#she has a very difficult pregnancy hahaha IDIOT
baylardian-1 · 2 months
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the morning sickness train dont stop for the brothers in the house needing to go number two
collabed with @maliciousalice on this piece! :)
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myheroaizawashota · 5 years
God I loved the scenario where Aizawa and Reader met their future kid and Aizawa was the one who learned what had happened. I want a parallel story! I want to see what the kid's parents, the Aizawa and reader who got together went through when they saw their daughter was missing. Did they panic? Look all over the place for her? And when she came back, did she tell her parents that she met their past selves? Maybe she could say something like "you both weren't wearing your rings when I found you"
[YES I LOVE THIS!!! DADZAWA FOR THE WIIIIIN!! I hope you don’t mind but I also added uncle Mic in the mix because I need that in my life hahaha sorry this is a long one i high key got carried away because my heart and soul are weak for dadzawa and uncle Mic]
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Ever since the day your daughter was born, both you and Shouta knew things would never be the same, but in the best way possible. While the love of your life wasn’t as eager as you were when you announced your pregnancy, he eventually grew into the idea of being a father. He soon even began to feel excitement the longer your pregnancy drew out, though he would deny it if you asked. Your daughter was the light of both of your lives, a creation of your love that you both adored. While your husband may seem unattentive and disconnected, it was hardly ever the case. You could still remember the look on his face the day your daughter was born. The look in his eyes when you handed him the child the two of you created out of pure love was priceless. Youd never seen him with such a bright look in his eyes, he was in love. Even Present Mic, the god father and uncle to you’re beloved child, made the comment he’d only ever seen Shouta with that look in his eyes once, and it was the day of your wedding.
It was strange, never did the apathetic pro hero think his life would turn out to be this way. He never saw himself falling in love, let alone settling down with a family of his own. Some days it felt like a dream. He didn’t think he was worthy of you, nor your daughter, but he loved you both immensely. If you thought he was over protective of you, lord was he over protective of her. It was to a point you’d have to pry the child from his arms during the school week just to get him out the door on time. You’d even gone as far as leaving your job to remain home and care for your daughter. Though in fairness you didn’t mind, you loved spending time with your baby and it did give your overly stressed and consistently tired husband some peace of mind. While he wasn’t as recognizable as Endevour or All Might, he’d still made his fair share of enemies. Enemies who would kill to know that THE Eraserhead has a family to target, a weak point to exploit. With the current rise of villainous activities afte the retirement of All Might, he didn’t feel comfortable leaving the two of you to fend for yourselves. Logically he knew you were strong, but your quirk wasn’t really helpful in combat, and your daughter only three years old had no quirk. Part of the reason you’d left you’re job to remain home with your daughter was because Shouta felt finding a reliable and secure care center for your child was an impossible task. He didn’t feel safe just passing your daughters life into the hands of someone he hardly knew. You couldn’t disagree with him. It was extreme thinking, but you could very well see where he was coming from. You knew this all took a toll on your lover, he consistently carrying the burden of protecting what was his. Often times Mic joked you’d created a monster...often times your husband would bound the others mouth using that signature capture weapon of his. Mic was right though. Before you the pro hero was aloof, poor at communicating and getting along with others, and far to blunt and unkempt for his own good. You managed to tame the irrational behaviors of the other, bringing him to a much softer more reasonable state. With the addition of your daughter, the two have you had turned the stone of a man into the softest of kittens...at least personally. Professionally, lord was he still as uncooperative and crude as ever.
With all that said, it was difficult for the two of you to go out and enjoy time together. While you loved your daughter, you and the love of your life never seemed to have a break alone anymore. Chasing after a toddler wasn’t easy. Some days you just needed time for you and your husband, to remind each other of your love. That’s why when Mic suggested that you and Shouta take a little weekend excursion for just the two of you, no baby, you were more than eager to jump on board. Being a present part of your child’s life, Mic was always eager to spend time with his favorite little listener! And not to toot his own horn, but your child did love him quite a bit if he did say so himself. Frustratingly for you, it took weeks of convincing to get Shouta to agree to this much needed time alone. At first when you brought the idea up to him it was immediately shot down. Everything about this idiotic plan raised red flags in the pro hero’s head. Leaving his child alone.....with Present Mic....for an entire weekend. Absolutely not.
