#she did eventually apologise for that but at the time she was SOOOO pissed off because idk…. i didn’t sit and wait for her for 3 hours??
fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Me realising I forgot my best friend’s birthday and don’t have a gift for her
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Me remembering that she never remembers my birthday OR her own OR her daughter’s so it’s literally fine
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#sometimes i don’t understand how this woman gets through life. like i legitimately do not get it#she’s late everywhere. she was the last person to get to her own graduation. we ran full pelt through the doors to the arena#i was holding a bag shaped like a chicken#and she just doesn’t remember dates#tell me why she called me yesterday afternoon and asked how class went and then said ‘oh wait no you have class on wednesday mornings right?#it’s not wednesday’ i was like ‘……it is wednesday. and i never have class in the morning. ever#the class i take is an evening class and it clashes with the evening class i take with you which is why i never make it to that class#because i know i don’t have to be physically there and can always recap it. you KNOW this’#it wouldn’t bother me that she’s late and forgets dates but she always ALWAYS expects me to be waiting around for her and just be ready#to go whenever she is. and it’s like. i have a life#i remember this one time she called me asking if i wanted to go for a walk and i was like ‘sure’ and then she said ‘oh but i have to feed#the baby first’ and i was like ‘okay sure. well just call me when you’re ready’#why did she call me THREE HOURS later and why was she BAMBOOZLED when i told her i was working on my dissertation#and that i had been for two hours because i’d assumed she didn’t want to go out anymore because who takes three hours#to feed a bottle-fed 1 year old#she did eventually apologise for that but at the time she was SOOOO pissed off because idk…. i didn’t sit and wait for her for 3 hours??#and instead got on with something i desperately needed to do??????#i feel sorry for her kid sometimes. like how do you birth someone and not remember what day that happened#it’s just so…… i feel bad that i didn’t get her a gift but she literally has nothing planned because she doesn’t know what date it is either#how am i supposed to remember someone’s birthday when they don’t#personal#rant
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sugarybitterness · 3 years
natasha romanoff x reader - high school au headcanons!
warnings; cheating, swearing & mild violence
a/n; i apologise if the format is confusing !! it’s my first time doing headcanons but i went on a binge of lesbian-deadpool ‘s headcanons and when i saw her hs!nat posts my mind went brrrr so i hope y’all enjoy, it’s pretty fluffy i think (spoiler; neither nat or reader is the one who cheats)
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- you being besties with wanda , literally attached at the hip since middle school and no one can seperate yall
- wanda teasing you about your crush on natasha that you had since the literal first week of high school (you end up teasing her when she eventually crushes on jarvis)
- but! bruce and nat started dating a couple months into your first year
- you were jealous but obviously couldn’t do anyth about it because you and natasha weren’t even friends (you just shared a couple classes together and were seat buddies)
- that’s how you ended up finally getting to know natasha though because you were in a friend group with wanda jarvis pietro and bruce (only wanda knew about your crush)
- natasha joins yall sometimes when y’all hang out
- after you and natasha were paired for a project you become closer friends as well as each other’s study buddies. both your groups - bruce wanda jarvis pietro and clint steve bucky - end up becoming friends and you make one huge group together
- but then first day of your second year, she just dips , ignores you and your group so everyone is like ??? her whole group of friends also just start ignoring y’all too
- bcs wanda, jarvis & pietro had gotten pretty close to the rest , yall got worried but bruce refused to say anyth
- you end up confronting clint
- “clint, do you know what’s up with natasha? she-“
- “oh so now you decide to care about her?!” cue really angry rant about how nat has been crying a lot and upset and it’s all his fault but youre just like wait what
- “clint i don’t know what you’re talking about?”
- he doesn’t stop though- “and to think she actually enjoyed all of your company but after what he did you still chose him”
- after he gets it all out of his system he FINALLY listens and that’s when you tell him that bruce hasn’t told you anything at all. but he doesn’t believe you and leaves
- soooo. you confront bruce
- and he confesses that he was cheating on natasha during the summer. she found out and she broke it off
- and boy oh boy OH FUCKIN BOY, you were pissed
- you went off at him, berating him, scolding him and just gave him and earful.
- then HE GOT MAD?? trying to make excuses for his behaviour and you just got even angrier and it got physical.
- afterwards you went to wanda and pietro’s house and told them as well as jarvis what happened. they got angry too and y’all just decided unanimously to drop him as a friend.
