#because she also talked about her time at goodwill and how pissed she was at dumpster divers and the mess theyd make
tobiasdrake · 10 months
Gonna crack the secret of the d6 faller!
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They're having me do choices again to narrow this down. Kinda feels like cheating to guess at what the item was when I saw it at the crime scene already.
Weird that he'd jump or get pushed while holding a die, then care about the value on the die. Is that the game? Leap from the roof and then if you live, you win the value shown on the die? Or something?
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Whatever the reason, the value on the die was supremely important to him. Enough to spend his final moments of consciousness/life validating it.
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His words changed because he was reading a different value each time he fell.
The fact that he wasn't reading the side facing up can explain our "Three/Two except circumstances didn't change" conundrum, I think. If he was only reading the surface he could most legibly see from his angle, then something did change.
Fubuki had lifted him up into her arms, rather than leaving him lying on the ground. So when he read "Three", he was probably reading the side facing him. But when he read "Two", he was likely reading the top.
Then "One" happened because landing on top of the taxicab completely changed the rolling of the die.
That makes sense. So maybe we aren't dealing with probabilistic reshuffling after all.
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*unyielding fury*
Don't you fucking condescend to Fubuki when she's right, you little shit-rodent. Who even invited you to Team Alarm Clock anyway!? Don't you have some some criminals to fucking TRY AND MARRY!?
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THANK YOU. Can we ditch the hormonal clown show? He's not contributing anything of value to this party.
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There you go. That's better, now you're keeping up. You keep at it and one day you might be as clever as Fubuki!
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That's a valid question. But like I said above, I think the answer lies in the angle the man was at. The nature of a die is such that it will display a different number depending on what angle you're looking at it from.
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Y'all, the other option was "Because it was my most luckiest day". You have no idea how much self-restraint it took for me not to select that.
But Desuhiko fucking talked down to me when I was right so I'm not giving him the satisfaction of something he can jump on. He needs to go read a book about respecting women's opinions or something. Matter of fact, that might help him with a lot of things.
I'm so mad.
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Thus, angles changed everything! We can continue to trust our rewind powers without fear that we may be triggering some overcomplicated timey-wimey nonsense every time we turn the clock back.
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Thank you. You're forgiven for being a prick. Learn from this experience and try to grow as a person. ^_^
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The number on the die. He must've... extremely vertically rolled the die on purpose, right? If he cared so much about the value, I mean.
I don't think we're going to answer this question while sitting around the hotel cafeteria. We should move this conversation to the crime scene. I can grab a pot of coffee to go. Don't worry, I do it all the time.
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Okay. But. How, though? I am not following that train of logic.
._. I still need practice to one day become as clever as Fubuki.
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Okay so the number doesn't matter. He was simply delirious when he was reading the number. The point is the die itself.
That makes more sense. I'm on the same page. It's probably from the casino. That should be where we look first.
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Okay, your compliments are starting to sound more like negging and I'm souring on you again. Go make us sandwiches or something before you piss me off some more.
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Goodwill drained. I hate you again. Please get hit by a car on the way to the crime scene.
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Not how Postcognition works, dipshit. It's a frozen snapshot of the crime scene exactly as it appeared when the first witness came upon the scene. We can't follow the trajectory of the die through time.
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Also that.
Plus, it wouldn't matter anyway. The die by now has likely rolled so far from the crime scene as to no longer be related anyway. We could spend hours rooting around in the gutters for it, and all that would prove is that we found a die in a gutter.
Too bad Zange burned to death and isn't with us. His ability to recreate his memories in the form of a digital image would be perfect. What matters isn't physically having the die on us; What matters is proving the presence of a die next to the victim's body.
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If he wakes up. If I was a murderer, I might be inclined to try again.
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Yeah, that.
Not to mention, our window of opportunity to investigate this crime is shrinking. Slowly, but it is. If we want to leverage our Lucky Day powers to help solve this crime then we'll want to get a move on.
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For our lucky number?
YES. I wanted to get that when we had our chance! Finally!
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Halara's on the same page as I am about that whole "You should try some games of chance" thing. That reeked of casino shilling.
It's not that surprising. The diviner who super-accurately predicted our Lucky Day has to insert some paid ads into her fortunes to make ends meet. I think most YouTubers can relate to that.
"The stars are in a positive alignment for you today. You may even find yourself embracing a burgeoning new relationship. To improve your chances of love further, consider a free consultation with our sponsor Better Help, redeemable when you enter the promo code Crone Readings!"
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I have no fears for my own wellbeing but I will drown him. I've done it before. Desuhiko would be no match for my Pied Piper charms.
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Fubuki doesn't know what money is worth so would you accept a literal pile of cash? It'd be like doing a mystery unboxing, but inside it's just money. Who knows how much will be in it?
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Okay. I guess this is the end for Team Alarm Clock. We made a great pair, Halara. Thank you for your Lucky Day-sponsored free investigative consultation. We wouldn't have made it this far without you.
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 4 years
Was doing Staged a big decision, because it’s so personal and set in your homes? Georgia Tennant: We’d always been a very private couple. Staged was everything we’d never normally say yes to. Suddenly, our entire house is on TV and so is a version of the relationship we’d always kept private. But that’s the way to do it, I guess. Go to the other extreme. Just rip off the Band-Aid.
Anna Lundberg: Michael decided pretty quickly that we weren’t going to move around the house at all. All you see is the fireplace in our kitchen.
GT: We have five children, so it was just about which room was available.
AL: But it’s not the real us. It’s not a documentary.
GT: Although some people think it is.
Which fictional parts of the show do people mistake for reality? GT: People think I’m really a novelist because “Georgia” writes a novel in Staged. They’ve asked where they can buy my book. I should probably just write one now because I’ve done the marketing already.
AL: People worry about our elderly neighbour, who gets hospitalised in the show. She doesn’t actually exist in real life but people have approached Michael in Tesco’s, asking if she’s OK.
Michael and David squabble about who’s billed first in Staged. Does that reflect real life? AL: With Good Omens, Michael’s name was first for the US market and David’s was first for the British market. So those scenes riffed on that.
Should we call you Georgia and Anna, or Anna and Georgia? GT: Either. We’re super-laidback about these things.
AL: Unlike certain people.
How well did you know each other before Staged? GT: We barely knew each other. We’ve now forged a friendship by working on the show together.
AL: We’d met once, for about 20 minutes. We were both pregnant at the time – we had babies a month apart – so that was pretty much all we talked about.
Did you tidy up before filming? AL: We just had to keep one corner relatively tidy.
GT: I’m quite a tidy person, but I didn’t want to be one of those annoying Instagram people with perfect lives. So strangely, I had to add a bit of mess… dot a few toys around in the background. I didn’t want to be one of those insufferable people – even though, inherently, I am one of those people.
Was there much photobombing by children or pets? AL: In the first series, Lyra was still at an age where we could put her in a baby bouncer. Now that’s not working at all. She’s just everywhere. Me and Michael don’t have many scenes together in series two, because one of us is usually Lyra-wrangling.
GT: Our children aren’t remotely interested. They’re so unimpressed by us. There’s one scene where Doris, our five-year-old, comes in to fetch her iPad. She doesn’t even bother to glance at what we’re doing.
How was lockdown for you both? AL: I feel bad saying it, but it was actually good for us. We were lucky enough to be in a big house with a garden. For the first time since we met, we were in one place. We could just focus on Lyra . To see her grow over six months was incredible. She helped us keep a steady routine, too.
GT: Ours was similar. We never spend huge chunks of time together, so it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. At least until David’s career goes to shit and he’s just sat at home. The flipside was the bleakness. Being in London, there were harrowing days when everything was silent but you’d just hear sirens going past, as a reminder that something awful was going on. So I veered between “This is wonderful” and “This is the worst thing that ever happened.”
And then there was home schooling… GT: Which was genuinely the worst thing that ever happened.
You’ve spent a lot of time on video calls, clearly. What are your top Zooming tips? GT: Raise your camera to eye level by balancing your laptop on a stack of books. And invest in a ring light.
AL: That’s why you look so much better. We just have our sad kitchen light overhead, which makes us look like one massive shiny forehead.
GT: Also, always have a good mug on the go [raises her cuppa to the camera and it’s a Michael Sheen mug]. Someone pranked David on the job he’s shooting at the moment by putting a Michael Sheen mug in his trailer. He brought it home and now I use it every morning. I’m magically drawn to drinking out of Michael.
There’s a running gag in series one about the copious empties in Michael’s recycling. Did you lean into lockdown boozing in real life? AL: Not really. We eased off when I was pregnant and after Lyra was born. We’d just have a glass of wine with dinner.
GT: Yes, definitely. I often reach for a glass of red in the show, which was basically just an excuse to continue drinking while we were filming: “I think my character would have wine and cake in this scene.” The time we started drinking would creep slightly earlier. “We’ve finished home schooling, it’s only 4pm, but hey…” We’ve scaled it back to just weekends now.
How did you go about creating your characters with the writer Simon Evans? AL: He based the dynamic between David and Michael on a podcast they did together. Our characters evolved as we went along.
GT: I was really kind and understanding in the first draft. I was like “I don’t want to play this, it’s no fun.” From the first few tweaks I made, Simon caught onto the vibe, took that and ran with it.
Did you struggle to keep a straight face at times? AL: Yes, especially the scenes with all four of us, when David and Michael start improvising.
GT: I was just drunk, so I have no recollection.
AL: Scenes with all four of us were normally filmed in the evening, because that’s when we could be child-free. Usually there was alcohol involved, which is a lot more fun.
GT: There’s a long scene in series two where we’re having a drink. During each take, we had to finish the glass. By the end, we were all properly gone. I was rewatching it yesterday and I was so pissed.
What else can you tell us about series two? GT: Everyone’s in limbo. Just as we think things are getting back to normal, we have to take three steps back again. Everyone’s dealing with that differently, shall we say.
AL: In series one, we were all in the same situation. By series two, we’re at different stages and in different emotional places.
GT: Hollywood comes calling, but things are never as simple as they seem.
There were some surprise big-name cameos in series one, with Samuel L Jackson and Dame Judi Dench suddenly Zooming in. Who can we expect this time around? AL: We can’t name names, but they’re very exciting.
GT: Because series one did so well, and there’s such goodwill towards the show, we’ve managed to get some extraordinary people involved. This show came from playing around just to pass the time in lockdown. It felt like a GCSE end-of-term project. So suddenly, when someone says: “Samuel L Jackson’s in”, it’s like: “What the fuck’s just happened?”
AL: It took things to the next level, which was a bit scary.
GT: It suddenly felt like: “Some people might actually watch this.”
How are David and Michael’s hair and beard situations this time? AL: We were in a toyshop the other day and Lyra walked up to these Harry Potter figurines, pointed at Hagrid and said: “Daddy!” So that explains where we’re at. After eight months of lockdown, it was quite full-on.
GT: David had a bob at one point. Turns out he’s got annoyingly excellent hair. Quite jealous. He’s also grown a slightly unpleasant moustache.
Is David still wearing his stinky hoodie? GT: I bought him that as a gift. It’s actually Paul Smith loungewear. In lockdown, he was living in it. It’s pretty classy, but he does manage to make it look quite shit.
Omg the mug’s origins :D
‘GT: Also, always have a good mug on the go [raises her cuppa to the camera and it’s a Michael Sheen mug]. Someone pranked David on the job he’s shooting at the moment by putting a Michael Sheen mug in his trailer. He brought it home and now I use it every morning. I’m magically drawn to drinking out of Michael. ‘
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purplecatdad · 3 years
Rarepair Week “First Kiss”
Part of the RDR Events Rarepair Week!
Prompt: First Kiss
Arthur/Kieran | Teens and Up | Canon-Divergence | CW Shot wounds
Arthur isn’t part of the VDL Gang in this one, he is just some outcast who some day runs into a skittish young man with a bad wound and decides to help him! 
AO3 Link will follow. 
Kieran knew that she shouldn’t have trusted them. He knew that, after all, the van der Linde gang wasn’t all much different from the O’Driscolls. And that they absolutely would kill them the moment they had no need for him anymore. 
He still cursed himself as he was riding Branwen, hard and fast through the shrubs, making his way through Cumberland Forest to the general direction of the Grizzlies, up north where he hoped for safety. He was terrified of the animals there but he hoped that he’d be able to lose the gang there.
“Come on, girl. I know you can do it”, he whispered to Branwen, pressing his legs into her sides to push her forwards even though he knew that she was running for her life as well.
A shot went off that grazed her shoulder, both Kieran and Branwen crying out. He couldn’t lose this horse, not after everything they went through. Another shot and this time Kieran felt blinding pain through his leg. He cried out, felt the blood seeping down through the fabric of his shirt but he grabbed the reins tighter. No matter how much blood he’d lose, he had to get away from Dutch’s boys before they could catch up to them. 
He just passed Fort Wallace when he heard the train whistling, announcing it’s arrival at the nearby station. Luckily, Kieran knew the area since he had camped up here with his former gang before so he pushed Branwen forward towards Baccus station, up the mountains. This was his chance, if he could only get the train between himself and his pursuers he might live to see another day. 
They were galloping up towards the station, the train rushing towards them. Kieran pushed Branwen to keep running forward. He heard how they passed the train tracks, the train dangerously close. He heard Bill curse loudly behind him as the train rushed over the tracks right after Kieran had passed them. He still made Branwen run, still as fast just to get some more distance between them. The train came to a halt, stopping for the few passengers that would leave at the station and Kieran prayed to whoever would hear it that the gang wouldn’t try to get around the train. 
As he passed the Donner Falls, the rushing of the water drowning out any other sound he dared to slow down Branwen, sitting down heavily in the saddle and leaning back. He looked behind himself, scanning the area for any possible threat … but there was none. He sighed gently, slumping down in the saddle and gently scratching Branwen’s neck. “We did it, girl …” he said and gently nudged her forward. Even though he had lost them, he knew that he couldn’t just stay here. He needed a proper camp, some place to rest up, to take care of his wounds.
Branwen was breathing hard, her walk now painstakingly slow but he didn’t have the energy to make her move faster. His vision got blurry, his mind started spinning. He looked over at his leg again, the blood dripping out of the wound. He knew that he should cover it up, but … His vision went black and all he heard was a “You alright there, mister?!” before he lost consciousness. 
Kieran woke up to the smell of something cooking on a campfire. It made his stomach growl loudly before he could even open his eyes properly and he heard a low rumble of a man chuckling close to him. 
“Least yer still hungry.” He heard a stranger’s voice as he slowly sat up, blinking as he took in his surroundings. He was surrounded by trees, the early morning sun just rising above the horizon in the distance. A small campfire was lit next to the lean-to tent he was now sitting in, a man crouching next to it as he stirred around in the pot. 
The stranger was impressively large, broad shoulders, some scruff on his face, an old leather hat on top of his head. He looked rough, like a man that was used to living outside but when he looked over at Kieran there was a smile on his face and his eyes seemed kind and friendly. “Name’s Arthur. Found yer bleeding out on your horse, fixed yer up, didn’t want you dying on me. Breakfast’s almost ready.”
Kieran stared at him for a moment, not used to kindness like this. “Where’s my horse?��� he blurted out, not interested in making conversation now. “Is she alright?” 
The other man chuckled softly at that and motioned towards a closeby tree, where three horses were standing. An impressively tall, black dappled thoroughbred standing next to an arabian with a brindled coat, unlike anything Kieran had ever seen. And right next to them was his horse. “Branwen!” He called out, got up and ran towards her. Halfway there his vision got dark again and he almost stumbled into her. 
“Woha there”, suddenly the stranger was standing close to him as well, steading him with a hand on his arm, his grip firm but gentle. “You lost a lotta blood, make sure to rest some b’fore you start runnin’ like that.”
Kieran closed his eyes until the world stopped spinning, blushing slightly as he realized how close the handsome stranger actually was to him. He excused himself as he got out of his grip and focused back on Branwen. “She got shot, I-” as he stroked down her neck towards her shoulder he realized that her wound had been tended to. Surprised, he looked up at Arthur who just shrugged gently. 
“I know a thing or two ‘bout horses. Took care of her wound .. but she’ll be alright.”
Kieran stared at him for a moment, then looked at Branwen before he looked back to the pot of stew on the fire. “Why… why would you do all this … for a stranger? What’s in it for you?” He had never met anybody who would just do something out of goodwill for a person they didn’t actually know. 
Arthur shook his head, an amused smile on his lips. “Ain’t nothin’ in for me, ‘s far ‘s I know. But helpin’ folk.. ‘s the righ thing to do ‘s all. Now, let’s get some good into ya.”
So they sat down around the campire together. Arthur served them both some stew, made with rabbit and some wild carrots. Kieran had to hold himself back not to gobble it all down within seconds after being starved out by the van der Linde gang. Arthur seemed to notice how hungry he was because he immediately refilled Kieran’s bowl after he had finished the first one.  
“So, why’d you get shot?” Arthur asked eventually as Kieran was halfway done with his second server. “Pissed off the wrong fellar?” Kieran thought about it for a moment. He knew that mentioning a gang could seem a bit too threatening. He didn’t want to risk Arthur sending him away again if he learned that he had been hunted down by some outlaws … that he used to be a part of. But he also felt bad keeping it from him. What if they actually found him here, O’Driscolls or Dutch’s boys? 
