#she is also the world's oldest cat so basically all she does is take naps and yell and sometimes yerf on the floor. you know how it goes
transmutationisms · 8 months
i think you mentioned having a cat before, would you show any photos?
:3 she's actually my bf's her name is gilda and she's a menace and a beast. Look At Her
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okayoonoh · 4 years
here’s the fourth part! i had a lot of fun writing yuta’s family and i hope you guys like it!
here’s the masterlist to all things related to nct as dads! i have a couple other parts available right now, so you should check those out too!
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he has four kids, 3 girls and 1 boy. nakamoto akari is the oldest daughter, 1 year later, nakamoto yui was born, 4 years later, nakamoto ichika was born, and 5 years after that, the youngest and only boy, nakamoto itsuki was born.
(when itsuki was born, akari was 10, yui was 9, and ichika was 5.)
NAKAMOTO AKARI: >> as a baby <<
she honestly
was a lot
from the start even to when she became an adult lol
she wasn’t the easiest by all means
she was spoiled by yuta from the start
and she developed a little bit of a princess mentality
her and her little sister yui are only a year apart
so akari wasn’t too thrilled when the attention wasn’t on her
akari lives for the attention
she also had a lot of energy as a baby
she honestly was just not an easy baby
she wanted everything all of the time
it’s okay tho
you and yuta took care of it
she was just training you for the years to come :)
you have a ton of adorable videos and pictures of her
she became a really famous instagram baby
she has you and yuta wrapped around her little chubby finger
you would watch a lot of slice of life animes and hayao miyazaki style films with her from an early age
she’s always been so fascinated by them
you watched them a lot when you were pregnant with her
and it’s like she was excited to finally watch them
she never really liked the typical cartoons as a baby
she genuinely liked animated shows that have genuine good art styles
she was pretty social as a baby
she also has so much hair
like when she was born, she had a full head of hair
you have to cut her hair like once a month because it’s always growing in her face
do you know the picture of baby yuta with his hair tied up?
she looks exactly like that towards the end of every month because you guys have to tie up her hair because it grows so freaking fast
she wasn’t the easiest baby, but she was only training you for her younger siblings
>> as a child <<
she discovered her love for art here
when they’d study art in school, people thought it was boring, but she was genuinely interested
she’s also really good at art
like she understood that people don’t have purple skin from an early age
she would always color inside of the lines
akari is an amazing artist growing up
she’s best friends with taeil’s oldest daughter, moon yoojin (they’re born on the same day, 12 hours apart)
yoojin is the type of girl to come home from school exactly as she left
like if her hair was tied up neatly, it would remain that way
akari on the other hand?
she’ll come home covered in paint, markers, mud, you name it
on some days, she comes home wearing different clothes because she got the clothes she was wearing originally so dirty
yoojin came over to your house a lot
you guys were just scared with what akari would do to taeil’s house lol
akari loved to draw on the walls
even when you and yuta scolded her for it, she wouldn’t stop
yuta doesn’t want to stop her from doing what she loves
you obviously don’t want that either
so you guys compromised and let her paint, draw, do whatever she wants on the walls of her room
and her room is full of her creativity
her personality shows through her artwork
yoojin liked to color with her too, but yoojin doesn’t really like to get dirty
akari just always has some sort of stain or marker mark on her clothes/skin 24/7
you’ve honestly gotten used to it at this point
she doesn’t have the princess mentality she had when she was a baby
she also doesn’t hate yui anymore
when ichika was born, akari realized that she has to be an older sister now
and she’s not bad at it
she’s not the best with it, but she does it because she has to
for example, she’ll scold them and keep them in check so you don’t have to scold them
akari does her best to listen to you and yuta, but sometimes she wants to rebel
she was only a little bit rebellious growing up, just because it’s in her nature lol
she loves the heck out of you and her siblings tho
she takes the role as the oldest really well
you usually don’t worry too much about the kids, simply because akari is there for you guys 
>> as a teen/adult <<
here is when she takes art seriously and decides that she wants to be an animator 
like the new hayao miyazaki level
she does get there eventually
she’s calmed down a lot, she’s not as energetic as she used to be 
all of her energy is in her art now
she’s always making art for yoojin’s company
she’s a really positive person tho!
she is stressed 24/7 tho
she travels the world a lot because she needs to learn more about scenes for her art
when she’s not working, she’s still a lot of fun
when she hangs out with yoojin, neither of them mention work
yoojin is still like the reliable and scary older sibling
but akari is the fun one
like if someone wants to go to a theme park, she’ll take them
if someone wants to go to a concert but their parents don’t want to take them
akari will take them
when she parties, she parties hard
she’s still stressed even when she parties tho lol
she’s so supportive of all of her little siblings tho
like she goes to all of her youngest brother, itsuki’s, soccer games
she’ll take him to practice everyday
she’ll go to all of their school dances, school plays, everything
yoojin and akari will be there for everything
she has a hard time making friends outside of her family and outside of her work
and she’s totally fine with that
she doesn’t feel alone
she has yoojin, noah (johnny’s oldest son), kaleb (ten’s oldest son), etc.
she has a huge friends and family all behind her
everyone loves her stuff
like they always go to the premiers and they buy all of the merch she has
so many people love her art style
and they all want to collab with her
she gets overwhelmed with stuff like this lol
she also is really picky with the people she’ll collab with
she’s not desperate for work
so if she doesn’t vibe with someone
she won’t work with them
easy as that 
she’s a really good animator who is really stressed all the time but still is an amazing older sister to everyone
NAKAMOTO YUI: >> as a baby <<
she slept 
a lot
sleeping is just her thing
yui was definitely the calm before the storm
ichika was woah
you and yuta were a little concerned that she slept so much
but the doctors were like “sometimes kids just sleep a lot”
and she’s one of them
she was the cutest when she sleeps tho
she slept so peacefully every night
she only really bugged you guys when was needed
it was like all of the energy that should have gone to her went to akari 
there were only two babies born the year she was born
it’s yui and mei, sicheng’s daughter
they honestly just vibed with each other growing up
like they won’t do much
they’ll look at each other, laugh, then stop laughing, then look at each other, then laugh again
they’re so chill with each other
her eyes are slightly slanted down
and she always has a sleepy look in her eyes
when she wakes up, she’s wondering when her next nap is gonna be
her favorite place to nap is in your arms
or yuta’s arms
it’s so cute when she does tho
her cheek is pressed up against your chest
she drools just a little bit
her little fist is curled up into a ball
her snores are so slight and cute
she’s just adorable
if it isn’t clear, she’s a sleepy little one
she loves akari even tho akari didn’t like her too much growing up
she really is the calm before the storm
>> as a child <<
nap time is her favorite thing ever
she’s kinda lazy lol
she’ll go and play with her friends
but she gets tired really easily
she really likes looking at flowers tho
she thinks they’re so pretty
she loves to collect them, press them
she’s like a little flower
she’s so small and delicate
she’s a little bit on the sensitive side
but like no one wants to mess with her because she’s like never done anything wrong her whole life?
yui is very friendly and kind
but she doesn’t actively seek out friends like on the daily
she’s best friends with sicheng’s daughter, dong mei (they’re the only two born in their year)
they both enjoy quiet and peace 
they also both love the sun and vibe with nature
they’re both in charge of their school’s garden club
yui has a green thumb
like she’s really good at keeping and maintaining plants
she’s happiest when she’s taking care of her garden
you and yuta notice this and you turn your balcony into her own garden
she’s so happy and excited about it
yuta used to work in a flower shop so he helps her out whenever she can
(like actually, he used to work in a flower shop lol if that’s not cute idk what is)
she isn’t super ambitious
like she doesn’t want to be an idol or anything
she just wants to vibe with nature
she isn’t scared of bugs
she loves bugs so much
because bugs help her plants
and she also loves animals!
like you know the scene at the start of moana when moana is helping a baby turtle get into the ocean?
that’s yui everyday
obviously not with turtles, but she’ll bring home all animals
kittens, puppies, one time she brought home a bird because it just flew into her backpack
because of yui, yuta and you own like 4 cats and 3 dogs and several fishes
she basically rescues the strays she can find and you guys find owners for the strays
but you kept the ones people don’t like
so like one of your cats is missing an eye
one of your dogs is missing a leg
yui loves them all tho
nature loves yui and yui loves nature
>> as a teen/adult <<
she owns and runs a flower shop chain
it’s simple, but she loves doing it
she’s one of the most successful flower shops in the city she lives in
she loves making flower arrangements for events
and it’s nice and quiet where she works 
and she’s surrounded by plants?
it’s a complete win
whenever any of the kids have any events, they go to her flower shop to get stuff
like all of the major events yoojin has, she’ll have yui take care of it
and when leo’s movie or noah’s photoshoot needs flowers
they’ll ask her
omg okay imagine
so, it’s her birthday but she’s not super big in birthday stuff tbh (she honestly forgets sometimes)
so, the kids all go to her shop one by one throughout the day
and they all ask for her recommendations and ask her what her favorite types of flowers and flower designs are
and she’ll make it, thinking that she’s helping for another event
and at the end of the day, she goes home and is surprised by her whole family (and all of the kids)
and the entirety of her apartment is covered in her flowers
she’s so happy and everything is just so aesthetic and ugh
it’s her dream birthday party and everyone did it for her
she’ll never say no to anyone asking for any help
there’s cats and dogs that roam her shop too lol
honestly, if anyone was feeling stressed or just needs a break from anything
they’ll go to her shop
she’ll put them in her favorite part of the shop
and she’ll make them some tea
she’ll put on some chill acoustic music
and they’ll instantly feel less stressed
she’s really good at listening to people rant
she doesn’t really give input other than “I’m sorry...”
or “that sucks”
it almost seems as if nothing will make her mad tbh
yuta likes to come by and work with her sometimes lol
if you need any animal or gardening advice, she’s your girl
akari comes to the flower shop a lot too
akari even made an anime based on yui’s flower shop
honestly, she’s such a chill person and if anyone crosses her, you have her entire family to answer to :)
NAKAMOTO ICHIKA: >> as a baby <<
she was so giggly
she like
would never stop giggling tho
the only time she wasn’t giggling, she was crying
when she cried, she cried big
like taeil and his family, you guys had to soundproof your house
i mean, with 4 kids tho, it was a pretty good idea
she had such a big personality from the start
like she screamed a lot
and she laughed a lot
she loved it when people laughed with her too
and even tho you heard it everyday
it still made your heart flutter every single time you heard her beautiful laugh
she gave you a hard time tho
like she needed attention constantly, not like yui
yui slept a lot but ichika never slept
ichika was always always always awake
it seemed like she would only sleep when she literally would pass out
ichika loved the world from the start she doesn’t want to sleep ever because she loves the world too much
akari and yui are very caring towards her
akari will paint her nursery and every school project she made would be for ichika
and yui would grow flowers and bring them to her baby sister
if akari and yui were fighting, they would drop it all to take care of ichika
ichika would make them laugh and would laugh at them all of the time
ichika was full of boundless energy
like honestly
it’s crazy
it’s almost like she teleports across the house
you’ll literally set her down on the couch or something to go feed her
and when you go to the kitchen to bring her bottle
she’s suddenly in your room
and you’re so confused because your room is on the other side of your home
it’s like crazy how fast she can crawl
oh no
okay one time, yui left the balcony open a bit
and you put ichika in the kitchen
and ichika crawled outside
you had to sprint over to her before she crawled off the edge
she was safe tho dw
you all learned that you have to close the balcony
>> as a child <<
she’s so funny and such a prankster
she makes really good jokes
she’s a lot like taeil’s son, moon seojoon
he’s her favorite older brother
he teaches her how to do some pranks and she follows
she’s so goofy
like she loves watching comedies
but most importantly
she loves to make people laugh
she’s a little bit of a trouble maker
like most of the letters home are about her pulling a prank
out of all of the kids, you had to scold her the most
she loves to play with her siblings and yuta tho
yuta laughs a lot when he’s around ichika
she’s kinda clumsy
she’s a trouble maker, but she knows when to stop
she’s really empathetic
like she hates it when people are sad
she’ll go out of her way to make them laugh
if it’s not one of those situations tho
she’ll cry with them
emotionally, it’s almost as she knows exactly what they need when they need it 
if you ever want anyone to break bad news, she’s one of the best
she’s best friends with renjun’s oldest daughter, huang zhangli (they’re born the same year)
zhangli is also really giggly
they’re a funny bunch
they love to make funny skits and plays together
like seojoon and his best friend, lee minah (haechan’s oldest daughter), they compliment each other quite well
they’re both really pretty
again, a ton of dudes have crushes on them
a lot of them like ichika because she has a sense of humor
she’s pretty popular at school
she’s honestly that girl
like that really popular and hilarious girl at your school?
that’s her
she tries not to be annoying
like when people tell her to stop, she’ll stop
none of the things she does is super disrespectful tho
she’s a prankster, but most of her pranks are pretty innocent
a lot of people love her for her personality tbh
>> as a teen/adult <<
becomes a comedian
it’s like a tv personality
but that’s the thing
her personality is her tv personality lol
leo seo noticed that she’s genuinely such a funny person
and his company was looking for a comedian or just a new face to do interviews
he brought up ichika and they loved her personality
she had no idea what she was doing tbh
like she’s confused why leo chose her
and during the interview, she had no idea what to do
leo told her to be completely and utterly herself, down to the last joke
and she did
and landed a job
she started interviewing different idols and different stars
she became one of the most well known tv personalities
she’s not fake, she’s genuinely funny
like heechul
she’s a good person too
she donates a lot of her money to charity
she meets another person in the industry
he’s like an actor leo acted with in a movie
and like the dude mentioned to leo like “man, nakamoto ichika is so funny and like she just seems like an awesome girl to be around, i would love to meet her.”
and by complete random chance, ichika was getting into the studio you guys were leaving
she sees leo and is like “yoooooo leo!! what is up!”
and the guy is awestruck but like a little annoyed that leo didn’t tell him that he knew her
the actor dude meets her and it’s like love at first sight lol
she leaves after she meets him bc she’s on a tight schedule
the actor is like “dude, why didn’t you tell me you know her?”
leo is like “i never said i didn’t know her. she’s like one of my little sisters so like don’t even think about it.”
the actor dude did think about
but it’s okay because he’s a really good dude
and in noah and yui’s eyes, he’s good enough for ichika
in the eyes of zhangli and akari? he’s not good enough for her
no one is good enough for their baby sister
but actor dude is
she’s really good at her job
jaehyun’s youngest son, jung leon, is also sort of a tv personality
and they meet together a lot because of it
they’re both so funny 
they are hosts for shows together almost all of the time
and like she steers away from scandals and stuff
and she shows that she isn’t a mindless interviewer following the script
she actually interacts with the idols and actors she interviews
and when she’s on shows like running man or something
she’s making people laugh all of the time
whenever anyone is around her, they’re bound to be full of laughter
honestly, even tho she gave you guys a hard time when she was younger
she made up for it with how much she makes you guys laugh now.
