#took my original concept and hecking COOKED
baylardian-1 · 5 months
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the morning sickness train dont stop for the brothers in the house needing to go number two
collabed with @maliciousalice on this piece! :)
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remimibanana · 2 months
A bit about Shattered!
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I wrote a story about Robin and Sunday!
It's about what may have happened during their past, their present and what the reality during and after the never ending dream held for them.
You can find it here!
I wanted to write a bit about my thought process behind writing this, since I have a lot to say and it might interest some people! I also didn’t want to make my notes section way too long and make it hard to leave a comment or kudos.
All under the cut!
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I started writing this story after 2.2 released, but I didn’t finish it until now. It took me so long but it’s finally here! 30k wasn't the amount I expecting but I am all for it.
It originally was meant to be a love letter to 2.2, but it soon became a love letter to Penacony as a whole since there’s spoilers for everything. I had to rewatch the quests often to make sure I didn’t mess up the lore.
I remember I spent a whole day on the 2.2 quest, a Thursday where I sat down on my phone reading through the dialogue and playing the game while wondering when it was going to actually end at one point.
It was way longer than I expected, but I cried by the end of it all while pacing around the kitchen like a crazy person. Seeing Robin jump for Sunday as he fell, I couldn’t help but tear up. It made me love Robin and Sunday way more than I did before!
It was an incredible quest. It was worth all the hours I poured into it, thanking everything that no one was home when I let out noises and screams like a maniac in the kitchen out of all places. I'm a very expressive person.
I also jumped like a maniac when Acheron said Mei, or Yayi since I play with the CN dub! I love Honkai Impact 3rd a lot, if you didn’t know. I mean, everyone knew beforehand but it felt super validating for it to be explicitly said.
I knew immediately that I had to write something for this wonderful story. I’m always inspired to write after a quest, especially one like this. Shaoji cooked with Penacony and he needs to come back and write more for Star Rail.
I had to write Robin and Sunday, because there was so much I could write regarding these two doomed siblings. I did alternating point of views with both of them, as I wanted to tell both their stories.
I also knew that I wanted angst to the max, especially after hearing what the heck Robin went through and the fact that the game barely touched on anything in her point of view. This is the same case with Sunday.
I’m sorry for the pain I have inflicted on you all! I will write a happy story at some point, I promise you. Then again, I've said this before and I still manage to write angst…
There wasn’t much planning for this, aside from a few things from the quest that I wanted to write into it and use…and yet it looks like I’ve meticulously planned it all out doesn’t it?
I amaze myself sometimes. I quite literally surprised myself actually at times, I made stuff connect and I didn’t mean to really. Is this what they call being a genius?
Let’s take it from the top!
The Past
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The first thing I knew I wanted to write was how Robin was shot in the neck.
That sounds terrible, damn. I don’t know how else to word it, I’m sorry!
It was mentioned by Sunday so briefly, and then never brought up again by anyone which is insane to me like what do you mean that Robin was shot in the neck in a war she went into?!
We got to see how he was informed by the Dreammaster about it after showing Robin’s letter and how he was going to pack his bags immediately for Kasbelina-VIII but that was honestly it. This gave me the perfect base to write my rendition of how it all happened.
I structured this part by writing out two letters, the one that Robin sent to Sunday and one that Sunday would have written back if he received it first. I then wrote the actual happenings underneath each paragraph that contradict the letters.
My goal was to make this as interesting as I could since it’s the first thing you read in my story. I needed to hook you all in, and keep you wanting to read on until the end.
There is a lot of story building here, describing the conditions of Kasbelina-VIII and some of the messed up stuff that is happening there. It’s rather realistic, because I wanted it to be. If I was going to talk about a war, I would do so properly without downplaying anything.
I first found it strange that Sunday didn’t know about the war at all. I figured, wouldn’t a war be at least broadcasted by the largest government body, the IPC themselves?
That’s when the idea that the IPC was intentionally covering it all up came to me. It seemed like the most logical explanation, and a very interesting one that I could build upon.
Despite Robin’s letter being in her point of view, we see another being shown. The soldiers who she was staying with this whole time, their thoughts regarding the war and Robin herself.
I had to make a reason as to why she would be shot, because she had to be right in the middle of the battlefield for that to happen. If the IPC was covering everything up, they would also stop supporting the poor planet.
These poor soldiers she’s staying with had no new supplies delivered to for weeks, and yet they still gave what they had left to her, showing that there is still kindness in such a horrific situation.
Based of what I could see, Robin wouldn’t let them suffer like this when she learnt about the supply issue by what I assume was on accident generally. I wanted to give the soldiers some character, so I made them lie to her for her sake about how long they didn’t have supplies for.
We have a lot of lying mentioned in this story, since it’s the main premise for both Sunday and Robin. They both lied to each other for the other’s sake, thinking that it was the right thing to do. Lies after lies pile up, and we see what happened when they all came falling down.
I've never been shot before (god forbid) but I tried to imagine how it might have felt for Robin, the way it would make her feel. It did hurt to write this part, the way she still tried to deliver those supplies...the way she belittled herself for lying...
I wanted to make you all suffer, pretty much. That also sounds terrible.
Now, we go into Xipe and THEIR role. The Dreammaster mentioned how Harmony had blessed her by missing her vital arteries, so I made THEM interfere despite the fact THEY usually only observe and watch everything unfold.
THEY said that the bullet was not meant to hit her, but it still did for some reason that eluded them. This was such a major foreshadowing point that doesn't make much sense until later on, I am such a genius for this!
The same case when it is mentioned that someone could try to calculate their reasonings by forsaking their humanity, I was intentionally foreshadowing what Sunday does later on when he tried to.
You seriously would think I planned all this but it sort of came out this way.
Sunday's letter on the other hand, is much more of a character study of himself if anything. I wanted to explore how he would feel about all this, the way he would handle such a situation of his beloved sister being shot.
We know that Sunday uses puppets, but it's never stated why or how he had them in the first place. We can also see how he can manipulate them, making them act out scenes and characters during the time when we are stuck running through those Memory Zones before his boss fight, which I took and built upon the idea.
Sunday is a very complex character, so I made him a little mentally unstable when concerning his sister. The way he lashed out at his puppets, destroying them all over and over while making up scenarios of her shooting in order to cope. He even thinks that a puppet is Robin for a second.
If this is out of character or not, I don’t know. I wanted to give him more character than we see in the actual story, and naturally my thoughts went to this. It is mentioned how much he loves Robin (as a sister obviously), and so I wanted to see how far he would go for his only family left.
I took the concept of Harmony and expanded on it. We can see that Harmony can alter the mind's state, so why not make it so they can control others by altering their thoughts? I often like adding additional powers for the plot that still make sense in the realm of the game.
For Robin, it was mostly subconsciously done. For Sunday, he does it intentionally for his own reasons. Both use Harmony to alter minds without asking if the intended victim wanted it, making them both in the wrong.
We have these whispers present, the choir above that Sunday can hear because of how attuned he is to Harmony, alongside Robin that he rejects often. I don't think this is a thing in game, but I thought it would make everything so much more intriguing!
His distrust in Harmony grows and the rejection started from the first seed of doubt planted by Mr Gopher Wood. I imagine that his manipulation started young, slowly introducing the disharmony into Sunday's ideals.
This whole section quite literally foreshadows the rest of the story, it's great.
The Present
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The major part of this story is when Robin is in Sunday's consciousness.
We have no idea what happened to her there, only that they were “put” to sleep. In Ena’s Dream, apparently it is called Tuning that she went through alongside Welt Yang by Sunday, who mentioned that nothing too bad happened to him there.
Then again, apparently it was Jing Yuan who saved Welt from Sunday’s subconscious???? I don’t really know how that works but point is, I had a lot of playing ground for what happens to Robin in there.
Here, we are introduced to the idea of Memory Zones (every time I read this, I think of Mystery Zones from Pokémon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum), areas of Sunday’s subconscious that he made to house his manifestations.
The first zone that Robin enters is incomplete. I imagine that Sunday never prepared for the possibility that Robin would ever enter his mind, so she was thrown into a zone that was quickly conjured up to keep her.
Since Robin too is attuned to Harmony, she can affect the Memory Zone to an extent. The colours you see on the ground is from her own power, as you can tell by the fact it originally came from her every single time it is mentioned.
As to why this is happening, I think it’s more of a subconscious thing once again. Robin doesn’t truly mean to use Harmony here while stuck in a random zone.
She can also hear the whispers, although they are trying to help her unlike Sunday’s ones. This is clearly a major foreshadowing point that you realise later on that these aren’t the same whispers.
We see the Charmony Dove from their childhood flying around and giving Robin a bit of trouble. This was definitely Sunday’s doing, who finally decided what he would do with her.
I wanted Robin to sing here because I thought that it was the best way to calm down the little bird, and symbolize how important her singing is to her and the world around her.
As she keeps saying, it’s the only thing she is good for at the end.
It was Sunday who made the bird fly away like a puppet with feathers, and Robin ran after it. I feel like she’s very selfless, to the point that she would run into a trap knowingly.
A zone just for her.
I knew I wanted to use that story with the Charmony Dove since it’s pretty prominent in 2.2. The Memory Zone she runs into is a replica of the bedroom the siblings stayed in, with the Charmony Dove now in the cage they kept it in.
This bird isn’t the same one as before as you can tell, since this whole zone is Sunday’s memory of how he released the small bird to its death. Robin helps it to fly, but it only shattered its wings when it fell as Sunday explained.
That’s when she learnt that this was all her fault, and we learn why that bullet that wasn’t meant to hit her did back then.
It was karma. They do say that karma’s a bitch, and for Robin, it took form with that bullet. It sounds like I’m quoting Jojo Siwa but I’m not, I swear ;;
I didn’t intent for it but I wrote down that sentence “Perhaps, Robin was shot in the neck because of what she did” and my brain connected the dots immediately with what I wrote with Xipe earlier.
Sunday finally makes an appearance in person. This whole sequence is interesting because we have him hurting Robin, as if she was one of his puppets. I intentionally made it this strange, with Sunday mentioning after that the zone fell out of his control later on.
I described how his arms were out like an overseer, that’s a very obvious reference to Otto Apocalypse from Honkai Impact 3rd.
The lullaby part is from 2.3, where Robin mentioned how Sunday used to sing a lullaby to her when she was restless at night. I thought it would the perfect final blow.
It isn’t Robin in that zone. But it is at the same time. It’s interesting, isn’t it? Would it be too farfetched to say that it was Robin's consciousness who transferred into that puppet? Who knows.
Robin “wakes up” from that Memory Zone, completely nauseous and disoriented from the sheer amount of Harmony, or Order she was subjected to. We saw this with that doctor earlier with only a small amount of it used.
It was too much for her to handle. It was only when Sunday appears again to cut through it all, does she snap out of it out of his sheer grace. What a kind person he is.
We learn that Robin is in a cage. This is the same cage we see in her splash art! I like to try to integrate them into my stories, like I did for one of my previous stories with Black Swan’s one!
The two siblings share a conversation that doesn’t end well, with him leaving her. It was the only logical outcome for our doomed siblings here. I feel bad for them.
The cage breaking and Robin singing is also based on her splash art, as I needed a way for her to escape the cage that made sense to her and the story. I think it signifies how important her singing is to her and how Harmony interacts when she does.
We see Robin running around all the various Memory Zones Sunday has, noting how there are many puppets in them. I was alluding to when we go through those Memory Zones in the Grand Theater where Sunday tells us some stories using his puppets.
In one of them…we find her companion that was forced to sleep alongside her.
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I just wanted to write him since he is one of my favourite characters and I had my chance to finally in a story!
You can probably tell how much I enjoyed writing him based on how long his part is. If you have played Honkai Impact 3rd, or know Welt’s backstory, this is my little treat for you. If Hoyo won't make him do things, I WILL.
I made Welt finally use his powers. He’s the Herrscher of Reason, he has the freaking Star of Eden (the 9th Divine Key itself), AND HE BARELY DOES ANYTHING PLEASE DO SOMETHING I WANT TO SEE—
Making a bench is child’s play for Welt. I thought it would be kind of funny if he did.
Welt is more childish here since he wanted to cheer Robin up, who looked clearly sad. I think he probably used to do something similar with his adoptive son Joey when he was upset. He couldn't help but do so for his companion.
The idea for him making himself have wings like hers is from this one comic I saw on Twitter that lives rent free in my mind. I thought it would be a great way to cheer her up while also using his power more!
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(It took me so long to find this, it wasn't funny how much I scrolled)
His wings smack right onto his face rather comedically and I took that from the official emojis where you can see Robin hiding her face. I imagine that younger Halovians struggle with their wings moving around and his wings are practically akin to newborn ones.
The power of Reason.
This is where I had to make things painful. Welt talks about his experience, the memory that Sunday chose to use against him. I was thinking about what would be the best memory, and of course I went for the jugular for that pain factor.
This is where Welt Joyce, the former Herrscher of Reason died in the city he was protecting. This was where Joachim Nokianvirtanen, who we now know as Welt Yang received the Core of Reason, the name Welt and a mission from Welt Joyce, before passing away.
It’s a very important memory to Welt, and one I would see Sunday exploiting. Only those who know of Welt Yang’s story would know that the man he mentioned was Welt Joyce since I intentionally didn't mention his name.
For Welt recreating half of the town, I was spitballing about the energy part. I don’t know if Memoria would be a good substitute for Honkai energy but I’m just rolling with it. Don't quote me on that.
The main role of Welt here is to reassure Robin, give her the will and inspiration to keep going despite everything. She even tells him all about her experiences, a connection between the two already facilitated by simple communication.
I feel like Welt is such a father figure. If only we all had him in our lives.
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Sunday has now merged with Dominicus and has fallen to those whispers above, as the never ending dream is taking form.
The Dreammaster, Mr Gopher Wood himself makes an appearance as his former form. In 2.2, all his ravens die and he is never seen again, making it pretty clear that he's dead. However, I assume that he joined the Dreamscape and is now an entity that can oversee everything.
Dead only physically, as you will.
The Embryo of Philosophy is named by the Dreammaster here, since I was wondering how Sunday was named that during his boss fight, although it could have been from the whispers THEMSELVES. I also made Mr Gopher Wood show his true colours, to show that manipulative side.
There was a reason for this. He didn't want his son to start rebelling or second guessing his choice, so he used Robin as a way to keep him ensnared in his deception. Evil, isn't he?
I honestly think that Sunday knew that he would ascend to Aeonhood, as smart as he is. At least, he would have had an inkling of Gopher Wood’s true intentions.
