please.” Nick and Judy walked to stand in front of the line guards, any earlier enthusiasm all but vanished at the sight of Bogo staring down at them. “How’s Henry?”
Nick held up the jar to show off one alive, healthy, though still slightly irritated cricket. Bogo accept the offering into his hoof, studying the insect inside longer than needed. Just to make the two little kits sweat. Bogo turned his impassive gaze back to them.
“He escaped.” Bogo did not ask. One look at the estate grounds held the statement true. Judy and Nick opened their mouths to explain only to be silenced by the other hoof.
“He escaped and I’m glad to see you did all you could to bring him back. But it was nerve racking, yes?” Both nodded franticly. “Imagine. One move too slow, and he would have been lost forever. Maybe a bird would have gotten him. Maybe he would have jumped too high and landed wrong on one of his little legs. He could have broken one.”
Dark eyes went to and from each kit. Judy’s ears dropped back as she considered what could have happened to the cricket they were asked to care for. Stealing a glance at Nick, with his paws holding his tail and ears flat on his head as his eyes widened up at Bogo, she knew he was thinking the same.
“She could have been snatched by another mammal. Could have gotten turned around and fallen into the lake. I know she is not a very good swimmer. There is also a ravine. That would have been a nasty fall. Or perhaps she could have found her way to the marshlands. They are not far far from here. They start very suddenly. And claim a young life just as quickly.”
Judy ducked her head as she felt herself tremble in shame.
“I want you to remember what you felt when you saw Henry get away from you. Because it’s only a fraction of the panic and worry we felt last night when you snuck out. And, Mr. Wilde, I hear you found Miss Hopps on your own. Is that correct?”
Nick gave a small nod.
“Meaning you, too, snuck away?” Another small nod. “Need I go over this lesson again?” Two small heads gave two small shakes. “Very good.” The jar was suddenly upended. The cricket fell to the ground, seemingly shocked for a brief moment, before frantically turning and jumping towards the flower bushes for cover.
The five mammals who had been on guard duty watched the scene unfold. They exchanged dark glances with each other and glared at the two kits in front of them. Each watched the cricket disappear with confusion before Bogo addressed them in clear sharp voice.
“And let this be a lesson to you lot.” The buffalo’s words brought them to attention. “Your job here is to keep this family safe. To keep all on these grounds secure. If I find out you have neglected your duties again, I will have you run out of this town. Or worse, ” Bogo made eye contact with each one before allowing a small smile grace his face, “I’ll give you babysitting duty.”
Each mammal looked horrified as they glanced down at the bewildered faces of Nick and Judy then back to their boss.
“Now get this property back in order! Then clean and rest yourselves for guard duty tonight. Dismissed!”
Bogo watched his team frantically run to the farm sheds to grab what was needed to clean up the grounds. The chase had ran through training grounds, employee dwellings, three compost piles, over the herb garden (crushing a third of them), and into Fredrick’s prized cucumber patch. The angry badger was at the moment packing his bags and seeking out Lord Hopps to tender his resignation.
But that is a concern for another time.
From under the hydrangea bush, two beady eyes watched the large mammal bend itself towards the two smaller ones before it turned to leave. The Nick and the Carrots raised their shoulders at each other before the Carrots mentioned something called t. The Nick seemed to agree, saying it was hungry.
And that caused Henry to groan.
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