NAKAMOTO ITSUKI: >> as a baby <<
a kicker
when you were pregnant with him, he kicked the most
yuta was so excited to have a son
like he loves his daughters, don’t get me wrong
but he was just so hyped to finally have a son
the fact that he kicked a lot shows you that he’s a soccer player
yuta was so hyped
everything he got for his son was soccer themed
as a baby, he was still a kicker
like he was just always using his legs
and when he kicked, he kicked hard
like he for sure gave yui a black eye once or twice
his sisters took such good care of him tho
for the most part lol
if you know seola, sua, and sian from return of the superman
that’s the dynamic lol
the girls will play with their baby brother like a sister
akari will put make up on his face
yui will put flowers in his hair
ichika will dress him up in a dress
he doesn’t hate it tho
he loves his sisters and he loves to play with them
alternatively, they’ll play soccer with him too
he was pretty fussy
he wasn’t as bad as ichika, but he definitely wasn’t as quiet as yui
he was a good middle between
you guys are already experienced with your other kids
so you weren’t that stressed with him
he was a really happy baby too
like he’s really social too
he’s honestly yuta’s carbon copy
he has a healing smile
>> as a child <<
soccer. player.
he wants to go pro
he’s so good at soccer tho
it makes yuta happy because it brings him back to the times before he became an idol
he’s best friends with jungwoo’s youngest daughter, kim jiyoung (they’re born the same year)
they both are interested in soccer
they’re both soccer gods too lol
like you know the thing where yuta can juggle the ball for a really long time
yeah, itsuki can do that easily
the second itsuki was old enough to play soccer, he did
you decided to move into a bigger place with a big backyard
one reason is because yuta wants like a mini soccer field since the whole family loves soccer anyway
this also gives yui a huge space to grow her garden
the move was good for everyone
way more space for everyone :)
his whole life revolves around soccer
he loves it
everyday he trains harder and harder
because he really does want to go pro
he’s apart of the advanced teams as a little kid
yuta is the most supportive person in his life for everything and especially soccer
yuta knows what it’s like to train to be a professional
like if you didn’t know, yuta was going to be a professional soccer player
but he stopped because he realized he wanted to be an idol more lol
yui and itsuki get along really well
mostly because when he’s outside practicing
she’s outside tending her garden
they’re both significantly more tan than the rest of their siblings
and they love it
jiyoung came over to your house a lot
she goes to practice with itsuki
they both are skilled with soccer and they’re so talented at it too
honestly, they were meant to be together
like you knew it
yuta knew it
jungwoo knew it
jungwoo’s significant other knew it
the world knew it
as children of course they denied it
anyway, itsuki has a really big appetite
mainly because he’s such a hardworking person
he’s very thankful for everything you do for him and he lets you know that
even if you don’t understand soccer that well, you go to every single one of his matches
yuta is lowkey a coach
and he’s a pretty good one too!
personality wise, he’s literally just like yuta
he even looks just like yuta
he has a healing smile and all of the girls fall for him because of it
he’s a really kind person, too
he’s just a really talented, kind, and hardworking kid
>> as a teen/adult <<
pursues that dream
plays soccer for his university
he even goes pro
girls like him because he’s so sporty
he only really cares about jiyoung tho
jiyoung and him kinda just agreed one day that they’re dating lol
and it’s a really good relationship
like they both love soccer more than anything
and they both go pro
and they’re just so good together?
itsuki has a hidden love for fashion too
so he goes to noah to ask him for fashion advice to make sure he stays trendy
and he does
like a lot of people love him because he’s honestly a total package
he’s good at soccer, he’s friendly and kind, he’s a good boyfriend, AND he’s fashionable?
no wonder the world fell in love with him lol
even tho he’s like a celebrity
he still is scared of his sisters
like they keep him in check lol
but he loves them unconditionally
anytime he brings home flowers for jiyoung
he goes to yui
he buys all of akari’s merch when she releases it
he watches everything ichika is in
he’s so supportive of his sisters and he’ll do anything for them
he thinks the world of them and it’s honestly so cute
he does a little modeling on the side bc he’s just so handsome
noah hooks him up with the gigs :)
he’s genuinely a good person
like he’s pretty busy and he can’t be there for every event
but he still supports as much as he can
he’s apart of the younger generation so he doesn’t really have a lot of younger ones to look after
regardless, he’s pretty good with kids
he makes sure that every single game you and yuta know how thankful and happy he is for everything you’ve done for him
he’s still a hardworking man
he’s just such a good person who doesn’t let the celebrity life get to him (mainly because if he did, he has his older sisters to whip him back into shape)
honestly, yuta’s family is one of my favorites :)
i hope you guys liked it! yuta is such an awesome person and his kids would show that :)
kun’s family is up next! stay tuned y’all :)
- amy <3
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layer-bloody-sun · 4 years
TELL ME ABOUT YOUR OCS IMMEDIATELY. Also please rate them on a sale from 0 (not at all gremlin-like) to 10 (absolute gremlin bastard) thank u -Miserytheapprentice
For the sake of myself I won't talk about all of them but only the mains of my recent stories. The Layers are also out because there's 57 of them, I'll just keep Cana because I see you're into the Arcana 👀
So let's start with her ! Cana is a girl, my apprentice, her full real name is Darla Morgasdottir and she is Lucio's sister. She is very kind and protective, ready to put her life on the line (as shown during the plague). As one of the Layers she has some special abilities, in game this shows as her knowing what to do at certain times. Her Ego is named Déluge and he can control destiny.
•She is self aware in some realities/routes.
• Cana loves having friends and family around her, her cat familiar Coony is like half of her soul,
•Mélusine (@nimusicaltrash apprentice) is like a little sister to her !
Next up is Luard. He's my own Oc for my story The Traveller's Journey and the main character along with the next one. Luard us a demon from a race closest to human in appearance, so he possesses horns and pointy ears. He is very calm and composed, he has this sage aura surrounding him. He is loving and cares a lot about his family. Luard is a loving father,
• He crave peace and understanding between his people and humans.
• His purple eyes means he has affinity with thunder lightning, yet he's more proficient in fire magic
• His horns lacking ornaments other than very simplistic ones symbolise grief.
Ambre is the second MC of TTJ, she is a bright young woman looking for her father who instead fall upon Luard and they have to travel together. She is energetic and loves to learn, she has an open mind and easily adapts to new environments. She loves reading, learning, and talking.
• She is the daughter of the Hero and has an incredible magic potential
• Her favorite animals are foxes
• She does a 360° after meeting Luard
Orville is the dad of the MC of a new story of mine that still doesn't has a name (neither does the mc). He's a guardian watching over the forest that takes most of the small country they live in. He loves joking around and teasing his daughter. He's this crazy sage aura. He loves tending to the little creatures of the forest
• Orville isn't his real name, he forgot it, Mc's mother gave it to him
• He has scars from barbed wire on his head and neck from when hunters tried to take him down
• Mushrooms and tree bark are growing on him but he doesn't mind
Narish is from NoDol (D stylized), he's a police officer that is in charge of the case of recent murder plaguing the city. He's short tempered and snarly, only like coffee, stay cats and dogs, and sometimes people.
• Clinton Balagoire, his subordinate, is his only human friend
• Has an unhealthy obsession with the local weirdo
• once spend four days awake to catch a spider in his flat. He called in sick as well. He was not victorious.
Barchal, local weirdo and engineer, is an adept of teasing. Especially Narish. He's a creator that has done wonders for the city, and yet is the officer's main suspect in the murders. He's a workaholic fueled by coffee and sheer willpower
• Had a friend named Anthony that passed away soon after Barch open his workshop
• his library is full of books about deities and strange alchemy myths
• His workshop is so messy Allan once disappeared for days under piles of blueprints.
Allan is what could be called either a umonculus or a chimera, he is not human in the slightest and tends to frighten people by his appearance. He's a very sweet and the naive creature, always willing to help his 'father'. He loves playing around and helping Barchal.
• his favorite task is making coffee
• he can't speak nor make any kind of cries/sound
• He thinks Narish is funny
Jack is from Underground Wanderers, he seems to be a talking skull that also can use a little magic. He helps the Mc in exchange for finding his body as they climb the different levels. He's annoying and presumptuous, sees himself as some kind of superior being and is a real dick. Despite all that he also has a softer side he shows Mc after a while. Deep down he cares and enjoy her company.
• May have made him a hot human for the ending
• Uses magic through singing. Dislike any remark comparing him to bards
• Came here to become a 'Caretaker' yet can't remember where he came from of when exactly he came here
Cleïa is the Mc mentioned above, she is very sweet and shy, she got trapped underground because of a haunted house trip that turned sour. She's frightened easily and doesn't like people much, probably has anxiety problems but it never got checked out. She loves reading, resting, and write everything that happens in a notebook
• Always has a satchel but it's filled with useless stuff
• Slapped Jack the first time because he scared her
• Where does the bandage on her cheek comes from ? Who knows, not me
Taya is from Blurred memories, she's an energetic young woman that lives with her brother but longs for adventure. She can't stay in place and tries to get stuff done all the time. She loves stories and myths and want to learn always more about everything around the world
• proficient in water magic
• is forbidden near any alcohol
• Has mismatched eyes
Oliver is her big brother (but Hezekiel is the oldest of the family). He is composed and calm, very mature and civil. The epitome of a gentleman. He owns a bar in the human part of their world and tries to slowly change the reputation of witches. He loves a good cup of tea and a nice book, as well as naps.
• can be too strict but cares deeply
• his best friend is the reason for a creepy legend and is basically a living cryptide.
• his the Guardian of the youngest prince but doesn't do his work right because he doesn't care.
Tad is a young man the same age as Taya, he's the third prince of the witches and tries to be like Oliver who he fancies. He's shy and clumsy but does his best in everything he does. He's hard working, just not talented. He loves the sea and spending time with his friends
• Has a sea shells collection
• Has three perfectly aligned beauty marks on his right cheek
• Did a power move once and started getting more secure about himself since (it'd be a spoiler sorry)
Bäriste is a Demon under the form of a late teenager girl (19) that comes from my story It Started Before Us. She's an adept of sarcasm and tease, loving to just mess with people and their lives. She can be a bitch and is detached from emotions in general
• It's her last reincarnation so she's making the most of it
• Her hair split in the middle on each side and gets darker and horn-like
• Has a necklace she never takes off
Last but not least, Gayl is a werewolf, also 19, attending the same school as Bäriste. He acts cool and mysterious but is actually socially awkward and dislikes people in general. He loves peace and quiet, which he never gets at home since he has a very big family. He loves them a lot too tho.
• Fall in love of Bäriste on sight, to his latter utmost horror.
• he wears glasses which is ironic since werewolves have good eyesight. He's the only one in his family
• His best pal is a vampire that tried to feed off Bäriste and would have been killed if Gayl hadn't intervene by accident.
Gremlin scale :
Cana : 5
Luard : 0/1
Ambre : 3
Orville : 6
Narish : 2
Barchal : 8
Allan : 0
Jack : 3
Cleïa : 8
Taya : 10
Oliver : 0
Tad : 2
Bäriste : 10
Gayl : 0-5
There, if u want more about them tell me, or if you want to hear about other ocs or even the Layers...just hmu 👀
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celebiii · 4 years
Ah yeah two of the oldest bitches I GOT let’s GO!
Full Name: Winnifred Muneera | Wilfy as a nickname
Gender and Sexuality: cis female and bisexual
Pronouns: she/her
Ethnicity/Species: She’s a holy variation of a species I made when I was like 10 years old. This species is basically sentient magic and takes the physical appearance of any species it wants. Holy ones are called Skytopians. Wilfy takes the form of a little cat or half cat/half human most of the time.
Birthplace and Birthdate: She was born in Skytopia, which is basically a big kingdom that is located in the clouds. She’s the heir to the throne so she’s a princess. Her birthday is April 8th.
Guilty Pleasures:
-Goofing off on Earth rather than going and doing her princess duties in the sky
-Being lazy and napping on clouds
-Cooking, but moreso the act of it rather than eating anything so she mostly gives food away a lot.
-Death of herself and those around her
-Caverns, canyons, pits, caves, etc. Basically anything that’s dark and gaping and looks as if if you fall in it will suck you in and kill you. She feels like she’s suffocating around these kinds of things.
-Very unnatural and disturbing imagery, ESPECIALLY body horror. If there’s something bending the wrong way, even if it’s like a broken limb, she will probably cry lmao it freaks her out
What They Would Be Famous For: Just being a good person honestly. She does a lot of good and selfless things all the time
What They Would Get Arrested For: Helping the wrong kind of person and getting framed for something she didn’t do
OC You Ship Them With: no one rn. I really want someone for her but I have no idea what to do for a partner at the moment jdkskdks
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Silverhaunt. It isn’t that he hates HER but he hates everything she’s directly connected to so yeah he’d try to kill her ass on sight if he could lmao
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Probably comedy for both tbh
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Horror anything for movies and the good ole “everything sucks and nothing gets better” book endings
Talents and/or Powers:
-Very good at flying with her wings. Maneuvers herself very well even against strong winds and storms and such
-Gets along with pretty much everyone unless they’re awful lmao
-Her magic type is healing and she’s very good at doing so, but she cannot heal herself ironically
-She surprisingly is good with swords, but that’s mostly a very little known fact
Why Someone Might Love Them: there is literally no reason to not love her I’m not gonna lie. I mean I’m biased but shhh-
I mean ok though I guess because she’s such a heavy optimist who sees the good in everything and everyone
Why Someone Might Hate Them: Idk you have bad taste or something?? /j
Ok but no realistically she does have a bad tendency to be naive and give chances to people who don’t deserve it and that is very annoying lmao
How They Change: She doesn’t change much at all if I’m being real, she’s always gonna be a relatively pure little ball of sunshine but I guess she matures a bit over time and maybe wisens up to the ways of the world at some point
Why You Love Them: she is my fucking baby. Also she encompasses a very beautiful and innocent time in my life.
