#she has sooooo much potential that so few people want to tap into and it's not fair cuz she's SUPER interesting
butwhatifidothis · 5 months
1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 12 for rhea? :3
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
I like Rhea because her story brings with it so many interesting things to think about, and the choices she's made throughout it are also thought-provoking. Yes, she's tried to do the best she could with the options given to her, yes she's tried to do everything in order to bring peace to Fodlan, but that doesn't make her choices any less morally ambiguous or debatable - something she acknowledges, and even wishes to make up for when she's felt she'd made bad choices!
Plus her being fairly shy about mingling with others due to her status making her feel as though she'd bum down the mood gives her a real sweet quality to her lol. Makes me wish even more she was allowed to talk to more characters.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
That she put her identity out on blast in Shambhala in order to protect everyone. She also does this during the siege on Garreg Mach, but her initial transformation was away from everyone; in the second time she does is in front of everyone, but she cares about saving people more than her own safety at that moment. Considering how long she hid her Nabatean heritage from the world, it feels like a huge step forward for her, Nabateans, and Fodlan as a whole being able to put behind the horrific massacre of the Nabateans. She isn't deemed a monster by anyone, no one tries to kill her in her dragon form; they all just admire that she went so far to keep them safe! It's just a really good moment (that's uh, fucked by either her dying for sure on VW or her randomly going berserk on SS, but still!).
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
The above mentioned going berserk thing in SS is easilyyyyyyy my least favorite thing about Rhea's writing (because due to the nature of Rhea's character I don't really find myself outright disliking any aspect of her character). It's stupid, it comes out of nowhere, it makes no sense (even with FEH trying its damndest to throw out a reason), and it just kinda fucks with SS' pacing more than anything. She's only the final boss there because SS needed a unique boss and no other reason and it sucks major ass.
Even the suggestion of her going berserk on VW and Nemesis being the final boss of SS just kinda... moves the problem somewhere else, not actual fix what's wrong with it (the lack of foreshadowing that anything like this would happen, the fact that it doesn't happen on the other route where the exact same thing happens to Rhea but nothing happens to her there, the nonsensical nature of it, etc.). Definitely the weakest part of the writing of her character, imo.
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Not the song question 😭😭😭 imma be straight up with you I do not think of any song for any character like almost ever sorry for the lame answer but I don't got shit for this question
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
We both love cats!!
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
i like when they write her in character I like when fandom allows for Rhea to genuinely grow close to other characters, rare as it is to see happen. She has such an interesting viewpoint and has a lot of similarities to a lot of characters, so seeing that get expanded on and not just have her be The One True Bad Guy Of 3H For Totes For Realsies Pinky Promise is always nice lol
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
On AM/SS after the war she lets herself openly baby Flayn as her aunt instead of withholding outright doting due to her archbishop position + hiding their familial relation. She gives her gifts and teaches her constellations on her star chart and does up her hair and tells funny story about Seteth that make him look silly - she just gets to be family with her niece!!
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heartofsnark · 3 years
I Wanna Ruin Our Friendship (Misty/Fem!V/Jackie) Smut
Notes: Sooooo, this isn't really canon to my V's like story, as far as like her actual series goes (which you should look at if you want plot with your porn ayyy) but more of a fun what if, that I was possessed to write at 8am and am now publishing at 2:40 am cause I've lost control of my life and wanna see these three fuck. 
Warnings: Vaginal sex, cunnilingus, creampies, unprotected sex (fucking wrap it before you tap it, fucking hell Jackie) blowjobs, oral sex, licking cum out of a vagina, just porn, so much porn.
Summary: V has a problem, many problems, but we're focusing on the one for today. Her, Jackie, and Misty are friends; really good friends. Completely platonic and chill friends. They're her best friends in fact, the closest friends she's ever had. So, why does she want to fuck them so bad? 
*Also, the V in this is my own, she is a cis woman and also deaf. 
V has a problem, multiple problems if she’s being honest, but one in particular has been overwhelming her as of late. She doesn’t do romantic love, she’s told herself time and time again. A misguided crush as a child and a ‘what could have been’ when she was a slightly older child. Times when she thought she was in love or could have ended up there, but her hopes were dashed with cruel words or chance. And every other encounter since has been either platonic or just sex. You can be V’s friend or you can fuck her; no room for romance or muddy waters in the merc’s heart. 
At least that’s what she says. 
At least that’s what she thought. 
Then she met Jackie and Misty. The Heywood boy who took her in. His sweetheart of a girlfriend. Her feelings are platonic, she tells herself. Friends, practically family, a platonic sort of love she’s so rarely found. And that’s more than enough, her feelings and desires don’t go  beyond that, she tells herself. 
She watches Jackie workout at times, meant to spot him.  His muscle corded arms strained as he lifts weights, veins prominent and sweat tracing patterns down his skin. Freckled face flushed with exertion and V’s mouth dry at the thought of tasting the salt of his skin. 
But, they’re friends. 
V will catch herself staring at Misty from time to time when she visits the older woman’s Esoterica shop, getting tarot card readings and helping sort any new inventory that’s come in. Never missing the way Misty’s skirt rides up her thighs, showing a peek of soft thighs wrapped in fishnet stockings. 
But they’re friends. 
It's purely platonic when Jackie ruffles her hair, a big warm hand the size of her head, a grin wider than a canyon and sun glinting off his gold cyberware. The butterflies in her stomach and the flush on her face mean nothing more, they’re friends. 
And it's strictly platonic when she and Misty bleach their hair together, legs practically entangled when they wait on the couch together. The way V’s breath catches at the press of skin and the sound of Misty laughing is just…  They’re friends, really, just friends. 
They’re just friends, her mind screams when she’s sharing a bed with Jackie, pressed close to his warm body and inhaling the smell of his cologne. His large arms wrapped around her and thoughts flickering to if he’d let his hands move lover. 
Just friends, she tries to beat into her own head, when she’s reminded of Misty’s hands gently holding her bruised chin after a bad gig. Close enough V could nearly kiss her black painted lips, what would it feel like having dark lipstick smeared across her neck? 
They’re just friends, but sometimes she wishes they weren’t; she tells herself in shame after a night spent thinking of them in Jackie’s bed, him out on a date with Misty. V’s hand wet with her own slick after hours imagining she was pressed between them, the smell of her sweat sticking to his sheets. 
Moving out will help, she decides. A little more space, a few more boundaries will keep those lines from blurring so easily. Her friends, just friends, are there to help her move in and set up her new megabuilding apartment. 
Once everything is settled in, V orders them all takeout for dinner, the least she can do. The trio sits on the floor around her table, the holoprojector showing advertisements above their head. The curved built-in sofa is behind them, but its too far from the table to comfortably eat, plus it doesn’t afford the comfort of being closer to each other. Misty and Jackie sitting, nearly on top of each other across the table from V.  Trying not to stare at the way his fingers toy with Misty’s sweater. 
“Can’t believe you’re actually moving out, chica,” Jackie comments after swallowing down a mouthful of dumplings. She swears she hears a hint of melancholy in his voice, but maybe it’s wishful thinking. 
“Can’t mooch off of you and Mama Welles forever,” she signs and talks, comfortable talking when it's just them. The words flow easier, her throat less raw and blocked off. 
“For the billionth time, you ain’t no fuckin’ mooch, V.” 
“So you say.” V rolls her eyes and takes a drink of Nicola. 
“Personally, I’m happy about it,” Misty states and that soda suddenly feels like cement in V’s throat. One of her worst fears potentially realized, that Misty or Jackie see her as an interloper, an intrusion on their relationship. That Misty is sick of some random woman sleeping in her boyfriend’s bed.
“Why’s that?” Jackie asks, half of an eggroll in his mouth.
“‘Cause now I don’t have to sneak around Mama Welles to see V, too.” 
“Oh,” V swallows hard, feeling the air return to her lungs, “that’s right, I’ll never understand that whole thing. ”  
Misty is one of the sweetest people in the world and V’s always considered Jackie’s mom just as nice, but for some reason the two can’t seem to see eye to eye. Mama Welles hung up on Jackie getting back with one of his ex’s. 
“She’ll come around eventually, Ma just takes a while to warm up to people.” 
“Me, not people, just me. Pretty sure, she’d jump for joy if you and V were dating,” 
V chokes on her noodles, heat flushing up to her hairline at the thought. Not helping, Misty, not helping. Misty laughs at her, V trying to recompose herself. 
“Why would you say that?” 
“Uh, ‘cause it’s true!~ She adores you, V. Not that I can blame her.” 
“Pfft,” V rolls her eyes, scoffing, “trust me, she’d turn on me in a heartbeat if I tried to steal away her precious baby boy.”  
V teases Jackie, reaching across the table to squeeze at his cheek, he smacks away her hand, grinning and a flush of red across his cheeks. 
“Fuck off!” 
“True, she is so protective of her precious, Jaquito~” Misty joins in, giggling and scratching her nails along his chin. 
“I didn’t sign up to be harassed today,” he pretends to complain. 
“No sign up necessary, my harassment comes free and unsolicited~,” V reaches for an eggroll and accidentally knocks an open can of cola into Jackie’s lap, “shit!” 
“Ah, fuck,” Jackie flinches a bit as cold soda hits his crotch. 
“Sorry, sorry,” V blurts out, grabbing up napkins and starting to reach over the table to dry him. 
“I, uh, got it! It’s fine!” Jackie quickly stops her and she realizes she was a fraction of an inch away from trying to rub his dick dry. 
“Uh, right, sorry, I, sorry.” V falls back on her but, trying to pretend she isn’t embarrassed by the instinct. 
“Its okay, V,” Jackie insists, trying to dry his pants, “what’s a wet sticky dick between friends?”
“Jackie!” V yells at his innuendo, the audacity of this man, meanwhile Misty is giggling behind her hand.
“It shouldn’t stain,” Misty says when she stops giggling, rubbing Jackie’s shoulder, “I think you left some clothes at my place, you can change there, so you don’t have to wear wet pants all the way back to Heywood.”
And that’s right, they’ll be leaving at some point. She’ll be having her first night alone in her apartment, just her…  She taps her fingers against the floor, staring at a seam on her couch. She’s an adult, she reminds herself, she can handle being alone. 
“Yeah, we’ll go ahead and get out of your hair, V.” 
“Yeah, yeah, appreciate the help,” she hopes her signing and voice don’t give away her discomfort. Then there’s a gentle hand over her own, neatly painted black fingernails on her skin, warm and smooth skin compared to V’s more calloused flesh. Misty having shifted closer to the side of the table, so she could reach V. 
“Unless, you don’t want us to go?” 
“Uhh,” what kind of adult can’t be alone in her own apartment, V admonishes herself, “I-” 
“You still have trouble sleeping alone, right?” Jackie asks, raising an eyebrow, eyes concerned. 
“I mean… I don’t expect anyone to coddle me, I-” 
“It's not coddling, V, we care about you. Adjusting is hard and if us sleeping here tonight helps, we’re happy to do it.” 
“You know we’d do anything for you, chica.” 
“Uh, okay then, I can sleep on the couch and you two can have the bed-” 
“Pffft,” Jackie scoffs, “don’t be stupid,  we’ve been sharing a bed half that size for the past three months, V. The last thing I expect is for you to sleep on the couch.” 
“Okay, if you’re both cool with it.” 
And that’s how she ends up in her new bed with her two friends. Misty wearing a set of V’s sleep clothes, the shorts and shirt riding up slightly on the older woman just a few inches taller than the merc. Jackie stripped down to just his boxer briefs and V is accustomed to that she reminds herself, her partner in crime, sleeping in his underwear next to her more times than she can count. But, lately everything feels...muddier. 
V faces the wall, on her side, Misty and Jackie cuddling behind her. They nearly pulled her between them, but she stopped them, insisting she sleep fine so long as there’s just someone near her. And that’s true, the warmth and knowledge that she’s not alone helps plenty, but more so she’s just not sure she would have survived the night pressed between them. Even like this… she struggles to sleep, feeling their bodies radiating warmth behind her.  She stares at the wall and tries to name stars, her go to trick for sleeping. 
Then there’s shifting movement behind her, the feeling of the bed shifting a bit, and Misty’s foot slightly nudging V’s ankle. The little merc twists around onto her other side to see what’s going on, if Misty or Jackie need something and her breath catches in her throat. 
