#she fr glanced at him and was like ‘i’m in love’ ???? girlie do you know literally anything about him that you didn’t stalker learn?????
if those straighties in the matrix can save the world through the power of “love” not once but twice (and possibly more i’ve only seen the first two) after literally not even having a regular conversation before delivering an actual life saving love confession then i think childhood friends to lovers whos relationship has been centered and highly developed in a show made by competent and intentional people and containing several other paralleled relationships that were built up over a shorter time period can save the world through the power of gay love
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suugarbabe · 8 months
okokokok lorenzo berkshire idea??? your writing is so so good you def do him justice 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼☺️
enzo really likes you and all his friends know (maybe reader is in another house .. personally i’m hufflepuff but it really could be any) and they all flirt w you bc his friends know it gets to him and while reader is polite they don’t really encourage(??) the boys’ jokes/flirting bc they only have eyes for enzo too
possibly ending up together !!
i’m turning into such an enzo girly fr 😭💕💕💕 ilhsm
ugh, i have fallen in love with enzo so much, my little lanky broad boy 🥺 also, my requests are closed right now but I wrote it anyway because it was the last thing in my ask before i can get started on my other projects so no worries love x
You weren't really sure what happened, what changed and started making people act differently toward you, but it seemed like for the past two weeks a certain group of boys were paying you more attention.
So here you sat at lunch, deep in conversation with Luna when she suddenly cut you off, "You're being approached again." Her soft tone made it seem nonchalant, but when Mattheo Riddle sat down on the bench next to you the redness in your cheeks was apparent.
"Good morning, Princess. You look absolutely gorgeous this morning," Mattheo grabbed a piece of toast from the pile in front of him before picking up a knife to spread jam over it.
"Thank you, Mattheo, that's very kind of you," You cheeks burned further when he placed the toast on your plate for you before placing a few sausages on it as well.
Mattheo smiled at you, "I know you've got a big test this morning, you should eat well. Though I know you're brilliant so you don't really need any extra help."
You smiled shyly as you took a bite of toast. "Can I walk you to class, beautiful?" You nodded, not seeing a reason to tell him no. He was a gentleman, carrying your books for you, telling you to have a good class before seeing you off through the doorway.
During lunch you were approached again, however by a different member of the same friend group. Theo Nott approached you on your way to the Great Hall for lunch.
"Ciao, bella," Theo's eyes were definitely captivating. A light sea blue that often spoke all of the emotion he never let his face really tell.
"Hello, Theo," you smiled lightly as the tall boy slowed to your pace. "Could I sit with you at lunch?" His tone was gentle and sweet, so you nodded, giving him permission.
He wrapped an arm around your shoulders as you two entered the hall. If you were more aware of your surroundings, you'd notice Theo chance a side glance toward his own house's table. However you were too in shock that a second boy, a second handsome boy, was not only paying you mind but also eating another meal with you.
Theo was a lot funnier than you expected, making you truly belly, head thrown back laugh. You were surprised that you got along with him, but your humor seemed to be so similar and building off each other.
He asked if he could walk you to your afternoon classes and you accepted. He kept his arms around your shoulders again, continuing to make you laugh the whole way.
After classes were finished and dinner was over with, you and Luna went to the library. You tried your hardest to focus but you couldn't take your mind off of everything the happened earlier today.
"Luna," you called your friends name causing her to look at you, "did you think today was weird?"
Luna smiled happily, "Every day is weird if you look hard enough." You huffed out a sigh, "No, Lunes, I mean, wasn't it weird how nice Mattheo and Theo were to me today. Like, why today? They see me all the time. What's different now. I didn't do my hair differently, what did I do to make them so nice to me?"
Luna sat for a moment, seemingly thinking about her answer, "Are you asking because you think they should be mean to you, or because you wished it was another one of their friends being so nice to you?"
You felt your face pinken for the umpteenth time that day, "Who do you mean? I don't know what you mean..." You knew you sounded unconvincing, but you didn't think you had made it that obvious.
"Lorenzo is actually sitting over there if you want to talk to him," Luna's statement gave you the answer you needed, and also made your stomach fill with butterflies.
But after today, you couldn't hold back any longer. When you got up you saw Enzo a few tables away, his back facing you. You left your belongings at the table with Luna, walking quickly but quietly to where the real boy of your desires resided.
You pulled out the chair across from Enzo, causing him to jump slightly at the sudden movement. When you sat your started immediately speaking, barely giving him time to even register that the girl of his year long affection was finally in front of him.
"Why didn't you come up to me today?" Your question kind of stunned him, Enzo continuing to look at you with a dumbfounded expression.
You let out an exasperated sigh, "Why were two of your closest friends so nice to me today, why did they make me breakfast and walk me to class and put their arms around me?"
The more you spoke of his friends doing, the tighter Enzo's grip was on his quill, tighter and tighter until it finally snapped in his grasp. You let out a small gasp.
