#she has shorter back hair but i forgot what this hairstyle is called
artificialqueens · 4 years
Patchouli and yasmin (let me leave those words unsaid) (Jankie) - Thorpe
A/N: It’s been a while. I’ve had this idea floating in my head for a while now, an unordinary love confession, and Jan and Jackie just seemed to fit. You can also read it on AO3 or come talk to me @freykitten. No, without further ado, I hope you’ll enjoy it! xx
It comes to her one day. Perhaps it came sooner - Jan wouldn’t know, she’s never quite excelled in forecasting, but she’s almost fearless and finds joy in making up solutions on the spot, and she’s fast to reignite her hope for the best after she falls. She has a lot to compensate for the lacks in preparation. But it comes one day - the realisation - and the lacks feel very prominent.
She’s throwing herself onto the couch, bracing herself for the cracking in her back she doesn’t fully know when she acquired - she’s guessing it was somewhen between taking liking to coffee and regarding it a necessity - when she notices orange material laying on the floor. She picks it up, shifting to the least uncomfortable position to lay in, and smiles. She can imagine the whole scene - Jackie sitting there in the morning, with the cardigan loosely draped around her shoulders (maybe it was trapping her hair, too, that Jan wasn’t sure of, but Jackie often let it cover her long, brown locks, and it always made Jan think that she’d look equally beautiful with a shorter hairstyle - in hindsight, that’s been pretty telling) and coffee in a tiny, glass cup in her hand, relieving in the quietness and emptiness of the world asleep, the surrealism of solitude that seems omnipotent, but with no one to witness it. The cardigan smells of patchouli and yasmin, the perfumes Jackie uses on lazy days that truly deserve better than two bedrooms with an excuse for a living room and no A/C, and on the ones she’s happy. She didn’t tell Jan that, but she’s seen the steady, calm warmth in her eyes and made a connection herself. It smells of patchouli and yasmin, but Jan doesn’t have to burrow her nose in the material to sense that. She noticed Jackie was happy in the morning, so it must smell like that. She just knows it does, and then it dawns on her.
She’s in love.
It wasn’t planned. It wasn’t unplanned either. It has never been the question of a plan with Jackie and her, it was a coincidence and pure luck of colliding with something that felt genuine to fit with. It was stars feeling a little bit generous, and the streets of New York City a little bit merciful. Things were happening, and they just rolled with them. So, actually, it shouldn’t surprise her. Maybe she should have seen it coming, when one day they discovered holding hands felt natural, so they just started doing it, and then one day they discovered kissing worked better than words in some cases, so they just started doing it as well, and another day they discovered that leaving the other one’s bed after they were done catching their breaths didn’t make sense anymore, so they just stopped doing it. None of it was planned, but sometimes Jackie dropped a casual kiss onto her shoulder in passing or smiled the smile that holds no restrictions, and it would make Jan think that in the great scheme of things, maybe they make sense.
But she’s never quite excelled in forecasting. So it does surprise her, but just for a moment, just at first, because then she find herself looking around the living room and seeing little traces of Jackie everywhere, and it makes her oh so fond. She’s in love, and suddenly it’s like she’s never gone a day without loving Jackie.
She looks at Jackie’s cardigan on her lap and thinks of her. “I love you,” she whispers, and it’s disbelieving, shy and shaky, like the tip of a wick catching on fire, but it makes her feel warm all over just a heartbeat later. She stands up from the couch.
She looks at a monstera deliciosa Nicky gave them and thinks of the care Jackie put into looking for a place with the perfect amount of light for a gift from their friend.
She looks at a golden headpiece proudly displayed on one of the shelves and thinks of Jackie’s passion and dedication for what’s important to her.
She looks at the little genie statue and thinks of Jackie’s sense of humour and how she’s never enjoyed anyone’s company as much as hers.
She looks at the photo of them from Jan’s first show, her smiling at the camera and Jackie smiling down at her, and thinks about how no one has never cared for her as much as Jackie does.
She looks at the chip in the frame she caused when she dropped it while dusting and thinks of all the times she didn’t deserve Jackie’s kindness, but got it regardless.
Then, the door opens.
“I’m home!” Jackie announces cheerfully, taking her jacket off and hanging it on the hook. Jan’s heart is beating too fast and she’s used to diving head first, but her point of balance has been thrown off by the sound of a key in the lock, and she’s already falling with nothing to hold onto. Jackie turns to face her with her usual smile, warm and easy, but when she meets her eyes, her breath catches in her throat.
She looks at Jackie and thinks back to one of her first days after moving in.
She stumbled into the apartment in the evening to find Jackie sitting on the floor next to the the open balcony, smoking. Smoke on the fire escape never meant anything good, no one needed to remind Jan of that. But it was one of the first days of Jackie and her living together and they were yet to get past the courteous nothings filling the empty space between them until one of them slipped out of the kitchen. But you do have to start somewhere, so she sat opposite of Jackie, leaning on the wall, and let her talk.
“How do you know it isn’t working?” She asked as Jackie lit another cigarette, softly, for the sake of wet trails on the other woman’s cheeks, but earnestly, like she always did. Jackie let out a sound that seemed like the first step towards chuckling. She looked straight at Jan.
“How do you know it is?”
Jan pursued her lips, thinking. She’d never been the one to give advice on relationships. At least, not good ones and not to herself, even though she always meant well. But no one could be less judging than a stranger you share a total of three houseplants and a package of sugary cereal with. Especially if you saw them sobbing on the floor next to an open balcony not five minutes earlier. When she started talking, Jackie seemed surprised, like she hadn’t thought Jan actually would, or like she forgot she was still there. “If you make each other happy. I mean, yeah. That’s enough.”
Jackie threw her head back with laughter, but it was dark and bitter. “Then it’s definitely not working.”
She was right - it wasn’t, and it took a long time for Jackie to put herself back together, but Jan was there to pick up any piece she’d drop. She’s promised herself to always be there for Jackie.
But now she’s in love.
She looks at Jackie and says, “I bought skimmed milk. That was the only one they had in the store.”
Jackie nods, but it’s not at what Jan said. Her eyes are burning holes in Jan’s head. She swallows visibly. Jan can’t let her speak.
She’s in love.
“I can go check if they have regular one in the corner shop, though.” She ducks Jackie and walks past her on her way to the door.
“Jan.” Jackie turns around and tries to reach for her. Jan can’t bear that something in her voice. It’s like reason slipping and a little too close to the edge.
“No, it’s okay, I know you like it better. It’s my turn to do the shopping anyway.” She’s putting on her coat, pretending to be fascinated with the way her arm slides into a sleeve and appears on its other end.
“Jan,” Jackie says again, but it sounds like an assurance and her eyes are hopeful, and-
“I love you,” Jan blurts out, and then she’s slamming the door behind her and running down the stairs. 
Fifth floor.
She can’t. She can’t do that to Jackie.
Fourth floor. 
She could never, it would kill her to become the reason she buys a pack of cigarettes to hide the way her lungs burn from crying.
Third floor.
She lands too hard on her left feet and pain shoots through her ankle, but it doesn’t make her stop. 
Jackie’s voice does. She’s calling out for her, and Jan’s whole body halts mid-movement, like it wasn’t able to resist Jackie pleading. It isn’t, it totally isn’t. She turns around slowly and watches as Jackie gets closer and then bends in half, finally catching up with her, but not yet with her beath. 
“What did you say?” Jan doesn’t meet her gaze, but then Jackie cradles Jan’s face in her hands and lifts it. Her touch is soft, and it takes everything not to lean into it. She starts stroking Jan’s cheek, and the blonde risks to look into her eyes. They’re beautiful - they always are - but now they’re sparkling, and her cheeks are still flushed from running, and she’s so beautiful. And Jan is so in love with her.
She opens her mouth, but no sound comes out of it. Jan has never been fragile, but she knows the heart of a woman in front of her is, and she can’t help to mirror that. She’s never had something this precious in stake, so she wills herself to be a better person, to pretend she’s as good as Jackie deserves, when she knows she isn’t. 
“I- I didn-” She starts, but Jackie brings their foreheads together, cutting her off.
“No. Don’t say that, please, Jan, please.” And that’s it. Her voice is shaking, and it’s more than Jan could ever take. She wraps her arms around Jackie and pulls her close, and then a little bit closer, just for a good measure. She inhales patchouli and yasmin, and it makes tears sting behind her eyes. Jackie pulls back, just enough to look at her. She’s determined, but she speaks like she was praying. “Tell me the truth.”
“I can’t. You don’t want that,” she tries to reason. She’s already hurting her - there are tears in Jackie’s eyes too, and it’s more than enough.
“I do.” There’s that determination again, and it’s more than woud be safe for either of them. She puts one of her hands back on Jan’s cheek and starts stroking it. She smiles and it’s watery, but it’s her, so Jan still thinks that in this moment she’s the most beautiful woman in the world, and it hurts. “We make each other happy. That’s enough, right?”
If Jan tried to speak, she’d burst out crying, so she just nods.
“Tell me the truth.”
“I love you.” It’s quiet, but Jan has never been more sure of anything, so she clears her throat and tries again, and once she does, she can’t stop repeating it, so she’s saying it over and over again, until Jackie cuts her off with a kiss.
They’re both crying and they’re standing on the mezzanine on the staircase, and they share a total of four houseplants and a bottle of skimmed milk, but they’ve got each other too, and they make each other happy.
And it’s enough.
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whatarubberchicken · 5 years
The Bodyguard’s Tale
Happy Holidays, @staymagical! I’m your Secret Santa for the @voltronsecretsanta2k19 exchange! I hope you like this! (I saw you were a Merlin fan, and I couldn’t resist! But don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten the rest of your request, it’s just a bit of a slow burn! (; )
Read on Ao3 or ff.net! Next chapter>>
The Bodyguard’s Tale
Chapter 1
Keith stared up at the tall, white towers of the Altean palace and tried not to wince. It was so different from what he was used to on Daibazaal! The colors, the shapes, the sounds! Back home, there had been noise and chaos, yes, but it seemed so much… more organized than this! There, it was orders being shouted and the ring of blade on blade. Here, people were calling out to each other eagerly, children laughing everywhere—he swore he even heard music coming from somewhere! (You never heard music on Daibazaal unless it was a feast day!)
“Well, this’ll be an adventure, huh?” Shiro said cheerfully, coming up beside him.
Keith rolled his eyes at the Champion. Shiro had been a prisoner in the arena before his fighting prowess had been recognized and he’d been granted his freedom as a prize. Above all, the Galra valued strength, and Takashi Shirogane had it in spades. Since then, he’d become an “ambassador” for his home planet, Earth, which Sendak had conquered on a whim a few years back. Shiro didn’t really have much to do as an ambassador, Earth was still conquered, but the title allowed him to sit in on meetings and not be forced back into the fighting pits.
He was probably elated to get away from Daibazaal for the foreseeable future.
Sure enough, he laughed at Keith’s droll expression and slapped the young prince on the back. “It could be worse,” he pointed out.
“Yes, my great choice,” Keith drawled, looking around this new world with poorly-disguised contempt. “Either become the servant to some jumped-up peacock with royal Altean blood, or become Sendak’s new chewtoy until he decides I need to have an ‘accident.’ Yay, me.”
“Hey, I’ve heard this Altean prince is pretty nice,” Shiro said, showing a bit more sympathy as they entered the palace. “At least he’s your age.” Keith shrugged. “And you won’t be his servant, you’ll be part of his personal guard.”
“Same difference,” Keith muttered.
“We both know he can’t possibly treat you worse than Sendak would’ve,” Shiro added.
That was for damn sure. Keith wasn’t sure why Emperor Zarkon hadn’t just signed his execution warrant. Instead, he’d offered his younger son a choice: become Commander Sendak’s new lieutenant or go to Altea with his half-brother Lotor, where he would become a young Altean prince’s new bodyguard while Lotor attempted to solidfy their alliance by marrying the Crown Princess Allura. And since Commander Sendak had gone through eight lieutenants in the past two years, it had been an easy decision to make. At least on Altea, Keith would live. Shiro’s appointment to the same planet had been a great relief, though. Keith had no idea how to relate to these people. Lotor was half-Altean, and he and Keith couldn’t stand each other.
Hopefully his half-brother would be busy paying court to the Altean princess. With any luck, their meetings would be few and far between.
“Game-faces time,” Shiro whispered as they entered the court. It was a huge room with lofty high ceilings and an overall feeling of light and magic. Big difference from anything he was used to on Daibazaal. Still, one thing was the same; people everywhere were looking at him expectantly. Keith carefully schooled his expression into the blank mask he’d been taught from childhood.
“Announcing Prince Keithyr of the Galra Empire and Champion Takashi Shirogane, Ambassador of Earth!”