Misty is pressed tight to Jackie’s chest, the couple spooning with her back to his front. His face is pressed into her neck, V can’t hear his face nor read his lip, but she can see them moving against Misty’s skin. Jackie’s large hands are toying with Misty’s body,  one hand down between her thighs and the other pushing her shirt up to grope her breast. Misty’s eyes are shut, head arched back just slightly, mouth slightly open as her boyfriend teases her. 
V can’t help but stare, face a sharp shade of crimson, at the sight of the shirt being pushed up to reveal the underside of Misty’s breast, the muscles in Jackie’s forearm tightening as he fingers her.  Its a lot to take in, the sight, the feelings; the knowledge that they’d do this just inches from V. Desire and heat build in her center, her cunt getting wet at watching her friends fool around, finding herself imagining what it’d be like to have Jackie’s thick calloused fingers pushing inside of her or how soft Misty’s breast would feel in her hand. Then Jackie pushes the shirt all the way up above Misty’s chest, plump breasts and stiffening nipples on full display. 
V shouldn’t be seeing this; shame and humiliation mix with her arousal. 
Friends. They’re friends, damn it!
The speed at which V turns away from the sight, sends her half into the wall; knee and hands hitting it. She can feel Misty and Jackie shooting up behind her, mattress shifting, V tries to burrow down into her pillow hoping the two will somehow be convinced she just moved in her sleep. But the hand rubbing over her shoulder tells her that’s not the case. She forces herself to sit up and face her friends, just friends… 
Misty and Jackie are sitting up more in the bed, Misty’s clothes back in place. Their faces are both flushed, Jackie isn’t making eye contact with V.  Misty hands V her hearing aid case, a gentle unspoken request for her to put them in so it’s easier to talk. And V doesn’t want to talk about it, doesn’t want to deal with this, doesn’t want to ruin this. But she can’t deny the soft look in Misty’s emerald green eyes, sliding her hearing aids in. 
“Sorry, chica…” Jackie awkwardly apologizes the second V can hear.
“Okay…night... ” Is all V can manage, hoping this will be the end of it, hoping she doesn’t have to confront everything swelling up inside of her. V reaches up to take out her hearing aids, intent on just quickly pulling them out and rolling back over, to pretend this never happened. 
Misty’s hand reaches her face first, cupping V’s chin and forcing the merc to make eye contact. Though her eyes do drift back and forth between Misty’s lips and eyes. The closeness makes it all the  more tempting to just kiss her… 
But Misty beats her to it, nothing but tender press of their lips together. And V never in a million years believed of the three that Misty would be the one to break first.  Yet here they are, a soft kiss that lasts all of a moment before Misty starts to pull away, a quick peck meant to test the waters, but V chases after it, capturing the older woman’s lips again.  Her kiss is a far cry from Misty’s, hungrier, deeper and anything but chaste as she pushes her tongue into the blonde’s mouth. 
“Shit,” Jackie curses, voice low and hungry as he watches his girlfriend and best friend makeout. V smiles into the kiss, finally breaking away. 
“We’re a pair of  Catholic school girl uniforms away from acting out Jackie’s favorite BD, aren’t we?” V can’t help but tease remembering a few… select pieces from her friends collection. 
V falls back against the bed laughing, that sort of tension and fear melting away. Misty and Jackie laugh too; the sound music to V’s ears, the merc suddenly thankful she kept the hearing aids in.  They kissed and the world didn’t end. There’s no irreparable damage and if they wanted maybe they could all leave it there, a weird exchange that ended in laughter. Nothing has to change. One kiss between friends, no big deal. 
Then Misty is climbing over her, moving to be on the other side of V, pressing against that side as Jackie moves in closer; placing her between them. 
“Hello, can I he-” she starts to tease, then Jackie’s lips are on hers. His large warm hand on her chin, keeping her in place as he pushes his tongue into her mouth. She works to meet his movement, to give as good as she gets, kissing him back with the same passing. A moan leaving the back of her throat and dying on Jackie’s tongue when he shifts the angle to kiss her deeper. She grabs his bicep, feeling his muscles to anchor herself. 
And, okay, it’s two kisses now. What’s two kisses between friends?
Jackie pulls away, pressing his forehead against hers, rubbing his thumb over her chin. 
“Been wanting to do that for a while, mija,” he admits tenderly. 
And that’s it, it's all too far gone and she’s done caring. 
“Need you, both of you,” V finally says it, puts the words out into the world and prepares herself for what comes next. 
Then Jackie pulls her shirt off over her head, leaving V’s breasts exposed, her nipple piercings glinting in the lowlight of the room.  Delicate fingers push past the waistband of V’s shorts, Misty finding and stroking V’s clit as Jackie dips his head to suck at the merc’s breast. She whimpers at the treatment, overwhelmed and squirming as the couple plays with her body. Slick coats Misty’s fingers and V’s thighs, the merc’s cunt clenching with every rub of her clit. Jackie’s tongue teases and licks at her piercing, he sucks at her breast, feeling her nipple stiffen on his tongue. Misty’s fingers slip lower, pushing inside of V. Its all too much, V’s pleasure building higher and higher inside of her. Jackie gives a little nip, not a true bite just the slight pressure of his teeth on her breast just as Misty adds a third finger. And it snaps, V crying out as she cums on Misty’s hand, 
Jackie pulls off of V’s breast and Misty pulls slick coated fingers out of her cunt, the merc panting. 
“Didn’t realize you were that sensitive, V,” Jackie teases, breath hot on her ear. 
“Shut up.” 
“It’s cute,” Misty assures her, kissing softly across V’s cheek and neck. 
“So, cute,” Jackie says, but his voice with that edge of condescension before he bites her neck. She whines but responds by rubbing a hand over his cock, grinning when he jumps. 
“Yeah, let's see how well you handle it,” she taunts, pushing him back flat against the bed as she straddles him. 
His hard cock rubs against her, her shorts and his boxers the only thing between them. She kisses across his chest. Tracing her tongue along his tattoos and freckles, sliding her hand between them to palm his dick, feeling the warmth of it through the fabric. She trails her kisses down, watching his head dip back against the pillow, cursing under his breath as she makes her way lower and lower down his torso and stomach. She pulls her mouth away when it hits fabric, as much as she’d love to settle between his legs and tease him through his boxers, She’s not about to forget about Misty. 
V pulls away to press closer to Jackie’s side, looking up to see Misty, staring at them, enraptured. The merc stretches over Jackie’s lap to catch the back of Misty’s head, tangling her fingers in the short layers of hair, bringing the older woman in for another kiss. She uses this to gently pull and encourage Misty over closer, until they’re both pressed tight against one side of Jackie’s legs, making out just above his erection. They break apart, with V giving a soft bite to Misty’s lower lip before hooking her fingers into the bottom of Misty’s shirt pulling it off over her head. She can’t help but get another eyeful of Misty’s chest, before turning her attention back to Jackie, intent on showing why having two people play with you tends to make a person more sensitive. 
V slips her fingers into the top of Jackie’s boxer briefs, starting to pull them down, Misty helping her as Jackie raises his hips for them. The girls quickly getting the boxers off; V swallows hard at the sight of his dick. He’s big, something she always figured considering he’s nearly a giant towering over both Misty and V.  Its flushed red at the head, thick with prominent veins, and leaking precum on his lower stomach. Misty and V get their tongues on him, making Jackie curse aloud. V lapping the head of his cock to taste his precum, teasing her tongue piercing along the flushed sensitive skin. Misty, tracing the underside, licking along the veins and shaft of his cock. 
V pulls away for a moment as Misty licks up Jackie’s cock. The merc watches as Misty takes the length of Jackie’s dick into mouth, inch after inch pushing past her kiss-swollen lips. V takes to licking the places where Misty’s mouth can reach, the part of his cock she can’t force down her throat without risk of gagging, V’s tongue chases after Misty’s mouth as she pulls up, tasting Misty’s spit on his cock, until she’s pulling off his dick with a pop. Before V can follow suit, taking her turn to feel his dick in her throat, he stops them. Large thick fingers tangling in bleached hair. 
“Stop, fuck, fuck, gonna-fuck,” he groans out, nearly choking on his words. 
“Aww, feeling sensitive?” V teases, biting at his thigh. 
“Not helping, V.” 
“I don’t think she was trying to help, Jackie,” Misty jokes, sharing a sly smile with V as they watch Jackie try to keep from blowing his load right there. Jackie reaches down and squeezes Misty’s ass, making her yelp at the sudden attention. 
“Wanna feel you, carina,” he tells Misty, teasing her cunt through her shorts.  
V helps Misty pull off her shorts, leaving her completely naked. The young merc can see the slick sticking to the inside of Misty’s inner thighs and all she wants to do is lap it up. But Jackie is already manhandling Misty, helping her move to straddle his lap, with her back towards him and facing V; reverse cowgirl style.  Misty puts her hands back on Jackie’s chest, leaning her weight back on him as he holds her hips, his fingers squeezing the soft plush flesh. 
Slowly, Jackie pulls Misty down on his cock, making her moan out as he fills her. He bounces Misty on his cock, fucking up into her. V watches agape, not sure where she wants to focus, from where the two meet, his cock pumping into Misty’s tight cunt. Or to Misty as a whole, the woman put on full display for V to watch as her breasts bounce with every thrust and she cries out with every slap of flesh hitting flesh. 
She settles for doing much more than just watching, V dipping her head between their thighs and licking where Jackie and Misty connect. Its a sloppy mess, trying to keep up with Jackie’s pace as he pound into Misty. V laps and licks at his cock where she can, tasting Misty’s slick on him, kissing where Misty’s cunt takes in Jackie’s cock. She sucks and teases Misty’s clit, her own cunt clenching at the way the added pleasure makes Misty scream out. V’s mouth and tongue are everywhere they can be, desperate and sloppy in her rush to taste the couple, to add to their pleasure. 
Misty grabs the back of V’s hair when she cums, pinning the merc in one spot as she screams out her release. V’s left to drool and keep her tongue out as Misty’s cunt and Jackie’s cock rub against her. She tastes the rush of Misty’s slick first, gushing and twitching as her pussy is overwhelmed.  Then V tastes the bitter salt of Jackie’s cum, him cursing as he fills Misty and then keeps cumming, thick white spilling out and dripping back down his cock. The couple still, both panting heavily and Misty relaxing, letting V’s hair go as the young merc continues to lick up the mess. Misty collapses, practically boneless laying on Jackie’s chest. 
Jackie gets his hands under her thighs and starts to bring them back, Misty whimpering as he’s able to hold her legs up, nearly bringing her knees to her chest. The shift in position causes his cock to slip out of her, his cum now spilling freely from Misty’s cunt, a wet messy show for V. 
“Clean her up for me, V?” He asks it as casually as he’d ask V to lend her car. And V is just as happy to oblige. 
V buries her tongue inside of Misty, moaning softly when Misty squeals at the feeling. Its a mess of Jackie’s cum and Misty’s, mingling on V’s tongue as she licks it up like she’s starved for it. Misty is a sensitive mess, being eaten out so soon after being fucked to pieces, but V doesn’t hold back; rubbing a thumb over the woman’s swollen clit while she laps up every drop of Jackie’s cum. There’s a shake in Misty’s thighs, instinct telling her to clench them shut, to trap V between her legs, but Jackie keeps her spread wide; only able to whimper and whine as the mess is licked up as her twitching wet clit is teased alongside every stroke of V’s tongue. 
With each lick V tastes less and less of Jackie’s mess, cleaning up the creampie he’d left inside of Misty. And she doesn’t know what it is that sends Misty over the edge, one too many rubs of V’s thumb over her clit or particularly deep lick, V desperate to truly swallow down every drop of seed. But something does and Misty’s sent into a second orgasm, trembling and gushing against V’s tongue, screaming out as the pleasure consumes her.  The merc slows down gently,steadily  easing Misty through the aftershocks, until she’s done trembling.  
Jackie lets go of Misty’s legs, letting her body relax as she gently moves to lay against his side. His cock is still half hard and there’s an itch inside of V that hasn’t quite been scratched, still wet and twitching between her thighs, the crotch of her thin shorts sticky with slick. But she doesn’t want to push it, she thinks as she goes to lay down on his other side. But, he has different ideas it seems, an idea catching in his mind as V’s in the midst of moving, on her hands and knees about to drop down onto the mattress. Despite his size he moves fast, grabbing at V’s hips and making her freeze, on his knees behind her as he pulls her ass back against his cock. She whines at the friction, as he grinds against her, quickly getting his cock fully hard again. Misty laying against the pillows next to them, satiated and content to watch the V and Jackie chase another orgasm. 