“... It’s a long story. But something like that, yeah. I was … they had tied me up for a while, got away though. Don’t think they followed me, though. I ain’t important enough for that.”
“Shit. Ya wanna talk to the law?”
Kieran looked up at him, shaking his head. “No … no, better not. I ain’t … well …”, he wasn’t even sure if the local law would know his name, he never played a big role in any gang that he was running with. But it was still not a good idea to get the law involved. What would Arthur think of that, though? 
“‘s alright. I ain’t exactly friendly with the law either”, Arthur assured him and set his bowl aside. “Feel free to stick around, I don’t mind a little company.”
Kieran watched him for a moment, wondering if Arthur actually meant what he said or if he was just saying it to be polite. To him, Arthur didn’t seem like the kind of man who just said something to be polite, though. And so he smiled and gave him a little nod. “I’d love to.”
And so they spent the next weeks together. Arthur told him about the Arabian he had caught. “Stripey”, as he called the young stallion just for the time being. Apparently there were two brothers down by Rhodes who’d give a good price for a horse like that, even without papers. So Arthur usually caught wild horses, the pretty ones that looked fast and strong. He was good with horses as he had worked on a ranch for a good part of his life and therefore had an easy time taming them. 
Arthur had said that he didn’t like the word “breaking” because it wasn’t what he did. He explained to Kieran that horses wanted to trust and follow anyway, that it was in their nature. That people didn’t have to break their will in order for them to do what they wanted. And Kieran couldn’t agree more. He told Arthur about Branwen and that he never trusted anybody more than his horse. He told him about how he had found her as a young mare, kind and sweet but about to be put down for a simple injury on her leg as she wasn’t able to “make money” like this. Back then Kieran had pleaded with the owner to please let her go, that he would take her for free even if she couldn’t walk properly so the farmer didn’t have to waste a bullet on her. But the man had just laughed at him and sent him away. So Kieran had done what every reasonable horse lover would do - he had stolen Branwen away the next night and vanished with her. 
When Kieran was done with his story Arthur had smiled at him in sympathy. It was something they could bond over - their passion and love for horses. And even if they looked fairly different, they had a lot of things in common. Both of them were never able to settle down anywhere. Chased away, running from the law, not belonging to anybody. But it made them belong together and so Kieran decided to run with him and help him train the horses. 
Arthur was one of the kindest men Kieran had ever met - sure, he didn’t talk much and got a little loud when he drank (which he always did after they sold a horse) but he never insulted him, never made fun of him for being a little jumpy at times. He even took his time to teach Kieran how to read and write after Kieran had admired him for his pretty handwriting one day and admitted that he couldn’t read any of it. 
Kieran caught himself staring at Arthur now and then as well. When he was concentrating on a task, cleaning his hunting rifle or speaking softly to one of the horses. Arthur was a beautiful man with the most amazing voice that Kieran has ever heard and blue eyes with the prettiest speckles of green when the sun hit them just right. Kieran had known that he fancied men but the longer he spent his time with Arthur the more he realized that falling in love with one was even a possibility. He didn’t just admire him for his body, didn’t just desire him … he just enjoyed his company and being with him in the simplest way. He didn’t dare confess anything to him, though. He knew what people did with men like him. And while Arthur was kind and caring, Kieran didn’t know what he thought about “queers”. So Kieran kept quiet and just stuck to his way of admiring him from a distance.  
After they had sold Stripey they had made their way up north again because Arthur had heard that there was another Arabian up by Lake Isabella. A white one this time and it really sparked both of their interests. Kieran knew that it meant coming back to Valentine because it was the logical stop before the hike up north but Arthur promised him that he was a good shot and that he’d keep him safe (which made Kieran blush) so they did it. 
Luckily they didn’t meet any of the van der Linde gang on their way through town or up the mountain. It was quite the hike and Kieran wondered if it was really worth the trip but when Arthur told him to join him up in his tent at night to keep each other warm with their body heat he stopped wondering about it and just agreed that yes, it was a fantastic idea to get up into the snow together. 
When they finally found said horse Kieran was in awe. She was a beauty, her fur so white that they both almost hadn’t noticed her in the snow. Arthur called her Snowdrop. She was a piece of work though, wild at heart and not very trusty. Arthur even wondered if she had ever been mistreated by a person before because she was so skittish in the beginning but she didn’t bare any scars that indicated it. 
They chose a different path down the mountain this time as Arthur had some “business” to attend in Strawberry. At first, Kieran was happy about it. He had been around the area before and had always found it rather pretty. But when they had made camp at the foot of Mount Shann everything changed. 
“Oh, ain’t that good ol’ Kieran Duffy!” he heard coming from a line of trees. The sun already vanished so it was hard to see, especially after tending to the fire but Kieran recognized the voice immediately. It was the voice of Carter Jenkins, one of those who had always loved to bully him during his time at the O’Driscolls.  
“Carter!”, Kieran yelled as he jumped up. “J-just leave us be! No need to shoot!”, he said as he saw the weapons in his and his companion’s hands. He wasn’t alone, in fact he was with 3 other people, all of whom Kieran recognized from his time with his former gang. Oh, this wasn’t good. 
“Hmm, you know if you give us all your money and the horses … I might consider it. Though I’m sure Colm would love to see you himself. You know that he prefers to kill the traitors himself.”
Kieran’s eyes widened but before anybody could say anything else, Arthur had pulled out his gun and shot Carter right into his face. All eyes where on him for a second before the other two raised their guns at Arthur and shot. Kieran yelled out his name and tried to get between him and the others but he was too slow to get between them in time.
Arthur went down but so did the other three men. Kieran stared at them in surprise for a split second. Arthur had always told him that he was a good shot and Kieran had believed him. But three people, right through the heart in the matter of only a few seconds? 
The thud of Arthur’s body hitting the ground pulled Kieran out of his thoughts and he crouched down next to Arthur to inspect his wounds. two of them were just minor graze wounds but one had shot right through his shoulder, blood seeping out of the wound and Arthur groaning loudly. 
“Oh shit, oh shit .. Arthur! Stay with me!” Kieran said to him with his voice full of panic and distress. He didn’t know what to do so he just took off his shirt and pressed it down on the wound to stop the bleeding. 
“Ain’t .. goin’ nowhere …”, Arthur moaned softly. “Just … gotta shut the wound …”, he said, slowly opening his eyes and looking up at Kieran. “Can you do that? Just .. some gunpowder and fire .. should do it …” Arthur’s eyes squeezed shut again, most likely from the pain.
“Gunpowder .. yes I ..”, frantically he looked around until he saw Arthur’s revolver in the dirt. He let go of his blood soaked shirt, got to the gun and pulled out one of the bullets. He had seen this way of shutting a wound once before. It wasn’t pretty and he knew that it hurt - but it was quicker than shutting it with a needle and threat. And the things he needed were far more available right now. 
After he had ripped open the shirt around the wound he pried open the bullet with his teeth, poured the gunpowder into the wound and lit it on fire with a small, burning stick from the campfire. He jumped when the gunpowder caught fire, his nose full of the smell of Arthur’s burning flesh he had to gag as Arthur yelled out in pain before going still. 
“Arthur?!” He waited for a response but there was nothing. For a few seconds he feared the worst but then he focused and realized that Arthur’s chest was still rising and falling. He was breathing. Alive. Shock had probably knocked him out, he had seen it before in people he had fought with side by side. He just had to keep him warm and protected during the night and then hopefully he would be awake the next morning. 
So he set to work. He carefully dragged Arthur into the tent and put all the blankets that they had on top of him before he dug out a grave for the dead O’Driscolls. He knew that he didn’t have to but it felt wrong to just leave them lying outside. It was the right thing to do. And while Kieran knew that he wasn’t the greatest of men, he wanted to be honorable.
When he was done with the quick burial he went back into the tent. It had been a rather cool day during this early summer and the floor wasn’t the driest so he worried about Arthur. For a moment he hesitated but then he shut the tent as securely as he could and slipped under the blanket with Arthur. He hoped that Arthur would understand it the next morning - that he only did this to keep his body temperature up, to make sure that he would recover from the shot. 
Kieran clung to Arthur that night, hugging him to make sure that he’d notice any shift or change in the other man. He prayed to whichever god would listen that Arthur would make it. He couldn’t lose him. Couldn’t lose the only human companion he ever trusted or cared about. Arthur had shown him kindness when nobody else would and had protected him from the monsters of his past, in more than just one sense. It wasn’t fair that he was the one lying in a tent with a shot wound. It should’ve been Kieran. But it seemed like yet another cruel joke of fate that it wasn’t him who had gotten hit. Just another good thing that might be taken from him. “You gotta make it…”, Kieran whispered as he got even closer to Arthur, listening to his weak breath and closing his eyes. “You will survive. You have to.”
Eventually he drifted off into a light sleep. Worry and adrenaline had worn him out so much that he was just too exhausted to stay awake, even if he knew that he should’ve. He still slept restless, dreams of the past and a dark future creeping up on him and keeping him worried all night, even in his sleep. He finally found rst in the early morning hours, awake but happy that Arthur was still breathing, still warm next to him. 
Another hour passed and Arthur slowly stirred awake. Kieran sat up right away, looking down at the handsome man. He was beautiful like this. And when Arthur looked up at him, a smile on his face, Kierasn couldn’t help himself. “You’re alive”, he whispered before he bent down and kissed Arthur’s lips. Gentle and careful, but also full of joy to see the other alive. Shocked, he realized what he had done and pulled away, now staring down at Arthur who looked at him in confusion. “I- I’m sorry … I didn’t .. I … uh …”
Arthur’s features softened and he chuckled gently. “Nothin’ to be sorry ‘bout. Was wonderin’ when you’d finally do it”, he said and pulled Kieran down for another kiss. 
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deafchild2000 · 3 years
Nguyen Sisters (Triplets)
(Alright, this is more of a backstory for characters in my story: Inheritance!
1. Tien Nguyen (The Oldest) - Chi Pu
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2. Bian Nguyen (The Middle Child) - Dianne Doan
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3. Yen Nguyen (Youngest) - Lana Condor
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And the late: Kara Nguyen (Mother)
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Van Nguyen (Older brother/sibling)
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Bian, Tien, and Yen Nguyen make of a set of triplet sisters to the late Van Nguyen and daughters to the late Kara Nguyen.
Upon their deaths by Hayley Marshall-Kenner (orchestrated by Davina Claire) and Kol Mikaelson, they were taken in by other witches of the Ninth Ward Coven at the age of 6.
As the daughters of an Elder and sisters to a Regent, they are powerful together as they are apart. They share an equal disdain for Mikaelsons and Hayley Mashall for the deaths of their loved ones, leaving the three to only have each other.
Yen was a dance student at a community center where she met Harmony, who was only going by her first name then. The two quickly hit it off and became fast friends. It wasn't until later when Harmony had visited the Ninth Ward where she experienced the massacre her mother created. Her screams had everyone running towards her, including Yen & her sisters (whose first meeting prompted the visit in the first place). It was Tien whose eyes narrowed in fury when she recognized her mother's killer in Harmony and wanted to give her an "aneurysm she'd never forget" when Yen stopped her.
By the time Harmony recovered, Hayley and Vincent had come running to the Ninth Ward once immediate word got to them that Harmony is there. And knowing how her daughter's Sight worked, she knew the inevitable happened.
Finding Harmony on the ground with what could only be copies of Kara Nguyen, deducing they were her daughters and threats to her little girl, Hayley was quick to remove Harmony from the ward while Vincent attempted to defuse the situation (and prevent any more bloodshed). Tien was furious and wanted Harmony's head while Yen tried to calm her down, only to be scolded for consorting with the enemy. Vincent tried to explain that Harmony's an innocent to what went down on the October 19th Massacre.
It would later be revealed that Tien was there and watched Hayley kill Kara, igniting a fierce hatred for the hybrid.
Sometime later, Harmony came back to the Ninth Ward to speak to the entire coven, but mainly the triplets. She brokered a deal: Since they can't touch Hayley for the sake of peace between the Factions nor Kol & Davina for the deaths they caused, she'd take their place. A daughter for a mother. A loved one for a loved one. Any surviving family members of the 12 witches who wish to take vengeance on the three culprits through her are welcomed to do so in three days at the Lafayette Cemetery. Harmony would be bound to a boundary spell and wear the Cursed Shackles to make herself powerless. In return, those who choose to enact vengeance upon her shall go unpunished. As a show of goodwill, Harmony would go as far as to make a legally binding contract & deal with the Ancestors that barred the faction from intervening and use the blood of her mother and family members in a spell to prevent them from coming after them.
While the Ninth Ward agreed to the terms, it wasn't long until word got back to the Faction leaders and tried to stop it. Even Vincent couldn't because the spell Harmony used to protect those involved the Ancestors, meaning they not only agree with the terms but forbid Vincent from interfering. Hope even tried to take her place, but Harmony said that if one thing changed, everything else would and then no one would be happy.
That night, it would appear that only the Nguyen Sisters would be a part of the "trial". Yen was the only one vocally opposed to this, Tien wanted to do this, yet Bian kept a neutral expression.
Harmony spent HOURS being tortured by them but made no moves to escape, which frustrated Tien greatly. All she did do, however, was goad them to do more, to do their worst. Eventually, Hayley and Vincent managed to get into the cemetery and find them, however, much to the surprise of everyone, it was Bian who ended Harmony's suffering and broke the boundary circle before telekinetically taking off the shackles. Hayley grabbed her half-dead-looking daughter before vamp speeding out of there.
Vincent went off on them, but it was Tien who was furious at Bian until it was revealed that she'd been talking to Van in the Well.
He may not have liked dying and how he died, but Van made peace with it on his own terms. When Harmony had contacted the Ancestors for their help, he didn't agree with the torture session. One of the few things he's agreed with others (Marcel included) was that children are innocent. Harmony taking on the pain and anger of the actions of 3 was not fair. The girls were 6 years old. Harmony wasn't even 2 yet. Regardless of Kol, Davina, and Hayley's actions, he couldn't condone this and begged Bian to end it if it went too far.
(And considering it went in for hours...that says something about how Harmony was handling it!)
Hearing this from Bian, and then from Van himself, Tien lashed out and walked away back home with her.
Yen, completely remorseful, created a care package of herbs and tea from her coven and left it for Harmony, only for Hayley to retrieve it. Despite the glare from the hybrid, Yen assured this would help Harmony, whom it was revealed to had been unconscious for three days, and even said Vincent could back up her claims if she asked him. And she wanted Hayley to tell Harmony that she was sorry, only to get the reply to "tell her yourself".
Eventually, thanks to the verified care package, Harmony did recover. And it wasn't long until she was filled in on the tense situation with the Ninth Ward and sought out Tien, whom she let punch her in the face after calling her current disposition "sad and pathetic". It was revealed that Tien hated that Harmony wasn't fighting back and the more she tortured her, the more ashamed she felt (like kicking a puppy while it's down) which led to ger continuing it even with Harmony's goading, which pissed her off more. Harmony asked what pissed her off most: Her lack of self-defense or acceptance of the situation. It was both.
Considering how Harmony is Hayley's clone in appearance and attitude, Tien was full-on prepared to feel victorious at the idea of torturing the monster that turned her life upside down. She expected Harmony to be just like Hayley, cruel and merciless ...and what she got was the shame when Harmony was selfless and accepting. Her family made her and her sisters orphans and Harmony took responsibility and apologized for it. It distraught her and she couldn't take it. Harmony takes this time to reveal that part of the reason she held in through the torture was that it wasn't the first time she was tortured for her family's crimes and she wasn't the only one whose life flipped at 6 years old. She precedes to tell her of the Kidnapping Incident, how she was the reincarnation of a girl her father killed through ill-worded compulsion, and how it awakened her Seer Sight. She recants how it left her unable to accept the Mikaelsons ("a few years of good deeds doesn't erase a millennia worth of cruelty") and how she's bound to experience the loss they suffered on a personal level. Kara is just a sign that she'll lose Hayley ("The universe isn't that kind to let me keep my mom after she took yours.") This completely changed Tien's opinion of Harmony. The tribrid was only 4 years younger than her and had to deal with the weight of family name carries, as well as the pain they wreaked. Tien at least knows she can trust her family, meanwhile, the girl before her might never be able to trust hers aside from her mother and sister. Harmony then reveals how her mother smelled more than Yen's hand on the care package, revealing she knew Tien had a hand in it as well. So the kindred girls form a friendship and a truce, which they present before the Faction leaders and covens. Harmony is still going to keep that protection spell over the sisters (so someone doesn't get any ideas) and that they were even. Hayley takes this as a belated chance to apologize to the sisters, which is a given to be not easily accepted. At best, Harmony is a friend of theirs, therefore she's safe. But just because Hayley's her mother doesn't mean she's forgiven. Tien makes a point to say Hayley will have her day in death, but for now, she just has to keep their friend safe.