Full Name: Delanie Ardere | Lane for a nickname
Gender and Sexuality: cis female and lesbian
Pronouns: she/her
Ethnicity/Species: Half of a species of angel that I made up, and half raposa which is a lil race of fox people from a video game lmao
Birthplace and Birthdate: She was born on a large and mostly isolated tropical island called Eptora. She was born October 26th
Guilty Pleasures:
-Reading. In fact she can mostly be found reading books somewhere about 99% of the time. Doesn’t really matter what genre most of the time
-Stargazing and astrology. She’s pretty hooked on that subject and is a major nerd about it
-Collecting weapons
-Being useless and weak
-Disappointing those closest to her
-Burning out and dying from her magic defect
What They Would Be Famous For: Honestly? A lot of things. Bitch is kinda a badass and canonically tears down a whole ass corrupt monarchy (with help but is the general spearheader of it) just because the people involved were responsible for kidnapping her girlfriend. She’s what we call a very angry hero most of the time and that would be her claim to fame.
What They Would Get Arrested For: ....also a lot lmao. But mostly going against corrupt people and systems who would want her imprisoned for doing so. I would say other contenders are assault and property damage though
OC You Ship Them With: my dude Adam’s OC Althea. They’re very sweet together.
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Buddy there’s a list of people likely who would line up for the opportunity
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Movie I would say action/adventure and book I would say mystery/thriller
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Anything she finds boring for either tbh. There’s nothing specific, but if it doesn’t give her a sense of fulfillment for finishing the story she won’t like it
Talents and/or Powers:
-Physically strong
-Knows how to use a lot of different kinds of weapons, particularly guns and blades
-A good leader who knows how to bring out the strengths in each member of her team
-Her magic is generally unable to be used until she’s at a later stage in life because of a defect in her genetics, but when she can it’s a lot of celestial type magic. So lots of spacey magic that has fire and ice as a main base for its appearance and effect. Most of the time she’ll be using magical weapons tho.
Why Someone Might Love Them: I would say because she’s a badass tbh. She’s a tough punk with a strong set of morals who never gives up and you gotta respect what she stands for, which is generally protecting and uplifting innocents that get caught up in awful circumstances
Why Someone Might Hate Them: She’s one of those people that either respect for being a hotheaded punk or you hate for being a hotheaded punk. I can see why someone wouldn’t like her broody attitude sometimes
How They Change: She gains more confidence and sense of worth for herself throughout the story after originally starting off with about none. She’ll never stop growing and changing and that’s an important part of her overall character
Why You Love Them: She’s my first OC and obviously one of the ones I’m most attached to by default because she’s grown and changed with me so much. If I had to pick one OC to be known by it’d be her. I made her to be the strong female character I wanted to see in the world and idk I just love her
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flve-hargreeves · 4 years
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( chris wood, 28, he/him ) class is in session for ANSEM WARBECK. their resume says they’re a WITCH and they’ve been teaching MENTAL MAGIC at the academy for THREE YEARS. the psychological report says they are LETHARGIC and CONTEMPTUOUS, but they’re also IRONWILLED and COMPASSIONATE. we wish them good luck in the new school year.  
— * | ansem warbeck is the oldest child of ragnor and celena warbeck. he has a twin brother named arson and while they are identical, they couldn’t be more different. both ragnor and celena are influential members of the magical community and always prided themselves on having a stellar reputation. stellar isn’t quite so stellar though; they are morally gray.  they  never get into dark magic themselves, but their family has profited heavily from it over the years.  ( think … war profiteers, i guess.  they never get their hands dirty but they have plenty of blood money ).  arson is the dutiful son, the good son, and ansem’s always been the disappointment who couldn’t live up to their expectations.  ( the michael bluth )
 ansem was never good at doing what he was told and rebelled against the behaviours his parents tried to ingrain in him. he never listened, always liked to do his own thing, and never bought into the whole ‘pureblood supremacy’ thing that they tried to drill into his head.  so what if they came from an old witch family? la creme de la crop? magic was magic. he figured if you could do it, you were just as good as anyone else.  ( his family disagreed. )  he  started  at  arcanas  when  he  was  eleven,  like  his  descendants  before  him,  and  was  a  member  of  house  aquis.  
       personality wise, ansem is sharp, sarcastic, and doesn’t have a high tolerance for people. the list of people he dislikes is longer than those he likes. he likes to have a good laugh ( sometimes at the expense of others ) and isn’t one to take on responsibility. ironic, given he’s now teaching at the school he used to go to. for someone as intelligent as he is, he does the least amount of work possible and does well but never really exceeds his own expectations. he’s incredibly lazy and can usually be found snacking or napping around the school.
 shortly after graduation he worked as a for hire curse breaker.  if there was a hex you couldn’t undo, or a curse on your family name, he was the guy you called to fix it.  he was good too.  it was only after a curse backfired and nearly killed him that he got scared and backed out of it. the fear was greater than the love he had.  arcanas was safe, a reminder of good days (and far far away from his family) so he was happy to ya yeet out of the real world.  less than a year after graduation, he was enrolled at a magical college and eventually became a mental magic teacher.
 another  point  of  irony,  given  how  much  he  claims  to  hate  people,  is  the  story  of  how  a  twenty/twenty one  year  old  mess  accidentally  adopted  an  eleven  year  old.   it  was  an  assignment  from  one  of  the  teachers  or  housemasters,  a  mentorship  program  between  tenth  and  first  years.  he  was  assigned  jade  brantley  and  at  first  ?  oh  boy  did  he  hate  her.   or  rather,  the  responsibility  he  felt  towards  her.   it  became  pretty  evident  the  more  he  got  to  know  her  that  they  were  put  together  for  a  reason.   her  family  had  sent  her  to  arcanas  without  so  much  as  a  second  look  and  couldn’t  have  cared  less  if  they  ever  saw  her  again.   she  stayed  behind  at  the  school  for  christmas,  as  did  he  to  avoid  tense  family  dinners  with  the  warbecks,  and  that  was  when  their  mentorship  started  to  become  more  like  family.   
by  the  end  of  the  year,  he  looked  at  her  like  —  his  kid,  if  he  was  being  honest.   it  was  kind  of  terrifying,  wanting  to  protect  another  person  from  the  realities  of  their  life,  but  he  knew  it  was  the  right  decision  to  make.  it  helped  that  his  partner  agreed;   they’d  come  to  care  about  jade  in  those  months  too,  and  they  both  knew  it  was  the  right  call.   he  contacted  her  parents,  assumed  temporary  guardianship,  and  she  moved  in  with  them  that  summer  after  they  graduated.   (  the individual that set all of this up,  the  cheeky  bastard,  sent  them  a  potted  plant  as  a  housewarming  gift.   a  plant  that  would  have  needed  to  have  been  potted  SIX  MONTHS  EARLIER.   he’d  be  mad  about  getting  played  if  he  wasn’t  so  happy.  )
they  formally  adopted  jade  a  few  years  later.  they  were  already  family  in  everything  but  blood  and  name  —  it  was  simply  a  formality.   the  three  of  them  —  four,  if  you  counted  jessica  the  cat  (  famously  known  for  stepping  on  faces  )  —  had  been  more  of  a  family  than  any  of  his  blood  relatives  had  ever  been.     he’s  never  regretted  his  choices.
that  being  said,  things  weren’t  always  happy.  he  and  his  partner  fought  a  lot,  sometimes  over  nothing  and  couldn’t  remember  why  they  ever  loved  each  other  in  the  first  place.  but  this  isn't  a  story  about  vindictive  exes,  it's  about  two  people  that  do  love  each  other,  probably  always  will,  but  just  didn't  love  being  together  anymore.  they're  excellent  co-parents  to  their  adopted  daughter  and  they're  working  their  way  back  to  being  best  friends  even  though  it's  a  little  awkward.  they  split  up  roughly  three  years  ago,  shortly  after  ansem  started  teaching  at  arcanas.
he  was  a  bit  of  a  mess  that  first  year,  i  won’t  lie.  he  probably  drank  too  much,  smoked  like  a  chimney,  and  was  trying  to  remember  how  to  be  a  person  instead  of  1/2  of  a  couple.  he’d  been  with  his  partner  almost  his  entire  life,  it  was  a  process  —  discovering  himself  again.  he  eventually  started  seeing  jude  montague  (  who,  ironically,  he’d  always  had  a  schoolboy  crush  on  when  he  was  a  student  )  who  also  taught  at  the  school.  one  thing  led  to  another  and  they’ve  recently  taken  things  to  the  next  level:  they  got  married.   ansem’s  still  a  little  terrified  this  one  is  going  to  go  belly  up  too,  that  he’s  going  to  mess  things  up,  but  they’re  still  in  the  newlywed  phase  so  he’s  not  quite  as  pessimistic  on  their  outlook.   it  also  helps  that  his  family  hates  jude:   1.  he’s  much  older,  even  without  the  whole  phoenix  thing,  2.  he’s  not  a  pureblood  witch  who  comes  from  a  good  family  name,  and  3.  he’s  a  man.   yeah,  celena  warbeck  was  not  happy  and  threatened  to  cut  him  off.   she  didn’t,  of  course,  but  his  father  hasn’t  spoken  a  single  word  to  him  ever  since  they  got  married.  it’s  a  game  now,  trying  to  see  if  he  can  say  or  do  something  to  make  him  break.  so  far,  he  hasn’t  won.  
 when  he’s  not  staying  at  arcanas,  watching  over  his  water  demons,  he’s  at  his  house  nearby.   now  that  he’s  married  jude,  however,  the  clan  (  bc  ansem  doesn’t  go  anywhere  without  jade,  jessica,  and  by  extension  kit  )  will  be  moving  into  his  definitely-haunted  house  nearby.  it’s  an  old  victorian,  fits  jude’s  goth  boy  aesthetic  perfectly,  and  tbh  as  long  as  it  has  decent  wifi  and  an  espresso  machine?  he’ll  be  fine.  
     he’s been teaching mental magic at arcanas academy for three years, so connections can be assumed with other staff members and students !!   he’s also been the housemaster for aquis, who he refers to as his water demons, so that’s opportunities for connections too! ( there’s also a 99% chance he calls all of his students by pokemon names. sorry not sorry. )   he’s  your  typical  panic  first,  think  logically  later,  type  person,  so  if  he  heard  about  the  orb  being  stolen  he’d  fear  for  their  inevitable  demise.   y’know,  chaotic  and  assuming  the  worst  case  scenario  from  the  get  go.
so that’s basically him in essence.  see some quick stats below for more tidbits.
— * | BASICS !
NAME: — ansem ragnorius warbeck.
NICKNAME(S): — ansem.
PRONOUNS: —he/him.
AGE/DOB: — twenty seven / july 25th.  (  he’s  almost  28,  so  don’t  @  me  )
ETHNICITY: — caucasian.
NATIONALITY: — british.
HOMETOWN: — manchester, uk.
EDUCATION: — he previously attended  arcanas, aquis house.  four  years  @  a  magical  college  near  aurora  /  arcanas  school. 
STAR SIGN: — leo.
ALIGNMENT: — chaotic neutral.
PHOBIA(S): — enclosed spaces, clowns, snakes.
VICE(S): — cynicism, impatience, vindictiveness, spitefulness.
VIRTUE(S): — accountability, candor, realism, honesty, loyalty.
PARENT(S): — ragnor and celena warbeck.
SIBLING(S): — arson warbeck ( twin brother. )
— * | PHYSICAL !
FACECLAIM: — chris wood.
HEIGHT: — 6'0.
WEIGHT: — 71kg.
EYE COLOR: — brown.
HAIR COLOR: — brown.
TATTOOS: — n/a.
SCARS: — jagged scar across his collarbone.
— * | MEDICAL !
ALLERGIES: — shellfish.
SMOKING/ALCOHOL/DRUGS: — former smoker. he hasn’t had a cigarette in approx. 112 days.  he drinks more than he should.  no drug use.
BLOOD TYPE: — universal donor.
students  with  an  aptitude  for  mental  magic  that  he  provides  additional  /  advanced  work  for  to  challenge  them.  (2/2)  dominic masters & rome hawks.
students  who  need  extra  help  in  one  or  more  of  the  aspects  of  his  curriculum.  this  would  include  after  hours  help,  extra  assignments,  or  one  on  one  attention  if  they  were  struggling  with  concepts  (1/4):  ella  bloom.
students  that  give  him  a  hard  time  in  class  for  one  reason  or  another.  could  be  people  who  sleep  in  class,  talk  back,  distract  others,  etc.  (1/??):  morgan  stife.
the  unholy  trinity:  fellow  teachers  who  like  to  get  together  and  be  chaotic,  shittalk  their  students,  and  forget  they’re  not  seventeen  anymore  bc  they’re  fucking  idiots  who  like  to  troll  (2/2):  maximus & reserved
fellow  teachers  who  like  to  get  together  and  drink  wine  after  stressful  days,  or  just  when  they  feel  like  it  tbh.  (1/????)  maxwell gray.
a  rival/enemy  from  when  he  was  @  arcanas  who  now  also  works  at  arcanas.  he  can’t  remember  why  they  don’t  like  each  other  but  he’s  dedicated  to  the  feud.  it’s  petty,  he  knows, but  he  sucks  at  admitting  he’s  wrong.  (0/1)
ex-wife.  see  wanted  connections.  (0/1)
childhood  friend.  fellow  witches  who  would  have  hung  around  people  who  were  haughty  and  thought  they  were  better  than  everyone  else.  ansem’s  parents  thought  they  were  hot  shit  so  maybe  their  parents  felt  the  same.  they  both  rebelled  against  what  their  parents  wanted  for  them  and  it  bonded  them.  (0/1)
partner  in  crime.  (28  years  old)  this  person  was  very  different  from  ansem.  different  species,  a  little  more  serious,  the  kind  of  person  you  wouldn’t  expect  to  be  friends  with  him.  they’re  probably  the  only  reason  ansem  even  passed  his  exams,  forced  to  study,  and  he  forced  this  friend  to  actually  have  fun  and  live  a  little.  they’re  still  close  but  maybe  fell  out  of  touch  over  the  years.  this  person  would  be  new  to  arcanas  as  a  staff  member,  or  teacher,  but  would  be  an  alumnus  preferably  from  house  aquis  but  could  be  any.  
others  to  be  added  when  it  isn’t  2am  and  my  brains  fried.