Those whispers were Ena this whole time inside of Xipe as we learn. If Xipe absorbed Ena, wouldn’t Ena still be there? I think Mr Gopher Wood and Ena were in cahoots, scheming together. Perhaps even more than that (gets hit).
How…how dare he? 
How dare he glimpse Heaven’s will? How dare he change people’s fate?
How dare he decide the life and death of other beings? 
How dare he represent the will of all beings? How dare he control the greatest secrets and riches of the world itself?
How dare he…hold the fate of the entire world in his hands?
These lines are from HI3, particularly from Chapter 3 of Part 2 but slightly edited. This is what Baiji thinks of his actions to save everyone, and I feel like it also applies to Sunday.
We have many HI3 references here. I couldn’t help myself.
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We now go back to Robin's point of view. This is after she awakens from Ena’s dream.
I don’t know if any other people woke up aside from the Astral Express + Acheron, Boothill and Black Swan, but for plots sake, there was. Just some random people we don’t care about.
We have Acheron! I wanted to write her since she played a huge part in Penacony and it would be a shame not to after I read this:
The bloody sacrifice becomes the sweet dreamland. The real world will lose meaning for them, while the eternal dream will become their only reality. They will no longer think with time. Their dreams will be connected, which will create a true miracle that transcends finality.
This is also a treat for the HI3 players. The words here are the words that Raven tells Mei before Project Stigma takes place. I was playing through that chapter at one point and thought that the words fit perfectly for this story.
I rewrote Acheron’s part because I disliked what I had initially. I was writing about Finality and how it was the same as transcending Order but it didn’t fit well so I changed it. I wanted to say how Finality governs time and how it can change reality if you had the authority...but perhaps another time.
As we know, Acheron was the only survivor who defeated End, referring to Kevin Kaslana all by herself without her companions unlike in HI3. I had to mention this and highlight the difference between their cases.
She doesn't show up again in the story, but she also impacts Robin in a way.
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Miss Firefly takes the stage!
We have a bit of Robifly because I do ship them and I couldn’t help myself when I had a chance to write an interaction between Robin and Firefly. I wanted something a bit more lighthearted to break between all the angst and pain.
I saw how Firefly mentioned that she can't dream, and so I just wanted Robin to tell her otherwise to cheer her up. She’s following Welt’s lead, being that kind and inspirational person!
I’m sorry for making you the third wheel…
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Speaking of him, we have Welt again appear! I couldn’t help myself, I just wanted to write more of him and I felt like Robin would try to seek him out first.
Did you know that it was called a Dream Pool, that bed in the Reverie? I had to rewatch 2.0’s quest because I didn’t remember the name for the life of me.
This time, we have Welt suffering yet again…I'm sorry that I only write you like this. He mentions in 2.3 that he dreamt about returning to his homeland and seeing all his old friends. This poor man, imagine waking up to find that it was all a lie.
The yelling mention was obviously a nod to Tesla who I would imagine yell at him for taking this long to return without a single word.
I hope Welt does get to connect with his homeland eventually, I want to see them or hear them!
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We then go into the battle against Sunday! I purposely chose Sunday's point of view here, since we never receive it in the game.
I was rewatching the fight, and noted how sudden the switch from the question Sunday asked to mentioning how it was their final talk felt like it wasn’t him talking anymore, which I made the case here since we have my wonderful whispers.
We learn more about how Sunday felt during this, and what may have happened after their fall. Robin mentioned how she woke up by herself, which could only mean that Sunday left her there.
I think he genuinely was upset by the failure, but most of all…failing Robin. The feather falling down is a reference from how there were feathers flying around when Robin appeared and how the Trailblazer took it into their hands.
It clearly has the power of Harmony, and that’s what Sunday can feel when he holds it tightly. I imagine that he would keep that feather with him, as a reminder of what he lost.
The ending is based off 2.3, where we learn that Sunday is captured and will face trial. I didn’t go into much detail since we really don’t know much about how he was caught.
It won’t be the end.
It will be the end of all the suffering. 
I will realise my dreams.
I will make my dreams come true. 
I won’t fail again.
I will never fail.
The poison to Penacony still lingers.
I am a traitor. 
These are Robin and Sunday's thoughts respectfully. As you can see, they are both the same fundamentally. That goes to show how they are both traitors in a way, aren't they?
We have a little ending about the siblings, alongside a story with a snake.
The snake is Miss Jade herself, where Robin went to her to make her greatest desire come true...to let Sunday go free. I wanted to reference the end of 2.3 where we see Jade talking to Sunday, how he was free but he refused her.
I repeated the words Acheron spoke for the very end to tie it all together. The perfect words to end a story filled with so much!
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Thank you for reading all this! I’ve spent way too long on this story and I’m glad it’s finally out there for everyone to read!
I feel like in terms of storytelling, this is my best story so far! I'm proud of all the elements I was able to merge into this!
- Miku
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👀👀 okay that was Jules??? Holy scrap im excited!! Now Rosie whatcha got cooking?!
Sure, this one needs a smidgen of context though. My brother told me what the original ending was going to be for Bayverse Dark of the Moon and it's been on my mind a lot lately. Imagine that Megatron having to atone for his war crimes. And then getting stuck with a powderpuff of a mechanic (My self insert Rosie) 😂 Call it a midlife crisis. It's uh gotten out of hand so here's a chunk of it. Heck I don't even know if it'll get posted. Also, mention of Noah because I'm mushing continuities together!
Something in him hated this. It hated her kindness. And he hated her not because he was cruel, but because he was starting to understand why the bots trusted her. He hated that he felt an attachment forming. He hated that a thought of staying in this place crossed his mind. He hated that even with his records she never treated him as an enemy. He hated everything about her and this situation and yet the moment the others left he tried to keep her attention for awhile longer. He needed it.
“How… did you learn to repair Cybertronians?” he asked wanting to learn more about her despite the dark energy in his Spark screaming at him to leave it.
“Well, for the minor stuff I learned from Ratchet initially. Basic biology and terminology and the like. It’s very similar to things we have here so it wasn’t too terrible. Especially considering my father taught me to repair automotive vehicles.” Rosie said as she began to clean up the workshop so she could work on his right hydraulic tomorrow, “Then Noah taught me to sew bots back together. So, long as we can get parts from their chosen earth altmode it seems to be an easy task.”
“And reviving bots?” Megatron seemed almost cautious with this question as he carefully sat back down on the concrete floor of the hangar.
“As Jazz said, it was an accident.” she chuckled, “When he was brought to us his Spark was in one piece, just dormant. And one day while Noah and I were stitching him together I had a brilliant idea. What if your Sparks needed the same electrical pulses it took to revive our hearts? And well, I took my taser and just shoved it to the Sparks case holding and there he was. Dazed and confused, but alive. It wasn’t planned just a stroke of luck.”
“A risk… one that worked out in your favor. Interesting…” he said watching as she hopped onto a lift to get to his level.
“Mmhmm. And besides, he was thought to be dead. So, if it failed it wouldn’t matter. It was worth the risk.” she explained coming to level with his optics, “I can also repair aesthetic injuries like your helm with steel. So, long as I treat it like a transplant your energon, blood… or well the equivalent seems to grow over it and make it apart of you. Jazz? That panel on his abdomen that you tore in two? That is a steel replacement I did.”
Megatron recoiled at the mention of the war crime he had committed. Not only had she definitely been told about his past, but it was absolutely eerie how she spoke about it so calmly. But, beneath that was relief. She didn’t seem to judge him for his poor decisions made from being power hungry and filled with a rage that he still fought with despite the truce.
“I see why Sam trusts your work.” He said.
“I wouldn’t say that exactly, I think he trusts Noah more than me. But, only because he’s been doing it longer. Mirage isn’t going to believe me when I tell him I got to help repair you.” she snorted leaning on the rail, “Listen, I am highly aware of the circumstances between you and the other bots. But, I’m also highly aware of how and why it happened.”
“Then why are you helping me?” his voice was low as if he was a dog ready to bite.
“Sometimes, kindness is enough.” She responded.
Something inside of him clicked. Though he couldn’t quite place what it was. He watched as she lowered the lift. He gritted his dentae as his mind whirred with what that meant. Kindness was still a concept he had issues with. He couldn’t fully grasp it. Yet. So, he decided to leave it. It was a sentiment he could live with.
“I’ll see you in the morning.” she said, “If the others give you trouble let me know.”
With that she left and all he could do is sit and stare into the wall in front of him. He didn’t even notice the others coming in. He was ruminating about what was said. What it meant. Why would anyone give him kindness? He was aware of what he did and clearly this human was to. So, why? Enough? What was that supposed to mean?
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for the WIP ask game >_> "Pandora's Bastion" sounds so cool!
HECK YEAH I could talk about this one for HOURS
(sorry this took a million years to post, I am easily distracted and have the memory of a foghorn)
Okay, okay, so, like, it's a weird (ish) one, which is already saying something because most of my personal projects are some degree of strange, in one form or another (probably because I've had most of these as concepts for years at this point, and most of them at least partially stem from any combination of Gender Identity, Complicated Family Dynamics, and Mental Health)
This is also one that I haven't done anything concrete for other than note-taking, but there's still a lot of stuff in my brain about it. It's legit one of my longest existing ideas! This has been cooking since 2013! Since there's a lot I can say about it, I'm going to put a 'short' summary below, then expand upon it under a read-more :3
Summary: The last (known) Earth-born human, who has given up most of their humanity to stay alive centuries after the planet's 'death' (no longer viable for human life), discovers another of the lost "sleeper ships", AKA one of the vessels that humanity used to travel to other habitable planets. Inside is only one living human, Jeremy King*, who has a small connection to the protag's family. Unfortunately, he is unable to cope with how long he has been asleep for, and becomes the novel's antagonist, desperately attempting to reassemble any remaining pieces of Earth culture/history (even if it means dismantling the systems that have been built upon those remains). His knowledge of Earth is what allows him to pose a threat to the protag. However, he does not actually realize who the protag is until the very end of the book, at which point he experiences a breakdown. Going along with the themes of the novel (elaborated on under the cut), the protag decides to 'let go' of a piece of their immortality. *working name, of no relation to the several people with that name I found just now by googling
Protag Summary: In another (several) reference(s) to various pieces of religion/mythology, the protagonist has several names. It's also important to note that their gender identity, biological features, and other identifying traits are intentionally kept vague/unknown (you'll see why later). Most commonly, they are referred to as Legion ("My name is Legion, for we are many." -Mark, 5:9), but also answers to Nobody (Odyssey my beloved), Zero, and Unison. There might have been another name I am currently forgetting. Anyway, the main reason for that goes back to their form of immortality. The actual original Legion is in a form of cryosleep at the very heart of the titular Pandora's Bastion (originally called Pandora Station, before I got worried about the online radio service and copyright). The Legion that everyone knows... is actually several dozen cybernetically enhanced clones, that are all linked together and work in, you guessed it, perfect unison.
Read-more time!
The Setting, Universe: So, when I was younger, I was kind of obsessed with the idea of having this huge, branching story taking place over thousands of years. I called it Bloodlines, and it was split into three sort of sections: The Era of Earth (from roughly modern times to eh maybe a thousand years later?), The Span of Space (the first several hundred years after humanity leaves Earth, as they become a part of intergalactic society), and The Time of Triam (everything past that). Triam being the name of one of the most important characters in the whole series/a Goddess from an important Space Religion. Now, a lot has changed over time, and I'm still debating whether or not to break things up into more universes, because of conflicting ideas. But originally, Pandora's Bastion was going to be the only story that really involved all three sections, although it primarily takes place in The Time of Triam.
The Setting: The story mainly takes place around the titular Pandora Station/Pandora's Bastion. Originally, the name was chosen simply because I liked the sound of it, but I think in some ways it has actually become pretty fitting. Pandora Station is essentially a city built on/around a huge chunk of space rock (not big enough to be considered a moon, though I've considered changing it to be one). If you've played/know about the Mass Effect series, than know that Pandora was heavily inspired by Omega, to the point where the initial version was basically just "Omega but translated into my story universe". Honestly still needs more editing. The original (in canon) purpose of the city was mining/research, but it was abandoned after the research was completed. This was all conducted by one of the non-human species from the setting. Eventually, Legion's "sleeper ship" encountered the station, and Legion (who was already on the edge of what most would consider human at that point) moved in. A couple of decades later, a group of alien mercenaries decided to build upon the pre-existing structure, being unaware of Legion's presence in the heart of the city. Over time the city became a sort of haven for mercenaries, bounty hunters, criminals, and general misfits (think Omega from ME2/3, Knowhere from Marvel, or any part of Nar Shaddaa from SW). For a few hundred years prior to the official start of the story, the station/city has mainly been controlled by one lady, currently named Caldhrik Tarakova. She serves as an anti-hero of sorts throughout the Bloodlines storyverse, and is arguably Legion's closest ally, although even she isn't aware of Legion's status as being Technically Several Dozen People With A Hivemind (at least not at the start of the story). The two of them have a deal, with Legion supplying extra security and intel, while Caldhrik makes sure nobody tries to get into the maintenance areas of the city, since that's where they chill.
Legion's Backstory (More mythology references whoooo): So, as previously stated, Legion's birth name, gender, and race are all left intentionally unstated. The purpose behind this is that they act as a sort of representative of Earth, being the last Earth-born human alive (excluding Jeremy King, but they'll outlive him). I didn't want to have any sort of awkwardness where the symbolic vision of humanity is just, like, a white guy, or something. I can't find my notes about it, but there's supposed to be some stuff that encourages the reader to see Legion as a version of themselves. Honestly, I've sometimes wondered if the story would work better as a weird multi-media thing. Anyway, Legion was born on Earth a few years before their family left Earth. At that point in the setting, Earth was already going downhill fast, and space exploration was a HUGE thing. As Earth declined, however, there was a realization that it would be easier for the big companies to abandon the planet than to help heal it (there's a whole bunch of stuff that leads up to that, but it's mainly explored in Burn-Smoke, not Pandora's Bastion). So, naturally, they start fucking off into deep space, sending dozens of massive Sleeper Ships to planets that have the most potential for life, knowing the journeys will take close to a century. While this starts, huge conflicts break out among those left scrambling on Earth. Jeremy King was one of Legion's neighbors, and was deployed in combat not long before they were born. Various countries and their governments form alliances (some of them unlikely) to create more Sleeper Ships, forming gigantic waiting lists to ensure the "important people" get off world. Legion's family is fairly lucky, managing to get their household on one of the mid-tier ships (as time went on, the ships that were made lost quality, as the available resources diminished). Because of this mixed quality, the ship initially launched with most passengers awake (as opposed to being in cryosleep, as intended). By the time they enter the cryo pods, Legion is roughly 13-15. Again because of the lower quality, not all the systems are fully automated, requiring occasional human work. As part of an agreement made by the human passengers, the ship's AI (named Prometheus) occasionally wakes up a human, trains them in maintenance, and has them be a helper for 5-10 years before selecting a new human to take their place. The humans rotate out in such a way that there are actually usually 2 people awake at once, with one starting to train their replacement. Eventually, young Legion is selected, and spends several years with a kindly stranger as a mentor, before the mentor is returned to cryosleep. Not long afterwards, there's a disastrous malfunction, caused by impact with space debris. Most of the ship's power becomes limited, and Prometheus has to hurriedly teach Legion how to access and repair equipment that is meant to be fully automated. As things worsen, the AI is forced to decide which systems to cut power to, in order to A: ensure there's enough power left to complete repairs, B: ensure Legion survives long enough to make said repairs, and C: maximize how much of the ship and it's contents will survive.
