#she doesn't wear a formal outfit for every occasion (like when she's working at the animal shelter)
violinist-rachel · 10 months
This may sound rude, but why do you dress so formally? I like the style but it’s rather unusable considering how people usually dress. I like it though, it’s nice. That’s all.
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"Oh... I was aiming for a business-casual look, since that's the accepted dress code for most of the places I work at, but perhaps I'm leaning too strongly towards the 'business' side."
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writingwenches · 3 days
for Lyn: canvas, day, & formal?
Thank you for this lovely question about my main star~ I had to physically stop myself from writing you a novel answer >.>
canvas: Does your OC have any scars, piercings, tattoos, or other markings? Do they display or cover them up at all?
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Above is the model, Mariana Mendes, who has a similar Facial Difference to my character Lyn. I imagine Lyn having a larger mark on her face, along with various similar markings all over her body. The psychology of Facial Differences is fascinating, and as many things involving humans, can be very sad. The benefit of living in a ye'olden times, is Lyn rarely interacted with new people, even in the markets near The Twins, it wouldn't ever be a hustling-bustling city center. BUT there are enough people that exist in the area for it to be......annoying. Just the same interaction with different people, people offering advice, or speculating on how she got the "scar." Growing up in a Motherhouse, she was raised by Women and the occasional Maester, so she was probably not introduced to outsiders thinking its "ugly/scary" until she was old enough to roll her eyes at that sentiment. She's not a petite girl, so it gave her a very ready-to-throw-down type personality when she was elementary aged younger girl with other mean girlys around, in a practical way. I'm sure there were elder bullies in her Motherhouse community, I haven't explored any of them, but I'm open to it! We need more female bullies in the world just cause. maybe she had some harsh harsh bullies and then one week they all died from the flu oopies Basically, I could speak on this topic forever, as it's a major theme of the entire story, so I'm not going to let myself ramble. She doesn't try to hide it, it's on her face, not really the easiest thing to do. I have JUST started noodling with the idea that the girls in this Motherhouse would be hoping to get adopted into a family one day, I've written a lot on how she feels about her markings, but introducing the idea that her markers would have prevented her from "finding a family" and getting adopted, she would probably change her thinking about it to make it even more interesting~ I could literally talk about this all day, if anyone else has experiences with facial differences or similar I'd love to hear any thoughts~
day: What does your OC wear on a normal day? Why do they default to those clothes? Do they wear similar things, or do they change it up?
Peasant life — When in the Motherhouse, I'm sure they had maybe two pairs of underdress, which is what would have served as their undergarments, and what they slept in. One set of working clothes, and maybe one set of morning clothes? I had written that they weren't the place the mourning, so maybe it's one set of fancier worship clothes, but it would be all communal clothing so it wouldn't be like tailored to fit her? Hmmm. More thoughts needed on that. Very basic, hearty fabrics. She did not have anything really extra for winter? They probably wore blankets as coats? Winters were extremely harsh and taxing on Lyn and is why she is generally afraid of being completely destitute. High Born life — THIS is going to be the fun parts~ Getting to decide what she normally wears~ Reds are the Lannisters colors, so it would be plenty of reds and golds. Her hair would be styled and and decorated every day, perhaps multiple times a day, it would be a whirlwind. Very Hunger Games parade outfit scenes every day. She will be a life size doll for other people to dress up.
formal: What's your OC's formal look? Do they like dressing up? Do they have different looks for different occasions?
Peasant life — Not. Applicable. Maybe worship clothes, but I doubt it. High Born life — Im going to need research and ideas and help for this LOL, I need to have some beautiful and amazing gowns she gets to wear and actually enjoys, I do want her to find a style that she likes and feels comfortable with, but I think that might need to happen as the story goes on and I just write write write everything so i can't find some ~symbolism~ in fashion I'm JUST getting to the part where Lyn is living with other High Born Ladies, so she is still in wirlwind mode and can't think straight. So, hopefully this will eventually evolve!
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existentialterror · 2 years
how would you define dr. lights gender identity?
Let me give you way too many words for a boring answer. (And of course, this is how I see her, anyone is welcome to headcanon her in any damn way they please.) In short: mainstream-Light (not an O5, not a god) is cis by default. She does not have a strongly-felt gender identity and is a little skeptical that anyone does. In the same way that I (known asexual) will still hear someone say like “a good sex life is important to me in a relationship” and at first think “yeah, sure,” that’s her w/r/t anyone having much of a gender.
Her presentation wiggles a little. She used to present fairly femme. Autism, masking, even after leaving her family she found it easier to get along if she has a Role she can Perform clearly enough. People come up to her. She gets a little more flexibility. Mars comes around with her dapper aesthetic and suddenly Light has a place to fit in, a role to belong to without tying her down. She accumulates clothing with tolerable textures and figures out enough Fashion to put together outfits.
When Light's old world ends and she's recruited to the Foundation, she has to figure out who she is from scratch. The Foundation is unlike anywhere she's worked before. For all its faults, the Foundation does care less about certain things.
When she finally puts some effort into her appearance, she goes for Utility rather than any particular aesthetic. She wants to look formal and trustworthy but mostly doesn’t want to have to think about it. Her hair is long enough to get it out of the way. She doesn't wear makeup because she doesn't like things on her face, and also, who wants to bother. She orders clothing out of online catalogs and tugs at the sleeves of shirts that don’t quite fit right.
When she breaks her hand badly and can’t always get the braces through the buttons, she ignores it and fights her way through for as long as she can. It comes to a head after her breakdown when she has to replace most of her wardrobe, which she should have done months ago. In her defense, you never really get in the habit of remaking your existence.
You’re still making choices, her psychiatrist tells her. It's fine not to worry about it. You don’t have to be making a statement about everything all the time. But you can’t completely sacrifice fashion at the altar of practicality – that’s not how it works, there is no such thing as truly neutral clothing. Are you sure you don’t care what people think of you? (For other reasons, Dr. Sabourin is one of Light’s worse psychiatrists.)
Light thinks she can get pretty close to pure practicality, thank you very much. When she’s promoted to Level 4, she tries on thirty six different brands and sizes of garments, and buys a closet full of the best ones - the exact same white Oxford shirts, camisoles, and those yoga pants that look like black business pants. Throw in some synthetics for exercising and she's good. She never needs to think about it ever again.
Later she adds one detail – and if it’s a little bit to spite Sabourin, that’s fine, she’s made her peace with it by then – which is the wingtips. She falls in love with a particular Italian workshop and orders a new pair every other year. They’re custom-made, exactly like men’s shoes but smaller, because her feet are small. They are, objectively, worse than sneakers: more expensive, less comfortable, less traction. She kicks her feet against her desk, scuffing the leather, and stares at the broguing. She really likes these shoes. It’s silly, right? It’s silly.
Ten years down the line, she finally, quietly, stomachs the thought: Mars would have worn these.
Even that much later, her closet is basically identical. Her system is fucking good, thank you. The additions are a few outlier outfits for special occasions. One shirt that is A Color (green) and has some embroidery, for casual events. A few t-shirts with various animals on them received as presents, that are not accounted for by her system but get worn nonetheless. A suit, for weddings and such. Boots and cold weather gear for dayhikes and seabird-watching in Svalbard. A single clean labcoat for when she needs to appear somewhere as A Member Of Senior Staff(TM) (and she will complain to anyone nearby about that not being the point of a labcoat, because of who she is. But she sees Sabourin’s point by now, clothing is about signalling as much as comfort.)
Light doesn’t know what the wingtips mean. She doesn't need to. Mostly, what she wants to signal is “I want you to listen to me" and "I want to get back to work.”
That said, Light, of course, comes in different versions with their own stories going on. It doesn’t really surprise any of them that they have different gender situations, except in as far as provoking questions like “some of us sure seem to have different chromosomal situations, how does that work? If we’re not genetic clones what does that even mean for us to be the same person??”
O5-2 "The Nazarene"’s story is different. I want to do more with her but need to up my weird esoteric gnostic queer theology game before I commit to anything. But I’m tentatively thinking something like: You need to be a certain kind of person to be the son of god. To be responsible for everyone. You can present as whatever the hell you want, but for certain ploys to work, people – even just a group of people that happen, for no good reason, to be at the center of the universe for a few moments – need to believe you. It’s easiest to believe it yourself.
If you’re already serious about being responsible for everyone, for becoming an icon, you don’t even need to think about the question: do you want to become this kind of person? Of course you do. It’d be like thinking “I want to bake bread, but do I want to be the kind of person who kneads bread?” You can stress over this. It’s totally possible. No one’s stopping you.
But you can also just knead bread.
No one’s stopping you.
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tornsurvivors · 11 months
Sᴇɴꜱᴇꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ꜱᴘᴇᴄɪꜰɪᴄ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ
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WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE SMELL LIKE?   White tea & sage, sea salt and a little bit of cedar, the smell of ozone (due to arcane magic) is heavy around her. She doesn't really wear perfume often, only for special occasions.