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starryyastraea · 4 years
SHIP/OTP Questions for my main ships: Cambeck, Lunarie, and Camarie :) (because I am not sure which ships will end up canon y a y)
1. Who is the early bird/ Who is the night owl?
Valerie is definitely the night owl in every situation. She cannot fall asleep before 11pm, but even then likes to stay up. What do you expect? This girl stays up studying fairy tales and magic and then of course has to do all her school work at 1am. She’s a wreck.
Luna and Camden are early birds, and go to bed early. Do not understand Val’s need to stay up. Luna likes to get up early to work out and get ready for her day. She likes to be productive. Cam likes to watch the sunrise and gets inspiration from the early morning crap idk. He likes to be up and awake and ready. They both like to be awake before everyone else in the house and have alone time before they need to put on their ‘masks’.
Oliver is both? He likes to stay up late but can’t sleep in. So when he can, he naps during the day. Which he can’t. Get this poor boy some sleep, he's a mess. 
2. Who is the big spoon/ Who is the little spoon?
Cam is usually the big spoon and Val is the little spoon. He likes holding her and feeling like he can protect her, and vice versa. But sometimes, when Cam has had a bad day, he needs to be held. Val likes when she’s the big spoon because it’s when Cam is vulnerable idk words lol
Same thing here. Cam is usually the big spoon. Oliver would never initiate himself as the big spoon, but he wouldn’t turn Cam down if he wanted to be held.
3. Who hogs the cover/ Who loves to cuddle?
Okay so hear me out. They ALL love to cuddle. The most affectionate are Camden and Luna, then Valerie and then Oliver.
Val is a total cover hog, which is fine because Cam and Luna will just cuddle up to her and boom all is good.
Oliver. Will. Steal the covers. And when he’s sleeping he doesn’t care to cuddle. So Camden is lEFT FREEZING HIS LIL FACE OFF AND OLIVER DOESN’T KNOW NOR CARE BECAUSE HE’S ASLEEP
4. Who wakes the other one up with kisses?
Camden. Little kisses all over the face. With Val she’ll smile and return them, Oli will end up a blushing mess every single time.
If Val happens to somehow be awake before Luna? Like they both had a long night?? OOooffff. Luna is definitely that “Affection? Disgusting… Do it again” type of person so if Valerie ever woke Luna up with little kisses Luna would ACT like she hated them but they both know that's how she wants to be woken up for the rest of her life. Might do that to Valerie a few times and then deNY IT THE BRAT
5. Who usually has nightmares?
Honestly? Probably Luna. Her constant fear of wanting affection and attention keeps her up at night (Except not)
6. Who would have really deep emotional thoughts at the middle of the night/ Who would have them in the middle of the day?
B R U H. Valerie and Oliver would stay up late at night contemplating life and Camden would totally go along with it. 
Luna does her thinking during the day around people. That's how she realized she liked females and maybe being popular wasn’t really everything and woah no one has ever been inside and empty room….
7. Who sweats the small stuff?
Luna and Oliver when it comes to basic everyday things. They are worry warts, no matter how much they hide it. So poor Val and Cam need to tell them they’re doing okay and just. S t o p.
Cam sweats the small stuff when it comes to his partner. He’s a hopeless romantic and just wants his s/o to feel like the most loved and happy person in the world and constantly feels like he isn’t doing enough.
8. Who sleeps in their underwear (or naked)/ Who sleeps in their pajamas?
They all wear pajamas but if Valerie were alone on a hot night she would not pass up just her underwear and a giant t-shirt.
9. Who makes the coffee (or tea)?
Cam and Luna usually do since they wake up early, but Valerie always makes extra because she's a thirsty gal
10. Who likes sweet/ Who likes sour?
Cam and Oli are wholesome sweetie babies who love sweet.
Valerie likes both. She can’t choose just oNE …. :)
Luna likes sour things. Sour. That’s why she herself is so sour. She doesn’t like dessert-type food either. 
11. Who likes horror movies/ Who likes romance movies?
Camden is of course a sucker for romance movies, and so is Valerie. Oliver doesn’t mind them. Luna pretends to hate them and then finds herself up at 1am watching Hallmark movies. whoops
Cam is just a movie junkie and also loves horror. Val will watch them if someone else wants to, but does not go out of her way to choose to watch them. Luna and Oliver hate horror movies. Will not for any reason watch them.
12. Who is smol/ Who is tol?
Based off of energy, Luna and Cam have tol energy and Val and Oli have smol energy. Which works for their actual heights too… 
13. Who is considered the scaredy cat?
Oliver and Luna lMAOOOO poopy heads
14. Who kills the spiders?
Camden would kill it, but Valerie would take it outside while Oli and Luna are crying outside and planning on where to move. 
15. Who is scared of the dark?
Valerie actually is still scared of the dark...
16. Who is scared of thunderstorms?
Valerie and Luna. So they’re a mess together. Its… they need help… 
17. Who works/ Who stays at home?
Val, Cam, and Luna would all go out to work. And Oli is the homebody who just stays home/works from home. 
18. Who is a cat person/ Who is a dog person?
Oliver is a dog person.
Val likes both, leans toward cats.
Cam likes both, leans toward dogs.
Luna is not an animal person. Get them away from her. She won’t touch them. Gross.
19. Who loves to call the other one cute names?
Oliver might if he’s feeling confident. And we all know how Luna feels about affection. Gross 
20. Who is dominant/ Who is submissive?
Luna and Cam are most definitely doms. Cam is more like,,, a soft dom? Luna just. Dominant.
Val is a switch and will most definitely dom both Cam and Luna and even though they’re also doms it’s like,,, you can’t just dom dom Val, y’know? If she wants to dom she’s gonna dom
Oliver is a subby sub we all been known hes b a b y
21. Who has an obsession (over anything)?
Cam has an obsession with memes and his love
Oli obsesses over books
Luna is obsessed with herself whoops
22. Who goes all out for Valentine’s Day?
23. Who asks who out on the first date?
Cam always makes the first move
Luna usually makes the first move, but Valerie had to ask her on the first date because Luna is an idiot.
24. Who is the talker/ Who is the listener?
Cam is the talker and Oli is the listener. Obvi.
Cam and Val? Booooth. They both do both. Mutual loving relationship. They’re idiots. I hate them. 
Val will talk and talk and talk and Luna doesn’t listen unless it’s like a serious heart-to-heart. Luna doesn’t talk about her feelings and Val has to force them out of her.
25. Who wears the other ones clothes?
Ohmygosh Valerie wears everyones clothes regardless of who shes with.
When Luna/Cam see her in one of their shirts? They m e l t
Luna loves to dress Valerie up in her clothes
And Oliver likes to steal Cams clothes sometimes. He wouldn’t go out in public but Cam is just so much bigger than him so the clothes awh baby okay
26. Who likes to eat healthy/ Who loves junk food?
Valerie, Cam, and Oli all love junk food and Luna physically cannot down junk food.
Cam and Oli know how to eat healthy though
Valerie… she lives off of caffeine and potato chips she does not know what a carrot is. Like carrot cake? No? Then idk she dont know
27. Who takes a long shower/ Who sings in the shower?
Valerie does both
Camden and Oli take long showers
Luna is in and out. And somehow was able to effectively wash all her hair, clean and shave her entire body, give herself like a full facial and mani-pedi, buy a house, perform heart surgery, and like brush her teeth in like ten minutes.
28. Who is the book worm?
Oliver and Valerie lol
29. Who is the better cook?
Luna and Valerie cannot cook for crap
And Cam is better at baking...
Has Oliver ever even step foot in a kitchen??
...they’ll all just order takeout. for the benifit of literally everyone.
30. Who likes long walks on the beach?
Camden and Valerie would
Luna prefers to like,,, sunbathe. That’s the only reason to be at the beach lol
Oliver doesn’t do beaches.
31. Who is more affectionate?
Cam and Val and we been knew
32. Who likes to have really long (deep) conversation?
33. Who would wear “not guilty” t-shirt/ Who would wear “sin” t-shirt?
Luna- Not guilty, Val- Sin
Oli- Not guilty, Cam- Sin
34. Who would wear “if lost return to…” t-shirt/ Who would wear “I am…” t-shirt?
Valerie and Oliver do be gettin lost tho
Need to be returned to Luna and Cam
35. Who goes overboard on the holidays?
omg Camden my boi. He’s just so excited and hyped. Also, his family is no help because they’re always going overboard
Valerie will also go overboard. But nobody beats Camden lol
36. Who is the social media addict?
Luna?? Have you met this chick??
37. Height difference or age difference?
Luna and Val have a three inch height difference (when Luna is wearing flats), and Valerie is older by like... two months
OKAY Valerie and Camdens height difference is 10 inches. awh. I’m a sucker for height differences look at themmmmm. And then Cam is seven months older
Cam is only three inches taller than Oliver :) And Cam claims the title as the oldest, being four months older than Oli
38. Who likes to star gaze?
Omh Camden is such a hopeless romantic and he’ll do this just so he can turn his head and see his love staring up with the stars in their eyes. Also so he can use dumb star related pick up lines on them
Valerie loves this! Look up at the stars! So pretty! She may not know anything about them, but she loves them!
Luna will join Valerie because yeah, they’re pretty :) And so is the cute girl next to her whoop
39. Who buys cereal for the prize inside?
40. Who is the fun parent/ Who is the responsible parent?
When it comes to parenting, Valerie and Cam would be a fun/responsible duo. They are both the good cop and bad cop. They know how to balance it, because they grew up with balanced parents.
Luna would be more responsible. She isn’t exactly a ‘kid’ person, and really didn’t have great parental influences growing up, and doesn’t want to have her child run off and be unsupervised/feel neglected like her
Oliver is in a similar boat. 
41. Who cries during sad movies?
Omg I swear Camden and Valerie are like the same person it’s disgusing. Anyways. They.
Oliver may? Depends on how sad it is.
Luna has no emotions. Gross.
42. Who is the neat freak?
V A L E R I E omg she will clean up the smallest mess. Which is funny because you look at her and her bedroom and think she’s a mess herself which she is but she’s an orginzed mess
43. Who wins the stuffed animals at the carnival for the other one?
Valerie and Camden will be competitive and try to win each other prizes, but like, against the other? If that makes sense?
Oliver will gladly accept what Cam wins for him
When Val offers to win one for Luna, she’ll be like ‘ew gross I don’t want one of those’. Valerie gets one anyways, and Luna adores it anyways.
44. Who is active/ Who is lazy?
Honestly none of them are lazy per se, but the most active I think are Luna and Valerie. I mean, Luna is just an active, work-outy person. Valerie just cannot sit still for longer than three minutes. 
Camden and Oli like to relax from time to time. Just. Sit. Alone or with each other. 
45. Who is more likely to get drunk?
Luna and Cam (poor Valerie lol)
46. Who has the longer food order?
Camden!! This boy eats a lot!! And where does it all go?!
47. Who has the more complex coffee order?
Ohmygoodness Valerie. She drinks so much coffee, and her orders are always different and bizarre. 
48. Who loses stuff?
Oliver. Poor boy. Val misplaces things quite often, too.
49. Who is the driver/ Who is the passenger?
Camden is the only good driver here.
Between Luna and Val, Valerie drives but only because Luna refuses to. That does not mean she is good.
50. Who is the hopeless romantic?
The obvious answer here is Camden. He takes the cake for being a hopeless romantic. He loves the idea of love, and being in love. Having someone to love. Love. He goes over the top, stares at them, he’s just in love and isn’t afraid to show it.
I think all of them, once in their relationship, shows how hopelessly romantic they are for their loves. That’s just what happens when you’re with the one.
lol. I know this isn’t like... how this was supposed to go but I couldn’t choose just one couple :)
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spacymuses · 5 years
♦ gimme the disney aus (visits or them suffering as cast members)
Gonna cut this one because you know it’s gonna be a long post.
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Being from an established showbiz family in Los Angeles that was definitely well-off enough to afford annual passes, Luca visited Disneyland a lot as a child. By the time he was born, his oldest brother was old enough to take them on his own, so he usually just went with his siblings. It wasn’t really fun for him for a while–his brothers kind of were annoyed at having to drag this much younger kid around when all they wanted to do was go ride all the big thrill rides he was too small for. 
Things got better after his little sister Anna started coming with them. The older kids could go on all the roller coasters, and Luca could just take Anna on the tea cups or the Winnie the Pooh ride or whatever. 
Up until the point where Anna was old enough for the thrill rides, and then she absolutely just wanted to ride the thrill rides. 
Walt Disney would’ve been Luca’s hero though. Commercializing whimsy and nostalgia to such an extent that your company is basically synonymous with American childhood? Life goals. 
His favorite Disney Parks food were the Mickey beignets at the Mint Julep Bar.  
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Really it’s kind of hard to imagine Aki going to any Disney Park though. She’s not going to ride any rides, and though crowds means good pick-pocketing if she were still in the thief life, her MO was more corporations and art galleries and not families on vacation. 
She’d love the food though. I can see her hanging out at, like, Disney Springs/Downtown Disney and just chilling out with a cupcake and a coffee to people-watch. 
Her favorite Disney Parks food would be the salted caramel cupcake from Karamell Kuche in Epcot or the rose cupcake from Boardwalk Bakery. 