Prometheus, although very conflicted about it, ends up needing to shut off most of the power to the cryo pods. Legion is able to complete repairs and reboot the system, but by then the damage is done, with most of the other passengers dead, and the rest with little to no chances of survival. Now essentially truly alone with an AI, Legion becomes devoted to going through the ship's digital archives, which contain immense records of Earth history, culture, and scientific marvels. The mentorship between Prometheus and Legion turns into a friendship, and eventually the two end up performing a merge (Prometheus getting linked into Legion's cybernetics), which they deem necessary as part of extending their lifespan (allowing them to finish what's left of their mission). By the time Legion reaches Pandora, they're fully accustomed to having a super computer for a brain.
Rough musings on themes: The story goes over the ideas of preservation vs adaptation, exploring the difference between upholding tradition and refusing to grow. Both J.K. (Jeremy King) and Legion are desperately grasping onto pieces of the past, with J.K. tearing apart the present for it, and Legion diluting both the past and themselves in an attempt to save even the smallest fragments. At the start, neither of them are fully accepting of the fact that humanity lives on through what it has become- not just by what remains of Earth. Both of them are relics of the past, but Legion (who has no actual memories of their homeworld) acts as a representation of future generations, of the sort of Mythological Children that we talk about when discussing the legacies we'll leave behind. (that is to say- what did J.K. and his generation leave for Legion to inherit? what culture, values, what problems? what did their fear and desperation instill in the last cradle of humanity?)
Anywho/anyhoo/anyho/anyhow/anyway (all of which I am fond of saying), this is already a mountain of information that probably actually says very little, and I could (and gladly would!) talk about it for even longer. But I think this is good for now :D
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Lus and the Human Portal Clone Theory
Even before Keeping Up A-fear-ances aired, I have been working for almost a year now on running through all the possible various suspects with wonderful folks like @sepublic​ , @anistarrose​ , and @elementalist-kdj​ . Like the post title indicates, from sheer process of elimination, the only conclusion that made sense to me was a clone made of Luz by the portal door, and I’ve been working on refining and reworking said conclusion up to the version I will lay out here.
Now, as @safetayy​ , @theowlhouseheadcanons , and @50shades-of-blue have heard from me before, the portal I've long suspected was not made to go from the Demon Realm to the Human Realm, but rather to go from the Human Realm to the Demon Realm by humans, for humans. This is because it then could tie into the hypothetical existence of a Luz clone without having the issue of asking where Eda, Lilith, and King's clones are, as the clone in this case is the result of a function of the door to create a basic level duplicate of any human that passes through it rather than it happening for just anyone that passes through.
With this, it's because the suitcase form of the portal looks as thought it indicates it was used for temporary trips to the Demon Realm, much like how suitcases were used when railways and international boats made travel more accessible for the middle and lower classes. For example:
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Going by the way the door “faces” and the way it swings open, the ergonomics of the portal makes it look an awful lot like a right handed out swing door, with the Human Realm on the “inside” and the Demon Realm on the “outside.” And the arrow in the diagram depicts the general direction of traffic that such right handed, out swing doors are typically design with in mind - ergo, showing what way the portal appears to facilitate travel in.
Now, before you ask, the reason why I think the portal could have been created in the human realm in the first place is that it might require an extra component/bit of help or two from the Owl Deity which I’ve discussed before in the past as hinted by these connected designs:
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I’ll explore how I feel the revelation that such a twist about the portal’s origins could play into the themes and narrative of the show under the cut, but overall, I feel these are potential significant details to keep in mind for the rest of this arc of building a new door and handling the idea of Lus having initially been made as a temporary-duration clone, hence how "Luz" comes off so uncannily in the letters as she wasn't meant for long term impersonations.
That, and why I named this the Human Portal Clone theory, for those wondering about the name.
Alongside this, my thought has been that walking back through the portal to the Human Realm basically makes the portal send a recall signal to tell the clone to return to it, where the clone would be reabsorbed into the portal and its memories are given to the original. However, with Luz going back into the Demon Realm for a brief time in YBOS, I am of the mind that it doesn’t just make another clone, but rather that doing so merely made the door turn off the recall signal and allowed "Lus" to resume the impersonation.
And as for the clone itself and why they’re writing letters to Camila, well, imagine it from Lus' perspective. To her at the time of creation, the last thing she probably knew was that she had been chasing the cute little owl that took her Azura book into the woods, and right when the bus to Reality Check Camp was about to arrive.
Also, if you think about it, Lus being the work of someone we/don’t know yet raises way more plot threads/questions than answers compared to being the work of the portal, as outlined below:
TLDR at end of post for those wondering
Belos? How and why before YBOS where he actually started paying attention to Luz for the first time and actually got his hands on a portal? 
Eda? Why would she do all this and not tell Luz she can goof around without needing to worry about her mom or the camp/in time to fool the camp, especially when it took a good amount of time for Eda to even start feeling that close to Luz? 
Hooty got ruled out from the getgo since he can’t hold pencils, King just isn’t that subtle, and everyone else that Luz knows has the major issues of just straight up not knowing about the camp in the first place. Well, that and a lack of another known method of getting to the Human Realm in the first place.
The camp? Why would they worry about a missing camper whose disappearance is all HER fault and thus would more logically result in a call to her parent than some convoluted clone conspiracy? 
And finally, some currently completely unknown third party?
If we’re talking a Changeling, A) it’d be easy for Luz to dismiss them and B) that just makes all the ominous portrayal of Lus super straightforward instead of a subversion like is the show’s shtick.
If we’re talking dimensional counterparts, A) they have to REALLY have led a very similar life to Luz’s in order for there to be enough common ground for Luz to listen, and B) dimensional counterparts aren’t even a confirmed or likely thing that people cooked up from Episode 1 side characters influenced by Amity’s concept art.
And if we’re talking some complete surprise third party group or another, it doesn’t make sense to introduce a third party and their motives and plans to the show this late in when Belos is already taking up the bulk of it all.
Hell, if anything, the continued existence of the duplicate in of itself would indicate that the target of the conspiracy is none other than Camila Noceda than anything to do with Luz or Eda, especially with the complete lack of anyone taking advantage of Luz and or Eda. 
From the getgo, Witches Before Wizards already hard-baked into the show the idea that Luz is NOT inherently special or anything into the foundations of the show from the getgo - ergo, Camila likely just is an absolutely regular human being, someone who has no justification for such a convoluted conspiracy to surround them.
That said, I believe that the idea of the portal having originated from the Human Realm could potentially play into some interesting stories to be had with Camila and Lus here, especially as the conspiracy board shot from the promo was confirmed by Dana to apparently be from S2A, not from the episodes past Yesterday’s Lie:
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After all, with Luz searching the library for a way home this coming episodes, perhaps she might figure out something the next couple of episodes that allows her texts to send through, which would logically lead to the above picture. That, and Camila and Lus being confused by and trying to figure out what’s going on there.
I mean, the cabin in the woods likely has a very close connection to the portal and it’s origins given how closely tied the two structures seem to be, and as far as we can tell, Luz never mentioned the cabin in her videos to Camila, but if Lus tries to retrace her steps, that would be a natural vector to lead Camila to the cabin and thus allow us a chance to actually investigate it.
That said, all following the trail would do is lead her and Lus to a dead end at the abandoned cabin, where they would have nothing else to do except discuss their complicated relationship concerning Luz and twiddle their thumbs while waiting for Luz to finish things on her end - which while something I think would be interesting to see, I just don’t see how much of a way to keep them in the greater picture of the show without some kind of project or activity that the two of them could work together on on screen. 
And that’s what leads me to a particular train of thought here, starting with the question of what if Luz FAILS to make a working portal over the course of S2A and such?
With the possible in-universe mystery over what the heck is going on with Lus, perhaps the cabin might hold some notes from the original last human owner - if not potentially the creator - of Eda’s portal as well as potentially some of the same materials and such from previous trips.
Cue CAMILA building a working portal, following in the footsteps of the original creator and such and thus finding a reason to stay on screen, all the while potentially demonstrating both why Belos wanted the portal instead of making his own, as well as diving into the Owl Deity’s connection with the original portal. Heck, maybe the Owl Deity is only accessible in the Human Realm and that plays a part in Belos wanting to get to the Human Realm, which would bring Camila directly into contact with the magic her daughter has been interacting with.
Also, just imagine the internal conflict going on here with Lus. After all, helping Camila build a portal to get the original Luz -and hoo boy would that be a tough thing to grapple with- would most definitely do that and make both Lus AND Camila question how much the latter likes Lus vs Luz.
Like, just imagine it. There would be major chances for Lus and Camila to discuss what would happen if and when they’re finished with the portal, and what will happen to Lus’ relationship with Camila if and when Luz gets back.
Does Camila really prefer her daughter to be all more “normal” like Lus, or does she prefer the old, “weird” daughter from before the summer with Luz?
Perhaps she might be able to figure out how to strike a nuanced balance between the two, and all on a metaphorical journey to truly build a better connection between her and her daughter(s?). 
TLDR: Or in short, I can’t help but feel it would be fitting to see Camila building a bridge WITH Lus TO Luz. 
Particularly, by being the one to craft an actual working portal in the Human Realm instead of Luz in the Demon Realm, showing a parent putting in an active effort to get down to their child’s level rather than waiting for said child to try to get up to their parent’s level even if they can’t or find it incredibly hard to do so.
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“Hotel Potter” (Part 3)
Paring: Remus x Reader (Marauders Era)
Warnings: Fluff, James is bad at fixing things, More awkwardness haha, and mentions of eating issues?
Word Count: 1775
A/n: I didn’t proof read this, so enjoy/I’m sorry... (Also, we’re getting close to the part I had in my DrEaM✨)
You watched as Sirius dropped his bag on the floor before immediately breaking into a sprint to fling himself onto the bed. The bed...
You didn’t know exactly why you were expecting there to be two... I mean that would be a bit excessive for a regular house... but not until this very moment did you realize the consequences of your poor decisions.
“Hey, Y/N,” Marlene called out from the hallway after hearing Sirius’ loud running start. “Good luck!” Her laugh echoed throughout the hall.
Lily came from around the corner to let you know you were always welcome in her room if Sirius turned out to be an actual dog. You simply accepted and just smiled while shedding a singular, figurative tear. “Nah, I’ll be fine... Probably ;)”
It didn’t take you very long to choose a side of the room and stick to it. You were just going to leave most of your stuff in your suitcase to avoid any huge messes. This obviously left you with some time to kill so you wandered back into the hallway.
When you got there, however, all you saw was Remus sitting on the floor in front of the first door James had tried so hard to open. When he saw you step into the hallway, he stood up.
“Where’s James?” you asked confused since they were supposed to be ‘bunking’ together.
Remus shifted his weight, “Oh um, he went to get a hammer, I think.” He shoved his hands in his pockets in hopes of looking less awkward.
“Oh,” you laugh. “Wh- why on Earth does James need a hammer?” You laugh at he thought of James actually fixing anything successfully.
He turned and jabbed his finger behind him to the door. “It, uh... locked us out.” He laughed under his breath as he rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment.
You laughed as well. “...Did you try Alohamora?” you offered to your ‘genius’ friend.
He straightened up a little, almost offended. “We did, actually,” he smiled, “...Except James kept saying ‘Hola-ha-mora’, so it shouldn’t have worked the first three times anyways.”
You, having the heart of a Hufflepuff but intuition of a Ravenclaw, made your way over to him to see the doorknob yourself. Remus shuffled out of the way after first being stunned by your unexpected approach.
“So what’s actually wrong with it, then?” you question, getting on one knee to peer though the keyhole.
Remus awkwardly leaned over your head to look down on the situation but quickly realized how weird it looked from everyone else’s perspective and simply took a step back. “Um... You know I was actually thinking there might be internal rusting somewhere?”
You tutted your tongue on the top of your mouth, still very concentrated. “I mean sure, but that seems very unlikely due to the appearance of the rest of the house. You would think if someone could take the time to polish the toilet-paper holders, the inside of the room locks should be in perfect condition...” Remus nodded in agreement. “... And James doesn’t have the key?” you asked, confused by the concept of poor safety measures.
Remus just shrugged, “He said the house is so old that with unlocking charms, you know, because they are so common in wizarding communities, his parents figured ‘what would be the point’ of keeping any of the keys I suppose? I don’t know... Anyways, I told him that was dumb and then he went to go get a hammer.”
You stood up, having to steady yourself first from the fast rush of blood to your head. “What does he exspect to do?” you wonder out loud, “It’s not like he can just smash the handle off— though that would solve the problem,” you mutter that last part. “...But come on... I mean Mr and Mrs Potter would kill him and let Sirius bury his bones...”
“...Nothing,” you continued. “But by the looks of it, all the handles look like an original artist’s craftsmanship which means not only are they more valuable and rare as a completed set, but they’re also way more expensive.”
Remus marveled silently at your quirky fountain of knowledge. For such a quiet and peaceful-minded soul, he often forgot that in the moments you weren’t tarnished by the boisterous personality of everyone else, you were more than bright enough to light up his world for a moment.
Just then, you and Remus turned to where you could both hear quickened footsteps making they’re way up the staircase. “Not to fear, Moony!... You’ll be reunited with your precious books in no ti-” James stopped mid-sentence before he nearly ran into the two of you.
“Back from your quest, oh key-less one?” You watch as James furrowed his brow before glancing at Remus then back to you.
