#she has to go there everyday to feed her horse like the owner would do it for her but she gets a discount on board if she does it herself
loverboybitch · 1 year
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went to visit my sister and my mom yesterday. got to see my sisters new barn and these lil guys.//.
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thefamily · 4 years
Chapter Two 1824 October 10th Part 1: Snow
A/N: Re-uploaded and semi-heavily edited.
(Word Count:1657)
        It’s been a full year since Jack met Liru and since then things have gotten a little weird but also a little better. Now they feed him everyday, granted it’s a piece of stale bread but it’s better then nothing, besides Liru gives him food everyday even when she’s busy she’ll just send Stella with a sack of food. Although weird things keep happening around here since then. For one Liru keeps getting spotted more, almost every week as it was about once every other month before that. Second Mrs. BlanchField, The orphanage’s owner, had gotten attacked and lost her left hand, the one she slapped him with a few hours before hand, after he told Liru. She won't say what happened but he thinks it might have been a wild dog or something. The third thing was that whenever Liru gave him flowers, instead of wilting they would grow whenever he held them and wherever he went that plant life seemed to flourish.
        Another thing was that there were two voices in my head now. One in pain that sounded a lot like me but sounded like it was struggling to speak, and the other was this weird… noise? He’s not sure what it is but he does know that it’s either scared of Liru or hates her. Probably both in all honesty and the thing he hates the most about it is that it keeps trying to control him, like it’s trying to possess me as if it was a demon… he thinks it wants to hurt Liru but he’s not sure, but what he is sure of is that he won't let it.
        The final thing is actually what is happening now, he was doing what Liru said to do, waiting outside watching the roads while staying out of people's way praying to whatever higher power exists that they leave him alone, his back already hurts bad enough from this morning. All of the sudden he can feel the people tense but the land almost seems to relax. 
        He doesn't know how or why he’s never noticed how the land seemed to be tense up until this moment but it’s relaxation seems to make him relax with it. He quickly stands up, his attention pulled to the dirt road where people seem to be scrambling away from until his eyes land on a large snow white horse with a main and tail the color of the night sky and he swears he can see it’s eyes glowing green from here.
        The horse seemed to be a few centimetres smaller than Stella with something in its mouth as it trotted up the road to the orphanage. He gets up walking to the road, knowing that the horse is here for me, stopping in the middle of it as the horse slows to a stop in front of him. Jack can see that it’s parchment in its mouth now and he carefully reaches up to grab it from it’s mouth with everyone’s eyes staring into the back of his head, the harsh whispers already beginning. He quickly opens it and begins to read it, letting the horse lean down and sniff his hair, shivering a bit when he feels it’s cold breath run down his spine.
        His name is Snow. He’ll take you to me today. When he stops, say ‘This is home to the queen’. Happy Birthday Πυγολαμπίς. -Liru.
        Jack smiles a little at the use of the nickname she gave him, Lightning Bug. She still won't tell him why she calls him that. He tries to look up at Snow but he seems to be focusing towards my back sniffing much like a dog would. Jack does his best to look at Snow’s face as he reaches up petting his neck, speaking in a low voice only the horse could hear,
        “Hey Snow,” The horse whinny happily, causing me to smile “are you here to take me to Liru?” He feels his head nod a bit before he suddenly lets out an angry snort, the ice cold air rush over the lash marks making him wince and jerk away from the feeling. Why did he do- the throbbing pain from his back cut’s that train of thought quickly before he freezes.
        It’s Liru’s horse, of course it would know! The horse suddenly rears back snarling, not snorting, snarling and Jack quickly moves out of the way before turning just as Snow slams his hooves down on the ground towards Mr. Blanchfield who fell backwards only a few feet from where Jack was, clearly having intended to yank Jack away.
        Snow begins to stomp towards Mr. Blanchfield as if trying to crush the cowering man beneath the giant hooves. As soon as Jack realizes this he quickly scrambles up, ignoring the burning protest coming from his back, and runs in front of the man throwing his hands up and yelling “STOP!” Snow stopped in his place just in front of Jack snorting, glaring at the retreating back of Mr. BlanchField.
        Jack whispers in a soothing voice trying his best to copy Liru’s whenever he himself begins to panic, 
        “Easy boy, why don’t we go to Liru.” That got his attention and he quickly knelt down for Jack who quickly got on and held onto the horse mane loosely so he didn't fall off as the horse stood back up.