From that moment on, the sisters had a great and relatable relationship with Harmony. Yen was happy to have her friend and dance partner back, Tien became very protective of her, and Bian...Bian and Harmony had an interesting connection since they both held secrets that could change everything. She was their unofficial little sister whenever she came home from boarding school and was happy to hear about Salvatore (for the most part. They had their opinions of Harmony's choice friends having bad reputations and the Saltzmanns). Harmony considers them honorary members of the Midnight Falls Coven (the coven she made with Penelope Park and Alyssa Chang).
The sisters are 18 and in their final year in high school when shit hits the fan in February 2026. In hindsight, if you asked Bian of all sisters, she'd tell you that something has changed within the Factions and Hayley's disappearance would cause all hell to break loose if Harmony doesn't cause it. Bian would also say Hope was involved. The triplets may be closer to Harmony, but it wasn't for the lack of trying to get along with older the Mikaelson twin. Hope never quite forgave them for torturing her little sister and the fact she's more inclined to the Mikaelsons didn't help. So once word got out of Hope's tomfoolery with creating a hybrid (in contrast to her sister's opposition with creating them), Bian could have easily seen Hope's involvement with the return of Klaus Mikaelson a mile away. But once word got out that Hayley Marshall Kenner, the mother of their friend, their mother's murderer, and almighty Crescent Alpha, was turned into a vampire and killed? The sisters didn't hesitate to contact Harmony and to go to her. Tien had a few choice words she wanted to say to Hope Mikaelson and the fact the very thing Harmony warned her would happen to Hayley came true, and it wasn't even with fair circumstances (but when was fair ever a given?) was enough to boil her insides as she knew Harmony wouldn't take it well. Which was a proven point with her barricading her mother's room and stealing her clothes, her necklace, and blaming everything on Hope to the point of no end in sight, and antagonizing the Mikaelsons. She went full-throttle mean girl and even Bian felt that this wasn't something that would go away soon. Tien couldn't even snap her out of it, which ended up with Harmony pushing them away.
By the time Harmony split the Hollow with Hope, the sisters were surprised she was apologizing. Hayley's death messed her up on the same level Kara did, maybe even more. She explained to them the matter of everything that happened when Hayley died (Hope's ridiculous need for Klaus resulting in Hayley's death and Nightwalkers, another product of her father's stupidity) before telling them to get out of town before the Nightwalkers did more damage and came for them (a bullet they'd find they missed). Yen asks if she's okay, which Harmony responds with "I'm angry. I'm pissed. I'm tired. And I'm ready to legally change my surname." Harmony tells them to visit the Ancestral Well one more time to see Kara and Van, forwarning them that it might be their last. By the time they return to New Orleans, the Well is destroyed (meaning Kara and Van can find Peace), the Nightwalkers are gone (thanks to two pissed off Mikaelson twins and a LOT of dark magic), and the clincher: Now those Mikaelson twins have activated their werewolf curse. Yen is terrified for Harmony, Tien is angry (at Klaus more), and Bian isn't surprised (one of the few conversations she and Hayley had was that Harmony would be pissed off when she triggered hers). What is troublesome is the pipe shots she's shooting at everyone. Tien manages to snap her out of it and tells her that Hayley wouldn't want her like this...which works until Harmony comes back from Limbo and reaffirms changing her surname again.
Eventually, the sisters are at a loss when they hear of Klaus Mikaelson's willingness to die to keep the Hollow from the girls. Surprisingly, it's Yen who's not impressed since right with Marcel, his prime existence has caused issues and the fact this is what ends him and not a glorious death? At least with it, Harmony won't freak out about the death-inducing visions just being in the same room causes her. Ironically, Tien feels bad because Harmony is capable of loving him and knows it's because of Lorraine and the others that Klaus might not even get her love then. She never had a father figure except for Van, and while it kills her not to tell her to talk to him, she's well aware Harmony and Klaus will literally need another lifetime to sort their issues. Bian is neutral but pities the Mikaelsons. All things must die and 1000-year-old vampires are no exception. She can respect that he's doing at least one good thing which Harmony can remember him for, which can help in the long run now that the Mikaelson twins will never be the same.
Then, to their shock and ire, the eve of his death is when they are visited by Kol and Davina Mikaelson. Hayley left a letter for both of them regaling how Harmony was tortured for their poor choices and that if the youngest Mikaelson could apologize for their actions, the ones who did the deeds should too. Maybe it was because of Klaus's impending demise, or maybe it was because Harmony pulled a Davina and locked Kol in his vampire body, or maybe it was because he lost favor with his two nieces inadvertently causing this whole mess...or maybe it was all of the above because seeing Kol kneeling and apologizing to them was a sight they'd never forget. And while Davina had no love for Klaus, Hayley's letter was rather vicious in demanding that her dying wish to the witch was to apologize to the sisters as well as the couple giving them enough money to live off of for the rest of their days. Like Hayley's apology, it doesn't even come close to answering for what they took from them. But because it was Hayley asking (demanding) and Harmony paying for it, it was something.
The drama would have ended after Klaus's death until there's a big commotion from Harmony's home. They didn't hear until later that Freya tried to kill Harmony and now their regent, Vincent, and a witch named Bonnie Bennett from Virginia, are sharing joint custody of Harmony with the Mikaelsons getting very limited visitation rights and paying for her boarding school tuition as a result.
For the first time, Bian smiled. This would definitely benefit the twins while Yen and Tien feel the headache coming on now. They wish Harmony Eve the best because college sounds like a vacation right about now.
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pearlsephoni · 3 years
ItaFushi Week 2021, Day 1: Sharing a Meal
Can also be read on AO3!
Rating: G
Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen
Pairing: ItaFushi (Itadori/Fushiguro)
Characters: Yuuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Nobara Kugisaki
Word Count: 1,855
Summary: In the aftermath of the ambush during the Goodwill Event, Yuuji is faced with the grief he left behind when he was in hiding.
A/N: Author’s notes can be read on AO3.
All things considered, Fushiguro had been lucky. He had escaped the curse spirit ambush with bad injuries, sure, but nothing a little time with Ieiri and an afternoon in bed wouldn’t fix. Or at least, that was what Gojo had told Yuuji. 
But Yuuji still couldn’t shake the guilt that had weighed on him since he’d popped out of the cart and been faced by Kugisaki’s angry tears and Fushiguro’s shocked stare. He could ignore it well enough when his focus was needed for his and Todo’s fight against Hanami. Now, though, alone in his room with a silence that was only broken by the occasional shuffles from Fushiguro through the wall...Yuuji felt both leaden and restless, exhausted and buzzing with energy, nervous and excited to see his friend. 
A text from Kugisaki was what finally pulled him out of bed. Against Ieiri’s recommendations, Kugisaki was determined to have a pizza lunch to celebrate their survival of the event’s first day, and Yuuji was only too happy to wire over his share of the delivery price. 
Yuuji: make sure you order meat pizza!  we need meat to recover from today! 
Kugisaki: u need vegetables too, idiot. thx for the money! 
“Don’t use my money for veggies, asshole,” Yuuji mumbled as he made his way next door. 
He’d forgotten his nerves over facing Fushiguro, but they crashed back into him when he faced his door. He knew, logically, Fushiguro wouldn’t be mad at him. He wasn’t the sort to hold a grudge like that. But he also knew, logically, Fushiguro would be well within his rights to still be pissed over Yuuji being alive for weeks without telling him. He’d seen the anger flashing in those blue eyes whenever Yuuji mentioned something that had happened, but it was just as quick to go away as it was to rear its head. 
At the end of the day, though, Yuuji was alive. However Fushiguro felt about the secrets between them, he had to still be happy about that. 
That thought finally let Yuuji’s back straighten and his fist knock against the door. “Come in.” 
“Yo, Fushiguro!” Yuuji called as he opened the door. “Woah! You’re looking good!” 
He really did. Sure, he was wearing pajamas and in bed while the sun was in the sky, something that he would never do in good health. But his back was straight as he sat there, and Yuuji couldn’t see any blood or bandages, and he distinctly remembered how battered he had looked before Panda carried him away. 
Fushiguro apparently didn’t agree. “Please stop saying that when I’m injured.” 
“Hey, I say it other times too!” 
“That’s not the point.” 
Yuuji was too focused on wheeling Fushiguro’s old desk chair over to the bed to notice the intensity in his eyes and the light dusting of pink on his cheeks. “You didn’t eat yet, right? Kugisaki’s grabbing some pizza for us, so we can have a pizza party!” 
“Shouldn’t we be eating something healthier after everything that happened today?” 
“Nah, we should have something tasty! And I told her to make sure to get a pizza with lots of meat, so you can get better fast!” He plopped into the chair, making the old thing creak with his weight, before he caught sight of Fushiguro’s gaze on him. “...What? You feeling alright, man?” 
He reached out to press his hand against Fushiguro’s forehead, falling back on instinct from his days by his grandfather’s bed. He didn’t think about how Fushiguro would respond until it was too late, the other boy’s hand wrapping around his wrist just as his fingertips brushed his forehead. “Shit, sorry, I didn’t-”
His words died on his tongue when Fushiguro didn’t let go. Instead, his fingers found Yuuji’s pulse just as Yuuji’s heart jolted in his chest at the feeling of their skin pressing together. “W-what’s going on, Fushiguro?” 
“Quiet.” Yuuji’s jaw clacked shut automatically, leaving him silent and flushing as he watched Fushiguro. The other boy’s fingers were firm against his wrist, and with each passing second, he slowly, gradually relaxed, until his forehead came to rest gently against Yuuji’s limp hand. “You’re really alive.” 
“Huh? Yeah, of course I am! Didja think I was a zombie out there?” Yuuji winced under the hard stare he received, his cheerful smile faltering at the grief that still tinged that blue gaze. 
“That would make more sense than you suddenly coming back to life,” Fushiguro grumbled. “You were dead, Itadori.” 
“I…I know.” 
“No, listen to me. I saw Sukuna rip your heart out, and I couldn’t do anything to save you. I was useless, and you were dead. I saw you die. And then suddenly you came back, and we didn’t even get to talk before you were risking your stupid life again. You told me not to worry, you said you wouldn’t die, but I couldn’t believe you. How could I?” 
The words left him in a rush, as though they were spilling out faster than he could say them. He was speaking more than Yuuji had ever heard him speak before, and his throat clenched with guilt the more Fushiguro spoke. By the time he fell quiet again, Yuuji could barely choke out the words, “I’m sorry.” 
“…Don’t apologize. I don’t blame you.” 
“Still. I’m so sorry, Fushiguro. I didn’t…I didn’t think…” Fushiguro’s fingers loosened around his wrist, but before he could pull away, Yuuji grabbed at his hand. “I swear, Fushiguro,” his fingers tightened around Fushiguro’s, “I swear I’ll never make you feel like that again. I’ll keep training and I’ll get stronger and I’ll make sure you never go through anything like that again. Or, I mean…not because of me.”
“Okay,” Fushiguro murmured after a moment of searching for something in Yuuji’s eyes. “Then I promise the same.” 
“Okay!” A relieved smile broke across Yuuji’s face, and he distantly noted the dusting of pink that appeared on Fushiguro’s cheeks. “Okay. Good!”
“Ughhhhh, gross.” 
Their hands jerked apart and their gazes jumped from each other to the door, where Kugisaki stood with a pizza box balanced in one hand. “I go get us this delicious pizza, and you repay me by making me a third wheel?” 
“What’re you talking about?” Fushiguro grumbled, barely audible over Yuuji’s excited, “Pizza’s here! What kind did you get?” 
“A kind that you better eat. I’m not gonna grab another one.” 
“Not even for your bedridden friend?” 
“Shut it. You don’t get to guilt trip me, you sneaky liar.” Kugisaki’s voice was flippant, but her eyes flashed with a genuine hurt that Yuuji recognized from Fushiguro’s eyes just moments before. “Still can’t believe Gojo-sensei didn’t let you tell us you weren’t dead.” 
“Yeah, I’m...I’m really sorry, Kugisaki.” 
“You don’t- it’s just-” She let out a huff as she dropped the pizza box onto Fushiguro’s lap and dragged a stool to the other side of his bed. “Can you at least tell us what happened to you? You were gone for weeks, dude.” 
Yuuji was quiet for a moment, his eyes fixed on fingers that plucked at a stray thread in the blanket while he searched for the right words. “I…I lost a friend. During my first mission after training. Did you hear about that?” 
“Yeah. Gojo told us,” Fushiguro said, his voice soft.
Yuuji's eyes drifted back up to Fushiguro’s as he nodded. “I really thought I could save him. I thought I could bring him here, introduce him to you guys and help him finally have a happier life. But he was turned into a curse and killed before I could even do anything. Just like that, he was gone. I didn’t know I could feel so angry and sad and useless. And I didn’t realize you could’ve felt the same way after…after you saw me die, Fushiguro.” 
His voice caught, forcing him to stop and clear his throat. In the brief silence, Kugisaki solemnly handed him a slice of pizza, a gesture that was so out of place, yet so earnest, that Yuuji couldn’t help cracking a small smile before he continued. “A lot of people died that day, and after all of it, I still couldn’t put up a good enough fight. I still had to rely on Nanamin. I think...I think that’s why I was so reckless today. I saw how badly I hurt you guys by not telling you the truth, and I wanted to prove to you all and to myself that it was worth something. That I at least got a little stronger.” 
There was another moment of silence as the other two watched him, letting him blink away the threat of tears and making sure he was done talking. Then, finally, Fushiguro spoke. “You did. You got a lot stronger. I didn’t think you could pull off that kind of growth, but you proved me wrong.” 
Yuuji squinted at him with a small frown. Those words seemed genuine, and he couldn’t see any sign of mockery on Fushiguro’s face, and yet...“Hey, you trying to call me a slow learner?” 
“You’re fast in many ways, Itadori-kun,” Kugisaki sighed, “but not when you have to use your brain.” 
“What the hell! I spill my heart out to you, and you decide to bully me? What kind of ‘welcome back’ is this?” 
“It’s not a ‘welcome back’ for you, it’s a ‘get well soon’ for Fushiguro.” 
“Please don’t pull me into this,” Fushiguro muttered, “You two just wanted an excuse to get pizza.” 
“Besides,” Kugisaki continued loudly in an attempt to drown out Fushiguro, “you still need to do me a favor before I truly forgive you.” 
“Carry my bags for me on my next shopping trip, and all will be forgiven.” The hand that wasn’t holding pizza reached across the bed for Yuuji to shake, as though they were sealing a business deal. For all her bratty formality, Yuuji could see the “favor” for what it truly was: an invitation, a sign of forgiveness in and of itself. Kugisaki wanted to spend time with him, a far cry from the girl who had sighed at the first sight of him. 
Yuuji’s cheeks ached from how wide his smile stretched as he eagerly took her hand. “Deal!” 
“Pleasure doing business with you, Itadori-san.” 
“And with you, Kugisaki-san.” 
“Are you gonna eat this pizza,” Fushiguro muttered, trying and failing to bite back his small grin, “or are you gonna keep this up until it’s cold?” 
Yuuji obediently bit into his slice as he eyed the other boy. “Hey, Fushiguro,” he mumbled around his mouthful, “you’re gonna come with us right?” 
“Don’t talk with your mouth full.” 
“I need someone to keep me company when Kugisaki’s stuck in the dressing room.” 
“Itadori, you-” 
“Gojo will probably make me come to babysit you two anyway,” Fushiguro said, cutting off Kugisaki, who glared daggers at Yuuji, “so yeah. I’ll come.” 
Gojo was a flimsy excuse, one that crumpled under the widening grin on Fushiguro’s lips. That grin almost turned into a proper smile when Yuuji beamed back at him. “Good!”
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msgrumpygills · 3 years
"They completely robbed all the context to fit their narrative, it's very false."
I mean yeah...they stretched the turth to put more sympathy on Misha, as stans do, but uh...doesn't change the fact that Jared's escalation was assholeish. Someone parks too close to my car, my automatic response isn't to slash their tires. New tires aren't cheap. A tow truck shows up to tow my car off, I mean yeah I'm pissed, but I talk to them and let them do their job and I certainly wouldn't go so far as to threaten to destroy both the tow truck and a coworker/"friend's" car. And the " I can pay for it" thing. Then you can pay the tow fee. It's like 200 bucks to get a car out of impound (in the US at least). If you can pay to destroy two vehicles that aren't yours and replace/ fix them you can pay a towing and impound fee. I think that's the part (other than the violent retaliation) that speaks the loudest. Your wife promotes Take Only What You Need while wearing her $2000 outfits and you brag about being able to afford destroying two vehicles. To an average person, the towing fee and impound fee would be a severe financial upset and you can pay for TWO vehicle destruction/repairs. How relateable. It's people like this I worry about when/if the economy goes down the toilet. They won't know how to function without their financial security. God forbid they have to get their clothes at a Goodwill or their groceries at a Piggly Wiggly or wherever. I bet they'd be mortified to even set foot in a food locker. Or live in a house that either has just enough rooms for each person or one room too few. Imagine how much "me time" Gen would need if she couldn't afford her full time staff and had to childrear and housekeep while working 40 hours a week like the rest of society. Or worse, was forced to be a SAHM because she couldn't even afford child care for when she is working. Jared would have to fly economy on a cheap airline😱. It's exactly this type of attitude and behaviour that made me stop caring about the Pads. They are so unbelievably out of touch with reality. Jared isn't a saint. He's a rich celebrity that does rich celebrity bs and gets away with it because he is a rich celebrity who can pay his way out of actual consequences.