WHAT DO YOUR MUSE’S HANDS FEEL LIKE?    It really depends with her significant other. Realistically, they're calloused and a little rough. They're also scarred from the Theramore mana bomb, which is the reason why she wears gloves at all times in public. They used to be soft and warm, but now they can be a little cold from the Frost magic she uses. But to her significant other, they would seem to be warmer than she thinks. Perhaps it's because she purposefully makes them warm for her s/o.
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE USUALLY EAT IN A DAY?   It varies, and it also depends on if she even eats. She doesn't really eat normally anymore, as in three meals a day. She'd just have a snack every now and then when she's not too focused on something or stressing herself out. Her PTSD had robbed her of the motivation to feed herself. Sometimes her s/o would have to make her a meal, and even Anduin would urge her to eat whenever she visits him. When she eats, sometimes it would be conjured mana biscuits. Sometimes it would be a homemade meal of venison with vegetables. Sometimes it would be seafood. Especially eel pie, which is her favorite recipe by her mother.
DOES YOUR MUSE HAVE A GOOD SINGING VOICE?    She doesn't really sing, but she used to when she was younger. Her singing voice isn't anything amazing as an opera singer. Fortunately, it's not off-key either. It's more soft and warm, almost quiet.
DOES YOUR MUSE HAVE ANY BAD HABITS OR NERVOUS TICKS?  Her bad habits are: being extremely blunt when voicing her opinions, especially when she's angry. Barely eating is another, especially when staying up all night and working. Nervous ticks are fidgeting and refusing to make eye contact. Swallowing thickly and fiddling with the anchor pendant of her father's necklace.
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE USUALLY LOOK LIKE / WEAR?   Being raised to be a noble lady had given her the habit of wearing feminine clothes, mostly robes or skirts and blouses. Heels. But it wouldn't be out of character for her to prefer more comfortable clothing like breeches and a loose shirt when she's home either. She often wears heeled boots with her Lord Admiral outfit (which is probably her favorite outfit of all time). It was something different from her Kirin Tor robes which she refuses to wear anymore for reasons. She still does like wearing dresses and she would wear sundresses during summer. Sometimes she would wear her formal Admiral outfit for special occasions in Boralus: simple navy breeches, white button-up shirt, knee-high boots and the Admiral jacket that her mother gifted to her.
IS YOUR MUSE AFFECTIONATE? HOW SO?  Jaina is absolutely affectionate and it didn't start with Arthas. She just always had it in her. Before Theramore, she was not afraid to show affection just so her s/o knows she truly adores them. After Theramore, her PTSD had prevented her from allowing anyone near her due to trust issues. It would take her time to warm up and especially trust herself enough to be affectionate with her s/o. The traumatic events she suffered had caused her to become fearful of the fact she could end up hurting her s/o due to being so volatile, emotionally-wise and magically.
WHAT POSITION DOES YOUR MUSE SLEEP IN?  She doesn't really sleep normally anymore. When she's alone, she usually would end up falling sleep in her armchair in her Admiral Quarters or in a library in a safe location. With her s/o, she would usually sleep on her side next to them and facing them, or in a fetal position. The only other times she would be completely unconscious / asleep is when she's laying on her back on a stretcher after a heavy battle.
COULD YOU HEAR YOUR MUSE IN THE HALLWAY FROM ANOTHER ROOM? Only when she wants you to. Otherwise, you wouldn't even know she's there behind you till she makes her presence known to you at the last minute. She's pretty light on her feet and she has the advantage of the teleportation spell.
tagged by: @tornsavior tagging: @blue-eyed-banshee and whoever else wants to do this!
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dazzlegame · 2 years
Pandal-hopping Outfits That Are Beautiful And Comfortable For Each Day Of Durga Puja
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We were told early on that there is an unspoken rule during Durga Puja: don't wear the same clothing more than once during the 10-day festival! My mother used to sew tiny salwar outfits for my sister and me when we were toddlers using the same length of fabric she had purchased in bulk. Even though we wore the same print and colour together, we never wore the same ensemble twice. For Bengali children, wearing new garments every day and letting them lose their sheen by EOD is a huge part of Pujo. I won't ruin clothes anymore because I am a grown-up (allegedly!) and realize their value. But occasionally, while pandal hopping, I do get amazing street food on them.
Nothing has changed this year. The Durga Puja celebrations are well underway, and a big component of them, pandal hopping, calls for specific consideration of our attire. For those who are unaware, pandal hopping is the practice of Bong families leaving their Barwari pandals to visit other ones throughout the city. In our society, pandal decoration is a highly prized art, and we greatly enjoy it. A family of five will typically visit ten pandals in one night (we stay up till 4 am); therefore, we must have fantastic, flexible clothing available.
Choosing stylish
 clothing for every occasion can be difficult. That's why we're looking to some of our favourite fashion icons for inspiration, favourite models and the fashionable ethnic outfits they have been donning. We want these lovely costumes for our Puja style in addition to the prominent collection of Taant sarees! Style!
Even if it is still peaceful, the first day of Puja is fortunate. It is always enjoyable to see the pre-puja preparations during these early days. Our local communities give their idols the finishing touches, from painting pratima to draping their sarees, and a brief exploration in an easy-to-wear is not too shabby!
Pandals begin revealing Maa's faces on day 2 after finishing the finishing touches. Yellow is a prominent ethnic colour trend this holiday season. We want to adapt it into a sweet sharara and trendy jewellery piece for the night out. They're fantastic for the Garba night at the neighbourhood community centre too!
During puja, most of the nation's cities are noticeably warmer. As a result, we desire a few light and airy outfits in our wardrobe for this puja. A lovely ethnic top and palazzo pair ought to go just fine.
As we previously stated, while being two different celebrations of the same event, Durga Puja and Navaratri are very different from one another. As a result, a gharara decorated in deep emerald tones is ideal for pandal hopping before going out for dandiya night.
Kurta and lehenga combinations are fantastic! These carefree beauties are the ideal way to start the "formal" first day of Puja, when everyone is eager to show off their new looks. We aren't sure what else will get people's attention if a bright pink embroidered number doesn't.
Simple designs of opulent trims and fabrics are a good look for the puja, keeping with the festive themes this season. One of our main trends this season is the fusion of modern, youthful looks with traditional Indian patterns like bandhani and mirror work.
After Saptami aarti, most puja pandals ramp up their celebrations. Our nights since day 7 have not been for sleeping, with anything from folk dance performances to an extended orchestral performance filling the night with their music. As a result, we require attire that is beautiful and lightweight. I'm at a loss for what to wear better than a silk saree!
Ashtami starts off early and is the most significant day of the puja. I recall rushing to get ready in my best clothes and taking a shower at six in the morning, so I could play pushpanjali. Because they are easy to put on and appear opulent, lehenga sarees are what we will be investing in this year. And they will be red, of course!
When it comes to the after-aarti activities, Navami is the time when things heat up! The raucous dhunichi naach and the three-hour long gut-wrenching skits are looked forward to. What can you do to maximize them? Softest embroidery on a lovely sheer saree!
The traditional puja outfit is a red and white saree. Why not make it more entertaining? Thanks to Sabyasachi's creativity, the red and white saree has changed from polka dots to stripes and has become a millennial fantasy.
What attire do you have for the puja? Remember to share your OOTDS!
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starsmuserainbow · 2 years
Okay, since I'm finally done with editing/making them - Sims-time!
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If you know my blogs, I do think recognizing who is who isn't that difficult, but just in case, here's a list.
Starfire, Blackfire, Wildfire
Galfore, Moonshot, Starlight
Cat, Mia, Liquor
Kage, Lightning, Mar'i, Sheshe.
Not linking you their blogs here but you can always look onto my 'my blogs' page if you want to find one of them and don't know where.
I do have a young Mar'i too, but I usually don't feel all that excited about younger-sims so I decided to share her older-simversion instead.
Next up, you'll get a few of the outfits of them shared, and below each pic, some blabber to whatever I consider worth mentioning or saying about one of the outfits in the picture.
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I got some new things to make Star's main-outfit with, and I'm rather happy about the changes! From her, you here see - Main, Formal, Party, Hot Weather. I do like her 'Party' outfit a lot too, if absolutely feels like something she would wear, and it's still kinda similar to her uniform. The 'Hot Weather' outfit is still the same that I had on her sim before, still based on one thing in the TTGo comics that followed the cartoon.
Of Blackfire, you see Main, Formal, Party, Cold Weather. Blackfire absolutely would wear a dress cut up basically until her hip as she wears there in 'Formal' - it's absolutely her style and I love how it looks. I also very much love her 'Party' attire - you aren't really able to see it here but every single movement makes it glitter so strongly and I just, she very much would wear something like that and it looks so awesome. Her 'Cold Weather' is absolutely true to her character too (assuming she's not wearing her armor all the time, which usually is the case but that'd just be boring for my sims-making) - just a little bit covered and then that mesh-jacket-thingie to pretend to actually wear something for/against the cold but also not really because it doesn't really offer much.
