#she fights for ideals she doesnt fully understand
this is not abt the mcu btw. its not even abt the comics
it's not even abt this. idk what to say she literally exists in my mind she rotates in the little microwave there and sometimes screams
edit- tw major violence/gore etc tread lightly
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sourscheming · 28 days
ok so uh, i have never made an ask before so if i do this wrong im sorry but how do you think mic thinks about taco ??/nf
OH MY GOD IM SO SORRY IVE BEEN SO BUSY its kinda crazy but ill answer this now!!
theres a lot to be saud abt how exactly mic thinks abt taco, and its not talked abt as often because its more obvious how taco feels abt mic
i believe microphone cares for taco a LOT, and it’s because taco treats her like nobody else has. originally taco was going to treat mic like everyone else treated her, ie not listening to her and her ideas whatsoever. but after realizing microphone’s ways CAN work effectively despite not being the ideal path, taco starts to respect her.
and thats all microphone has ever wanted, from the beginning. she doesnt just wsnt admiration, she wants to be heard. taco made her feel like she was being heard. thats why she goes to such lengths ti defend her whenever possible. whem knife brings up how taco isnt a good person, mic had ALWAYS defended her because she earnestly believed taco was changing because taco genuniely cared for her and showed it unlike she had with pickle (despite obviously caring abt him too)
the breaking point comes at what microphone wants to be heard on the most; no violence. she doesnt want to hurt anybody and she makes this clear from the beginning with taco. and for the most part, taco respects this. she lets microphone have her morals, and lets her return the paralyzer. she can respect these rules INSIDE the show because she knows that there are other ways to do things.
tacos nature has always been violent because thats all shes ever known, shes not one to sit down and talk, if she needs to defend herself she will fight. she pulls out the gun when egg made noises because she knew she might have to defend herself and mic. she paralyzed mepad because she knew mic and her needed him in order to teleport up there. but she doesn’t outright kill him because she knew microphone would disagree
when taco refuses to make the promise, its her trying to salvage what she has with microphone just incase she NEEDS to. she doesn’t want to hurt mic more by naking a promise she cant keep. she says “team work prevails” because shes hopeful she doesn’t have to use violence. but test tube would have won the challenge without the intervention of taco
but thag broke microphones boubdary, and her trust in taco. and when taco fully believed microphone wanted the attention and praise of others, she knew taco fully didn’t understand what she valued in their relationship
she valued the trust and communication they had, but mainly she valued how taco had LISTENED to her, had heard her
and if taco didn’t understand that now, then she probably wouldnt in the futyre either. so mic needed to leave
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sieglinde-freud · 3 months
grabs ur hands dm ur reasoning rn *looks at you with my big eyes*
YOU GUYS ARE PEER PRESSURING ME WTF... but ok im just gonna post it here then hi tc thank u for the ask :) going under the read more because my initial ramblings were literally 3k but let me see if i can chop it down. cw: LONG. also pic for reference so we know what im talking about
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so the placements all assume the only headcanon thats real going into this is that the morgans are siblings. no canon second parents which means no chrom!inigo or anything like that they all have single moms or whatever idk not important but just clarifying none of that is impacting their placements because i dont want to think about that
black eagle placements were the most fun because the fun thing about that route is that it splits into two more! one thing thats always bothered me is that when that route splits, the only thing that changes is that you either lose edelgard or hubert or you lose flayn. are you really telling me those are the only three students with enough free will to not let byleth pick the rest of their life for them? ferdinand would NOT go to the church i dont care!!! this is something they fixed (kind of) in warriors but in general when picking the black eagles i wanted to keep that in mind too
so kjelle was the first character i looked at and went “i know where you go.” i think she looks at edelgard and goes “you are everything i want to be and more” because what edelgard fights for and how she accomplishes it. kjelle is a very “the strong must protect the weak by any means necessary” which is kind of harsh when its presented to the player in awakening but it is literally edelgard’s whole philosophy. and kjelle is very egotistical (not hate i love her ass so much underrated fav!!) she thinks incredibly highly of herself so for her to bow down to anyone they would have to 1) echo her ideals and 2) be stronger than her. sorry shes never bending the knee to dimitri and claude i dont give a fuck she doesnt like those men. i think she’d understand edelgard’s idea of putting power in human hands and fully commit to the ends justify the means. this isnt really a gameplay rewrite thing im trying to do but if byleth picked the church she would leave. also… please. please please consider edelkjelle… okay guys… for me……..
on the opposite side nah was my second immediate “ohh i know what im doing with you” and its because if byleth picks edelgard, shes out!! granted, i could just put her with lions or deer but how is that fun. its not. nah, being a manakete, would probably be much more understanding of rhea and willing to reach out. being a manakete is probably a pretty isolating experience for her, ylisse or fodlan or otherwise, so i think her finding solace with rhea and flayn and seteth during her time at the academy would allow her to get closer to people more like her, and understand on some level why rhea is the way she is and why governs the way she does. though, still being housemates, she’d befriend edelgard and i think she’d admire edelgard’s conviction and maturity during the academy arc. but when edelgard betrays the church i think she’d take that very hard, and i dont think anything edelgard would say to her would get her to turn on what is basically the family she never got to have (theres also second gen angst potential in here somewhere…)
inigo was interesting to think about and i did almost saddle him in with golden deer but i like the potential of him with edelgard a lot more when i really sat down and thought about it. im pulling more from his characterization as laslow i think but at first i wasn’t really sure if i had a case for him picking between the empire and the church but i decided to go with the empire because i do think in the time he has with edelgard, he’d be a voice of reason for her (to hubert’s dismay). edelgard’s problem is that she has literally no outsider pov and is going based on her own sense of justice that, while its based in good intentions, has a lot of unintended consequences and failure to acknowledge how it impacts everyone else. i think inigo could take a unique role, similar to ferdinand (or lorenz to claude, felix to dimitri) in that he challenges edelgard but on a much more friendlier level. the thing about how that role normally plays out is that its formed on some personal grievance rather than genuine better interest of the people, and i think of all the lords, edelgard needs a friend the most (its why shes so attached to byleth???). and just looking at how hes able to handle xander in fates and how much more introspective he becomes, i think it’d play out similarly here. also i think with the forces of him and dorothea combined they would give ferdinand the worst bisexual panic of his life. ik i mentioned felix/inigo WHICH I STILL LIKE but imagine the layer of angst if they are on opposing sides… ok thanks
was on the fence about gerome until beloved mutual (hi woocy :3) convinced me he would be beagle and im completely down with that. for me, i struck out blue lions immediately. so after that its just a matter of do i think he fits in better with BE or GD and quite honestly. for some reason golden deer gets the rep of being the meme house but aside from lorenz looking a little funny anf claude putting up a facade YOU ALL FELL FOR this straight up is not true. the funny house is black eagles and by GOD it would piss gerome off to be there. i dont think they chose their houses, by the way. i think they got to fodlan and rhea vibe checked all of them immediately so he didnt have a say in this. not only is he stuck with inigo, hes stuck with watching kjelle—the strongest warrior ever probably the only one in the second to match him in terms of raw strength—stumble over herself over their house leader because wwaauuw women pretty LIKE COME ONNNN. though, i do think he’d respect edelgard for her strength, and theres a lot of interesting dynamics for him to explore. dorothea pissing him off, bonding with petra over their enjoyment for wildlife, he would definitely be training partners with caspar, and i think he’d actually be like. really good at talking to bernadetta? maybe seeing her reminds him of how he was when he was younger. maybe he gets her out by introducing her to minerva. much to think about. but in general he would keep mostly to himself with standard gerome “cant get close to people that i cant guarantee will stay with me” fashion i think he probably wouldnt be as close as say someone like inigo or nah would be with the house. so when the time to choose a side comes… i dont think he’d have the relationship with edelgard to pick her. i think he would oppose her ideals, and go with nah, if not flee fodlan entirely because omfg who careeesss…. WHO CAREEESS his ass is in wyvern valley (no i think he’d fight. but he’d def consider dipping)
m!morgan is here because i think it would challenge him. guy who is so cute so earnest so ready to be happy in school learning everything hes ever wanted hoping to come home and make momma proud and oh my god he got put in the most crazy house imaginable. whoever his professor is is probably like wow morgan you have a gift for tactics! why dont you try managing the class for a mission? and being morgan he’d go YES ABSOLUTELY!!! unfortunately this house has hubert. and ferdinand. and bernadetta. and linhardt. and caspar. the thing about robin and the shepherds is that most people immediately respected robin as their tactician and robin was able to connect and befriend most of them fairly easily because they were mostly all sane and normal people. the black eagles are most definitely not and have you guys seen that black eagles seating chart post? well. i just think it’d give morgan a hard time and between him and f!morgan its funnier if its him. also splitting him from the justice cabal for timeskip angst sorry. also i think it’d be cool if he took edelgards side. i dont actually know which way he’d lean thats a tossup like this is a character that i could believe would trust byleth’s judgement and go with them but if its edelgard i think that could set up fun conflict between him and nah. grima vs naga part 2!! though i actually did have him for blue lions first if only because of the three houses the blue lions probably need a tactician type the best but. i like this one better.
so for blue lions i immediately clocked owain like look at this guy. i think owain would see the house of cool knightly chivalrous types fighting for justice and being cool and having swords and i just think he’d be in heaven. i also think, to him, dimitri would be a figure to look up to similar to lucina, but with the difference that they are not family and owain might put him on an even higher pedestal because theres this sense of familiarity he had with lucina thats not really there anymore? kind of similar to ashe and dimitri. and when the timeskip comes, i think he’d be endlessly devoted to dimitri even still, never forgetting who he was before and striving to bring him back, still thinking of this idolized version of him, even if it puts himself at risk. i also think in general, owain would thrive in the blue lions house. felix, ashe, ingrid, dedue, annette— those are all prime support partners for him that have a lot of potential. the blue lion house is very… the way that they are. and something owain shows in fates is that though hes very good at using his theatrics to ease people, whether that be on purpose or otherwise, and by god do the blue lions need it. look at them… jesus.
cynthia is in the blue lion house for similar reasons but i think she has a key difference from owain. while i think owain is the type to go down with the ship, i think cynthia might actually serve as an opposition to dimitri and potentially go against him in a similar fashion to felix and annette in thats hidden in the games files and was never put in the game (WHEN IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN. dimitri doesnt get enough push back in azure moon!! another post for another time though). in their time at the academy, while owain is fangirling over dimitri, i think cynthia would too at first. but fodlan is very different than ylisse, and in particular faerghus treats its knights and specifically women knights very differently than cynthia wouldve otherwise been treated. i think this would push cynthia into questioning faerghus’s ideals (especially in getting close to ingrid who im sure she’d find friendship in) and eventually dimitri in how he seemingly upholds those ideals. when he goes down a darker path in the timeskip, she’d probably take felix’s more critical approach, and i think she could turn on him. for the empire? probably not. but i dont think she’d be as down as owain or ingrid to keep following him when hes not taking accountability for what hes doing. she might find her way back once hes come back to himself but who really knows. not me (<- girl who is writing all of this)
yarnes a funny pick because lions are supposed to be brave and fearless and hes a Rabbit. but obviously yarne would be very aware of that irony and i think it could serve as a push for him to come into that bravery, and thats something i think the lion house could help him do. i think he’d look to dimitri for solace similar to how he does with lucina, and dimitri would be very happy to provide that for him. when the timeskip comes and dimitri is lost, i think yarne would have to find it in himself to abandon that anxiety for a bit to come help ease dimitri, sort of repaying him for his initial kindness (read: i want eyepatch scary dimitri to find stress relief in petting a big ass bunny). also i dont need yarne to be in the same house as petra and marianne for him to interact with them. dont worry thats a thing. also if youre a real one you recruit marianne to blue lions everytime. no i dont know how they’d handle bringing a taguel to fodlan i dont really care either
for severa i think, even if she would rather not admit it, justice and loyalty are very key parts of her character. its buried underneath her mean girl attitude and like five pounds of trauma but its there. and what are the blue lions if not loyal knights with very LOUD auras of sadness? she would be similar to felix in terms of their views on knighthood, and obviously her whole thing with cordelia would put her at odds with the whole dying for your king/for glory thing faerghus has going on. similar to cynthia she’d be very critical of faerghus and dimitri except she’d be that way to his face. she doesnt have the same personal beef with him the same way felix would, and might be a little more like how i imagined inigo would be to edelgard, criticism with the better interest of the greater good rather than formed of personal beef. in the end though, i think she would stick with dimitri. also i think she’d have insane sexual tension with ingrid like i dont think theyd like eachother but like. my vision… do you see it.
bradys in lions partially due to mutual influence (hi zorua) but also because i ended up liking his potential with the lions as opposed to the deer or eagles. he’d have a very cute friendship with mercedes and annette i think, playing violin for them and having tea party gossip sessions. i think he and dedue could bond over being kinda scary but doing what they can to ease people’s fear of them. since thats an insecurity for both of them that brady purposefully takes steps to get rid of (ex: him hunching over is so that he can be eye level with children and people shorter with them so as not to come off as intimidating or more powerful) i think brady could help with that. though if im being so real i dont think he would like dimitri. i think he would stay and stick around and help dimitri get better. but i dont think he’d approve of his bloodlust and be very open with his issues in regards to how dimitri handles and carries himself. sorry guys im not meaning to have dimitri catch so many strays here 😭 i love the guy i just also like when theres conflict here i promise
laurent is in the golden deer because i think he and claude would be very like minded people in terms of trying to discover the secrets behind fodlan and what that means and how to better navigate fodlan as uncharted territory. theyre both foreigners, as are all of the second gen kids, but thats something claude keeps under wraps that i think laurent would be able to tell very quickly (not that it was hard. claude doesnt hide it well its just that everyone in fodlan is either stupid or all the smart people are kept away from him) that claude is from almyra. i think this knowledge could help him serve as something of a confidant to claude. obviously he wouldnt tell laurent everything but when claudes supposed closest allies are lorenz (guy who hates him and prays for his downfall) and hilda (girl who is racist and from a racist family) its just like. well maybe claude should have another friend who is normal adjacent at least, and laurents not the type to go blabbing anyways. obviously both lorenz and hilda (eh. well.) get better about their mindsets post timeskip but i think in the time of the academy laurent would be a very valuable friend for claude and vice versa. in general laurent would do well anywhere because i think most of his interest would be with the technological and scientific advancements of fodlan which is flexible, but i think, with rhea purposefully halting progress and claude being the main guy who wants truth above all else, this is the best spot for him. could hear an argument for him going to edelgard (potential recruit out of house recruit fs) but i do like him with claude a bit more. gerolau angst also.
lucina is in golden deer because i dont want her in the other two houses but also because i do think, similar to laurent, she’d be very valuable to claude and vice versa. awakening world building is horseshit but from what little we do know there is quite a bit of political discourse that lucina probably knows quite a bit about. even if her timeline was thrown into war when she was young, she probably had some form of royal training and can help claude navigate fodlan a little bit. i also think coming to fodlan would just be a very refreshing experience for lucina as the burden of everything is no longer directly on her shoulders, and i think she’d be looking for a broader perspective on life and finding another purpose for herself now that grima is dealt with. i think claude would be able to help her with that and i think she’d be genuinely interested to learn of his homeland once she figures out where hes from (i do think laurent beats her to the conclusion but not by a lot. remember this is lucina aka marth aka woman her disguised her own royal status and was very successful at it. just saying). also while i did say that golden deer is in fact not the meme house, i think they are more light hearted overall in terms of character (does NOT mean meme house or funny house. look me right in my eyes and say the house WITHOUT hubert and linhardt is the meme house. fucking liar) and i think lucina would love that. i want her to get the chance to be silly and childish for a little bit. characters like raphael and marianne and lysithea might help her heal that inner child that she never really got to let out and i just think the golden deer house would be the best place for her
morgan is here because i didnt want her and marc in the same house thats too easy. but while i think claude is the least in need of a tactician type character, him and morgan would be sooooo funny so cute and i need someone who can keep him on his toes. i think he blurts out a plan and morgan goes “ermmm ackchully” and half of the time her rebuttals are complete nonsense she just wants to argue. i think they both enjoy it. i also think, similar to lucina, a light hearted house would be a little better for her. shes much more prone to mischief than m!morgan is i think and i think the deer would benefit from that if only so she can target lorenz and make me laugh. i also think separating the twins would make for fantastic angst down in the timeskip but for now shes just hanging out having fun being a piece of shit. #girl also i think its funnier if one morgan is absolutely thriving and the other is barely keeping his shit together and by god it is way funnier if its f!morgan getting away with everything
noire is here because. i. could not think of a reason for her to go anywhere else! i thought about putting her in beagles but i dont think making that choice between the church and edelgard would be as interesting for her? and i dont think putting her in lions would do anything for her. i think the best lord and the best house at helping her through her issues and being understanding of her mood changes is probably claude and the deer. i could see hilda and leonie reaching out to her, or ignatz and her getting on pretty well, but im not quite sure on the specifics of that. my least thought out placement but also it doesnt matter because it keeps the placements balanced to put her here. i’ll have to give this one more thought…
anyways if you can believe it this is the cutdown version. i know right. i hope i didnt forget anyone that would be really embarrassing
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rookisaknight · 4 years
Raf Tanager, meet Hope County
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⤘⤘⤘There’s a new Deputy in Town⬽⬽⬽
So as a side benefit of getting into this fandom again with a brand new gender and a brand new vibe: a brand new deputy. Excited to introduce you all to my boy, they were developed for a joint Deputy au with @ophiebot​ (who will do this for their Deputy Elijah Rook if so inclined). Not exactly reinventing any wheels here, but this time its about the indulgence.