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It him
Does he hate theme parks? Yes. Is he the parent of a tiny child? Yes. He’s going at least once.
Realistically though it probably would just be like, once. Celia is an extremely anxious little kid and gets stressed out and scared in crowds, so theme parks are difficult for her. And then she’d get more stressed out because she definitely wanted to go to Disney World, but feels bad for not having a great time. Lucius is very good at telling when maybe she just needs a little downtime at the resort. 
Letting Celia ride on his shoulders also helps calm her down when she’s upset, and she loves getting (what a five year old would consider) a birds’ eye view of the park as they walk around. 
You know what always works though? A ride on Spaceship Earth. Let me and my kid take a nap in an air-conditioned room for 15 minutes while Judy Dench tells us about history. We’ll be ready for Soarin’ in no time. 
Lucius taking Celia to the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique! She went with the Elsa makeover, Elsa is her favorite. 
His favorite Disney Parks food would be the Citrus Swirl at Sunshine Tree Terrace in Epcot. 
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He loves ALL the thrill rides, but Rock ‘n Rollercoaster is his SHIT. He does a pretty solid impression of the Steve Tyler countdown before the coaster launches in the beginning, and yes, he will repeat it every time. Along with that “HELLO HOLLYWOOD” 
Doesn’t really do the fireworks shows or parades. More people watching them means less people in the line for Space Mountain so he can ride it for the third time today.
Has actually been to a bunch of the international parks, usually just if he was in the country on business anyway and happened to have a day or two off. The only one he hasn’t made it out to at least once is Disneyland Paris. He REALLY would’ve liked the Iron Man Experience in HK Disneyland. 
His favorite Disney Parks food is the turkey leg because it is a BIG MEAT and he is gonna EAT IT.
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Has not been to a Disney park and probably never will. Her family did like, ski trips and horseriding and other Rich English Kid Stuff for their fun summer holidays, theme parks were not the Isherwoods’ scene. 
If she did go you would probably catch her chatting up ladies at a poolside bar at one of the resorts, most likely trying to impress them with random facts about the park that she found on Wikipedia 25 minutes ago.
Her favorite Disney Parks food would be the Maine lobster at Victoria & Albert’s.
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I googled the Disney cast member auditions’ page to get a better idea of what they might be doing, and came across one for Star Wars face characters that said in the middle of an otherwise very businesslike audition sheet, “You must be able to reproduce an imperial march with a cadenced approach.” That’s admittedly not Reema, but that line made me laugh a lot for some reason, so please imagine Reema getting cast as a Storm Trooper and doing their level best to do a military-style march with no added dramatic flourish. 
No but really they’d hate being a Storm Trooper, let them be in one of the full-body costumes so they can embrace their talent for hyper-exaggerated movement. They’d do well in pretty much any of them, but I could especially see maybe Joy, Dale, or Tigger. Honestly, I could see them doing pretty damn well as Mickey or Minnie Mouse. 
Their family lives in Miami so they’re close enough to visit the park every now and again. Their mom asks “hey are u my child” to every mascot character she comes across until she finds Reema. 
Their favorite Parks food is the churros
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Honestly the Parks in general would just blow her away. So many people, so much to see, so much packed into literally every corner. She would end up spending a good hour or so just browsing around Main Street, wandering through every single shop, and taking in the atmosphere. Something new distracts her every second. Don’t let her out of your sight or you’re gonna lose her. 
Claudia wants to do everything. Country Bear Jamboree? Let’s go. Carousel of Progress? We’re already in line. The 360-degree O Canada show in Epcot? Sign her the fuck up. It would actually kind of overwhelm her because everywhere she looks there’s more to see and do and literally no way of doing it all on one trip. 
Please imagine her riding the Prince Charming Carrousel with the most Stoic Expression.
She’s gonna listen to Sonny Eclipse’s entire set. 
She is okay on the thrill rides but doesn’t enjoy them as much as the slower dark rides and things like It’s a Small World. Haunted Mansion is weird for her, she already has 999 Happy Haunts inside her sword so these others are just overkill. 
Her favorite Parks food are the hot dogs at Casey’s. And Dole Whip. And popcorn. And turkey legs. And the Grey Stuff cupcakes at Be Our Guest. And churros. And the Cheshire Cat tails. And the Mickey-shaped ice cream bars. And the Mickey-shaped pretzels. And the Mickey-shaped rice krispie treats. And the Mickey-shaped cake pops. And the Mickey-shaped candy apples. And the Minnie-shaped candy apples. And funnel cake. And the school bread in Epcot. And the caramel corn in Epcot. And the corn dogs. And the kitchen sink sundae. And--yeah you know what literally everything is Claudia’s favorite please just let her stop at all the snack stands. 
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thatishogwash · 7 years
In the Forest
KuroDai Week 2017
May 8, 2017
Day Three: Childhood
Summary: Tetsurou had never believed in magic or fairies, until he realized he was married to one.
Warnings: None
When Tetsurou’s mother asked him to go out the country and take care of his grandmother for a while he had no problem agreeing.  His mother would have done it but taking any extended amount of time off from her job would not work.  She had fought long and hard to get her nursing license and managed to get a job in an ER.  Tetsurou had just graduated college and didn’t have any future prospects besides mooching off his mother and trying to find a job.  Plus Tetsurou loved his grandmother and hadn’t seen her in years.
Tetsurou’s mother had gotten pregnant at 16 and her parents had helped raise Tetsurou until he was 10 and they moved to Tokyo.  Tetsurou’s grandfather had passed away a year prior, a sickness took him before Tetsurou or his mother could even make it back out the country to say their goodbyes.  He knew his grandmother took it the hardest, though she’d never admit to needing help.  The Kuroo’s were all stubborn like that.  She had taken a hard fall and needed help around the house and small shop she owned.
Being back in the country after 13 years in the city was odd.  He had visited several times over the past decade or so, but they had always been brief visits.  He had new friends and he liked the buzzing of the city.  Akari, Tetsurou’s grandmother, had kept the small bedroom he had when he was a child basically the exact same.  It was like walking into a time capsule of when he was a child.
The bedding was new, no more Star Wars comforter set for him.  But the wooden desk his grandfather had made him was still there, sturdy and darkly stained.  The several shelves his grandfather had put up were there, along with his old knick knacks he hadn’t brought with him to Tokyo.  An old blue first place ribbon, a broken robot toy, a jar full of colorful rocks with a flower crown around it.
Tetsurou lifted his hand to the flower crown, remembered when he was younger and had to stand on his tiptoes to put anything up on the shelf.  His childhood memories sometimes felt fuzzy, but he guessed that’s what happened when over a decade of time had passed.  He remembered a wedding, surrounded by faceless old friends and a boy with a gentle smile.  Tetsurou almost laughed out loud, remembering that he had gotten married when he was seven years old.  He couldn’t believe he had forgotten.
Akari must have replaced the old flower crown with a fresh one.  She had a lush garden and there is no way a flower crown would look that perfect after 16 years.
When Tetsurou touched the crown it moved and something fell down between the wall and where the old shelf had warped, leaving a small gap in the back.  Tetsurou knelt down to the ground and picked up a worn piece of leather with a ring attached.  It was just a simple band, or it would have been except it looked like it was made out of resin with tiny blue and white flowers stuck inside.
His wedding ring.
Tetsurou stood up, examining the ring and wondered how a 7 year old could have gotten a hold of it.  He couldn’t even remember the name of his husband, though it was on the tip of his tongue.  Tetsurou guessed the other boys parents had made them the same way his grandfather made him a wooden sword to play with and his grandmother made him treats to take with him.
“Always bring fairies gifts when you visit them Tetsu, they particularly like sweet things.”  Tetsurou blinked at his grandmothers voice in his mind, reminding him about the fairies who lived deep in the forest that surrounded the small country town.  Tetsurou grinned as he pulled on the necklace, tucking it inside his black tank top.  He had forgotten how much his grandmother believed in a magical forest, though his younger self had eaten up every story she had told him.
“Grand-” Tetsurou’s train of thought about fairies and childhood husbands were cut off as he saw his grandmother struggling with a box.  “Let me get that.”
“You just got here and you must be very tired from your travels,” His grandmother said but allowed him to take the box from her.  She was tall and willowy, just like Tetsurou and his own mother, but years had stooped her back and carved soft wrinkles on her face.
“This is what I’m here for, where does this need to go?”  Tetsurou said with a grin, bending down and allowing his grandmother to kiss his cheek before putting him to work around the house and shop.
The next couple weeks passed in a quiet and peaceful manner.  Tetsurou wasn’t use to that, hadn’t really had a calm moment since he had started college.  It was all rushing around, writing papers and studying for tests while trying to have a social life and practicing hard to be a proper member of the swim team.  Tetsurou had survived off of cat naps and an unhealthy amount of energy drinks.
“Grandmother, do you remember any of the other children I hung out with when I was younger?”  Tetsurou asked as he finished up his sweeping of the store.  He had tugged in a comfortable chair for his grandmother to sit on when he first started working in the store and she refused to go sit down and rest.  “I don’t remember any of their names and I haven’t seen any of them around town.”  He touched the ring that was hidden underneath his shirt, not sure why he continued to wear it except that it was a pretty thing.
“No I don’t imagine they would be walking around town.”  His grandmother said with a grin that reminded Tetsurou of his own.  A bit sly and mischevious, full of ‘I know something you don’t know’ which is all well and good when he was the one who knew something but not so much when other people were keeping it from him.
“What does-”
“Ah, that will be Hana, please go grab her package from the back Tetsu.”  His grandmother turned happily to converse with the older woman who entered the store as Tetsurou went to the back to get the package.
The town was peaceful for the most part but there were odd things that Tetsurou kept noticing.  No one ventured out into the woods, not even children which struck Tetsurou as very weird.  His childhood memories might but fuzzy but he remembered running through the trees quite often.  Everything shut down when the sun set, which wasn’t that strange for a small country town but no one left their homes at night, not even to enjoy the nice weather in their own backyard.
The edges of his grandmother's garden started to wither and wilt.  Tetsurou stared at it through the window and even offered to help pull out the dead flowers but his grandmother wouldn’t let him near it.  Tetsurou remembered getting a small plant from his childhood husband and planting it in the clear dirt.  The next day an entire array of different flowers were there.  Tetsurou knew it must be his imagination as a kid, an entire garden didn’t pop up from one seed.
Then a little girl went missing.
Tetsurou put on his shoes near the door, grabbing his old worn flannel and tying it around his waist.  It was too warm for the flannel now but if they were out very late he might need it when the sun went down.  He also grabbed a torch, flicking it on and off to make sure it worked properly, before shoving it into the small bag he had which already had a water and some treats, along with his cell phone.
“Tetsu-” His grandmother’s hand clenched tightly to his tank top.
“I’ll be careful, plus I use to go through those woods all the time when I was a kid.”  Tetsurou smiled, kissing her on the forehead to try and soothe her worry.
“Things are different than when you were a child.”  His grandmother was constantly saying things like that, but whenever he questioned her she always changed the subject.  “Don’t go too far into the forest, don’t stray from the path, and take these.”  They were little candies his grandmother had made, he put them in his bag as he remembered that fairies liked sweet things.  He wondered if his grandmother had thought a fairy had taken the girl.
“I’ll be fine.”  Tetsurou hugged her carefully before he trudged outside and jogged over to the town center where the search party was assembling itself.
They began their slow search, calling out the little girl's name and waiting for an answer that never came.  They stayed on the path in the woods, though Tetsurou thought that was a bit odd.  He had never stayed on the path as a kid.  His companions got stiffer and more anxious the further they went in, and it was Tetsurou who was doing most of the yelling for the girl.
“Hey what’s that?”  The two men and one woman with him jumped and turned towards where he was pointing.  Off in the distance, nearly hidden by a bush was something long and yellow.  The picture they had been shown of the girl had her with a yellow ribbon in her hair.
“We shouldn’t go off the path.”  The oldest of them spoke up as Tetsurou took a step towards it.  Tetsurou almost sympathized with them.  There was something dark and ominous about the woods right then, something in his hind brain was telling him to leave.  He hadn’t remembered ever being afraid in the woods when he was a kid.
“I think that might be her yellow hair ribbon.”  Tetsurou might sympathize with them, if a little girl wasn’t missing.  “Yachi!”  Tetsurou shouted as he moved towards the ribbon, leaving the trail and his companions behind.  It’s not as if anything dangerous existed in these woods and the little girl could have fallen down and was hurt.
“Yachi!”  Tetsurou tried again, nearing the ribbon now.  It was a little frayed and dirty but it was about waist high, which should be around the size of the girl.  “Yachi, can you hear me?”  Tetsurou yelled as he stopped by the ribbon and reached out to grab it.
“Gotcha.”  Someone whispered in his ear before his whole world went dark and upside down.
Tetsurou grunted in pain as his shoulder was slammed against the ground, his feet swept from underneath him and it took him a moment of sheer panic and confusion to realize he was in some sort of sack.  Tetsurou was horribly confused because he was neither a small or light man, he was tall and weighed quite a bit, especially since his grandmother kept making him homemade meals and treats.
Tetsurou yelled and struggled with renewed energy.  His shoulder throbbed but now wasn’t the time to worry about it.  He was jostled around and he hit a couple things but he knew he was moving.  What kind of monster could pick up a fully grown man and lug him around like nothing?
As suddenly as Tetsurou was grabbed, he was dropped.  His head bounced off the ground and he lost track of time for a moment before the sack was ripped away.
“Look Kenma!  I did good, right?  I came up with the plan all by myself!”  A too loud voice shouted as Tetsurou tried to regain his bearings.  He felt like he was swimming through fudge.
“What did you do now Lev?”  There was a shuffling sound and then a sharp inhale.  Loud boistirious laughter had Tetsurou sitting straight up but that really was a mistake.  “Lev you absolute idiot!  They are going to string you up by your toes!”
“What?  No!  I did good!”  The first voice shouted, petulant.
“He’s bleeding,” A soft voice interrupted and everything went quiet before a face was shove directly into Tetsurou’s.  “I wouldn’t do that.”  The same soft voice warned.  Tetsurou gathered his leg back and kicked out, directly into the guy's chest.  The guy went flying, which would have been funny under any other circumstance.
