#she does have pretty hands i agree 😭 shes genuinely so beautiful but
oatbugs · 2 months
she has pretty hands :)
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luveline · 7 months
how about a little blurb about roan asking reader to straighten her hair and eddie is devastated because someone said something mean to roan about her hair so reader does the dressing gown curls and comes down to the kitchen table for breakfast with hair like roans? 😭
cw this blurb might imply that the reader doesn't have curly hair but hopefully it is ambiguous, like maybe r has a different curl pattern
"What are you doing?" Eddie whispers, face smushed into a pillow. You must've woken him fidgeting with your last pin. 
He went to bed early with a headache. You think that it might've been because of the afternoon's events. Poor Ro was being teased at school again for her lovely hair, and Eddie can't stand it, but worse was the face he made when Roan asked if you could straighten it out. 
That was not cool. Far from Roan's fault, of course, and gutting. 
"Nothing," you whisper, hoping you can tide him back to sleep with some affection, "gimme two seconds, angel, I'm just moisturising." 
You're lying. You pin the last rag in place and turn off the light by the mirror before he can investigate the authenticity of what you'd claimed, sliding into bed behind him to hold his waist and press your face to his hot shoulder. He relaxes into your touch. You're not sure who nods off first. 
In the morning, he seems to have benefited from being the little spoon; he's singing downstairs while Roan giggles, his mood lightened, his voice high-pitched as he soars up to an octave you didn't know he could reach. You set about pulling the pins and rags from your hair, and brush the resulting curls out very gently. You look pretty, because you look exactly like Roan does after she gets her hair done properly, your hair in curls that are nearly ringlet in form, winding loose toward the scalp and tighter at the ends.
You get dressed for work and make your way downstairs. 
"How much toast? One or two?" Eddie's asking. 
"I want two, please," Roan says, leaning back in her chair, the pillows slipping beneath her. 
Eddie obeys her asking and pops the toaster down with two pieces of bread, and then he turns to you and the easy smile on his face stutters. "Oh." 
"Do you like it?" you ask, bringing your hands to your chest with pride, elbows out as you turn one way and the other. "Aren't they pretty?" 
"You look beautiful," he agrees immediately, the impulse of a man who's about to get married saying what his future wife tells him to, but then softer is his genuine agreement, "you look really, really stellar. Doesn't she, Ro?" 
Roan wraps her arms around the back of her chair, cheek squished to the side. "Your hair is like mine." 
"You're lucky," you say, pulling one of the curls behind your ear. You do feel pretty. "It took me ages last night to get it ready and put all of the pins in my hair, but you wake up with your beautiful hair like that every day." 
Roan's voice is chest-achingly hopeful, "You think so?" 
"I love it."
You twist one way and another to drive the message home for her. Eddie scratches a thin layer of butter and strawberry jelly over Roan's toast and puts it in front of her, a quarter piece miraculously missing. 
She squints at him. 
"You have such nice hair," he says eventually through a full mouth. 
You lean over the back of her chair to kiss her cheek and swipe your own quarter piece of toast. "He's right, even if he has no manners."
She giggles and makes herself a little toast sandwich. Her fingers and eyes stay focused on the task at hand, but she says, "Thanks, mommy," quietly and sweetly. 
"You're welcome, my little toast monster. How did you eat that much already? You're impressive." 
Eddie sidles up to give you a grateful hug from the side, his hands joining over your shoulder as he encourages your face toward his. You lean away from his smacking strawberry scented kiss, but you cover his hands so he can't leave too quickly afterwards.
eddie, roan and reader drabbles
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So I'm seeing quite a bit of seething outrage in the tag and maybe I'm just adding fuel to the fire here but... the Netflix adaption was pretty good? It's not perfect, the modern storyline in the first two episodes are quite bad in parts (thanks a lot, Auggie 🙄). Some of the dialogue is also weird and clunky in the first two episodes. But it really, genuinely picks up the pace afterward. First and foremost, the visuals are beautiful. I like how the show expanded on the characters in modern times, adore the friendship between the Oxford Five, and I'm in delulu about Jin's and Will's ending (something something ships in the night 😭). Even Auggie has her moments in later episodes, and I find myself pretty satisfied with the end of her arc. The transition from page to screen is mostly effective, and I appreciate that they can just let the visual storytelling do the talking instead of just a lot of declarative statements for character introduction in the books, that could (at least to me) get tedious at times.
I find it to be one of the adaptions where the changes make sense. The diverse cast makes sense. The book takes place in China but it's a story about humanity. Plus you already have your all-Chinese adaptation (a few times as well). Widening the geographic scope to get a new perspective on the story is a pretty valid reason for an adaption. Plus, transnational adaptions happen All. The. Time. Taking shows and movies from other countries and putting your own national take on it is a pretty popular practice. China definitely does it.
The Netflix show has these intimate, quiet moments that are very compelling, and the besutiful music helps further highlight that. On the other hand, I can see where the white-washing argument from some of y'all came from. While I don't necessarily agree with it, I think it's a reductive and just not very accurate description for this show in particular, there are however certain scenes that I would dub Joseph Campbell-infected, which seems more fair and specific to me.