FYI, Molly is still extant, but her story I think has been explored in my brainspace as much as it needs to be. 
➷The Basics
1. Give their full name, and describe them or post a picture! (Height, build, hair, eye, and skin color, etc.)
Rafael "Raf" Tanager (birth name REDACTED). 5'4", prone to chub but hardening up with the frequent exercise, solid build. Freckles on cheeks that darken as time goes on. Short hair kept red by some truly obsessive hairdye upkeep, which is harder than you might think. Hazel eyes. Burns and shrapnel scars around the eyes and mouth.
2. How old are they?
3. Sexuality and gender?
Bisexual, transmasc genderqueer. She/they/he but a preference for they/he when he doesnt trust the person using them.
1. How did they end up at the Hope County Sheriff’s Department? How long have they worked there?
Raf grew up closer to Missoula, but he’s still a Montana native. They’ve been at this for around 8 months, pretty much right out of graduating college. Even they honestly aren’t sure how they ended up here, just the latest in a series of adrift jobs after graduating, taken primarily to avoid any potential financial dependence on their  family. Probably would have resigned soon were it not for. Everything.
2. Relationship with Pratt, Hudson, and Whitehorse?
Pratt: Used to hate his guts. The teasing felt too much like flirting for their comfort and he was honestly kind of a bully. Now its trickier. He's pathetic in a way that’s hard for them to be around, as awful as that is, because it hits too close to home.
Hudson: Had a massive crush on her for most of their early days that pretty much went out the window post Eden’s Gate. They still try a little too hard to impress her though.
Whitehorse: Intellectually, they resent his passivity since it means a lot of Eden’s Gate ended up falling in their lap and he’s STILL insistent that maybe they should have left it alone when they’ve all had months to realize why that was a bad idea in the first place. Emotionally, well, they’re maybe a little in need of a father figure or two.
Elijah Rook: The former Rookie. They were quietly a little intimidated by him prior to all this and that’s never fully gone away, but they’ve now been able to witness more of his dorky side that makes it a little harder to take him seriously. You try chaperoning this guy from one end of Hope County and considering him at all frightening.
3. Do they have an education?
They have a MASTERS and its never relevant to anything because its a humanities degree, specifically the classics. Part of the reason they’re a little adrift currently, there was no easy dismount out of college. Just a hell of a lot of debt.
4. Where are they from? Did they speak a different language there?
Missoula, or close enough to it. They picked up some Latin and Greek from their degree. The Latin comes in handy more often than you’d think, what with the cult stuff, but the reading material is a real bummer.
5. Is there anyone outside the valley that might have come looking for them?
They’ve never had many friends in college and high school that could outlast physical proximity and they basically ghosted their family since that was easier than coming out to them at a certain point. So no, no one they want to find them is looking.
6. Did they have a religious background of any kind?
His father is a preacher, and while there’s some baggage there they would still describe themselves as broadly religious. Or at the very least superstitious.
➷Inside Hope County
1. What was going through their head when the helicopter went down and during the subsequent chase?
The crash was honestly the easiest part. That was just panic. The chase was the hard part. The helicopter exploding ended up catching them in the face, leaving them with burns and scarring that would remain for the rest of their life. She's lucky she wasn’t blinded. Still, he was forced to stumble out of the woods in intense pain and bleeding out. Had it not been for Elijah they definitely would have been taken then and there.
2. Were they afraid of Joseph and Eden’s Gate? Angry?
Terrified. Not just because of what they’ve done but because Raf knows intuitively that he's susceptible to it. As early as their first encounter they have a hard time breaking the hold Joseph gets on their mind. Even though they’re conscious of HOW they’re being manipulated, its hard to resist it.
3. Did they trust Dutch?
At that point Raf would’ve happily taken literally anyone who seemed to know what they’re doing and wasn’t holding a gun to his head.
4. How did they feel about their team being taken by the cult, did they count them as lost, did they want them back, did they not care?
Absolutely the nightmare scenario: people’s lives depending on them and their ability to be decisive. Had it not been for Elijah they probably would’ve high tailed it out of there and tried to find someone higher up the authority chain to deal with this mess. Still, just abandoning them all didn’t sit right with him either, and by the time they’d liberated Fall’s End even he had to admit he was there by his own choice.
5. How did they take to the idea of being part of, if not leading, the resistance?
Again, Raf doesn’t really do well with people depending on them. Alone. they probably would have found it a lot more miserable, but Elijah significantly helped lighten that load for them in terms of having a direction. They’ve found out they’re accidentally pretty good at working with a variety of people and can even be inspiring without meaning to. Still, in their ideal world they would’ve been left alone, or at least remained a foot soldier.
6. Which companions did they recruit, and who did they travel with the most?
All guns for hire were recruited, but Sharky and Nick were their go-to’s, Sharky for personal reasons and Nick for air support. Grace was usually the adult supervision when Nick couldn’t make it but. To be frank Raf's aim isn’t great and it drives Grace a little nuts on prolonged missions. She’s tried teaching them but it never really seems to stick.
7. Did they have time to find romance amidst the chaos? How did they do it?
Sharky. That relationship was a bit of a cold opener  (and don’t bother, Sharky already beat you to that joke). After getting their face fucked up during the escape they’ve had a pretty healthy aversion to fire and explosives, making his recruitment a little harrowing. Still, Sharky's sweet in his way, makes them laugh and breathe a little easier when the pressure gets to them, and operates on a pretty similar brainwave. They’ve been joined at the hip since their first few months in Holland Valley. They’re both a little on the codependent side, but really, who are they to complain.
8. Feelings about Joseph?
Joseph taps into a lot of vulnerabilities inside of Raf intuitively. The absence of a strong support system, the loneliness, the fear, the directionlessness, the relationship with their own spirituality, it all provides him a unique entryway into their psyche that he is exactly the kind of person to exploit. As a result, he tends to fixate on them over Elijah, usually to their detriment. Still, that connection can sometimes go both ways, and there are things about Joseph that Raf understands which even his brothers never fully do.
9. Feelings about the other Seeds?
John: They have a unique capacity for antagonizing him. Probably because as an oldest child themselves they know exactly how to jab at the youngest child insecurities. Still, that relationship didn’t stem any deeper and he focused his energies a little more on Elijah. Still, they have him to thank for the Sloth scars on their arm, thanks for that. They’re starting to run out of unmarked skin.
Faith: Faith, meanwhile, was a little more directly focused on Raf, partly because her region was the first time they had to operate a little more on their own. For personal reasons, Elijah wasn’t particularly able to engage with the Bliss. Meaning if Burke was ever going to get saved Raf had to be the one to go in there, again and again. Faith, like Joseph, can tap a lot of that loneliness that Raf has, as well as some gender and sexuality stuff Joseph can’t touch. Suffice to say Sharky had a pretty good reason for being as overbearing as he was during those months, even though he was eventually able to do the job. As a side note, they haven’t had access to their ADHD meds for MONTHS and it doesn’t help when the cult drug is the first thing to make your head feel clear in a while.
Jacob: Jacob was utterly uninterested in Raf and the feeling was mostly mutual. He doesn’t really get him or what he’s about, just knows that the county would be better off when he was put down. Transition goals, though (don’t tell Staci they said that).
10. How did they handle having to kill animals and other humans? Had they done it before?
Animals yeah, you don’t live in Montana as long as they did without hunting occasionally. People....well. You can get used to it.
11. Which canon ending did they choose in-game, and would you have changed the ending at all?
Resist. I wouldn’t. Raf might.
1. Favorite weapon(s)?
They usually prefer to show up to spots early and lay traps, try to minimize the direct combat involvement. When it can’t be avoided though, their pistol isn’t ever far and neither is a hunting knife.
2. Stealth or firepower?
Stealth, one hundred percent. Sharky and Eli are here to do the firepower.
3. How did they spend their time, when not fighting peggies?
A lot of bad movies with the boyfriend and a LOT of poker, one of their more unknown talents. Resistance isn’t gonna fund itself.
4. Where did they live during the events of the game?
Wherever there was a bed they could fall into. Their little trailer they’d been living in prior to all this got absolutely decimated while they were healing up on Dutch’s island.
5. Any other facts you want to share about your Deputy!
He’s got almost supernatural luck to the point that a couple of their guns for hire have gotten superstitious about bringing him to certain events. Including fishing. The catch just always seems somehow a little better. Also he’s privately obsessed with the 1998 recording of Cats and is terrified of anyone finding out.
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starrspice · 5 years
Rose Quartz isn't a villain
Unpopular opinion. But here we go
This is My personal two cents. This isn't ordered well its kind of all over the place.
A lot of people (especially since the movie) have been acting and bashing Rose Quartz/Pink Diamond and acting as though she's the cruelest villain in the universe.
And here's why I don't think she is the ANTAGONIST (a person who actively opposes someone or something)
And furthermore why she falls in line as a VILLAIN ( a character whose evil actions or motives are important to the plot.)
As well as a HERO (a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities)
Let's start with her thought process and behavior.
A big thing I see is people saying "HER ABUSE DOESNT JUSTIFY WHAT SHE DID SHES STILL A MONSTER" and it's true. Abuse doesn't justify terrible behavior but it does to some degree explain it. Pink diamond was abused by the other diamonds.
She was constantly punished for acting out, which she did not only for attention from the other diamonds (as she seemed to be left alone quite often ) but also to make them happy (which indicates that they usually are not) and bring the family together. Not only did she act out, but when punished, she was forced to say she's sorry and that she was wrong, for simply trying to make her family happy and feel less miserable herself.
Pink was basically trained to follow homeworlds rules and not to question anything. And was forced to live a life she hated.
Yes. A lot of what Pink did and HOW she acted is due to how she was raised by the diamonds.
Diamonds are taught that THEY are the leaders. All gems and other life forms are lower than they are. And while Pink did, in fact, realize that killing the planets was wrong that may very well be all she realized. Gems weren't made to fuse with other gems, or to rebel, or to find their own path in life. All of those were things introduced by the rebels. The only reason the diamonds are getting closer to behaving and thinking better than they used to is that they had GUIDANCE. Steven helped show them a better right and wrong. He's helped them work to become better people for 2 years. And one may argue that pink/rose had thousands of years AWAY from. her abusers to become better. But the big thing she didn't have was guidance. She didn't have anyone tell her that those things weren't ok. The gems couldn't tell her that because everything they were doing is new to them. They grew and developed as people but couldn't possibly understand a stronger sense of right and wrong since it had never been questioned before and they'd never been told anything except for "Diamonds know best so we never question them" if you listen to Rose's song love like you she REALIZES SHE WAS TERRIBLE but only because she finally had someone to show her how her way thinking was resulting in terrible behavior and causing problems. "I always thought I might be bad now I'm sure that it's true, 'cus I think you're so good and I'm nothing like you. " GREG WAS HER GUIDANCE but she realized that even if she tried to be a better person. Shell always has a bit of her old self. And she may very well think That's holding her back. But she knew that steven, someone surrounded by people better than she ever could be. And by a strong loving father to guide him and make him kind and considerate and the amazing steven we know and love.
I know a lot of friends who have dealt with abuse. And they go on to behave all kinds if different ways. But this show depicts 2 very different ways people can behave after a childhood of abuse. Pink ran off and made her own life, but didn't necessarily become better. She continued living as she had, not knowing her behavior was wrong because she had never seen anything else or been told that it was wrong. She acted how she was taught to act by homeworld, and as for the rebels, no one recognized how bad it was because they lived the exact same way. They were stuck and had trouble growing as people because they didn't know how to grow. Steven taught them. That's why pearl lives for herself now instead of rose. How Amethyst takes pride and lives with the support of her friends and family boosting her up. He taught garnet that it's ok to not know everything, and sometimes you just have to focus on what you can change rather than what you cant. He taught them that fighting doesn't always fix the problem. Pink didn't have a steven until she realized how much she truly loved Greg. How he was different from other humans because he taught her and was willing to overlook the mistakes of her past so he could help her future. Only at the end of her life did she learn that she was wrong, and selfish, and not a good person. The diamonds acted JUST like this. They all dealt with Whites abuse. And realized. They behaved wrongly. Steven showed them that. They had guidance. Yes. Some people can realize the fault in their behavior on their own. But some cant. The diamonds needed guidance to take steps towards being better. And they're still struggling to learn. But they have someone to help them. So they're trying to fix their mistakes. So yes. Pink diamond was a bad person. And she did a lot of what she did not only because of the abuse. But because of how she was taught to think. This is not to void her of fault or to excuse the things she did. But I feel like it's unfair to call her evil and cruel and heartless. EVERY SINGLE VILLAIN in steven universe has had some layer of depth of deeper reasoning for what they did. And even if you consider pink to be the real villain. The same goes for her. Evil is not inherent, just like all terrible thoughts and behavior patterns. Like racism isn't inherent, or bias or prejudice. These are behavioral traits that are TAUGHT. If a killer raises a child. That child may not think killing is wrong. Pink was raised where she was an important person who had a right to everything she wanted and her desires took priority. Once something didn't serve a purpose she was expected to get rid of it. And gems were treated like objects. They were used for walls, decorative statues. Even aquamarine said topaz was of no use to her. And was prepared to get rid of her. we know this is wrong but they don't. Not all of them anyway. Even the off colors thought they were in the wrong for being themselves. It's not as if she did all of this because she wanted to hurt those around her. She did everything how she did because she was taught to think that way or behave that way. We become the people we are through nature AND nurture. But one can have more sway on someone depending on their upbringing. Abd abusive upbringing like pink endured is bound to drill homeworlds ideals into her head that much more. Especially since she tried to go against the grain and was punished constantly for trying to save things and be better.