Keith resisted the urge to roll his eyes at his formal title. Prince? Sure. Unwanted prince. At least they weren’t trying to call him Yorak anymore.
He was a bit surprised at the murmurs and side-long glances people gave to Shiro when his prosthesis came into view. Apparently, the Alteans didn’t value strength and fighting nearly as much as the Galra did. Shiro might not fit in here as much as he thought he would.
“Beloved baby brother!” Lotor greeted, coming down from the dais to embrace Keith. They both remained stiff, but avoided snarling or growling at each other in public. Keith gave him a fake smile and a nod as they pulled apart.
“Allow me to introduce my intended, Princess Allura.” Lotor said gaily, indicating the Altean royal family. A young woman with long, flowing, curly white hair descended, smiling at them. Keith and Shiro quickly bowed.
“It’s so good to finally meet you, Keithyr,” she said, holding out her hand for Keith to kiss. “Lotor’s told me so much about you!”
Yeah, I can very well imagine what Lotor has told you…. Keith performed a perfunctory salute on her hand and gave her a smile.
“I’ve heard many good things about you too, princess,” he said politely.
She beamed at him. “And this, of course, is my brother Lanceon,” she said, waving him forward.
Keith studied his new charge carefully. He’d seen pictures, of course, but it was always best to get the measure of a man in person. He did a quick inventory. Short brown hair, glowing blue cheek markings (those might make it hard to hide in the dark if they had to make a quick getaway sometime) tall, lanky, a casual air about him that said he didn’t really care to be here—
“He’s shorter than I thought he’d be!” the prince’s aloof air suddenly melted away as soon as he saw Keith, and he bounded forward to get a better look. Keith shied back instinctively as piercing blue eyes roamed all over him. “Aww, I thought he’d be blue! Or at least, ya know, purple,” Lanceon whined. “He’s not even fluffy!”
Keith felt his eye twitch. “Sorry I’m not fluffy enough for his highness,” he growled under his breath. Beside him, Shiro covered up a laugh with a cough.
“My apologies, Prince Lance,” Lotor also appeared to be hiding his mirth at Keith’s discomfort. “Keithyr is only half Galra and doesn’t share all of the traits—”
“Like you?” Lanceon interrupted, looking over at Lotor with a sweet smile. “You’re only half Galra too.”
“Indeed,” Lotor said, his eye barely twitching. Keith noted it down. Aha! It seemed there was some tension between his brother and the resident prince. “But Keithyr is half human,” Lotor said, recovering quickly, “the species of Ambassador Shirogane there.” He indicated where Shiro stood. Lance latched onto him immediately.
“Hi! I’m Lance!” he said cheerfully, shaking Shiro’s hand.
“Shiro,” the man said, amused.
“Man, he wasn’t kidding,” Lance said looking between Shiro and Keith. “Are you sure you two aren’t the real brothers instead of Lotor there?”
Don’t I wish, Keith thought silently, as Shiro and Lance chatted amicably. I would gladly take Shiro for a brother over Lotor any day! He tried to stomp down his growing resentment of the prince. I didn’t get a handshake, or an introduction….
“Lance, why don’t we let Ambassador Shirogane introduce himself to the court,” Princess Allura finally interjected. “You can go acquaint yourself with your new guard.”
“Fine, fine,” Lance said carelessly, leaving the court and obviously expecting to be followed.
Keith gave one last bow to the royal family (guess he wasn’t important enough to be introduced to the king or queen, but that was just fine with him, he already knew his duties), exchanged an eye-roll with Shiro, and hurried after him.
He wasn’t surprised to see Lance whirl on him as soon as they reached a bedroom that obviously belonged to him, and Keith carefully closed the door behind him before the other prince could explode.
“Let’s get one thing straight,” Lance snapped, “I don’t need a babysitter!”
“No, you need a cleaning lady,” Keith said, looking around. There were clothes and bottles of various liquids thrown haphazardly around the room. He even caught sight of a boot on a lamp. What a mess! He’d have been whipped if Dayak ever caught his quarters in this state!
“It’s fine, you can walk through it!” Lance said, dismissing it as easily as everything else.
“It’s a health hazard,” Keith argued, noting all the places where ingenious spies or assassins could be hiding in plain sight. “And it’s my job to keep you safe.” Lance opened his mouth, but Keith beat him to it. “But it’s NOT my job to clean up after you.”
Lance scowled. “Fine, I’ll clean it later. The point is,” he said, launching into another rant, “I don’t like Lotor or his heavy-handed ways, giving me a bodyguard who I’ve never even met!”
“What, you think I want to be here?!” Keith asked incredulously. “You think I like the idea of following you around for the foreseeable future?! It was either this or be stuck as Sendak’s punching bag until enough people forgot about me for me to ‘disappear.’” He stepped closer, daring to get in Lance’s face. “Whether you like it or not, we’re stuck with each other. So, let’s just hope my stupid brother charms your sister enough so we can make this alliance official already, and maybe they’ll let us go back to our regular lives!”
Lance blinked and took a step back, studying Keith in a new light.
“You don’t like Lotor, do you?”
Keith stared at the young prince. “Are you actually this stupid, or are you just pretending?”
“I—I am not stupid!” Lance sputtered. “At least I don’t have a stupid mullet!”
“Really?” Keith said dryly. “You’re comparing intelligence to hairstyles?”
“It looks stupid! You’re stupid!”
Keith felt the beginning of a headache come on. “Oh, this is gonna be a long mission….”
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johnathanthetiger · 5 years
@marge-simpson i sent an anon about wanting to write something about betty’s hairstyles through the ages. i had a point in mind when i sent that but i forgot it by the time i finished writing this. hope it’s still interesting enough to you. 
okay so betty, in her(and archie and jughead) first appearance is notably ponytail-less, in fact, her hair is completely down with no accessories. of course character appearances take time to be refined so it’s not strange for there to be differences in their very first. but there’s a clear influence from the hair down look as she gets her official Look as a character. in the forties, both girls, betty and veronica, wear their hair down with bangs. betty’s is blonde and curlier and veronica is black and straight. this is true even among various artists that were drawing the stories. very early archie art is kinda ugly looking but not too much worse than the average art style at the time just as a warning. by the fifties we get to what would become the classic house style for the characters. betty’s look stays with her hair down but now the bottom part is pinned back, sometimes with a black bow, and curled. it’s clearly influenced by her original look but it’s more distinct. her bangs are lumpier than veronica’s, which are straight across. she then gets to her first ponytails in the late fifties, all high, short and flipped at the end with a black bow most of the time. the bangs stay the same and the bow stays as well. the two looks with the bow overlap into the sixties when betty’s ponytail gets longer. the black bow and flip at the end are consistent but it varies in length. veronica gets really into headbands for a while in the sixties but has stayed constant with her straight black with bangs look which also varies in length but is usually shorter than betty’s hair. then in the mid sixties, betty starts to wear short pigtails a lot for a few years, with two bows on either side, varying in color. and when we go back to ponytails betty has transitioned to a low ponytail, still with a bow or now a colored hair tie. her and veronica’s hair steadily gets longer and veronica develops a hair flip with betty’s pony/pigtails being teardrop shaped. the pigtails phase out in the early seventies and betty’s bangs become more fluffy in comparison to veronica’s, instead of having lumps like they used too. then in the eighties, betty’s ponytails go back up again with more variance in shape. and in the mid eighties, they get choppier with betty becoming more of a tomboy in contrast to veronica’s girly girl. also, predictably her hair ties get bigger and more scrunchie like. her ponytail gets looser and scruffier and she goes through a half up and half down phase, essentially a mini ponytail on top of her mid length hair. in the late eighties there’s a bit of a relaunch and betty gets her own comic! betty and veronica gets rebooted too, now no longer having “archie’s girls” in front of the title. basically, feminism finally catches on a little bit and betty becomes the girl next door that most young people today would’ve read as children as opposed to her earlier more obsessive tendencies and constant rejection from archie, which she also starts calling him out on more. this ponytail is basically a modern version of her original one, which is likely intentional in the reworking of the comics. her ponytail starts to vary more and more in style and she’s basically the only blonde being published by them at this point so she doesn’t need a strong character design other than “ponytail”. through the 2000s it’s the same with her ponytail again lengthening as time goes on, keeping it even as an adult through her marriage story arc and subsequent married life comic series. generally, her ponytail is a bit sloppier as the 2000s go on, similar to real life hairstyles. roberto probably is most influenced by the eighties and nineties because that’s when he was a child with a classic fifties appearance influence. he wrote his gay archie play and got his cease and desist letter in 2003 and started writing for archie comics in 2013(?) so i’d say his interpretation of the characters was pretty much fully developed by the end of the nineties probably. betty’s ponytail on riverdale is obviously fifties based but riverdale does away with both betty and veronica’s bangs. personality wise, riverdale betty is a mix of the nineties and the fifties but more nineties, which makes sense as that fits with the viewer and writer base age that they would have read archie stories from. even though her original look and current look are so different, the general journey of betty’s hair is easy to follow visually. and is very influenced by popular styles at the time and the personality betty is meant to have, which evolves over time with changing cultural attitudes. anyways i wrote all this out to say that riverdale and roberto need to stop being so sixties-phobic and let betty have pigtails. also, the heather duke look is very similar to early betty, curled and pinned back, and also should make a comeback because it looks good and begins to explore betty’s many hairstyles. this whole thing is very long and very overall detailed and kinda pointless also you can google to actually see what the hairstyles I’m talking about look like if i did a bad describing them. sorry for this if it’s not worth reading i guess but i had fun looking at archie covers for an hour(?) and got caught up in identifying various wilbur(archie’s less popular predecessor) supporting characters (because there’s not a good list of them online) partway through writing this. was it worth it? who cares. hope you take something positive from my rambling though.
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araminia16 · 5 years
Slow Growth (C2)
Chapter 1
This was necessary. Keyleth knew it and she hated it. That insidious beast had used her people to cause chaos and destruction to innocent lives. Had brought back a tyrant dragon and thought she could use it to cure her disease. Fuck her. Fuck her disease. She thought she was so smart, so cunning she could use them for her toys then fuck off without any repercussions. Fuck that.
Percy was right. They had to protect his home and keep what happened to hers to happen to his. If she proved to be untrustworthy they could light her up like a beacon and smote her ruin atop the world. That sounded good. Life is destruction. Screw her. She had a duty to her people. The dragon bitch hadn’t made it easy. It should be finished and not have so much of this dance she didn’t care or want to truly understand. And now they were in Draconia about to face off against another dragon and they had to see if Raishan would help them and then have to make another deal with her if she did.
So deep inside her own mind filled with chaos she almost didn’t hear him call out for her.
“What?” The word snarled into the space between them then pulled back, “What?” Gentler now.
So much had been wrapped up in her mind she hadn’t noticed him rearrange the bed or rather remove items from it. “Come here.”
“I can’t. There’s too much to do. Too much to think about it. What if it doesn’t work? What if Scanlan casts that Gate Spell and it fucks us over like everything else seems to? Or Raish--.”
“That’s a problem for tomorrow. I still want you to come here.” His tone with the coaxing gentleness for which she softened for pulled her around to where he gestured and found a seat of softness at the side of the bed. “Sit here.”
“Just sit. Come on.” He leaned over and gently pulled her forward. Though her soul screamed for action she wanted to please him and so she crossed her legs to sit down on the crafted seat. There was a moment of displacement as it sunk inward and with some assistance from Vax above her she managed to not spill off the side. Her antlers nearly gouged his cheek when doing so but they both managed to avoid injury.
“What are you doing?” His hands deftly removed her headdress and he set it lovingly on the table next to the bed.
While her attention had been off of him he moved around the room to find a hairbrush, comb, and several hair bands and other decorations and lay them nearby. Once he had her seated he sat down as well and began to fluff out her red waves with slim fingers. “You already know that I lived in Byroden with Vex and our mother. Until our father came to tear us from her and make our lives miserable that is. She would sing in the mornings when she made breakfast and at night to help us sleep. When we were about five Vex and I both had long hair. I think by that time it was past our shoulder blades.” With gentle blunted nails he massaged her scalp in circles starting from her forehead and back along the sides of her head.
Keyleth leaned into his touch and though her chest felt wild and dark she wanted to listen to him. His hands felt so nice on her head. Like a cat she nudged upward into his hands and settled back against the bed.