“Come on Shò, please? We haven’t had time alone since Airi was one. Hizashi offered to baby sit for us, we know she’ll be in good hands! And he’s always follows your compulsive instructions spot on! He texts you updates hourly, calls with updates sporadically and sends pictures to prove she’s fine! Come on please...” you pouted, eyes devistetingly doe like as you stood flush against his chest, chin resting against his body as you stared up at him. “I love our baby but I need time apart. I’m home with her every day, not that i don’t love it, but sometimes mommy needs to breathe without a toddler running after her every five seconds.”
Your husband sucked a deep breath in through his nose, arms moving to lovingly wrap around your waist, pressing you tighter against his body. He did feel bad. He knew life with him wasn’t exactly a dream. Between the League of Villains causing havoc on his students and school, his teaching obligations, and night patrols, his time with you was sparse. Though arguably he hated spending time away from Airi because he got so little time with her as well. He felt he always missed out on so much. Typically weekends were the time he got to spend with her, even if it was only for a few hours before he had to run off on patrol. Letting his lips press to the tip of your nose, your husband released the breath he’d taken, exhaling with a defeated sigh. “I’ll think about it.”
It was better than nothing. You got him to think about it, and he did for 3 weeks. After weighing his options, the over worked multi job wielding lover of yours agreed. He hadn’t been spending much time just the two of you and after thinking about it, he did miss it as well. He loved his little girl, but he also loved you. He’d spent just about every weekend with her since the time she was born, you were correct in saying you two hadn’t had a proper date together in years. You did so much daily for him, taking care of the house, the baby, and him, it would have been cruel for him to decline you the request of one weekend. “We can go away this weekend.“
You squealed when you were given the good news, your husbands eyes glaring brutally at you in response. You couldn’t help but smile, and kiss the scowl off his face, you were happy to be spending time with someone who spoke in cohesive sentences. Though your response seemed mellow compared to when Yamada had found out he’d be in charge of the baby for the weekend. Shouta was definetly beginning to regret his choice. All week it seemed the other tried to wiggle out of the commitment he’d made, however you held him strongly to it. You couldn’t wait to spend some one on one time with your husband. It felt like it’d been ages since you two did anything together. You were so eager you’d even talked your lover into leaving Friday afternoon, that way Saturday would be a day devoted to each other. It was ridiculous if you asked him, but none the less he went along with it for your sake. This all did seem to make you very happy and that’s what mattered to him.
It took what seemed like years for you, seconds for him, but Friday finally came. You smiled as you unpacked Airis belongings from the car, setting them at Mics feet. “Okay, everything she’s going to need is in there. You’ve got her blanket, her favorite stuffed animal, and a few sets of clothes!” You smiled talking just about a mile a minute. While you were excited for your mini vacation you had to admit you felt odd about leaving your baby for two days as well. You hadn’t been apart from her in so long you couldn’t help but feel emotional.
You watched as your daughter gently babbled in her father’s arms, the little fingers of her left hand sucked into her mouth, the other hand touching Shouta cheek. God it hurt your heart. You were gonna miss this child, and you could tell your husband was too. Giving him a set of soft eyes you reached your arms out for her, a very unhappy set of eyes glaring at you as you did so. He didn’t want to hand her over. “Come on you, let me say goodbye to her too” you chuckled watching as the little girl twisted in his arms with the biggest grin as she looked at you. “Come here mommy’s girl” you squealed happily lifting her out of a reluctant Shoutas arms.
You peppered those sweet little puffy cheeks of hers in kisses, smiling as she laughed and kicked her feet squirming in your arms. “Mommy loves you so much. You be good for Uncle Mic okay?”
The child gave a hum, her fingers wrapping around the collar of your shirt as she looked down at the floor. You gave the little girl a bounce, eyes soft as your lover came from behind her and kissed the top of her head before shooting the most terrifying glance you’d ever seen him give at Mic. “I’m putting my child’s life in your hands. Do not make me regret this.”
