#and i think they but especially miranda have both misunderstood each other
kawaiianimeredhead · 2 years
On the one hand I really enjoy having someone like my coworker Miranda in my life right now because she is very different from others in my life currently and before and I think it's great
On the other hand I am so glad I did not meet her sooner because she can be exhausting 5o be around sometimes
#she is incredibly independent and this isnt the right word but shes also very self centered#and so if she feels even a hint of someone attacking her individually or a group shes a part of#she will go off and stand up for herself but in a very urgent and unmovable tone#which isnt bad but she also will drag anyone or thing down into it also and is very quick to call out people and situations#and will get very Stuck on something which either turns into her going on about how bullshit it is or she will fact check as best she can#and if she is in or feels still in the right about the situation she will go on about That and then just keep digging into it#and her and nick had a convo where she felt attack and nick was being concerned but had a tone#so now theyre both in moods and its fucking exhausted#and i think they but especially miranda have both misunderstood each other#its especially frustrating because it touches on a topic and conversation with nick and i#so while he hasnt said it im sure he is currently not only mad at miranda but frustrated with me because now he is thinking about me#and the situation#ugghhh#one time we told miranda she might be be properly approved for her vacation through more fault of our own than hers#but she would regardless still get that time off#and she just focused on the part about not getting it and the pay#and for DAYS she kept going off on rants about all the people who have gotten time off amd vacation and how those got approved#andbshe wants to take her firdt week since working her off and on and on and almost into tears about the whole thing#and we could not explain to her properly apparently that shed get it off regardless and we werent doing anything different than we had b4#she is also a person who gets pissed at people and over reacts#and at things also#she once mentioned having a rabbit whenbshe was young that bit her so she starved it#and she add something about how much of a fucked up kid she was#but i also fully believe she could and would still do something like that#because she also talked about her time at goodwill and how pissed she was at dumpster divers and the mess theyd make#and she excitedly would talk about how she would break glass on purpose over the top of the trash so people going through it#would have shards of glass to navigate around#tag rambles#dont mind me#work tag
0 notes
peterstanslizzie · 4 years
Re-watching Lizzie Mcguire: Episode 2.4 (El Oro De Montezuma)
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Verdict- Arroz Con Leche: 1, Lizzie Mcguire: 0 
- Lizzie, Gordo and Miranda have their eyes glued to the television because Miranda’s cousin from Mexico, Carlos is supposed to appear on a Mexican game show with his friends next week. Jo sees this and encourages the kids to go out and do something more active/productive but shortly after, she becomes enthralled by the quirkiness of the show. 
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I can’t tell if they like what they’re watching or not lol
Lost in Translation
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- There’s a new kid in school and his name is Li Torak, from Indonesia. Because of my Malaysian heritage, I know a thing or two about Indonesia and Li doesn’t look Indonesian to me. He looks really young too, almost around the age of Matt when in actuality, Raja is only a year younger than Hilary and Lalaine. It’s probably because he’s a boy and maybe it’s his Asian genes hehe. Lizzie tries to break the ice with Li but there’s a language barrier and he misunderstands majority of the things Lizzie is asking him.
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* I just did my research and Holy Cow! The actor who played Li is Raja Fenske, who also played Jake Behari on Nickelodeon’s Unfabulous! I totally didn’t expect that. I haven’t watched Unfabulous in ages and I kinda forgot how he looked like. That’s so cool. Oh and if my research findings are accurate, he doesn’t have any Indonesian ancestry as I’ve predicted. In fact, his mom is Indian and his dad is German and Norwegian. 
- Mr. Dig is teaching a class that puts a spotlight on other cultures and introduces to his students a “Lip Stretcher” that the Suya Indian men from the Amazon River used to pull their lower lips out as a way to attract mates I think? That’s interesting. He goes on to explain the various other cultures’/countries’ standards of beauty, which are very foreign to them. 
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If Gordo weren’t a director, he should’ve been a comedian because he went in on Larry here. 
- Mr. Dig then uses this as an opportunity to formally introduce Li to everyone in class. And once again, he struggles to comprehend what’s being asked of him. Okay, I need to be honest here and say this; The way Raja is trying to sound like an Indonesian is just not working for me. He couldn’t even pronounce “Indonesia” correctly like a true native he’s meant to portray. The accent is way off; It’s actually very cringe-worthy.
- Anyways; back to the plot. Mr. Dig asks his students to write a report on either their own culture or another culture and include what people can learn from it. 
The First Mention of Mexico City (fans of Lizzie Mcguire know what that means)
- Back at home, Lizzie asks her parents about where she came from and her parents funnily misunderstands her question and thought it was a Biology question lol. Obviously, what she meant to ask was where did their ancestors originate from in Europe most probably. We find out that Sam’s family is Scottish and Irish and Jo’s family originated from a bunch of other European countries. This makes it harder for Lizzie since there’s so many countries to choose from. 
- At the Digital Bean, Miranda re-introduces her cousin, Carlos to Lizzie and Gordo. He greets Lizzie with a couple of kisses on both cheeks:
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- He also tries to give Gordo the same but he’s not down for the friendly kisses lol. I wonder if Gordo felt some type of way to see another guy “kiss” Lizzie even if it’s a friendly one. Especially coming from last episode when he saw Lizzie and Ronnie kiss for real. 
- Miranda tells them that’s what people do in Mexico City and I gotta say, the words “Mexico City” triggered me because that was the excuse we got in like the last 10 episodes (plus the movie) of Lizzie Mcguire to explain Miranda’s absence from the show lol. 
- Miranda then reveals to her friends that Carlos’s teammates cancelled on him to go to their sister’s wedding, which is a good excuse but Carlos doesn’t seem to think so lol. Eventually, Lizzie and Gordo agree to be their replacements due to the financial benefit they would get if they win. It always comes down to the Benjamins I see. Plus, Lizzie sees this as an opportunity to help her with Mr. Dig’s assignment. They feel like if Carlos and to a lesser extent, Miranda could translate for them, they would be able to do the stunts on the show just fine. 
- We then get a montage of them doing a practice run through some of the games featured on the show. Gordo also insists that they learn some Spanish as well. As I’ve been learning Spanish on Duolingo for almost a year now, I’m proud to say I was able to translate most of the phrases Gordo read out loud.  
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 I LOL’ed at this moment. Why he gotta look at them like that? 
- Lizzie thinks that they should focus on perfecting the games rather than trying to learn Spanish to which they all agree. But really? They don’t know what “bueno” means? Don’t they live in California? They should’ve know that word at the very least... C’mon now. 