“Forget being hung up by your toes, the King is going to skin you alive.”  Tetsurou forced himself to focus, making out the three people around him.  He must have taken a harder hit to the head than he thought because these people had feline ears and tails and claws-
“I think I’m going to throw up.”  Tetsurou put his head down, shutting his eyes tight before peeking up at them.  Nope, ears and all were still there.
“I didn’t know humans were so fragile!”  A tall, far too tall, man walked out.  His eyes were an unnatural shade of green and slitted down the middle like a cats.
“You try being shoved into a sack and bounced along the ground and see how well you do!”  Tetsurou shouted, grabbing a branch and whacking the tall feline-human-thing with it.  He howled and jumped back.  The guy with the mohawk howled with laughter.  Somehow it was familiar.
“We should get him to Suga,” There was the quiet one, smaller than the rest and almost hunched in on himself as if he was trying to make himself even smaller.  Something tugged on Tetsurou’s mind but it was so scrambled from everything going around him that he wasn’t sure he wanted to pull on that particular thread.
“No Kenma, I don’t want to be skinned alive!”  The tall one shouted, whining loudly.  Tetsurou threw the branch at him and was satisfied when he let out an oof when it connected.
“Like hell I’m going anywhere with you!”  Tetsurou shouted, which only hurt his head more.
“Kuro,” Tetsurou was shocked at the nickname as the small one knelt next to him.  His eyes were amber in color, slitted down the middle and his two-toned hair fell in his face.  Something tugged at Tetsurou’s mind and he bit down on the urge to lash out at this one the same one he had hit the tall one.  “We need to get you patched up, Suga will help.”  Tetsurou watched with interest as the guys tail wrapped around Tetsurou’s leg, once, twice and something relaxed inside of him.
“I was friends with a Kenma when I was little,” Tetsurou said softly, unsure.  Kenma smiled, just a small twitch of his lips.
“If it helps, a couple people will most likely hit Lev when they realize what he’s done.”  The man with the mohawk knelt next to Kenma, a little protectively but grinning widely.  “It’ll be funny, especially when Yaku gets ahold of him.”
“Don’t tell Yaku!”  The one called Lev pleaded from the spot where he was pouting.  “I was only trying to help.”  He said quieter.
Kenma reached out to help Tetsurou to his feet, but Tetsurou cringed when his shoulder was touched.
“How much damage did you do him dumbass?”  The mohawked one yelled, storming over to Lev to dig his knuckles into Lev’s silver head of hair in a painful looking nugee.
Tetsurou managed to get to his feet but he feel woozy.
“Night falls soon.”  Kenma said softly, his eyes full of worry as he looked over Tetsurou.  “Whistle, maybe he’ll come.”
“Or he’ll attract something else with all the bleeding he’s doing, I’m Taketora incase you forgot.”  His mohawk was blonde, which matched his twitching ears that had a string of gold hoops through them.  Tetsurou wasn’t sure why he was listening to them, why he was standing there chatting amicably with what was either a hallucination or fairies.  Fairies, damn him for stepping off the path.
Tetsurou whistled because he wasn’t quite sure what else to do and he wasn’t really all that surprised when nothing happened.
“Wait,” Kenma said, as if he could read Tetsurou’s mind.  His left ear twitched, shifting back and Tetsurou couldn’t even believe he was getting use to seeing feline features on a human-looking man.
Something cantered through the trees.  Tetsurou jumped and then cringed in pain before he could clearly make out the creature.  It was a deer, one the size of a large horse with a wide head of bone-white antlers that were covered in moss and flowers.
“You were at my wedding,” Tetsurou said before he could really think about it.  The deer stepped forward, bending down and Tetsurou realized he was being bowed to, by a mythical looking deer.  Tetsurou reached out hesitantly with his good arm, was surprised when the deer pushed his large head into Tetsurou’s palm.
“This is touching and all but we should really be going.”  Taketora helped Tetsurou onto the back of the deer.  Riding him made his shoulder throb but the forest past by in a blur.
Tetsurou didn’t understand what was happening, even as part of him accepted in whole heartedly.  He didn’t believe in magic or fairies, did he?  He thought the fogginess of his childhood was normal but maybe it was more magical than he thought.  The deer had been smaller when he was little, his antlers just little stubs on his head.  Tetsurou couldn’t believe he had forgotten that he use to play with a fawn when he was little.
“Suga!”  Taketora hollers loudly when they come to a stop.  Tetsurou slides off of the deers back, keeping a hand on the animals legs to keep himself upright as he stares in awe at what he can only think of as a town around him.
Some of the houses are little more than wooden shacks while several are rather intricate.  Some roll out of the dirt like little hobbit holes, covered in grass and dirt.  Tetsurou follows Taketora’s line of sight, startling when he realizes there are houses in the trees.  Huge wooden buildings that seem to blend in with the foliage, long wood and rope made into a bridge connecting them all.
“Tora why are you yelling?”  A pale man swings down from the tall trees with ease.  Huge beautiful white wings spread out behind him.  He looks delicate and strangely dangerous in the way most exotic birds do.  Something pulls at Tetsurou’s mind and he doubles over, groaning and holding his head as his shoulder throbs.  “Why have you brought a human here?”
“Lev kidnapped Tetsurou.”  Taketora said without remorse as Lev wailed in the background.
“What?”  The pale man asked, voice strained.
“Please don’t tell Yaku!”  Lev pleaded.
“Tell me what?”  Another voice asked but Tetsurou couldn’t look up, his head was killing him.  A gentle hand rubbed at his back.
“What did you do Lev?”  The pale man was closer now, leaning down and prodding at Tetsurou’s wounds, which did not help at all.
“Suga stop!”  Tetsurou was shocked when he grabbed Suga’s hand, more surprised when he actually knew who the winged man was.  “How do I- why-”
“This is exactly why human adults aren’t allowed here Lev,” Suga scolded.
“You brought a human here!”  A voice shouted, angry.
“Not just any human, hello Tetsurou, it’s been quite a while for you, hasn’t it?”  Suga’s smile was soft but there was something hard in his eyes.  A deeply buried hurt that was threatening to drown him.  Tetsurou wasn’t sure how he knew that.  “I can heal you quite easily but first I have to pop your shoulder back into its joint.”
“That sounds like it’s going to hurt.”  Tetsurou sat down fully on the ground.
“No, not at all.  Hardly feel a thing.”  Suga grasped Tetsurou’s arm, his grip surprisingly strong.  He pulled suddenly and Tetsurou passed out.
Tetsurou didn’t think much time had passed, though he was on a pile of soft blankets and pillows and definitely inside.  There was a roaring fire and despite it being the beginnings of summer, it wasn’t too hot inside the small house.  For some reason Tetsurou was sure it belonged to Kenma, and he was partially glad for that since he would be several stories up in the air if he was in Kenma’s house.
“You lied.”  Tetsurou croaked out, his throat dry but he did feel a lot better.  His head was no longer pounding and there was only a slight soreness in his shoulder.
“The fair folk can’t lie.”  Suga said, which wasn’t exactly a lie.
“European fairies maybe.”  Tetsurou remembered his grandmother saying that Asian fairies loved to lie, especially to foolish humans who only believed in the European myths and thought they applied globally.
“I’m sorry you got pulled into this.”  Tetsurou thought that Suga was being untruthful again, or at least he wasn’t completely sorry.  Tetsurou sat up and shook his head at the tea cup offered to him, Suga grinned fully at that and sipped at the tea.  Don’t accept gifts from fairies.
“You were my friend when I was a kid,” Tetsurou said slowly, carefully as if he wasn’t quite sure if it was the truth but Suga nodded in agreement.
“I was at your wedding, though most of us attended it.”  Suga stretched his wings, just a little before he leaned forward, resting his chin on his fisted hand.  Up close Suga looked even less human.  His eyes were an ever changing shade of gray, his features soft and unearthly beautiful.
“Why did I forget all this?  How could I?”  Tetsurou asked in wonder, running a hand through his hair and finding it slightly damp.  They must have washed it to get the blood out.
“Human minds are so interesting, especially those of adults, you stop believing in magic so you blocked out anything that had to do with us.”  Suga didn’t sound offended.  Fairies are ancient, his grandmother's voice whispered in his ear.  He wondered if a decade was nothing to them.
“Something's wrong.”  Tetsurou said carefully.  Suga leaned back, his smile going stiff.
“You were always amazingly observant.”  Suga’s wings twitched as if in agitation.  “Something has happened to our King, we are connected to him and he is connected to the forest.  He has shut himself away to protect us all but something dark is taking over the forest.”  Suga looked down at his hands, which were long and thin.
“No one has tried to go to him?”  Tetsurou asked, he felt a strange sense of indignation at that though he wasn’t sure why.  He didn’t know the King, did he?
“Many have tried and none have returned.”  Suga’s shoulders slumped and Tetsurou suddenly felt awful, knew Suga must have lost someone close to him.  For some reason Tetsurou was sure Suga was close to the king himself.
“More and more of our kind go missing everyday.”  Tetsurou jumped, turned around to see two people standing there.  Though using the term people wasn’t quite right.  Unlike Suga, who appeared human from afar apart from his wings, these two could never be considered human.  Their legs were those of a birds and their wings looked like they were attached to their clawed arms.  Feathers curled up their necks and into their hair line.
“Hey hey hey Tetsu.”  The black and white one grinned, but it was a half hearted thing.  Tetsurou stood up and against his better judgement, embraced the creature.  He felt the sharp claws against his back but they didn’t puncture skin.
“Bo,” Koutarou was his name, though Tetsurou had always called him Bo.  His childhood best friend, the first fairy creature he had met when he had lost his way off the path that first time when he was just five years old.  Koutarou had led him home, cracking jokes and holding his hand in his tiny claws.  Tetsurou’s mother had been a crying mess, shouting and hugging him tightly when he got home.
“His memories are coming back,” The creature who had first spoke said, though it was directed at Suga.  Koutarou and Tetsurou pulled apart, both their eyes were glossy.
“Kenma said he trusted him from the beginning.”  Suga said.  Kenma had been his close friend too, quiet but full of snark.
“This is Keiji, he arrived after you left.”  Koutarou explained.  “Are you going to go?  Are you going to save Da-”
“Koutarou, please, this isn’t his responsibility.”  Keiji chided him gently, pulling Koutarou away from Tetsurou.  “He is human, he needs to get back to his own people.”
“A girl, a little girl was taken-” Tetsurou suddenly spoke up, though his instincts were telling him none of his old friends had anything to do with it but he still had to ask.
“We know, we went out searching for her but-” Koutarou made a soft sound, almost like a sad hoot.  “The darkness is growing stronger.”
“Please Koutarou.”  Keiji spoke up.
“He might be able to help!”  Koutarou whined back.
“I agree with Koutarou.”  Suga said and everyone looked over at him.  “He might be our last chance.  If the darkness has grown strong enough to take a human child it won’t be long until it’s overtaken us and the human village.”
“Will someone please explain what’s going on?”  Tetsurou spoke up, a little aggravated.  “Lev obviously brought me here for a reason, he thought he was doing a good thing and it has something to do with this spreading darkness.  My grandmother lives in that town, if there’s something I can do to keep her safe than I’ll do it.”  Never make a deal with a fairy.  It was far too late for that advice.
“Some of us think you can get close to the king, close enough to help him.”  Koutarou pushed close, his heavily lidded eyes almost luminescent in the low lighting.
“Why would I be able to get close to him when none of you can?”  Tetsurou asked.
“Because of this.”  Koutarou pulled gently on the leather necklace, making the ring pop out from beneath Tetsurou’s tank top.  Tetsurou closed his eyes, saw a gentle smile on a chubby face.  “Do you remember?”
“Daichi,” Tetsurou whispered softly.
“The Crow King, our King.”  Suga said from behind him.
“But we were just children!  Kids fake weddings all the time.”  Tetsurou really didn’t know if fairy children pretended to get married or not but he knew it couldn’t possibly be binding, could it?
“If you’re going to pull him into this, you should tell him the whole truth.”  Keiji advised.
“Tetsurou, the truth is you could possibly walk to the dark forest and die there like many others before you have.”  Suga gently tugged Tetsurou around to face him.  “Which would mean there is nothing left of our king and we are all dead anyways, but if you can get through then you might be able to help him.”
“But why me?”  Tetsurou asked, a little breathless as the prospect of his muddy future.
“Weddings are simply ceremonial but even as little ones you and Daichi shared something that connected your very souls together, or did your adult mind block that out too?”  Suga asked, gently teasing him.  Did Tetsurou still feel that way?
“How long has this been happening?”  Tetsurou asked quietly.
“Time doesn’t really flow the same here as it does for humans.”  Suga said, a little hopelessly.
“A little over a year.”  Tetsurou wasn’t even all the surprised that Kenma was there, hiding as small cat beneath some covers.
Tetsurou had felt an itch beneath his skin that he could never quite scratch.  He had just thought it was because he was scheduled to graduate college and had no idea what to do with the rest of his life.  He had been restless, agitated constantly, and he was lucky that he could even pass his classes because his concentration was shot.  He had spoken to his mother and she had said it was normal.
But what if it was something more than facing an unknown future?  Tetsurou had known the Crow King when they were just small things, and he had felt at ease around him almost instantly.  Perhaps the reason why his childhood self had never followed the rules his grandmother taught him for dealing with the fair folk was because he knew Daichi would never let anything happen to him.  There were those who didn’t like a human child passing through the forest with ease but nothing bad had ever come of it.  From the moment Tetsurou had met him he had trusted him.  He had believed that was just how Daichi was, the boy who acted older than he looked who had shown him the spirits who danced amongst the fireflies and ran through the forest with him.
“How do I get there?”  Tetsurou asked because what else was he suppose to do?  Go home and wait for the darkness to swallow his childhood friends?
“I’ll show you.”  Koutarou offered easily.
“Koutarou no.”  Keiji pulled at him but Koutarou shrugged him off.