Ry looks a bit very "fancy", but honestly, that's just very fitting to him so I went with it. You can here see his Main, Formal, and Party attire. I just imagine that Starfire gave him advice for what might work as formal attire, and then he returned with this a little very much of an outfit. It still looks good though and Wildfire feels very happy with it, so she didn't explain that it might be a bit too much, and he keeps wearing the whole thing when needing to go to whatever formal occasion there might be. Or if not that, then he would take the 'Party' outfit - which is still a bit very "fancy", but he still enjoys wearing it and really, that's what matters most, doesn't it?
On to the next three muses of mine.
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I didn't feel the need to share all that much of Galfore. All the outfits look a little weird for him, perhaps because I know his proportions should be very different, or something. I don't know. All you get of him is Main, and Cold Weather. The latter mostly because I needed to share the idea of him just absolutely digging these seasonal sweaters and whenever he comes to visit Starfire or the team or someone at even roughly the right season, he would be wearing some of these. Probably some that Starfire made herself, because to have things actually fit Galfore... well.
From Moonshot, you get Main, Formal, Party and Cold Weather. You might notice by now that the Formal and Party usually are the things I like to share the most, outside of the main outfits. I don't know where exactly that is coming from, but yeah. Anyway. I tried my best to get a somewhat fitting look for his main outfit - it would of course usually be armor but, like, I don't exactly have that in fitting ways available. The other outfits really only are things that I can somewhat see. For Formal, I can see him getting recommendations or something and actually taking some earthen clothing just for specific reasons (cough Starfire cough). He would probably still keep some parts of his armor on along with the outfit though, hence the gloves as replacement for his actual ones. Same goes for the Party outfit, basically. This is definitely something that he himself is more comfortable with though than the Formal outfit, because it's not quite as covering or limiting. The Cold Weather... well, he wouldn't really be wearing as much if he needs to for some reason not wear his armor. He would usually wear less, but like, this outfit just worked for him and I had to do it.
You're actually getting all 8 outfits (Main, Formal, Sports, Nightwear, Party, Swimming, Hot Weather, Cold Weather) from Starlight! Because I love making them so much, and because they're all so chaotic and colorful and fun.I don't really have anything to say to most of them, so I'll just say it for all of them - do take a look at the makeup she's wearing, if you can - it's colorful and absolutely not what you'd assume for makeup and I loved choosing these. A lot.
And we continue to the first 3 muses from my Multi-sideblog!
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First here is Cat, which by the amount of outfits shown you can probably assume how much I love her. You get Main, Sports, Nightwear, Party, Swimming, Hot Weather, Cold Weather. I love the loose, bed-head like hairstyle I "found" for her to give her in the night-outfit. What else can I say about her? The buns she wears for swimming are adorable and perfect for her too, and the big sunhat just works really well too. Otherwise, well, her style is comfortable, somewhat looseish, it'd mostly consist of soft materials, and, yeah.
From Mia, you get Main, Formal, Party, Hot and Cold Weather. I love her Formal-outfit for some reason, I think she would absolutely wear it and it just suits her, and the open hair and just, yes. Her Party wear is similar, also quite cool looking and still casual and she would absolutely wear it. Her Hot Weather style is simple and easy, and exactly her thing. I love the snowflake-design of the sweater her Cold Weather outfit has, and of course the scarf too.
Liquor only has one outfit for all the categories, because she just is like that. also that's a set thing, so I didn't exactly have the chances to change any one piece of it or anything.
Almost done - 4 more muses of the Multi remaining!
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Kage is, mm, I would call it "typical". You get her Main, Formal and Party outfits, and really, what am I supposed to say? They're all along the lines of "sexy, black, tight", and that's pretty much it.
Lightning! I'm kinda said I couldn't recreate her uniform better than that, but I do think I got a good bit of it. What you see there is her Main, Formal, Party, and Hot and Cold Weather (although you could simply call these "civilian"). Her Main is where I did my best to recreate how I imagine her uniform to be - sleeveless body as top, a red skirt and red leggings, and her shows and gloves. And the lovely goggles. The hair isn't quite perfect, I would've loved something where the hairs behind her head stand up more (I always would call it 'hair palm' but that's probably just a term I kinda made up for myself or something), but it was the closest I got and so I went with it. Formal... it's very unlikely anyone will ever see her in anything like this. It's much too reminding of her family, of her past, and Lightning absolutely does not want to admit to having any of that. It's easier to, quite literally, keep running. Party is more like what you would see if Lightning agreed to coming to some party or the likes without her uniform. It's not with a skirt, which is very very important because she is strongly against wearing those (unless as "cover", which is where it is for on her uniform), it's stylish and simple and she can even still wear her uniform beneath if she would want to. The Hot and Cold Weather, like said, are more for how her civilian attire looks like (if she would ever do it). I didn't actually pick the same top from her Main outfit, but it is supposed to be the same one and just a jacket over it (her top would have the typical lightning-bolt on it though, so her Jacket would always be closed over that). The bottom things of her uniform would also easily fit underneath that civilian attire, and, the sunglasses are just a thing she would absolutely wear. Lightning is prone to wearing both glasses like this, and goggles like in her uniform, on her head when she doesn't actually need them.
For Mar'i, you get some outfits of her child-version here too - just the Main one, Sports and Hot Weather. The Sports outfit is supposed to be a touch towards her father's early costumes, and outside of that, I don't know what I can say to those. Her older sim shows you her Main, Formal, Sports, Party, Hot and Cold Weather. Main is just, simply something I can see her wear more or less everyday. Formal is a somewhat tamaranean princess-y attire, something I could see her wear while visiting there. Sports is, as you might notice, again a play or reference to her father's costumes, just to the more recent one that would probably by then be the case. I love the outfit I created for her in Party, it just feels absolutely cool and she looks amazing and just yes. Hot weather is just a colorful fun thing she would wear, and Cold Weather is a proof of how much I think she would love both earthen and tamaranean festivities.
Sheshe has her Main, Formal, and Party outfits. Main is just her canon-outfit as close as I could do it. Formal is how I could see her dress for something like parties, and Party is as close a resembling to her human disguise outfit as I could. I especially love this one a lot, I feel like I got really really close.
For more muses from my Multi, please refer to this post, as I've run out of the "10 pictures per post" limit.
And since I have two more picture-slots for this post, here's some extra face-screenshots that I took of a bunch of my muses!
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Okay, with that, I'm done! I doubt anyone really wanted to go all this way, but if you did - thank you for being so interested in my blabbering!
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multifandom-girlie · 4 years
𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐜 𝐂𝐨𝐧 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟓
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Imagine: “Could I request a Daniel Gillies smut like they are both at the comic con(they are both in the originals) and he is teasing her while he answers a question ? Or makes fun with Joseph and he says some dirty things.” Requested by @elijahspersonalwifeyyy .
Pairing: Daniel Gillies x Reader
Warnings: Smut
Edited: Yes
A/N: I apologise @elijahspersonalwifeyyy for the incredibly long wait. I’ve had this lined up to post but with coursework and writing so much at the same time, it’s made it difficult but I refuse to quit. I’m not a quitter. I’m also not a person to announce a hiatus. Either way, hope you enjoyed ! There is a lot to read I know but we needed a build up and this is one of my favourite comic cons ever, I wanted to do the before hand scenes either way so. Don’t forget to check out my new story “On The Way” !
All of us at the current moment in time were stood backstage waiting to be called on. I couldn't tell you how irritated I was when I went on after Joseph and then Daniel followed. They were both irritating enough to me together anyway but they were in a particularly annoying mood today and I was not prepared for it.
“The man who will break your heart and then rip it out and then probably eat it. Joseph Morgan.”
The whole audience cheered as he walked on and he waved quite casually as he did. 
“The women who brings all men to there knees but still can't find anything better to do than drink wine. Y/N Y/L/N”
I giggled as I walked out and I saw the audience screaming and Joseph giving me a mischievous look.
“The brother with a suit for every occasion. Daniel Gillies as Elijah.”
He walked out, threw me a quick smirk and blew a kiss to the audience as they screamed. He pulled his chair out and smiled at everyone.
“Nice jacket.”
“Yeah. Give it up for this jacket ! Huh ? Out of a suit and into a smoking hot jacket.”
“I know right, the one time he's not wearing a suit.”
“Thank you. It was actually a gift from Y/N.”
“Aw that’s super sweet Y/N.”
“Thank you. It was actually a gift for our anniversary.”
“Really ? How many years ?”
“and very sweet.”
He called the rest of our costars out and we continued on with the panel.
After the host had started the panel with a question for Julie and Michael, it was now a group question for me, Joseph and Phoebe.
“Uh now going to the show, we've seen Klaus and Lily and Klaus and Hayley kind of trying the uh co-parenting thing and it did not really go so well as we all saw. How is Klaus going to be as a parent now that Hayley isn't around and Lily and Elijah have reconciled ?”