I'm sorry, but no matter which way you spin that story, Jared still comes out looking like an ass.
They definitely left out Misha’s participation in everything, but even with his participation, it doesn’t make Jared look better. 
I also don’t want to slash someone’s tires if someone parks too closely. I’ve complained or swore under my breath, but slashing someone’s tires? That’s a bit much there, Hulk. 
The thing about it too is that Jared caught his car being towed BEFORE IT WAS TOWED. Yes, if the prank had gone through and they had taken his car, he’d need to pay the fees, but he caught it before the car left. So he wouldn’t have had to pay anything.
It definitely says a lot about him as a person that he actually considered destroying two cars, possibly compromising the tow driver’s job, all for a PRANK because “he could afford it”. I used to think that he needed to be rescued from Gen, but they’re perfect for each other. 
I think you’re right, if they were ever in the circumstance where they needed to face real problems and couldn’t use money to get out of them, they’d probably both lose their minds.  I’d love to see them switch places with a “regular” family and see just how out of touch they are. 
Jensen and Misha are also rich, but you don’t see them flaunting it around and you don’t see them acting like they’re so busy and relatable because they need “me time” and are dealing with the “holiday craziness”. I mean Danneel actually came out and admitted that they had a nanny and so she wasn’t acting like she was doing it all like super mom Gen. 
The Pads are ridiculous. They’re turning into the Kardashians of the SPN world.
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invisibleicewands · 4 years
Staged's Anna Lundberg and Georgia Tennant: 'Scenes with all four of us usually involved alcohol'
Not many primetime TV hits are filmed by the show’s stars inside their own homes. However, 2020 wasn’t your average year. During the pandemic, productions were shut down and workarounds had to be found – otherwise the terrestrial schedules would have begun to look worryingly empty. Staged was the surprise comedy hit of the summer.
This playfully meta short-form sitcom, airing in snack-sized 15-minute episodes, found A-list actors Michael Sheen and David Tennant playing an exaggerated version of themselves, bickering and bantering as they tried to perfect a performance of Luigi Pirandello’s Six Characters in Search of an Author over Zoom.
Having bonded while co-starring in Good Omens, Amazon’s TV adaptation of Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett’s novel, Sheen, 51, and Tennant, 49, became best buddies in real life. In Staged, though, they’re comedically reframed as frenemies – warm, matey and collaborative, but with a cut-throat competitiveness lurking just below the surface. As they grew ever more hirsute and slobbish in lockdown, their virtual relationship became increasingly fraught.
It was soapily addictive and hilariously thespy, while giving a voyeuristic glimpse of their interior decor and domestic lives – with all the action viewed through their webcams.
Yet it was the supporting cast who lifted Staged to greatness,Their director Simon Evans, forced to dance around the pair’s fragile egos and piggy-in-the-middle of their feuds. Steely producer Jo, played by Nina Sosanya, forever breaking off from calls to bellow at her poor, put-upon PA. And especially the leading men’s long-suffering partners, both actors in real life, Georgia Tennant and Anna Lundberg.
Georgia Tennant comes from showbiz stock, as the child of Peter Davison and Sandra Dickinson. At 36 she is an experienced actor and producer, who made her TV debut in Peak Practice aged 15. She met David on Doctor Who 2008, when she played the Timelord’s cloned daughter Jenny. Meanwhile, the Swedish Lundberg, 26, is at the start of her career. She left drama school in New York two years ago and Staged is her first big on-screen role.
Married for nine years, the Tennants have five children and live in west London. The Lundberg-Sheens have been together two years, have a baby daughter, Lyra, and live outside Port Talbot in south Wales. On screen and in real life, the women have become firm friends and frequent scene-stealers.
Staged proved so successful that it’s now back for a second series. We set up a video call with Tennant and Lundberg to discuss lockdown life, wine consumption, home schooling (those two may be related) and the blurry line between fact and fiction…
Was doing Staged a big decision, because it’s so personal and set in your homes? Georgia Tennant: We’d always been a very private couple. Staged was everything we’d never normally say yes to. Suddenly, our entire house is on TV and so is a version of the relationship we’d always kept private. But that’s the way to do it, I guess. Go to the other extreme. Just rip off the Band-Aid.
Anna Lundberg: Michael decided pretty quickly that we weren’t going to move around the house at all. All you see is the fireplace in our kitchen.
GT: We have five children, so it was just about which room was available.
AL: But it’s not the real us. It’s not a documentary.
GT: Although some people think it is.
Which fictional parts of the show do people mistake for reality? GT: People think I’m really a novelist because “Georgia” writes a novel in Staged. They’ve asked where they can buy my book. I should probably just write one now because I’ve done the marketing already.
AL: People worry about our elderly neighbour, who gets hospitalised in the show. She doesn’t actually exist in real life but people have approached Michael in Tesco’s, asking if she’s OK.
Michael and David squabble about who’s billed first in Staged. Does that reflect real life? AL: With Good Omens, Michael’s name was first for the US market and David’s was first for the British market. So those scenes riffed on that.
Should we call you Georgia and Anna, or Anna and Georgia? GT: Either. We’re super-laidback about these things.
AL: Unlike certain people.
How well did you know each other before Staged? GT: We barely knew each other. We’ve now forged a friendship by working on the show together.
AL: We’d met once, for about 20 minutes. We were both pregnant at the time – we had babies a month apart – so that was pretty much all we talked about.
Did you tidy up before filming? AL: We just had to keep one corner relatively tidy.
GT: I’m quite a tidy person, but I didn’t want to be one of those annoying Instagram people with perfect lives. So strangely, I had to add a bit of mess… dot a few toys around in the background. I didn’t want to be one of those insufferable people – even though, inherently, I am one of those people.
Was there much photobombing by children or pets? AL: In the first series, Lyra was still at an age where we could put her in a baby bouncer. Now that’s not working at all. She’s just everywhere. Me and Michael don’t have many scenes together in series two, because one of us is usually Lyra-wrangling.
GT: Our children aren’t remotely interested. They’re so unimpressed by us. There’s one scene where Doris, our five-year-old, comes in to fetch her iPad. She doesn’t even bother to glance at what we’re doing.
How was lockdown for you both? AL: I feel bad saying it, but it was actually good for us. We were lucky enough to be in a big house with a garden. For the first time since we met, we were in one place. We could just focus on Lyra . To see her grow over six months was incredible. She helped us keep a steady routine, too.
GT: Ours was similar. We never spend huge chunks of time together, so it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. At least until David’s career goes to shit and he’s just sat at home. The flipside was the bleakness. Being in London, there were harrowing days when everything was silent but you’d just hear sirens going past, as a reminder that something awful was going on. So I veered between “This is wonderful” and “This is the worst thing that ever happened.”
And then there was home schooling… GT: Which was genuinely the worst thing that ever happened.
You’ve spent a lot of time on video calls, clearly. What are your top Zooming tips? GT: Raise your camera to eye level by balancing your laptop on a stack of books. And invest in a ring light.
AL: That’s why you look so much better. We just have our sad kitchen light overhead, which makes us look like one massive shiny forehead.
GT: Also, always have a good mug on the go [raises her cuppa to the camera and it’s a Michael Sheen mug]. Someone pranked David on the job he’s shooting at the moment by putting a Michael Sheen mug in his trailer. He brought it home and now I use it every morning. I’m magically drawn to drinking out of Michael.
There’s a running gag in series one about the copious empties in Michael’s recycling. Did you lean into lockdown boozing in real life? AL: Not really. We eased off when I was pregnant and after Lyra was born. We’d just have a glass of wine with dinner.
GT: Yes, definitely. I often reach for a glass of red in the show, which was basically just an excuse to continue drinking while we were filming: “I think my character would have wine and cake in this scene.” The time we started drinking would creep slightly earlier. “We’ve finished home schooling, it’s only 4pm, but hey…” We’ve scaled it back to just weekends now.
How did you go about creating your characters with the writer Simon Evans? AL: He based the dynamic between David and Michael on a podcast they did together. Our characters evolved as we went along.
GT: I was really kind and understanding in the first draft. I was like “I don’t want to play this, it’s no fun.” From the first few tweaks I made, Simon caught onto the vibe, took that and ran with it.
Did you struggle to keep a straight face at times? AL: Yes, especially the scenes with all four of us, when David and Michael start improvising.
GT: I was just drunk, so I have no recollection.
AL: Scenes with all four of us were normally filmed in the evening, because that’s when we could be child-free. Usually there was alcohol involved, which is a lot more fun.
GT: There’s a long scene in series two where we’re having a drink. During each take, we had to finish the glass. By the end, we were all properly gone. I was rewatching it yesterday and I was so pissed.
What else can you tell us about series two? GT: Everyone’s in limbo. Just as we think things are getting back to normal, we have to take three steps back again. Everyone’s dealing with that differently, shall we say.
AL: In series one, we were all in the same situation. By series two, we’re at different stages and in different emotional places.
GT: Hollywood comes calling, but things are never as simple as they seem.
There were some surprise big-name cameos in series one, with Samuel L Jackson and Dame Judi Dench suddenly Zooming in. Who can we expect this time around? AL: We can’t name names, but they’re very exciting.
GT: Because series one did so well, and there’s such goodwill towards the show, we’ve managed to get some extraordinary people involved. This show came from playing around just to pass the time in lockdown. It felt like a GCSE end-of-term project. So suddenly, when someone says: “Samuel L Jackson’s in”, it’s like: “What the fuck’s just happened?”
AL: It took things to the next level, which was a bit scary.
GT: It suddenly felt like: “Some people might actually watch this.”
How are David and Michael’s hair and beard situations this time? AL: We were in a toyshop the other day and Lyra walked up to these Harry Potter figurines, pointed at Hagrid and said: “Daddy!” So that explains where we’re at. After eight months of lockdown, it was quite full-on.
GT: David had a bob at one point. Turns out he’s got annoyingly excellent hair. Quite jealous. He’s also grown a slightly unpleasant moustache.
Is David still wearing his stinky hoodie? GT: I bought him that as a gift. It’s actually Paul Smith loungewear. In lockdown, he was living in it. It’s pretty classy, but he does manage to make it look quite shit.
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wastetimeandtype · 3 years
--I’m not going to finish this. I haven’t touched the story in years. Honestly I just don’t want to write something as bleak as this story anymore, I was in a weird place when I came up with this. However, I am still fond of it, and I think it’s some of my more solid writing (I wrote 25k) if you can forgive the more edgelord elements, but I won’t be finishing it. I will say this was never meant to be tonally similar nor do I want this story to happen in canon, it was just an extreme ending to book 4 I found interesting to explore.
CONTWNT WARNING: This takes an extremely uncharitable view of Kuvira and is overall pretty depressing, so be forewarned that this story summary mentions death and one instance of rape.
So, general backstory:
- The hummingbird suits fail and they don’t manage to enter the colossus. Jinora is seriously injured, and the group try and regroup but are captured.
- Kuvira drugs Korra with the toxin that incapacitated her that time in Zaofu the Red Lotus tried to kidnap her. Kuvira executes Bolin, Varrick and Zhu-Li for betraying her (this story is bleak...)
- Kuvira tries to win Korra over by talking to her and appealing that they’re similar. This doesn’t work, and also Kuvira just executed Bolin. Anyway she eventually gets pissed and tortures Asami and Mako in front of Korra. Korra manages to break through to the Avatar State but as she is poisoined she is not all powerful and Kuvira manages to kill her. Korra dies surrounded by Korra and Asami.
- In the months that follow, Hiroshi Sato and Asami and encouraged to work for Kuvira. Asami is aghast and the two plan an escape. Hiroshi dies in the escape attempt. Asami looks around the cells for Mako, but she can’t find him- at this point, they hadn’t seen eachother since Korra died and he was moved. She leaves Republic City by boat, vowing to take back the city. (note. Hiroshi’s fate was never fully decided, but I didn’t write him into my first draft so i assume I meant for him to be dead).
- Wu, meanwhile, managed to escape the encroaching forces from Kuvira as many of the refugees were evacuated to the Fire Nation just before full control was given. He then lives there in political exile.
- The Fire Nation declares war on Kuvira’s regime after they get confirmation that the Avatar is dead, along with the Water Tribes. Kuvira makes good progress conquering some of the islands, but the Fire Nation manages to make Hummingbird suits which destroys the mecha, and out of desperation starting making their own spirit nukes. This forces the war to a stalemate to aavoid further huge losses. However,  they do not sign a peace treaty, only a cessation of fighting. Kuvira releases some political prisoners like Iroh and the Air Nation as a sign of goodwill but Izumi and the Fire Nation won’t sign a treaty without the return of sovereignty to the United Republic. Kuvira refuses.
- Kuvira renames Republic City to Empire City, because originality, and makes it the capital. She rules the nation under an iron fist. All benders are made to register, with fire and waterbenders being treated the worst.
- MEANWHILE  Kuvira released Opal (airbender) but not the rest of the Beifongs. Opal is PISSED. She teams up with Asami and set up the United Republic Liberation Front, with volunteers from refugees from all over the world.
- Whilst this is happening, Zaheer and the Red Lotus’s ideology sees a resurgence of popularity and Zaheer is broken out of his prison to lead the Red Lotus. So we now have to rebel factions, and the URLF does not trust the Red Lotus because of the whole trying to murder Korra thing, and the Red Lotus doesn’t like that they plan to put Wu on the throne in the Earth Kingdom.
- The Air Nation relocates to the Fire Nation, but some like Meelo join the URLF, and some rejoin the Red Lotus. The Air Nation implicitly opposses the Earth Empire so any airbender is viewed as a terrorist.
- The Fire Nation implicitly support the URLF, the Earth Empire knows it, but the two nations are still at a stalemate due to the spirit nukes.
- Opal and Asami begin a relationship out of shared grief (they have lost their family, friends, and romantic interest (Asami didn’t even get to date Korra). They also vow to try and rescue Mako, as they don’t know what happened to him, but they suspect he’s imprisoned with other lightning benders.
- A young child named Xan is born in the Earth Kingdom. His single mother dies young, so he is raised in an orphanage. He is a talented earthbender, but one day when it’s cold, he warms his hands up with firebending. He is whisked away to Kuvira’s mansion in Empire City. He sees her as a mother figure and is very close with her. Xan, the Avatar, is brought up to be a loyal member of the regime, and doesn’t doubt it otherwise.
- Xan is super happy with Unification Day! They celebrate the day Kuvira unified the Empire by conquering Empire City. They even have a play called the Unification Play. Bolin and Varrick are portrayed as evil and duplitious,  propoganda runs rife. He is nearly seventeen.
- Xan is very loyal to the Earth Empire but chafes under the rule. He has mastered Earth and Fire, but struggles with airbending (as they have no teachers) and waterbending isn’t coming naturally either. He runs away from his bodyguard Iseul to have some fun on Unification Day. Iseul is a tall, metalbending soldier woman and around twenty-four. She is very by the book and has a strong sense of justice, and does not go out of her way to terrorise the fire and waterbenders like other members of the metalbending ruling class. However, Iseul is incredibly loyal to Xan, and loves him as a brother.
- Xan is reprimanded by Iseul and Kuvira for running off since he is a massive target for the evil rebels. Kuvira gives a speech to the crowd, but is targeted by an airbending assassin who is shot down by metalbending gaurds. She has insignia from the Red Lotus on her person so she is considered a terrorist. Zaheer is moved up to the top of the most wanted list above Asami and Opal.
- After this is Xan sees a vision of Korra. She has been trying to contact him, but Kuvira tells him to suppress these visions and that spirits are trying to influence him. He has no other education so he believes her. So he continues to ignore KOrra trying to get through to him.
- Xan is also generally an anxious mess and worries about the pressure.
- Xan watches soap operas with Kobi, his loyal servant of a similar age. Xan loves gossip and relationship drama. It’s his major flaw other than being an Earth Empire loyalist. He lives at the Air Temple with lots of guards which Kuvira turned into acomodation for him. Xan’s identity to the public is still kept secret, it’s just seen as more training barracks.
- Xan accompanies Kuvira to watch people being sentenced for being horrible people and also being anti regime. A waterbender is sentenced to a re-education camp, and her look to him strikes a nerve and disturbs him. Xan also visits a spirit weapons facility where they are attacked by a corrupted spirit (like in book 2) as all the spirit vine weaponry is causing the spiritual world to be out of whack and the spirits are angry (not helped by Xan ignoring his spiritual side).
- However Kobi briefly mentions that maybe Kuvira isn’t right all the time which causes Xan to snap at him. Xan is loyal.
- A few days later Kobi sneaks Xan out for some underage drinking but the drinks are actually drugged. Kobi is working for the URLF! Kobi is a trained liar so he evaded the truth seers under Kuvira’s employ. The URLF manage to get to the Air Temple, kidnap Xan in a submarine and take him away. This is the worst part of what I wrote because of how easy it was, and would be revised.
- Anyway Opal is on the submarine and takes Xan to the URLF base which is on a Southern Air Temple island (not the air temple itself, if that makes sense). They have an advanced cave system within the mountain to hideout.