And a lot of complaints I see is that "if she tried to explain her feelings to the diamonds none of this would happen" but everyone seems to forget. SHE DID TRY. In the episode where ruby and sapphire split and pearl explains everything she shows that pink diamond DID try. But was scolded for it. And was ignored. Just like how white ignored blue and yellow. She used all her authority but it meant nothing. She felt trapped and took an out. She tried to make a change. It started a spark that leads to a rebellion. Gems thinking for themselves. Being themselves. She did do good things. She tried to leave as much good as she had. But she didn't really know good and bad. She is still responsible for her failures and actions. But it's so so SO wrong to just slap a label on her calling her pure evil like she WANTED to do all that damage. Its the same as calling someone a hero despite any terrible things in their past that may have lead up to that. It's fine to classify her as an antagonist because yes. She caused problems for the main character and everyone around them. But it's not ok to ignore the meanings and cause behind it. We all knew pink/rose wasn’t A good person. But it's not ok to belittle her and act like her suffering and upbringing played no part.
It just upsets me when people ignore the history of someone. And I repeat THAT DOESN’T EXCUSE HER ACTIONS but that doesn't mean its ok to label someone based on their mistakes. No. Rose isn't a good person. She didn't know how to be. But that doesn't mean shes a cruel villainess. It means she was hurt early on and never fully recovered.
People who come from abuse can rise higher than their oast and tey to be better. And sometimes they can get stuck in their past and never learn from it. But that doesn't mean it's from a lack of wanting to be better. They may just not know-how.
This explains pinks behavior. And why she isn't an ANTAGONIST. She wasn't ACTIVELY trying to harm anyone or ruin anything. She even REFUSED TO SHATTER GEMS. She had a semblance of right and wrong and what was too far, but that's as far as it went. Additionally, by the time the show takes place, Pink is gone and can no longer actively do anything against steven or the crystal gems.
So. My thoughts on Pink/Rose
Not a good person and not justified in her actions, but came off the bedside of an abusive childhood and was never taught better. Just because she's done a lot of bad things doesn't mean bashing her is ok. Try and think of it like real life. Not everyone becomes better after abuse. And not everyone has the influences and tools needed to become better after abuse. We learn right and wrong from the people around us, so what if no one around us knows proper right and wrong?
Not looking to argue and you can reply with your thoughts if you want. But that doesn't really mean ill respond (im sure ill be flooded with people telling me why I'm wrong lol)
I would go on but I feel like this is too long already
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snkpolls · 5 years
SnK Chapter 123 Poll Results
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The chapter 123 poll closed with 1,732 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
This month’s poll team: alooulla, @attraversiamo19​,  @erensjaegerbombs​ @momtaku​, _Puppet_ , @reikukaja​​, @shifter-lines​
RATE THE CHAPTER 1,732 Responses
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This chapter was down slightly from the previous two but it hardly matters considering ¾ of the fandom have given it the highest possible rating. The manga continues to excite and impress month after month and it shows.
The end has come…
I'm both excited and horrified. I'm still hoping for another twist!
"Eren has a secret plan that doesnt involve genocide" And other hilarious jokes you can tell yourself!
I loved the flashbacks. It was the calm before the storm and we saw the 104th happy for one last time. 💔
Am I allowed to ground my 19 year old fictional adopted son
Amazing and beautifully drawn. I can’t wait for the next chapter
Genocide - Xenocide - Mass Murder - the friggin' APOCALYPSE -- whatever you want to call it, it's not the answer! Unless you're a god. And you know? I'm starting to think Eren is beyond our human judgment.
At first I was disappointed, I couldn’t believe that Eren would choose such a path especially since you have to consider just how much he values life and believes everyone deserves a chance ‘because they were born into this world’. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that there was simply no other way.
The world: we shall banish this devils on that island Eren: NO U
I loved everything about this chapter. It had great humor, drama, violence, bombastic imagery...everything that I love about SNK
Gotta give Isayama the credit, he really put effort and thought in all of this.
I'm having withdrawals already, where's the next chapter?????
cow car cow car cow car cow car cow car
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In a chapter filled with sweet flashback moments, it was “Eren’s declaration of intentions through Paths” that snagged nearly ⅓ of the vote. “Eren and Mikasa’s intimate late night conversation” (17.8%) and “The 104th throwing one last party” (13%) rounded out the top three.
I feel overwhelmed. It was bittersweet. I enjoyed reading the chapter from Mikasa's POV, plus her moments with Eren, Levi and the clown, Hanji saying "Hello car!", Sasha eating... I'M NOT CRYING AT ALL.
Eren Jaeger is best boy <3
Call me biased, I love wholesome moments so much, and we FINALLY see Levi and Hange after EIGHT whole months
Mikasa eating ice cream is the most adorable thing ever
Levi in a suit made me cry, scream, and nut all at once. I was left confused with emotions for an hour on my bed, nearly comatose at 1:30pm. By the time I realized what had happened, I looked at my phone again and saw the screenshots I took and started hyperventilating so hard I was drooling. It was great. 11/10, would do it again.
I really enjoyed the 104th getting drunk together, and it was so... Sad to see Armin ramble at Mikasa whilst she looks at him with uncertainty as he desperately tries to convince himself that Eren is on their side. Also, the moments with the car and Levi with the clown are genuinely hysterical.
Would be die from cuteness overload watching Mikasa eating ice cream!
  WHO WAS THIS CHAPTER’S MVP? 1,778 Responses
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Three characters dominated this question’s responses, leaving the rest relegated to a small portion of the graph. Where have we heard that before?
43.5% of you thought Eren was the MVP of this chapter, while nearly 31% thought it was Mikasa. At a somewhat distant third, Levi is in at just shy of 18%.I can’t be sure why this distribution is the way it is, but my guess is because saving immigrant children is really in season right now, but not nearly as much as genocide.
Eren is a GOAT!!!
OMG! Levi how I've missed you.
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Poll worker #8 here. I haven’t read the rest of the results yet, but I’d guess the lighthearted nature of this question is going to be sorely needed given some of the other content in this chapter.
Onyankopon’s realization that the Paradisians really are just Like That™ got first place in this question, being voted for by a solid 40.9% of respondents. Hange’s “Hello, car!” secured second place with 23.7% of the vote, and Levi, who knows that the gang is Like That™, got third place with a clean 19% for his prediction.
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More than two-thirds of respondents really enjoyed the flashbacks juxtaposed with last month’s cliffhanger. 17% of you liked them, but would’ve preferred that this chapter start in the present, and 9.7% were glad they were there, but thought that they took up too many pages.
The flashback in general might not have been necessary but it was very much appreciated for once. It took me back to the comedy panels Isayama used to scatter in other arcs. It may also serve the purpose of making us remember how much we love these characters before they kill them all in front of us because Yams is sadistic like that and there is no way he won't enjoy our tragic tears. Love him though.
I didn't mind the flashbacks coz it was so nice to see characters like Sasha, Levi and Hange again :'(
I honestly thought the flashback was important, it showed when and why Eren was changing, to later show us what it had led to. I feel like more flashbacks are important before we truly dwell into the rumbling fully.
I really appreciated the flashbacks, the chapter overall was amazing.
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The air around how Eren is viewed has changed immensely since chapter 1, but has he?  The large majority at 77.3% feel he’s developed, but is still the same core person.  12% think he’s a completely different person, and 8.5% don’t believe he’s ever changed one bit in essence.
Eren doesn't really change, all he did was to focus his grudge on the people outside the walls after he knew the truth about the titans and I believe that Mikasa never knew Eren, properly.
He is the same as he ever was, what changed was our perception of him.
He's experienced more of life and developed his perspective under ever-changing circumstances, as we all do, but his core principles appear to have been the same since the day he was born - freedom is his right, and he will have it by any means necessary.
Eren will fight others for what he sees as freedom. Unfortunate, since we can never truly be free of the limitations we place on each other simply by virtue of existing together, but then Eren has never been particularly thorough in thinking things through.
He has changed in the way of his mental state. He is no longer “just” Eren. He is more like his father than ever, and he’s probably having an identity crisis.
Everyone changes as they grow older, it's impossible not to. Especially given that Eren also has the Memories of multiple persons. He even states so in his conversation with Reiner that he now understands them. So he did change, that not the question. But his will the live a life in freedom and destroying whoever tries to take this away from his, this didn't change at all.
He always had the potential to become who he is now, but he was not always a monster. he used to be a fundamentally good person with a dark side. he felt compassion towards innocents and regret/remorse over their deaths. now he locked that compassion away and let that dark side overwhelm him. he is broken.
His ideals are the same but they've amplified dangerously
There’s two sides to Eren. His good side never changed, but his potential for darkness has deepened.
It's sad that his idea of saving what he thought was all of humanity turned out to really only be an idea of saving Paradis. At the start of the series, it gave him an empathetic nature. Now, he's rather cold.
He has changed since the moment he touched Historia's hand and saw that 「THAT SCENERY」
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Eren was acting rather odd this chapter, and while Armin picked up on it he didn’t seem to know why.  We have a pretty even split, with 47.3% thinking he’s having second thoughts about going through with a plan that would put these civilians in harm; meanwhile 45.5% believe he already knows they’re going to die.  3.3% think he’s just in awe of the new people and technology.
A mix of all the above
He is seeing his future memories and want's to see for himself whether or not they are the real truth, and the more he sees the more he comes to find out it's exactly as his memories have guided him
He sees the technology and the people and wonders how humans can treat each other in such horrible ways.
Being consumed but all the past Attack on Titans while experimenting things first time himself. Kind of like a deja-vu.
Both indecision and sadness as well as general depression due to his experiences and having to come to terms with what he sees as the only solution.
Coming to terms with the reality of the outside world, and Paradis' place in this world
General sadness and indecision. He’s seen all this before in memories and I think he’s just broken-hearted
He's searching for any reason not to go through with the plans he's already forming, but at every turn he just sees more that enforces his path (the mistreatment of Eldian refugees, the outreach commission that just wants to use Paradise as a scapegoat). He's spaced out because he isn't looking at little things like ice cream or cars like the rest of them, but instead trying to find any last spark of hope.
Realizing that this place is filled with many people and useful technology but he has to do the plan that will harm everything outside the walls for his own kind
Eren spaced out because he realized how much harm he'll put on his friends but he has no choice but to do it.
He feels nothing because he is a psychopath
Yum, tasty human rumbling patties
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After acting strange upon arriving in Marley, Eren’s seen crying for seemingly no reason over the boy they met.  44.2% believe he’s seen the boy die in the rumbling, 35.4% believe that Eren knows it’s a cruel world this boy has to live in and is fearful of his future, and 18% think Eren knows something else terrible will happen to him.
When I saw that tear running down Eren's cheek, I suddenly felt so emotional that I cried too.
I certainly enjoy the vagueness of character moments such as these. Before I state my interpretation of the scene, I don't think eren knows the boy's fate like an omniscient being. He can only assume the future he saw when touching Hisu's hand is the cruel fate that will snuff the life out of this poor child. I'd say all of the above, minus the "He saw" bit.
He already had the intention of killing every non eldian and has an internal conflict because of this
He already knows he rumbled the world from Grisha's memory so I think he's mourning for every innocents that died bc of that.
He didn’t see the boy specifically. He saw the rumbling. Connecting to the boy makes him sad cuz he probably won’t make it through the rumbling. That’s why he’ll talk to the boy Personally 1on1 (memory shard), something like “you have to do X when time comes to survive”.
He saw himself in the boy and remembered the day he lost his home and his mum.
He's reminding himself of the day everything was taken from him and where he's forced to live in a refugee camp. Also he'll need to boy to get in Fort Slava.
I think hearing all those people talk about how they'll punish the kid reminded him of Grisha's sister getting killed, and he believes its only a matter of time for the boy to receive a similar fate.
The boy and his family most likely will reject and hate Eren after finding out that he is an Eldian. Eren knows that they are good people and they don't deserve to die, but even them are going to push the Eldians away, that why peace between Eldians and humanity isn't possible in Eren's eyes.
The boy was just like him, a refugee. The difference is that the child wasn’t alone in the world, and was able to stay cheerful despite everything.
He knows he finna die in the rumbling
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Some fantastic responses here. The majority of you seem to think Eren is seeking some form of reassurance; that he is a good person, and that he matters to her, but that the scene is not particularly framed as romantic, which as an answer only achieved third place. A number of responses focused on the fact that he might be testing if the Ackerbond is true; though it is debatable whether or not he knows of its existence at this point. Given his access to memories and Yelena’s presence on Paradis, it is not impossible that he does. At the core of the responses though, was the idea that he’s just a young man feeling guilty and seeking reassurance that he matters and is cared for.
He was testing to see if her response would be the same as how he saw it in his partial future vision.
He was questioning how free she was. Is her ties to him because of a debt owned from saving her? An obligation to family? Ackerman loyalty? He wants her love for him to be a genuine choice of hers - freedom.
He was trying to figure out whether or not the Ackerbond is true.
He's depressed and needs to know he matters
I think Eren was trying to find out if his friends love him for being "Eren", or if they simply stay by him because of loyalty. I think he was trying to find the strength to go through with the plan.
Let's break it down. The context of the situation is eren's sadness over the people he will have to kill especially the kids as he was watching the kid even eariler. now, eren is worried that mikasa's care for him is based on the belief  that he's a good person who saves kids but it's not who he truly is, he has it in him to kill kids and he will. So is her care genuine if it's build upon an idealized image she has of him? He asks because he has to know and he asks and he asks again and it takes this many attempts to get mikasa to say her answer slowly. I think isayama wanted to create the impression that mikasa had a different answer in mind(that she's in love with him) then the one she gave and eren could see that so he took it to mean that " family" wasn't wholehearted. He didn't find the confidence he looked for, that her familal love was why she cared for him and not her misplaced loyalty to a saint. He had a shred of doubt that he will take to his meeting with zeke who will tell him about the ackerbond
Maybe he wanted to hear that he is just Eren and not the savior of Paradis Island or some sort of devil.
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Now this scene was very interesting. 47% of you think the scene was ‘somewhat’ romantic; that it had romantic elements to it, that it was romantic on Mikasa’s part but not Eren’s, or some other reason, but was not clear cut enough to be deemed a true romantic scene. Nonetheless, ‘yes’ was on a respectable 35% whilst ‘no’ trailed at 17%. The idea that Eren had seen this moment before and was hoping for a different answer as part of some test of whether or not the future could be changed was a common response, as in the previous question.
He loves Mikasa, thus he wants to know if Mikasa eventually feels the same, so he could have a reason not to destroy the whole world
He doesn't understand Mikasa's attachment to him
Eren has romantic feelings to Mikasa and most likely knows about her feelings to him. He was looking for a reason to change his path and start a family instead of crushing the world. The same was with Grisha, who gave up on his plan and decided to live a peaceful life with his family.
Confirm that the memories are true and to see if His future and fate with Mikasa and their relationship was already decided.
He saw this moment and hoped that Mikasa would answer differently - to see that the future isn't set in stone.
He wanted to know someone was there for him. I feel like once Eren changed he saw the true colors of the people around him and emailed that no one truly understood how he was feeling or tried to get him to talk his feelings out. I honestly don’t think that Eren likes Mikasa like that and I don’t think Mikasa knows Eren as much as she thinks she does.
He wanted to see if the future he saw was preordained. Mikasa answering that and the squad arriving with "perfect timing" made him realize it was, indeed, inevitable.