”Ah, yes, I almost—”
“Is that a screwdriver?” you bite your lip to prevent yourself from laughing right in his face. James lifted up the “hammer” he got from heaven knows where with pride.
“No. It’s a hammer, Y/n, jeeze, I would have though you’d know, coming from a nice muggle community.... Now will you please move out of the way so I can fix this thing?” He readjusted his glasses sassily.
By this point in the conversation, Remus and you were nearly having a seizure trying not to burst out in laughter at your friend who really was trying his hardest. You eventually caved and shrunk up against the wall in a ball. “You ca- You can’t fix a door know with-”
“James,” Remus chuckled as he tried to pry the screwdriver from his hands. “That’s not going to-”
You both burst into another fit of laughter as James broke free and started whacking the lock with the butt-end of the device.
When the knob finally came loose, the three of you let out a little cheer. It was you, of course, who realized that the door needed to be lifted up a little while opening or closing becuse the real probably was with the hinges, not the lock.
About fifteen minutes later, when everyone had finally “set up camp”... James gave everyone a grand tour of the house. Your favorite bits were probably the drawing room because of the gorgeous window view and the library/study for obvious reasons. The part that you couldn’t quite get over, though, was the fact that there was a fireplace in practically every room. YAAAS WARMTH✨
When dinner finally hit though, you were definitely hungry. (You weren’t exactly starving because, well, eating had always seemed like a chore to you... Just thanks to the many perks of living in a 26% functioning body... But of course, you would push it aside unless you were on mental overload and therefore stress-ate an entire box of Cheerios plus a whole bag of goldfish and chocolate all night during that one OWLS season). But right now, in the midst of friends and good food, you were excited to spend the first evening of the weekend with them :)
The table (the smaller one meant for family not business guests in the main dining hall, was seated with James and Mary on both ends. Lily had somehow slithered her way to James’ left putting her, Marlene, and Sirius between the two. Peter sat on the left of James, smushing you between Remus on your left and Mary on your right.
You watched as the conversation switched from quidditch fowls, to hot quidditch team players, to James, Sirius, Mary and Marlene competing on who had gone out with the hottest Gryffindor member.
You obviously stayed out of this one as the three of you, Remus, and Peter all watched... Lily would throw in some deviously timed mention about her short flings with Slytherin team boys just to throw James off his lead.
“Sorry about not answering earlier...” Remus stated out of nowhere.
“What?” you muffled, trying not to choke on the soup you were currently obsessing over.
Remus was hoping he would t have to repeat himself, but just when he was about to, your brain registered his words.
“Oh! Oh, no no, that’s totally fine. I actually had just told Sirius that I didn’t care where I was- Wha- I’m sorry,” you laugh nervously, stuttering on every new sentence. WhY wAs iT sO HaRd To TaLk RiGhT NoW? “I just didn’t want to put you in that position, you know having to choose who to sleep with- I MEAN not sleep-sleep with just you know...” You could practically feel your face cooking.
“...Sirius(?).” You both finish as you gesture to the boy across the table from you, trying to stick his spoon to his nose using only his breath.
You both sat there, distracted and watching him until he actually succeeded. “Mary, look!” Right as he turned to show her however, it slid off and splashed soup up in his face.
You propped your head off your hand after a long moment of thought.... “Bet I could do it longer...” you start, turning back to Remus.
A confused smile stretched across his face. “...What?” he questioned again as if he hadn’t hear you properly the first time.
Without answering, you picked up the second spoon placed at your table spot (for whatever reason) and you watched as your reflection became more and more cloudy.
“Are you—”
You turned calmly to meet his face with a spoon now hanging from atop your nose.
After a good couple seconds of Remus staring at you, it finally clicked in his head what you were doing. A rare grin stretched up his face as he grabbed his own spoon and tried it himself.
It took a couple of tries for the spoon to really stick, but as soon as it did, Sirius saw from across the room and automatically turned it into a table-wide competition.
By the time pudding came around, you were holding the record of four minutes and twelve seconds versus Peter somehow who was thirteen seconds shy.
When the competition had ended though, Lily finally asked what the heck the plan was for the rest of the weekend...
In the morning, James said, everyone could go up to an abandoned village area where a muggle summer camp once stood and they could spend the night there. He promised the plumbing still worked for whatever reason, so it could be totally doable.
Every fiber of your being was telling you that was a dumb idea, especially a bunch of teenagers in the woods alone, but whatever right? Majority votes are always won by the delinquents.
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sunshinejs · 5 years
[1] Introduction
part 1 to idiotsinlove (do let me know what you guys think of this concept!!)
Word count: 1.7k -ish
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“Wait,” Connor cuts you off mid-sentence “You want to do a what now?”
“A YouTube channel!” You exclaimed “You know; where we do those couple challenges, vlog exciting things and stuff. Like Jess and Gabriel, remember?”
“Yeah, I know. I always see you watching their videos, honey” He chuckles in reply, slamming his laptop shut “But why do you want to do it?”
You shrugged your shoulders, “I don’t really know why but it just came to my mind and I just thought how cool it would be if we started doing those kinds of things, you know?”
“And we don’t have to post every week if we’re not up for it” You continued “It’s kind of just a fun thing to have now and look back on when we’re old and feeling nostalgic”
Connor furrowed his eyebrows “What makes you think people are going to want to watch us?” He asked.
You rolled your eyes, snickering a little “Babe, do you not realize that you have a fanbase now after that entire tour with Shawn? I’m not surprised that they love you as much as they love him so of course they’d click on any video that involves you”
“Yeah well….” Connor dragged out, reaching for your hand so your fingers were laced together “That doesn’t matter to me because the only person I love is you hooooney”
Shaking your head, you tried to hide your smile but failed “Cheeky” You noted “So, is that a go on the whole YouTube channel thing?”
You saw the smile plastered on his face and even though he hesitated for a moment, you knew he was on board with it.
“Okay, it’s set” Connor announced as he steps back from the tripod about an hour later since you proposed the idea “Baby, can you turn on the ring light so I can see if the brightness is okay?”
“Yeah, hang on!” You reached for the remote control, pressing the button to turn on the lights “How’s it looking from the camera, bubs?”
Connor takes a look at the little screen on his camera, then nodded “Brightness level looks good from the here so we’re good to go!” He commented.
He walks forward to the set and joins you at the front of the camera, taking his seat at the empty stool next to yours.
“You good?” Connor asks with concern, tilting his head to your direction.
“Yeah I’m all good, bubs” You smiled “Our first video together! This is so exciting!”
“You know I’m barely standing in front of the camera, right?” So, you’re lucky I love you” He said teasingly.
“And I love you moooore!” You chirped, holding the remote control up “Are we good? Can we start?”
Connor nods so you pressed the record button on the remote. When you see the little red light blinking on the camera, it meant the recording has already started.
“Hello and welcome to our channel!” You greeted, although your pitch came out higher than usual and that alone had Connor bursting into laughter.
“What the heck was that, babe?” Connor asks in between laughs “Why’s your voice all high and squeaky?”
“You sound like a mouse, honey” 
You pouted, swatting his shoulder playfully “Stop laughing at me, bubs!” You whined “I’ve never done this before! ‘M just nervous! We’re definitely cutting this out later”
“Oh, no way” He shakes his head, his laughter starts to die down “I’m leaving everything in as bloopers!”
“Okay, okay, this is take 2!”
You clear your throat before opening your mouth to do the greeting once again.
“Hello everyone and welcome to our channel!” You said excitingly with a smile on your face “We’re the idiotsinlove!”
“I thought of the name, by the way!” Connor said proudly as he briefly waved to the camera “It took me forever to come up with it and I take full credit for it”
You turn your head towards him and mockingly said “Yes bubs, the name is very original. Thank you for coming up with it, I don’t know what I’d do without you”
Connor knew you were joking but he smugly said “Your life would be super dull, that’s for sure and you’re welcome, babe”
You rolled your eyes and snickered a little.
“Anyways, I’m y/n y/ln” You said then leaning closer to Connor, wrapping your arms around his neck; pressing your cheek against his “And this guy right here is my lovely boyfriend; Connor Brashier!”
Connor smiles cheekily to the camera and wraps an arm around your waist “Hello there! I should tell you that this is kind of weird for me” He said “I’m so used to standing behind the camera and filming other people instead”
You pulled your arms back but Connor refused to let go of the grip he has around your waist, wanting to keep you close to him, as you spoke “This is our first ever video and we basically wanted to do like a mini introduction about ourselves before posting anything else”
“We’re going to tell you some facts about ourselves and if you’re interested in getting to know us a little better, then please continue watching this video!” Connor said “We’ll love you even more if you stay throughout the entire thing… Ladies first, baby”
“Okay so, I turned 21 in August and I was born and raised in LA. I’m currently in my second year of uni; majoring in Management and Accounting at UCLA… Which is pretty stressful if I’m being completely honest” You told the camera in a disgusted voice “Uni is hell and I completely don’t know why I signed up for it”
“Despite all her complains, my girl is a smart cookie” Connor said proudly “Literally the smartest person I know. She’s thriving in her degree, no kidding”
“Connorrrr” You whined, feeling your cheeks starting to turn rosy-pink “’M not smart, babe”
“Pfft, sure you’re not”
“Anyways, there’s not much interesting things about myself. I bake and cook a little, play the guitar and just bury myself with a lot of books” You continued “Which is basically like any other women, I guess”
“That’s another lie” Connor chirped “She bakes the best cookies I’ve ever tasted and I’m not just saying that because she’s my girlfriend. That’s straight up facts. She baked 2 full containers of them for me when I left for tour then Shawn and Brian stole one of them from me. I was pissed at them for an entire week”
You burst into a laughter, feeling your whole body vibrate as you leaned on Connor’s shoulder for support.
You remembered this day so clearly. He called you on Facetime while you were in the middle of a movie; complaining that the boys took his cookies without asking him. And part of you wanted to feel bad for him but seeing that pout on his face and the tone he was speaking in made you giggle for 5 minutes straight.
“Babe, it’s not funny!” He whined, poking your side playfully “I was really upset! I had to survive with only one container for like 2 months”
Your laughter finally dies down as you wiped a tear from your eye and straighten your body position “Okay and I made it up to you didn’t I, bubs? I welcomed you home with a new batch of it so you gotta stop holding it against them, Con”
“I guess” He grumbled “Can we bake some after this?” He added hopefully.
“Yeah we can make some after this”
“Pinky promise?” Connor held his pinky out to you.
You tried to hide the smile on your face but failed miserably, nodding as you interlocked your pinkies together “Pinky promise, Con”
Your pinkies remained laced together on Connor’s lap, something you two did very often. It was just an intimate affection that grew on you ever since the beginning “Wanna tell the world about yourself now, bubs?”
“Right, well, I turned 20 in July and I was also born and raised in LA. I’ve been surfing since I was a little kid so it’s something I really love to do whenever I’ve got the time and then I got into photography later on when I was about 15-16. I was in UCLA for a bit, majoring in psychology and economics. It only lasted for a few months because then I got an email from Andrew Gertler, which was freakishly cool”
“Apparently Andrew and Shawn had seen some of my work and Shawn wanted to hire me as his videographer” Connor continued “Which was obviously an amazing opportunity to take on”
As Connor was explaining everything, you could hear the excitement lingering in his voice. He was always this way whenever he talks about it because being able to be a videographer for Shawn has been one of the best accomplishments for him so far.
And you loved how excited he gets whenever anyone asks him about it. You’d always be by his side, smiling as you listen to him; you were just so proud of him.
“And I’m so proud of you, bubs” You cooed then looked at the camera “Seriously you guys, check out his work because this man right here does magic with his work. He used to send me little previous of the documentary he filmed and I was always so blown away by them. You’re amazing, babe”
Connor blushed, leaning forward to press a kiss to your cheek “Thanks, baby and thank you for always being my number 1 supporter”
“I’m always your number 1 supporter!” You exclaim “Sorry, you can’t get rid of me any time soon” You added, poking your tongue out at him.
He smiled “Fine by me. I wasn’t planning on doing that”
“I guess this is it for today’s video!” You then said “If you’ve made it this far in this video, thank you for letting us entertain you for the past few minutes”
“And if there’s anything you would like to see us do, leave a comment down below!” Connor added.
“Aw, look at you already being a pro at this whole YouTuber thing, bubs” You said teasingly.
“You know it” He said smugly.
“Thank you and we’ll see you next time on idiotsinlove!”
Reblog, like or leave a comment; always appreciated!  ❤️
x rina
@hurts-like-hell-xx @connordavidscamera @r3ader @tinycertain @green-lxght @queenmxndes @turtoix
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ryqoshay · 5 years
How to Handle a Nico - Even Under a Love Curse, There’s No Way I Would Be Like This
Primary Pairing: NicoMaki Words: ~1.5k Rating: T Time Frame: Maki is in med school. Nico is working as an idol producer. They are living together as a couple, but not married yet. Story Arc: Stand Alone
Author’s Note: I must thank VNVdarkangel for help in giving a title to this chapter; I was honestly stumped. But this title gives it un certain anime’esque je ne sais quoi, if you will.
“Manga?” Maki asked, glancing over at the tablet her girlfriend was holding. “Haven’t seen you read that kind of stuff in a while.”
“Doujin.” Nico corrected, swiping to advance the page.
“Same difference?”
“In art style, sure, but not in publication.”
“Hrm… Hey, that girl looks like… me?”
Nico giggled.
“And why is she… What the heck?”
Nico laughed heartily.
“I don’t get it.”
“It’s my doujin, Maki-chan.”
“You drew a doujin?”
“Well, no, I actually commissioned it.” Nico amended. “And this is really just a proof of concept, not her finished product.”
“The artist I commissioned. She’s a former school idol, which is how I came across her work.” Nico explained. “One of her friends from that group works with Egao now.”
“She’s been drawing her own doujin for a little while now but hit a snag and decided to take a small hiatus. During that time, she opened commissions and I liked her work, so I got one. Uhm…” She scrolled through a folder. “Here it is.”
“You had her draw us from one of our old photoshoots?”
“Uh huh. Cute, isn’t it?” Nico grinned. “Brings back memories.”
“Yeah…” Maki studied the drawing on display. “I remember liking that set.”
“Anyway, the picture gave me some ideas, so I reached out to her again and asked if she’d be willing to work a bigger project.” Nico switched back to the doujin. “And this is what we came up with. Wanna read it?”
“Sure.” Maki accepted the tablet. It felt odd reading a story about a fanciful version of herself, but the artwork immediately pulled her in. “What the heck? ‘How to Handle a Maki’? I don’t get it. What kind of title is that?”