- Opal on the trip is like ‘what up Xan’ and Xan is pissed and enters the Avatar State. They calm him down as he has nowhere to go as he is in a submarine. Xan is like ‘Bolin is shit fuck you’ and Opal hates this little shit. Xan can’t stand Kobi, who tries to say this is for the best and that Kuvira is wrong. Kobi is half a waterbender and hasn’t seen his mother in years as she didn’t register herself and was taken away to a camp, so Kobi joined the URLF. Xan has some sympathies, but can’t trust Kobi as Kobi has demonstrated that he is an excellent liar.
- They get to the hideout where we meet Asami. Asami and Opal are the leaders of the URLF. They imprison Xan for a bit where Korra again appears like ‘what up’ and he’s like go away. Asami lets Xan out of his prison to show him ‘Nuktuk’ because Asami is trying to explain to Xan bias and propoganda. She also offers that they’ll teach him airbending and his freedom around the complex in exchange for open-mindedness to their organisation. It’s better than being in a cell so Xan agrees. Asami also tells Xan that Kuvira killed Korra, and that she tortured Asami and Mako. Xan is disturbed, and also has no information on where Mako currently is. Opal is pretty pissed at Asami for basically doing this behind her back. (They have a slightly strained romance). Xan loves this drama. He is roomed with Kobi as Asami is like ‘you can room with your friend’ forgetting that Xan doesn’t like Kobi. Should be clear that Xan is pretty much trapped on this island as he has no control over the Avatar State and can’t bend water.
- Iseul really fucked up and Kuvira admonishes her for being a bad bodyguard. Iseul deeply cares for Xan and asks Kuvira to be allowed to go find Xan and Kuvira agrees (note: i do not like this plot point. I think it makes more sense for Iseul to go anyway despite Kuvira’s refusal).
- Iseul travels to a small town where she knows where rebels have had activity the Earth Empire is trying to stamp out. She decides to integrate with them, get close to the leadership, find Xan. She saves two members from the metalbending police starts to get friendly with the rebels. However they aren’t the URLF, they’re actually aligned with the Red Lotus, but on the ground, in towns, they often function fairly similar. Iseul decides to accompany a small group who are travelling down to another town with URLF contacts. She also meets Chatit, a prominent leader of the URLF. They flirt with eachother a little bit. Iseul wonders what she’s doing. THIS IS WHERE I STOPPED WRITING, THE REST IS PURE NOTES.
- Iseul and the Red Lotus gang get sidetracked by a member along the journey saying they think they found a bunch of lightning benders in a prison. The Red Lotus decides to break them out, Iseul reluctantly agrees to this to prove she is loyal to the cause so she can integrated with the URLF when the time comes. Of course, Mako’s in the prison! With a child named Akane. Iseul rescues Mako personally as he has an injured leg and they start to bond. Iseul also gets along with Akane.
- Akane is the daughter of Akane, another lightning bender Mako fell in love with in prison. She reveals she’s not Mako’s biological daughter, but the product of rape from one of the guards. Iseul is horrified, and does make her doubt the integrity of the regime she loves.
- Chatit decides, ‘hey, let’s go to Zaheer instead! We can get him on side when we go see the URLF and Mako is now a bargaining chip’. Mako is very unamused by this whole situation. He just wants to see Asami and Opal. He also likes Iseul not only for saving him but it’s clear that she doesn’t really believe in Zaheer and he likes that she thinks for herself.
- Chatit brings Mako to Zaheer’s secret camp in the woods and he’s like ‘what up Zaheer I brought you the guy who killed Ming-Hua!’ Zaheer does not give a shit as he is beyond grudges and admonishes a Chatit for not getting their philosophy. However doesn’t mind using Mako as a bargaining chip.
- mako is like to Iseul ‘Chatit is as bad with Zaheer as the metalbendera are with Kuvira’ and Iseul is like wait... that’s ME. She doesn’t say this aloud though but she now thinks Chatit is a complete weirdo because he simps for Zaheer so hard. Iseul’s faith in the regime is still shaken but Iseul is still dedicated to finding Xan and making sure he’s safe.
MEANWHILE (we’d cut back and forth between the two POV’s, so this is all mixed in with eachother).
— Xan struggles to learn airbending as he doesn’t know what true freedom is.
- Wu visits and is like ‘hey let’s party! You guys are so miserable!’ Wu also has a hunky Fire Nation boyfriend now. However Xan gleans from Wu that he intends to regain the throne, and also be the last King. The bloodline dies with him.
- Xan and Kobi have a little dance at this party. Opal and Asami make up. Xan is enthralled.
- Xan starts to make some progress with airbending so Opal and Asami decide to bring him on a boat to the Southern Water Tribe to visit the spirit portal in the hope he’ll be able to reconnect with Korra properly there by force instead of him burying it.
— they get to the Southern Water Tribe by Air Bison. The Souther Warter Tribe is attacked by Kuvira’s forces. Corrupted spirits also attack and wreck havoc amongst the general populace and the forces.
— in the chaos Korra reappears before Xan and he connects with her. She brings him to the moment of her death, and he feels her pain and is horrified, and it confirms the torture side of the story. Xan snaps back, enters the Avatar state and leaves with Asami and Opal.
— this is where the story gets a little shaky, but Xan still tries to believe he might be able to get through to Kuvira.
Word spreads that the Avatar has returned! Iseul sends some sort of message to the Earth empire forces to ask if they have Xan back. This is intercepted by the Red Lotus. Mako is horrified as the whole group realised she is a traitor. They move to execute her but Mako does step in since Iseul saved him from the prison, but declares to her to never interact with him and his daughter again. Which is sad as Iseul was getting a big sister bond with Akane. Akane does apologise to Mako but he’s having none of it. He just feels manipulated and he is so, so tired.
— not been clear but Mako’s mental state isn’t great. He’s been in prison for around seventeen years, witnessed the execution of his brother, and murder of Korra. He’s a bit fucked. His leg is also in poor condition and can’t fight well, he’s basically just been used to power lightning for years. Akane is the only thing that keeps him going. He wants to make sure she’s safe with Asami and Opal. Plus he’s also being used as a bargaining chip.
— the Red Lotus finally get to the URLF contacts. They manage to speak to Asami and Opal who are like ‘whooo Mako!’ and agree to a meeting with Zaheer. Xan decides to come too.
— Iseul and Mako are transferred to the URLF. Iseul finally decides to give up some crucial information— the Earth Empire intends to use its spirit weapons again soon, as they anticipate that the Fire Nation will use the comet in years to come to destroy the Earth Empire. They intend to use such an intense, short blast that the Fire Nation can’t respond.
— the URLF and Red Lotus decided they must band together, but they have to get the Fire Nation on side to attack the Earth Empire unexpectedly.
— Xan decides he must speak to Kuvira. Get her to see reason. Everyone tells him he’s delusional so he steals an Air Bison to get himself there before the attack.
— Before they fight, Mako, Opal and Asami have a tearful reunion. Mako can’t fight as he isn’t well, but he does bid them farewell.
— once there, Kuvira will not see reason. They fight and fight and fight, while the Fire Nation ships arrive with a shit tonne of weapons s, and the Earth empire prepares to use its weapons. Xan realised that it’s going to be an all out death battle, mutually assured destruction, so he kills Kuvira in a very long fight where he goes into the Avatar state (at this point he is pretty good at airbending but cannot waterbenders still).
— war is averted. Xan is traumatised and pissed. Korra reminds him that he isn’t some weapon— he’s been told what to do all his life, even by the URLF. So against proper protocol as suggested by Asami, he grabs all the spirit weapons in a big hurricane from both sides, and blows them up, forming a massive explosion (it could form a spirit portal like in book 4, but I don’t want to take Korra’s moment).
— the URLF establish control over Republic City. Asami is appointed temporary president. Wu is named King of the Earth Kingdom. Immediate release from the camps occur and the metalbending police are disbanded. Opal is re-United with her family.
— Zaheer says nothing and does nothing more after removing Kuvira, Though he does nod at Xan after the end— is it respect or a warning? Does Zaheer intend to try and kill the Avatar a second time?
— Asami and Mako enter a relationship, with Opal and Asami continuing theirs. It’s a poly life. Mako doesn’t really forgive Iseul but does tell her he might one day, and Iseul vows to make sure there is true justice for everyone.
— Xan is traumatised and hurt and realised he still has much more to learn. He decides to sneak away to the Northern Water Tribe. Kobi tells him it’s okay if he needs to spend some time alone, but he can have company if he needs it. Xan accepts and Xan and Kobi board a ship to the Northern Water Trube.
The endddd.
* I do realise Kobi has little impact on the plot after he spies for the URLF. He would mostly appear as Xan’s friend in the story and Xan would eventually trust him again. Hinted relationship between the two as he was the only person that Xan was honest with that wasn’t Iseul, and only she did it sometimes.
* I realised a while ago there there was an issue with Mako’s subplot not brought up here, that if Kuvira imprisoned him, wouldn’t she try and use him as bait with Opal and Asami? Or even execute him to send a message. Something. So I did come up with a backstory that Mako escaped prison but was recaptured, and went under a false name. It was only noticed that he was Mako because Iseul studied all the history books and recognised him as valuable during his rescue. None of this was developed beyond my own notes but it solves some logic issues, though is a bit contrived still to make this subplot work.
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pastthevaulteddoors · 4 years
My brain fogs usually end with me babbling.
This morning @delicatelygloriousphoenix allowed me to babble to them about a thought I had.
And then... It just kept going.
I’m still tired. Here’s a cut version of that conversation.
I had a thought before bed last night 'cause I'm finishing up the extras to SVSSS.
What if someone was reborn into Mo Dao Zu Shi and had to save everyone?
What if Jiang Cheng was the person they were born into? I can't remember the scene properly from the novel, but right before WWX interrupts the summit meeting on Koi/Carp tower, drinks LWJ's booze and accuses Jin Zixun of his labor camp is when this person becomes the new Jiang Cheng. He himself interrupts WWX's rant that nearly falls into a fight and demands that he/Lotus Pier are allowed to keep the rest of the Wens because they burned the place to the ground and therefore have a right to them to rebuild the place.
The argument is quick, and JC is like "I'm taking them" and drags WWX out in surprise. But he turns to LWJ and is like "You comin'?" so of course LWJ comes when he's actually invited to do so. They run off to the camp. JC tries to hurry to get there before Wen Ning is stabbed. They do get there earlier than in the show/novel, but WN is already stabbed (but not dead).
They drag the Wens and an unconscious WN out of the camp. WWX doesn’t go nuts because WN isn’t dead yet and JC is there to lay down some tsundere harshness in his stead.
They have to stop at a village before they get there where Wen Qing can work on her brother and the Wens can rest. JC buys them all rando threadbare robes so they don't stand out as Wens anymore.
Lan Xichen shows up at some point to see if he can't... not so much help as his position won't allow him to take sides on this, but there to 'check on his brother.’ When he gets there, he’s pushed to the inn room where he sees JC focused at WN’s side. He’s giving him spiritual energy while WQ rests nearby. That's LXC’s first little spark of  "Ah, JC is nicer than he first appears."
The Wens are supposed to be 'laborers' to help rebuild Lotus Pier, but JC's really just wanting to make sure that WWX isn't forced off to Burial Mounds and becomes an icon of hatred like the show/novel. And he doesn't have to remove him from the sect entirely.
However, he tells a distracted WWX that he obviously has ideas with his new powers and gives him leave to seclude himself to practice/create/invent but in a safe environment. Jiang Yanli is happy that her brothers are not alone yet able to pursue their separate interests/areas of need.
LXC suggests Gusu taking the Wens as well as 'laborers' since Cloud Recesses was also burned down by the Wens. In reality, they have more safe space for the Wens, it's harder to ambush the 'labor camp' when it's on a mountain peak.
This is where the ALIVE yet healing Wen Ning and Wen Qing ask the Lans to take care of A-Yuan as they are not in the best situation to take care of a child at their camp. This is where LWJ and the frequently visiting WWX basically adopt him.
I mean, if the Wens aren't in danger, WWX has no reason to go back to the burial mounds so of course he’d come to check up on the Wens a lot. Which just means hanging out with A-Yuan and the bunnies often. If LWJ happens to be there with him all the time... well... who’s to say what that means?!
Meanwhile, JC is trying to handle his sect with only a bit of help from WWX here and there, although Wen Qing shows up a lot, as does LXC as a gesture of goodwill and to help the young new sect leader.
JC enjoys being a leader and the System provided him with knowledge and ability to train his new sect. He used to be a salaryman when he was alive, this is far more exciting and much more stimulating.
JC is pretty oblivious that both WQ and LXC are absently crushing on this confident and warmly grumpy JC. He just thinks they like visiting him to talk sect leader stuff or night hunt or... maybe he even thinks they’re his friends.
BUT JC knows his mission is not done, as the System keeps reminding him.
He needs to make sure Jin Guangyao doesn't marry his sister but he can't break OOC or share his knowledge of knowing that JGY and Qin Su are siblings... so he subtly courts Qin Su instead to basically cock block JGY.
Which surprises all but whatever. JC has changed since becoming sect leader, or so they say (really, JC is a different person entirely but ya know).
JC is okay with it, saying Qin Su is a decent woman and pretty enough. He'd be okay if they'd end up marrying, although he's very aware that JGY might try to murder him for taking the girl he likes but he's got his defenses up.
The courting goes on for awhile and JC keeps blocking JGY’s advances where he can but doesn’t go further with his own.
A few years later, JC hosts a birthday party of four year old Jin Ling, with little Lan Sizhui, Lan Jingyi, Ouyang Zizhen among others... so it's a mini sect leader party, too. All of this without going OOC, he's still a grumpy sect leader but he's less feared (like, in the novel, JC was a friggen murderer! He tortured and killed anyone he thought was using WWX's methods or was his incarnation!). People actually seem to like him!
Late night at the party WWX, JC, LWJ, and LXC were hanging out. They suggest going on a boat together because a lot of lanterns were going to be let off in the lakes for JL’s birthday.
JC 'accidentally' spills tea on LXC's robes so he has to excuse himself to change. The others wait by the boat and JC is like "Oop, I changed my mind. I'm going to do something else" and kicks the boat off with LWJ and WWX in it and walks away. He chills in a pavilion a little bit later, watching the lanterns on the water and a few boats out there when LXC comes back. He doesn't even ask when happened and joins him, watching the boat that their brothers are in. LXC and JC haven't talked about it, but they both low key ship LWJ and WWX so they're of agreement.
This event triggers the Wangxian relationship quest. JC is pretty happy that they don’t have to wait 13-16 years before they get to enjoy each other’s company.
And that's when JC himself starts to admire LXC. Not that he hadn't before, they had become friends of sorts from both rebuilding their sects, passing advice to each other, and generally get to complain to each other as young sect leaders. JC kept distance though, knowing LXC’s sworn brothers are his confidants but now and again LXC even lets on a bit of that drama (realizing how much NMJ and JGY are at odds) when JC mentions "they just gotta fuck and get it out of their system"
But yeah, it's during that conversation that JC is like "LXC is actually really attractive and fun to talk to..." crush style.
Then a new mission starts! JC has to team up with LXC to get JGY and NMJ together. All the while JC is loosely courting Qin Su still. Wen Qing has since moved on with her affections (WQ is fast realizing that everyone is gay and instead goes to make out with Mianmian because yes lesbians!).
So LXC realizes that he likes JC but doesn't think he'd be interested because of Qin Su and Wen Qing.
Meanwhile, JC is like "The author said the only gay couple in this novel was WWX and LWJ but!!!?!?!?!??!?!? everyone is gay!?”
At WWX and LWJ's wedding, LXC and JC spy on JGY and NMJ who end up kissing behind a tree. They're tipsy but success! JC gives LXC a high five which amuses LXC because 'wtf is a high five? that's so cute, what a grumpy dork'
JC outright stops courting Qin Su then, which pisses off her sect, that is in close ties with the Jins, which turn their anger towards the Jiang sect. So JC has to fight with the Jins in a political battle, and his sister is preggers with her third kid so she can't help much.
But it's finally JGY that stands up to his father to stop bulling smaller sects. No hard feelings for stealing Qin Su then dumping her, apparently.
It's about this time when Mo Xuanyu shows up and is like "you're my daddy" Lady Jin already hates her husband's illegitimate children but now she's furious, especially after her friend tells her that Jin Guangshan raped her and Qin Su is ALSO an illegitimate child (another reason JGY decides he doesn’t hate JC for cock blocking him).
All this combined, Jin Guangshan is shamed off his throne. Jin ZiXuan takes up a lead and JGY (now renamed Jin Ziyao as is the proper generational name) decides he's happy with not being an asshole (since he's getting good dickings with his boyfriend NMJ and Lady Jin has finally stopped bullying him) and decides that he'd be content, even happy, being his brother's advisor rather than dethroning him for sect leadership.
But of course there's gotta be drama. Shi Su and Jin Zixun are not the smartest of people but they've teamed up with Xue Yang who has a bit of the Iron. Together, they start to plot against the sects to overrule them, because they're dumb idiots with a semblance of power.