        Jack looks around and he can feel himself shrink under their glares and whispers of calling him a freak and Snow a monster. He leans down burying his face into Snow’s mane, feeling himself beginning to shake as Snow huffs angrily as he turns around. Jack tightens his grip just as Snow bolts off and Jack lets out a yelp despite expecting it. After a few minutes Jack sits up a bit as Snow slows down a bit but doesn’t stop and he can see that they were moving through the forest now and he forces himself to relax again despite the aching feeling in his back thinking to himself
        ‘Liru can’t know, I can’t tell her she’ll be furious that it happened again,’ Jack shakes his head slightly, knowing that it’s pointless to hope she wouldn’t find out. He can’t even find it within himself to be worried about what would happen because he knows no matter what, he’s safe with her from now on.
        'Perhaps it wouldn't be such a bad thing if she finds out.' Something whispers in the back of his head,
        He closes his eyes listening to the wind as they whip past everything and to the sound of Snow’s hooves hitting the ground which surprises him because he was honestly not expecting that. He thought it would have been like Stella’s and make no noise at all but guess not. He opens his eyes again, his mind flashing back to the looks he got from the people of the village, their whispers. It’s not the first time this has happened either and nowhere near the worst but it still hurts.
        He sighs to himself knowing he was going to get beat when he went back tonight,
        ‘If I go back tonight,’ And then his mind was racing through every offer Liru gave him and he could feel regret churning in his stomach from not accepting any of her offers, even more so when he realizes she stopped asking about 4 months ago.
        He looks at their surroundings as they exit the forest and into a field with a sword and a red sash wrapped around the handle and a morning star with green sash wrapped around the handle crossed in the ground with the sword. Snow slows down to a trot and he can feel something is off about this place. Not in a bad way but… not in a good way either it was more like if he wasn't invited he would have his head cut off. The feeling got stronger the closer we got to the middle of the field, but he could also smell something, it smelt kind of like Liru honestly, Roses, fresh water, and something he can’t quite put his finger on.
        They’re almost to the middle now and he can hear multiple voices in different languages saying something. They seemed to be saying- no, asking the same thing from what he heard they were asking,
         “Who are you?” over and over until Snow came to a stop in the middle of the field, over the weapons in the ground. The voices all went quiet before saying in unison, a male voice dominating them all, in their languages.
        “Oh, you’re her lightning bug.” Jack freezes at the words and he can feel his cheeks turning pink wondering how the voices not only knew Liru but her nickname for him. Before he can dive deeper into that thought Snow neighs softly reminding him what he needs to do in the first place. He looks around at the field one last time before looking ahead and saying in a soft voice,
        “This valley is home to the Queen.”
        Meanwhile, Liru is sitting on top of one the libraries bookcases, a book in her lap about Body and Soul Amalgamation, books around the same or similar subjects floating around her unconsciously as she tries to make sense of what is written on the pages before her. She goes to say something to Serenity who, now that she looked at her seemed to be in some sort of trance. 
        She went to pick up the grey chinchilla but before she could Serenity snapped out of her trance as a voice flooded not only the library or even the castle but the valley itself. She smiles, recognizing that familiar voice and words being said together for the first time, looking up to the glass ceiling with birds and butterflies fluttering in and out through open panels whispering, “Welcome home Jack.”
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With a degree in Art History specializing in 20th century European art, Jennifer Stewart has always had an eye for beautiful things. An early interest in the arts led to a fascination with acting, story-telling and film. After over a decade of working at CBC, lastly as Executive Director of Feature Films, she transitioned several years ago and took on the position of Director of Partnerships at the Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television.  Living in close proximity to EWANIKA her garden has always been viewed with great admiration. We spent some time in her lush environs talking about things that move her.
What is an early memory for you that has resonance in terms of what you like today?
Even as a small child, I was passionate about flowers and beautiful things. My mother’s eldest sister was an extremely creative individual who arranged flowers as a hobby. Her home was like a treasure trove . . . spools of ribbons of every type and yards of tulle. I remember intricately embroidered tablecloths, sugar cubes with tiny candied roses on them and a pink silk brocade sofa. She had a horse shoe shaped rose garden with a goldfish pond. I used to feed the fantail goldfish and occasionally be treated to a crème de menthe parfait. Aunt Audrey, with her attention to detail, could be terrifying. But she left a great impression on me. Sometimes I would go home from her house with a bouquet of garden roses wrapped in a damp paper towel that was sealed with foil. I remember the fragrance of those old garden roses and the special feeling I had whenever I was lucky enough to get them.