And he yanks her shorts down as far as he can without changing the position, exposing her slick needy cunt. 
“Fuck,” the low hungry curse sends a chill along V’s spine, the head of his cock leaving wet across her ass, before he rubs it over her sex. 
There's a part of her that thinks they shouldn’t, that this is the step too far, a line that can’t be uncrossed; as if she hadn’t just had her face buried in Misty’s pussy. But, she needs this and by the tight hold Jackie has on her hips, he does too. A line that needs to be crossed even if it can’t be undone. An experience that has to be had, just to know what it’s like. 
Then he’s sinking into her, pulling her back onto his cock, filling her. V’s eyes roll back, a silent cry on her tongue as she’s stretched and stuffed. Too much, too much; but exactly what she needs. Despite his size, he fills her easily, her body too needy to resist the push of him into her. He doesn’t give her time to adjust, not that she needs or truly wants it. They’re both at their limit, just needing this, to know what it’s like to be connected this way; to feel his cock pounding into her, to feel her cunt clenching around him. 
She lets him set the pace, too overwhelmed to do anything, whimpering as he brutally fucks her; pulling her back against him as he thrusts forward. Both too far gone and desperate for this to be softer. The skin slapping together, sound ringing out through the apartment, a wet squelch everytime he sinks inside of her. Jackie uses her like a toy, like a human sized fleshlight to chase his own end with. And she knows she means more than that, in the moment it feels good to just be used, to be manhandled and fucked apart, to be a pillow princess taking his dick however he sees fit to give it. Each thrust sending her spiraling deeper and deeper into her pleasure, fucked stupid and mindless, unable to think of anything but how it feels to be fucked by him. 
And that pleasure overwhelms quicker than she expects, bubbling over and orgasm hitting her before she even truly realized she was close. Mind going completely blank and throat raw as she screams out, cumming on his cock, toes clenching. And he fucks her through it, draws it out until he’s cursing under his breath and spilling inside of her. His second load, a little lighter than the creampie he left Misty with, but still thick and too much for V’s cunt to hold; the mess leaking down her thighs as she comes down from her high. 
She whimpers when he pulls out, suddenly empty and more of his cum spilling from inside of her. Jackie collapses, in the middle of the bed, between Misty and V, sweaty and panting. V can’t help but laugh, throwing her shorts completely off, as Misty curls up close to his side. Jackie wraps an arm around Misty’s  hip. His other hand skims V’s back as she leans over them to take her hearing aids out, putting them on the side table, then she’s pulled down to lay against his chest. V nuzzles in, looking at Misty’s face across the expanse of Jackie’s chest, V being held just as tightly to his side. Misty’s hand is on his chest and V reaches up, intertwining their fingers, earning her a soft serene smile from the older woman. 
And there’s a lot that’ll need to be talked about. So many questions as to what this all means; what does V even want this to mean? A one time thing they don’t talk about, don’t deal with. A friendship ruiner, the start of something… new.  So many possibilities and each one brings with it a different sort of anxiety. But for now, she’s content to sleep curled up under the sheets with her friends. 
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obsessionsdumpster · 4 years
A/N: sooooo idk what this is exactly, I just had an idea and decided to try and write my own fic for once though I’m not sure if it turned out good lol I think it’s a bit too long and I realised I don’t know how to write kissing scenes. Anyway please enjoy and let me know what you think
A Ninja’s Day Off (Kakashi x reader)
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(Y/N) stepped into the Hokage’s office, finding Tsunade sitting by her desk, a pile of books and important documents surrounding her.
“Hokage-sama, I’m here to provide you with the mission report”
“Excellent, I’ve already received and deciphered the scroll your team has sent me with all the informations you were able to collect. It seems all went smoothly, good job (Y/N)”
Despite the formalities Tsunade and (Y/N) were rather well-acquainted, being (Y/N) one of the few Hokage’s personal ANBUs meaning that she certainly trusted her. Because of that, Tsunade glanced at the girl standing in front of her and even though she was wearing the ANBU mask, she could clearly see the exhaustion that was radiating from her, hence she spoke: “(Y/N), you’ve been out there constantly completing quest after quest for quite some time now, I know that is due to the high amount of missions the village is currently dealing with, but I can see you’re at your limit, that’s why I’m giving you the permission to take a couple days off in order to rest and recover”.
“Thank you, Tsunade” replied (Y/N) with a smile, and with that, she was off.
When she reached her apartment block, she opened the door and stepped inside. The room was a mess, to say the least: there were dirty clothes scattered all across the floor mixed with random ninja scrolls with all sorts of seals written on them, along with some kunai knives and shurikens all over the apartment. She sighed to herself, realising just how long it had been since she actually stayed in her apartment for more than 10 minutes or so, just enough time to change and pack for yet another mission.
(Y/N) decided that a nice hot shower would help her take away some stress and tiredness, so she headed towards the bathroom, stripped off her clothes and stepped under the hot stream of water that felt so nice on her bare skin.
After she was done, she stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around her form, then, feeling her stomach grumble, she decided to head in the kitchen to have a snack.
Unfortunately for her, when she opened the fridge she realised that everything had already expired meaning that she had nothing to eat. Nice, she thought.
That’s when her eyes fell on a small paper bag that was laying on her kitchen table. She reached to it to inspect the content and saw to her delight that inside the bag were three big red apples, her favourite. Besides the apples she saw a small note: ‘figured you wouldn’t have much at home to put in your belly after being away for so long. Enjoy - Kakashi’
(Y/N) couldn’t help but smile widely at the kind gesture. (Y/N) and Kakashi had been best friends for a long time now, having been on the same team during Kakashi’s ANBU days and continued to hang out even after he left and became a sensei. To (Y/N) he was more than just her best friend though, for as time passed she started developing romantic feeling towards the copy ninja but always shrugged off those feelings out of fear of ruining their amazing friendship and because of the fact that a potential relationship would have been a rather difficult thing to handle for two Leaf Jounin such as themselves, their positions implying a dangerous lifestyle that put their lives constantly at risk; it wasn’t a secret that a normal love life wasn’t something that two Jounin of that caliber could aspire to. Truth is, she had been told by some people like Jiraiya (though he didn’t seem very reliable) that Kakashi did in fact return her feelings. It’s not that she considered that to be impossible, she had to admit that sometimes she could feel the chemistry between the two of them, but it was like they both shared some sort of unspoken agreement that kept them from bringing the relationship forward, preferring to stay as best friends. She would say she was fine with that, what she cared about the most was being by Kakashi’s side and she really enjoyed their unique friendship but she couldn’t deny that, sometimes, this situation made her kind of sad. (Y/N) thought that things were going to stay like this forever, but she was wrong.
Chewing on her apple, she started cleaning the apartment, picking up all the clothes from the floor and reorganising and storing all her scrolls. After she was done with that, (Y/N) finally sat on her couch determined to either take a nap or just relax. However she found herself just sitting there staring at the wall, boredom taking over as she started repeatedly tapping her foot on the floor. She was so used to so much action in her life that a simple day off was starting to become more difficult to handle than she could have imagined.
Suddenly an idea popped up in her head: ‘you know what? I’m gonna pay Kakashi a visit. He must be at the training ground right now, training with his team. I’m sure it’ll be fun watching him and team 7, maybe I’ll even be able to help him out, who knows’.
Thinking it would be fun to sneak up on them while they were training, (Y/N) approached the training field making sure to suppress her chakra to avoid being detected. She positioned herself on top of a well hidden branch of tree and, rather amused, observed what Kakashi and his team were doing. It looked like they were learning how to conceal themselves, judging from the fact that Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke were all trying to find a good hiding spot to avoid getting caught by Kakashi.
Naruto managed to find a spot on the same tree as (Y/N) without noticing her. An idea popped to her mind and, with a mischievous grin, she appeared behind the blond’s back:
“Yo, Naruto” she said without a warning.
What came next was a scream and then a thud. Naruto had fallen off the tree and was now lying on the ground, his teammates and sensei approaching him, a puzzled look on their faces.
“W-Wh-What was that?!” said a shocked Naruto, followed by (Y/N) making her appearance jumping off the tree and landing in front of them.
“Hi everyone”
And before anyone could say anything, Naruto started screaming again.
“(Y/N)?!?!? Why would you do that??? I was perfectly hiding from Kakashi-sensei until you came and revealed my presence to everyone!!”
“Your ability to conceal yourself from other ninjas is the worst Naruto, it was obvious you were hiding on that tree” said Kakashi before giving (Y/N) his signature one-eyed smile “anyway, (Y/N) you’re back already, what are you doing here?”
“Well it’s my day off, so I though I would pay you a visit you know, to thank you for the apples and to see what you and team 7 where up to” she replied a bit embarrassed, realising she just admitted she wanted to see him on her day off.
“It wasn’t a big deal, really, I just figured you would like them” he said with a smile, scratching the back of his neck, which, (Y/N) thought, was kinda cute. “But since you’re here” he continued “would you mind giving us a hand? After all, ANBUs concealing techniques and chakra suppressing abilities are the best”
“Sure! When do we begin?”
And with that, Kakashi and her began teaching the young Genin all the tricks in the books.
When they finished practicing the sun was setting. All three team 7 members improved their skill a lot, especially Sasuke, but even Naruto did surprisingly well considering he wasn’t very well versed in hiding his presence, being the show off he was.
After saying goodbye to the kids, (Y/N) was left alone with Kakashi who, making sure his students were gone, spoke up:
“Well that was intense...are you hungry? We could stop somewhere on our way back and have dinner, if you would like to of course”
“I would love to! I’m starving, plus we haven’t hung out in a while, it’ll be nice to chat a little”
“Yeah” was what Kakashi replied, though he seemed, (Y/N) thought, to be a bit tense but she shrugged off that feeling once they started walking back to the village.
They decided to stop at one of their favourite cafes in Konoha (consciously avoiding Ichiraku’s ramen to avoid bumping into Naruto) to have dinner together and talk about the usual stuff like mission etc.
(Y/N) really missed talking to Kakashi, he was like a soothing presence to her, his voice never failed to make her feel a little happier then before. Whenever they were sharing these simple moments, even as just friends, (Y/N) couldn’t help but feel butterflies in her stomach each time. It was a bittersweet sensation in which she felt both very happy and sad because of the fact that she was in love with her best friend, but would be to scared to actually make a move.
She snapped out of her thoughts when food came and they ate in silence.
When they finished eating their dinner, they both exited the shop and started walking together through the village.
“So how was your last mission? You’ve been gone for quite a while. Tsunade told me it was a very important top secret mission” asked Kakashi after a while.
“It worked out somehow. I didn’t think it would take so long either but we had to deal with something unexpected which caused us to carry out the mission for 3 weeks straight”
“I see” said Kakashi before he went silent again. To be honest he was being pretty silent, not that he was and extremely talkative person, but still when he was with (Y/N) he would usually be more relaxed. This time however he seemed to be lost in thoughts and she found herself wondering what it could be.
They sat on a bench, admiring in silence the starry sky. It was a comfortable silence, each of them appreciating the others presence.
(Y/N) let out a small shiver when their arms accidentally brushed against each other.
“Are you cold?” asked Kakashi.
“No, I’m fine” she answered before letting out a long sigh.
“Is something wrong? Your mind seems to be somewhere else”
(Y/N) was taken aback by his comment, realising she had been just staring at the sky for a while, thinking about him, to be honest. She didn’t exactly know why but she felt the urge to be honest to him so she spoke her mind: “Nothing’s wrong it’s just- I really missed hanging out with you, you know, being with you and just talking about nothing in particular. And it makes me a little sad that these moments have become a rarity lately, because of our schedules and everything...”. She had no idea why she went that far expressing her feelings towards him. Damn this almost sounded like a confession.
When she realised what she just said, (Y/N) turned her gaze from Kakashi, trying to hide her face that was now a blushing mess.
Kakashi didn’t say anything. He was looking at her, a blush of his own barely visible under his mask. (Y/N) had never been this sentimental with him before. Could it be possible that she was trying to tell him what he wished she was trying to tell him? - he thought.