“Most of the other boys had shorter hair as such was the life of our village. They would help with the farm and the pastures and long hair would only get in the way of that. Our mother loved our hair and so she refused to cut mine.” He made another pass down the middle now and her hair lay in a strange puffed mess but it was something he would fix later. Another pass along her temples had the back of his hand brush without meaning to along her pointed ears. Without his heightened perception he would have missed the briefest inhale at the sensation from her lips but continued on. He could still see some tension in her shoulders and feel it in the air still when he continued on, “It wasn’t as if they would particularly care what our mother did with us. Half elves are common enough and we were fine and well behaved children. So she would brush our hair almost every day until we were old enough to that part on our own. She put us in matching braids at first but after too many people mistook us for each other she changed the way she dressed our hair.” Vax began at the ends of her hair and though it wasn’t too long this was easiest for him. The brush climbed up at each pass and seemed to make the vengeful beast housed in her chest to uncurl from it’s aggressive stance, little by little. Soon the brush passed the entirety of her locks freely and he put it aside for the comb to make doubly sure it was ready and he could part it.
“I think my mother used to do something with my hair too.” She mumbled while her eyes flitted shut and passively blinked while she listened.
Vax smiled gently with a little pain embedded within, “Mothers are good for that I think. But then when we were ten our father took us and we weren’t allowed to have a choice. Off to Syngorn we went.” He started then at her temple to part her hair with practiced strokes. “You know much of our trouble there. Vex took it more harshly than I did but she always was the loudest of us.”
“Yeah.” Keyleth mumbled as she felt the pull of Vax’s fingers. Gentle tugs as her hair folded and dipped in a hypnotic rhythm while the beast calmed fully and vanished.
“She had a harder time and one night when all she could do seemed to be weep I sat her up and started to sing to her because I couldn’t bear to see her sadness. I sang one of my mother’s songs and found a brush and had her sit next to me on the bed.” He twisted the complicated braid up and pinned it in place, then started with the other side. “It helped to remember her. To remember home when I started to brush out her hair and remembered the way my mother would braid it. I wasn’t very good at it at first but I got better with practice.” Though he didn’t say if expressly Keyleth knew it must have meant more tears and sleepless nights. Lessons and a standoffish parent who didn’t seem to want them near him but wouldn’t send them away. “Sometimes the hardest nights after we left Syngorn she would ask me to braid her hair with her blue feathers and I would because I love her.” Vax finished his knots and let the masterpiece of braids fall to her neck. “I love you and I don’t wish for you to lose yourself in this. Raishan will get hers. We will make sure of it. Until that time comes, you must be patient. My sister and I are so close as well to our goal. Our vengeance but time has cooled our anger in a way yours has not.”
Vax slipped off the bed and pulled Keyleth to her feet. The druid followed him after he pulled her antlers from the table.
When she stood in front of the mirror, her eyes widened. It looked like a crown almost along the sides, twisted and rolled to make a sort of veil down to her shoulders and when he placed the antlers on her head with a look of such pride and adoration she blinked back tears with the sudden wake of helplessness and guilt. “I forgot in my anger about Thordak and your mother. You must think I’m selfish.” She looked a little like a real princess and the child in her wanted to spin around in a circle to see if the little dangling pieces would stay in place.
“No. Never. You are so very good, Keyleth, and I understand what is is to have something so close and yet can not act. I promise you we will have both dragons’ lives. We don’t even know if she can be trusted enough to do as she’s bargained so all this waiting may be for nothing.”
“I know.” Keyleth felt so tired all at once and Vax pulled her into his arms. His chin rested on her shoulder and he pressed a kiss to her neck chaste and gentle while they stared in the mirror.
“Will you teach me?”
“If it doesn’t hurt you I think I would like to learn how to fix your hair too.”
Vax smiled and pulled her back tighter into his embrace, “It wouldn’t hurt me as long as you didn’t pull my hair. I've got a sensitive scalp you know.”
“Okay. You sit.” Keyleth grinned and he sighed before he took up her position on the floor. She took off her antlers and picked up the brush and comb. “Okay.” With wide eyed excitement she ran her hands through his dark locks and giggled at the softness.
Over the next half hour and much trial and error at the art of over and under she had a loose and lopsided hairstyle completed. Vax laughed at how utterly ridiculous he looked and the pride of such achievement on Keyleth’s face he couldn’t bear to disappoint. So he didn’t.
Instead he tackled her atop the bed with a lunge and she giggled and writhed as he tickled her sides until she couldn’t breathe. Later when he had her wrapped in his arms asleep he vowed his own vengeance on the Deceiver for the sweet druid in his embrace. Soon enough this would all be finished one way or another. Tomorrow they would kill one dragon. Maybe even two.
He looked over to where his cloak rested on the dresser next to her armor. A thousand years of her.
Chapter 3
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purplesurveys · 5 years
Have you ever had a really bad haircut? I haven’t had any truly awful ones. The only time I felt ‘meh’ about a haircut was when I went to the salon on my own and told the hairdresser what I wanted myself. I was never good at that kind of stuff, and always prefer being with someone so they can tell me if I’m headed somewhere good or otherwise. Did you ever order any clothes from the Alloy catalogue? I’ve never heard of that. What brand, color, and type is your favorite eyeliner? I’ve only ever used eyeliner at one point in my life and I’ve forgotten every detail about it. It was black, though. Do you wear eyeliner? I used to. I wanted to look nice post-breakup, so I learned how to do makeup to feel good about myself. Was there ever a time in your life when you couldn't cry? I guess when I have HAD to cry in the past, as in for a skit, I couldn’t. But I can be triggered and cry very easily otherwise.
What's your favorite type of yogurt? I hate yogurt, I hate everything that’s sour (except for sour tapes, but even those I can only handle at a certain level of sourness haha). What posters did you have on your wall as a teenager? Wrestling. My mom took them down for no reason eventually, even though I loved having them up on my wall. What are your favorite type of calendars? I mean I don’t obsess over calendars enough to have a favorite type? so a digital one on my phone and laptop is fine with me. I do sometimes wish I was rich enough just to be able to spend on those novelty calendars with Audrey Hepburn photos and Monet paintings in every month, though. Do you have a full-length mirror? I used to but it got transferred to my sister’s room. I don’t mind it though; I don’t use mirrors all that much. When was the last time you bought stamps? Elementary school, probably. Do you have any overdue library books right now? HAH, yes I do actually. It was a book I needed to do a Powerpoint on, and I completely forgot that its due date was on the 4th. The fee is like ₱2/day so I’ll have to pay around ₱8 to ₱10 by next week, depending on when I’ll feel like returning the book. How often do you do laundry? I don’t; my mom prefers to do it herself. Do you have a piggy bank? Maybe as a kid, but I never took it seriously because I didn’t sit well with the fact that I couldn’t see the money I’ve been saving. I’ve stuck with a good old wallet ever since, just so I can know my progress. Do you remember your locker combinations from high school? I don’t, actually. I wonder what numbers I used to secure my locks :o What's your favorite DIY crafts youtube channel? Aren’t a lot of those misleading and downright fake? Could you spend hours on pinterest? I’ve never spent more than five minutes at one time on that website/app. Do you own plaid pants? Nah, it’s not really my style. Have you ever had to wear a school uniform? I had to wear my school’s uniform for 14 straight years. All I ever wore Monday through Friday for that span of time. What was your high school's mascot? We don’t have a mascot; we just have school colors. What were your high school's team colors? Gold, white, blue. Who were your best friends in high school? Angela, Gabie, Athenna, and Sofie. Others I was close with were Chelsea, Kaira, and Fern. Who was your first boyfriend or girlfriend? Gab. Have you ever been to Chicago? Nope but it’s a dream. If yes, what do you like best about it? The FOOD, the culture, the museums. Have you ever stayed in a hostel? Nope, never been. Would you rather sleep on the top bunk or bottom bunk? Bottom. I wouldn’t like sleeping somewhere that felt unnatural, and lying down way high from the floor is definitely one of those things. Do you love camping? I’ve never tried, so I don’t know. Would you rather sleep in a tent or under the stars? Lie under the stars for as long as I can, then pass out in a tent. What insects are you afraid of? Cockroaches. Have you ever had a secret admirer that left you notes? I haven’t. Are you close with your cousins? I have a good relationship with most of my cousins, mom’s side; but I’m especially close with my eldest cousin, who I essentially view as my older brother. I’m so-so with cousins on my dad’s side - we were very close as kids, but they moved further to the south and I never really get to see them anymore, so we grew more shy as the years passed.  Are you close to any aunts or uncles? I love my mom’s cousins; they’re all younger than her and they’re mostly late Gen X-ers so they’re more hip and cool hahaha. I wouldn’t say we’re close but they are definitely much easier to talk to than other older relatives. Are you close to your grandparents? I seldom get to see my paternal grandparents because they live with the ^ same cousins I’ve since grown quite distant from, so I wouldn’t say I’m close to them but of course I love them all the same. I was very close with my maternal grandfather when he was still alive as I always knew what to do to make him laugh; and I am also crazy for my maternal grandmother, although in the last few years she’s been all about Jesus so sometimes it gets a little draining hearing about how I should always pray and that “God can answer all [my] problems.” Still love her loads, though. Who betrayed your trust? A friend did, many years ago. Who was your first best friend (apart from a sibling)? Bold of you to assume a sibling was my first best friend, because you’re wrong lol. I’d consider this girl we calle Kaye the first one; we were class number buddies in Kinder 1 (I was 4, she was 5) so we got close quickly. She changed schools by Grade 1 and I haven’t talked to her since, but I still remember her fondly. What was your favorite thing to do at sleepovers when you were younger? I was never allowed at sleepovers when I was a kid. What kind of popcorn is your favorite? Sweet-flavored ones. I could never take dry-ass plain/salted popcorn. It has to be something like salted caramel or parmesan. Does your town have a big fountain in it? If we do have one, I’ve never seen it. But I’m pretty sure we don’t. What is your town known for? For being on a mountain and being ridiculously hard to get to because 1) of its winding, accident-prone roads, and 2) IT’S ON A MOUNTAIN. I live in the area of Antipolo just before you start to go up, so I don’t get offended much by the complaints of everyone else; but I’m in solidarity nonetheless with the ~mountain-dwellers~ just because I used to go to school in upper Antipolo. Do you currently live in the city you grew up in? I mostly grew up in Antipolo, so yes I still live here. I did live in Manila in my early childhood but that time was much shorter than the time I’ve spent in my current city. What's one way in which you're behind the times? I hate Minecraft and I hate Fortnite even more. What's one way in which you're still a child? I love coloring books :) What's one way in which you're old? I have a bad back. Do you feel old or young? Or do you feel both at different times? Definitely feel a bit of both, depending on my mood. The perfect example could be that I can be annoyed seeing younger kids make so much noise, but the next day I can be exactly like those kids making a bunch of noise with my friends. How old are you? I am 21. Do you know what you want to do for your next birthday? No, not yet. Quite early to think about at this point, really. If yes, what is it? A private dinner would already sound perfect. What is the last new thing you discovered that was really good? Vaping. I mean don’t try it if you haven’t already, but yeah. What would be the best surprise you could receive right now? Tbh if my mom came home carrying a box of Yellow Cab pizza. AKA something that would NEVER happen; she snobs Yellow Cab cos she thinks they’re too expensive for pizza. Do you usually forgive when someone hurts your or try to get revenge? I get my revenge, subtly. Were there any subjects in school that were really easy for you? Our subject Language, which was mandatory back in elementary school, was literally basic English grammar. Not everyone in my former school spoke fluent English so a lot of them weren’t all that good at the subject; but for people like me who had a solid grasp of English and read a lot to begin with, the class was basically a breather from the other more difficult classes. If so, what? ^ I already told ya all about it. Did you ever skip a grade or get held back a grade? Skipping grades isn’t a thing in my former school which is honestly a good thing for me cos it would have bred a lot of competition. But students would have to repeat a level if their grades showed that they had to; I wasn’t one of them. What time of day were you born? 9:11 in the evening. What is the best hairstyle you've ever had? I loved my layered hair like 10 years ago. It was probably the only time I did something to my hair that wasn’t just a trim, so I enjoyed that experience. I also liked cutting my hair way, way too short last year; it was a bold move but I liked how it look, as did everyone else. Do you think you look better with dyed hair or natural hair? I’ve never tried dyeing my hair so I wouldn’t know. Do you think your look better with curly hair or straight hair? Curly, I think. Do you have bangs? I have baby bangs but they’re just stubborn hair standing around my head lmao but no I don’t have actual bangs. Do you think you look better with bangs or without? I haven’t tried getting bangs as an adult. I did look cute with them as a toddler though :( Do you think you look better with long hair or short? Long. What's your favorite rock band? Paramore, if they still count. Who's your favorite country singer? None. Do you ever listen to Celtic music? No. Do you listen to Hillsong? No. Did you try the unicorn frappuccino, and if yes, were you a fan? No I never tried it. Have you ever won a contest? I won a school quiz bee and an essay writing contest before, but I wouldn’t call the latter legitimate. It was just a writing contest about wrestling held by a local TV station and the three best entries got to win WWE t-shirts haha. Have you ever wanted to be a model, actress, singer, or dancer? I wanted to be a model when I was like 12. No fucking clue what was going through my head at the time. When you look at your baby pictures, do you recognize yourself? Sure. Has your hair color changed since you were a toddler? Nope. Do you wear matching socks? Yes. How many drawers does your dresser have? Three. Do you own an American flag shirt? No thanks. Do you own a British flag shirt? I don’t. The Union Jack got overused by 2011 Tumblr, honestly. Do you have a seashell collection? I don’t. Aren’t we prohibited from getting those from beaches? That’s the case in the Philippines, anyway. Do you have a rock collection? I do not. Do you decorate for Halloween? We didn’t decorate the house but I celebrated it with friends this year. What is your favorite thing to do in the pool? Float around and relax. Flamingos or pineapples? ??? Flamingos, I guess? Cacti or seashells? Seashells. Maple tree or palm tree? Palm tree. Dreamcatcher or wind chimes? Dreamcatchers! Have you ever taken a picture at the perfect moment? I probably have at few points. Do you have a crush right now? Yes. What color was your first car? My first and current car is white. Was your first car used or new? I’m actually not sure. It was my dad who purchased it. Do you have a car now? Yep. What color(s) eyeshadow do you wear the most? I never wear any.