Let The Games Begin
- It’s now time for the game show and the host introduces Carlos, Miranda, Lizzie and Gordo on stage. Wait, where is this game show held? Is it where they live in the US or did they all fly to Mexico?
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- The first round is trivia and Miranda manages to win the first point. The next round is popping as many balloons as possible between their chests but we don’t know who won that. And after that, it’s them trying to seek out different items of clothing to dress their teammate in a bull-fighter’s costume. 
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The last clue is getting a hat from the bottom box but unfortunately Lizzie wasn’t careful enough, which led to a whole stack of boxes to crash on top of her lol. But they still manage to win that round fortunately and their team is able to advance to the last round.
- In this round, Lizzie gets picked to designate roles to each of her team members. Unfortunately, she accidentally assigns Carlos to be the Aztec bird snake gut, which means that he has to sit out that round. The host gives them the instructions in Spanish and with Carlos having to be inside a soundproof box, they have no idea what they’re supposed to do.
- I was able to understand a couple of phrases like “tienen arroz con leche” and “cuaranta y cinco segundos”, which I’m confident it means “they have rice with milk (rice pudding I guess)” and “they have 45 seconds to do something” respectively. I didn’t catch the building a pyramid part just because I don’t know what pyramid is in Spanish lol. I did a quick Google search and it’s just pirámide but I don’t think I heard the host saying that word.
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- They obviously misunderstood the instructions and did something completely wrong, which is putting the rice pudding into the boxes and jumping over them at the same time. Gordo, who is usually the brains of the operation thinks that they should eat the rice pudding and he proceeds to happily eat it lol. 
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- They try to think of one last solution and Lizzie decides to throw the rice pudding into the boxes with her bare hands but she accidentally splashes some of it onto Miranda’s face. Next to you know, they’re throwing rice pudding left and right at each other and the whole audience goes wild. Well, that’s one way to end the show but I’m pretty sure they lost.
Presentation Time
- It’s time for them to present their report on a culture of their choice in Mr. Dig’s class. Gordo does his on Mehndi tattoos from India; I actually thought he would talk about some aspects from his own Jewish culture. As for Lizzie, she tells the class that after her whole experience of being lost in translation in that Mexican game show she and her friends participated in, she felt like she needed to learn about other cultures so that she can understand those around her who are not like her. 
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Oh gosh; His accent again. It’s so not Indonesian. 
- Anyways, Lizzie decides to focus her presentation on Indonesian culture. This should be good....
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- Umm, Jakarta is not an island Lizzie....It’s the capital city of Indonesia and the island it sits on is called Java. *facepalms. The presentation was obviously cut short due to time constraints of the episode but they could have done more to fit in more insightful stuff into her presentation. I’m really disappointed. 
Matt’s B-Plot: It’s More Like A C-Plot....
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- Matt and Lanny have pretty much been playing hide and go seek throughout the whole episode. And that’s about it really. It’s nothing extraordinary except for the fact that they kinda went overboard with it and continued the game outside Matt’s home. 
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Is this safe for a child lol?
- However, what I like about this sub-plot is seeing how sassy Lanny is. The episode ends with Matt winning the hide and seek contest but to his own detriment because he decided to hide in a train, which started moving while Lanny eats pizza with Matt’s parents. Wow, his parents are going to get the ultimate headache from trying to find out where in the world Matt is. 
Overall Thoughts
- Let’s get the negatives out of the way first; Raja Fenske’s portrayal of Li as a student from Indonesia was pretty weak I have to say. And it wasn’t really his fault. I’m sure somebody had given him directions on how to sound like an Indonesian and he had to follow it. Like I mentioned earlier, I don’t think Raja is any part Indonesian and so, he probably couldn’t tell what should have sounded authentic. I felt like Disney should’ve cast someone Indonesian or part Indonesian to avoid all of this. Also, I must repeat the point I made about them saying that Jakarta is an island, which is totally wrong. The writers should have done their research.
- But I appreciate them for making the attempt to shine a spotlight on how ignorant we can be when it comes to understanding and respecting other people’s cultural differences. At the beginning of the episode, Lizzie was obviously taken aback and amused by Li’s inability to understand what she was trying to ask him because she has never been in his position before. 
- It was not until she participated in “El Oro de Montezuma”, she’d realized that being immersed in a new environment with a completely different culture from what she’s used to is extremely hard. And because of that, she was able to empathize with Li and show Li that she wants to respect and get to know his Indonesian culture, which is why she decided to make her presentation on Indonesia instead.
- Long story short; The lessons taken from the episode were great but the execution of Li’s character was meh. 
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zutaralesbian · 5 years
Hey anon. I guess I somehow accidentally deleted your ask because I can’t find it anywhere lol. So I’ll just answer it like this.
Anonymous asked: Black Sails, Zutara, and Jaime Lannister
Black Sails:
Favorite character: Max. But sometimes when I’m deep in my feels, it’s Eleanor. I love my ambitious Slytherin wlw and fandom doesn’t appreciate them enough.
Least Favorite character: Obviously characters like Peter Ashe and Thomas’ father are awful but out of characters who were regulars at one point or another, it’s a tie between Woodes Rogers and Charles Vane. God I hate. And I also hate that Eleanor got stuck with both of them as “love interests”.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Max/Anne, Max/Eleanor, Flint/Thomas….Max/Idelle, Idelle/Featherstone
Character I find most attractive: Max. But all of the Black Sails women are gorgeous. 10/10 would bang all of them.
Character I would marry: Max
Character I would be best friends with: …..Tbh I don’t think I’d personally click with any of them. They’re all very extreme and I’m more laid back lol
a random thought: It’s a good show with an exhausting fandom. Which is a shame considering it’s not a very big fandom to begin with.
An unpopular opinion: I don’t ship Silver/Flint. And I feel like there’s little point to be heavily involved in the fandom because of that since like, 75% of the content is about them. I also don’t really give a shit about any of the male characters except for Flint, Jack, and Mr Scott lol
My Canon OTP: Maxanne I love those lesbians. But Maxanor is a close second.
My Non-canon OTP: Max/Idelle. Also Eleanor/Miranda (fandom converted me to this one)
Most Badass Character: Flint
Most Epic Villain: Eh none of the villains were very compelling to me tbh
Pairing I am not a fan of: Eleanor/Rogers and Eleanor/Vane. The Worst.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): I still loved her but….Eleanor. *sighs* Ever since they made her hookup with Rogers her storylines were going downhill.