There was a spark of red that flickered in the others irises as he spoke, Mic swallowing hard as beads of sweat began to pool on his forehead. “Would you relaaaaaaaax Eraser! She’s gonna be totally A-Okay! Ain’t that right little miss! We’re gonna have the best time this weekend! Let me here you say YEAAAAAAAHYAAA”
Cringing at the others tone, your husband gave a sigh. “I regret this already.”
You rolled your eyes smiling as you handed the baby off to her temporary guardian, the look she gave you breaking your heart. “M-mommy....”
You frowned and kissed her head once more, hand cupping around her little cheek. “It’s okay baby mommy will be back soon, you’re gonna have a good time with Uncle Mic...I love you baby girl”
Knowing she wasn’t getting her way with you she tried to pit the same heart breaking look to her father standing beside you. It nearly worked for him, but he had to stand strong. He rarely gave into the girls pouts and attempts to change his mind, he needed to be firm. Kissing the top of her nose, your husbands lips pulled down st the edges “you’ll be fine kitten. Be good for Mic.” He was gonna miss this little girl. You both were. “I’m clarifying this now. Do not give her any sugar or so help me god-“
“I know I know you’ll rip my head off! You two crazy kids get on outa here!!! I totally got this! Right Airi!” He smiles and took the baby’s little hand in his own making her wave off at the two of you. She seemed to smile contently at that and glance up at Mic with a happy grin. You figured that was your cue to go.
Toting your husband back to the car you both sighed and watched as the image of your daughter and closet friend disappeared into the horizon. You both hoped everything would be fine.
The first night without you and Aizawa went pretty smoothly for the two. Hizashi managed to follow every one of the ridiculous rules set forth by Aizawa, he even managing to get the girl down for bed no problem. This parenting thing was a piece O’ cake! He had this handled....so he thought. Unfortunately Saturday didn’t go nearly as smooth as Friday had for him.
Walking around the living room with the three year old screaming in his ears, Hizsshi felt the panic with in begin to grow. She was fine early that morning but once it became apparent you and Shouta weren’t returning for her anytime soon she began to grow hysterical. She wanted to go home to mommy and daddy now. The baby wailed at the top of her lungs, little hands shoving at Hizashis chest in an attempt to break free of his hold, her little fist slamming against his arms. Digging his teeth into the corners of his mouth, the unprepared voice hero tried to bounce the girl lightly in his arms, cringing at her screams. Was this how people felt when he used his quirk? God was this child loud for someone related to Shouta Aizawa. “Hey hey you’re okay! I got it! I know daddy said no sugar, but how about a cookie for my favorite lil listener, huh? We can have a cookie break and maybe jam out to some fresh new beats!” He grinned setting the girl in her play pen for just a minute.
Effortlessly he grabbed the cookies down from the cabinet he turning around with a few in hand, dropping them when he saw the child was gone. He was seeing things. There was no way this child was gone! He’d turned his back for two seconds just to get a cookie! Chest rising with stress, his heart began to thunder in his ear. “Airi? No no, come on where’d you go sister! This is NOT cool!” He rushed to the pen, hands frantically flying through the strands of blonde hair at the top of his head. The kid was gone. “Fuuuuuck.....fuck fuck fuck.”
Quickly he ran through the rest of the house, intensely shoving doors open, searching every corner every inch of the house. Under beds, under tables, in closets. No where. The baby was no where to be seen. He felt sick to his stomach. He had no idea what to do. The kid was virtually quirkless, there was no way she could have gotten out of thst play pen herself! Did someone with a teleportation quirk sneak in and snatch her? His stomach turned at the idea. What was he going to do. Eraser would be expecting a call any minute from him, and he had no child to put on the phone! Out of ideas, he did the only thing he knew to do. He called the two of you up and prepared for the ass chewing he knew he was due for. His hands shook as he held the phone to his ear, eyes stinging with tears as he listened the phone dial. It didn’t take long before the phone call was answered, the voice on the other end breathless and more tired then normal. “What?”