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raging-violets · 6 years
30. for Sydney, 51. for Rhuben, 62. for Riley, 53. for Averey
30. Sydney - “You’re important, too”
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“Syd, I really think you need to get some sleep.”
“What makes you say that?” Sydney leaned back from his computer monitor and blinked rapidly up at Ronan. He leaned back even further when his adoptive father leaned in closer to study his face. Sydney’s eyes crossed as he tried to get a good look at him.
A face typically so friendly looked very, very…concerned up close. That was disconcerting. Sydney was the only one of his siblings that managed not to draw his suspicion or concern too often. Least not when he was getting sick, that’s when Sydney–not so admittedly–became very clingy. Now, though, he didn’t like the way Ronan was looking at him.
“What?” He asked.
“Syd, how long have you been working on this?” Ronan asked. Sydney hummed a response, turning away from his father to look at the computer screen once more. “I’m sorry, I didn’t get that. I don’t respond to grunts.”
“You just did, mate,” Sydney pointed out.
As far as Sydney could remember, Ronan hadn’t called him by his full name since they met years and years before. It sounded foreign to his ears. Especially with the tone of disapproval behind it. Sighing, Sydney slowly turned back to his father.
“Sydney, you look sick. I’m not going to ask again.” Ronan pressed his hands to his knees and leaned in so far that Sydney could see the gray hair in Ronan’s hairline. He and his siblings must’ve done more damage to him than they thought. He was only in his early forties.
As it was, it meant Ronan could see everything Sydney was trying to hide. Every circle under his eye. Every dark line that ran through the bags. Every blink that worked to keep his vision clear. Every line that was starting to form at the corner of his eyes. He was too young for wrinkles, but they appeared to be coming sooner and faster than he thought. And, when did there get to be two Ronans?
“It’s important,” Sydney said, after a long sigh and a roll of his eyes–two things that seemed to have become more common since he became a teenager. “I have to get this paper finished so Professor–”
“Syd, you’re only fifteen and you’re doing more work than PHD students would do!” Ronan interrupted. He reached out and turned off Sydney’s computer, making the teenage boy yelp in response.
“I didn’t save!”
“Knowing you, you have backups everywhere! You need to get some sleep.”
“But it’s important!”
Ronan grabbed his youngest son by the face. “You’re important, too. Your health–mental and physical–is more important than any of this work.” Still holding Sydney’s face, he walked him to his bed and forced him to lay down.
Sydney sighed heavily as Ronan pulled back the blankets and draped them over his form. Sydney was asleep the second his head hit the pillow.
51. Rhuben - “Are you sure you’re doing this right?”
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“Are you sure you’re doing this right?”
“Are you sure you’re doing this right?” Dropping the nasally, high-pitched mocking tone, Rhuben put her hands on her hips. “Patrick! I’ve watched all the youtube tutorials you sent me. I’m doing this right.” She punctuated her words by waving the clippers in her hand closer to his nose. His eyes widened, and went crossed with each gesture. “Now would you let me work?”
Patrick leaned to the side to check his reflection. Frowning a hand, went up to pat his hair. “It just doesn’t feel right,” he said.
“I’ve barely done anything.”
“You’ve gone through more bloody hairstyles than anyone I know, most you’ve done for yourself, and you’re worried I’m going to mess it up?” Rhuben asked. “Are we forgetting who gave themselves orange hair?”
Patrick’s eyes went half-lidded. He stared at her. “You know there’s a reason why No grew his hair out, yeah?” he said. “Do you know how long it took to cover that bald spot?”
“It’s not my fault he has sensitive ears,” Rhuben replied. “It’s also not my fault he can’t sit still.” Patrick eyed the clippers warily. “Oi. You asked, Peanut.”
“Yeah, because Riles wasn’t here,” Patrick said with a pout. He rolled his eyes when Rhuben snapped on the machine, the loud whirring filling the air.
“Sorry, couldn’t hear that,” she said, words filled with sarcasm. “Do you want me to finish or not? Mate, I’d vote for the former, your ears are looking more crooked than normal.”
“Ha, ha, ha.” Patrick patted his hair. “Ok, ok, keep going.” Rhuben rolled her eyes, watching as he wiggled his shoulders, and performed a cleansing breath, closing his eyes. “I’m ready.”
“You sure?”
“Mate, are you really sure?”
“Just cut my hair!”
Looking Patrick in the eye, Rhuben swiped a chunk of his hair off of his head with the clippers. She moved around his head, meticulously cutting and shaping his hair until the sides were short and the top was long.
“Ok, we just need to straighten it.”
“So far so good.”
“You need to have more faith in me, bro.” Rhuben picked up the flat iron that sat heating up on the bathroom counter. Clicking them twice in the air, she grasped a chunk of his hair, lined up the hot plates with the roots and clamped down on it.
Sizzling instantly filled the air and when she removed the flat iron, his hair came with it. Rhuben gasped loudly, her mouth tightening into a tight O.
“What?” Patrick asked, frantically patting the top of his head. “What is it?”
“Nothing, nothing, ssshh.” Rhuben waved the flat iron in the air, swinging her hand with the hair behind her back.
Patrick let out a high pitched squeak when his fingers brushed the shorter, singed, hair at the front of his head. “Ohhhh, Rhubennnn,” he groaned, sliding his hands over it.
“I forgot the heat spray?” Rhuben said with a sheepish smile, showing him the burned off hair.
“Let me see something,” Patrick said, getting to his feet. He leaned over the sink and closer to the mirror. He twisted his way and that, checking his reflection before retrieving a brush from the drawer. Brushing his hair from the back of his head to the front, he managed to cover up the spot, and allow his hair to hang in his face. Patrick pressed his lips together, sighing through his nose.
“Well,” he said, running his hand over his hair. “I haven’t tried this look before. Keep straightening it this way.”
“When we’re done can we do something about your sideburns?” Rhuben asked his reflection.
“And nick my ears?” Patrick asked, his fingers flying up to cover them. “No thanks.”
“Oh come on, that was only one time. And it wasn’t with the clippers, it was the flat iron.” She set the burnt hair down onto the sink. “Besides, your ears healed up fine. You still use them to ignore me half of the time. Consider this is payback for the makeup tutorial you tried out on me.”
Patrick smiled his lopsided smile. Rhuben grabbed his chin, using her fingers to press his cheeks together. “It’s just as well, now we can all take a gander at your handsome face, yeah?”
62. Riley - “Part of me just really wanted to impress you.”
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Everyone says art is subjective. A couple blobs of paint or even a few swipes of a pencil and a masterpiece could end up in front of you. There were masterpieces that drew crowds of many and others that were hidden beneath an otherwise obscure name, just waiting for fame and fortune to hit.
Otherwise, a masterpiece could be found in Boston, in the Tipton hotel’s rooftop garden where Zack and Riley were standing, admiring their work. Wiping sweat off her forehead with the back of her arm, Riley said, “This isn’t looking as bad as I thought it’d be.”
“Really?” Zack”s nose wrinkled. “‘Cause it looks like someone threw up all over it.” He gestured towards the large sheet that stretched across the ground. While the corners were a perfect blend of red, two different shades of blue blue, yellow, gray, and purple, the rest of the sheet as well as the center was mud. The colors had run together to resemble a sickening shade of brown that was almost visceral.
Riley pouted. “It wouldn’t have turned out that way, boofhead, if you listened to me for once,” she pointed out.
Zack grinned at her. “Sorry, I was distracted by the hot babe at the pool.” To prove his point, he turned and pointed finger guns at his target of interest.
Riley leaned over and raised an eyebrow, watching the girl–whose eyes were hidden behind a pair of sunglasses–shook her head and bury her nose in a magazine. 
“Don’t you think she’s a little old for you, mate?” She asked, folding her arms.
Undeterred, Zack ran a hand over his hair. “Age is nothing but a number.”
“I thought numbers gave you a headache.”
“So does Cody, and for whatever reason I like to keep him around.”
“Yeah, to do your math homework.”
“Careful.” Zack held up a bottle of blue dye and pointed it menacingly at her. “I’ve got a bottle of dye and I’m not afraid to use it, Sweet Thang.”
Riley swiped the bottle from his hand and pointed it back at him. “Just use it correctly, and we won’t have a problem, yeah?” She couldn’t help but smile back at him when he laughed. He could be obnoxious and flirted with everything that moved, but he at least had moments of being good company. “I think we only have one more sheet to do and then we’re done.”
“And then we can get something to eat?” Zack asked. “I’m starving and you promised.”
At that, Riley rolled her eyes. “You know, most guys would offer to buy me something instead of having to repay you.”
“Hey, you already get to spend most of the day with me, I think that’s a good trade off.” He paused and looked at her curiously. It was then Riley noticed a rising glint in his eyes and turned away, lest her face turned red and she accidentally gave him the wrong idea. She recognized that look and knew exactly what was coming. “Why’d you want me to help you anyway? You could’ve asked anyone, even Cody. And you know how I feel about having to spend more time with Cody than I have to.”
“Please. Cody was my first choice,” Riley said quickly. Zack lifted an eyebrow, waiting for her to continue. It was the truth, he was her first choice. But then.. “But then he started to go on and on about how the dye we were using needed to be ethical, and couldn’t have been tested on animals, and couldn’t stain his skin, and how he had to be completely covered, and being outside made him burn, and his allergies–”
“–I live with him, you don’t need to give me the play by play.”
“Yeah, so now you know why I chose you.”
Zack’s grin slowly widened, making his freckles disappear into the folds of his cheeks. “But you could’ve asked anyone else. Why me?” He stepped closer to her. “I mean, I know why. I just want to hear you say it.”
With an exaggerated batting of her eyelashes, Riley turned and placed her hand on his neck. Zack’s eyes shifted when she stepped closer to him, her breath washing over his face. Riley tilted her head and looked him in the eye. Lowering her voice, she said, “Part of me just really wanted to impress you.”
Zack pursed his lips and tapped his fingers against the squirt bottle in his hand. Oh, how much he wished it was true. His heart leapt into his chest, seconds before his rational thought made it come crashing back down. Thankfully, he was in tune with feminine mood swings. “As much as I wish that was true, and trust me, I do, you’re late on your art homework, aren’t you?” He sighed and put his arm around her shoulders, pulling her against him. “Welcome to the dark side. We’re late on our work and don’t care.”
“Shut up.” Riley pushed his arm off her shoulder, dumped a sheet over his head and started to spray bottles of dye onto him.
Zack flinched, trying to shield himself, before he lunged forward and wrapped his arms around her. Riley screamed in surprise when he lifted her off the ground, knowing dye was seeping into her clothes. He took the opportunity to dump the sheet on her and sprayed her in retaliation.
Riley laughed, clawing her way out of the sheet. She wiped a drip of dye off her cheek and smeared it across Zack’s face before kissing her fingertips. “A masterpiece!” She declared.
Zack spread his arms, looking at his dye stained clothes and arms. “Maybe you should’ve used me as your art project.”
Riley smirked. “It”d probably be the only “A” you ever get.”
53. Averey - “Because that’s what you deserve”
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“I think you need to calm down, it’s just a game.” Joe had no idea what was going on. One minute, he was watching the four of them playing some Mario game – he recognized the red hat, but couldn’t say exactly which game it was – and the next they were all mad at each other.
Averey let out a high pitched, scoffing laugh. “Right,” she said, leaning across Barry – who lifted the controller in his hands up above her head – to take in Iris and Wally’s smiles of amusement. “This is not a game, ok? This is bloody war.” She used her thumb to indicate between herself and Barry. “We Allens, don’t take war lightly.”
“Yeah!” Barry agreed.
“Yeah?” Wally put an arm around Iris’s shoulders. “And us Wests don’t back down from a challenge.”