“A fitting one. Nico is left trying to figure out how to deal with Maki’s curse, after all.”
“Sorry, spoilers…” Nico held up her hands apologetically.
Maki pursed her lips. For some reason, the name bugged her more than it probably should. Perhaps it was because it sounded familiar? But why would it be familiar? Odd…
“And Nozomi is in this too?” She asked after a few pages.
“Yup.” Nico confirmed. “And Eli. And Kotori. Umi, Rin and Hanayo have only been mentioned in name thus far, but they’ll probably appear later. I forget what her girlfriend had planned for Honoka.”
“The artist’s girlfriend is really into fantasy games and whatnot. She’s been a big help in coming up with ideas for worldbuilding, character design and plot points. There are a couple Easter egg jokes and references to gaming that were her suggestions.”
“I see.” Maki continued to read. “Wait, do I still think you’re younger than me?”
“Maybe?” Nico shrugged. “Not really sure how to take care of that just yet. Maybe it can just happen off panel at some point.”
“And one meal is all it took for me to become obsessed with your cooking?”
“Are you gonna deny that’s what happened in real life?”
Maki deadpanned at her girlfriend, earning a laugh.
“Well, maybe not just one…” The redhead tried to save face.
“Then definitely by the second.” The raven-haired girl decided.
“… Maybe…” Maki conceded.
“Nico knows how much Maki-chan loves her cooking.”
Well, there really was no denying that fact.
“Did they have coffee in medieval times?” Maki inquired a moment later.
“No idea.” Nico admitted. “But I know Maki-chan can’t face the day without it, I figured just alluding to it without naming it might work.”
“I suppose…” Maki furrowed her brow. “Are you trying to scam or cheat me?”
Nico blinked in confusion until she saw the page. “Nico is a professional saleswoman!” She huffed. “She would never cheat a customer. She knows Maki-chan can afford better gear than your average novice adventurer and she knows what upgrades will be most beneficial.”
“Also, what’s a grue?”
“An excuse to force players to bring light sources, I guess.” Nico shrugged. “That’s one of those gamer jokes I mentioned.”
“And the gazebo?”
“Another joke.”
“I see. And why does Kotori have a lion?”
“She’s a Beastmaster.”
“Ok, but again, why a lion?”
“Because she had one in the original photoshoot.”
“Oh yeah, that’s right, she did.” Maki’s memory was jogged a bit. “She was part of the focus pair, with Eli, right?”
Nico nodded. “And you were paired with Rin as the secondary.”
“Is that why I’m friends with her here?”
“Rin? Not really, I don’t think.” Nico shook her head. “I mean, yeah, you two are friends, but through Hanayo. I think they’ll appear in the next chapter and we’ll get to explore how you know each other better.”
Maki nodded and continued to read. “Say, why don’t you call the harpy what it is?”
“Because you don’t know what it is.”
“Yes, I do.” Maki furrowed her brow.
“I mean your character doesn’t”
“Why wouldn’t my fantasy character know what a harpy is when she lives in a fantasy world where they actually exist?”
“Because she was raised in the city and is only now becoming an adventurer.” Nico explained. “She’s not ignorant, she just knows stuff better suited for an urban life as opposed to someone out in the rural areas. Not much different than real life, right?”
“I suppose…” Maki reached the part she had seen earlier and frowned. Her girlfriend noticed and giggled. But upon seeing the next page, she sighed. “Ok, the glomping was one thing, but climbing into bed with you? After having barely known you a day?”
“Two days, I believe.” Nico pointed out, ignoring the deadpan stare directed at her. “And it’s because of the curse.”
“Yeah, but even under a love curse, there’s no way I would be like this.”
Nico smirked.
“I should really record you drunk sometime.”
“I still…”
“Oh, c’mon, Maki-chan, I’ve even told you about your drunken clinginess before.”
“And your half-asleep clinginess.”
“And your…”
“Alright, alright, I get it…” Maki didn’t want to admit the memories that were swirling around in her head.
“I’ve always found it cute, by the way.” Nico pointed out.
“You’re not finding it cute here.”
Nico chuckled. “That’s because it isn’t real, it’s because you’re under an idol curse.”
“You mean a love curse.”
“An idol curse.”
Maki rolled her eyes. “Are you intentionally baiting me into making a snarky comment about idols?”
“Maybe.” Nico stuck out her tongue.
Maki sighed. “And let me guess, you’re going to have me be all embarrassed about it later.”
“Well that’s how Maki-chan is in real life. And a flustered Maki-chan is an adorable Maki-chan.”
As if on cue, Maki could feel heat in her cheeks. She really should be used to Nico’s teasing by now, but the older girl rarely failed to get a reaction out of her. And though she wasn’t fond of how predictable her reactions were, she couldn’t really fault Nico for seeking them. After all, Maki also loved Nico’s own flustered expressions.
“So,” Nico asked as the last page was reached “what did you think?”
“It was entertaining.” Maki admitted. “Was this posted online?”
“Not yet.” Nico shook her head. “She just sent this to me for approval. She hasn’t even posted it on her own site yet.”
Nico chuckled. “Don’t worry, anyone at the hospital who reads this kind of stuff will like it and won’t think you’re weird or anything.”
It never ceased to amaze Maki how well her girlfriend could read her.
“But we can keep it private if we want.” Nico added.
“No, it’s fine, I guess…” Maki decided. “And you said there was going to be another chapter?”
“Or Two. Or more. Depends on how many ideas we have.” Nico grinned. “Because you know we can’t leave things like this. We can’t let Maki-chan only love Nico because of a curse! It needs to be natural! Just like in real life.” She leaned over to nuzzle into her girlfriend’s side. “Although even if we’re trying to keep things realistic, we also can’t keep the readers waiting for years…”
Maki furrowed her brow as she realized what Nico meant. “I didn’t mean…”
“I know. I know” Nico interrupted, making dismissive motions with her free hand. “Maki-chan’s just a little romantically dense is all. And we figured things out eventually and got together and we’re all good now.” She turned her head and pushed herself up so she could plant a kiss on the redhead’s cheek.
“Uhm… You know it’s getting kind of late…” Maki said softly.
“Well, I have class in the morning and…”
Nico grinned. “Is Maki-chan hinting that she wants to climb into bed with Nico?”
Nico laughed. “Maki-chan is being unusually shy tonight. She has no trouble seducing Nico but is embarrassed to request a snuggle session?”
Maki pouted, earning more laughter.
“So, to bed it is.” Nico said, pushing herself up and off the couch. “But how about a bath first?” She turned to offer a hand to her girlfriend.
“Alright.” Maki agreed, accepting the help up before following Nico down the hall.
Author’s Notes Continued in Followup Post
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venus-says · 4 years
Kamen Rider Amazons Season 1
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They're Here...And They're Hungry.
When I decided it was time to get back with the blog I knew that eventually at some point I would have to get back to the previous Kamen Rider series that I haven't watched, but I didn't want to come back to a full season of 50 episodes or so right away, I wanted something that would be a bit easier to do more or less just so that I could have time to prepare more posts ahead since to catch up with the time wasted I would have to start to release posts for Precure and Rider back-to-back and doing that without preparing would be a nightmare. And that's how I decided to watch Amazons now instead of doing it in a distant future after I had watched Amazon, as I had originally planned.
And talking about Amazons is a funny thing because back in last year before I decided I would jump head first in the Rider franchise I watched a lot of those "Where to start watching *insert huge franchise here*" videos and all of them always mentioned how Amazons was a different season because it was aimed at a much older audience and that it was dark, and serious, and very violent, and there was this aura that was created around this show and the Amazon from the 70s, and it was something I was really curious about, I'd say Amazon and Amazons were probably the things I was looking forward to watching the most.
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And well... what I got from this show wasn't exactly that? Like, I was expecting something way more gruesome, but what I got was just another regular Kamen Rider season that has some CGI blood on it, it wasn't anything special, you know? The impression it gave me was that they gathered a bunch of boys and asked them what they considered to be "adult-like" and they took all the suggestions mixed them in this show and then they added a blue/gray filter on it to give it a ~serious~ vibe. They didn't even were that violent to be honest, outside of very few specific scenes we don't see anything that is too far from what Kamen Rider already does, and whenever it goes beyond it end up looking more gross rather than violent because they use a black/green-ish slimy blood for the monsters, who are the ones who suffer from this extra violence the most, and even then their blood usually is covering the screen making it hard for us to see whatever it is that is going on the screen. In other words, it was doing the cool for the cool.
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Does that make it a bad show? Eh... not really? I mean, I understand it if someone doesn't like it because there's indeed not a lot to the show, but I enjoyed it. It wasn't anything that I loved, but it also didn't get me bored or utterly annoyed at the show. It was underwhelming, yes, which I believe is the reason of why this review will end up making this post be shorter than it should be considering I'm covering an entire season at once, but it more or less kept me entertained for a few hours so it wasn't an awful experience.
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I think the biggest disappointment of this show is that it's always trying to raise interesting concepts, but they never commit with any of them and this kinda makes the show feels like it's hollow, like there's no proper theme at its core. And being honest, the biggest problem here isn't even that it feels like this show is about nothing, but the fact that they try to do an ethical discussion about life, and what lives are worth saving or not, but it was never an actual discussion, at least it never gave me that impression, what I was seeing was character A making X argument, and character B making Y argument, but they never have an actual conversation so characters A and B don't change at all and they just keep hanging to those arguments until the end. The whole rivalry between Omega and Alpha feels like this to me, it's supposed to show two different sides and they more or less end up at the same point where they started. Now that I think about it, it sounds a lot like Gaim... which is making me question my feelings for that season now... well that's not important now.
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Like I always do I intended to dedicate a separate section to go through the characters, but as I was going through each one of them I realized they're not very interesting and I wouldn't have much to say about them so I'll just go briefly on what I think saved this show for me that was the side characters.
Okay, not all of them are good, but we had a few gems in this cast. I especially like Nanaha and how her relationship with Jin plays out in the show, of course, there's still a bit of that old Rider writing for women where she's more or less just an accessory for Jin, but they managed to make her personality still shine despite that which makes me fully believe she truly loves Jin and she does all that she does of her own choice (or at least I like to believe that). I also really like the pest control team, yeah they kinda end up merging into a single entity at some point, but I like having them there, especially for Mamoru who's a very interesting character, and one of the few ones of this show that actually goes through an arc (that go me quite emotional because I like the little dude and seeing him losing himself to the amazon cells was REALLY HARD), but that was sadly not used to its full potential (yes, I'm salty they called episode 13 "M" but instead of focusing on Mamoru they decided to focus in the pointless fight between Haruka and Jin).
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Now the last thing I have comments to make about is the suits and the designs. Not gonna lie, it feels weird to have this section here because as I mentioned the show has this awful color filter on to make it look like something more dark and serious so I don't know if what we're seeing in terms of colors looks exactly with what they wanted during the conception and production phase, but overall I like the designs for both Riders and Amazons. I have a frustration with Omega's suit because they tried to make it something more modern and sleek but when they did that they lost all the charm of the original Kamen Rider Amazon that was left to be implemented more in Alpha and Sigma's suits, and I would be more okay with his design if they hadn't shown us his more primal form, that actually looks like Amazon, and that look more interesting than it's final design. Of our 3 riders, my favorite in terms of looks is Alpha, both because it has the iconic piranha imagery and also because it's color is such a vibrant red that even with the awful filter over it makes it stand out a lot and I love this. I feel like, in the end, poor Sigma got the short end of the stick here since his design is pretty much just a recolor from Alpha, but considering his plotline was pretty much useless it makes sense they wouldn't put that much effort on it. I feel like I don't talk much about the accessories in these but I really like Omega's weapons that come out from the handles on its belt, I think it's a pretty clever idea and it's cool as heck seeing him pull a spear and a whip out of that belt, it's sad it's not used all that much... I think it's used only once in the fight on the roof of that apartment and it never shows up again, which is just a tragedy.
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You know, now that I mentioned it, I really like the different ideas they came up with for Amazons that were hunting their prey. I love that bus plot, the apartment building that is an ant colony was very fun, and the restaurant that cooks humans in a "civilized" way was also pretty good, it reminded me of the iZombie TV show where in one of the seasons the villain starts to run like a catering service in a similar fashion.
And I believe that's all I have to say about the first season of Amazons, it feels like I've left a lot of things out but most of those things didn't feel worthy of commenting on, it would more or less just me listing up all the events and I believe that's not what you all are here for. In any case, these were my thoughts on Amazons season 1, I'll watch season 2 and it should be my next review on the Kamen Rider seasons, but for now, let me know what do you think of this season. Do you love it? Do you hate it? Write it down in the comments. Stay healthy, stay safe, never stop resisting, thank you so much for reading, and until the next time. See-ya~
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enouementiisms-a · 5 years
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✰ it’s time to wake up, BURTON ‘GUS’ GUSTER II, you’ve been in cryosleep for too long and the people of PSYCH miss you. when you went into slumber you were FORTY-TWO years old, your pronouns are HE/HIM, and you WERE VOLUNTEERED for the expanse program. now that you’ve awoken, your position as a TEACHER is waiting for you. remember, the expanse thanks you!