In what capacity did you start when working at the CBC?
I began working in International sales. It was quickly noticed that I had a very comprehensive knowledge of classic films and I was able to combine that along with my sales skills and move into the role of acquisitions for the content department. I was responsible for building a slate of classic late night movies, a Christmas schedule, the Disney block and everyone’s favourite, Coronation Street. I eventually moved through the Program Development Process to become Executive Director, Feature Film.
Are there projects that held a particular focus for you?
When I worked on the feature film initiative at the CBC, I read a lot of scripts and had to make financial and creative decisions which effected whether or not a film got made. I took that responsibility very seriously. But I also loved reading the scripts. It was wonderful to imagine what the finished product would look like, and from time to time, I see scripts that I read years ago now come to life on the screen. The recent film Maudie, which tells the story of Maritime painter Maude Lewis, is an example. I read that script over seven years ago. It was thrilling to me to see that film a reality. I had loved the script and I felt the eventual casting of Sally Hawkins and Ethan Hawk was inspired.
What do you like about your current role at the Academy?
For some time prior to leaving the CBC I felt like I wanted to take on a greater supporting role in the arts community. I also felt like I would be good at raising money. My current position in developing programs can be hard. But the sense of satisfaction I get from seeing Canadian Screen Week come together and helping to honour excellence in our industry is extremely rewarding. I am very proud of the work that our screen media community produces.
What are you passionate about, what matters to you?
I am proud to be Canadian. Working as I do with storytellers, I see first hand our diversity, our talent, our tenacity and our creativity. I will tell you all day, everyday, about the Canadian talent working abroad and in our own country and about the relevant, mesmerizing and diverse stories we have to tell.
I am also proud to open my closet everyday and see that it’s at least more than half full of clothes created by Canadian designers and many of them made right here in Toronto . . . EWANIKA, Comrags, Want Apothecary, Mercy and HoiBo. And I don’t buy them just because they are Canadian, I buy them because they truly are the pieces I want to wear.
What is a recent read that left an impression?
I recently read ‘The Hare With the Amber Eyes’ and was totally transported. With a degree in Art History I found this a fascinating read. I loved getting to know the person who originally owned many of the paintings I studied. As I read I wondered if Charles Ephrussi was the owner of Manet’s asparagus painting and I was in rapture when I read on and discovered he was.
What are some of your favourite things to prepare right now or serve to guests?
Right now I am loving roasted fruit. I have a great recipe for roasted grapes with rosemary served warm on Greek yoghurt that has been spiced with nutmeg.
But more than anything I am a baker of pies. Making a pie for someone is an act of love and a complete delight for the senses. You can feel with your hands when you’ve got the pastry right, when the fruit is perfectly ripe and see the colour of the crust when it’s ready to come out of the oven. I usually make my pies early in the morning on the weekends. I get up early, brew the coffee, and start, and I’m always thinking about the people who are going to eat it.
My favourite pies to bake are blueberry, cherry and strawberry rhubarb.  I use a 100 year old pie crust recipe from a  convent, and it is unbeatable. My favourite occasion to serve them is the family lobster fest, which we hold annually on our front lawn . . . lobster, corn, homemade rolls and fruit pies.
I always put a lot of effort in and pay attention to every detail when I host dinners or parties. I want to delight the eyes and the senses, and I want it to be generous. This is the most important thing to me. I want you to know that it means a lot that you took the time to come to my house, and I’m going to give you something to remember.
The staff here at EWANIKA walk by your house and we can see that your garden and outside space is also very important to you.
Absolutely. It is a space for physical and spiritual exercise, quiet contemplation and a great creative outlet. I think about gardening the same way one would think about a painting say, you compose, you choose your colours, and you have a message.
I enjoy creating environments that have functional beauty at their core. My garden is a major focus in my life and you will often find me in it anytime I am free.
What are some of your favourite flowers for the seasons?