“Right,” Iris said.
“Ok, but I think we should make it a rule,” Barry said, throwing the West siblings an annoyed look. “‘You can’t steal a star when someone is in the bathroom’.”
“Just because you didn’t think of it…” Wally leaned back against the couch. Eyebrows lifted, he took a long drink from his can of soda, letting his sentence hang in the air.
“You didn’t even give us a chance to defend ourselves,” Barry protested.
“It’s Boo.” Iris indicated the paused game with her free hand. She gesticulated wildly with the controller. Barry quickly lifted a pillow to stop his face from being hit. “You can’t defend yourself. He just takes it.”
“That’s right,” Wally agreed. He removed his arm from around his sister and held out his palm. Iris slapped it in triumph.
“I still think we should make it a rule,” Barry muttered, digging his finger into the carpet. He stretched his legs out in front of him and started knocking the insides of his feet together. “It’s only fair.”
“You had to go to the bathroom, mate.” Averey shook her head back and forth.
“What?” Barry’s voice jumped an octave in defense. “I was fast. And excuse me, Miss. I-Can-See-Everything, how’d you not see that coming?” He gave her a pointed stare.
“No, no, it’s ok,” Averey said, patting Barry on the knee when the game was resumed. “We can get them back. Look.” She leaned into Barry’s side and lowered her voice into a whisper. “We only need…six spaces to land on chance time. We can do this. Wouldn’t that be a buzz?” She grinned, wiggling her eyebrows. “Mate, it’s my turn, hey.”
Barry’s eyes lit up. “Ohhh. Ok, ok.” He wiggled in his teeth and sucked his breath between his teeth in excitement. “Ooh, this is going to be so good.”
With the concentration of a chess player, Averey leaned forward in her seat, tapped the A button to get the dice to roll, and blinked once. Time slowed. The dice slowly changed from one number to the next. 3…4…5…6! She carefully watched the numbers go around, recognizing the length of time between each change and –
“Ha, ha! Six!” Averey punched the air in triumph and with a hard blink corrected her vision. Back in normal tie she watched Donkey Kong – “The best character of all,” as Barry put it – walk across the red and blue dots before landing on the exclamation mark. Barry grabbed her shoulder, shaking her. Iris and Wally groaned.
It was perfect. She just needed to do it all over again. First with selecting the characters. First, to select who would get the prize. The colored avatars of the player and computer characters whizzed past, but she blinked and for a second time, time slowed. She maneuvered her character under the far right block and watched as it landed on them. Slowly back the other way, and it landed on Peach. Then the choice in the middle.
Averey could perfectly see the options: give three coins, give 20 coins, give a star… She squeezed her eyes shut in a hard blink to correct her vision. DK jumped and landed on…
“Exchange stars and coins!” Barry shouted. He punched the air with his fists and kicked his legs. “Yes!”
“Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!” Averey laughed maniacally. Triumphantly. She slapped Barry’s hand in a high five. She threw out one last “HA!” in Iris and Wally’s direction, punctuating the sound with the press of the A-button to watch their rewards exchange. They were back in the lead.
“Oh, come on!” Wally protested. “That’s not fair.”
“Yeah, you cheated,” Iris said with a frown.
“Because that’s what you deserve,” Averey replied with a smile and a shrug. “Stealing a star when someone’s in the bathroom. That’s a bit slack. Even for you.”
“That’s something you can’t avoid,” Wally protested. “This is cheating.”
“Too bad, so sad.” She kicked her legs triumphantly. “Woohoo. And the Allens are back in the lead.” She was too busy celebrating to notice Joe remove himself from the chair and march over to the console. Wally noticed him first.
“Dad…” he said slowly.
“What are you doing?” Iris asked.
“No, Joe, don’t,” Barry protested.
Averey let out a short, high pitched gasp when the game was switched off. “Dude…”
“Look at you,” Joe said, turning around to face the young adults who were staring at him in quiet horror. “It’s just a game.” Iris and Wally stared at him.
“I can’t believe you just did that,” Barry said, stunned. “We just got back into the lead.”
“Nooooo.” Averey flopped forward onto the floor.
“Remind me never to play this game with them,” Caitlin said from the other side of the room, watching with mild curiosity. Cisco just grinned as he munched on a bag of chips.
“Isn’t it great?” he asked.
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lavieboheme930 · 6 years
What is your opinion on sex without emotional commitment? Wrong Last time you puked from drinking?  Never. What books, if any, have made you cry?  Oh wow.  Way too many Does it get annoying when somebody says they’ll call you, but doesn’t?  Depends on the situation What is your favorite simple ice-cream flavor?  None When was the last time you slept on the floor?  Never If you could eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?  Pasta Have you ever given someone oral sex?  No What’s your favorite lyric from the last song you listened to?  No idea really Are you friends with someone that has a baby?  Yes How many different towns/cities have you lived in?  I’ve only lived in NYC Have you ever had a kinky dream about a celebrity?  Yes LOL. How many pets do you have? Would you like any more?  1.  A dog.  I would love more, but she’s an only pet kind of dog. Is there a song you can’t stop listening to atm?  Look What You Made Me Do -Taylor Swift How many times do you use a bath towel before washing it?  one or twice What time do you usually eat dinner?  depends.  Usually as soon as I’m done with work for the day Have you ever been falsely accused of something serious?  No In which were you happiest: elementary, middle, or high school? None.  Those were all years of hell for me.  Happiest would be college What was your favorite thing to do as a little kid?  I loved going home from school and putting VH1 on waiting for the Beatles Real Love video to come on.  Sometimes my best friend would come over to watch too You can bring back one dead pet to life. Which one?  Can’t choose one.  So it would be Sammy and Brownie Rock, paper, or scissors?  I don’t remember what I used to choose Who was the last person to ask you out? Well, I have a little something that needs to be planned with my current crush if that counts What are your favorite pajamas you have? no favorite What’s your least favorite ice-cream flavor?  I’m not an ice cream fan Do you prefer it when it gets darker earlier?  No Are there a lot of cookbooks in your house, or just a few? Or maybe none at all?  None Who are your godparents?  My aunt Julie and my uncle Bobby Can you touch​ your nose with your tongue?​​  Yes. What brand is your toothpaste?  Colgate Are you currently broken out?  yes. What was the last hotel you stayed at? Best Western I think. Do you have a favorite NASCAR driver?  No. Eyeliner. Yes or no?  Yes. What’s the hardest decision you’ve ever had to make?  I don’t remember Where is the last beach you went to?  One in Massachusetts.  Forgot the name of it Have you ever been rock climbing?  No Have you ever played Gamecube?  No. What has been the biggest event for you to overcome?  I don’t know Do you have a favorite pet?  I have one now, Breezy.  But I loved all my dogs When someone drops something do you immediately go and pick it up for them?  Yes Could you call your best friend right now and tell them your biggest secret, and trust them to keep it?  Yes.  But I don’t have a secret LOL Have you ever played Wii Fit?  No Have you ever touched a caterpillar?  I don’t know Is there a YouTube channel whose videos you always watch?  No How often do you feel lonely?  Depends Do you struggle with depression?  Yes What is the worst treatment you’ve had to put up with from someone else?  Ex best friend treating me like shit What’s the longest you’ve gone without eating?  No idea. Do you like watching music videos?  Yes Which, if any, drug have you ever abused?  None. Do you know your mail (wo)man?  Yes Honestly, are you often high-maintenance/hard to please?  No. Are there any flags flying outside at your home?  No. Will you vote in the next presidential election?  Yes.  Though part of me doesn’t see the point in voting at times Tell me about someone that you know dislikes you. What do you think is about you they don’t like?  They’re just jealous that’s all Tell me about something you’re afraid of. Why does it frighten you?  Elevators, lightning, and clowns.  I don’t wanna go into why Is there someone you could hang out with all the time, without ever getting bored of them?  Beki, my best friend Have you ever liked someone else when you already had a boyfriend/girlfriend? What happened?  Nope What mountain ranges have you seen?  Just whatever I’d see while traveling  Where would you most like to go in your state, etc that you haven’t been?  Upstate, Albany Have you ever seen or touched an iceberg?  Not a real one.  But I went to a Titanic exhibit and they had a replica of the iceberg for you to touch. Where was the most remote location you’ve ever been to? Where I stayed in Vermont for vacation once What is your most unhealthy habit? No idea Has your house ever been damaged in a storm? No What’s the least amount you’ve weighed since reaching your full height? I don’t know Do you think it’s cruel to keep an animal in a cage while you’re away?  Yes Are you scared of reptiles?  No Does death scare you?  Sometimes Do you use a comb or brush?  botht. When you were younger, did you ever do that exclamation point that looked like an upside down triangle and had a really big dot?  No. What kind of relationship do you have with the last person you kissed?  The way we talked every day Are there things in your life that you’ll never be able to get over?  I guess, but I’m trying to Have you ever turned to smoking or drinking to solve a problem?  No Would you mind dating someone significantly shorter than you?  Doubt I’d find a guy shorter than me LOL. What’s on your bedside table? My journals and my kindle How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year?  I need the internet cause of my job What are some things on your holiday wishlist?  some Criss Angel jewelry Who accompanied you to your first concert?  my parents What’s the temperature outside?  No idea. Have you ever been in detention?  no Do you wear black to look skinnier?  No I wear black cause it’s my favorite color Do you have scars on your wrists?  No How about anywhere else?  Yes many Do you post things on Facebook that are personal?  No. Has the last person you kissed ever taken their shirt off in front of you?  No Would you ever get in the passenger seat of a car with someone who’s been drinking?  Never What is a topic you definitely don’t want to talk about with anyone?  Anything political...especially now What is the craziest hairstyle and color you’ve had?  Nne What was your first gaming console?  Nintendo Which fictional villain is your favorite?  I don’t know What’s the last thing you’ve made with your hands?  No idea Which hair color would you never want to have?  None.  I wanna dye it many colors What is the wallpaper on your phone?  It’s me and Murr What was the last thing you wrote down?  Some notes for work. What is your least favorite color?  Pink What’s the most boring sport to watch?  Golf.  
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archive-of-fics · 6 years
Prince - Male!Neko
You tilted your head trying to think hard on who you would choose. “Uh,” you said out loud looking at the trio. “You’re losing precious time, princess (your name),” Kuroh informed you as he crossed his arms. “I’m trying to think!” You pouted. “Oh!” Neko ran to you and started to shake your shoulders. “Hurry and pick Shiro!” She cried. She was still naked and avoided Kuroh’s clothes attacks. “Stop shaking me Neko!” You complained. Shiro let out a nervous laugh. “Don’t force her to choose me.” Neko stood up straight and tall with wide eyes. You stared in awe what was happening to Neko, even Shiro and Kuroh was staring too. Well, Kuroh was in a fight stance as he swiftly took out his sword. Silver swirls surrounded Neko’s body and then her body began to glow a bright white that was painful to look at, so you shielded your eyes. When the white light diminished, you brought your hand down and you harshly blushed when you saw Neko. “Uh,” you choked on your words and pointed at Neko. “What just happened?” Shiro and Kuroh let their hands go down and stared at Neko. Neko, who was still naked, her once long pale pink hair was now shorter and it was a shaggy hairstyle. Her feminine voluptuous body was now a powerful male body. You blushed when your eyes traveled down south and you put your hand over your mouth not wanting a perverted sound coming from your mouth. “Damn,” you thought. “Just like her breasts, his penis is huge!” Then you started to ponder about the thought you had. “I’m so confused about Neko’s gender do I still call Neko a she or a he?” While you were trying to figure out the proper way to address Neko’s new-found gender, Kuroh and Shiro was thinking about the possibilities on what happened to Neko. “Maybe we should ask the other clans about what happened to Neko,” Shiro suggested. He tried to avert his eyes away from Neko’s nakedness. “I don’t know,” Kuroh mumbled. “I doubt Ichigen-sama would help us.” He began rustling through his bag trying to find the recorder and this caused Shiro to groan. “No, not that,” Shiro rolled his eyes. He focused on you and how you were staring intently at Neko’s new form, well trying not to look but you did peek now and then. You couldn’t help but to stare at Neko who was looking at his feet and then started to twirl the ends of his shoulder-length, shaggy, pale pink hair. You and Neko were good friends, she was always vivacious and you enjoyed the times you hanged out with her, along with Kuroh and Shiro.
Sure, there were times when you were appalled when she didn’t want to wear clothes and then there were other times where you were jealous because she was so comfortable being naked. Plus, she had a voluptuous body for a 15-year-old girl. You sighed as you remembered her body, man, life can be so cruel sometimes. You head snapped to Kuroh when he started to address to Neko. “Do you know why you’re like this?” He asked Neko who tilted his head, trying to think hard why this had happened. “No,” Neko said and his hands flew over to his mouth in surprise. You made a gurgle sound when you heard Neko’s new voice, even Kuroh and Shiro was looking with wide eyes.