Favourite Friendship: Flint/Miranda they make me cry. But also just Flint/Women in general.
Character I most identify with: I don’t strongly identify with any of them but I relate to aspects of both Anne and Eleanor. Anne because of how she’s kind of a late blooming lesbian who realized her love for women (and lack of attraction to men) during her twenties. And Eleanor because of her complicated relationship with her father. My dad isn’t as shitty as Mr Guthrie but he is awful and for some reason I can’t make myself completely stop caring about him. That’s why I get so mad when people give Eleanor shit for wanting revenge on Vane for murdering her father. Some people really lack empathy in that regard tbh.
Character I wish I could be: Flint. I’d love to start a war in the name of fighting homophobia.
When I started shipping them: I think it was sometime during my second watch of the series. The first time I watched it was when it was airing and I was just a kid, so I basically just automatically supported the canon pairings lol. But then I watched it again as a young teen after reading Zutara meta and fic and began to see the magic.
My thoughts: I love them so much. The best ship that never was. I love how many parallels they have with each other. The sun and moon symbolism. Their push and pull dynamic. The way they built a friendship in canon based on mutual respect. I could talk all day about why I love this ship tbh
What makes me happy about them: That the Zutara fandom is still going strong and producing great content. It pretty much makes up for it not being canon, honestly.
What makes me sad about them: I feel like Zutara is often very misunderstood as a ship? A lot of people (including Bryke) see it as a “dark ship” and that isn’t how I view them at all. I’m sure there are some people who do and have shipped them in problematic ways (especially back in the day) but most people in this day and age that I've seen ship them in a post redemption way after Zuko and Katara had already become friends. So...that makes me kind of sad lol. Also the way their friendship has been butchered by those stupid comics.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
Demonization of Aang and Mai. It's so unnecessary and I like both characters on their own. (Aang is actually in my top 5 ATLA characters). I hate character flanderization in fic in general (even towards characters I don't like) because it's more than often ooc and takes me out of the zone.
Things I look for in fanfic: I think canon divergence and AU's still set in the ATLA universe are my favorite kind of fics to read for ATLA in general. It's an expansive world and story and I think people have a lot of room to be creative with it.
My wishlist: For their friendship to not be ruined in the upcoming live action remake. (I don't have a lot of faith lol)
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: My second favorite ship for Zuko is probably Zukka. But Zuko is so damn shippable as a character that I could come up with plenty of alternatives for him. Katara...with a girlfriend. Or Haru. They had cute potential and I still resent the fact that they gave him that dumb mustache lol.
My happily ever after for them: The two of them getting together a few years after the end of the war after continuing a strong friendship that eventually became romantic. They do marry someday down the line but Katara spends a lot of time going back and forth between the Fire Nation and the South Pole. After Zuko hands over the duties of Fire Lord to their oldest, they end up retiring somewhere between the two nations.
Jaime Lannister:
How I feel about this character: I enjoy him a lot (although when I say this I'm mainly talking about book! Jaime. I didn't know what D&D were doing with him most of the time lol). He's super complex and his arc is one of my favorites out of the books.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Brienne. They are my OTP of ASOIAF. But I'm not expecting a happy ending for them *sighs*
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Tyrion. Their relationship is much more complicated in the books than it was on the show (especially with how they left off with each other) but it still gives me feels.
My unpopular opinion about this character: When it comes to the great Jaime Lannister debate between Jaime/Brienne and Jaime/Cersei shippers (about whether he can be redeemed or not) I'm somewhere in the middle lol. I don't think his arc is one of redemption. And actually, what I think could possibly happen with Jaime/Brienne is that they'll both admit that they love each other but ultimately mutually decide that they can't be together due to how different they are as people. But I also don't agree with the idea that he's not developing at all. And a lot of his development is due in part to his relationship with Brienne.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I hope we get some canon validation of Jaime/Brienne in the books. But not in the shitty way that the show did it.
Favorite friendship for this character: I guess I'm just going to say Tyrion again? It's been a while since I've read the books but I can't think of any hugely impactful Jaime relationships outside of Brienne, Tyrion, and Cersei.
My crossover ship: I don't do crossover ships
Thanks! :)
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comicteaparty · 4 years
May 16th-May 22nd, 2020 Creator Babble Archive
The archive for the Creator Babble chat that occurred from May 16th, 2020 to May 22nd, 2020.  The chat focused on the following question:
What are you trying to show or tell with your story that you find to be underrepresented?
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
-Mind control/mind reading where both people are okay with it. I like themes of trust -"Superpowers" without secret identities. Because researchers aren't always evil goddamnit! -Portraying people who hurt others not as card-carrying megalomaniac villains but as pitiful and broken people. I haven't gotten to this part of my story yet but I hope I can do it well when I do. -Queer characters but they never say that they are or talk about it in any way. Yes I know I'm probably the only one who wants this
Also, maybe the idea that you don't need to "do anything" with your life for it to be worthwhile? But I'm not sure that I believe this myself
Deo101 [Millennium]
Mostly I'm trying to write about love, and I hardly think that's underrepresented! But, I'm also trying to show a bit of my own personal disabled experience, and I find that the kinds of things I've experienced are hardly represented at all. so, I think I'm trying to show a sort of hope and positivity for things that I think are usually pitied and viewed negatively, which I wish were done more.
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
I just wanted a good ol' classic Eddings-style fantasy romp, but with characters that would usually be cast in the "evil" role, without going the "misunderstood" route.
Plus I wanted to write about shitty family (born, found and married) and that you do NOT have to forgive them in the slightest to move on and better your life.
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Hmm... One of the main things I want to express with Whispers of the Past is that after past traumas, you may not be the same, but eventually, you can be okay again—even if your "okay" of now, is very different than your "okay" of the past. Normalcy isn't a constant. It shifts with time and becomes something new. A new stasis. A new peace. A new normal. I don't know if I've ever seen another story show this in this way. Another underrepresented theme in WotP is that of the hero choosing mundanity over the amazing. When the quest is over, and all is said and done, and the big baddie has been vanquished, the hero doesn't become ruler, or claim bountiful riches, or sail across the sea to find new lands. No, the hero returns to a world that is familiar and unremarkable. The hero would rather just be an average person.
