rowenasschool · 4 years
My opinions/ratings on Harry Potter ships:
Canon ships:
Hinny: They are literally my biggest otp for life I fucking love them both so much I’ll die for them. {10/10}
Romione: They are my parents. That’s it.
Marthur: I just love them so much and they are my comfort couple, they are freaking amazing and deserve more recognition. {10/10}
Remadora: I just love them both so much they are super cute and they didn’t deserve to die. They should have been able to raise my baby teddy. {10/10}
Bleur: they are really underrated and Fleur got so much hate for no reason, she is honestly very pretty and bill is very happy with her. {9/10}
Neville/Hannah: we don’t know so much about this couple but I love Neville so much and since Hannah is a hufflepuff I gotta love her. But they seem cute.{7/10}
Luna/Rolf: I like Rolf grandfather newt so that’s a point right there. But they seem cute and fit each other. {7/10}
George/Angelina: the queen Angelina got with both twins so I gotta give her a point for that. But they seem alright with me. {3/10}
Drastoria: the only Draco ship I’ll accept because it made sense and they seem cute and Draco truly did love her and was sad because of her death. I also liked that they got together after hogwarts so that gave it time for Draco to change and everything. {8/10}
Jily: some fans just overhyped them too much and I thought I would love them but I don’t, I’m okay with them. It just not my kind of relationship that I will love.But points for sacrificing their lives for harry and they didn’t deserve to die.{4/10}
( I swear if I get attacked about jily I’m done.)
Lucious/Narcissa: they seem cute and they do love each other but I’m okay with them. {3/10}
Percy/Audrey: I honestly thought he would have married Penelope but I guess not. But they seem cute and alright. {2/10}
Alice/Frank: they honestly deserved so much better they suffered a fate worse then death and didn’t even know Neville was their son. But unfortunately we don’t know much about them so. {4/10}
Non-canon ships:
Dramione: I loathe it. {0/10}
Deamus: should have been canon and the only non-canon ship I want as canon.{10/10}
Harmione: never saw it more than a friendship and brother/sister relationship. {0/10}
Drarry: this is basically Dramione but with Harry. So no. {0/10}
Smily: as a big Severus snape fan. This is a big no from me. I just saw them as friends, I never wanted them to be a couple. {0/10}
Hedric: Cedric was Harry’s bisexual awakening.not Draco. {8/10}
Wolfstar: I see why people ship this but I just don’t and I feel like it won’t work out. But they are great friends. (point for just Remus). {1/10}
Severus/lupin: y’all just want a enemies to lovers ship and I can see why people went with these two. But I only see Remus with Tonks and tonks only. {0/10}
Severus/Regulus:this is actually my guilty pleasure ship but idk if it will work out because since regulus is related to Sirius. {4/10}
Severus/James: no just no this is some Drarry shit so hell no. {0/10}
Bellatrix/Voldemort: I know that they had a kid and everything but no it would have just been a one sided relationship. Mainly from bellatrix. For some reason it reminds me of Harley Quinn and the joker but at the same time no. {0/10}
Percy/Oliver: this is another guilty pleasure ship of mine idk I just really like it. {8/10}
Any pedophile or other weird ships are a big {0/10}.
I just know I’m going to be attacked but fuck it.
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rowenasschool · 4 years
Oliver: So Harry- Ginny, you are some of the best Quidditch players-
Harry: We aren't making our kids a Quidditch team
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rowenasschool · 4 years
Oliver: Percy, I have an idea. Percy: *Looks up from reading* Yes? Oliver: You know how you had a big family? Percy: Yes. Oliver: Okay, so what if we adopted- say, seven kids- Percy: We are not making our own Quidditch team. Oliver: BUT PERCY!
-R.J and Bryn
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rowenasschool · 4 years
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rowenasschool · 4 years
The Quiet (A Weasley Family Fanfic)
         ~ANGST WARNING~            Molly Weasley slowly walked through the Burrow, absent-mindedly brushing her hand against the corridor. The house was quiet most of the time now, though it was the worst during the evenings. That last hour before Arthur returned home seemed to drag out far longer than it use to. Her children still visited every day. However, the usual energy of the Weasley family had faded somewhat. Mrs. Weasley wondered if it would ever be the same again. She doubted that it would. She wanted it too, of course, but it was unrealistic to expect. Losing Fred was a pain no one was prepared for. Molly had never expected any of her children would die before she did. It wasn't supposed to work that way. Mothers shouldn't outlive their children. Things like this shouldn't happen. Mrs. Weasley moved into the living room and slipped her hand over one of the shelves as she went. There were several old photo albums there that had been filled over the years. She paused by the shelf and grabbed one album in particular before settling on the couch with it.
          Molly cracked open the slightly dusty photobook. It mostly contained pictures of her children when they were young children. One picture of Bill and Charlie playing on Christmas hit her with a burst of nostalgia. How long ago had it been since her two oldest boys were that small? She smiled a bit and continued flipping through the pictures and relishing as they moved slightly to show her children's pure joy (and sometimes embarrassment). As the pages turned, they got older, and the family got bigger. Each child had their own section in the book. After a few turns, a little Percy was added to the family. He was such a small baby, smaller than he should have been. One photo showed him looking at Bill and Charlie with a face of wonder, reaching a fist up at his brothers. Molly chuckled fondly as she remembered that day, how her boys bashfully crept into the room to see the new baby. How they'd been worried they wouldn't be liked by this newcomer. She also remembered how they lit up in smiles as Percy giggled at them in delight. They'd been so tender with him that day.