"I-I'm sorry. They were doing it to upset me. T-to make me, man up, as they put it," Enzo was playing with the two pieces of his quill, doing anything and everything but looking at you.
You reached across the table, doing your best to cover both his large hands with one of your smaller ones to stop the action. Enzo looked up, meeting your gaze, "Why were they trying to upset you, Enzo?"
Still looking you in the eyes, Enzo took a deep breath, "Well, because I, erm, I fancy you, Y/n. Have for some time. But you're just...Merlin, you're so pretty and whenever I get near you I forget how to speak properly and I lose my train of thought."
You looked at him with a goofy grin, "You think I'm pretty? You...fancy me?"
Enzo mirrored your smile, "Well, yeah. How could I not?" He laced his fingers with yours now.
"Well, then I guess their juvenile plan worked," you traced the top of Enzo's hand with your thumb. When he tilted his head in slight confusion, you gave him a further explanation, "I fancy you too, silly."
Enzo's face made a small 'o' before a huge grin broke over his face, "Do you think that, erm, may then, ehm, you would like to go to Hogsmead with me this weekend?"
You nodded enthusiastically, "I would love to."
"Great, wonderful, fantastic. Okay well, erm, I'm going to, just, go tell the guys if that's okay?" He stood abruptly, making his chair squeak slightly and a few other students look your way.
He was much taller than you now, him standing and you sitting. You had to crane your neck to look up at him properly but you smiled, nodding your head to tell him it was okay to tell his friends.
"Okay, well I guess I'll see you tomorrow? Breakfast together?" he asked, you nodded again, then Enzo did something neither of you expected him to do. He leaned down, placing a chaste kiss to your cheek.
You knew your face turned red instantly, Enzo's turning a similar shade. As he walked out of the library, you made your way back to your friend.
"So are you and Enzo accompanying Blaise and I these weekend?" Luna asked without looking up from her studies.
"Yeah, yeah we are," you smiled to yourself, still unable to get your work done, but now for a perfectly acceptable reason.
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thirstnotes · 1 year
| Imagine Being Quiet and Nerdy and in Love with Daveed and Rafa Since Childhood and Not Realizing Rafa Liked You All That Time (Part 2) |
Fr/N = Friend's Name
(Part 1) (Part 3)
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"Damn..." he said under his breath. You were cute back in the day, but he was in no way ready for the baddie that was standing across the street from him.
You were busy helping keep track of the booths for the block party, pretty brown eyes trained on your clipboard. Soft and sweet as ever. Even wearing a sundress that complemented your yummy curves. Yellow was becoming his favorite color.
"Ey, Y/N!" Daveed called from behind him. He couldn't decide if it was by accident or wholly on purpose. Knowing D, it was most likely on purpose, but he didn't have time to process the salt before you looked his way and smiled.
Shit, dude.
That fuckin smile could kill a man. Your eyes met his briefly before settling on Daveed, who had pulled you into a warm hug.
"Hey, thanks for coming. Seriously, we appreciate it."
"Of course, baby. You know we all about fundraising," he said suddenly, cutting off Daveed's response. Not to be rude or greedy. But honestly so you'd look at him again. He felt like a goofy ass pre-teen again, still gone over the quiet girl who lived across the street from his best friend. The Roxanne to his Max.
Daveed dipped his head, failing terribly at hiding his amusement. "What he said."
You laughed and brushed a braid from your face. "Well I do now."
Rafa shrugged with a smirk, intelligent conversation melting from his brain.
"Okay. I see you," you said with an amused laugh, turning and heading back across the street to handle business.
"I see you too," he called back, the intelligence in his brain gradually coming back, “I’m liking what I see too.”
You laughed, looking back at him before meeting up with another organizer. Then you were busy again.
"Smooooth bro,” Daveed facepalmed, shaking his head.
"Dude, I hate me so fuckin much right now," Rafa groaned, turning to regroup behind the popcorn booth.
"Dude I hate you so fuckin much right now," Daveed laughed, watching him wither a bit. "Will you chill out? I've literally never seen you like this with anybody else. Girlie likes you already. Just make ya move."
"I don't know, bro. She's different. I just. She's even better than a glow up, feel me? Like. A. I don't know. What's the word for an upgrade of an upgrade?" he joked, running a hand through his hair.
"I don't know, I think 'upgrade' pretty much covers it."
Rafa groaned, watching you cross the street with Fr/N, completely unaware of how gone he was over you. Still.
He honestly didn't get it. Whenever you came into the room, every ounce of swag he thought he owned abandoned him. As cliche as it sounded, he just got tongue-tied.
Which was dumb. You still liked him. He could tell from the way you looked at him. Even then, you were stealing glances at him, quickly looking away when you saw him looking back. So fuckin cute.
He needed to tell you. Soon.
He just needed to find the words.
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