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
-Fanfiction. I’m very surprised there hasn’t been a webcomic talking about what it’s like to create fanfiction! But overall the culture involved around it and being a creator. -The relationship and hardships of having a stepparent/being one. Particularly stepdad/stepdaughter relationships -Anger as a reaction to trauma. I see a lot of trauma portrayed as mostly sad, but I want a story where the heroes feel anger, where it’s seen as both a motivator and a detriment -The hardships of dating as someone who’s both touch aversive and on the grey spectrum. Not everyone would be as wonderful or understanding, but it’s important to be around people who are and will stand by you.(edited)
eliushi [a winged tale]
This is why I gravitate towards all these stories made by independent creators I think. So many personal and poignant messages. I’m with you there on the queer characters Eightfish. I want a society where it’s fine to be what you wish and respected to be who you want to be. I think having more positive ways of showing how we can reach that sort of openness can be helpful. In AWT I further explore: - characters in STEM fields and approaches to research design - informed consent and what that means - how to live even when things are falling apart around you, when things are falling apart within you - navigating through crushes, confessions and friendships!
Wow the beginning sounds like the objectives at a science lecture and you won’t be wrong thinking so
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
For my Hybrid Dolls comic, there are several things I want to explore: - Psychological trauma and the effects or damage it can give, without proper treatment. -Writing queer characters without them needing a self discovery episode. But I know some identities are better to be upfront? But in the story, they simply live normal or exciting lives - Narcissism in a relative that one doesn't have to forgive. Being treated as invisible or judged by age, birthright. - Other Concepts of love explored. Attraction that isn't conventional romance. - Friendship bonds between girls, and my own take on an eccentric quirky girl lead. - Being unapologetically feminine, girls who doesn't need to feel like being 'one of the guys' I'm aiming for more character variety in historical fiction, instead of yet another story of a girl 'defying gender norms' by raised as a boy/disguises trope in other similar comics. So the women in my story, use their wits and charm.(edited)
I complain about this all the time, so I'm just going to do a quick overview since I'm sure everyone is sick of it. - Abusers can be smart, popular, generous, charismatic and subtle. I'm kind of sick of them always being portrayed as really obvious, and sometimes really stupid, while there are people like that it's not very practical for them all to be like that. - General mental health stuff. More open representation of it, that it may be something you'll live with for the rest of your life and how that's okay. - Trauma, how it can change you, make you lose sight of the person you were and make you lose interest in things you used to enjoy. (this is coupled with mental health) - Non-romantic relationships with a queer cast. While this is showing up more in fantastical indie works, not very common in slice-of-life type of comics. I can only imagine this is because readers would find it boring or too mundane (can't tell you all how many people tell me my comic is boring. Lol), but being a person totally sick of romance in everything I wanted to do something focusing on family, friendship and the relationships we have with ourselves. - You don't always heal completely. I've already mentioned this, but I want to put a focus on how someone who's been through a lot of shit doesn't alway heal completely, and that's okay. I see in a lot of media where people just overcome their issues, and they live happily ever after with everything all perfect, I want something along the lines of "we still got a long way to go, but we're doing better and we're happier than before". - Not having labels for everything. This sounds like hipster trash, but I don't see the point in putting labels for every character. Like, I put labels for them, mostly during Pride, but it feels pointless in the comic. Apollo is happy to say he's a gay man, but with Julian they're not interested in categorising themselves, all they want is to be comfortable and I don't see nothing wrong with that.(edited)
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
For me, it’s the importance of communication and empathy, and the dangers of its absence. And it’s something I’ve had to think about a lot recently, being more active on social media Everyone’s got their reasons/methods for cutting people off, but I’ve never been a huge fan of a point-blank communication cut unless it’s absolutely warranted. And I’m not a fan of instant demonization when someone messes up or does something I don’t agree with. People are people. We’re all different and we all mess up and we all can change. Keeping lines of communication open is essential for allowing that change, or else we all get locked into little echo chambers where anyone outside is automatically The Worst.™ In a world where everything has gone to hell - and may go further yet - how can things heal when no one is even listening to each other? Where the other side is automatically at fault no matter what? It’s something I grew up struggling to understand (maybe because I grew up outside Washington DC, lol), and really affects me to this day. And if you do end up protecting yourself with silence, how can you still allow other perspectives to be gleaned? I don’t quite have the perfect formula for it. But unless someone is genuinely trying to cause harm, I try to at least attempt to understand where they might coming from - whether I accept it or not. Otherwise it’s so easy to see a lot of people as monsters. It’s a complicated topic for sure, especially nowadays. But yeah. Something like that
Hmm that’s an excellent question. Well, a big thing is the varying effects of trauma and ways to handle it. Mainly how burying the past and ignoring traumatic events can affect someone. Also that villains can be people we relate to that just take an extreme way of reaching a goal that most people can understand And how shared experiences can bring people closer (not a unique one) I also want to portray queer characters that are not solely defined by their queerness and don’t have to announce it to everyone.
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
- Having some talks about the implications of asking what you wish for and the potential consequences that comes with it. - Having more unappologic Vietnamese things happening in the comic. Giving representation to some common things that most Vietnamese Americans (or Asian Americans) can face in terms of relationships, roles, etc. Also since er i'm also directly affected by this, how does the Mixed-Asian Identity plays about it too.(edited)
hmmm I think another thing is that I want to bring up that men who express themselves in a more feminine form is valid and there's no shame that comes with it (positive masculinity hell yaaaa). Also same about expressing characters who are also queer but aren't defined about it either. it's just what they are along with their other interests and goals.(edited)
sierrabravo (Hans Vogel is Dead)
wow, this is a great question! I'm trying to be better about interacting here so I'll give it a shot. My comic is a historical fantasy set somewhat in Interwar Europe/WWII Europe and partially in a fantasy world based on the Brothers Grimm fairy tales. -War stories/histories that aren't about the actual experience of combat: most memoirs and diaries of soldiers I read doing research are about the day-to-day activities, meals, sleeping habits, and random thoughts instead of fight descriptions. It really bothers me when people zero in on in-depth battle maps and obsess over what kind of rifle was used by whom when, when I think it's much more interesting and important to look at the mindset of who was fighting, why they were fighting, and what emotional effect it had on everyone involved (including civilians!) -Asexuality, especially asexuality in history, bc it tends to "disappear" in the historical record as people who may have been ace before that label was widely used tend to not self-identify as it. I'm ace, people in the past were ace, it's a history I'd like to talk about more! -gryphons, they're cool monsters and I think they should be used much more than they are haha
eliushi [a winged tale]
I agree sierrabravo. I find it’s the personal, down to earth, close perspective accounts in historical records that resonate the most with me. Gryphons are also awesome!