- the next day was the weekend so you went to grab some snacks and icecream (all of her favourites, things you noted when y’all studied together) and headed to her house
- she was surprised to see you there with what you dubbed a care package, and of course with an apology
- you explained that the three of you didn’t know what bruce did, that you had confronted him about it and that you were no longer his friends. you passed her the snacks and told her that you hoped the rest of you (minus bruce) could still be friends before quickly leaving , not wanting to overstay your welcome
- it took her a while but eventually yall went back to being friends and it was a huge group of y’all again. all of you were mad at bruce and just ignored him a lot (sorry canon bruce)
- nat ended up confiding in you when she was ready to talk about whatever happended with bruce. you held her when she cried and assured her that it was never her fault that he did what he did. you were always there to provide a lot of snacks, hugs and comfort.
- you still had feelings for her yes , but you never did anything knowing that it just simply wasn’t the right time. you did everything you did as a friend and nothing more
- unconsciously you ended up doing things for and with her that you wouldn’t do with anyone else.
- nat noticed it, but honestly just thought you were being friendly so she tried to ignore her growing feelings, worried that you didn’t feel the same
- butttt wanda is nosey and so is clint so the two of them start scheming to get yall together once they realise the feelings were mutual
- they ended up roping in everyone and all of them are supportive because they see how well you treat nat and how she’s slowly opening up to you
- but before they can actually do it, something goes downnn
- it’s the first day of summer after second year ended and y’all go bowling as a group but bruce happens to be there
- he approaches you guys, wanting to talk to natasha but as soon as you see him coming you just, poof, appear right next to natasha and glare at him
- now, no one knows what you did to him that day..
- “please i just want to talk to natasha” - bruce
- natasha really doesn’t want to though but he keeps trying to insist
- you step in, asking him to leave but he just tells you back off and attempts to grab natasha but you grab his wrist and push him back
- “she doesn’t want to talk to you banner so kindly fuck off. do you really want a repeat of last time?”
- bruce visibly shrinks back at that threat and hurried away quickly.
- so now the rest of the group is like .. “what the fuck happened last time” you just kinda shrug and say you beat him up. just a little (not really you beat him up quite abit and ratted him out to his mum)
- then they realise why bruce didn’t come to school for a week after you went to confront him.
- and natasha asks if that was why your knuckles were bandaged when you had come over with your care package.
- “you told us you went to the gym after meeting bruce!” - pietro
- “well clearly she lied, but still i’m glad you put him in his place” - wanda aka your proud bestie (who is also shocked bcs you’re never violent..)
- then clint jokes that jarvis better not hurt wanda or he’d be at the receiving end of it and you give a smile to jarvis who kinda just. stares back at u nervously.
- afterwards the rest of the team disperses, each couple going on a date ( even pietro got a date ! ) so you take natasha out and you guys talk and confess
- of course y’all start dating and the whole summer is just perfect.
- so many dates, so many road trips ..
- y’all end up being the high school sweethearts that get married!! everyday you’re thankful that you met her and that she chose to spend her life with you :]
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Boyfriend!Seungmin Stray Kids
Our lovely fluffy Seungmin
He’s lowkey becoming bias wrecker for me whoops
Let’s get started!!
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During when he has a crush on you
Ohhhh boy
He’s gonna be insanely shy
It’s adorable
He’ll try to do little things to make you happy
From complementing you
To buying you something small like a key chain
But it’s always something meaningful
Something that reminds you of him
Let’s not discard the fact that anytime he actually does something like this for you
He’s gonna sprint away before you can even thank him properly
And he’ll hide somewhere so that you can’t see or hear him squeal with joy
Ok it’s official I am soft for Seungmin
You don’t really have too much doubt about him liking you
You’ve picked up remarkably fast how shy he is with you compared to when he’s with the rest of SK 
And you figured he had an ulterior motive when he happened to just “think of you” and buy something
Or when he teases you but quickly apologises and tells you he doesn’t mean it 
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He’s just not very subtle 
So you’re rather upfront with him one day when you ask
“Soooo, I’ve been wondering…. why have you been so sweet to me? With all the nice gifts and stuff?”
He would immediately go red in the face
His eyes would go wide
And he’d just stand there a moment with his mouth hanging open not knowing wtf to do
And you feel kinda bad tbh
No one likes being in such an awkward situation so the way you just asked him out-of-the-blue seemed almost cruel
He finally managed to stutter out
“W-well umm…. I k-kinda… sort o-of l-like you…?”
It deadass took him a whole 30sec to finish
And you’re doing an Irish jig on the inside cause
WOOT WOOT he likes you too!!
“I really like you too, Seungmin” you say quickly before he can run off in embarrassment
He looks at you hella confused like
The person he’s liked for so freaking long likes him back?? Or is he dreaming??? Whatishappeningrightnow????
So you tell him where you want to hang out in the future
And there we go you’ve successfully planned your first date woohoo!!
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Dates with this bean are soft and laid back
Ice cream dates
Coffee dates
Just wandering-around-for-no-reason dates
It’s so relaxing
Of course until one of you holds the other’s hand
Then it’s skyrocketing heart rates
And pink cheeks
At the end of your 2nd or 3rd date, he’d finally muster the courage to kiss you....