That's about as far as my brain went when I fell asleep and then this morning when the brain fog focused on that instead of on work while I was waking up.
Just something about 13 years later, JC and LXC are pretty close but not lovers yet, when something-something adventure and JC and LXC become a thing in a similar manner that WWX and LWJ did in the novel. RANDOM CONFESSION TIME that other people have to point out to them!
The following is related conversation but I don’t want to put my friend’s part so... it’s disjointed. Sorry not sorry I’m tired.
Continued conversation about wangxian being together:
because JC already knew they'd be together from the show/novel, and LXC shipped them, so they teamed up to get them to confess
That's what I meant when JC forced them onto a romantic boat ride together.
They weren't parted from the Wen fight stuff so instead of fighting at Nightless City, they had time to realize their feelings and not die instead of confess. ;p
Conversation... conversation...
So for so long JC doesn't know he's into guys (LXC in particular, kinda like SQQ in SVSSS) but just like JC in the novel, he gets himself blacklisted from the matchmakers. Meanwhile, this whole time his very close friend, LXC (they're really close now since JGY and NMJ are a couple so he doesn't like to third wheel it and instead spend his time with JC) things that JC is straight and lowkey crushes on him for 13-16 years before WWX and LWJ have to spell it out to them.
but Lan have a-yuan as adopted heir
He'd (JC) probably ask Jinli if one of her kids could be heir
What if Jin Zixun tries to take the sect leader throne or something. He'd be next in line if jin Zixuan didn't die and JGY didn't step up.
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aros001 · 3 years
First time read through light novel vol. 8. Random thoughts.
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...So...does anyone else feel a little uncomfortable with that cover image between Reinhard and Felt? I mean, I know he's not going to do anything sexual to her and she's not as young as I originally thought she was (I think vol. 1 said she was 15, while ever since the anime I thought she was like 10 or something), but she still is underage, being forced into wearing and doing something she doesn't want to by a grown man, and I think just the way he's got his hand holding her bare thigh makes it feel more sexual than it should be.
Also, is Wilhelm floating? The heck is he sitting on?
Subaru was afraid of death. Dying constantly trashed his life with an unbearable sense of fear and loss. He thought it was like that for everyone; he assumed that was how it had to be. Subaru, who had experienced death more than anyone via Return by Death, didn’t want anyone else to know what it was like.
I'm definitely seeing more similarities between Subaru and Ferris here than I did in the anime. I like how they both have a more unique perspective on life and death than most people would; Subaru from his Return By Death and Ferris from being such a powerful healer (to the point he can even regenerate himself from near death, I guess). Again, for a series where death can be undone so easily, it really knows how to use that premise to show just how weighty and serious death is. While the two will and do kill, it sits with them more than it does for others because they know just how awful death can be.
Something I've really enjoyed when reading through various LN series after watching the anime first is that I end up liking certain characters that I didn't in the anime. I didn't hate Ferris but the cutesy way he talked really bugged me and I didn't focus on him much. Here though I'm definitely getting a better feel for his character, especially with how much he values life, cursing at the suicidal witch cult members for tossing theirs away so easily. He and Subaru's back and forth makes the ending feel that much more heartbreaking when Ferris has to mercy kill the possessed Subaru.
Also, just to clear up any confusion I have, is Ferris in drag or does he identify as a woman? I don't have any problem referring to him from now on as a "she" (I never had that problem with Magne in My Hero Academia) but I'd prefer to get my facts straight. Ferris also makes a joke about Subaru swinging over to his side of the fence but I'm not sure if that means he's gay or not. It's a little hard to tell how far his affection for Crusch runs, for example.
Similarly, there's Julius, a character I never disliked in the anime, but I can definitely see more of a path to him and Subaru becoming friends here. It is funny that a comment from Ferris got me thinking how something to two have in common is how easy it is for them to get others to immediately dislike them just by talking. For Subaru it's because he too often talks without thinking, shoving his foot into his mouth, and for Julius it's how unintentionally snobbish and "better-than-you" he can sound. It's also nice that the story is getting Subaru to try and work through his issues, acknowledging that he's being unfair towards Julius, whom really has done nothing wrong aside from unintentionally pricking at Subaru's inferiority complex.
Like Subaru, I thought demon beasts and monsters were just so common in the world that a barrier around a lord's domain was a very common thing. But from how the other characters in-story are talking, it sounds like Roswaal deliberately put his domain and the village in the center of (or at least nearby) a demon beast habitat. Even in the anime I always believed he knew more than he let on but here he feels like a straight-up mastermind with everything he's been pulling behind the scenes and all the things he's done that, as of yet, have no explanation or reason behind them. Just what is he up to?
One thing I'll say about this series in comparison to some others I've seen/read; the dark magic here, like with the Witch of Envy, Return By Death, the White Whale, and the Unseen Hands, really feels like DARK magic. I've seen series that have their own version of dark magic that'll make bad things happen or summon demons or sacrifice people, but this? Everything to do with the witch feels creepy and unnatural, like it's not or should not be part of the world. With how much suffering it's caused, the mystery behind the gospel, just how unhinged Petelgeuse is and his body jumping, it all feels like stuff you should really not be messing with. Even at the end with Subaru running off and Julius finding him, getting no response at first from Subaru, feels like something out of a horror movie.
Subaru keeps getting asked if he's Pride, to which I'm assuming they mean if he's the one to become the Archbishop of Pride. Personally, my theory is that because of how much the witch seems to "favor" him, Subaru is Envy, like, well, the Witch of Envy and the only one of the seven sins they never mention to have an archbishop, given Satella destroyed the other witches. If that's the case, I can only imagine how much that's going to piss off all the other archbishops, that after all their shows of devotion some schmuck came to their world out of nowhere and became Satella's favorite.
“Lending one’s strength does not mean merely swinging one’s sword. It means challenging the same foes, worrying over the same obstacles, sharing the wounds and the weight of the burdens. This we can do. This is the lesson I learned in the past.”
Obviously this is meant primarily for Subaru but I can't help but think it can apply to Rem and Emilia as well. With the exception of Puck, Emilia tends to go out of her way to avoid involving others in her problems or having them feel they owe her anything when she helps with theirs. Rem dedicated a good chunk of her life to live as her sister's replacement after Ram lost her horn and tried to kill all the demon dogs on her own after Subaru was cursed saving her. They both seem determined to bear the weight of their burdens solely on their own, like they're the only ones who need to suffer. Subaru goes back and forth on how much he involves others in his problems, but while he's more than willing to help ease the burdens on others, his problem for the longest time was that he was so fixated on "swinging his sword", as he thought fighting and strength was the only way to help (probably because strength would honestly solve a decent chunk of his own problems).
“Two days ago, the forest around the mansion became unnaturally calm... to the point that even my eyes could catch nothing. Thereupon, an armed group appeared bearing the crest of the House of Karsten, which had declared war with the blank letter... Surely you cannot blame my little bird’s heart for being on the verge of breaking?”
Ram, I had no idea how much I missed you until you came back.
Namely, that someone out there had swapped his letter of goodwill, aiming to turn Emilia and Crusch against each other.
I don't think a line or speculation like this was in the anime, which it probably should have been. Without it, it just seems like Subaru's an idiot and made a stupid mistake, but now it seems like someone is directly manipulating events behind the scenes. Personally, I'd say my money's on Roswaal if I didn't have terrible luck when it comes to gambling.
“Silence! Cease your prattle! Give that book back, right—”
“Hey, don’t shout. If you get too angry, you know—your brain’ll shake.”
“G...gah...! How dare you, dare you, dare youuuu! My disciple of love!!”
“Don’t gimme that, you’re the one who mixed us up! Tunnel vision! What, are you lazy?!”
Overlord was the first light novel series I read (the only other LN I'd read before was Death Note: Another Note - The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases and that was years ago), so naturally it's the series I tend to make the most comparisons to for the other series I've been reading. In this case, something I really like about both Ainz and Subaru is that, despite how they're presented sometimes, neither is actually stupid (though they too often suck at reading the room). They're both just in situations way over their head and they have no frame of reference for how to deal with these fantasy world situations. Subaru, like with tricking Sloth into getting attacked by demon beast or figuring out what was up with the flowers, has plenty of times where he shows he can come up with decent plans or quick thinking that can pull off a win. His flaws are based more in his own immaturity and need to grow more as a person.
Honestly, Ainz and Subaru are fun to compare because, of the LN MCs I've read so far, they both seem to get every break the other doesn't. Ainz is obvious. He's got actual power, tons of resources, and numerous people whose faith in him is absolute, while Subaru has almost nothing save for the curse and the clothes on his back and has to continuously struggle to make any difference. On the other hand, Ainz has no one in his life he can relate to or be his real self around, making him feel incredibly empty and lonely, while Subaru has attracted a surprisingly wide web of people around him whom, despite some hiccups, do genuinely believe in the real him.
I am 90% certain Emilia and Puck fighting Sloth wasn't in the anime. Well, no wonder anime-only fans have trouble liking her when you cut out nearly all of the character's best sh*t! [Edit: I was wrong. Another post pointed out it was at the end of ep 23. Like I said, it's been a bit since I saw the anime and I remembered none of this fight. Though I still stand by that LN Emilia is better than anime Emilia] Like I've said before, it's not like anime Emilia could just be replaced with a sexy lamp and nothing would be different, but compared to the LN version she really didn't get a lot to do in the anime outside of the first arc. She wants to be queen and sometimes heals people. Otherwise she was mostly off-screen or serving as Subaru's object of affection (and sometimes obsession). Just being able to fight isn't everything but Emilia here certainly feels like she has a lot more fire to her personality and does more when she appears. She's not just a nice, pretty girl for the MC to fight for.
Somehow, he’d died again. He’d probably lost it all once more.
He surrendered everything to the abyss. This was the familiar embrace of failure after he pathetically lost his life.
Look back at the world.
Look back at your failures.
Don’t forget. Don’t forget. Do not forget.
Ferris’s tear-filled voice. Wilhelm’s lament, shaking with regrets. Julius’s resolve and remorse, so great he probably gnashes his teeth over it—Don’t forget, ever. No matter how low you are, don’t ever let go.
Is this Satella saying this to Subaru? I'd assume so since it ends with the "I love you" line Subaru's been getting before he RBDs. But if so, why is she saying this to him? One theory is that she has her own regrets from her life and is giving Subaru a chance not to have the same. That assumes she is a good person and that the stories around her are wrong. Another theory, given the Witch of Envy title, is that she's insisting Subaru never let go of what's his. It's his (and hers, since he is hers) and no one else can have it. I mean, that applies more to greed than envy, I suppose, but stretching a bit you could say she'd be jealous of a world moving on without her.
Original Reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Re_Zero/comments/gwjfwy/novels_first_time_read_through_light_novel_vol_8/
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thedept · 4 years
Because I’d like this logged somewhere but don’t want it saved in my Google Docs forever, here’s the eulogy I wrote for my mother’s funeral yesterday:
Thank you to everyone here with us today, both in person and remote. Your presence is so appreciated, and it shows just how much my mother touched so many different people during her life.
This is a first for me. It’s been a year of firsts for all of us, but I truly never imagined I’d one day be eulogizing my mother by Zoom, nor did I think I’d be doing it 7 months after she passed away. But, I suppose, such is 2020.
I’m speaking to you all today from the Catskill Mountains, which as it happens is a place that holds a lot of fond memories from my childhood. We’re less than 15 miles from the old Catskill Game Farm, which I have sentimental but vague recollections of going to with my parents as a child, vague being the optimum word.
Like so many memories from when we’re kids, I’m sure I’ve overblown it. For all I know, we went one time and it was just for a day, but for whatever reason it’s always stood out in my mind as something special that we did over and over again. Before April, if my memories were hazy and I wanted to fill in the blanks on something like childhood vacations to the Catskills, I’d have called my mother. It’s struck me many times since that I don’t have that option anymore.
There have been a handful of times during the last seven months where I’ve found myself alone in the car. Anyone with little kids will tell you that’s a novelty during Covid, but that’s not where I’m going with this. I’m usually running an errand or something similar when I have an urge to call my mom to check in to see how she’s doing, or tell her something funny, or about something that’s pissing me off. Then I realize that I can’t do that anymore. Yesterday, I woke up early and took a long drive by myself. It’s where I put together the framework of these remarks, but more importantly it was the first time I felt the beginning of the fog lifting.
In my late teens or early 20’s, the exact timing is lost to me, my mother and I had a rough year or two, really all because I acted like an ass for an extended period of time. We got through that, and we had a better relationship for it.
Our family became pretty non-traditional as the years went on. It’s not a lot of families where ex’s and their second spouses continue to blend and celebrate holidays together, year after year, even after their kids are adults. Every single inch of that was mom’s doing, her grace and goodwill and desire for her children and grandchildren to feel safe and secure and loved mattered over all else.
To that end, she loved her entire family, and if you were ever family you stayed there forever. Mom once told me years ago, long before K and I met, that she had a policy of never speaking ill of someone any of her children or step-children were dating if we hit a rough spot, lest we patch things up and then remember that she had talked trash. So on one hand, I guess K will never know what she truly thought of her. But on the other hand, K will never know.
My mother’s parents had four grandchildren before me, and it was a number of years before I was born. My mother used to tell me that my grandmother felt a special connection to me because my parents had fought so hard to have a baby and then finally, I arrived happy and healthy. When L came along, her youngest grandchild from her then-38 year old son, I think she wanted to have that same special relationship with him that her mother had with me. I think she succeeded, but I also think that she had unique special places in her heart for all five of her grandchildren. She made everyone feel that they were the most special.
I am the person that I am today because of my mother. She was who held us together, she was who raised E and I on a day-to-day basis. She was the person who supported me no matter what I did, right or wrong. That didn’t mean that she didn’t tell me if I was being an ass again, and there’s a recurring theme there. But she always made sure I knew that she had my back regardless.
My mother’s love for me was something I always knew at a deep, elemental level. I still do. I try every single day of my life to parent L with the unconditional love that my mother parented me with. And to be fair, he makes that easy, but I hope L grows up knowing that his father loved him as much as he was loved by his mother.
Thank you again.
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hedjblogr · 3 years
If you count your Clones as your own characters, what is their preferred day to wind down after a stressful day? What kind kind day is stressful for them? If you don't, the same questions but for your sylvari. - moonlit-grove
CRACKS MY KNUCKLES this is gonna get long i am doing ALL my clones i made in GW2 not just my GW2 character ones
so in birthday order:
oh god ahah sometimes i forget i have a character called Armored Temmie. they are VERY stress when they cannot pet hoomin......... petting hoomin.... reliev STRESS!!!!! (in seriousness, being a temmie is very hard when you work at an interdimensional café and your boss is having you deliver donuts to scarlet briar in an attempt to divert the course of history. helping people out outside of work helps them wind down immensely)
Steben Uwuninu is just a lil boy! he’s a lil mans! (he’s a pre-Lapis Steven Universe AU i RP with a buddy, some tragedy in his backstory but he has the best family) sometimes he gets stressed when there’s a problem he can’t solve, and likes to unwind with video games, making music and exploring!