          A few more turns and there was the picture she'd perhaps been looking for this whole time: April 1st, 1978. Welcome to the world, Fred and George Weasley. There they were, small newborn babies cradled in her arms years ago. In the picture, she was grinning and cooing at the two as they gave her big, toothless smiles. George hadn't smiled like that recently. He hadn't smiled at all since Fred died. She'd convinced him to come stay at the Burrow for the time being. She wanted to be together with him as they both went through this period of grief. It shouldn't have happened. Mothers shouldn't be separated from their children. Twins shouldn't lose their other halves. Death shouldn't break a family like it was doing. Molly traced her hand over another photo of the twins. They were toddlers in this one, sitting on the rug tussling over some blocks. She had been worried they'd hurt themselves that day, but Arthur had stopped her from intervening. 'Young boys play like this. They won't get too hurt,' he'd said. Arthur had been right. Within minutes they'd calmed down and wholly abandoned the blocks in favor of a game of tag. She'd give anything to be able to see them play like that again, chasing each other around the Burrow with enthusiasm only two-year-olds could muster up. Molly Weasley missed her son so profoundly even the happy memories hurt.
        Molly was a little slower while looking through the section of the album dedicated to the twins. Stopping to rub her finger over the top of each and every photograph. She relished in the memory of her boys being happy. She'd been there for Merlin knows how long before she felt movement behind her. "...Do you remember that, mum? That was when we got it in our heads to flood the bathroom," a voice croaked out. That was the longest sentence she'd heard the voice say in a while. Mrs. Weasley glanced behind her to see George slightly leaned over the couch. He was looking over the album in her lap. He looked a mess. On any other day, she would have told him off for letting himself get that way. But today was different. She moved her hand up and gently touched the side of George's face, just to feel that he was there. "I do remember that...I was so mad at you two," she said. George nodded slowly, "You were...whooped us both. I never forgot that beating. We were troublemakers." Molly nodded as well. "You were, but I wouldn't have had it any other way," she said.
       George moved onto the couch next to her. They sat in silence together, slowly looking at all of the pictures. They stopped when they got to one in particular. Fred and George were leaving for Hogwarts, waving their hands out the window from the train. George's eyes fixed onto the picture, and Mrs. Weasley saw them glaze over slightly. She gently shut the album and wrapped an arm around her son. George turned and sunk against her. He was crying now and holding onto her tightly. Molly started to cry as well, "Oh Georgie..." she whispered. George choked, "I miss him, mum."
        That sentence was the one they needed. It was the one no one had dared speak for some unknown reason, but it needed to be said. Mrs. Weasley nodded and pet her son's hair. "I know...I do too..." They sat there together, crying softly. There were no more words of comfort. No big speeches on how they should power through the grief; she didn't think they would do any good anyway.
       At last, when the tears had dried (From both parties), George sat up. He wiped his face and looked at her thoughtfully. "Do you want help with dinner, mum?" he asked. Mrs. Weasley wiped her own eyes and nodded to him. "Yes, we should do that before your father gets home. Percy is coming over tonight as well," she said. George nodded back to her. "Let's go them, mum, no use waiting around," he said. Molly Weasley nodded again, "You're right, George. There's no use waiting around. Let's get dinner on the table." She got up, and George rose with her. Molly started to walk into the kitchen but paused when she noticed George wasn't following. She turned around to look at him. He had picked up the album and put it back on the shelf. George turned to her and walked over. He leaned over slightly and kissed her forehead, "Go on, mum, I'm right behind you. I'm not going anywhere." Mrs. Weasley nodded to her son, "I know. I just need to make sure." George nodded back to her. Making dinner that night was quiet, as usual. But Molly didn't mind as much anymore. (I’m sorry for the depression- R.J.)
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rowenasschool · 4 years
Dating the Weasley Twins Headcanons
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•Sharing. All the sharing.
•They Both love you a lot and always show it.
•While a bit insensitive, they love for them to be a shoulder to cry on
•You can always talk to them about anything even if they don’t understand
•Pranks. So many pranks on eachother.
•”George! Fred! I will get you back for this!”
•”We’d like to see you try |Last name|”
•Secret rooms, a lot of them.
•Kisses behind the school
•They love to tie you up
•It’s their favorite thing to do
•They definitely use spells to tease you before anything happens for real
• They’re into double trouble if you get what I mean~
•You can barely handle it
•No one is quiet
•Surprisingly, they keep it a secret so you don’t get in trouble
Sorry for it being so short! First headcanons! Thanks for reading!
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rowenasschool · 4 years
A thing I realized about the Weasleys (Headcannon)
Okay so, Molly Weasley’s brothers, Gideon and Fabian died in 1981. On the flip side, little Fred and George Weasley were born in 1978 three years prior. That being said, Imagine a younger Molly Weasley hearing about her brothers’ deaths. She’s devastated and during the hectic year her grieving process is constantly interrupted. One day she breaks down, sits on the floor and cries while remembering the time her brothers tried to cheer her up.  Suddenly, two little hands are patting her. Molly looks up and there are little three year old Fred and George who, are very confused on why their mother is crying and don’t like that one bit. So they smile and cuddle into her to make her feel better and suddenly Molly feels like she hasn’t lost all of her brothers after all. Later on, during the battle of Hogwarts, losing Fred was devastating. Not just because she’d lost one of her prized possessions, her children, but because it was like loosing her brothers all over again.
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