As soon as the question was asked, we all turned to Joseph.
“Uh you know, before he alienated his whole family by toasting Elijah's girlfriend, sleeping with his wife and and and cursing the women he thought he was in love with um Klaus survived under this sort of umbrella of Elijah's protection and forgiveness I suppose and so Elijah was always a voice of reason and Hayley was always there to battle it out with him. So, I would say badly. He's gonna do badly as a single parent you know and I think he knows he's kinda messing it up but he's trying. At least he's trying. You gotta give him that. Even if he's warping the minds of his two daughters, one before she's even uttered a syllable and the other before she get's old enough to realise that Klaus and Lily aren't actually together you know like she’s thought for years.”
“Geez. So uh how are are Lily, Elijah and Klaus going to tell her ? Who's going to be the one that does it or will they all do it together ?”
I decided to answer this questions, being more involved with the story line of my children.
“I think that Lily will have to be the one to tell her and whilst doing so will definitely have to be quite cautious when telling Sofia, you know not only because she's only 7 years old but also because she’s thought of Elijah as her Uncle her whole life- and although that hasn't changed it's still going to be difficult since this latest revelation is that, her Uncle Elijah that she adores oh so much is now also 'mommy's boyfriend' or in more formal terms her step-dad. So I think she's going to be confused and it might be quite difficult for her at first but I think she’s mature for her age and that she will understand quite quickly that, Mommy and Daddy aren't together and that despite realizing that her mom was married to her uncle I think she will quickly appreciate the fact we told her because of her understanding personality. “
Daniel quickly leaned forward and spoke before the host could ask another question.
“The moral of the story is, don't sleep with your husband's brother. Especially when not using protection and then deciding to get back together with your husband before trying to force him to sign the divorce papers.”
The whole room suddenly echoed with loud laughter and I couldn't stop giggling myself despite being offended for my character. I hit his arm playfully. He grinned at me and rested his hand on my leg as the room calmed down and he slouched back in his chair a little.
“Very true. So, I mean he can always just compel a few dozen nannies but he does have Elijah there to help him co-parent you know not just with Sofia but with Hope. I'm thinking like shared schedules, late night feedings...Whose doing what ?”
“It’s like we both wake up and the baby is crying and it's like, are you going to get her or am I ? Alright, I'll get her.”
“Yeah no it's gonna be me. I'm gonna do the graveyard shift, I know that all to well. But we gotta remember too, Lily and Freya are going to be doing a large share of the work.”
“Oh yeah, they can do it. There you go.”
I giggled and hit Joseph in the shoulder for the comment.
“No, come on. Lily's already been through this twice she knows’ what she's doing and Freya's Switzerland at this moment in time, I think for both of us to be in there...I’m gonna stop talking.”
We all chuckled at Daniel's comment.
“Now we're going to go to audience questions in just a little bit but first I wanted to do something fun. I know it's not the holiday's and I know we don't have a big ass bonfire in front of us but I thought it would be quite fun if everybody kinda thinks about a wish for their character for the future, just throw it in the imaginary bonfire.”
“Well, I'm a human....so I just want to stay alive.”
“Good answer.”
“Oh I forgot you weren't a character.”
“I have wishes for everybody but I don't have a character.”
“I do wish for Julie that Supernatural Judge Judy becomes her next spin off and Exploding Ovaries is the title of Daniel Gillies' next memoir. 
“A wish for Hayley would be that Hope can live a normal, happy existence. I think would be what she would want the most.”
“That’s very sweet.”
“Thank you. That's it, I'm done.”
“Uh, I think for Elijah...I mean other than wishing that his girlfriend's wouldn't be incinerated or his wife doesn't sleep with his brother again...”
I giggled at Daniel's comment, despite his comment towards my character and spoke with Joseph, simultaneously. 
“Oh, come on.”
“I'm not letting that one go easily. So, uh...I would wish for him. Oh man. I wish for him, I’m actually wishing for something dark, like I sort of would wish for...a great division between the brothers before reconciliation.”
“So that's how it's going to be.”
“So, my wish for Lily is um...to finally find that bloody fertility spell that she's been looking for, for centuries. So that her and Elijah can have children of their own which they want more than anything and move somewhere outside of New Orleans in a nice family home, away from the drama.”
“That’s very sweet.”
“Uh, I wish everyone would just do what Klaus says because he's always right. He knows what he's doing. It's for the greater good. Come on. Get on board with his plans. Everything will be alright in the end. Not everyone will be alright in the end but everything will be alright in the end. Right ?”
“Um, I wish Marcel would cross over. No.”
“I wish for more of your cleavage.”
I couldn't help but laugh a little when he says comments like that. Even though it wasn't directed at me, I knew the double meaning behind it. Daniel has not taken his eyes away from my chest today. That's what breast feeding does to you, I suppose. When Daniel picked my outfit this morning, I was glad. I was going to wear some leather pants and a red blouse with some heels but he somehow convinced me to wear a dress. God was I glad, I actually listened to him. It was hot in San Diego summer heat and I underestimated a little when I decided on leather pants. 
“Yeah. We gonna get some dollar bills. Let's see some ones. Tryna make some money out here. Somebody, put on some Usher. Slow jam. Uh yeah...”
“I have a twenty. What can we get for a twenty ?”
“Break it up. Break it up.”
“Make it into ones and let's make it rain.”
“If I throw loose change at you, can I make it hail ?”
“Alright, moving on. Next subject.”
“Um, Davina is a witch and I think it would be really cool if she could fly. So, whether it's a broomstick or something else...I still think it would be really cool.”
“That’s a good one. Um, mines pretty selfish. I hate shaving, so I wish we could work something in so Vincent could have like a huge beard.”
“I changed my mind, I want superpowers as well. Three one foot long, retractable adamantine claws from each hand please.”
”Why is the camera on me ? I wanna fly. I wanna see these guys fly. I want them charging up walls and...we don’t have the budget for that. I wanna see more vampirey stuff. Why am I wishing again ? I exhausted my wish.”
“You guys can make as many wishes as you want. This is your made up tradition.”
“It’s raining wishes on you.”
“Raining for your wishes.”
“God this is embarrassing.”
“T it up.”
“T what up ?”
“What do your need for a rain of wishes ?”
“What happens when it rains ?”
“An umbrella.”
“What ?”
“An umbrella, sweetheart.”
He closed his eye in frustration and dropped his upper half into my lap, whilst we all laughed at his slow mind.
“Oh shit. Umbrella. So sorry, so sorry.”
“The rain, the umbrella...”
“Dropping hints. Awesome, alright well let’s turn it over to some audience questions.”
“Hi, my name is Julia and first I'd like to say, I love you all. Especially Joseph Morgan and Danielle Campbell.”
“Thanks. Thanks a lot.”
“Don’t worry, I love you Daniel.”
He squeezes my thigh and leans in to kiss my head. Before deciding to move his arm around my shoulders and hugging me into his side. I rested my hand on his thigh as I hugged him back.
“I love you too, beautiful.”
I blushed and smiled, whilst the audience all awed. Which prompted the red in my cheeks to darken. I sat back up straight and he returned his hand back my thigh, yet this time a little higher up and whilst stroking the fabric of my dress up my thigh.
“My question is for the whole cast and it is, if you were able to play another role...who would you wanna play ?”
“On our show ? Or just in general ?”
“Yeah. On The Originals.”
“I..I think I would choose Hayley. The Hyrbid female. She's a pretty cool character. Your welcome.”
“Um, I would play...Klaus. Mind you probably better but...”
“I don't wanna play anybody else, I wanna play Elijah.”
“I would play, Elijah....purely because it would be an absolute blessing to wake up that hot everyday and he's a pretty awesome character.”
He smirked at me and moved his hand further up my leg, his fingers now resting at the hem of my white lace thong. I gulped a little but held my composure. It seemed hat every time I complimented him, he got further up my leg and closer to my core. Like a game...and I was more than happy to play.
“If...If I had to absolutely play someone else uh, I would play Oliver because I just think he needs to be brought back to the show...and uh #saveollie. Bring him back !”
“Uh, I would play Elijah because I think I look damn good in a suit.”
“Yeah, you do.”
“Buttoned up to the naval.”
“There we go. I know it's distracting for you, my body.”
“I cannot concentrate. I refuse to continue.”
“Um, I would play Genevieve. I thought she was a really cool character. She was a lot of fun to work with.”
“I see some Genevieve fans in the house, awesome.”
“Um, yeah I think I might choose Elijah too. I think uh, it's a really cool character that Daniel has created.”
“They both quietly believe they can bring more to the role, is what they’re saying. Not quietly, they're saying it to an audience of like three thousand.”
“Only because of what you've done with it Daniel.”
“Hi Guys, wow that's loud. I'm so sorry, my name's Marissa. First, I want to say Daniel I watched saving hope and your death killed me. I'm so sorry that you died.”