On the cheek haha you thought 
As you’re saying goodbye
Leaving you flustered af as he runs away yelling that he’ll text you later
I don’t think he’ll have the guts to kiss you first tho 
It’s up to you my friend
You’ll be sitting on a bench somewhere, just talking
And he just
Pokes your cheek.
And you look at him like wtf man why
And he just turns away grinning
So you get cheeky, planning on making this sudden burst of confidence melt faster than snow in the sun
So you swoop in and peck his cheek
He blushes like crazy but he refuses to let you win
So he looks at you a moment
With a slight smirk on his face
Seriously where did all this confidence come from he was a shy child a minute ago tf?
And he kisses you right on the nose
Needless to say that surprised you
And spur of the moment
You decide you’re gonna kiss him smack on the lips
His eyes are wide as all hell
But he relaxes a split second later, kissing you back softly
You both part smiling slightly
Before he whisper-screeches, hiding his face in his hands, all embarrassed
And you also blush like crazy, also fighting the urge to run away
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When he introduces you to the rest of the group
My god
It’s gonna be chaos I swear
Everyone’s gonna welcome you politely and enthusiastically
And then they’ll start poking fun at Seungmin
“AWWWW they’re so lovely! How on earth did you get them to date you??” Says Jisung
“I bet he pays them” replies Minho, cackling
“Must have been a lot of money” chipped in Changbin, enjoying himself 
All the while Seungmin makes a face like ‘this is the shit I need to put up with all the time good lord’
“Come on guys! Of course y/n didn’t agree to this for money” yells Jeongin
Seungmin is about to thank him when he finishes:
“They obviously came to meet me through Hyung” and he sprints off at top speed with Seungmin hot on his heels screaming bloody murder
“Please take care of him, y/n” Chan says quietly while the other boys guffaw at the two youngest’s behavior. “He really likes you”
And that’s exactly what you do
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You guys have got each others back
No matter what
Someone tries to offend you in any way, shape or form 
And he’s there in front of you like a human shield ready to fight 
If he gets sick you’re there as quick as a flash with everything he needs, all the way from cold remedies to recipes for hot soup
While you’re making sure he’s not burning up, he’ll just whisper
“Can I just cuddle you? I swear I won’t sneeze on you”
So you just lie there holding each other the entire day
He keeps his promise and doesn’t sneeze on you btw
When you’re sick, he’s not gonna know what the hell to do
Lost puppy 
He’ll run around trying to find the right meds for you (he’ll take the time to read each label to make sure it’s the right one)
He’ll try to make soup it doesn’t work
But after a while he’ll calm down and sit with you to watch something on TV
Apologising that he couldn’t make your fav meal 
Makes up for it by buying takeout 
Man I want takeout now :(
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He can sometimes feel down about the day
Something might have happened at the fansign/performance, he might feel really tired and fed up with work
So it’s your job to be there and comfort him 
You just wrap your arms around him and sit with his head on your shoulder 
And he cries silently with you, grateful that you’re with him 
Guess who’s emo while writing this
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Sometimes days can get bad enough that he starts to shut you out all-together 
Seungmin isn’t the direct type 
He isn’t gonna start an argument because he’s stressed 
He’s gonna avoid any kind of conflict 
So he avoids you, ignores you, refuses to talk to you when he’s too upset 
Because he doesn’t want to lash out and hurt you 
But he’ll notice when he does this that it actually does hurt you 
Almost more than an argument would 
Because you want to help 
And he won’t let you 
So he’ll eventually come to talk to you, his head bowed and eyes glimmering with tears 
And he’ll just hug you, asking for you to forgive how stupid he can be 
RIGHT back to fluff because I don’t want to cry rn 
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He loves to teach you to sing his parts in every song 
He feels you can understand his work better and be closer to him 
You two will end up sometimes randomly singing his part in a song at the top of your lungs in the dorm, in turn pissing off the rest of the boys 
You’ll both have singing competitions: who can sing the highest, lowest, longest, or most dramatically 
And you both end up collapsing from laughing too hard 
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He’s gonna try to speak English around you 
Just so he can practice 
Have you heard his awesome accent during ASC that is a yes from me I don’t want to forget that 
He might ask you for help but he’s mostly too stubborn and proud to so he’ll struggle for a while until you ask if he wants a helping hand 
“Hey, need help for the pronunciation, there?” 