He was trying to make up his mind if either Mikasa was bound to him because of her Ackerman blood or if she had authentic feelings for him.
he was worried or afraid that he stole Mikasa's freedom
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In a series like this, a happy and peaceful moment like the 104th passing out together after a night spent drinking  was sincerely appreciated. ~980 out of 1,745 of you said that was your favorite part of the drinking scene. 15% liked the part where Yung Fez crashed into Eren best, while 13.6% of you preferred the part where Sasha encouraged underaged drinking, and 8.4% preferred Connie and Jean’s late night resupply trip.
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Here we have a question with no wrong answer! Most of you seem to agree that the scene in its entirety was pretty wholesome and relaxed, something we have been missing for quite a while. That said, we did force you to pick your favourite parts, and Mikasa sleeping whilst resting against Eren won, with Eren surrounded by his friends a close second. A fitting result, for a chapter focused so much on them.
I love the wholesome flashbacks!!! like ugh yes my children deserve 2 be happy :(
Can I join the 104th getting drunk please?!
Drunk 104th squad, best squad.
I feel like the wholesomeness of the drunk shenanigans is a terrifying indication that something awful is about to happen. We needed the other flashbacks but that wasn’t necessary. It seems significant somehow.
I really enjoyed the 104th getting drunk together
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Eren quietly left after one last night of partying with his friends, but why then?  60.9% say he left immediately following the man at the podium speaking due to it signifying to him peace wasn’t a plausible option.  32.3% think he had been planning to leave at that specific time for a while no matter what; and 4.6% say his conversation with Mikasa lead to him choosing to leave the next day.
Either the man's words led him to believe peace was impossible or he's a slave to the predetermined future he's seen.
He became disheartened and made up his mind to carry his own plan
He knew less people would notice and nobody could follow him so by the time they decided to chase him he'd be safe
He got some insight from the man on the podium on how they view Paradis, I felt like he left to truly confirm that this was their belief and peace wasn't an option. Hence why during the marly arc it was said that Eren vanished and lived in Marley for a while before attacking during the festival. + he was following the flow of his vision.
He had further proof for why the future that he saw couldn’t be stopped anymore.
Hearing the terrible speech from someone who they hoped would support him confirmed Eren’s suspicions that the world really is their enemy.
His plan to leave had been forming for some time. He was willing to try and search for some of these non-violent solutions the others were aimed for, but watching that speech just confirmed to him that there were no peaceful solutions for the Eldians of Paradise. Even the people most sympathetic to Eldians in general, still wanted to lay waste to the Paradise Eldians. Eren does care about his friends, and to him, this is the only way to go forward that ensures they will be safe.
He had it all planned and was looking for a reason not to do it, but didn't find any :(
That activist's words were just the cherry on top confirmation that peace was near impossible.
The Eren of the future made him decide to go
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Mikasa regrets what she said to Eren and blames herself for his actions, is she right?  63.5% agree it could have changed something, but never his end goal.  22.6% don’t think it had any bearing on Eren’s actions or goal, and 11.9% believe he would have changed his path completely upon a different response.
Absolutely unsure. It might have made a difference, maybe not. In the end, it's the question if one can change the future they have seen thanks to the Attack Titan, I guess. Or if it's inevitable as Eren said.
Communication with her and his friends as a whole could've possibly changed things
I think that’s exactly what Eren needed to hear. He refuses to lose anymore family. It reaffirmed him.
If mikasa had said anything different than what she said, it would confirm that the future he saw was not definite. That the world would not be ending. That there was a different way.  And he could have taken that path.
He might’ve not done what he did in 112 to Mikasa. A fight could’ve been avoided.
I think Eren would've most certainly stayed with his family (yes I call them family) and changed his plan to align with what Mikasa and Armin favor at the moment, simply crushing the allied forces with the rumbling rather than crushing all of Planet Earth.
He was only trying to convince himself Mikasa was not taking care of him only because her Ackerman blood
It might not have changed his plan completely, but I believe it would have mattered in some way. Perhaps he subconsciously wanted her to talk him out of it.
I think he already knew the answer she was going to give, and by asking only confirmed what he knew. If she would have confessed it would have thrown Eren off for a moment only for him to stick to his plan no matter the cost.
It just affected his mood, not his decisions.
We honestly couldn't possibly know, and I think that is the beauty and the point of the entire scene.
I have no clue but I must scream AAAAA
We'll never know. And I think that's the point.
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Despite the unusual shape and size of Eren’s final titan form, only 5% expressed that they where not a fan of it. The remaining 95% of the fandom was impressed with “WOAH” (42%) being the word that best sums things up
Bruh he can't even move in that form
Bridge titan
His titan is a homage to Godzilla, which was a homage to nuclear weapons so things have really come full circle
I think it just looks cool
I think he'll be over 500 meters. He'll be gigantic. The devil that oversees the destruction of the world. Godzilla Titan. It'll make the size of the Wallossals look like regular pure titans compared to the colossus.
It's a monstrous form to emphasise his monstrous actions.
Maybe it's a literal manifestation of activating the founder's powers from Ymir, but it can be symbolic of him being "unstoppable" at this point.
Renewed rotisserie chicken titan with SPIKES
This is pure conjecture but I think the titan is immobile. The limbs are tiny and if the ribs aren't imbedded in the ground they'll certainly cause a lot of friction. Also, it it very cage-like, and like the houses of Shiganshina it looks like the Colossus Titans are avoiding it. So.., perhaps people will be able to hide out inside it?
What if the two “spine flaps” develop into wings?
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The general consensus is that Eren’s 15117 meter titan is going to have some unique significance. ~20% don’t think it will, and the rest have varying thoughts. Let’s take a look at them:
I figure it had something to with the founding titan power since we saw something similar with Rod when turned into a titan but, other than that I'm not sure
I think it is just a sign that brute force it will not effective to defeat him. That there is another way to stop him.
I think it’s the original form of the centispine
Chekhov’s plane
"size and shape of Eren's TITAN"? I like you very much poll people 😂
It will resemble the size of Yimr’s Founding Titan
It'd be very funny if he just...couldn't move.
No one engages thicc mode for no reason
Somewhat. Seems like the size would make it not be able to move, but it seems like a central node of sorts.
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The fandom was unswayed by speculation about the titans position in the walls and all the things that could go wrong, so it was time for bragging rights.  “I knew Eren would have control of them” was the most popular answer (37.5%).
Curiosity about the rest of Paradis was secondary. “I hope we get to see the status of the other walls” (31.8%) and “They’re causing so much destruction to Paradis” (28.2%) were in the second and third spots. The write-ins were filled with questions about swimming titans. In retrospect, we should’ve had that as an option.
Can those Titans really travel across the ocean? They're big and all, but can they grasp the necessary movements to go through water? They were put in place to destroy THE ISLAND, after all. How slow would they be at that? Rumbling sounds dramatic but there's still plenty of time before shit starts to go down in other nations
Eren seems to be trying to minimize as much damage to Paradis as you can see how the colossal titans are walking organized in a single-file line.
I don't care I'm just worried about the Blouse family!
I hope wall Rose & Sina are ok. If not, then are favs families are in danger.
I knew Eren was going all out on this, meaning making all the walls collapse and this scene was just awe-inspiring and terrifying, holly hell
I hate this, is that an acceptable answer?
I wish we would’ve gotten to see more of it.
I'm worried about everyone, even the people from Paradis. I trust Eren's powers but I don't think it's the right choice. I have hopes that his plan turns out bigger than this.
This is a perfect excuse to see the northern district
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The numbers are in, and JUST shy of 90% of you thought it was really cool to see Eren use PATHS FM to talk to every single Eldian. A few others don’t love the prominence of the P A T H S. Let’s look at a few other thoughts:
A mix of the two. Loved it, incredible dramatic effect, but what the actual fuck PATHS can't do anymore
Awesome. It's important to the plan that Eldians on the mainland heard his message too.
Chilling. Oh my god, the king is speaking.
Fucking awesome and Annie 100% heard him talking
Hahaha what the sweet fucc
It feels weird the way he announced it... something’s up.
Tell everyone he knows his true intentions. Or makes someone make a choice based on what he's planned, which is the real outcome hes seen.
Very Interesting. Annie will likely hear and not be too thrilled.
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The snk fandom? Divided on Eren’s actions? Who could have predicted this!? 31.2% of respondents said that, above all else, they were primarily glad to see Eren’s thoughts and plans finally revealed. Trailing close behind, like Shia Lebeauf, 31% said that Eren’s monologue will go down as one of the greatest speeches in anime/manga history.
23.2% were disturbed that Eren’s plan was about killing billions of people. 11.1% of voters were just Connie Springer on 190 computers, saying, “It didn’t seem like Eren. It gives me hope that this isn’t his true plan.”
You’ll notice that there’s a seemingly missing part of the graph. Nothing is actually missing there, that’s just like, sixty different 1 vote responses. Three cheers for technological limitations!
Both awed and disturbed
Epic, not quite as epic as Erwin's speech from The Nameless Soldiers, but the artwork and transitions between real world and path world were amazing and really added a lot.
He's making himself into an enemy that the world will unite to defeat.
I am sad to see the decision he took. I do understand his motives and I also feel like there's no other way, the cycle of war and hatred would continue until one of the two people is exterminated. Let's not forget that Marley and other nations want to exterminate the eldians. In a sense, he's trying to protect his people, it's a sort of self defense. That's not to say it's the best way.
I don’t necessarily believe it since his flashback/pov is not even shown yet.
Well yeah, I'm in to what I think he's planning
well, it's clear that Eren will be the final antagonist.
Yuuki Kaiji's going to snatch all of us when this hits the anime
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Dedication to Eren in all his forms is clearly evident as 52.9% classify Eren’s nightmarish final titan form as hot.
I hope Eren’s face doesn’t stay that messed up
Eren is a chad and needs more shirtless panels.
Eren's face looks like an Oni mask in the last panel
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We thought this was an important question to ask, as many fans are confused as to the exact nature of Mikasa’s heritage and blood. Therefore, a lot of the responses we got were from fans who thought it was obvious she had Eldian blood; despite this, the majority of you still think she cannot turn into a titan, perhaps because the Ackerman genome prevents it. Nonetheless, a small number of fans also seem to think she has no Eldian blood at all, and is only in the paths dimension due to touching Armin.
Ackerman is said to be sub product of titan experiment. It is possible that Eldian Empire injected Titan Shifter's spinal fluid to non eldian, including Ackerman. They have maybe little DNA of Eldian that related to Titan transformation.
Ackermans are titan experients that use the paths ... so Im not surprised she is there ... I dont think that necessarily means she can turn into a titan
Don't Ackermans have access to PATHS as well, even though they don't have Eldian blood? Or do they have a separate PATHS dimension? I think Levi's on the brink of death situation will answer this
Hasn't it been clear for a long time that she has Eldian blood?
I always thought the Ackermans were of Eldian blood.
I didn't even knew there was doubt
No, she touched Armin
No, she's there because she's touching Armin
She always was eldian you dolts lol
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What’s the expression, “Nothing new under the sun?” Eren’s been talking about destroying the entire world since Season 1, and nearly 60% (58.2, technically) of you guys think he’s actually about to do it. Just over a third (33.9%) of you think he’s totally bluffing, and if I can do math at at least a third grade level, that leaves 7.9% of you guys unsure about whether or not he’s telling the truth.
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Regardless of how we view the full rumbling, 60% of the fandom think he’ll be stopped one way or another. Armin and Mikasa stopping the genocide was the top answer (37.8%) followed by the Survey Corps (7.1%). Zeke saving his little brother (3%) narrowly edged out the Warriors (2.5%). As always, we had plenty of write ins.
Survey Corps x Warriors team up to stop the mad lad himself
All mentioned groups will finally work together to stop him
All of these options are possible, and I'm scared.
Armin and Reiner will probably be the ones to stop him.
Armin Arlert, Reiner (Helos) Braun, and Annie will team up to stop him. titan Reiner will ride on titan Armin's shoulders and blend into the colossal crowd, until they get close enough to stop Eren. Then Annie, awaken by the total rumbling, will use her scream to cause the collosals to consume each other. the end
Armin or Mikasa will have to kill him
At this point, i believe that Zeke, The Warriors and probably someone from the old gang will join to stop him.
Both sides like the paradise/survey corps and Marley/the warriors/rest of the world will work the together as one to take down one powerful enemy, it’s eren Yeager and his army of wall Titans that will destroy the outside lands
Eren said when Armin was dying that Armin would be the one to save the world. Maybe it's something he saw from the future.
Everyone else except Zeke and a few others (like Yelena and Floch) will be involved in stopping him as well as making sure Zeke doesn't get his will either
He won't stop out of his own free will, but something might go wrong and the rumbling will get interrupted before the whole world is gone.
I don't think he will be (or even could be) stopped, but I believe the SC and the warriors will still try to stop him
Yes, every nation in the world + Paradis will gang up in a Great Alliance
I hope he can be stopped somehow but I don’t know how. Poor Ymir might have to make another awful sacrifice. Ugh. Or historia.
I think he will be stopped. I think he WANTS to be stopped. But I'm not sure by who and how
Reiner will stop him, at the cost of both of their lives
I'd like to choose the first option but I don't think A-M will succeed only with 'talks'. I believe they'll be forced to do 'something more' than it.
No "Team Effort" answer?
Ymir will stop him
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Eren’s seemingly finally revealed his plan, and it’s drastic.  But is it justified?  We got an incredibly close split, showing just how divisive Eren’s actions are, but also that there’s a lot of support on both sides.  By a hair, at 50.4%, the fandom is overall condemning of Eren, while the other half at 49.6% can see where he’s coming from.
This chapter made me to understand Eren better. I found that he hasn't changed and he is really in pain. Eren didn't turn into a cruel monster who hates his friends. He is full of pain because he believes that his fate is about killing a lot of innocent people. He was trying to avoid it as much as he could but for some reason the vision of the future was always right. I believe that Eren isn't free but is a big slave of his own beliefs. He is sure that he cannot change anything. Yet he forgot that his freedom is about his decisions and actions he takes.
There is no such thing as self-defense genocide, as much part of the fandom wants to force it to be neither is ever justifiable
There is more to Eren's plan. Perhaps it's a bluff? Or a warning/threat? It will go much deeper than What It appears now.
Opens a lot of interpretations, which I am not a fan of. Eren still has not proven himself to be a villain or a hero. Will have to wait
We need a way to put Eren down. He’s already disposed of Zeke’s plan, now he’s calling out for help. He’s taunting every Eldian via paths to try and stop him, to please stop him. Armin has been foreshadowed as the one to save humanity, and I think now he will live up to it to protect the ones he loves.
I don´t understand how you could justify Eren´s doings. To save his homeland, to protect his family is not enough to justify this genocide. I hardly sympathize with him, and killing each and everyone of his enemies is not the right solution.
The chapter was great but seriously ppl who are trying to justify eren's plan and motives just need to calm the fuck down
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Token Eren supporter here. This graph speaks for itself, so instead of rattling off numbers at you guys for like, the fifteenth time this post, here are some fun, relevant facts:
You can’t spell slaughter without laughter!
There are an estimated 12 times more trees on the planet than there are stars in the galaxy. That’s a LOT of places to check for a centispine.
Eren Jaeger did nothing wrong
Those are some neat facts! That’s probably because I’m a genius and I’m way smarter than everyone, because I support Eren Jaeger. Now before you REEEEE in the comments, here are the thoughts of the unwashed masses:
At this point, I see Eren is a example of 'You either die a hero or live long enough to you see yourself as the villian' and somewhat of anti-Villain.
Eren is not *the* villain, but he is *a* villain. SNK has always emphasised multiple points of view. There will never be The Villain.