Tesco Value Eir (my first GW2 character clone!) is stressed out by the burden of her legend even if it’s not technically hers and likes to unwind through some lower-stakes hunting, or by doing some ice carving. and petting her many, many dogs, all of which are called garm. :thonk:
oh hey we’re getting into the Legacy of Kain clones now (the next 3)
Scion Kain gets stressed out when Raziel is getting himself into trouble (this happens often) and when things stop going to plan (this happens more often than he’d care to admit). he de-stresses by being a pain in everyone’s ass, reading and discussing ancient cultures and philosophy, going on rampages, and spending quality time with Raziel (which often just means being his personal pain in the ass)
Priestess Umah is just stressed all the time because the weight of vampirekind rests on the shoulders of a TOTAL ASSHOLE,,, but she unwinds through gentler exercise (soft martial arts type stuff), meditation and a bit of light reading. despite being fucking stacked and fighty as hell she prefers mental pursuits
Dionisie Audron is a weird one bc he’s both a clone and an OC for reasons i can’t go into 🤫 but i’ll talk specifically about the clone side of things. he finds it very stressful when people are not taking their jobs seriously and being thoughtless... and he finds massages, reading, and meditation very relaxing. also baths! he loves baths. nice smelling bath with some candles and incense and the stress just melts away
Goodwill Trahearne is my trahearne clone and while i don’t have a ton of stuff down for him, the most stressful days for him are the ones where it’s made clear just how much is expected of him - when the day’s work is through he likes to settle down with a good book, maybe pet a sylvan hound, and fall asleep in his chair because he stays up way too late and forgets to sleep until his body forces him to
Discount Canach is my canach clone, who i do have very solid answers for. his biggest stressors are when he can’t control a situation, when it’s completely out of his hands - for example, when a certain IDIOT TRIBUNE decides to RUN IN SWORDS BLAZING and NOT STOP AND THINK OF A PLAN. and he also gets stressed out when a planned controlled situation falls apart despite his careful planning. this can be something as big as a mission or as small as a half hour delay getting something/someplace on his worst days. he can be very high strung at times; the worst part is he’s very conscious of this
if he gets a chance to unwind after a day that’s just completely fell apart, one way he blows off steam is through snark actually! mutual snark is the best. it’s like a gentle venting of pressure. this man’s a damn pressure cooker, if you take the lid off too fast he’ll blow. gotta let him vent gently and slowly. he’d never admit it aloud to many but he also likes bathing, even if that means having water dunked on his head/ (people like doing this to him for some reason. something something watering their cactus.) he hates it less than he lets on. physically cooling down cools him down mentally too!
wew sorry that one got massively long but listen i have a lot of thoughts and feelings about canach specifically
OKAY next clone is Rythunk Brimstud who’s a rytlock clone... ish. i’m still playing with this idea rn but i actually had the idea that he might be one of rytlock’s younger cubs in an au where rytlock dies for some reason?? and he ends up invoking him as a spirit through the mists. and gradually uh. letting his late dad take over his body so he can continue his work because he feels like the world needs rytlock more than they need rytlock’s cub. 😥 (rytlock isn't actually super happy with this!! he's kind of pissed!! it's a constant struggle)
but yeah uh rythunk finds that whole living up to expectations thing stressful. he’s charr, and in the thick of it, and having to be both himself and his dad. every day is stress. he likes playing guitar to destress, and he’s actually pretty good at it! so a day where he can get a lot of guitar practice in is good, maybe just find a nice cliff and jam out to no one in particular
next on my clone list is Could Be Caithe... any instance where she's expected to work with others is stressful even if she's trying harder now, trust is a two way street and she's painfully aware she has not earned everyone's trust back yet and may never. and relying on others is hard.
but, if she gets to spend time exploring with no stakes, or listening to music, or any time spent with aurene - that's something very relaxing and relieving to her
Maybe Malomedies is my next clone - and to elaborate, he's somewhat divergent because he was blighted by Trahearne as a result of dying due to a series of very unfortunate events :> which is why his colours are off the shits and he looks quite different from his canon counterpart
his interests are much the same though! he loves stargazing, talking to others about the machinations of fate and the different constellations he's discovered and what they mean - in his own culture and other cultures! and different constellations other people have discovered too!
forgiving as he is, anything that brushes too close to his past trauma still causes stress. he can't set foot near inquest anything, and it's good to have patience with him if he's near or in any asuran settlements. it's gonna be a bad day if he has to deal with anything like that, or anything related to the branded for that matter. certain visions can also just set him off to a really bad start as well; he's had a habit of seeing deaths lately. :-)
and my last real clone, Precocious Aurene. she's actually a sylvari avatar for Aurene to explore relatively incognito and spend time with her family without causing a stir! and to just kind of... be a kid.
while in this avatar, it's stressful if people start getting hints of who she is or guessing - because the last thing she wants is for it to get out that she's doing this at all. and if the All is particularly loud, or an area is particularly intense with magic, it can become a little overwhelming for her
however part of the beauty of this disguise is it IS her stress relief - she doesn't have to be an Elder Dragon. she can just be... herself. she can just be a kid. she can experience the world like everyone else does, and anything she can do is wonderful
ooookay i think that's everyone! 8)
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Truths Pt. 2
A/N: So I made a part two! I hope this is better, maybe some improvement has shown. I’m getting a little more comfortable with the character(s) so hopefully this goes okay. Also, I don’t have a large fan base on Tumblr (I have a larger one on Wattpad where I write Marvel and Marvel actor fics), so if you have any requests don’t hesitate to ask me. I really only do Gerard fics, I might do Mikey.
Pairing: Gerard Way x F!Reader Summary: Approximately two years into Gerard’s and Y/N’s relationship, and they go to a red carpet event together. Things get creative and then sweet. Word count: 2309
“You don’t even need makeup.” Gerard complained from the couch at the back of the room you two were in. Mac and Jessica, your two makeup artists, were on either side of you, dolling you up.
“Oh please,” You lightly laughed, “I need a lot of it.”
“I just can’t wait until all of this is over.” He sighed.
“I know Gee.” You looked back for a brief moment at him in the mirror, “But you only go to one red carpet event a year.” “And it happens to be the day before your birthday.” He looked back at you. “I would much rather be preparing for that.” You rolled your eyes.
“Don’t be so dramatic.” You said, “It’s not like we do much for my birthday anyways.”
“Yeah but we could be at home,” He sighed, “Eating pizza or tacos, and I don’t know. Watching some good shit like Star Wars.” “Tomorrow, love.” He lightly smiled.
“Fucking love it when you call me that.” “I know, love.”
“Gee?” His manager walked in. He looked up. “They’re ready to get you dressed.” He let out a huff, getting up and giving you a quick smile.
“See you later.” “Bye, Gee.” You smiled back. It took an additional 45 minutes to get you into your dress and your hair done. You had chosen a long red, velvet dress with just straight hair to keep it simple. Not much of a 2000s look, but timeless nonetheless.
“Ready, Y/N?” Your manager walked in. You nodded, giving one last look in the mirror before walking out and down the hall to Gee’s room. He was already outside talking to a few people when he looked over and saw you. He smiled, looking you up and down before licking his lips.
“Hey, Gee.” You smiled, giving him a quick kiss.
“Hi honey.” He put his hand on the small of your back, pulling you closer to him. He was quite a bit taller than you, even in heels. “You look beautiful.” He told you.
“Thanks,” You smiled, “So do you.”
You and Gee walked out, hands together, as you waited for you turn for photos. He continued to steal glances at you, lightly smiling whenever you caught him. “We just have to do this, for 15 minutes, then we eat okay?” You asked and he nodded. You knew he got anxious before events like this.
When the two of you were finally called out, Gee put his hand on your back, leading you two out. Everyone began shouting your names, the two sounds muffling with one another. Both of you tuned them out, looking in various cameras and giving light smiles.
Moving on to the interview area, one by one you went down the line of journalist prepared with mics and questions. Most of them were going great, a lot of the questions regarding how your band was at a huge level now. Not as big as My Chem, but getting there.
There was one interviewer in specific that seemed to piss off you and Gee though. Both internally, of course. “So, what’re your favorite brands?” The older man asked you, Gerard right next to you.
“Anything at Goodwill.” You answered and the three of you lightly chuckled.
“Can I ask you a question?” Gerard asked the interviewer.
“Sure.” He lightly smiled.
“Would you ask me that?” He questioned,
“Um, no.” He admitted.
“Alright, so then why did you ask her that?” He fired, standing there. You stood there a little awkwardly.
“Well, I um, I just-” “You did because she’s a woman?” He asked.
“Gee, stop.” You mumbled, giving him a look to stop. He sighed, grabbing your hand.
“I think we’re done here. Thank you.” He grabbed your hand, leading you to the next interviewer.
That one went much better. You each got to answer questions regarding your own success, and where MCR was going to go further. You and your group were planning on going on tour in the next few weeks, a lot of the shows sold out as shocking as it was, so you had a full agenda. “So Y/N,” The interviewer turned to you, “It’s your birthday tomorrow isn’t it?”
“Yes, it is.” You smiled.
“Happy birthday!” She said.
“Thank you so much, that’s really kind.” “So, do you two have any plans.” You sighed and looked at Gerard, who was looking at you.
“Flying home at 5 am tomorrow.” He huffed, “And then napping.” “That’s about it.” You admitted.
“Gerard, do you have any plans for her?” “Well, I have a few tricks up my sleeves.” He smiled, “But I can’t tell you. She would know then.”
There was one more interviewer you had to stop by, a young guy who had some fan questions to ask. “Hannah asks: If you two could control the other’s hairstyle, what would you choose and why?” “Good question.” You pondered as Gerard did.
“I would choose natural, like it is now, for her.” He said, “Her hair is really beautiful. I mean, it always is, but it looks really good natural.” “I would probably choose the look from The Ghost of You. It was very handsome on him.” You both lightly smiled.
“The last one is from Michael: Do you two wear each other’s merch?”
“Yes.” You spoke rather fast, “I think I have two or three My Chem hoodies, they’re the comfiest things ever.” “Yes for me too,” Gee said, “I think I have one or two of their shirts, I wear them to bed though.” You nodded.
“I think I may even have one from when I first met you guys.” You said, looking at Gee.
“That’s 2004 right? Then Three Cheers?” “The best hoodie I own.” You smiled. Then the two of you were escorted into the hall, to await dinner. You were sat with Frank and Mikey who showed, as long as Henry from your band and Joe. The few of you began talking with some laughter blending itself into the conversation. Gee leaned in to whisper to you.
“Was that the hoodie you stole from our merch pile on tour?” You lightly laughed under your breath, nodding your head. “You never paid for that, ya know?” “Really, Gee?” You asked, “You’re my boyfriend.” “At the time, I wasn’t.” He smirked.
“What’re you two talking about?” Frank spoke up.
“The time Y/N stole some of our merchandise.” You rolled your eyes, sitting back in defeat.
“That was you?” Mikey asked, as if surprised.
“It was one hoodie.” You fought.
“That’s not that bad.” Frank defended you.
“She still stole it.” Gee fired back, smirking.
“Hey, Y/N, did we ever tell you the time we walked in on Gerard moaning your name while masturbating?” “Frank!” He was on the verge of laughing through clenched teeth.
“There were multiple times actually.” Mikey spoke up.
“When was this?” You lightly smiled and asked.
“2005, Warped Tour.” Your eyes went wide as you looked at Gerard.
“That was before we were-” “Yeah I know, I know.” He sighed, “Can we please move onto something else?”
“So, Gerard, do you have any plans for birthday sex with-” “No.” He stopped Frank, “We’re not going there.” “But do you?” You asked, turning to face him. He rolled his eyes.
“Oh yeah it is Y/N’s birthday tomorrow.” Henry said.
“You forgot about my birthday?” You asked him.
“Yeah, yeah I did.” He admitted.
“I didn’t,” Mikey smiled, “Your cards already been shipped.” “Aw, thank’s Mikey.” You smiled, “You’re my favorite Way brother.” “Hey!” Gerard snapped, “I’m the one sleeping with you.” “But there are other credentials.” You leaned your chin onto his shoulder, looking up at him. “I still love you the most, though.”
It was a long three hours. The only enjoyable part was the free steak, but other than that it was just bland and boring. Like any other award event ever. Just some stupid speakers, stupid winners, and even more stupid speeches.
“I wanna bail so bad.” Gerard sighed, whispering to you. Frank heard it too though, and looked over nodding.
“I know.” You yawned, “Another hour of this shit.”
“We can make up an excuse.” Frank chimed in, keeping his voice low, this time Mikey, Henry, and Joe all looked at you three, extremely attentive and ready to get out.
“How?” You asked, looking at him.
“Pretend your water broke.” “What the fuck?” You turned to Henry who had the terrible idea, “I’m not pregnant. Nor do I look like I’m nine months pregnant.”
“I could pretend to have a seizure.” Frank said.
“No one would believe that,” Gerard chimed in, “And they would call an ambulance and they would probably only allow, like, two of us to go with you.” “Wait,” You said, your mind finally shaping a decent idea. “I got it.”
Next thing you knew, Henry was in the bathroom on his phone, messaging Gerard, to give him some devastating (not true) news. You could hear his phone lightly vibrate in his pocket, him pulling it out to read a text from his “cousin”.
“We should go now.” He looked at the four of you, all of you getting up and moving towards the back doors, some people seeing you. One of the managers of the show stopped you guys. “Mikey and I, our mother’s in the hospital.” Gee began, his voice laced with the essence of distress, “We need to go.” He showed the text. He nodded, letting you all out.
You made your way looking partially in panic (it may have been from the acting or the anxiety of getting caught, none of you were sure) and back to the dressing rooms. Once there, you all got in and let out a sigh of relief. “I think it worked.” Frank said, all of you smiling and nodding.
“I do too.” You spoke up.
“What the hell are you guys doing?” Gee’s manager walked in. “You guys are supposed to be out, watching the show.” “About that.” Gerard spoke up, “We got bored and left.” “You got bored?” He sassed, “You got bored?” “Yeah we made up the excuse that my mom was in the hospital.” He sighed.
“Guys, did it work?” Henry walked in, his face dropping when he saw Gee’s manager, who rolled his eyes and sighed in response.
“Well it’s not like you guys can go back.” He said, “But the press is gonna be up all your asses for the next few days.” You all nodded. He walked out, leaving the six of you in partial shame, but overall relief.
You all resorted back to your dressing areas, changing from the too expensive articles you had on back to jeans, sweatpants, t-shirts and hoodies. The six of you then snuck back out, and into the van that had brought you there from the hotel. “Hey what’s this?” You asked, a grocery bag taking you seat.
“I’ll take that.” Gerard reached over and took it from the area it sat, putting it under his feet. You gave him a confused look, “I’ll explain later.”
The drive back wasn’t bad. You were all pretty tired, so you took a small nap, laying your head comfortably on Gee’s shoulder, which he seemed to not mind. “Babe,” You heard him lightly nudge you awake.
“Mhm?” You asked, getting up and yawning.
“We’re here.” He smiled and chuckled. You all got out, saying bye to one another before heading to your rooms.
“What time is it?” You slipped off your shoes, crashing on the bed immediately after.
“12:15.” He said, smiling. “You know what that means.” “It’s time to go to bed?” “No.” He sighed, “It’s your birthday.” He took the bag and pulled something out of it.
“What is that?” You asked, sinking into the mattress.
“Give me a sec.” He said, doing something with various objects. After a minute or two, he turned around, a cupcake in hand with a candle on it.
“Oh, Gee.” You cooed and smiled, “That’s so sweet.” He sat down next to you, lighting the candle and holding it for you as he began singing happy birthday. You couldn’t help but laugh at it, blushing at how adorable it all was. He finished up the song, letting you blow out the candle, and split the cupcake so you could each have some.
“What did you wish for?” He asked, once the two of you finished. You were laying on the white hotel bed, next to each other and just looking at the ceiling.
“You know I can’t tell you, Gee.” You smiled, “It would ruin the wish.”
“Can I ask you something?” He turned to you.
“Sure.” You turned to him.
“Will you marry me?” He asked and you smiled.
“For real?” You asked and he nodded, “Yeah, of course Gee.”
“Alright, good.” He pulled a little box out his pocket, opening it for a small diamond ring to appear. “Because then I would’ve bought this for nothing.” You lightly laughed giving him your left hand to slide it on. “I love you.” He smiled, once he had put it on.
“I love you too.” The two of you leaned in, kissing one another. “What if we get married? Today?” You asked. He gave you a confused look. “When we get back to New York, head to the courthouse and just sign for marriage.”
“We could.” He said, “I mean, your birthday and our anniversary would be on the same date. Double the sex.” “Gerard!” You laughed.
“What?” He asked, as if offended, “Do I not do a good job.” “No, you do a great job.” You smiled, “But that’s not a great reason to get married.” He nodded.
“We’ll just do it when we want to, when the time’s right.”
“When the time’s right.” You agreed and nodded.
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sazzafraz · 3 years
dropped a cup of coffee on myself at breakfast lets gooo
nodus tollens is my favourite chapter its not even close
like i actually LIKED writing it. i like writing in general but its about being someone represented with all the scary sword cards in tarot readings not actual fun. still annoyed i didn’t think of anything better than fucking HEMMINGWAY
A year and a half into working for Giri and Sasuke is sitting cross legged on top of a boulder looking out at a clear blue sky. They’re sitting by the edge of a huge cliff in Fire Country resting between assassinating some small time village leader and their next mission which promises to be heavy on full contact fighting. The sun is dipping towards the horizon, warm air ruffling their hair. Yumi is trying to throw Hiki off the cliff into the lake below, Haru is defleaing his dog and Sasuke is debating his next move in the long distance tactical game he’s playing with Juugo and Karin. It’s an Uzushio classic, like shogi but the board is made of three interlocked spirals and the movements of the pieces are based on the tides. Karin is slaughtering him. 
fun fact: literally started designing that uzushio game because i’m a psychopath. it’s also the first of three references, two in the same chapter, of sasuke and his teams, and then one at the end where everyone gets together. to make fun of sasuke. as they should. 
  There are seven graves by the edge of the sea with a bright blooming flowers planted in the centre spilling over the cliff. Tall markers stand as high as three metres in the air wreathed with ribbons in the colours of dawn and day... Sasuke spares a look back as he enters and sees those graves and flowers. The flowers have colonised the side of the cliff, growing strong and sure halfway down the rocks, slipping into crevices and tangling around each other as they race towards the ocean. Huge blooms of colour, bright reds, light pinks and creamy yellows are knocked about by the waves crashing against the cliff.      
if fuyuki even knew how much this colours sasukes opinion of her she’d beat the shit out of him. i think this was the second bit i wrote for her, after a few pieces of her and itachi. actually if she knew how much both of them are coloured by knowing her past she’d commit a crime. its pretty apparent to sasuke that these are memorials to children/those that died young and unfair. how would he know haha. i always intended the hashira and the uchiha as parallels. i think the lack of depth given to other clans sucks, especially when they have literally a thousand years of interaction. the only other one we have are the hyuuga which might have been an intended one but like. i’ve never bought it. 
anyway, back to sasuke. dude loves kids. he doesn’t figure it out until he has nine of ‘em, but he has a view of children that’s incredibly sincere. i pretty much decided that on my own cause: a) its funny, b) he was fucking SWEET as a kid and i’ll kill you before i let you tell me that kid went away, c) he’s from a huge close knit family/community and liking kids is the only way to get through that,
oh. also fuyuki does cotton on to his emotional compromise and IMMEDIATELY lies so he likes her more. morals who?