“Nope! Nope it’s fine! I’m fine! Toooootally fine” :D 
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You two like trying to learn new recipes to cook for the rest of SK 
It’s actually super fun 
And you both manage to make a few dishes without setting the dorms on fire *applause* 
And you make breakfast for them too: fried eggs! now I’m really hungry aw man 
And the boys are already teasing you talking about how you’re couple goals and how well you two go together 
Making the both of you sprint back into the kitchen, giggling like children
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Seungmin is gonna ask you to meet his family first 
But it doesn’t scare you that much 
For a good reason:
He’s an angel, so he must have been raised by angels logic
You meet them and they melt when they see you 
You chat, they share pictures of Seungmin when he was little he’s gonna be close to crying from embarrassment because “COME ON YOU JUST MET” 
His sister adores you 
Tells you about the pranks she’s pulled on her poor bro in the past 
Which warrants a death glare from Seungmin 
All in all his fam are your fam because they love you as much as they love Seungmin 
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He’s a lot A LOT more nervous about meeting your parents 
He’s pretty damn close to fainting when the day to meet up comes 
Pale as sheet istg 
So you gotta be there for him to cling onto like a baby koala 
Save this boy I beg of you
Nearly hides behind you when he first greets your parents 
Basically leaps out of his skin every time someone raises their voice even a little bit 
But he gets a little calmer after a while 
And starts to genuinely smile and laugh 
By the end of the day he’s a happy squish with no sign of nervousness
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In the evenings he likes to buy a crap-ton of snacks and sit with you to binge watch your fav show 
You two will probs have a competition to see who can catch the most food in their mouth sigh 
He loves when you poke his left cheek 
He’ll act cute with you if he’s asking for something 
And it’s so freaking hard to say no damn it!!
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He’ll have a fucking heart attack if he sees you wearing one of his hoodies or denim jackets like how many does he actually have??
But he’ll love it 
He’s gonna grin from ear to ear saying how cute you look 
Will not let you go throughout the night
Just wants to cling to you and snuggle you to death the entire evening 
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You’ve probs already guessed that he is definitely not gonna be the first one to say ‘I love you’ 
Nah he’s way to shy and lowkey scared to 
But I bet you’re gonna do it kinda by accident 
You guys have been having a dance competition 
He’s gonna be jumping around all energetic and happy 
Because he’s having the time of his life messing around with you 
And you’ll accidentally let slip: 
“You’re such a dork! This is why I love you so much” 
And both of you stop laughing and stare at each other 
While you’re mentally going OH SHIT WHAT HAVE I DONE 
But Seungmin suddenly screams like a little girl 
He can’t contain himself
Runs at you at full speed 
And tackles you into a bone-crushing hug 
Making you both topple over onto the floor laughing 
Without letting you go, he’s gonna say, all giddy “I love you too!!! I was scared to say it but I’m not anymore I do love youuuuuuu!!” 
And the rest of the day you’re both skipping around, making SK wonder wtf happened to the two of you
“Are they possessed or something?” -Hyunjin 
“Who even knows with those two” -Chan  
“Guess we’ll never know” -Felix, chuckling 
Half the time they don’t get at all what happens between you two lmao 
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When Stray Kids are away, Seungmin’s gonna want to FaceTime you whenever he’s free 
He’s a pouty boy who misses you senseless and forgets how to function like a proper human being when you’re not around 
SK are having to tell him specifically what to do every other minute because he keeps daydreaming about when he gets to see you again smh 
He’s gonna be so.freakin.hyper on the way back from wherever the boys were 
No one wants to sit next to him on the plane because they know all he’s gonna want to do is talk about you 
And they get enough of that on a regular basis anyway 
But they’re happy at how energetic he is when they land and he can finally see you 
He’s gonna Naruto run to you and hug you so tightly whispering how much he missed you 
And you’ll be laughing like 
“It’s been two days, buddy” 
“Yeah but it feels like AGES! It’s been an eternity and I was going insane!!” 
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Seungmin most likely won’t go public about your relationship until after a year to a year-and-a-half
Wants to make sure you’re 100% ok with it 
Because he knows there will be a bit probably a lot of drama on the net about you 
He’ll post a cute selfie of the two of you 
You’re both smiling happily 
And he’ll caption it: ‘Hey everyone!! This is y/n, we’ve been together for quite a while now, and I wanted to introduce you! I hope you welcome them warmly!’ 
The internet isn’t going to shut up about you for an eternity holy shit
The entire universe ships you two 
You’re the adorable smiley couple
That everyone 
And I mean everyone 
Loves to bits 
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A/N: YAY! It was really fun to write about this adorable fluff ball :D 
Also, there aren’t NEARLY as many Seungmin GIFs as there should be!