Hellebores and Rananculus in the spring, along with Peonies and Roses. I have a lot of Hydrangeas which do well in the dry shade of the garden. I have wonderful black perennial Geraniums, Foam flowers and Japanese Forest grasses which supply lots of colour, texture and variety of foliage. In the fall you cannot beat Japanese Anenomes and the Hydrangeas which turn the most perfect jewel tones.
Do you have a favourite EWANIKA piece?
My all time favourite is my sleeveless navy James jumpsuit. With heels or flats, belted or not, it is always perfect. I feel effortlessly elegant in it.
Interview and photos by Patricia Grace.
From the top, Jennifer is wearing the EWANIKA Campbell pant with a SAMUJI linen shell, MIRIT WEINSTOCK pearl hoops and the MM6 raffia bag; the third picture features Jennifer’s own SOPHIE BUHAI bracelet; and lastly Jennifer is wearing her own EWANIKA Bay boatneck dress with a MARION VIDAL ceramic necklace and MARYAM NASSIR ZADEH Martina mesh slide.
Jennifer’s recipe for pie pastry is one that Marty’s World Famous Coffee House in Bracebridge, Ontario uses.  They are famous for their giant buttertarts. It is a very old recipe that was used by La Congregation des Soeurs Grises (the grey nuns) in Quebec, that was passed down through Marty’s family.
Century-old Nun’s Pastry Dough (makes 1 ‘head’ of dough, or three pie crusts)
4 cups of unbleached all-purpose flour 1 tbsp sesa salt juice of half a lemon 1lb lard or shortening 1 egg separated for recipe directions follow the link here.
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ask-englat-blog · 7 years
♦ : A young child (age 7 - 9) for Arthur
Iggy as a young child was energetic and frantic, he liked sports and hiking a lot, mostly begged his father to take him for football games or lessons and even at that time he was quite diligent and into his studies. At that age he was into inventing different type of things. By the time Arthur was 7, Allister was 10 years old and younger twins were 3 years old. He also tended to be teased/pissed him off by his older brother Allister for fun. Sometimes Arthur was jealous of his older brother due to his freedom and his free willed spirit. You can say that Allister was one to influence Iggy and make him what he is today. Twins on the other hand - he was loving and protective of them like a good older brother he is….. even if they ate his homework. Other than that when Arthur was 8 years old his grandfather died. He loved him very much. They shared interests. Music and tea tastes. Everything. So it was big trauma for Iggy to learn of his passing at that age…… But he promised to be good and fullfill his last wish at all costs
♣ : A preteen (age 10 - 12)
At preteen age start Lia was happy young teen. Was by that time helping out parents and older brother at farm. It’s not like she didn’t do it before but from age of ten she was helping with all big animals like cows and horses. Most of the time she had to watch sheep and tend to her bunny farm. Boy… you can’t imagine how happy she was when she could hold on hands baby rabbits and feed them carrots. How fluffy those bunnies were. Cute, white (mostly) and fluffy, looking at you to tend to them.  One of them was her favourite one –Teacup! It was named that way due to him escaping rabbit farm and sneaking into Lia’s room and sleeping in her tea cup just like he was a cat. Besides happy memories…. there was also bad one in Lia’s life….   At age of 11 … Lia was kidnapped. Kidnapped into slavery of unknown to her people and location to do all dirty work for next 5 years. She never told anyone about what happened back then but…. it’s certainly wasn’t pleasant. Only thing that is left as a reminder from that time is two scars on Lia’s feet.
He was a pretty relaxed pre-teen. But it didn’t mean he didn’t take his studies just as relaxed! An A+ smartie he was. The way he could handle his free time and school put his older brother to shame and as we all can suspect…. Scotty didn’t like it…. not one bit. Making Arthur most beloved one in the family… and most hated one by Allister. Allisters hatred or jealousy to Iggy was reason for most of Scotty’s teasing and making fun of him…. and sometimes even beating him in the future.  
Arthur was a book reader since very early age and that would never change in his life. Especially love for certain detective books like Sherlock Holmes or Nancy Drew. Sometimes he would draw or write about characters from books. Imagine their backstories and write own little detective stories of his own.   At that time Iggy was too busy with his little life but it was at that time he had met such people as Francis Bon—- (MUN CAN NEVER SPELL ZAT SURNAME! FOR SHAME) and Alfred F. Jones.