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
I feel like there's two separate answers for Super Galaxy Knights Deluxe R (http://sgkdr.webcomic.ws/comics/) The first is what SGKDR represents compared to other webcomics. To me, a major thing I wanted to show with Super Galaxy Knights was a new style of creating webcomics. Animation is underrepresented as a storytelling style, sure, but the main thing I thought was underrepresented in the webcomic space was a "seasonal" method of storytelling. Like, most webcomics I see are either "each page is its own thing" or "it's one big long story, with chapters mostly there to split up different scenes/locations". I very rarely see webcomics build to a major climax in the story, then a resolution, then introduce a brand new conflict. The second is what SGKDR represents compared to other action series (specifically shonen manga/anime, as that's what SGKDR riffs off of the most). I can only think of one shonen story with a female lead, I can't think of any with an explicitly LGBTQ+ protagonist (i only know of one implied one), romance is usually handled very poorly (characters usually get paired with the protagonist due to being female and in the same room, with very little actual relationship building), there aren't many varieties of character motivations besides "pursuit of power/status" of some kind, power scaling usually gets way out of whack, and I... I dunno, I love those kinds of stories, but it just gets tiring after a while. So, I wrote my own that had all the things I wanted in it.
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
@sierrabravo (Hans Vogel is Dead) I totally agree with the difficulty and importance of talking about ace representation in a historical setting! It's extremely difficult to talk about when asexuality was so unknown at the time. I'm eager to see how you handle it!
eliushi [a winged tale]
@snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights) can you speak about
I very rarely see webcomics build to a major climax in the story, then a resolution, then introduce a brand new conflict.
I find slice of life/ some really long mangas with continuous streams of antagonists/web novel like formats use this too but unsure if that’s what you were referring to?
I am also looking forward to more ace representation in the webcomic world
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
Yeah that format is the sort of thing I was talking about. It's out there, but I don't see it very often.
eliushi [a winged tale]
Ah gotcha! Thanks! I recall some slice of life high school ones I’ve read years ago that have that sort of narrative structure (which feels like the story can continue forever).
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
There's a recurring trope in SF/F where the robot/AI/golem learns that it wants to have free will and make its own decisions. Or there's a biological species that are assumed to be "natural servants", and inevitably you get to the reveal that they're not actually any different from humans in terms of wanting self-determination and independence. If you think of this as a metaphor for relationships between different groups of humans, then yeah, that's the obvious outcome! But one of the great things about SFF is that you can write things that aren't just "direct metaphors for real-world issues, with spaceships and dragons thrown in for flavor." So in But I'm A Cat Person, I wanted to write something about, what if there's a group of beings who really aren't going to develop free will or self-determination? What's the reasonable, ethical way to deal with that? ...also: there's a ton of nonbinary characters in webcomics these days, but at least I can say BICP did it before it was cool.(edited)
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
Leif & Thorn, meanwhile, has a regular old "character forced into servitude, who definitely has independent thoughts and desires that are being controlled" situation. And there's no "Master has given Dobby a sock" loophole they can exploit for a quick fix, so they have to keep up a long-term process of double-talk and rule-bending, to communicate Leif's actual feelings without getting him in trouble. The "realistic language barriers with no convenient universal-translator to get around them" situation -- which, in this comic, is one of the biggest Underrepresented Things I wanted to explore -- makes it that much harder...
Capitania do Azar
I gotta commend you on that, @Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn) because you're out there serving my bilingual needs
Ingress Adventuring Company is all about the hero after they've finished saving the world, which I think is pretty underrepresented. It's not a quiet contemplative story, since there's still a lot of fun questing stuff going on, but I'm trying to make it clear that this all takes place after the main character has done his big saving the world quest and is still trying to figure out his place after supposedly settling down.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I love that Kay
Toivo feels like he has so much history behind him
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I'm trying to represent orthodox/religious jews because I almost never see my community represented in media. There are orthodox Jewish characters that will be appearing in Joe is dead. In future comics I want to try to plan the story more around including more religious Jewish characters because there still aren't that many in my current project
Also mental illnesses, like trauma and intellectual disability I want to represent my own experiences with it
There isn't as much of a distinct lack of that in media but it's good to have in stories(edited)
Also androgynous lesbians
Nutty (Court of Roses)
With Court of Roses, I'm trying to tell a fantasy story that's for older audiences but proving that Mature Fantasy doesn't have to be ultra gritty. People have each other to depend on, the world isn't bleak, and not every noble is greedy, peasant is starving, etc. I know a lot of fantasy likes to take from realistic Medieval Europe, but the freeing part about making my own world is that it doesn't HAVE to be like that. Their religion is different, more accepting, and again, people are more focused on looking out for each other and having a good time.
Mature themes are still present, such as murder, banditry/pillaging, alcohol, traumatic experiences, etc. but my goal isn't to present them in a darker fashion.(edited)
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I wanted to make something influenced by my culture (Korean) without heavily drawing from the mythology. Mythology is just one facet of a culture, yet a lot of people who haven't read it expect HoK to be all about Korean mythology just because it wears a metaphorical hanbok. No. It reflects the traditional aesthetics, but more importantly, the cultural values and the unspoken rules of the society, regardless of whether I agree with them or not. Related to that is body language. I don't want my non-American characters using American body language, such as shrugging, or American ways of using eye contact, etc. I want to show them using (mostly) Korean gestures, sitting, standing and walking like Koreans. I always feel like there's a huge missed opportunity when friggin' aliens use American body language in sci-fi! I understand why people do that -- it makes the work more clear/accessible to English-speaking audience. But in HoK I'm taking the other path. It's a challenge for sure, but I would not have it any other way.
On a more thematic level, I really wanted to explore deeply hurtful experiences that happen in genuinely caring relationships. It's not about good guys vs bad guys, it's not about a nice person being hurt by someone who just doesn't care. Those stories certainly are valid, just not what I wanted to do with HoK. This story is about people who love each other, but don't always know how to communicate their love or needs.
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
I am also looking forward to more ace representation in the webcomic world
@eliushi [a winged tale] I agree, the ace rep is a challenge I would like to take on, I'm also curious how it will work in historical times? Even tho I'm ace,I'm still learning new innovative things(edited)
eliushi [a winged tale]
It’ll be important to dig deeper and research into what things were like if you want to capture the authenticity of the period you’re writing in! I’m sure there are personal accounts or documentation of these lived experiences.