Hope everyone has a lovely day!! And feel free to request anything! Ciao <3
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P.S: I love this GIF so much it’s not even funny 
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ts-akhmim · 4 years
Episode 10 | “Calm before the storm” - Amir
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so jordan pines went home, and im at peace. he was acting in a way to actively be detrimental to my game, and he also was bringing this kind of toxic energy to the game that i'm very much glad to see go. i also have... never felt such fear as when jordan called me out of the blue yesterday KJHASDFJKLASLKJFAS also i kinda wanna write an apology to kendall here? i made this whole ramble at tribal about how we shouldn't make this game personal, but i've also talked about how i dont like her energy and this kind of stuff, and i just wanna apologise? i think i had mega-preconceptions of her and just because we dont always 100% click as people doesnt give me any excuse to be rude! im gonna do better, that's the mission. moving forwards, me and tj squashed our beef which is fun. apparently people think i leaked that lovelis was the vote to him which JKASDLFAS hello?! i sure did not. also i wonder who leaked to jordan that he was the vote? i kind of assume someone told tj, who told jordan? jake suggested devon which i could see. i think this round jake is going to want duncan gone, but i think i want augusto gone? i think amir is a beauty who i want around because we are winners and i also? really like amir on a personal level. and then kendall is sweet, and also i think less threatening, while i could see augusto being able to continue to wriggle through which is scary. anyway so: who i'd vote as a juror: autumn > jake > amir > devon > augusto > duncan > kendall > adam > tj ideal bootlist: augusto > duncan > tj > kendall > amir > autumn > f4: me/adam/devon/jake I LOVE Autumn with my entire soul by the way, but I also do think its becoming apparent that I... would be a complete clown to go to the end with her... but i also do not think i can vote her out, so i hope someone else does...anyway we will see hehe 
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Jordan Pines really left… I’m gagged! A whole lot of buffoonery went down during the last few hours and I felt like I had to talk MULTIPLE people off a ledge when it came to flipping. Devon for whatever reason wanted to use his double vote and get out Duncan or TJ but imo, those are very easy votes and we need to save the double vote for something that packs a punch. Adam told me if we should join Jordan in his plan to vote Duncan (which Jordan never told me about so I didn’t want to make it anyway) but I told Adam that if Jordan stays, he’ll go on a revenge rampage and who would be able to stop him. Not only that, but I know Adam and Autumn are close so I told him that we need to build more allies/connections so keeping Jordan could alienate people from working with us like Autumn. Even with Kendall, she did not want to do it for most of the round but as sis had to put his foot DOWN with all these people because Jordan leaving really helps me. I feel I did good also at getting TJ to really trust me? I let him know that he could be receiving votes and that Jordan’s name was out there and we really connected on being scapegoated by the others that round which helped. It’s interesting xoxo
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Amir and I were talking about being scared of making match ups for this immunity and then I was starting to think about the tribe dynamics and who might be working with who. Side 1: me, Amir, Kendall (Devon lowkey) Side 2: Autumn, Ali, Adam, Jakey (?) Loose ends: Duncan (tighter with Autumn and possibly Jakey), TJ (tighter with Devon, Kendall, and myself) Am I perfectly right? Probably not but that’s just what I’m observing tbh. I do feel good that my connections to certain individuals (Devon, Jakey, Autumn, TJ, Adam) might be pretty strong which is cute! What I see happening is that Duncan leaves this vote (which is what I really really want), Ali or Kendall next vote (Ali is THE move I want to make because he and I are playing similar and he scares me. It would only be done if me/Kendall/Amir/Devon + his extra vote make it happen. I can see Kendall leaving since there would be big Beauty numbers still in the game which I get. I don’t wanna see her leave because I adore her but in a way, maybe it’d be good for my game idk?), and after that Autumn leaving would be KEY. After that, it’d be me/Amir/Devon/Adam/TJ/Jakey I think? And I don’t feel bad about that in the slightest. I’m getting ahead of myself but I’m a Virgo Sun AND Rising, it’s what I do ghfjdksl
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It’s like 1 AM and I’m bored but I’ve been in so many alliances for some reason ghfjdks OG Hathor: Bringing Sexy Back (me, Amir, Kendall, Connor), Leaning Tower of Penis that is also french (me, Amir, AJ, Connor, Kendall), Quadruple A Batteries (me, Amir, AJ, Adam), and The Soviet Oreo Cheesecakes (me, Kendall, Austin). NuThoth: Thots R Us (me, Amir, Kendall, Jakey, Scott), Beauty/Brain Sandwich (me, Amir, Devon), Sexy Procrastinators (me, Kendall, Amir, AJ), and Hehehehe (me, Amir, Kendall, Scott). Merge: dumb betches (me, Amir, Kendall), Beauty/Brain Sandwich (me, Amir, Devon), real riders (me, Amir, Devon, Autumn) Not to mention the one on one alliances I have too (me/Jakey, me/Devon, me/Amir, me/Kendall, me/Autumn [ish], me/Adam [ish], me/TJ [ish]) like I-