“Yeah, tell me about it ! I was gutted.”
He squeezed my thigh a little more and started making circles with his finger on the spot closed to my core.
“Oh my goodness.”
Yeah, oh my goodness indeed. He really knew how to make a woman feel good, without hardly doing anything...quite literally.
“Um, so my question is for Julie and Michael. Um, I was wondering...there’s so much violence on the show and so much adult stuff and I was wondering if the network or the studio has ever told you, 'No you can't do that’ ?”
We all started laughing in reply to the questions.
“Oh, we have a story about that don't we...Leah.”
“I don't wanna tell the story again.”
“There's things that we did that couldn't be shown.”
“So here's the thing about broadcast television is that, apparently you can decapitate someone, you can drive a knife into a vampires skull, you can rip out their heart, you can shove a pencil up their nose, you can stab them a million times with glass but when stimulating a sex scene...if there's any movement at all that one would define as thrusting...”
“No thrusting. Pull back on the thrusting.”
“A motion that originates from the hip.”
Charles decided to get up and share a demonstration of thrusting and everyone on stage started laughing and the audience started to scream. Daniel gripped my thigh a little harder, due to jealously. I didn't have to ask him what the reason was, I already knew. At the best of times, he was not a jealous person. He loves and trusts me and Charles a lot and he knows nothing would happen but when he's horny and in need of some attention...he does get jealous. Understandably so, I know because we both do. His pinky finger then started to stroke me, through the lace of my pants.   
“It’s difficult because I don't actually remember thrusting being in the script. That was something the actors chose.”
“It was a creative choice. I mean, look at Charles...you would do the same thing. Also, let's not forget the originators of this little problem.”
The audience stayed silent, indicating that they weren't sure how to react to her last sentence. I leaned into Daniel and rested my forehead against his bicep in retaliation to Leah's comment. I couldn't stop giggling, despite the finger rubbing against my wet thong and the blush rising on my cheeks. Daniel was using his other hand to pinch his forehead, whilst chuckling.
“Come on guys, explain it.”
“So, what happened was we were doing the flashback sex scene of Elijah and Lily's wedding night. Daniel got a bit too excited and started to thrust a little and I tried hiding it by opening my legs a bit more.As I did, my underwear snapped because it wasn't as flexible as I thought. So, I had to pay a fine for showing too much skin because the sheets had come off of me a little and we hadn't realised. Not that it was much it was just a little side boob, still.”
“So, it wasn't the thrusting ?”
“No, ironically it wasn't.”
“Let me tell you. There was some excellent, simulated thrusting in those scenes. That was cut, per broadcast standards. While, I think in the same episode seventeen people got brutally massacred. It is what it is.”
“Some of the best thrusting. I hope it makes the special features.”
“Charles called Leah, for some extra rehearsal before hand.”
“Hi I'm uh Skylar. Um, I know that between you there has been a myriad of different supernatural creatures. Uh, Phoebe...I think you've been a werewolf, a witch and a mermaid. Uh, in really life...What would you wanna be ?”
“Well, I would say witches because witches don't have to turn on a full moon and they don't have to be like plagued by vampire...the demon’s of vampires. They can just have all the power and really cute outfits...and if I can look more like Danielle Campbell. I'll take it.”
“H20 rocks!”
“Thank you ! Well actually I-Im gonna say a mermaid then. Like, life is better under the sea and I think I would be a mermaid.”
“I don't know-"
“Merman ?”
“Merman. No, I...um. I'm pretty pervy...so I'd say like invisibility.”
“Um, so I'm not pervy at all unlike Daniel. I do think that Heretics are soooo cool though. Like, they can do magic and they are vampires but still have all those human capabilities...like procreation. So, yeah a heretic.”
His hand stopped stroking me through the lace of my panties suddenly and I instantaneously felt a cold gush of air race up my well-shaved legs and punching me in my core. I felt the frayed edges of my lace tickling my upper thigh, where they shouldn't be. Hinting that my favourite pair of thongs had been snapped. I turned to Daniel and narrowed my eyes at him whilst he just continued the panel, like nothing happened. His hand when back to it’s original position resting on my thigh, clearly in punishment for making a comment about his pervy answer. 
“Nah, I'm happy where I am. You know, Hyrbid. Definitely not, invisibility. When I joined the show, I thought I was only gonna be a vampire so I was thrilled when I was a werewolf-vampire. I'm sticking to my guns.”
“I like being the token human. I'm just gonna like stay there. Create more mermen.”
“Season three, season of the mermen.”
“The next spin-off.”
“That would be so cool, let me be a mermaid. I would kill it .”
Joseph put his arm on the back of my chair, looking at me after I made my wish known to be a mermaid.
“You better not cum in the water.”
The entirety of the room ruptured into fits of laughter. Even Daniel, who had now moved his hand closer to my core again. Letting his fingers stroke my entrance. Meanwhile, I continued laughing...ignoring the feeling of my husband’s gentle and sensual touch. 
“I’m blushing.”
“Hi, I'm Katie. If you were to go to Comic Con, on the floor. Is there anyone you would dress up as ?”
The first thought that came to mind was pleasing Daniel. If I said him there was no doubt he'd give in. The problem was, was it a risk I was willing to take...at a comic Con in front of three thousand fans and some of my closest friends.
“Daniel Gillies.”
Every one repeated my answer and whilst doing so I was discovering that I was unequivocally correct with my thought process. Sure enough, Daniel plunged his fingers straight into my entrance leaving me to deal with the resounding squeal that ripped from my throat. Causing Daniel to laugh at me, influencing Joseph to join in.
The final question had just been answered by Daniel and I was leaning my head into Daniel's shoulder to help with controlling the moans erupting inside me. The warmth in my stomach has just appeared as quickly as it vanished again, Daniel had stopped and chuckled at my irritated expression. Nevertheless, I got up and shoved my now broken thongs in Daniel's jacket pocket and waved at the fans with a bright smile on my face as we all walked off. We had just got out of the fan's eyesight when a hand delivered a hard slap to my barely covered assume cheek as this dress was so short. I span around and grabbed his wrist before dragging him further backstage, behind a screen next to the dressing rooms.
“What do you think your doing ? Playing around like that during a panel and then not even letting me finish ?!”
I didn't even let him reply as I dragged his face down towards mine and kissed him lustfully. His hands wandered down to my waist and clutched the already tight fabric tighter around me. The other unoccupied hand drove down to my ass and clutched it, allowing the skirt to rise up. Exposing the bare skin of my cheek. I used one of my hands to undo his zipper before pulling his dick out and stroking it. Clearly, he was eager because before I knew it. I was pressed up against the wall, sticking my tongue down his throat and moving myself up and down on his already hard cock. What we hadn't realised that the screen had moved, as Daniel had knocked it with his foot when walking to the wall. He pulled away and smirked at me.
“You told me we wouldn't have public sex after last time.”
“This is the last time Mr Gillies, I'm promising you.”
We smiled at eachother and kept going against the wall. His tip caused some tension when arriving to a depth he hadn’t before but it was a pleasurable one most definitely. The lips of my pussy enveloped his tip and he ran it through my drenched folds before deciding to plunge into me once again. I was about to scream and he knew I wasn’t good at being quiet when he fucks me so good. I clung onto him hoping it would relieve tha ache he’d created by filling me so good. He sat down on a chair that was sat in a chair of the little area backstage. Sitting down, allowed his thrusts to speed up rapidly and his face to rest in between my smooth and nearly covered beasts. He bit my hardened buds through my dress and caused a shive of please to shoot down to my core and promoting me to burst.
I then decided to let go and couldn’t help but let out a gratifying scream for him. I was coming down from my high and the screen pulled back. A man that looked about 40, eyed us disgusted and told us to move it.
“Well atleast I won the deal ?”
“Remember the deal we had ? If I was right about is having sex in public again no matter how much you denied that we wouldn’t. Your were very adamant.#
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itsclydebitches · 4 years
So I'm curious what are some character designs you love? Not from RWBY, but just i general. I'm the same anon who got you to check out Berserk and I'd say essentially all of the designs are done damn well. Fit the character. Changes that makes sense for growth. Also make sense given the setting. Even women in armor that doesn't have those massive boob plates. Good designs impact so much subconsciously to have much we enjoy other aspects of a story.
Congratulations! You’ve unlocked my never-ending need to praise Yu Yu Hakusho! :D 
This long, picture-laden post needs two disclaimers going forward: 
I’m not an artist. In the sense that I’m not a visual artist who knows anything about what makes character design good from a technical/community approved standpoint. This is purely based on my own, personal reaction to a beloved series. 
Connected to that, I’m going into this under the assumption that people might really disagree with me (?). Based on the cartoons and anime that I see praised for character design, I don’t think YYH fits whatever list more knowledgeable viewers are pulling from. But I’m gonna lay out my thinking anyway! 
Major spoilers for Yu Yu Hakusho below. 