You laid underneath your husbands body, hands moving to grip at his waist and pull his hips down once more against your body, you craving to feel his friction once more. You wanted his full undivided attention in this moment, and the phone call was a major distraction. You desperately worked to pull your husbands attention back to your body, stopping when you felt his muscles tense under your hands, his grip on his cellphone tightening as his knuckles went white. “You did what?”
Concerned by your husbands reaction, you gently shoved yourself out from under his body, placing your ear to the side of his head in attempt to listen in on the distressed phone call. “s-ah-she was crying and I didn’t know what to do so I put her down and went to get a cookie and when I came back she was gone!! I turned my back for two minutes and she disappeared yo!! I had the doors locked and the windows locked and she was in her play pen and then she wasn’t and I don’t know where she went and I can’t find her i tried calling around the house for her and everything!! She doesn’t have a quirk so it’s not like she could have gotten out on her own..” The voice hero spattered, words flying from his mouth in a higher pitch than usual as he blurted his panic out.
Your heart instantly broke, your stomach growing sick as you listened on. Your hands flew to cover your mouth as tears poured down your cheeks. Gone? Your baby was gone? You should have listened to Shouta...he was right not to want to come out on this mini weekend. You could feel your body beginning to tremble and shake. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing “d-do you know anyone with a warping quirk who could have done this?” You asked looking up at your husband, who between your sobbing and Mics, was starting to loose his patience.
“Continue looking for her, were leaving now.” He all but hissed into the phone hanging up. He didn’t even acknowledge you as he shoved himself out of bed, quickly throwing his clothes on and gathering his things. “I knew we shouldn’t have left. Don’t just sit there. Get up and stop crying Y/N. We need to leave.”
You couldn’t help but feel incredibly guilty, you feeling as if you deserved that harsh tone the other provided you. Your husband was right, you pressured him and talked him into leaving your child against his better judgements and this was the repercussions of doing so. Shouta was never cautious without a cause. You should have known if he felt that something was going to be wrong, to trust his gut instinct. You quickly pulled yourself together and threw your clothes on, gathering your own belongings before the two of you rushed out.
The ride back was disturbingly quite, the air sitting stale as neither one of you talked. You didn’t quite have the guts to say anything to your lover nor did you quite know what to say. Though in honesty, you figured if you’d said anything to him now he’d ignore you anyway. You could see it all over his face, he was worried and heart broken. His silence spoke volumes for the question you’d asked back in the hotel room. Clearly he did know someone with a warping quirk who could have taken her, and clearly he was worried for what that meant. You wanted to throw up, but you needed to be strong. Your daughter needed you to be, and so did your husband. While his composure seemed strong and collected on the outside, he was surely overwhelmed and manic on the inside.
When you arrived to Mics, his eyes had been red from crying, he unable to do anything but apologize twenty times over. He felt terrible for this, not only was he the one who planted the idea in your head to leave, he was the one who was suppose to be in charge of keeping the baby safe and he failed. What kind of uncle was he? With every apology he gave, your husbands fuse only grew shorter, his hair beginning to waver just above his shoulders. It wasn’t long before your husband had wound the thick unbreakable scarf of his around Mics neck, winding it up towards his mouth as he pulled on the straps in his hands. “Apologizing to me won’t bring her back Hizashi, so just stop talking. I don’t want an apology. I just want you to be quite.”
Quickly defusing the situation and prying your husband off of Mic, you all began to search for the child. While you wanted to do more to help, your husband demanded you stay safe where you were. Something along the lines of ‘he’s lost one of the most important things to him, no way he was letting someone take the other’. In the end, all of your resolves came to a disappointing failure. Neither Mic nor Aizawa were able to find any information on a stolen toddler while out on their patrol. It seemed no one knew where the child had snuck off to. The three of you spent all night searching and hunting for answers, it wasn’t until around four in the morning you were finally beginning to make leeway. Sitting now in your own home holding your daughters blanket, you were left sniffling silently in your bedroom when you heard a softest little voice followed by some fussing. Were you hearing things? You pushed your way to your feet making your way out of your bedroom towards the living room, heart stopping when the little girl looked around the room, she seemlessly unharmed. “A-Airi? Baby is that you?”