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me after that entire round https://twitter.com/TheMemesArchive/status/1248726674440695809?s=20 I had to take a day off Skype just to process but now that I'm back? Let me just say that was a masterpiece and some of my finest work. I really orchestrated Jordan Pines' demise from start to finish without getting a vote or an idol played a round BEFORE an all flash game round. I love that he said we've been planning this for a long time and I just wanna clarify. I ALWAYS wanted Jordan Pines out, I just never thought he would play into my hand that fucking early lmaaaaooo. The tea is I just wanted Jordan or TJ to be captain because they've been sitting on their asses all game and have never had to actually work to not be targeted or god forbid earn being in a good spot. Like the winners are awake, the POC's are awake, Devon's been to 50 tribals so he's awake, Jake almost died so he's awake, and Kendall knows she's on borrowed time so she's awake. Miss Jordan and TJ however? They're just along for the ride and I'm sorry if I'm not trying to carry anyone to Final 4 just so I get 4th. But no I had no idea that me organizing the captain thing would set it all off but here we are. These boys really thought y'all- they really thought they did something by choosing the bottom half of the list and hanging me and Duncan high and dry in the process wouldn't mean the end of that alliance. Oh OF COURSE it's the end and it gave me permission to now movely free about the cabin. That Jordan vote was airtight for 21 hours, got leaked, and still worked so know that I will be coming to collect my flowers when this is all over. AND it gets better because soooo many people told on themselves leading up to that vote. Between Duncan snatching immunity from Augusto after agreeing to vote Jordan and then pressuring Devon to vote Jordan in the final minute to Jordan going ballistic on the whole cast and people wanting him out just to have peace again, I have never been prouder of my gameplay lmao. I really turned on an alliance but got the allies to piss a bunch a people off in the process, which sealed the fate of Jordan, Duncan, and eventually TJ. I pushed one whole domino y'all and it done set the course of the ENTIRE merge I'm screaming God is really that good. Like all the men losing trust amongst each other?? Ugh it's glorious. Adam mad at Duncan for lying to his face and pretending that he never wanted Adam out. Amir mad at Duncan for never telling him about that alliance in the first place. Augusto mad at Duncan for snatching immunity all over Jordan just for it to get snatched from Jordan anyway. Jordan mad at Amir, Duncan, Ali, and the whole motley crew because "they were supposed to be friends." Devon and Jakey mad and want each other out because Jakey is onto Devon and they each want TJ to themselves. And I'm over here playing Veronica Mars trying to figure out who the rat is. WHEN I SAY I CANNOT MAKE ANY OF THIS UP But if there's one thing we can all agree on is that it's time for Duncan to go lmao I am getting NO votes in the end I love it. Literally name an ally I won't kill https://twitter.com/TheMemesArchive/status/1248726674440695809?s=20
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heyo so... im having a kind of upsetting realisation right now, which is that i think i'm setting myself up for a path that ends in me being a losing finalist. autumn is legit the love of my life, but rn my game is too autumn-centric, and then my information is like a one way tunnel to jake. SO i need to turn my game around, because even tho i think i can get away with my lesser game presence so far as a winner, i cant keep coasting. i think at f9 i can ramp it up, i need to use f10 to set myself up. i think adam/devon are going to be crucial to my game and my differentiation from jake. i am gonna make moves that go against his agenda, because i know i can. i have idols to force through what i want to happen, so its time i get that done. goal bootlist: duncan > augusto > tj > kendall > autumn (!!) > amir > f4: me/jake/devon/adam and i boot out whoever is the biggest jury threat
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Well well well....Going from 16th place on a unanimous vote to a guaranteed spot in the final 9 feels pretty nice. I've been able to leverage my double vote as a source of trust to others, and this could be the round in which I send out Duncan from this game. So ironic that he's the one on the bottom after all this time. I feel like I'm in a strong position in this game, but I'm playing with fire: - 2 person alliance between me/Kendall - 3 person alliance between me/Amir/Augusto - 2 person alliance between me/Ali - 2 person alliance between me/Adam - 4 person alliance between me/Amir/Augusto/Autumn - 2 person alliance between me/TJ This basically leaves my options past this round to Jake or a blindside. 
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oh unkie dunkie. oh unkie dunkie. everytime we play together you underestimate me, and for what. literally duncan is pulling a jordan and trying to pull in the beauties as like.. one round numbers... like did you not see with jordan that that does not work hello? the beauties have brains and can see you are just trying to pull them in for a single vote like make it make sense. so duncan is gone tonight and im at peace. and then moving forwards i want adam around for the LONG HAUL. we had a great talk today and he is so fun!! i feel bad because i lied about the idol but hopefully i'll play it in a mutually beneficial way. i think a good f3 would be me/adam/devon? so the plan is bootlist: kendall > augusto > tj > autumn (!!) > amir > f4: me/adam/devon/jake (i think?) but getting jake to vote tj will be hard. but having all three winners at f6 would be PERF for me.