It was now or never, thought Kakashi. She had just opened up to him and now he felt like it was the perfect time to do the same and tell her about his feelings. “There something I want you to know (Y/N)” he spoke up, making the girl finally turn her face towards him with a questioned look.
“I really like you, you know, more than just a friend”.
That’s it. He said it. There was no going back, so he went on “I’ve been acting like we’re just friends but I can’t do it anymore because I think-“ he stopped for a second, thinking about what he was about to say “- I think I’m in love with you and can’t keep pretending otherwise”
(Y/N) stood there, her eyes widened and a shocked expression on her face. There she was thinking she had just made a fool of herself in front of Kakashi for almost confessing her feelings to him, and now she just heard him say he loved her??
Soon enough the shocked expression she wore was replaced with a closed-eyed smile: “I love you too Kakashi” she finally said, then added with a chuckle “I was scared to tell you ‘cause I thought it would ruin our friendship but if you put it like that...”
When she reopened her eyes she saw Kakashi lower his mask (which didn’t shock her much since being best friends for such a long time meant that she had seen his face in many occasions) and leaning forward, cupping her cheek. She did the same until their lips finally met.
(Y/N) thought that the feeling of Kakashi’s soft lips on hers was the best.
After a few seconds, they gently started moving their lips in unison to deepen the kiss.
When the two broke apart, gasping for air, they both smiled at each other.
Maybe, (Y/N) thought, things did change after all.
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Marauders Discovery:
James, Sirius, and Peter were all very concerned. It had nothing to do with their grades in charms class or something to do with Lily. Nothing of the sort. It was about Remus.
Where was he? Why did he keep disappearing every once in a while? Why was it that new scars would appear every few months? Whenever he disappeared, why did he always end up in the hospital wing? All of the marauders were extremely concerned and no matter how much they brain stormed the situation, they couldn't find a plausible answer to the questions.
During one of their "why is Remus being weird" sessions, he walked into the common room carrying several books in a tote with dead eyes and pale skin.
"Remus, hey, are you okay? You look terrible. Are you sick? Need any help?" Sirius inquired. All that he got in response was a simple head shake and a few little grunts.
Remus walked over to the nearest couch, plopped down, grabbed a book, and started reading. The rest of the marauders studied him carefully, watching his eyes scan the pages and flip through the book a bit more aggressively than he would usually treat a book. Remus's eyes started to flutter shut until he finally gave into sleeping and set the book down in his lap.
"I don't want to alarm anyone, but did you guys see the title of the book he was reading?" Peter asked, noticeably scared.
"No, why? What did it say?" James shot up in response.
"Well... it was a little hard to make out but I think it said something about Lycanthropy. He brought in more books with him too. What are they about?"
Sirius butted into the conversation quickly, "Maybe he's just studying up on werewolves for some reason. It's Remus you guys, he's kind of a nerd, ya know."
James sat cross legged tapping his fingers against his thighs in thought.
"Okay, I've got two ideas. Both of them are terrible but I say that we look at the rest of the books before we make any assumptions. Idea one, Remus is a light sleeper so if we walked towards him he'd wake up sooooo let's just drag the bag towards us from here."
"Dragging the bag would probably make a bit of noise though," Sirius rebutted.
"Well that's why I made another plan Pads. Okay so plan number two." James turns and stares Peter in the eyes.
"You turn into a rat and jump in his bag, look around, see what all is going on"
"Nuh-uh. Not a chance. I'm already scared plus if someone sees me they're probably gonna try and light me on fire because oh my god it's a rat, kill it!"
Sirius butted in again, "Have James pick you up and then drop you into the bag. He walks the quietest out of the three of us. Or, I could do my thing and turn into a dog and you can hang onto my fur. The last one wouldn't be comfortable for either of us but nobody would notice you."
Peter pondered about his new options for a second before finally giving into intrigue.
"I... suppose James can carry me and then drop me in the bag, just be careful please!"
"Alrighty. Will do, now hurry up and transform before he wakes up."
Sirius threw a glance over his shoulder at Remus sleeping peacefully and smiled softly.
"I doubt that he'll be waking up anytime soon. That's what he looks like when he's been studying for hours on end and finally falls asleep. It's not deep, but it lasts a while."
"Ey mate, how do you know all that? Sounds like you're being a creeper," James said back to him while winking.
"Doesn't matter," Peter chimed in, "I'm already changing so get ready to drop me in his bag," he said his voice starting to get higher with each word and his body getting shorter with each second that passed.
James scooped him off of the ground and closed his hands around the small rat boy as best as he could while silently approaching the couch that Remus was asleep on, small, quiet snores escaping his scarred mouth. James crouched down a little, then allowed Peter to run down his hand and jump into the bag.
After a few minutes passed, Peter came scampering back quickly changing out of his animagus form.
"What'd you find!" both Sirius and James said simultaneously.
Peter, out of breath, starts talking with a panicked tone.
"Besides his text books for class, I found two other books about lycanthropy and a journal. I couldn't really get a good look at the journal but it had several scratch marks on the cover and several pages seemed to have been bitten off. There was also a calendar in the back, and get this. Every day that Remus disappeared, there was a black dot on the calendar date."
"Was there a pattern to the dots?"
"It didn't seem like it at first but over time they started to span just one week apart. Actually, what's today, Saturday?"
"Yeah, why"
"Well," Peter gathered his thoughts, "the calendar had a black dot almost every Friday. Where do we usually find Remus at on Fridays?"
"He's usually wandering outside most of the day. Although he does tend to look at the sky a lot and around dinner he runs off saying that he doesn't feel good and starts heading towards the bathrooms" Sirius said while scrunching his face.
"Wait a minute," Sirius said, something dawning on him, "He actually never comes back to dinner and he's never in the common room either. I've even waited for him to get back a few times and he never does. Plus, the next day he's always in the hospital wing looking about as pale and tired as he does right now."
"Actually..." James thought it over in his head, "yeah, you're right. He's always either in the hospital wing or just coming back from it and he looks pretty terrible most of the time."
Remus started to roll around on the couch, scratching at his skin in his sleep and whispering things that made no sense.
"Sirius. Go wake him up and walk him to bed. I think he likes you the best so he's more likely to accept your help."
Sirius nodded, then got up and gently shook him awake. He whispered a few things to him and then hoisted him up gently. They both disappeared up the staircase, Remus leaning into Sirius while he was walking.
James sighed both in relief and stress.
"Do you think we should tell Dumbledore? Or at least ask if we're right? He's bound to know whether or not there's a werewolf running around on campus."
Peter adjusted the way he was standing to make it look like he was popping his back and then whispered 'not now' into James' ear.
They both sat on the floor quietly pondering what they had just potentially discovered. If the headmaster didn't know, Remus would be expelled and that was the last thing that any of them wanted. If he did know, what would he do about the Marauders and the fact that they knew as well.
"Hey, Peter."
"Yeah Prongs?"
"How long has Moony and Padfoot been upstairs for? Pads should have come back down by now."
"I mean... it's been a hot minute. Should we check on them?"
"I'll go check on them, if im not down in 5 minutes then you come up yourself."
James stood back up and walked up the staircase. As he got higher up and closer to where all of their beds were, he heard sobbing coming from a corner of the room and the sound of someone hushing them.
Sirius was laying against the wall with Remus sitting on his lap crying while staring at his hands and pulling at his hair. Sirius kept trying to calm Remus down by pulling his hands out of his hair or by just covering up his hands with his own.
Sirius had just noticed James standing there holding out his wand in the dimly lit corner and gave him a "don't ask questions, I'll explain tommorow" look. James lowered his wand and quickly extinguished the light before walking down the stairwell again to approach Peter, standing there looking as nervous as ever.
"So?! What happened? Are they both alright?"
James had this sense of calmness washing over him after seeing just how much Sirius cared for his friend.
"Everything is fine, they both went to sleep and Remus is starting to get the colour back in his skin."
Not one of the three Marauders had mentioned anything about Remus' possible werewolf form except to each other via notes in class or whispering plans in the hallways. They had decided that on Friday, right after dinner, they would ask Dumbledore if he knew or not.
Sirius was the most scared about the plan because he didn't want his best friend to be expelled over something that he couldn't control.
James was confident in the plan to succeed since Peter had been the one to plan it.
Peter spent every possible moment thinking of flaws in his plan, despite the obvious one of 'Dumbledore might not know and expel Remus' he thought about what would happen to the Marauders for figuring it out.
On Wednesday, James and Peter went to the hospital wing to try and get any information about Remus' condition from them. The one nurse who cared for Remus the most said that she was sworn into secrecy about what was going on with him, but then again, all of the medical staff at Hogwarts were sworn to secrecy over all of their patients. It was the patients decision to tell people what happened or not to.
Friday night dinner happened and half way through it, Remus got up to leave as expected. The rest of the group waited around ten minutes, then sought out Dumbledore to ask him the topic on everyone's mind. Was Remus actually a werewolf and if so did Dumbledore know or not.
The three of them went up to the professors table and asked to speak with him in private. Dumbledore knew that whatever it was, it was extremely important, or at least to them it was.
He lead them up into his office and that was when each of the Marauders tightened up. Sirius was on the brink of tears and Peter was right behind him on it. James had to ask the questions because neither one of them could do it.
"So. Mr. Black, Mr. Potter, and Mr. Pettigrew. What seems to be the issue? I notice that Mr. Lupin isn't with you. How bizarre."
Nobody could read the professors thoughts and his face was like stone, only cocking an eyebrow with a small welcoming but deceptive looking smile.
James stepped forward, sweat starting to run down the back of his neck.
"Sir, we have some questions about Remus. He seems to constantly be disappearing and when he comes back, he's always drained of energy and looks sick. We also noticed that he was reading books on lycanthropy and it made us all wonder... is Remus a werewolf?"
Dumbledore's face shifted from welcoming into discomfort and looked down at the floor while pacing between his desk and the group of students before him.
After a minute he finally sighed and looked at them.
"I'm afraid that you three are too smart for him to keep his little secret away from you. Yes. Remus Lupin is indeed a werewolf. However, we have made a special place for him to go to during his transformations so that he doesn't hurt another student. Now that the three of you know this, you must keep this a secret. Not only will other students try to attack him if they find out, but parents will be quick to remove students from Hogwarts and demand his expulsion."
Sirius piped up then, barely holding back his tears.
"So you aren't going to expel us or Remus, right?"
"I have no intention of doing so. So long as he doesn't hurt another student things will be fine and he can have safe transformations. I expect that you three would want to know where-" he was suddenly cut off by McGonagall running in.
"He didn't make it in time! A ravenclaw student has been dragged out somewhere and we can't find either of them! Hagrid is already searching the Forbidden Forest but it could be until tommorow until we find the both of them."
McGonagall had just noticed the three boys standing there hearing this before turning back to Dumbledore.
"Do they know?"
"Yes, and I think that it would be wise if they all stayed here. Please wake up the Quidditch seekers and captains and see if they can find either of them from above."
The two of them practically ran down the stairs then split up.
Sirius was the first to speak up.
"He... he got somebody. He told me that he would never attack someone. What happened?"
It was James who spoke next, unfolding a square bit of cloth from his pocket and holding it up.
"Well... I know that we were told to stay here but I need to see what's happening. Sirius. You have to come with me. Peter, you can stay or go but decide now because we're both leaving."
"I- I think I'm going to stay. I don't want to see Moony like this and I'm already freaking out."
"That's fair." James said unfurling the invisibility cloak and then putting him and Sirius underneath.
The duo had been outside for a while now but because of how small the cloak was on them they were moving slower than they liked.
"I can't move this slow, it's going to kill me if I don't find out. I can just do my animagus form and no one will know that it's me." Sirius crawled out from underneath the cloak and started to transform into a black dog, then ran off sniffing the ground for anything that smelled at all like Moony would.
James begrudgingly did the same, turning into a deer with baby antlers and clopping off towards the Forbidden Forest.
Moony was terrified. He could feel what he was doing but he couldn't stop it. He just kept dragging the student through the forest. The freshly fallen leaves crunched lightly under his paws as he kept dragging the student into an abandoned den. Surprisingly, the student wasn't hurt at all by Moony, the only injuries that he sustained were scratches and cuts from twigs and sticks.