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Thoughts on Eren’s plan are very interesting to look at, so let’s look at these numbers on the graph in another way.  While the majority, at 57.8% agree that Eren’s plan is the best route, they admit it’s cruel.  So while this number outshines the total 34.9% that don’t side with him, both groups of not siding with him outshine the 7.3% that gave Eren’s plan the best moral ranking you could out of the options.
Even I, eternally wary of Eren and all extremist characters in general, was surprised that his plan was unlimited destruction rather than offensive attacks until capitulation. The wholesale destruction of every living being without actually knowing whether they personally hate and fear Paradis is vicious and fearful beyond what I expected from him.
Eren is a great MC for his grey areas so I don't like people reducing him to just evil when it's clear that it's his desperation and love for the Eldians what led him to this. I hope when the anime comes the public will see the bigger scheme and not just hear the words of a "genocidal" because that isn't Isayama's intention at all.
Eren did nothing wrong! But seriously I question if there was really another way since the ones ruling the rest of the world are determined to end paradisians if not all eldians. Eren being able to see glimpses of the future is a curse which drained him and ultimately he wished for things to be different but the world would not allow that.
It upset me because genocide and I want to think there’s another twist coming but I wouldn’t say it’s ooc if the spade is indeed a spade.
Already knew his plan is mass genocide. Now my only hope is for his friends to stop and defeat him.
I think the outcome of his plan will be really bad. Even though I understand his intentions and don't even think he's a villain at all, someone will have to stop him and "set him free" just like he did with Ymir. I think that we're gonna lose Eren forever and that makes me really heartbroken.
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Historia is still a big question mark at this point, do you think she’s in line with Eren now that we know what he wants?  A little less than ⅔, at 63.5% say yes they’re working together, whereas about ⅓, at 36.5% still aren’t convinced she’s aligned herself with him.
This is Eren moving his Chess piece. I’m excited to see Historia make her move. Then to see how the Warriors and rest of the world are going to counterattack.
I'd love to see Historia's POV sooner or later
Eren already made up his mind since he talked with Yelena and Historia before his depart.
What does Hisu think about all the kids who weren't lucky enough to be born within the walls being crushed to death? Is she still determined to rush out there and tell them that they should have been born? Because there are gonna be a loooot of kids who wish they weren't born if Eren succeeds.
I hope we'll soon get to see Historia & Annie.
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With the series winding to a close, we want it all and we want it now! While the Rumbling (27.2%), present day Levi and Hange (24.8%), and Historia (24.2%) are the top 3, requests for Annie have been up slightly with the last two chapters. The possibility of her being in the PATHS realm is strong. She was mentioned 21 times in the write-ins.
I just. Need Annie. For god's sake I can't go on reading snk without her I-
I want more rumbling and less flashbacks.
I hope to see Annie in the next one, that's all
The last question was unfair, there are so many thing I want to see next :D of course annie historia levi hange, as always. But I chose the eren-fez boy memory because it's the most relevant part now and I fear that if we don't see it now we'll never see it.
I want to see Annie and Hange/Levi AND rumbling AND more drunk 104th AND Historia and OMG pls show all in next 40 pages Yams thankx
Rumbling and Warriors! I want to see jean, reiner, and connie react to earth devil eren who is transforming in front of them. Mayne we'll see a reunion from jean/connie with their former brother figure Reiner. They'll work together.
I understand that flasbacks are very important, but I hope to see present-time action more
Less flashbacks, more rumble
Levi anda hange come back in beg you
Why can't I pick all the options for the last question :(((
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Reddit continues to dominate the discussion field, followed distantly by Tumblr. The mind absolutely boggles trying to understand why there could have been an exodus of Tumblr users that used to discuss the series there. I still remain thoroughly convinced that you four that voted snapchat either all know each other, or you’re all voting it for the meme. Nonetheless, unironically, jokes aside, in all seriousness, so there can be no doubt, genuinely, we appreciate poll takers from all platforms!
Awesome!!! Cruel, but Awesome!!!
God I had missed Levi so much
AoT has been one heck of a villain origin story
AoT has been delivering amazing chapters non-stop, and I fucking love it
Just hope floch lives tbh
My heart is shattered because of Eren. I truly love him and don't him to suffer anymore. I don't want to see Mikasa and Armin suffering for him again (I will never recover from chapter 112. I literally cried my eyes out when I read it).
I believe in Eren even if I don't like the fact that he's ready to kill (as it seems) the rest of the world. We still need some more fb and the one we got was amazing. It was really moving. I can't wait to see what happens next
For the past year, the manga just continues peaking and peaking. Eren is the greatest character in the story and these last 5 chapters have each been contender for the greatest chapter.
Incredible, Isayama has nailed how to tie flashbacks into what's happening presently in the story. This is by far the darkest chapter yet... can't wait to see what's next.
Best chapter of the entire story in my opinion and possibly the best chapter of all manga.
I hope this doesn't go the Code Geass route.
Best. Chapter. Ever. It puts everything together. I can't wait to see the next chapters, especially Eren's POV, though I kinda think we might only be getting it in the very last chapter.
The logistic problems of getting the wall titans to the other nations alone is enough to make me question whether they'll ever make it before Eren is stopped. Literally how are they going to get across the ocean? Stick rafts (I mean we've seen Eren's titan build a stick house before so that would be quite fun to me actually)? I sincerely doubt Eren is going to Paths-transmit a frontcrawl swimming lesson to them, and if they just trundle across the ocean floor they're going to run out of energy since neither sunlight nor moonlight can penetrate to that depth. AND they're gonna crush every fucking thing between them and ocean on their way!! Those things are far too massive to manoeuvre themselves around Paradis civilians. I just...don't see how this can work even if we DON'T look at the moral implications!
Founding Titan is overpowered as fuck. I can't stop thinking about that panel from chapter 2, when Reiner says Eren is the worst person to have the founding titan. I guess he was right
I felt that it was odd for eren to declare his motive especially when he knows Eldians from Marley can here it as well, I felt that he had ulterior motives.
Who needs cell phones when you have Paths?
Although I knew it was coming, I feel disappointed that the series went this way. Worldwide destruction is cartoonishly evil so I had been hoping that my fears wouldn't be realized. If we had to have this, I would have rather at least followed Eren through the events and gotten his direct PoV, rather than having his PoV become the new mystery drawn out over the course of a few years' worth of chapters, just to end up with this easily-guessed endgame, and only getting brief flashbacks to make us understand how it got to this point. I'm really underwhelmed by this arc.
Didnt think he'd legit kill every human. Doesnt even make sense. He doesnt really know what people think outside of what he's seen/what Kiyomi says. Talk about being ignorant.
Honestly, this may be dumb of me but I was expecting something a bit more nuanced? And, maybe it is we'll have to see. I'm not disappointed, but i guess I'm not all that surprised either. I'm more like, 'huh. i see'
I don't buy that he really wants to annihilate everyone outside Paradis (think of fez kid and family!) so I'm mostly curious why he needs to tell a lie only Subjects of Ymir will hear.
@the question "is eren the villain". I answered no but he's definetely *a* villain in this story.
Before reading this chapter, I was expecting to see mass destruction and I thought I was gonna be really sad while reading it, but I really like how there was a flashback. I know after the cliffhanger from last chapter, I didn't want a change of perspective, but I was actually happy to see the squad together in Marley because I do miss them all together ...I also really loved Levi in the flashback. It was hilarious when the clown thought he was a kid and I loved how he saved that kid who pick-pocketed Sasha. Seeing him the flash back made me realize how much I missed him and I really hope he is alive the next time we see him because he deserves to survive the end.
Christ, Eren is scary. I really hope he doesn't succeed, his plan won't bring peace
Drunk 104th squad, is the best squad
Eren is about to pull a Lelouch so much.
Eren is more like Light then Lelouch
Eren is risking everybody on Paradis since he destroyed the three walls. It's not like he gave a delay for everybody to hide behind Wall Sina and unleash destruction with Wall Rose and Maria. The battlefield happens to be lucky because the city is deserted and Shiganshina is the southermonst part of the walled section. But in the meantime Eren is terrorizing the entire population on the island and might even kill those in the way. He's not doing this for Eldian supremacy either since mainland Eldians fall under the scope of his attack. Hell even their allies, Hizuru, are on his target list.
Everything about this chapter is SAD, eren leave his beatiful life with his friends, make a big responsibility on his shoulder ALONE, His friends denying about his behaviour change, forced to see a horror scenery in his mind (from future or past memories), and so yeah i hope eren will be "saved" by someone dont make him a mass murderer because his decided future. Someone like mikasa and armin, please..
the artwork in this chapter was quite fantastic. Some really good panels, and the last double page was just phenomenal. 11/10 for the artwork.
Given Eren specified that the walls' hardening had been undone, I think we will not only see Annie return given her hardened crystal may shatter, but I think next chapter we will see the return of all of the characters we haven't seen for a while as they look onto the horizon to see what has begun
There have been many warning signs throughout the manga that Eren’s ultimate goals have always been extreme, extreme to the point of complete annihilation, starting with the desire of completely annihilating the titans and then everyone who isn’t a subject of Ymir.
I definitely liked that we get a flashback, showing our favorite characters together one last time before everything goes down. But I REALLY think it’s about time we get to see Levi & Hange, especially Annie again in the next chapter.
I don't understand how so many people in the fandom are shocked that Eren wants to destroy the world, it was pretty obvious for a while. Also I'm really disturbed how many of his rabid stans still defends him... I mean, c'mon, you can love him and understand his reasons, but justify him and rooting for him is just fucked up.
I enjoyed it overall, but i did not expect or like the fact that the flashback took around 70% of the chapter. Specially when the flashback itself does not provide any kind of new information that we did not see in other chapters, other than the fact of showing us the Paradise main cast being on Marley for the first time, wich i loved.
Nothing can justify genocide, but I understand and feel sorry for him. This whole chapter is about him crying out for help, trying to change the future events he’s already seen, hoping desperately that SOMETHING will go differently and that he won’t have to do what he has to. But the world of Attack On Titan is a cruel place and the conflict between Eldia and the rest of the world won’t go away until one of them is destroyed. Zeke chose the world, Eren chose his country, his people and his friends.
I like to think that Eren at his core really does only wish to save the people he loves and promised to protect and fight for, and that he doesn't really want genocide and will even soften up soon, even if he needs help to be snapped out of it first. I also like to think his whole being, mind and ideology and all got convoluted when mingled together with the wills and memories of so many other previous titan holders, and that not everything is his own genuine will or wish.
I really hope Eren's solution will mirror the 'miracle' that happened between Uri and Kenny back in Ch. 69. Uri asked whether it was violence that averted their path of mutual destruction, and while Kenny makes a snarky remark about how Uri grabbed Kenny with his titanized hand, I think there's some truth in that. Perhaps Eren will clutch the world with the wall titans and stop the rumbling just short? Though I can't see Eren going to his knees like Uri did, so this may just be wishful thinking. Guess we'll see next month.
I really love how Eren turned out although some might think him as a heartless person. But that scene with him silently shedding a tear shows that he still has emotions and feels empathy & sympathy towards others. He is still very clear of his goal and plan and his courage to do what he thinks it's right even though everyone has doubts towards him really shows his courage to always move forward no matter what. I don't think destroying the whole world was his true plan after all, it just seemed way too far fetched for me. I can't wait for the next chapter to reveal more of his intentions and plan.
I really love the chapter because it was wholesome and tragic at same time which the author is good at balancing bittersweet stuff to his work which I love and respect him for doing it
I think it is time to the Ackermans to shine in this final battle. They cannot be controled by the FT unlike the rest of the eldians (including Historia and Zeke). I bet my money to Mikasa to become the "reincarnation of Helos" and defeat Eren (with a tons of angst betwixt). Kill your beloved one? sound like another twisted and evil idea from Isayama to make us suffer, his readers.
I thought I'll say that but here I am. I believed there is enough good in Eren Yeager to fight for all people. I was wrong and that hurts. I'm totally suing him.
I thought Ymir would do the rumbling though. Ymir, please show yourself more!
I’m so sad.. I love you Eren.. please use your pretty brain even though I know you’re trying so damn hard I love you and you deserve better
Isayama was attempting murder with that Eren and Mikasa conversation. I never thought he would make Eren ask something like "what am I to you?" to Mikasa in fucking canon and I almost died while reading.
i really miss when everything was about just killing titans, even tho i really like how the story is developing at this point. i could never imagined it wiil be like this.
look guys I know diplomacy isnt flashy and you want Eren to be the tormented anti-hero fighting for the little people. but I swear some of you are thirteen years old with the level of nuance you can apparently handle. Gabi is devil incarnate but Eren is justified in murdering billions of people he's never met or talked to because he's afraid they might not like him? You need to be better than this.
Looking forward to seeing the carnage Eren unleashes after years of abuse from Marley and the outside world.
Masterpiece!!! Love it!! It’s like you got a little bit of everything in this chapter! Mikasa POV, The Rumbling, a little bit of fan service, the Eren and mikasa talk .. 10/10
Eren using titans to kill his enemies? That the first king. This is the reason everyone hates Eldians, Eren what the fuck
Kiyomi is the most fishy character of Snk. I have noticed Kiyomi seldom makes eye contacts with the Survey Corps during the talk. She definitely hides info and lies to them.
Remember that you would most likely not be on Paradis. You would most likely be minding your own business, rocking your child to sleep or visiting your grandma, when that wall of titans came to crush the life out of you for the sin of being born in the wrong place at the wrong time. And if we thought that was unacceptable when it happened to Eren and co. then we must consider it unacceptable for every other innocent civilian caught in the crosshairs of war.
Seeing the "hero" descending to full villain and it being true would be crushingly sad, but cool and very daring at the same time. I'm not sure if it's definitely what Isayama is doing, but it'd be very ballsy and I'd adknowledge that. I love irony and it would be very ironic so, yeah.
Shows how miserable Eren's life truly is. He clearly doesn't want to do what he is doing but also understands that it NEEDS to be done. It can be only him and nobody else. How we went from an angry boi to a literal god.
SnK is the only series that can make me simultaneously want to see Eren fucking obliterate everything, but also want to see "those days" come back.
Starting of with the *many* elephants in this rom, I really liked how Issayma portrayed the colossal Titans marching. It looks so gloomy and dark. The flashback parts were so wholesome, especially for a a chapter about genocide. Having this shift in tone from the start was a great idea. I'm still not a fan of Eren destroying the entire world. I know it's the probably the only definite solution but I'm starting to like Zeke's Plan more now lol
Team Eren. Reset the world!
The beginning was so freaking cute. By the end, I felt disturbed and disappointed. I thought Yams was doing something that didn't make sense. But now I strongly feel that we still haven't had Eren's real plan revealed to us. Eren intends to sacrifice himself, letting his friends defeat him to convince the world to see Paradis in a different light and make peace possible.
The flashback in general might not have been necessary but it was very much appreciated for once. It took me back to the comedy panels Isayama used to scatter in other arcs. It may also serve the purpose of making us remember how much we love these characters before they kill them all in front of us because Yams is sadistic like that and there is no way he won't enjoy our tragic tears. Love him though.
Zook faceplanting the sand is a power move
What a chapter! Feels like last final breath before shit will hit the fan for real, can't wait for next chapter...