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ok hello confessional time, ive been trying to cut back to like 1 confessional a round to make sure i dont just ramble on and on and keep the tea as organized as possible because things switch like a dime in this game, so to start, i think last thing i mentioned was how jordan was probably going home, even though i had told him to start a campaign against duncan, which he did and then i ended up not going with it hsfkdj love my mind, the bipolar TRULY jumped out.... however hehe now that jordan is gone, and since a lot of people already wanted duncan out, that could very well be the move this round. Devon is immune which is good for him, decent for me, i did NOT want immunity this round because i had it last time and 2 in a row wouldve put a target on my back considering i still have the challenge advantage from the auction and at this point everyone knows about it, so i made a really big risk throwing this immunity because of that and also because of how the challenge was set up, where if you won a round, you have to single out 2 people to be next, which would put an unnessecary target on my back and i still am trying to recover from my dumb lie, so it's about picking and choosing your battles, and after last round where someone went home solely based on shady immunity choices, i want no part in that! I'm also ABSOLUTELY trying to get my foot in everyone's kitchens serving you rachel ray teas, so that would expose who i do and dont really trust (which is pretty much no one ahkdsf), but devon winning is ok because i think he's with me (but idk i wanna trust him/autumn but im also well aware they're both kinda running around trying to play everyone a bit, so ill keep that in mind for future rounds) and now i just have to hope im not the target this vote, but i dont think i am unless people are even better than me at being fake the only person who picked on me in the challenge was amir which he asked me beforehand and i didnt wanna win so i gave him my permission, and now that it's almost vote time, things have got a little hectic, apparently duncan is trying to go around and tell people to split the vote between the 3 beautys besides me.....BUT THEN HE'S GOING TO THE 3 BEAUTYS PROPOSING TO THEM TO VOTE WITH THEM TO TAKE OUT ME OR ALI?? Duncan, strike 1 was throwing my name out 2 rounds ago, strike 2 was lying right to my face when i asked you about it, and now this mutiny you're trying to lead is strike 3. luckily for me i stopped being petty with the beautys and we're all kinda good again at least to me, so im hoping theyre not playing me since they spilled the tea to me all individually and duncan will be the only one blindsided tonight :) (love you as a person asdfh but game wise, get outta town!) also had some calls today, apparently people are starting to see me/ali as a duo....which while i do genuinely like ali as a person and i do trust him a little more than others, that could mean trouble for me down the line so ive gotta start causing doubt with people about that somehow, also me and jake spoke for the first time on call in years and...... i wanna be able to say that went good like i was making some jokes and laughs here and there and he mentioned he was making progress on the merge idol to me which kinda caught me off guard but he says he doesnt have it so we'll see.... also he seemed a little reserved, so im either a nutjob and being paranoid for no reason, or he's still got a grudge against me and ill have to deal with that at some point. But now is not that time yet, he did confirm to me devon has told other people about his extra vote which is funny because he told me it was just me who knew and has always been saying like "our extra vote" implying it's me and him 100% in it so consider yourself CLOCKEDT on that fib sir, unless youre lying to others and telling me the truth then carry on afshdkj also everyone is kinda figuring out how autumn is in good with everyone, and while i do want to trust her, it makes me nervous how close she is to jake because if those two together come for me..... i could be oop'ing my way right to the jury ... autumn is just giving me like kim one world vibes and im not trying to be her sabrina thompson even if i can trust her. I will have to make a move against her too eventually, hopefully im just around long enough for that to happen but anywho.... hopefully duncan goes tonight, im hearing he's just been saying me to people so i play my idol WHICH AGAIN I DONT HAVE. IS THIS HOW ELIZA FELT BECAUSE I SWEAR ITS JUST A FUCKING STICK IS WHAT I HAVE AT THIS POINT ....and if anyone but duncan goes ill most likely be soon to follow
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Alright, so Damage Control TJ has been doing some work. Has it been perfect? Not even close. However, I think I've made some ground. So I started by having an open conversation with Duncan/Autumn in our chat with Jordan (I already miss you being here) and then with Ali who I think all had their suspicions of me after that last tribal. Can't blame them, but I used that time to hopefully get the target away from this next round and at least get a little footing. Then, last night I had calls with Devon, Augusto, and Kendall. They all agreed that the two biggest threats in this game are Ali and Autumn, which I'm so glad people understand this. So I think I've done a decent amount to connect with those two moreso than I had before (Devon and I were always close). And then I talked to Amir today, we talked for over an hour, and I genuinely cannot believe how much on the same page that we are on. Maybe I'm just being very optimistic about the convo, but I think I have another avenue that I could easily pursue at this rate. He basically made it known that he is close to Augusto and not as much Kendall (the exact quote was "I'm being put into a trio with the other two, but I'm not close to Kendall"... so like... yeah...), but even better he suggested a group of four between me, Devon, him, and Augusto which I think makes a lot of sense. It doesn't include my closest ally of Jakey, which probably is good because it gives me a couple roads to pursue, and it allows me to go after the two people who need to go in this game between Ali and Autumn (or else they would easily be two time champs). Yes, I know Amir is a champ too, and I will do something about that a little later, but for now I think this might be a good move to work with. So after this Duncan vote, I think I can make a move against Ali/Autumn (probably Ali by the sounds of it) and have some numbers that I don't become a target. But the question lies in where these idols are and how they will affect the next round or two.