♠ : A young teen (13 - 16) for both or who ever you wish to do ^^
Iggy as a young teen was really different from all his other childhood stages, From thirteen to sixteen he was a rebel, a loud mouth, a swearer and a rude, snappy rock obsessed kid for a long portion of his life at this stage, His parent’s were having turbulent times in their marriage and the stress and tears from his mother made him all the more rebellious, He dyed his hair black with a blond streak and had tattoos, he was the whole deal, He enjoyed bands like My Chemical Romance and 21 Pilots because the lyrics resonated with the same emotional issues he was going through, He also, regrettably, smoked and popped pills with the wrong type of people in a desperate effort to make his parents know what they were doing to him and his mind. All of this changed when he was around fifteen. Because on the day where they apologised to him for not understanding his feelings, He cried like a baby, he was their gentlemanly son ah
again, he went for a few months of tough rehabillitation and came out free of any addictions and long term affects, got all his tattoos removed and piericings taken out, and took his natural hair colour back.
Lia knows nothing about this because this stage of his life makes Arthur cringe like crazy. And he cant talk about it without bursting into nervous laughter or embarrasing blushes
Lia at that time was missing. She was kidnapped. And was missing next 5 years before she managed to escape from the place she was held in and lucky for her… someone found her and rescued her. Before long she was brought home but…. she wasn’t same small girl she was. She was 16 year old teen… with traumatized mind. Nobody till this day doesn’t know what had been done to her but it took whole year of therapy with therapist for her to get back mentally where she was once was. Probably that’s what made her obedient daughter and sister that she is today. She never rebelled or dared to think that way. She didn’t want to disappoint anyone so she did her best in life and studies. Only time she stated her mind was when she turned adult and decided to study abroad… in London. But it’s a story for other time.  
☻ : An adult (22 - 29) Basicly it’s the the age which they are at this blog! ~ Lia being 20 years old and Arthur being 22 years old I don’t want to spoil about this age too much because it will be shown eventually in the blog~ ;3 Hue But at least I think that I can spoil that somewhere in that age they are gonna marry~  and I imagine it looking something like this: —————– After a few hours they were nearing the end of the tea party when Iggy pulled Lia out in the middle of the room, taking her hands in his as he took a deep breath Lia, from the moment i met you, you have brought nothing but joy into my life. All the memories we share, are all extremely dear to me. You showed me love when no one else did, and you were there for me when i messed up. When you look at me you make my heart beat a millions miler per hour, and you easily make me flustered. Gave a slight chuckle You are one in 7 billion people, and i’ve fallen hard for you. Not only did you bring me the joy of having you in my life, you also carry my children, where i could never imagine anyone but you doing that. He paused for a minute to let her catch up as all eyes were on them as Lia blushed and wide eyed stared at Iggy - speechless and blushing at what he was telling about her…. every single word was like a magic spell to her . Lia, you have been here for me and that has made me extremely happy. But there is one question i have waited and longed to ask you. takes out the box with the ring, opening it before he goes down on one knee Will you make me the happiest man alive, and do me the honor of calling you my wife, Lia will you marry me? question made Lia blush deeply….. deadly red- not to mention her heart beating million beats a second as she stared at the ring and at Iggy. Her blue eyes getting lost or maybe… being seen better at the redness that it surrounded before quietly making out with lips the long awaited answer. J…….Jā………             ———————————–
The elderly one for both! (I'm on mobile sorry)
Stylish grey haired ROMANTICS who are your neighbourhoods bakers//tea shop owners and “GET OFF MAH LAWN STUPID KIDS!” from Iggy when he is annoyed Would Iggy have a walking crotch? He’d be able to run like wind at that age and after he would be laying on sofa grumping at back pain as Lia would be doing a massage on his back. Most of the days when he isn’t working at tea shop - he would work at their garden in the backyard. Taking care of flowers and after the long day of work - rest in rocking chair in front of fireplace while reading detective book What kind of grandma would be Lia? Lia would be typical grandma who would always make sure you are always well fed and okay. Would come to your room every 2 hours asking if you wanted anything to eat or drink. Would be usually cleaning house or cooking 3 course meal everyday and make savings for winter. Like make lots of jam, pickles and herbal savings for tea shop. In another words - busy grandma bee who would never let you starve
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heretic-altias · 7 years
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adventurouskiwi · 4 years
Moving North
I did it, I found my next adventure! I class this as my fourth chapter here in Norway and I'm excited about this one. My stages have been; working on the farm in Vinstra, van life, moving to Oslo and now this. I have moved up to Skulsfjord, Tromso in Northern Norway to have a crack at my next opportunity. I am working on a horse stable/air bnb. I get to feed, cover and put out all the horses in the morning, feed them lunch and manage the whole farm. I also prepare the house and a lavvo for Airbnb guests, greet them and ensure they have a good stay. The farm is beautiful with just a small stable of 20 horses. There is a big indoor arena and 3 outdoor arenas which often can't be used because the snow is too thick. We are right on the water of Skulsfjord and surrounded by mountains and quite frankly it's a fucking dreamland and I am one of the luckiest people alive.