Once Moony let go of the student, the student immediately started to yell. It hurt Moony's ears. They were sensitive in this state. He growled st the student. He stuck his nose up into the air and smelled for people. There was a singular scent that was out of the ordinary. It smelled like... fur. A specific scent though. It was very sweet to the werewolf nose but as the scent got closer, Remus recognized who it was. He could tell that smell apart from a crowd like this. Just a few days ago he had been crying into this scent.
Sirius kept bounding North into the forest, stopping every few minutes to smell the air for the smell of what he assumed would be old books.
While he didn't find the smell of books, he did manage to find a sharp stick with some blood on the end that had been dragged slightly westward. Sirius changed directions to slightly northwest and kept going, still pausing to smell the air. In the distance he could hear Prongs making deer noises. He wasn't sure if he should keep going or head towards James. Suddenly he heard a yell in the direction that he was going and started to sprint faster than he ever had in his dog form.
He arrived at the entrance to what appeared to be a wolf den that was recently abandoned. He smelled the Earth and picked up on the slightest scent of book pages, only to be heavily covered up with what could only be described as the scent of fear and a twinge of bloodlust. Sirius started down into the den, whimpering slightly only to hear a soft rumble in response. He couldn't see very well but only realized what he was facing when he was snout to snout with what he assumed was Remus.
The small light in the werewolf's eyes let Sirius see into what his friend Moony was feeling. He knew that he didn't want to do this and that he was scared. He knew that Remus was afraid of both the physical and emotional pain he would suffer the next day, but he was also afraid that he would hurt his friend.
One of Remus' paws swiped at Sirius on instinct. It clipped a little bit of his side but the swing wasn't controlled. Sirius could see that Remus was trying to take control of himself but he couldn't do it. His werewolf side was much stronger than he himself was and could only fight to restrain the werewolf side.
Sirius had an idea that might work but if it didn't, it might cost him his life.
He reverted from his animagus form and looked at Remus.
"Moony, I know you can hear me. Keep trying to take control but I want you to think about something while you're doing it."
Remus quickly switched his gaze to where Sirius was at and whimpered in response.
"You know how easy it is for me and Prongs and Wormtail to switch animagus forms, right? Think of your werewolf form as an animagus form instead. You have studied how animagi work before; now take that knowledge and use it. I think that you can transform back just like I can. You just have to relax."
Remus seemed to relax but that wasn't what was happening. He had lost his grip on containing the werewolf by listening to Sirius. He wanted to say "move, I lost control" but knew that he couldn't like this. One of his paws swiveled behind him and then struck Sirius' leg. The werewolf had started to stalk towards Padfoot like a leapord about to pounce on its prey.
"I'm sorry Moony, but I have to do this" Sirius said while pulling out his wand. He used a restrictive spell on Remus so that he couldn't move anymore but keeping the concentration on the spell was difficult. He quickly eyed the Ravenclaw student to get up and whispered to him to shoot sparks and flares up into the air to signal the people searching that Remus was secured.
As the sparks shot up into the night sky, Remus had another chance to try and take over the werewolf form of himself. He listened to Sirius' advice and tried to act like he was switching out of an animagus form but didn't know what that felt like. Instead he remembered what it felt like to revert back into a human from a werewolf. It was painful and draining but he figured that if he were to amplify the pain that it caused, he would be able to gain control and revert back.
Once again, he grabbed ahold of his werewolf form but this time sent so much pain into both of them that they fainted. Sirius had noticed that the werewolf was no longer struggling against his hold and released the "chains" a little bit until he realized that Remus was changing back. Once he realized that he dropped the spell and ran to catch Moony.
A few days had passed since the incident and somehow nobody knew that it was Remus that was the werewolf. Apparently using their marauder names instead of their actual names made things harder. The ravenclaw student had been sent to the hospital wing and was patched up in an hour.
Remus however was not so lucky.
He wouldn't wake up.
The doctors had tried a myriad of spells, potions, and poultices to try and get him awake but nothing seemed to work. The only time that he would stir even the slightest bit was whenever his friends would visit him. His heart rate would increase to the heart rate of someone who was awake. His brain activity increased and apparently he could hear everything that was being said, he just couldn't move. Sometimes he might be able to twitch his finger the tiniest amount but it was rare.
James, Sirius, and Peter had all gotten special passes into the hospital wing whenever they wanted to since it seemed like their presence helped him.
One day after the final class, Sirius skipped dinner saying that he needed to study more for Potions and that he had a secret stash of food in his room (he did) but instead he went to the hospital wing to check on Remus.
He was the only one there. As soon as he sat down next to the little hospital bed he started crying. He knew that it was his fault for trying to recommend the idea of animagus transformation to him. He didn't know what to do.
He scooped up Moony's hand in between his own and sat there crying and squeezing his best friends hand. He started mumbling things through his tears until finally he was able to stop crying.
"Hey Moons. I brought a book with me that I wanted to read to you. The doctors said that you can hear me so I figured that I would read you a classic. The story of the Deathly Hallows was always something that you were interested in."
Padfoot started reading, still sniffling sometimes, and kept checking on Moony. Eventually he finished the book and was too tired to go back to the dorm so he laid his head down on the side of the hospital bed and fell asleep with Remus' hand grasped tightly in his.
Sirius kept this up and according to the doctors it was making a large difference. Remus could move his fingers at will and move his toes. Sometimes he was even capable of moving a whole limb but he still couldn't talk or open his eyes.
One day after reading another book to Remus that was a bit longer than the ones he usually read, he was incredibly tired. Whenever he got this tired he would usually sleep in his animagus form so he shifted into the black dog and climbed up onto the bed next to Remus. He got comfortable and went to sleep.
Half way through the night, Sirius felt fingers combing through his fur. He didn't think anything of it and went back to sleep, enjoying the sensation of being petted.
James and Peter had already gotten used to the pattern of going and retrieving Sirius from the side of Remus' bed but this time they stood there in disbelief. Not only was Sirius in dog form but Remus had managed to roll around enough to be able to cuddle up to the dog. Peter asked the doctor what all was happening and apparently when he transformed into his animagus form, it had sort of awoken Remus from his coma. He still wasn't ready to be discharged from the wing yet but he was awake with both eyes open and could kind of talk.
Remus was eventually released and then had to sit through hours and hours of make up lectures and work but after every lecture and after completing every new assignment, he had the best group of friends he could have asked for ready to get into some kind of trouble. For some reason Sirius would always transform in the middle of the night and sleep with Remus but they both loved it and it made Remus feel safer than he had ever felt before.
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combust-catalyst · 5 years
Conflicted Feelings: I love you!
[ Main Idea: A second part of Conflicted Feelings where the reader now has to figure out their feelings while avoiding the very source of them. But how long with that last? ]
[ Notes: I decided to go on ahead and do a second part to the story. Again, I hope you guys like it. Again, I apologize if Bakugou or any other characters involve go OOC. Warning for lengthy. I apologize for any bad grammar. This was almost challenging than I thought considering Bakugou’s character. I had a fun time writing this though! Of course, do be warned for swearing. ]
After the massive embarrassment and complete break down, you had made it a mission to avoid the ash-blond head at any cost. Coming to school through the gates and happen to see him near, quick make a long route to class! It may get your teacher upset at you, but it was worth to avoid any potential attention. Going to lunch and seeing him? Pass on lunch. You would go for a vending machine snack! That would last you until time to go home! Any where he was, you was gone without so much as a hesitation.. It was flight response after all. Any way to avoid anyone that could and would recognize you.
Of course who could forget a person who was acting bashful and staring at Bakugou. Most would just be glaring at him from his attitude, but that wasn’t you. You just had to find him. . . interesting? He was cute? He smelled nice? Nice? Does burnt sugar count as a nice smell? People found gasoline smelled nice, so that probably wasn’t worth putting into question. He was on your mind. Every second of the day. Every tiny thing that reminded you of him. And at UA was almost Bakugou all the time. Given that at school, you still had classwork, so you couldn’t ignore that. 
But that didn’t make it better for you. You was suffocating. And he wasn’t even doing anything! It made no sense! These feelings made no sense! What were you even feeling at this point? It was nervousness being around him or even staring at him. Your heart was racing when you got caught staring at him. You felt like you was on fire and it wasn’t even literal! You would unconsciously smile at him from a distance as if he was the only thing you could see! 
“No,” you shrieked as you slapped your cheeks. “Ow.” 
That wasn’t smart. Now everyone was going to be concerned with why you had just hit yourself. Luckily, no one was around. You had just survived Mission: Impossible and it’s code name was Bakugou. You sighed, “I’m gonna be late to class again.” Even with all these escapes, it was becoming tiresome. Classmates were clearly speechless as you would do anything to avoid the boy. Yet, you didn’t complain. If it gave you a calm and peaceful mind for even a moment, you would take it. 
But it was only short lived because you was certain karma was out to kill you. 
“Can’t this be arranged anoth---?” you pleaded. 
“No,” Aizawa immediately rejected.
“I don’t feel too well and I th---.” you excused.
“If you have enough time to make excuses,” Aizawa interrupted again, “you have enough time to gear up.”
With that, Aizawa left you along with your entire class, who had already left to get changed. Out of any the times you wish you was a ghost, this was a good time! Hell, getting sick sounded better than this! Your teacher had called in saying they would be arriving late and arrange a two class teaching! This was ridiculous! Aizawa was already known for sometimes having a rowdy class, with somewhat good control over them. But with two classes under one teacher until the other one came? That was a lot! You couldn’t even understand how this was such a good idea to begin with. Added to the even worse problem now, there was no escape from impending explosion.
“I’m sooooo dooooom!” you screamed not caring whoever would hear you. You yanked your case containing your outfit and headed off into changing. 
You was quick to leave out of changing room as you did going in. But that didn’t leave you free from the curiosity of your classmates. Some were excited to be on the same class as 1-A. Some were finding it annoying as if worried to be used as training dummies to them. With how Bakugou had considered everyone to be a stepping stone to him, you didn’t find these reactions to be the tiniest bit surprising.
Suddenly, there was a tap on your shoulder, “Pst, you must be excited right?”
“Huh,” you deadpanned. 
“Not a chance,” another classmate declined. “Did you see how that Bakugou guy was yelling at them.” They huffed clearly displeased. “I’d say more scared than excited.”
“Nah,” the first one denied. “I saw them looking at him all the time! Someone whose scared doesn’t always stare for over an hour at a single person out of fear! Especially with dreamy eyes like theirs!”
“Hah!” the second one barked back.”Not a chance! He’s selfish ass of a classmate! He’s only got two things good for him! And that’s the damn attitude and quirk!”
Another student nodded, “I mean he was the very first one to get the highest score in the practical entrance exam.”
“Yeah,” one more joined in. 
“See!” the second one spoke again. “What is so great about someone wanting to be a hero if he’s flaunting like he’s better than everyone?!”
“Stop it!” you screamed which caught everyone off guard. 
This wasn’t what needed to be heard. This was all too harsh! And it was as if you was going to break down! This needed to stop. Glaring at the second classmate, you stomped your way to them. Whether it was pure emotions fueling your actions or the anger you felt at that very moment. Nothing seem to matter. Not even the fear your classmates was giving you. 
Nothing except the phrase: That’s not it! 
It wasn’t it. You may not have interacted with the ash-blond a lot and had a bad first impression of him. And his attitude was fuel on confidence with straightforward goals. His actions were rash and full on power. The respect he gave was rare and one that had meaning. He wasn’t one to half ass things like he always said. If he was going to do something, he was going to do it. Yes, he was loud and swearing, but it was better than being quiet and low voiced like a mouse! But even then under all those things, he was still human. And humans still think, feel, even if it was selfish feeling maybe, say, and do things. 
But you still found him interesting. Life never felt dull. You knew this from first meeting him and from earlier. He was amazing to you. Amazing? No! Cool! Maybe. Yet, you still felt as if you wasn’t say enough. Interesting? If he was interesting, you wouldn’t be defending him. Did that even make any sense? You didn’t know.
Your classmate was backing at the entry door as you stomped closed to them.
“Uh,” they hesitated. 