Her little eyes lit up, legs taking off as she ran her way towards you arms out wide begging to be picked up. “Mommy!”
You couldn’t help but break into hysterics as you scooped the child into your arms, pressing your palm to the back of her head as you clutched her tightly against your body. You couldn’t even begin to speak words or fathom how she got here. “Baby are you okay? Oh my god you scared us.” You buried your face into the top of her head tears gently falling into her hair.
As soon as your hands stopped shaking you reached out to your husband, notifying him that your child was safe and found. It didn’t take long for both men to rush into the house. The bags under Shoutas eyes were darker and thicker than usual, his eyes redder in the edges as well. He must have been so worried. The instant he saw the child in your arms his lips made his way to the top of her head as his arms moving to coil around both of your bodies. He’d never been more terrified in his life. Once everyone had calmed down, you all began to look for more answers on the situation. It turns out, your little girl was not as quirkless as you and your husband first thought. It seemed your daughter had inherited a quirk completely different from that of your husband and yours. She seemed to have the ability to move in and out of time. It didn’t make sense at first but the more Shouta dwelled on the matter the more it began to piece together. He had faint memories of a situation similar to what his daughter was describing. “I wen see daddy a worg. We wen see mommy too! Daddy forga mommy and i was sad! Den Mommy came an we sleep in bed” Sighing the incredibly stressed pro, rubbed at his temples. He couldn’t believe his daughter had acquired a chronos quirk. That would be one very strong ability and one he himself wasn’t sure how to stop. Short of keeping his eyes on her frequently, he didn’t have much of a game plan on how to keep the child tethered to where she belonged until she was old enough to control her power on her own. The key to her quirk for now seemed to be related to her emotions, so as long as they were constantly kept in balance, they’d have no problems. He loved his daughter, but he understood his wife now. He needed a god damn break. With the new knowledge of his daughters quirk, the pro hero couldn’t be anymore greatful for his own quirk. It was a long time before Mic offered to baby sit again though it didn’t stop him from coming by to play with the child as often as he could, and truthfully neither you nor Shouta minded that. Despite the incident you both knew Yamada wasn’t a terrible Uncle and both knew how much he did adore your child. You two managed to work some personal one on one time with each other around your daughters needs and his busy schedules. The two of you were in for it when this child hit her teen years.
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ellana-ravenwood · 7 years
Baby Rogers - Captain America x Reader
Summary : Reader is pregnant, and she has no idea how she’s going to tell Steve...The other Avengers try to help. 
You can find my masterlist here : @ella-ravenwood-archives
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Shit. Shit shit shit shit SHIT.  You knew there was nothing to be afraid of, that he was going to be great as usual...but you were scared shitless. 
Were you ready to have a baby ? You didn’t really know, the only thing you were sure of was that if you ever wanted kids, it was with Steve. He proposed to you a few months ago and you were suppose to get married the coming summer, a child wasn’t really part of the plan. However, the more you thought about it, the more you smiled...But was he going to be as happy ? You were totally freaking out, alone in your bathroom, glad that he wasn’t home right now. He would have totally understand that something was wrong with you...it was fairly obvious really. So you were glad to be alone. Well, not really. You wished you had someone to tell, someone that wasn’t your fiancé. 
You bolted out of your bathroom, grabbing a jacket, and went to the Avengers’ Tower common room, hoping to find a friend there. While you walked to the common room, you started to panic. You knew Steve, he would never hurt you...So what if he didn’t want a kid, but just to please you would act as if it was OK ? What if he decided that he didn’t wanna marry you anymore, and you suddenly found yourself raising a kid alone ? Granted, it wouldn’t be that difficult, you being a Stark, but...You were never so glad to see your brother, chilling in the common room with your friends. They were all there. Wanda, Natasha, Thor, Clint, Vision and Bruce. 