NAME: Burton ‘Gus’ Guster II
ALIAS(ES): Super Smeller, Super Sniffer, Peter Panic, Gus ‘Sillypants’ Jackson, François, Magic Head, Chocolate Columbo,  Doctor Mc … Took, The Jackal, Earnest Lambert Watkins, Mr Vocabulary, Felicia Fancybottom,  Bud, D'Andre, Gus T. T. Showbiz, Ovaltine Jenkins, Burton ‘Oil Can’ Guster, the G, Big Head Burton, Burton the Billowy Bear, Magic Head, Tabrickisha Schillington, Cowboy Lendo, Shmuel Cohen, Galileo Humpkins, Schoonie ‘U-Turn’ Singleton, Nick-Nack, Lavender Gooms, Doctor Guster, Tan, Bruton ‘Gasty’ Gaster, Patty Simcox, Fearless Guster,  Lemongrass Gogulope, Die Harder, Squirts MacIntosh, Ernesto Agapito Garcés con ya de Abelar, Big Baby Burton, Black Star, Homeskillet, Methuselah Honeysuckle, Chesterfield McMillan and wife, Longbranch Pennywhistle, Scrooge Jones, Gussie, Hummingbird Saltalamacchia, Step Anthony Wally Ali (Cat Stuck in a Tree), Resourceful Gus, Taye Diggs, Dequan ‘Smallpox’ Randolph, Hollabackatcha, Slicks, Sterling Cooper, Trapezious Milkington, Jazz Hands, Shawn, Detective Miles, Gus Brown John Slade, Ron Davis, Rich Fingerland aka Bob Adams, Black Magic, Harry Munroe, Cheswicke, Doughnut Holschtein, Ghee Buttersnaps AKA The Heater, The Vault of Secrets, Clementine Woollysocks, Guts, Ol’ Ironside, Old Iron Stomach, Tin Tummy, Gustice, Jonathan Jacob Jingly Smith, Santonio Holmes, Deon Richmond, Gurton Buster, Chaz Bono, Chocolate Einstein, MC Clap Yo Handz, Road Rash, Mellowrush, Miss Whittlebury, Crankshaft, G-Force, Sher-Black-Lock, Imhotep or He Cometh in Peace, Control Alt Delete, Yasmine Bleeth, Lodge Blackman, Mission Figgs, RadioStar, Gusjay Gupta, Original G-String AKA Crowd Pleasah, Tap-Man, Watson Williams, Benedict Arnold Jackson, Suggs, Ingle Woods, Brutal Hustler, Fellatio Del Toro, Eddie Adams from Torrance, Larenz Tate, Sh'Dynasty, Candyman, Gurn Blandsten, Immaculate Conception, Pootie Tang, Domo Arigato, Jonas Gustavsson, Blue Ivy Carter, Bill Ofrights, Vijay Armitraj, Django Unchained, A Playa Named Gus, Darryl, Flapjack Palmdale, Burton Trout (no relation), Bad News Marvin Barnes, Lil’ Wayne, King Mongkut, Gigi Van Tran, Trending Ontwitter, Robert ‘Booooooooooob’ Jones, My Black Cameron, Dr. Alan Champion, Angela Bennett, Jack Devlin, Jason Bourne, Jack Bauer, Tony Stark, Billy Elliott, Ferris Bueller, Edward Scissorhands, Hans Solo, Hans Landa, Han-Na Montana, Mr. Popper, Mr. Bee, Mr. Ripley, Mr. Deeds, Mr. Pink, Mr. White, Mr. Brown, Mr. Blonde, Mr. T, Dr. T, Dr. Jekyll, Dr. Phibes, Dr. Evil, Dr. Horrible, Dr. Dolittle, Frodo, Gandalf, Bilbo, Neo, Morpheus, Trinity, Simba, Zazu, Ross, Chandler, Joey, Jerry, George, Elaine, Kramer, Kirk, Spock, Picard, Data, Denzel Diggs Underwood Morris Chestnut Washington, Burton Guster Black Spencer.
AGE: 42
BIRTHDAY & ZODIAC: December 1977, Sagittarius
BACKGROUND: Status: Alive. For Gus, this has been a very important thing his entire life. That is not an exaggeration. With a best friend like Shawn Spencer, it’s surprisingly easy to be at risk, sometimes multiple times in one day. When Gus was younger, he nearly got away from Shawn thanks to schooling and his parents interference, but when Shawn helped the Guster family, Gus’ parents backed down. Years, and a sham marriage passed, Gus was living his best life as a pharmaceutical sales rep, making 48k a year. He was where he belonged. With a best friend like Shawn Spencer, it’s surprisingly easy to have one’s life plans go awry. Gus still worked as a pharm. sales rep, but too often, he ended up being the getaway driver in the police cases Shawn managed to worm them both into. As the years passed, Gus still complained about it but when the chance came to go back to his comfortable career and say goodbye to his best friend, Gus chose to say goodbye to the comfortable life, knowing it wouldn’t be the same if he was on his own.
KEY RELATIONSHIPS: Bill and Winnie Guster (parents), Joy Guster (older sister), Shawn Spencer (best friend), Burton Guster I (uncle, namesake), Mira Gaffney (ex-wife), Rachael (ex-girlfriend) and her son Maximus.
WEAPONS: The Blueberry.
POWERS/ABILITIES/SKILLS: Tap dancing, expert safe cracker, vocal manipulation, bomb defusal, incredible sense of smell.
GREATEST STRENGTH: His friendship with Shawn.
GREATEST WEAKNESS/FLAW: His friendship with Shawn.
OUTFIT THEY WOKE UP IN: Pinstripe button down shirt, tan slacks, dress shoes.
FAVORITE FOOD: A poached egg with hollandaise sauce on an English muffin.
ONE FEAR: The “head peel.” (It’s his fourth greatest fear.)
ONE HOPE: To survive the strangest case he’s ever been on and to really let Shawn have a piece of Gus’ mind if they ever see each other again.
ONE HEADCANON: Gus won’t go anywhere without The Blueberry to the point of clinging onto it with all his might until he at least gets to have his trusty car with him.
How does your character feel about being dropped into the expanse program? Are they excited? Suspicious? Confused? -- Suspicious as heck. He’s still convinced this entire thing is an elaborate escape room Shawn’s cooked up for him.
What does your character hope to see the most during the expanse 009’s journey? -- Home.
If your character could bring one thing from home, what would it be? --  While it’s not exactly how he remembers it, he has his Blueberry so he doesn’t need anything else.
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thebeethathums · 5 years
Writing Question Tag Thing
Tagged by the always amazing @angryteapot and I stole their under the cut message because I am lazyyy.
Some of these answers are pretty long, so if you’re interested in learning a bit about me, then by all means, read under the cut! 
Q: What is your coffee order?
Coffee isn’t really my jam. I’m more of tea drinker. I like most teas and I vary a lot but my current order is a London Fog... it’s like... Earl Grey tea with Milk and sweetener. Pretty good.
Q: What is the coolest thing you’ve ever done?
I don’t really consider myself cool thing kind of person but, to me, two things stand out. First, I’ve seen the Mona Lisa up close like behind the rope >:) My Grandmother was still spry enough at the time to travel with only minor accommodations but the Louvre is massive so they offered her a wheelchair. She graciously accepted and the guards let us go behind the rope so she could see. An amazing and serendipitous opportunity. Second, I cosplayed Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time at Comic-Con with a couple of friends dressed as Marceline and Finn and we met the voice actors for Marceline and her Dad! It was pretty awesome. YES, I’m a nerd. Deal with it.
Q: Who has been your biggest mentor?
Honestly, it was the lady my parents hired to help me with my college transfer application. She was a tough love kind of person (which I needed at the time) and one of the only people to tell me that what I could do art and writing wise HAD VALUE. That was kind of a turning point for me in a lot of ways. I will always ALWAYS be grateful to her for that.
Q: What has been your most memorable writing project?
OKAY. So fanfiction wise. Observers. Pretty obvi. Academically, my thesis for my English degree. I wrote about the idea of ‘the other’ in the Mass Effect video game series (ALL THREE OF THEM.) It was very long and involved lots of gameplay for research purposes. Personally, the most memorable for me out of them all would be the first short story I wrote. It had a really interesting concept and was well received by my peer reviewers and that made me happy which made it memorable *shrug*
Q: What does your writing path look like, from the earliest days until now?
I’ve always been a bit of a scribbler in a lot of ways. I had a poem published after some sort of school contest or something and I kept a sort of haphazard journal for years. To be completely honest, I didn’t start writing anything that wasn’t for school until fan fiction. That’s not to say I didn’t like writing. I just always channeled it into an academic setting. Which meant my teachers got A LOT of strange papers from me... to name a few: Aliens in Mystic anthropology vs. Aliens in modern media, Shakespeare's Effects on Science Fiction, Stage or Screen: How well do musicals translate into cinema, A Cinematic Analysis of Monsoon Wedding, Van Helsing the Hugh Jackman movie related Bram Stoker’s Dracula... among others. I think I also wrote an entire philosophy paper about unicorns at one point. I was that kid that always took a prompt somewhere the teacher never really intended. It wasn’t until I transferred to a different college that I felt like I had anything important to say story wise... and then fan fiction became an almost frantic outlet to get all of it out- followed quickly by some original work and more poetry. It’s been kind of a wild ride from there.
Q: What is your favorite part about writing?
Honestly, the control. I love being able to do whatever the heck I want with characters- mine or canon. Since I don’t really plan all that much when I write it starts out more of an idea like what if this person existed. What if they were all in this place. And then I get to run with it however I want and that is the best feeling. Soo... Control and details. I love world building.
Q: What does a typical day look like for you?
It depends on day. I’m not an early riser and thankfully my job doesn’t make be get up early at the moment. Work days I’m up by 8:30, work by ten, work either 7 or 9 hours. Then home and SLEEP. Front facing sales jobs for introverts are exhausting TBH. I hate it. Looking for something different ASAP. Off days are more relaxed but I’m a caregiver for my Grandma so mostly cooking and cleaning and then chilling with my puppers/writing/whatever else catches my fancy.
Q: What does your writing process look like?
Mostly staring at a google doc for an embarrassing amount of time. I only seem to have two writing modes. Staring or greatly inspired. When I’m actually writing good chunks it usually because I imagined some bits of how it will go over a day or so and then it just flows. Other times it’s staring and rewriting things a million times. I suppose that's pretty normal.
Q: What’s the best advice you’ve gotten?
Letting go of toxic people in my life. I’m a big giver in a lot of ways and shy so I don’t make friends easily... unfortunately its led to a lot of situation where I’m taken advantage of or stomped on emotionally. It took me a long time to learn to be picky with who you surround yourself with.
Q: What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned?
You can’t force other people to change. I’ve struggled with my relationship with my mother for ages and in an amazingly clear moment, I realized that no matter how hard I tried, if she doesn’t want to make a change to be a positive and more sensitive person toward me then she won't. I can’t force her to change her ways no matter how healthy it would be for both of us. Once I accepted this, things got easier to handle. I see her less but I know exactly what to expect when I do and let things roll off me a little better than I used to.
Q: What advice would you give someone who wants to start writing?
Writing anything, even if it's short and horrible in your mind, is better than writing nothing. Really. When I’m struggling I force myself to at least write something because a bad first draft can only improve whereas no draft can do absolutely squat.
Tagging: No tags. Don’t want to annoy anyone. BUT if anyone would like to answer them TAG me I would love to read your answers!
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shielddrake · 6 years
FFXV and KH3: The Challenge of Setup and Payoff
So, having recently finished Kingdom Hearts III and taking a few days to digest it, I have concluded something: the current writers on staff at SquareEnix have problems with setup and payoff in regards to storytelling.  This is something I think warrants discussing because it is one of the most common techniques in creative writing (including video games), but it appears to be what the developers of both Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts III seem to have the biggest problem accomplishing.
 This is not meant to be a review of either game. Plenty of other people are doing or have done that, and I feel I don’t really need to add to that discussion.  I also don’t mean to be preachy when I talk about setup and payoff in terms of writing.  This is merely my interpretation of what I experienced while playing these games.
 Finally, I don’t mean to say that using Chekov’s Gun is the end-all, be-all of story telling. Setup and payoff are not absolutely necessary to tell a good story, but as they seem to only try to use this technique about halfway, this seems to be the biggest, rather glaring flaw of both of these games, although in different ways.
 WARNING: Spoilers under the cut for both Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts III, more so for the latter because it just came out and the former has been out for a while.  You all have been warned.
In play writing and screenwriting, it is said that if there is a gun hanging on the wall in the first act, then it better go off by the third. If it doesn’t, it shouldn’t be hanging on the wall.  This is well-known as Chekhov’s Gun, basically saying that if something is mentioned, it better be mentioned because it furthers the plot in some way.  This technique has been discussed by far more educated people than me, so if you want to know more about this, you can do your own research.  For the purposes of this discussion, let’s just say that if something is brought up, it needs to payoff in the end somehow, or else it’s not important enough to mention.
 Let’s look at a few Final Fantasy moments that do setup and payoff well, and there are quite a few. The Hymn of the Fayth in FFX is mentioned, and sung, several times over the game, and it is revealed that when Sin/Jecht listens to it, he calms down.  It ends up being a key part of making Sin docile enough to be attacked, infiltrated, and then destroyed from the inside, thus ending its thousand-year destruction of Spira.  Final Fantasy VIII has the mention of Squall’s ring named Griever, which later ends up being the Guardian Force summoned by Ultimecia in the final boss battle of the game.  (The significance of this is left up to the player.)  And, very famously, there is Final Fantasy VII’s Aerith and her white materia, which she claims does nothing but is actually what saves the world from Meteor by casting Holy magic at the end of the game.  There are many others, but those are a few examples.
 That being said, both FFXV and KH3 suffer from issues of setup and payoff, but in sort of opposite ways.  Let’s start with FFXV.
 First, this is not to say that FFXV completely fails at setting ideas up and then paying them off in the end.  The entire situation with the Ring of the Lucii is set up and pays off by the game’s end, and the story of Shiva and Ifrit’s love story sets up the end of the battle with Ifrit when Shiva is summoned to finish him off (at least, the set up is there better in the Royal Edition).  Episode Ignis also has the alternative ending where Ravus ends up coming to terms with his sister’s death and gives Noctis his father’s sword willingly, rather than dying and Noct finding it after the fact.  The setup of Ravus having issues with Noctis finally has a proper payoff when he accepts that Noctis is the Chosen King and supports him, and Ravus finally gets the character development he so desperately needed and was cheated out on in the original version of the game.  This concept of setup and payoff is not completely lost on SquareEnix.
 There are times, however, when the setup is there but the payoff is little to nothing.  The Royal Arms are brought up by Cor roughly at the start of the game, but then they become nothing really more than a tidbit of information at best and an optional sidequest at worst.  During my first playthrough, I actually forgot all about them between meeting Titan and obtaining the Katana of the Warrior.  I was like, “Oh, right.  Those things.”  They are brought up again at the end of the game where the Kings of Lucis all kill Noctis to purge the Starscourge and defeat Ardyn, so I guess that’s some payoff, but it seems so minor compared to the other plot points that I find this debatable.
 I also have big problems with the use of Luna.  Her character is absolutely fine, don’t get me wrong there, but there is an almost complete lack of use of her character as she relates to Noctis.  If they are supposed to be close, possibly in love or at least in like, then the flashback sequences from their childhood don’t really do it justice.  They show interactions that don’t advance their relationship at all.  As such, when the “payoff” of Luna’s death and Noctis’ despair from it happens, it doesn’t really mean anything to the player.  We’re sad for Noctis, but not necessarily sad that Luna had died.  There was no setup for her relationship with him, so her loss isn’t all that poignant.  This could have been fixed if the journal the two share could have been read by the player, even with just small snippets of their written conversations with each other, but this wasn’t an option.