Alright let’s do this. 
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First off, when people start talking character design they often reference how cool a character is. Which makes sense. You want a character to be visually engaging and distinct. Something that makes you go “Wow!” whenever you look at them. However, one of the things I love about the YYH cast is how normal they are. Because they’re supposed to be normal. The trope of the main character having a crazy hair color has become so prominent that we’ve got memes about it now and that works for a lot of stories. You know who is important because, despite the assumption that they’re average people not dying their hair, they stick out like a sore thumb among the rest of the cast. 
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However, normalcy is a really important part of YYH. The entire point at the start is that Yusuke is not special. He’s not unique. He’s a delinquent kid who most assume isn’t going anywhere in life. When he dies this doesn’t unlock some Super Special Backstory - you were innately amazing all along! - he just gets caught up in the plot because of a paperwork issue. The afterlife doesn’t know what to do with an asshole kid who unexpectedly saved another kid’s life so they just kind of... shuffle him around until he’s given another chance to live. Then he gets to pay back that second chance by becoming a Spirit Detective. Yeah, Yusuke is talented when it comes to fighting and spirit energy, but at the start that’s rarely emphasized outside of “He’s the best street fighter among no-name street fighters so really, it’s not impressive once you take Yusuke out of his tiny world of school parking lots and the occasional alleyway.” The takeaway is that he’s a dime-a-dozen troubled teen who got involved in the spirit world due to an impulsive act and a bunch of bureaucracy. Indeed, it’s a HUGE moment of emotional growth for Yusuke to realize that people do love him despite his supposedly average, unremarkable, and otherwise negative personality. His normal-ness - and others’ expectation that he could someday make himself great if he learns to work at it - is crucial to where Yusuke starts out. Making him visually distinct in terms of Anime Protagonist Looks would undermine a lot of that. This isn’t supposed to be a Super Special Kid Destined For Greatness. He’s just... a kid. A normal kid. A kid who has to work and learn and grow if he wants to make something of himself. So he gets black hair, brown yes, and a green school uniform. He’s pretty damn average looking. 
Same with Kuwabara. Same with Keiko. Same with Atsuko. They’re just normal people going about their lives and I always appreciated that they looked the part. You can still easily tell them apart thanks to different hair colors, texture, jaw lines, and outfits, but none of them seem out of place in the average world they start out in. Which, as said, is crucial to a lot of YYH’s themes. The ones who look more visually distinct - Hiei and Botan - aren’t human. It makes sense that they wouldn’t obey these same average laws of the rest of the cast and they are our first taste of a world that, in terms of character design, will eventually get pretty wonderfully weird. They function as stepping stones. 
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This eventually becomes a story about the demon world and those demons wouldn’t come across as particularly scary/other if you begin the story with equally strange looking humans. Or even just “I don’t see people who look like that walking down the street” humans. Alongside many themes, there’s a contrast at work here. Yusuke stepping out into a stadium full of demons who despise him because of his species hits home when he is so clearly distinct from them. Suddenly, his normal is abnormal. 
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Once the ball gets rolling, Yusuke’s looks are constantly in contrast with both his environment and his inner self. He looks like a scary thug but then unexpectedly saves a life. He looks like an average human but is actually the strongest among a group of scary-looking demons. He looks like this badass spirit detective who everyone assumes with have an equally badass spirit beast but, uh... 
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Oh my god that’s a precious baby. By the time our cast is family and everyone accepts that Yusuke looks scarier than he actually is or ever was - once the core group is made up of not just humans but demon loving humans who are equally soft - we turn it all on its head again and reveal that Yusuke has demon blood. For the first time he looks as strange and powerful as he is. Yusuke’s normality is done away with the second he’s fully accepted his place in these worlds, throwing everything back into chaos. 
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Yusuke’s demon form becomes even more foreign looking  when he’s being controlled by his ancestral father. The above is a Yusuke who is still Yusuke and in many respects the design reflects that: natural hair color, human body, tattoos easily covered up with a shirt. When he’s gone full Mazoku though, something dangerous, the white, wilder hair and change to his expressions ensure we read him as something feral. For the first time in the series Yusuke is truly the dangerous creature he’s pretended to be since his principal was running after him at school. 
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As a side-note about character costumes, we see this emphasis on normality in their outfits as well. Obviously a story like RWBY is limited by how much time/money they have for animation, but it nevertheless has an impact to see the group almost constantly in their battle gear. They’re never not the main characters of an action-fantasy show, not even while just out around town with no expectation of entering a fight.  
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In contrast, Yusuke and Kuwabara are often animated in everyday clothing that remind us that they’re really just teens trying to live their lives outside of this crazy nonsense. Kuwabara wasn’t even formally hired for all this! The cast wears sweaters and jackets while out and about. More formal clothes for special occasions. Jeans and t-shirts when they’re unexpectedly caught up in a fight because, you know, they’re not ready for battle every second of every day. They’re drawn like normal folks because, outside of the ring, they are. 
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(We’ve also got a lot of parallels between Yusuke and Kuwabara’s civilian clothing, visually reminding us that they’re far more alike than they might be willing to admit.)
Despite often changing outfits, the group maintains a basic color pallet that makes them recognizable, yet it’s also not so limited that they appear strange for sticking to one (1) color for the entire time we know them. Yusuke, like most people, is drawn to particular colors, mostly greens, yellows, and blues, so each time we see him he’s familiar while also being distinct from the last time he changed. 
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Hiei, as someone who initially wants nothing to do with anyone else and relies on assassin-like speed to take out his enemies, is dressed almost entirely in black. Without that bit of white in his scarf/hair you’d lose him in the shadows... which is the point. 
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When he opens up and actually becomes friends with the team, his color pallet starts opening up a great deal too.  
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And we’re shown all the little changes he starts incorporating that speak to his growth: his Jagan eye, a bandaged arm hiding his Dragon of the Darkness Flame, the necklace connecting him to Yukina. 
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I’ve blathered on about the outfits enough but as a quick final note: EVERYONE WEARS APPROPRIATE FIGHTING CLOTHES. 
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No one (even the women to my recollection) wear heels. Everything is loose-fitted and looks easy to move in. They’ve got sensible belts, bandages if they need them, and... that’s it. No unnecessary bells and whistles that distract from what’s supposed to be the story’s real draw: good fights and good characterization. Even the more elaborately styled characters (usually) look like they chose their outfits practically first and for the aesthetic after. At no point do I recall watching this show and going, “WHY would you wear that to a fight??” 
Anyway, back to the designs. 
The exceptions to either side of these extremes - from human normal to demon monstrous - are Genkai and Kurama, both of whom straddle the line. Genkai is someone who has pushed her spirit and body far past the norm. She’s the first human we meet who truly goes beyond that normality, even if you don’t immediately realize it. Her pink hair (such a soft color in her old age it’s not at all distracting) is a slight hint that something isn’t quite right with her. She’s obviously human... but not a normal human. Not anymore. 
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Those unnatural looks are emphasized in her youth when she was at the height of her power. 
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Genkai as a young woman has vibrantly pink hair (a bright pastel like Botan’s), a softer face, and far more emotive eyes. She looks ethereal, which fits not just her own journey to power but Togoru’s as well. Her story is intimately tied up in what that power does to the human body/soul. So Toguro starts out like this 
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a pretty normal looking guy who is on the far end of what the human body is naturally capable of. He’s buff as hell, but not so much that it looks unreasonable. I’ve seen body builders bigger than him. He’s the average (dehydrated...) MCU superhero. However, he ends up like this
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In Togoru’s case his abnormality is explicitly presented as grotesque. Rather than giving him a cool looking characteristic that’s clearly supernatural (blue hair, an extra eye, curly horns, etc.), we’ve taken a human characteristic (muscles) and expanded them to an unnatural degree. He’s got some uncanny valley shit going on. 
Paralleling Genkai, we likewise see Kurama subtly standing out among his human allies. 
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He’s a demon in a human’s body. By in-world logic his appearance should be just as normal as anyone else’s, but a bit of his true nature shines through. His hair is long in a style not popular in YYH’s Japan. His red is far less of a natural shade than Kuwabara’s. He carries himself with the air of someone who is ancient, because he is. His human design deliberately reflects his true demon form so when that’s finally revealed we still recognize him as Kurama. 
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(Same sort of work with Hiei’s demon form.) 
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When we look at the cast together we have an immediate, visual impression as to who is normal and who is not - and those assumptions are embedded into the story. Yusuke is someone you’d overlook in the crowd, but he’s the most powerful. Kurama is clearly other in some way, but he’s desperate to live an average, human life. Kuwabara is designed to look and move like the fool and a lot of his development (his and others’ in relation to him, really. Like Hiei) is built around respecting him despite those looks. Hiei is tiny but will kick your ass. Genkai is tinier and will kick your ass worse. 
