#she is incredibly independent and this isnt the right word but shes also very self centered
kawaiianimeredhead · 2 years
On the one hand I really enjoy having someone like my coworker Miranda in my life right now because she is very different from others in my life currently and before and I think it's great
On the other hand I am so glad I did not meet her sooner because she can be exhausting 5o be around sometimes
#she is incredibly independent and this isnt the right word but shes also very self centered#and so if she feels even a hint of someone attacking her individually or a group shes a part of#she will go off and stand up for herself but in a very urgent and unmovable tone#which isnt bad but she also will drag anyone or thing down into it also and is very quick to call out people and situations#and will get very Stuck on something which either turns into her going on about how bullshit it is or she will fact check as best she can#and if she is in or feels still in the right about the situation she will go on about That and then just keep digging into it#and her and nick had a convo where she felt attack and nick was being concerned but had a tone#so now theyre both in moods and its fucking exhausted#and i think they but especially miranda have both misunderstood each other#its especially frustrating because it touches on a topic and conversation with nick and i#so while he hasnt said it im sure he is currently not only mad at miranda but frustrated with me because now he is thinking about me#and the situation#ugghhh#one time we told miranda she might be be properly approved for her vacation through more fault of our own than hers#but she would regardless still get that time off#and she just focused on the part about not getting it and the pay#and for DAYS she kept going off on rants about all the people who have gotten time off amd vacation and how those got approved#andbshe wants to take her firdt week since working her off and on and on and almost into tears about the whole thing#and we could not explain to her properly apparently that shed get it off regardless and we werent doing anything different than we had b4#she is also a person who gets pissed at people and over reacts#and at things also#she once mentioned having a rabbit whenbshe was young that bit her so she starved it#and she add something about how much of a fucked up kid she was#but i also fully believe she could and would still do something like that#because she also talked about her time at goodwill and how pissed she was at dumpster divers and the mess theyd make#and she excitedly would talk about how she would break glass on purpose over the top of the trash so people going through it#would have shards of glass to navigate around#tag rambles#dont mind me#work tag
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witcherly16 · 4 years
Anne With An E, A Love Letter
Spoilers ahead...
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I have to start off by saying just how much I love this show. So many of the characters struggles I relate to deeply, I really can't offer it enough praise.
This show is not only fantastically true to its characters but also true to the reality of life during the 1890s. There is death and heartbreak, often from illness as there would have been at the time. There is the inconvenience of postal communication... and the lack of easy access of phones. It also plays out class and race struggle and the sexism of this time.
Season One
Season one so beautifully shows you the gift of chosen family, as a person whose mother was adopted and father's family mainly unknown apart from a deceased grandmother - I know what it means to find chosen family. What a gift it is to be connected to people not necessarily by blood but love. Anne is a troubled girl as we hear many times, she is a victim in so many ways and yet she is powerful and strong enough to not allow victimhood to dissuade her passion and love. She makes an incredible connection with Diana who becomes her best friend. In this season we also see the death of Gilbert's father, my father died a few months ago and was also very sick so with him I sympathise greatly. Death really does shake up your life in unexpected ways. Gilbert's subsequent travels overseas in the next season provide us with all new characters and social dynamics to explore.
Season two
This season feels a blur because so much happens, I watched the show in such quick succession that I struggle to remember what happens when. I do however remember the beautiful introduction into the first episode, it brings lightness and hope for Anne and all our characters. And the cinematography (chef's kiss)... This season is the one with criminal boarders, meanwhile Gilbert explores trinidad with his new friend Sebastian. This season shows us so much about life as a Black person at that time, the everyday prejudice despite being 'free'. It is certainly very topical at the moment and has great moments that display white privilege and includes crucial learning moments for the white cast when he is eventually brought back to Avonlea. This season also introduces the fiercely independent and strong Mary. Whilst the dynamic with Bash and Gilbert unfolds we have another story of discovery in Cole. This season is extremely eventful and in it Cole learns a lot about his sexuality after meeting aunt Josephine who is a lesbain and widowed by her female partner. This also introduces the idea of same sex partnership to Diana who is at first unsure but then comes to be accepting and loving. Anne and Cole's bond grows even stronger when he confides his sexuality in her. I have of recent been questioning my own sexuality, I always identified as one thing and now am unsure what the right label for me is... seeing this acceptance of Cole has given me hope for my own coming out to those I love, whenever that will be. Cole's story sets off another that had been developing througout season one, the romance between Prissy and her teacher. We learn that he is in fact gay and though he never reveals this to the cast, Prissy decides to be free, not to marry him as intended, and pursue education.
Season 3
We learn more about the previously introduced Miss Stacey, the new teacher. A huge inspiration to Anne's dream of teaching. This season is so much about self discovery and learning, much like seasons before. We meet new Indigenous characters, Ka'Kwet and her family who anne quickly befriends! Anne follows her passion of writing alongside the others for the school paper and in doing so challenges the town views on sexism and racism against the indigenous. All the while on a journey of finding her own lineage and about her parents. The final episode Marilla and Matthew find a book that was from her father to her mother, here she learns her mother was also a teacher. Interestingly I notice the book to be full of pressed flowers just like the one Anne had given to baby Delphine earlier on in the series. Gilbert's happy family found in Mary, Sebastian and Delphine is hugely disrupted. Mary falls ill and dies but before she does she is given a send off of the one thing she had always wished for, acceptance and inclusion. It is a terribly sad story but also a common one at the time. She leaves behind her baby to Sebastian and Gilbert who become a stronger family unit than ever. We begin in the end of the series to see the ups and downs of young love through Anne and Gilbert's growing and inevitable relationship. There are others in the picture but of course we know that he will be with Anne. Their story is so beautiful, and I adore that they don't sacrifice education for eachother. They get to be together even though they are far apart geographically. Their kisses in the last episode are truly beautiful and the long 3 series lead up makes it feel all the more realistic. It isnt a swept off your feet romance, it is a long and growing connection, a love that sits right under your nose.
Why it should be renewed
There are so many reasons I feel that it should be renewed, not just for love of the characters.
We have not gotten to further explore what is happening to Ka'Kwet and her family, the story hasn't been resolved.
With the kids in college it could make way for further exploration of being a woman in that time. Exploring sexism in courting etc.
Everyone wants to see Anne and Gilbert's relationship develop.
I would like to see Cole explore his sexuality more and maybe even meet someone, seeing more of the lgbtq+ circles of this time would be fascinating.
There is so much more to learn with Bash, I had expected a hint at an interracial relationship between himself and Miss Stacey. This could explore more of the prejudice of the time.
Seeing the role class plays in the Toronto medicine school with Gilbert. It would be interesting to see Gilbert learn more about high society outside of Avonlea and even him exploring the sexism in medicine.
I would like to see more class battles with Diana and her parents, to me it's inevitable she will want to marry someone below her class standing. It would be interesting to see Diana come into her own as Prissy did after her education.
Prissy, I would like to learn more about Prissy, I would like her to take over her father's business and be on a list of many other firsts for women in Avonlea.
Theres so much more I could add, there aren't enough words to express my feelings and thoughts on this show. Please do watch it and rewatch it and campaign for its return.
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