70 notes · View notes
supreme-stories-z · 5 years
Cosmo interview
Tell us Macarena, who is Barbara? She's a very chill person, she has an exceptional sense of humor that surprised me since we met, also she has a lot of swag and style and that's something i really appreciate. I like that she's very transparent
Barbara, who is Macarena? A person that really knows what she wants. She's always creating conections with people in general and with her family, organizing everything to hold on to them. She's very smart, sensitive and so beautiful
Macarena, what would yo like to see on Valentina's life? For her to not need approbation from others
And you Barbara, what would you like for Juliana? For her to fulfill her dreams and show everyone that all that matters is believing in yourself to get what you want
Macarena, what's a normal day without cameras? So normal. Generally i'd wake up early in the morning, even if i don't like it very much, but as i travel a lot i have to. I do excercise every day because i realized that it really grounds me; it's not to look good but to feel good, i like to be strong. I always try to give myself a moment during the day to talk to someone i love, maybe a friend or family, i like human contact and i try to do it everyday. I do everything in my power to work and then go to dance or have a cup of wine, or to a music festival or travel... everything that's living life it's very important, because we never know when will be our last day.
And you Barbara, what's a normal day without cameras? I love to spend time with my family and i try to cherish my friendships, so i go from place to place around the city to give everyone a little bit of my time. I love music, it gives me the chance to imagine a lot of stuff. I like to even go eat by myself, is one of the things that i enjoy the most in my free time.
Macarena, what do you admire about Barbara? A lot of things. I'm a person that really has to concentrate in something, because i can't do a lot of things at the same time, and she has that ability to be present here, make laugh the person in front of her and say hi to another person without forgeting that she's working. She does a lot of things at the same time, and all of them are well done, i admire that so much.
Barbi, what do you admire about Maca?
I admire her honesty, how transparent and clear she is about what she wants and her way to do that, because it's easy to get things cheating in this business, but she knows how to get what she wants, while me, i'm a little more scared about going for it. That's something i need to learn.
What did Maca feel when Valentina came out?
I think that's the scene where she really is aware of what she's going through. When she tells her brother it's the first time she says it out loud, because she hasn't even shared it with Juliana yet. She can finally express how much in love she's with a girl without knowing what she's gonna do next or what everyone will think, which desicions to make or how to react.
We did that scene in one take and the guy i did it with is Barbara's boyfriend, he's my brother in the story, so it was nice because i was talking to him about her real life girlfriend. It was a very tender moment, very moving and we both lived that nervousness and really teared up, we lived it on the flesh, we connected. Valentina felt free and a lot of clarity; the tricky thing is that the world ask us to label something that we're not even sure about, it's so unfair because everyone has the right to not know. For the first time she did it without the obligation of thinking before she spoke and that's when she asks herself, "did that really went out of my mouth?" she was thankful for being able to feel so free at last.
And what did Barbara feel when Juliana came out?
I felt so relieved; the situation was a lot more complicated with Juliana because she didn't have that much family or knowledge about her surroundings, for her it was very difficult to talk to someone... how do you come out in that situation? i felt really proud as Barbara, you need great courage to do something like that when you know you don't have those loving arms to protect you at the end, because it's only your mom and you, and it's very possible that she wont accept you. Juliana felt like that woman that she wanted to be, that woman that was trapped and couldn't come out and there's nothing more beautiful than that kind of freedom.
What makes you different from your characters?
B: the maturity and a bunch of things that now, as Barbara. i can understand and that Juliana still have to live through, but i identify a lot with her.
M: the same.
what's the biggest change in your acting for both of you?
M: i think everyone struggles with saying "no". We are taught since very little to never dismiss any oportunity even when you don't agree with what you're doing, we have to please everyone, and since i've met Barbara i've seen that clarity in her, about what she wants to do and move foward, she has this sweetness and capacity to say and execute things, that in a way empowers her because now she's always sure of what she wants. We were saying minutes ago, there's no place for half truths and not being transparent, life it's already so complicated for us to be pretending something we're not, so i think that's the most significative change. I know that for her this is really important.
B: I don't know, i thought more about our relationship, now we have a lot of trust in each other... now she's a lot more open with me.
Where do you want to direct your careers?
B: i'm not sure. Personally i look foward to challenge myself every day and do the things that i'm more afraid of, i love that... for now that'd be my dream.
M: I've never liked to set limits for myself, i always say that our imagination it's so little compared to the universe, what i look in my own career is to be able to follow my intuiton, that's the reason that brought me here. i want to be able to really feel my projects, to say yes "if i feel it" even if everyone else is saying "do this instead", We have to be a little cold blooded -in a good way-, have that kind of serenity and ask myself "what do i really want?", and keep having that priviledge of choosing where i'm going.
For both of you, what is love?
M: Love is to be present *very tricky translation btw*
B: Love is to put you on a test, is loving on good or bad times, is fighting and changing over time.
What do you look for in that special person to know you're in love and feel fully happy?
M: Hijo! *express surprise* i think we are wrong since the thought that the other person has the responsibility to make us happy, because i think that the first person that you've to fall in love with is yourself. If you let that be someone else’s responsibility, i'd hit you hard, because the day you stop being happy, then what? are you going to blame the other? For starters, i think you have to be responsable for yourself before you engage in a relationship with someone else and build a team. I always say, the “other half” thing i dont get it, i think we're both full oranges that complement each other. But first you have to be okay with yourself, because if you aren't, thet it gets really complicated.
B: i think being in love all the time doesnt exist, it's imposible, then for me love is just that. You're not always going to be 100 percent with that person but you still know they will be there for you, It's loving them like they're and them loving you like you're and pushing for a better version of yourselves.
How do you prepare for your roles?
B: As an actor you have a set of tips or skills, like writting, imagine about that person and in my case, i tought "what do i want to do now?" I know the character is written but besides that, i want to discover what i want to put from me in it. It's very difficult for me to describe, i feel that in the moment we're recording i'm really in their shoes, their life, and that's the moment when the magic starts.
M: When you find the place for you in the universe and understand your own human relationships that exist around you, your family and your fictional loved one, it gives you a lot of perspective. I mean, what the other person thinks and what they feel always affects you.
We broke it down lots of times, do you remember? The firsts episodes were really complex, beacuse a lot was happening. untill we kind of found our own flow. We broke down all the episodes and that's when we knew where the climax was coming and we build the story backwards with that knowledge, which made the process very interesting.
What does ir means for you to be representatives of the LGBT community?
B: It's an honor. I think that in life we have to do important statements, what you're pasionate about you have to take it beyond and do good for the world. I know this story has been so important for so many people and they put their trust in us, so definitely it's a great honor.
M: I think it brings sense to it all. I have a lot of ideals and most of the time it's hard to know how to approach them witout jugdement from outsiders; with this it all made sense, i found a way to support genuine people and it was a team effort, so to speak. It's okay not to be sure, it's okay if you regret it, it's okay to ask for forgiveness, things that are so simple but yet so hard.
I was saying earlier, for me this mesage was important because this are things i really belive in and are values that i have thet i want to shere with people out there. Our responsibility as spokespersons is not only with the LGBT community but with all the women out there fighting for their rights. It's very important to raise our voices, it doesn't matter if you define yourself or not.
B: i agree and also the important thing it's give support from the heterosexual side, no?
Someone close to you had a not expected reaction to your roles?
M: it's amazing the love this generated, you realize the need for comunication and acceptance, because every single one of us belongs to a minority. We just want to say, let's love each other!
Any woman has stopped to say pick up lines to you?
M: yeah and it's amazing, i'm very impressed, they even asked us to marry them!
B: That's the biggest accomplishment, Yeah it has happened, they didn0t sto us to say pick up lines, but yeah they have done that, they're very respectful
According to Juliana and Valentina, where does the strength of a woman resides?
B: in believing in yourself, because anything can happen if you belive, it's true.
M: Yeah and Barbara and Macarena also think the same. Also live with intention and not with expectations, because you can get very disappointed and that's not the case. Dreams are built not fulfilled.
At last, what resposibility does the media have with these kind of roles?
B: just to portray it as it is, we have to see things as they are and talk about them as we normally talk to each other. It's just another love story, with no labels.
M: its pretty amazing the message that's geting out there but the responsibility is mutual, because we can't share this without your help, or the producer or the writer. We are just the face and voice but behind - and also foward- there's a bunch of people. We have to thank you for this space because that's what makes the difference.
What does it means for you to do COSMO?
B: the triumph of love, no matter the gender
M: this is the triumph of the Juliantinas! of us, the team, because we also believe in this.
PSA: Maca is very tricky to translate, she speaks in riddles, even in spanish haha, if something doesn't make sense point it out, just did this at work trying to not get caught by my boss.
PSA2: Corrected a lot of stuff and also there was a first part of the interview that i added.
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ririnpoga · 4 years
Ok anyways yeah 2 am. And i just. Rambling timee
This will most def be gone tomorrow but anyways
Most of the time ive been called a villain apologist and ykw? Yeah, i am
I never felt a big enough attachment to the pure and morally white heroes, not at all. Their actions never really hitted me the way that someone who was opressed by society fighting for their own ideals hitted. In one hand you had a person with the upper hand, fighting for something the entire society believed was right, while the other fought for something they believed would be better, and i do think this is also the approach id have towards stuff anyways, because i don't want rules being pushed onto me
I wanted to form my *own* living world, and in a sense i feel this is one of the reasons of why i just. Really enjoy toga and dabi as characters
And even when they actually are fully evil? They're still great and a lot of fun! Sure, i can't fully relate but there's something so great about a villain who acts this way just because they *can*!
Still, people always told me i was in the wrong for this, and i think this is where came a very specific love and interest of mine: blank characters. Characters who have nothing on them, you are the one writing them and their story, be it on a game, story, series or anything else! They just feel so much more interesting than this because they arent someone who will be the same for everyone, and while my first experience with such a thing were rpg maker games like Ib and Yume Nikki, where the character didn't really have a strong personality and could have been seen as different interpretations... I think there's two main points i had during my life with these blank characters: undertale and vocaloid
Let me start talking by the possible simplest one to understand: all the frisk's and chara's are different from others in undertale, they're never the same. Someone can see chara as the villain who made frisk kill everyone, other sees chara as a traumatized child who watched *you*, the player, kill everyone important to them. They're blank characters, frisk themselves has no personality at *all*, just following your instructions at the game to complete it with no problems and finish a pacifist, neutral or genocide route. ALL of these frisks are different, and i think that's most noticeable by your "level" in the game, it shows that yes, it's still frisk, but something is different: they arent "good" anymore, but morally grey
They were a blank state, and you ended up filling frisk with blood
And i think this was the first time a blank character ended up getting a LOT of attention from media. Undertale is honestly amazing and i never understood why i felt so much attachment to it and these two specific characters until recently: they dont have a fixed personality, im the one who's supposed to interpret them however i want
... but then i think about vocaloid in general
People never understood when i said that "miku is one of my favorite characters" — even if that was a lie, because my favorite vocaloid is another one, miku is still extremely special to me
And why? A lot of people ask, she doesnt has any personality at all at first view, being portrayed as this cute girl or just sad teen in other songs is not like she had a fixed personality, right?
Except this is exactly why i love vocaloid as a whole, in a way
None of the characters here have a fixed and fully developed personality going for them. Sure, there are some stereotypes for some vocaloids, but they have almost 0 canon background, on some we know their profession or favorite food and that stuff but they have *no* story or personality at all... And that's what made me love them so closely
Am i feeling sad? There will be a song that i could listen to, no problem. Am i happy? Hell, let me fucking blast mitchie m and dance. Am i just feeling numb and close to dissociating? No problem, i can listen to some of wowaka's amazing work and slowly come back from it
I had everything, even when i was 9 years and just learned about it — the full range of musical styles and composers never left me, specially my favorite ones with the exception new voices — both as vocaloids and composers — came into scene, hell, i'll never forget the shock it was when i first saw my personal fave kwbdkdh
Still, i can never explain to people why it's so important to me
A community where people arent afraid to make songs about controversial and somewhat heavy topics, but still lighthearted and fun most times, with amazing artists and being the sole reason i went back to doing professional dance...
Still, i can *never* find the words
I guess that just comes with liking blank characters after all, they dont have something fix to them, people are the one who write them, and you cant do anything but end up attaching to your own personal idea of them
Anyways yeah sibdksjs 2 am i should sleep by
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tumblunni · 7 years
I had such a weirdly detailed dream!
I remember feeling convinced this was a videogame, and like it had an aesthetic like a mixture of The Bouncer and Parasite Eve? There were a bunch of characters who could all turn into some sort of super form, and I just remember that all the ladies looked super similar and boringly sexualized and one was named Candy. And also i think one of them could turn into a 80s punk style dinosaur man? The gameplay was some sort of thing where I was playing a leader or strategist or something, and I didnt actually get to see any of the battles but just picked various teams to send off to fight different threats and then it played out automatically. It was just more about time management cos certain teams could defeat certain enemies faster.
I had the general sense that my protagonist was quite heartless and sarcastic, but also that there was no consequences if someone died. Like... we were fighting alien kaiju things, and we all had the same powers as them. And we were some sort of government experiment to create controllable aliens who could fight the aliens? But then we weren’t really just humans with the alien powers, we were some sort of.. like.. framework robots..??? We looked like those posing mannequins you use in art, except plastic/metal instead of wood. So like it was a situation where all the ‘characters’ were sorta costumes we put on? For some reason in order to use various powers we had to download some sort of ‘life data’ of various human characters, and then inhabit their personality and stuff. I think all these ‘characters’ were people who were part of the original experiment to create us, and they all died and we were the only successful experiments. But I don’t know if we were robots or if like we were once human too and suffered a complete erasure of identity into like.. full alien but just capable of sentience and understanding human language, and under the control of the human troops thanks to microchips or something. So probably all the kaijus were also these weird living metal mannequins too? And like their monster forms were.. ships?? They could also ‘wear’ various shapeshifts, and these big scary ones were like their equivelant of military warships. The stolen shapes of other alien species who could survive in the vaccuum of space, like trophies of their conquest of that other planet..
Anyway so we were a lil crew of strange mannequin people! And like any of us could become any of the ‘characters’, and we’d take turns and stuff. And tease each other for not playing them right, and swap tips on how to use punk guy’s powers and etc. It was like we were living a game. But also I think we really believed we were that person while we had them ‘installed’? Even if we all sorta interpreted each person differently based on our real personalities as the robot alien things. So like the punk guy would be really confused why he has a bunch of conflicting memories of all his previous lives, and like ‘man i used to like this ice cream flavour last week why did I completely forget that??’ Tho I think it was like at first we were lucid and knew who we were and then getting overwhelmed by the human personality was a bad sign from staying transformed too long. And we all had different stats in how long we could transform before that happened? And it was like a bad status effect cos that person would freak out and start acting weird or disobeying orders. Like punk dude running away from the battlefield and trying to find his still-living girlfriend and then the HUGE DEPRESSINGNESS of when it actually happened! Cos like ‘you’re not acting like him, you look like him but you’re not him’ and then being SO CONVINCED that you’re him, and you try and remember something to prove it but you just... can’t?? And she’s saying you’re dead and you were part of some experiment?? I just recall a really sad scene of someone who was 100% convinced they were human getting some sort of gash on their arm and seeing nothing but white metal, and then tearing off their own face to find nothing else but a blank mirrorlike orb. And the rest of the party found them all curled up in the corner of the bathroom half-transformed and like.. still making sobbing noises, all glitched up through their speakers, even though they didnt have any eyes to cry with. And then like all the human higher ups would just be mad at you for causing a scene, and making them have to explain to the girlfriend that her boyfriend had donated his corpse to science and this was just a machine using his parts, and then having to pay her off to keep it secret. So no sympathy whatsoever for the poor alien robot people who were suffering huge PTSD from having to switch identities so often. Being shoved full of someone else’s memories and having to come back from that over and over again, and remember what they really were...