Capitania do Azar
I see all these beautiful answers and I almost struggle to find something other than those to say I guess for O Sarilho https://www.sarilho.net/en/ I wanted to write a weird love letter to where I live and how I see my country (tho I'm glad I got other places I love in it too). To my knowledge, we don't get much like that, or at least that's not from a city perspective which is not what I'm trying to go for, at all. There's a lot of tiny cultural things that I want to touch that may be invisible for people who are not from here, but I'm glad that I'm including them for those three readers in the back. Linked to this, in a way, is the fact that I get really tired of those white/gray Sci-fi stories where everything is super clean and super white and technology is absolutely overwhelming and organised. I want Sci-fis in the woods too. And finally, there's something about the way violence is portrayed a lot of times that almost makes you feel like human life just is that cheap. I really don't want to go that road, I'm doing my best to tell a story about war in which death still leaves a toll and violence affects everyone involved
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
And finally, there's something about the way violence is portrayed a lot of times that almost makes you feel like human life just is that cheap. I really don't want to go that road, I'm doing my best to tell a story about war in which death still leaves a toll and violence affects everyone involved
@Capitania do Azar This is so beautiful (and tragic). This is something I also hope to express in my work. Super underrepresented message surprisingly.
eliushi [a winged tale]
I enjoy exploring sci-fi beyond the current conventions and absolutely love your setting shizamura!(edited)
Capitania do Azar
Thank u I really love Sci-fi but I don't appreciate that it has become associated with a very specific aesthetic because tbh I find it very limiting
@Capitania do Azar That is actually really refreshing! Horror and action are so packed with glamorized death and violence, you can get really desensitized. The only stories I've ever seen that take those things seriously are war movies based on real life events, like Saving Private Ryan, (which my grandpa, a Korean War vet, said was the most accurate portrayal of what war was like.) and even then you get flicks that totally glamorize the whole thing. I really admire you wanting to put that sense of gravity onto the violence and death in your work, also I love when creators want to tackle war in all it's "too close to home", upsetting realism.
Capitania do Azar
I really love Saving Private Ryan, it is a very nice portrayal with a great message: nobody wants to be here
Yes! I love Saving Private Ryan too, it was nice seeing a movie that didn't make war look like some fantastical bs.
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btships-and-texts · 6 years
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I am 19 y/o(just turned 20th of June)my name is Miranda💗I am law student)and i can speak my native language and English,Russian fluently l and German a little..If I could choose another job it would be fashion designer or artist/ilustrator cuz I looove drawing and painting.I dreamt to became digital artist and draw characters for online games but…)I like starry night sky and rainy days..and sunny mornings) I love children(especially chubby bbys like my little sis)dogs and cats)and cute things) I am 172cm/a little overweighted cuz can’t stop eating candys and sweeties)I have green eyes and long hair)pale skin) i like wearing sandals and oversized T-shirts.. I like drinking fruit juices..also reading comics and manga) I seem to be very serious and cold outside and sometimes i truly am like that but..Indeed i am very sensitive and childish)I can be very sarcastic if situation needs it and I’m protective & cearing towards my friends and family members..oh yea i almost forgot..I love big and cheerful families!! I wanna have twin girls and one boy😅weird?I am weird😂😂I hate being misunderstood and in conflicts(((I want every one to live without negative feelings cuz life is short and time goes(so you should spend time wisely..with people you love THANKS😘sorry for writing so much”
Hi! I ship you with… Taehyung!
From your description, I think Taehyung is best for you! You said you were 172 cm. Taehyung is 178 cm, which is enough of a height difference for all the cute couple actions (resting your head on his shoulder, back hugs, etc.)! Taehyung’s skin is fairly tan and would contrast with your pale skin quite nicely! He would love to see you wear his clothing, so he’d like to put some oversized hoodies on you.
You have some common interests with each other. You both really like to draw! Lazy days in with Taehyung would include sketching (maybe each other, maybe some friends) and would probably end with going outside at night to look at the starry sky. You both also really like children! Taehyung once said that he would like to have 3-5 children. If you guys start a family with each other, you’d probably have around that many children. Cute animals are also both your weaknesses. You’d both probably have one or two dogs or cats (plus Tannie! 🐶)
Lastly, you two are very loving and caring towards your friends and family. Both of you are so kind towards others that you probably have a large friend group. Because you guys are nice, you guys also have the most tender heart. Sometimes, there will be days when others don’t appreciate your kindness. However, Taehyung will be there to support you and you will be there for him :)
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bioware-reacts · 7 years
I honestly didn't think I was ever going to find another reactions blog that included Mass Effect characters ever again. Mass Effect companions react to Shepard pulling a prank on them every once in a while.
That was my thoughts as well, that’s partly why I made this blog! - Mod Jade
Garrus: honestly it kind of scared him at first, not that the turian would ever admit that. Pranking isn’t really a cultural thing with turians, so when Shepard first pulled a prank on him, he thought it was some kind of punishment for doing something wrong. Once Shepard explained the concept to him however, he was actually pleased to be on the Commander’s list of friends, even if he didn’t start really retaliating until ME2. If Romanced; same initial reaction, only when he begins to retaliate, he and Shepard tend to up the ante every prank until things get totally out of hand. But it brings them closer together and they laugh about it afterwards.
Ashley: she was not impressed to be pranked by her Commander. Seriously, the great Commander Shepard? This immature? But she does have a lot of sisters, so she sees the fun in it, and usually joins in with the Commander’s pranks on the crew members, even pulls a few on Shepard in revenge. If Romanced; “if you wanted me in bed, you could have asked instead of dousing me with water Shepard!” Ash is always on the look-out for pranks, and Shepard has to be extra-sneaky in order to catch her off guard.
Kaidan: he’s pretty upset by it when it first happens, at BAaT the only pranks ever pulled on him were cruel, not in the spirit of play. Shepard will stop if he asks them to, otherwise he won’t say anything to the Commander about the pranks they pull, just to disappoint them as they wait for a reaction. If Romanced; Shepard loves him, so it couldn’t possibly mean to upset him, he knows that. He starts to see the fun in pranks, and pulls a few of his own against Shepard, but they’re really bad and he gets found it almost immediately. Shepard trains him in the art of pranks, and soon they’re both pranking their squadmates like there’s no tomorrow.