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duncan is so funny thinking he is gonna pull off this 4-3-3 blindside to send me packing... like it doesn't make sense or add up KJLSADFDAS. i'm kinda getting a rush and also getting votes is very good news for me because i was one of two who hadn't got votes yet hehe.
well.. provided i live through this 4-3-3 vote i should be set to make f9!! i just want to say how much of a king amir is, i had so many preconceptions of him and im so glad i could work through them. i think i want to go to f5 with amir/adam/devon/jake... they are five people who have been straight up with me and who i feel good about having in the endgame. autumn is the literal love of my life, but from talking to adam today, its clear autumn in the endgame is like kim spradlin. legit every single person trusts her and i'd be a clown to have her at the end even tho it breaks my heart. i would like to see duncan, kendall and tj as next three boots for sure. duncan is legit trying to blindside me so he needs to go ASAP jsakdfa. next up kendall, i kinda want a beauty gone so that their group is less threatening, because if i want someone like amir in endgame, i need one of the others gone. then tj because he is a loose end to me, plus he is gonna be a jury threat i just FEEL IT in my bones. but this all relies on me getting through this vote and who knows if that is gonna happen KJSDAF
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If I go tonight! It’s been fun everyone! Thanks to the hosts for having me!
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Okay quick early round confessional, I kinda am like mind jumbled right now. Ali - Autumn - Jakey Ali - Autumn - Adam Tj - Devon Me - Kendall - Augusto - (Devon??) Me - Augusto - Devon Duncan - (on his own) Everyone wants duncan out, and like even I can’t trust him. He still is being fake to my face about most game facts and alliance, but he’s someone that would go after Ali, so I don’t want him to go, but it might be better to stay the course. I love him but this is what has 2 happen and It’s another round when me kendall and Augusto survive when we weren’t even suppose to survive one. Then Kendall is still a meat shield because she will get targeted first, but I want her to stay as long as I can keep her and I’m lucky I even got to keep her this far. If duncan and Kendall are the next to go, which like I hope it’s not but this may be what happens, then at the 8 me Augusto devon, his double vote and I more person can pull a move on Ali. It’s just going to depend who people are more scared of, me or Ali
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Ali is literally Going to win this game 2 idols, an idol block, adam’s loyalty, autumn’s loyalty, jakey’s loyalty, secretly a comp beast, British accent, hes so likable He has all the tools of a winner And he downplays it so hard 
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I am trying so damn hard to stay alert in this game But honestly I keep feeling like Ali or autumn will strike I don’t think it’ll be this round But next round, I think I’m going to try and make a move It’s time Me Augusto devon tj and double vote or me Augusto devon kendall double vote Don’t know if I can’t trust devon and tj Well we need devon’s double vote And I need jakey to be okay with it cuz if he tips Ali off, I’m gonna go it’s risky af But like we can’t just keep letting him win so Gotta make a move I’m thinking about if it’s better to let kendall go first To help Jakey devon and tj to feel better about it and ease them into it Because Augusto can work tj, we can both work devon, and I can secretly work jakey but jakey is a control freak and might tell Ali to play the idol but I’m gonna trust him This game a is a personal prison I am in mental torment If Augusto and I do this Ali plan for the next round after duncan goes this round And it leaks, it’s over for me But people were gonna come for me anyway So we should try this round is the calm before the storm cuz everyone is doing duncan Next round W A A A A A R 
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I just tried so fucking hard To get jakey on board with blindsiding Ali next round If he tells Ali to play an idol, well! Good luck Charlie (I’m Charlie) He is talking about getting everyone in the game to split the vote on me and Kendall, and then me kendal him and Augusto will vote Ali or adam. So I agreed, and went and ratted him out to adam autumn and Ali, cuz I knew they weren’t gonna agree with Duncan’s plan so it was not actually applicable, so I have no choice but keep the course, and now Ali and autumn and adam trust me more, Duncan is gonna be mad, but he played himself into a corner. He lied to me about his alliance, and has always had different motives since he asked to work with me at the start, rip king, I feel so bad cuz he’s actually a really really cool person, but he’s about to get a rude game awakening 
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