You came in awkwardly, and they didn’t notice you right away. 
Tony was trying to explain how computers worked to Thor, and clearly, he was about to give up. Clint was checking his arrows. Natasha was in a deep conversation with Bruce, and Wanda and Vision were...Cooking ? You weren’t sure. You didn’t care. 
-Oh hey lil’ sis, do you want to take my place and try to knock some knowledge into the God of Thunder’s brain ? Literally. I feel like the man only understand violence. 
-I do not, it’s just that...your Compopper is confusing. 
You laughed as you took a sit in the couch across your brother and Thor. 
-...Computer honey, computer. 
-Whatever, it’s confusing, it doesn’t make sense. In Asgard, when we want to know something, we go to the tree of Knowledge, and it answers us. We don’t have to type many words in the Google to...find things that aren’t even related to what you want to know ! 
Laughter took over all of you, and you felt more relaxed all of a sudden. So relax in fact, that you didn’t realize what you were about to say before you said it. 
-Hahaha I’m pregnant. 
Silence. You were still laughing, not registering what you just said. Until you did. And you laughed nervously. 
-Hum...I’m joking ? 
No one believed you. They were all stunned. Tony was the first to speak.
-Is it Cap’s ? 
-Of course it’s his who do you think I am ? 
-My sister. 
-Haha you know I’m nothing like you on that matter.
He smiled. He knew. Finally fully getting what you just said, Natasha shrieked highly, making Bruce almost turn into the Hulk. It wasn’t like her to act like a teenager like that, but she was so excited for you ! You and Steve were some of her best friends, and she ran to you, catching you in a tight hug, asking to be the godmother. She’d be a great godmother.  
Thor congratulated you on your future hopefully strong spawn, and you weren’t sure how to take it...
Wanda and Vision both smiled widely at you, patting your stomach, which made you awkward. 
Clint told you that it was great, now, you were going to be able to babysit his kids in return of him and his wife babysitting yours. Perfect deal. And like that, you were sure the children were safe. Superhero nannies. 
Bruce shyly came to you and shook your hand awkwardly. Aw Bruce. 
They were all speaking at the same time, asking if you already thought of names, if you wanted a boy or a girl etc etc...
-Well, I have known for less than two hours, so no, no names. I don't care if it’s a boy or a girl. I haven’t even told Steve yet...
They all stopped talking. 
-What ? Oh he’s not gonna be happy that you told us first...
Tony said, making your nervousness from earlier coming back violently. 
-Shut up Stark, he won’t care. All he’s going to think is that he’s gonna be a father. He called earlier, he’s on a solo mission not far from here, he’ll be home soon. 
Natasha’s words, though they were trying to be reassuring, made you almost throw up in stress. He was coming home soon, and you’d have to tell him...
-Yes, who wouldn’t be happy to have a child with such a lady as you Y/N. Your waist is perfect to give birth. 
Once again, you weren’t sure how to react to Thor’s word, so you just thanked him awkwardly...And then you passed out. It was too much. 
You woke up within seconds to the sound of your brother asking if it was already because of the pregnancy, and Bruce answering that it most likely wasn’t. With a small smile, he said it was probably nerves. 
-Nerves ? She’s a Stark, her nerves are made of steel. Or, iron. Haha. 
-Shut up Tony, you have panic attack regularly. 
You scolded him while you were slowly waking up. 
-Ouch. Well at least you’re still as sharp as ever. 
-I’m pregnant bro’, it’s not going to change my personality. But I can already feel my hormones going crazy, they make me want to punch you in the face...oh wait, no, that’s a normal feeling. 
He grimaced at you and you smiled.
-So, stressed of telling Steve ? 
Bruce asked. As usual, you were surprise at how good he was at reading people. Probably because he had to know who he was, and how he felt at all times, to be able to somewhat control his transformations into Hulk. 
-Hum...Yes. Very much. But you guys gotta promise to not tell him before I do. I’ll handle it. He’s going to be happy...right ? 
-Y/N, he asked to marry you. No matter if this isn’t part of “the plan”, it’s gonna be fine. 