 Next, I want to talk about the DLC.  Ignoring the fact that I’m one of those people who think the events of Episodes Gladiolus, Ignis and Prompto should have been included the game proper from the start, the absence of them also hurts the setup and payoff techniques of the story.  The setup is in the DLC, but the payoff exists in the original game.  So, in a way, we’re getting the payoff before the setup even happens, chronologically speaking.
 For starters, let’s look at Episode Ignis.  This episode is arguably the best of the three DLC, so it is no surprise that it has the strongest story.  There is actually an example of really good setup and payoff within the episode itself, and it starts where Ignis and Ravus are hiding while they wait for the Niflheim soldiers to leave the area.  Ravus mentions that he tried to use the Ring of the Lucii for himself and lost his left arm in the process.  So, anyone who isn’t of Lucis Caelum blood pays a price for using the ring.  Okay, plot point established.  With this knowledge, when we see Ignis put on the ring, we know that there will be some kind of price he has to pay to use it, and this is confirmed when he loses his eyesight.  And there’s the payoff.
 The problem is that Episode Ignis wasn’t released until December 13, 2017, just over a year after FFXV was originally released.  So, we already knew about Ignis’ blindness and saw the consequences of it, but we just didn’t see the event that caused it. Heck, we didn’t even really know the reason why he became blind, just that it happened during the events in Altissia. So, when Gladio goes off on Noct about how “Ignis took one for you too,” instead of thinking that Gladio has a point and Noct needs to step up, we just think that Gladio’s being a jerk.  Ignis could have been shot by a Niflheim soldier or fell off a building and his eyes were injured for all we know.  The context of how Ignis lost his sight is lost on not only the player but Noctis as well, so the payoff feels empty.  We see the consequences of him being blind in that he can’t fight as effectively and can’t cook for the team, but again this is all after the fact.  The payoff is there, but it seems like it came out of nowhere because there was no setup for it.  Seems like they set of Chekhov’s Gun without ever showing us it was there to begin with.
 And then there’s Prompto…
 Oh Prompto.  I feel he really got the short end of the stick when it came to his background. His story is actually a really good one and could have been a really turning point for his friendship with Noctis, but it is so rushed at the end of the game that it feels a little forced.  The slower pace of Episode Prompto fixes this, but just like with Episode Ignis, the payoff that happened in the main game had already been seen by the players.  
 The whole conflict for Prompto during his DLC is that he worries his origins will mean that Noctis and the others will no longer want to be friends with him, and as a child that grew up very much alone (where the heck are his parents?!), friendship is vital to this poor kid.  The sequence where Prompto dreams he is an MT that is being pursued by Noct adds so much suspense and is an excellent visual to the anxiety he is feeling…or it would be if we didn’t already know that Noct accepts him with practically no convincing at all.  We already know that their friendship survives this revelation, so there is really no suspense for the players as they watch Prompto go through the motions of coming to terms with his origins.
 All of this could have been avoided if the darn DLC had been included in the main game in the first pla—No! Not getting on that soapbox!  I could go on about how much that bugs me, but that’s not what I’m talking about here.
 Now, if FFXV suffers from lots of payoff with very little setup, then KH3 has a lot of setup but very little payoff.
 For those of you who have read this far and didn’t see the spoiler warning at the top, this is your final notice:  There are major spoilers for the events of the recently released Kingdom Hearts III.  Turn back while you still can if you don’t want to be spoiled!
 With that out of the way…
 There are a lot of cutscenes in KH3, and I mean a lot.  It’s one of the controversial points I’ve read in a lot of reviews, but the presence of a lot of cutscenes doesn’t bother me too much when the game is trying to tie up loose ends and explain things in what is perceived as the final installment in a series.  Metal Gear Solid 4 had the same problem, but again, they were trying to tie up loose ends. The fact that the series has continued from there and thus only added more loose ends is also a topic for another day.  My point is that several long cutscenes are not necessarily a bad thing if they are used well.
 The problem with KH3 is that many of them are not used well. There are numerous cutscenes with Ansem the Wise, Ienzo, Dilan and the others that don’t really seem to have any point to the plot.  Sure, Ienzo talks about trying to find a way to help bring Roxas back, but they never end up doing that anyway.  They bring back Namine, certainly, but what were they trying to accomplish with all their talk about atoning?  I get what they want to atone for, but what are they doing to actually do that?  It’s a bunch of talk that doesn’t really go anywhere.
 Along the same lines is the scene with Even and Demyx. They talk about atoning and being benched and betraying the Organization, but the only thing that comes of it is Demyx brings Ansem and a vessel for Namine to Ienzo.  And then the conversation between Even and Demyx is never mentioned again.  What was the point?  Is Namine being brought back supposed to be the payoff?  But then we never interact with her at all.  She’s only seen during the ending cutscenes and has no dialogue with anyone.  Not very satisfying at all.  Where did her heart for the replica even come from anyway?  Her heart was in Kairi, who by that point is dead...sort of.  I actually think she was sent to the heavenly place Sora went when he had to gather up pieces of himself, but I have nothing to support that theory.
 Speaking of Kairi, her scenes with Axel during their keyblade training are great.  They are cute and provide good setup for both Axel’s vague memories of Xion and their abilities in wielding keyblades…which end up being pointless since Kairi ends up kidnapped (again) and Xemnas destroys Axel’s very cool fire keyblade, although it does come back later, so there is really no reason for Xemnas to taunt Axel about not being a guardian of light anymore.
 I’m not going to talk about how Kairi being kidnapped robs her of the agency she should have gained during her training (again, plenty of people have already talked about that), but it does make the scenes regarding her training seem like a cop out.  What was the point of showing all that if she was just going to be a kidnapped damsel again?  She doesn’t really do anything with the keyblade that we see, so it doesn’t add much to see that she was even training to begin with.
 Axel has the same problem since he loses his keyblade. He was training to use it, but then Xemnas destroys it at the first possible opportunity.  There was no scene where he saves the day with it or manages to defeat Isa or something along those lines with it, so watching those scenes again feels empty.  The setup was there, but there was no payoff.  What use is it to show the player that these two characters are training hard with keyblades if they end up not ever really using them?  The gun was shown, but not shot.
 Conversely, and very briefly, it was good that there was setup of the Riku Replica earlier on in the game so it didn’t seem like he completely came out of nowhere when he came to help Riku against the Organization’s Riku (man, there are a lot of Rikus here).
 Then again, there was supposed to be some reason that Marluxia, Larxene, Luxord and Demyx were brought back?  Some “important purpose”?  The “ancient keyblade legacy”?  Which is…what?  It’s not explained and it’s never mentioned again.  And what about all the scenes with Maleficent and Pete searching for the box? The game kept cutting back to them but never went anywhere with them.  What was the point?  Wouldn’t it have built more suspense if we hadn’t seen what they were doing? Otherwise it added nothing to the plot other than the fact that the black box was missing, which the player already knows…or at least most of us do, who know about the Master and Masters and all that.  Hey, look, there are a bunch of guns hanging on the wall, but they remain unfired!
 But...And it’s a big but…There is one way that Kingdom Hearts III really does setup and payoff well, and that’s when you look at the story of the game as a whole.
 Near the end of the game, Young Xehanort warns Sora that using the power of waking too much will cause him to “condemn your heart to that same abyss,” meaning that Sora will fall into darkness, something that almost came to pass at the end of Dream Drop Distance.  Mickey also warns him that he might not come home from his journey to find Kairi.  The final cutscene (not the secret ending) of the game shows Sora disappearing from Destiny Islands while everyone else is partying and having fun.  It is presumed that he died after finding Kairi again, though personally I’m not sure if death is really what happened or if it was more of falling into darkness.  I think that’s left up to the interpretation of the player.
 Whatever the case, Sora is separated from the group, having given himself up to darkness in one form or another to bring Kairi back. Believe it or not, this is actually foreshadowed during the events of the various Disney worlds Sora visits over the course of the game.  What is the common theme seen through each of the Disney worlds?  The loss of a loved one.  
 The Toy Story world has all the toys worried about whether they’ll ever see Andy again.  The Caribbean shows Will and Elizabeth separated, just like at the end of the movie that world is based on.  The Kingdom of Corona shows Rapunzel being willing to sacrifice her freedom for Eugene’s life, and Eugene ends up giving his own life to cut Rapunzel’s hair to defeat Mother Gothel.  Arendelle…do I need to explain?  Elsa is terrified of hurting Anna, which she unintentionally ends up doing.  The 100 Acre Wood has Pooh worried that Sora will go away, leading to Sora worrying that their bond has grown weaker. Monstropolis has less to do with the loss of a loved one and is more about Sully and Mike needing to protect Boo, whom they care about very much.  And San Fransokyo has Hiro dealing with needing to destroy the first version of Baymax, his good friend.  Only Olympus doesn’t fit this pattern in terms of its plot, but that’s probably because that was already done in Kingdom Hearts II…but Sora and Hercules do have a conversation about Herc wanting to save Meg with all his heart.  Sort of parallels Sora’s desire to rescue Kairi, doesn’t it?
 And what ends up happening?  Sora does exactly the same.  He ends up sacrificing himself to bring Kairi back from…wherever it is she is. It’s Kairi that ends up losing her loved one in the end.  That’s the ultimate payoff for the pretty strong setup that was building throughout the game.
 SquareEnix has the ability to tell really good stories in their games.  The aspects of the storytelling process they get right, they really get right.  The problem is that they are inconsistent.  There are many ways to tell a story, and as I mentioned in the beginning, you don’t have to use the technique of Chekov’s Gun to do so and do it well.  But when only half of a creative writing technique is used, it can take away from the story rather than add to it.
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anti-yandere-dev · 6 years
Just a rant
I went into the Yandere Simulator related tag, and found a post saying that if you in any shape or form respect YandereDev, then you are a good person. I’m not going to link the post, as I don’t want this person to get attacked (despite the fact that they are supporting this jackass of an ‘indie developer’). I sort of just… face palmed, because what does this say for people who DO NOT respect YanDev? They are bad people? I guess in the eyes of his blinded fans, yeah, we are seen as bad people - the haters. There is literally no reason for me or anyone to respect him. I used to respect YandereDev once upon a time, but when he doxxed the owner of the first YandereDev crit blog, I lost most, if not all of my respect for him. 
I tried to stay within the fandom, and contribute to it because I liked Yandere Simulator a lot. The bugs made me laugh, and I meme’d the crud out of them. I made 3 MMD vids, and even wrote fics about the ‘game’ because I enjoyed it so much. But then I realize now that I continued to like Yandere Sim mainly because of fan contributions. Be it fanart, mmd, or fanfictions. I didn’t even leave the fandom and delete any posts about it til August because I got fed up with where it was going. I would have been alright with YandereDev’s past had he owned up to it. Yes, I’ve done some pretty stupid things as a kid and in my teenage years. But I’ve since did away with my own bad habits. YandereDev aka Alex Mahan has not.
After all that he’s done, I refuse to respect YandereDev again. It’s never happening. It doesn’t make me or you a bad person if you don’t respect him. He clearly has no good reasons under his belt to make him respectable. What YandereDev has shown us is that he is incapable of being honest and productive. He lies to his fans about his general schedule regarding the whole idea that he spends HALF the day working on the code for the game (which is a fucking mess, and you literally don’t have to be a programmer to recognize that because… Looooook at all those bugs in the game). He can’t even take criticism for crying out loud! Even if it is constructive, he will insist that you’re the asshole in the situation and that he’s the one to get off scott free.
Instead of doing what he claims he does 12 hours a day, he plays a multitude of video games. Which is something I’m not against, but don’t go claiming that you dedicate 12 hours a day to coding the damn game in order to meet that bi-weekly or monthly update to your game, Alex. Ontop of that, he steals character designs, game mechanics, rips certain environments in the game from MMD, uses copyrighted material (music, assets, etc) in Yandere Simulator, and makes 60k a year off of the unity run game. Yandere Simulator is devoid of any originality. If there is any, then well, it’s very little.
He is doing the equivalent of taking food from a fast food restaurant, putting said food on plates and bringing it to the guests (aka fans) claiming that the food is his own cooking. Yes, I just referenced that Steamed Buns clip from the Simpsons, but that element of the clip really does fit well with what Yanderedev actually does. Do the fans realize that they are supporting a fraud who will indeed never finish Yandere Simulator at the rate it’s going? Probably, probably not. For all we know, they are in denial. Or they unfortunately don’t care. I’m not saying Yandere Simulator will never be finished to be a downer. No, not at all. It’s the realistic outlook of things. Yes, FFXV took 10 years to make (Previously was XIII versus), but that’s because it was in its conception stage for 6 years, then it began to flourish as a more final product in 2012. 
But, does this give Yandere Simulator an excuse to be developed at such a slow pace? No, no it doesn’t. There was no conceptual stage. All Yandev did was combine Hitman and the Yandere trope into one game, using Unity assets. As an overall, Yandere Simulator is not that complex. It literally is a killing people simulator with little to no story. Now I get that it’s a sandbox build but it shouldn’t be a sandbox build at this point! It shouldn’t be using the Unity models any longer. Osana should be finished, heck, 5 or 6 rivals should be done at this point. It’s not that hard to implement YanSim’s equivalent of bosses into the game. 
I’m not undermining the difficulty that is involved in developing a game. It does take a lot of work. Truth of the matter is though, is that Yanderedev doesn’t work nearly as hard as he probably should to get this game developed and into something more than a sandbox. Yes, it’s a pain in the neck to code and program the game. It can also be difficult to come up with proper character designs, personalities, and stories but it’s not impossible. Yandere Simulator could have become something amazing. It still would have been closely compared to Hitman yeah, but it would not be in what I tend to call Video game development purgatory edging onto development hell. If Yanderedev does not fess up, and turn himself as a person around, much less turn the game he is developing around then it will never be finished. 
I’m very, very glad I never gave Yanderedev money on his patreon. Because I would have sorely regretted it. I respected him for a very long time, and found him to be great as a developer and as a person. Obviously through my ramblings, you can tell this isn’t the case anymore (Thank god). Yanderedev isn’t a saint. He is not a good person. Do I hope he grows the hell up and takes responsibility for his actions instead of blaming e-mails for the slow development of his “game”? Yes, I do. I really do. I doubt this will happen, but one can hope right? 