Wrex: Wrex’s first reaction, like with anything, was to see it as a challenge to catch the other off guard. Who the better warrior was depended on how many succesful pranks one pulled, and Wrex was determined to be the winner. It made life on the Normandy a little more chaotic as Wrex vowed to prove himself the best prankster on the ship. 
Liara: like Garrus, she was frightened by the first incident, as she didn’t know enough about humans to know it was just a bit of fun and thought Shepard was angry with her. Shepard explained to her that humans did that among friends, and again the asari misunderstood the concept of pranks and when trying to reciprocate her pranks were a little...wrong. Like putting a dead mouse in Shepard’s desk, and tossing all of Kaidan’s boots out the airlock. Shepard had to sit her down and teach her how good-natured pranks should be. If Romanced; Aprils’ Fools Day is Liara’s favourite human holiday. It’s an annual tradition that she and Shepard pull elaborate and escalating pranks on each other throughout the day, no matter where they are. Liara once sent a package of sticky glitter to Shepard from Thessia, and couldn’t stop laughing when Shepard got her on the vid, covered in glitter even after three weeks. 
Tali: she was angry at first, thinking the act was out of cruelty, and angrily confronted Shepard about their prank. Once she understood the concept though, she didn’t mind so much. She never attempted any pranks of her own. Well, none that you can prove anyway. Tali has an excellent way of getting others to do her bidding for her, leaving a very paranoid Shepard. If Romanced; she thinks it’s sweet, Shepard’s sharing their sense of humour with her and they know they’re close enough that Tali understands that, so she never minds the pranks, even if they scare her sometimes. She still retains her habit of getting others to prank Shepard back in retaliation, especially EDI.
Zaeed: hates it. forever and always. Shepard would be wise to never make an attempt to prank Zaeed again. Not if they value their life. And their favourite rifle.
Legion: seriously doesn’t get it. the idea of doing semi-bad things to people you like confuses him, organics are so weird. Not many pranks successfully work on him anyway, his processors usually alert him to any abnormalities there may be in the AI Core and he’s quick to remove them. 
Grunt: like Wrex he sees it as a challenge. a personal one. Grunt’s too big to go skulking around the Normandy without being noticied, so he saves his pranks for shore leave. they’re usually pretty crazy too, and he usually ends up in lockup for a few hours with Shepard and whoever else he decided to pull pranks on. Grunt loves them, they’re really fun and it’s like a bonding exercise with his krantt for him, it makes him feel like he belongs somewhere for the first time since he left his tank. 
Jack: oh-ho-ho no. you want to dance Shepard? then let’s dance. Jack at first is extremely pissed, she feels disrespected and threatened, and no matter what Shepard tells her she’ll still resent it. Doesn’t stop her from dishing it back though. Shepard and Jack’s pranks are usually on the violent and often dangerous side, and funnily enough it causes them to grow closer. Jack thinks it’s fun, the more dangerous the outcome the better, and appreciates how Shepard can take as much as they dish it out. If Romanced; the pranks take a more...sexual turn. And Jack has a few tricks up her sleeve to gain the upper hand in that regard. Honestly the amount of times Shepard’s clothes have gone ‘missing’ when they go for a shower, or Jack’s wardrobe is replaced with frilly under garments and baby pink dresses is ridiculous.    
Miranda: she honestly hates the idea and thinks it’s so immature, not to mention time-wasting. They’ve got a job to do! Even though she hates the stupid childish behaviour, you better believe she’ll retaliate for her pride if nothing else. If Romanced; the back-and-forth pranks are like a dance of dominance, just which one of us is the best Shepard? who’s more intelligent, quick-witted, creative, and secretive? they turn it into a competition, and they’re especially competitive when they turn their pranks on their squadmates instead of each other.  
Jacob: he’s served in the Alliance, and he’s seen coping mechanisms like this before. Shepard is annoyed with his reaction to their pranks being to suggest they have a talk with Kelly. Shepard quickly loses interest in pranking Jacob, but every now and then Jacob will prank Shepard in little ways; like putting super-glue on their coffee cup, and Shepard will never suspect him. He’ll just be chuckling in the background as they go crazy over finding out who pranked them. If Romanced; he’s caught in the act once, and Shepard realizes Jacob’s actually more into pranking than they believed. In fact his sense of humour is almost on par with theirs, why don’t they show it more often? Jacob usually only pranks Shepard when they’re alone, like in their cabin, he doesn’t make it a public spectacle. But Shepard can’t resist embarrassing Jacob in front of the whole ship.
Kasumi: she loves it, thinks it’s good fun. she never gets caught setting up pranks of her own, and the mystery pranks are always blamed on Shepard by the rest of the crew. Shepard and Kasumi love to mess with each other, replacing their weapon’s ammo with shells of salt, their shampoo with shaving cream, switching the labels on similar-looking foods, etc. the crew usually stay out of the way when those two are on a pranking spree.
Thane: he finds it amusing, he used to play little tricks on Irrikah sometimes, and it’s nice to have something to genuinely smile at. the fact that he’s always so stoic when pranking Shepard back makes it difficult to be caught at it, and honestly just makes it funnier for Shepard. If Romanced; it reminds him of happier times, and it hurts just a little, especially when he lapses into solipsism, but he appreciates the little distractions from the gloomier things in his mind. He appreciates Shepard’s humour too, and is always so smug when a prank against Shepard goes just right. 
Samara: she doesn’t necessarily understand the pranks or their purpose. most of time they don’t affect her, but she makes sure to react accordingly so Shepard is happily satisfied with their work. she finds it cute, it makes her think of her daughters when they were young. so she always indulges Shepard to make them happy.
EDI: “I don’t ‘like’ things the way organics do, but I enjoy the complexity of the challenge that these pranks present. it is...fun.” EDI is eager to learn more about humour and organics- especially human humour at that. EDI really likes to try and set up her own pranks, that are usually so cringeworthy Shepard loves them. Joker often joins in her pranks or gives her new ideas. He regrets that when she becomes EDI’s next prank victim.
James: James can’t get enough of the pranks to be honest, things like that is what makes the Alliance great. But it’s what makes the Normandy crew especially great. He loves to feel that comradeship between the crew members, but he thinks it’s totally awesome to see that level of casualness in his Commander. He’ll always prank them back, they usually involve covering Shepard in various types of substances that are very hard to wash off. Shepard’s involve stealing all his shirts and whistling when he walks around the ship shirtless looking for them.
Javik: primitive bullshit. no thanks.