I'm meeting travelers again which is great and am also around people everyday as I see the horse owners when they come. I work alone and am loving this amount of balance of independence and interaction with others. It's really great being around these beautiful creatures again and I'm thankful to get out of the rut that I was in in Oslo. I even have a few talented warmbloods that I ride so I couldn't be much happier. I have been here for a few weeks now and so far I have done a crazy amount of learning, so lets get into it.
I jumped straight into my work after a long and unhappy experience of unemployment in Oslo. This gave me a sense of purpose again which was the best feeling and I feel I am very well suited to this job.  My boss has expressed he has been impressed with how quickly I have picked up the job and how much trust he has in me (as he doesn't live here on farm). My horse and farming knowledge made this job very easy for me to pick up quickly and my people skills have come back faster then I thought they would. In the beginning we just verbally discussed payment, but I had some jobs where the horse owners were paying me extra monthly for some extra services I was offering and neither me or my boss had figured out what those services were translating to in terms of an hourly wage. I just got stuck into all the work and found myself very busy. This week I calculated how much I was being paid and it was far from a fair amount. So, I decided to stand up for myself and confront him about it. I was proud of the way I was able to confront him in a respectable manner; confrontation is something that is good for me to practice and something I usually avoid. My boss was very understanding when I told him I wasn't happy with the amount I was being paid, even saying that he wouldn't have worked for that amount either and we both agreed that after this month I wouldn't offer these services that payed so poorly. This is where it gets juicy...
The next day he came to me saying there was a problem. He told me the way that the stables work is everyone pays a month in advance which meant the horse owners had already paid for the next month. I immediately said that that was not my problem and that I hadn't agreed to that and that he would need to work something out because I wouldn't work those jobs at such a low wage. He expressed that he was annoyed that this had come back on to him and that he was going to lose money but agreed to pay me a rate that was fair. The next morning I discussed it with him again. He reminded me that in the beginning I had expressed that I wanted work and didn't mind about the money. That is when I realized that he was correct and I saw that I was somewhat at fault.
With this conflict I found I was quick in deciding what he should do in the situation or what I would do if I were him (pay the person who is a hard worker and is doing a good job a fair amount), but not so quick in asking myself how I should act or what was the right thing for me to be doing in the situation. So after talking to him and seeing his side a lot clearer I decided to take responsibility for my words and stick with our original agreement. Obviously in hindsight I should have sat down and figured this all out in the beginning, well hindsight is a lesson learned. The result in this may be that I get paid less but I did what was right for me and I stuck with my morals and that is the most important thing.
I am proud at the way I have been able to stand up for myself. I have felt I have composed myself well and had some very honest and tough conversations that would have scared me in the past. Conversations that I would have avoided. I think that in itself is a valuable thing to practice because I believe there will be many occasions in life where I'll need to stand up for myself and make sure I am treated right. I have also learnt that when trying to understand someone else you can't just put yourself in their shoes, because their morals or thinking may be very different to yours. So, you need to try and understand the way they think instead. I believe that there is a right way to do anything and even if you are confronting someone or doing something that is uncomfortable you can do it in a way that is fair, respectable and that stays true to yourself. This has taken me a bit to learn. This situation with my boss, I even asked for advice from others and they all shared what they would do in the same scenario; but at the end of the day I decided I needed to do what felt most right to me. Yes, you may get paid less or some people may exploit your good morals but these people will be easier for you to recognize in the future and to distance yourself from due to your own stability. Just know, shit people will remain shit and you will grow from your interaction with them and if you are a good person and you stay true to yourself you will only do good.