Neko’s once feminine voice was now replaced with a husky, deep voice that shook you to the bone and made you thought inappropriate thoughts that dealt with you and Neko, naked, panting. “Whoa,” you smacked your cheeks. “Keep it together! Remember this is Neko!” You tried to picture Neko in her original form, but it was hard when an attractive male Neko standing there in his glory. Now you couldn’t help but stare at Neko’s member. Kuroh caught you staring and he yelled. “Put some clothes on and you!” He pointed his finger at you. “Stop staring at it!” You sat across Neko at the small table in the kitchen. Neko had a frown on his face and he put his head on his arms.
 His green and blue mismatched eyes bore to you. Sure, you were disappointed that Kuroh swiftly and powerfully tackled the naked Neko on to the floor and successfully put some clothes on. You heard Neko whine, yet again, you would be used to it if Neko was in her girl form, but it made naughtier thoughts flash through your mind. Neko wore black trousers and a white dress shirt with the top buttons opened revealing Neko’s pale flesh. You recalled Kuroh and Shiro saying that they’ll find the solution to Neko’s problem and the choice of prince was now Neko. It’s been 20 minutes since they left and you both sat down looking at each other. You surprised that Neko wasn’t whining loudly and constantly, but Neko was distracted by his new body to whine.
He was either touching his chest. After, Neko got bored touching his chest, he then touched his clothed crotch, which caused him to yelp and fall off his chair. That was amusing to watch, but now it was painfully boring. You yawned. You would never believe that this would happen and Neko ended up being your prince date. “(Your name)-chan,” Neko pouted and stretched his arms across the table. His hands reached your end and he poked your arm. “I’m bored!” “You’re supposed to address me as princess (your name), not (your name)-chan,” you stuck your tongue at Neko. You grabbed his hands and you mentally screamed at the difference.
Neko’s original hands were smaller than yours and were soft, now Neko’s hands were bigger than yours and rougher. Neko’s grip tightened and he smiled at you. “Oh yeah! I forgot princess (your name)!” He grinned. You returned Neko with a smile with your own. “What do you want to do?” You asked Neko. “I don’t know,” he mumbled and he added. “But I want to try something, it’s been bothering me.” You looked at Neko curiously.
Neko got up and walked to where you were sitting, he put his hand below your chin and tilted your face upwards. You blushed when you saw Neko’s face coming closer to you and his eyes closing. Instincts took over and you found yourself closing your eyes as well and you felt the soft, lush lips upon your lips.
It was soft, quick peck you both shared until Neko parted with pinkness dusted on his cheeks. You knew you were red in the face. “For some reason I really wanted to kiss you and touch you,” his hand swept away the lock of your hair away from your face. “Before, when you were a girl, did you want to kiss me?” You asked. Neko tilted his head. “I liked hugging you and I wanted to lick your cheek, but I wanted to kiss Shiro,” Neko bent down again and licked your neck upwards to your cheek. “But now that I’m like this,” he gestured to his body. “I don’t want Shiro, but you.” That’s all you need to hear before you stood up and harshly crashed your lips on to Neko’s.
 Neko opened his mouth wide in shock and your tongue swiftly went inside. You coaxed his tongue to wrestle with yours. Your hand greedily roamed his body and emitting an animalistic growl upon the soft touch you planted on his crotch. “I don’t like these clothes,” he whispered to your ear, he then stripped out of his clothes. Neko began undressing you too and you whispered in his ear. “Neither do I.” “Hey we found out why Neko changed!” Shiro said as he opened the door. He yelped when he saw both you and the male Neko cuddling on the couch, naked. “What the?” Kuroh blushed at the sight of you two. He hurriedly went to the chair that had a blanket draped over it. Kuroh grabbed it and threw it to you. “What happened here?” Shiro asked, but he was smart enough to know the answer. “Princess (your name) showed me some cool stuff, it was really fun!” Neko shot his arms upwards. You suppressed a giggle when you saw the two other men blushing hard, you decided to snuggle into the blanket. “So what did you want to say?” You asked Shiro. Kuroh cleared his throat. “Apparently Neko here,” he gestured to Neko. “Got a random Strain angry, and this Strain has an ability to switch a person’s gender and Scepter 4 has this Strain in their prisons. We’re all going to get Neko to change back now.” You leaped off the couch and clenched the blanked around your body. “No!” You shouted. “Come back in two hours or so and then we will go get Neko changed back.” “Why?” Kuroh asked, even Neko looked at you with a questioning stare. Only Shiro knew the answer, he blushed and shook his head. “Well,” you began to say. “Neko is the one I chose to be my prince. And I still want to do some fun activities,” you wiggled your eyebrows suggestively to Kuroh who still looked confused. “She wants to have sex,” Shiro flat-out said it and dragged the spluttering Kuroh out of the room. When Shiro closed the door behind him he could hear Neko was cheering and you were giggling.     ~
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hairstyle1453-blog · 7 years
50 Ridiculous Haircuts
New Post has been published on http://girlsbesthairstyle.com/50-ridiculous-haircuts/
50 Ridiculous Haircuts
Hairstyle trends come and go. Some are more sophisticated than others. While some of these ridiculous haircuts are absurd, others might work in the right setting. Don’t let us tell you how you should wear your hair. The world will notice your self-confidence if you’re not afraid to flaunt a crazy style.
Bright Sideburns
Got sideburns? You can dye them with bright colors. Show off the dye job by slicking your hair back with gel. The wet look will turn heads, and you can always wear your hair down to hide the color.
Rolled Long Beehive
If you want an ornate hairdo without the updo, loop 1-inch sections of hair individually. Secure them underneath with hairpins, tucking the ends under as you move down the length. It’s like a French braid on crack.
Mermaid For Men
We’re not quite sure what to call this. Maybe the fish-scale look is popular on some remote island. When you see this from farther away, it probably looks much better. It’s like an impressionist painting. However, this is an example of how texture might work for you in the right setting.
Bumblebee Stripes
You can probably reproduce this style yourself. There is nothing blended about this highlighted look. Solid chunks of light color are perfectly spaced for a bold and buzzworthy head of hair. This is a strong look that might be ideal for your sense of style.
The Hair Bow
Can’t find an accessory? Use your hair to create a bow shape. You’ll look like a gift that’s ready to be unwrapped.
Braid Undecided
Can’t decide what type of braid to create? Make them all. Just place a rubber band between each section. This is a fun and interesting look, and it gives you a chance to practice your braiding technique. A uniform braid might look a little sleeker, though.
Shaved Braids
This style just looks painful. Shave one side and braid the rest. You’ll probably have to shave your whole head to get them out anyway.
Put A Ring On It
Accessorizing your hair isn’t anything new. Still, these Mickey-mouse space buns dotted with rings look a little silly.
Blown-Out Bouffant
What’s worse than one ridiculous haircut? Two of them. This one is a little too tall to realistically last all day. It’s a little like the popular pompadour, but we’re hearing a lot of ‘80s music in the background.
Side Bang Mohawk
Maybe if this Mohawk was a little more faded, it would just be cool. The transition looks a little too much like fringe for our liking. The blunt edge along the side would look amazing if it were more tapered.
Truffula Tree
Thing one and thing two called. They want their hairstyles back. The man bun is popular these days. Some people love it, and some people hate it. This version is a little too splashy for our liking.
Extensions Gone Bad
When you can’t afford to pay for extensions at the salon, just tie a ring into the back of your head. You can hang the rest of your hair off of the ring and remove it when you want to return to your shorter cut. This look kind of freaks us out. It looks like something important is missing.
Fuzzy Wuzzy Was A Bear
This mullet forgot the part about business in front. This might compete with Trump’s hairstyle as one of the most ridiculous haircuts ever.
Triple-Layer Trifle
When you can’t decide how to color your hair, just divide it up. Layer it like a sundae. Make sure to heavily spray those enormous curls. Don’t forget the cherry on top, though.
Bedhead Gone Bad
Even celebrities have bad hair days. This is a dramatic take on the messy bun. Rihanna normally has beautifully styled tresses, but she must have just rolled out of bed.
Helmet Hair
This haircut certainly has smooth and sleek going for it. It looks like you’d have to make friends with your round brush and hair dryer to pull this off.
Mohawk Extreme
You’d need to be in a place with no wind and no humidity to have success with this style. Maybe it would work in outer space. It’s incredibly impressive. You can put up your own Mohawk or Liberty spikes if you have the time and the skill.
Lady Mullet
We are fans of short, choppy hair. We want to love the edginess of this style. We just can’t get over the contrast from the front to the back. Maybe if the fringe in the front was just a tad softer or the layers in the back were straighter, this haircut would work better.
Colorful Mouse Ears
Earth to whoever is listening. This one has great color, but the style is tough to pull off. The space ears look like antennae, especially with the crazy hue. If you have the right attitude, you can probably wear this style, however.
Black-And-White Braid
One side of the hair is jet black. The other side is pure white. There’s definitely a Cruella De Vil vibe going on here. It’s bold, and the braid emphasizes the contrast. However, this has to be a tough color scheme to keep up with. Once the roots grow in, you have yet another color to deal with.
Viking Chic
Do you get some kind of prize if you can recreate this style? The hair itself looks like some kind of trophy.
Circle Of Fun
This style will have your mind going in circles. It transforms your head into a giant pacifier. You’d have fun at a picnic, though. You could use the hoop to toss beanbags through or to make a target for Frisbee golf.
Woolly Beehive
Can’t get your beehive to stay up? Tie your hair around a ball of stuffing. You can make friends with the sheep.
A rose by any other name isn’t always a rose. Although this one is rich with beauty, it’s a little over the top. This looks pristine now, but imagine what it might look like at the end of the night. This hairstyle probably doesn’t lend itself well to a night of dancing. With a few hairs out of place, it probably just looks like a giant knot on top of the head.
Fierce Braids
You’d probably have this look in this face too if your hair was pulled this tightly. The combination of braids and softness is like an art form. However, it doesn’t look very comfortable.
Under The Sea
The scalloped edges of this design belong somewhere on the sand. It’s so stylized that it no longer looks like hair.
Cone Head
How long would your hair have to be to build it up this high? Don’t even get us started on those shoulder pads.
Horse Hair
This is certainly a horse of a different color. The artistry is quite skillful. We’re just not sure we’d want this on our heads.
Most Complicated
It must take more than ten fingers to weave these complicated braids. There’s something soothing about the repetitive pattern, though.
Reverse Buzz Cut
Haven’t you always wanted eyes in the back of your head? This gives a whole new meaning to the term two-faced. We wouldn’t want to be standing behind this guy; we would have the strange feeling that we were being watched.
Helicopter Head
Take off on a hairstyle journey by adding propellers. Just don’t spin them if you don’t want your hair to end up in a knot.
Creep Factor
We’re ok with spiders. We just don’t like thinking that they might be stuck in our hair. At least you wouldn’t see the spider on your head unless you looked in a mirror.
You Say Tomato 
I say tomahto. However, it’s also possible that this is a strawberry. What do you think?
The Lizard
“I would like a rainbow-colored chameleon on my head,” said no one ever, except maybe this guy.
Hat Head
If your hat is always leaving an indentation on your hairstyle, flaunt it. Just cut outside of the boundaries of the hat and voila. You never have to worry about it ruining your hair again.
The Violin
Forget boho style. This is the perfect updo for a music festival. Make sweet music with your hairstyle.
Weave yourself a basket. Just do it on your head. This hairstyle has a beautiful sculptural quality. It doesn’t look very convenient, though. It doesn’t even seem like this basket would be useful for holding anything.
Poofy Mullet
If all you see in the mirror is the front, why bother styling the back? Spend all of your time getting the front as meticulous as it is in this hairstyle.
Ride The Wave
The style and the color have inherent allure. It’s just not a very practical look. In fact, it doesn’t look like it uses any hair pins to stay in place.
Rollers In Your Hair
It looks like this woman forgot to remove the tools that she used to create this style. It also looks like she used quite a lot of different tools. Some of them might have been power tools, actually.
Whale Spout
This crimped yellow monstrosity is exploding off the top of this guy’s head. Do you think he notices?
Beard On Top
Too bad you didn’t have this haircut in grade school so that you could fool all the teachers into thinking you were doing work while you were napping. Why isn’t this considered one of the top short men’s hairstyles?
Pineapple Style
This cut is enough to make you want a piña colada. If you want a more permanent solution, you can just bleach your buzz cut.
Vampire Pixie
The short bob gets edgy with a gelled widow’s peak. Don’t let the wind get to this haircut, or it will completely lose its edge.