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zutaralesbian · 5 years
001: Euphoria, Black Sails. 002: Rue/Jules. 003: Eleanor Guthrie, Jules Vaughn.
Already answered Black Sails! :)
Favorite character: Jules. This was initially born out of spite because of all the ridiculous hate she got but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that she really is my fave. Despite what a lot of people say, I think she's genuinely one of the nicer people on the show. But she just has a lot of her own issues and is still trying to find herself. I feel very protective of her lol. Rue is a close second fave though.
Least Favorite character: Probably Cal Jacobs
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Rue/Jules, Cassie/Maddy, and Kat/Ethan. That's it really.
Character I find most attractive: None of them really. I think Rue and Jules are both really pretty but they're minors. And Zendaya and Hunter are also both a little too young for me.
Character I would marry: None of them. They're kids.
Character I would be best friends with: Lexi is probably the one I'd get along with best, honestly. But I also kind of feel like Jules is one of those extroverts who would adopt introverts as her friends and that's how 99% of my school friendships started, including the one with my best friend lol.
a random thought: I can't believe they really made Zendaya read L*rry fanfiction out loud lmao
An unpopular opinion: Eh....I can't really think of anything other than loving Jules and believing that she isn't any more "toxic" than most of the other characters lol. But idk how unpopular that is. There are a lot of Jules haters but she also has a good amount of stans.
My Canon OTP: Rue/Jules. I just want them both happy :(
My Non-canon OTP: Cassie/Maddy. Maddy needs to ditch Nate and date her soulmate.
Most Badass Character: Rue. Her confrontation with Nate in the finale was iconic. I hope she wrecks his shit next season.
Most Epic Villain: "Epic" is a strong word but I actually do think Nate is kind of interesting as a villain. He falls into the "love to hate him" categories of villains for me. I think it's partly because I think Jacob Elordi is one of the strongest actors on the show. It probably helps that other than following certain blogs and venturing into the Jules Vaughn and Rue x Jules tags, I'm not too involved in the fandom. So idk how rampant Nate woobifying is other than the fact that there are some freaks who ship him with Jules.
Pairing I am not a fan of: Jules/Nate 🤢 Luckily I don't think it's THAT rampant yet
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Kat's characterization got a little crazy for a while there but I don't think she was screwed up per se.
Favourite Friendship: I'd say Cassie/Maddy but I also ship it romantically lol. Um....I'll go with Rue/Fez even if I do find it kind of problematic considering he was her drug dealer.
Character I most identify with: Kat. I didn't really grow up as a fat girl (though I'm far from being skinny) but the whole thing with her getting lost in online fandoms and fictional worlds to cope with her loneliness is something that I think a lot of us can relate to.
Character I wish I could be: Eh....none really lol
When I started shipping them: I think it was 1x02 that sold me on the ship. It was strange because they met, became friends, and started developing feelings really fast and I usually can't get into ships like that. But something about their chemistry and dynamic really speaks to me and makes me melt.
My thoughts: They are an unhealthy relationship but NOT an abusive one. And they have potential to become healthy if they both work out their own problems as individuals. It's clear that they both care about each other a lot and when things are good between them, it really is good. They have a lot of potential to make each other happy and give the other what they need. And their chemistry is so good and tender. They make me soft in both the best and worst ways.
What makes me happy about them: That they get so much screen time together, more so than any other pair.
What makes me sad about them: That they're both so lost and troubled atm :(
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: There isn't a ton of Euphoria fic yet and I've only read like two Rue/Jules fics lol. So nothing.
Things I look for in fanfic: I'd love to read some established relationship fics with the two of them that take place where they're both in healthier places. I have an idea in my head of one taking place during their college years where they're both juggling school, their mental health, and having a relationship with each other. Maybe one day I'll write it lol
My wishlist: For them to both grow and heal and characters and then eventually come back together stronger.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: I don't really ship either of them with anyone else. For Rue I might have said Lexi if the shippers didn't make me resent the pairing so much.
My happily ever after for them: The two of them finish high school and go to college while attending therapy. Somewhere down the line, they move to New York City and get their own apartment together. They also get a cat. (It's Jules' idea. Rue is initially kind of grumpy about it because cats could have fleas and they have to clean the litter box. But she eventually grows to love it just as much as Jules). And they're both happy.
Eleanor Guthrie:
How I feel about this character: I love Eleanor so, so much and I'm sad about her always. I loved her right from her very first appearance on the show and I so wish she had gotten a better ending.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Max. I don't know how I ended up loving a ship that broke up romantically in the second episode of the show so much but I do. And I loved that they became friends again before the end and that their importance to each other was never truly forgotten. I also dig Miranda/Eleanor as a crack ship. And Eleanor/Mrs. Hudson.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Flint. I loved how much respect they always had for each other, even when they were technically on different sides. I also really wish we had gotten some sort of Eleanor/Anne dynamic outside of those scenes in S1. Even if the dynamic ended up not being entirely positive, I wanted some more interaction between the two of them lol.
My unpopular opinion about this character: She was killed at least partly for manpain. People can argue all they want but they literally made her pregnant just to make her death more painful for Rogers.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: That she hadn't died. I also would have liked to see her with another woman if we couldn't get more Maxanor. It's unfair that after Max (which didn't last long) we only got to see her with two shitty men.
Favorite friendship for this character: I liked her scenes with Madi in late S4 and I wish we could've seen more of that dynamic. Eleanor died trying to save her :(
My crossover ship: I don't do crossovers. But I've seen the fandom pass off the idea of Eleanor/Elizabeth Swann from POTC a few times and I think that's sort of intriguing.
Jules Vaughn:
How I feel about this character: I love her a lot and I feel like she's very misunderstood. As I said before, I believe she's one of the genuinely nicer characters on the show but has a lot of her own shit and problems to deal with. I think some people are way harder on her than they are other characters and that annoys me.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Rue and that's it.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character:  We don't see a lot of it but her friendship with Kat seems cute. I also like her dad.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Whenever people bring up Rue/Jules being unhealthy, they always cite Jules as the only reason it's unhealthy and I don't think that's fair. Rue literally makes herself dependant on Jules to stay sober and that's a lot of unfair pressure to put on a teenager, especially one that's dealing with her own problems.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: That she hadn't slept with Cal Jacobs. That scene was so gross and made me uncomfortable. I get that hooking up with married men is a by-product of a self esteem issue for her but at the very least, I didn't need to see it.
Favorite friendship for this character: Kat again.
My crossover ship: NA
Thanks! :)
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