Something that's more baffling to me is the disagreement over Ye Wenjie's portrayal in the show. That she's a bitter, mental old lady in comparison to her counterpart in the book. Did we read the same book??? What did I miss? How was she not a bitter, mental old lady in the book? It's the whole point of her character. That she was a deeply lonely, traumatised woman whose repressed anger and resentment were indistinguishable with intellectualism and who mistook her cynicism for objectivity. Of course she was mental. She was in the midst of a silent breakdown, for otherwise an emotionally functional person would not have made the choice she did and DOOMED THE ENTIRE HUMANRACE TO EXTINCTION. Also her confession to Shi Qiang in the book? Where she believed that the Trisolaran would save humanity based solely on the fact that they are more technologically advanced? That was bonkers. She echoed the sentiment of many real people from her generation, people of invaded countries who look upon the historical colonialism fondly or as a desired solution, because the system in power has failed them. I know actual people like that in my life. They are my loved ones, and they enforce such beliefs on their children, us, like how Wenjie condemned her belief upon the rest of humanity. It's a complex, thorny legacy to carry, and it is insane that we have to carry it. Wenjie is a genius, she's a grieving, empathetic woman who could not access her emotions in a healthy way because she was fucked over in 100 different directions, AND she is an old, bitter, intergalactic war criminal whose mental state is definitely in jeorpady. She is all these things, and both the actresses in the Netflix show did a phenomenal job of portraying every facet of her character.
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sketchguk · 1 month
Hiii it's soulmate anon again!! i'm so excited to talk to you ehehe , i read some of my old asks and i've been sending you asks for like a year! thats so crazy hahahha!! anyway here's the scene for the fic!!! do you know that scenne in q charlotte when george confesses and he goes " i love you . from the moment i saw you go try to go across the wall ...." THATS MY FAVE SCENE IN THE SERIES it's soooo raw and that actor looked soooo torn omg. i need soonyoung to say those exact line way into his marriage ! so as a backstory it will go like this . soonyoung and mc see other all the time at royal events etc ,, and once when they're like ... 23 or 24 , mc tries to get out the event by climbing a wall haha . soonyoung always thought she's so pretty and smart and he kind offf was attracted to her already but in a very insignificant way you know???? but seeing her be that bold and quirky made me be like ,,,, hmmmm i like her LOL . and then when his parents fix a marriage with her to strengthen alliance between their kingdoms, he's soooo happy and he thinks she's ok with it too ! there's no reason to belive she's not!! But she's only agreeing to the marrige for the kingdom, ( they're kingdoms have always been rivals and this is the only way to solve and avoid wars ) She thinks what her parents do is wrong because they're not seeing her as a woman and just like a pawn . but they love her !!!! they just dont think anything is more important that the kingdom! and they hope she gets along with soonyoung too ... How mc treats sponyoung ohhh hahahaha i make him suffer just like gryff soonyoung sskssksksksk . On the day of the marriege , before they get married she tells him she thinks this is a farce LOL and she tells him she doesnt like that he didnt even think to ask her anything before the marriage. but he's like?? how will i know your parents did it without asking you ?????? so she tells him she takes her responbilities srsly but she cant treat him like a husband. s if he wants he can end it now lol .... she selfishly hopes he ends it, but on the other hand she doesnt want him to because it's really important to the kingdom .... but he doesnt end it cus really both of them dont have a choice LOL i cant decide why mc doesnt like the marriage .... i dont her to hate it just because ots arranged! like she's smarter than that .... i thought maybe she loves someone else ?? and it has to be someone she cant tell her parents about . because thats what they think. that she's single , so they make the alliance ... anyway thats all for now!!! it's already such a long ask haha sorry!! also that club hc for soonyoung you said is sooooo cute. i love that mc defends him !!!! honestly none of my mc's will compare to the hogwarts ones, theyre soooo close to my heart <33333
a whole year !!! omg thank you for sticking through all my shenanigans 🫶🏼
that scene from queen charlotte is soo iconic !!! everyone is in love with the line "i will stand with you between the heavens and the earth." yes, that's beautiful but i think we all need a king george who cannot breathe when we are not near -- someone whose heart will call our name !!!! i just rewatched the clip on youtube and now i'm tearing up ahaha
i love a mc who is so brave and outspoken <3 we need a girlie who would jump over walls to fulfill her desires !!! an arranged marriage is definitely frustrating when she doesn't agree !!! surely, she'd want to rebel against her parents and soonyoung faces the brunt of her anger !!!
mc is ripping out soonyoung's heart before they're even officially together LOL. he just wants to have one chance please !!!! 👐🏼 how does mc eventually warm up to soonyoung?? does he treat her well, and she decides that this guy isn't half bad?? or maybe she starts noticing the little things about him and she genuinely falls for him??
a love triangle 😭😭😭 don't do this to me !!!!!! 😭 it hurts too much >.< but it always makes for an interesting plot ahaha. is she making an alliance with soonyoung so that she could pursue her real lover?? that is so heartbreaking LOL. who do you picture has her forbidden lover?!! and what's her relationship with them? maybe a childhood friend or a member of the staff?
this reminds me of a book i read a few months ago called six crimson cranes !!! the main character is a princess who has an arranged marriage, and on the day she's supposed to meet her future husband, she jumps into a lake 😭 her gown is ruined, everything is postponed, and she has to begrudgingly make a tapestry as an apology to the man and his family 😭 it's a fantasy novel, so she ends up getting cursed, losing her ability to speak. she's wisped away from the castle, her identity is hidden because of the curse, and the whole nation is looking for her. she comes across her future prince !!!! but obviously they never met, so they have no idea who the other person is. she lowkey hates the guy because he gave her a bad first impression. there's a second book i have yet to read, so i can't even tell you how it ends LOL but i would recommend it if you want to check it out!
gryffindor soonyoung would kiss you if he wasn't so in love with ravenclaw mc. as for ravenclaw mc, she would definitely give you a kiss <33 mwah. thank you for loving them !!!!
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