You smiled at Natasha, hoping she was right. Still made them promise though. 
Two weeks had passed since that day, and you still haven’t told Steve. Your friends were bickering you every passing hours to do it, but you just couldn't bring yourself to go and tell him. 
Maybe you could hide everything until the baby was born, and just put him in his arms afterward saying : “Hey, it’s yours” ? ...Probably not. In a few weeks, the bump was going to start to show, and he would definitely notice. Besides, weird cravings for food already started, and he looked at you like you were crazy when he surprised you eating pickles with ice cream last night. 
You had to tell him. Today. You were gonna tell him this instant. You went out of the bathroom and to the bed, where Steve was still asleep in. You gently stroke his hair, and he smiled, not opening his eyes. 
-Morning sweetheart. 
He said. You kissed his jaw and he pulled you against his chest. You laughed. Yes, it was the right moment to tell him. Now. Now. Go. Go Y/N. Tell him...You didn’t do it. Instead, you initiated a rather heated love making session. 
Another week passed, and your friends were getting extremely annoying, always on your back. It wasn’t much because they wanted Steve to know, but because they were afraid they would say something to hint at it, and that he’d understand without you actually telling him. 
Like Tony, this morning. Though it wasn’t a hint, it was plainly saying it...You were sat at the counter of the kitchen, eating cereals with hot cocoa in the same ball, when your brother entered, not seeing Steve slumped in a chair in front of the TV. 
-So, Y/N, my sweet little sister, when are you going to tell Cap’ he’s gonna be a daddy ? And not in a sexual way...
You froze, glaring at Tony. Motherfucker. You loved your brother, but right now, you could have smothered him to death without hesitation. But you were too nervous to make a move. And he most likely just didn't notice Steve. 
Steve had raised from the chair and turned his head quickly towards Tony, before turning to you, utterly surprised. Your brother winced, fuck. He didn’t meant that to happen...He looked at you. Ooooh you were mad. But you were going to deal with him later. He slowly backed away, and ran out of the room. 
Steve stood up, staring at you. You didn’t know if he was scared or happy. Maybe a bit of both...
-You...You’re pregnant ? 
You nodded, unable to speak. 
-And it’s...Mine ? 
Again, you nodded, giving him a look that meant : “Obviously it’s yours you idiot”. 
He didn’t make a move, too baffled. 
-Since...When ? 
-Almost a month. 
-Almost a...and you’re telling me just now ? 
You nodded once more. 
-The others know don’t they ? I knew they looked at me in a weird way lately...especially your brother...
Again, you nodded, raising from your seat and taking a few steps towards him...but not daring coming too close. 
-I’m sorry Steve, I wanted to tell you, but I was just...Too nervous. I was afraid of how you’d react. 
-..How I’d react ? 
-Yeah. Maybe you...maybe you don’t want a child with me...
Months of pent up feelings started to explode, and tears filled up your eyes. 
Steve chuckled softly. 
-Honey, I love you. How else could I react but like that ? 
And before you could say anything, he ran to you and gave you the most wonderful hug ever. His eyes too had some unshed tears in them, and his smile was impossibly wide. Relief showered you. 
-I’m gonna be a daddy...
-Not in a sexual way. 
You both laughed, and he twirled you around in a warm embrace. 
-Oh, we have to built him or her a nursery ! What about names ? Did you thought of names ? Do you already know if it’s a boy or a girl ? Doesn’t matter, I’m already in love with them. I’m going to be a father...A family of my own...finallly... 
You smiled gently at him. 
-It only been a month, I don’t know the gender yet. I didn’t want to think of names before I told you and...Well...you know...We can built a nursery together, that sounds fun. 
He put his hand under your shirt, on your stomach, and smiled. Of course, he couldn’t feel anything yet, but he couldn’t stop himself from smiling. 
You hugged each other for a long time, kissing each other’s neck, jaw, forehead, lips...Just happy. So happy you both thought you were going to burst. After a while, you pulled away. 
-Now excuse me baby, but I have to have a word with my stupid brother. 
The end ? 
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