Another big challenge of my move here has been working for a lot of different types of people, horse people at that. I have enjoyed being back around people and working on my social skills as well as just being interested in different people and how they work together. Everyone has a different way of thinking and of treating their horses. I have made it my challenge to see if I can adapt to be able to have a good relationship with each of them, even the characters I would normally avoid. Mostly everyone has been so lovely and I've found it easy to get along with them and gain their trust. Just one or two have been a little challenging.
There is a lady who is very uptight, never seems happy and likes to let you know it, someone I would usually avoid. The great thing is I recognized this the moment I met her and knew that this was just the way she was, her own pains and insecurities made her this way and I wasn't going to let the way she talked to or treated me effect me in any way. I wasn't going to put one second of thought into if her words were a reflection of who I am because I simply knew they weren't. Naturally I like to please everyone and will bend over backward to make sure they are happy. I am very good at feeling other peoples feelings which can be awesome but also very draining. Something I have realized is there will always be negative people and there will always be people who don't like you and there's nothing you can do about it, so you shouldn't try so hard. Let the negative people in the world bounce right off you and don't let them have a second of your good energy. I now find instead of getting angry at people who are shit to me I just feel sorry for them. It must be exhausting being that negative and that unhappy. I couldn't imagine what it's like living in their life, especially when in contrast my life is continually filled with such beauty and positivity.
It has taken a long time for me to notice when people's negativity was just their own pain and problems and absolutely nothing to do with me. I used to have a boss who was a nasty person and she had a great deal of an effect on me. She clashed with me the whole way through my employment and ended up telling me not to return to work when I only had 2 days left. This effected me for a long time after too. I would sometimes get so wound up wishing I had said certain things to her that I would not be able to sleep. I watched a documentary one day about a girl who had been abducted for many many years before finally being free and when she was asked if she still hated her abductor she simply said 'no, he took so many years of my life that I won't let him take one more second of my thoughts'. I thought that was so powerful and took so much strength. I realized that I was still letting my old boss, a person I hadn't talked to in months drain my energy and effect me. I realized she simply did not deserve that.
I'm fucking amped for this adventure. Excited to keep on learning and grateful to be living in this dreamland. I can't describe the beauty that surrounds me and the awesomeness of my job. I get to be independent, work with beautiful horses and live in what has to be one of the most beautiful places in the world. I am around people who are there for me and who always want to have a chat. It's crazy how we go from feeling so hopeless and crap to feeling like we couldn't be luckier. I guess that's what lifes all about. Well I love it and am going to ride the shit out of this beautiful, incredible experience in front of me.
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thefamily · 4 years
Chapter Two: 1824 October 10th Part 1: Snow
Before i start i would like to apologize for the wait my depression hit me like a goddamn truck so i’m gonna try and upload at least 1-2 times a week and i am so sorry about that. Anyway i hope you like it.
‘Jacks Thoughts’
Liru’s Thoughts
      It’s been a full year since I met Liru and since then things have gotten a little weird but also a little better. Now they feed me everyday, granted it’s a piece of stale bread but it’s better then nothing, besides Liru gives me food everyday even when she’s busy she’ll just send Stella with a sack of food. Although weird things keep happening around here since then. For one Liru kept getting spotted a lot more, almost every week as wear it was about once every other month before that. Second Mrs. BlanchField, The orphanage’s owner, had gotten attacked and lost the her left hand, the one she slapped me with a week before hand, the day after I told Liru. She wont say what happened but I think it might have been a wild dog or something. The third thing was that whenever she gave me flowers was that instead of wilting they would grow whenever I held them and wherever I went that plant life seemed to flourish.
      Another thing was that there was two voices in my head now. One in pain that sounded a lot like me but sounded like it was struggling to speak, and the other was this weird… noise? I’m not sure what it is but I do know that it’s either scared of Liru or hates her. Probably both in all honesty but the thing I hate the most about it is that it keeps trying to control me, like it’s trying to posses me as if it was a demon… I think it wants to hurt Liru but I’m not sure but I am sure of is that I wont let it.