So like.. all the mannequin people had formed a very close little family to support each other through all this hell. And they all still had sort of an aspect of innocence even though some of them were older models than others and took parental roles in the group. They tried to just think of the whole thing as a game and make Relateable Jokes about how punk guy’s range stat is terrible, so they could deal with the whole thing. And they also tried to see it as like.. secondary to their happy family life. Just a job that they had to do to keep food on the table. And they tried to only make the older models do it, and spare the newbies as much as possible. Which caused some conflict cos at least one of the kids was all ‘waaah but i wanna fight, i wanna be a hero, i wanna prove myself!’, not fully understanding the horror of it all. Maybe they were the one who had that freakout with the girlfriend? And I think they lived in some sort of old abandoned house that they were renovating into a liveable space. Tho they were robot alien mannequin things so they could live comfortably there even before they fixed it up, they just really wanted to pretend that they were a regular normal family. Reading all this stuff in books they’d scrounged from trashcans, and idealizing the concept of humanity...
But then the protagonist leader character was really cynical and hated all this, and kept being like ‘focus on the mission!’ and stuff. It would really wound their ego if they could realize the blatant truth that they were only promoted to leader because they were the most obedient and manipulateable... And then like the actual content of the dream was about some sort of day where there were too many alien attacks at once, and all of them had to suit up, even the kids. And like they’d already lost a bunch of the ‘characters’ in battle, and everyone was having to switch between forms over and over and getting really worn out both mentally and physically. And they were all getting pissed off at leader protagonist guy, cos apparantly they’d never actually gone out to fight in battle before? Like a ‘I’m too important, I need to stay behind’ ego thing. But then today they finally broke down and confessed that they were terrified of shapeshifting and losing their identity, and it was like a really vunerable moment of such an unapproachable asshole and the moment where they really became part of the family. And i think there might have been something about the leader bot being ‘defective’ and having human memories even before using any of the ‘characters’? Like they were born already remembering being one of the scientists who created these creatures. The first person who was used as a prototype experiment, the forbidden ‘secret character’... Like.. even though they were android things they also had some sort of biological element inside their core, alien cells that were necessary to run the whole thing. And all the ‘characters’ were humans who died in the experiments to try and give these powers to humans, before the scientists gave up and started making artificial people who could use these powers instead. But like they used the dead bodies of the failed experiments sorta as petri dishes? They had to cultivate more of the alien material if they were gonna build an alien from scratch. And this particular android was made from an alien core extracted from the first prototype- that one scientist who was dying of cancer and volunteered himself as an experiment. Apparantly something actually went right in that failed attempt, and the scientist’s soul or conciousness was successfully transferred into the alien core. He survived even if his body decayed away, and while they thought they were just injecting the spark into a machine to acivate it, they actually brought him back to life. ....or this is just a machine mafunctioning because the core was defective. Leader guy is really terrified of shapeshifting because he doesnt know which answer is true. He’s scared of finding out that his memories aren’t real, if all these fake memories end up feeling exactly the same as them. Maybe they’d just fall away as easy as sand through an hourglass, and then nothing would be left except the life he leads today. And he’s not as optimistic as the others, he can’t believe that they could ever make a ‘real family’, let alone someday defeat all the aliens and get to be free. I mean the humans will probably just execute the android division after the job is done... And all the other androids hug him as he sobs and assure him that even if he isn’t human he’s still a person, he’s still real, he’s still their beloved grandpa, yknow?
And then he finally used his powers and went some sort of super form out of Love Power, and kicked all the alien ass and saved the day! But the dream ended before I got any answer as to whether the ghost of that scientist within his soul was actually real or not. I’m sure he’d be okay either way, though.
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petrichorsalon · 7 years
Underrated Shoujo Gems You Should Try.
I love shoujo manga whole lot but it does sort of suffer from same series syndrome. Just like a lot of other fandoms, certain series just pop up a TON. For Shounens it tends to be Naruto, Bleach, Once Piece, and My Hero Academia. In Shoujo the list is usually Kamisama Hajimemashita, Kaichou wa Maid-sama, Fruits Basket, Ouran, Ao Haru Ride, Orange, Kimi ni Todoke, Akagami no Shirayuki-hime and so on... While these series aren’t bad and are quite good, I’m here to give you some wonderful series out side of the ultra popular range that deserve some love and attention.
Chikyuu no Owari wa Koi no Hajimari  (chapter 1 of 16 is translated)
Youve probably heard of Taamo’s more popular series Taiyou no Ie,  Chikyuu no Owari wa Koi no Hajimari follows twins as they learn about love.The protagonist Mahiru fancies herself to be unlucky at best which makes her a fun character to follow as she usually assumes the worst will happen but good things happen to her anyway. Its a fun series that encourages the reader to look on the bright side of life.
Colette wa Shinu Koto ni Shita (chapter 19 of 49 is translated)
Okay, I really don’t understand why this one hasn’t taken off, this is a 100% guilty pleasure read that is a retelling of Hades and Persephone (minus Persephone’s name and adding making her a human doctor). This series has the notable qualities of lacking a love triangle, lacking drama, and the side characters being fleshed out including servants, other gods, and other various memebers of the world. The author seems to just really enjoy her characters. (ALSO YOU SHOULD READ IT BECAUSE HADES IS HOT.)
Koiwazurai no Ellie   (chapter 1 of 19 is translated)
The story focuses on an anti-hero named Ellie. Ellie is crude and a bit of a perv that daydreams about the popular boy in class. The boys popular persona is quickly swept away to reveal hes a bit pessimistic. While Koiwazurai no Ellie bears a lot of resemblance to Black Prince and Wolf Girl, there is a far greater lack of petty drama and the characters are in balance unlike the perpetual power struggle in Black Prince and Wolf Girl. Ellies pervy side is relate-able and funny as the two get to know each other and he does nothing but fan the flames of her crude mental state.
Living no Matsunaga-san (chapter 4 of 6 is translated)
This up and coming series is sure to be the next popular shoujo with its gorgeous art and beautiful beshounens. It revolves around a girl who moves in to her uncles boarding house and quickly finds herself to be the only non-adult. She falls in love with the beautiful Matsunaga-san only after a couple choppy meetings. Her romance while focusing on Matsunaga-san also journeys through the other adults of the house as they all learn to work and live together.
Short Cake Cake (chapter 8 of 35 is translated)
Speaking of boarding houses Short Cake Cake is written by the author of Hibi Chouchou that revolues around Ten a country girl who makes 2, 2 hour commutes everyday to school. Her friends persuade her to take up living in a boarding house so she can be closer to the school. She quickly makes friends with the tenants and a new set of loves gets to blossom. This series has the reader asking “Who will she end up with?” No... seriously, I’m talking Hirunanka no Ryuusei levels of competition here (The author even references it a couple times.) So if you want a beautiful nail-biting romance that revolves  around two VERY ideal guys. This is your series.
Mairimashita, Senpai (Not translated has 10 chapters)
Do you think that modern Shoujos move too slow, are you longing for a fast paced series that gets right to the fluff (and semi-lemon stuff)? This series is about Serina who finds lyrics on her desk one day, after commenting on them she quickly meets the author and finds him to be... a jerk. This follows their growing relationship as they find strengths in each other giving two relatively shy people an opportunity so gain support and find themselves.
 Mizutama Honey Boy (Chapter 28 of 33 is translated)
Mizutama Honey Boy follows the espades of Fuji (a girly guy) and Sengoku (a manly girl) as they become friends, or well, friends that act like a dating couple but their still not official even though the feelings are mutual. This series is a fun romp in breaking the shoujo formula. Every character is delightfully opposite of what the shoujo formula says it should be ranging from common strip teases to gays to wrestling to 1970′s shoujo throwbacks this series has just about as much fun as Ouran in this convention breaking, pain causing, story avoiding series.
Niehime to Kemono no Ou (CHapter 18 of 30 is translated)
This series is another up and coming title that involes a human sacrafice that falls for the very person who by convention in supposed to kill / eat her. This is a series for the fans of Kamisama Hajimemashita. A love that is strengthened despite their different worlds. Join Saliphie as she fights literal monsters to be come a queen worthy of the king of beasts.
Queen's Quality /  QQ Sweeper (QQ Sweeper is fully translated, Volume 1 of Queens Quality will be out in September, no translations yet)
This series is one I’m honestly surprised nobody has caught onto. In a series that rivals shounen proportions Fumi is a girl who is living in the school as she has been kicked out of her last place of residence. She has long since lost her parents and is cursed to bring destruction to all who give her shelter. Kyuutaro is the school janitor (sort of) who finds her. Quickly she is rushed into the life of a sweeper, people who clean both the physical world and the spiritual world. (Also did I mention its the same author as Dengeki Daisy? Yeah this series gets pretty dark, a refreshing turn for a shoujo manga)
Sabaku no Harem (Chapter 21 of 22 is translated)
You hear about harem mangas all the time but what about a literal harem? Sabaku no Harem follows the tomboyish princess candidate Mishe who wins the heart of a prince as she literally walks past him. As the 30th concubine Mishe is set to face competition for a prince she really doesn’t care for and proceeds to sabatoge herself which natually makes the prince more curious. Sabaku no Harem is a series that is almost episodic in nature as the two gradually grow closer despite the many people who want to tear them apart.
Sensei Kunshu (Chapter 9 of 47 is translated)
This series stems from the author’s other, more popular work Heroine Shikkaku but one doesnt need to read her previous work to read this rioting series. The story follows Ayu who is constantly getting rejected by the person she confessed to. She quickly falls for her teacher as she has with others before but somehow the love becomes requited. Sensei Kunshu follows the insanity of Ayu and her teacher as they face the world together.
Suijin no Hanayome (Chapter 9 of 29 is translated)
The Bride of the Water God is a very popular Korean series but did you know there is a Japanese version? Suijin no Hanayome follows Asahi who is transported into an ancient realm (think Inuyasha in setting) where she is quite promptly given as a sacrifice to the water god of the area. The Water God being very bored and very done with humans keeps her a few days and then gives her back much to the horror of the towns people but not before he takes her voice. The story continues as Asahi changes from child into woman and the many trials of the new world she lives in.
Takane to Hana (Chapter 27 of 50 is translated)
A favorite of mine to talk about Takane to Hana opens with Hana who appears at a Mai (arranged marriage meeting) in place of her sister. She quickly refuses to deal with the arrogance of Takane the marriage partner and promptly leaves. This interests Takane and he pursues her. Hana has 0% time for his tom-foolery and sets out to make his life miserable which results in a comical battle of wits, pride, and abilities. This age gap manga takes the uneven maturity level of most age gaps and sets them on equal ground as they take turns sabotaging each other like 3 year olds. 
I hope you were able to find some titles I listed that look interesting or that you have never read before. While this is just the currently publishing list there are many more out there and I will post again soon! In the meantime, I hope this list gives some new reading material.
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survivor-kuwait · 5 years
Episode 6 - "Going to bide my time before I could take a shot at any of them." - Maynor
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Damn, between Renee and Chloe to get the choppy choppy and it's Renee. the two people I have been speaking to. Wtf. Also clearly Chloe has not been stepping up that much with the social game. i need to find better people to align with.
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Well, that didnt go according to plan and now Im by myself. I really trusted Renee in this game. Like I dont have anyone else in this game like that kind of connection. If Im being honest i dont think any of these people really want to work with me 🤷‍♂️ There like 3 people i feel like i can trust but they might just be total bs but theres Ian, Matt S, and Timmy. Even tho i feel like Timmy is gunna want to kill me soon. The only good thing is that i know F2,G2 were hits. So i need to guess at 5 am for 2 days to have all the hits me and Renee discovered. Hopefully no one has found this one either. Cuz i feel like i really need an idol if I end up in warzone again.
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God not being us to Skype is really causing me inactivity. Hopefully it doesn't bite me in the ass.
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These people are dumb. That is all. Miss you Renee :(
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Can i just scratch everything i said before? Im just gunna play a solo game from now on and not care about anyone else. No one really seems they want to play with me. So im just gunna be a floater in the game to try n make moves happen. Hopefully if i end up in warzone these people would actually try and talk game then waiting to the last ugly minute to is so annoying. The only person i hope voted with me is Matt. I really enjoyed talking to him so hopefully he is trustworthy. Like i also want to believe Trace voted Cloe but he doesnt seem someone you should trust but he was the one to tell me it was between Renee and Cloe so like he told the truth but maybe not the way he was voting. Rant down for now. Might have more.
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Renee was voted out at the last Warzone, my initial reaction was she was voted out because she had won multiple immunities and people wanted to pick off others that were perceived as challenge threats.  This is partly influenced by my prerogative to vote off people who can beat me in challenges.  My whole premerge game is about me being perfectly average in challenges, I don't do the best but I don't do the worst.  I'm always a solid contributor to my tribe, this format has me second guessing that motif I have for myself. I questioned Corey when he was added back into the Nar chat as to why Renee was voted out, he reminded me of the fact that he felt Renee has had it out for him since the get go.  I believe him in that sense because he did say that to me on founding day of Nar.  If Corey fully swayed that vote to go to Renee because of those reasons that's a player I want to ally with and be my shield. I think there were ulterior motives going on behind it though.  That being said, I do want Corey to see me as a long term partner in this game, I shared with him the fact that I have an advantage, but not my true advantage.  I told him that I have a double vote, a double vote is probably the weakest power any one could have in Survivor but seems powerful in a Warzone type setting.  Letting him know I have a "double vote" endears him to my side, without him actually knowing I have a pretty strong advantage, The Topaz Idol. It's like a double vote but more like a multiple vote. Chloe keeps surviving and I am so fucking here for it, the more her tribe wants her gone the better it is for everyone on Nar if we can fucking stick together, I don't trust them to stay strong but who knows how people will hide when their neck is at risk.  Chloe is an "easy vote" shield but also a vote with Nar the more Ma'an, henceforth will be refered to as "Mane", wants her to be booted.
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okay uhm.....so this confessional is coming after the tribal council in which renee was voted out. i was completely blindsided and not in the loop at all about the vote there. i ws told by literally everyone that the vote was chloe and that she was 100% going out. so when renee's name came up 6 times, i was completely shocked. corey told me that the reason i was left out of the loop for the vote was because i'm close to madison and madison is close to renee. so they didn't tell me so tht i wouldn't tell madison. hmm....seems fishy! let's just say i came out of this tribal council not trusting anyone but madison. i'm glad she is my partner and i'm gonna try and get us both immunity this round so that we don't risk going to another tribal bc i could def see us becoming a target soon
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I had my masters exam today so i couldnt spend all day doing it which sucks. I only got up to 31. I dont think imma win immunity. Im most likely going to warzone and Imma be going home most likely if Madison/Jacob/Kage are in there. It sucks. Imma keep trying but i also work at 5pm and challenge is due at 7 so i lose 2 hrs there and its 3:20 right now. And cuz all this I havent eaten at all today.
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What I have learned from this challenge is that both the movie Sausage Party as well as Female Genital Mutilation have more average searches per month than World Hunger..by a large margin too, and if that doesn't show what's wrong with this world then I don't know what will.
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Corey sending me a message ‘i want to touch up on the vote from last night’ I said okay amd what happened? He has not responded at all. Like you lied thats the simplest answer. Because Renee and I werent coming for you so there wasnt a main reason that I could think of to take out Renee.  But gunna be nice and play like oh no worry, i understand. Going to bide my time before i could take a shot at any of them.
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This is it, corey and devon are safe, nehe isnt. If I can get chloe and others on board nehe will go home tonight. However.... nehe told me he has an idol, so that complicates things. Ideally I can blindside him and we’re good, but doubting that I just have to make sure the other votes dont land on me. Which means... subtlety. Never my strong point.