Hair Tapestries
These hair tapestries are actually a really cool alternative to those hair wraps that look like friendship bracelets. They’re really colorful, and they don’t look that hard to apply if you have help. We’re just not sure how you’d get them out without chopping off your hair.
The Perfect Pouf 
Get your hair to stand on end with the perfect amount of teasing and a few bottles of hairspray. We can’t believe this was a style worn by school-age girls. Who has that much time to do their hair before the bus comes?
Heavy Metal
Ouch. There’s not much more to say. Imagine how heavy this would feel on your head. We don’t want to know what would happen if you spent too much time in the sun.
The Literal Rat Tail
As if a regular rat tail wasn’t bad enough, this one is enough to make you scream.
‘90s Grunge
Remember when it was cool to look like you never showered? Even the hottest celebrities were doing it.
Back Fringe
Excuse me, sir. You missed a spot. This cut would be great if you tend to forget to put sunscreen on the back of your neck.
The Bottom Line
A new haircut might take some getting used to. However, if your stylist gives you one of these ridiculous haircuts, you might be allowed to ask for a free shave.
50 Ridiculous Haircuts
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bright-eyes-hope · 7 years
Get to Know Me!
I was tagged by @fuwaprince ! *.*
Rules: Answer these 92 statements (what, how I answer a statement?) and tag 20 people
Last: 1. Drink: Water. I love water. ^u^ 2. Phone call: My granny saying good night. <3 3. Text message: My best Bro comforting me after I had a nightmare. :u: <3 4. Song you listened to: Not entirely sure … maybe Houkago Tea Time's U & I. 5. Time you cried: When I re-read Around the corner. :-: </3
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: sure 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Well … sorta. 8. Been cheated on: yeah 9. Lost someone special: Sadly yes. Diabetes can be such a bitch. </3 10. Been depressed: I … am not sure … probably reactive depression … and borderline … 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: No! Since my biggest demon is Emetophobia, I managed not to throw up from alcohol. ('^')
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: orange, light blue, turquoise, (pastel) lilac
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: Yes, a bunch actually. <3 16. Fallen out of love: No. 17. Laughed until you cried: Probably. I've spent some time with my Bro, so chances are pretty high. ^.^* 18. Found out someone was talking about you: No. 19. Met someone who changed you: Difficult … probably … in one way or another. '~' 20. Found out who your friends are: Well … I knew that before … 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Yes. ^-^' Don't people usually add their partners on Facebook? ^.^'''
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: I think all of them … since Pet Society has been taken down, I lost my online friends over the years … ._. 23. Do you have any pets: Yass! Track my Instagram for loads of cat pics of my beauties Aphrael and Dracul! <3 24. Do you want to change your name: Nah ... 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: Went for lunch with my mom and granny and got some nice Pjs and socks with Pusheen and Grumpy Cat on them. <3 26. What time did you wake up: Today? At 6:30 'cause I had a doctor's appointment. 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Coming home after watching GoT with the squad and forcing myself to go to sleep. XD 28. Name something you can’t wait for: The arrival of my dearest Mimic tomorrow afternoon! *o*/ 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: I'm seeing her right now when I look up. XD 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: Hm … maybe I should have taken that Judo class in middle school ... 31. Listening right now: Watching Hannibal again. It's the scene with the pigs … I'll spare you the exact ambient noise. :P 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: You bet! XD There is my Bro's brother, then an old friend from school, a fellow YouTuber, a guy we play boardgames and do LARP with, and of course my boyfriend. XD Oh and an actor. I've got plenty of Toms in my life. <3 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: Right now my ears are closed completely … like I can't hear … it's been the left one for hours and it just switched to the right one … at least it's not both at the same time. -.- 34. Most visited website: YouTube I guess. Or Tumblr? 35. Mole/s: Lots of them. Mostly on my arms and shoulders. 36. Mark/s: Plenty of scars, most of them on the left arm and hand, two on my chin and one on the right knee. Probably a few stretch marks on the boobies. 37. Childhood dream: Hm … I always wanted to live in a house full of cats … now I live with two and the house is pretty full of them. =^.^= 38. Hair color: Crimson Red! <3 39. Long or short hair: Hard to say … it's not really short but also not really long anymore. I totally love my current hairstyle tho, it's super practical and looks really good on me. ^-^ 40. Do you have a crush on someone: Yes. ^///^ 41. What do you like about yourself: I'm kinda comfortable with my body in general. I also like that I managed to keep some personality traits no matter what others thought about it. :P 42. Piercings: Nope. 43. Blood type: 0+ 44. Nickname: My nick, gamertag etc. is Brighteyes, Bright Eyes, Brighteyes Hope and so on. 45. Relationship status: Very much in love. :P 46. Zodiac: Virgo 47. Pronouns: She/Her 48. Favorite TV Show: Not this again. XD OK, My Little Pony(,)Friendship is Magic, Steven Universe, Himouto Umaru Chan, K-On!, Madoka Magica, Princess Tutu, Sakura Trick, Selector Infected Wixoss, The IT Crowd, Star Trek, I probably forgot something. ._. 49. Tattoos: Maybe … someday … soon. ^x^ 50. Right or left hand: Right. 51. Surgery: Two times. A tonsillectomy at 17(?) and a conisation at 26. 52. Hair dyed in different color: Different shades of red, I also had black lowlights once. 53. Sport: I wish … ^-^' I really wanna get stuff done! 55. Dream Vacation: Tokyo! All the shopping! *o*/ 56. Pair of trainers: Uhm … colorful no name ones? ^.^'
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: Chocolate. Other sweet stuff. Chips. And occasionally a salad. 58. Drinking: Mostly water. I also like cool tea and juice. Like lemonade. 59. I’m about to: Go to bed and watch more YT there. XD 61. Waiting for: My ear to open up again. -.- Gotta see the doctor tomorrow if that will not happen soon ... 62. Want: The job I'm looking forward to in autumn. The courage to tell people how I feel about them. To learn more skills to get the best possible version of myself. ^u^ 63. Get married: Probably not. Most likely not. XD 64. Career: As said before, I'm kinda becoming a graphic designer or something. I hope one gets plenty of muneyz for doing tha graphicz.
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: … they usually go together, no? o.O 66. Lips or eyes: Uhm … depends on if you wanna taste or see stuff ... 67. Shorter or taller: Don't care. 68. Older or younger: Don't care. 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Hm … I've never given arms much thought … I might as well go for belly. .3. 71. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive! Over sensitive to loud shit actually. 72. Hook up or relationship: Oh, there it is. OK. *deep breath* Why not both? *outs herself as poly* (。>//u//<。) 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: I'm gonna go for hesitant … safety first, kids.
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a Stranger: Don't think so ... 75. Drank hard liquor: Yes, a bit ^.^ 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: Nope. 77. Turned someone down: Yes. 78. Sex on the first date: I … honestly can't remember … °.° 79. Broken someone’s heart: Maybe. :_: I'm so sorry. 80. Had your heart broken: Yes. Learning from mistakes and stuff. 81. Been arrested: Nope. 82. Cried when someone died: Yes. 83. Fallen for a friend: Happens. ^///^
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: Yes! 85. Miracles: Hm … in a way. 86. Love at first sight: What exactly does that mean? Really seeing a person for the first time? As in not knowing anything about them except their looks? In that case of course not. o.ô That's attraction or whatever but the term „love“ means something entirely different. 87. Santa Claus: Never, I grew up as a protestant child. XD Got unsure of my belief in the last few years ... 88. Kiss on the first date: Yes … I think so … '~'
OTHER: 90. Current best friends names: Ugh, where to draw the line? Let's only do the ones who are like Family this time: Of course my brother from another mother: Oli And my dear Mimic who is always welcome at my home if she comes back to this country. <3 91. Eye color: Blue 92. Favorite movie: (」゜ロ゜)」 OK. Let's say Studio Ghibli. Big Hero 6. Land before Time, Toy Story, Room 1408, Black Swan, Zoomania, Kamikaze Girls and everything with Jodie Foster.
0 notes
hairstyle1453-blog · 7 years
50 Ridiculous Haircuts
New Post has been published on http://girlsbesthairstyle.com/50-ridiculous-haircuts/
50 Ridiculous Haircuts
Hairstyle trends come and go. Some are more sophisticated than others. While some of these ridiculous haircuts are absurd, others might work in the right setting. Don’t let us tell you how you should wear your hair. The world will notice your self-confidence if you’re not afraid to flaunt a crazy style.
Bright Sideburns
Got sideburns? You can dye them with bright colors. Show off the dye job by slicking your hair back with gel. The wet look will turn heads, and you can always wear your hair down to hide the color.
Rolled Long Beehive
If you want an ornate hairdo without the updo, loop 1-inch sections of hair individually. Secure them underneath with hairpins, tucking the ends under as you move down the length. It’s like a French braid on crack.
Mermaid For Men
We’re not quite sure what to call this. Maybe the fish-scale look is popular on some remote island. When you see this from farther away, it probably looks much better. It’s like an impressionist painting. However, this is an example of how texture might work for you in the right setting.
Bumblebee Stripes
You can probably reproduce this style yourself. There is nothing blended about this highlighted look. Solid chunks of light color are perfectly spaced for a bold and buzzworthy head of hair. This is a strong look that might be ideal for your sense of style.
The Hair Bow
Can’t find an accessory? Use your hair to create a bow shape. You’ll look like a gift that’s ready to be unwrapped.
Braid Undecided
Can’t decide what type of braid to create? Make them all. Just place a rubber band between each section. This is a fun and interesting look, and it gives you a chance to practice your braiding technique. A uniform braid might look a little sleeker, though.
Shaved Braids
This style just looks painful. Shave one side and braid the rest. You’ll probably have to shave your whole head to get them out anyway.
Put A Ring On It
Accessorizing your hair isn’t anything new. Still, these Mickey-mouse space buns dotted with rings look a little silly.
Blown-Out Bouffant
What’s worse than one ridiculous haircut? Two of them. This one is a little too tall to realistically last all day. It’s a little like the popular pompadour, but we’re hearing a lot of ‘80s music in the background.
Side Bang Mohawk
Maybe if this Mohawk was a little more faded, it would just be cool. The transition looks a little too much like fringe for our liking. The blunt edge along the side would look amazing if it were more tapered.
Truffula Tree
Thing one and thing two called. They want their hairstyles back. The man bun is popular these days. Some people love it, and some people hate it. This version is a little too splashy for our liking.
Extensions Gone Bad
When you can’t afford to pay for extensions at the salon, just tie a ring into the back of your head. You can hang the rest of your hair off of the ring and remove it when you want to return to your shorter cut. This look kind of freaks us out. It looks like something important is missing.
Fuzzy Wuzzy Was A Bear
This mullet forgot the part about business in front. This might compete with Trump’s hairstyle as one of the most ridiculous haircuts ever.
Triple-Layer Trifle
When you can’t decide how to color your hair, just divide it up. Layer it like a sundae. Make sure to heavily spray those enormous curls. Don’t forget the cherry on top, though.
Bedhead Gone Bad
Even celebrities have bad hair days. This is a dramatic take on the messy bun. Rihanna normally has beautifully styled tresses, but she must have just rolled out of bed.
Helmet Hair
This haircut certainly has smooth and sleek going for it. It looks like you’d have to make friends with your round brush and hair dryer to pull this off.
Mohawk Extreme
You’d need to be in a place with no wind and no humidity to have success with this style. Maybe it would work in outer space. It’s incredibly impressive. You can put up your own Mohawk or Liberty spikes if you have the time and the skill.
Lady Mullet
We are fans of short, choppy hair. We want to love the edginess of this style. We just can’t get over the contrast from the front to the back. Maybe if the fringe in the front was just a tad softer or the layers in the back were straighter, this haircut would work better.
Colorful Mouse Ears
Earth to whoever is listening. This one has great color, but the style is tough to pull off. The space ears look like antennae, especially with the crazy hue. If you have the right attitude, you can probably wear this style, however.
Black-And-White Braid
One side of the hair is jet black. The other side is pure white. There’s definitely a Cruella De Vil vibe going on here. It’s bold, and the braid emphasizes the contrast. However, this has to be a tough color scheme to keep up with. Once the roots grow in, you have yet another color to deal with.
Viking Chic
Do you get some kind of prize if you can recreate this style? The hair itself looks like some kind of trophy.
Circle Of Fun
This style will have your mind going in circles. It transforms your head into a giant pacifier. You’d have fun at a picnic, though. You could use the hoop to toss beanbags through or to make a target for Frisbee golf.
Woolly Beehive
Can’t get your beehive to stay up? Tie your hair around a ball of stuffing. You can make friends with the sheep.
A rose by any other name isn’t always a rose. Although this one is rich with beauty, it’s a little over the top. This looks pristine now, but imagine what it might look like at the end of the night. This hairstyle probably doesn’t lend itself well to a night of dancing. With a few hairs out of place, it probably just looks like a giant knot on top of the head.