“It seems,” Fuyuki says into the silence, “that Sunagakure has decided we have a problem. I sent Mamoru as a goodwill ambassador to Wind a few months ago. It went well, and as Suna is a largely neutral player in most conflicts I did not see the problem in allowing a small ambassadorial group into Oto to further the relationship. At the fourth meeting one of the Suna delegation proved themselves to be a puppet and assassinated Mamoru. They were in the process of trying to loot us when they were killed.”
haha oh my god gaara fucks himself so hard here. we’re gonna talk about it. 
Now it’s leaving time and Sasuke is walking fast downtown, faces passing him as he’s bound for home base.
only two people ever commented on this. vip behaviour. 
Shikamaru raises a hand and waves.
Sasuke waves back.
Shikamaru looks at him expectantly across the crowd. Distantly Sasuke notes that he’s the taller of the two. Head’s bob and weave around the marketplace, someone drops an avocado which is swept up a child and her friends, the scent of cooking spices drift down from the top of one of the buildings. Sasuke and Shikamaru stare at eachother.
i never wrote the short for this but this is shikamaru’s nightmare scenario. finding sasuke when naruto is not with you is the k12′s personal hell. because konoha and giri are tentative allies it would be poaching to bring him back and thats something people still take seriously. shikamaru goes and gets FUCKED UP so no one trusts his report and he can claim that it was ONLY MAYBE THE PRETTIEST MAN IN THE FLEA MARKET. naruto finds out like a decade later and is extremely pissed even if he gets it. 
It’s a tale as old as the dust of the desert or the mountains that divide the nations. There is a boy who loses something. His honour, a cow, a sword. He has to leave his home to find it. He has to grow strong enough to do what has to be done. In the Son of Nobody the titular Son has to journey to the city to meet the princess and while he is away his family is murdered by a group of wandering bandits. Along the way he meets a beggar girl, the princess in disguise, and he allows her to tag along. There are many twists and turns, the Son becomes a noble shinobi protecting the princess and falls in love with the beggar. He finds the bandits that destroyed his home and avenges his family. But! Disaster strikes! The samurai have been told a lie about the princess and feel that their honour must be avenged. A group sneak into the princess’ room one night and defile her. One of the samurai is late to the scene and feeling so sick and ashamed of their actions kills them and ignites a real war between samurai and ninja. The disgraced samurai takes his own life in front of the princess as appeasement. When this doesn’t work the Son goes on to win the war and marry the girl.
this is just hatake sakumo. some creative liberty but its just the story of how he died embellished. i think some shinobi stories filter out and become like folk tales? like we’re gonna get to it. but there's no way they can have that kind of presence and no cultural impact. 
‘Heart, liver, eyes ’ Kabuto says when he’s done, ‘and put the rest in the garbage.’
for sensible reasons kabuto is the scary one. 
. Illuminated in the light of the lone flickering candle, bundled in odd cloth and grime, Kabuto looks faceless and formless. His skin has no color, his hair is limp, his eyes are turned completely inward searching himself for an some answer, some lodestone for the next leg of his journey. He looks like an orphaned version of himself. Sasuke has a brief moment of complete self-awareness. He stands above himself and looks down at the length of his hair, the uneven tan on his hands. His own eyes look at his boots, his non-descript travelling coat, the way he is never carrying more than enough money to carry him to the next town. He recognises nothing original, nothing remarkable. He’s as interchangeable as any soldier capable of swapping hands at a moment's notice. Many tools, many masks, many uses. He realises that that shifting formlessness is as much a part of him as his burning rage. It forms him just as fully.
i remember having a moment like this and it was so shocking it took me years to write about it. this nearly got cut, even though i now think its important. becoming ‘just a knife’ is important to sasuke’s development towards being just a guy. relating to kabuto is so personally disturbing that its sort of his turn towards leaving giri. kabuto actually disgusts him. unlike orochimaru.
“We called her the Fruit Eater after the foul seeds she planted in others which grew into giant poisonous fruit trees. When they’d plundered and destroyed the world enough for her foul tastes she’d eat the fruit from the trees and crush them to bone and blood under her feet. Her own children plucked out her organs one by one and cut them up into pieces. What they couldn’t eat they threw to the animals who turned into nine ravenous demons. They brought the demons together and sealed them into the form of a beautiful princess who was coveted by all.”
goddamn space aliens. i hate it less than most. i think i was still deciding if they’d show up at the end. either way i thought i’d just put them in in case i did. again, there SHOULD be a cultural footprint. 
The problem is that the Uchiha are predisposed to have thick hair and the main branch, the one that descends directly from Madara’s betrayed brother Izuna, comes with a tendency for...unruliness that Sasuke has gotten threefold. At this length it seems to be largely growing up and out, gravity be damned.
aww my loving rendition of his stupid duck butt. i have unruly hair so his maintenance is essentially mine. its such a distinctive thing i think people should take more advantage of. i wrote in crashing tides that he’s just an awful fashionista and i think that holds true. he tries new hair oils ALL THE TIME. 
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Gender Queer: There’s a Few Memories that Stick to me that I’m Sure Don’t Mean Anything to Anyone Else
[Content warning: mild transphobia, drunk driving mention, mild homophobia, mentions of abusive relationship, F-slur used for self (second to last paragraph)]
I’m sixteen years old, sitting on the kitchen table while my mom tuts around in the kitchen.  I haven’t come out yet, but I have cut my hair off.  Julie Andrews pixie that my mom tried to fix, but it was too short to turn out anything but boyish.  I think it’s starting to grow out, get a little shaggy.  I didn’t have any idea how hair gel worked at that age.  I was wearing baggy jeans and chucks and a green t-shirt that said “Meddle Not In The Affairs Of Dragons, For You Are Crunchy And Taste Good With Ketchup.”  My favorite uncle got it for me.  Mom is staring at me for a long time, and I finally turn to look at her and ask, what? what’s up?  She doesn’t want to tell me, says I don’t want to know.  I insist.  She finally sighs and says, “Well, I was just looking at you, and for a moment I felt like I was looking at the son I could have had.  That’s strange, right?  I’m sorry.”  She thought I’d be upset, like I didn’t know what I was doing, and while I felt bizarre it wasn’t because I was sad.  It was because I was happy.  She looked at me and saw a son, saw a boy, and something about that felt so right that I felt guilty.  I shouldn’t have wanted it.  I didn’t change anything, though.
Twenty-two years old.  Work got out at seven-thirty, and I drove the hour and a half to a different time zone to the only gay bar within driving distance.  Jackie’s in South bend.  Or Vickie’s maybe.  It’s dark, and I’m in a pick up truck and a black t-shirt.  The city can be dangerous in certain areas and I’m anxious about everything I’m doing.  Gay bars are different here than they are in Vegas.  Still, I bolster myself up and go inside, walk with wide shoulders and heavy boots, trying to feel brave to be taken seriously. 
It’s empty.  The bartender is a gorgeous person with long hair and lipstick and rough hands.  They laugh when I order a Seagram’s but oblige, and I torture myself trying to find a polite way to tell them how pretty they are.  My not-yet-girlfriend texts me and tells me not to be such a baby, to have fun.  I want to go home.  
Then two people walk in, a man and a woman both shorter than I am, and they pass around a plate of vegan fudge that I’m dumb enough to eat even though it could easily be laced with something.  I’m a disaster with weed, each and every time.  I got lucky.  The boy sits next to me with the girl on his other side, and she leans around him to flirt with me, hand on me knee and shoulder and neck, and he sits there and smirks at me.  It’s not predatory.  He doesn’t look at me the way I’m used to men looking at me, like I’m something pretty and easy and delicate.  We arm wrestle.  He leans his head on my shoulder. I feel like a man. 
They dance with me, two more Seagrams and I’m no longer self-conscious, though I am blushing.  She drags me around by the belt loops.  He lets me put my hands on his sides.  She pushes me against a wall, and kisses me neck, and he places a hand on my chest over my binder and seems happy to find it, which is not a response I’ve ever had before. 
They tell me I’m the best of both worlds, half-way between a man and a woman, and that they’re bisexual and best friends and looking for someone to play with.  I play for a while, safe there in the public eye and probably pissing off the regulars there for a quiet night.  I tap out after four or five drinks and drive myself home, a little drunk, very unsafe, but absolutely glowing.
I’m eighteen years old, and in less than 24 hours I’ll be admitted to the hospital and put on a ventilator for pneumonia-- so obviously this memory is hazy.  I’d gotten up at six that morning to get work done before school, I’d struggled through school, and I’d stopped at a gas station before work.  There, I bought two doses of Dayquil, a coke, and a five hour energy.  I slammed it all and clocked in to the job that I hated.  It payed $6 an hour and was hardly enough to put gas in the beater truck I drove around everywhere.
I’m going through the racks, bending down to pick clothes up off the floor and rehang them.  Goodwill was my personal nightmare.  Every time I leaned over, my head spun and vision danced with black, and my heart would pound and skip so hard I was half-convinced I was dying. 
Someone’s sweet little grandma drops something in front of me, and I stoop down to pick it up for her.  She says, “Oh what a sweet young man!” 
And the friend she’s with, another darling grandma, says, “No, no, that’s a girl.”
“It’s a boy.”
“It’s a girl.”
They argue back and forth, and I’m too dizzy and nauseous to be an active part of the conversation.  I remember standing there doing my best to keep the floor from rocking underneath me while also glowing in adoration.  I was wearing an Iron Maiden t-shirt under my smock, and my baggy navy blue school trousers.  I was an enigma, and I was overjoyed.
After work I would go back to school for play rehearsal-- my part was small, unimportant, a Pick a Little Lady in the Music Man-- so I spent most of the evening on the floor between seats listening to my friends talk.  I would get so tired, head spinning and heavy and eyes burning, that I would have to lay down.  Every time I was horizontal, my chest would heavy and coughs from the bottom of my gut would overwhelm me enough to have me right back up and doubling over.  Eventually, someone dragged me up to our director, who sent me home.  I insisted I could drive.  I don’t remember anything between talking to her and being at the doctor’s office the next morning, suffocating behind a face mask and half-collapsed in the waiting room.
He was terrible.  Sneaky, passive-aggressive, physically aggressive.  He was rude to waiters and condescending.  God only knows how I was stupid enough to waste so much time on him, let alone give him any power over me.  It started with a loss of virginity, when he offered blatantly and my dumb-ass brain told me “it’s now or never.”
It was terrible.  Should have known from that first night, when I went over to watch movies wearing sweatpants (men’s section), boxer briefs, and a pull over sweatshirt (hers).  He said, “you really dress like this, huh?”  He’d only ever seen me in workout clothes at our college sport club. 
The thing about bad men is that it doesn’t matter what your gender is, if you have a vagina that’s all they see you as. 
We were out on a date a few months in, bowling at a casino after grabbing dinner.  He’d said to dress up, so I put on my nice black jeans and a button up shirt.  He was disappointed.  We argued over who got to pay the bill.  I won, and he snapped something about how he didn’t have to waste his money at least.  
We went bowling.  Every bowling date I’ve gone on with men (3) have been absolute train wrecks in totally opposite ways.  This time, we spend the night at odds with each other, as he takes it all seriously and tries to give me pointers, and I do trick shots-- sliding on my knees and bowling belly-down on the floor and spinning around with my eyes closed.  He thinks I’m ridiculous, but I’m having fun.  
We’re walking back, and he pulls his hand out of mine and sticks it in his pocket.  He says “We look like homosexuals,” and I’m baffled, because at 20 years old I might be butch but I’m still a girl.  He says, “You walk like a man, and why are you dressed like that?”  He tells me I ought to grow my hair out, or at least put some makeup on.  He asks, “Do you ever wear dresses?”  Asks me to try and put in an effort. 
I bought a dress a few months later, and I showed it to him.  He frowned. 
When I look in the mirror in a dress, I see nothing but a boy in a dress.  There’s nothing wrong with that, of course, but when you’re not thinking of yourself as a boy it feels rather disheartening.  I had some weird hope that the dress itself would transform me into a woman.  I think he did too. 
I didn’t wear that dress again until my twenty-first birthday celebration with my uncle.  He came in from out of town to waste money on a elaborate, drunken celebration.  He has money to waste like that.  I dragged one of my friends along, my roommate since sophomore year, and it was the most drunk I had ever been and she was a sweetheart about holding my hand and leading me around and adjusting my dress every time the straps slipped down or I spread my legs too far.  Nothing makes me feel like a fag quite as much as wearing a dress.  I still don’t know how to feel about that.
In a way, I’m glad that he never saw me as “pretty.”  I’m glad I managed to be such a disappointment, and to crawl my way out of it with my life in tact and his pride rather bruised.  He deserved nothing less, but his gross comment-- his confusion, disgust-- still makes me grin when I think about it.
I’ve taken so much joy throughout the years in other people’s confusion about me.  At nineteen I used to proudly say that my gender was “confusion.”  To be fair, I am rather confused by it.  So are other people.  And in its own way, isn’t that rather wonderful?
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akashicmuses · 4 years
Reading through the first Asch the Bloody Manga (it came today!!)
- Gosh the art is so beautiful I love it a lot.
- Van is literally so manipulative it drives me crazy every time Asch talks about how Luke “replaced” him. Because Luke didn’t replace Asch. Van replaced Asch with a look-a-like and kidnapped him. Which Asch even admits a couple pages later that Van “stole my life from me.” It makes me think he’s trying to justify hating Luke more because he doesn’t want to hate Van?
- Speaking of which, Asch has a lot of internal conflict about Van. He tells himself he has to trust him, but he also...clearly doesn’t. Asch doesn’t know what Van’s plan is yet but he doesn’t like that he’s being kept in the dark. Like Asch was under the impression that they were kidnapping Ion ON the Tartarus, and no one told him they were actually taking Ion off the Tartarus. And when Asch is like “what the hell, Legretta?” she just kinda brushes him off with “you know when we need you to know, so don’t ask questions and be obedient.”
- ^ not the actual quotes but that was the VIBE of it.
- Asch did indeed get Dist to come with him to kidnap Luke to Choral Castle by promising him ‘sciencey things’ or whatever. Asch’s discussion with Arietta was basically: Arietta: we cant mess with them. van said no Asch: but they killed your mom Arietta: Arietta: fine
- Asch did NOT convince Sync to go with them, Sync just went with them because he’s canon confirmed to be Asch’s babysitter (I know it was already confirmed but it always makes me laugh).
- Wow Van fed Asch the exact same stuff he fed Luke about experimentation. Van told Luke that Luke was experimented on as a child and it was why he kidnapped him. He told Asch that he kidnapped him because he "saved him from terrible experiments and a future of nothing but despair” (<- exact quote). I don’t think Asch was ever actually experimented on because his bitterness about losing his past life is too... strong. I think it means that Van told Asch he WOULD have been experimented on maybe?
- Van continues to manipulate Asch and tells him that he loves him and he needs him and wow this is so blatant that Asch gets mad about it.
- Sync is great in this. He sees Asch looking longly at Natalia after they kidnapped Ion and asks Asch if he’s jealous. Asch is like “of what?” and Sync laughs at him and goes “how would I know? >)”
- Asch does the mind-link thing and watches in disgut as Luke goes on about how he’s the goodwill ambassador to Akzeriuth and all his expressions were great.
- Yeah, so Van actually told Asch that he’d replaced him with Luke to save him from Akzeriuth. 
- Sync interrupts Asch’s mind-link and tells Asch he’s “too old to be going through a rebellious phase.” Asch gets mad and attacks Sync and then Sync says something really interesting. “Nobody will give a damn whether a pawn lives or dies. You’re going to live on because of that. So you should stop being so concerned with what happens to a pawn!”
- Sync must be so irritated because he’s been dilligent about staying away from Ion. But Asch just keeps running up to Luke and yelling at him when Luke does something that pisses him off. And Sync has to tell Asch to cut it out almost every single time.
- The cave in Zao Ruins starts collasping and Tear saves Natalia from a falling rock instead of Luke (even tho Luke was right next to her). And Asch is all “he can’t even save his own fiancee what kind of farce is this.”
- Sync: Asch don’t use the hyperresonance Asch: *phew phew* Sync: God damn it
- IT’S SO FUNNY TO ME that Sync is the one who keeps lecturing Asch while Largo just stands there. Also triple confirmed that Sync is just a glorified babysitter because he tells Asch straight up that Van ordered him to keep Asch alive.
- Ohhh, so Asch discovered Van’s plan because he used the mind-link and found out that Luke was thinking about what Van said about using hyperresonance to destroy the miasma. Asch, who has more knowledge about it is like what the fuck? and goes off to investigate.
- Also it was nice to see Asch admitting that he has no place to criticize Luke for being dependent on Van when he has also been dependent on Van up until this point. It really makes his confrontation with Luke after Akzeriuth more like Asch is taking his internal frustrations out on Luke.
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