“Don’t worry Keiji, he’ll be safe with me!”  Koutarou grinned before he nuzzled Keiji’s neck, gentle and intimately.  “We’ll get your family back.”
They waited until the sun rose to head off.  Tetsurou spent the time mostly sleeping, waking up to Kenma using his head as a pillow.  Tetsurou wasn’t surprised when Kenma jumped up onto his shoulder, still in cat-form, and came with Koutarou and him on their journey.
“So Keiji, huh?”  Tetsurou elbowed Koutarou gently, who flushed but let out a big grin.
“He was out gathering herbs when his flock was taken by the darkness, we found him wandering around.”  Koutarou’s clawed hands curled into fists.  “He thinks he’s hiding it well, but he’s always sad.”
“How do you know if we save Daichi that the people who disappeared will come back?”  Tetsurou asked, crawling over a huge fallen tree.
“I believe in you,” Koutarou grinned once more, flying gracefully over the tree and landing several meters away from Tetsurou.  “And I think our king is fighting this with everything he has.”  Tetsurou can’t help but wonder if Daichi ever thought about him after he left, if he was upset or sad that Tetsurou never visited, had forgotten almost everything about him and this place.
“And what if he’s mad at me?”  Tetsurou couldn’t help but ask as the forest grew colder, darker, more threatening.  Vegetation began to die off, the trees became warped.  Kenma pressed closer to Tetsurou’s neck, his soft purring had gone quiet a while ago.
“Why would he be mad at you?”  Koutarou asked, genuinely confused.  “Oh for leaving?  We knew you’d come back, we were just waiting.”  Tetsurou felt sudden warmth fill him despite the chill in the air.  Koutarou never doubted him, believed in him completely even though he was just a regular human.
“How are we supposed to get through that?”  Tetsurou asked, frowning deeply as he stared at the layers of thick black thorne's blocking their path.  It seemed to spread high above them and go off in both directions.
“This um- wasn’t here the last time-” Koutarou fidgeted, clawing at the thornes before hopping back over to Tetsurou when it accomplished nothing.  Suddenly Kenma jumped down from his shoulder, hissing off to the left.  “Tetsu move!”  Koutarou pulled Tetsurou out of the way as something barrelled out of the trees.
It looked as warped as their surroundings.  Flesh was falling off of it, and it looked like a wolf on steroids.  Its eyes were empty sockets, teeth sharp and bloody.  Koutarou let out a screech at it, meeting it dead on when it lunged forward.  Kenma yowled, body shifting until he was quite large, long incisors poking out making him look like a sabre tooth tiger, or something that ate sabre tooth tigers.  He attacked a second hellbeast but a third lunged at Tetsurou.
Tetsurou tripped backwards, heart pounding wildly in his chest before he had realized he was about to make a very painful connection with the thorn vines.  Tetsurou tried to grab for something but there was nothing but air before he fell hard onto the ground.  He quickly scrambled back as the creature circled around for him but the vines filled up the space Tetsurou had fallen through.
“Bo!”  Tetsurou shouted as the creature tried to get to him but was stopped by the thick thorny vines.
“Go!  We’ve got this!”  Koutarou shouted.  Tetsurou turned around, came face to face with more vines and swallowed down his sudden rush of fear.  He carefully crawled forward, shocked when the vines pulled back and made a path for him as he left the fight behind.
Tetsurou felt like he crawled for a long time but suddenly he was free and clear of them completely and stood up to look at his surroundings.
It was a nightmare scene, everything look twisted and warped.  Fear made Tetsurou’s steps heavy, made his breathe come out in short gasps.  For some reason he clutched at the ring on the leather cord, he wasn’t sure why it made him feel a bit better but it did.
Something moved to Tetsurou’s right, making him jump and almost run away but he took a closer look and recognized the person.  
Asahi looked drained, his skin a sickly yellow color, his eyes surrounded by dark bruises.  He was hunched over a smaller body, curled up almost protectively around it even though it looked like a strong wind would break him.  Something black was oozing out of the ground, crawling up around Asahi’s body.  His wings looked broken and diseased.
“Asahi-” Tetsurou rushed over.
“Don’t.” Asahi wheezed out and Tetsurou winced at the sound.  “Touch.”  It seemed to take every last ounce of Asahi’s strength to say the words.  The black substance crawled a bit further up him.  “Help.  Daichi.  Please.”  He bent further over the body in his arms, collapsing on the spot.
Tetsurou backed away slowly, reluctantly as he realized that what he thought were rocks and dead things around the blackened clearing were actually bodies.  Some he recognized but some he did not.  He tried to help others but they all said the same thing.
Everything was dark and twisted in this area, except for one thing that was bleached bone-white and made all the more terrifying for it.  It was a horrible looking castle and all of Tetsurou’s instincts told him not to go in there, so of course that’s where he headed.  He tried to ignore the nightmare inducing things he passed on the way.  The creatures that roamed the area looked like horrible ghoulish creatures, all decaying flesh and dead eyes.  They watched him hungrily but never came close.
Tetsurou tightened his hold on the ring, hoping this was some sort of sign that there was a small part of the old Daichi left and it wasn’t some kind of trick.
Something black and most assuredly alive was crawling over the walls and ceiling inside the twisted castle.  A small path was clear, it led up to a raised throne made out of what looked like sharp black glass.  A huge monstrous feathered creature sat on the throne, shoulders heaving with heavy breaths.
Tetsurou walked closer, found it hard to breath as his eyes darted around looking for Daichi, not wanting to believe what his heart was telling him.  He didn’t believe until he stood right before the creature.
The black feathers covered him from head to clawed feet, they were molted and matted.  The soft brown irises Tetsurou remembered were swallowed by black, even the whites of his eyes were an unseeing black.  His fingers were tipped by sharp claws that matched the sharp teeth in his elongated mouth.
“Daichi,” Tetsurou whispered, felt the blackness on the walls shift and move with agitation.  Daichi’s breath stuttered out before the blackness stopped moving once more.  Tetsurou carefully reached out, touched the ring with the little flowers caught in resin on a leather cord.  “I’m sorry it took me so long.”  Tetsurou felt something wet slide down his face, was surprised to find himself crying.  He had ignored the feeling, the urgent need to get out of Tokyo.
Tetsurou ran his fingers gently over Daichi’s feathered cheek, watching as the monstrous head leaned into the touch.  Something of Daichi was still alive in there, it had let Tetsurou have a safe passage to him, it was holding back the darkness from swallowing everything whole.
“Tell me how I can help you.”  Tetsurou whispered urgently.  Daichi’s black eyes closed, huge head resting against Tetsurou’s trembling hand.  Something caught Tetsurou’s attention, down near Daichi’s lap something was different.
“No!”  Daichi growled, grabbing Tetsurou’s hand as he went to touch the object.  The clawed hand was huge, it could easily have crushed the delicate bones in Tetsurou’s wrist, as easily as those clawed tips could ripped through his flesh but it was a merely strong grip, not bruising or hurting.
“That has to come out.”  Tetsurou wasn’t sure how he knew that, just that he knew with complete certainty that the foreign object that was stabbed into Daichi’s side needed to come out.
“Kill you,” Daichi’s voice was a low rumble, it cracked and groan as if he hadn’t spoken in a while.
“If I touch it, it’ll kill me?”  Tetsurou asked just to make sure he was understanding correctly.  Daichi’s head jerked in a nod, his breathing labored.  “How do you know?”
“Went- went to your house.  For help.”  Daichi tugged on Tetsurou’s wrist, there was something terribly broken about his monstrous face.  Tetsurou’s brain scrambled, trying to fit the pieces together.
His grandmother had known what was going on, that much was obvious.  She had probably known since he was a kid.  His grandfather too, now that he had thought about it.  The wooden sword he had made for Tetsurou had been made of ash wood, strong against fairies.  His grandmother's huge garden, the fresh vegetables and fruits and herbs left on the porch, the sweets she always made him carry around.
Daichi had gone to Tetsurous grandmother’s house for help.  Kenma had said that all of this had started a little over a year ago.  Tetsurou’s grandfather had died from a sudden sickness a year prior.
“My grandfather tried to take it out.”  Tetsurou felt a sob get caught in his throat.  The darkness buzzed around them, pressing close.  Daichi pulled Tetsurou closer, wheezing out a blood filled cough.
“Sorry-” Daichi whispered, voice broken.
“Shh.” Tetsurou was able to press his forehead against Daichi’s because he was bent over so much.  “I won’t touch it, not directly.”  Tetsurou didn’t blame Daichi for his grandfathers death but he knew that thing had to come out now, that Daichi was close to losing the battle against the darkness.
Tetsurou pulled off his flannel and wrapped it carefully around the shard stuck in Daichi’s lower abdomen.  It was hard to see anything with the lack of light and all the feathers, but he did his best.  His hand burned when he tightly clenched the shard, Daichi groaned in pain and the darkness screeched around them.
Tetsurou braced one hand against Daichi’s stomach and pulled with everything he had.
Tetsurou wasn’t sure how he ended up halfway across the hall and flat on his back, though he did know every inch of him hurt, his hand especially.  He groaned and raised his head, saw the darkness pulling together in a vaguely humanoid shape, saw it approach Daichi’s slumped over form at the bottom of the raised dais.
“Daichi!”  Tetsurou screamed, tried to roll to his feet but suddenly the darkness was on him, pushing him down.  Everywhere it touched burned Tetsurou.
“You ruined everything.”  Hundreds of voices spoke as one, Tetsurou screamed in pain.
“You do not touch him!”  A deep voice thundered out right before a sudden brightness engulfed the whole room.  The darkness screeched, a hundred voices screaming in agony.  Tetsurou’s vision faded to black quickly after that.
Tetsurou woke with a start, fighting wildly before realizing he was in his own bed at his grandmothers.  He would have believed it was a dream if it weren’t the the fresh white bandages around his hand that had gripped the shard.
Tetsurou pushed out of his bed and searched down his grandmother, which wasn’t all that hard since she was on the back porch looking out at the garden.  The dead spots were gone and it looked lusher and spread even wider than before.
“What happened?”  Tetsurou asked, his throat a little scratchy.
“You went off the path, tripped and got yourself a bit banged up.”  His grandmother replied easily, a smirk playing over her mouth.
“And the real story?”  Tetsurou questioned.
“I think only you can answer that one.”  She patted the spot next to her on the bench and Tetsurou sat down with a quiet groan.  He felt sore all over.
“Did you know what happened with grandfather?”  Tetsurou asked softly after a couple moments of silence.  Akira reached over, placing her hand over his trembling ones.
“He had always liked that husband of yours, they aren’t quite like the others of their kind, are they?”  Akira sighed, squeezing his hands gently.  “Here, take these.  Always bring a gift when visiting fairies.”  She handed him a clear mason jar full of little star shaped sweets.  Tetsurou kissed her cheek before pushing himself up and walking off towards the forest.
His grandmother was right.  They weren’t like other fairies.  They were his and he wasn’t going to allow them to get rid of him that easily.
Tetsurou walked straight into the forest, not taking any particular path but just knowing the forest would lead him where he needed to go.  As Suga had said, the forest was connected to the king.
It was only about 15 minutes of walking before Tetsurou came across a wide clearing full of flowers.  Tetsurou remembered this place easily, he had gotten married here after all.  His husband sat on the ground, where a little natural hill rose him above the flowers.  The lowering sun paid tribute to his dark skin and played beautifully over his inky black wings.
“Here.”  Tetsurou used the jark to flick lightly at Daichi’s ear.  Perhaps he shouldn’t be teasing the Crow King but Tetsurou felt he was safe.  Daichi reached up and grabbed the jar, turning it around and grinning over as Tetsurou sat next to him.
“You came back.”  Daichi said softly as he took the top off the jar and tossed some of the star shaped treats towards the flowers.  Tiny creatures danced out from the cover of the flowers, excitedly grabbing up the treats and running back where they had come from.  Several of them squeaked and hummed and bowed towards Daichi and Tetsurou.
“I don’t blame you for what happened.”  Tetsurou clarified.  He didn’t think Daichi was responsible for the death of his grandfather, knew that Daichi blamed himself enough for the both of them.
Daichi turned and looked fully at Tetsurou for the first time.  He was breathtakingly handsome, though Tetsurou might be a bit biased.  He had grown up so beautifully and he was glad to be staring into the soft brown eyes again.
“Everyone who was-?”  Tetsurou didn’t quite know how to phrase it, wasn’t sure if he wanted to know the answer.
“Everyone is safe, back to their usual selves.”  Daichi smiled fully, big and warm and happy as he leaned forward.  Tetsurou happily pressed his forehead against Daichi’s, remembered how they use to do this as children constantly.  As a sign of comfort and friendship and unconditional love.  Tetsurou hadn’t known it back then, not when he was too little to really understand love but it was there all the same and he could still feel it then.  Warm and soft in his chest.
A feeling of coming home.
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Travel Weekend: Anne and Rachel
Day 1:Pompeii /Pre Day 1 Travel
We took a train late in the night to Naples. We got in sometime around 11PM. Checked in to our AirBnB and promptly crashed. Next morning took a train to Pompeii and spent the day there. First saw a very pretty church in modern Pompeii before heading to the ruins.
ridiculously cool ruins. Its incredible to think people lived and walked the streets we were roaming.
Discovering that humanity has always written salacious graffiti. A very naughty Pompeii resident wrote a note in greek that has been preserved.
Walking through the halls of a secret society for Dionysus and pleasure rituals.
Walking the oldest amphitheater of the Roman world and picturing the brawl that forced it to close for 10 years
Drinkable water fountains throughout the city. A lovely surprise on a hot hot day.
Eating delicious pizza rolls for 1 euro that we had grabbed at a bakery outside the ruins.
hot. So so so hot. Thought we would melt.
By the end, rather exhausted. An exhaustion that sank into our bones and lasted the whole weekend.
had an extra three hours to visit a museum we were too tired to go to. On plus side, sat by a fountain in modern Pompeii and planned wild adventures for next year.
After returning to Naples, we showered (so so wonderful to shower) and then skyped you, lovely Andie! Anne misses you and Rachel was so happy to hear your voice again. Then slept like the dead.