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Ah shit here we go again. Last tribal really left me with a lot of pieces to pick up and I’m really wishing we had done the easy thing and voted chloe. I like her but I worry that I won’t be able to salvage a relationship with Maynor and Madison who I do like. I’m content with being honest about flipping, even tho I did sort of augment the circumstances. It’s better than doubling down and saying I voted for chloe when I didn’t. And truly I do wish I had voted with them so I hope I can convey that. Being back with Adrian is interesting because he is super close with Corey and Corey sort of has some followers here who I don’t really have strong relationships with without him connecting us. I also feel really nervous about playerslike him and Nehe who are bringing old game shit in, and I don’t want to be collateral damage in their wars against one another. I’m ready to do my own damage.
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With immunity again after last week's tribal council, I am feeling pretty good. Devon, Ian and Trace are immune with me and there p much couldn't be a better group of immune people (Trace and Adrian are interchangeable). I hope, from those who are at tribal, Madison, Matt, Adrian and Cullan make it out unscathed. Renee leaving last week was a success to me. I took the first shot and I didn't miss. It also gave me 5 people who I built trust with who will want to use me as an asset later on (those who were part of the plan). As for this tribal council, Maynor or Thomas leaving is ideal. We left Maynor out on the vote this week so I don't know if he'd flip easily to the other side (sort of like Chloe voting with us to get Renee out). However, to keep 4 available immunity positions in our tribe, ideally it's someone from the other side that leaves. I have not interacted with Thomas once nor Stevie (but Stevie is Owen's capricorn tribe mate). Those two boys leaving would be fine by me. I hope there are fights and drama and whatnot as the more things happen and we focus on other people's business, the more I can fade back into the background after getting Renee out last week. With Nehe at tribal this time, who knows. Ian and I have gotten really close and I hope to get far with him. He told me about his double vote and we made our loyalty/alliance to one another official I guess? I also am part of a 4 person alliance, termed "Golden Boys" of Devon, Adrian, Matt and myself. I am trying to set myself up as much as I can so that when we merge or tribes get swapped around, I have people I can rely on. We'll be down to 17 people tomorrow night which is still a very big number and way too early to be loud or making flashy moves. I'm in the process of uncovering an idol or some power of sorts and believe I will have it tomorrow because I have 4 hits on it as of today. I will tell Ian about it. I trust him. I am staying alert and continuously developing my social game to the best of my abilities.
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I’m so happy I am safe this round! Kait, Owen, and I are the only ones on our tribe who have been immune every round. I would love for us to group together to keep each other safe, but also I know out of the three that I am the weakest one. But for the time being it seems like at least an okay idea. I will try to make it happen and see where it goes because we could all be good together  and work something out because when merge comes people will try to target those who have been safe for the longest time. At least naturally that’s what i would try since they are more likely to win individual immunity. I just hope things work out well for the next couple of rounds.
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So I learned lots of things from Matt in this warzone. It looks like it was gunna 5-5 vote last time but he flipped last second not wanting it to be a tie. Im some what upset cuz Renee left but Matt wants to play with me so I feel like I can trust him. I hope. Turns out that Madison actually did vote with me last time so she is in my good side again and i feel bad for doubting she was with me. This vote I want it to go my way. Im hoping i can pull it off. My target is still unknown for right now. Im not the only one that feels like Nehe is a snake. Adrian and Matt know that he is a sneaky player. Tbh I would want to target him sooner rather than later.
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I'm starting to think Madison is sitting out all of these challenges to get into the warzone to try to build relationships to propel herself forward if she makes merge, it's a risky strategy but would have huge pay off if it works. I'm gonna go ahead and subvert her expectations by pointing that out to Corey and hopefully get the rumor mill going against her. I see you and I don't like it.
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So the vote looks like its gunna be Nehe and Im okay with that. I dont really trust him after he lied to me about the first vote we were together. It may bring my schances of immunity down to 3 but its worth having people to trust in this game.
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Love the safety again...naturally I don’t have much to say because I haven’t gone to tribal in a while and I’m so thankful for that. Tbh I’m assuming Chloe will go tonight because it’s the easiest vote but who knows. Hoping it’s someone from the other tribe though that way there can still be 4 safe on my tribe. But also I want a twist tonight.
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Tirns out I dont need to plot, we’re voting nehe tonight. Thanks Cullan. However, in case of an idol play I’m voting thomas, plausible deniability and all that.
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Ok, so this vote I am controlling very well in my favor as long as I’m not the one going home. I believe I have everyone on Nehe and Nehe is voting Thomas. Nehe thinks all of Nar is voting with him to vote out Thomas who is inactive so let’s hope I don’t get blindsided.
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Its just weird cus there isnt like…one reason to dislike Thrall. Like i can understand ppl not liking him, but DISLIKING him?
Like it must be a combination of ppl tired of blizzs all male cast past, frustrations with the game, morons who dont see why he should be involved in world politics, and mcedgelord fucks who like garrosh unironically and joined horde because “alliance is for kids and women” .
like you got morons saying Thrall a 24 year old who lived as a slave since he was a baby shoudlnt have burdened the mid 30s or with leadership despite the fact the guy ASKED for it, Thrall asked Cairne and Vol’jin first (who said no), but God forbid thrall actually care that the planet doesnt get destroyed.
then you got the morons who try to act like Garrosh isnt an adult and fully in control of his faculties and blame his atrocities on Thrall. Garrosh was a racist nazi coded bastard from the start, half the orc npcs in northrend either believed in his ideals or were sent to make sure he didnt go fucking things up. but because he helped fight the lich king he was a “war hero” and like the 2016 election Old racist orcs and new ones who only grew up in prison bought into his orc supremecy. The fact was the influential orcs and most of its adults wanted someone like Garrosh and Thrall wasnt going to be a dictator
then you got the people tired that he’s involved in everything. Gee in a game featuring the HOrde and Alliance why would the founder of one of the two main factions be involved in world events, especially when his powers are literally Earthomancy
then you have the misguised feminist who is unrealistically angry because of this one time thrall made a mistake in trying to talk down a friend. The guy who’s parents were murdered and him left to die , was a slave till he was a  young man of 16, saw his sister’s decapitated head thrown at him at 18, lead an army helped save the world and has been dealing with assassins and murderous allies in the Undercity was FINALLY happy. the women in his life have had the greatest influence on him and he found someone of his species who motivated him, understood him, helped him but didnt coddle him, challenged him and he was FINALLY happy. So yea in the middle of all that he misguidedly interpreted jaina’s anger through his own desires. a partner is what finally made him happy. He didnt tell her to “get a man” he told he she could be happy if she did what made him happy.
and then of course the Mok’gora. Nevermind that Garrosh is an evil cunt who deserved to die with no honor, nevermind that we already had him at a corner and beat so the fight was way more than he deserved. nevermind that we didnt know the rules of that match. The fact is its MORONIC to let a racist meathead whos specialized in hand to hand have a trial for leadership against someone whose focused on casting the last several years. Like Thralls powers arent even his own. You cant WIELD magic its ALL granted to you. Being a good shaman means you have to be respectful, you have to be kind, you have to be humble. Shamanism is literally “powers gained from being a decent person” and the world would be better if you could literally electrocute fascists by caring about others.
like that would be the best thing ever.
p.s. like there are even people who try to talk about Thrall getting his birth name back like the writers were “ruining” his character. Thrall was a repurposed slave name, crimeny. its called “character development” you babies
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survivor-iceland · 5 years
Ep. 11 - “Just because I am loud does not mean I am good at this game.” - Raffy
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I cannot believe that plan worked out. We got out Stephen, weakening Maynor's hold on this game which means that if he doesn't win this next immunity challenge then he's screwed. However, this next one is a doozy and I don't know if I can win this, but I am going to try my best. I just hope people credit me with this move since I managed to make the right social connections to do it. Timmy is big mad, but I think that is more towards Joseph than anything else. Either way, I am proud of myself for doing THAT. Nothing in my Survivor career will ever top this moment.
So the plan worked, Stephen got voted out (love you man) and thank fuckkkk because I got 3 votes. Joseph went for Timmy and that made Timmy mad at Joseph and I'm like *very innocently whistling* This challenge now o boyyyyy, hopefully maybe i can win maybe? Also i really like Timmy and Dylan but also Timmy is gonna kill me and i know it. He was so mad in the moment mannnn. 
I am absolutely, positively livid. I’m thankful that it wasn’t me, but my god there are a lot of fake bitches here. Number 1 on that list is Raffy who was preaching about how they’re alone and there is no need to lie to them but then goes lying on all day. BITCH I WAS HONEST WITH YOU! I THOUGHT WE GOT THROUGH THAT SHIT! I guess fucking not though. I wanted an easy vote after the mess that was the last two but nope. And I get the irony here, trust me it’s not lost. I did it to them and this is karma and she’s really that bitch. But really, I’m just glad I still have my idol because I was real close to panic playing it. Number 2 is Joseph because he had the audacity to vote for me because the people who have been TARGETING HIM say that they have the numbers. And guess what, THEY LIED TO HIM. Literally a dumbass who will never win because they don’t understand any concepts of the game. Dylan is a huge threat right now because they are making moves and not staying true to alliances but being calculated about it. Dylan is riding the middle which right now seems like a good spot. I feel like it will put them in the target position that I had been in though, which could work for me. But I will not let Raffy skate by because he has people in jury who will vote for him. And raffy needs to go fast if there is another returning player just because it might be Zoe or John.
Dylan C
Well. Back to the minority thanks to Joseph. Who honestly screwed over people who wanted to work with him till the end so he could help people who have said they wanted him out for forever. 🤷‍♂️ Im just whatever. Like if i dont win immunity, im most likely going home. And Joseph gets a free pass to f5 cuz the two next votes will be me and Timmy.
This challenge is just a huge ugh for me. I dont know why but everytime i have done this challenge, it always triggers a panic attack. Its a small one but affects my ability to do it when i mess up for the first time. I got to 29 sleds. Most likely not going to be enough to beat Jack or Raffy. Which sucks cuz i really needed this immunity.
Hmm. I think i wont be able to pass my 29 sled score. Especially not in the state i am. The pressure i put on myself wasnt good. And has made me into a mess. I just feel bad. And i feel like i let Timmy down even though he has told me I didnt. For the challenge, i feel like Raffy or Jack will win. And Timmy n I will be the targets. No one in their right mind would vote off Joseph. He’s the goat people would take to the end to get zero votes. He really screwed his alliance for people who dont want to work with him. Im still going to fight but not going to fool myself its going to be tougher and gunna need lots of luck.
This challenge broke me. I got up to mid-70s and then I fucked it up. And apparently someone was neck and neck with me. It was probably Timmy, and he is going to win immunity then use the idol on Maynor which is terrible. I fully think there is an idol in this game and it can only be used in these next two rounds so it is bound to happen. And I am just so tired and so done and so over it. I can't do it anymore. And I'm going to go to EoE and then have to battle against challenge powerhouses and I fgjkbf j, fsjfKD dkHV dhb KB If this is the challenge that causes my game to be over, I'm going to be pissed
So i somehow actually one the challenge (i legit thought I wasn't doing that well and then Jay's like "mate you're super ahead lmao") but I'm VERY glad i did, cause no way I didn't still have a target on my back. Now the likely shift will be onto Raffy, but we've got the stirrings of a plan to go for Timmy (love the guy, he just seems like he wants to murder me so) and go with the same voting block of Ellie, Raffy, Dylan and me, and then Joseph would maybe not be told the vote (sorry dude) and instead told that the votes smthn else, so in case Timmy has an idol he wont use it (but also like only 2 more councils to use it so like he might just anyways) but yeah. Also maybe spreading that were going to vote for Joseph actually tho, but idk. Gonna chat with Dylan and Ellie in the morning.
I was so close to winning that challenge. I do not feel safe going into this round because I think that someone has an idol up their sleeve and they are bound to use it either during this round or the next. I want to split the vote between Maynor and Timmy, but last time I tried to organize a split vote, one of my closest allies went home. Ideally, we have me, Jack, and Dylan vote for Maynor while Ellie/Joseph vote for Timmy. However, Joseph probably feels betrayed after last round so he will probably join Timmy's and Maynor's side. I think we all need to stack our votes on one person for the best success, but I'm so scared of an idol rn that it is crazy. Idol paranoia is at an all-time high. 
I do not know why I am a front runner in this game when people like Dylan, Jack, and Ellie exist who are the ones doing the actual work. In fact, I should not even be a target. Just because I am loud does not mean I am good at this game. Either way, at least it means I have a good chance of victory if I make it to FTC, but that is a hard IF. 
Ellie and Dylan were talking, and they determined that a split vote, while risky, is probably necessary. Our main target right now is Maynor, but we are splitting it between him and Timmy. We want to keep Joseph in the dark about who the target is because I don't necessarily trust him with that information. So, we are going to tell him that it is Timmy, but three of us are going to vote for Maynor while another one votes for Timmy. This creates a 3-2-2 if Joseph goes along with the plan. And, if he back stabs us, it creates' a 3-3-1 with a tie for insurance. This is in case of an idol because if Joseph back stabs us then that means they will think it is Timmy which means, if they have an idol, they will use it on Timmy, not Maynor. This plan has its risk, but sometimes you have to take risks in this game like last time. 
Maynor asked me to vote him out. This is strange because his reasoning is that he feels like he screwed over Timmy's game and he wants to give Timmy more chances in this game than himself. I find this incredibly suspicious because this could very well be a ploy to use the idol correctly in order to idol someone out, probably me. If this were a trick, it's a dirty trick that I cannot respect. I would like to believe him and make this an easy tribal, but this is just odd from my standpoint. 
Okay so plan rn is voting 3 (Joseph, Ellie, Raffy) onto Maynor and 2 (Me, Dylan) onto Timmy, in case one had an idol. No hard feelings for either just how it goes. I'm so freaking glad i've got immunity tonight mannnn. Also I've still got my idol so that's a thing. I'm pretty confident tonight be who knows man, Joseph's a bit of a wild card and Dylan could flip. Also love Maynor but hes gonna do a win mannnn.
I told Joseph about the split vote because I do not believe lying is necessary anymore. Maynor knows he is going home, so he is going to use an idol on himself either way. And Joseph seemed down as long as he got to vote Maynor. This could end up blowing up in my face, but this will come back to haunt these people in the form of my bitterness.
This tribal is gunna be extremely messy and i love it cuz there is a chance that me and Timmy can stay in the game. I knew that Dylan Effie Raffy and Jack are splitting votes. Also have asked Joseph to join them. So they wanna split 3-2 with me going home. Kinda my doing cuz told Raffy to vote for me. But Joseph is gunna vote with Me and Timmy and vote Dylan. So the vote should be 3-3-1 unless they have Joseph in the majority vote if they do then the vote would end up being 3-2-2 amd Dylan goes home. Timmy says hes gunna play his idol but doesnt know on who yet. We are assuming right now that im getting the majority. So hoping so we can pull of this amazing blindside. 3 blindside in the first 4 merge vote. We are some crackheads.
This tribal is going to be a mess. Should I play my idol, should I not, I DON'T FUCKING KNOW. And now I have to put my faith in Joseph...THE SAME JOSEPH WHO FUCKED ME OVER LAST ROUND. Like what even is this game. Either way Maynor and I want Dylan gone and everyone else except maybe Joseph wants myself or Maynor gone. If we can get through this without needing to use the idol it'll be a miracle.
What the fuck is it with Raffy and last minute decisions???? Stick with the plan dude pretty pleaseeeeeee
At least I was not screwed over by the idol. I still have the numbers with Jack and Ellie. So, next round I either need the idol or win immunity. Or both.
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