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Her size combined with her age - combined with her status as Yusuke’s teacher - is a continuous reminder not to judge power by looks alone. Don’t underestimate your opponent and get overconfident (a major flaw of Yusuke’s). Know that you still have a LOT to learn about the world. That woman you assume is just a rude grandma? She’s going to break your expectations over and over and over again. 
Speaking of size, that’s a major aspect of Koenma’s design as well. When Yusuke learns he’s meeting the head of the underworld he starts picturing a massive, demonic beast who (sensing a theme here) looks the part of a supernatural ruler. Seeing Koenma for the first time - an adorable toddler-like being - is an absolute shock. 
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It’s a gag for the audience, but it’s not just a gag. Due to his looks Yusuke is unable to take Koenma seriously, despite knowing the power he holds. 
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Which, even more-so than arrogance, is Yusuke’s greatest flaw throughout the series. He doesn’t take school seriously. His death seriously. Ruler of the underworld seriously. His teacher seriously, etc. Yusuke constantly acts like he doesn’t care, throwing basic respect and effort in the face of whatever authority figure is desperately trying to keep him from self-destructing. He’s on the receiving end of multiple speeches throughout the series (mostly from Genkai) that boil down to, “Care about something, dammit. Take this seriously!” and when he does it’s GREAT. It’s a moment of growth we’ve really built to in a hundred different ways, including how he reacts to others’ looks. Koenma’s design feeds directly into the primary flaw Yusuke is working to overcome. How will he go from a delinquent laughing in the face of the most powerful being to someone multiple worlds can put their trust in? Design assists with that. 
When Yusuke does respect Koenma (even if he still insults/teases him because that’s just an ingrained part of Yusuke’s personality) Koenma’s appearance can change. It’s no longer serving its original function, so he evolves into a very good looking young man (with references to Tuxedo Mask to emphasize those good looks) that just... happens to still carry a pacifier. 
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A pacifier that is revealed as an incredibly powerful weapon that will help save the world. Again: don’t judge anyone or anything solely on their looks. They’re never precisely what you’d assume they are based on your first glance - with the exception of minor villains whose looks serve only to convey their villainy: 
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For everyone else, looks are complex. Two of the most different looking characters (color-wise anyway) are actually siblings, their contrasts reflecting both differing cultures and the emotional distance between them. 
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The scariest looking monsters are just paper-pushers. It’s the handsome humans you should watch out for.  
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And this is our hero, a man charged with protecting three worlds. 
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I could say SO MUCH MORE but this is already disgustingly long so basically YYH (I think) does a great job of: 
Crafting characters that are distinct but not different for the sake of different. They always feel like they belong to their individual worlds and adhere to whatever “normal” is by those standards. 
Tying character looks really closely to the show’s themes and individual growth. Which, frankly, is something I think all good character design should do. 
It’s not nearly as flashy as other anime... but YYH knows what it wants to accomplish and went about it beautifully. Catch me still weeping over this show fifty years from now. 
Peace ✌️
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magichcuse · 6 years
Full Name:  Patrick Humphrey Eggleston
Nicknames: His parents call him cute nicknames like "sweet little cherub" and "darling angel", but they're used casually rather than them giving him a consistent nickname.
Patrick has also assigned himself the nickname "Pat", only for people he deems special enough. This is mainly a privilege for his crush, though friends may use it as well. Unfortunately, he isn’t genuinely close to many (if any) people, so the nickname isn't used much. Maude may use it on occasion, which he doesn't mind despite not associating himself with her. Johnathan uses it too, though Patrick is aggressively against it. He's unable to do too much about it since Johnny is so high up the social ladder.
Age: 12
Sexuality: He's strictly gay- girls don't even make him bat an eye.
Date of Birth: March 13th
Place of Birth: -
Gender & Species: He is a male duck.
Current Location: -
Languages: English
Religion: -
Education: Patrick attends Magic School.
Occupation: Patrick is focused on his studies for now, though he does do some gigs over breaks.
Drinks, Smokes, & Drugs: N/A
His parents, unlike most in their social class, have no issue with fostering their son's love for them and building a bond with them. Patrick loves curling up with his parents by the fireplace, brewing potions with his mom, watching his dad tinker with charms...spending time with them and receiving affection from them is easily one of his favorite things.
His new sibling fascinates him too. Though they're still an egg, Patrick doesn't go a day without talking to them about his day or reading them something out of his textbook. He's excited to see them hatch, whenever that may be.
Theo Daskalakis is one of his favorite people as well. The boy is one of the only people who openly challenges Johnathan Abberquack, super cute, tall, mysterious, and very cool. Seeing that not a lot of people like Theo only makes these feelings stronger, wanting the other boy to know that someone cares about him and will support him no matter what. This means he allows himself to be completely vulnerable to Theo, despite the chance of him being taken advantage of or hurt. He loves and trusts him with every fiber of his being, much to the confusion of his peers. Though it doesn't seem to have a chance at working, Patrick is determined to squeeze through Theo's walls and help him any way he can. He's even willing to let him live with him and his family (which his parents would approve of for their son's sake). Hopefully, he could have even the slimmest chance of getting Theo to like him. Any semblance of a victory is all he needs.
Patrick is passionate about his schooling, seeing it as an opportunity to prove himself to his peers. Magic is something he treasures dearly and definitely is looking forward to teaching his future sibling how to use. Being a professor is something he's dreamed about since he was small- teaching a class on potions and charms (his parents' specialties) is one of his biggest dreams.
Bright colors are something he adores. Though he can't wear his vibrant clothing at school, his parents allow him to dress however he likes behind the security of their manor walls. His room is also colorful, every color of the rainbow being incorporated in some way. A small rainbow flag hangs above his bed, to represent his sexuality and because he loves rainbows.
Johnathan Abberquack strikes a nerve with him like no one else can. With them both being prestigious and blond boys around the same age, comparisons between them are thrown around on a regular basis. Patrick hates being seen as a "dumber, weaker, less attractive Johnathan" by everyone else. His direct competition with his beloved Theo only cements him in Patrick's blacklist. Despite hating dueling, one of his goals is to beat "Jerkathan" in a duel. Though this has yet to happen, Patrick can at least say that he is (naturally) at the top of his potions and charms class. Having being taught these crafts at a very young age unlike Johnathan, who was taught mainly about dueling because "everything else is useless" in Wilbur's eyes, the doe-eyed boy has the clear advantage. Even if Johnathan doesn't really care all too much (Wilbur couldn't care less about how he's doing in that subject, as long as he's passing), Patrick is proud that he outdoes the brilliant Johnathan Abberquack in his favorite subject.
Ebony Featherton is mostly just annoying, though Patrick eventually grows to hate her due to how much she messes with Theo. He jokes that Johnathan and Ebony are perfect for each other because they're both "stupid, snobby, pretentious jerks". He just tries to ignore her at first, but he eventually becomes so fed up with her that he's determined to defeat her in any way possible or wants desperately for Theo to "show her who's the boss."
The dueling professor is yet another person he views unfavorably. Patrick doesn't get how a "perfect hunk of a boy" could come out of a "slimy, old, crazy monster" like him. He strongly suspects that Professor Daskalakis abuses his son at home. Patrick feels like he has to fix the mess the older man has made, no matter how impossible that may be. He's certainly not going to let Professor Daskalakis succeed in corrupting his son- even preserving the smallest sliver of hope and innocence is a victory in his eyes.
Being disrespected makes Patrick so frustrated. Just because he's soft-hearted and kind doesn't mean he'll brush off being called an idiot or worse... if you're talking trash about him, he better not be listening. He's still worthy of respect, no matter how naive he might act.
Bad Habits: His parents are careful to not let Patrick develop any bad habits, especially since he's prone to developing addictions.
Secret Talent: Patrick is fairly photogenic, sometimes finding work in the modeling industry. His parents have been showing him off since he was born and Patrick has grown to love being in front a camera- not in a self-absorbed way, but because he finds photoshoots so much fun. He doesn't see a need to mention that to his peers, however. Most of them are at least a little aware of his modeling career, the boy being prominently displayed in magazines and shopping catalogues. His parents have a whole room dedicated to all of his modeling gigs along with their personal family pictures of him. The family pictures are his favorites since his parents get to be a part of the fun.
Charm making and potion brewing are both large parts of his life, being exposed to them since birth. It's common for him to help his parents when they're working or working on projects of his own. The latter being more common when he's older as his parents grow busier and he becomes more capable of doing things on his own.
Despite having personal chefs, Patrick likes cooking with his family. When Barnaby and Madeleine have the time, they give their chefs a break and make meals with their son. Eventually, Patrick gets to the point where he can cook meals on his own (though the chefs still supervise him until he's grown up).
Crafts are so much fun to Patrick, partaking in them whenever he can. His creations are prominently displayed throughout the manor and his room is truly a room of his own- his parents allowed him design it himself. Plenty of his crafts are proudly shown there as well. DIY things and tutorials are like potato chips to him.