Day 2: Naples
Campagnia (the region of Naples and Amalfi Coast) is Rachel's people. We went to Christmas Street where they make nativity scenes all year round. Wandered the street looking st all the shops and saw strange red curly peppers everywhere. And I mean everywhere. So while Anne had her first Italian cappuccino, we googled what these strange things were. They are called coronetti (spelling?) and they are a good luck talisman. Anne had the brilliant idea to search for xmas earrings for Rachel and so Rachel ended up buying two coronetti to make into earrings. All in all, it was lovely to experience xmas in July.
Wandered around and ended up ducking in a store, just to look. Came out with three lovely dresses between us. All 90% off, because it was a super outlet. We were very pleased. Then we hopped on a bus to Atrani.
Arrived in Atrani and checked into our AirBnB. The guy running it is studying tourism and recommended some places for us to go. So at 5:00PM we set out for a hike, and entirely reasonable decision. Took a path up and saw lots of abandoned paper factory buildings and look lots and lots of photos. It was rather eerie. Then we couldnt find where the trail continued. We were sure it had to. So we found a nice sheer cliff face and decided this must be the trail. It was not the trail. After climbing up and up and up and still finding no trail, we made the mature decision to turn around. At which point we realized we had basically just crawled up a cliff. Should have realized it earlier when we needed both our hands and feet to climb, so we had to carry our water bottles in our mouths. We preceded to slide down the cliff back to where the trail actually was, very elegantly of course. Don't let the head to toe layer of dirt fool you, it was a smoothly executed decent. Wandered around a bit more trying to find a trail, and then decided to just head back.
On our way back we found a very aesthetic wall and decided to take ridiculous photos. Something about the contrast of the dirty, sweaty girls and the lovely vine covered wall was amusing. Took fake modeling photos and then continued down. Stopped just in time, because not thirty seconds later a young man turned the corner and asked if this was the way to the hike. We were already embarrassed because it is a very easy hike, and we are covered in dirt. But imagine if he had come as we were taking photos. Quite embarrassing.
Went back to the AirBnB to shower and then put our new pretty dresses and headed to dinner. Ate at this cute local family owned restaurant. The owner was super kind and showed us how to eat the shrimp in our pasta. It is not our fault we have never seen shrimp that large. Also at the end of our meal she came over with a plate of five tiny cookies and told us they were on the house! It was all very cute and welcoming and kind. While were eating we had been hearing live music from outside, so we went to investigate. We found people, mostly children, dancing in the little piazza to the live music. We joined of course, and it was most fun. Then we grabbed gelato and ate it out by the water. We ended up wading in the ocean and Anne attempted to skip rocks. Unfortunately they were all rather too round and rather to large, especially the random pieces of giant tiles she would launch at the ocean. Then we laid on beach chairs til midnight, although it felt much later, and then went back to go to bed.
Day 3: Atrani or Close Encounters of the Animal Kind
Got up early to early to walk the Path of the Gods. Took a bus to Bomerano where we ate breakfast before setting out. Understood very quickly why it was called the Path of the Gods. We were at or above cloud height for most of the hike. Stunning panoramic views the entire way. It was breathtaking. Literally. The height of the sheer cliff dropoff was enough to take your break away. On said trail we encountered all the animals. We saw goats at the beginning. Then we ran into a loose horse who was wandering and munching. He let us pet him a little which was nice of him. Then we came across a small dog just out and about by himself. Finally we saw not one, not two, but seven cats. It was a bit like being in a menagerie.
Finished the hike, and made some poor choices. Namely choosing to walk down 1,200 stairs to town rather than taking the bus. By the midway point our calves were burning and knees hurt. By the end we could feel nothing in our legs but shooting pain. Then we had to walk to the ferry. Thank god for the chocolate cookies we had the foresight to buy that morning. Without them, we would still be on those stairs. Once on the ferry, we both kept falling asleep. We were, how do you say, dead girls walking. Got back to the AirBnB, showered, ate, and napped for two hours. Both of us completely out. We had intended to go to a lagoon to swim, but that was not possible. We could barely walk. Between Pompeii and those stairs, our bodies had reached their limit. Hung out at the AirBnB until dinner. Fixed up both of our class schedules and figured out trains and busses to get back to Naples for Sunday.
Dinner was at a lovely restaurant right off the beach. They were also very kind. Brought us free limoncello drinks at the beginning with the bread. It seems to be something the restaurant just does. The drinks were very good. And very orange, curiously enough. Not really sure what was in them. Anne nearly dies of happiness with her seafood pasta, and Rachel decided to get the lemon pasta to go with her lemon colored dress. It really is wonderful being in an area known for their lemons.
After dinner, we stood along the pier and basked in the glow of the full moon, before searching out gelato. Ate the gelato up on the hill with a wonderful view of the ocean.
Then bed, because we were still very very tired.
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Noticing an emphasis on potty training? Here are a few tips to get you started in the right direction: Prevue Pet Products (2) Saturday Lifetime Class Wantagh 10am (weather permitting)/li> Free 5-8 business-day shipping within the U.S. when you order $25 of eligible items sold or fulfilled by Amazon. Swheat Scoop Step 1: Decide Your Puppy’s Feeding Schedule Environmental Factors Daily Schedule Home, Yard & Beyond Which facility location works best for you? * The term “good owner” is used to mean that rules are always enforced and that the good behavior is always rewarded. Dogs look for leadership from their owner. Indulging in bad behavior such as nipping, begging, stealing from the table, barking, etc. are all bad habits. Do not make excuses for these behaviors and do not allow a pup to develop unpleasant behaviors. A trained pup will become a trained dog and those who come in contact with your pup/dog expect good behavior. Do not tolerate jumping, growling, snapping or nipping. This behavior must always be corrected so it is always seen as unacceptable to the pup/dog. 35.99 SIGN UP for our newsletter Podcasts All other time is SUPERVISED free time, spent socializing, relaxing and bonding with the family and so on. Online Pharmacy Equipment Check-list November 9, 2015 If you cannot watch your puppy, the chances of them making a mistake go through the roof. So even if you choose to use a constant supervision method exclusively, you will still need to confine your puppy sometimes to a paper covered area just in case. Your dog won’t know his name until you really teach it to him! Teaching your dog his name is actually about teaching your dog to look at you when you say his name. This is one of the more fun training games for 8-10 week old puppies! Join Hill’s® My Pet Companion What is the number one question that I hear from dog owners – Aly, how do I house train or potty train my dog? Potty training is all about patience and consistency. You need to make sure you are not losing “your cool” and getting upset with your dog and make sure to keep your puppy or dog on a strict schedule. Basic manners 10 Ways to Give Your Dog More Mental Stimulation How to Potty Train a Dog With an Enclosed Yard on fashion brands AbeBooks Neuroscience & Psychology Don’t be too tactile. It’s hard to resist giving your puppy a stroke but, where possible, you should try to use touch as a reward action for your puppy. “A pat or a cuddle is a reward to a dog,” explains Beck. “So if you show physical affection when your puppy is misbehaving it will think that type of behaviour is acceptable and may repeat it to generate another cuddle.” Keep your puppy on a schedule. Feed him at regular times and always give him a chance to relieve himself right after being fed. (we feed our puppies Wellness Core Puppy Formula – affiliate link) & up (464) The Trail Runner System: Whole Dog Journal’s Review Pug Here For You Anytime There’s an excellent chance that your dog can be trained to eliminate appropriately outside of the house. The behavior is far more likely related to a medical problem, an insufficient reinforcement history for appropriate responses, insufficient opportunities for success, the wrong cleaning products, or a combination of these factors. Sustainability Concentrate on the crate! diet All Products Carefully watch them and you should soon notice what body language means a wee or a poop is imminent. There will be recognizable signs. Hi Noreen, Growly Dog Advanced Featured content How to Train a Puppy to Accept Handling All meals in the crate In other languages: Apply There are only 2 possibilities: Glen of Imaal Terrier Develop a way of communicating to understand each other’s needs. Are you an author? Learn about Author Central Romance HOT TOPICS Arizona’s Oldest & Largest No-Kill Shelter Why Grooming Your Dog is Important Take a few steps back. Reward him with a treat and affection if he stays. Related services skip navigation Nickel is a wonderful pet who barks loudly at other dogs and many people including our neighbors. I wanted help controlling some of this behavior without using aggressive or negative reinforcement techniques. I had previously been through other forms of training with Nickel. Ruth Skinner taught my husband and I how to communicate with Nickel in a… $15.19 Repeat Delivery The ideal time to start housetraining a puppy is 8.5 weeks, but any dog of any age can be housetrained as long as their human is consistent, positive and patient 1. Don’t lead with fear. Make a Reservation On petco.com we’ll match the online advertised price for these key competitors: chewy.com, petsmart.com, wag.com, walmart.com, target.com, amazon.com, and jet.com. 5 minutes of playful romping Pointing Breeds Why SFPP Some things you need to be mindful of: Fundraise for Animals This particular behavior would be a “No.” Memorials & Honorary Gifts Jolanta helps clients with general manners problems and also with serious difficulties such as aggression and separation anxiety. Jolanta also volunteers with Pet Help Partners, a program of the Humane Society of the United States that works to prevent pet relinquishment. Her approach is generally behaviorist (Pavlovian, Skinnerian and post-Skinnerian learning theory) with a big helping of ethology (animal behavior as observed in non-experimental settings). She’s happy to report that the science supports dog-friendly, human-friendly training, with plenty of rewards and fun. At 10-12 weeks, puppy play is very mouthy – it’s a natural canine way to learn about their world and to play. Start teaching your puppy not to bite your hands and ankles during play in two ways. Weekends. View more related content Overnight Care Contra Costa County Resources I have never owned a dog, and we’re getting a puppy in a few weeks. Naturally, I’m trying to read all tips possible. This book is good for first time owners. It’s a quick read and the keys are reinforced numerous times so you remember them. If you are a first time dog owner, I recommend this book. Vicky is awesome. I would highly recommend Bark Busters to train your dog. She is a great trainer! Seeking Sanctuary – Outdoor/Barn Cat Placement I say it’s the most effective method I know or have ever read about. Puppy’s learn the correct behavior quicker than with any other technique and there’s fewer mistakes (and less cleaning!) along the way. The video that has been circulating on Facebook showing a trainer hitting a dog with a plastic bat over and over, is sparking outrage. Your IP: November 20, 2017 Add to List With Partners Dog Training, we are here for you. Too many trainers claim to “fix” your dog and leave you hanging. At Partners, we are devoted to discussing, educating and following up. From experienced consultants; to one-on-one check-in interviews, to transition lessons and group classes. Our training system is designed to help you and your dog find success! Locations & Contacts Rufus & Coco Other Buy Rocco & Roxie Professional Strength Stain & Odor Eliminator fro Walmart for $29.99 Report: King County deputy shoots man reaching for rifle “The trainer who was seen in the video striking the dog was interviewed as were other staff members and manager. It was reported that the Academy of Canine Behavior was asked to work with the dog after it had exhibited strong signs of aggression. The investigation concluded the behavior of the trainer towards the dog did not rise to the level of cruelty to animals as defined by statute,” the county’s press release said. This page was last edited on 24 July 2018, at 00:41 (UTC). Konrad Lorenz, an Austrian scientist who is regarded as developing the foundations of ethological research,[14] further popularised animal behaviorism with his books, Man Meets Dog and King Solomon’s Ring.[15] Lorenz stated that there were three essential commands to teach a dog: “lie down” (stay where you are), “basket” (go over there) and “heel” (come with me).[16] Puppy Barking Puppy Training  Buy Now Cat Behaviors and Common Problems Explained The Happy Puppy Site It may sound contradictory, but if you see a wet spot or a pile on the floor, the least productive thing you can do is punish your puppy. By the time you find an accident, even if it’s only a few minutes afterward, they’ve forgotten what they’ve done. Read on in the slides below to check out all of our favorite puppy potty training products. Day 3 Upon waking up from a nap You take the dog out, but nothing happens. 7 Tips for Delightful Hotel Stays with Your Puppy Homes 8 New Website Help Guide Lost and Found Share this page Things We Need Birds Copyright © 2018 HubPages Inc. and respective owners. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. HubPages® is a registered Service Mark of HubPages, Inc. HubPages and Hubbers (authors) may earn revenue on this page based on affiliate relationships and advertisements with partners including Amazon, Google, and others. Hillman Courses On Sale This type of training does not rely on making dogs worried or frightened, so there is less danger of causing problem behaviours. This approach also means that dogs have better welfare, enjoy their training and form a better bond with owners or carers – so why would we do anything else?
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fbq('track', 'ViewContent', content_ids: 'dogtraining.dknol', ); How to toilet train your puppy Petlanthropy How Long Does It Take to Potty Train Your Dog? 4 years ago from Southeastern Massachusetts Follow us: (96) Find An Event $0.99 This will come back to haunt you in a big way and result in noisy sleepless nights. You want your puppy to learn that night-time is for sleeping and for nothing else. Don’t pause prevention, protect your pet now. Pets and Vets Canine Good Citizen In reality, it’s almost impossible to keep an eye on your puppy at all times, even during the first critical days. You need to take a break once in a while and give your pup one, as well. Without enforceable limitations, respect can’t be developed. And when there is no respect, building a bond with your Dog is almost impossible. If using umbilical cord training: Attach a leash and tether your puppy to you, ready to react if they make moves to eliminate. Take them to their bathroom spot at the scheduled time. ✘ Close 93443 Lucy Easton July 26, 2018 at 9:21 am Related Video Shorts Food & Nutrition Don’t allow him on any furniture for one week. Every time your dog pees or poops outside it needs to be celebrated. Give them baby talk or a treat, jump up & down, pat their little heads & remind them of how brilliant that decision was. Yes it might look silly but your pup needs to know he’s done the best thing ever. When you consistently praise your puppy for going outside they’ll start to understand that going potty outside is the best decision available. Price List First of all, make sure you’ve spent enough time out there. As soon as your puppy wakes up. Puppies almost always go potty right after waking up. See More potty training a dog in an apartment | puppy crate training potty training a dog in an apartment | puppy training tips potty training a dog in an apartment | crate training puppies Legal | Sitemap
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