“It’s true.” you admit which confused everyone. “He’s not the greatest at being a nice person. But I’ve always found him so. . . cute? Nice?” You folded up your hand into a fist. “Yeah, he’s rude! But when you have goal and fears biting at you everywhere you go, what would you do? Huh!” At this point, your classmate had fallen through the door and onto the floor clearly confused and still with fear at you. You stomped your feet down in between their legs. “He’s tries and works hard like everyone else here! He got in here through, didn’t he?! So what if he’s got a great quirk?! Every quirk has a downside and he’s no different, but he doesn’t let that hinder him! He’s aware of it, I bet! With a quirk like that, and everyone else here, it takes a lot of patience and understand to make the best use of it!” Breathing in one last breath, you closed your eyes and stared down. ‘Wait!’
But it was too late. 
“And that’s why I love Katsuki Bakugou!” you declared as you stared at your classmate with tears down your eyes. 
‘Don’t do it.’ you thought, but your mouth kept moving. 
“I love everything about him! Every bad flaw he has, I’m not gonna deny about, but damn it! I love those about him AND his good points!” you added.
You slowly huffed as if a burden had been thrown off your chest. It felt. . . great! You said what you felt. And you was truly sincere. You. . . was in love. 
With Bakugou. 
“Um,” a random voice called out to you and your classmates. 
You looked to your side and to say embarrassed was a sheer understatement at what you saw. It was the rest of class 1-A. If all their expression of pure shock and confusion was one thing. Leave it to the fact a few had quite a few “I hear what you said” cheeky smirks. Even Bakugou, the person you had been making it a mission to avoid, had over heard everything. You glanced away clearly not wanting to see his expression. Why would you? You just basically humiliated him in front of everyone.
‘He must hate me now.’ you thought as tears started to fall down your face more.
You rushed to try and wipe the tears away from your face, but only more came. You looked like a mess. A disgusting mess. And now a possible laughing stock to everyone around you.
“Hey,” one of your classmates went to comfort you along with one of the girls from 1-A. 
Instead of taking their generous concern, you just acted on instinct again. What was the point of being here? You just found out NOW how you feel and confessed in front of everyone INCLUDING your  now called crush! Slipping away, you dashed off again. The only sound of angry yelling and pleads coming your way, but they were drowned out by the distance between and your sobbing voice.
You had made it to Recovery Girl’s infirmary. Lucky enough, she was generous and allowed you inside as you was red from tears and slightly in pain. She offered to heal you as she was probably concerned if you had been sore in some place. You shook your head at the offer. It may fix the painful eyes, but it wouldn’t fix your broken heart. Instead, you pleaded with her to allow you to stay and rest. Besides, your heart needed the rest and some place quiet sounded really nice right now.
“Alright,” Recovery Girl agreed. “I can see what you need most right now is time.”
“Thank you,” you smiled.
“But,” she interjected.
You blinked confused at the sudden “but”. 
Recovery Girl’s face smiled, “Time is short. If you live in regret and fear, you won’t be able to move forward in life. Take risk and chances, they may end up being the best and cherished moments of your life.”
You didn’t quite understand what she was getting at. She shook her head claiming you’ll see. She slowly made a walk to the door, “I’ll be going out to talk to Aizawa about your arrival and see what he has to say on it. That includes your teacher as well. I’ll be leaving my door open in case you choose you are comfortable again and ready to leave.”
“Thank you so much Recovery Girl,” you smiled wider; almost making your cheeks hurt. 
With that, she had left you to yourself to think. Time? What time? You had a lot of time. Although, you weren’t immortal. And what’s wrong with fear, it’s natural to be afraid. Sometimes you had accept some things. Even if it hurts. . . Very badly. What risk was there to take? If it was about Bakugou, that was long gone now. How could he like you even--much more even love you? That was too much a dream. Especially after the staring and that sudden speech! 
You cuddle up in the bed sheets wishing you hadn’t even thought of him because now you was burning up again.
“I love him.” you mumbled as a smile came across your cheeks. “I love. . . Bakugou Katsuki.” You gave the sheets a tight squeeze. It felt so nice to say it. 
You wondered if you could keep saying it over and over again. 
Too bad, that didn’t last long.
“Damn it,” a voice growled. 
“Dude,” another one called out, “you gotta chill.”
“Yeah,” a third joined in, “they couldn’t have THAT gotten far.”
That voice! Was that Bakugou? What was he doing here? And he wasn’t alone. There was two others as well. 
“Why the fuck are you two following me?” Bakugou barked. “Get lost!”
“Do you have to be so mean to us?” the third one asked. “We’re only trying to help. Besides, you probably scared them off again if they see you.”
“You---,” he growled.
“What Denki means to say is they was really surprised!” the second spoke up as if to ease the tension. 
You glanced at the door from the infirmary. That was Bakugou alright, but the other two you could remember somewhat well. If you recall them from the Sport Festival; Kirishima and Kaminari. They had been known to be around Bakugou a lot along with some other people you had heard about. 
“What are they doing searching for me?” you questioned as you peeked from behind the curtain. 
Only it was your mistake to. As you noticed their silhouettes, you found it kind of cute how Bakugou was still goofy with how expressive his silhouette that still showed irritation. The other two looked to be backing off. Not in fear, but more to calm the explosive boy down. It was then when you got distracted a red-eye had locked into your own from a small peek from outside the infirmary door.. You shrieked before hiding in the sheets.
“IfuckedupIfuckedupIfuckedupIfuckedupIfuckedup!” you lowly shrieked.
“Did you hear that,” Kirishima asked. 
“It’s coming from in Recovery Girl’s infirmary.” Kaminari deduced. 
‘Oh no,’ you worried as you squinted your eyes.
“Get going,” Bakugou ordered lowly as if his voice was more calm than usual.
“Oh come on!” Kaminari whined. 
“I’m only gonna say this once,” Bakugou warned. “I don’t need your help. Get lost.”
“You c---.” Kaminari protested.
“Okay,” Kirishima nodded. 
“Kirishima, you can not be serious!” Kaminari argued.
“Right now,” Kirishima sighed, “this is Bakugou’s own personal battle. Were rooting for ya, bud!”
“Tch,” Bakugou hissed.
It soon remained silent. And for a second you felt at ease. As you slipped out of the sheets to sigh a relief, the curtain was ripped, metaphorically, open to reveal a pissed off Bakugou.
“Found you,” he grinned. 
“Ahhhh,” you screamed as you rushed into hiding again.
“Not that shit again,” the ash-blond hissed as he pulled the sheet to reveal your swollen eyes and blushing face. 
You glanced again to avoid any more eye contact. Your heart was racing again. You wanted to shift away. Besides, Bakugou was probably grossed out by how you looked. Anyone would be. Your muscles wouldn’t move. You couldn’t shift further away. You was. . . cornered? There was literally no other escape out of this now.
“You look like shit.” he responded. 
“I know,” you only admitted a bit soured though.
It was silent for awhile. You could hear the sound of a chair being shifted near you. Was he really not going to leave?  
“Say it again,” he demanded.
“What?” you asked glancing only to glance away when you noticed his eyebrow twitched.
“Don’t make me repeat myself.” he growled.
“Huh,” you still didn’t understand.
Until it clicked.
“Oh!,” you realized, “you mean. . . that.” Your face was burning up again. 
“Well, duh,” Bakugou said. “What the fuck did you think I meant?”
“I don’t know.” you spoke sadly. “About how you’re rude and abrasive, but I still lov----.”
“You. Are.Doing. It. AGAIN!” Bakugou barked his patience running low. 
“I LOVE YOU!” you screamed in nervousness.
It was happening again. The tears was running down your sore cheeks. You only made hiccup noises as you wanted to rub your eyes. Sadly, you felt the stinging in your eyes, so rubbing was a definite no go. You heard a sigh from the ash-blond. You wasn’t sure, but you was surely scared from his silence. 
“Quit crying,” he mumbled. “You’re only making it worse.”
“Eh,” you glanced up.
To your surprised, the sudden anger that was there was no longer tense. The air felt. . . awkward? Bakugou was scratching his head as he too was looking away. The redness a bit faint on his ears. Was he. . . nervous? This was a rather extremely rare moment for you to see the explosive student of 1-A, Bakugou Katsuki, being red and nervous.
“Damn it,” he swore. “What you said earlier. . . that, uh, was a confession wasn’t it, right? That whole “love” shit. Fuck.”
You was a bit lost for words as you was witnessing your crush literally struggling to say anything. Why did it feel so. . . adorable? It was as if the sudden anger and all things you heard from rumors feel flat to what you was literally witnessing right in front of you. Right now, the pain in your eyes was an afterthought, because right now, right in front of you, your crush, the person you was in love with, looked so different. As if, Bakugou was having his own problems.
He glared you, his face once again the usual pissed off, but it felt as if the redness had spread even faster. “ANSWER ME!”
“YES,” you squeaked as redness of your own showed up. “I mean,” you swallowed a lump in your throat, “yes, it was a confession, I think?”
“You think,” he deadpanned. “Then all that shit you said about me earlier was just you sprouting nonsense bull crap, huh?”
“No,” you denied. “I meant it, but it came out really stupid probably even grossed you out.”
“And so what?” he said. 
You blinked, “What?”
“You said exactly what you fucking felt and held true to your shit on those feelings.” he complimented. “You stood up to that bastard you was yelling at earlier, didn’t you? And saying all that emotional shit. Heh, that takes some fucking guts to sprout all that.”
You remained speechless at his words. Was this a compliment and a “good job”? Was he praising you for confessing or standing up for what you felt? Did he not know it was about him? No, he should have know from the whole “I love Katsuki Bakugou” part.
He continued, “I guess this is the part where I’m supposed to give you some answer, huh?” He was scratching his head harder. 
‘He’s a lot more cuter when he’s struggling.’ you externally smiled. ‘It’s like he’s still not sure what to do with his own feelings to answer mine.’
His red-eyes locked with your own again. “Quit smiling at me, damn it!”
“Sorry,” you apologize smiling even harder. “It’s just you look cute when confused? Like even people like you have a hard time when it comes to feelings of the heart.”
“C-cute,” his eye twitched at a lost at the word coming from you. 
Was that too soon?
“I don’t mean to insult!” you defended. 
“Tsk,” he scoffed, “listen well then, dumbass!”
You nervously nodded.
“As of right now,” he grinned, “I’ll accept these stupid feeling or some shit.”
You felt your heart was being lifted. Was he saying to go out? Was this a date? You didn’t deny, you felt amazing that your feelings was being acknowledged, but how he was doing it was confusing you more than ever. 
“Under one condition,” he demanded.
“Eh,” you asked a bit worried now.
“Show me,” he ordered. “Show me exactly how you feel! Words can mean a lot of shit, but if you really do love me as you claim then show me! Don’t hold back! Don’t half-ass it! And don’t go soft on me either! Just because you got some feelings for me shouldn’t hold you back! You love me, right?! Then come at me with all you got!”
You was going to say something, but before you got the chance to even put your own cent in it, Bakugou was already pulling away from your bed and scooting the chair back in the place it was before. Was he leaving? 
“Wait, please, don’t leave,” you pleaded as you grabbed onto hand. 
“Huh?” he paused taking notice of the tight grip you had on his hand. 
“Please,” your red embarrassment and redness from tears still there. “Stay with me. Here. Please.” you swallowed. “I’ll show you how much I feel because no one has impacted me so hard as you do, Bakugou! Just this once though, could you hold my hand and keep me company! Please! I know it’s asking a lot after all that has happen and you mu---.”
“Alright, geez,” Bakugou groaned. “Will you stop with the pleases?! Fucking hell!” He placed the seat back where he had it previously as he never let go of your hand--almost matching the grip of tightness. “Now gets some fucking rest, alright!”
You nodded almost about to cry again as you smiled, “MHM!”
“And stop crying!” he barked. “You act like I’m going to disappear or something!”
“I’m just,” you said as you snuggled into the sheets again, but a bit closer to Bakugou as you let your other hand encase his one hand he gave you, “I’m so happy! Can you blame me? It feels like a dream right now. . .” The tiresomeness from earlier was now starting to settling down on you. Your eyes slowing drifting off to close. “Thank you.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he grumbled looking away.
 “And Bakugou,” you called grabbing the boy’s attention again.
“I said get some rest and quit ta--,” he stopped.
A joyous smile on your face as you stared at the boy, “I love you, Bakugou Katsuki.”
You was certain you saw more red on his face. Or was that his eyes? You was losing vision and sound started to fade. Yet, you was at ease. Everything was moving slower now and just having him near; right now. You felt as if you truly was comfortable. Truly safe. Truly. . .