Fierce Braids
You’d probably have this look in this face too if your hair was pulled this tightly. The combination of braids and softness is like an art form. However, it doesn’t look very comfortable.
Under The Sea
The scalloped edges of this design belong somewhere on the sand. It’s so stylized that it no longer looks like hair.
Cone Head
How long would your hair have to be to build it up this high? Don’t even get us started on those shoulder pads.
Horse Hair
This is certainly a horse of a different color. The artistry is quite skillful. We’re just not sure we’d want this on our heads.
Most Complicated
It must take more than ten fingers to weave these complicated braids. There’s something soothing about the repetitive pattern, though.
Reverse Buzz Cut
Haven’t you always wanted eyes in the back of your head? This gives a whole new meaning to the term two-faced. We wouldn’t want to be standing behind this guy; we would have the strange feeling that we were being watched.
Helicopter Head
Take off on a hairstyle journey by adding propellers. Just don’t spin them if you don’t want your hair to end up in a knot.
Creep Factor
We’re ok with spiders. We just don’t like thinking that they might be stuck in our hair. At least you wouldn’t see the spider on your head unless you looked in a mirror.
You Say Tomato 
I say tomahto. However, it’s also possible that this is a strawberry. What do you think?
The Lizard
“I would like a rainbow-colored chameleon on my head,” said no one ever, except maybe this guy.
Hat Head
If your hat is always leaving an indentation on your hairstyle, flaunt it. Just cut outside of the boundaries of the hat and voila. You never have to worry about it ruining your hair again.
The Violin
Forget boho style. This is the perfect updo for a music festival. Make sweet music with your hairstyle.
Weave yourself a basket. Just do it on your head. This hairstyle has a beautiful sculptural quality. It doesn’t look very convenient, though. It doesn’t even seem like this basket would be useful for holding anything.
Poofy Mullet
If all you see in the mirror is the front, why bother styling the back? Spend all of your time getting the front as meticulous as it is in this hairstyle.
Ride The Wave
The style and the color have inherent allure. It’s just not a very practical look. In fact, it doesn’t look like it uses any hair pins to stay in place.
Rollers In Your Hair
It looks like this woman forgot to remove the tools that she used to create this style. It also looks like she used quite a lot of different tools. Some of them might have been power tools, actually.
Whale Spout
This crimped yellow monstrosity is exploding off the top of this guy’s head. Do you think he notices?
Beard On Top
Too bad you didn’t have this haircut in grade school so that you could fool all the teachers into thinking you were doing work while you were napping. Why isn’t this considered one of the top short men’s hairstyles?
Pineapple Style
This cut is enough to make you want a piña colada. If you want a more permanent solution, you can just bleach your buzz cut.
Vampire Pixie
The short bob gets edgy with a gelled widow’s peak. Don’t let the wind get to this haircut, or it will completely lose its edge.
Hair Tapestries
These hair tapestries are actually a really cool alternative to those hair wraps that look like friendship bracelets. They’re really colorful, and they don’t look that hard to apply if you have help. We’re just not sure how you’d get them out without chopping off your hair.
The Perfect Pouf 
Get your hair to stand on end with the perfect amount of teasing and a few bottles of hairspray. We can’t believe this was a style worn by school-age girls. Who has that much time to do their hair before the bus comes?
Heavy Metal
Ouch. There’s not much more to say. Imagine how heavy this would feel on your head. We don’t want to know what would happen if you spent too much time in the sun.
The Literal Rat Tail
As if a regular rat tail wasn’t bad enough, this one is enough to make you scream.
‘90s Grunge
Remember when it was cool to look like you never showered? Even the hottest celebrities were doing it.
Back Fringe
Excuse me, sir. You missed a spot. This cut would be great if you tend to forget to put sunscreen on the back of your neck.
The Bottom Line
A new haircut might take some getting used to. However, if your stylist gives you one of these ridiculous haircuts, you might be allowed to ask for a free shave.
50 Ridiculous Haircuts
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hairstyle1453-blog · 7 years
50 Ridiculous Haircuts
New Post has been published on http://girlsbesthairstyle.com/50-ridiculous-haircuts/
50 Ridiculous Haircuts
Hairstyle trends come and go. Some are more sophisticated than others. While some of these ridiculous haircuts are absurd, others might work in the right setting. Don’t let us tell you how you should wear your hair. The world will notice your self-confidence if you’re not afraid to flaunt a crazy style.
Bright Sideburns
Got sideburns? You can dye them with bright colors. Show off the dye job by slicking your hair back with gel. The wet look will turn heads, and you can always wear your hair down to hide the color.
Rolled Long Beehive
If you want an ornate hairdo without the updo, loop 1-inch sections of hair individually. Secure them underneath with hairpins, tucking the ends under as you move down the length. It’s like a French braid on crack.
Mermaid For Men
We’re not quite sure what to call this. Maybe the fish-scale look is popular on some remote island. When you see this from farther away, it probably looks much better. It’s like an impressionist painting. However, this is an example of how texture might work for you in the right setting.
Bumblebee Stripes
You can probably reproduce this style yourself. There is nothing blended about this highlighted look. Solid chunks of light color are perfectly spaced for a bold and buzzworthy head of hair. This is a strong look that might be ideal for your sense of style.
The Hair Bow
Can’t find an accessory? Use your hair to create a bow shape. You’ll look like a gift that’s ready to be unwrapped.
Braid Undecided
Can’t decide what type of braid to create? Make them all. Just place a rubber band between each section. This is a fun and interesting look, and it gives you a chance to practice your braiding technique. A uniform braid might look a little sleeker, though.
Shaved Braids
This style just looks painful. Shave one side and braid the rest. You’ll probably have to shave your whole head to get them out anyway.
Put A Ring On It
Accessorizing your hair isn’t anything new. Still, these Mickey-mouse space buns dotted with rings look a little silly.
Blown-Out Bouffant
What’s worse than one ridiculous haircut? Two of them. This one is a little too tall to realistically last all day. It’s a little like the popular pompadour, but we’re hearing a lot of ‘80s music in the background.
Side Bang Mohawk
Maybe if this Mohawk was a little more faded, it would just be cool. The transition looks a little too much like fringe for our liking. The blunt edge along the side would look amazing if it were more tapered.
Truffula Tree
Thing one and thing two called. They want their hairstyles back. The man bun is popular these days. Some people love it, and some people hate it. This version is a little too splashy for our liking.
Extensions Gone Bad
When you can’t afford to pay for extensions at the salon, just tie a ring into the back of your head. You can hang the rest of your hair off of the ring and remove it when you want to return to your shorter cut. This look kind of freaks us out. It looks like something important is missing.
Fuzzy Wuzzy Was A Bear
This mullet forgot the part about business in front. This might compete with Trump’s hairstyle as one of the most ridiculous haircuts ever.
Triple-Layer Trifle
When you can’t decide how to color your hair, just divide it up. Layer it like a sundae. Make sure to heavily spray those enormous curls. Don’t forget the cherry on top, though.
Bedhead Gone Bad
Even celebrities have bad hair days. This is a dramatic take on the messy bun. Rihanna normally has beautifully styled tresses, but she must have just rolled out of bed.
Helmet Hair
This haircut certainly has smooth and sleek going for it. It looks like you’d have to make friends with your round brush and hair dryer to pull this off.
Mohawk Extreme
You’d need to be in a place with no wind and no humidity to have success with this style. Maybe it would work in outer space. It’s incredibly impressive. You can put up your own Mohawk or Liberty spikes if you have the time and the skill.
Lady Mullet
We are fans of short, choppy hair. We want to love the edginess of this style. We just can’t get over the contrast from the front to the back. Maybe if the fringe in the front was just a tad softer or the layers in the back were straighter, this haircut would work better.
Colorful Mouse Ears
Earth to whoever is listening. This one has great color, but the style is tough to pull off. The space ears look like antennae, especially with the crazy hue. If you have the right attitude, you can probably wear this style, however.
Black-And-White Braid
One side of the hair is jet black. The other side is pure white. There’s definitely a Cruella De Vil vibe going on here. It’s bold, and the braid emphasizes the contrast. However, this has to be a tough color scheme to keep up with. Once the roots grow in, you have yet another color to deal with.
Viking Chic
Do you get some kind of prize if you can recreate this style? The hair itself looks like some kind of trophy.
Circle Of Fun
This style will have your mind going in circles. It transforms your head into a giant pacifier. You’d have fun at a picnic, though. You could use the hoop to toss beanbags through or to make a target for Frisbee golf.
Woolly Beehive
Can’t get your beehive to stay up? Tie your hair around a ball of stuffing. You can make friends with the sheep.
A rose by any other name isn’t always a rose. Although this one is rich with beauty, it’s a little over the top. This looks pristine now, but imagine what it might look like at the end of the night. This hairstyle probably doesn’t lend itself well to a night of dancing. With a few hairs out of place, it probably just looks like a giant knot on top of the head.
Fierce Braids
You’d probably have this look in this face too if your hair was pulled this tightly. The combination of braids and softness is like an art form. However, it doesn’t look very comfortable.
Under The Sea
The scalloped edges of this design belong somewhere on the sand. It’s so stylized that it no longer looks like hair.
Cone Head
How long would your hair have to be to build it up this high? Don’t even get us started on those shoulder pads.
Horse Hair
This is certainly a horse of a different color. The artistry is quite skillful. We’re just not sure we’d want this on our heads.
Most Complicated
It must take more than ten fingers to weave these complicated braids. There’s something soothing about the repetitive pattern, though.
Reverse Buzz Cut
Haven’t you always wanted eyes in the back of your head? This gives a whole new meaning to the term two-faced. We wouldn’t want to be standing behind this guy; we would have the strange feeling that we were being watched.
Helicopter Head
Take off on a hairstyle journey by adding propellers. Just don’t spin them if you don’t want your hair to end up in a knot.
Creep Factor
We’re ok with spiders. We just don’t like thinking that they might be stuck in our hair. At least you wouldn’t see the spider on your head unless you looked in a mirror.
You Say Tomato 
I say tomahto. However, it’s also possible that this is a strawberry. What do you think?
The Lizard
“I would like a rainbow-colored chameleon on my head,” said no one ever, except maybe this guy.
Hat Head
If your hat is always leaving an indentation on your hairstyle, flaunt it. Just cut outside of the boundaries of the hat and voila. You never have to worry about it ruining your hair again.
The Violin
Forget boho style. This is the perfect updo for a music festival. Make sweet music with your hairstyle.
Weave yourself a basket. Just do it on your head. This hairstyle has a beautiful sculptural quality. It doesn’t look very convenient, though. It doesn’t even seem like this basket would be useful for holding anything.
Poofy Mullet
If all you see in the mirror is the front, why bother styling the back? Spend all of your time getting the front as meticulous as it is in this hairstyle.
Ride The Wave
The style and the color have inherent allure. It’s just not a very practical look. In fact, it doesn’t look like it uses any hair pins to stay in place.
Rollers In Your Hair
It looks like this woman forgot to remove the tools that she used to create this style. It also looks like she used quite a lot of different tools. Some of them might have been power tools, actually.
Whale Spout
This crimped yellow monstrosity is exploding off the top of this guy’s head. Do you think he notices?
Beard On Top
Too bad you didn’t have this haircut in grade school so that you could fool all the teachers into thinking you were doing work while you were napping. Why isn’t this considered one of the top short men’s hairstyles?
Pineapple Style
This cut is enough to make you want a piña colada. If you want a more permanent solution, you can just bleach your buzz cut.
Vampire Pixie
The short bob gets edgy with a gelled widow’s peak. Don’t let the wind get to this haircut, or it will completely lose its edge.
Hair Tapestries
These hair tapestries are actually a really cool alternative to those hair wraps that look like friendship bracelets. They’re really colorful, and they don’t look that hard to apply if you have help. We’re just not sure how you’d get them out without chopping off your hair.
The Perfect Pouf 
Get your hair to stand on end with the perfect amount of teasing and a few bottles of hairspray. We can’t believe this was a style worn by school-age girls. Who has that much time to do their hair before the bus comes?
Heavy Metal
Ouch. There’s not much more to say. Imagine how heavy this would feel on your head. We don’t want to know what would happen if you spent too much time in the sun.
The Literal Rat Tail
As if a regular rat tail wasn’t bad enough, this one is enough to make you scream.
‘90s Grunge
Remember when it was cool to look like you never showered? Even the hottest celebrities were doing it.
Back Fringe
Excuse me, sir. You missed a spot. This cut would be great if you tend to forget to put sunscreen on the back of your neck.
The Bottom Line
A new haircut might take some getting used to. However, if your stylist gives you one of these ridiculous haircuts, you might be allowed to ask for a free shave.
50 Ridiculous Haircuts
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