      The final thing as actually what is happening now, there is a large, only a few centimeters smaller than Stella, snow white horse with a mane and tail as black night with near glowing green eyes and it was trotting to me with a piece of parchment in it’s mouth. Everyone was staring at it as it trotted past them and I instinctively knew it was here for me as I walked into it’s path ignoring the angry whispers of my supposed caretakers of me to get back. I stopped in front of it just as it stopped in front of me and I reached up, a bit hesitant, and grabbed the parchment from it’s mouth and read it.
      His name is Snow. He’ll take you to me today. When he stops say ‘This valley is home to the queen’. Happy Birthday Πυγολαμπίς. -Liru.
      I smiled a little at the use of the nickname she gave me, Lightning Bug. She still wont tell me why she calls me that. I look up at Snow and reach up and begin to pet his snout or at least what I could reach, while I said in a low voice so only he could hear, “Hey Snow,” The horse whinny happily causing me to smile “you here to take me to Liru?” Snow nods his head in a comical way causing me to stifle a laugh, and before I could move to get onto the horse, he suddenly put his ears back before reared back on his hind legs neighing angrily and I quickly stumbled out of the way landing on my butt look to want angered him. When I saw Mr. BlanchField scrambling back, I knew he was going to try and yank me away from Snow.
      Speaking of Snow, he had stomped down in front of Mr. BlanchField who was scrambling back trying not to fall, and kept stomping towards him as if trying to crush him beneath the giant hooves. Once I realized this I quickly scrambled up and ran in front of him throwing my hands up and yelling “STOP!” Snow stopped in his place just in front of me snorting while glaring at the retreating back of Mr. BlanchField.
      I whispered in a soothing voice trying my best to copy Liru’s whenever I begin to panic, “Easy boy, why don’t we go to Liru.” That got his attention and he quickly knelt down for me and I quickly got on and held onto his mane loosely so I don’t fall off as he stood back up. I look around and I can feel my self shrink under their glares and there whispers of calling me a freak and Snow a monster. I lean down burying face into his mane and I can feel myself beginning to shake as Snow huffs angrily as he turned around and I tighten my grip just as he bolts of and I let out a yelp despite expecting it. After a few minutes I sit up a bit as Snow slows down a bit but doesn’t stop and I can see that we are riding through the forest now and I force my self to relax again.
      I close my eyes listening to the wind as we whip past everything and to the sound of Snow’s hooves hitting the ground which surprised me because I was honestly not expecting that, I thought it would have been like Stella’s and make no noise at all but I guess not. I open my eyes again my mind flashing back to looks I got from the people from the village, their whispers and it’s not the first time this has happened either and nowhere near the worst but it still hurt. I sigh to my self knowing I was going to get beat when I go back tonight ‘If I go back tonight’ and then my mind was racing through every offer Liru gave me and I could feel regret churning in my stomach from not accepting any of her offers, even more so when I realized she stopped asking about 4 months ago.
      I look at our surroundings as we exit the forest and into a field as Snow slows down to a trot and I can feel something is off about this place. Not in a bad way but… not in a good way either it was more like if I wasn’t invited I would have my head cut off.  The feeling got strong the closer to the middle field we got but I could also smell something, it smelt kind of like Liru honestly, Roses, fresh water, and something I can’t quiet put my finger on. We were almost to the middle now and I can here multiple voices in different languages saying something they seemed to be saying- no, asking the same thing from what I heard they were asking “Who are you?” over and over until snow came to a stop in the middle of the field and they all went quiet before saying in unison, a male voice dominating them all, in their languages.
      “Oh, you’re her lightning bug.” I froze at the words and I can feel my cheeks turning pink wondering how the voices not only knew Liru but her nickname for me. Before I can dive deeper into that thought Snow neighs softly reminding me what I need to do in the first place. I look around at the field one last time before looking ahead and saying in a soft voice,
      “This valley is home to the queen.”
Liru’s P.o.v.
      I’m sitting on top of one the libraries book cases, a book in my lap about Body and Soul Merging, books around the same or similar subjects floating around me unconsciously as I try to make sense of what is written on the pages before me and before I could say anything to Serenity who, now that I look at her seemed to be in some sort of trance. I went to pick up the grey chinchilla but before I could she snapped out of her trance as a voice flooded not only the library or even the castle but the valley it’s self. I smile recognize that familiar voice and words being said together for the first time and I look up to the glass ceiling whispering.
      “Welcome home Jack.”
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