Complete. And in love. In love with Bakugou Katsuki and even if it was only accepted. That was enough for you because you wasn’t alone anymore.
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pcthstrayed · 5 years
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( ross butler, 19, he/him )  welcome to  san francisco, ARLO PARK.  rumor has it they are a WITCH/DARKLIGHTER, but only they could tell you the truth! when i close my eyes, i think of them and imagine BLOODSTAINS SCRUBBED OUT OF CREAM COLORED CARPETS, LYFT SCOOTERS, AND THE PRODIGAL SON.
     are you as tired of me doing intros as i am? ‘cuz bruh.  you’re getting the lazy sparknotes version bc i’m tired and gay.
 arlo is penelope park’s cousin! sadly he  ( thinks he is )  tragically heterosexual, but it would have been nice if the family radiated big gay energy.  idk maybe it isn’t too late for him, we’ll see.  he’s also a student at salvatore.  i think he used to go to a public school back home, but i think Some Fucked Up Things Happened and his mom panicked and decided he needed to be around some more positive role models.  hence why he was sent to salvatore.  
speaking of Some Fucked Up Things...  arlo’s dad is Not a good guy.  i want to say he uses his magic for evil, and it’s gotten him ostracized from the coven.  arlo has always been his dad’s closest ally, and sort of confidante, so his mom was shooketh when she found out that not only was bad dad bad, but that arlo had known all along and hadn’t said anything.  he thought he could contain it, maybe talk him out of some of his terrible ideas, but his dad is Not OK and needs help.   but everything fell apart, his parents divorced and his dad is basically m.i.a. now.   rip.  
( edit oct 2019 )  but here is the thing y’all, arlo’s dad is not his biological father. when his parents were trying to have kids they found out his dad couldn’t have kids. so they used a sperm donor and voila arlo was born! tbh arlo is pretty dumb so i don’t think he’s really even like become cognizant of the fact that he and his dad don’t look alike, and don’t have much in common.  is this ignorance or naivety? idk, if your parents tell you something who are you to question it.  anyways his mom never told him the truth even after everything with his dad bc she was afraid she would lose him. he was already closer with his father and she could feel him slipping down the wrong path. fear is a powerful motivator y’all.
personality wise he’s a ‘lil emo, a lil dramatic, always thinks people are talking shit about him.  in his defense, a lot of times they are.  his dad kind of fucked up their family’s reputation and since he’s from california ( i wanna say malibu ),  he’s lived in this area for most of his life so it’s not really a fresh start.  he’s also pissed he can’t go home and visit his dogs which is a fucking mood and a half. 
since his family is a mess, his family’s money is... dwindling, i could see him doing magic for hire on the side.  basically you want something done? something you’re not super proud of or above board? he’ll help you out my dudes, dudettes, and persons.  he’s got you.  
UPDATE JAN 26, 2020
arlo  has  tapped  into  that  park  family  gay  energy  and  acknowledged  his  chaotic  bisexual  energy.  he  has  feelings  for  both  amber  and  callum  and  is  trying  to  come  to  terms  with  everything.  yet  —  lmao,  his  sexuality  is  hardly  the  biggest  situation  at  the  current  moment  in  time.
after  callum  murdered  maya  marceli  in  cold  blood,  arlo  helped  him  bury  the  body.  he  didn’t  hesitate,  simply  did  what  needed  to  be  done.  it  wasn’t  the  first  time  he  helped  someone  dispose  of  a  body  and  the  only  reason  he  felt  bad  about  it  was  because  it  was  maya.  he  knew her,  he  liked  her,  but  he’d  have  done  anything  to  protect  callum.  
his  best  friend,  bradley  duke  (  @teenagewste​  )  recently  got  involved  with  finn  mikaelson.  when  the  vampire  was  whammied  by  the  horseman  famine,  he  came  up  with  a  contingency  plan  to  ensure  he  would  never  end  up  daggered.  a  spell  was  put  in  place  and  as  soon  as  he  was  daggered,  he  body-jumped  straight  into  arlo  and  left  town  while  the  barrier  was  down.   bye  bye  body. 
in  order  to  make  sure  his  friend  doesn’t  spend  his  prime  years  in  a  coffin,  bradley  spelled  arlo  into  the  body  of  morgan  cummings  —  a  triggered,  very  angry  werewolf,  who  isn’t  pleased  about  the  situation.   until  they  can  track  down  finn  with  a  locator  spell,  this  is  really  the  best  of  the  bad  options.
remember  how  i  said  arlo  doesn’t  know  his  bio  dad  ?  turns  out,  his  bio  dad  is  jack  of  darklighter  fame.   so  not  only  is  he  a  witch  but  he’s  a  darklighter.  somewhere  in  tahiti,  finn  mikaelson  is  having  a  fuckin’  field day.   arlo  doesn’t  know  any  of  this  yet  tho  sooooo  lmao  we’re  in  for  a  STORM.  
UPDATE FEB 22, 2020
so  the  angry  werewolf  kept  trying  to  kill  them  both,  so  bradley  bradley  started  looking  for  a  new  body  to  throw  his  friend  into.   he  found  a  dumb,  tall,  white  dude,  who  was  seemingly  human  and  normal  and  said  yes,  this  is  the  right  one.  so  arlo  jumped  into  aiden  kincaid’s  body  and  eh  voila.  
arlo  reluctantly  agrees,  mostly  bc  he’s  afraid  of  morgan,  and  he  jumps  in.   except,  yeah,  this  body’s  in  transition.   he  has  a  choice  to  make;   feed,  or  die.   except  he  doesn’t  because  oops,  yeah,  he  fed.   now  he’s  a  vampire  soooo  this  should  be  fun  !!
after  removing  famine’s  ring  from  daniel  warren  /  levi  stone’s  finger,  it  was  given  to  finn  mikaelson  (  in  the  body  of  arlo  park  )  for  safekeeping.   while  the  horseman  might  be  out  of  commission  for  now,  he  was  very  cognizant  of  the  fact  that  it  would  likely  only  be  temporary.
self  preservation  in  mind,  finn  did  the  only  thing  that  made  sense.   he  found  a  body  that  no  one  would  assume  him  to  ever  take  —  her  name  was  fiona  michaels.   the  irony  wasn’t  lost  on  him  and  he  thought  it  was  a  very  tongue-in-cheek  way  of  hiding  in  plain  sight.  (  no  one  would  expect  a  mikaelson  to  be  that  obtuse.  )   he  put  arlo’s  body  on  ice  and  delivered  it  back  to  him  with  a  intricately  scrawled  thank  you  note  with,  of  course,  no  mention  of  the  danger  he  would  potentially  be  in  if  daniel  /  levi  /  famine  ever  decided  to  retaliate.  oops.
arlo  got  his  body  back,  moved  back  home  with  his  mother,  and  had  his  boyfriend  move  in  too.  they’ve  never  had  the  ‘what  are  we’  talk,  but  they  can  barely  spend  a  few  hours  apart  so  it  feels  kind  of  inevitable.  he’s  still  in  the  closet  with  his  mother  though  because  if  she  knew  the  truth,  they  certainly  wouldn’t  be  allowed  to  share  his  room  anymore.  this  is  a  lie  he  doesn’t  mind  keeping.  besides,  they  owe  him.
his  parents  are  trying  to  marry  him  off  to  victoria  villalobos.  her  father  made  an  arrangement  with  his  father.  as  far  as  his  mother  knows,  spades  is  a  respectable  businessman  and  it’s  a  good  family.  she  thinks  this  is  good  for  him,  that  he  could  be  happy.  (  she,  after  all,  married  for  love  and  all  it  brought  her  was  pain.  )  he  tried  to  say  no,  tried  to  stand  up  to  his  father  for  once  in  his  life,  but  he  made  it  clear  there  was  no  choice.   if  arlo  messes  this  up,  it’s  his  mother’s  blood  on  his  hands.   so  he’s  going  to  marry  victoria  because  he  has  no  other  choice.  to  protect  his  family,  he’d  do  anything.  the  worst  part  is  that  as  much  as  he  hates  his  father,  he  still  loves  him.  no  matter  what  he  does,  what  lines  he  crosses,  his  devotion  is  almost  pathological.   there  is  a  part  of  him  too  that  wonders  if  he’s  destined  to  become  his  father  even  though  he’s  done  everything  in  his  power  to  resist  it.  he  killed  a  version  of  himself  from  some  other  timeline,  not  to  mention  he  helped  bury  an  innocent  girl,  so  if  there’s  a  slippery  slope  he  feels  like  he’s  skidding  dangerously  close  to  it.
he  is  on  the  verge  of  discovering  his  darklighter  powers  so  stay  tuned  for  that.
- people that finn mikaelson might have crossed or pissed off when he was in his body. - someone finn might have helped when he was riding arlo’s body. (taken by henrik) - he’s learning how to orb so winding up in different places might be kind of funny. bonus points if it’s at awkward or inopportune times. - someone who knows about dark lighters / what this orbing means so that he can sort of understand wtf is happening and how it’s possible.  (taken by parker) - he walks dogs so maybe he made a friend while out walking them?????
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I’m about to unleash a LONG review of HTTYD3: The Hidden World RIDDLED with spoilers sooooo... (this is probably trash, it’s been several days since i started this so idk the flow and my thought process was a mess but i better post this now before i forget)
Spoiler free review: 9/10, I did cry, personally felt it was on par with HTTYD2 butttt I like it in a different way to HTTYD2... the animation? ferguckin’ gorgeous, there are fracking LEVELS to the beauty of the Hidden World (the actual place and the movie)...and Astrid’s hair??? mmmm yeah goals
OK SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT (and it looooong yall)
Ok so time to explain the 1/10:
the flow wasn’t as smooth?? as it could have been... it all made sense why things happened and where the motivations came from but...the transitions from sequence to sequence seemed...a little disjointed??? there were parts (maybe it was because i had a kid with me so I got distracted in like two parts) where I was like “oh wait something is happening?? oh wait no yeah I get it sure...so it took me second to realise how one scene got to the other (but again that might’ve been because i was distracted.)...and as a result of the slightly jarred flow, the pace seemed a little disrupted??? maybe it’s just me wanting more, but it felt like things could’ve been a bit...meatier??
also, this was a very Hiccup and Toothless film (I mean obviously, and this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, and I intend to discuss how great it is later), and so it sorta left little fulfilment or finality for the side characters...they all had their moments sure, and somewhat of an end, but i feel like just a minute here and there more to give them a more satisfying character ending would’ve been nice...
NOW ONTO THE 9/10, and since we’re here already, let’s talk side characters
Tuffnut finally got a chance to shine for more than a second of screentime, and while he remained the comedic relief he’s always been (in the films, haven’t seen the shows or short films), it was fun to see him branch out and engage with Hiccup directly...the continuous through-line of him and his beard and trying to impart wisdom on Hiccup was great... Ruffnut also got some solid screentime and she finally made her choice of man (when really she didn’t have any for reasons I will explain later) and “accepted” Fishlegs...but idk didn’t care about that, her scene when she was “captured” by Grimmel was fantastic...Kristen Wiig delivered perfectly from intonation to comedic timing, loved her work! 
Snotlout...I literally had to pause a few seconds just now after typing his name bc *sigh*...we all know Snotlout’s has mild braggadocio...he spitting words with no follow through...annnd that doesn’t much change??? He’s still trying to front and compete with Hiccup and then Eret, and that was originally his charm point...but I would’ve liked to see him find validation in himself rather than an intentional compliment from Valka...and speaking of Valka??? Snotlout just latching onto the closest woman likkkkeeee Snotlout calm down you’re like 40 years younger than her??? maybe not 40 but point is Valka is a badass dragon momma who really isn’t going your way...I just wanted Snotlout to have his moment... 