A common pastime for Patrick is making jewelry. At first, his creations consist of loom bracelets and stringing beads. Once he learns enough about charm making, he incorporates these skills into making actual jewelry. The friendship bracelets his classmates used to tease him about become crafts that gather the attention of peers and adults alike.
Modeling is yet another prominent aspect of Patrick's life. His walk-in closet is filled with more clothes than one boy reasonably needs, varying in levels of formality. It wouldn't be much of an exaggeration to say he has every type of clothing item one could think of in every color imaginable. He also knows a lot about composition, everything from his outfit to the background to the pose being coordinated perfectly. To no one's surprise, he uses makeup, but mostly for photoshoots and special occasions. There's not an outfit that looks bad on him or a single lackluster picture of him. He's so presentable, even in the most casual of outfits, that it's almost witchcraft. Despite him and his parents being more than capable, the Egglestons never use spells to enhance or alter appearance. Such a spell could easily go wrong and none of them need the help of magic to make them good-looking.
Fears: Patrick, being as sheltered as he is, isn't exposed to a whole lot that he could be genuinely afraid of. He might have some fears and concerns that are typical in most children, but he doesn't have any specific phobias that he knows of. However, it's not too hard to startle him. Just don't expect more than a scream and an annoyed glare, he might be sensitive than most of his peers, but he's not a coward. He's learned from his parents that there's nothing that he should be afraid of.
Being unable to help someone, even when he should be able to, makes Patrick genuinely uncomfortable. He wouldn't describe it as a fear, but it sort of manifests itself as one. He becomes fixated on helping people and when his attempts aren't working, he becomes more obsessed with helping the person...it's easy for this cycle to trap him in never-ending misery. Eventually, he reaches a point where he is forced to give up on a person. This causes him an incredible amount of agony that is usually hard for him to recover from, feeling like he failed the person in question. He desperately wants to avoid having going through that ever again and his parents try to prevent things from getting that far. Unfortunately, there are some things even his parents can't stop from happening...
Five Positive Traits: 
Sugar pales in comparison to Patrick's sweetness. If there's an opportunity to do something nice for someone else, chances are that he'll take it. Anyone he suspects doesn't get as much love as they deserve gets extra love from him. Being incredibly sympathetic and empathetic, he wants to better the lifes of everyone around him- even if they don't necessarily want him to.
Like his parents, Patrick is a natural at creating things. He loves the methodical approach to crafting things, following directions and blueprints being as natural to him as breathing. This skill is useful in many other areas, such as cooking- which he helps with every morning and occasionally for dinner (when he isn't too exhausted from school). Anything that can be made into a tutorial is something Patrick can pick up easily. Though he has a reputation for being a naive fool, his classmates can at least all agree that Patrick is by no means a bad student. Earning high marks in pretty much all of his classes, he's almost as esteemed as Johnathan Abberquack...almost.
Expressive as a cartoon character, Patrick isn't afraid to show his true emotions. If he likes you, you'll know it. If you do something nice for him, he'll shower you with gratitude. His (usually) sunny disposition can be infectious, bringing smiles to people's faces- usually just his parents, though he's spread joy throughout the school on some occasions.
Patrick is perceptive, which is a useful skill for his detail oriented hobbies. This is also good in social situations, able to see when something is off about a person or picking up even the smallest details about them that give more insight to who they are. This couples well with his giving nature, his gifts to friends and family always having thought put into them. Using whatever he picks up about a person, he has a good track record into giving presents the recipient likes. Sometimes, he helps others find gifts for people if he happens to know the recipient. Naturally, Patrick gets invited to a lot of birthday parties and gets plenty of chances to put his gift giving abilities to use.
When Patrick is pushed down, it doesn't take too long for him to get back up. Sure, he might cry for a moment or two, but Patrick is not easily defeated unless you take advantage of him when he's at his most vulnerable. No matter how many times his peers try to break him down, he'll come back as the same optimistic, kind-hearted boy he's always been.
Five Negative Traits:
Patrick is too kind for his own good, his peers often taking advantage of his softness to make a joke of him or reap some sort of benefit out of him.
Tying into this, Patrick is also incredibly trusting of those who haven't gotten on his bad side. This especially applies to Theo- Patrick trusts him with his life and would sacrifice nearly everything for him. Whether this is necessarily deserved is up to debate.
Speaking of Theo, Patrick has some obsessive tendencies. It doesn't matter if someone or something isn't worth his time, if he really likes something, it becomes cemented in his brain. This obsessive nature of the boy only exacerbates his other weaknesses- any person who is lucky enough to make Patrick obsessed could very easily toy with him however they'd like.
His expressiveness, though delightful, has a dark side. Patrick is unintentionally an open book, alerting everyone around him when something makes him happy and making it obvious when he's hurt with his out of character reclusive behavior. It's also easy to tell if he's lying, the boy being unable to look the person in the eye and tripping over his words as his feathers stand on end. His crushes also are fairly obvious, with the boy's loving and obsessive nature. Pretty much everyone at the school is aware of his feelings for Theo.
Patrick surprisingly (or maybe not, considering how immature he can be) can hold a grudge. If you hurt him even once, he closes himself off to you and it can be hard to earn his trust back. Certain people have an easier time than others, but a Patrick grudge is usually a fairly strong one.
Other Mentionable Details: ( can include mental disorders, quirks, etc. ) 
Tattoos: N/A
Piercings: N/A
Reference Picture: 
Parent Names: His parents are Barnaby and Madeleine Eggleston.
Parent Relationship: Both of his parents are the younger children of their respective families, meaning they- and by extension, Patrick- have less pressure to fit the prestigious mold. His father is the leading producer of magical charms and his mother is a potions professor in an esteemed magical university. Though they were technically arranged to marry, the two managed to fall for each other long before the arrangement was made. When they heard that their parents were trying to arrange them with someone, they opposed until they found out just who their arranged partner would be. Their parents didn't care about their already developed love, as long as they didn't protest the arrangement they were happy.
Patrick was made from love, not out of obligation. Their parents and other family members (who they try to keep away from their son) might want to make another link of a prestigious family chain out of him, but Barnaby and Madeleine just want their son to grow up to be himself without anyone else's intervention. They're accepting of who their son is and ultimately want to see him succeed in everything he sets out to do. Though they worry about their son's crush leading to his downfall, they'd be happy for Patrick if a relationship came from it. They're all about marrying for love and would be ecstatic to see their boy find the boy of his dreams.
Barnaby and Madeleine are nice people, but become terrifying when they're angry. Patrick is blissfully unaware of this side of them (unless he catches them snapping at someone else), but if someone messes with their boy, they're going to regret it. They won't hesitate to do everything in their power to make sure justice is served. Neither of them really care for dueling, but are willing to challenge someone to one if it means someone who hurt their son gets their just desserts.
Patrick is incredibly close to his parents and admires them greatly. He's always showing his love through affection, words, gifts...just like they do for him. They're a mushy, soft family that always makes time for each other in spite of the responsibilities and passions they each have.
Sibling Names: His sibling does not have a name yet.
Sibling Relationship: When Madeleine and Barnaby told Patrick that he was going to be a big brother, he couldn't hold back his joy. Though he likes things how they were, the thought of his family growing bigger (meaning more love to go around!) was thrilling. That, and he could have someone who looks up to him just like he looks up to his parents and Theo. Patrick quickly became fascinated with the egg once it arrived, already taking on the role of big brother. It doesn't matter to him whether the egg is a boy or a girl (or anything in between), as long as he and his new sibling can become close to one another.
Patrick proudly talks about his new sibling with anyone who is willing to listen...which mainly consists his parents' acquaintances and the few classmates that are patient enough to talk to him.
Though the egg is cute, Patrick has to admit that he is a little impatient for it to hatch and for his new sibling to reveal themself to the world. His parents are letting him name the baby since he's so enthusiastic about the new arrival.
Other Relevant Relative(s):
Patrick doesn't interact with most of his extended family unless it is a special occasion, so he doesn't really have an opinion of them. His parents don't seem to like them for whatever reason, so he doesn't trust them.
Barnaby's parents, Atticus and Lucinda Eggleston, make a point to have some involvement in their grandson's life and only become more intrusive with another grandchild on the way. Madeleine absolutely abhors her in-laws while Barnaby just tries to keep the peace to keep the family together. Atticus and Lucinda both aren't accepting of Patrick, disappointed in their son and his "bad influence of a wife" for not making a "proper boy" of him. They want to arrange a marriage for him behind his parents' backs, but Barnaby and Madeleine are fiercely protective of their little boy. This doesn't stop them from trying anyway, determined to "preserve the Eggleston name". Patrick is hurt his dad's parents don't love him for who he is, but wants to earn their approval anyway. His parents try to shield him from his paternal grandparents' disgust (Madeleine's family kind of forgets about her, as typical of most prestigious women once they're married off), but Patrick isn't oblivious to their blatant homophobia and utter heartlessness. He grows distasteful of them, though he secretly wishes he could have a decent relationship with them- without having to change himself.
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