I’m not saying every YanSim fan is a bad person. Many, many of them are young and impressionable - misguided. Some of them are genuinely not good people, but unlike Dev, they have more potential to grow into better people whether they are minors or not. The biggest problem with Alex Mahan is that instead of taking responsibility for his past doings and trying to grow into a better person, he has retained his habits from his past even to this very day. I would have been “Whatever” about his past had he proved that he was a genuinely better person who learned from his mistakes. But the fact that he is the complete opposite of being mature and showing growth within himself as a person as well as his dishonesty are the biggest reasons why I turned my back on Yandere Simulator. Why I gave up on supporting YandereDev in general.
rant over. I’m sorry about that. ________________________________________________________________
**Submission by anonymous**
-Mod Bella
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Alternate Dimensions: Important to the Markiplier Canon?
Has anyone else ever noticed that in every video that has @markiplier meet Wilford Warfstache, Mark dies, usually by Warfstache's hand? Let's track this, shall we?
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(YES, there is a typo, and it is way too late for me to care) Case 1: The Fall of Slender Man. In Warfstache's debut, his interview with the infamous Slenderman eventually turns to Markiplier, who Warfstache apparently interviewed beforehand. According to Warfstache, Mark got hit by a bus soon after the interview, claiming, "You don't need to look both ways when you got swag."
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Case 2: Warfstache Interviews Markiplier. Years later, famous YouTuber Markiplier is brought in to guest star in Warfstache's talk show in an effort to boost ratings. Towards the end of the interview, Mark gets impatient with the nonsensical nature of the show, and Warfstache scolds him by stabbing him repeatedly in the stomach until he dies.
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Case 3: Who Killed Markiplier. In this murder mystery addition to the Markiplier canon, there is a lot of bad blood between Markiplier and the Colonel, the man who would go on to become Wilford Warfstache. So when Mark is murdered during a poker night held at his mansion, that makes the Colonel suspect No.1.
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(screenshot source) Now, there is the whole wondering of why this is - why DOES Mark keep on dying around Warfstache? - and maybe I'll theorize on that later. Right now, though, I'll ask this: if all of this is canon to the Markiplier universe, how is it Mark is still alive?
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Now, it's possible that this may be a hold over from the fact that, in Who Killed Markiplier, Mark practiced the dark arts in order to able to return his soul from the 'upside-down' back to his body (something confirmed by Mark in his I EXPLAIN EVERYTHING stream, which I personally haven't seen, but I've seen summaries of it). But if that is the case, then why on earth does Mark keep on interacting with Warfstache as though nothing bad might happen again?
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(screenshot source) My theory? Alternate dimensions, alternate Marks.
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Now, I didn't completely pull this out of nowhere. I mean, Mark has explained that the trippy walking-through-the-house scene in the final chapter of Who Killed Markiplier acted as a small window into another world. But Mark HAS MADE minor references to other dimensions before this. Specifically, in his February 2017 Charity Livestream while he and the team went over A Date with Markiplier.
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Timestamp 3:34:08 When talking about what it took to get the shot of Chica in the bathroom mirror for the True Ending, Mark jokes that there might be a ghost in the bathroom, before following that up with "obviously there's a portal to another dimension," referencing the trippy clocks-and-swirls world we see Wilford Warfstache in. It's an offhand comment, but worth noting.
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Timestamp 3:58:18 While talking about the creation of Darkiplier, Mark states that Dark is an entirely different person from Mark himself, that Dark doesn't obey the laws of physics, and that Dark exists in "another world entirely," bleeding into "this one."
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Timestamp 4:01:04 Mark states that a lot of the inspiration for Darkiplier comes from G-Man from Half-Life. Quote, "...this weird, inter-dimensional person that seems human, but is obviously not." Mark then goes on to emphasize not obeying the laws of physics.
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So, alternate dimensions clearly exist in the Markiplier canon. Does this mean that with alternate dimensions comes alternate versions of certain people? Now, I may just be getting the concept of 'alternate dimensions' and 'alternate universes' mixed up, but the two are pretty easy to interchange, especially since both are more specific ways of saying 'another world.'
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Think about it. Mark has stated that Darkiplier is from "another world entirely." Dark does not belong in this world. Mark emphasizes that both Warfstache and Darkiplier don't follow the laws of physics. Is this because they BOTH don't belong in this world? Heck, is the mansion in Who Killed Markiplier a weak point in the universe, offering doorways to other worlds?! (That last part was not a part of my original theory - the possibility JUST hit me).
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And if alternate worlds are a thing, that might explain why Mark is clueless whenever he's faced with Warfstache - he's a different Mark every time.
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If alternate worlds are a thing, that might explain why we sometimes see Mark take on entirely different personalities in situations where he's supposed to be playing himself  - those are different versions of Mark.
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If alternate worlds are a thing, that might explain why Darkiplier talks to us as though he knows us in A Date With Markiplier even though that was the first time we had ever met him - Darkiplier knew the ALTERNATE version of us, the version he bodyjacked in Who Killed Markiplier.
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If alternate worlds are a thing, that might explain why the Chef is an angry restaurant cook who is totally ready to kill Mark in ADWM, while also being an angry (but largely harmless) employee of Mark's in WKM - those are two different versions of the Chef.
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Heck, if alternate worlds are a thing, that might explain all the different endings in A Date With Markiplier - they all took place, just in different universes!
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(screenshot source) Oh, man... I've exhausted myself thinking of this. TL;DR - alternate dimensions = alternate versions of Mark.
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The 20-Second Trick For Coffee Machine For Home
The Basic Principles Of Top 10 Coffee Makers
There is a license problem around Nespresso pills that keeps out most competitors from cloning their hull layout. Canada's Single Serve Coffee, Keurig ® K-Cup ®, Nespresso ® and also Espresso Gear Store. nespresso equipment ideal price the white De Longhi Essenza Mini Nespresso. Nespresso Store. Updated 2017 Guide to Nespresso Coffee Capsules. Listed below you'll locate a listing of online retailers that offer these incredibly elusive little capsules, https://www.washingtonpost.com/newssearch/?query=Coffee machines too a checklist of nationwide merchants that market them in-store.
Novateur Coffee Concepts Inc. Replacement Nespresso capsules can be bought from the Nespresso firm site when you have joined as a club participant. Connected To Nespresso Shop, Hell's Kitchen Restaurants in New York City, New York City Restaurants, Heck's Kitchen restaurants, Ideal Heck's Kitchen area dining establishments, New york city City dining establishments, Coffee shop Restaurants in New York City, Coffee Shop near me, Cafe Restaurants in Hell's Cooking area, Café in New York City City, Café near me, Café in Hell's.
acquisition of 50 capsules-50% on aeroccino with. Nespresso vertuo - $70 (Santa fe) Agua Fria near St Francis condition: fresh do NOT contact me with unsolicited solutions or offers;. Explore collection. Where is Nespresso in Australia near me? Nespresso areas (17) in Australia from going shopping centres by Nespresso locator.
Rumored Buzz on Capsule Coffee Machine
Currently the pioneers of single-serve coffee, Nespresso, presents the Vertuo Line Evoluo by De'Longhi with an all-new layout as well as shades. Residence Coffee Repair. To access the information of the store (address, trading hours, website as well as brioso.co.il קפסולות קפה אספרסו קלאב existing offers) click on the address or the store name. Take pleasure in reduced http://query.nytimes.com/search/sitesearch/?action=click&contentCollection&region=TopBar&WT.nav=searchWidget&module=SearchSubmit&pgtype=Homepage#/Coffee machines stockroom rates on name-brand Coffee & Coffee Makers products.
Amazing Coffee superb coffee-- worth every dime Keep in mind Choose first if you want the Frother! Nespresso XN 300540 Pixie Coffee Maker, Titanium by Krups. Discover why plenty of individuals around Italy favor Bonini's 100% Italian capsules. Thus far very satisfied with all the various selections i've attempted. The Nespresso Vertuo Line is a streamlined coffee-maker concentrated on Nespresso-only coffee and espresso beverages.
Surf Nespresso jobs as well as use online. The area, changed by Italian architect. We can not sharpen scissors. Oct 31, 2019 · Nespresso Gourmet Weeks 3rd-- 24th November 2019 An Exquisite Treat at An Exceptional Rate. Nos Spécialistes Café sont à votre disposition sur Twitter du lundi au vendredi de 10h à 18h et de 7h à 22h, 7j/7, au 0800 55 52 53.
Rumored Buzz on Top 10 Coffee Makers
August 6, 2018 · For the love of God, just let me can be found in and also purchase the espresso coverings WITHOUT requiring that I provide you with my phone number. Database of Nespresso stores, factory stores as well as the simplest means to find Nespresso store areas, map, shopping hours and also details regarding brand.
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3 Easy Facts About Top Coffee Makers Shown
Alan Spear, founder of Coffee Deliberately, and also Jeremy Behne, director of coffee, took some time at the beginning of this month to see Colombia on a coffee finding trip. Learn More .
" IF YOU LOVE YOUR JOB YOU'LL NEVER EVER FUNCTION A DAY IN YOUR LIFE." Birch Coffee is simply that. What began as a suggestion and also as 2 people' need to love what they provided for a living has actually swiftly become some stomping.
8 Simple Techniques For Coffeemakers
Whether you've simply acquired a new Nespresso or had yours your a while I wager you recognize the stress of running out of Nespresso pods!Now your initial thought may be seeing your neighborhood Nespresso shop ... Sure, this may be the quickest alternative, yet if you do this you'll be losing out on a whole world of alternate vessels and also cost savings.
Much more ... So since you understand where to get Nespresso husks, allow's look at the math to find out where you can get the most affordable price. From the date of publishing this write-up an original line Nespresso skin prices 70 cents as well as restricted version capsule price around a buck. This suggests if you drink one shot of Nespresso at a price of 70 cents each day for a year (365 days) the complete price would be $255.50. That's a sensible chuck of change.
So if you like the original Nespresso, choose them, but if you like 3rd party service providers, you'll obtain the advantage of cheaper prices and a wonderful drink.
Commercial Coffee Makers Things To Know Before You Buy
BY STATE Select a State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas The Golden State Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming.
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About Espresso Coffee Machine
Not known Incorrect Statements About New Coffee Maker
There is a patent concern around Nespresso capsules that shuts out most competitors from duplicating their husk style. Canada's Solitary Serve Coffee, Keurig ® K-Cup ®, Nespresso ® and Espresso Equipment Store. nespresso equipment best rate the white De Longhi Essenza Mini Nespresso. Nespresso Boutique. Upgraded 2017 Guide to Nespresso Coffee Capsules. Below you'll discover a list of on the internet merchants that market these evasive little pills, too a listing of nationwide merchants that sell them in-store.
Novateur Coffee Concepts Inc. Replacement Nespresso capsules can be acquired from the Nespresso firm site when you have actually subscribed as a club member. Connected To Nespresso Boutique, Heck's Cooking area Dining establishments in New York City, New York City City Restaurants, Hell's Kitchen dining establishments, Finest Heck's Kitchen area dining establishments, New york city City dining establishments, Coffee shop Restaurants in New York City City, Cafe near me, Coffee Shop Restaurants in Heck's Kitchen area, Café in New York City City, COFFEE SHOP near me, COFFEE SHOP in Heck's.
purchase of 50 capsules-50% on aeroccino with. Nespresso vertuo - $70 (Santa fe) Agua Fria near St Francis condition: like brand-new do NOT call me with unwanted services or deals;. Explore collection. Where is Nespresso in Australia near me? Nespresso areas (17) in Australia from going shopping centres by Nespresso locator.
How New Coffee Maker can Save You Time, Stress, and Money.
Currently the leaders of single-serve coffee, Nespresso, introduces the Vertuo Line Evoluo by De'Longhi with an all-new style and colors. House Espresso Repair. To access the information of the store (address, trading hours, web site as well as existing deals) click on the address or the store name. Enjoy reduced warehouse costs on name-brand Coffee & Coffee Makers products.
Wonderful Coffee outstanding coffee-- worth every penny Keep in mind Determine first if you want the Frother! Nespresso XN 300540 Pixie Coffee Device, Titanium brioso.co.il זני קפה by Krups. Discover why countless people all over Italy prefer Bonini's 100% Italian capsules. Up until now really happy with all the various selections i have actually attempted. The Nespresso Vertuo Line is a streamlined coffee-maker concentrated on Nespresso-only coffee and coffee beverages.
Browse Nespresso work and use online. The space, changed by Italian engineer. We can not develop https://www.washingtonpost.com/newssearch/?query=Coffee machines scissors. Oct 31, 2019 · Nespresso Exquisite Weeks 3rd-- 24th November 2019 A Gourmet Treat at A Remarkable Rate. Nos Spécialistes COFFEE SHOP sont à votre personality sur Twitter du lundi au vendredi de 10h à 18h et de 7h à 22h, 7j/7, au 0800 55 52 53.
The smart Trick of Single Cup Coffee Maker That Nobody is Discussing
August 6, 2018 · For the love of God, simply let me come in as well as get the espresso pods WITHOUT demanding that I give you with my phone number. Data source of Nespresso shops, factory shops as well as the easiest way to locate Nespresso shop places, map, purchasing hrs and details about brand.
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The 10-Second Trick For Red Coffee Maker
Alan Spear, founder of Coffee Deliberately, as well as Jeremy Behne, director of coffee, took some time at the beginning of this month to see Colombia on a coffee searching for trip. Find Out More .
" IF YOU LOVE YOUR WORK YOU'LL NEVER FUNCTION A DAY IN YOUR LIFE." Birch Coffee is simply that. What started as an idea and as two individuals' wish to like what they did for a living has quickly become some stomping.
Not known Details About Top 10 Coffee Makers
Whether you've just gotten a brand-new Nespresso or had your own your a while I wager you recognize the disappointment of lacking Nespresso pods!Now your initial thought might be visiting your regional Nespresso shop ... Sure, this might be the quickest choice, however if you do this you'll be losing out on an universe of different husks and financial savings.
Much more ... So now that you know where to purchase Nespresso sheaths, let's go over the math to figure out where you can obtain the most affordable rate. From the day of publishing this short article an original line Nespresso pod prices 70 cents as well as limited edition hull expense around a dollar. This indicates if you drink one shot of Nespresso at a cost of 70 cents daily for a year (365 days) the overall cost would certainly be $255.50. That's an affordable chuck of change.
So if you choose the initial Nespresso, choose them, however if you like 3rd party providers, you'll obtain the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/?search=Coffee machines advantage of more affordable prices as well as a great drink.
The Basic Principles Of Top 10 Coffee Makers
BY STATE Select a State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas The Golden State Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jacket New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming.
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