Fishlegs...yeah he was all dragon daddy carrying his baby Gronkle around and also enjoying his baby Gronkle and that big dragon’s friendship...also Ruffnut has claimed him...bc Snotlout is chasing Valka...so there’s no real option for her (she moved on from Eret and her self-confidence is kinda dope)
Eret, son of Eret...I wanted more of him...he just hanging around making passing comments and being the knowledgeable other about Grimmel...and then he had a little something something implied with Gobber??? they had some scenes that had me side-eyeing hardcore... Gobber basically has the same relationship he had with Stoick, but with Hiccup...general calling him out, questioning his lack of planning...just sorta done with everything...true sassy queen...and also yeah him and Eret??? suss
Valka, my queen, my dragon wizard lord who floats through the clouds... maintains her badassery and voice of wisdom role but again steps back to make way for Hiccup and Toothless...and she encouraged Snotlout, for which I am not down...like sure support him but ugh you know he’s into you so just...just...no
Grimmel...definitely a more fleshed out villain than the Red Death and Drago...not necessarily a complex villain, but he was a lot smarter and impacted Hiccup in a way the other two didn’t...rather than using blood and fire to cut to Hiccup’s core, he lured Toothless away and forced Hiccup into a sobering reality that he and Toothless can’t always be together...that said, his “death” was kinda lame...could’ve had more of a bang than probably drowning
The Light Fury was used in an interesting way...she’d already been captured and was used as bait, not just stumbled upon in the wilderness as I had assumed from the trailers...I enjoyed how she was so clearly a wild dragon...from the way she responded to Toothless and his attempts at flirting, spurred him to tap into his true potential and abilities that Valka had alluded to in HTTYD2, to how she always trying to get him to come away into the sky and away from the humans...that said I love how she gradually warmed up to Hiccup...not in the way Toothless did, but in a way where you knew she acknowledged that Hiccup was someone who was important to Toothless, and had no desire to harm her or other dragons and the fact she was the one who saved both Toothless and Hiccup at the end was great...
Astrid, once again, is the only one (aside from Valka, and apparently Eret) with any real sense, both common and fighting...she’s kept to her roots as a skilled fighter in her own right, as opposed to the others relying heavily on their dragons...her chemistry with Hiccup continued to be adorable and flirtatious and pure and wholesome and with all the mad banter...her being so firm against being married so quickly bouncing off Hiccup’s clearly apparent willingness to tie the knot was an adorable under-plot...her character was probably the most consistent of all the characters imo...and she got a fulfilling ending...plus once again, her hair, ESPECIALLY IN THE WEDDING SCENE WAS SO FRIGGEN GORGEOUS AND BEATS ALL ANIMATED HAIR EVER
And now the boys of the hour, Hiccup and Toothless
This was a Hiccup and Toothless film. No side story about his mom and dad, no arbitrary villain just there to cause conflict. This was a film about two best friends in an increasingly complicated world realising that in order to tackle that world? They’d have to separate. It’s the same feeling as realising that the people you grew up with or the friends you made in school won’t be able to stay by your side anymore. You each have a path to take and it’s not one that can be shared...maybe run parallel at times but not the whole way. This is what our boys had to face. 
I love love LOVED that there were sooo many parallels to the first movie...ugh to have that footage so I can count and display all the moments that just brought you back to all the charm and things you fell in love with in the first movie, but with more meaning, more stories to tell...it’s like when I saw Miley Cyrus sing The Climb again many many years after the Hannah Montana movie...there was suddenly more depth to her performance...this was the vibe I got..and it was obviously intentional in bringing so many parallels to the first movie...bringing the story full circle and all that, and of course it culminated in the most perfect moment, the moment that started us all on this journey...
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BUT IN THE MOTHERFRACKING REVERSE!!! this was the moment that let those tears slip...I had gone in expecting to cry, but had far and away found myself having more fun and slowly accepting that maybe...maybe I wouldn’t cry in this movie...we got to the big goodbye, and I embodied my inner Jake Peralta and was like cool cool cool no tears yet, I can make it through and then BAM! they did the reverse hand touch and tears were spilled, and my friends were just watching me with unbridled glee in the dark as I got emotional...I’d been watching with increasing suspicion as moment after moment echoed the first movie, but somehow I didn’t realise they would do the reverse hand thing...maybe it’s because the hand thing had been embedded in every moment that Hiccup and the dragon riders encountered new dragons that I did not expect he would ever have to do it to Toothless again?? but in reverse???? because he was letting GO?!?!?!?!?! god it hit me hard...
But then a downside: they started to overuse it in the prologue-y sorta bit with the kids and meeting Toothless again...liiikkkeeee we already had that major impactful, emotional moment...why overuse it??? i would’ve much rathered they just gazed at each other for a bit before Toothless suddenly gives his signature toothless grin...or he swoops in and grabs Hiccup by the pegleg into the air, freaks everyone out, only to do the upside down grin thing- that would’ve been great...I mean they had that moment with the Light Fury but I wouldn’t have minded if they used that one again...
my mind is wandering and this probs doesn’t make any sense at this point sooo: the separation thing! good they established the over-reliance on the dragons and Hiccup’s thinking he can’t do well without Toothless, and Astrid, my QUEEN, coming in and telling him what’s what...and also not marrying him until he was more certain of himself because she knew if he wasn’t ready to face the world alone, he wasn’t ready to face the world with her (at least that’s my interpretation and again idk where I’m going with this thought process)...also love that Hiccup was lowkey jealous of the Light Fury...also also glad she never got a name...keeps her wild, as she should be...
I think this was definitely an incredible ending to an incredible trilogy of films...maybe not Toy Story perfect, but it was full of heart and emotion and continuously brought you back to all the wonder of the first film. Literally, there were so many parallels to the first film it was insane...while I talked about disjointed flow earlier, this incorporation of these callbacks was so well embedded, becoming just a natural proceeding of events... 
I’m coming back to this review after several days so idk where I was going with this soooo just gonna wrap this up:
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10- Plain Speaking
Last installment was the sad story of Garrett’s demise. as we found out last time Klint is the villain, this week we get a small window into what he’s been doing. Hope you like it! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The abandoned GM plant in Lansing was fully lit and hummed with production. The parking lot was as empty as it ever was. Inside up-to-date robots and conveyors stretched from end to end of the plant floor. No employee walked the floor but production continued on at full speed. The body assembly area had been completely re-purposed creating machines of variable shape and size. Inside the main office two humans sat chatting. A man and a woman, the man wearing a suit with a scarf, his hair slicked back, he stood tall and slender. His hands clasped behind his back looking onto the production floor.
“I just don’t understand. Why do they resist? Why do they not see the truth and power of my knowledge?”
The woman laid out on a couch with a GameCube controller in hand playing Super Smash Bros. Melee. She had picked fox and moved frame perfect quickly eliminating the bots she was matched against. She was very slim and stood about six inches shorter than the man. She paused her game and smiled at him. “Cause Klint, nobody could possibly be as smart as you, they can’t see the world how we do.” Her tone was slightly sarcastic. The inflection and rhythm of her speech matched exactly with how Kevin spoke. “Besides, who cares we have each other. Don’t let those other people bring you down.”
“They are slowing down progress though!” smashing his fist against the wall as he turned back to the woman and crouched down to match her height “I want to make the world perfect for you Emma. I want us to live in a place where people actually value knowledge, and will take the time to learn what they don’t know, and we can have productive arguments among educated people.”
Emma reached out a hand and ruffled Klint’s hair “You shouldn’t do your hair like this, it makes you look like an anime villain, besides I think you look cute when it's just natural. Anyway, Does it really matter that much? Maybe some people should be allowed to just screw off. You know we made it this far without everyone being perfect”
Klint smiled and kissed her. He pulled out a phone and tapped a few buttons. Emma turned back to her game and began playing again her serious game face returning. Klint sat down at a desk and popped up a projection, a map of North America. He let out a deep sigh before speaking again. “OK let's review what has happened so far.”
Emma paused her game again and stood up “Oh sweet, we can really list out just how great I am at this...and how...OK your plans were.”
“Hey, I spent years crafting this plan, if it wasn’t for me you wouldn’t be here. Give me some credit at least.”
“Yeah yeah, just remember who the best is while we do this”
Klint extended an arm, pointing this his finger, “yellow” he spoke clearly, marks appeared on the map. He began shading in the Midwest.
Emma struck a comical pose learning backwards and extending her arm out, her hand shaped like a gun. “Red” she closed one eye “bang” Red marks splattered across a large portion of the south and west. She then opened her hand keeping her fingers together “fwoosh, schwing schwing” she made large lines cutting through almost all of Canada.
Klint finished filling in the east coast and shook his head. Before he could say anything Emma poked him. “See, look at my part, it's like thirty-five times bigger than yours”
“I’ll give you three maybe…”
“No way! Its definitely more than three”
“Calculate area as percent, yellow against red”
On the projection a display popped up “27% yellow 73% Red” Emma put her hands on her hips and puffed out her chest “See, you got wrecked”
“That isn't three times, sooooo”
“Doesn’t matter I still beat you so hard”
“I’m not wrong though. Besides I highly doubt your drawing is accurate, how can you even know you covered that much area and mine that isn’t overlapping with yours”
Emma sighed “Whatever Klint I don’t want to sit here and argue with you about this. Let's get to the next part”
“Green” Klint slowly drew a line starting from Portland as it moved east the line widened, splitting off at a few points. It ended just east of Omaha. He then moved over to the east coast. He began shading in near DC extending to the coast and a few cities south. The calculation still on display now showed “21% Yellow 60% Red” “These areas and that fucking internet troll account for the resistors.”
“Ah, that troll. I kind of love that guy. He's fighting for the people”
“Yeah but what is he really defending. He may be enlightened himself but he fights to defend a world of idiots sharing unverified information on the internet?”
“You gotta it admit, even if it is dangerous, The internet is really fun sometimes”
“Yeah but are those fun times worth it?”
“I think so, if you have a truly unrestricted platform like that, sure maybe it allows for some people to circulate in their stupidity, but it also opens paths for great-” Klint pressed a button on his phone and Emma fell silent.
She walked over and calmly sat down in Klint’s lap as he continued on. “The recon probes I’ve sent out show in the east a small military force has survived. They are going to be a problem. But when we have finished manufacturing the auto-tanks, we should be able to wipe them out pretty quick”
“Yah know, if we just went with my idea and waited to launch the virus until we had weapons built you wouldn’t have to deal with this uprising”
Klint playfully tickled her sides “Oh you are so smart aren’t you, you predicted that some military brat would survive.” His voice changed to a more serious tone “But waiting would have been too risky, you think I could have operated this plant when everybody was just living their day to day lives?”
“...yeah. It's an abandoned building nobody has been in this thing for a millions of years until we came along”
“I just think the likelihood of someone catching us coming in here was too high”
Emma sighed “OK, I don’t care, your plan didn’t work. So obviously there were better options”
“No but seriously, how could we have pulled it off?”
“Klint. I don’t care.”
“Alright alright, this line in the west though, that is what has me concerned.”
“Ah yes the ‘all of our hard work undone by seemingly normal people’ line”
“Yes… How the fuck are these people surviving. Most of the cities are stable, nobody is rioting or murdering each other, no zombies within their city limits. It just doesn’t make sense!”
“Maybe they stopped the zombies using the power of positivity” Emma jumped out of the chair and pointed to the ceiling “They never gave up hope and they took all of your silly survival calculations and threw them out the window! They made the impossible possible”
Klint laughed off the idea “Oh yeah, that thing Kevin was always going on about, how any human has the potential to be truly great if they believe in themselves”
Emma tilted her head “Who is Kevin?”
Klint looked at her with a confused expression “I’ve told you about him before. He is like you, but you know, a guy.” Klint paused for a second his voice now becoming somber “He was my best friend before the outbreak”
Emma wrapped her arms around Klint “Don’t worry, well get to see him eventually Right? When we meet him Ima destroy him in smash bros. If he is just like me a bet he’s pretty good”
Klint looked at her for a moment “yeah… yeah I’ll get to see him again. But I just don’t know if he’ll ever be the same.”
He took another deep breath “What do we do about this green line?”
“Well we can’t just march out there and tell them ‘give up, kill yourselves!’ So we just have to keep watching the recon reports until we figure out how they are doing this”
“You are right, there has to be something logical to explain what is happening here. I’m just really surprised people are surviving out there without structure. I figured most women didn’t really have the skills to survive in the wild”
“Why does it have to be women?” Emma turned to look at him, her face a few degrees away from rage.
“Well a lot of girls just aren’t really brought up to have skills you’d need, yah know like hunting, making shelter stuff like that”
“Oh and guys are any different. Don’t most of you just sit around playing video games or jerking off”
“Hey now, plenty of guys still learn those skills though, even if it is just recreational”
“Tell me Klint” Emma put her hand gently under his chin “Who cooks dinner every night, me or you? Who would do that for you without society?” Klint turned to his phone again and the conversation ended.
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